July 07, 2020 • anniversary issue
Purposeful Years and Going Strong
Purposeful Leadership
a young woman of purpose
Jenifer Johnson
Britney St. Hill
Let’s execute the vision
what covid-19 taught me
Tracy Knight-Lloyd
Gale Weithers
Mrs. Jenifer Johnson
Ms. Juanita Gittens
Mrs. Beverly Lashley
Mrs. Cheryl Griffith
Mr. Joseph Johnson VICE-CHAIRMAN
we are
We are women of different denominations who believe in the Sistahood. We are one in Christ Jesus and daughters of the King. We believe in empowering women and bringing them into their God designed purpose, and in justice for all women. We believe that we are wonderful, special, awesome and fearless because our Father is faithful.
we do
Bi-weekly Radio Programme - Mondays at 9:00
covered to date include Eden Lodge, Flat Rock and
a.m. on STARCOM Network’s Life 97.5 FM. The
Cave Hill, where approximately 100 women have
radio programme covers several sub-topics under
been trained.
themes such as: Domestic Violence and Human Trafficking, Child Abuse and Child Protection, Drug
Cheerful Givers - This programme consists of
Awareness and Rehabilitation, Relationships and
the presentation of Christmas baskets, toys and
Marriage, Healthy Living (Mentally, Socially, Physically,
clothing to children. The programme is executed
Emotionally, Financially, and Spiritually).
in conjunction with PAREDOS and Zotbelle Eye on Beauty. Children are generally selected from single
Food Hampers - Monthly packages of breakfast and
female parent households and a party is held for the
other food items are distributed to eight (8) families
children that have been selected. Between 2013 and
which consist of a total of twenty-five (25) children.
2019, the number of children has grown from twenty
Upon request, we also provide food items to other
(20) to sixty (60).
families. Workshops, Seminars and Symposiums - We help to Quarterly Newsletter - Our quarterly newsletter
bring awareness in the area of Human Trafficking and
covers topics on Human Rights, Social, Economic,
Domestic Violence and have contributed to the IOM
Cultural, Ethnicity and Religion for the 21st Century
Report for the Government of Barbados during the
years 2015 to 2018. We participate and contribute annually to the activities associated with “The 16
Back to School - The distribution of uniforms, bags,
days of Activism against gender-based violence”, and
toiletries, stationery to both primary and secondary
any other causes which align with our beliefs as an
pupils. Contributions are also made to assist with the
payment of Caution Fees. Shelter Donations - Donations in the form of Training - “Empower Me” is a programme designed
food items and clothing for adults, children and
to empower women to become self-confident, self-
newborns, are made to the women in the Business
sufficient and to exercise financial freedom, as well as
and Professional Women’s Club Shelter for Abused &
to gain a skill or improve a talent. The programme is
Battered Women.
open to women who are desirous of becoming more confident and are seeking to boost their self-esteem.
Relocation - We have assisted fire victims and the
It caters to women who are struggling with financial
relocation of abused women, by donating and
empowerment and teaches them practical ways of
sourcing household items for the families.
taking control of their finances. The communities 3
Editor's note
Mrs. Cheryl Griffith PROGRAMME DIRECTOR Women of Purpose Ministry
Welcome to our 10th Anniversary E-magazine
No matter how you choose to spend these
which focuses on our journey over the last 10
days, you are doing it just right. We cannot
years. At our January meeting, we were excited
plan, control, or predict the future, but we know
about making plans to celebrate our 10th
Who does, and He will be right there with you
every step of the way. Even though we cannot physically be together, technology has given us
We started looking at venues, speakers and
SO many ways to connect, to pray together, to
activities. Little did anyone know that a distant
encourage one another.
threat impacting China would become a global pandemic within a matter of weeks. We never
In this issue, we have shared our journey and
could have imagined that our celebration would
what we are about so that you can come on
have turned out this way – that our current
board and help us in our advocacy against
realities would be so far from what we expected
Domestic Violence, Human Trafficking, and our
them to be just a few months ago.
other programmes.
But this season has been the most convicting,
So here is hoping you enjoy the first part of our
yet lovely reminder that we are not the ones in
control and that God’s plans are so much greater than anything we could imagine for ourselves. I am reminded daily of all the ways that this season has been a blessing in disguise – my “plans” completely thrown out the window, but with the promise of sweet blessings from the Lord in their place.
The Rt. Honourable Cynthia Y. Forde J.P., M.P.
It is with great pride, joy and honor that I take this
I pray that as you celebrate and reflect on your
opportunity to extend sincere congratulations to the
journey of trials, achievements and exploits, that
you reach out to some of your recipients and
The fact that your institution is non-denominational in structure speaks volumes of your all-embracing and integrated approach to capture the diversity, strengthen the capacity, reinforce the purpose and commitment to engage women to work together to harness the collective wisdom of OUR people. Indeed, such a collective approach will reap dividends in this changing world that we live in. I am extremely proud of your visionary and spiritually grounded initiative which focuses on the development of humanity. The holistic approach to capture the interest and imagination of these women through religious principles, healthy lifestyle practices, creative skilled programmes, other forms of
encourage them to join the forces an “GIVE BACK” to our society since we are “One people. One nation” under Almighty God. Continue to be the Shining Lights in our sphere of the world. I laud your numerous efforts , dedication and sacrifices as you devote your lives to the spreading of the gospel of Christ as we have been admonished in the book of Deuteronomy, 6:5 “ Love the Lord our God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your strength...” Again I wish to express my gratitude to all the members of the Women of Purpose Team for the godly, unselfish, compassionate love and unswerving service to this country.
empowerment through education and volunteerism
May God continue to bless and keep you safe and
is phenomenal.
healthy in ALL your endeavors.
These foci clearly demonstrate the practice of this entity to embrace people of all colors, classes, creeds, ages, sexes and status. The bible reminds us all to, “Love one another for love is of God.” Of equal importance is the examples demonstrated by some powerful WOMEN of the ‘Good Book” such as Dorcas, Ruth, Mary, Hannah, Esther and Naomi among others. Right here in our fair land,
Good luck. “With thankful hearts give praise to Jesus For blessings without end; Let’s give to Him our full devotion — He’s our Savior and our Friend.” “REAL LOVE PUTS ACTIONS TO GOOD INTENTIONS” - (D. De Haan)
there are those who blaze the trail in nurturing and empowering our citizens of all ages, inclusive of the aged, disabled, sick and impoverished etc. 5
A decade, a miracle
Mrs. Jenifer Johnson MINISTRY FOUNDER AND DIRECTOR Women of Purpose Ministry
Who would have thought that a conversation
“With Long Life” by Israel Houghton, became
with two young people would have resulted in a
our theme song. It has been a journey of
vison, a mission, objectives for a ministry and a
touching and empowering women, in every
document, to register NGO#832.
parish, in every denomination, from across the Caribbean and the world. A journey of tears,
Women of Purpose Ministry was born out of the
sacrifice and loneliness. A journey that proved
Radio Programme “Woman of Purpose”, which
“His Grace is sufficient” (2 Corinthians 12:9)
started in May 2009, one year before the ministry
and proved that when we reach the end of our
was officially registered. The Radio Programme
hoarded resources, our Heavenly Father’s giving
exposed the need for counseling and a greater
need to empower women and educate them to value themselves. It also exposed the physical
This year we made plans to celebrate, to be a
needs of persons for food, clothing, and school
part of The Gathering with excitement, however,
supplies. On recognizing those needs, Psalm
little did we know, Covid 19 like a wave would
139:14 became our foundation scripture verse
have swept across our world. It took our plans
and our mandate was to help women recognize
and positions, but it did not take our Purpose.
that God made them special and they should
It proved to be a time for us to be God’s hand
not let their past or past relationships hold them
extended. A time to reach out to Sistas and
to ransom. God has a plan for each of us -
their children, to demonstrate that God is still
Jeremiah 29:11. His plan does not change, even
in control and that he will supply our needs,
if we make detours.
according to His riches in Glory. A time to shift our focus to a new agenda, a time to empower
Women of Purpose Ministry started a Sistahood
women to greater financial prudence, self-
of women, who were willing to give and share
sufficiency, and teaching their children to be
what was in their hands and homes, to do
content and as the older women told us, “how to
whatever they could to see another Sista come
cut and contrive”.
into her purpose.
As we forge our way forward, we must now
While the list is too long to mention everyone,
answer the following questions:
there are some persons and companies who have
Where are we going from here?
been our source of financing during the years.
What can we set before us, to achieve in the
To the members of our Board, our team and the
next 10 years?
young professional women who came along and
How can we embrace and empower our
took the lead, I must say a big thank you.
young Sistas, to take on the legacy? • •
To whom can we stretch forward and pass the
To the Sistas in St. Vincent, Trinidad and Tobago,
baton to?
Curacao and Grenada, who allowed us to join
What do we want WOP Ministry to look like
them in planning retreats and holding seminars,
in 2030?
we thank you for the memories, friendships and lasting bonds that were created.
We are standing strong, we have broken ceilings, but we want our little Sistas to touch the clouds.
To the gentlemen who saw WOP as a friend and
Whatever we have achieved, the glory belongs
not a threat to bash men, I thank God for your
only to God. He has favoured us and we give
encouragements and financial support.
Him our Hallelujahs. Yes, our Hallelujahs belong to Him.
To the family at #137, I thank God for you. You carried me and stood by me on this journey. I
I want to extend a special thank you to all
Almost let Go, but God’s mercy kept me.
those who have been gracious and have given themselves to God first and then to the ministry,
because of their love for our Heavenly Father.
Mr. Joseph Johnson VICE CHAIRMAN Women of Purpose Ministry
“We’ve come this far by faith, leaning on the Lord, trusting in His Holy Word.”
in the right direction. Those persons who have been associated with Women of Purpose Ministry can attest to having found their avenue of service
As we celebrate ten (10) years of Women of
as well as their purpose, and are able to mutually
Purpose Ministry, we can reflect in the clear
instill in other women that they too can have a
knowledge that faith and trust in God have
purpose, and be driven by that purpose.
brought us thus far. A decade ago when the vision for the Ministry was received, we were in
Today, as we celebrate our ten-year anniversary,
the middle of a recession and depressing period,
we are again, because of the Covid-19 pandemic,
when persons, especially women, were losing
facing a period of uncertainty similar to that seen
hope with regard to their inability to support
at the genesis of the Ministry. The Women of
themselves and their children, confronting
Purpose Ministry has again been able to come
physical abuse, and most of all a weakening of
to the fore and provide care and the necessary
their faith in God. In other words, they had loss a
assistance to families.
sense of purpose. Congratulations are in order for the Women of A call was made for someone to fill the gap
Purpose Ministry as it celebrates ten (10) years
of providing inspiration to women who felt
of providing counsel, advice and assistance to
discouraged and who could not determine what
women, bringing them to an understanding of
was their purpose. Women of Purpose Ministry
their usefulness. During these first ten years,
came to the fore and immediately rose to the
through its different programmes, women have
occasion, providing the required assistance,
been able to see their purpose, and be driven
the listening ear, care and most importantly a
by that purpose. There is hope, a pouring out of
sense of direction. The Ministry was able to help
blessings, fellowship, charitable giving, assistance
women examine themselves with regard to the
from abuse, shoulders to cry on, and opening
primary questions of “What is your purpose here
of hearts to each other. Let us look forward to
on earth? Are you fulfilling that purpose? Is your
another fruitful ten years. Congrats.
life being driven by a purpose? And point them 8
Gender Related
Mrs. Patricia Boyce DIRECTOR Bureau of Gender Affairs
Collaboration with key stakeholders in the area
Another significant component of their work
of gender equality has been one strategy that
is their benevolent ministries, particularly their
helps the Bureau of Gender Affairs to achieve its
Back to School programme, -through which they
mandate. Today I join with Women of Purpose,
distribute uniforms, bags, toiletries, stationery
a faith-based organisation consisting of women
and assist with the payment of Caution Fees
from various denominations, in celebrating their
for pupils at both our primary and secondary
10th Anniversary. This organisation, through
its various initiatives has emerged as one of our arms in reaching and impacting the lives of
I extend special congratulations to their
women and girls.
Director, Mrs Jenifer Johnson, who over the years has never been intimidated by the task
Their radio programme helps to sensitize women
at hand and persevered in order to achieve
about gender issues such as domestic violence,
positive outcomes. The Bureau of Gender
child abuse, drug awareness and healthy
Affairs can always depend on the support of this
relationships. Their outreach ministries include a
organisation to assist in advancing the Bureau’s
programme entitled “Empower Me” which has
been successful in enabling women to become self-confident, self-sufficient and to exercise
I wish the Director and the members of this
financial freedom as well as to gain additional
organisation, God’s blessing as they continue
skills. Through this programme, they have been
to work and remain committed to empowering
able to transform lives and chart new paths for
women and girls.
at risk women. This is a critical programme that is needed at this time to help women who are struggling with financial empowerment and to teach them practical ways of taking control of their finances. Through their initiatives, this organisation has been able to transform lives and chart new paths for at risk women. 9
A Strong Foundation, A Strong Support System
Rev. Livingstone Trotman SENIOR PASTOR Ellerton Wesleyan Holiness Church
Every home, church and community can benefit from
Because of WOP, many families in several
the influence of purposeful women; focused women
communities have been enriched: women have had
of courage and determination, who have decided
their needs met, pastors have been served, children
that they will positively impact this world. We at the
were able to celebrate with gifts and the kingdom of
Ellerton Wesleyan Holiness Church (EWHC) have
God has grown because of the wide reach of WOP.
been pleased to partner with the Women of Purpose (WOP) Ministry on several initiatives as this ministry continues to take action aimed at empowering women with whom they come in contact.
embrace the theme “Everywhere to Everywhere”, May the Lord expand the reach and impact of WOP as you embrace the instructions given by Jesus in
The WOP ministries established here in Barbados
Matthew 28 verses 19 - “Therefore, go and make
ten years ago, must be applauded for following the
disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the
lead of God, who has continued to grow, teach, and
name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit”.
challenge the leaders of this ministry, extending their reach to also implement programmes for men and children. As you embark on your second decade of existence, just remember that God has set you up to win. He will equip the obedient and continue to pour into this Ministry as you execute His work of helping women to grow to become the women God created them to be.
As the EWHC join with Wesleyans worldwide to
Congratulations WOP! You have done very well in ten short years. It is our prayer that you will continue to allow the God of the church to lead you into greater ministry, extending your reach into new territories providing new services.
Let’s Execute
The vision Mrs. Tracy Knight-Lloyd Several years ago, I sat on a couch and listened
which gives them the courage and vigor to
to a stranger pour out her vision for a new
address situations, which may not always be
project. I knew without a doubt that this was her
straight-forward. Within a short space of time and
God given assignment.
admirably so, Women of Purpose has established itself as a legitimate Women’s empowerment
As I sat and listened to this stranger speak, her
group, with a stellar record of positive
heartfelt desire resonated strongly with me.
interventions to show for it. As a woman, I
I knew that this island, region and world needed
know all too well that sometimes we face many
another voice, another champion, another leader
challenges and we often chose to face them in
to empower women across all socio-economic
segments. That stranger was none other than Jenifer Johnson.
We may choose the path of silence out of fear of betrayal, being ashamed or even just lack of
It was my sincere pleasure to go on to assist her
knowledge. It is therefore critically important,
with her radio programme, which has benefitted
that we have organizations like the Women of
several Barbadians, both men and women.
Purpose to turn to.
Women’s empowerment especially reinforced by a message of faith can never have too many
The team at Women of Purpose will always
advocates or champions.
ensure that our issues are addressed with genuine concern and empathy. As I write this, I
Over the years, I have been impressed at how
want to thank God for bringing Jenifer and her
Women of Purpose have marshalled women
group into my life. Jenifer and Cheryl continue
from all strata of society to help, encourage and
to be a blessing to me, constantly praying for me
empower one another. I am in awe of the energy
and lifting me up. It inspires me to be a blessing
and drive this group has maintained over the
to others as they continue to bless me. May
God grant all the women warriors of Women of Purpose the strength and health to continue
It warms my heart to hear how many women,
their work for several decades to come.
children and men they have assisted.
I believe that Jenifer and her team have been
Bless you all always,
blessed with a true spirit of discernment,
Tracey Lloyd-Knight
Let me tell you
NOW! Mrs. Marsha Hinds-Layne PRESIDENT National Organisation of Women (NOW)
As we watch the unfolding situation in the United
The repertoire of programmes offered by Women
States of America and we see how the President
of Purpose is diverse and commendable but
is decried on a daily basis, we get the sense
what excites me more than the programmes is
of how critical leadership is in determining the
that I know them to be administered in a humane
future of not only the relations between people
and open way, with support and grace mixed
but also how history is written and whether
in because that is the leadership Women of
people can live in dignity and to the fullness of
Purpose thrive under.
their potential. Leadership also matters within the charity and civil society domain.
The National Organization of Women of Barbados is proud to count Women of Purpose
My first encounter with Women of Purpose
as a comrade in the work of women and girls
Ministries was through the persona of the
empowerment in Barbados. I am also personally
Ministry, Jenifer Johnson. The first thing that
indebted to Jenifer for her encouragement, one
struck me about Jenifer was that she is a
sister to another.
beautiful, warm older woman. In her spirit I felt welcomed as a younger black
Here is to many more years of collaboration.
woman. I start there because that in itself is a manifestation of the spirit that is Women of Purpose under Jenifer’s leadership.
Good things happen when we
Work Together Mrs. Nalita Gajadhar PROGRAMME OFFICER Bureau of Gender Affairs I wish I could put a date to my first encounter with Women
my worth, and a loss of my purpose. The dresses were
of Purpose, but I simply cannot. I could however tell you
only just the beginning. At every occasion that presented
of the many interventions I have had with the founder and
itself, in prayers, in welcomes and acknowledgements
current Director Jenifer Johnson.
Jenifer Johnson the founder of Women of Purpose would
What immediately comes to mind was a day, one of those very low days I had during the period 2015 to 2018. It was a time when it seemed everything in my life was failing, this is not an exaggeration. Doors were closing, friends were lost, and the future looked extremely gloomy. I
affirm me. I was on my way to recovery. She valued my opinion and my knowledge and knew that where I could, I would support the many events, the many interventions of conferences, seminars, luncheons and gatherings. Women of Purpose was more than one woman. We talk
struggled to stand by my life’s motto, “I will not be forced to a lot about succession planning. Founder Jenifer Johnson become what I did not want to be.” I do remember driving
took on her role as Director of Women of Purpose as her
and hearing Jenifer Johnson on her radio programme, I
mission. She sought every opportunity to improve her
remember not agreeing with what she said which is not
knowledge on gender and accepted many invitations from
surprising, since I was disagreeing with most people at that
the Bureau of Gender Affairs. Her interventions at these
time. The verse has gone, but the message has remained,
meetings can only be described as solid, thought provoking,
and so when I am down it is the message that I frame.
and always with the will to offer a solution. At a personal
You see, I am an idealist, I live in a world of how things ought to be, and that can be a very lonely and frustrating
level, I can speak to her kindness about my welfare and our love and mutual respect for each another.
place. People were not behaving how they should, I kept
Women of Purpose was always present and involved in
thinking but that is not fair, that is a lie, which is a half-truth,
almost every activity hosted by the Bureau of Gender
I am being forced to take sides. No, I screamed I will not do
Affairs. Whether it was an activity to celebrate International
it, I will stay with my loyalty until it is not worthy. However,
Women’s Day, the 16 Days of Activism for Violence against
this decision cost me years of pain and I am willing to say
Women, or Education or Advocacy against Violence and
torture. Until one day, I had planned to drop something at
Human Trafficking. Women of Purpose was not afraid to
the home of this woman, this Woman of Purpose. Before
challenge cultural norms. She challenged the patriarchal
too long, I was sitting in her living room, emptying my soul,
structures that contributed to women’s oppression but most
exhibiting publicly the effect of the pain, I had suffered.
of all women were encouraged to find their purpose.
Mrs. Johnson listened and listened and offered only prayer. Then she did what only a woman would do for another woman, feeling low and beaten later she brought to my office a bag full of gowns, and formal dresses. Jenifer had learnt that I had lost a sense of my being, a loss of 14
I congratulate Women of Purpose on their 10th Anniversary and wish them continued success in providing leadership and spiritual growth to its members and the women of Barbados.
Dr. Valda Henry CEO VF Inc. (Dominica)
to say, “If it is to be, it is up to me.” In those ten
STRONG! I congratulate Sister Jenifer J. Johnson
years Women of Purpose has fulfilled its Mission
on the celebration of a milestone in your
in assisting women to improved self-esteem,
“Women of Purpose Ministry,” and ask God for
financial independence and empowerment
His continued blessings and anointing on you
through a network of support of other sisters
and the Women of Purpose Ministry.
and other means. Jenifer J has put her faith into action as she knows, just like James 2:20, exhorts
In those 10 years, Women of Purpose has faced
us, “faith without good deeds is useless.”
challenges, however, committed to its purpose, it held on in faith and ten years on, it is still
Jenifer J, I pray God continues to pour His favour
standing and going strong. Purpose signifies
over you and the Women of Purpose Ministry.
mission, commitment, goal, desire of the heart
May He enlarge your territory to continue to
and vocation. In Isaiah 6:8-9, we read, “Then I
serve and help women to be their best selves,
heard the voice of the Lord saying: ‘Whom shall I
giving Glory to God. Congratulations Sister
send? Who will be our messenger?” I answered,
Jenifer J, I am so blessed that our paths crossed.
‘Here I am, send me.’” This conversation can be attributed to Jenifer J, who ten years ago set out to assist women to make the most of themselves;
What a cheerful
Partnership Ms. D’borah Blenman PROPRIETOR Zotbelle “Eye on Beauty”
We live in a world created by God, who supplied
Congratulations Women of Purpose, for a
all that we need, encourages us to share and
decade you have served the communities of
gave us choice. In this same world with all its
Barbados and beyond it’s shores, catering to
supplies some still have lack. A lack of basic
the needs of many and giving opportunity to
resources, a lack of freedom or motivation to
others; companies or individuals to join in the
share and a lack of generosity and compassion to
eradication of poverty, abuse, violence and
choose unselfishly.
separation from God.
Women of Purpose has worked diligently with
In this earth there will always be a need, however,
innovation and determination to provoke and
with the rich supply from God, willing hearts and
facilitate the distribution of the supplies from
hands to share, the needs will be met with love
those with enough or plenty to those with little or
and the desired care.
none. This organization is like the hand and heart of God searching and reaching those who are in need materially and emotionally. Upon the back bone of Women of Purpose, Cheerful Givers stands with a cohesive purpose. This synergy of 7 years have met the material and emotional need of children, through the collecting and giving of gifts at Christmas.
A young woman with a
Purpose Britney St. Hill
Growing up as the granddaughter of one of the
On countless occasions I have heard and seen
members, I have since been inducted as the
this mission lived up to without fail and know
appointed granddaughter or niece of many of
many have tremendously benefited from the
the group. This has allowed me the privilege of
efforts of these women.
seeing first-hand the acts of service a woman of purpose carries out and the strength & resilience
Their motto which states “There is only one
she is capable of. When I became of age and
me; I will make the most of myself. If it is to
began seeking my purpose, I immediately knew
be, it is up to me” has encouraged me to take
this group was where I belonged. In its Vision,
responsibility for being the best version of myself
Mission and Motto I saw a full alignment of what
and encourage others to do the same.
I was also called to do. Their Vision: “To have a home base of its own Throughout the years they have taught me that
where training, counselling and seminars will be
purpose is greater than self. Their mission reads
held to empower and encourage women. This
“Our Mission is to assist women: To help
will also have facilities to house women who are
themselves and achieve economic self-sufficiency
in need of a place for short term escape from
through empowerment skills, housing, child
homes of violence or any other form of danger
development services, health care, support
to them and their children” is truly inspiring as it
services and meaningful employment; to develop
shows they seek to evolve their mission and go
positive self-esteem and clarify their values on
above and beyond for women.
which to build a successful life; to have a network of sisters who can empathise with each other
These women are the backbones of their
– a network of trustworthy women who will be
communities, pillars of strength and inspiration
available to teach and be a support for younger
for generations to come. A woman of purpose is
truly God’s blessing to this world.
More than
The 2015 “More than Victors” Conference was
and adults were overwhelmed as Marq shared
held on June 24-28, 2015, under the Patronage
his story and indicated it was actually the date
of the Attorney General of Barbados- Hon
of his escape from more than five men who
Minister Adriel Brathwaite. Women of Purpose
were groping all over him to have their fun. He
Ministry partnered with Island Worship and Drug
escaped their abuse by jumping from a two story
Education & Counselling Services to host this
building naked and afraid. Several questions
family Conference.
were posed after the session. Questions were
The main objectives of the Conference were: •
Increasing awareness of minor sex trafficking, especially as it relates to boys.
How to recognize signs and what to look for in a young boy or man when you notice a
of Gender Affairs, and also a member of the National Task Force on Trafficking in Persons in Barbados, UNICEF Officer Denise and Jenifer J. Johnson.
Men’s Conference- Saturday June 27, 2015
Our society likes to focus on - that men
This session was held at the BIDC Building # 2
cannot be trafficked; that men cannot be
Pelican, Harbour Road. The Attorney General
abused; that men are the perpetrators, and
Honorable Mr. Adriel Brathwaite addressed
that's their only role. – That is completely
the men and gave appreciation to Women
of Purpose Ministry for its role in getting the
School Session- Wednesday June 24, 2015 Boys from across all secondary schools on the island met at Prince Cave Hall, Station Hill, where Marq Taylor, a survivor of sex trafficking and an advocate in the fight against domestic minor sex trafficking was our featured speaker and shared his story. As a result of this session, several teachers have asked that WOP attend their PTA meetings to educate the parents regarding sex
awareness to the boys and men. He pledged his commitment to assist WOP in their programmes on Human Trafficking Awareness and in Advocacy of Domestic Violence. Marq spoke to the men giving more personal details of his years of abuse. One of the young men present became very emotional as he gave an account of his personal experience of abuse at the hands of male family members and others.
trafficking and minor sex abuse among our young
A total of 350 participants attended the
Conference with some of the men in attendance
National Youth Session- Friday June 26, 2015 This family session was held at the New Dimensions Ministries Centre. Many of the youth 24
also answered by Nalita Gajadhar of the Bureau
making a commitment to work with WOP Ministry to speak out and be advocates on the behalf of young boys and men.
What COVID-19
Taught Me Ms. Gale Weithers
In the Beginning
with the virus but died as a result – Including
Around the middle of March 2020, my team
Barbadians in the US. We acknowledged the
and I packed up the important things from our
struggle of world leaders dealing with escalating
workstations in preparation to work from home
unemployment stats made worse daily by
for the next few weeks. It was not much of a
unprecedented layoffs and terminations, and the
surprise in light of what was happening around
closing of businesses, borders and educational
the globe and we knew it was just a matter of
institutions. Yet I remained somewhat optimistic
time before we too would be affected by the
that our story would be different … somehow.
dreaded Covid-19 virus. In addition to logging into work from either our home office or living/ dining room table however, we also had to adjust to the new norm of not only a curfew but regulated days for grocery shopping and picking up prescriptions from the pharmacy. My situation also included looking after elderly relatives and ensuring they were kept safe. In those early days I truly missed activities I had taken for granted e.g. early morning praise and worship sessions on my commute into work, engaging in face-toface interactions with my team, going to spin classes, weekly visits to a relative in a nursing home after church on Sundays; I even missed knowing when to turn off my laptop and get into my car to go home at the end of a long day … because I was already at home. I watched in horror with the rest of the world as more and more people globally were not only diagnosed
In the Middle After about two weeks into working from home everyone was invited to attend a meeting virtually. Business was bad, we were losing money as a result of the pandemic, changes were coming. The news was not very encouraging. I decided to be proactive. I looked at my budget. Was there anything I could do without? Not really, because I was already a minimalist who disliked debt so my next step was to make some preliminary calls to everyone I owed. Did they have anything in place to help customers who were laid off or terminated? Thankfully, yes. With one semester left before graduating from university in Jamaica, I called my son. I will never forget his words which mirrored everyone else I had spoken to: “You’re safe mummy, stop worrying so much.”
The Middle Extended
emotionally. My answer is yes.
I was not safe. My entire team and I, along
I may currently be unemployed but I am
with many others in the organization were
taking the opportunity to focus on recovering,
made redundant at the beginning of April. I
reinventing and rejoicing: recovering from
remembered thinking how strange life could
redundancy, reinventing a new career path,
be, or rather how sad that 15 years of sustained
rejoicing in having survived thus far with the
effort and sacrifice could be obliterated in a
loving support of family and friends. I still
nine minute Skype call. In 2008 my mom was
strongly believe we should always be prepared in
diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. It was an
advance as much as possible. Having a backup
irrefutable fact that there was no cure but she
plan ready and waiting helps too but these are
went ahead and had a surgical procedure
uniquely uncertain times. No-one, and I mean
performed, which thankfully allowed her to
no-one, could have foreseen the extent to which
enjoy a little more time with us. Just after the
Covid-19 would have affected an entire globe of
beginning of 2009 her health steadily declined.
We knew there was no turning back; she was slowly dying yet her death shocked me to the core. Why? Thinking about my current situation made me recall my mom and how I seem to process big
To anyone worried about the future as we navigate this strange new world order which was forced upon us, I would offer these words of wisdom: •
News about death, sickness and economic
life altering events. It goes something like the
decline is depressing, and does nothing to
outline below but I honestly don’t think it’s just me. I believe it happens this way for many of us. Your gut tells you or you know beyond a shadow
lift your spirit. •
gravity, you think or hope it will not happen to you. You prepare anyway … just in case it could happen to you. You wait to see if it will happen to you. People tell you it will not happen to you. It actually happens to you. You were not ready for it to happen to you. Moving out from the Middle After they recover from the initial shock upon hearing of my redundancy, I am always asked: “so what are you going to do?” Translated into what is really being asked, that question wants to know if there is actually hope for someone
Engage more with the people you love. Free software such as Zoom and Google Meet
of a doubt that something big is about to happen in your life. Depending on the potential
Only track stats periodically if you must.
make this possible. Learn something new. •
Revisit a forgotten hobby or skill.
Help someone else, especially the elderly.
Ask for help if you need it too.
Exercise regularly, eat properly and drink lots of water.
Be supportive and empathetic towards others.
We are all going through this together. In summary, this pandemic will not define or defeat us. It will make us stronger, more resilient, more caring, and more of a nation that everyone can be proud of.
closer to the end of their career than the beginning, in an environment with practically no job opportunities, to truly survive financially and 27
Testimony I’ve got a
Penny Carrington TOBAGO RETREAT 2018
Praise God!
Well I have been in church for a looong time and overtime I came to a place of being set in a mold i.e. I understand the way church runs etc. Forgive me Lord. I was encouraged to go on the retreat and I was glad I did. God broke me into tears, tears I have not shed in a long time and I saw Jehovah God in a NEW LIGHT, mindsets were changed, and religious behaviors shattered. I received a word from the Lord that has changed things in the spirit over my LIFE. I am covered by His Blood. So, thank you again team for having me. God just continues to give me the Sustaining Grace to hold on and never let Go.�
Tribute to Women of Purpose
Anniversary Arima W.W.I. It is an honor to commemorate the Women
and Reflected on His goodness, Reassured us
of Purpose Ministry as they celebrate their
that He would see us through.
10th Anniversary. They have been teaming up with Arima Wesleyan Women International
As the years rolled by, we have seen new
for our annual retreats, geared towards
additions, laughed together and have even cried
empowering women from varying backgrounds
together as we remember person(s) who have
and nationalities. There is a special flavor, a
been promoted to glory. As we look back we can
uniqueness that the ladies from Barbados have
truly say WOW! When we observe how God set
brought to this collective and it has inspired
asides Vessels unto Honour, and how through
everyone to know that, “I am special, I am
His Holy Spirit we can partner and co-labour in
wonderful”. Truly we have many reasons to be
Christ it really is beautiful.
Giving Thanks. As Women of Purpose Ministry have completed Over the past seven (7) years we have praised,
ten (10) years, we acknowledge with great
played and prayed together. We have had
distinction the impact made in Barbados and
communion, evangelized, prophesied and have
globally. We look forward to another decade of
seen person’s launch into their ministry and
ministry together. We pronounce blessings on all
gifting. Our interactions and bonds formed have
the persons associated with this movement. May
created friendships beyond those adventurous
God provide resources and grant you favor as
weekends. We continue to encourage one
you extend the kingdom of God as you reach out
another to grow emotionally, as well as spiritually.
to others.
Those weekends where we Rested in the Lord
g n i r e w Ans The call in times of need Our Response to COVID-19
Women of Purpose Ministry has for the past seven
email and WhatsApp communications, we again
years been providing food items, personal hygiene
saw a great response. A warm thank you to our
products and cleaning supplies to families in need.
Sistas from NOW who jumped in and collected
This was made possible through the assistance of
much needed new-born baby items for us.
our team members in Barbados, Boston and New York. We especially appreciate the assistance of
Women of Purpose Ministry also collected and
the Boston and New York teams, who shipped
delivered clothing as well as shoes for fire victims,
food items at their own expense for distribution to
and distributed tablets to children in Primary and
our families.
Secondary schools. We thank our gracious donors for their support.
COVID-19 saw an increase in the number of calls for assistance with food bags. Monthly, we packed
It should be noted that it is not our policy to take
approximately twenty-five bags but during the last
photos of children when presentations are made.
four months this number has increased to more
We would however like to thank everyone who has
than 200 bags.
not only offered a generous donation but has also trusted us to support the persons said donations
We would like to express sincere appreciation to the Management of R. L. Seale & Company, a secret donor and our team members whose donations allowed us to meet the needs of the families we usually serve, as well as support several extra requests. We have recognized however that this is an area where additional finances are needed in order to effectively assist families, even more so during this Covid-19 season. Of note as well were requests specifically relating to mothers of young babies but after a series of 30
were requested for.
Meet a woman of
Beverley O. Pinder
Called from darkness into the marvelous light of Christ to show forth His praise and carry His light. It is an honour to celebrate ten years with "Women
for by a farmer, which brings forth much fruit, so
of Purpose" Ministry. Tin or aluminum represents
are the lives of those impacted by the ministry of
ten years of marriage and speak of durability and
WOP. This ministry continues to touch the lives of
flexibility. The WOP ministry has modelled the
numerous women via the radio program, community
characteristics of these two materials. The Board,
development initiatives, and retreats or through
committee, sistas, partners and the many lives
simple Christmas parties for children and families.
transformed by this ministry have withstood the rough winds and waves but are still standing firm today. I salute you WOP and count it a joy for the opportunity given to share in this ministry with you.
Always remember “there is only one you" so be the best you and try not to be someone else. I want to encourage the WOP family to continue to be a voice for the voiceless and uphold the cause of the
The ministry encourages women in communities to
poor (Psalm 82:3–4). Be kind to the needy (Proverbs
be better women and to let their skills and talents
14:21), for “kindness to the poor is like lending to
provide for them. What a privilege it was to watch
God (Proverbs 19:17).
women grow and feel good about themselves. I too developed many thoughts through the opportunities given to me to lead, minister to women, children and youth. WOP provides a safe environment for you to be yourself and affords you the space to fail and rise and go again. As a part of WOP you are on the lips of sistas all around the globe as they daily present you before God in prayer and send encouraging words.
Women of Purpose Ministry, I salute you on your 10th anniversary and lay down the red carpet for a job well done. The ministry influences many lives and lifts many hands and heads, good job! As you plan for another decade may God provide for a more sustainable ministry; may He bring the gifted youth and children to be trained, encouraged and used by God to light up wherever they go. May He supply personnel to help mend broken families and
You are never alone for there are sistas willing
in Jesus name let people from far and near sow into
to walk this journey with you if you are ready
this ministry that it will have an extensive reach.
to trust. Your mistakes, setbacks or regrets are transformed into bridges for you and other sistas to step into destiny. Like a seed planted and cared
Where you see red tape, God is going to roll out the red carpet. Sudan is going to reach out to YWAM.
My Psalm Thankgiving to God
Thank you Lord for saving my soul Thank you for making me whole. I never knew what true love could be until you came and rescued me. You rescued me from sin and shame and now your name I can proclaim. You redeem me through your precious blood and save me from the flood. Shame and disgrace knew my face, but you Jesus came and took my place. No longer will I suffer lost, you paid the cost, on the old rugged cross. Thank you for helping me to cross over, no turning back, no turning back. Where would I be without thee? Thank you for searching for me. You went to Calvary for me Jesus you suffered and died just for me I’ll praise you with all my heart even when the road ahead is hard and rough. Once you are with me, I know that’s enough. Fears, tears and sadness will come, but I’ll keep vying that crown. Thank you father for providing for me, you are my provider, healer, lawyer, doctor, you are my All in All. That’s why I’ll praise you with all that is within me. Every day in every way neither long nor short, high or low, I know you will hear and be right there. Thank you for this moment, it’s very clear that everything will be alright as long as you are here. God be praised. Thank you Lord for releasing so much pressure off my mind and I’m so glad you are with me all the time.
Beverly Weekes 35
iK tchen Corner
Fruit Slide Ingredients:
1 tbsp Honey
Chill loaf pan in refrigerator for 30 minutes.
½ tbsp Ginger (grated) 1 cup Carrots(grated)
Slice both mangoes and bananas. Place in a
⅔ cup Yogurt
zip lock bag and place in the freezer. Freeze
1 cup Mangoes (frozen)
bananas and mangoes for 1 hour before
1 cup Bananas (frozen)
Equipment Used:
Grater carrot and ginger.
• 1 Blender • 1 set of measuring spoons
Place all vegetable and fruits in blender, blend
• 1 Measure cup
for 2 minutes and add plain yogurt and honey.
• 1 Ice cream scoop
Pour mixture into chilled loaf pan and evenly
• 1 Cutting board
• 1 Grater • 1 Paring knife • 1 Loaf pan
Chill for 4 hours or overnight.
Ordinary Her name is
Gale Weithers
Her name is Ordinary and ordinary at first she may appear yet we pause … and at her feet we sit here trying to press forward without fear embracing all she holds dear; in celebration of her uniqueness her joy in being selfless while looking after the homeless and offering hope to the hopeless; Her name is Ordinary and we acknowledge this … while sitting in her sight embracing this light an ordinary spirit shining bright, who makes wrong things right forever fighting the fight, she is the day in someone’s night and God’s wonderful delight. Her name is Ordinary but it is this very ordinary that we seek while resting at her feet ever reverent and meek, and as we pause to revere to all it’s quite clear: ordinary she is not for her life truly rocks … To God be the glory, amen and amen! © Gale Weithers, 2016
Humour Just a bit of
At our weekly Bible study, the leader asked an elderly lady, Louise, to open the meeting with prayer. Louise did so in a soft voice. Another lady, straining to hear, shouted, “I can’t hear you!” Louise replied, “I wasn’t talking to you”.
“Endorphins promote an overall sense of well-being and can temporarily relieve pain. Laughter improves the function of the blood vessels and increases blood flow, which can protect you against a heart and other cardiovascular problem. Laughter burns calories.”
To our members and friends
We Thank You ... For your years of support ... For your words of encouragement ... For your prayers ... For giving of your time and resources ... For your financial contributions. We would not have made it thus far without you and for that we are eternally grateful. As we go forward, be encouraged to continue to do the same and much more. Thank You From The WOP Team 39
Women of Purpose Ministry
# 137 Sapphire Drive Lodge Terrace St. Michael Tel: 246-851-9215/246-826-7798 Email: womanofpurpose.bb@gmail.com To make an appointment to see a counsellor please call: (246) 851-9215 -Jenifer J Johnson or email us at: womanofpurpose.bb@gmail.com