Circum 2017 Term 4

Page 1





MR FRÖHLICH We pay homage to a long-serving Bosvark

The MX 18 Dream Ook Ingesluit ‘TEACHER EMOJIS. What were the teachers like at school?


New Arrivals

Which teachers are growing their families?

En vele meer!


Redaksie JO ER NALISTE Redaktrise Emily Voig t S ub-reda ktrise S imone Bo tha Be-Arthu r Da vid s Bia nca du Plessis Enriq u é Wilson Ia n S teyn Ka rla d e Bod Kyle S tynd er Kyle Du venha g e Lea nd ri d u Toit Lona S u ka ni Mikya ll Ha rris



Abyg a il Dra ke Cha né Piena a r Elma ri va n d er Westhu izen Elsje-Ma rié Jo rd a a n Ga by Ja cobs Ja na Ma tthee Ka yla va n Greu nen Lia m Wa ters Lize Jou be rt Ru th Pretor iu s Winona S wa nepoel



Index Page 6

Page 12

Page 20

Parade Day

The MX18 Dream

What were

Ian Steyn

Kyle Stynder

they like? Karla de Bod

Page 8

Onnie is jy?

Page 14

Page 24

Kyle Duvenhage

Auf Wiedersehen

2017: What a year!

Mr Frohlich

Bianca du Plessis

Page 10

Mikyall Harris

rwyer Emojis

Leandrie du Toit

Page 11

Page 26 Page 16

Cooking with Bee

How To Cheat

Be-Arthur Davids

Simone Botha

on Lookalikes Lona Sukani

Page 18

New Arrivals Emily Voigt


I packed my school bag for the first day of 2017. I arrived at school on a pretty summer’s day. I blinked. The year’s almost over. Where did all the time go? Weren’t we all smiling and saying Happy New Year! a few days ago? No, no, no, that happened over 300 days ago! The fact that 2017, my

grade 10 year, the journey I was excited to begin is close to being over… now that I can’t seem to believe just yet! Okay, Emily. We get it, you’re shocked. Looking back, though, I can (kind of, not fully) see how a year has

actually passed. We’ve gone through Summer, Autumn, a Winter (rather un-wintry) and we’re flying through Spring. The view count indicates that the past Circum has been

one of the most successful Circums ever. The world has changed in many ways and has gone through tumultuous events (read 2017 What a Year on page 22) and it’s now

time to buy Christmas presents again – look, the Christmas decorations up in shops already! Speaking of tumult, what a rollercoaster this term has been! We had 4 weeks of school to squish in the academics of a

usual 8-10 week school term. Then we found ourselves in the middle of the daunting November Exams, with nowhere

to run. It was like we were trained for skydiving and knew the basics and how it works, but we weren’t prepared for the instructor’s firm hand pushing us out of the plane. With

wind against our faces, we fell straight down and fast. There was nothing else but stress … rest assured, we have the parachute and we will survive the fall! If there can be

any consolation, there’s a 6-week holiday to look forward to and enjoy. With an inkling of nostalgia, we look back at the memories of 2017. Happiness, tears, surprises and smiles fill up Chapter

2017. Personally, the year has given me lots of time to grow and I’ve learned that because I’m part of the hustle-bustle of life, I often miss the sun that shines just as brightly every day. I overlook the prettiest flowers in Spring blossoming

despite the happenings of the world. I also realised that our time on earth never seems to be enough. There’s too little time it seems to dream, to wish and to savour precious

moments. Leonardo da Vinci, Nelson Mandela and Mother Theresa had the same amount of hours in a day (thanks, Albert Einstein for that quote), yet they


impacted the world. To waste so much time thinking about your appearance or what you shouldn’t have said is really pointless in the bigger scheme of things. It’s time to think a little less and live a little more.

With that said, relish every single moment of the holiday and festive season, Dear Readers! The next time you blink, it will be Hello 2018!

Cumberland Hotel

Cheese cutter

Graduation Cap

WG Bowtie White shirt


And so another year comes to an end, and we send another wave of matrics into the world. We just drift around here in the sea, waiting for our turn to be waved off to shore. Oh, sure, we had a big, fancy “parade day” and all, but we’ll forget MX17 eventually, right? Right?

Longsleeve school shirt

Black blazer

School skirt

White pants

Wrong. Because you see, they left a legacy behind that will not soon be forgotten. For starters, there is an entire group of grade 8s that will always remember their first matrics. Then we have teachers who will always remember them: new teachers like Ms Steenkamp (remembering their first matrics at Gym), and experienced ones like Mrs Nel (who did her last Fraserburg drama group this year – it included many matrics).

School socks School shoes

The grade 11s, especially next year’s senior committee, will look back at MX17 for an example of leadership. No one will forget Willa’s bravery speech about Christopher Columbus, Christiaan Barnard and Chris Evans or Shakeel’s motto: We can, We will, We must. Of course, in today’s world you can leave a legacy in another way: photographs. And what better photos of the matrics to treasure than those of their final good-bye; their wave to the shore? We wish the matrics luck on that shore of the world, and hope they may help turn it into a better place.

Did you know? Originally, the boys paraded with real straw cheese cutter hats, but later it became too expensive to give every matric boy a hat. Today we use much cheaper Styrofoam hats that look just as good.

These photos can last forever. So sure, take them for granted, but do not take your matrics for granted; soon they will be gone, leaving only memories swirling in the ocean that is Worcester Gymnasium.

By Ian Steyn

Onderwysers is meer as net die grootmense by die skool wat jou toetse merk en prentjies in jou bloulêer skets. Leerders het meer in gemeen met onnies as wat hul agterkom. Ons het vir vyf van Worcester Gimnasium se uiteenlopendste onderwysers vrae gevra oor hul persoonlike lewens, voorkeure, uitkyk op die lewe ens. Gryp ‘n pen en papi er en neem hierdie “quiz” om uit te vind soos watter een van ons vyf verkose onnies jy die meeste is. (Nota: Beantwoord slegs die valbyl indien jy ‘n gelyke hoeveelheid letters het, bv. ewe veel A’s as B’s.)

Wat doen jy graag in jou vryetyd?

a. b.

Kyk flieks, of lees Spandeer tyd met my familie


So min as moontlik (ek oefen wel ook so tussendeur die chips eet) Lees! Speel sport, werk in die tuin of kyk sport op die

d. e.

TV Wanneer is jy op jou gelukkigste? a. b. c.

Saam met vriende Wanneer ek vir ander iets kan beteken Saterdae oggende (of wanneer ek betaal word. Ek het geld!)


Wanneer iemand vir wie ek lief is uit hul maag lag Voor ‘n braaivleisvuur saam met my gesin


Wat is gewoonlik die rede dat jou huiswerk nie gedoen is nie?

a. b. c. d. e.

Wat is die belangrikste eienskap wat ‘n persoon kan hê? a. b. c. d.

‘n Positiewe uitkyk op die lewe Omgee en liefde vir jou naaste Om ‘n mense mens te wees Om ander te respekteer


Eerlikheid en nederigheid

Waarheen gaan jou gedagtes gewoonlik as jy dagdroom?

a. b.

Een of ander scenario in ‘n boek of fliek Alles wat ek nog moet afhandel omdat ek

c. d. e.

heeldag by my gesin was Oorsee… My to-do lys My droom beesplaas (wat ook ‘n “retreat”, sportsentrum en gasteplaas is)

Watter beroep wil jy eendag volg? a. b. c.

Rek-onderwyser of Rekenmeester Huisvrou of –man, sodat ek gereeld by my kinders kan wees Ek gaan heel moontlik op 40 nogsteeds nie weet

d. e.

nie… oh well! Enige iets, solank ek gelukkig is en betaal word Beesboer of landskapargitek

Wat sal die titel van jou lewensverhaal wees? a. Harry Potter and the Crazy Muggle Student b. “Lewe elke dag asof dit jou laaste is” c. d. e.

Worcester! Wat? O, vrek! Lewe deur genade

My huiswerk is ALTYD gedoen Dis net onvoltooid wanneer ek siek is of iets voorgeval het Hang af van die betrokke onnie…

Hoe sou jou vriende jou beskryf? a. As die Luisteraar b. Verantwoordelik (dus “the mom-friend”) c. Al een wat nog net eenk eer getroud is. Grap-

My huiswerk is altyd gedoen. Dis net nie noodwendig oorspronlik myne nie… Ek stel uit tot op die nippertjie om ander goed te doen. Daar’s dan te min tyd!

d. e.

Waarvan is jy afhanklik? a. b. c.

Tee! Jesus Strategie PC-speletjies, brood en rooivleis (en, indien nodig, my cholesterolpil)

d. e.

Kaffeïen Alleentyd in die natuur

pie! Of nie… Divers (“miscellaneous”) Labrador

Wat is jou gunsteling fliek? a. Sweet Home Alabama (Rom-com) b. A Walk to Remember (Romance) c. Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy (Sci-Fi) d. e.

Bridget Jones’ Diary Al Harrison Ford se flieks

Valbyl: ‘n Niksvermoedende hawelose person staan in die middel van die pad en ‘n motor pyl reguit op hom af. Wat is jou eerste reaksie? a. Ek sal gou die situasie analiseer: Hang af van waar ek is. Ek sal heel moontlik net in staat wees om te skree dat hy


moet pasop. My hart sal pyn! Niemand verdien dit om seer te kry nie. Ek kan niks doen nie – die man is geskroef!

d. e.

“Scream like a woman possessed” As ek nie vries nie, sal ek hom probeer red.


Meestal A: Juffrou Sherriff (Die Presteerder) Jy is ‘n “all-rounder” en maak tyd vir alles wat belangrik is – en jou uitslae is meestal nie te versmaai nie! Prioritisering is belangrik; mens moet doen wat gedoen moet word, maar ook genoeg tyd oorhê vir jouself. In jou vryetyd is jy mal oor lees en series kyk, en jy kan dus ook deur sommige mense beskryf word as ‘n “fan-girl”. Jy glo in die effek van positiewe denke en beplanning. Jou toekoms lê wyd oop voor jou!

Meestal B: Juffrou Snygans (Die “Sweetheart”) Waaroor is jy passievol? a. Om my beste te gee (en ook Harrry Potter…) b. c. d. e.

My gesin Braai! (En ook my familie) Geliefdes Sport en die natuur

Wanneer is jy op jou ongelukkigste? a. As mense onregverdig behandel word b. Wanneer ‘n familielid siek is c. Sondae aande (Of wanneer my geld

d. e.

op is. Ek het geen geld nie!) Wanneer ek “wasted potential” sien Wanneer iemand vir wie ek omgee, swaarkry

Wat is jou gunsteling vak? a. Rekeningkunde – Ek is mal oor patrone en “puzzles”, en dis presies wat Rek is. b. Wiskunde – Gim het die beste Wiskunde onnies! c. d.


Geskiedenis – Dis een vak waarin ek “actually” belangstel… Kuns – Só ontsnap mens na ‘n ander wêreld waar jy net fokus op skoonheid. Rekeningkunde – Want ek verstaan dit en hou van syfers (dit sal help op my beesplaas)

Laastens: Hoe voel jy oor vroeg opstaan? a. b. c. d.

Ek hou daarvan! Só is die dag langer. Ek geniet dit, want dis lekker stil. Pla nie veel nie… Ek probeer dit vermy


Ek’s maar lui, maar dis lekker koel tydens somervakansies.

Deur Kyle Duvenhage Foto’s: Winona Swanepoel

Jou hart is vol liefde en omgee, en jy is mal oor mense. Niks is so belangrik soos familie en jou medemens nie, en jy is altyd bereid om iewers hand by te sit. Jou sagmoedigheid en sprankelende persoonlikheid trek ander aan soos ‘n magneet. Jy glo dat mense ander moet hanteer soos hul hanteer wil word en is passievol oor die feit dat almal hande moet neem om die wêreld ‘n beter plek te maak.

Meestal C: Meneer Du Toit (Die Grapjas)

Om snaaks te wees is tweede natuur vir jou, en jy geniet dit om ander te laat lag. Mense hou daarvan om rondom jou te wees en jou sin vir humor is aansteeklik. Jy sien die snaaks in situasies raak en neem oor die algemeen nie die lewe te ernstig op nie. Jy kán egter ook ernstig wees indien nodig, en glo dat mens nie moet kla oor jou tekortkomings nie: verbeter jouself, en leer om te lag vir jou foute!

Meestal D: Juffrou Neethling (Die Denker) Jou brein krïoel oopkop denker wat beteken jy gesprek voer. Jy

met filosofiese gedagtes. Jy is ‘n en heel moonlik redelik belese, kan maklik ‘n baie interessante sien albei kante van die lewe (die

goed en die sleg), en dink bietjie verder as die algemene persoon. Eksentriek-wees vloei in jou are. Jy glo dat hoewel die l ewe nie oor jou gaan nie, jy steeds ‘n verskil kan maak.

Meestal E: Meneer Joubert (Die Natuurliefhebber)

Jy is entoesiasties oor sport en die buitelug. Jy geniet dit om aktief te wees en tyd in die natuur te spandeer, en is gelukkig met gras onder jou voete en die blou lug bo jou kop. Jy glo sport is belangrik, aangesien dit balans bring. Jy’t ook ‘n hart vir mense, en glo dat die lewe oor die persone om jou gaan en nie oor jouself nie. Waardering vir al hierdie wonderlike skeppings is belangrik, en jy besef dit.

Met tegnologie wat nou baie meer gevorderd raak in Worcester Gimnasium (en almal meer op hulle tablette en fone is as wat hulle in werklikheid kommunikeer) is daar besluit om ‘n artikel oor emojis te doen. Emojis het in die hedendaagse lewe alle emosies

Dressed to impress: J uf Ma r i tz





vervang. Hierdie artikel handel oor “teacher emojis”. Daar is vir ongeveer 100 Gimmies ‘n vraelys gegee met verskeie emojis daarop. Die leerders moes dan die eerste onderwyser se naam neerskryf waaraan hulle dink as hulle hierdie emoji sien.


Best Cut M N R F RA NS MA N




It is really strange that there are people out there in the world who look like some of the best-known fictional characters we see on our screens every day. If you have ever wondered where cartoonists get their inspiration from – check out this list of cartoon character look-alikes and wonder no more!

MS Morkel as edna froM The


DanIel JanSe Van VuUren AS bUZZ lIGhtYeAr froM ToY STorY

As you can see, these real-life doppelgangers are so similar to their cartoon counterparts that it's hard to believe that the latter wasn't fashioned on the former. Or maybe the human versions were somehow shaped on the cartoons? Come to think of it, maybe WE ARE the cartoons, and we only THINK we're real! It's a terrifying prospect, but before you go freaking out, take a look at this list of cartoon character lookalikes and spread the word. These are so similar, it’s even scary.

Michelle Geel , Karla Vermeulen & louise Breytenbach as The Power Puff Girls

Mr frÖhliCH as Carl froM UP

There you have it folks! Some of the best cartoon character look-alikes in our school. Don't you agree?

By Lona Sukani / Photos by Gaby Jacobs

“The root of true achievement lies in the will to become the best that you can become.” - Harold Taylor As we Wave goodbye to the year that has passed and great stories and memories left in our hearts, it is time for the new millennial generation to take rise and leave more than just stories and memories behind; we will leave a legacy. At first the quote that I started off with might seem a bit vague, confusing or even a bit melodramatic, but after long thought I even came to understand it. For you to understand it, let

me take you back to the year 2014, when 200 new bosvarkies entered a school of opportunities and, as we all learned to this day, hardships. Year by year we hopefully matured and, it seems are a little less wellmannered, but I can assure you that before you reach your highest peak, you first have to fail and let people down. We failed and failed and failed some more until we reached the point in our lives where we realised that the spark inside us all these years, will someday eventually turn into a flame. This will determine whether we fail or achieve our goals in the upcoming year. Do we know who we truly are? Wie is ek en w aarvoor staan ek? Dis die vraag w aarmee ons gekonfronteerd is al die jare, maar soos ons geleer het is ons meer as net tale, meer as net velkleure, meer as net kultuure. Ons is mens. Dit is wat ons verskillend maak van die res. Ons wil die slagspreek wat Janco Nel aan ons beskryf het, “Eenheid in Diversiteit” , ‘n realiteit maak. Dis wie ons is. Ons is die nuwe generasie en ons is moeg daarvan dat ons stemme nie gehoor word nie. Ons gaan praat oor die goed wat

become a reality. Your Wave will not be forgotten. To our fellow grades and teachers, we promise to give you the best time of your high school careers. Join with us as we celebrate our 12 years of schooling coming to an end and be assured that we will make up for the opportunities that we’ve missed along the way. We promise to keep our school’s name high and follow the values that were laid out for us. We won’t be perfect, but we will be great. eintlik saak maak en gaan staan vir wat reg is vir almal. Ons staan vir almal. Daarom vra ons dat almal dieselfde geleentehede in die skool kry, soos die Senior Kommitee waar daar nie net meestal Afrikaanse leerders moet wees nie, maar ’n verskeidenheid, want ons Engelse kinders is net so belangrik. En ek sê dit in Afrikaans, want ek is lief vir julle. “Motho ke Mothoka ba Batho Babang”

This isiXhosa quote is most powerful to us Mx’18. It means a person is a person because of other people. Therefore, just like Hymne Ley prophesied over our lives in the scripture reading, “Let’s care, unify and love each other unconditionally.” We must come together and show those who have doubts in us, that we will be a light unto this school, we will keep our fellow learners’ hearts warm and we will bring new life into this school. We will be the flame. To the Matrics of this year, we would like to thank you from the bottom of our hearts for setting such a great example for us over this past year. We have learned so much from you and we will only go higher from where you left off. We wish you well with your future preparations and pray that your dreams will

So let me tell you who we are: WE ARE MX’18

By Kyle Stynder Photos: Gaby Jacobs

To some the Geography teacher, to some the mentor, to some the swimming or hockey coach and to others the father. Mr Frölich has played a significant part in Worcester Gymnasium for the past 19 years and the Circum wanted to record his history and the tremendous efforts he has contributed.

He was born in Windhoek, but has moved many times in his life from Namibia to Durbanville to Montagu and from Montagu finally to Worcester. He started working at the age of 23 at a German High School in Windhoek. On enquiry of why he taught at a German High School, he explained that he comes from a German background and that a large part of his family is German. This explains why he went to a German Primary School and then to St. Torres High School from where he completed his tertiary studies at Stellenbosch University

where he completed the courses BA, HED (Honours in Higher Education) and also completed his Master’s Degree in Urban Geography to realise his passions for Geography. He also did his BEd later on whilst teaching in Durbanville. What is interesting is that he actually wanted to become a geologist, specialising in the geology of oil. Whilst doing his service year in the army he realised that he could not work with oil for a living and realised that he wanted to work with young people one day. He made a conscious decision (and he put emphasis on the fact that teaching w as not a back-up career) to become a teacher. The Circum journalist was also curious as to why Mr Frölich became a high school teacher specifically and he mentioned that he didn’t really have a reason for this - it was just something that was stirred in his

spirit and this is even more peculiar to him seeing as he was the youngest child in their family. Mr Frölich also has a rich teaching background as he has taught at many schools amongst which were schools in Windhoek as well as Otcheverongo and then moved on to teach at a private German school in Cape Town and was also Head of Department at Durbanville High. Before coming to Worcester Gymnasium he was deputy principal at Montagu High, but became a great asset to Worcester Gymnasium when he got the post as deputy head and, with the utmost sincerity, said that he has never regretted it. He also explained that he enjoyed all the challenges and developments that he was faced with in his 19 years of teaching at Worcester Gymnasium.

Despite the spiritual, moral and other great contributions that Mr Frölich made to the school he w as asked to identify a characteristic of himself that he thinks made a great contribution towards Worcester Gymnasium. After much thought, he believed it was his passion towards his respective commitments (in the class, on the sports field, in the swimming pool etc.) and the discipline (although this w as difficult for learners at times) he brought. He also let the Circum journalists in on a little secret: He aspires to write a book about discipline in broad after retirement, which he hopes will make a difference and that learners will one day remember that. He also thinks that making a spiritual impact and teachers leading by example is of utter importance. One thing that really stood out is the little anecdote that he shared: “One day I met an old scholar and I said to her it’s so nice that we teachers also have a little impact on your lives and she answered: no sir, you guys have a huge impact on our lives!” Some of the learners also know Mr Frölich as their hockey coach, but how he came to this is actually interesting. In Namibia he was a national soccer coach as well as the South West Africa team’s coach. Upon arrival in the Cape, he was manager for the soccer team of Western Province. The following was quite humorous... The principal of Durbanville High at that time knew that Mr Frölich could coach soccer, and accepted that he could coach hockey as

well and having no hockey experience he was given the school’s first team. Through disciplined hard work he wasn’t so unsuccessful and later on ended up coaching some of the Worcester Gymnasium learners. But his great passion has always been water sports, specifically swimming as some of you would know. He was a swimmer at school as well. He also added with great excitement that he is more than willing to still continue coaching the school’s swimming team. On cultural level he mentioned that he had sung in a few art choirs and also acted in two plays in Windhoek as part of an amateur theatre group and as some of the actors of Worcester Gymnasium would know he was also very actively involved with the drama. What some of you wouldn’t know is that Mr Frölich was one of the forefathers of the Montagu Youth Arts Festival that is still going strong today. He also has many planned endeavours that he would like to pursue after retirement e.g. counselling at school, getting involved with the Western Cape Education Department’s water safe programme and, the following speaks to his character, he would like to contribute to less privileged schools to help them upgrade their level of education.

Then the final emotional question: What would Mr Frölich miss most about teaching and especially Worcester Gymnasium? He answered that he would miss the personal contact he had with the children in his classroom, the tremendous level of spirit that the school upholds and the school’s unity in diversity, but not only unity in diversity, also unity in adversity. He will also miss “School in Union” (he adds with a smile). Mr Frölich has not only made a tremendous impact on the sports field, in the classroom or in the swimming pool, but also in the lives of the learners. His great contributions will always be remembered and although he has now successfully completed his long hike, his footprints will remain forever.

By Mikyall Harris

Paul Revere may or may not have shouted the iconic warning, “The British are coming!” but the fact remains that someone hollered it and created a world-famous exclamation. But here in Worcester Gymnasium, we don’t care if the British are coming. Unless we’re on the first team hockey and they’re staying at our house. And, sadly, most of us are not.

First of all, let’s start with how NOT to cheat. We asked some teachers for the most common methods they’ve seen used (and thus the ones they are expecting) , and this is what we got. Don’t use plain old crib notes. The whole “ohlook-I-n ever-n oticed-my-hand -had-scienceformulas-on-it” trick isn’t going to work anymore.

So, how does this phrase affect us?

Don’t try to look on other people’s desks. It’s really obvious when you’re craning your neck and tilting your head slightly that it isn’t some new type of yoga stretch.

It’s quite simple really. Any famous phrase can be tweaked slightly to match our situations and still be recognisably famous.

Don’t help the other grades in their tests when they start writing before you. Really. One day you aren’t going to be there, and what’ll they do then?

So, I shall now borrow from my American friend and call out a warning to you…

Now you know the don’ts…but what about the dos? What’s a method creative and clever enough to fool even the teachers?

“The Exams are coming!” It’s a phrase we can all associate with, and a phrase we all dread. The teachers remind us on countless occasions of what is to come, and if they miss a day, our parents will be sure to fill the gap. We learners all react the same way…sighing begrudgingly while dragging our books out of our bags, we try to cram our brains full of potentially useful information.

We dig deep. We push through. And when it’s all over, we celebrate our successes. Of course, there are those who decide to take the low-andeasy road. They don’t put in the effort they should have or could have, and when the time of trial comes, they cheat. It’s not an uncommon thing. Many people have tried – and many people have failed. So we have decided to help them out. Because seriously, if you look at some of their methods, they need all the help they can get.

To figure this out, we asked the most creative and clever minds in our school. We asked the top achievers of every grade: if they HAD to cheat, how would they? So here you have it, right out the mouths of the experts. (The experts at the school thing, not at cheating, just by the way.)




I would probably write little notes and put them on the inside of my pen, or I would put them in the inside of a stapler (where the staples go).

IAN STEYN: I would put a couple of crib notes on top of my books in my bag and zip it closed. Then, during the test, I would ask the teacher if I could get a ruler from my bag. Then I’d take a peek at my notes while taking out my ruler.

But I would also have a backup plan, just in case the teacher watched me to make sure I don’t, er...cheat. I would write some tiny, last ditch effort notes on the inside of my calculator lid and pencil case. The bag would be better though, because I could fit more notes in there.

KRISI VAN D JYK: Ek sal notas op my enkel skryf onder my sokkie. Tydens die toets, sal ek maak asof my enkel of been jeuk en dan na my notas loer onder my sokkie.

EDUARD KLÜSMANN : Ons skoolbanke is baie gekrap. So dan skryf jy al die inligting wat jy gaan nodig hê voor die tyd op jou bank. Daar is nie ‘n manier dat die onderwysers dit gaan oplet as jy dit met die ander krapmerke laat “inblend” nie. Dan kan jy net op jou bank afkyk terwyl jy skryf.

Jy kan ook crib notes op jou skryfbehoeftes skryf en van dit afkyk.

LEANDRIE DU TOIT: Ek sou notas op my vingernaels skryf (as ek baie klein kan skryf), of ek sou op ‘n liniaal my notas plak. As jy een van daai kortes het met die gleufie in kan jy die papiere daarin plak. As jy jou liniaal plat neersit sal niemand weet dat daar notas daaronder is nie.

HANS KLÜSMANN : Die vorige eksamenvraestel vra jy vir ‘n rofwerkbladsy en jy laat die onderwyser dit teken. Maar jy los dit skoon. Dan vat jy dit huis toe en skryf die opskrif en alles soos wat jy ‘n vraestel sou beantwoord. Maar in plaas van om die vrae te skryf, skryf jy feite wat jy moontlik gaan nodig hê. Die volgende dag gaan jy die rowwerk bladsy saam met jou vat - en dit is geteken deur ‘n onderwyser, so dan kan jy al die antwoorde afskryf.

JACOM I BRYTENBACH: You can take a bottle (one of those cooldrink bottles with the labels) and get rid of the little writing on the label. Then you replace the words on the bottle with notes (also typed very small). When you pretend you’re drinking your water, you check your notes, or you pretend to be thinking and studying your bottle, while you’re actually cheating.

You’ve heard it from the most creative minds in the school – and now you know exactly how to cheat! Psych! Sadly for you, all these extremely undetectable and intelligent methods are now exposed for the entire world (and teaching staff) to see. So good luck trying to get away with them now! And if you plan on cheating in the first place, maybe you could be focussing your mind on something other than a new creative way to cheat?

By Simone Botha Photos:: Jana Matthee

New Arrivals! In the near future, two families at Bosvarkpark are expecting a little bundle of joy. Emily Hill says, “Parenting is as crazy as circumnavigating the world without a map…but, oh, what a journey!” The Circum thought it best to ask the expecting parents a few questions to get to know a bit more about them and this crazy journey they are about to begin.

So, are you hoping for a girl?

The first parents were Mr and Mrs du Toit – both in our school, so both Mom and Dad could give an opinion.

Mr du Toit: Life insurance! (Mrs du Toit laughs)

Mr du Toit: For a healthy baby. Doesn’t matter to me, as long as the baby is healthy, I’m fine. What have you bought anything or prepared for the baby already?

Mrs du toit: I think because it’s the second one, we are already in a way settled so-

As they’re expecting their second child soon, the interviewer decid ed to start off by asking them what they’ve learned so far that has surprised them about becoming a parent. Mr du Toit: The amount of poop that can be in a baby that is expell ed at once. Seeing the amused and confused look on the interviewer’s face, he remarked: Yes, you will be amazed (he chuckles). Also, what surprised me is the little amount of sleep you can get by with. Mrs du Toit: I’ve seen a side of Mr du Toit that I never knew about. The way he acts, sings, dances and goes down to her (Lee-La, their first child) level to entertain her – that’s something I never thought would happen. (Go ahead and aww.) Speaking of Lee-La, their daughter, the interviewer wanted to find out if they know the baby’s sex yet. Mr du Toit: 90% sure it’s a girl. Mrs du Toit: (nods in agreement) We’ll know on Monday.

And the suspense continues…

Mr du Toit: Nothing new that’s been bought... YET. Mrs du Toit: We’ve got some gifts for her, but nothing else really. It feels bad now, because for the first one by this time we were sorted and we had already taken many photos (of the baby bump) andMr du Toit: Yeah, this one’s going to sleep with the dog. Interviewer: My mom has also told me this. With the first one you’re careful, gentle, you watch what you eat and Mr du Toit: Yes! Mrs du Toit: Now I eat whatever I want. With the first one I was very strict. With next four questions, they just had to answer with “MOM!” or “DAD!”

Better lullaby singer? Mr du Toit says, “Mom,” and Mrs du Toit beams. Who’s more likely to check up on the baby constantly whether calling the babysitter, phoning the crèche etc.? Mr du Toit says, “Mrs du Toit.” Takes too many photos? Both: Mom.

Who’s the firmer one, who is less likely to relent and say “yes” at the last minute? Mr du Toit: Yes, that’s right (he says pointing at himself, proud that he finally won a category.) The last question was for them to give advice to Mr van Niekerk, one of the Gimmie teachers, who is soon going to have his first child.

equipment in preparation before she became pregnant already. They also painted the room, have a pram, changing area and are picking up a cot soon. (Prepared!) What’s your action plan on balancing being a dad and a teacher and are you nervous?

Mrs du Toit: Take lots of videos and lots of photos because time flies.

Mr van Niekerk: No, I’ll do teaching on the side and do the dad thing full-time. Luckily for me, the things I’m involved in are things I get to do on my time, which means I get to spend a bit more time at home, working, but still at least at home. I’m going to be compiling the Circum with a little baby on my lap . If there’s one thing I’ll always remember from my parents’ marriage, it’s that family always comes first.

Mr du Toit: And sleep and hand sanitizer- a lot of hand sanitizer.

With next four questions, the answer just had to be “Mom” or “Dad”.

Mr du Toit: (without a second of hesitation) Sleep as much as you can, even if you’re not tired. Take a video of yourself sleeping so that you can say, “I did that once.” (Mrs du Toit can’t help but laugh), but it’s fine. After two and a half years, it gets better.

On that note, the interviewer trekked to the other side of the school to speak to Mr van Niekerk about this new journey of parenthood he is soon to embark on. Describe, besides feeling excited, how you felt the moment you found out your wife was expecting.

Mr van Niekerk: It’s not a very romantic tale of “it was unexpected”. It doesn’t quite sink in until time has passed. You’re like “Okay, cool. Wait, so what does this actually mean now?” It’s exciting on the one hand, but also scary. It’s something very cool that’s going to happen, but your whole life is going to change. Kids are terrifying things! Are you hoping for a girl or boy? Mr van Niekerk: We’re very different. I’m hoping for a boy and my wife is very much hoping for a girl. He also adds that they technically know the baby’s gender, but no luck! The readers aren’t going to find out just yet… so the interviewer reluctantly moved on to the next question

Better lullaby singer? (without a second’s hesitation) Dad! I’ll play guitar as well. Who’s more lik ely to constantly check up on the baby whether checking if the baby is sleeping or calling the grandma who’s babysitting? I think neither of us. Probably Mom. Who’ll take too many photos? Dad Who’s going to be the firmer one who’s less likely to relent and say yes? Probably Mom. We’re both kind of strict. If it was a girl, Dad would most definitely be the one saying “yes” all the time, but Dad will be the firmer one if it’s a boy. To end off on a positive note, the last question was: What is one thing you wish for your child? Mr van Niekerk: Kindness is much more important than anything else to me. So, as long as my child grows up to be a kind and considerate person, I’m happy. It would be nice if it’s a Springbok rugby player, but a kind Springbok rugby player.

Have you bought anything or prepared a room etc. for the baby already and what was it?

The Bosvarke wish Mr van Niekerk and his wife as well as Mr and Mrs du Toit a prosperous pregnancy and they’re certain that their teachers will be great parents. Good luck!

Mr van Niekerk: Yes, of course! My wife and I enjoy the DIY thing, so the room, which was a band room, is now going to be a baby room. We moved out all the

By Emily Voigt

What were they like? Ah, high school, a glorious place where one either finds oneself, or loses one’s mind. Either way, high school can be described as one of the most memorable times in your life.

One day when you all have aged, become bald and most probably turned into couch potatoes, you will look back on your high school years. You won’t remember the building itself, you won’t remember all the work you did and you most probably won’t remember those packets of Bigga they used to sell at the tuck shop. You will look back and you will remember the people. High school: noun, A place where completely different people come together and learn about things they won’t remember, for 5 years. We all know about the different types of students in our school - another thing that makes Worcester Gymnasium so special. But do we know about the different types of teachers? Those teachers that teach us while we sit in our desks, while we forget that they once also sat in desks just like we do. What were they like? Were they like us? Were they completely different people compared to today? Let’s time travel a few years back and find out.

STUDENT 1: Name: Nelmarie Delport. Place at school: Depends on mood. Classification: Rebel. Words often heard: We knew you were involved, we just don’t know how to prove it.

If you’re the type of student student that likes to test the rules of the school, while being able to still do well in academics, you would’ve probably been friends with Miss Delport.

Miss Delport can be described as the type of student who bunked class or broke the rules, just to show that she can do it as well. Her friends were the naughty kids in school, just like her. Don’t be mistaken, this student may have been a rebel, but she still managed to do her homework and do well in school, seeing that she liked to work hard - therefore Miss Delport compares herself to Elmary Witbooi, for they both have these qualities. Mischievous with ambition, Miss Delport certainly knew how to make high school a time to remember.



Name: Liesbet Maritz. Place in school: In class, always. Classification: Pliggie Words often heard: Job well done!

Name: André Gie. Place in school: The sport field. C l as s if ica ti on : Jock. W o r ds o ft e n heard: “Buk”

We all know those students who always do their homework, always get As in everything and whose CVs will be longer than all of ours put together. Mrs Maritz w as one of those students. Mrs Maritz could either be found in class, on the grass eating her healthy sandwiches or somewhere where she’s excelling in life. Either way, she would never be caught breaking the rules or doing something she’s not supposed to do. Ah, the perfect student. Not only did she receive As straight through High School, but she also took part in several activities, such as: RCL Junior Town Council Debate club Drama inside and outside of school Ballet Mrs Maritz was an admin prefect and the naughtiest thing she did throughout her high school career was not going to Technology by pretending she had to do “printing work”. This might not seem like a big deal, but for Mrs Maritz, it was an adrenaline rush of a lifetime! Because of her outstanding academic qualities and always being able to follow the rules, Mrs Maritz compares herself to Ruth Pretorius. She would’ve said Suané Smit, but changed her mind after realising that she wasn’t that athletic. Mrs Maritz can be described as the perfect student who still managed to enjoy high school, all while staying within the rules and limits of the school.

A thletic, funny, popular and knows how to take a beating… As this description is used to describe almost every guy in a teen RomCom movie, it can be used to describe Mr Gie. Mr Gie describes himself as a normal teenage boy who loved to compete, especially in rugby and swimming. He was chosen as a member of the school’s RCL, even though he got a beating every now and then. Mr Gie compares himself to Dirk Hofmeyr, for their similar qualities. According to Mr Gie, he was quite lazy to study and do homework, but still managed to pass high school. I asked Mr Gie which moment in class he could remember and he told me about how he mocked his science teacher in front of the class while, without him knowing, the teacher was standing right behind him. “My gat het gebrand van die skool tot by die huis,” Mr Gie told me, laughing.

Mr Gie is a teacher who the entire school looks up to. He is also a teacher with whom you don’t want to mess. Who knew that the student who received the most beatings, will turn into a teacher who gives the beatings? What goes around comes around.

High school is a time where you’re still finding yourself and discovering who you are meant to be. Whether you’re a Rebel, a Pliggie, a Jock or anything else for that matter, the most important thing to do during your high school career, is to stay true to who you are.

- Karla de Bod

You may feel that the highlight of 2017 was when the Hollywood sign was changed to “Hollyweed” on the 1st of January, and then everything went downhill from there. Natural disasters, political fiascos, dramas and traumas and widespread chaos dominated the front pages. From hurricanes to Donald Trump - this year seemed to get progressively worse as it wore on. Of course, there were specks of light that shone through. And blinding sunrays could be found at Worcester Gymnasium of course. January 2017 ISIS claimed responsibility for the deadly attack at a nightclub in Istanbul which left 39 dead and dozens wounded.

Thankfully, things at Worcester Gym didn’t look so grim. Our annual colour athletics was a huge success. The season definitely started off with a bang. Our athletes began training for the upcoming events, where a lot of them would reach towering heights.

February 2017 Th e isolated, nu clear-capable country, North Korea, prompts international condemnation by test firing an intercontinental, ballistic missile across the Sea of Japan. Yikes! The public’s consensus: panic! The Valentine’s Ball took place in

February. Almal was meegevoer deur die versierings en algehele gevoel van verliefdheid in die lug! There’s nothing like dancing the misery away!

Maart 2017 No, not everything was doom-and-gloom! A team of scientists announced that they had found exceptionally old microfossils in Hudson Bay, in Quebec, Canada. These microfossils are almost 4.3 billion years old, making them perhaps the oldest living things uncovered so far! Most scientists agree on the age of Earth as a little under 4.6 billion years, meaning that life might have been around since almost the beginning. Ons hokkiebokkies toer na Nederland! 5 wedstryde is gespeel en drie klinieke is bygewoon. Hulle besoek Haarlem, Lisse, Dordrecht, Amsterdam en Utrecht. A lot of new skills were acquired and everyone had a lot of fun!

April 2017 On the 7th of April 2017, U.S. President Donald Trump orders a strike against a Syrian airfield. The U.S. military launches 60 Tomahawk missiles at the Ash Sha'irat airbase. Die winterseisoen het begin! Die opgewondenheid was tasbaar. Almal was reg om hul beste te gee by die komende sportdae.

Mei 2017 On May 22, terrorists target an Ariana Grande concert in Manchester, England. Die laaste Derby het p la a s g evin d ! Di e spelers het hul harte uitgespeel en dit was ‘n Classic Clashes wat vir altyd onthou sal word. Die rugby mag dalk klei getrap het, maar al die ander eerstespanne stuur die Donkies met ‘n bloedneus huistoe.

June 2017 AGAIN: not everything was bad. Same sex marriage was legalised in Germany!

This time, things didn’t look too great at Gym… Yes, it was time to start prepping for the June exams. But everything turned out alright! Die leerders het fantasties presteer: Grade 12 - Jacomi Breytenbach - 92,9% Grade 11 - Hans Klusmann - 94,3% Grade 10 - Leandrie du Toit - 92,7% Grade 9 - Eduard Klusmann - 95,4% Grade 8 - Nadia Jansen van Vuuren 93,5%

July 2017 Flooding in South China displaced hundreds of thousands. Back home Gimmies experienced a particularly dry winter holiday, resting and recuperating for term 3.

August 2017 Trump threatens people (again). On the 8th of August, in response to threats made against Guam by the DPRK, President Trump tells the world that North Korea will face "fire and fury like the world has never seen" if their provocations continue.

‘n Paar dramatiese Gimmies vertrek na Fraserburg om deel te neem aan die alombekende toneelfees wat elke jaar daar gehou word. Die drie toneelstukke vaar uitstekend en ontvang onderskeidelik dubbelgoud, goud en silwer.

S e pt e m b er 2017 Hurricane Irma first reached Category 2 as it approached the Leeward Islands. Th e hurricane also became the greatest Atlantic hurricane to pass beyond the Caribbean. The storm caused widespread devastation across several Caribbean countries, prompting housing crises and food shortages. Irma made landfall in Florida, where several million lost power. Die toetsreeks begin in Bosvarkland! Die matrieks kom al hoe nader aan die eindstreep.

Oktober 2017 On the night of October 1, 2017, a gunman opened fire on a crowd of concertgoers at the Route 91 Harvest music festival on the Las Vegas Strip in Nevada, leaving 58 people dead and 546 injured. Die Prysuitdeling vier ons leerders se suksesse!  Mees veelsydige sportman en –vrou van 2017: Lundi Msenge & Natalie van der Vyver  Sportvrou en –man van 2017: Rogail Joseph en Jean Niemand  Dux Leerder 2017 Jacomi Breytenbach

2017 surely had its ups and downs, but, boy, was it one crazy year!

By Bianca du Plessis

December holidays can only mean 3 things: Heat, Friends and Christmas! Let’s just be honest with each other and say that, in this scorching heat, no one, and I mean NO ONE, is willing to stand in a kitchen preparing food for longer than an hour. But as always, your girl Bee has got you sorted with the quickest, most delicious recipes that will even impress your picky Aunt Mabel!


50g Strawberries

2 scoops strawberry icecream

75ml Milk

Handful of ice cubes

1Tsp Vanilla essence


Blend ice-cream, milk, ice cubes and vanilla essence together.


Add strawberries and blend again!


Stir well and enjoy!





Pizza sauce or tomato sauce

Butter for greasing


Preheat oven to 190°


Cut the wraps into circles big enough to fit into muffin trays


Grease the muffin trays with

butter to avoid sticking 4.

Place the circles in the muffin trays and cover with the pizza sauce


Sprinkle with cheese


Top with Salami pieces


Bake in the minutes

oven for 10

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