KWARTAAL 2, 2016
So, dis die eerste keer dat jy stem?
Make-up & hair tutorials
ons resenseer die nuwe voorgeskrewe boeke Kwartaal2
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Derby geesvang 5 Tellings 7 Classic Clashes-verslag 7 Foto-blaaie 9-14
GIMMIES GEE OM Multicultural Week 15 Elections 19 Write for Rights 21
JTC 23 Landsdiens 41 Earthclub 42
SPORT Golf 28 Hockey 29
Techno page
Netbal 30
Virtuele Realiteit
Fun Facts 25
Conspiracies 26
Die lewe na matriek 49
Nuwe voorgeskrewe boeke 43 Memes 45
Skoonheid Make-up & hair 33
MUSICAL Behind the scenes 31
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ditor’s letter T
here's something funny about challenges. They always appear to be insatiable dragons wanting to devour you, but you somehow survive and in the end, you find yourself licking your lips as if you're the one who's just relished in the most delicious meal. It feels like just yesterday that I wrote the editor’s letter for the very first time, when in actual fact, it was a year ago. I clearly remember the indistinguishable mixture of nervousness and excitement that churned in my stomach as I responded to the unexpected knock on the door. It was the visitor who had brought along the editor's chair - something that seemed very much like an insatiable dragon to me at that time. However, looking back at that moment now fills me with an incredible feeling of joy, fulfilment and appreciation. I knew that I was about to step out of my comfort zone (quite a daunting step, I'll admit), but I was not in the slightest aware of the thrilling adventure that I was about to embark on. I feel fulfilled because just as the Circum has been breaking new ground, so have I been able to use the opportunity to explore and develop another aspect of myself. I appreciate everything that I learnt on my journey with the Circum. These are the kind of tools you'll carry with you at all times, because there's no doubt that they will come in handy wherever you go in life. To be honest, I might not miss all the responsibility, but having grown so accustomed to the comfort of that chair, it actually feels somewhat odd to now be handing over to your new Circum editor, Jacomi Breytenbach, as well as new sub-editor, Emily Voigt. Rest assured, dear readers - I can vouch that I am handing over into some very safe and capable hands, so watch this space! I hope that you have been awaiting this term's edition as eagerly as you have the others because, along with our team of journalists and photographers, we've put together something that will more than satisfy your
hunger for a brilliant read. From sport, culture and community to entertainment, the musical and loads of photos, we have all your favourites covered. To Miss Le Roux: without your immeasurable input in the Circum, the unattractive pile of scrambled articles and photos would not have made it to where it is now. I cannot thank you enough for your supportive mentorship and tireless enthusiasm, without which I would have found myself desperately counting the days until I hand over to Jacomi. Thank you to both of you for making what would otherwise have been another job on the list, a truly fun experience. Any last tips for the new member at Circum headquarters? Whenever you're looking for that "best spot" in the house, try to get to that chair, the "editor's chair", before anyone else does. I know, it may not seem all too inviting, at first sight (it may even trigger some nervous little butterflies), but I can testify that it is the most comfy spot from which to enjoy a good few reads and pen away to your heart's content. Like all good things, my spectacular journey with the Circum has come to an end and it is one that I wouldn't trade for anything in the world. Before you know it, yours will end too, Jacomi. So get ready to savour every single moment of the amazing adventure that awaits you!
One love, Gim love Deevya
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erby week is altyd ‘n opwindende tyd van die jaar in Worcester Gimnasium. Die jolige atmosfeer wat die groot dag voorafgaan is ’n jaarlikse hoogtepunt vir elke leerder en word vermenigvuldig deur die reeks prettige aktiwiteite wat die leerderraad reël. Op Dinsdag, 3 Mei, het Derby-week afgeskop met ons tradisionele Derby-speletjie, “Pin the tail on the Donkey". Woensdag was dit die hoogsverwagte veiling van eerstespanspelers. Die rande en hande het sommer gou-gou gewaai om te bie. Ons entoesiastiese afslaer, Janco, het die energie hoog gehou soos speler na speler ewe gedwee na vore getree het onder luide toejuiging van die skare. Sommige klasgroepe het geld saamgegooi om ‘n ordentlike aanbod op hul klasmaats te maak. Onder die eerstespanspelers op wie daar gebie kon word, was Rivaldo Morgan, Marlon Abrahams, Chinell Ferreira, Cerét Goosen en Hans Klüsmann. Na die veiling het die leerderraad musiek gespeel en in ware Gimmie gees is ‘n paar dansgevegte tussen die leerders uit gevoer. Donderdag was dit almal se gunsteling aktiwiteit karaoke. Dit was soveel pret! Die hele skool het in die
nuwesaal bymekaar gekom en soos ‘n regte Bosvarkfamilie saamgekuier, gelag en mekaar aangemoedig terwyl daar gesing en gedans is. Hollywood moet pasop, want hier in Worcester Gimnasium is daar definitief ‘n paar sterre wat vir Shawn Mendes, Nicki Minaj en Fetty Wap in die stof sal laat. Op aandrang van die leerders het Juffrou Keet amper die verhoog gehaal, maar ongelukkig vir ons, en gelukkig vir haar, het die klok gelui net voordat sy vir ons daardie stem kon wys. Vrydag is drie gelukkige leerders se name getrek wat hulle die kans gegee het om al hul frustrasies uit te slaan op die piñata wat by die gr. 11-boom gehang het. Aan die einde van die dag is almal na die Nuwe Saal toe vir die Big Brag wat die gees só op dreef gekry het dat die middag se netbal- en skaakwedstryde by Drostdy deur ’n groot skare Gimmies ondersteun is. Hierdie gees het natuurlik net so onverhinderd oorgespoel na Saterdag, die groot dag van die FNB Classic Clash. Die leerderaad het hulle beslis goed van hul taak gekwyt hierdie jaar. Geluk met ‘n fantastiese geesvangweek!
Ultimate favourite moment The hilarious Derby week video, uploaded onto the Worcester Gimnasium YouTube Channel
“So I h do s Nel’s c here
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have to stay in at break to some ‘strafwerk’ in Miss class and then I come out e to witness modern day slavery…”
rheard at the first team auction.
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Derby tellingbord Netbal Hokkie seuns o.19A wen 23-11 o.19B (vs. o.18C) wen 20-3 o.17A (vs o.18B) wen 16-13 0.17B (vs o.18D) wen 20-6 o.16 A wen 25-13 o.16B wen 18-6 o.15A wen 29-2 o.15B verloor 15-17 o.14A wen 11-10 o.14B wen 17-9
o.18A wen 3-0 o.16A wen 5-0 o.16B wen 4-0 o.14A wen 3-0
Hokkie meisies o.18A wen 8-0 o.16A wen 2-0 o.16B wen 4-1 o14A gelykop 0-0
Rugby Skaak o.14A 21-24 o.15A 12-48 o.15B 0-22 o.16A 0-36 o.19C 12-17 o.19B 17-36 o.19A 8-13
WG wen 6 - 4
en toe draf die manne op... Voor die jaarlikse Classic Clashes o.19 Arugbywedstryd het ‘n merkwaardige hoendervleisatmosfeer oor Trappespark, Drostdy se rugbytuiste, geheers. Van die spelers wat binnekort sou opdraf om hulle skole te verteenwoordig in hierdie klimaktiese wedstryd, tot elke lid van die skare – Bosvark of Donkie – was almal vol afwagting. ‘n Mengsel bekommerde en opgewonde gesigte van leerders, oudleerders, onderwysers en ouers was te sien langs die stampvol veld. Die pom pom-meisies en krete wat die wedstryd voorafgegaan het, het tot hierdie atmosfeer bygedra soos die leerders hul harte uitgesing het om hul spanne aan te moedig. Om 13:00 het die manne uitgedraf tussen tonnels hoërskoolleerders wat elk net hul gunsteling speler wou aanraak.Toe begin die ware stryd. Die eerste helfte was ‘n tawwe stryd en Drosty het die veld gedomineer. Die eerste drie is deur BronLee (Drostdy) gedruk gevolg deur ‘n suksesvolle oor-
deur Reini Scheepers
skop deur Dimitri. Die Bosvarke het goeie verdediging en tegniek getoon en ongelukkig uitgemis op ‘n strafskop en ‘n drie wat nie verdoel is nie. Gevolglik het die Donkies die eerste helfte met goeie spel oorheers met ‘n telling van 10-0. Gedurende die tweede helfte was die Bosvarke gereed om skadebeheer te doen met meer agressiewe spel en hul eerste drie is deur Charl Schoeman (WG) gedruk gevolg deur ‘n suksesvolle oorskop deur Gurshwin Wehr. Na ‘n oortreding van die Bosvarke was die Donkies ‘n strafskop toegeken en Drostdy het oorgeskop wat hul telling tot 13-8 gebring het. Die eindfluitjie is geblaas met die telling steeds 13-8 vir Drostdy. Al het Drosty die wedstryd gewen het beide skole weggestap as wenners deur hul goeie houding en sportmanskap wat deur almal teenwoordig waargeneem is. Ons is trots op julle, manne. Geluk aan Charl Schoeman wat in die Cravenweekspan opgeneem en boonop as kaptein van hierdie span aangewys is.
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Chess captain, Jacques Morkel, minutes after WG’s chess team was victorious. a Drostdy mule, eating away, unaware that its team is struggling.
the big brag got everyone ready and rearing for the afternoon’s netball and chess matches and the Saturday’s hockey and rugby.
What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us. Ralph Waldo Emmerson
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s daar een ding is waarvan Gimmies baie weet, is dit om verskille te aanvaar en te vier. Hierom hou WG hou jaarliks 'n multikulturele dag sodat die diversiteit waaraan ons almal daagliks deel het, gevier kan word. Hierdie jaar, het daar 'n paar goed bygekom en multikulturele dag het dus na multikulturele week verander. Ter viering hierdie week, was daar gesigte geverf asook Afrika-balkies tydens pouses verkoop. Dít was net die vonke wat die vuur van opwinding laat vlam vat het. Op Vrydag, 27 Mei, is die jaarlikse multikulturele vertoning in die saal gehou waar die volgende kultuurgroepe die kenmerkende dans en sang van hul kultuur tentoongestel het: Die wit leerders het soos gewoonlik gesokkie— of noem mens dit nou "langarm", "sakkie-sakkie", "kotteljons" of "waterpomp"? Hierdie dansdraaie op die verhoog, plus ‘n opvoerinkie van ‘n rugby wedstryd, was die afskop van die multikulturele vertoning. Volgende was die Koreaanse kultuur aan die beurt soos Anneline Kim almal verwonderd gelaat het met haar sang van die Koreaanse liedjie “I will draw the wind with my hand”. Hierdie liedjie gaan oor ons siening van die wêreld en die natuur en hoe ons dit ervaar. Die outydse lied is gesing in kleurvolle tradisionele klere wat almal betower het. Deevya Narotam, Farhanaaz Wehr,
Qaanita Neethling, Ragini Patel en Trisha Bhawan het ons hierna vermaak met ’n indrukwekkende Indiese dans wat stadig en grasieus begin het, maar vining die tempo opgetel het. Een ding wat altyd indrukwekkend is, is dit die pragtige bewegings en klere wat die Indiese kultuur verfraai. Die mengsel van hul moedertong in sang vorm en dans is iets besonders om te sien. Die coloureds, bekend vir hul briljante danspassies, het ons verwondering en 'n behoorlike applous van die gehoor uitgelok. Die Afrikane het ons toe verras met ‘n gedig oor die stryd van swart vroue, kragtig voorgedra deur matriekleerder Ashley Mudzingwa. Sy is gevolg deur tradisionele Afrika dans en sang. Met elke danser geklee in haar eie tradisionele klere, het hierdie groep beslis die oog gevang die oomblik toe hulle die verhoog opgedans gekom het. Die Afrikane het hul kultuurviering afgesluit met ‘n gumbootdans deur die seuns. Met die verskillende kultuurgroepe se opvoerings tot ‘n einde, het die talentvolle Britney Speelman, Qaanita Neethling en Amber Jonas ons harte geraak toe hulle Rihanna en Mikky Ekko se "Stay" gesing het. Die laaste item van die vertoning was die groepsang van “We are the World”, met Britney, Qaanita en Sanele Ntsomi as voorsangers en die res van die opvoerders wat saam-saam gewieg en gesing het. Die vertoning is afgesluit
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met School in Union wat deur trotse Gimmie stemme gesing is. Tog het die vieringe nie daar geëindig nie. Vrydagmiddag is daar vir die eerste keer in Gimmie geskiedenis ‘n opwindende kleurfees gehou. Die idee van ‘n kleurfees is afkomstig van die holi fees wat jaarliks met die koms van lente in Indië gehou word. Dit het as ‘n Hindoe geloofsviering ontstaan, maar dié kleurvolle poeiergeveg en die entoesiastiese gees waarin die ritueel uitgevoer word het soveel mense van regoor die wêreld en verskillende geloofsoortuigings gelok, dat soortgelyke feesvieringe deesdae deur duisende mense regoor die wêreld gehou word— soos by Worcester Gimnasium. Die punt van sekulêre holi-feeste is om die deel van liefde en medemenslikheid te vier. Dit is in hierdie gees dat ‘n kleurfees by Gim gehou is. Terwyl die luidsprekers musiek uitbasuin het, het die Gimmies hul poeierverfwapens gereed gehou. Die spanning was hoog terwyl elkeen stilletjies op 'n strategiese plek gaan staan het om vriende te teiken en toe die "beat drop” het kleurvolle wolke verf orals in die lug ontplof. Dit was verstommend dat, te midde van al die verf, die GoPros en kameras orals te sien was soos die Gimmies
hierdie besonderse oomblik wou vasvang. So, al het dit nie ’n baie positiewe reaksie by ouers uitgelok wat bont kinders in duur motors moes laai nie, het dit beslis uitstekende foto's gemaak! Tuis het die ware stryd eers begin— om die verf uit hare en klere te was was maar 'n lang en moeilike proses en menige Gimmies het daardie aand met kleurvolle skynsels om die etenstafel aangesit. Dit was egter die moeite werd. Hierdie Gimmies sal die herinneringe wat hulle saam met hul vriende gemaak het altyd koester. Eenheid behoort nie net op een dag per jaar gevier te word nie, maar elke dag, wanneer ons die mense rondom ons aanvaar en waardeer. Met Worcester Gimnasium se eenheid-in-diversiteit-motto, is dit presies wat die Gimmies doen. Dankie aan die leerderraad en in die besonder aan Kimber-Leigh Berry wat ons in hierdie week bewus gemaak het van ons verantwoordelikheid om aktief te werk aan die behoud en waardering van die talle kulture in ons land.
YOU have a voice
it Kwartaal2
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ÌMUNICIPAL¯ELECTIONSèÏ PETER MANEFELDT LOOKS INTO THE UPCOMING MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS, HOW THEY WORK, WHAT ROLE WE PLAY AND THE HONOUR AND RESPONSIBILITY OF BEING A YOUTH WITH IMMENSE VOTING POWER. Madiba’s legacy "protect democracy, protect the children, protect woman, protect minorities and protect what is just", has fallen on the shoulders of the youth. Yup, that’s you and me. With the youth (those under the age of 35) constituting more than 66% of the total South African citizenry (source: UNFPA SA), it is our votes which have the power to turn the political tide; our buying power which can change the market; our ideals and convictions which will steer the course of our country. And yet on Monday mornings during assembly we sing the national anthem like a zombie army, ignorant of the history which has made the singing of such an inclusive anthem possible and of the responsibility we carry in honouring that history by partaking meaningfully and thoughtfully in the democratic institution of voting. Dear millennials, our generation is what is known as the born-free generation—those born after South Africa’s first democratic elections in 1994. However, this flashy title comes with somewhat of a responsibility—something our generation generally seeks to avoid. The responsibility is to inform ourselves of political parties’ policies and behaviour and not let emotions cloud our political judgement. Only in this way will we be able to steer the country we will inevitably inherit. Contrary to popular belief, you can either vote by voting or by not voting. If you don’t vote, somebody else’s vote counts more, it's simple maths. No vote is as good as a vote for the party you didn’t want to have governing your town. Since there are considerably less people voting in our municipal elections compared to the national elections, your voice only competes with thousands, not millions, of voters. So your vote has much more power than it would’ve had in the national elections.
According to the IEC (Independent Electoral Commission) only 548 178 of eligible 18 and 19 year olds registered for the elections, leaving 1,5 million unregistered voters— this statistic includes many of our matrics and exBosvarke. These young peers have a total disinterest in voting, but show ample prowess in complaining about our municipalities, parliament and other institutions as seen in recent youth outbursts right around the country. Here is the first rule of general politics: if you don’t vote, you don’t get to complain. What millions of South Africans strove, struggled and sacrificed for, was for you to travel half a kilometre once every five years to make your voice heard in the administration of your town. Don’t like the state of things? Change it. Once every five years you vote for a party representative in one of the 21 wards in Worcester. The 21 representatives elected in the wards are then joined by 20 more candidates from the nominations by the political parties; this is done by allocating the number of seats in correlation to the percentage of votes gained by the political party. These 41 chosen ladies and gentleman represent your interests in the municipal council. These councillors ensure that our town receives important services including water, electricity and sanitation. Even though you can only vote once you’ve turned 18, you can already register yourself as a voter when you turn 16. The IEC continued registering voters for the municipal elections until Monday, 23 May 2016. The Independent Electoral Commission has an branch in Worcester open during office hours at their District Council Offices, 51 Riebeeck Street, Worcester. All that is required for registration is a South African Identity Document (ID). Remember, democracy thrives when every opinion, minority, political orientation and interest is represented. The Election date is set for the 3rd of August 2016. See you at the voting station.
“Your vote is your voice, use it wisely” Independent Electoral Commission
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and thousands of others the pain that no one should endure. Human rights belong to everyone and it is something everyone of us should cherish and protect.
very year Amnesty International has a Write for Rights campaign. This campaign identifies cases of human rights violations and encourages people, like you and me, to write a letter, tweet or Facebook post to put pressure on the authorities responsible for these human rights violations to address these cases and others like them. Just knowing that the international community is aware of their crimes often applies enough pressure on governments to change their policies. This year the Circum would like Worcester Gymnasium to join activists around the world to campaign for basic human rights. In the fourth term learners, parents and teachers are urged to take part in the Write for Rights campaign, to make the world a better place. The project will not be compulsory. Information relating to this project will be made available closer to the time - keep your eyes open for the third term’s Circum. You do not just assist the individual or group you write to support, but also prevent the reoccurrence of similar human right’s violations in the world at large. Securing the release of one wrongfully detained journalist protects the right to freedom of expression - democracy’s most important ally. Speaking out against torture could save you
The peace activist Dmitry Vorobyovsky was detained for unknown reasons on 6 May 2016 by personnel of the Voronezh Regional Neurological Dispensary in Russia. The personnel of this institution entered the home of his sister at 5 pm on 5 May under the pretence of working for the municipal gas company, and restrained Vorobyovsky before whisking him away to the Neurological Dispensary. Upon arrival at the mental hospital Vorobyovsky was placed in restraints and administered unknown injections and pills that the doctor was unwilling to disclose to him or his lawyers.
Vorobyovsky was detained here without cause or a court’s legal seal of approval up until his trail was granted on 12 May. Dmitry’s lawyers stated that they believed the Urgent Action (UA) campaign launched by Amnesty to appeal his case was crucial to his release.
MOSES AKATUGBA, SAVED FROM DEATH ROW IN NIGERIA Moses Akatugba was imprisoned for stealing 3 mobile phones at the age of 16 in 2005. He suffered several beatings and torture. In 2013 Akatugba was forced to sign two pre-written confessions linking him to armed robbery. The 2014 Write for Rights campaign saw more than 800 000 emails and letters aimed at the government of the Delta State in Nigeria. Due to these actions by the Amnesty International community Akatugba and three similar cases received a full pardon by Dr Emmanuel Uduaghan, the then presiding governor of the Delta State. After receiving the news of his pardon after 10 years of imprisonment, Akatugba said the following: “I am overwhelmed. ... Amnesty International members and activist are my heroes. I want to assure them, that this great effort ... will not be in vain ... by the special grace of God I will live up to their expectation. I Promise to be a Human Righta Activist, to fight for others.”
the intentional brutality of one of the policemen. Then he was tossed onto a nearby fire and left for dead. Later, assisted by dispersing protesters passing the fire, he was taken to a local hospital but could not tell the doctors what had happened as they had strict orders not to treat any protest related injuries. Letters of support to him has given him new hope and letters applying pressure to the Turkish government has initiated investigations into violence by police in the Gezi protests.
Please visit Amnesty International’s website or inform yourself by watching some of the many Amnesty International content uploaded to YouTube*.
“Whoever saves a life, it is considered as if he saved an entire world.” Talmud *Be aware that these may contain some graphic viewing material.
MINIBUS DRIVER, HAKANYAMAN, LEFT FOR DEAD ON THE STREETS OF ISTANBUL Hakan Yaman, a minibus driver, hurried home in an attempt to avoid the Gezi protests against Turkish Presdient Recep Tayyip Erdogan in early June 2013. Yaman had the bad luck of chancing upon a water canon armed by the Turkish police force. He was hit by a jet of water, followed by a teargas canister. While he wason the floor, 5 police officers beat him, breaking several bones in his skull, chin and jaw. He also lost an eye due to
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JTC Junior stadsraad
Die Junior Stadsraad is ‘n plaaslike vorm van regering wat uitsluitlik deur skoolkinders bestuur word. Elke jaar word twee graad 10’s uit elk van die 8 omliggende skole in Worcester gekies om hulle skool op die Junior Stadsraad te verteenwoordig. Op 19 Mei 2016 is die nuwe Junior Stadsraad (JTC) bekend gemaak en die twee graad 10leerders wat WG gaan verteenwoordig is: Shakirah Williams en Ruth Pretorius. Die seniorlede van die raad kan ook besluit of hulle wil aansoek doen om ‘n lid van die Uitvoerende Komitee te word. Hierdie komitee is in beheer van die hele Junior Stadsraad. Ons is vreeslik trots om aan te kondig dat Willa Mariè Roux tot junior stadsklerk verkies is en Ivana Ceasar tot junior burgemeester. Hier volg ‘n onderhoud met die huidige junior burgemeester, Mildri Ellmann, en Ivana.
Mildri Ellmann Wat is die JTC en wat doen julle? Die Junior Stadsraad is ‘n nie-winsgewende, jeugorganisasie. Die Worcesterskole wat daarby betrokke is is Worcester Gimnasium, Vusisizwe, Goudini, Esselenpark, Hoërskool Breërivier, Montana, Drostdy en WSS. Ons doen gemeenskapsdiens en probeer om die bande tussen skole te verbeter deur projekte te reël wat almal bymekaar bring.
Watter projekte het julle die afgelope jaar aangepak? Ons was by die DBV, het die ouetehuis besoek en uitgereik na die Nonna-plaasskooltjie buite Worcester. Dan het ons ‘n skoonmaakaksie gehad saam met die verskillende VRL’e van die betrokke skole, waar ons letterlik in die strate rondgeloop het en vullis opgetel het. Een van die projekte wat baie lekker was, was ‘n projek waar ons (in samewerking met die IEC) al die VRL’e van die
Jacomi Breytenbach het vir ons meer gaan uitvind oor die JTC, waarvan ons baie hoor, maar min van weet.
verskillende skole uitgenooi het en met hulle gepraat het oor leierskap, wat die stadsraad doen, ens. Ons het ook ‘n blikskud gehad waar ons geld ingesamel het vir Sean Kelly Sentrum. Laastens het ons ‘n “Blackbox”-dag gehad. Dit was ‘n groot rugbydag, waar mense van klomp verskillende rugby-klubs kom help het om die dag te reël en dit was ‘n reuse sukses.
Watter uitdagings het jou in jou termyn as burgemeester in die gesig gestaar? Krisisbestuur was een van die grootste uitdagings. Waar ek op nommer nege en neëntig dinge moes reël, mense moes bel om foute reg te stel en vinnig aan oplossings vir probleme moes dink. Daar is ook altyd die kwessie van mense wat afwesig was en dit was baie moeilik vir my om te hanteer, veral omdat ons almal nie in dieselfde skool is nie. Dit beteken dat jy nie altyd seker is of hulle geldige redes het en of hulle maar net probeer om die vergaderings vry te spring nie. Dit was ook ‘n uitdaging vir my om by ander mense se werksetiek aan te pas. Elke mens voer opdragte op verskillende maniere uit en dis nie noodwendig ‘n slegte ding nie. Al word die opdrag wel uitgevoer, is dit nie noodwendig op die manier wat jy ingedagte gehad het nie en jy moet dit kan aanvaar. Wat ek baie gedoen het, was om by elke persoon te gaan sit en dan vir hom/ haar mooi te verduidelik wat hulle opdrag is en hoe om dit uit te voer. Individuele aandag was die effektiefste.
Watter eienskappe moet jy hê om‘n lid van die JTC te wees? Wel, jy moet kan kommunikeer met mense van enige taal en kultuur, jy moet vir jouself kan opstaan, (m.a.w. jy moet jou sê kan sê) en jy moet genoeg selfvertroue hê. Jy moet definitief ‘n hart hê vir die gemeenskap, skole en mense. Jy het ook ‘n sekere mate van leierskap nodig,
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maar as jy ‘n goeie spreker is en genoeg selfvertroue het, sal jy steeds ‘n goeie lid wees. People skills is belangrik.
Watter vaardighede en lewenslesse het jy by die JTC geleer? Ek het definitief organisering en delegering geleer wat my êrens in my lewe gaan baat. Ek het my mensvaardighede verbeter en krisisbeheer aangeleer. Ek het ook geleer hoe om ten alle tye rustig te wees, ongeag hoe groot die kwessie is wat my in die gesig staar. Ek het ook geleer dat elkeen sy eie manier het van dinge doen en dat ek nie my manier op hulle kan afdwing nie. Ek het dus geleer om by hulle manier aan te pas. Ek het ook geleer dat dit nie saak maak watter ras, kultuur, geloof en taal ons is nie, almal wil iemand help en ‘n verskil maak en ons is tog almal dieselfde met dieselfde droom.
Watter raad het jy vir die nuwe JTC-lede? Bly altyd positief en toegewyd, selfs al voel jy party dae asof jy regtig nie meer kan nie. Moenie opgee nie, hou net aan! Sê jou sê, want as jy nie jou sê gaan sê nie, gaan niemand weet wat jy wou gesê het nie. Stel ander altyd bo jouself en wees altyd, altyd nederig. Moenie dink aan jou tyd wat jy moet opgee nie, doen dit net! Want die bietjie tyd wat jy opgee is genoeg om vir ander daai bietjie liefde te gee wat hulle nie gehad het nie. Geniet elke oomblik en moenie aan jouself twyfel nie. Jy is ‘n leier.
Sy was ‘n “go-getter” en het altyd geweet hoe om dinge te hanteer. Sy het nooit gestres nie en sy kon almal baie goed hanteer. Ek kyk regtig op na haar.
Hoe voel jy oor die lang pad wat vir jou voorlê? Sjoe, dit is nogals ‘n bielie van ‘n enetjie. Aan die een kant is ek ‘n bietjie op my senuwees, maar aan die ander kant is ek vreeslik opgewonde. Dis ‘n uitdaging, maar uitdagings is my middelnaam. Ek is steeds baie positief, veral omdat ek sulke positiewe raadslede aan my kant het. Daar is ook baie mense rondom my wat my gaan help en ondersteun op die pad vorentoe.
Hoe voel jy oor die nuwe raadslede? Ek is baie optimisties, want hulle het almal ‘n baie positiewe en entoesiatiese houding teenoor die termyn wat voorlê. Ek vertrou dat elkeen hulle samewerking gaan gee en dat ons as een span gaan saamwerk om hoër hoogtes te bereik!
Worcester Gimnasium wens albei van hierdie ongelooflike mense baie sterkte toe met al die uitdagings wat vir hulle voorlê. Hulle gaan definitief nog, om die wyse Ivana aan te haal, “hoë hoogtes bereik.”
U Ivana Ceasar
Wat wil jy alles tydens jou termyn bereik? Ek wil graag ‘n verskil in my mede-lede se lewens maak, asook in mense uit swak omstandighede se lewens, want dit is eintlik waarom ons op die JTC is. Dit is nie vir die status of die aansien of enige van daardie goed nie. My doel is om uit te reik na ander, om deel te word van hulle lewens en om almal se verskille te waardeer. Ek wil ook graag ‘n sterk band met my mede-lede bou.
Wat is die slagspreuk wat jou inspireer om ‘n leier te wees? “When life knocks you down, rather land on your back, because if you can look up you can get up.”
Wat het jy uit Mildri se termyn geleer? Mildri was baie georganiseerd. Sy het alles agtermekaar gehad en sy het presies geweet wat sy moet doen.
Circum │24
Funfacts BY
Ever wondered what the longest English word is? Or how many times you blink per year? Here are a few fun facts that might shock or startle you as you learn more about the fun, freaky world we live in. Tigers have striped skin, not just striped fur. There are more plastic flamingos in the USA than real ones. Lemons contain more sugar than strawberries. People of Greece are the largest cheese consumers worldwide. The average person from Greece consumes a whopping amount of about 27,3 kg of cheese every year. It takes 72 muscles to speak one word. A dairy cow will give about 200 000 glasses of milk in its lifetime. A dragonfly lives for only one day.
Scientists estimate that there are at least 15 million stars for each person on Earth. In the average lifetime, a person will breathe in nearly 20 kg of dust. You blink over 10 million times a year. 'Twinkle Twinkle Little Star’ was written by Mozart. Walt Disney, the man who created the famous Mickey Mouse, was afraid of mice. Cleopatra was Greek, not Egyptian. The story of Cinderella originated in China. Most lipsticks contain fish scales. The oldest word in the English language is "town". The dot of the letter “i” is called the tittle. The toughest tongue twister in the English language is: "sixth sick sheik's sixth sheep's sick". The average human dream lasts two to three seconds. Lack of sleep will kill a person faster than starvation will. During your life, you'll eat an average of 70 insects and 10 spiders while sleeping. Babies are born without kneecaps. Kneecaps don't appear until a child is two years old.
Circum │25
. Many people doubt that the famous poet and playwright, William Shakespeare, really wrote all of the works attributed to him. Some people even go as far as saying that he never existed in the first place. This theory started almost two centuries ago and evolved into a great, mysterious debate. It has been suggested that it is possible that the Shakespearean plays and poems were written by different people and just attributed to one person. The basis of the debate is that these plays contain too much specific information about a wide range of foreign places and about life at court to have been written by one, lowly man down in the social order of the times. Possible other authors of the plays include Christopher Marlowe, Sir Francis Bacon, William Stanley and Roger Manners. Recently a movie, Anonymous (2011), was made about the possible identity of so-called “Shakespeare”.
. On 22 November 1963, the popular 35th president of the United States, John F Kennedy, was shot dead in Dallas, Texas whilst sitting next to his wife, Jackie Kennedy, in the back of a Lincoln Continental convertible amidst a cheering crowd. At first, everyone believed it was Lee Harvey Oswald, a supposed madman, who carried out the assassination, but people quickly became sceptical: firstly, because Oswald was conveniently killed by Jack Ruby as he was being transported to prison; secondly, because it was said that a single bullet killed JFK and badly wounded a governor (which is a fantastical theory). Theories circulated that Oswald was a scapegoat to cover up the fact that the CIA had assassinated JFK or that Oswald was hired by Fidel Castro, the Columbian dictator and Cold War enemy of the USA. Other theories implicate everyone from the KGB (USSR secret police) to Jackie Kennedy (for JFK’s reputed infidelity). These theories are still circulating.
We ALL KNOW at least one. They make life a little more interesting, a little more mysterious. Yup, conspiracy theories, however bizarre are an interesting bunch of lies.. or are they real? Here’s our top 5 conspiracy picks.
by Ulrike Andrich
Circum │26
. On the 8th of March 2014, the Malaysian flight MH370 disappeared without a trace. Since family members calling the disappeared passengers' phones found the phones ringing, but on one answering, it was initially thought that the plane had been hijacked by terrorists. When no terrorist demands were made, organisations started searching for the disappeared plane on the surface of the ocean. Many people suggest that it crash-landed in the Southern Indian Ocean. However, despite extensive search operations, it has not been found. Conspiracy theories place the blame on North Korea or even Vladimir Putin for having the plane hijacked. Another bizarre theory is that it was abducted by an alien spacecraft and transported to the moon to be researched by extra-terrestrials or that the disappearance was all an elaborate life insurance scam. The cause of the plane crash remains unknown, but there are a few things that could have caused it: pilot error, hijacking, missile strike, a mechanical error or, more simply, bad weather. Since there is no indication as of yet of where the plane is, there is no way of knowing.
. The illuminati is believed to be a group of people more enlightened than everyone else, forming a so-called New World Order which secretly manages and controls world governments, finances and even religion. Memberships include various spheres of allegiance: celebrities, business magnates, political leaders, right down to some high school learners in Robertson. World dominion is assumed. Conspiracy theorists blame the Illuminati for everything from the Great Depression to the World Wars.
. On the 11th of September 2001, four planes were hijacked by al-Qaeda and crashed into the New York Twin Towers and the Pentagon, killing 2996 people in the process. This horrified the world, but whilst it seemed that the whole world was mourning, many conspiracy theorists were avidly trying to make sense out the strange occurrences of that day. How did the impact from two planes cause enough heat to melt the steel the Twin Towers were reinforced with? Or were bombs placed at strategic points in the Towers to cause them to collapse the way they did? Many suspect that the whole attack was an inside job executed by the Americans themselves, to cement their place as the global power and to serve as a reason for the USA to invade the Middle East—a geographical jewel in the USA’s ever glittering crown seeing as it is rich with oil reserves. It was even said that George W Bush was close friends with Osama Bin Laden. Hmmm...curiouser and curiouser...
Circum │27
What is the meaning of these conspiracy theories many people believe in? It basically comes down to whether we believe someone controls our universe or whether we believe our universe is out of control!
WG Golf Day by Robyn Viljoen
On Friday, 20 May 2016, several teams across the Boland took part in the Worcester Gymnasium Golf Day, the school's main golf event for this term. The golf day is held annually at the Worcester Golf Club to raise funds for Worcester Gymnasium in order to tackle new projects every year. It was a sunny day with not a breath of wind— perfect weather conditions for a great day of golf. There was a total of 24 teams, ready to tee off at 12 o’clock that afternoon. With a shot marking the start, the players got into stance and took their swings, excited for the next 18 holes. A number of learners and teachers took part and played for different teams including Nissan, GRW and team Worcester Gymnasium. The day was definitely a success. The school was able to raise funds and everyone enjoyed a fantastic day of fun. "We got to spend time with our team mates and were able to help and bond through a lovely day of golf," says one of Worcester Gymnasium's first team players, Frederich Conradie. With a marvellous prize giving, the day came to an end, leaving everyone with a gift in their hands and a smile on their face. Like once said: “Golf, you have to play to understand.”
Circum │28
As the first half of the hockey season comes to a close, Worcester Gymnasium can be proud of the immense successes that have been achieved. With highlights like the Derby, the umpiring exam and the Oudtshoorn tour, the first half of the 2016 hockey season was definitely an action-packed one. The season kicked-off with a sports tour to Oudtshoorn, where all the first teams participated in an annual sports tournament. After two days of tough hockey, the first team boys ended first out of 8 schools, winning all their games convincingly. The first team girls played constructive hockey, but were unable to score the necessary goals to put them higher up in the ranks. The girls were therefore placed fourth in the tournament. The Oudtshoorn tour was great preparation for the Derby that took place the following weekend. The Drostdy Derby never seems to lack action when it comes to hockey. Each year Worcester Gymnasium shows Drostdy who is boss, whether it is on astro or on grass. This year we had to adapt to the grass since many of our teams had practised on the astro. Naturally, Worcester Gymnasium was up for the challenge and won 7 of the 8 games, while drawing the eighth game. The first team girls had one of their best games of this half of the season, beating Drostdy 8 - 0. This year’s Derby was definitely successful (too say the least) for the hockey teams of Worcester Gymnasium.
HOCKEY Lynn Ceasar
A new, exciting opportunity at Worcester Gymnasium is the umpiring course and exam, allowing players and coaches to become qualified umpires. Around thirty students participated in this course, twelve being from Worcester Gymnasium and the rest from other schools like Charlie Hofmeyr, Drostdy and Montana. Seven of the participants from WG passed and will be graded in the next half of the season. This is definitely another aspect of our school's hockey that puts us a step above the rest. A huge congratulations to our fifteen boys and nine girls who made it into the Boland Shiraz team in their respective age groups. We are also excited that we have seven Boland IPT players this year. We are very proud of you! This is just another way that Worcester Gymnasium shows that its hockey teams and players are forces to be reckoned with.
Circum │29
netbal Bianca du Plessis
“Champions aren’t made in gyms. Champions are made from something they have deep inside them – a desire, a dream; a vision.” Muhammad Ali Dit is presies wat Worcester Gimnasium se netbalmeisies is - CHAMPIONS met ‘n dryf vir sukses! Hulle is gemotiveerd, vasbeslote en bereid om hard te werk. Die seisoen is skitterend afgeskop met baie oorwinnings en lesse wat geleer is tydens wedstryde. Oefeninge is trots bygewoon deur die spelers en afgerig deur aktiewe, entoesiastiese onnies. Almal het hulle kant gebring en dit het gelei tot menige prestasies. Twee-en-dertig van ons spelers het deurgedring by die Worcester Sone, 19 by WynlandNoord en 12 by Kaapse Wynland proewe. Die volgende 9 meisies het Boland-kleure ontvang by WesKaap streek 1: o/18: Joy Fortuin, Ilke Capes o/17: Natalie van der Vyver o/16: Ashleigh Mahoney o/15: Leandré Ketch, Margot Vlok o/14: Corné Havenga, Mari Pretorius, Arné Coetzee Van die bogenoemde spelers, het die volgende hul Wes-Kaap-kleure ontvang by Wes-Kaap streek 2: o/18: Joy Fortuin, Ilke Capes o/17: Natalie van der Vyver o/15: Leandré Ketch, Margot Vlok o/14: Corné Havenga, Mari Pretorius
Ons is baie trots op dié talentvolle en hardwerkende Gimmies! Die eerstespan het ongelooflike hoogtes bereik tydens die kwartaal met uitspattige oorwinnings teen uitdagende teenstanders. Die spelers sien uit na die res van die seisoen.
“Somewhere behind the player you’ve become and the hours of practice and the coaches who have pushed you is a little girl who fell in love with the game and never looked back. Play for her.” Mia Hamm
o what really happens at rehearsal? BY
“... After a while, you learn to ignore the names people call you and you just trust who you are.”
hrek is a movie well-known to all of us; a film which teaches us to look past our physical features at what is really important on the inside. All in all, it is a perfect example of the saying “don’t judge a book by its cover”. Since WG will be performing Shrek the Musical this year, and with many an afternoon, evening and weekend having been spent working on the many aspects which make a production like this possible, the Circum did some investigating to find out what is really going on during practices. Apart from strengthening relationships, the camaraderie of rehearsals and fostering new friendships, Luché, who plays Ogre Fiona, mentioned that this process has helped her gain a lot of confidence which is something that she’ll cherish forever. One sad thing for the rest of us who’ll have to queue to procure that all important ticket, is that, unlike at the end of a movie, we won't be able to see the bloopers after the credits roll. So the Circum also asked some characters what their fondest funny rehearsal memory is. Conrad (Lord Farquaard) said that he has to put camphor cream on his knees after every practice because of having to walk on his “stompies”. He also commented that Francois and he once stormed into the hall while
Conrad was on Francois’ back screaming, “WOOH, PLASTIC HORSE!” Aneeq (Pinocchio) said he really enjoys the dance practices, even though he sucks at dancing. “I will never forget the one time at practice when someone was being scolded and we all just heard 7de Laan’s theme song start playing. It was Luke’s cell phone ringing,” Aneeq told the Circum. Deva (Dragon) commented that one of her favourite rehearsal moments was when they practiced “Forever” in the school hall for the first time. Francois wasn’t there, so Cassiem started singing his part for him and next thing you know, Byron started singing alone, hitting the high notes like it was nothing. Byron? Donkey understudy? One thing that many of you probably don’t know, is that Janco, Luché, Charl and klein Dewald will have to wear a mask made out of clay. It is very difficult to make a mask that looks professional, where sound is able to be produced and facial expressions are still shown. After experimenting with different ideas (see “Make your own Batman Mask!” on YouTube), Mr Ellmann and the other staff members of the art school settled on the use of a new type of clay called crazy clay which they had especially made in large quantities by the art product manufacturing company, Dala. This clay seems to be the best choice since it isn’t all that expensive, can be modelled to fit the actors’ faces, can be painted (or airbrushed) and is lightweight - so poor Janco’s neck will be able to stand the strain. Ms Nel said, “Die hele proses klink na Grieks en eindelose moeite, maar ons het volle vertroue in ons kunsskoolkollegas wat altyd met iets na aan ‘n wonderwerk vorendag kom.” The Dragon, of which the face has started taking shape, has been occupying quite a bit of space in Mr Ellmann’s home. Made of a wire frame, paper and starch, the dragon’s head (about a square metre in size) still needs to be rounded off and painted, but it is looking fiery and feisty so far. Watch this space for updates on the making of the complicated props and décor. A lot of blood, sweat and tears are going into these practices and everything happening behind the scenes, but we know that in the end it will produce excellent results. The whole of Worcester is looking forward to the musical that will be performed in August at the Worcester Town Hall. Break a leg boys and girls! May this be UNFORGETTABLE.
Circum │31
Circum │32
Pearls y Curls Ombre LIPS
As the Matric Farewell of 2016 inches closer and closer by the night, not only does it start the bubbling excitement within each matriculant, but it also prepares to whiz the girls into a full-blown anxiety attack - be it because of the dress which is not the right colour, or the nails that don't match the shoes. Well, unfortunately, we can't help with that, but what we surely can help with is your hair and makeup! We've set up a hair and make-up tutorial as an option for you if you still don't know which way to go, or simply as an idea to boost your creativity for what you would like to do for the big day!
Moisturise lips
Line lips with a black lip liner pencil.
Apply red lipstick and blend with a lip brush. And you’re done, easy as that!
Circum │33
glittery eyeshadow
Prime your eyelid with eyelid primer.
Apply golden eyeshadow up to the crease of your eye.
Blend copper coloured eyeshadow into the crease of your eye.
Apply small amounts of black eyeshadow to the inner and outer edges of the lid.
Apply golden glitter to the lid.
Apply liquid eyeliner.
Finish off with mascara. Spray on fixing spray and you’re done!
U Kwartaal2
Circum │34
How to do an Up Do Start with untreated hair.
Braid both sides.
Fasten one side of your hair and straighten the other side.
Gently pull the braids to loosen them.
Take the braid on the right and pin it up.
Repeat step 2 with the other side.
Carefully cut away the top elastic.
Do the same on the other side.
Fasten both straightened sides with small elastics, leaving some hair down around the front to frame the face.
Spray the back of your hair with hairspray and gently pull the hair on your crown to create volume.
Tuck in the ends and pin.
Looking good
Use a hot curler to curl the front strands which you left out at step 4 and you’re done!
Circum │35
Die lewe na
Mildri Ellmann het namens die Circum onderhoude gevoer met ‘n paar van ons matrieks om uit te vind wat hulle planne is en wat hulle verwag van die lewe daar buite deur vir hulle die volgende vrae te vra:
Vrae Wat is jou grootste droom? Dink jy jy gaan volgende jaar al begin om jou droom ‘n werklikheid te maak en hoe gaan jy dit doen? Aan watter tersiêre instansie gaan jy jou studies voltooi? Wat is jou opinie oor hierdie instansie en hoekom het jy dit gekies? Gaan jy volgende jaar gaan werk? Waar? Wat, volgens jou, behels die lewe na matriek en volgende jaar? Waaroor is jy die meeste opgewonde van volgende jaar? Wat van volgende jaar dink jy gaan vir jou die uitdagendste wees? Dink jy jou tyd in Worcester Gimnasium gaan jou help in 2017 en hoekom? Wat wou jy nog altyd doen wat jy nie kon doen nie? Gaan jy dit volgende jaar doen?
Madré Visage 1. 2.
Om eendag op ‘n plaas te bly en ‘n veearts te wees. Ja, deur hard te leer en net my beste te gee. Ek gaan universiteit toe, maar gaan nie dadelik die kursus van my keuse swot nie. Ek gaan BSc Veekunde studeer wat my gaan toelaat om dalk later te kan aansoek doen vir Veeartsenykunde. 3. Universiteit van Stellenbosch. 4. Al is daar baie opstande/rusie oor taalbeleid voel ek steeds dit is ‘n goeie universiteit. My ma was ook daar, my suster is tans daar en my ouma het daar groot geword. 7. Nuwe vriende en defnitief my kursus, want ek hou daarvan. 8. Die baie werk en om alles klaar geleer te kry. 9. Ja, dit leer my hoe om onder druk te werk en om akademie en buitemuurse aktiwiteite te balanseer. Die diversiteit, multikulturialiteit en tweetaligheid gaan my ook ‘n baie groot hupstoot gee bo die ander leerders wat nie in ‘n skool soos Worcester Gimnasium was nie. 10. Ek wou nog altyd leer dans het. Ballroom dans. Ek gaan definitief volgende jaar probeer om dit te doen.
Nosipho Gxekwa 1. 2. 3. 4.
To become a prosecutor at the NPA. Yes, by going to study law for four years. Hopefully UCT or Stellenbosch. They’re very liberal and I’m also a very liberal minded person so they suit my personality and what I want to achieve. 6. It entails finding yourself firstly and finding what you want to be in life and what your goals and dreams are. 7. I’m excited for the fact that I will be able to make my own decisions. Independence. 8. The fact that I need to learn how to be independent. I won’t have my parents around all the time for support. 9. Definitely, because in Worcester Gymnasium you get to interact with so many personalities and backgrounds that it will be an easier transition for us to university. 10. I’ve always wanted to play the violin and I’m going to try to do that next year since time will hopefully allow me to.
Circum │36
Peter Manefeldt 1. 2.
Om eendag in die Europese parlement te sit. Die eerste stap, ja. Ek gaan begin met my loopbaan as politieke analis, hopelik deur met my politieke wetenskap studies te begin. 3. Freie Universitiät Berlin, Ludwig-Maximilian Universitiät, dus nie enige Suid-Afrikaanse instansie nie. 4. Dit is twee van die instansies wat die hoogste op die ranglys is vir daardie graadkursus in die wêreld en dit gaan my ook ‘n groter kans gee om by die Europese parlement in te kom as vanaf ‘n Suid-Afrikaanse universiteit. 6. Ek dink die lewe na matriek gaan baie harde werk wees, maar ek dink ook dat die onafhanklikheid en vryheid wat ons daardeur wen kompenseer daarvoor en dat dit alles die moeite werd is as jy doen wat jy wil doen. 7. Onafhanklikheid. 8. Die Duits. 9. Ek dink die dinge wat ons in Worcester Gimnasium geleer het die afgelope 5 jaar is goed wat ons vir die res van ons lewens by ons gaan dra en wat ons gaan help om ons karakter te bou. 10. Ek wou nog altyd leer Spaans praat.
Annemie du Plessis 1. 2. 3. 4.
Om ‘n skrywer te word Definitief. Ek gaan studeer en deeltyds werk by of ‘n boekwinkel of publiseerder. Ek gaan by CTI studeer en ek hou nog my opsies oop vir waar ek gaan werk. Die program wat hulle aanbied vir my kursus oorreed my dat dit is wat ek wil doen. Dit cover alles. 5. Dis ‘n mystery. 7. Definitief laat slaap. 8. Eksamen. 9. Ek dink dit gaan my help. Ek dink dit maak my sterk en baie van die onderwysers berei jou baie goed voor vir volgende jaar deur al hulle lewenslessies. 10. Ek wou nog altyd uiteindelik ‘n boek klaargeskryf het en ek gaan defnitief probeer om volgende jaar my laaste 7 hoofstukke klaar te maak.
Jo-Anine Schoeman 1. 2.
Om ‘n verpleegster te word. Ja, want ek gaan volgende jaar begin met ‘n internskap by Medi-Clinic waar jy leer hoe om ‘n verpleegster te wees deur te werk en te leer terselfdertyd. So jy hoef nie byvoorbeeld ‘n jaar of vyf te studeer nie, jy kry dadelik die nodige praktiese ondervinding. 6. Nuwe uitdagings, opwinding, ‘n lewe saam met nuwe mense en verder is dit ‘n mystery. 7. Om die sosiale deel van my te verander om nuwe mense te ontmoet en om my vermoë om met nuwe mense te praat te verbeter. 8. Om lang ure wakker te bly. 9. Ja, want dit leer jou om voor te berei vir take en baie beplanning. 10. Onafhanklik te wees van my ouers.
Hierdie is net ‘n paar van ons matrieks se planne vir volgende jaar. Almal met hulle eie drome, visie, doelwitte en uitkyk op die lewe. Alhoewel almal in verskillende rigtings gaan, bly ons wortels by Worcester Gimnasium. So, wat is jou planne?
Wat is jou grootste droom? Dink jy jy gaan volgende jaar al begin om jou droom ‘n werklikheid te maak en hoe gaan jy dit doen? Aan watter tersiêre instansie gaan jy jou studies voltooi? Wat is jou opinie oor hierdie instansie en hoekom het jy dit gekies? Gaan jy volgende jaar gaan werk? Waar? Wat, volgens jou, behels die lewe na matriek en volgende jaar? Waaroor is jy die meeste opgewonde van volgende jaar? Wat van volgende jaar dink jy gaan vir jou die uitdagendste wees? Dink jy jou tyd in Worcester Gimnasium gaan jou help in 2017 en hoekom? Wat wou jy nog altyd doen wat jy nie kon doen nie? Gaan jy dit volgende jaar doen?
One love, Gim love.
Circum │37
Kid, you’ll move mountains0
Circum │38
krywers hoekie DIE
Willa-Marié Roux Deur die eeue heen mense lief daarvoor om te spring. Van kleintyd af leer ons om van swaaie af te spring vir daardie een oomblik van gelukkige gewigsloosheid. Een oomblik van vryheid in die val voor jou voete hard die grond tref. Maar mense word vasgevang in daardie een oomblik van vlug en vergeet van die harde grond. Die oggendson streel oor sy hare terwyl ons op die stoep sit. Dit tref my weer hoe gelukkig ek is. 'n Alleenloper-vrou wat pas op 'n nuwe dorp aangekom het, ontmoet nie gewoonlik só vinnig haar droomman nie. Sy blonde hare hang deurmekaar en raakraak net aan sy breë skouers. Deur sy los hemp kan ek duidelik sy maer, gespierde lyf sien. Hy strek sy bruingebrande bene voor hom uit en sy intelligente ligte blou oë hou my dop met 'n intensiteit waaraan ek vinnig gewoond geraak het. 'n Glimlag speel-speel om sy lippe. Die koffie wat ek gemaak het staan vergete en raak koud terwyl ons praat. Ons is vasgevang in
tyd, twee kinders in grootmenslywe wat praat oor grootmensdinge soos die politiek en bedrog. Na 'n rukkie laat vaar ons die pretensie en draai die gesprek na sy sonnige kinderdae en my tienerjare, gevlek deur depressie. Die stoep kyk wit oor die see en ons word stil. Die branders roep my en die sout in my neus dryf alle ander gedates weg, Ek wonder hoe dit moet voel om vasgehou te word deur die see, soos Ingrid Jonker. Sal vrede my dan uiteindelik vind? Die gevoel van sy hand op myne bring my terug na my realiteit. Ons verhouding, ons oase. Die wrede wêreld omring ons, maar saam is ons sterk. Hierdie is die één verhouding wat nie kon skeefloop nie, die één verhouding waaroor ek nog altyd gedroom het. Teen die aand verdwyn die wolke en die sterre begin loer vanuit die hemeruim. Die maan met sy liefdevolle, rustige gesigsuitdrukking vertel vir ons stories oor lank vergete romanse. Ons sleep 'n matras uit tot op die stoep en daar, met hom in my arms en die see wat steeds in my ore fluister, raak ons aan die slaap. Maar die oomblik as die vryval verby is, oorrompel die aantrekkingskrag van die aarde jou. Die grond breek jou in stukke, stukke wat nie maklik weer aanmekaar geplak kan word nie.
Circum │39
Later het die dokters vir my vertel dat my "man" 'n mop was en ek, gebroke en verlore, is gestuur na 'n malhuis toe.
Annemie du Plessis Cursing. That's what woke me up just past midnight as thunder slammed against the earth like a whip, lighting up the town like a Christmas tree. I abruptly sat up, peering into the darkness, when his voice called out: "Come here, little dove." My heart was slamming against my chest. Instinct was telling me to call the coven, and yet my mind had fallen under some kind of compulsion, beckoning me into the shadows around me. I had lost control, I could not fight against the magnetic force reeling me in. My possessed feet carried me towards the mirror. There I was met by two glowing green eyes - the one darker than the other and the Chesire cat smile of Death himself. Death's heated gaze bore into me, taking in every inch as he pressed his palms against the mirrored glass. His face was concealed under a hood, but those ominous green eyes glowed even in the darkest pits of hell. "Come a little closer, little dove ,. I promise I won't bite..." I took a single step forward, but even though I was under his spell, I could not bring myself to move closer. "Faith, look at me," Death commanded as I cast my eyes downward. "Hell's horns, Faith! Now is not the time to play the innocent lamb!" He was growling, his chest rapidly moving up and down as he sucked in lungs full of air to calm. I couldn't conceal the cocky smirk which spread over my lips. The almighty Grim Reaper stuck in Purgatory was priceless. "Look," Death said with a sigh, his forehead pressed against the glass. "I don't like you, you don't like me, but for the love of...can you just call Lucifer and tell him to send me my scythe?" I crossed my
arms over my chest. "Why should I help you?" Death only glared at me. Oh damn. Singing. That's what woke me up just past midnight surrounded by the groans of lost souls trapped in the Underworld. "The man in the mirror..." I looked to my right, and as sure as hell, there was Death, lounging on my bed, and I was the one trapped in the mirror.
Het jy ‘n lekker skryfstuk wat jy wil inskryf vir die Circum? Laat jou taalonderwyser dit gerus deurgaan en bring dit dan na kamer 18 of e-pos dit aan
circumwg@gmail.com. Wie weet? Miskien is dit net die eerste van vele publikasies op jou kerfstok.
Circum │40
deur Heleen Theron "Hierdie kwartaal was 'n groot storie [vir die Landsdiens], want dit was die streekkamp," het landsdienslid, Willa Marié Roux ons ingelig. Die streekkamp behels die byeenkoms van al die landsdienslede van die Wes-Kaap vir 'n langnaweek (hierdie jaar rondom die 30ste April) van geselligheid en landsdiensaktiwiteite. Vanjaar se streekkamp was op Oom Wouter se plaas, Kopbeenskloof, naby Touwsrivier. Op dié kamp word die lede wat vir die Wes-Kaap by die nasionale kamp gaan verteenwordig, gekies. Die kamp is 'n lekker geleentheid om weer op te vang met ou vriende van vorige jare se streekkampe. Die lede het in vier groepe verdeel en 'n spul speletjies gespeel om nuwe mense te leer ken. Elke groep het vir 'n meisie en seuns juniorleier (graad 8 en 9) en seniorleier (graad 10 tot 12) gestem. Die volwassenes wat die kamp reël voer onderhoude met die verkose leiers en kies dan 'n algehele paar junior- en seniorkampleiers. Uit die honderde kinders was Jeanette Roux van Worcester Gimnasium gekies as een van die junior kampleiers - dit is 'n ongelooflike prestasie. Saterdag het die kinders geleer mosaïek doen en 'n fotoskattejag gehad waar hulle moes kompeteer om te kyk wie die oorspronklikste foto’s neem.
Die kamp het 'n 'Amazing Race'-speletjie aangebied wat hope pret was. Daar was ook 'n swartsakmodeperade en 'n Bybelvasvraekompetisie sowel as 'n entrepreneursaand waar nagemaakte geld uitgedeel is en 'inkopies' gedoen kon word by mekaar se stalletjies. Die lede het hierdie aand ook 'n tradisionele landsdienssokkie gehou, stokbrood gebraai en godsdiens gehou. Sondag het hulle 'n natuuroggend gehad waar hulle deur mense van 'n bewaringsinstituut geleer is oor die belang van bewaring en die verskillende tipes voëls en fynbos in die omgewing. Die lede het die geleentheid gehad om hul Wes-Kaaphemde te ontwerp en toe het hulle 'n muur gebou uit klippe. Sondagaand was 'n 'glow in the dark' speletjiesaand in die pikdonker. Die lede het ook op 'n nagmars gegaan en godsdiens gehou onder die sterre. Maandagoggend is die Wes-Kaapspan aangekondig. Willa Marié Roux, Jeanette Roux en Louleine de Kock is gekies vir die span, terwyl Abby Louwrens en Emma Hamman as reserwes gekies is. Gedurende die kwartaal het die Lansdiensklub ook saam met die Earth Club na Huis Murray toe gegaan om die blinde kinders daar te besoek. Die lede wat by die streekkamp gekies is, sal die nasionale kamp, wat in Desember sal plaasvind, in Kimberley bywoon.
Circum │41
Liné Bredenkamp en Deevya Narotam “Dit was skokkend om te beleef hoe die plante aanpas om te lewe deur die gemors. Hoe dit groei deur die bottel se nek net om by die son uit te kom en riete wat deur swartsakke groei. Dis hartseer en onnatuurlik.” Hierdie is die skrikwekkende woorde van Nina Roodbol, 'n graad 11-lid van Worcester Gimnasium se Earth Club. Op Maandagmiddag, 30 Mei, het ‘n paar van die Earth Club se lede by Mountain Mill Mall se dam agter Pricewaterhouse Coopers bymekaar gekom. Met handskoene aan ('n belangrike veiligheidsmaatreël!) en swartsakke in hulle hande, het elkeen aan die werk gespring en die rommel opgetel. Só het hulle die skoonheid van ons dorp se natuur, wat deur al die rommel versmoor gelê het, weer te voorskyn laat kom. Die hoofdoel van hierdie projek was om soveel moontlik rommel op te tel om die area langs die dam skoon te kry, want sodra die watervlak van die dam styg, sluk dit al die rommel in en besoedel die water. Die habitat van die plaaslike diere wat daar woon word dus geruïneer. Met hierdie voorbeeld van hoe ons die omgewing kan ophef, het die Earth Club-Bosvarke weereens bewys dat hulle ware kampvegters vir ons
aarde is! Dan het die Earth Club ook 'n meer mensgeoriënteerde gemeenskapsaktiwiteit hierdie kwartaal gehad. Op die reënerige middag van Vrydag, 22 April, het hulle die gesigsgestremde kinders by Huis Murray, die Pioneerskool se koshuis, besoek om 'n bietjie tyd saam met hulle deur te bring. Met McDonalds "Happy Meals" wat uitgedeel is, was daar beslis 'n baie "happy" atmosfeer geskep. Daar was ook lekker gesels, gelag en hope vermaak geniet saam met die kinders wat saam gesing het en hul indrukwekkende danspassies uitgehaal het. 'n Paar van die kinders het selfs begin "beat-box" en 'n volle vertoning van hul musikale talent gegee. Nes die reën - "showers of blessings" - wat in volle vaart van die wolke afgestort het, was die glimlag wat op elke kind se gesiggie geblom het, ook 'n seëning. Dit het 'n warmte na elkeen se hart gebring en het almal weer laat besef hoe bevoorreg en geseënd ons is om al vyf van ons sintuie te hê en te kan gebruik om die lewe te ervaar. Hierdie gesigsgestremde kinders het die tydjie werklik baie geniet en het gewys dat hulle, sonder hul volle sig, die lewe nogsteeds ten volle geniet.
Circum │42
Daar is ’n paar nuwe voorgeskrewe boeke in die G
skooltasse hierdie jaar en, aangesien die koms van ‘
geskrewe boek om en by so skaars soos die verskyn
se komeet is, het die Circum dit goedgedink om ‘n bi
Die graad 11’s sien vir ‘n slag ALMAL uit daarna om in die klas te kan sit en lees. Die Afrikaans Huistaal leerders kan nie uitgepraat raak oor hoe fantasties Esta Steyn se Droomdelwers is nie. Van liefde en vriendskap tot moord en verdriet, hierdie boek het sowaar ietsie vir almal.
Julle sê...
oor hierdie lekker nuwe leesstof. Deur Aneeq SINOPSIS: Vlaktevlei is ‘n klein dorpie aan die Weskus met baie armoede, maar ook baie liefde. Alles verander wanneer Leendra, ‘n vurige rooikop, na sewe jaar uit die tronk kom. Sy is op soek na antwoorde op vrae oor wat die dag van die ontploffing gebeur het, haar ouers se dood en haar geestelik versteurde sussie, Sielie. Intussen wil Gilbert Redelinghuys, wie se familie die groot hotel besit, die hele Vlaktevlei sloop en ‘n 5ster vakansieoord daar opsit. Die spanningslyn hou jou vasgenael en laat jou raai en wonder tot aan die einde waar al die geheime uiteindelik oopgevlek word.
Gunsteling karakter?
Gunsteling oomblik?
Oom Keppies – hy is gham. Azraa Gallie, 11A4
Sielie – sy is onvoorspelbaar; jy weet nooit wat sy sal doen nie. Mari Vlok, 11A4 Leendra – sy is 'n sterk en gedrewe vroulike karakter wat nie toelaat dat enigiemand in haar pad staan nie. Manisha Capes, 11A2
The English Home language learners received one of Chinua Achebe’s best novels, Things Fall Apart. Beautiful is, perhaps, a strange way to describe this essentially melancholic novel, but whilst Things Fall Apart is a sorrowful affair, it is never a despondent one. The learners feel that they can’t always relate to the book, but they’re hopeful to gain more interest as they continue to read.
You say...
Wanneer Keppies en Koster in die kerk insluip om na Kaylinn Abrahams, 11A2
Toe Mara sleg van Leendra praat, maar hulle is in diese skreeusnaaks. Joe-Elin Mouton, 11A4
is a strong man in his re-
gion of nine villages. At the age of 18 he beat the reigning wrestling champion and has been an industrious worker all his life, unlike his lazy, drunkard father. His hometown is revolutionised when white missionaries set up base and bring along with them the firepower of the western weapons. Onkonkwo cannot adapt himself to the world when it goes through a dramatic transformation. Will this strong will of his lead him to his doom?
Favourite character?
Favourite moment?
Ekwefi – she is daring and doesn’t fear Okonkwo as his other wives do. Samantha Lane, 11E1
The feast of The New Yam. It is when the great wrestl Zeta Sauls, 11E1
Ekwefi – she brings humour to the book. She is funny and cheeky. Ranvis Timm, 11E1
When the witchdoctor finds her iyi uwa breaking the c Chadwin Phillips, 11E1
Circum │43
Gimmies se
‘n nuwe voor-
ning van Halley
ietjie uit te wei Jacobs.
agmaalwyn te steel.
elfde vertrek. Dit was
ing match happens.
curse of the ogbanje.
Die mensdom was nog altyd een tree voor tegnologie, maar in die huidige era, is dit amper anders om. Met die “Samsung Gear VR (Virtual Reality)”, ontwikkel deur Samsung Electronics, kan jy ‘n heel nuwe, meer “virtueel realistiese” lewe voor jou sien. Die toestel werk basies soos ’n bril wat jou toelaat om ’n virtuele werklikheid voor jou te sien deurdat die koppeling van die “bril-toestel” met jou Samsung-foon jou gesigveld vervang met ’n super AMOLED-kwaliteit beeld van ‘n ander plek. Jy kan dan in hierdie virtuele spasie “rondbeweeg” deur op bepaalde kolle in die virtuele vertrek te klik. Die toestel se bekendstelling het 27 November 2015 plaasgevind en sedertdien het dit Suid-Afrikaners se tonge omtrent aan die klap. Hoewel die Samsung Gear VR nog onbekostigbaar duur is vir Jan Alleman, word dit wel in Suid-Afrika deur besighede gekoop wat dit gebruik as deel van hul bemarkingstrategie. Contiki-toere gebruik byvoorbeeld tans die VR-tegnologie om potensiële vakansiegangers ‘n voorsmakie van ‘n paar vakansiebestemmings te gee om finale transaksies deur te knoop. Die ander besighede wat tans van VR gebruik maak is die eiendomsmark, veral die buitelandse eiendomsmark. Indien ‘n Suid-Afrikaanse
kliënt ‘n woonstel in New York wil koop, is dit makliker vir die Suid-Afrikaanse agent om sy kliënt ‘n virtuele toer te bied as om op foto’s op die rekenaar te vertrou. Samsung se uiteindelike mikpunt is dat die gewone mens op straat ook so ‘n toestel sal kan bekostig om sy/haar kykgenot te vermeerder. Hierom het Samsung reeds ‘n kontrak met Netflix gesluit om die beskikbaarheid van reekse aan verbruikers te verseker. In ander nuus, was ‘n soortgelyke toestel (net meer bekostigbaar vir die middelklas) deur Maties-studente tydens hierdie jaar se ‘n opedag tentoongestel. Die mikpunt is dat so ‘n toestel deur studente gebruik kan word om hulle in te leef in ‘n spannende rekenaarspeletjie of selfs om historiese navorsing te doen. Waar hou die moontlikhede op?! “Die toestel sal ‘n groot deel van Rekenaarwetenskap vorm. Dit is ‘n wonderlike toestel en ons wil graag die geleentheid aan personeellede en studente gee om hieraan deel te neem,” het Prof. Lynette van Zijl, ontwikkelaar van die toestel, gesê. Die Samsung “Virtual Reality” staan net een plek voor die Stellenbosch Universiteitweergawe omdat dit ‘n wyer reeks funksies bevat, onder andere ‘n wieletjie boaan die toestel vir kalibrasie asook ‘n “touchpad” wat dien om verkenning te vergemaklik. Volumebeheer is ook beskikbaar op die Samsung-toestel. Tans is die Samsung Gear VR slegs versoenbaar met die volgende Samsungtoestelle: Galaxy Note 5, Galaxy S6/S6 Edge/S6 Edge+, Galaxy S7/ S7 Edge. Wie weet? Miskien loop jy een van die dae rond in die Maldives in die veiligheid van jou eie slaapkamer.
Circum │44
Het jy die vaardigheid en sin vir humor om ‘n goeie meme te maak? Stuur jou memes vir die Circum na circumwg@gmail.com en dit word dalk in volgende kwartaal se uitgawe geplaas.
Circum │45
Dankie vir ‘n fantastiese redaksie-jaar, matrieks! Hou asseblief aan om julle skryftalent te ontwikkel.
“No matter what anybody tells you, words and ideas can change the world.” Dead Poet Society