Circum kwartaal 1 2016

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Kwartaal 1, 2016

Kyk-jou-kiekie 10 bladsye foto’s!

Wanna know

how they met? The Schoemans

The Du Toits The Oliviers

Welkom aan al ons




Mr & Miss WG in Vegas





Redaksie aanhalings 5 Oorleef die jaar 17



Fietsboewe gevang 47

Valentine’s Dance 15 Relationship quiz 37 Dating in the dark 38

swimming |48


How they met 39 I love you with my brain

Amnesty International:

Techno page


An education in E 51 Space Technology update 52

Atletiek 7 Krieket 43 Swimming 45



Go MAD 44



Making a career choice 49

Mr & Miss WG 19


New Teachers 23



VCSV 25 Musical Quotes 33

how they met|39


Prescribed books: fly or fail? 35

Fun facts: leap year 50 Your questions answered 55

GROENTJIE GIMMIES First-Day syndrome 26 Sem-groentjies 27 Matric and Sot Siblings



Memes 56 Lookalikes 56

Photo spreads Athletics 11

Valentine’s Dance 16 Mr and Miss WG 21 Grade 8 Camp 31 Swimming 48 Miscellaneous 57

atletiek |7


Circum EDITOR’S LETTER Joie-de-vivre!


ope, it's not some greeting in a foreign language. It's a fabulous-on-the-tongue French phrase meaning, "a delight in being alive; keen, carefree enjoyment of living." My motto (we're allowed to have more than one at a time) for 2016 is to live each day with joie de vivre and spread it to those around me. Take yourself back to New Year's Eve. There's an exhilarating rush that sizzles within as we stand on the brink of the new year. Second by second, it grows with intensity as we near the climax of the countdown and finally, like champagne bottles popping when uncorked, it erupts in effervescent celebration of our entry into the new year. This exhilarating rush is the driving force behind our aspirations for the new year. I like to compare this rush to the excitement coupled with planning a surprise party. Beforehand, everyone is bubbling with enthusiasm and the excitement of secretly organising and setting up the party. The excitement bubbles right up to the climax of waiting, in suspense, for that moment to arrive when everyone jumps out from their hiding places to welcome the birthday girl/boy with "SURPRISE!" Once that moment is over, one of two scenarios may develop. The first is that the celebratory atmosphere returns to the standard level and with that, the party fizzles out. The second scenario is that the moment of surprise serves as an ignition to set the party buzzing. In the same way, the buzzing excitement experienced during the build-up to a new year, may either dissipate after the first few days on the new calendar, or may ignite your energy in pursuit of your goals. The question which consequently flutters in our minds is: what are we going to do to ensure that our resolutions for 2016 are not simply shoved to the backseat when distractions and challenges cross our path? Spoiler alert: I do not have the answer to this question, but I do know one thing. We need to remember what it was that made us set that goal or create that dream in the first place, and we need to hold onto that tightly. No matter what comes our way, we may not allow our resolutions to escape that motivation or inspiration from which it sprung. If we live each day with joie-de-vivre, our passions will be rekindled and our plans set in motion. Embrace the world, spread the love, live your dream and flaunt your passion this 2016!

Gim love



Hou koers in 2016

ONS HET ALMAL SOMS daardie ekstra tikkie motivering nodig om ons te herinner dat dit nie ’n opsie is om op ons louere te rus nie. Terwyl die eerste Januarie vir ons hope motiverende boodskappies inbring wat ons laat voel ons kan berge versit, kwyn hierdie gemotiveerde instelling soos die jaar in volle swang kom en ons vergeet om tyd daaraan af te staan om ons koppe reg te kry vir al die uitdagings wat ons die hoof moet bied.

Hierom het REINI SCHEEPERS gaan uitvind wat die Circum-redaksielede se aanhalings is waarby hulle reeds vroeg in 2016 gesweer het. Voel vry om jou motiverende aanhaling met ons te deel deur dit in die Circum voorstelle boks voor kamer 18 te gooi.

Be brave and be kind. Juffrou le Roux

When opportunity doesn’t knock, build a door. Ulrike Andrich

Keep on keeping on. Micaela Davids

The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.

When it rains, look for rainbows. When it’s dark, look for stars. Emily Voigt

Reini Scheepers

The greatest pleasure in life is doing what people say you cannot.

Everything will be okay in the end; if it's not okay, then it’s not the end. Annemie du Plessis

Enrique Wilson

Live without pretending, love without depending, listen without defending and speak without offending.

Be able to defend your arguments in a rational way. Otherwise, all you have is an opinion. Peter Manefeldt

Bianca du Plessis

If you got brains in your head and feet in your shoes you can steer yourself in any direction you choose. Liné Bredenkamp

Everyone is trying to be different nowadays, so just be yourself, which will make you different in essence. Benjamin Truter

You are breathing and that is a blessing. Misja Lentin

“The future is not some place we are going to, but one we are creating. The paths to it are not found but made.“ Deevya Narotam

Make today so awesome tomorrow gets jealous.

Do what is right, not what is easy. Amber Africa

Be fearful of mediocrity. Lynn Ceasar

Dream more dreams and less life. Heleen Theron

Aneeq Jacobs

You be you and I’ll be me. Robyn Viljoen

Live like there’s no tomorrow. Jacomi Breytenbach


Blue against red the competition began.


he Colours Athletics gave a kick-start to the athletics season, and a good one too! On the 21st and 22nd of January 2016, we all had our game faces on. The athletics began and everybody was on their seats, excited to see what their cheerleaders had in store for them. Then came the reds. The bright fire truck drove in and the red side of the pavilion immediately lit up and started cheering as the cheerleaders started dancing. Soon after, the blue team entered with their luxurious car and left the blue side hanging on the edge of their seats. With one loud BANG, the first race started. Up to the event of the u/15 boys 200m, the blue team was ahead with only one point! The event spread over the two days was a nail-biting experience, with everyone watching the scoreboard closely. It was a see-saw ride, but in the end only one team would be victorious. The blue team was triumphant and won the “Spanbeker” (the overall athletics meeting) with a score of 2690 points. So close, yet so far, the reds only had 2434 points. But wait, it was not all bad news for the reds: they walked away with the “Bosvark Gees Trophy” and the adjudicators complimented the school, saying it was the best “gees” they've seen in years! To top it all off, out of the 1762 entries, an AMAZING 16 NEW RECORDS were set!

Colo on yo

ourathletics our marks. Get set. GO! by Ulrike Andrich and Emily Voight


Next was the De Villiers Graaff athletics meeting in Villiersdorp. Only a small of athletes participated, yet great results were achieved, including 3 first pla

At Swartland High School, a larger group of athletes participated. This tim bang and achieved 19 first places, 18 second places, 15 third places Overall, the WG boys and girls ended third.

Coetzenburg. The day everyone was waiting for. A day to extremely early for that matter, but, “it was worth i if they didn’t win, achieve personal bests. They amazing.” The sing-songs were incredibl to the unity and pride of being the “Geesbeker”. Worce but unfortunately, hearts, and in awards Ke

l group aces!

me, WG came with a and 16 fourth places.

o remember. Everyone woke up early, it,” says Ms D. van Wyk, “to see learners, even ey improved their own performances and that, to me, is

ly vibrant and cheerful, motivating all the athletes and adding g part of such an excellent school. For this reason, WG was awarded ester Gymnasium had come quite close to winning the overall meeting, not as close as Charlie Hofmeyr. Nonetheless, we all felt like winners in our n terms of "gees", of course. Of the many amazing achievements, a few individual went to Kevin Minnaar, Rogail Joseph, Elize-Mari Jacobs, Francois Prinsloo, Leandré etch, Arno van Eeden and Moesha Eksteen. A remarkable 17 athletes went through to compete at provincial level, also bringing back great results. An amazing feat in the u.15 walk, was Worcester Gymnasium taking first, second and third place. The walkers (in no specific order) were Leandrie du Toit, Moesha Eksteen and Leoné Pieterse. In the u.17 walk, Worcester Gymnasium took first place (Noeline Rossouw) and second place (Hilda du Toit). This term has been a great success for our athletes. There was an increase in the number of participating athletes as well as in the quality of their performance. A hearty thanks to Mr van Niekerk, Mrs D. van Wyk, Mr Koopman, Mr Prinsloo, Mr Brü mmer, Ms Hendrikse, Mr Fransman, Mr van Rooyen and to everyone else who was involved and helping.


new heights and city lights

Valentine’s Ball I

by Heleen Theron

n the Middle Ages, young men and women drew names from a bowl to see who would be their Valentine. They would wear this name pinned to their sleeves for one week for everyone to see. This was the origin of the expression "to wear your heart on your sleeve." Worcester Gym had its own fun during Valentine's week. We wore hearts on our school shirts and cheeks. The grade 8 cupids looked adorable running around delivering letters and a few lucky prefects had the chance to go on a date with a fellow Gimmie. Roses were sent by secret admirers, putting smiles on the faces of many. The RCL worked very hard to make the week a success, their finest hour being the Valentine's Ball. Compared to events I've attended at other schools to celebrate Valentine's Day, Worcester Gym's council goes through far more trouble to guarantee a splendid evening. They really are dedicated workers! The theme for this year was 'City of


Lights' and the council did a great job decorating the hall and rose quad. The interior was made to look like the city of New York and the rose quad was enchanting - beautifully made up with lights. DJ Blaauw provided awesome music of all kinds. In medieval times girls ate bizarre foods on St. Valentine's Day to make them dream of their future spouse. Thankfully we received normal dishes from the hands of our grade nine waiters. I remember dancing on the gallery during our break when we were waiters in 2014. I'm sure the grade nine’s of this year had great fun as well and we thank them for their efficient service. Ours hosts, Bianca Du Plessis and Kyle Steenberg, looked marvellous and couldn't have done a better job of hosting the 2016 Valentines Ball. A big thank you to everyone who laboured to make the night a success. We won't forget this one anytime soon!




TE OORLEEF deur Jacomi Breytenbach

Die skooljaar






1 Hou perspektief Die wêreld het soveel groter probleme as dié van ‘n tiener in die hoërskool. Moet dus nie in sak en as gaan sit nadat julle swak in een toets gedoen het nie. Ontspan! Onthou daardie toets is maar net een druppeltjie water in die mas-siewe akademiese emmer. Daar gaan nog baie ander

toetse wees. Fokus liewer om beter in hulle te doen en om nie weer jou foute te herhaal nie. Dieselfde met sportspanne. As jy nie die span gemaak waarvoor jy so hard geoefen het nie, onthou, dit is nie die einde van die wêreld nie. Probeer nou net om die beste speler in jou span te wees. Dit is ook belangrik om nie negatief te raak nie. Sien die beker as half vol, nie half leeg nie.

2 Lag ‘n slag Het julle al ooit die mense hoor sê: “Lag is die beste medisyne?” Lag ‘n slag en sien hoe die dokter (en die sielkundige) wag. Ek is seker almal van julle se dag is al opgekikker deur een of ander humoristiese gebeurtenis. Lag vir jouself. As daar iets onplesierig met jou gebeur het of jy is vreeslik in die verleentheid gestel, lag! Selfs al

voel jy nie lus om te lag nie, probeer die gebeurtenis so humoristies oorvertel as wat jy kan, en voordat jy jou oë uitvee gaan jy vind dat jy saam lag. As julle vreeslik gespanne en gestres is, lag! Vat ‘n vinnige blaaskansie deur gou by jou vriende te gaan kuier en net lekker te lag.

3 Werk hard Ek weet, niemand is vreeslik mal oor hierdie wenk nie, maar dit is ongelukkig broodnodig as julle die jaar wil oorleef. Moenie uitstel nie! (NB) Ons is almal geneig om te sê: “Môre is nog ‘n dag.” En voor ons ons oë uitvee is dit die aand voordat ons taak moet in wees en ons is byna in trane. Die beste manier om onsself te forseer om hard te werk, is om doelwitte te stel. Stel vir jou ten minste een realistiese, relevante doelwit te hê. (Let wel, relevant. Nie om ‘n ou te kry nie.) Die oomblik as jy iets het waarvoor jy mik, is jy outomaties meer gemotiveerd. Dan is daar natuurlik ook baie mense wat hard werk, maar steeds sukkel om by te bly. My raad aan hulle: Prioritiseer! Besluit wat is die belangrikste en doen dit eerste. (Die bietjies huiswerk wat oorbly kan jy altyd in register doen...☺)

4 Leer DAARDIE ALLERBELANGRIKE WOORDJIE: NEE Aha! Baie, baie belangrik. Al die leerders wat so vreeslik baie hooi op hulle vurk het, raak ontslae van die onnodige hooi - veral die matrieks wat so baie aktiwiteite aanpak in hulle belangrike jaar. As jy te veel aktiwiteite probeer aanpak gaan jy jouself uitbrand. Moenie jouself probeer flous deur te dink dat jy dit wel gaan regkry nie. In die proses gaan jy baie kosbare ure van slaaptyd en ontspanning vermors. Navorsing toon dat hierdie twee aktiwiteite noodsaaklik vir jou welsyn is. Dit is oukei om so dan en wan te weier om een of ander aktitwiteit te doen en om net ‘n bietjie te ontspan. Onthou, dis jou punte en jy sê nee, nee, nee.

môre (selfstandige naamwoord) 1. ‘n mistieke land waar 99% van alle menslike produktiwiteit, motivering en prestasie lê. 2. ‘n Konsep wat ‘n uitsteller verstaan, maar nie bereik nie.

perspektief (selfstandige naamwoord) 1. Vrede wat ervaar word wanneer jy besef dat jou probleme eintlik net ‘n klein deeltjie van ‘n groter prentjie is. 2. Mense wat wonder of die glas half vol of half leeg is, mis die punt: die glas kan weer volgetap word.

werk 1. (s.nw.) Die sleutel tot sukses 2. (ww.) wat mense begin doen wanneer hulle ophou verskonings maak. 3. Iets wat mens in stilte doen, sodat sukses uiteindelik die geraas kan wees wat hul toewyding vier. 18

V E G A S Vixens & High Rollers

MisteR & MisS WG worcester

Amber Africa asked our Mr and Ms WG finalists some questions to find out how these Vegas Vixens and High Rollers feel about to completely unrelated topics, just for the fun if it. Because what is Vegas if not fun? Who of your fellow Mr and Miss WG finalists do you find most attractive and why? Carren Abrahams Wehan, because he reminds me of a Ken -doll. Misja Lentin Wehan Gilfillan, because he is a hottieLamotie with a swimmer's body. Chané Wium Wehan, hy het die mooiste smile en die sexyste cheekbones. Charl Schoeman André, daai kind het darem goeie gene! Do you think you will win or do not and why? Cassiem Fredericks Honestly, I don’t think I will win, because I’m going against eight awesome guys. Misja Lentin I do not think I will win, because my competition is fire. Which of your fellow finalists do you think will make it to Vegas one day?

Do you see yourself as a high roller or an extreme shopper? Carren Abrahams Shopping, shopping, shopping! Rikus de Wet High roller! Reini Scheepers Extreme Shopper! How would you feel about being a show girl/boy? Keno Valentine Would be fun as long as I’m doing it with my friends. Chané Wium I would love it, because I would get the opportunity to entertain people. Reini Scheepers I would love it! Veral die kostuums sal pret wees vir een aand.

Misja Lentin It would be nice to wear the costumes, but I’m not a very good dancer. Have you entered Mr and Miss WG because you are in it to win it or merely because you were doing it for your friends or for fun? Carren Abrahams I entered for fun and was surprised to get in. I now want to win, for myself. Rikus de Wet If you don’t do it for fun, don’t do it. Jacques Morkel I entered it for fun, but I am looking forward to winning. Keno Valentine I entered because Miss Bruwer forced me.

Majority voted Luke Titus

Luke Titus No, teachers forced me.

Charl Schoeman All of us…maybe a 20-year reunion at Vegas.

Cassiem Fredericks I took a long shot auditioning, so for fun.

Who do you consider to be the flirtiest Mr and Miss WG finalist?

Everybody voted Keno Valentine, including himself! Who do you consider to be the most reserved Mr and Miss WG finalist? Majority voted Misja Lentin. Who would you consider to be the Wild Child of the Mr and Miss WG group?

Rikus de Wet In a mirror or a photograph.

Charl Schoeman Somewhere happy and satisfied. Jacques Morkel As a graphics designer and architect. Keno Valentine On the couch, watching trace. Luke Titus With a beautiful wife, 4 kids and Heino Laubscher. Chané Wium Teaching a class in Africa.

Majority said either Chané Wium or Keno Valentine.

Give 3 characteristics to describe yourself?

Cassiem Fredericks I can’t say one person, because we are wild all together.

Cassiem Fredericks Loyal, straight-forward and assertive. Amy du Plessis Friendly, caring, emotional.

Who do you consider to be the most handsome/ beautiful Mr and Miss WG coach/judge/helper?

Reini Scheepers Funny, nerdy and weird.

Majority voted Miss Bruwer!

Misja Lentin Arty, caring and fresh-to-death!

Where do you see yourself in the future?

Carren Abrahams Sassy, fire, the opposite of basic.

Cassiem Fredericks In 80 years, in a grave… Kidding, I see myself happy!

Rikus de Wet Dedicated, hardworking and happy.

Amy du Plessis A successful radiographer, in South Africa.

Charl Schoeman No reserves! No retreats! No regrets!

Reini Scheepers Hollywood! Haha.

Jacques Morkel Always up for a challenge, striving to improve and the Loving Giant.

Misja Lentin: On the couch!

Keno Valentine Funny, sexy and weird.

Carren Abrahams An accountant at PWC, with a happy family.

Luke Titus Lovable, caring and humble. Chané Wium Loyal, positive and friendly.















Hendrik Verwoerd Hoekom?

3. WAT IS MENEER SE DROOM VAKANSIE? Hawaii saam met my familie!



My vrou.



I would have loved to see the launching of the Titanic. 2. IF YOU COULD WAKE UP TOMORROW IN THE BODY OF SOMEONE ELSE, WHO WOULD YOU BE AND WHAT WOULD YOU DO? Angelina Jolie. Honestly, I want to have Brad Pitt as a husband. Oh, and to travel all over the world. The projects she is involved in seem very worthy. 3. IF YOU COULD BE ANY AGE FOR THE REST OF YOUR LIFE, WHAT AGE WOULD IT BE? 21, definitely. But with the wisdom and knowledge I have now. 4. IF YOU COULD ONLY HAVE ONE MEAL FOR THE REST OF YOUR LIFE, WHAT WOULD IT BE? I have a lot of favourite dishes. I don’t think I could survive on just one meal! 5. WHAT CHEERS YOU UP? Good music, good company, good food, good wine.


1. HET JY ENIGE VREEMDE GEWOONTES? Nie regtig nie, maar ek beduie met my hande as ek iets verduidelik. 2. VAN WATTER WOORD HOU JY DIE MINSTE?

Enige woord wat “kla” impliseer, bv. om net aanhoudend te “moan” as om eerder die mooi te sien. 3. WAARVOOR IS JY BANG? Paddas! Ek sal aan ‘n slang vat, maar daar is niks so grillerig soos ‘n padda nie. 4. AS JY 'N DAG SAAM MET ENIGE BEROEMDE PERSOON KON SPANDEER, WIE SOU DIT WEES? Bono, U2 se lead vocalist. U2 is een van my gunsteling bands!





TOT KRAG Deur Jacomi Breytenbach


ie Vrydag, net na die Kiskarre, het ‘n hele paar opgewonde Gimmies die bus ingewag. Dit was ‘n lang, uitputtende week en die VCSV lede was reg vir ‘n heerlike naweek. Daar aangekom was die Gimmies verstom oor die kampterrein

se natuurlike skoonheid. Die veld was groen (ten spyte van die droogte) en die berge het majestieus bo ons uitgetower. Die eerste aand het ons die “praise and worship” ongelooflik baie geniet en pragtige liedjies gesing. Na ‘n skreeusnaakse kenmekaar, waar ons ‘n interessante “lifesize” weergawe van "Ching-Chong -Cha!" gespeel het, is ons bed toe gestuur (geforseer). Die volgende dag het ons stiltetyd gehad waar ons alleen tyd saam met God spandeer het en net die skoonheid van die natuur waardeer het. Daarna het ons eers godsdiens gehad (tot die ontsteltenis van die honger mense) en eers na die sessie kon ons ontbyt eet. Die middag moes ons iets met draad uitbeeld en party van ons moes maar diep grawe om ons kreatiewe kant te vind. Na al

daardie swoeg en sweet aan ons draadfigure, het ons almal besluit om lafenis in die dam te gaan kry. Uiteindelik het die langverwagte stap aangebreek en ons het die kronkelende, nou, styl pad in die berg aangedurf. Ons het omtrent soos avonturiers gevoel, selfs al het ons menigmale in die geniepsige bossies se lokvalle ingeloop. Nadat ons by ‘n styl kliphang opgeklim het, baie geval het en die êrens die dominee verloor het, het ons uiteindelik (in een stuk) by die kampterrein gearriveer. Daardie aand is ons onmiddelik deur Klaas Vakie oorval. Die volgende oggend het ons opgepak en met swaar harte totsiens gesê. Die VCSV kamp was ‘n belewenis en die kos was HEERLIK! Ons sal definitief weer volgende jaar die lang pad aandurf.


Imagine walking into a building filled with hundreds of strangers staring right at you.


Syndrome by Micaela Davids


his is what the grade 8 class, better known as the “Baba Bosvarkies”, had to experience on their first day of high school on the 13th of January 2016. To better understand how they are adapting to life in Bosvarkland, we asked four grade 8 learners a few questions on how they have been experiencing their first few weeks of high school. BE-ARTHUR DAVIDS, 8E1 Which classroom was the most difficult to find? Mrs Wessels’ class was impossible to find because it’s literally in a cupboard. What crazy celebrity do any of the teachers in Worcester Gymnasium remind you of? Mr Fransman reminds me of one of the WWE wrestlers, Carlito. What is your favourite part of Monday morning assembly? When it ends. CAVIN “CHERRY/BROOD/VLAM” MYBURGH, 8A2 As daar enige leerder in hierdie skool is met wie jy lewens wil om ruil, wie sal dit wees en hoekom? Niemand. Ek is te lief vir myself. (jokes) Wat is die een ding in hierdie skool wat jy wil verander? Hulle moet die kuns klaskamer meer “artsy” maak. Hulle kan die mure swart verf en neon polka dots daarop verf. Wat is jou gunstelling item om by die snoepie te koop? Enigiets wat koud is.

TYREESE SHERRY, 8E3 In three words, sum up the grade 8 class of 2016: Fun, awesome and cool What is the most fun activity you have done in these past few months? Toutrek

Which teacher did you expect to be super scary but ended up being one of the nicest? Mr du Toit for sure.

JANA BLOMERUS, 8A1 Hoe was jou eerste dag van hoërskool? My eerste dag van hoërskool was interessant. Bietjie deurmekaar omdat ek baie verdwaal het. En veral die rigtings wat deur die ouer kinders gegee is, het vir my selfs meer deurmekaar gemaak. Wie is jou gunstelling onderwyser? Juffrou Nel, want sy vertel allerhande verhale in die klas. En dis “chaos” oral. Wie dink jy is die “cuteste” ou in graad 12? Wehan en Charl. A special thank you to these four learners for their cooperation and honesty. So grade 8’s, here’s a last bit of advice: when that five minute bell rings – RUN. Keep to the left in the passage. Don’t walk through the Matric Quad and keep swerving.


Semgroentjies deur Liné Bredenkamp


Elke jaar verwelkom die koshuis nuwe sussies. Hierdie jaar het nege van die Baba-bosvarkies by ons aangesluit. Hier volg ‘n paar vrae en antwoorde van hulle om te sien hoe hulle die koshuis ervaar. PORCHIA WILLEMSE As jy die koshuis enige kleur kon verf , watter kleur en hoekom ? Lemmetjiegroen, want die koshuis moet uitstaan sodat ander mense ook kan sien wat hulle mis. Wat is jou gunsteling poeding op Dinsdae? Chocolate mousse! Mmmm... KIMBERLY VERMEULEN Dink jy elke dag moet poedingdag wees? Hoekom? JA! Want wie hou nie van poeding nie? Wat is jou gunsteling koshuiskos? Daar is baie, maar die een wat uitstaan is defnitief die Rib burger. RINA DU TOIT Wat was die eerste ding wat jy gedink het toe jy vir oom Pierre Tromp sien? R: SCARY !!!!! Wie is die kwaaiste koshuisprefek? R: Die kwaaiste prefek is Sandré. Jy moet maar versigtig wees om haar... JANIE STEENKAMP As jy die koshuis trappe met enigiets kon vervang, wat sou dit wees? J: Ek dink almal sal saamstem as ek sê ‘n Slippery Slide. Watter koshuiskos haat jy? J: Sonder enige twyfel, BRIYANI !!!

Was dit baie erg om die eerste week weg van die huis af te wees? Dit is maar vir almal moeilik aan die begin, maar later raak jy gewoond daaraan. Watter tannie wat in die kombuis werk is die oulikste? Ek ken nie regtig die tannies al lank nie, maar tannie Makotie het my van dag 1 af al begin groet. MARCELLE VAN DER WESTHUIZEN Wat was die eerste ding wat jy gedink het toe jy afklim by die koshuis die eerste dag? Hier gaan ons, Marcelle! Was dit maklik om by die koshuis aan te pas ten opsigte van die ouer kinders, prefekte en ander graad 8’s? Ek was bang aan die begin maar almal was so vriendelik. Die prefekte het my (die ander ook) baie gehelp van die eerste dag af. Die ouer kinders het gegroet en was vriendelik. Vir die res van die graad 8's, het almal mekaar behandel asof ons ou vriendinne is. SHEENA EDWARDS Was jy al van laerskool af goed in atletiek?

Ja. Atletiek was nog altyd my passie.

As jy die koshuis in 'n paar woorde moes beskryf, hoe sou jy dit beskryf? Huis nommer 2. BRONWEN WHITE Is dit anders by die koshuis met jou suster, Courtney White, as hoofmeisie? Almal sê dit gaan lekker wees, maar Courtney bly Courtney vir my, hoofmeisie of nie. Ek ervaar die koshuis dieselfde as al die ander. Hou jy van jou kamermaat? Janie! NEEEE! * joke * My kamermaat , Janie Steenkamp , is awesome. Ons kom baie goed oor die weg. CHANTÉ PIENAAR Wat was vir jou die lekkerste ervaring by die koshuis? Toe ons almal ons matrasse op Courtney se balkon gaan sit en die aand buite geslaap het. Daar was ‘n groot krismisbed en ons het tot laat wakker gebly en spook stories vertel, onder andere, die Benzine legende van die koshuis. Ek is tot vandag toe bang om alleen in die koshuisgange te stap! Wie is die vriendelikste matriek in die koshuis? My matriek, Madré Visagie. Tarin Holster behaal tweede plek kort op Madré se hakke.


BOSVARK family tree BY DEEVYA NAROTAM | PHOTOGRAPHS BY LIZE JOUBERT While our senior Bosvark family members (the Matrics) are in the culminating year of their schooling career, we can say that, to a certain extent, many of them will not be leaving the nest entirely. This year, a few of our Matric learners have brought along a sibling, or rather, a baby Bosvark, to stay with us for the next few years. See if you can spot the resemblance between these siblings.

Siblings are the people we practice on, the people who teach us about fairness and cooperation and kindness and caring quite often the hard way. PAMELA DUGDALE

Far Right Benjamin and Ariël Truter |Right Sithembele and Kanyiswa Allie |Below Left Bianca Pretorius en Carla Briel |Below Centre Courtney and Bronwen White | Below Right Deidré and Dean du Toit

Top left Matthew and Amy-Joy Gabriel |Top centre Micaela and Be-Arthur Davids |Top right Elana and Emma Claasen|Centre left Farren and Tammy Fortuin | Centre Dewald and Anton Voight |Centre right Chané and Miché Wium|Bottom left Lynn and Jason Ceasar| Bottom right Casey and Jenna The mildest, drowsiest sister has been known to turn tiger if her sibling is in trouble. Clara Ortega Brothers are like streetlights along the road, they don’t make distance any shorter but they light up the path and make the walk worthwhile. unknown


Bekkige hrEk Op hierdie stadium is ons musical sterre nog besig om hul woorde te leer. Maar watter van hul karakters se slim sê-dinge is hul gunsteling? ANEEQ JACOBS het vir ons gaan uitvind.

Shrek Janco Nel “Oops... Better out than in, I always say.”

Donkey Francois Prinsloo "I don't know if I mentioned it or not, but I did six years in solitary for impersonating a piñata."

Dragon Deva Willemse “I’m no princess, but he wants me.”

Fairy Godmother

Jacomi Breytenbach “We’ve got magic, we’ve got power. Who are they to say we're wrong?”


Jacomi Breytenbach “Eat me!”

Fiona Mildri Ellmann “Maybe you shouldn’t judge people before you get to know them.”

Fiona (Teen)

Anja Laubscher

“Pretty maiden in a glass box. How I wonder does she pee?”

Fiona (Young)

Berna Erasmus

“I believe the storybooks I read by candlelight.”

Fiona (Ogre)

Luche Hendricks

“I’m a mess of contradictions in a dress.”

Pinocchio Aneeq Jacobs “I’m not a puppet, I’m a real boy.”

Lord Farquaad

Conrad le Roux

“Farquaad, but you can call me Maximus, as I’ve no doubt you will. Woof!”

NOG ‘n paar karakters Charl Schoeman |PAPA OGRE

“Take some words of wisdom for your trip.”

Lutho Damane |MAMA OGRE

“Watch out for men with pitchforks!”

Jacorie Viljoen|WITCH “Life is but a witch hunt.”

Keno Valentine |PIGGY #1

“Farquaad vill turn us into bratvurst! ( in a German accent)”

Zeta Sauls |SUGER PLUM FAIRY “I’m filled with constant doubt.” Gilmore Mentoor |MAD HATTER

“They ridiculed my hat!”


Die kwart-voor-sewe-lelie deur Eleanor Baker


“Soms langdradig en ‘n bietjie vervelig.” - E. Nel GUNSTELING TONEEL OF AANHALING: Wanneer Iris se ma vir Polder, die Nederlandse hond, leer blaf vir inbrekers: “Polder, maak zo: Woef! Woef!”

Die potlooddief en die engel deur A.S. van Straten

STERTELLING  KOMMENTAAR: “Dit is ‘n redelike kort boek. Die skerp humor en vinnige verloop dra by tot ‘n positiewe ervaring, alhoewel die boek baie onrealisties is.” - Jacomi Breytenbach GUNSTELING TONEEL OF AANHALING: “Oorbevolking is deesdae ‘n groot probleem. Daarom moedig ons mense aan om die emmer te skop.”

Most of us love curling up with a good book, but if that book is your prescribed book, it might be a different story. So ANEEQ JACOBS asked around to find out which books capture the Bosvarke’s imaginations the best. See if you agree, and, if you don’t, or you want to comment on your favourite (or least favourite) prescribed book, share your view with us using the Circum box outside of room 18.


The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald

AVERAGE STARS GIVEN –  COMMENTS: “There is a reason why it’s called a ‘Great American Novel’. What makes it a true masterpiece is how Fitzgerald was able to foresee The Great Depression that followed the roaring 20’s.” - J. van Niekerk FAVOURITE SCENE OR QUOTE: “So we beat on, boats against the current, borne back ceaselessly into the past.”

Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare


COMMENTS: “I must say I enjoyed reading the book due to its relevant love story, conflicts and deeper meanings. I truly enjoyed the storyline as well. It shows that love (even when forbidden) conquers all conflict.” - Chadwin Phillips FAVOURITE SCENE OR QUOTE: 

The scene where Romeo and Juliet first see each other and instantly fall in love.

The balcony scene (of course)

“Romeo, Romeo, wherefore art thou Romeo?”

“These violent delights have violent ends and in their triumph die, like fire and powder, which, as they kiss, consume.

For ne’er was a tale of more woe than that of Juliet and her Romeo.

Roald Dahl's short stories STAR RATING  COMMENTS: “I really enjoyed the book. It had mystery and a bit of horror (the things I enjoy most in a book)." Ntsika Giba FAVOURITE SCENE OR QUOTE: “There are always three main characters – the husband, the wife and the dirty dog.”


WHAT IS YOUR RELATIONSHIP personality by Annemie du Plessis



A He/she must be busy B You miss him/her SO much. C He/she may be fooling around with someone else.



A You wouldn’t mind. B You wouldn’t like it. But you won’t say anything. C You wouldn’t allow him/her to take any calls while you are out on a date. Your time is meant to be exclusive.



A Never B Once or twice C Yes, many times



A Maybe twice of thrice B About five to seven times C Every hour



A You forgive him/her. It’s human to forget. B You are deeply hurt. C You feel that something seedy might be brewing.



A On special occasions. B Whenever you feel like it. C Almost every other day. You love lining up surprises for him/her all the time.



A You find out why he/she must have felt the need to lie to you. B You feel angry, hurt and scared. C You work on confirming your doubt that he/ she is hiding something from you.

Mostly A’s : You are a practical person. You don’t engage in over the top antics in your relationship. You understand every day struggles of stress your special someone might be facing. You are willing to adjust and accommodate him/her. But just sometimes you might be too understanding at your own expense.

Mostly B’s : You are a very passionate person. You are sensitive and get hurt very easily. You seem to put a lot of effort and care into your relationship on a daily basis. Your special someone is really lucky!

Mostly C’s : You tend towards the obsessive side especially when it comes to your relationship. You can’t seem to do without your special someone and you want their company and love all the time. This preoccupation could easily lead to suspicion. In other words: Lay back, relax! Or you might be labelled clingy.




DEPENDING ON WHO YOUR DATE IS, YOU’LL KNOW IF THESE IDEAS (COMPLIMENTS OF 9GAG) ARE A GOOD IDEA: Go on a search of as many good climbing trees as possible, climb them all and make sure you have photo evidence (Everyone will be like: “We cannot beleaf these photos”). Go to a book store and leave notes to future readers in your favourite books, like: “Oh no, page 96 is a bummer,” or “I CANNOT believe Hedwig dies! Rowling must fall!” Create photo evidence pretending you’ve been on an adventure that never happened. Alaska here we come! Try to visit as many friends as possible in one night and turn as many things in their rooms upside down as you can ... without them noticing (Assisting in lunacy? Maybe. Lots of fun? Defs!). Go sit outside at a café (you have a pick of Blindiana, Tea Cup or Café Hugo) and write a piece of fiction together. Ask passersby if you get stuck. Rent a movie you’ve never seen, set it on mute and improvise dialogue. This is a must if your date is a drama llama.




ome of our school’s most successful daters (identity’s protected so drones of girls don’t flock around them) offered some tips for your dating endeavours. Firstly, it is very important not to rush things. Rather do what Charmer#1 did and wait until the perfect moment to ask your special person out. Remember, if all goes well, this might be a story you will be telling your kids (but no pressure—wink-wink) so be sure to make it worthwhile. After a long friendship, Charmer#1 picked the perfect moment— a warm New Year’s Eve, knee deep in the Hartenbos waves as the fireworks were starting up in the background– to ask his special person out. What a memory that is! Secondly, no amount of romantic antics will impress your date if the entire production is not sincere and the most sincere way to show that you really care f o r someone is

to celebrate what is important to them. This is the route Charmer#2 took when he recently celebrated his special person’s birthday with her by greeting her with flowers and a gift before taking her out to the movies. Thirdly, though celebrating what is important to your date is a good idea, it is an even better idea if the date is set up in such a way that it reflects your shared interests. Often, it is these shared interests which made you become aware of each other in the first place. If you like nature, for example, you could take Charmer#3’s route and do a special picnic at the Botanical Gardens. Or you could take a page from Charmer#4’s book: the interest in sport which he shares with his special person was a center focus when he organized a picnic for them with candles arranged in the shape of a heart on the cricket pitch. He really hit a six with this one. Dating can be scary and baring one’s heart is never easy, but if what you’re doing is done in a spirit of caring and fun, you’re sure to have a measure of success. So buck up kid.

Dating in the dark? Stumped to think of a good date idea? Here’s some advice and ideas. by Misja Lentin, Robyn Viljoen and Miss le Roux 38

WANNA KNOW HOW THEY MET? Ever been curious about how the teacher couples at our school got together? Even just a teensy bit? Well we’ve done the snooping for you.


by Micaela Davids



had everything planned. Mrs Olivier's sister is a goldsmith, so she got the ring and diamond that Mr Olivier wanted. He also asked Mrs Olivier's parents for permission to marry their daughter. So the day before Christmas, Mr Olivier planned a trip to the mountain, past Franschhoek, to stop there and propose to her. When they reached there, however, the mountain was on fire and so he couldn't exactly propose there. They then went to Paarl for lunch, where he took her aside to ask her … of course, she accepted. They got married in March the following year and this year they'll be married for 23 years.


r and Mrs Du Toit met at the school where both of them started teaching. At that stage though, both were still in relationships with other people, but that soon changed. When Mr Du Toit wanted to propose, he was working in South Korea, while Mrs Du Toit was in South Africa. So during his week off in South Korea, he decided to fly to South Africa to pop the big question. He took a 36 hour flight and arrived in South Africa on a Sunday morning. He proposed on the Monday morning and flew back to South Korea that Wednesday. Definitely money well spent! Mr and Mrs Du Toit both agree that the way he proposed was very romantic and that their wedding day was indescribable. They have been married for six years this year. One hilarious quirk about their relationship is that whenever Mr Du Toit decides to diet, Mrs Du Toit insists on buying him chocolate—the ultimate spousal sabotage.

t all started right here at Worcester Gymnasium for Mr and Mrs Olivier. Right from the start, everyone was under the impression that they were dating, since both of them coached hockey. On the contrary, they weren't even good friends! Mrs Olivier thought that Mr Olivier was rather arrogant. However, the kids would have it their way: after a while, pupils at the school decided that their teachers were a perfect match and should start dating. To give Mr and Mrs Olivier a “light push” in the right direction, the kids wrote messages on Mr Olivier's books about his and Mrs Olivier’s romantic prospects. Yet, he wavered for a long time. The reason? Because they worked together they realised that if things didn't work out, it may lead to awkwardness . So, THE SCHOEMANS right to the end of Mrs Olivier's first year of teaching at Worcester Gymnasium, there was nothing really romantic going on. ccording to Mrs Schoeman, she and Mr Schoeman met whilst This only changed when they were invited to Mr Constudying BSc at Stellenbosch. Though they had noticed each radie’s wedding at the end of that year. As colleagues and other in class, nothing really came of it until they had to difriends, Mr Olivier finally realised that this was the best way in vide up into smaller groups for their practical classes. In this more which to ask Miss Lucy out. She accepted the invite and they intimate setting they got to know each other much better and the attended the wedding together. From here on out they were rest is history! definitely more than just friends. What started out as a working relationship had blossomed into a full scale relationship. When the time came to pop the question, Mr Olivier



Mildri Ellmann vind uit wie die septer swaai in ons liefdeslewe. Die hart of die brein?


es die ander 9 biljoen mense op aarde, was jy beslis ook al in ‘n situasie waar jou hart en brein nie heeltemal met mekaar saamgestem het nie. Dit kon gewees het toe jy gewik en geweeg het oor ‘n toetsantwoord; toe jy moes besluit hoe om die waarheid aan ‘n vriend of vriendin te bewoord sonder om hom of haar seer te maak; of toe jy moes besluit of jy sou instem vir ‘n verhouding met iemand oor wie jy mal was, maar oor wie jy getwyfel het. In sulke gevalle duur die interne dialoog tussen hart en brein voort en vrae soos: “Wat as ek tóg lief is vir die persoon?” word herhaaldelik gevra. Aangesien ons in ons daaglikse taal die hart gebruik om te verwys na die emosionele, spontane deel van onsself en die brein om te verwys na die stem van logika, skuldgevoel of suspisie wat ons daarvan weerhou om ons name met ‘n plank te slaan, het die hart vir ons die setel van die liefde geraak en die brein die setel van denke. Dink net aan hoe ons praat: “Ek het jou lief met my hele hart,” “Jy het my hart gesteel,” en, verwysende na die brein, “Gebruik jou kop en dink so ‘n bietjie!” In hierdie konteks klink die brein soos die vervelige, vaal oukie wat nooit enigiets wil doen behalwe lees nie en die hart soos die populêre, spontane ou wat bungee-spring en meisies deur hul kamervensters besing. Dit is allermins die geval! Die hart is eintlik nie verantwoordelik vir liefde nie, maar die brein wel. So hoekom word die hart dan met liefde geassosieer as dit eintlik min daarmee te doen het? Wel, ons assosieer die hart met liefde omdat dit hierdie orgaan is wat die meeste simptome openbaar wanneer ons verlief is. Wanneer die brein die teken gee vir “verliefdheidshormone” soos dopamien om vrygestel te word, laat hierdie hormone ons harte vinniger klop—soveel so dat ons van ons harte bewus word. Die hart versprei op sy beurt bloed vinniger na die res van ons liggaam en dit laat ons warm kry. En alhoewel die idee dat ‘n “gebroke hart” tot die dood kan lei nie meer deur medici aanvaar word nie, ís dit waar dat erge emosionele stremming, soos ervaar wanneer ’n geliefde weg is, die hart negatief affekteer en dit kan beskadig. Hierom word die hart al vir jare verkeerdelik geassosieer met die oorsprong van liefdesgevoelens.

In werklikheid doen ons brein die meeste van die werk as dit by liefde kom. Dit is terselfdertyd die brein wat ons aanpor óf daarvan weerhou om die aantreklike ou of meisie te nader. Ons almal het al daardie twee belangrike woorde —“wat as”- herhaal. Veral as dit by “hartsake” kom. Hierdie twee woorde word deur ons onderbewussyn, ’n aspek van die brein, gegenereer wat ons dan laat twyfel. Die onderbewussyn is nie ‘n fisiese plek in die brein nie, maar eerder ‘n baie spesiale manier van inligting waarneem en verwerk wat ons normale denke nie so goed kan doen nie. So kan ons na iemand kyk en ons bewuste denke dink: “Joh, jy’s aantreklik! Ek wil met jou praat,” maar ons onderbewussyn dink: “Hokaai! Op ‘n vreemde manier lyk hierdie persoon soos daardie ander persoon met wie jy destyds ‘n slegte ervaring gehad het. Bly weg!” Jy is nie eens bewus daarvan nie, maar dit is hierdie onderbewuste gedagtes wat jou laat twyfel of jy gaan haai of koebaai sê. Buiten ons onderbewussyn, wat soms ‘n bietjie oorversigtig kan wees, is ons brein ook op ‘n ander manier teen ons as dit by die liefde kom. Vandat ons Dit kan verklaar klein was het ons altyd ‘n sekere beeld of idee geshoekom ons sekere kep van hoe ons lewens“voorkeure” het as maat gaan lyk of wees dit kom by voorkoms afhangend van wat ons waargeneem het—dikwels en persoonlikheid in van ons ouers of voogde se ‘n verhoudingsmaat. verhoudings. Dit kan verklaar hoekom ons sekere “voorkeure” het as dit kom by voorkoms en persoonlikheid in ‘n verhoudingsmaat. Moenie te straf wees op jouself as jy ‘n verhouding met ‘n baie oulike ou of meisie die hoof bied omdat jy eenvoudig nie skoenlappers in jou maag gevoel het nie. Jy mag dink: “Is dit regtig vir my so belangrik dat die persoon ‘n sekere lengte moet wees, ‘n sekere kleur hare of oë moet hê, spontaan moet wees?” Haal diep asem en weet: die antwoord is ja EN nee, want alhoewel jy van kleins af jou brein “afrig” om sekere eienskappe aantreklik te vind sodat jou verliefdheidshormone afskei as jy dit in mense waarneem, beteken dit nie dat jy nie jou brein kan “herprogrammeer” om ander eienskappe ook aantreklik te vind nie. Dit gaan eenvoudig (baie) tyd vat. So jou skoenlappers mag dalk

eers oor ‘n paar weke, maande (of selfs jare) kom. Die gevaar met hierdie voorafgeprogrammerde brein is dat ons mag verlief raak op iemand gebasseer op die feit dat die persoon een of twee eienskappe het wat ons aantreklik vind. Ons is dus nie noodwendig op die volle persoon verlief vir wie hy/sy is nie. Daarom is sommige verhoudings aan die begin goed, want jou geliefde openbaar meestal die eienskap waarvan jy hou, maar na ‘n rukkie is hy/sy meer gerus en begin byvoorbeeld minder spontaan optree. Dit is dan wat jou verliefdheid kwyn, want die sneller vir al die verliefheidshormone verdwyn en nou voel dit vir jou jy ken nie die persoon nie terwyl jy in werklikheid nooit die tyd geneem het om die persoon te leer ken nie. Dit kan erge hartseer veroorsaak, veral vir die geliefde wat mag voel dat hy/sy jou teleurgestel het en “nie is wat jy wou hê nie.” Hierom is dit belangrik dat ons oordeelkundig is in verhoudings en eers die volle persoon leer ken sodat ons werklik op alles van daardie persoon verlief kan word. So alhoewel daar konstant na die oneindigende stryd tussen ons brein en ons hart verwys word, is die twee eintlik vennote soos sout en peper, spek en eiers: jou brein maak die liefdesbesluit (hoe moeilik dit ookal mag wees) en jou hart is slegs ‘n meganisme in jou komplekse liggaam, sonder gevoelens van sy eie, wat deur middel van bloed hormone versprei wat daardie swaarte of opwinding verskaf as ons liefde ervaar. Maar is dit nie moontlik vir ons om dan ook te sê dat ons brein die aantal polsslae beheer wat ons hart uitstuur en selfs die polsslag wat ons soms mis as gevolg van liefde nie? Ons brein is soos die koning van die oerwoud – wat hy sê, ís. Maak dit nie dan meer sin om te kyk na die woorde “Ek is lief vir jou met my hele hart” as “Ek is lief vir jou met my hele brein” nie?


UIT vir ‘n SES

KRIEKET Deur Heleen Theron

Worcester Gimnasium het vier spanne die afgelope kwartaal in voldag-liga gehad. Hulle het uitstekend presteer met enkele uitblinker-spelers. Die o.15B-span het 4 uit 5 wedstryde gewen. Die uitblinker was Nevan Damon met 15 paaltjies geneem. Die o.17– en o.14 A-span het gemengde uitslae behaal teen ander skole se eerste spanne. Pierre Rossouw , Gurshwin Wehr en Moses Phillips het by die o.17’s uitgeblink en Edward Klüsmann met sy goeie kolf- en boulwerk by die o.14A’s Die o.15A-span het net een wedstryd verloor en daar was ‘n hele paar uitblinkers: Stiaan Viola, Bruce-John Joseph, Dylan Setera en Chamber Joseph wat al twee driekunste in wedstryde behaal het. Die o.19A2 span het net een wedstryd verloor met Usiel Langeveld, Anton Voigt, Heinrich Hartog en Hans Klüsmann as die uitblinkers en o.19A1 het tot die halfeind-rondte van Boland se deel van die Nasionale T-20 kompetisie deurgedring en net een wedstryd gedurende die kwartaal verloor. Uitblinkers in hierdie span sluit in Ashwin Witbooi, Curtley Deelman, Frederich Condradie, Rikus de Wet, Daniel van der Berg en Adeeb Isaacs wat het uitgestaan met hul boul- en kolfwerk.

Ons skool het tans tien onder-vyftien-spelers, sewe onder-sewentien-spelers en vier onderneëntien-spelers wat in die Noord-Boland-spanne opgeneem is. Hulle gaan in die streekskampioenskappe speel waaruit finale Boland groepe gekies sal word. Hieronder dan die name van hierdie gesogte spelers: o.15 Chamber Joseph Ryan George Stiaan Viola Endi Mdingi Bruce-John Joseph Dylan Setera Nic Geldenhuys Edward Klüsmann Brandon Groenewald Curtley Verwey

o.17 Hans Klüsmann Jesse Albanie Ussiel Langeveldt Adeeb Isaacs o.19 Frederich Conradie Curtley Deelman Rikus de Wet Ashwin Witbooi Lundi Msenge Pierre Joubert Tylor Apollis

Baie geluk aan almal wat gekies is. Dankie aan al die krieketafrigters en organiseerders vir die harde gespook om die spelers se potensiaal uit te bring en baie sterkte met die proewe!


The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.

� Edmund Burke

Let’s take an active part in shaping the world we would like to live in.

Go M.A.D.

Go Make A Difference. You could help stop inhumane actions in 5 minutes, says peter manefeldt

As we will all face having to leave our comfortable nests at Worcester Gymnasium for the big world within the next few years or months, we might start inspecting our high school career and the positive difference we have brought to bear. Have we taken part in forming the type society, the type of world we want to join as contributing adults? Inspired by a conversation with our Polish exchange student, Maksymilian Maria Zielinski, I realised that it is necessary for Worcester Gymnasium's learners to not only bring about change in our own community, but, as we live in an increasingly globalizing world, also try to have an international impact. Amnesty International is an organization which campaigns for human rights and we can aid them in campaigns against human rights violations, such as torture and unfair rape legislation, by simply signing an online petition. These petitions are sent to governments, senior leaders (e.g. presidents) and other influential entities to make them aware that these offences are in the international spotlight and thereby place pressure on them to change these situations. Amnesty International also keeps you informed about the developments in the campaigns you support, via email, if you choose so when signing the petition.

These 3 steps can be followed


Go to the web address


Click on the "act now" icon of your choice to inform yourself about a group or individual Amnesty International is campaigning for.

3 Enter your information to sign the petition and make difference!

A few seconds of your time could make a difference in the lives of others, and upholding the human rights of others will increase the chance that the international community will support you if you are ever in need.




Swimming: because we're too sexy for a sport with clothes.

When was the last time your coach yelled at you for BREATHING?

I swim, therefore I.M.

Oxygen is overrated.

You can always breathe later

Are you the 400 IM? Cuz you take my breath away.

When the ice caps melt and the world floods, swimmers will rule the world.

By Robyn Viljoen


here is something primeval about swimming as a sport. At the end of the day it’s just a question of who can get to the other end of the pool first, but in order to go faster, athletes must correct the positioning of every part of their body and swim backwards and forwards every day, an awful lot. They train harder than Iron Man, have six-packs more toned than Taylor Lautner and buttocks neater than David Beckham. Our terrific swimming season has drawn to a close and it has been a good one indeed. We took part in many galas and succeeded brilliantly. We participated in the twilight-gala held in Worcester for the first time in years, where both our female and male teams took home a fifth place. Then we took part in the Robertson

relay gala where our u/16 girls, u/16 boys, u/14 boys and u/19 girls took home first places. Last but not least we attended the annual Hexonal gala in Malmesbury, also known as our interschools gala where our female teams, male teams as well as Worcester Gymnasium as a whole took home gold right across the board.

Thank you to everyone who worked to make this season a success.

Veni Natavi Vicci. We came, We swam, We conquered 46


Bosvark Maths learners hot on the trail of Bicycle thieves

DEEVYA N AROTAM Worcester — No learner (or teacher, for that matter) would ever have imagined that a Mathematics lesson could be as adventurous as the one experienced during the grade 12 Maths lesson on Friday, 26 February 2016. While staring out of the classroom window, in search of the answer to the puzzling algebraic problem on the board, a crime-in-progress had caught the eye of these distracted learners during their Maths lesson:

two strangers were seen taking two bicycles from the bicycle parking bay and escaping out of the school's farthest front gate, opposite the old age home, Huis Brewis. Jolted by what had just been witnessed, a group of

boys sprinted out from both Mrs Snygans and Mrs Tromp's classrooms, leaving the unsolved algebraic problem hanging on the board. Adrenalin rushing through their blood, these boys were intent on chasing the thieves to retrieve the stolen bicycles.

The thieves sped away from school on their stolen bicycles, in different directions towards downtown. Similarly, the Gimmie boys followed in hot pursuit on foot, on scooters/ motorbikes and in two cars one with a Gimmie parent whom they met on the road and the other car belonging to a citizen who was waved down. The parent's car and one group of Gimmie boys caught up with one of the thieves as he was escaping through the Pick 'n Pay parking lot. A short distance

away, they managed to retrieve that bicycle (see photo 1). These boys then made their way back to school on foot and for the last stretch back, caught a lift with Oom Bankies, who was also on the road. On the other side of town, the driver of the citizen's car, painfully oblivious of the palpable urgency in the air, continued at the pace of a Sunday cruise. After a hairpulling, approximate two minutes, the driver hinted that he needed to go another way because his passenger was getting late. The relieved Gimmie boys then jumped out of the car to give further chase on foot.

For a short while, they were hot on the heels of the second thief, who kept checking over his shoulder anxiously, but eventually managed to escape their pursuit. Meanwhile, the police, who joined the search party, took a lead to search the OVD ("Ouers Van Dae") residential complex in Buitekant Street, where a second bicycle was recovered and brought back to the school for identification. However, no-one had come forth to claim this bicycle, which the police then returned to its rightful owner in OVD. No case was opened against the suspects and noone was arrested. Therefore, in terms of the conviction of the thieves, the case stands as such: " no solution for x. "

Above: the first bicycle retrieved and returned to the school, with the help of a Gimmie parent and a team of Gimmie boys.

Above: the bicycle (in the back of the police van) found at the OVD residential complex, brought to the school for identification. From left to right: Captain Allie, Constable Baadjies and Sergeant Davids from the Worcester SAPS. 48




ll of the students of Worcester Gymnasium have heard time and time again of the importance of their high school education, but in the end, high school is just a building block on the way to a brighter future. When talking about the future, many students are flooded with anguish about the direction in which their professional life is headed and what additional studies would supplement a successful career.

So, here are a few tips on how to

Choose the career that’s right for you 1. Talk to those closest to you. Sometimes the people we love the most know more about us than we do, so their opinions can be vital in choosing a career. 2. Take online aptitude tests; these are an easy and free way to expose yourself to options that are fitting with your personality and interests. 3. Talk to the school counsellor. Counsellors often have many helpful resources for the choosing of your career. 4. Do your research! Making decisions doesn’t come without a little bit of work. Find out what options are available and where there is a high demand for new workers. 5. Make a list of all of your career options. Sometimes seeing things laid out in front of you can help with the visualization of your potential careers. 6. Explore as many options as pos-

Now I aint sayin’ I’m a goal digger, but I aint gonna be no babysitter.

sible. Never assume that a career is not for you unless you’ve looked into it thoroughly. 7. Experience the work for yourself; sometimes research just isn’t enough. Internships, job shadowing and speaking to people in the field can be very helpful for decision making. 8. Keep an open mind! There are so many jobs available that you have probably never even heard of. According to Forbes magazine, a hot dog vendor can make up to 70000 U.S dollars a year and a personal shopper can make $100000+ in one year. 9. Most importantly, follow your heart. Making a practical career decision is important, but if you have no passion in a specific field. there is no use entering it. All in all, passion is the path that you should follow. Make sure to fill your future with happiness, not dollar signs, and make decisions in your own time. There is no rushing the rest of your life.

(What) to be or (what) not to be? That is the question.


It’s Leap Year! We hope you seized the extra day this year and enjoyed it to the fullest. Here are a few fun facts about Leap Day that you might not have known. 1

There’s a famous Sir James Milne Wilson, the eighth premier of Tasmania who was born on February 29th, 1812 and died on February 29th, 1880.


The law of averages means your chance of being born on a leap day is 1 out of 1461.

2 Approximately 4 million people in the world were born on a Leap Day.



by Emily Voight

People born on 29 February are called “leapers” or “leaplings”.


5 Women are traditionally allowed and even encouraged to propose to men on Leap Day. This tradition dates all the way back to 5th Century Ireland. (In Scotland, if the man turned you down, he was faced with a fine in the form of a kiss, a silk dress, or a few pairs of gloves given to the rejected lady fair… Google it!)

8 In the UK, “Leaplings” have to wait until March 1 to become legal.

9 Prisoners with one-year sentences must serve the extra day if the term crosses leap day.

4 Leap Years are the only years where January 1st and December 31st are on different days of the week -- every other year they're on the same day.

According to the Guinness Book of Records, there is only one verified example of a family producing three consecutive generations born on February 29. This is of the Keogh family. Peter Anthony was born in Ireland on a Leap Day in 1940, while his son, Peter Eric, was born in the UK on February 29, 1964. Peter Eric's daughter, Bethany Wealth, was also a Leap Day baby, born in the UK on February 29, 1996.

WHY A LEAP DAY? Technically each year on Earth has 365 days, 5 hours, 48 minutes and 46 seconds to be exact. This is why it’s necessary to add an extra day in Feb-

10 For obvious reasons, February 29th also marks Rare Disease Day.

11 If you ended up in a job working for a fixed annual income, you would be working for free on a Leap Day.

“He took a leap and built his wings on the way down.” 50

An education in

by Lynn Ceasar & Deevya Narotam


n a generation already constantly tempted to check our social media updates, are we ready to have access to social media in a school setup? While doing homework you sit, focused on the task at hand, you feel in control, invincible, unable to be distracted, until your phone buzzes and the LED light on the corner of your phone flickers. Is it Instagram? Is it Facebook? Or is it a WhatsApp message from that girl/boy you have been chatting to? The curiosity takes over and eventually you open up the notification. Before you know it an hour has gone by and you haven’t touched your pen again. Alas, this is a reality that

e-learning may have a hand in, should we fail to resist temptations of social media. This does not mean that e-learning won’t be a success. On the contrary, it’s an excellent way of facilitating our use of the various electronic information sources that are at our disposal. These sources, including informative YouTube videos, various reliable internet sites as well as educational apps, can be used to enhance the classroom learning experience and expand our knowledge on relevant subjects, further than our textbooks may allow. Commentary on interactive internet sites, such as Q&A sites or even social media, also gives us the opportunity to explore diverse opinions on different matters, rather than restricting us to single-minded opinions. However, self discipline plays a key role in the extent to which the e-learning program can benefit us. We need to adopt the habit of separating our schoolwork from our leisure time - and you know yourself well enough to know when you're bluffing yourself. Keeping your personal weaknesses in mind, you should consider taking certain precautionary measures. Examples include switching off your mobile data, using only the schools Wi-Fi and very importantly, not loading non-educational games on your device. Merely convincing yourself that you won’t be tempted to use this internet access for leisure activities, such as social networking, won't suffice; you'll need to prove this to yourself. As Theodor Adorno's wise words ring: “work while you work, play while you play - this is a basic rule of repressive selfdiscipline.” Let's not live for the next scroll through our Instagram feed, or the next time we can hashtag our goals on someone else's post. Instead, let's steer our focus to the real future we are creating. High school is the stepping stone to a potentially successful future, and how we as students use the offered opportunities, such as the e-learning programme, will determine whether that potential is reached or not. Education is a privilege, not a right, so let’s all treat it as such. [Now that's #educationgoals!]

Finally a

practical use for space technology by Peter Manefeldt


ave you ever looked up into the night sky and had this eerie feeling that there is something important out there? It is probably the asteroid that your granddaughter's wedding ring will be made of that you are so unknowingly staring at. An investment announcement by Luxembourg may change the current focus and the future of the central European research entities and space economics. The small European country of Luxembourg is currently ranked as the country with the highest income per capita by the World Bank. This small country aims to become an international player in the mining of resources that are rare on the

surface of the earth, from asteroids. Former European Space Agency boss, Jean-Jacques Dordain, stated that it is no longer science fiction to mine, retrieve and safely land minerals from near -earth asteroids. Some of the targeted minerals will include platinum, iridium and palladium. Dordain also states that this will promote European space mining companies to do business in Luxembourg instead of California. The American based company, Deep Space Industries, posted on twitter in early February: "DSI is looking forward to working with our friends in Luxembourg to develop the technology and legal framework for asteroid mining." The Grand Duchy of Luxembourg has set up a legal framework which will support operators that are based in the country. It has also stated that it will invest directly in some companies. The tiny country hopes to be host to many of these space mining start-ups which will be mining the estimated 13 500 near-earth asteroids. This may well be the start of an interesting era to observe or take part in for our generation. The influence that this development may have on the advancement of future technology is astronomical (no pun intended). If proven profitable, this may decrease the depletion of the earth's surface minerals by traditional mining methods and thereby prevent extensive environmental damage. Watch this space: Vietnam has one of the highest growth rates for internet and Smartphone users in the world. Other than Luxembourg attracting start-ups, the fastest growing technology-hub nearing a Silicon Valley status is Ho Chi Minh City in Vietnam, attracting a large portion of the international startup community as well as companies such as Samsung and Intel.

For more on this "space-breaking" development, follow this link to the article on BBC news:


‘n Keur van ons skrywers

English teachers’ choice


Art should comfort the disturbed and disturb the comfortable.

Rushing ants in their uniformed clothes Hurry up to receive their daily dose Into the Giant's mouth they climb and walk in synchronized time

I am a piece of closely woven fabric on which paintings are skillfully executed — a canvas. I see through my consumer’s glassy eyes, use the fires of her heart to feed myself and sleep curled up in the tornado of her lungs. The artist is a cherry blossom lying on the remnants of a hundred year old grave, slippery in between the cracks and begging for death to caress her. She paces in circular movements and on me she destroys all maniacal thoughts with colours — pastel shades that fade easily. She pencils me in beautifully, dresses me in eloquent enunciation and colours my soul iridescent. She draws white feathered wings, contrasting the dark craters of her soul. Gradually her uneven hales turn antithetical. I become a sketch of pandemonium. I notice

with one loud RING the passages are silent, with nothing And all that can be heard now is only what the Queen will allow Chané Pienaar, 9E1

slowly—a soft breeze sweeping me away into the sea right before I drown. Suddenly I’m covered in shades of blue. Hunger in teeth, saints made of glass and immortality. Blue’s the colour of the space she drifts into as she furiously sweeps different brushes, dripping with teal liquid, across me – the shade of the bruises on her delicate cheekbones. The essence of her poetry, constantly reminding people of their mutability. More eyes. I can feel the colour pulsing through my veins— a compressed, azure ocean current. The pink is stolen from her cheeks and replaced with a bitter turquoise as she stares at me disapprovingly, a cigarette dangling from her lips. She says, “He is something you carry round with you; not somewhere you go.” I feel a blade pierce through my material. Destruction is a form of creation. I stare at her cynically, wondering what was strong enough to put out the fire inside her. I wish it had been a flood and not a slow drizzle. Bianca du Plessis 9A4

PURPLE “Hit the deck!” At the sound of Sam’s panicked voice, my head snapped in the direction from which a loud, glass-shattering explosion came. I gasped, another body slammed against my side with force, sending both of us barreling towards the ground. The air was consumed in a cloud of thick, sticky purple smoke. The stench of artificial grapes lingered in the air, tickling my nose and squeezing my lungs. “That was exciting!” Sam laughed as the fire alarm started screeching, triggering the sprinkler system. “Get off me!” I huffed, pushing Sam off and crawling underneath one of the tables to escape the purple rain. Turns out, whatever substance Sam had added to our little “experiment”, turned to liquid when mixed with water. It was supposed to be a simple little prank, a way to teach a lesson to our snarky, purple-loving science teacher for forcing our third pop-quiz upon us that week. But, of course, Sam wanted to play mad scientist and messed everything up. `He was laughing as he slid under the table “We are getting into so much trouble for this.” My nostrils flared. “We? We?! No, sorry, buddy. There is no ‘we’!” I jabbed my finger at him. “This one’s on you!” I was about to unleash a string of profanities, when suddenly the lights flickered on and a deep, angry voice boomed, “Who’s there?” I don’t think I’ve ever run so fast in my life as we darted through the window, sprinting all the way down the street with the security guard hot on our trail, waving his flashlight around.

It was on pure instinct that we jumped through my bedroom window drenched in purple. When suddenly my parents walked into the room and I knew I was in trouble… Annemie du Plessis 12A2

ELKE DONKER WOLK Die kar het sewe keer gerol. My man, wat in die kar was, word hospitaal toe gejaag. Toe ek inderhaas by die hospitaal aankom, is hy reeds in die teater. Ek sit al ses ure in die grys wagkamer. Al wat ek hoor is die reëndruppels wat hard teen die ruit val. Daar woed ‘n storm buite en daar woed ‘n reuse storm in my hart. Ses ure word sewe en ek het steeds geen nuus gekry nie. Breindood… my man is breindood. Ek hoor net die gepiep van die masjiene toe ek by sy hospitaalbed kom. Al wat ek sien, is ‘n pers, gekneusde gesig en ‘n lyf wat bedek is met verbande en pleisters. Sy mond half-oop van die pyp wat hom laat asemhaal en aan die lewe hou. Die dokter kom by die hospitaalkamer in en sê ek moet dié besluit neem, óf die masjiene word afgesit, óf hulle hou die masjiene aan en my man bly “lewe”. Hy noem ook die orgaanskenkopsie, maar my gedagtes dwaal reeds. Ek word terug aarde toe gebring toe ongevalle se deure oopgaan en ‘n jong seun ingejaag word. Ek hoor hoe die dokter skree dat sy hart besig is om in te gee en dat hy dadelik op die oorplantingslys moet kom. Ek sit, steeds bleek getraumatiseer in die hospitaal, toe die dokter na my toe kom en vir my sê dat my man se hart die seun kan red. My geliefkoosde man gaan dalk oopgesny word en finaal dood verklaar word. Dóód. Ek besef toe dat dit is wat my man sou wou hê. Ek teken die vorms en hoor dadelik die voëltjies buite. Die storm buite die hospitaalmure het stil geraak, net soos die storm in my hart. My man het ‘n jong seun se lewe gered. Toe ek by die hospitaal uitstap, sien ek dadelik die blou lug en besef, elke donker wolk het ‘n silwer randjie. Elsa Burger, 10A4

Het jy enige skryfwerk wat jy dink op standaard is om in die Circum gepubliseer te word? Vra gerus jou taalonderwyser om dit deur te lees ter oorweging van plasing in die volgende Circum.


Why does paper curl when it gets wet?

The pulp from which paper is made consists of wood fibres and water. Because water is extracted from the pulp with a sieve, the larger fibres sink to the bottom faster so that when a sheet is made, these larger fibres land at the back of the paper whilst smaller fibres are on the top. When water is spilled over paper the large fibres absorb more water, making them expand more, whilst the smaller ones don’t expand as much. Consequently, the sheet curls and the fibres remain in that position, even after the paper has dried. Is it possible to open the door of an aeroplane during the flight?

Large aircraft, such as the Boeing or Airbus, have pressure cabins where the pressure is kept high to ensure passengers can breathe even when the plane travels through the sparse air that we get at a high altitude. The difference in pressure of the air within and without a plane means that the plane’s door will be pushed outwards forcefully if opened to let the high pressure air out. However, most airplane doors open inward, so opening them would require immense power no passenger could manage during a flight. So you can enjoy your flight knowing you won’t be sucked through an opening if someone accidentally opens a door. Note that this does not apply to small propelled planes which fly at a lower altitude and therefore do not have a pressure cabin. So your power may surprise you if you're flying in one of those. Why do cats bury their poo?

If your pet cat does not bury its poo, it may be a sign of a power struggle between the two of you. The way in which cats present their faeces expresses their domination of a territory. When a cat does not bury its excrement, it is trying to convey the message that it is dominant and holds that territory in its ownership. Most pet cats are trained to view their human owners as dominant and will therefore bury their faeces to clearly show their submission to the boss. What causes the 'pop' sound when popcorn kernels pop?

Q&A Feel free to pop a similar question into the Circum box outside of room 18. These answers can be credited mainly to the expertise of

Braintainment. 55

The much-loved snack sure does provide some food for thought, right? When popcorn kernels are heated, the internal moisture turns into steam and causes pressure to build up, until the hull of the kernel splits, with fluffy, white corn bursting out of it. Slow-motion videos reveal that the 'pop' sound occurs out of sync with both the hull's rupture and the kernel's launch in the air, which has left us curious popcorn-addicts with one remaining cause for the real source of the unexplained 'pop' sound: the release of water vapour as the kernel opens. A sudden change in pressure is brought about when the water vapour is released, which causes cavities inside the popcorn to vibrate and produce sound. Do panda bears have belly buttons?

Yup! Because they are mammals and give birth to live young, they have to be attached to the mother’s womb somehow for nutrients to be transferred to them and excretions to be transported away. After birth they have an umbilical cord which falls off to form a scar like mark which we call a belly button. Even if it turned out they didn’t have a navel, wouldn’t we all feel better convincing ourselves that this fluffy white and black bear can lie on its back, scratching away at its belly button with a bamboo stick? Cute! So yes, they sure do have belly buttons.


Let’s see if you can spot which teacher resembles which animation character. Here are your choices: Mr Schoeman, Mr Raal, Mr Schell, Mrs Van Heukelum, Ms Le Roux, Ms Hendrickse, Ms Human


Die skool word 24!



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