2016 Circum Kwartaal 4

Page 1




Grade 8 Ball

Hack Jou Somer

If #FeesMustFall, #OpinionsMustRise The Science of Dreams

Skryf hom Steyntjie

Parade Day 2016: Until we meet again...

REDAKSIE Redaktrise Jacomi Breytenbach Sub-redaktrise Emily Voigt Aneeq Jacobs Bianca du Plessis Enriqué Wilson Heleen Theron Khanya Fadana Kyle Stynder Kyle Duvenhage Leandri du Toit Liné Bredenkamp Lona Sukani Lungako Ndungane Mari Vlok Mikyall Harris Nina Roodbol Simone Botha Tris ha Bhawam

FOTOGRAWE Nickus Venter Abygail Drake Ruth Pretorius Gaby Jacobs Elmari van der Westhuizen Lize Joubert Chané Pienaar Kayla van Greunen Liam Waters Winona Swanepoel Els je-Marié Jordaan Jana Matthee Thomas du Preez

The Science of Dreams 29

P Grade 8 Ball 27

If #Fee

Omkomende Kunstenaars 13 Hack Jou Somer


uitleg M eneer van Niekerk

Skryf h 1


Parade Day 7

esMustFall, #OpinionsMustRise

hom Steyn’tjie 17



‘n Bittersoet Einde


Parade Day


Omkomende Kunstenaars




VCSV-Kringleier Natuur Avontuur


Grade 8 Ball


Teacher Feature



Hack jou Somer


Summer Fashion


Skryf hom Steyntjie


Watter tipe vriend is jy


If #FeesMustFall, #OpinionsMustRise


Scientific Study Methods


The Science of Dreams


Gesonde Resepte


Fun facts


Upcoming movies and new TV shows



EDITOR’S Letter Change is inevitable – except from a vending machine Robert C. Gallagher Looking back on this term, the amount of changes that took place at Worcester Gymnasium is staggering. When the new school term came knocking on our doors we, although grudgingly, followed it in a resigned matter. After all, it was the last term of the year and we already knew the drill. What could possibly be different? Famous last words... This term probably had more changes than all of the previous terms combined. We undertook the journey, but the scenery changed so much, about halfway through, we were already woefully lost. Eerstens was ons forseer om die onomwonde feit dat die matrieks ons gaan verlaat, te aanvaar. Hulle was nou wel afwesig vir die helfte van die derde kwartaal, maar hierdie kwartaal het ons eers werklik tot die besef gekom dat hulle nie weer gaan terugkom nie. Paradedag was ongelooflik, maar daarna het die leë gange, voorheen net gerieflik vir die laatkommers, „n heeltemal nuwe betekenis gekry. The empty halls weren‟t the only change we were forced to deal with. The exams were around the corner and even though some of us liked to pretend we were


prepared, no one really felt 100% ready for the exams. Most of us were already writing our own eulogies, to be honest. It felt like we were just playfully splashing in the water, while still getting used to the depth, when the bottom suddenly vanished and we were completely immersed in ice-cold water. Ewe skielik was die helderblou lug weg en ons moes veg om ons koppe bo die water te hou. Alhoewel die eksamen nou oor is, moet ons maar wag vir die resultate om te sien of ons dié verandering wel oorleef het... Nog „n verandering wat hierdie kwartaal plaasgevind het, was natuurlik die Circum, wat „n nuwe “Bestuurder” gekry het. Juffrou le Roux het ons nou verlaat, maar sy sal altyd in ons harte bly. Ons is oneindig dankbaar vir alles wat sy vir die Circum gedoen het en ons kan met sekerheid sê dat sy definitief haar joernalistieke stempel op die Circum afgedruk het. In the same breath we want to welcome Mr van Niekerk with open arms. We are certain that he‟ll do great things and that the Circum will only grow under his influence. He is full of new ideas and we can assure you that there will certainly be more changes to come. Another change, was the change in the weather. The days of not having to shave and hot chocolate was over, making way for clear, balmy nights and the searing hot days. I know this might offend the sworn winter people, but I‟m certain that even you were a little bit excited when you could start planning your summer vacation. Bottomline, whether it‟s good or bad, change is inevitable. This term had lots of changes and it might have confused some of us, but we always found our way in the end.You might have been angry or disappointed by it, but (hopefully) you realised that you cannot run from change and that the best way to deal with change is to just deal with it. It‟s sink or swim. So, welgedaan Gimmies. Julle het geswem!


As 2017‟s wave is nearing, with the grade 11 group eagerly waiting for the title of Matrics to fall upon them, it was time for the annual Bosberaad at Goudini-Spa.

Mr Joubert took to the stage again to show them the suggestions he received from the grade for Matric Badges, Matric Jerseys and their motto for 2017.

On Tuesday, the 18th of October, at 08:30, everyone was lined up according to their class sections, ready to get on the busses. Two of the busses only got to Goudini-Spa at 9:30 due to a few wrong turns (which led to a slightly longer journey than expected), thus the whole programme was a bit delayed.

After the votes were cast, it was Mr Schoeman‟s turn to talk and he asked the learners to decide, in groups, what they wanted to change and improve about the school. He also reminded them that the school has many traditions and reasons why certain things are done in a certain way. As the session concluded, they were allowed to explore the rest of the resort.

Firstly, they had a session on social media and how it can get them in big trouble when misused. They would know, since they had had a first-hand experience of how social media can turn a wave into a tsunami. They were informed of what types of charges could be laid against you and how it could affect the rest of your life. After that stimulating talk, it was time for the real planning to begin. They had to decide on what they want to achieve in 2017. These goals included: 100% pass rate, mass participation in all school activities and to always stand together, no matter what. With that being said, it was like a wave of excitement flowing through the conference hall, hyping everyone up for the year to come.

Although 3 of the pools were empty because of maintenance and the shop was closed because of stocktaking, they still enjoyed themselves like only they could. When it was time to go home, one of the busses didn‟t arrive, so a lucky group of learners had to wait an extra hour for another bus to come and pick them up. Worcester Gymnasium, a wave is coming. #MX17wave

It was time for a break and they were treated with cake and a juice. They were allowed to take pictures outside and they did, lots and lots of them. Some even came with extra memory cards! The fun was cut short when everyone had to return to the hall to finish off the main purpose of the day. As they came storming back into the hall,


‘n Bittersoet einde Kyle Stynder hou een laaste onderhoud met die vier hoofleiers van 2016.

Hoe het jy oor Paradedag gevoel, aangesien jy nou ten volle van die skool afskeid geneem het? Chrisrie: Dit was nogal hartseer, want Paradedag het my laat besef die afskeid neem raak nou „n re-

Dink jy dat jy met trots kan sê dat jy al jou doelwitte vir jou hoërskoolloopbaan bereik het?

aliteit, maar dit het my ook opgewonde gemaak vir die volgende fase van my lewe. Dit was „n baie spesiale manier om te besef hoe baie almal vir my beteken.

Janco Nel: My doelwitte vir 2016 was eenheid in

Suzanne: Ek het nie onmiddellik die belangrikheid

verskeidenheid. Verlede jaar was ons matrieks verskriklik afsonderlik en baie groepies was gevorm. Ons was nooit regtig „n eenheid nie. Van die begin af, het ek gestrewe daarna dat elke ras net „n eenheid kon vorm en op die ou einde was dit presies wat gebeur het.

van die dag ten volle besef nie; ek het nie besef dat

Chrisrie Oosthuizen: Ek dink dit wat vir my bel-

was op „n manier verskriklik bly, maar terselfdertyd

angrik was aan die begin van die jaar het steeds vir my belangrik gebly. Dit was vir my „n doelwit om nie die belangrike goedjies soos vriende af te skeep nie. Daar is wel dinge wat ek beter sou wou doen, maar ek voel ek het steeds my doelwitte bereik.

ook baie hartseer. Dit was vir my ongelooflik spesiaal,

Charl Schoeman: Nie alles nie, maar meeste het ek bereik. Ek is ongelooflik dankbaar vir my seëninge met alles wat ek wel bereik het. Daar is wel „n paroksisme goed waar ek dink ek harder aan kon werk om dit te behaal, maar ek is tevrede en spyt oor niks.

Suzanne Stofberg: Ek voel ek het die doelwitte bereik wat die Here my toegelaat het om te bereik. Dit wat ek wou doen het ek gedoen en alhoewel daar „n paar is wat ek nie kon bereik nie, het ek vrede daarmee gemaak en is ek positief oor die toekoms.

Wat was jou grootste bron van motivering? Suzanne: My motivering was dat ek altyd sukses wil bereik en ek is iemand wat doelwitte wil bereik as ek dit stel. My ouers en my vriende was my motivering en ook my dryfkrag om sukses te behaal.

Chrisrie: Just keep swimming en Filipense 4:6, Jesus is my motivering.

Charl: Ek wou myself bewys en ek wou seker

dit werklik die dag is waar ek moet afskeid neem van almal nie. Op daai oomblik was dit nie vir my so erg nie, maar dit het my wel na die tyd nogals hard getref.

Janco: Dit was vir my „n baie “weird” gevoel. Ek

want ek stap al „n lang pad met Worcester Gimnasium en dit voel asof ek in „n mate groot geword het met die skool. Die realiteit het my nogals hard getref toe ek besef my skoolloopbaan is nou besig om tot „n einde te kom. Ek onthou toe ek die saal binnestap het ek my ma en pa gesien wat verskriklik baie huil. Op daardie oomblik, kon ek nie help om „n bietjie emosioneel te raak nie.

Charl: Dit was „n ongelooflike ervaring. Die perfekte manier om jou skoolloopbaan af te sluit. Alhoewel ek nie só emosioneel was nie, was dit tog moeilik en hartseer, want daar het ek vir die eerste keer begin besef dat dit amper tyd is om te groet, dat skool nou verby is en dat ek nooit weer sekere ervarings gaan beleef nie.

geseën is nie. Ek dink my motivering was dat ek kon sê dat ek geen spyt het oor die goed wat ek nie gedoen, of bereik het nie en steeds heel en tevrede aan die ander kant uitgekom het.

Janco: My geloof - sonder Jesus is ek niks. As ek „n dag net moeg of uitgeput voel, sal ek net vir God vra om my te help en dit was regtig „n baie goeie bron van motivering. Was nog altyd, en sal altyd wees.

maak ek mis nie „n geleentheid waarmee ek


They say life is like a book; just like you shouldn‟t judge a book by its cover, you shouldn‟t judge a person by his appearance. Each person‟s life has many chapters and on the 14th of October it was time for the Matriculants of 2016 to complete their high school chapter.

minutes of 2015‟s Parade Day which was followed by Mr Schoeman‟s speech. Nobody will forget the baby photos of Charl and Andrè that Mr Schoeman showed and the fact that Charl and Andrè cried in the corner together for the first three months of daycare!

The end of their chapter started at Worcester‟s Protea Hotel Cumberland where the whole grade group joined for a delicious breakfast. The young men looked dashing in their black blazers, bow ties and cheese cutters while the beautiful young ladies wore their blue sashes and graduation caps. This breakfast allowed the grade 12s to spend time together, as a grade, for one last time.

The Head Boy, Janco Nel, and Head Girl, Chrisrie Oosthuizen, each got a chance to deliver a final speech. This was followed by a video of photos of the Matrics ranging from playschool to the Matric Ball. Many laughs erupted and twice as many tears were shed. It took the learners, as well as the parents, down memory lane one last time.

After the breakfast they paraded through the streets of Worcester (specially cordoned off for the occasion), which is a tradition that dates back over a 100 years. Along the route stood proud parents, grandparents, brothers, sisters and members of the community. Everyone, learners and bystanders, documented this auspicious tradition to ensure that it will always be remembered. The ceremony that took place in the school hall started at 8:00am and Anja Laubscher opened with scripture reading. Janco Nel and Mildri Ellmann gave a beautiful rendition of „Here I am‟ accompanied by Cole Berry, Janneman Vlok and Mr van Niekerk. The Deputy Head Boy and MC, Charl Schoeman, then asked Deputy Head Girl and secretary, Suzanne Stofberg, to read the

Mr Schoeman received the matric class of 2016‟s gift, funding for a dishwasher, on behalf of the school. The learner council of 2016 then got the chance to hand over their badges and best wishes to the leaner council of 2017. The matrics sang „I was here‟ by Beyoncè and then, for one last time, they joined together for an emotional „School in Union‟ . Each matric received a farewell gift from the school after which they had one final chance to write the last sentences of their high school chapter. They mingled, took photos and enjoyed refreshments in the Old Hall. May each matric be proud of the chapter that they wrote over the past five years. Farewell Class of 2016, until we meet again...



Gilmour Mentoor Who are you going to miss the most from WG? EVERYONE! It is impossible to only choose one person. Favourite part of the day? The walk through town and taking the trip down memory lane with the slide show. Funniest moment of the day? It was quite funny to see all the boys running after their cheese cutters when the wind started picking up! Saddest moment of the day? Singing „School in Union‟ for the last time. If you could exchange the person you walked with, with anybody else, who would it be? Nope. I walked with one of my best friends, so why change? Which teacher or learner cried the most? It was heartwarming to see Mr van Niekerk shed a tear or two and seeing Sergio and Kevin cry their hearts out was very unexpected!

Shannon-Lee Smith Who are you going to miss the most from WG? Mrs Schoeman. Favourite part of the day? When they said they are going to miss my laugh. Funniest moment of the day? Charl and Andre‟s baby photos were the funniest. If you could exchange the person you walked with, with anybody else, who would it be? I would exchange my partner for Denver Prins.

Adri van Wyk

Which teacher or learner cried the most? Marlon and Sergio!

Who are you going to miss the most from WG? Mrs Hofmeyr.

Kelly Neethling

Funniest moment of the day? The funniest moment was when Ashwin cried like a baby after the ceremony.

Who are you going to miss the most from WG? Rivaldo Morgan.

Saddest moment of the day? Singing „School in Union‟ for the last time.

Saddest moment of the day? The whole day! It isn‟t easy to leave everybody after five years.

Did your perception of the day change now that it is over? I knew it was going to be sad, but I managed to contain my tears until the farewell song started.

Did your perception of the day change? Yes, it was sadder than I thought. It was much tougher than I thought to say goodbye!

Which teacher or learner cried the most? Marlon and Sergio definitely cried the most!

Chuma Matoti Who are you going to miss the most from WG? My teacher Mrs Malan. Favourite part of the day? The egg and bacon breakfast at the Cumberland Hotel. If you could exchange the person you walked with, with anybody else, who would it be? Nicki Minaj.


Brent Hendricks Who are you going to miss the most from WG? Mrs Malan. If you could exchange the person you walked with, with anybody else, who would it be? Nicole Wagner. Which teacher or learner cried the most? Chrisrie Oosthuizen.

Nicola Viljoen Who are you going to miss the most from WG? Mrs Neethling (I love her), Ms van Schalkwyk, Mrs Hofmeyr, Danielle van Eden, Pippa Groenewald, Joy Fortuin, Jana van der Wath, Courtney White and my boys! Funniest moment of the day? There were too many! Saddest moment of the day? The photos and all the memories. If you could exchange the person you walked with, with anybody else, who would it be? Joh, Ryan Gosling! But I wouldn‟t exchange Bennie for anyone! Which teacher or learner cried the most? I think me, but John-Colin did too.

Lynn Ceasar Who are you going to miss the most from WG? Mr du Toit and Mr van Niekerk a lot! Most favourite part of the day? The walking into the school and „School in union‟. Saddest moment of the day? „School in Union‟. If you could exchange the person you walked with, with anybody else, who would it be? My boyfriend Geenan Weitz. Did your perception of the day change? DEFINITELY! It was even better than I expected it to be!


Dis somer en dit kan een van twee dinge beteken: Jou vel is blas en jou glimlag breed, want jy spandeer meeste van jou tyd buite en jy geniet die warm weer ten volle óf jy is „n winterliefhebber wat beteken jou oë is rooi en jou gesig pofferig omdat jy heeldag huil oor die snikheet aande, sweetkolle en jou hare wat jy net nie onder beheer kan kry nie. Ongeag jy in die wolke is of plat op die grond in „n plas trane lê oor hierdie seisoen is hier 7 wenke wat kan gebruik om seker te maak dat jy die somer oorleef, of ten minste meer geniet as wat jy reeds doen.

Muskiet-mania As die muskiete jou opvreet vir ontbyt (of middagete of aandete) is jy konstant aan die krap in die somer. Volgende keer wat jy „n jeukerige rooi kolletjie gewaar, sit „n bietjie tandepasta op. Dit verlig die jeuk-gevoel en gee jou onmiddellike verligting. Hou „n buisie naby wanneer jy gaan kamp en pak een in jou skooltas indien jy dit dalk deur die dag benodig.

Strand “safe” Talle mense het al besittings op die strand verloor as gevolg van die vinnige vingers van diewe. Beskerm al jou waardevolle items (soos „n beursie, horlosie, sleutels ens.) deur dit in „n leë sonskermbotteltjie weg te steek. Niemand sal dit steel nie en jy kan dus sonder enige bekommernisse in die water gaan baljaar.

Perfekte Plakkie Almal moes al „n paar plakkies weggooi omdat die rubberdeel wat oor jou voet gaan by die gaatjie van die plakkie uitgeval het. Dis nie nodig nie! Druk die punt van die rubberdeel weer deur die gaatjie en sit „n broodpennetjie om dit. Dit sal verseker dat die plakkie nie weer breek nie en niemand sal eers weet dat dit eens amper in die vullisdrom beland het nie.


Drywende drankies Indien jy „n swembad het, het jy jouself dalk al in die volgende situasie bevind: Jy is besig om die water te geniet of lê dalk op „n “lilo” en raak skielik honger, maar wil nie nat by die huis instap nie. Jy kan ook nie jou kos en koeldrank buite laat staan nie, want dit sal warm word. Sny „n spons “pool noodle” in kwarte en verbind die 4 dele met „n tou. Sit dit om „n koelerboks en dit sal saam met jou in die water dryf!

Kleurvolle kuier As jy besluit om „n “pool party” vir al jou vriende te hou, hoef jy nie oor versierings te bekommer nie. Sit gloeiende stokkies (glowsticks) in ballonne, en blaas die ballonne op. Indien julle nie ballonne het nie, kan jy gloeiende stokkies in deursigtige waterbottels sit en dit oor jou erf versprei. Dit sal die area verlig en is boonop spotgoedkoop.

Swembad onder die sterre Daar is niks so romanties soos om plat op jou rug te lê en saam met „n geliefde na die sterre te kyk nie. Dalk wil jy dit eerder saam met „n vriend of twee doen, maar weet dat dit altyd „n gesukkel is. Die gras laat mens jeuk en al lê jy op „n kombers, is die aarde se oppervlakte kliphard. Sit komberse en kussings in „n opblaas swembad en lê snoesig en gemaklik. Hierdie porbleem is iets van die verlede!

Lieflike Lugverkoeler In die somer doen dakwaaiers net nie die ding nie Lugverkoelers is egter peperduur en nie almal kan dit bekostig nie. Maar wag! Alle hoop is nie verlore nie! Jy kan jou eie lugverkoeler maak. Jy benodig „n koelerboks, „n “elbowpipe” en „n klein elektriese waaier. Sny twee gate langs mekaar in jou koelerboks se deksel (dieselfde grootte as die pyp en die waaiertjie). Sit jou pyp en waaier in hierdie gate sodat jou waaier na binne wys, en plak beide vas met kleeflint. Sit baie ys in jou koelerboks. Sit die deksel op en skakel die waaiertjie aan. Daar sal koue lug by die pyp uitkom en jy sal koel en kalm wees met die wete dat daar nog oorgenoeg geld in jou bankrekening is vir die Desembervakansie.


Dit is tyd vir ons matrikulante van die Hugo NaudÊ Kunssentrum om hulle vlerke te sprei en te vlieg. Hier is „n paar van die kunstenaars se werk, soos uitgestal op 15 Oktober 2016 by Hugo Naude Kunssentrum. Hier is maar net van die hoogtepunte van 2016 se oes.



Somer is uiteindelik hier! Wat gaan met somer gepaard? Roomys, sand, sandkastele, sonskerm, branders, branderplanke, middernagtelike avonture, die reuk van kloor, glimlagte, kalmte en geluk! Die eksamen is verby en jy kan weer asemhaal sonder die enorme vrag van Wiskunde en daardie uitdagende rek.-vraestel op jou skouers. Dit is tyd om vir 'n rukkie van skool en handboeke te vergeet en te ontspan in die sonlig. 'n Paar somertendense is deur die Circum saamgestel, nét vir jou. Jy wil tóg goed voel in jou klere, waar ookal jy Desember gaan spandeer, reg? Hier is wat ons voorstel jy kan aantrek gedurende dié prettige seisoen:

Mirrored sunnies are all the rage! Pair them with any outfit for a cool, fresh look. They come in a variety of colors and just scream "fun and quirky"! Plus, you can check out a few hotties without anyone noticing...

Everyone loves chockers! Wrap a few around your neck for a elegant yet simple look this summer. You can even make them yourself with a shoelace or two! Fashionable!

Honestly, you can never go wrong with a strappy back! Add a bit of flair to your outfit when heading to the beach. You'll definitely catch a few eyes.


Oh Those nails! Wat lyk beter saam met 'n sprankelende rokkie as mooi naels? Ek kan nie aan iets dink nie. Ons is versot op naelpolitoer hierdie somer – vanaf akriel na "gel". Word geïnspireer en kom tevore met jou eie ontwerpe.

Printed T's, oh, how we love you. Plain and simple, but adorable! Tuck them into some highwaisted shorts and you're ready to go.

Playsuits/rompers! *Taylor Swift voice* They never go out of style! Honestly, these look good in any pattern or colour! Maybe pair it with some gladiator sandals.

Headpieces and – stickers are the cutest! Get into that Coachella-hippie vibe at the beach with these accessories.


vra wie hierdie goeie gedig geskryf het. So kom die dag en in plaas van om my te prys, roep sy my na klas terug en berispe my, omdat ek my eie werk gebruik het en nie ‘n skrywer s’n nie. Ek was so verleë, ek wou net gehad het die berge moes my bedek. Daardie dag Esta Steyn is ‘n bekende naam onder boekliefhebbers, onder

het ek ‘n belofte aan myself gemaak: “Toemaar Kat, I’ll be back…”

meer vir haar boeke, Meeulanders, Kus vir die Kluisenaars en Somer van die Silwerskuim. Sepie-verslaafdes sal haar ook herken

Maar sy was eintlik ‘n wonderlike onderwyser. Sy het ons geleer

as die skrywer van die draaiboek van die tv-reeks, Soutmansland.

van die fyn besonderhede waarna jy moet kyk as jy kortvrae skryf

In 2011 word dit die roman, Droomdelwers, wat ook Worcester

en was regtig ‘n rolmodel vir my, al het sy dwarsdeur my gekyk

Gimnasium se graad 11’s se voorgeskrewe boek is. Dit is ‘n

daardie dag.

boeiende verhaal, met soveel onverwagse kinkels en kronkels en die graad 11’s was tot die einde vasgenael. Nie net is sy ‘n ongelooflike skrywer nie, maar sy het ook skoolgegaan by Hoër Meisieskool Worcester, wat later deel geword het van Worcester Gimnasium.

Wat was jou gunsteling vak op skool? Ek het baie van Afrikaans en Sosiale Studies, wat ‘n mengsel van Aardrykskunde en Geskiedenis was, gehou. Die graad elfs van Worcester Gim het sopas jou boek,

Die Circum het hierdie kwartaal die voorreg gehad om meer oor

Droomdelwers, klaar gelees en dit was een van die boeiendste

hierdie ongelooflike skrywer uit te vind.

verhale wat hulle al ooit gelees het.

Op watter ouderdom en hoe het jy besef jy wil stories skryf? Ek het altyd geweet ek hou van skryf, maar ek het in graad 11 baie gereeld begin skryf en toe het ek amptelik besluit om ‘n skrywer te word. Wanneer het jy jou eerste “storie” geskryf? Ek was in standerd 4, toe is een van my skryfstukke in die Byvoegsel van Die Burger gepubliseer. Watter voordele en nadele is daar om ‘n skrywer te wees? Die nadeel is dat ‘n mens partykeer vreeslik worstel met ‘n storie. Jy voel later jy raak van jou kop af. Daar is so baie aspekte wat alles moet werk en partykeer sukkel jy om dit te laat saamwerk. Die voordeel is daardie gevoel van vervulling wat jy kry wanneer

Droomdelwers was oorspronklik ‘n draaiboek van die tv-reeks, Soutmansland, voordat dit na ‘n roman verwerk is. Waarom is dit na ‘n roman verwerk en was dit ‘n moeilike proses? Toe hulle die TV-reeks in St. Helenabaai begin verfilm, het ek besef ek moet ‘n roman skryf, want daar is nog so baie onvertelde goed. Dit was moeilik, want ek het nie presies geweet hoe om dit te hanteer nie. Ek het geweet daar moet ‘n verteller wees, maar ek het geen idee gehad watter van die karakters ‘n goeie verteller sal wees nie. En uiteindelik besef ek dat Oom Kêppies ‘n baie goeie verteller sal wees, aangesien hy eintlik kontak met al die families het. Ek het verskriklik gesukkel en ek het die roman eers in 2009 geskryf. Dis eers 9 jaar nadat die verfilming plaasgevind het!

‘n storie klaar is en jy weet jy het basies die asem van lewe in

Watter dorp het jy as jou inspirasie vir Vlaktevlei, Dwarsmans-

karakters, wat jy geskep het, ingeblaas.

dal en Soutmansdal gebruik? Die inspirasie vir die storie het my in St. Helenabaai getref. Daar

Wie is jou rolmodel en waarom?

is ‘n plekkie daar, met die naam van Steenberg, wat net

My Afrikaanse onderwyseres wat vir my klas gegee het by die

ongelooflik is. Daar is werklik ‘n hotel en as jy daar inry, is daar

Hoër Meisieskool, wat nou die Kunsskool is, is my rolmodel. Haar

regtig ‘n kerkie met ‘n pastorie. Daar is ook ‘n lokasie wat by die

naam was Maria Grobbelaar, maar almal het haar Kat genoem.

see is, net soos Vlaktevlei in Droomdelwers. Alles het nou al baie

Toe ek in matriek was, het Juffrou Grobbelaar ‘n groot impak op

uitgebrei, maar toe ek na daardie plekkie toe gegaan het om te

my gehad. Ons moes elkeen ‘n gedig voorberei, maar ek het nie

gaan navorsing doen vir my storie, was die kerkie en die lokasie

tyd gehad om ‘n skrywer se gedig voor te berei nie en skryf toe

presies soos wat ek dit beskryf het in Droomdelwers. Naby

sommer my eie gedig. Ek was so in my noppies met my gedig, ek

daardie plekkie is Velddrif, wat Cerebos se soutmyne het en wat

het skoon lekker gekry as ek gedink het aan wat ek sou sê as sy

dus die Van Hellberg soutmyne in Droomdelwers geword het.


Wat het jou laat besluit om Droomdelwers te skryf?

Is daar enige ander karakters in Droomdelwers wat op

Ek het ‘n storie gaan soek! Ek

iemand in jou lewe of op jouself gebaseer is?

het nie geweet wat om te skryf

Nee, weet jy, dis blokkies en stukkies van mense wat

nie, so ek het ‘n storie gaan

ek bymekaar gesit het. Jy leer die karakters ken en

soek. En die oomblik toe ek by

hulle word vir jou soos mense. Ek is altyd baie

St. Helenabaai inry en ek sien

hartseer wanneer ek klaar maak met ‘n boek, want

daar is ‘n hotel aan die een kant van

dis asof ek afskeid moet neem.

die pad, daar is ‘n skool, daar is ‘n kerk-

Baie skrywers beweer dat hulle so geheg raak aan

ie, (die Sinkhokkie het ook daar gestaan)

die karakters in hulle boeke, dat die karakters soos ‘n

besef ek dat as ek nou net karakters in al hierdie plekke sit, dan het ek ‘n storie. Ek het letterlik daar gestaan en besef, hier staan ek nou op storie-grond. Het jy baie navorsing gedoen voordat jy Droomdelwers begin skryf het? Ja, ek moes ongelooflik baie navorsing gedoen het. Die rede vir dit, is jy moet so baie navorsing doen om een sinnetjie reg te skryf. Ek het selfs ‘n Geoloog gaan sien, want ek moes meer uitvind van graniet en waar jy dit sal aantref. Dink jy dat die trauma waardeur Sielie gegaan het en die sielkundige skade wat sy as gevolg daarvan opgedoen het, ander mense wat dieselfde probleem het of mense wat geliefdes het wat dieselfde probleem het, kan help? Ek het nie Sielie se stryd geskryf met die doel om vir die publiek ‘n les daaruit te leer nie, maar ek het gaan navorsing doen oor wat PTS (post-traumatise stres) aan iemand kan doen. Wat sy ervaar het was ‘n totale skok en haar wêreld was steeds in die verlede. Wanneer sy met haar poppe gepraat het, was dit omdat hulle die mense in haar heel wêreld was. Daarom het sy normaal gepraat. Leendra is die hoofkarakter in Droomdelwers. Is sy op iemand in jou lewe gebaseer en, indien so, watter ooreenkomste is daar tussen haar en daardie persoon? Indien sy deur jou verbeelding geskep is, waarom het jy besluit om vir haar haar unieke karaktereienskappe te gee? Sy is uit my verbeelding geskep. Dit was noodsaaklik vir die storie dat sy so ‘n vurige humeur het. Sy was in die tronk en ek dink nie iemand kan sag daarvan afkom nie, jy moet veg vir jouself. Ek het ‘n hoofkarakter nodig gehad wat ‘n sterk en onafhanklike vrou is. Sy het ‘n sagte kant, maar sy het ook ‘n

deel van hulself raak. Was dit dus moeilik om vir Rebekka te laat doodgaan? Dit was vreeslik moeilik! Rebekka se dood was ‘n geweldige draaipunt in die storie, want dit was die gevolg van die besluit om Vlaktevlei te verander en te omskep. Baie emosies het daar bymekaargekom, byvoorbeeld Gilbert se droom om die groot vakansie-oord te bou, sonder om te dink dat mense se lewens ontwrig gaan word. Sy was ‘n onskuldige slagoffer. As jy net een dag oor het om te lewe, wat sal jy alles daardie dag doen? Jong, ek sal vir jou sê, ek dink ek sou my beste pêlle en vriendinne nooi vir tee en ek sou ‘n melktert bak en dan vir elkeen van hulle vertel het wat spesiaal aan hulle is. Of ek sou ‘n pot sop gemaak het en vir almal wat vir my belangrik is vertel hoe wonderlik hulle is. Wat was die grootste kompliment wat iemand al vir jou gegee het? As iemand byvoorbeeld vir my sê dat ek al iets vir hulle gesê het wat hulle beter laat voel het toe hulle depressief was. As ek net vir iemand iets kan sê om vir hulle ‘n lig te wees in die donkerte. Dit is altyd vir my die grootste kompliment. Wie vertrou jy met jou lewe? Sjoe, nee, weet jy, ek dink seker net die Here!

sterk sin vir regverdigheid gehad. Sy wou werlklik die waarheid weet en was bereid om alles op te offer. Ek het nogal gehou daarvan om met haar te werk.

Dit was ‘n ongelooflike voorreg om met Esta Steyn ‘n onderhoud te kon voer en ons kan nie wag om haar volgende boeke te lees nie!


Meestal A’s

Jy is die prettige vriend. Jy hou daa van om saam jou vriende te kuier e „n lekker tyd te hê. Jy help om jou vriende te herrinner dat hul jonk is e dat hul hul lewe moet ten volle mo geniet. Hou net in gedagte, almal geaardhede verskil en dat nie almal van hierdie tipe vriende ho nie, dus skik jouself na omstandighede en tree gepas op.


Ware vriende is die belangrikste basis in enige iemand se lewe. Almal het verskillende tipes vriende afhangende van die verhouding tussen die vriende. Hier volg „n paar vrae om te bepaal watter tipe vriend jy is.

2. Jou vriend/in het die hoogste punt in die klas vir „n toets verwerf. Jy het baie hard geleer, maar het swakker as jou vriend/in gedoen. Jy : A) Sal jou vriend/in gelukwens, maar dit

1. Jou vriend/in gaan deur „n baie moeilike tyd. Jy sien hulle is nie hulself nie en hanteer die situasie swaar. Jy :

nie eintlik bedoel nie. B) Sal jou vriend/in gelukwens en saam

C) Sal jou vriend/in nie gelukwens nie en

sodat hulle kan lag.

haar net ignoreer.

B) Vra vir jou vriend/in wat fout en luister na die

D) Sal jaloers wees en agteraf vir mense


vertel hoe jou vriend/in dit nie verdien nie.

so jy probeer om die onderwerp te verander. D) Jy hou nie van hierdie tipe situasies nie, want dit laat jou ongemaklik voel, so jy loop weg en ignoreer dit.


met hul bly wees.

A) Troos jou vriend/in en vertel „n ligte grappie

C) Weet nie hoe om die situasie te hanteer nie,

Jy is die M vriendekring. Jy rele en emosi steuning aan j luister en gee ra Maar onthou, n met hul gevo hanteer situasie daar vir jou vri nodig het, maa trokke ra

Jy is die positie meisie tussen jo help almal om wees en wil vriende moet la wees. Onthou n ter tye waar d gaan en jy e wee

3. Jou definisie van „n lekker tyd met jou vriende is : A) Om saam met jou vriende na „n sosiale geleentheid te gaan en saam met klomp mense te kuier. B) Om tyd saam met jou vriende te spandeer en julle verhouding te versterk. C) Om prettige aktiwiteite saam te doen soos ysskaats, gaan fliek, ens. D) Om aktiwiteie te doen waarvan jy hou,


vriende nie.





Jy is die strategie daarvan om eers ueer en dan te reguit persoon maar nie dink praat nie.Onth situasies verskillen jy ook sensitief m ondersteunend dink voordat jy berou jy


4. Jou vriend/in het sopas uit „n ernstige verhouding gekom. Hulle is hartgebroke. Jy :

5. Met wat vergelyk jy „n vriendskap meer?

aren u en oet se

A) Troos jou vriend/in en gooi „n partytjie om hulle

raak vervelig na „n rukkie.


persoon hul nie verdien nie.

te herinner dat hul jonk is en hul lewe nie verby is nie.

A) „n Partytjie – hul begin lekker en prettig, maar

B) „n Parkeerarea – vriende respekteer mekaar en gee mekaar spasie wanneer hul dit nodig het.

B) Troos jou vriend/in deur te sê dat hul lewe beter is sonder daardie persoon en hoe daardie

C) Troos jou vriend/in en lig die positiewe kant

C) „n 7-Elevenwinkel – hul is beskikbaar 24 uur van die dag en is altyd daar as jy hul nodig het. D) „n Battery – jy gee net en gee net …

van situasie uit en help hul om aan te beweeg.

tal B’s

Ma van jou y bied altyd moionele onderjou vriende en aad aan hulle. nie almal is oop oelens nie en es anders. Wees iende as jy hul ar moenie te beaak nie.

al C’s

ewe Pom-Pom ou vriende. Jy m positief te hê dat jou ag en gelukkig net daar is egdinge moeilik ernstig moet es.

stal D’s

ese vriend. Jy hou s „n situasie te evale betree. Jy is „n en sê wat jy dink, nie altyd voor jy hou net dat almal nd hanteer en dat moet wees. Wees d as dit nodig is en iets sê, want later y dit dalk.

D) Sê vir jou vriend/in reguit wat jy van die persoon dink en help jou om die situasie op te breek en te evalueer.

Die Kolwer se dieët: Bly op die groen Deur Enrique Wilson

WG se krieketspanne het hierdie seisoen weer geskitter met hul kolwe op die krieketbaan! Worcester Gimnasium se

o14A, o15A,

het ook groot opspraak gemaak, nadat daar ses provinsiale spelers gekies was. Hulle is soos volg:    

Chamber Joseph – Boland o15A Hans Klüsmann, Adeeb Isaacs, Jesse Albannie – Boland o17 Platteland. Lundi Msenge – Boland o17A Curtley Deelman – Boland o18 Coca-Cola.

Daar word baie uitgesien na volgende

o19A asook o19A2 spanne het in die


voldagligas op Saterdae gespeel. Die

opspraakwekkend wees soos hierdie

o17A en o15A spanne het in die Noord-








Bolandse weekliga gespeel. Dit was „n suksesvolle seisoen sover: die o19A span het 7/8 wedstryde gewen en die

o15A span


5/6 wedstryde

gewen. Die ander spanne het gemengde resultate behaal. Die o19A span het die Huntington 2000 toerspan uit Engeland met 18 lopies gewen. Ussiel Langeveld, met 41 lopies was die beste kolwer vir WG. Nie net het Worcester Gimnasium „n uiters opwindende seisoen met al die wedstryde gehad nie, maar die spelers


Voel jy dat die #FeesMustFall veldtog geregverdig is? Jana van der Wath: Nee, dit is nie, want 'n eerste wĂŞrelds land soos Amerika kan nie eers free educa-

In her final editorial for the Circum, Deevya Narotam delves deeper into the concerns of matriculants regarding the #FeesMustFall campaign. What started out as a campaign against the hike in university fees, has escalated to a multi-faceted, adamant campaign for zero university fees, i.e. free

tion bekostig nie, so hoe gaan ons as 'n derde wĂŞrelds land dit kan bekostig. My pa het self sy lenings en beurse gekry, self dit af betaal, so waarom kan hulle dit nie ook doen nie? En ek is seker daar is 'n klomp studente wat met lenings studeer, so vat eerder daai verantwoordelikheid, maak jou studies klaar, begin werk, betaal dit af en dan het jy die graad en jy het 'n goeie of beter kwaliteit lewe.

education , as well as various other issues, such as the end of outsourced labour, the need for social transformation and other socio-economic issues at South Africa's higher education institutions.

Casey Robinson: No, that's one thing I don't think is justified, because many of the universities cannot afford to fully pay every single student's fees. Additionally, by destroying university property, they will

The student-led protest movement, #FeesMustFall,

have no money to finance the students who are in

began on 14 October 2015 at the University of Wit-

real need. What is happening, is that even people


who aren't students are protesting, which is com-







announcement that its tuition fees would be

increasing by 10,5% the following year, despite the approximate inflation rate of only 6% for the rele-

pletely unfair and which a lot of people are saying is actually politically motivated instead of being in favour of the students.

vant year. This announcement incited a three-day

Lynn Ceasar: It is justified, but the way that they

lockdown of the university, by students and some

are going about raising awareness about the cam-

staff members, which then resulted in the university

paign is not necessarily a very good way, because

assenting to suspend the fee increase and renegoti-

the message is being lost in the process.

ate it.

Kimber-Leigh Berry: It is justified, but only to a cer-

Protests then broke out at the University of Cape

tain extent. I think they are just using it to their ad-

Town, the University of Pretoria, Rhodes University

vantage, because they didn't study. I think most of

and then rapidly spread to other universities across

the students are not really caring

South Africa. These protests ended when the gov-

about the #FeesMustFall thing, but

ernment announced that there would be no tuition fee increase for 2016. However, protests resumed in 2016 when it was announced that fees for 2017 would increase at a capped rate of 8%. Since the start of the campaign, the possibility and reality of

close to the exams they want to strike because




enough for the exams. So they want to shut down the exams [university] and take advantage [of the campaign].

university shutdowns has been a turbulent issue, tracing the fluctuating severity of the protests.

Sihle Ntsomi: At the beginning of the

In the heat of the recent #FeesMustFall protests,

are a lot of children in SA that cannot

campaign, I'd say yes, because there

some insightful opinions are taking rise in the minds

afford tertiary fees, but looking at how

of this year's matrics - our prospective 2017 university

things are currently, "yes" wouldn't be

students. The Circum decided to take a look at

the best answer as things have turned

what a few Gimmies think about the current situa-

racial and political. The vandalism is

tion and how they feel it will affect them.

inappropriate and unnecessary.


Lynne: So shooting foot;

Kimber: a and your children;

Lynne: an and sister

Kimber: E

Lynne: Am

Do you feel that the way in which students are protesting is fair? Lynn: No, it's unfair to the students who don't want to protest and who want to study. You can't expect fees to drop if you are vandalising property, because it costs money to repair the property. So you're actu-

Jana: Ek het eerlikwaar nie 'n plan nie. Almal sal

ally shooting yourself in the foot; and your brothers

seker na Potch toe moet gaan, want dis seker die

and sisters.

enigste stabiele universiteit wat oor is, maar nee, ek het glad nie 'n alternatiewe plan nie.

Kimber-Leigh: It's unfair and illegal; they complain about police brutality but then they don't want to

Lynn: For six months I would want to job shadow or

get punished for burning libraries. You're shooting

intern at a chiropractor and then for the other six

yourself in the foot, and your children and your chil-

months I would want to do courses and gain experi-

dren's children.

ence in random things that I have interest in, just to keep my brain stimulated.

AndrĂŠ Schoeman: Nee, hulle moet vreedsaam betoog. Ek hou glad nie van die geweld en die manier

Kimber-Leigh: I won't just do nothing. I'll maybe do

waarop hulle betoog nie. Hulle voel miskien nou dat

an internship in what I want to go and study. So I'll go

dit die enigste manier is waarop hulle mense se

work first and gain experience. Or I'll go au pair over-

aandag kan kry, maar dit is nie nodig om geweld te

seas; but I won't do nothing.

gebruik nie; daar moet ander maniere wees wat hulle kan gebruik om dit te doen.

Buhle Masimini: One thing I know for sure is that I won't sit at home and do nothing. I will try to get my-

Jana: Nee, want die studente wat staak is in die

self a job and work until the institutions come up with

minderheid. UCT het in ons skole vakansie 'n opname

good solutions and decide to accept us and allow

gedoen oor wie wil staak en wie hulle graad wil klaar

us to study.

maak. 33% wil staak en die ander 77% wil hulle graad klaar maak. So dit is nie regverdig teenoor diĂŠ wat

Sihle: Honestly, I haven't really thought of any plan. I

hulle graad wil klaar maak nie en hulle is besig om

just hope and pray that things will go back to normal

nog eiendomme en goed af te breek wat dan weer


geld nodig het om betaal te word, so dit maak nie sin nie. Jy neem ook iemand se reg om te kan leer,weg, so dis glad nie regverdig nie.

o you're actually yourself in the

and your children r children's

nd your brothers rs.



Het jy 'n alternatiewe plan vir volgende jaar ingeval die universiteit waarnatoe jy sou gaan nie eerstejaar studente volgende jaar kan inneem nie?

Sihle: Absolutely not, especially to those that have the desire to go study next year. The fact that there's a possibility of not getting a place next year because of this campaign is really scary. It is

A unanimous opinion seems to stand as such: the

definitely not fair to us matrics

violent and disruptive element of the protests must

and to those that are sup-

fall , and suspended academic programmes must

posed to graduate at the

be resumed. However, it is does not seem likely that

end of this year.

this will be realised in the near future. Our country's current matric learners should therefore perhaps start thinking about how they may influence this campaign, for better or for worse, when they embark on their tertiary studies from (hopefully) next year onwards.


Vanjaar se jaarlikse VCSV-Kringleierkamp het definitief meer bloed en sweet (letterlik) gekos as die meeste kampe. Die kringleiers het met swaar stapsakke en baie entoesiasme, Saterdagoggend om half sewe by die seunskoshuis bymekaar gekom. Ons was reg om die lang en uitmergelende, al was ons toe nog salig onbewus van hierdie feit, staptog na Thomas Hut!

happie, of te wel, tree vir tree. Die roete het vier amptelike rusplekke en die agterosse het seker gemaak dat hulle al vier hierdie rusplekke ten volle benut (asook so „n paar nieamptelike rusplekke.) Die sitkamer was die eerste rusplek en daar aangekom, was ons asems skoon weggeslaan van die asemrowende uitsig. Hoe hoër ons geklim het, hoe mooier het die uitsig geraak.

Met die aankoms by Fairy Glen moes ons vrywaringsvorms teken om te sê dat ons bewus is van die gevare op die roete, soos: leeus, giftige slange, skerpioene en dat ons steeds graag die berg wil uitklim. Gelukkig het ons geen wilde diere teëgekom nie, behalwe Willa, een van die kringleiers, wat daardie aand met „n rot haar slaapsak gedeel het.

Teen die tyd dat die laaste van die brawe stappers by die hut gekom het, het die eerstes al matrasse uitgedra en soos dassies in die son gelê en bak. Dit was nie lank se rus vir Juffrou Malan nie, want daar was sestien honger magies wat gevoer moes word.

Die staptog het met ʼn “bang” begin en almal was oorgretig om die lang pad aan te durf. Na slegs 15 min het die fiksstes (of malstes, afhangende van hoe jy daarna kyk) die klein groepie verstandiges in die stof gelaat. Vir hulle was die staptog ʼn resies na bo. Vir die res was dit soos om „n olifant te eet. Happie vir


en die eienskappe waaroor Christene behoort te beskik of minstens na te strewe. Een van die moeilike take wat ook in hierdie gedeelte voorgekom het, was om mekaar te vergewe soos wat God ons vergewe het.

Na ʼn heerlike pasta was dit magie vol, ogies toe. Die wat hulle nie op die stoepie in die son neergevlei het nie, het rondom die hut gaan verken. Die eerste van drie Bybelsessies wat ons gedoen het, het gehandel oor Kolossense 1:9-14. Die stuk het gehandel oor die rede agter gebed en waarom dit belangrik is. Die redes wat genoem is was: om Jesus deel te maak van ons alledaagse lewe, gebed is ʼn kragtige wapen, om vir iemand of iets te bid is nie ʼn “once off “ proses nie, die gesindheid waarmee jy bid en nog vele meer. Die tweede sessie het oor Kolossense 2:6-7 & 910 gehandel. Dit het gehandel oor hoe ons in Christus gewortel moet wees en hoe ons op Hom moet bou. Die derde en die laaste sessie was Kolossense 3:12-15. Daarin was die vrugte van die gees

Sommige hoogtepunte van hierdie avontuurlustige kamp, was die feit dat die kringleiers mekaar beter kon leer ken en hegte vriendskappe kon bou, veral in die moeilike en swaar tye. Nog hoogtepunte was die swem in die bergpoele, al was dit YSKOUD, en die feit dat ons heeltemal afgesonder van die buitewêreld was. Vir ander was die kondensmelk-koffie „n groot bederf en die geselligheid in en rondom die hut, of die magiese sonopkoms wanneer die goue strale dele van die berg verlig. Nog iets wat genoem is, is hoe die mense hulle bewonder en verkyk het aan die natuurskoon. Hierdie was voorwaar „n asemrowende geleentheid. Ons asems was natuurlik nie net weggeslaan deur die pragtige natuurskoon nie, maar ook weens ons kort asems van die stywe klim. Elkeen wat die berg uit is, was weer die berg af. Party het net meer grond gekoop en die gravitasiekrag getoets as ander.


A test series and exams always manage to awaken a fear-fire that was temporarily extinguished by holidays, only to be revived by reality. Studying is the part of student life that effortlessly makes us cringe. It may even be seen as a phobia, simply because when the need for studying approaches, one's stomach may even churn at the mere thought. Thankfully there are countless methods that can be used to save yourself from becoming a victim of the studying blues all year round. FEAR NO MORE!

In fact, just follow a healthy diet. Have you ever felt as though you were continuously hungry whilst studying, having to the resist the urge to grab a chocolate bar or a bowl of ice cream? Well, that‟s simply because thinking makes you hungry. It‟s sad, I know. Instead of grabbing sweets, chocolates or anything in that category, go for berries – blueberries more specifically. They are not only sweet on the tongue, but they help improve short term memory loss. They are high in flavonoids, which strengthen existing connections with the brain – ensuring that the information you take in remains in your brain for longer instead of magically disappearing when you see your question paper.

If you take theory-based subjects e.g. History, Life Sciences or Business Studies, it may slowly drift into becoming a huge nuisance to try and summarise continuously – but it is an absolute guarantee that you‟ll be thanking yourself later when you need to start studying for your upcoming tests or exams. Research also suggests that we store more information securely when we write it out than when we type it. The best place to begin with your summaries is to start recopying the most important notes from the previous terms.


Finally! Something that most of you are already doing, right? That may be the case, but in most cases you‟re approaching it in all the wrong ways. The method of listening to music is rather a sticky one because people tend to use the wrong music to study with. It‟s been scientifically proven that 18 century composers (who‟ll probth

ably be completely unknown to most of us) help you achieve your mission of studying to your fullest possible capabilities. Listening to classical music, mostly soft and gentle sounds that can be heard from 18 century music, engages the parts of your brain that help you pay th

attention. Leave Drake and Kanye for when you aren‟t studying.

This one seems to be a given for some people, but for extremely committed or last-minute crammers, sleeping is out of the question. Sleeping is very important though, because without it you will obviously be tired whilst writing your exams. Even if you did study, your brain will be too tired to formulate that information into an answer for you to write on your question paper. Short naps are encouraged. When we sleep, most of our consolidation process occurs; so it makes sense to sleep.

I‟m sure you‟ve heard this one before and thought, “Really?” You should try it out because it really does work. Chew gum when you‟re learning new things. Believe it or not, flavours actually play a big role in the success of this method. If you take any flavour gum and chew it whilst studying for exams and them when writing your paper, chew the same flavour gum, your memory tends to be as fresh as when you were studying for that is exam. Although some may argue that this is more psychological than anything else, the fact of the matter is this method genuinely works – to the surprise of many. There is an increase in oxygen from chewing gum which can help with focus and increase your attention span.

There are many more methods to improve your studying, but what is definitely important is your approach to studying and how long you spend studying for a subject. There is no use spending too little time on a subject that you struggle with. There‟s also no point in not taking exams or tests seriously – you can be assured that mentality will catch up with you , sooner or later.


Preparation, stress, elation and excitement – the oncoming wave broke against the walls of Worcester Gymnasium in a spray of colours, flowers, suits and heels. The day of the long awaited Grade 8 ball had finally arrived. As Dawid Kock, Jeanette Roux and Leandrie Du Toit, the host and hostesses for the night said, the grade 8s had to make six choices before coming to the ball: First of all, was the choice of whether they would attend or not. For most of

Girls curled their hair and dusted, powdered,

the grade 8s, this was a no-brainer. The second

creamed, and beautified their faces. A rainbow

choice was whether to take a date or not. The

of fancy-dressed grade 8 models covered

third choice was by far the most stressful...and

Worcester, spreading from the golf course to

the most exciting….finding that perfect dress.

Langerug, and moving over to WG itself as the

The fourth choice went with the third - SHOES -

time of the ball drew near. As each glimmering

and even the boys spent time pondering

girl and gorgeous guy arrived, their friends

whether their shoes matched their tux.

ooh‟ed and aah‟ed over their outfits, complementing hair, shoes, makeup, and, most of all,

Flowers – whether the boys should give one to

those dresses!

the girls and whether the girls should bring their flowers to the ball - was the fifth. And the sixth

The pairs then strolled through a tunnel of ap-

and most important was whether the grade 8s

plauding grade 9 waiters and waitresses, and

could scrape together enough courage to

into the hall, which glittered almost as beautiful-

dance with the date of their dreams.

ly as the Gimmies did; each table laid with chic black and white, with candles in the centre. When everyone was gathered in the hall, the host and hostesses introduced themselves and gave a sweet, moving and thoughtful speech. Dawid, Jeanette, and Leandrie proceeded to open the dance floor to resounding cheer. Lights were dimmed, heels were kicked off and the party officially began! It started with casual free-dancing at first, and then, as everyone started warming up, partners began






and two-step. Partners switched, dabs were

Mrs Nel and the waiters had even more trouble

dabbed, and the learners enjoyed themselves

choosing a best dressed, as everyone, she said,

thoroughly. There was also a fun photo booth

was dressed so beautifully. But when one name

where friends and dates could grab accesso-

was mentioned, everyone had agreed, the Best

ries and take silly (or serious) selfies and pics.

Dressed prize went to Mari Pretorius.

After some delicious pizza and loads of lollipops

The ball was almost over, so everyone enjoyed

the dance floor was opened again, and the

themselves one last time during the last few

grade 9s were left to judge the best dancers,

dances, the grade 9s joining in now that their

best couple and best dressed.

work was done. All too soon the time to leave came. Friends were greeted and the last few

The best dancers were unanimously decided to

pictures were taken. It had been a wonderful

be Kyle Titus and Lerica McPherson while the

night...filled with much excitement, creating

judges had a harder time deciding on the best

piles of new memories.

couple. In the end they made the choice, Izaan Theron and Niell Finn came in second while SimonĂŠ van der Westhuizen and Curwin Gertse took home the bragging rights.

Dance with your hearts, and your feet will follow!


We have been warned to steer clear of this subject by

there are about five cycles per night. Throughout your

many, seeing that it is considered a cliché, but we still

time asleep you will cycle through two types of sleep,

decided to tackle this challenging subject. Why? Call it

namely: REM (rapid-eye movement) and non-REM

a premonition, a vision or a dream we had telling us to


take our journalistic pens and try to capture a little bit of this incomprehensible subject onto paper.

The first part of the cycle, non-REM sleep, is composed of four stages. Stage 1 happens during the first 5-10

Today we are analysing sleeping habits, dreams and

minutes of the sleep cycle. During this stage your mus-

everything in between.

cles relax and it is relatively easier to be woken up. This

We have all, at some point of our high-school creative writing careers, written an essay where our characters go through experiences that only nightmares can conjure up, only to realise, drenched in sweat and shaking uncontrollably, that it was just that – a nightmare. We have also experienced similar dreams. How about that achingly embarrassing one where you are naked in

stage can also be described as a light sleep. During Stage 2 breathing becomes relaxed and slowed as your body temperature drops. The third and fourth stages are Deep Sleep. REM is the final stage. This is when your eyes flutter, brain activity is high and it is when you dream the most. The muscles are paralysed, preventing voluntary muscle movement.

public? Sometimes we get lucky and find ourselves in romantic encounters with our crushes – yes ladies, we see you. We even get caught up in baffling déjà vu moments, when you are not sure if an occurrence is happening a second time or if it was just in a dream the first time it happened. These occurrences have all left us wondering: what is the science behind sleeping and dreaming?

The falling dream. This dream commonly occurs during the first stage. During the first stage you are most likely to experience a hypnagogic jerk, when muscles suddenly twitch resulting in a „falling‟ feeling. Hindus might interpret the dream as a subconscious fear of failure. It could also be that something is going in a completely wrong direction in your waking life. Alt-

What are dreams? Dreams are images and sensations

hough the majority of people have had this dream, it‟s

we experience when we are asleep. Before we can

most common amongst those suffering from depres-

decipher our common dreams, we need to decode

sion and anxiety.

sleep. There are five stages of sleep and on average each cycle lasts 90-110 minutes, with enough sleep,


Being chased. Whether you are being pursued

in the REM stage tend to feel longer and more vivid.

by a monster, an attacker, an animal or an un-

Having nightmares at any other stage puts you at

known figure, being chased instills a sense of fear

risk of hurting yourself, as it‟s only in the REM stage

within us. Some could even describe it as a night-

where muscles are paralysed thus voluntary muscle

mare. Unlike the falling dream, there isn‟t any link

movement is prevented. So keep those nightmares

between sleep stages and this dream. Generally it

on a leash until you are in the REM stage, after that

means your conscious is alerting you of an issue or a

you can be terrified to your heart‟s content.

person you are avoiding. In that case, trying to identify the issue or person in waking life and confronting it would be the wise thing to do. In the Xhosa culture, it‟s believed that being chased by a person wearing traditional blue and white beads, along with other factors of course, means you have a calling as a sangoma - a traditional doctor. As if dreams aren‟t a mystery on their own, we just have to go dream about



Premonitions. What about those aunts who claim to be able to see the future through their dreams? They might be able to predict car accidents, deaths and pregnancies through them. This can be a very eerie experience to be part of, an experience that can leave even the die-hard realists baffled. What about the times you experience something in the waking life that‟s happened in your dreams? It could be ar-


gued that these occurrences

been to, with people we‟ve

are merely coincidental or it‟s


the brain collecting unim-




speaking, all those strange


faces and places aren‟t ex-

waking life and making cal-

actly strange. The brain can-

culated predictions on its

not conjure its own information and manifest it in a dream but rather it distorts information already available. So whether it was in passing, an image you once saw in a magazine or perhaps a mixture of the thousands of faces you see on a day to day basis, the strange faces and foreign places are forgotten images stored in your brain. Unfamiliar, yes, but not strangers.



own. Whatever the answer, it can never be truly proven and that‟s the

frustrating thing


dreams. It is true that through dreams we are transported from our realities to places and faces unfamiliar to our conscious brain. We go through intense feelings - although they feel completely foreign- that cryptically portray our true-life fears, de-

What‟s healthy sleep without a nightmare? The av-

sires and issues. At times, more often than not, we

erage, healthy adult experiences nightmares at

go back to our mundane lives through recollections

least once a month. The reasoning for this could be

of previous days‟ events. For centuries dreams have

that nightmares and dreams are a part of an emo-

been a source of fascination and intrigue. Over the

tional processing system of events in our lives. Night-

years, with advancements in research methods and

mares can help you work through the things that

equipment, experts have been able to explain why

bother you during the day. Nightmares don‟t even

many things happen when we sleep and dream,

need to look scary. As long as dreams evoke feel-

however many more remain a mystery to us. The

ings of fear and panic, it‟s called a nightmare.

topic of dreams will always be one of great de-

Then, why do you remember nightmares more vivid-

bates and our journalistic pen has only scratched

ly? Although you can dream at any stage of your

the surface of the mysteries of the dreamworld.

sleep, nightmares tend to happen during the REM stage. This is the closest to waking consciousness which means that the mind is more active. Dreams

Sweet dreams... 30


Koel Waaslemoen “SmoothIe”

Is jy iemand wat gereeld gepla word met skielike buie van uitputting in die middel van die dag? ‘n Wonderlike manier om ‘n energie hupstootjie te kry gedurende die warm somersdae is om te smul aan ‘n yskoue, gesonde verfrissende drankie. Hierdie “smoothie” skree somer, gesondheid en geluk, alles opgerol in een pragtige pienk pakkie!

Klapperwa ter van miner ale yster, mag nes wat vrugte sapp Die Romei ne he om depress ie te

Bertanddele:   

2k Geblikte waatlemoen 6+ Gevriesde aarbeie 1/2k Klapperwater

*opsioneel: pynappel/pynappelwater, chai-saadjies, proteïenpoeier, komkommer of hempsade.

Mesode: Voeg alle bestanddele in ‘n voedselverwerker/”smoothie”-masjien en puree tot glad.

Grondboontjiebotter en pIerang haweqMott Hawermout wat oornag geweek word in ‘n vloeistof benodig geen vorm van gaarmaakmetode! Dit is gerieflik, maklik en ongelooflike lekker! Die romerige hawermout sowel as die koue sout smaak daarvan laat dit soos poeding proe.

Bertanddele:        

1 Groot ryp piesang 60ml Grondboontjiebotter 1k Gluten-vrye gerolde hawermout 1k Onversoete amandelmelk 1 Eetlepel chai-sade (opsioneel) 1/2 Teelepel vanieljegeursel 1/2 Teelepel kaneelpoeier 1 Teelepel stroop (of meer as jy dit nog soeter wil hê)


Gerasperde donkersjokelade, klapperskaafsels of nog stroop!

Hes jY Geweet

Mesode: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Maak die piesang fyn in ‘n medium grootte bak met ‘n vurk. Voeg die res van die bestanddele by Roer tot deeglik gemeng Plaas die mengsel in die yskas vir ‘n minimum tyd van drie ure of oornag. Wanneer dit reg is om te eet, roer dit weer en plaas versiering bo-op.

 

Deur Heleen Theron

m jou teen spie Piesangs besker ning doen. jy slap is of oefe om cholestero Hawermout help dboontjiebott Die eet van gron -diabetes op t kanse om tipe-2


es jY Gewee t?

r het ‘n bet

er sameste lling soos kalsiu m, sium en s ink as pe het.

et aarbeie

gebruik behandel.

By Simone Botha Wow your friends with some entirely useless, yet undeniably intriguing trivia! 

Banging you head against a wall burns 150 calories an hour.

Heart attacks are more likely to happen on a Monday.

You cannot snore and dream at the same time.

A small child could swim through the veins of a blue whale.

Los Angeles’ full name is “El Pueblo de Nuestra Senora la Reina de los Angeles de Prociuncula”.

The average person walks the equivalent of twice around the world in a lifetime.

Mel Blanc – the voice of Bugs Bunny – was allergic to carrots.

Every year more than 2500 left-handed people are killed from using righthanded products.

Paraskavedekatriaphobia is the fear of Friday the 13th.

Snails have 14000 teeth and some can even kill you.

It took the creator of the Rubik’s Cube, Erno Rubik, one month to solve the cube after he created it.

If you die in Amsterdam with no next of kin, and no friends or family to prepare the funeral or mourn over the body, a poet will write a poem for you and recite it at your funeral.

In 2014, a missing woman on a vacation in Iceland was found when it was discovered that she was in the search party looking for herself.

The world’s largest snowball fight had 5387 participants.

ee erkrampe wann

The 200 million dollar Hope Diamond was sent to the Smithsonian by regular mail.

ol te verlaag.

1 million plastic bags are used every minute.

t? r

e ter verminder di te doen!


Summertime is slowly creeping its lovely, hot, bright and shining head into our lives. And for some of us that only means one thing - Movies. Many of them are awaited with great anticipation; a lot of them are sequels and most of them cost the price of a small island. Hereâ€&#x;s a list of the best upcomming summer movies (or considered to be):

The BFG centres around a ten-year-old, Sophie (Ruby Bornhill). She meets the Big Friendly Giant (Mark Rylance) and sees her world change in the most unexpected of ways. Scared at first, the young girl soon realises that the 24-foot behemoth is actually quite gentle and charming. Soon they find themselves embarking on the adventure of a lifetime.

Fast-paced, funny and blessed with a talented voice cast, The Secret Life of Pets offers a beautifully animated, cheerfully undemanding family-friendly diversion. The comedy is about the lives our pets lead after we leave for work or school each day. Featuring voices such as Kevin Hart, Louis C.K etc.

This DC offering sees super villains accepting a secret government mission that will likely result in their deaths. With actors like Will Smith playing roles that appear far out of their comfort zones, Jared Leto taking the weight of the Joker on his shoulders, and Margot Robbie completely metamorphosing into Harley Quinn, we know one thing, this action/adventure will leave you hanging at the edge of your seat‌


Once upon a time, television was a medium partly defined by what could and couldn‟t be shown or said. Every year, the best series continue to push up against those limits that existed the year before, redefining the art of television and the culture it influences (even as it is influenced by the culture). And while there are some great shows we couldn‟t celebrate on this list, we‟ve collected what we believe are the boldest, brightest and best of the best.

The television series focusses on a group of people with the same birthday, including Rebecca (Mandy Moore) and Jack, a married couple expecting triplets in Pittsburg, Kevin, a handsome actor growing bored of his fly bachelor lifestyle, Kate, his funny and sweet heavyset twin and Randall, a successful lawyer in search of his biological father.

The iconic buddy-cop movies from the 90s gets a serious revamp in this modern take on the exploits of Riggs and Murtagh. The show might have had a facelift to bring it into the 21st century, but it has all the charm and wit that made the original Lethal Weapon series such an iconic cult classic. If you enjoy detective shows, this will definitely not disappoint.

This ambitious and refreshing series follows two cousins trying to work their way up through the Atlanta rap scene. Atlanta, created and produced by Donald Glover (commonly known as Childish Gambino), features the mega pop star, Justin Bieber along with many other famous guest stars. Do not be fooled by the comedy tag as they do not shy away from the underbelly of the rap scene.


Wat het jy kleintyd van kersvader gedink? Mnr Matthee: Ek het altyd geweet my oupa was kersvader. Juf Conradie: It always fascinated me how he could fit down our chimney - ours was very narrow. Juf Basson: Did not like that dude!

Kersfees is altyd die lekkerste tyd van die jaar. Dit is somer, vakansie en dit beteken geskenke. Leandrie du Toit gesels met van ons onderwysers om uit te vind hoe hulle hul kersfees spandeer.

Mnr Du Toit: Hoe weet hy elke jaar waar ek woon?!

Wat is die beste geskenk wat jy nog ooit gekry het? Mnr Matthee: Kitaar

Het jy enige tradisies tydens die kerstyd? Mnr Du Toit: Niks vreemds nie. Glo „n mens moet „n lang potjie maak vir kersaand. Juf Basson: Elke jaar kamp ons. My pa het „n “sleigh” gebou en op oukersaand kry ons iemand om soos kersvader aan te trek. Ons ry rond en deel geskenke uit. Juf Jacobs: Ons hou „n konsert oor die kersverhaal. Juf Conradie: We do “Secret Santa” and play charades. Mnr Matthee: Ons hou „n familiemaal met musiek met verskillende instrumente en sing kersfeesliedjies. Juf Neethling: Ons eet onsself trommeldik!

Wat is die vreemdste geskenk wat jy nog ooit vir kersfees ontvang het? Mnr Matthee: ‟n Houtuiltjie wat die datum wys. Juf Du Plessis: Stapskoene. Juf Jacobs: Drinking game Juf Du Toit: Nog nie regtig iets vreemds gekry nie. Mnr Du Toit het al mooi geleer! Juf Keet: Gesangeboek, my ouma het dit vir my gegee tot ek 9 was.

Juf Conradie: My first bicycle Juf Du Plessis: Elke oomblik saam met my familie. Juf Basson: ‟n Platespeler Juf Delport: My eerste stel grimering Juf Keet: Kaartjies na „n Michael Buble konsert.

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