Circum Kwartaal 3

Page 1



TERM 3, 2015











Editor’s letter Three is a number that radiates an aura of superstitions. It is often said that luck, especially bad luck, comes in threes. So when term 3 came knocking on my door, I was slightly apprehensive to open. I knew that this visitor would give me sleepless nights, a jam-packed schedule and be the hard-to-satisfy type that demands superhuman qualities. That wasn't all though: my visitor had brought along an extra bag filled with challenges (including, amongst others, an unfamiliar piece of furniture called, "the editor's chair"). He called these things gifts, but in my eyes, they seemed more like terrifying, insatiable dragons, ready to devour a tasty meal. Nonetheless, there was an enticing undertone of excitement, which eventually led me to open the door and, with somewhat enlarged pupils, accept the "gift bag”. I'm sure that most of you can relate to the feelings I had at the start of the term. But let's take a moment to give credit to ourselves: despite those weekends that seemed non-existent and perhaps calendars that had the overall appearance of "mission impossible", we faced our challenges and (hopefully) made the most of all of them. I understand now why my visitor called them gifts - because they tested my limits and reminded me that no challenge is an excuse to stop enjoying the amazing little things in life. All in all, the past term was undeniably a fun and thrilling adventure that shaped itself into unforgettable memories. I sincerely hope that this edition succeeds in offering an enjoyable read for you all. Also, a special word of thanks is extended to Miss le Roux, the superhero of my Circum adventure, without whom this edition would have been but a pile of disorganised articles and photos. The Circum strives to satisfy our readers' preferences, which is why we love making use of your ideas, stories and photos. So if you have any suggestions, please do pay a visit to room 18 and drop off your gift in the box. Other than that, have a spectacular 168-hour holiday and come back safely! Gimmie love


Redaksie Aksie Redaktrise Deevya Narotam

Subredaktrise Jacomi Breytenbach

Nicole Hendricks Aneeq Jacobs Willa-Marié Roux Annemie du Plessis Marike Fowler Micaela Davids Jordan Pieters Liné Bredenkamp Heleen Theron Emke Hugo Anchen Timm Robyn Viljoen Danelle Zeeman

Fotograwe Hymne Ley

Nickus Venter Lezandré van Vuuren Abygail Drake Ruth Pretorius Gaby Jacobs Lize Joubert Victoria Dangtoumda

Elmari van der Westhuizen Featured photographers

André Schoeman Mnr. Claassens

Huilin’ De Kuilen


Interskole 2015_____________________3-8 GEESBOU 2015______________________9-11 Target Shooting ______________________ 12 ‘n Aw(SEM) week____________________13-14 WG Riders __________________________ 15

GIMMIES GEE OM Earth club __________________________16 Landsdiens __________________________ 16 Donate a life______________________27-28 The President’s Award _______________29-30


Goodbye to the trophy.

Modder en Bloed____________________17-18 Matrieks 2015_____________________19-22 Sekretaressedag______________________23 Nuwe ouers: Mnr. En Mev. Du Toit _________ 24 Xié Xié China______________________25-26

FUN PAGES Scene & song ________________________ 31 Hollywood Lookalikes __________________32 Watter Onnie sé wat? __________________ 33 Juf. L. van Wyk se SUPERPOWER __________ 33 Riddle me this _______________________ 34 Teacher Feature ____________________35-36


Lemme take a selfie

Eisteddfod __________________________ 37 Koor ______________________________ 37 Fraserburg toneelfees __________________ 38

GOING GREEN Circum E-publishing ___________________ 39 Eco Dance Clubs ______________________ 40






10 Augustus 2015 De Kuilen, Suid-Afrika Dit was oorlog, en soos dit so ’n situasie betaam het emosies hoog geloop. Die Bosvark troepe het De Kuilen se velde betree met die smaak van oorwinning in hul monde en vasberadenheid in hul oë — reg vir die groot geveg. En so het interskoledag 2015 begin. Dit was net modder wat spat, asems wat hortend uitblaas, hees bevele wat van die kant van die sportveld of baan uitgeroep is, sweet wat tap, en ja, selfs bloed wat gestort is. Orals was daar troepe wat teen mekaar geveg het en nodeloos om te sê, was die Gimmies oorwinnaars van meeste van daardie gevegte. Ons gelukbringer, die magtige Bosvark, het hom goed van sy taak gekwyt soos die skare — ja, selfs die De Kuilen pawiljoene — se aandag elke nou en dan deur sy allamintige danspassies afgetrek is. Die Bosvark se passies was so wild en begeesterd dat hy skoon moes keer om nie sy kop te verloor nie en het sy snoet elke nou en dan vasgehou.

Natuurlik was dit ook die harde oefening en opleiding wat ons so goed voorberei het vir die stryd. De Kuilen is behoorlik op hulle plek gesit deur Worcester Gimnasium se kreet wat die geesdriftige skare uit volle bors basuin het sowel as die Pom-pommeisies se oulike danspassies. Na ure se uitmergelende wedstryde, en vele asem-ophou beseringsoomblikke, was dit uiteindelik tyd vir die uitslae. Toe dit bekend gemaak is dat die Bosvarke De Kuilen se troepe heeltemal verslaan het, was die opwinding, trots en vreugde duidelik te sien in die oë van al die Gimmies soos hulle op die veld gaan staan het om ook deel te wees van daardie waardevolle kiekie. Nie net het die Gimmies baie individuele veldslae gewen nie, maar ook die oorlog in totaliteit. In die proses het ons ons gate uit geniet, alles gegee op die veld, baan en pawiljoen en regverdige gevegte gevoer. En, net as ‘n ekstra skouerklop na die dag se stryd, het sommige van die busse vir ‘n wyle by McDonalds vertoef — want helde verdien mos ‘n helde-maaltyd, of hoe? Lank lewe Worcester Gimnasium!



Telbord NETBAL

Rubgy 19A: wen 22 – 8 19B: wen 48 – 5 19C: wen 24 – 13

16A: verloor 7 – 24 15A: verloor 10 – 12

14A: wen 17 – 16 14B: wen 14 – 12

SEUNS HOKKIE 18A: 18B: 16A: 16B: 14A:

wen wen wen wen wen

2 – 0 1 – 0 1 – 0 1 – 0 2 – 0


19A: verloor 12 – 40 19B: verloor 18 – 19

19C: wen 18 – 16

17A: verloor 14 – 20

17B: wen 18 – 9

17C: verloor 2 – 18

16A: 16B: 16C: 15A: 15B: 15C:

wen wen wen wen wen wen

23 – 13 16 – 8 21 – 14 20 – 17 17 – 15 26 – 18

MEISIES HOKKIE 18A: Gelykop 0 – 0

18B: wen 3 – 0 16A: wen 4 – 0 16B: wen 2 – 0

16C: verloor 0 – 2

14A: wen 6 – 0

A-span: verloor 1,5 — 3,5

B-span: verloor 2—3

Volgende jaar maak ons weer so, De Kuilen.


Geesbou 2015 Soveel van wat Interskole week lekker maak lĂŞ in die voorafgaande feesvieringe en geesbou. Hier is ‘n stap-vir-stap uitleg van hoe die Bosvarke hierdie interskole behoorlik gees gevang het.


Lawwigheid was aan die orde van die dag op Woensdag met hoeddag. Die VRL het in die tussentyd ook ‘n nuwe modeneiging begin met gevlegte haarlinte wat soos soetkoek verkoop het. Tydens pouse was daar Leeders VS onnies tafeltennis te sien in die ousaal .

Die onderwysers het ‘n stappie in “memory lane” geneem en skoolklere aangetrek, terwyl leerders soos hul rolmodel moes aantrek.



Pousetyd is lede van die skool se eerstespanne afgefeil en die aand moes die Gimmies weer skoolklere aantrek vir die BIG BRAG.



Teen Vrydag was die Bosvarke reeds ten volle begeester. In hierdie atmosfeer is daar pousetyd gesigverf gedoen en hierna is die leerders saal toe vir ‘n vol program waaronder die personeelkonsert.

Do you feel lucky? … Well do ya—punk?!

Target Shooting .

by Jordan Pieters

The stereotypical perception at high school is to steer clear of the jocks —the rugby players— who could stampede over you in a busy corridor on your way to class like a herd of bison. But there are new, more dangerous kids on the block to watch out for these days. Kids who rely on firearms and precision marksmanship and who hone their modern warfare skills semi-regularly at practices in the old hall and at competitions. Yup, the target shooters of WG have some gunslinging skills akin to that of Clint Eastwood in Dirty Harry. The captain of the WG target shooters, Enzo Chellan, takes all of this in his stride saying, “target shooting is a rather relaxed sport. It is worth every second because you get to travel and encounter people from all walks of life.”

Many people are unaware that target shooting requires physical training as all sports do. Much to our surprise target shooting requires breath control and stamina, and here we’ve been thinking you just aim at a target and hope for the best! There is more than one rifle in these tournaments and a qualifying score which you build according to where you hit the target. If this score is reached, you automatically go through to the next competition. Our school is proud to be the home of talented shooters who have not only reached and performed in the pre-championships, such as Brandon O’Neill and Hannah Meek, but have moved on to the National Championships in October. Well done Enzo and good




week Deur Liné Bredenkamp

In die Seminarie koshuis is skinder gesprekkies, teetyd en liedjies in die storte deel van wie ons is. Dit is wat ons semkatte ‘ons’ maak. Semweek is dié week waar vervreemde susters bymekaarkom en ons ons trots op die Seminarie kan vier. Elke jaar hou ons die kalender fyn dop en wag in spanning vir Semweek om met ‘n hoëhakskoen af te skop. Hierdie jaar was daar ‘n hele paar prettige geleenthede gereël om die Semgees te vier. Die hele week was daar kans gegee vir inwoners van die verskillende gange om hul gange mooi te maak. Die meisies kon op hul eie temas besluit en die graad 8’s het veral moeite gedoen om so ‘n bietjie meer kleur aan die Sem te verleen. Hoewel Eskom die Dinsdagaand beloof om ons pret kort te knip, het hulle ons darem in lig en vrede gelaat sodat musical chairs is in die TV-kamer gespeel kon word. Die aand was hope pret en lekker lawwe laggies is heel aand gedeel. Die volgende aand is die jaarlikse Mej. Koek en Tert gehou waar Semkatte tweetwee kon inskryf om mee te ding vir dié titels deur in hul stowwerigste, frillerigste rok of hul kortste, noupassendste uitrusting te paradeer. Die skreeusnaakse kompetisie was weereens ‘n groot sukses. Diegene wat deelgeneem het was uitstekend in karakter geklee en het sommer nog persoonlikhede daarby aangeneem wat verseker het dat elke Seminarie meisie behoorlik haar

maagspiere kon oefen! Geluk aan Kelly Muyengwa (die koekerigste koek) en Margaret Nampala (die terterigste tert aka Pie Meraai) wat hierdie titels opgeraap het. Alhoewel ons nie almal kunstalent het nie, het almal tog ingegryp om die versierings vir die Semdans reg te kry. Met min kwaste wat deur baie hande gegaan het dié aand was dit ‘n spanpoging om alles gedoen te kry. Brandwacht koshuis het die week in ‘n feëverhaal laat eindig deur ons soos prinsesse te laat voel toe ons op Rika se balkon gaan staan het en ge-serenade is. Natuurlik kon ons nie anders as om ook so ‘n paar liedjies terug te sing nie. Vrydag is ons toegelaat om ons splinternuwe Sem-hoodies by die skool te dra en daardie aand het die hele skool saam met ons die week se verrigtinge afgesluit deur Semdans toe te kom. Die tema was Las Vegas en die aand sal onthou word vir die lekker atmosfeer wat daar geheers het. Baie dankie aan almal wat gehelp het om dié week a(SEM)rowend te maak en geluk aan ons nuwe prefekte vir 2016, Chrisrie Oosthuizen, Tarin Holster, Courtney White, Victoria Dangtoumda, Chris-Sandré Pieterse, Racquel Hermanus, Sandré Prins en Liné Bredenkamp.



Riders The WG riders of 2015 participated in 6 Boland qualifiers brandishing brand new riding shirts sponsored by BRENN-O-KEM. In these shirts they won every single team parade and gained points for our school to win the School Spirit Cup. Joy Bekker, Pippa Groenewald, Heleen Theron and Kayla Visser all qualified to represent Boland at the Western Cape Regional Competition at the start of August. All four of them qualified to represent the Western Cape team at the SANESA National Championships which will take place during the October holidays.

CAN YOU GUESS WHICH HORSE BELONGS Ella Smith Pippa Groenewald Heleen Theron Michelle du Toit Joy Bekker Kayla Visser

Aggressive Echo Martinique Felix

JW Ubab Lana Coventry’s Kunkuru

ANSWERS: Ella and Felix, Pippa and Aggressive Echo, Heleen and Lana, Michelle and Martinique, Joy and Coventry’s Kunkuru, Kayla and JW Ubab


Our environment holds so much natural beauty, yet most of it is obscured by litter. Papers, empty cans, plastic bags - the shameful list goes on. The time for change has reached us a long while ago, so Worcester Gymnasium's Earth Club, along with the Land Service has decided to be the change they want see in the world. An exciting new project has started taking shape this term at Worcester Gymnasium. Its aim is to make recycling as convenient as possible in order to relieve some of the strain on the environment. On one afternoon members of the Earth Club and


Land Service members had their plates rather full this term. From camping to tree planting, the eventful term certainly provided much to enjoy. One of the projects for this term involved collecting old newspapers and magazines. These were then donated to underprivileged schools where children and teachers could use these resources we often take for granted for their school projects. Forces were joined with the Earth Club to launch a recycling project in Worcester Gymnasium. Learners rolled up their sleeves and got their paint brushes out to take the first step of this project, the detail of which is mentioned in the article above.

Land Service rolled up their sleeves to complete the first stage of this project painting the cardboard recycling bins according to a colour code. These bins will be labelled according to the type of waste material that should go into them and then placed on the school grounds. The waste in the bins will be removed on a regular basis and taken for recycling. The recycling project will kick off early in the fourth term and learners are urged to use these bins according to the instructions printed on them as to make the project a success. Nothing can compare to that feeling of seeing that you have made a change. Should you wish to become a part of this project, feel free to join the Earth Club by signing up at Ms D. van Wyk's classroom.

Lastly Land Service members got their hands nice and dirty during the second last week of school by planting a tree near the sports tuckshop in an attempt to express the deep-rooted commitment we must have to the environment in order for it (and us) to flourish. The elections for the new Land Service committee were held and the results were as follows: Willa-MariĂŠ Roux - Chairperson Peter Manefeldt - Vice chairperson Elmari van der Westhuizen - Secretary Mildri Ellmann - gr. 12 representative Jacomi Breytenbach - gr. 11 representative Carla van Niekerk - gr. 10 representative Jeanette Roux and Nicorene Louw - gr. 9 representt-tatives Congratulations to these members! May your projects for next year be sweet and successful.


MODDERENBLOED In Augustus was Worcester ’n kook-kol (dis nou ‘n “hotspot”) van Suid-Afrikaanse filmsterre. Mense se nekke het soos dié van rubber hoenders gerek en gedraai om bekendes in die mall raak te sien en ‘n verwoede geskinder agter handpalms was aan die orde van die dag (“Haai maar dis dan daai ou van Ballade. Ballaaade man. Dit was nou die dag op KykNET! Dink jy ek moet waai?”). En toe kom daardie vreemde afkondiging oor die interkom: “All the white boys please go to the hall,” en alles word verduidelik: daar word ‘n rolprent verfilm en die mense soek ekstras om hulle skare ‘n bietjie aan te dik. Met dié dat ons Bosvarke mos so sag op die oog is (wink-wink) is ons natuurlik eerste genader om die filmstel te kom opvul. Daar is nie tans soveel informasie beskikbaar oor die rolprent Modder en Bloed (in Engels Blood and Glory) nie. Vervaardigers probeer natuurlik die kat stewig in die sak hou sodat niks “spoilers” die uiteindelike kykgenot van hierdie film, wat eers die 1ste April 2016 in teaters verskyn, kan bederf nie. Maar met dié dat die filmhuise Dark Matter Studios (Bakgat 1 en 2, Leading Lady, Lobola) en Collective Dream Films (Platteland) in samewerking met KykNET die vervaardiging behartig, kan ons net uitsien na ‘n vermaaklike stukkie film. Wat ons wel kon vasstel is dat die film afspeel in Suid-Afrika te midde van die Angloboere-oorlog. Die boer en familieman, Willem Morkel, se seun en vrou word in die oorlog vermoor en wanneer hy as krygsgevangene na die berugte St. Helena konsentrasiekamp geneem word, moet hy ‘n bullebak van ‘n Engelsman, Kolonel Swanell, beveg op die enigste manier moontlik — RUBGY! Ons onderhoudvoerder, Annemie du Plessis, het sommige van ons oornagbekende Bosvarke, Henk Blaauw, Aliister Otto en Benjamin Truter, ‘n paar vrae gevra om meer te wete te kom:

Hoe was dit op die stel van die fliek?

Sal jy eendag ‘n akteur wil word?


HENK: Nee. Dit is te veel herhaling. ALLISTER: No. BENJAMIN: Nee, nie nadat ek dit gesien het nie.

Dit was lekker gewees, maar ook vervelig. Ons het baie in die son gestaan. ALLISTER: It was okay. Very run-around. You run around a lot and stay busy. BENJAMIN: Dit was eintlik nie baie lekker gewees nie. Ons het rondgestaan en gewag om te skiet vir seker ‘n uur lank. Ons het net gekyk hoe hardloop mense rond, ons was net ekstras gewees on het nie eintlik veel gedoen nie.

Waaroor dink jy gaan die film? HENK:

Dit gaan oor rugby wat gespeel word in die Boereoorlog se tyd, maar dit het nie regtig gebeur nie. ALLISTER: It looked like it was about rugby and how rugby was invented and how the Boers freed themselves from the English, or Het jy enige bekende mense ontmoet? something like that. HENK: Sean Else was die regisseur so dit was BENJAMIN: Uhm, dit het meer gelyk of dit maar net boere was wat teen die Engelse baklei nogals cool gewees. het. Soos tydens die Boereoorlog - beALLISTER: I can’t remember his name, but he’s from halwe daar was rugby in. another Afrikaans movie. BENJAMIN: Nie ontmoet nie, maar ons het hulle gesien. Ek dink daar was soos een of an- Watter rol het jy vertolk? der outjie van Villa Rosa het hulle gesê, ek HENK: Eers was ek ‘n boer ondersteuner en die weet nie, uhm, maar daar was kamstig laaste dag was ek ‘n Engelse soldaat. bekende mense gewees. ALLISTER: Just an extra. You just stand on the side, clap your hands or something.

BENJAMIN: Ek was net ‘n ektra gewees, ons het maar net daar gechill langsaan die veld.

Watter een verkies jy? Boer of Brit? HENK: Brit. ALLISTER: Probably the boer. BENJAMIN: Boer.

Sou jy sê jy sal ‘n Oscar kan wen? HENK: Nee. ALLISTER: No. BENJAMIN: Uhm, nee.

So op die onderwerp van rugby, wie dink jy gaan die World Cup wen? HENK: ALLISTER:

All Blacks. Hmmm... I’d say Japan has got a good chance. BENJAMIN: Japan. *Hierdie onderhoud het eers na Suid-Afrika se skaamtelike sneuweling teen

Japan in die wêreldbekertoernooi plaasgevind. Henk, Allister en Benjamin kan nie die toekoms voorspel nie.

HET JY GEWEET?  Hoewel dit vreemd klink dat hoërskoolseuns gevra is om krygsgevangenes uit te beeld, het seuns van hierdie ouderdom aan die oorlog deelgeneem. Alle boer mans tussen die ouderdom van 16 tot 60 is opgeroep om kommandodiens te doen en in die Transvaal was elke manlike burger (bo 16-jarige ouderdom) wettiglik verplig om ’n geweer en ammunisie te besit.

 Saint Helena is ‘n eiland in die Suid-Atlantiese Oseaan. Voor die Anglo-boereoorlog was dit reeds bekend as die plek waarheen Napoleon Bonaparte verban is en waar hy gesterf het.

 Saint Helena was die eerste plek wat boer krygsgevangenes en nie boervrouens of –kinders ontvang het nie en is vinnig oorweldig deur die aantal boere wat toe noodgedwonge na Indië, Portugal en Bermuda verskeep moes word.

 Van die 28 000 boerkrygsgevange is 5000 op Saint Helena aangehou.

Gaan kyk dus gerus hierdie rolprent en ken ‘n paar Bosvarke in die skare uit wanneer dit begin draai in rolprentteaters op die 1ste April 2016.


As jy een jaar in die hoĂŤrskool kon oordoen, watter jaar sou dit wees en hoekom?




Wat s





deur Emke Hugo

Wat was die lekkerste ervaring wat jy in matriek ervaar het?

Tonia Marone: Opvo

Seymour L

Pieter Swart: Engeland

Amika Hugo Graad 9, want dis ‘n “go with the flow” jaar.

Lyle Grassman Graad 8. Ek sou toe al begin het met atletiek.

Emile Barnard Matriek, want dis lekker.

Watter onderwyser

sal jy altyd van die skool onthou?

gaan jy die meeste mis?

Die gevoel wat jy kry as jy l in Union sing.

lle Goussard


Irene de Bod me. L. van Wyk

Die gees, onderwysers en musicals.

a Roux

Simoné Nortje me. Snygans Mariska Coezer Mnr. Fröhlich Ethan Setera Me. Gie

Koshuis unity.

Hoeveel rand het jy al spandeer by die

Hoeveel geld skat jy het jy al by

snoepie dié jaar?

mense gebedel vir snoepiekos dié

Brandon van Heerden Miskien so R4000


Cameron Arries Maybe a R1000

Jeshua Paul: Genoeg om 5 pasteie te koop. Jonathan Cardoso: R50 Dorian Johnson: Onbeskryflik baie, want ek het baie kontakte.

Damian Roberts Easily over R5000.

Marike Fowler: R70


E. Snygans:

Pas jou lewe en jouself mooi op, want jou lewe is ‘n geskenk van God en dit wat jy daarmee doen is jou geskenk aan Hom.

L. van Wyk:

D. van Wyk:

Moet nooit ophou wonder en vrae vra nie. Hou aan hard werk en moet nooit opgee op jou drome nie, al sê ander jy kan nie.

Mnr. Van Niekerk:

Never be scared of trying new and scary things. If you love it or hate it, at least you’ll know.

L. Tromp:

N. Phillips:

L. Gie:

Live life to the fullest. Enjoy every moment. Work hard, play hard. Carpe Diem.

Act your age in the future.

Chanté Marone Valetynsweek.

Leverne Baxter Toe ons die Derby gewen het. Zintle Mdingi Playing rugby.

oedkundige Sielkunde by CPUT studeer.

Lottering: Bemarking by CPUT studeer.

d toe gaan om krieket te gaan speel in Cambridge.

Wat wil jy volgende jaar met jou lewe doen?


Be the change you wan

Good luck matrics.

nt to see in the world.

Go make your mark!


Sekretaressedag Die eerste Woensdag van elke September word in SuidAfrika as nasionale sekretaressedag gevier. Om ons besige, staatmaker administratiewe personeel se dag spesiaal te maak, is hulle toegelaat om ‘n gedeelte van die dag hulself te bedref met ‘n uitstappie. In die tussentyd het die onderwysers vir hulle ingestaan - met lagwekkende gevolge.

3/9 Dis hoeveel van die 9 onderyseresse wat hul lywe sekretaresse gehou het die kantoor bo die klaskamer verkies. So Bosvarke, ons verkies julle bo besige telefoonlyne!

Woesser as Worcester Gimnasium, Goeiedag!

Sorry sir. I don’t understand Afrikaans.





Mamma Michelle

Is dit moeilik om beide rolle van ‘n ma en ‘n onderwyser vol te staan? Nee, jou prioriteite moet net altyd reg wees. Goeie beplanning en voorbereiding maak altwee maklik.

Pappa Nielen Pappa Nielen

Is dit moeilik om beide rolle van ‘n pa en ‘n onderwyser vol te staan ? Nee, dis maklik omdat ek met kinders by die skool ook werk.

Mis meneer vir Lee-La baie deur die dag? Mis juffrou vir Lee-La baie deur die dag? Ja, verskriklik baie, maar dit raak elke dag beter.

Sal juffrou sê Lee-La is ‘n maklike of ‘n moelike baba? Ek weet nie wat ‘n moelike baba is nie. Lee-La is verseker lekker en maklik.

Beplan juffrou om in die toekoms nog kinders te hê?

Ja, ek kyk soms na foto’s van haar en dink dan aan wat sy dalk nou doen.

Sal meneer sê Lee-La is ‘n maklike of ‘n moelike baba? Sy is wel maklik in die dag, maar moeilik in die nag. Beplan meneer om in die toekoms nog kinders te hê? Nee, een is genoeg.

Ja, maar Meneer du Toit weet nog nie daarvan nie.

Sal meneer eendag vir Lee-La wil klasgee? Sal juffrou eendag vir Lee-La wil klasgee? Ja, want dan gaan sy baie hoë punte kry *wink-wink*.

Wat is vir juffrou die oulikste ding wat Lee-La doen? Elke week is daar iets anders.

Nee, ek sal wil hê sy moet liewer by ‘n goeie onderwyser klas kry (lag). Ons sal mekaar ook dan hopeloos te veel sien.

Wat is vir meneer die oulikste ding wat Lee-La doen? Sy is altyd gelukkig. Selfs al skrik sy 4:00 wakker, het sy steeds ‘n glimlag op haar gesig.



DANKIE CHINA Deur Marike Fowler & Willa-Marié Roux Daar is ‘n Chinese gesegde was lui: “’n Reis van ’n duisend myl moet met ’n enkele tree begin.” Dit is presies wat ons bevoorregte Bosvarke gedoen het toe ons op 25 en 26 Junie ’n koue, winderige Suid-Afrika vir China verlaat het. Op toer het ons die geleentheid gehad om ‘n nuwe kant van onsself te ontdek. Ons het nuwe vriende gemaak en ons palette op die proef gestel met nuwe en vreemde disse. Ons het die prag van China beleef – die Groot Muur, Temple of Heaven en die Forbidden City. Ons het deel geword van hul ryk kultuur en baie foto’s geneem. Moedertaal is vir Mandaryns verruil, die kuns van chopsticks is bemeester en die warm son en humiditeit is getrotseer. China was ‘n absolute belewenis, dit kan elk van die 20 Bosvarke getuig. Ons is op die hande gedra en vir twee weke het ons die geleentheid gehad om soos regte universiteitstudente te leef en ook om ‘n tipiese toeris te wees. Alhoewel daar verskeie orkane oor ons pad gekom het, van ons siek geraak het en ons vlug 24 uur vertraag is, was die twingtig uur vlug terug Johannesburg toe die moeite werd. Ons ‘Pappa Beer,’ Mnr. Schoeman, het uit sy pad gegaan om elke oomblik vir ons ongelooflik te maak en hy het hom oor elkeen ontferm, daarom wil die China-toergroep spesiaal dankie sê aan ons skoolhoof en aan almal wat hierdie toer moontlik gemaak het. Xièxiè



Iemand het vir Mildri (Ellmann) en Carla (Burger) gevra of almal in Suid-Afrika goue hare het.

Daar gebeur oor die algemeen snaakse dinge op vliegtuie met Gimmies. Een van die hoogtepunte was toe Jonathan (Cardoso) ‘n paar slaappille gedrink het en vir die verbaasde Chinese lugwaardin beveel het: “Ek soek steak!”

Janco Nel het sy selfoon op die

Great Wall of China verloor. Ten minste het hy nou ‘n opwindende storie om vir sy kleinkinders te vertel!


Donating life BY ANCHEN TIMM

Donating blood is a very big deal in Worcester Gymnasium, especially amongst the learners. Many grade 10 to matric learners donate blood at least once a term and save 3 lives in the process. But it is not just the learners that are so enthusiastic about donating blood—our teachers are as well. Three teachers who feel very passionately about donating blood have been interviewed by the Circum and this is what they had to say about blood donation.



WHY DO YOU DONATE BLOOD? I can save 3 lives without having to do much.

HOW WAS YOUR FIRST EXPERIENCE? It was very scary obviously. The room started to spin and I almost fainted.

I am A positive, I think.



I was a student at Stellenbosch and I was 23 years old.

My son was in a car accident and the Lord spared his life. This is why I decided to donate.


HOW WAS YOUR FIRST EXPERIENCE DONATING BLOOD? It was very frightening and I couldn't donate the full amount that is expected.

WILL YOU DONATE AGAIN? Yes, I want to. I am very scared to do it again, but I will do it because it is a selfless act.


100 times

WHAT IS YOUR BLOOD TYPE? B negative which is the second rarest blood type.

WHY DO YOU DONATE? Because of the fact that by donating blood you are giving something to someone that really needs it to live.

HOW WAS YOUR FIRST EXPERIENCE? I don’t really remember, but obviously I was a bit nervous.

HOW OLD WERE YOU WHEN YOU FIRST DONATED? Round about 21 years old.

WHAT IS YOUR BLOOD TYPE? I used to be A negative, but recently they found out that I am actually A positive.

Thank you to our selfless teachers who support this good cause.

Here are some facts about

blood donation By donating blood you make a meaningful difference since you could save up to three people’s lives by donating a single unit. And although 75% of the population in the Western Cape may require blood transfusions in their lifetime, a mere 1.5% are blood donors. Of those units that are donated most are used for:  

 

Women who haemorrhage (“bleed out”) due to trauma associated with childbirth. Children with severe anaemia, a disorder in which a lack of oxygen-carrying haemoglobin in the blood causes severe fatigue and even shortness of breath. Accident victims. Surgical and cancer patients.

The WPBTS is associated with other medical philanthropist organisations such as CHOC (Childhood Cancer Foundation), The Organ Donor Foundation, Milk matters (donation of breastmilk to babies with HIV positive mothers) and the Sunflower Fund (stem cell and bone marrow donation). The Worcester Branch of the WPBTS is located in Napier Street, a mere five minute walk from Worcester Gymnasium and is open every Tuesday from 8:00 until 19:00 for walki n d o n a t i o n s .

Blood is the most precious gift that anyone can give another person — the gift of life. The decision to donate blood is the decision to save a life.


“Man’s goodness is a flame that can be hidden, but never

extinguished.” “The greatest glory in living is not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall.”


AWA R D Empowering the Youth BY ANCHEN TIMM

Dedicating your life to something is always a difficult task. It takes a great deal to see things through to the end. The President’s Award programme tests the perseverance of the youth and hones this valuable but disappearing quality. Being a former participant, I can attest to its teachings. Not only did it encourage me to reach out to the community, but it also pushed me far beyond my limits, both physically and emotionally. It truly is a milestone worth completing. Here is a brief interview with the programme coordinator, Mr Joubert, regarding his feelings towards this programme.

Q: How Does it feel to manage the President’s Award? A: “A little frustrating. I want to do many things with the programme and become more involved with the participants, but unfortunately I don’t always have the time for it. However, in the end, the programme is a personal challenge, and therefore a very good one.” Q: What do you enjoy most about the programme? A: “Seeing the personal growth in the participants, but mostly the hike (laughs).” Q: What is one positive and one negative thing that you can take away from this whole experience? A: “The positive thing about the programme is that it provides the opportunity to any learner

who wants to participate because we don’t hold any selections. This allows any learner to develop as a leader – even learners who in many cases do not have the opportunity to do so. It challenges them in new ways. The factor I find most difficult and frustrating is the administrative part. The participants don’t always log their activities, which makes it very difficult to see whether or not they are meeting the programme’s requirements.” Q: Any words of inspiration to prospective learners? A: “Yes! I would love to see many more learners enrolling for this programme, and that is actually my personal goal. In two years’ time, I would like to have at least a hundred learners participating in the programme thereafter annually.”

The President’s Award is truly an innovative and rewarding programme. It equips you with necessary skills, diligence, perseverance, and discipline needed in life. It will push, and sometimes, even break you (speaking from personal experience regarding the hike), but I can assure you, it builds you back up stronger, taller and prouder than before knowing that you exceeded what you thought were your limits.

Umuntu Ngumuntu Ngabantu A person is a person through other persons. Nelson Mandela


Scene and song by Micaela Davids

It was once said Extra! Extra! Read that music gives a all about these upcoming movies. A few soul to the universe. edge-of-your-seaters New songs that are due to be released to look forward to soon include: include: Maze Runner: The Scorch Trials Pan, a remake of the clas-

sic “Peter Pan� starring Hugh Jackman and Cara Delevingne.

Goosebumps, starring Jack Black.

Breaking Through, with executive producer John Legend.

Focus on Me by Ariana Grande

On my Mind by Ellie Goulding

Another Lonely Night by Adam Lambert

Disconnect by Marina and The Diamonds

All around the World

by Natalie La Rose feat. Fetty Was

There is no way that any of you can miss out. Make sure to look out for all of these enticing entertainment offers.

Cassiem Fredericks & Aramis Knight

Selena Gomez & Kimber-Leigh Berry

Nina Roodbol & Amanda Seyfried

Christi Roux & David Henrie

Janneman Vlok & Luke Bracey

Hollywood lookalikes deur Willa-MariĂŠ Roux


1. “Yonqena.” 2. “Okay, happy” 3. “So in a nut shell.” 4. “Hey, jou lelike ding.” 5. “Goeiemôre. Goodmorning.” 6. “Ek was saam met Noag in die ark.” 7. “Hoekom kyk julle my met sulke vaal ogies aan?” 8. “Het julle al hierdie storie gehoor?” 9. “Goodmorning ladies. Goodmorning gentlemen” 10. “Twaalf uit tien.” 11. “Oh my hat!” 12. “Awsome!”

7. JUF. JACOBS 8. JUF. D. VAN WYK 9. MNR. SCHOEMAN 10. MNR. BRÜMMER 11. JUF. HOFMEYR 12. JUF. DU TOIT Andries Bellie Brandon van Heerden Beethoven Keanu Damon Meneer Reeves EJ Ewit Franco Ertjie Leighton Cuttings Lukas Joe-Elin Mouton Johannes Johan Goosen Jonatan Emil Moses Emmer Aneeq Jacobs

Andrew Bell


Bo en behalwe haar vermoë om die rumoerigste lot leerders met een kyk tot doodstilte te bring, het Juffrou L. van Wyk ook ‘n ongekende talent vir Afrikaanse herbenaminge. So, is jou naam te Engels vir die Afrikaanse klas? Juffrou Van Wyk gee jou enetjie wat knapper pas. Hier is ‘n paar voorbeelde.

RIDDLE ANSWERS 1. A palm 2. A candle 3. A teapot 4. A watermelon 5. A nose 6. A shirt 7. A clock 8. Your age 9. An echo 10. A secret

What kind of tree can you carry in your hand?

What has a neck and no head, two arms but no hands?

I’m tall when I’m young and I’m short when I’m old. What am I?

What has a face and two hands but no arms or legs?

What starts with the letter “t”, is filled with “t” and ends in “t”?

What goes up and doesn’t come back down?

There was a green house. Inside the green house there was a white house. Inside the white house there was a red house. Inside the red house there were lots of babies. What is it?

Many have heard me, but nobody has seen me, and I will not speak back until spoken to. What am I?

I can run but not walk. Wherever I go, thought follows close behind. What am I?

When you have me, you feel like sharing me. But, if you do share me, you don't have me. What am I?


Catalina Comet

13th & 14th of December

Did you know?

To infinity and beyond!



Teacher feature A BIG THANKS to Bennie Griesel who created these memes! Bennie will be in charge of our Fun Section from hereon in. After this selfie with Miss L. van Wyk was taken, it soon went viral amongst the Gimmies. We do so LOOOVE our selfies — even more so when Miss van Wyk is in them. From next term onwards a Circum meme competition will be launched. A photo will be posted on the Circum board for which learners can deposit meme suggestions in the box in front of room 18. The best meme will be featured in that term’s Circum along with the picture of our Meme creator.

d ONNIES 1992

See if you can spot the teachers still on the staff today.




"But poetry, beauty, romance, love, these are what we stay alive for." Dead Poets’ Society 1989

In Dead Poets’ Society, Mr Keating explains that we express ourselves through art because we are members of the human race and because we are all filled with passion. Luckily, Worcester Gymnasium's learners had an opportunity to express themselves at the Worcester Eisteddfod which we take part in biannually. Of the 103 Gimmies who participated in this event, 9 achieved bronze, 52 achieved silver, 55 achieved gold, 25 achieved Cum Laude and 16 received medals for the various items that they took part in. A special mention to Nicola Jansen van Vuuren, Janco Nel, Jacomi Breytenbach, Mari Vlok, Carina Kloppers, Heleen Theron and Charl Schoeman who fared exceptionally. Gimme, jou lekker ding! Worcester Gymnasium's choir participated in the Eisteddfod as well and boasts with a Cum Laude for their performance. Well done to all! You have made us proud and we look forward to seeing what some of you can do at the BRAVO-evening.

phy for best performance; and they were one of the top 10 high school choirs that were chosen from approximately 60 choirs for the Klassieke Kollig Koor-kompetisie. The choir had thus made it to the second stage of the competition, where they left the Barnyard Theatre with some high notes even though the second round of the competition was held over a long weekend — talk about good work ethic. These performances would not have yielded such exceptional results without Dr Sebastiaan Pretorius, whose time and effort is much appreciated. The choir will end off the year with a performance at the BRAVO Culture Evening on the 23 rd of October at the KWV wine cellar. Be sure not to miss out on this evening of entertainment.




“If we win, lose or draw, there's a winner in us all."

Illustration by Pei-Ling Ou for the Red dot design awards 2013

Fortunately, this season has been nothing but wins for Worcester Gymnasium's choir. The choir revealed its brilliance on three separate occasions this term, namely the Worcester Eisteddfod, the Montague Youth Arts Festival and most recently, the "Klassieke Kollig Koor-kompetisie" (fabulous alliteration on “k” don’t you think?), which took place at the Barnyard Theatre in Cape Town on the 24th of September. The results of their various performances are as follows: at the Worcester Eisteddfod they achieved Cum Laude; at the Montagu Youth Arts Festival a 90% and they were also awarded the Judges' Tro-



Dit is vroegoggend. Buite waai ‘n snerpende windjie. Almal sit so styf gepak langs mekaar soos sardientjies, oë wyd oopgesper weens die angs en opwinding wat soos statiese elektrisiteit in die lug hang. Ja, dames en here, dit is weer tyd vir WG om in die pad te val vir die jaarlikse Fraserburgtoneelfees. Alles het begin op ‘n Donderdagoggend. Dit was minute voor ons moes vertrek na die onbekende (Fraserburg is mos die onbekende. Ek is seker meeste van julle het nog nie daarvan gehoor nie). Almal het nog rondgeskarrel op soek na verlore rekwisiete en Juffrou Nel se groep het vir oulaas deur hulle woorde gegaan toe die busse gereed is om te vertrek. Daar is ons toe weg met ’n opgewonde gebabbel, borrel en bruis. Ons eetsakkies was vol; ons energievlakke hoog. Onthou ons kon skool agterlaat op ‘n Donderdagoggend. Wie sou nie gelukkig wees nie? So het die lang pad vinnig verby gevlieg. Die meisies het onmiddellik Fraserburg gaan verken. Moenie bekommerd wees nie, hulle het hulself definitief nie ooreis nie. Na 3 minute se stap was hulle deur die hele dorp. Daarna het hulle teruggekeer na hulle kamers om UNO te speel en ‘n bietjie nes te skrop. Die seniors van juffrou Nel se stuk, Betower, het om 16:00 vertrek om te gaan repeteer en die res het maar agtergebly en tande getel. Daardie aand het die ander Gimmies reggemaak om die betoweraars te gaan ondersteun. Na verskeie ongelooflike stukke (en ander

minder ongelooflike stukke) was dit uiteindelik die dié groep se beurt. Die gordyne het geruisloos oopgemaak en ons asems is weggeslaan deur hierdie ongelooflik betowerende. Met ligte harte het die Gimmies sommer vroeg gaan slaap, alhoewel die onderwysers nie eintlik saamgestem het dat 1:00 ‘n gepaste slaaptyd is nie. Die volgende oggend het die Gimmies uiteindelik die koue waarvan ons so baie gehoor het, ervaar. Bibberend het ons onsself opgestop en reggemaak om te gaan repeteer. Na die repetisie het daar ‘n heerlike koshuisontbyt op die rasende Gimmies gewag. En toe was dit die ander twee toneelgroepe se beurt om op te tree: Juffrou Nel se junior groep, Die groot kaas, en Juffrou Gardiner se groep, Lamb to the slaughter. Albei groepe se optredes het vlot verloop en die Gimmies het hul gate uit geniet. So, op ‘n Vrydag 14:00, was dit tyd vir die Gimmies om vir Fraserburg te groet. Die bussies het vertrek en ons het huiswaarts gekeer. Die Gimmies het nie eintlik tyd gehad om hartseer te wees dat hulle vir Fraserbrug verlaat nie, want hulle het amper onmiddellik aan die slaap geraak. Ja, alle goeie dinge kom tog tot ‘n einde. En so, dames en here, moet ons storie ook tot ‘n einde kom. Die gordyne het toegemaak en die gehoor, dis julle, is besig om die Gimmies ‘n staande toejuiging te gee. (Hopelik☺)



Green goes

by Danelle Zeeman

Change is in the air. The matrics are inching ever closer to the finish line, new teachers are popping up like mushrooms and the Circum has donned a new jacket. Ditching paper in favour of an electronic issue was a suggestion met with worry, scepticism, but luckily mostly enthusiasm. Instead of paying money for a tree-gobbling issue that you would probably lose somewhere along the line, Gimmies were treated to an online Circum - available for absolutely nada! With amazing new graphics, stunning colours and articles that captured the mind, the new Circum was welcomed with glee by its readers.

Not only is the new Circum free and an explosion of colour and skill, but it is earth-friendly! Yes, Worcester Gymnasium has embraced the buzz-word of the 21st century and has decided to “Go Green, or Go Home!” Taking hands with other Go Green initiatives not only saves the planet one tree at a time, but the new electronic version means that the Circum can be jam-packed with articles, pictures and effects - previously impossible with paper. And even though we’ll miss our trusty old paperback, it’s time to dust of your tablets and computers, because the new green Circum is here to stay!


the floor is no longer yours! BY


I bet not many of you have really thought about how dancing can save the world. Well, Energy Floors did. Their mission is to "raise awareness on energy production and energy consumption by making it interactive and fun and relating it to human scale." So in 2008, Energy Floors launched the world's first energygenerating dance floor - the Sustainable Dance Floor. This invention uses kinetic energy (movement) as a source of energy so that eco-clubs can convert dancing into electricity, which powers the LED lights of the dance floor creating a disco atmosphere. In addition to this sustainable solution to clubs’ electricity use, power generated from the clubbers footsteps can also be fed back to an electricity grid from which other local systems, such as clubbers' cell phones, can be powered or charged. The technology behind this green platform for dancing is known as electromagnetic induction. It involves a network of springs and magnets that automatically convert downward movement into energy. Therefore, the more the clubbers dance and jump, the more energy will be generated by the shaking of the floor. An example of a club that uses this Sustainable Dance Floor, is Club WATT in Rotterdam, Netherlands. WATT became the world's first sustainable night club, while Club Surya of the Club4Climate project, located in London, became Britain's first eco-nightclub. The latter uses a wind turbine and solar energy to make the club entirely sustainable. This club goes even further to distributing the remaining energy after a night of clubbing to local families, free of charge. Clearly, kinetic energy, combined with a little fun, is transforming into a potential source of renewable energy. Perhaps our own country could implement a similar idea to party away some load shedding?


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