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TERM 4, 2015


ONS VIER ONS multikulturaliteit ? ARE YOU GUILTY OF ?


Fun facts oor verskillende K U L T U R E

Para de day




nuwe tegnologie

die mag van sosiale media



Funny gimmie answers




Bosvark Memes 路 surviving the hostel 路 bin-bin kom kuier 路 en vele meer


as it really been a year since gifts were being exchanged around the Christmas tree and we counted down the last seconds of 2014? I can't seem to wrap my mind around the fact that we’ve reached the end of yet another year. In some ways, it seems impossible that a full 365 days have passed. It feels as though I was covering my school books for the year just a few days ago. On the other hand, it shocks me that so much happened (see our Highlights of 2015 on pg. 38) in only 365 days. And now, it’s once again time to formulate New Year’s resolutions. Talk about mind-boggling, right? With 6-7 weeks' worth of academics crammed into the unusually short 4-week term, we hardly had time to blink before finding ourselves at the foot of Mount November Exams. The daunting hike loomed ahead of us and whether your rucksack was packed or not, the climb had begun... With each step of the hike, I'm sure that many of you, like me, came to this realisation: while the challenges we face often appear larger than life, there is always some room around them through which we can catch a glimpse of the breathtaking life that still goes on. Sunrise and sunset continue as brilliantly as ever, birds chirp as merrily as ever and the sea's waves never stop washing pretty shells onto the shore. How much of a glimpse we catch of these perpetual events in life, depends solely on how far we're willing to allow our gaze past the obstacles in front of us. Finally, we have made it to the summit. (For this feat, I believe a pat on the back is in order.) With such a spectacular bird's-eye view of the year, we can now reflect on what we have and haven't achieved in terms of (squad) goals (hehe), personal growth and simply savouring the precious moments of life. However, dear readers, if any of your goals still require a tick on the list, do not despair - the new year is just around corner, for you to renew your unfulfilled resolutions. The Circum also extends a special wish of good luck to the matrics, who are leaving the Bosvark nest and will soon start writing introductions to an exciting new chapter in their lives. May success, happiness and all things good accompany you during this adventure! P.S. It is not entirely unlikely that a few of us may experience, in a certain sense, "withdrawal symptoms" from the hustle and bustle of the past term. So now it's time to pause the rat race and rejuvenate our souls. Breathe in peace, breathe out love and create those final memories to imprint in your 2015. Have a splendid festive season and come back safely with an effervescent zest!

Gim love










Likers gonna like 3

Errata In term 3’s Circum the President’s Award article was written by Sherityn Govender and not Anchen Timm. Also Benjamin Truter was wrongly called Bennie Griesel—sorry Bennie! KWARTAAL 4



Multiculturalism 11 Breek jou stereotipe 13 Fun facts oor kulture 15 Cultural appropriation

Matrieks 2015 Paradedag 5

Matriekafskeid 9 11-17


Onnie-leerder-lookalikes 33

Liefde vir diversiteit Film scene hero season

planning 2016

Top musiek 33

Head leaders interviewed 38

Teacher feature 35

Graad 11 piekniek 27

Julle vrae beantwoord 37

Bosberaad 25

Top flieks 34

VRL-lamp 26

Bosvark Memes 36

Hoogtepunte 2015 38

Get in shape this summer



And in other news Graad 8 dans 18


Media24-werkswinkel 32

Skrywershoekie 49

BRAVO-aand 19


Gimmies gee om


Matric art 42

President’s Award 51

Gim gaan groen 21

Techno page

Landsdiens en Earth club 22

Top apps 44

Scope of hope 22

Impact of social media 43

Noodhulp 23

Sixth sense technology 44

Bloedkliniek 24

Thinking out loud 5

hostel life

Surviving the Sem 29

Overscheduling ourselves 45 Die graadseniorsisteem 47

Brandwacht 31



WG riders 52 Swem 53

Tennis 54

Athletics 55

Hermanus fietstoer 55 Gholf 55

Toutrek 56

Techno-talk 43






n Friday, the 16th of October 2015, Worcester Gymnasium's Matric class of 2015 celebrated the culmination of their school career, through a tradition known as Parade Day. This tradition dates back just more than a 100 years and, as expected, had seen quite some tear-shedding as parents and fellow Gimmies watched these young adults officially spread their wings to fly into the world out there.


At 5:50 a.m., Worcester's Protea Hotel Cumberland welcomed the matriculants and served them a hearty breakfast. Although it was early for most tummies, the Gimmies nonetheless enjoyed the "good food and spending time with friends for old time's sake." Once their tummies were fed and happy, the parade through the streets of Worcester commenced. It followed the route from the hotel, situated in Stockenstrรถm Street, through High Street and finally to the school, situated in Tulbagh Street. Residents of the town watched with pride as the young men, wearing their black blazers and bow ties, and the young ladies, wearing their blue sashes and black graduation caps, paraded through the streets, which had been specially closed off for this occasion. At 8:00 a.m., the ceremony in the school hall commenced, with Deputy Head boy, Pieter Swart, as MC. Parents and ex-scholars also attended the ceremony. A devotional opening and prayer was done by Lana de Necker, after which the minutes of 2014's Parade Day ceremony was read by Deputy Head girl and Secretary, Danelle Zeeman. Following Mr Schoeman's speech, Eunice Erasmus and Mari Niemand sang Glee cast's "This Time" in beautiful harmony.




On behalf of the matric class, the head leaders handed over their gift, funding for more benches on the school grounds, to Mr Schoeman, who received it on behalf of the school. Next was the inauguration of the new Learner Council. Both councils were called up to the stage, where the 2015 Learner Council pinned their badges onto the blazers of new council members. The matrics sang Celine Dion's "Incredible" and the ceremony was ended off with everyone hooked in by the arms and singing School in Union. As the matrics walked out of the hall, they each received a customised pen as a farewell token from the school. Final teary hugs were exchanged and photos were taken with teachers, fellow Gimmies and family while refreshments were enjoyed in the Old Hall. We bid you a sad farewell Matric Class of 2015. One love...♥

Thereafter, the head leaders, Adriaan van der Bank and Niki Kloppers, delivered touching speeches to their fellow matrics. No one will be able to forget Adriaan’s touching sentiment when he said, “I never thought that my heroes would turn out to be people the same age as me,” referring to Steyn Olivier and Gustav September. Tears started rolling immediately. It was then time for the slide show to take them down memory lane. Photos of the matrics were shown, depicting the cherished memories of their school years shared in Worcester Gymnasium, from grade 8 to grade 12. KWARTAAL 4









Cinderellas & BY



he second most anticipated occasion in the last year of high school – besides the release of those all-important final results – is the matric dance. It is the night young ladies and gentlemen dream about the entire year, and is usually filled with glitz and glamour. The build-up starts long before invitations are issued, with fundraising, finding a date and finally, many hours of shopping for the perfect outfit and glass slipper. The dresses were bigger, bolder and more beautiful than ever. The gentlemen pulled out their best suits and groomed themselves to look the part of an ever handsome date for the breathtaking ladies. The cars, or should I rather say carriages, were

beautiful, vintage, sporty and everything but your average pumpkin. This year for the first time the matric dance was held at Goudini Spa. The 62 waiters, 15 Goudini Spa staff members and a very patient Ms Delport were key in making the night a success. The theme for this year was Diamonds and Pearls, and so the hall was beautifully decorated with elegant, chic and timeless décor. Although the night of the 1st of October was a chilly one, this did not stop the matrics from dancing until their feet ached and laughing until the tears ran down their faces. It just shows that the show’s not over till the fat lady sings. The matric dance is any matriculant’s highlight of the year and this year certainly did not disappoint.










ultural appropriation is when a symbol of one culture— like a hairstyle or accessory—is used by a person of another culture, but in a way that reduces the importance of that cultural symbol, or makes a mockery of it. This can happen intentionally or unintentionally. For example, when Khloe Kardashian sported a Native American style headdress at North West’s first birthday party as a fashion statement and with no relation to Native American culture she showed profound, but likely unintentional, disrespect towards the culture. The Native American community was outraged. By trivialising a meaningful piece of their culture, a symbol of war and warrior spirit, some might say that she was “appropriating” that culture, but others might find that she was paying tribute and not being disrespectful or that she was simply buying into the recent fashion trend consisting of Native American prints, symbolism and fringed clothing. In a popular YouTube video titled “Don’t Cash Crop on my Cornrows” young actress Amandla Stenberg comments on the use of black hairstyles like braids and cornrows by white people as another form of cultural appropriation. There is discussion on how white use of black hair-

styles is praised and seen as edgy or revolutionary while scrutinised when used for its intended group. For example, when David Beckham wears cornrows he is “sporting an edgy fashion trend”, but when a black person wears the style, even though it originated from black culture, it is easily seen as displaying criminality. You might be asking yourself, can my hairstyle really be offending people? The answer is unfortunately not so simple. Because, while everyone is entitled to their sense of ownership, is it really fair to tell a group of people not to wear their hair a certain way because it has been previously worn by a different group?




The Halloween season is prime time for cultural appropriation. People don their best costumes— a Mexican, a gangster, a Native American — and often, without realizing, create turmoil in many cultural groups. The problem arises the next day, because a costume can be removed, but there is no escaping stereotypes. Majority groups can take off their masks and continue with life as usual, but minorities must continue their daily struggle of fighting stigmas and maintaining their culture. Now, the most important question arises: how are we affected by cultural appropriation at Worcester Gymnasium? As a school filled with multiple cultures — be it racial or religious culture— it is important that we are aware of possible cultural missteps that arise from ignorance, but may cause cultural antagonism. After speaking with several Muslim learners it became clear that the use of henna by those who are not associated culturally with the Muslim tradition is accepted and condoned despite some arguments online. Ayesha Mukadam said with regard to henna, “It’s just a tradition. There’s no deeper meaning. People just do it for special occasions.” Qaanita Neethling said, “It’s like getting your nails done for a special occasion.” So since the tradition of applying henna is purely decorative to Muslims and serves little deeper symbolic meaning to the group, another group buying into this tradition is not seen as appropriating it. On the other hand, the recent trend of wearing rosaries as fashion items is viewed negatively by Worcester Gymnasium’s Catholic community. Wooden and beaded Rosaries have popped up on the shelves of many a clothing- and accessory store in recent months as the fashion items to buy, yet Casey Robinson, one of our Catholic learners, expressed that she felt that it is “very disrespectful”. The intended purpose of a rosary is to help keep in memory certain principal events or mysteries in the history of Catholic salvation. It is an item used for prayer—not an accessory to be thrown on as a fashion statement and worn without any deeper connection to the meaning behind the item. When asked about the use of a Cape Coloured dialect (words like “awe”, “minute”, “hoja” and “nagaani”) by white people, many said that they felt that it is alright for white people to use the dialect as long as their intentions were genuine and to not belittle the culture by making it out as something funny. This dialect is to show one’s inclusion into the group, not to belittle it. Recently some Sem girls sported full-head cornrows at school, but their hairstyles were back to normal within a day or two. Keeping Amandla Sternberg’s slightly chiding commentary on the use of cornrows as a fashion statement in mind, the Circum asked these learners whether they opted to get rid of the cornrows because it was found offensive by some. Surprisingly, a white learner, Elize-Mari Jacobs, said that this was not the case. Instead she opted to take out the corn rows because some learners did not think it was a good fit for her, jokingly telling her “it looks like vineyards on your head”. Jenné January, a coloured learner, got rid of her

cornrows because she was told “they looked like dreadlocks”. The obvious conclusion is that the use of cornrows at Gim by groups not associated with the hairstyle is not looked down upon because of cultural sensitivity or -antagonism, but rather judged on whether the hairstyles fits the wearer aesthetically or not. When Miss Keet opted to wear a red head wrap earlier this term, something she does often outside of school, she was asked by learners whether she was married to a black man. So, while social media and blogs are ablaze with commentary about the effects of cultural appropriation, at Worcester Gymnasium in the most cases we do not see the exchange of cultures as offensive and a cultural flow is encouraged, but we do acknowledge stereotypes in the way we respond to people who make use of cultural symbols and items we do not deem associated with their group. All in all, it is important to be aware of how our actions have an effect on others. While cultural appropriation is often not intended, it can be very harmful. Taking something that is deeply meaningful to someone and turning it into a fashion statement or joke can have a detrimental effect on the cultivation of strong cultural pride.

Watch the debate To educate yourself some more on this interesting debate, here are a few informative and entertaining videos you can check out online: 

“Don’t cash crop on my cornrows”

- YouTube

“Native Americans try on Indian Halloween Costumes” YouTube

“Cultural appropriation isn't

racist - It's really cultural appreciation” 

- YouTube

African Men. Hollywood Stereotypes. YouTube





Stereotypes: we all have them, we live by them. ,They make us feel safe because they enable us to compartmentalise the world around us into understandable boxes. Yet ,they limit us. Luckily, many have started breaking out of their moulds –defying their stereotypes. MICAELA DAVIDS and MISJA LENTIN asked around how Bosvarke have been breaking down the walls around


is known for the diversity that exists among its pupils and staff. The school is regularly promoted as a microcosm of the larger South African society out there — brimming with variety and eclecticism. We look past the colour of each others' skin to act as a unit. For example it is common practice assuming that white South Africans only enjoy Afrikaans music, coloured people only enjoy Hip hop and that black South Africans listen exclusively to Kwaito. But we are fortunate to be exposed to so many types of music from different cultures that we learn to appreciate and enjoy an ever-flowing range of cultural expressions. In relation to sport Jeremy Lin is an accomplished NBA player of Taiwanese decent. His career disproves the idea that Asians are only academically strong, “whiz-kids” with little sporting abilities. Measuring at six feet three inches, Lin also shows that not all Asians are small. In South Africa and all around the world, it is said that white people cannot dance. In South Africa , their race is categorised as only being able to sokkie to the proverbial “sokkietreffer”. This may be a surprise to many of you, but one can sokkie to the tune of many music genres, such as Hip hop, Trance, Country and Pop—if one were inclined to. With hit after hit, Eminem and Macklemore prove that white rappers can hold their own in an industry dominated by people of colour. White dancers like Los Angeles




based Meghan Sennett and Matt Steffenani are celebrated on social media for their master dancing abilities, smashing the stereotype that white people should shuffle at the side of the dance floor. As mentioned previously, our school is known for its diversity amongst the pupils and staff members. At the age of 65, Mr Frölich is an active member on the social network Facebook. Mr Olivier, a navy veteran and obvious macho man, loves cooking. Miss Keet chose to pursue an honours degree in no other subject than German—not the most conventional field of study for a coloured woman. And Miss van Schalkwyk, a music teacher from the farming town of Springbok with a farm upbringing, is an avid gamer. The Circum decided to roam around the school looking for kids that somehow break their own cultural stereotypes. A few examples that stood out were pupils like Peter Manefeldt (grade 11), who enjoys listening to Tupac; Javon Cupido and Noeline Rossouw (grade 10) who are an interracial couple; Julia Azevedo (grade 11) from Brazil who enjoys the South African snack biltong; and Zahraa Kafaar (grade 11) who is Muslim but has very little taste for curry. Without even realising it, many of us break our cultures' stereotypes in almost imperceivable ways on a daily basis. Our cultures are something that we should cherish and we should always be true to where our roots lie. However, there’s nothing wrong with breaking away from preconceived notions about ourselves which keep us from experiencing other cultures. It was once said that we are never too old to learn. Therefore, break away, and learn from others about what they are proud of.

To be yourself in a world which is doing its best to make you like everybody else means to fight the hardest battle any human being can fight. Never stop fighting. E.E. CUMMINGS

A house divided against itself cannot stand. ABRAHAM LINCOLN

I might just be my mother’s child, but in all reality, I’m everybody’s child, Nobody raised me. I am a reflection of the community.

Tupac Shakur

Umunthu Ngmunthu Ngabanthu (a person is only a person through other people) NELSON MANDELA

If you judge people, you have no time to love them. Mother Theresa

There are only two lasting bequests we can hope to give our children. One of these is roots, the other, wings. Johan Wolfgang von Goethe

You are you, this is truer than true. There is no one on earth that is youer than you. Dr Suess KWARTAAL 4



Fun facts


Kulture In ons skool

Brazilian Around 60% of the Amazon Rainforest is located in Brazil. It produces about one third of the world’s oxygen and it has been estimated that there are at least 70 tribes in the Brazilian Amazon that have never been contacted by the outside world. Though it is located in Brazil—South America, Rio de Janero was once the capital city of Portugal, making it the only European capital outside of Europe. The statue of Christ the Redeemer in Rio de Janeiro weighs 635 tons, is 38 metres high and was named one of the “New Seven Wonders of the World” in 2007. Brazil has a staggering 19 UNESCO World Heritage Sites. Voting is mandatory in Brazil. Brazil is the producer of the world’s best coffee even though coffee does not originate from here, but was imported from Ethiopia during the era of slavery. During the Rio de Janeiro carnival, one of the world’s busiest and most popular carnivals, there are an estimated 2 million people in the streets every day.


Die 1

CHINEES Oktober is Nasionale Republiek van China Dag.

Tafeltennis is China se nasionale sport. Kriek-gevegte, wat terugdatteer tot die Tang Dinastie, is steeds ‘n populêre tydverdryf vir baie Chinese . Fortune cookies IS NIE ’n tradisionele Chinese gebruik nie. Hierdie lekkertes is eintlik in 1920 deur ’n werker in ’n noedelfabriek in San Francisco geskep. MAAR roomys is wel in China uitgevind en is daarna deur Marco Polo teruggeneem Europa toe Die eerste gedokumenteerde rol toiletpapier is in die 6de eeu in China gebruik. Destyds is dit net deur die keiser gebruik. In China is die kleur van die dood en begrafnisse wit en nie swart soos in baie ander kulture nie. Die tradisionele Chinese gebruik van “voetbinding” behels dat jong meisies se voete styf met lappe gebind word sodat die beentjies geleidelik breek en veroorsaak dat die vrou se tone na haar hak ingroei. Sodoende sal sy baie klein voete hê wat in tradisionele skoene pas. Hierdie gebruik word deesdae egter gelukkig selde beoefen.





INDIe Indië is die geboorte plek van Yoga, die oudste vorm van meditasie ter wêreld. Daar is so baie gode en godinne in die Hindoe-panteon, dat daar nie vasgestel kan word hoeveel daar werklik is nie. Die Mahabaratha is ‘n antieke Indiese gedig, ook genoem ‘n epos. Dit is tien keer langer as die Antieke Griekse epiese gedigte – Die Iliad en die Odusseisa TESAME! Nasionale Kinderdag word in Indië gevier op die 14de November, presies 9 maande na Valentynsdag. Skaak en Slangetjies & Leertjies het in Indië ontstaan. Durban is die plek met die tweede hoogste konsentrasie Indiërs ter wêreld – maar jy weet dit natuurlik as jy al ooit Trevor Noah gekyk het. In Wes-Bengal in Indië moet koeie ‘n foto-identifikasie dra. 70% van die wêreld se kos geurmiddels kom van Indië af. Heelwat van die hare wat in natuurlike haarverlengings gebruik word, is afkomstig van die Indiese tempel Tirunati waar nagenoeg 40 000 Hindoe pelgrims per dag hulle hare laat afskeur as offerande. Party dae ontvang die temple tot soveel as 100 000 pelgrims!

isixhosa In some Xhosa households, when a baby is born, the umbilical cord is buried in the field or just outside the house. In this way, it is said, a person’s roots remain in their place of birth and the person will be protected from sorcery. Nelson Mandela and Archbishop Desmond Tutu have both been awarded Nobel Peace Prizes and are both Xhosas. The internationally acclaimed singer, Miriam Makeba, was also Xhosa.

The various click sounds in Xhosa entered into the language after contact with the San people, which eventually lead to intermixing between these two peoples. There are many superstitions in Xhosa culture one of which is that if you look in a mirror at night, you are sure to see ghosts. In Xhosa cosmology, the People of the River (Abantu Bomlambo) are believed to live beneath the water with their crops and cattle. Initiates go to them when they are called to be diviners and they may sanction these youngsters’ vocation. Those they approve may be lured into the depths of a pool to join their society for a time. Those they reject drown. KWARTAAL 4




The coloured population group is the youngest cultural grouping in South Africa, having only come into existence as its own group in the 1800’s. Surnames typically associated with coloured people which are either the names of Roman gods (like Cupido, Adonis, Apollis etc.) or months of the year (January, April, September etc.) are an indication of a slave heritage. As slaves shipped from Batavia disembarked at the Cape, slave traders ascribed new surnames to them and Roman gods’ names or months names were easy lists to pick surnames from. This is where the “Kaapse Klopse” song January, February, March originated. South Africa is the only place on earth where people are proud to be called coloured. Calling someone coloured in any other country would be offensive, but, of course, you knew that … if you’ve ever watched Trevor

Noah. During the 19th century, New Year was celebrated by the Dutch at the Cape and slaves had to work. They would only get a day off on 2 January and were allowed to celebrate in their own manner. This is why “Tweede Nuwejaar” is celebrated by coloured folk and the “Kaapse Klopse” parade is held on the 2nd of January. The language of the slaves that landed at the Cape and intermingled with populations that were already here, has had a major influence on Afrikaans. Words like Blatjang, piesang, kiering, karring, baie, tamaai, aspris, bobotie are Malaysian words, but are an inherent part of Afrikaans language. Many are aware that the Cape coloured dialect has many interesting alternative words for terms we use everyday. Here are a few: kapalang (sandals), maaifoedie (thuggish child), kiempies (disposable nappies), bus (being nosy), barrakat (leftovers), mang (to die), poenankie (cute), brasse

Afrikaner Melktert is ‘n gunsteling nagereg onder Afrikaners. Nasionale Melktertdag word jaarliks op die 27ste Februarie gevier. Soos Amerika in die 1960’s, het Afrikaans sy eie WOODSTOCK-fees in 1989 gehad toe Afrikaanse musikante soos die Gereformeerde Blues band, Johannes Kerkorrel en Koos Kombuis met Rock ’n Roll Afrikaanse kampusse aan die brand gesing het – die Apartheidsregering woedend op hul spoor. Die toer is die Voëlvrytoer gedoop. In die vroeë 2000’s het ‘n jeugdige Afrikaner subkultuur ontstaan met Alternatiewe musiekgroepe soos F*offpolisiekar en Straatligkinders wat op die toneel verskyn het. Met woedende lirieke het die Afrikaanse jeug teen die eng Calvinisme van hul ouergenerasie gerebeleer. In baie wit, Afrikaanse families is dit ‘n gebruik om die eersgebore seun na die paternale oupa en die eersgebore dogter na die maternale ouma te vernoem. Daarom al die lang, “outydse” name. Afrikaans is die enigste taal ter wêreld wat sy eie monument – die Afrikaanse Taalmonument op Paarlberg – het. Siener van Rensburg (1862-1926) was ‘n Afrikaner profeet wat heelwat voorspellings gemaak het. Van Rensburg se vermoë om die toekoms te sien het soveel agting onder die mense van die boererepublieke gehad dat dit hul besluite in terme van die An17 glo-Boereoorlog beïnvloed het. KWARTAAL 4



Dance ‘till you



n the 29th of September 2015, the grade 8’s were excited (or maybe that’s an understatement) to show off our new dresses, perfect hair, painted nails and crisp suits at the annual grade 8 ball. As we arrived, we were applauded by the grade 9 committee who organised the ball and made us feel slightly embarrassed by all the attention. We nervously entered the hall, excited to see our friends, but also worried that a stray hair was sticking up, a seam on our dress was loose or our shirt wasn’t tucked in properly. Then we saw our friends and were instantly relieved. Some of our dates were old primary school friends who are not in Worcester Gym now, so we had the opportunity to catch up a bit. The hall was decorated beautifully - draped

with fairy lights, with blue themed tables and even little gifts to take home. Our host, hostess and Ms Nel welcomed us and started off the evening. Let’s not forget the awesome hip-hop dance done by the grade 9’s… and then came the music. “Nae nae” was (obviously) played and we watched one another try (…and some fail) at doing the moves. Well, wasn’t that awkward? Each time the spotlights flashed on one of us, we’d either show off our best moves, run away or just freeze. There was also a photo booth with props. The brave ones went first, willing to pose in front of all the others waiting in line to take photos. The clever/shy ones (say what you want), waited untill the crowd was almost gone and then took their photos in peace, not having to be shy to use props or show funny faces. Of course, there were prizes too. The prize for Best Couple went to Kyle Duvenhage and Dané du Plessis. The best dressed girl was Jessmari Slabbert, while the best dressed boy was Nevan Damon. The best dancers were Tasneem Oppel of the girls and Stian Viola of the boys. A HUGE thank you to Ms Nel and the grade 9 committee for making this an AMAZING experience that we will never forget!





’n Groot opgewondenheid het in die skool geheers toe daar aangekondig is dat Worcester Gimnasium ‘n baie stylvolle kultuuraand in die KWV-saal sal aanbied. Almal het geskarrel om die beste van die aand te maak. Agter die skerms het heelwat mense baie hard gewerk. ’n Verhoog is gebou, 3 klaviere is aangery en die kunsskool en kunsstudente van Worcester Gimnasium se kunswerke is in die aankomsaal uitgestal. Uiteindelik het die groot aand op 23 Oktober aangebreek. Die saal het asemrowend gelyk in swart, wit en silwer. Mnr. Johan Groenewald is gehuur om die beligting te doen en alles was uiters professioneel. Buiten die atmosfeer wat die KWV House of Brandy met die enorme koper ketels en opgestapelde vate natuurlik skep, het André Schoeman hom weer oortref met videosnitte van die mooiste, atmosferiese natuurtonele wat heel aand teen die mure geprojekteer is en die aksie op die verhoog gekomplimenteer het. Die atmosfeer was fenomenaal! Die gaste het met ’n ge-oe en ge-aa die saal betree. Mnr. Schoeman het die gaste verwelkom en mnr. Fröhlich het die aand geopen, hoewel ons gasheer en gasvrou, Janco Nel en KimberLeigh Berry, die res van die aand die aankondiging van verigtinge met styl en finesse behartig het. Tonia Marone en Darryll Thomas het almal se asems weggeslaan met hul solo-sang. Die twee ensemble-groepe, bestaande uit Mildri Ellmann, Olaf Wesche en Britney Speelman, asook Verucia Louw, Ralph Olivier, Tonia Marone en Eunice Erasmus, het almal met hul talent bekoor. Dr. Sebastiaan Pretorius, die koormeester, en sy koorlede, almal geklee in swart en wit en die meisies met ‘n tikkie rooi daarby, het die gaste met hoendervleis gelaat. Jacomi Breytenbach het almal laat skaterlag met haar monoloog, Pottie: ‘n liefsieke tienermeisie praat haar hartsprobleme met haar potplant uit. Nicola Jansen van Vuuren het ‘n uitsonderlike Engelse prosa, Ethel, aan die gehoor voorgedra en Charl Schoeman se gedig, “Plaashek”, is met fyngekunstelde meelewing voorgedra. Die begaafde Jonathan Cardoso, Mildri Ellmann en Chadwin Phillips het almal laat regop sit met hul besonderse klavierspel. Mev. Rabie en Eric Gerber het ’n klavier-duet gelewer en is staande toegejuig. Dr. Pretorius en Anchen Schreuder se duet was briljant. Die Bravo-aand is afgesluit deur die koor wat saam met Anchen Schreuder en Dr. Pretorius gesing het. Dit was ’n onvergeetlike aand, een waaroor almal nog baie lank gaan gons!










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Dink u dat Worcester Gimnasium se herwinningsprojek ander skole en besighede sal aanmoedig om ook te begin herwin? Baie beslis. WG is ‘n toonaangewende inrigting. Ouers word betrek wat sal meebring dat privaat huishoudings ook aan herwinning deelneem. Waarom, dink u, is herwinning in skole belangrik? Herwinning is oor die algemeen voordelig vir omgewingsbewaring. Deur Jongmense op skool daaraan bloot te stel, verseker ons dat herwinning ‘n natuurlike instink by môre se volwassenes word. Hoe help Worcester Gimnasium se projek die Worcester munisipaliteit se langtermyn doelwitte vir herwinning? Wat is daardie doelwitte? Dit bevorder die “groen waarde” van die munisipaliteit. Huishoudelike afval word verminder wat beteken daar’s minder van ‘n las op stortingsterreine wat die lewensduur van die terreine verleng. Dit beteken ook minder ritte deur die kompakteerder wat kostes snoei. Deur herwinning bespaar ons ook lugspasie by stortingsterreine.

sal u sê om mense aan te moedig om te begin her4 Wat win? Deur te herwin dra jy jou deel by om die omgewing te bewaar. Jy help ook om geld te bespaar deurdat herwonne materiaal gebruik word om bekostigbare produkte te vervaardig. Herwin u ook u vullis? Ja, ek herwin ook - melkkar5 tonne, plastiekbottels, ensovoorts —ek “re-use, reduse en recycle”.

6 Watter voordele hou herwinning vir ons skool in? Dit kweek dissipline by leerders en kan selfs ‘n bron van inkomste wees!




Scope of Hope




aar woorde kan nie meer waar wees nie. Om te ontvang in die lewe, moet ons gee. Dit is presies wat die VRL en VCSV gedoen het, toe hul vroeër vanjaar saamgesnoer het om die “Scope of Hope“ projek in Worcester Gimnasium te loods. Gimmies het saam gewerk om hierdie projek op die been te bring. Elke graad was verantwoordelik om goedere (toiletware) soos seep, tandepasta, tandeborsels en toiletpapier in te samel. Op Woensdag 28 Oktober, is hierdie toiletware deur die VCSV aan die Herberg Kinderhuis oorhandig. Hulle was na die agterplaas geneem waar omtrent 80 kinders hulle ingewag het. Hierdie kinders was baie in hulle noppies met die JC’s wat hulle gekry het en deur die talle glimlaggies op hul gesiggies, was dit duidelik dat hulle dit opreg

waardeer het. VCSV-lede het begin deur ‘n paar lekker liedjies te sing om die kinders op hulle gemak te stel. Nadat die ys gebreek is, het hulle met ‘n Coca-Cola blikkie gedemonstreer hoe leeg ‘n mens se lewe sonder Jesus is. Niemand kon die vol Coke blikkie stukkend druk nie, maar tot die kleinste seuntjie kon die leë blikkie stukkend druk. Daarna het hulle kennis gemaak met die kinders en laat spaander om speletjies te gaan speel. Die seuns het sokker en rugby gespeel tewyl die meisies vrot eier en netbal gespeel het. Die tyd het veels te vinnig verby gevlieg en voordat hulle hul oë kon uitvee was dit tyd om te vertrek. Teen daardie tyd was almal papnat gesweet, maar tog vreeslik terleurgesteld om terug te gaan. Die projek was inderdaad ‘n sukses— daar word beplan om dit beslis weer te doen! Met hierdie uitreik, is die volgende woorde oor onselfsugtige dade weereens getuig: “No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted.”

Landsdiens en Earth Club Deur Bianca de Plessis, verwerk deur Juf. Le Roux


et die landsdiens se 2015 diensjaar in oënskou, kan hierdie dinamiese skoolkommittee baie dankbaar wees vir die verskil wat die groep van 50 leerders gemaak het. Deur projekte soos ondersteuning vir die Instituut vir Blindes, boomplant-aksies, die Santa’s Shoebox-projek waarby hulle tans besig is, die insameling en verspreiding van tydskrifte aan minderbevoorregte laerskole en betrokkenheid by die Gim Gaan Groen-projek, het die Landsiens ‘n daadwerklike poging aangewend om die wêreld waarin hulle woon daardie bietjie beter te maak. Buiten die liefdadigheidsaksies was daar ook sover drie kampe sowel as ‘n Streekskamp en ‘n Oorbruggingskamp gedurende die jaar, wat beteken hierdie leerders weet hoe om ‘n kamptas behoorlik te pak. Ons is trots om te rapporteer dat sewe WG leerders, waaronder, Jeannette Roux, Louleine de Kock, Nicorene Louw, WillaMarie Roux, Mildri Ellmann en Hennie Harding, in Desember die Wes-Kaap gaan verteenwoordig by die Nasionale Landsiensprojek wat in Limpopo gehou sal word, so ook dat Mildri Ellmann en Peter Manefeldt Springbokkleure vanaf die Nasionale Landsdiensbestuur verwerf het. Mag volgende jaar nog beter wees as 2015!

Nes die Landsiens, is WG se Earth Club ‘n sprekende voorbeeld van “bou in plaas van breek”. Projekte wat hierdie jaar aangepak is, waarvan baie steeds aan die gang is, is hul betrokkenheid by Gim Gaan Groen, die insameling van kos en klere vir minderbevoorregtes wat ‘n plaaslike sopkombuis besoek, en die Santa’s Shoeboxprojek. Laasgenoemde is 'n inisiatief van die liefdadigheidsorganisasie, Kidz2Kidz, wat poog om vir kinders wat geen geskenke op Kersdag kry nie en selfs ouetehuis-inwoners met geen kind of kraai, ‘n bietjie liefde te gee in die vorm van ‘n geskenk wat in ‘n skoenboks verpak is. Tot op hede het dié projek 456 000 skoenbokse versprei regoor Suid-Afrika en Namibië en Worcester Gimnasium vorm deel van hierdie ongelooflike revolusie! Juffrou Van Wyk sê: “Our focus this year is really about ‘giving for good’. We want to do good by giving top quality gift boxes to deserving children – some of whom have never received a gift at Christmas time before, to create an overwhelmingly good experience.” Mag hierdie laaste projek vir 2015 baie harte blymaak.




^FIRST"AID* by Annemie du Plessis

So, what is the primary assessment? Hazards


Check for any dangers to yourself or the casualty.

Check for a pulse.

Hello Check the casualty’s response level.

Help Call for help.

Airway Check for any obstructions blocking airways.

Meet Frikkie

Breathing If the airway is open, check if there is breathing.


on’t worry if you don’t fully understand. Worcester Gym’s First Aiders know exactly what to do. At sport events you see them running around in green or neon yellow. At a medical emergency you see them flock with a helping hand and a bottle of water. But before you can even think about working alongside the first aiders, there is a little something you have to do…A First Aid Course, of course. At the end of last term, whilst academic gusto was trickling away as the holiday crept near, the school presented the Level 1 and 2 first aid courseser for those brave die-hard souls who are willing to step up and help others through (literal) blood, sweat and tears. From handling open wounds and fractures, to practicing CPR on a plastic dummy called Frikkie, we learned it all. Worried that the information might be a little bit too much to remember? Don’t worry, a nifty guide is yours for the keeping to refresh your memory . Johan and Kobus graced the Level 1 First Aiders with their presence, teaching them the ropes around chest compressions and the handling of wounds, the basic primary assessment and how to manage casualties during medical emergencies. DK helped the Level 2 First Aiders to refresh their knowledge. Shockingly (I do apologise for this), nearly none of the Level 2’s knew the Emergency Services number! Luckily they do know how to treat wounds and stop bleeding. Though fun, the courses are there to teach us how to help others, and it was a great opportunity to enrich our knowledge. Thanks to Mr Conradie for organising this event.

^Emergency"Numbers* Fire Department: 107 Metro: 10177 Net Care: 082911 Toll Free: 112





Bloedkliniek Hierdie kwartaal is 10 nuwe bloedkliniekprefekte uit 55 aansoeke gekies. Saam met die 5 meer ervare prefekte, het ons groepie nuwe projekte begin aanpak. Eerstens het ons ’n bloedkliniek-kosstalletjie opgestel in die ou saal tydens die 23ste Oktober se bloedkliniek. Die doel hiermee was om kapitaal vir ander projekte te genereer en om iets te ete te voorsien aan potensiële skenkers wat miskien nie genoeg geëet het om die skenkingsproses te voltooi nie. Tweedens het ons besluit om elke maand ’n bewustheidsaksie vir mediese sake te loods. Tot dusver is daar in Oktober die borskankerbewustheidsaksie gehou, waartydens pienk strikkies, haarlinte en allerande lekkernye verkoop is. (Dit is nou ‘n voldonge feit dat Gimmies ‘n enorme liefde vir Rice Crispie koekies het.) Daar is ook selfondersoek-instruksies in die meisies se badkamers opgeplak en 54% van die 125 Gimmies wat aan ons borskankerpeiling deelgeneem het, het gesê dat hulle al deur die borskankerdiagnose van ‘n geliefde geraak is. Hierdie is ‘n skokkende statistiek. Die eerste week van November is daar weer Movember-speldjies verkoop ter ondersteuning van bewusmaking oor mansgesondheidskwessies en pamfletjies rakende hierdie gesondheidskwessie is in die seunsbadkamers opgeplak. Ons hoop om hierdie momentum in die nuwe jaar voort te sit .





Planning our Matric year By Amber Africa


hursday, the 5th of November, was a day that made the Matric learners of 2016 look at each other in another light; a day of fun that will always be remembered. At about 09:00, the buses arrived at Goudini Spa, the venue of the annual grade 11 Bosberaad. The introduction session to the day was led by a psychiatrist, Dr Kruger. During her presentation she addressed the concept of values versus rules. She expressed that values would be at the bottom of a pyramid, therefore being the basis of a person, which should then be followed by rules and ultimately, would determine one’s actions. It was also emphasised that a positive attitude is important and Worcester Gymnasium, in transitioning into a valuedriven school, encourages its

learners to become value-driven people. As the program continued, Ms Delport lead the discussion on goals and objectives for the Class of 2016. These included (amongst others), a 100% pass rate, 35+ Aaggregates, participation in many activities as a group and of course, to win the Derby once again. After strategies for achieving these goals were shared, a 15 minute break was taken, during which the learners each received cake and juice. The last session of the day was led by Mr Schoeman who spoke about the difference between a Grade 12 learner and a Matric learner— and yes, there is a difference. We were enlightened about Matric status and the privileges that are coupled with it, as well as differentiation between life, school and work. After a long day of discussions, the Grade 11s were given time to wander around Goudini Spa and splash around in the pools until 15:00. Thereafter, we boarded the buses and headed back to the lovely Worcester Gymnasium, ready for the big year ahead of us.







p Woensdag, 21 Oktober 2015, het die nuwe Leerderraad van 2016 vertrek na die kamp wat die sukses van die komende jaar sou bepaal. Al het juffrou Sherriff geweier om vir die raad te sê waar die kamp sou plaasvind, het ’n gevoel van opwinding die leerders gevul en almal was reg vir die volgende paar dae. Die kamp was toe by Klipbokkop, ’n luukse konferensiesentrum op pad na Villiersdorp in die berge. Met kos wat proe soos jou ma se gekookte Sondagmiddagete en ’n uitsig oor die vallei, het almal dadelik tuis gevoel. By Klipbokkop is die kamp afgeskop met ’n paar speletjies en ’n “plakkaat-maak”-sessie vir spanbou. Dit het definitief die raad se vermoëns om saam te werk in groepe verbeter. Die volgende dag (na ’n fantastiese ontbyt) het die harde werk in alle erns begin. Die raad het besprekings gehou en baie nuwe idees het na vore gekom. Ons het geleer hoe ’n raad werk en hoe om sukses in ons skool te verseker. Die res van die kamp is daar gewerk, geswem, gesing en 30 Seconds gespeel. Almal het dit ongelooflik baie geniet en het gewens dat die tyd stadiger sou verbygaan. Na ‘n opwindende aand van baie lag, baie min slaap en hope pret, het die moeë raadslede en onderwysers Vrydag teruggekeer skool toe, tevrede en reg vir die komende jaar met nuwe energie om selfs nog harder te werk. Ons wil baie dankie sê aan die skool en veral juffrou Sherriff, meneer Joubert, meneer Gie en juffrou E. van Wyk wat die kamp vir ons moontlik gemaak het.








p Maandag, 2 November 2015, het 2016 se matrieks (hierdie jaar se graad 11's) 'n gesellige bymekaarkoms gehou langs die klubhuis (op die A -rugbyveld), in afwagting op hulle laaste jaar van skool. Onder die warm Novemberson, is daar foto's geneem, musiek gespeel, kos en Coke geëet en gedrink, groot groepspeletjies gespeel en nuwe vriendskappe gesmee. Met die onaangename skeiding wat al 'n rukkie tussen die klasse geheers het, is ’n bymekaarkoms gereël sodat

almal hul mede-graad 11’s beter kon leer ken, sodat hulle hul laaste jaar van skool as 'n eenheid sal aanpak. Nie net het die graad 11’s hierdie kuiertjie vreeslik geniet nie, maar hulle was ook verbaas om te sien hoe baie van hul mede-graad 11's hulle nog nooit ontmoet het nie. Na só 'n lekker kuiertjie, is die piekniek mandjies vir volgende jaar vol entoesiasme gepak. Hierdie groep leerders is gereed om saam 2016 hulle jaar te maak!







Sem “Dream as if you'll live forever. Live as if you'll die today.” -JAMES DEAN-




How to survive the SEM How do you survive your home away from home?

By Annemie du Plessis Let’s face it. Being a girl isn’t easy, you have all these issues with life, boys, your hair, clothes… So imagine this: fifty or so girls living under one roof, hormones flying everywhere, gossip spreading like wildfire, constant munchies and two and a half hours study in a crowded study hall. Yes, living in the Seminarie isn’t easy. So how do you do it? How do you survive your home away from home?

tip 1: Availability of foodie substances. Since you’re nowhere near home, and you don’t have the luxury of having food available 24/7, it’s wise to stock up on your favourite snacks for those midnight munchies. But be warned! Always keep your friends close and your food closer, hungry hostel girls will always be on the lookout for something to eat.

Tip 2: Clothes From school clothes, to casual wear, to evening wear, to church clothes, hostel girls are always looking around for one or other piece of clothing which they deem worthy of being worn and given back about one or two weeks later (I speak from personal experience, those weeks sometimes turn into a term). So, if you’re willing to lend out your favourite shirt or dress, make sure you remember who you lent it to… Or have a back-up dress in case you never see it again.

tip 3: Money. $$$ Since we are all teenagers and we have a tendency to spend rather than save, a good idea would be to purchase a piggy bank (It doesn’t really work, but I just think they’re cute!). Make sure to always have enough money on hand for those surprise days at school when a delicious treat or ribbon can be bought. Also, be sure to visit

the hostel tuck shop for a little something-something when you feel like it.

tip 4: A FAN OR COOLING DEVICE!! Remember those hot summer days at home, a nice AC, a cool glass of icy cold water, maybe a pool… YOU DON’T HAVE THAT HERE! Trust me! The pool remains broken during the summer, Worcester is not Antarctica! Please! Purchase a fan! Think about the children! Don’t be stupid, bring a fan! #PleaseFixThePool #DyingOfTheHeat #It’sSummerBTW

tip 5: Friends ♥ Having friends in high places can get you far in life. Having friends in the hostel means constant entertainment, especially on those boring, hot days. Having friends with FANS is an awesome idea… No, scratch that. You HAVE TO have friends with cooling devices. On days when the pool is still broken and you’re not allowed to go to town, being friends with someone who has a laptop can save you from boredom.

tip 6: Always remember a charger. What’s one of the most important things you currently own? A cell phone. Let’s be honest, you struggle to go one day without it, so why wouldn’t you pack a charger? To sum things up: if you really want to survive the hostel, all you have to do is be yourself and have fun. Don’t be a sour apple. The Sem might not be home, but we are family here. A special thanks to Mr and Mrs Tromp for being awesome hostel parents and for all their support through the year. You’ve really made 2015 an amazing year, and we can’t wait to see what 2016 has in store! #SemLove KWARTAAL 4




MANNEMACHT 101 Liné Bredenkamp het by die Brandwacht-manne gaan hoor hoe hulle die beste van koshuisbrak-dae maak. Kenmerkend seuns, was hulle nie so gretig soos die Semkatte om die fynere besonderhede van hul koshuislewe aan ‘n meisie uit te lap nie — daar is immers ‘n BRO’-CODE TO UPHOLD. Maar sy het tog ‘n wenke te hore gekom wat net wys dat daar by alle koshuise ‘n gemene deler is: die allerbelang van KOS.


ir ‘n koshuiskind is die koshuis maar ‘n vreemde plek: iets tussen ‘n huis en ’n skool. Daar is nuwe reels om by te hou, nuwe mense om te leer ken en nuwe gewoontes om aan te leer. In ‘n seunskoshuis mag dit dalk nog erger wees, want die oppiepery word tot ‘n minimum beperk en ‘n besering

of siekte moet “soos ’n man” getrotseer word — hierdie is geen plek vir sissies nie. Met dit in gedagte, dink jy jy sal die koshuis kan oorleef? Hier is ‘n paar wenke wat ons Brandwachters verskaf het:

Respekteer die rangorde

Luister altyd vir die

matrieks! Hulle is die base. En daarna moet jy respek toon vir die ouer grade. As jy nog ‘n tjokkertjie is, laat staan jou bravado en erken jy’s ‘n tjokkertjie.

Katel kommosie

Slaap met een oog oop as jy met

iemand probeer skoorsoek het.

Vergeet die Front

Wees jouself, want dit baat nie

om iets anders voor te gee as wie jy regtig is nie.

Kos is koning

Moet nooit jou kos weggooi nie,

want mens raak altyd honger, en indien jy kos saambring STEEK DIT WEG!

Vorm vriendskappe Die eerste ding wat Survivordeelnemers doen wanneer hulle van hul lamlendige vlotte afklim en die eiland betree, is om ooreenkomste te smee . Dis dieselfde in die koshuis: wees vriendelik met almal, want jy gaan vir ‘n lang tydjie met die mense saamleef. Dit is die heel belangrikste om sommer baie vining vriende te maak. Hierdie mense sal jy nooit vergeet nie! ‘n Koshuis is die tweede huis vir koshuiskinders. Dit is moeilik, maar solank jy by die reëls bly, raak dit 'n prettige en plesierige ervaring.




MEDIA24 werkswinkel Deur Deevya Narotam

Werk-want-die-nag-kom-nader Skryf-want-inspirasie-is-hier


p Donderdag 15 Oktober, het ek en Jacomi ‘n joernalistiekwerkswinkel, saam met leerders van verskeie hoëren laerskole in Worcester, by die Kaapse Wynland Distrikskantoor bygewoon. Die werkswinkel is aangebied deur Media24 — Afrika se grootste uitgewer, drukker en verspreider van tydskrifte en nuus-produkte. Die werkswinkel het deelgemaak van hul OnsKan24/ WeCan24-program wat streef om 'n joernalistiek-kultuur onder leerders te vestig. Om 9:00 het die program afgeskop met verversings en ‘n verwelkoming. Na ons in groepe verdeel is, het ons riglyne ontvang oor hoe mens akkuraat en objektief rapporteer. Die geheime van goeie fotografie is ook met ons gedeel, met die klem op die beginsel: "elke foto moet 'n storie vertel." Hierna is 'n "perskonferensie" gehou, waartydens ons, soos professionele joernaliste, onderhoude moes voer met drie persone wat betrokke was by ’n fiktiewe scenario. Sodoende moes ons genoeg feite versamel om artikels te skryf. Binne 30 minute moes ons in spanverband ons koerantvoorblad ontwerp, met die perskonferensie-scenario as hoofartikel. Elke groep het toe 'n beurt gekry om hul koerant te "verkoop." So het ons joernalistieke vaardighede soos skryf, onderhoude voer, uitleg, ontwerp en bemarking ontwikkel en met die terugvoer wat ons ontvang het, kon ons maklik sien waar daar plek vir verbetering is. Die program is om 13:30 afgesluit met nog verversings en ‘n groepfoto. Ek ek Jacomi was bevoorreg genoeg om gekies te word as deel van die top sewe joernaliste wat deurgedring het tot die volgende rondte. Rondte twee het op Dinsdag, 20 Oktober, in die stadsaal plaasgevind. As deel van

OnsKan24 se span, is ons genooi om die Kunstekaap Konsert in die stadsaal by te woon en namens Media24 te dek. Die konsert het verskeie bekende plaaslike dansers, dansgroepe, sangers en instrumentaliste ingesluit. Nadat ons die vertonings geniet het (en honderde foto's geneem het), het ons die geleentheid gehad om onderhoude met die kunstenaars te voer. Met ons notas en selfoonopnames is ons huis toe om ons artikels te skryf en op die OnsKan24 webwerf te laai. Vanaf 2016, sal die volle Circum redaksie op OnsKan24 registreer. Sodoende kan die nuus van al ons opwindende skoolgebeurtenisse op 'n groter skaal versprei word. Hierdie werkswinkel was 'n ongelooflike geleentheid wat ons ten volle geniet het. Ons is opgewonde om die kennis en vaardighede voortspruitend uit hierdie werkswinkel en die Kunstekaap Konsert verslaggewing te gebruik sodat ons skoolkoerant nog hoër vlakke kan bereik.






mrs Jordaan & Anja Byleveld

Ms Le Roux & Scarlett otto

Mr Fransman &

Michael Nieuwenhuys






Soek jy ‘n liedjie wat jou voete behoorlik laat jeuk? Wel, hier volg 'n lys van die top liedjies soos gekies deur die Circum.




Kry die Springmielies reg, want hier volg die top flieks wat jy moet kyk. BATMAN VS. SUPERMAN: DAWN OF JUSTICE (2016)







lyk soos die jaar van die held, en, in die geval van die geliefde, vergeetagtige Dory van Finding Nemo faam, ook die jaar van die

antiheld. In ‘n ontstellende wending van die normale superheldfilm-resep, kry ons mees geliefde helde stry in twee afsonderlike films: in Batman versus Superman: Dawn of Justice raak die donker held van Gotham, Batman (gespeel deur Ben Affleck wat vir Christian Bale vervang), vyandiggesind teenoor die onkeerbare goue seun van Metropolis, Superman (gespeel deur Henry Cavill wat sy rol as die ontiebo-broek-held hervat). En in nog ’n helde-film, Captain America: Civil War, veroorsaak ’n politieke proklamasie dat die Avengers-span in twee skeur, een faksie gelei deur die normaalweg patriotiese Captain America, die ander gelei deur die briljante miljoenêr, Tony Stark (AKA Iron man). Dan is daar die begin van nog ‘n helde filmreeks gebasseer op die strokiesheld, Deadpool. Na hy reeds die rol van een superheld, The Green Lantern, vertolk het, speel Ryan Reynolds die rol van nog ‘n held in hierdie film. As ‘n

voormalige eksponent van die Spesiale Magte en ’n huursoldaat, ondergaan Wade Winston Wilson, ’n eksperiment wat daartoe lei dat hy bonatuurlike herstelkragte ontwikkel en neem dan die persona van Deadpool aan. Warcraft is, soos die naam vining weggee, ’n epiese fantasie-avontuur-film gebasseer op die populêre videospeletjie-reeks wat reeds jare lank bestaan. Met Travis Fimmel van Vikings faam in die rolverdeling beloof hierdie om ’n uitstekende avontuur-ervaring te wees. Aan die anderkant van die muntstuk is Suicide Squad ’n film gebasseer op die DC Comics antiheld-groep met dieselfde naam. ’n Geheime regeringsagentskap werf gevange superbooswigte, soos Harley Quinn en die Joker (gespeel deur Clara Delevingne en Jared Leto), om gevaarlike “black ops”-sendings uit te voer in ruil vir vonnisversagting. Laastens, maar beslis nie die minste nie…en laastens, maar nie die minste …. Of het ons dit al gesê? Elkgeval, ons geliefkooste kort-geheue vissie, Dory, skyn in haar eie film wat beloof om ’n treffer te wees.




O, die vertalings! “Maybe I must buy them something for Christams that won’t get up.” m.a.w. “Miskien moet ek vir hulle iets vir Kersfees koop wat nie sal opraak nie.” “I’m going to make them something out of my hands.” m.a.w. “Ek gaan vir hulle iets handgemaak gee.”

This gives new meaning to hand made gifts.

“Jas die fudge in sjokolade aartappelskyfies.” - m.a.w. “coat the fudge in chocolate chips.” “I cannot make it, because something did fall in front.” -

m.a.w. “Ek sal dit nie kan maak nie, want iets het voorgeval.” “...Dat sy het hom gesabataash…” m.a.w. “She sabotaged him / sy het hom afgepers.”

Mens eenvoudig nie vertrou Google Translate.

O, die antwoorde! Vraag: Wat noem ons ‘n strofe wat uit twee versreëls bestaan? Leerder: ‘n Koektet Vraag: Watter geluid maak ‘n perd: Leerder 1: ‘n perd sug Leerder 2: ‘n perd knetter Leerder 3: prrrrrffffftttttt! Question: Name three organisations that deal with complaints about human rights violations. Skapie, jy Leerder 1: I didn’t study that. Sorry. :-) moet minder TV kyk... Leerder 2: Polisie, FBI en CSI: Suid-Afrika. Vraag: Watter gevolge kan onbeskermde seks hê? Leerder: Jy kan vislis kry.

O, die oningeligte opinies! “Kim Kardashian is ‘n motiveer spreker.” “Kim Kardashian is bekend vir haar lamoen groot agterstewel.” “Die skandaal van Monique Leaky en Pres Bosch van die VSA…” - leerder verwys na die skandaal van Monica Lewinsky en President Clinton.

Wel, dis meer waar as dat sy ‘n motiveringspreker is. puntjies vir jou!

Hier is ‘n paar van die Snaakser gevalle waar gimmies die akademiese Pot misgesit het..

O, die spelling! Hy het baie vistrassies.

Vraag: Som 7 wenke op oor hoe mens jou hond kan Ek stuur vir ha ‘n plies kôl mie. DOG PERSON rustig hou as daar klappers geskiet word. maybe? Korrekte antwoord: ‘n retoriese vraag Antwoord: As daar katte in die buurt is wat jou hond Leerder se antwoord: ‘n retardikel vraag afknou, bel pesbeheer. *LET WEL: Daar was nie sprake van katte in die leesstuk nie.

By Ratanga is daar lekker rolekastas (rollercoasters). Vraag: Som 7 wenke op oor hoe om ‘n veilige voetgangHy was poodelnak. er te wees naby besige paaie. Antwoorde: As daar ‘n sypaadjie verskyn, loop Ons woon in SA. Sypaadjies vat 35 op hom. maande om “te verskyn”.




memes FOR

days BY


TRUTER Thanks to all our good sports who keep us laughing & light-hearted!

When you see your best friend in class, and you’ve got an inside joke going. KWARTAAL 4





Does Google really know everything?

Maybe you should google this. Our answer is no, but everything that has ever been posted on the internet (excluding the dark web) that hasn’t been removed, is still there for you to savour. What are the top 3 adventure books a teenager can read?

Broken Skies by Theresa Kay, Gateway to Fourline (The Fourline Trilogy book 5 ) by Pam Brondos and Infinity Lost (The Infinity Trilogy Book 5) by S. Harrison are currently the top 7 sellers on Lumière (The Illumination Paradox Book 5) by Jacqueline E. Garlick and Mockingjay (Hunger Games trilogy, Book 3) by Suzanne Collins complete the top 5, but I would advise you to start with the first of The Hunger Games books! Would a giraffe’s coffee be cold by the time it reached its stomach ?

If you took Biology in grade 5 (which we all did), you would know that a giraffe is a warm blooded animal. Thus, yes, the coffee will still be warm. Who invented the question mark?

Doctor Evil’s dad claims to have invented the question mark. (Google ‘’Austin Powers Doctor Evil Talks About Himself’’). How many hair colours has Ms L. van Wyk already had?

She claims to have had all the colours of the rainbow, plus a couple more. Who invented the first straw? And what was it made of?

Sumerians are known to have invented the first straw and they originally used it to drink beer. The oldest drinking straw in existence, found in a Sumerian tomb dated 3,000 B.C.E. , was a gold tube inlaid with the precious blue stone lapis lazuli. The first modern day straw was made by Marvin Stone and patented on January 3rd, 1888. Lochness Monster: fact or fiction?

There have been many eye witnesses claiming to have seen the Loch. Sonar surveys of the loch using the latest equipment have failed to find any conclusive evidence of Nessie's existence, but neither have they proved that she doesn't exist. Some accounts may well have been sighted through the bottom of a whisky glass, but there are still a remarkable number of eye witness accounts that ring true. In all likelihood, though, it’s false! (The first recorded sighting of Lochness being by no less a person than a holy saint. The saint was St. Columba and the year 565 AD.) Where does the sea get its saltiness from? Perhaps from

whales who cry because they think they’re misunderstood?

The oceans get saltier due to the rivers that flow into them. Water from the ocean evaporates, and then rains over land and forms rivers. As the rivers flow over the land, things like salt dissolve into the river and are carried out to the sea. So no misunderstood whales here, just unappreciated ones! Is the megalodon still out there?

According to Wikipedia, no. However, there have been fish discovered to be alive that were supposed to have been extinct millions of years ago, so who knows!




Soos 2015 tot ‘n einde kom, is daar ‘n paar oomblikke wat Gimmies vir altyd sal kan koester. Hier is ‘n paar van 2015 se hoogtepunte.

Onthou jy toe... … Adriaan die finale drie uit die hoek verdoel het om die Derby vir Worcester Gimnasium te wen na ’n lang wagtyd van 12 jaar. Deel van hierdie herinnering is toe al die Gimmies na die rugbyveld gestorm het om saam met Adriaan die oorwinning te vier en om vir Jeshua, wat die wen drie gedruk het, geluk te wens. … Juffrou L. van Wyk haar eerste selfie geneem het! … Mnr. Frolich tydens ‘n saalbyeenkoms laat val het dat hy ‘n aktiewe gebruiker van Facebook is! … Ons twee nuwe onderwyseresse in Mnr. Raal en Mnr. Conradie gevind het toe hulle rokke vir die personeelkonsert gedra het. … Die volgende afkondiging oor die interkom gekom het: “All the white boys to the hall please.’’ SAYWHAAAT? Haha! … Worcester Gimnasium sy eie herwinningsprojek van stapel gestuur het! … Mnr. Frolich ’n “shaka-shaka” gedoen het met Island

Breeze se optrede by die skool. … Juffrou Mills ons met haar spitsvondige kommentare en woordpselings vermaak het. Net daarvoor verdien sy om haar naam op hierdie lys te kry. … Die koor se fantastiese prestasies! … Dr Sebastiaan Pretorius's (die koorafrigter) se openingsdans by die personeelkonsert. … Die kortste toespraak (OOIT!) by die Big Brag gelewer is.

Daar was ook ‘n hele paar eerstes:  Mandarynse klasse  Toer na China  Die kleureatletiek wat op ons eie sportgronde

gehou is.  Die Circum wat digitaal gepubliseer is.

leading since ‘98 By Micaela Davids In









back alright) was ranked number 22 on the Top 100. The Original Disney animation Mulan was released. The highly publicised couple Bruce Willis and Demi Moore split after 10 years of marriage. And Worcester Gymnasium’s head leaders of 2016 were born.


interviewed our head boy and head girl, Janco Nel (JN) and Chrisrie Oosthuizen (CO), our deputy head leaders, Charl Schoeman (CS) and Suzanne Stofberg (SS) and last but not least, the head leaders of the Seminarie and Brandwacht hostels, Dillan Buxton (DB) and Courtney White (CW) so the Bosvarke could get to know our leaders for next year a little better.

follow “Leading since ‘98” on the next page KWARTAAL 4



What emotions were you feeling when your name was announced?

CS You’ll have to wait and see.. 2016 gaan ongelooflik wees!

JN Belaglik baie geskok, dankbaar, gelukkig, bangerig en opgewonde.

DB I want to try and be the best I can be to make those people who have faith in me proud, both in school and as leader of the boys’ hostel. I want to make sure that at the end of the year my hostel brothers can say that I am someone they look up to and that I deserved this.

CO Daar het so ‘n warmte in my hart gekom. Ek was baie verras. Ek voel geëerd om hierdie voorreg te hê. SS Ek was verskriklik bly toe hulle my naam lees. Daar het ’n gevoel van vrede en dankbaarheid oor my gekom. Ek het eers later besef hoe baie werk dit eintlik is. CS Excitement, surprise, mostly kind of a rush. I don’t know how to explain it!

CW We achieved great things in 2015, but in 2016 we’re going to achieve marvellous things. I want to make hostel life fun and with the help of my fellow ambitious hostel girls, I’m sure that we’ll achieve that.

DB I was totally overwhelmed! I was surprised and grateful for being chosen. I was very happy because my mom surprised me by attending without telling me that she was coming all the way from Swellendam and I was glad that I could make her proud. CW I was overwhelmed and I felt like crying. Definitely tears of joy! What do you plan on achieving in 2016?

JN Definitief om die ongelooflike skool van ons te dien tot die beste van my vermoë – om ‘n eenheid te vorm in verskeidenheid.

What have you learnt from previous head leaders?

CO Om alles ongelooflik goed te doen. Ek weet op my eie sal ek dit nooit regkry nie, maar daar is ‘n “great” span aan my sy. Ek gaan my laaste jaar die beste nog maak, en alles waaraan ek deelneem my alles gee en nie terugstaan vir enigiemand nie.

JN Ek het geleer om altyd net jouself te wees. Jy hoef nie altyd ‘n “control freak” te wees om ‘n goeie leier te wees nie. Iets wat vir my uitgestaan het van Vanessa Mhlom, Hoofmeisie van 2011, was haar liefde vir Worcester Gimnasium. Ek gaan my bes probeer om in hierdie ongelooflike mense se voetspore te trap.

SS Ek wil graag hê dat die raad van 2016 lekker met mekaar en die res van die skool moet “gel”. Ek wil hê kinders en onderwysers moet 2016 se matrieks onthou as ‘n ongelooflike spul spontane kinders. Ons/Ek wil ook graag in 2016 nuwe tradisies en dae in die skool implementeer.

CO Toe ek in laer grade was, was dit vir my baie lekker as ons kon sien dat die 4 hoofleiers orals betrokke was terwyl hulle so besig is. Dit motiveer jou ook om deel te neem as jy sien die hoofleiers neem deel. SS Uithouvermoë en spanwerk bring sukses. Jy moet leiding kan neem, maar ook jouself toelaat om by ander te leer. Jy moenie dink jy is in beheer nie, maar ander toelaat om ook “baas” te speel. Jy moet nie jouself of ander as belangriker ag nie.

CS To work extremely hard and to always set an example through everything you do. Ook om ander se belange bo jou eie te plaas. DB Respect is something that you earn, not deserve. The easiest way to earn respect is to start showing respect to others. CW It might look easy but it’s challenging. I am grateful for the standards that the previous head girls have set and I intend to set the bar higher.




What motivates you?

JN Die ondersteuning wat ek ontvang waarvoor ek ewig dankbaar is. Ek gaan almal trots maak. My geloof het definitief ook ‘n impak op hoe ek dinge doen. CO Dit motiveer my om te dink dat iemand in my glo en dink ek ‘n sukses kan wees. SS Die feit dat ek tot alles in staat is deur die Here wat my krag gee! En dat ek weet ek my vriende, familie en “spesiale vriend” se volle ondersteuning het. CS My desire to be the best in everything I do. DB My friends motivate me. CW Knowing all the hard work that I have put in, will be worth it when success has been achieved. Who is your role model?

JN Ek klink nou seker soos ‘n ou pastoortjie, maar: Jesus Christus. Ek sê dit nie om mense te beïndruk nie, maar omdat Hy ‘n “legend” is. CO Sedert laerskool was Jeanette Hofmeyr hierdie beeldskone meisie met ‘n glimlag op haar gesig het en liefde vir almal. Toe ek in graad 9 saam met haar hokkie begin speel, was sy steeds my rolmodel i.t.v. skoolwerk, hokkie, vriendelikheid, ware skoonheid en leierskap. SS My pa is definitief my rolmodel. Hy werk so hard om vir sy familie te sorg. Ek wil ook eendag so nederig, selfversekerd en avontuurlustig wees. Ek kyk op na sy verhouding met die Here. Hy moedig my aan om my huis sterk op dié rots te bou en my drome na te jaag. CS Ek het verskillende rolmodelle vir verskillende aspekte van my lewe. With my knee injury and recovery, I would say Adriaan vd Bank. But overall, my role model is my dad. Describe yourself in three words:

JN Friendly, caring, adventurous CO Familie, vriende en oreos SS Passionate, goal-orientated, selfversekerd CS Ek. Is. Charl. DB Dedicated, kind-hearted and loving CW Determined, compassionate and funny

The Circum would like to congratulate each and every one of you on being elected as the Head Leaders for 2016. You deserve it! Voorspoed en geniet die jaar ten volle.





efore you read these tips, I just want to say that there is no perfect body shape; these tips are so that you can feel comfortable in your own skin and to be the healthiest, fittest you, you can be. SO HERE ARE 10 SMALL TIPS TO GIVE YOU A HEAD START ON GETTING YOUR SUMMER BODY READY. Drink lots of water.

Water not only naturally detoxes your body and helps with appetite control, but has also been shown to increase your metabolism. Eat lots of fruit.

Not only is it delicious, but it helps with hydration and detoxes your body. Set goals for yourself.

Without knowing what you are working towards, it is so easy to grab that chocolate bar. Some days it will be hard, but that's when you must remember what you are working for.

Summer ready0 BY LYNN


Hey Gimmies! Summer is right around the corner and we are all rushing to get our summer bodies in shape for the beach.

Treat yourself.

In all the goal setting and water drinking, you need to remember that you are only human. Limit yourself to one guilty pleasure of your choice per week to silence the cravings. Never skip breakfast.

Eating first thing in the morning kicks your metabolism into gear. Having breakfast also reduces your need for unhealthy snacks during the day. Confidence.

Make sure you feel confident that you can attain your goals and be determined to have your best workout. You need to be confident or else having a great body means nothing. Do not eat two hours before you go to bed.

When we go to sleep, our body goes to sleep, too. If we have a big supper right before bed, our stomach suffers. Sleep more.

Make sure that you get at least seven to eight hours of sleep a night so your metabolism is on point. Read popular blog posts

to keep you motivated and to inspire you before you work out. Enjoy the workouts you do.

If the workouts you do feel like torture you won’t want to work out anymore.

To help you on your way to beach confidence, here is a tasty infused water recipe to try:

Citrus Blueberry  Slice two oranges into thin slices (leave the peels on for bet-

ter flavour).  Add sliced oranges and 1 cup of blueberries to a litre glass jar.  Add filtered water to fill the jar and stir gently.  Refrigerate for at least 4 hours before drinking so that the

flavours can infuse. 41 KWARTAAL 4



Art exhibition 2015

This year’’s Matric art exhibition was beautiful. Not only did we witness magnificent

drawings, paintings, sculptures and photographs, but we were also surprised to experience wonderful dance and drama interpretations and dazzled by a song performed by idols participant, Elvira.











ou wake up on a Monday morning before school. Conduct your daily scroll through Instagram, Twitter, Facebook. What do you see? Selfies of friends on their school commutes. A few Monday inspirational quotes. Your basic hashtags: #workflow, #grindtime. Okay. That’s fine. kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkYou get home on Monday evening and all you really want to do is sit and eat. Maybe take a nap. You plop down on your couch or bed and take a peek at your Instagram. What do you see? Photos of your friends in their new name brand outfits. Clearly, your friends are steady partiers. #TeamNoSleep. Right... It is Saturday morning. You have had a hard, busy week. You feel like sleeping in until you see your news feed on Facebook. Posts saying “Up and at ‘em!” … “Headed to the gym!” Seriously? Now, this is getting ridiculous. Is there really no rest for the weary? Why do we feel obligated to share our every move? Today, there is an unspoken pressure to let everyone know what you are doing every minute of every day. On the flip side, there is the additional stress of ensuring you have something share-worthy to show all of your followers that you are driven and living the life of your dreams— like everyone else on Facebook. No wonder social media detox plans are taking the web by storm. Are we feeding ourselves on statuses and comments? And, if so, could this be a healthy diet for a teenage constitution? We all take that selfie and upload it to Instagram and post things about our personal lives on Facebook, but how much is too much? Research has shown that the average teen shares more online with each passing year. Personal information is no longer personal. Whether it is breakups, celebrations or achievements, there is no longer a restriction on what teens are willing to share with the world. Almost all teens have experienced some type of FOMO or ‘Fear of missing out.’ Teenagers said their anxiety or stress levels are at their highest when viewing photos of people having fun and compare themselves or their lives to the lives they see unfolding on (probably heavily edited) photos. And, even though the teens realized that it is easy to portray a different version of themselves on the internet, they still felt pressured to look as though they were ‘living it up’ for the purposes of looking the part. With YouTube videos about how to get more Instagram followers reaching up to one million views, it is difficult to deny that there is an unhealthy desire to be

acknowledged and admired on social media—the best platform on which to show the entire world that one is admirable. Speaking from observation and experience, it almost seems like we teens feel that there are awards for amassing followers, and in a school community like WG, where we are a not just a unit at school, but a cyber community on social networks as well, some learners get put on a pedestal for the amount of followers they have, everyone keeping track of how the social media royalty’s kingdoms grow. For those who are not as lucky with followers, the struggle continues. The desperation for followers can cause some to post controversial images to get the attention they crave. FOMO worsens when following celebrities’ social media accounts. 'Keeping up with the Kardashians' might not always be a good thing. Watching celebrities live the ‘high life’, posting personal and sometimes inappropriate things on a public platform, tempts many to follow the same road just to make their lives seem more exciting. Though it might be okay for some socialite in Los Angeles to post way more on her Instagram account than would be considered circumspect, the damage incurred by a similar post to the reputation of a normal South African teen may be irrevocable. It is important that we remember that conversations go on after school through technology and that we avoid placing ourselves in comprising positions within our peer group. Home used to be safe, but now it is invaded electronically. But celebrities are not the only ones pushing idealized images of human perfection. ‘Friends’ also post pictures of themselves and each other for the world to see and comment on, and many of these moments are captured seemingly unplanned, increasing our anxiety about looking "perfect" — but effortlessly so — at all times. As South African schools are making a point of tending increasingly to learners’ mental health issues, social angst caused by an unhealthy reliability on social media interaction is starting to be viewed with concern. So guys and girls, don’t be caught up in the world where your biggest worry is how many likes you get on Instagram, or how many people follow you on Twitter. Try to cut down on your time online, live in the moment, not for the next Instagram worthy picture.

“The dark side to social media is that, within seconds, everything can be blown out of proportion and be taken out of context. And it“s difficult not to get swept up in it all. “ Nicola Formichetti




“Ai, die kinders van vandag!” Dit is iets wat ons as jongmense al menigmale gehoor het (gewoonlik uit ‘n ou tannie se afkeurende pruilmond). Ja, ons is die rede vir alles wat skeefloop. Tegnologie en selfone hou natuurlik ook verband met hierdie beskuldigings. Ons speel nie meer genoeg buite nie, want ons is te veel op ons selfone en daarom is almal oorgewig. Ons vaar nie meer goed in ons skoolwerk nie, want die sosiale media hou ons veels te besig. Wel, vandag bewys ons hulle verkeerd. Die “apps” wat ons op ons fone kan aflaai, stimuleer nie net ons brein op ‘n prettige manier nie, dit moedig ook ‘n gesonde leefstyl aan. Hier volg ‘n lys van die top apps vir:

‘n Gesonde leefstyl Nexercise is ‘n app wat oefening pret maak! Dit werk soos ‘n speletjie wat jou met medaljes beloon wanneer jy verskillende aktiwiteite doen. Nie net motiveer dit jou om meer te oefen nie, maar jy geniet dit ook. My trainer dasi is ‘n ongelooflike app wat ‘n groot verskeidenheid oefenprogramme bevat. Elke program is uniek en jy kan die een kies wat in jou behoefte voldoen, bv. kitsoefenprogramme, oefenprogramme om jou somerlyfie reg te kry en ‘n program wat spesiaal vir jou ontwerp word met jou BMI in gedagte. Hierdie is beslis ‘n app om af te laai!

Water your body is ‘n app wat jou herinner om genoeg water (volgens jou gewig) te drink. Elke keer nadat jy ‘n glas water gedrink het, teken jy dit aan. Dit stel weeklikse grafieke op van hoe jy gevaar het en herinner jou om water te drink as dit sien dat jy nie jou doelwit gaan bereik nie.

Intellektuele stimulasie Quizup is ‘n vasvrae speletjie wat omtrent derduisende kategorieë het waaruit jy kan kies. Jy kan aanlyn speel en met ander spelers kompiteer of jy kan teen jouself kompiteer. Dit is ‘n baie vermaaklike, asook stimulerende speletjie, wat jou adrenalien laat pomp! Student Agenda is ‘n ongelooflike app wat spesiaal ontwerp is om jou makliker te laat leer. Jy sit al jou vakke in die program en dan kan jy vir jouself ‘n eksamenrooster opstel, al jou buitemuurse aktiwiteite op ‘n kalender aanteken, jou punte uitwerk en opteken. Dis definitief iets wat elke goeie student op sy foon moet hê. Vocabulary builder is ‘n app wat jou help om jou engelse woordeskat uit te brei. Dit bevat allerhande prettige maniere om vir jou nuwe woorde en hulle betekenisse te leer.

Sixth sense technology by Peter Manefeldt


ho wouldn’t like taking photos or recordings with a mere gesture of the hand, identify a product or book and your compatibility with the product using your personal preferences? If there is one thing technology has taught us in the last century it is that it never remains stagnant. During the last decade we have made astronomic strides towards reaping the potential of mobile electronic devices by integrating them into our daily lives. There have been major leaps in storage capacity, processing speed, pixel definition and internet access. But the way in which devices such as smartphones, tablets and laptops have been utilized have remained the same. The young mind of Pravan Mistry and his development team have created what might well be the next step in the future of mobile electronic devices: the

Sixth Sense Device. Their brainchild materialized into a pendant shaped device equipped with a compact projector, a camera and a microphone. This device can turn any surface into a user enabled interface. By wearing coloured caps on your thumbs and index fingers, you can manipulate the data projected on any surface such as a nearby wall or even your own hand. And all input is done by using natural hand gestures. The possibilities are endless: copying paragraphs or graphs from documents and books directly into your electronic projection with the mere pinch of fingers, allowing you to play games like need for speed on a blank page or checking your boarding pass and all related flight details by just looking at them. In our future it is possible that each and every one of us will have access to such a device that may well be as useful in our everyday lives as an additional sense.

See: TEDtalks Sixth sense technology >>> KWARTAAL 4



The bigger they are, the harder they fall AMBER AFRICA investigates they way we overschedule our lives and neglect ourselves in the process . Can there be any benefit to this hectic state of affairs?


n Wednesday the 16th of September 2015, two Grade 11 learners, Chrisrie Oosthuizen and Lauzanda van der Walt, collapsed during choir practise. Why, you ask? Well, there could be any manner of medical reasons such as fatigue or some or other deficiency, but most probably a big contribution to these possibilities is that they had simply overexerted themselves, been too busy that day ... and the day before that and the day before that. Yes, overscheduling is a reality and it gets to each of us some time or another. If we were to split hairs about how busy the typical learner in each grade is, grade 12 would most certainly be the peak of one’s schooling career. However, many have said that it’s definitely not the most difficult year. Grade 11 is often regarded as the most taxing period, physically as well as emotionally. Though the workload of grade 11 is not as intense as it might be in matric, the fact that the marks of one’s grade eleven year are used for admission purposes at tertiary institutions delivers hefty contributions to one’s stress level. There is no time for fault, misunderstanding, emotional breakdowns or sickness (even though this is not in our control), yet all of this seems

to happen whether we can slot it into our timetables or not. As learners of Worcester Gymnasium, we all strive to take part in the three main activities any school has to offer: academics, sport and culture. These three aspects of a school can pretty much consume most of an average person’s day. The remaining few hours are normally utilised browsing social media or communicating with friends. In the process we completely neglect something just as important—if not more important — ourselves. When faced with an overly busy schedule, teenagers will do one of three things: thrive, break down or shut down. For those who thrive under these circumstances, there is definitely not much advice to be given, except for one important thing: don’t forget to spend a little ‘me time’. The teen development phase is crucial in determining what one’s personality traits will be when one enters adulthood. On the one hand it is good to keep busy, developing one’s talents and tastes. Yet, if one becomes so busy that there is no time for reflection, one might be in danger of having a full CV and an empty spirit by the time Parade Day come around.




For the majority of us who break down or shut down, here are four tips to make life a little easier:

1 2 3 4

Keep calm and carry on

Earl Nightingale: “Don’t let the fear of the time it will take to accomplish something stand in the way of you doing it. The time will pass anyway; we might as well put that passing time to the best possible use.”

Firstly (and I know this sounds obvious), but try to keep calm. Figure out what makes you touch base, be it reading a book, painting, walking the dog or kicking a ball around, and make sure you make time to do this one thing for yourself. If you have no time, you will have to prioritise and get rid of your worst “time thief” - e.g. watching TV, Instagram or that one school activity you just don’t have a knack for, but are involved in anyway.

We asked some Gimmies how they divide their 24 hours

on a normal school day.

Graad 8

Positivity is key Work harder at keeping a positive attitude than at anything else, since a positive attitude is the only way you will keep up without breaking down. Pinterest is bursting with inspiring quotes to get your frown up to a smile any day of the week.

Avoid procrastination Thirdly, as far as possible, don’t postpone things that need to be done—once your train has stopped at the Procrastination Station it won’t be choo-chooing its way to success anytime soon.

Graad 9

Love what you do And lastly, find pleasure in work. Really, much of it is interesting if you allow yourself to not be overwhelmed by it.

But after we’ve taken our deep breaths and worked our brains into grey puddles, is being this busy really worth it? To figure this out, I spoke to Helene Africa, Provincial General Manager of the Old Mutual franchise, on behalf of the Circum. She undoubtedly runs an extremely busy schedule with over 600 people reporting to her and a target of 315 million to reach annually. During an in depth conversation she mentioned there being both advantages and disadvantages to overscheduling. A disadvantage was becoming burnt out and breaking down completely. The advantage— and one you’ll need in the real world— would be developing time management skills. This got me thinking about the importance of having a busy schedule at school and I realised that overscheduling prepares us for life to some extent. As Mr Schoeman mentioned at the 2015 prize giving, it has been statistically proven that, at tertiary institutions, most WG’s learners finish their degrees in the least amount of time, thriving at university level because they have learned to keep many balls in the air and still deliver results. It seems your late nights might just pay off after all then. In conclusion, always remember this quote by

Graad 11

Missing another 7de Laan episode due to homework. My life is over!




Are the motivational tools of yesterday applicable today? PETER MANEFELDT looks

into some points of view about grade seniorship and the new value driven school approach taking schools by storm.


he average Bosvark possesses over aboveaverage manners which have been nurtured from a young age, at primary schools and home alike. Unfortunately, as with everything in life, there are exceptions to the rule. Thus, it was decided to create the two-sided coin: the blue file and grade seniorship, which takes into account a learner’s behaviour and discipline to provide them with opportunities and privileges that are withheld from those who do not meet the criteria. This was a splendid way to motivate learn-

ers to engage more actively in various school activities. The blue file and grade seniorship had been an efficient motivational tool for years, also helping many a stray Bosvark, that may have walked off the beaten track, back on it. But in recent years, a tiny error in the system has come to light. The only privileges that are awarded to grade seniors are the right to vote for our senior committee and to participate in singsongs on sport days. These are exciting events, but are hardly enough to motivate a high school learner




to participate actively in school-related activities throughout the year. As our school is a school in union, the biggest threat, however, could well be that bestowing a grade senior STATUS to a learner may polarize the greater group of learners. I interviewed two teachers, Ms. Elsabe Nel and Mr. Jaco van Niekerk, of whom both have ample opportunity to observe the effects of the blue file system and grade seniorship in their array of classes, both on different academic and age levels. Ms. Elsabe Nel, an Afrikaans teacher for grade 8 to 12 classes, suggested that this phenomena of polarization may have a positive effect; uniting those learners who strive to make a difference in the school under the banner of their gold and double gold grade senior statuses. Mr. Jaco van Niekerk, on the other hand, begs to differ. He states that the polarization of the children through means of grade senior status has left the majority of the learners feeling that because of the differentiation that the school makes to their status, when compared to grade seniors, they do not have anything to offer the school. The unwanted situation formed by this is that a handful of learners bite off more than they can chew. They are constantly urged to take on more activities and responsibilities, while the majority of the 1000 learners in the school resign from school related activities. As the main consequence of blue file entries is receiving fewer points toward grade seniorship, it leads one to question whether any system connected to a ineffective system can be plausible. When analysing this situation we must take into account that most teachers are intrinsically motivated. They act without expectation of receiving much in return and do things for the love thereof. This makes them work towards excellence and keeps them enthusiastic, regardless of the amount of material rewards they receive. Although this is a truly commendable trait, it is one which very few learners possess. Most students are extrinsically

motivated— acting out of the expectation of receiving something for their efforts. From their perspective of intrinsic motivation, teachers often expect learners to contribute to the school without receiving any extrinsic motivation (e.g. prizes, awards, badges). This does not work. Therefore the blue file system, as an extrinsic reward system was implemented in the hopes of convincing extrinsically motivated learners to contribute to the school and behave as expected. Now, since the rewards which the system offer are no longer seen as enough, the extrinsic motivation it provided has diminished and so too has some learners’ eagerness to act in such a way that they become grade seniors. But not to fear. At the grade 11 Bosberaad, our principal, Mr. Schoeman, in association with the psychiatrist, Dr. Kruger, introduced us to the new value-driven schools campaign which WG is embarking on. This is a system which, with great success, has been implemented in schools right across South Africa since 1998. The system attempts to foster values in learners so that they act from a centre of intrinsic motivation— for example caring for others just because that is what is right— instead of acting out of fear of punishment or from the expectation of extrinsic reward. The five values WG has chosen to focus on is caring, respect, integrity, diligence and responsibility, and these values will be at the core of our schooling whether the discipline system at school remains unchanged or not. Implemented by experts with vast experience, the value-driven schools campaign could well be the fresh breath that Worcester Gymnasium needs to remain a united school and one of the best. Rome wasn’t built in a day and neither was Worcester Gymnasium. The great city and our great school also have in common that it never stops growing and changing. We must all do our bit to help Worcester Gymnasium into a new era.




skrywers hoekie Gang-gedagtes oor korreltjie sand

Charl Schoeman, Worcester Eisteddfod Medalje-wenner


k sit in die Afrikaanse klas, besig om my gedigteboek weg te pak, met Antjie Krog se “Korreltjie Sand” nog vars in my gehue. Stadigaan begin ‘n rumoerigheid die leerders beetpak. Opgewonde stemme begin drifting saamgesels oor die eerste rugbyspan se eerste oorwinning in 12 jaar oor ons aartsvyande HTS Drostdy, verlede naweek. Reini se giggellaggie uit die agterste banke word vinnig verdoof deur die dreunsang van “twirly whirlies” op die dak. Met ‘n ferm stemtoon roep juffrou Nel my en vra of ek gou ‘n aankondiging rakende die middag se dramalesse by die kantoor kan inhandig nie, waartoe ek meer as gewillig instem. Links af in die gang kan ek nie help om te glimlag terwyl ek Brenwyn se mondeling hoor nie. “Hello, Mammie? Ja, uhm, kan Mammie asseblief my kos vir pouse bring, ek het dit vergeet! Ja, eers pouse, ek is nog in die klas. Oukei, dankie Mammie, baai!” Die hele klas bars uit van die lag met sy volgende woorde: “En dit, liewe leerders, is die rede hoekom ek glo ons moet toegelaat word om selfone en ander tegnologie in die klaskamer te gebruik!” Voor ek die trappe twee-twee afspring, hoor ek met ‘n gerat-tat-tat die moeë gesnak na asem van een van (die gesette) juffrou Marais se drie waaiers, wat sukkel in hul

daaglikse strewe om haar koel te hou in die versengende Worcesterse somerhitte. Met ‘n langer draai deur die “Engelse gang”, blêr daar ‘n stem oor die interkom: “Dorian Johnson onmiddellik na kamer elf, en Yasar Ismail moet nou dadelik Mnr. Frohlich (ons adjunkhoof) se kantoor besoek.” Die aankondiging word herhaal en ‘n kort dankie word halfpad afgesny. Die aankondigingsblaadjie gee ek in met ‘n beleefde groet, en ek steek ou oom Hennie, die opsigter, met sy stadige skuifelstappie in sy uitgetrapte bruin velskoene verby oppad badkamers toe. Daar kry ek vir Dorian, doenig met ‘n pak speelkaarte, en Yasar, wat seker nog oppad na Mnr. Frohlich is. Terwyl ek staan en water aftap, eggo Spur se verjaarsdagliedjies vanuit ‘n klaskamer. Om een of ander rede raak ek bewus van die vreemde stilte in die gange op pad terug klas toe. Weg is die harde gefluister van stemme uit klaskamers, en die klank van die onderwysers wat gretig kennnis in leerders se koppe wil inkry, of selfs inforseer, as dit moet. Al wat ek hoor, is die geskwiek van my nuwe Grasshoppers wat op en af in die linoleum-gevloerde gange weergalm. Elke klas waar ek verbyloop, se deur is toe. By die venster sien ek vir Brandwacht-piek, die hoogste bergpiek van al ons vallei se gebergtes. Ek onthou meteens hoe eensaam, weerloos en nietig ek daarbo gevoel het toe ek van daar af oor die vallei neerkyk. Ek onthou hoe ons dorp soos ‘n vaal kol, omtrent




so groot soos my uitgestrekte hand, en die mense kleiner as korreltjies sand gelyk het. Hoe hulle soos miere rondgeskarrel het in hul daaglikse lewens, op soek na baie, maar op pad na niks. Elke mens se lewe maar net nog ‘n korreltjie sand wat uiteindelik deurval in die uurglas van die heelal. Ek onthou hoe groot die wêreld om en buite ons dorp gelyk het met die geïsoleerde, veilige plek van roetines in die middel. Ek besef skielik hoe onbewus ons as graad elfs is van die groot sprong wat ons oor ongeveer 600 dae moet neem. Hoe hierdie skoolgebou, met al sy roetines en bekende gesigte, ons veilig gehou en afgesonder het van die aaklige groot wêreld en al sy moeilikhede daarbuite, soos ‘n klein sandeilandjie of baaitjie wat dreig om deur die see verswelg te word. “Korreltjie klein is my woord, korreltjie niks is my dood,“ onthou ek terwyl ek die groen klaskamerdeur oopmaaak. Ek hoor weer die opgewonde gejil en geblêr van my klasmaats: Lammers ter slagting.

When I check again it’s still there. A bird hanging by its wing from Sam’s mouth. As reality hits me again the empty feeling inside me returns. I know I am alone. Alone. Yes, that’s the key word, the most awful word in the English tongue. Murder doesn't come close to it and hell is only a very poor synonym. My life is crashing and falling fast. My wings are being clipped faster than my mind can conceive and I’m only trying to play catch up, but the wind of life is too strong for this bird. I go for another round. Starting all over again and falling further into despair. My hallucinations and broken dreams are my only escape. I often miss the little girl whose dreams has no barriers. Who believed in a world where anything is possible. With a heart that was full and unbroken. The reality is I don’t know what I want to become. All I do know is that the only way of surviving this life for now, is flying with my broken wing, hoping that the wind won't blow me back too far.

Untitled Mareli Taylor Worcester Eisteddfod Medal winner


hen I was five years old, they asked me what I wanted to become when I grew up. My answer was a princess, with long brown hair and eyes as green as apples. When I was 12 years old, they asked me again. This time my answer was more realistic: a teacher. But now I am faced with the same question, and the simple answer is: I don’t know. My dreams are a broken-winged bird that cannot fly. As I take my last sniff, breathe in the last bit of powder, I can feel my heart racing and I feel it through my whole body. My vision loses focus; my face is as pallid and ghostly as that of a dove. The pupils of my deep green eyes are diluting as the drugs pollute my body. I drop to the ground, every inch of my body willing me to scream for help, but all that escapes my broken lips is a gurgle of lost sound. The bird is falling, and I’m falling fast. I escape into my dreams. I see myself and my mom. We’re happy, laughing. We’re playing in the park with Sam, my dog. Not much can steal my happiness right now. I see my friends playing on the round-about and they invite me to join them, but just before I do I see Sam running towards me. He’s got something in his mouth. No. Not even a dream. It’s a masochistic hallucination.

As jy meer as 80% vir ‘n opstel ontvang het of iets uitsonderlik, soos ’n gedig, geskryf het uit eie inisiatief, bring dit na kamer 18 vir oorweging vir ons skrywers -hoekie. So kry jy blootstelling, ‘n gehoor vir jou stories, en miskien ook ‘n prys ter aansporing vir jou moeite en kreatiwiteit. Opstelle mag nie langer as 550 woorde wees nie.





gaan vir goud



Mika Schoeman Gepubliseer in Worcester Skolegedigte 2015

ek het die son uit die lug gesteel en in ‘n ou konfytfles gebêre ek het in die donker gedans en gewag vir die reën

Godwin Minnaar het vanjaar deur sy toewyding aan die

President’s Award ‘‘n toekenning — ’n brons sertifikaat — ontvang, Dit is die eerste toekenning van sy soort vandat

ek het die son begrawe onder die ou eikeboom en in die donker gekniel vir die reën ek het die son saam met jou begrawe... __________________________________ jaloesie

Lauzanda van der Walt Gepubliseer in Worcester Skolegedigte 2015

‘n monster altyd reg, met wraak verslind, met tong en woord mensekind... pasop, jaloesie, is geen perk woede, verslind, verwoes, hart en siel... sonder gewete, al veg jy... satan teen jou, my broeder Remember to bring your best writing efforts to room 18 if you would like to be considered for our


writers’ corner.

die President’s Award-program in 2014 in WG begin het. Baie geluk, Godwin! Mnr. Joubert het ’n paar vrae aan Godwin gestel oor hierdie opbouende program.

Waarom het jy vir die President’s Award ingeskryf? Dit was die eerste keer dat dit by WG aangebied is en niemand is gedwing om die program te volg nie. Ek het ingeskryf om myself te ontwikkel en om ‘n positiewe bydrae tot die gemeenskap te lewer. Wat het jy gedoen vir die verskillende afdelings? Diens: Hier het ek kospakkies uitgedeel by die treinstasie waar mense min of geen voedsel het nie en buite slaap. Vaardigheid: Ek het leer swem. Sport: Ek het rugby en fisiese oefening vir ses maande gedoen. Ekspedisie: Ek het in ‘n groep gaan bergklim en in ‘n hut geslaap. Wat het jy die meeste geniet van die program? Die ekspedisie was die hoogtepunt van my program omdat ek kon bergklim en in die buitelug wees. Wat was jou grootste uitdaging? Om vir drie maande toegewyd te bly aan die diens. Sal jy die program aanbeveel? Hoekom? Ja, ek beveel die program ten sterkste aan. Dit beteken baie vir mense wat nie altyd iets te ete het nie, dis lekker om te sien dat daar mense is wat wel omgee vir hul medemens en om ‘n verskil in die gemeenskap te maak. Die sport het my gehelp om fiks te bly en siektes te vermy. Swem het my ook gehelp om my sportvaardighede te verbeter en dit is iets wat mens nie verleer nie. Dit is ‘n goeie vaardigheid, want jy weet nooit wanneer jy iemand wat in die moeilikheid is by ‘n swembad of die see van hulp sal moet wees nie. KWARTAAL 4




uring the October Holidays, Joy Bekker and Heleen Theron, competed in the SANESA Nationals Championships against the best riders in the country. They helped march the Western Cape team to the victory of the Spirit Cup. Last year the parade was cancelled due to a wild fire, causing all 1600 horses and riders to flee the show grounds. This year our riders competed in a gruelling heat wave but still managed the following results:

Our Riders by Heleen Theron

Joy Nationals: Dressage team placed 2nd and 3rd

SANESA Boland Prizegiving: 1 Bronze

Now you may be wondering what all of this means? We’ll take you through it:

LEVELS 1—beginner or prelim / 2— novice / 3—elementary / 4—medium / 5—advanced medium / 6—advanced / higher levels are not provided at school level.

DRESSAGE It's like ballet... but for horses! For an awesome demonstration see: https:// DcDLLxgWa_Y&spfreeload =10

PRIX CAPRILLI a dressage test with jumps in it!

EQUITATION The rider goes through a series of moves to demonstrate different riding skills, showcasing skills at different gaits and over jumps as well as on the flat. See: PERFORMANCE RIDING Evaluation on turnout (horse’s grooming) and flatwork (riding skills on the ground).

1 Silver 3 Golds / Overall

High school In Hand Utility champion / Overall High school Working Rider champion

WORKING RIDING You demonstrate that your horse is


obedient, well schooled, able to jump, extend their paces, walk over a carpet and in a narrow lane where they stand still and reverse a couple of steps. A steady temperament is important here. And they mustn't get spooked by scary objects (because there are always scary stuff!).

Nationals: Prix Caprilli Novice 6: 16th (team

WORKING HUNTER: A jumping class suited for big hors-

placed 3rd) / Performance Riding Level 5: 18th / Working Riding Level 5: 14th / Utility in Hand: 8th / Dressage Novice: 16th

UTILITY-IN-HAND You basically lead your hopefully very

SANESA Boland Prizegiving Silver for Utility in Hand Level 1 / Gold for Working Riding Level 5.

es. Requirements are: speed, control and a horse willing to jump over ANYTHING.

obedient horse (the horse has to stay at your shoulder at all times) through various obstacles which includes jumping simultaneously over a low jump.

COMPETITION JUMPING: It's all about speed. The fastest

Pippa SANESA Boland Prizegiving Bronze for Prix Caprelli / Gold for Performance Riding Level 5 / Best Rider Trophy for Performance Riding and Dressage (elementary level).

time with the least penalties wins! Yh2R4hHrc-A

2 PHASE JUMPING: If you have no penalties in the first half of the course, you have to jump the second half as fast as you can!

Worcester Gymnasium won the School Spirit Cup! KWARTAAL 4





he swimming season has started with a splash as Darae Bjerre and Robyn Viljoen are elected as captains for the 2016 season. With them, Worcester Gymnasium’s swimming Bosvarke have held the school's name high at the first gala, which was the Boland relay gala held on the 29th of October at Bridge House, near Franschhoek. Although we found the gala tough (due to being unfit and not having been in the pool since March), we still managed to excel as we always do. The U/16 boys relay team achieved two 3rd places, while our U/16 girls were the true icing on the cake with 1st place achievements in both of their relay events. Willem-Pierre Viljoen came 3rd in the open 100m freestyle as well as in the 50m backstroke. He claimed an excellent 1st place in the open 100m breaststroke, which he swam against boys older than him. This, however, never seems to faze him or stop him from making Worcester Gymnasium proud. Marli Neethling achieved an individual 4th place out of 28 swimmers in the 100m freestyle and Hilda du Toit also achieved a 4th place in the 50m backstroke against 26 other girls. The gala ended with a great 8x25m pajama relay race, which never fails to give us the funniest of photos and leaves us with stomachs aching from laughter. The day was concluded with warm showers sponsored by Bridge House as well as the girls’ annual “we-don’t-have-warm-water-where-wecome-from” shower photo.





s the tennis of 2015 comes to an end, Worcester Gymnasium can look back at some memorable times this year. The season started with an increase in the number of enquiries and players interested in this sport. The players had to get accustomed to the routine of practising in the hot sun once again and giving up hours to reach their goals. They also received some professional coaching from Oom Ryk, who helped to sharpen the players’ skills and competitiveness. Some good memories include when Adriaan van der Bank and his mates were “grunting during practices,” says Mrs Meyer. Danelle Zeeman, who was “always up to some mischief,” added to the fun experienced on court. Unfortunately, Worcester Gymnasium couldn’t show Augsburg their ball skills on the 23rd of October - the match did not take place as Augsburg’s tennis boys had a cricket match on the same day. Other than that, it was a great season. Congratulations to Charl Schoeman for being chosen as 2nd on the Boland Rural team and to our 1st boys, 1st girls and 3rd girls team for winning their leagues. Thank you to the coaches, Mrs Meyer, Miss Sherriff and Oom Ryk, as well as Tannie and Oom Bankies, Mrs Schoeman, Tannie Joan and Oom Piet. A special thank you also goes to the tennis players for their positive attitude and undying spirit. A final salute to captains Adriaan van der Bank and Danelle Zeeman.

you say life, I say tennis

Die WG-atlete het 1 - 4 Oktober na Mosselbaai getoer. Hulle het die Vrydag baljaar op Hartenbos se strand waar hulle geoefen, geswem, touchies gespeel, waterwurm gery en die Spur leeg geëet het. Saterdag is daar vroeg vertrek na Mosselbaai se dorpsbaan waar heelwat medaljes verower is. 65 spanne het deelgeneem, tog het die Gimmies so goed gevaar dat ons A-span 6de en ons B-span 7de geëindig het. Die C-span het ook uitstekend gevaar. Die volgende leerders het medaljes ontvang, hoewel daar heelwat atlete is wat baie punte aangeteken het al het hulle nie medaljes gewen nie. Moesha Eksteen: een goud en een silwer Anro van Eeden: een goud Dean du Toit: een goud Ethinique Adams: een silwer Leandre Ketch: een silwer en een brons

Francois Prinsloo: een silwer Lucian Abrahams: een silwer en een brons Chinell Ferreira: een brons André Theron: een brons

Die Mosselbaai-byeenkoms het goeie kompetisie en voor-seisoenoefening verskaf vir die Gimmies om daardie lentespiere te rek vir die komende seisoen. Ons is baie trots op ons atlete dat hulle so goed presteer het. Dankie dat julle ons naam hoog hou!






Hermanus Cycle Tour



n Friday the 23rd of October, Worcester Gymnasium's cycle team departed for their tour to Hermanus. The team prepared their game faces as they began the challenging race. Starting their route from the front of Worcester Gymnasium, they cycled out of Worcester on the main roads, until they reached the Brandvlei Wine Cellar. They then veered off the main roads to tackle some more tricky back roads and after about an hour into the cycle, a strenuous headwind was encountered. Nevertheless, they persevered with as much strength as ever. A quick break was taken during their annual stop at



se dieet: deur Enrique Wilson


nap met die aanbreek van somer, het die gholf aktiwiteite hierdie kwartaal weer volstoom begin. Daar was twee beginnersgroepe wat Dinsdae en Donderdae geoefen het. Hulle is blootgestel aan die basiese vaardighede van die spel. 'n Eerste vir Worcester Gimnasium was 'n besoek aan Arabella Gholflandgoed naby Kleinmond. Dit was 'n enorme voorreg vir sewe van ons leerders om op een van die top bane in die land te kon speel en hul passie uit te leef op dié groot groen. Ons gholfspanne speel weer volgende kwartaal in die Skole-liga. Dus is die vakansie die ideale geleentheid vir gholfspelers om weg te spring met die voorbereiding en oefening om hul plekke in die spanne oop te kan speel.

a farm stall next to the road, after which it was time to tackle Jonaskop - the highlight climb of the cycling route. Upon completion of this climb, the cyclists gratefully sped down to where Mr Reichert awaited them with a stripped out caravan serving as the school bicycle trailer. They then headed off for a refreshing swim and relaxing braai at Mrs Hofmeyr's house. The next morning, the cyclists awoke at the crack of dawn and drove out (with the bus) to the beautiful Nuy Guest Farm, where they participated in the Worcester East family cycling day event. The cyclists fared well, with Pieter Mienie and Jacques Groenewald both claiming 2nd place. A few of the cyclists suffered mechanical issues, but they still kept their spirits high and completed the race. The tour was definitely a mental and physical challenge for all the brave learners who participated, but in the end it was all worth it. Worcester Gymnasium is proud to have such a great cycling team!

Ons is baie trots op Janneman Vlok wat deurlopend Worcester Gimnasium se naam hoog hou in die gholfwêreld. Janneman is gekies vir die Boland O/19-span wat tydnes die Septembervakansie in ‘n 7-hoekige interprovinsiale kompetisie by Kingswood, George gespeel het. Geluk Janneman. Mag al die gholfspelers se “groen dieet” vir nog groter pret en prestasie in die komende jaar sorg.

Het jy geweet? Gholf is tussen 1457 en 1502 in Skotland verban om te verseker dat die Skotse burger nie tyd sou mors met die spel terwyl die land besig was om voor te berei vir ‘n aanval teen die Engelse nie. Die kanse om twee “hole-in-ones” in een rondte gholf te maak is een in 67 miljoen. Gholf is een van die enigste twee sporte wat al op die maan gespeel is. Die ander een was spiesgooi.









orcester Gimnasium se toutrekspanne het die afgelope paar seisoene nie so goed gevaar nie, maar die wiel is stadig besig om te draai. Die afrigters en leerders is almal hoopvol dat hierdie seisoen een vir die boeke sal wees. Alhoewel die spanne nog net een kompetisie hierdie kwartaal bygewoon het, het hulle alreeds ‘n goue medalje verwerf. Die toutrekkers het ook hulle spankapteine vir die seisoen bekend gemaak. Baie geluk aan Shaniel Hearne en Shannon-Lee Smith. “Ons is baie opgewonde vir die komende seisoen en ons nooi almal uit om ook deel te kom neem,” sê Shannon-Lee.” En aan die huidige toutrekkers: "TREK GIMMIES TREK!”








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