Working Women | Autumn 2011

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Working Women Women’s Network Australia


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AUTUMN 2011 Aust $8.75 inc gst Subscriptions $32 pa inc gst

24 Networking


Build your business connections

Become a self-made

Publicity GURU

Babes in business become

Print Post Approved PP411192/00010

BOSS Cross-cultural


Global matchmaking


Are you looking for a

flexible franchise? We are Australian owned Low initial investment, own your own studio for around $150,000 Comprehensive Training Multiple revenue streams Fixed monthly royalty & marketing contribution Simple business model

Ph: 02 8353 5203

Fitness for women on the go.

Contents Business




UP fRonT



The heart of entrepreneurship


global business matchmaker



Success can be fun


Business and friends - the right mix


How to set up a mastermind group


on THe MoneY



Financial finesse


mentoring - develop and run a successful workplace program


ATo targets eBay entrepreneurs


Don’t get led up the garden path


Sidelining shares


Selling your business? You might be eligible for a CgT concession Warning signs your business is heading towards financial distress

BUSineSS STRaTeGieS 16

keep that cash flowing



Proactive management - the healthy business approach



3 keys to building a powerful brand identity

MaRKeTinG 28

Save money - Develop a marketing mindset


enewsletters - 10 awesome ways to engage an audience


marketing your business is the ultimate leverage


Terrific testimonials


marketing success with zero dollars

coMMUnicaTionS 36

group discussions save time and money


The conscious communicator - deliver a powerful message


Speak up and be heard


Are you giving 5 star introductions?


Speaking - generate more leads and revenue for your business 7 Steps to creating a successful email campaign


Creating traction with web videos


keep your business pumping around the clock


networking and dating - much the same really!

In Every Issue 2

Simply Stated


in Brief


What We Like


off the Shelf


gadget guide


Subscription offer


Classified Business Directory


global business program targets women

PUBlic RelaTionS 51

DiY Pr - a 3 step system

return to work minus the mummy guilt


Walk the talk - dress to impress

life SUPPoRT 60

manipulation - are you a target?


Be the Ceo of your own body

STReSS ManaGeMenT How resilient are you feeling right now?

E ISSU2011 R E T n, 20 Ju : WIN E , 2011 N I 1 may DL e A 11 E D ay, 20 at ry

1m nD ecto catio ss Dir , 2011 Publi usine ing 1 may k B o d o e B fi i g s 2011 n s i Cla may, vertis l 8 a ay Ad i g l r n 2011 p e i , s t r k i D l Boo 15 Ap al ma i a i r r o o t t r r dve Adve g&A age rtisin e v ors im d h t A u A rial & edito

Women’s network etwork Australia

w w w.w o m e n s n e t w o r k . co m . a u

Business n success n Life

Autumn 2011 Aust $8.75 inc gst Subscriptions $32 pa inc gst





Build your business connections

Become a self-made

Publicity GURU

Babes in business become


Print Post Approved PP411192/00010



Working Women

What did you say? Closing the cultural divide investing in American real estate

elements of success

From pause to play




WoMen To WaTcH

cRoSS coUnTRY 44

Better thinking for work - 5 strategies to give you back your mental edge

fiTneSS & lifeSTYle

Connections - back to basics



STYle file



galloping gourmets go global



Global matchmaking

n etworki ng • marketi ng • mon ey • h r • travel an d more

Sandra Li is a cross-cultural business matchmaker for Australian and Chinese entrepreneurs, providing hundreds of business owners with the opportunity to take their business global. As a licensed immigration advisor with degrees in both industry relations and migration law, Sandra has enabled Chinese and Australian entrepreneurs to achieve success by yielding millions of dollars for their businesses. With strong networking connections between the countries, Sandra has offices in both Australia and China, employing over 30 people.

Autumn 2011 n Working Women® 1

SimplyStated What can be said about the first quarter of 2011? It seems that whilst one tragic and horrendous situation unfolds, an even bigger one is taking place elsewhere. It has been an impossible task for everyone to stay on track with their business endeavours. The psychological impacts of recent events are weighing heavily on the minds of even the most motivated of us. However, the harsh reality is that life will go on regardless, with support and care for those in need now being part and parcel of everyday life. And we are not talking about a few months of support – it will be years before life for many Queenslanders resembles the living standards they enjoyed prior to the floods in January. Like many women I was thrilled when the Minister for the Status of Women, Kate Ellis recently announced the appointment of Helen Conway as the Director of the Workplace Gender Equity Agency (WGEA). Previously known as the Equal Opportunity for Women in the Workplace Agency (EOWA), it is a new federal body given new powers that aims to close the gap between men and women in Australian workplaces. Helen left Caltex and a $700,000 salary to take up the role, and she is without doubt a woman who means business. She has impressive professional and legal credentials and is well respected by the boys at the big end of town, which will come in very useful as she is entering the role during a period of significant reform. WGEA is charged with compelling businesses to not only demonstrate they have a plan to improve gender equity in their workplace but to show actual results. And Helen has a big stick to wield! Any Australian company that fails to meet WGEA reporting requirements will be excluded from sharing in any of the $42 billion worth of government contracts. So for those who unlike myself argued against quotas as a means to

Lynette Palmen AM Founder and Managing Director Women’s Network Australia

It is imperative that as a nation we achieve equality for women across all levels.

bring about equality for women, rest assured you have been catered for, it’s called a reform not a quota system. But with all these reforms for workplace equality on the table, what about the forgotten sector – women in small business? For a range of social, economical and professional reasons, more and more women are starting their own small business. There are now over 600,000 womenowned businesses across the nation and little or no attention is given to this sector by the government or big business. Women still leave the corporate corridors of power to head up their own enterprise knowing that they are headed in a direction where they have little or no clout when it comes to shaping public policy and reforms. I for one do not want female business owners relegated to a ghetto of inequality. I look forward to the WGEA reforms also encompassing the interests of women in the small business sector. Pay inequity and the number of women on boards and in senior management are not the only issues working women face. It is imperative that as a nation we achieve equality for women across all levels. Change is one of the sure things in life and it comes with challenges. Whilst it has felt like our world has been turning upside down around us, here in Queensland we have been head down and tail up working on a fresh, innovative and new look for ‘Working Women’ magazine which we hope you love. As always throughout the pages you will find inspiration, resources and information that can assist you to further build your business potential. Enjoy the read.

Working Women m





FOUNDER AND EDITOR-IN-CHIEF WORKING WOMEN® Lynette Palmen AM SUB EDITORS Louise Cramp | Paige Ebersohn NATIONAL ADVERTISING MANAGER Nikita Harris 1800 052 476 or +61 (7) 3272 8222 PROOFREADER Wendy Smith – Jewel See Editing +61 (7) 3349 4440 DESIGN Tricia Mahoney – Scarab Blue Design +61 (0) 419 311 862 SUBSCRIPTIONS WNA Head Office 1800 052 476 or +61 (7) 3272 8222 2 Working Women® n Autumn 2011





Editorial submissions are accepted on the basis that the publisher may use the author’s name, comments and content for this publication and promotional purposes including electronic and print media. Authors waive all right to copyrights (if any).

Women’s Network Australia Pty Ltd ABN 66 010 793 727

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WORKING WOMEN® is published four times a year by Women’s Network Australia Pty Ltd PO Box 1723 Sunnybank Hills Q 4109 Phone 1800 052 476 or +61 (7) 3272 8222 FAX + 61 (7) 3272 8111 Web Email Head Office

‘WORKING WOMEN’ is a registered trade mark of Women’s Network Australia Pty Ltd Editorial Editorial is most welcome if it is of a newsworthy nature and accompanied by a good quality photograph. Articles should be directed towards our readership base of business and professional women. Women’s Network Australia has editing rights on all articles submitted.

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InBrief In a study tracking people since they left school in 1991, researchers have found that only 38 per cent of tertiary-qualified Generation-X women work full time, compared with 90 per cent of Generation-X men at the same level. Although most of the women ranked their career as the highest priority when they left school, the pressure of working long hours and lack of family-friendly initiatives once they were in the workforce, took its toll on the women who are now in their mid 30s. Tower Ltd has appointed monica mathis as the insurer’s general manager for distribution and marketing. ms mathis commenced her new position on January 17, 2011. She-conomy goes global. About 870 million women who have not previously participated in the mainstream economy will gain employment or start their own business by 2020. Most of these women, 822 million, will come from non-industrialised countries, while roughly 47 million will come from North America, Western Europe and Japan. The intuit 2020 report indicates that over the next decade, women around the world will enter the workforce at an unprecedented rate. Close to one billion women, many of whom have either never worked or worked at a subsistence level, will be contributors in the world economy. Because of urban migration, increased access to education, mobile technologies, micro-credit and low market entry costs, women will create work and start businesses more readily than ever. Named and shamed - twelve Australian companies have been named in the Annual Equal Opportunity for Women in the Workplace report for their non-compliance. The companies either failed to submit a report or did not meet the prescribed conditions that support women in the workplace. The companies are now prohibited from trading with the Federal Government and some State and Territory Governments and they are no longer eligible for certain industry assistance programs. new data shows that more women than men are joining South Australia’s workforce. The Australian Bureau of Statistics figures show that 1.7 women entered the workforce for each man who started work in the decade to June 2009. The proportion of the workforce who are women and hold a bachelor degree also increased, from 38.8 per cent in 1999 to 43.4 per cent in 2009. Almost two-thirds of the public sector workforce are women.


The steady grow th in the numbe r of women parti cipating in the workforce cont inues. Australia n Bureau of Statist ics’ recent figure s put female parti cipation rates at a record high of 59.3 per cent . Back in Februa ry 1978, the earli est figure given by the ABS, the rate was 43.5 per ce nt. For men over the same perio d the participat ion rate has gone th e other way from 79.5% in Fe bruary 1978 to 66.1% in Novem ber 2010.

A survey of small business owners has found 64 per cent had only one week’s leave or less during 2010. of those who took no leave, 74 per cent said they could not afford to have a holiday, while just under half said they had no back-up to run their business or did not have time to take a break. The Australian Taxation Office (ATO) has a new category of small business benchmarks that will allow it to more accurately select businesses for a review or audit. The ATO will use these benchmarks to determine the average proportion of cash sales a business should be making and which businesses are not reporting as much cash income as others in the same industry. Businesses whose performance falls significantly outside one or more of these benchmarks are more likely to be selected for a review or audit. A new survey has found that the opportunities from online advertising are immense but many smaller businesses have no idea whether they are reaching potential customers. A survey of 1,800 small and medium-sized enterprises found that 69 per cent don’t measure the return on their online advertising investment. in addition, 79 per cent of Smes don’t have a digital business strategy guiding their investment, highlighting the confusion that exists around the strength of online advertising.

top among the d is ranked equality r de New Zealan n ge r e world fo the United nations of th a report from to g in l Gender Gap accord ba lo h the latest G In s. n io at n ranked fift N and is agai al Ze s n ew ia N , av Report Scandin , behind the was in the world ralia, which st u A e ov ab es ac pl and 18 ty-third. rated twen

interactive entertainment Association of Australia has released a study predicting that mums are set to overtake teenage boys as the new gamers. nearly half of all gamers are women over 30. Today’s games on Facebook, which has 10 million active users in Australia, are all about nurturing, such as buying pets for Pet Society or keeping fish for the Happy Aquarium. Women with children spend longer online and almost half that time is spent on social networks. They visit Facebook several times a day and when they do, they also sneak in a quick session on a game. visa ran a recent study that determined the dangers from cyber crime, such as fraud, are often underestimated. many small businesses think that cyber criminals tend to target larger companies; nothing is further from the truth. cyber criminals love small business as they can be a soft target and incidents usually go unreported. given the automated tools at their disposal, it’s easy for them to hit multiple businesses in a short space of time. You’ve heard about the ‘glass ceiling,’ now there is a ‘glass cliff’. new research from Yale university finds that when a woman holds a high level job traditionally held by the opposite gender, they are judged more harshly for their mistakes. Counter-stereotypical individuals (such as female police chiefs) are always in danger of falling. When you’re a woman in a high status leadership role, it is all about how long you can hang on. clearly, gender matters when giving to a charitable cause. a study has found that whilst women and men are both engaged in philanthropy, their giving priorities are different. pro Bono australia reports that a survey found women across virtually every income level are more likely to give to charity and to give more money on average than their male counterparts. the study also found that women are 50 per cent more likely to support international and community causes than men, making this the biggest difference in giving between the genders. griffith university has been named as Australia’s leading organisation with over 800 employees for the advancement of women by taking out the equal opportunity for Women in the Workplace Agency’s Business Achievement Awards. Women make up 25 per cent of senior academic staff and the university has set itself the goal of being a national leader in this area with a target of having 33.3 per cent of women in senior academic roles by 2013.

australia’s next top golfing star is on the rise and she is only eleven. lily Baker who lives in port macquarie has cracked her way into the women’s ‘a’ grade competition with a handicap of 20. the pint-sized golfer has big plans for a future career with an aim to become pro which she cannot do until she is 18. currently working towards a scholarship in the United states this is one young woman to watch. Autumn 2011 n Working Women® 3

WW uPFronT


BUsIness MatChMaKer

Born in China and educated in Australia, SAnDrA Li (min Li) is a cross-cultural phenomenon and a dream weaver for entrepreneurs. Acting as a matchmaker for Australian and Chinese businesses her multi-million dollar empire has yielded billions of dollars for hundreds of entrepreneurs. As a graduate from the University of New South Wales, Sandra Li has taken courses at Universities both in China and Australia, majoring in Industry Relations and Migration Law. Sandra should have followed the traditional career ladder and been contented with being a lawyer; however her life path took off in another direction. Her business journey started the year after she graduated from University. Ambitious to succeed in the legal world, Sandra began working as a paralegal; however she noticed that clients were experiencing unnecessary detours when it came to business and immigration issues. Sandra decided to make the brave move of opening her own consultancy to meet this need. Starting her small business providing immigration services with only three staff, Sandra’s company AAC Immigration Services now employs over 30 staff and has offices in both Sydney and China. The business has helped hundreds of Chinese entrepreneurs set up their businesses in Australia and has introduced an equal number of Australian companies into China, allowing them to successfully establish their markets overseas. Sandra has created much of her success by utilising strategic networking opportunities. In 1997, she became one of the youngest female Australian Chinese ‘Justice of the Peace’ which led her to be involved in Chinese leaders’ official visits to Australia. These strong networking connections have led to the opening of her offices in China where her focus is on matching entrepreneurs and funds between Australia and China. “It is so hard to do business in China,” said Sandra. The business practices, culture, and

core values are so different to those in Australia. In China most deals rely on relationships and almost always you need to know the right person to get anything done. In Australia, business registration is simple and everything is fair and transparent. However in China the interpretation of the law and regulations can be very difficult for a business to navigate. The business registration process alone is an overwhelming task.

well positioned to connect entrepreneurs with the right business partners, opening doors for future business potential. When it comes to becoming a global economic giant it’s all about knowing which door to open and having that door opened for you that makes a business globally competitive. n

As a licensed immigration advisor with rich experience, Sandra and her team assist their Chinese clients to realise their immigration dreams. The multi-million dollar business yields billions of dollars for hundreds of entrepreneurs both in Australia and in China.

1. Learn from business mentors including men, they have different vision as perceivers.

Sandra also champions Australian products such as olive oil, wine, clothing and creative designs which has resulted in one of her clients becoming a major importer of Australian wine and olive oil into China. Sandra provides her Chinese clients with the opportunity to meet Australian partners to help them achieve business success. One particular client of Sandra’s now has a growing and stable revenue of 50 million dollars annually; an undoubtedly significant accomplishment for any aspiring entrepreneur. Sandra’s clients have funds, skills and markets, which undoubtedly provide valuable resources to Australian enterprises. So, like a business match maker, Sandra links businesses together yielding higher revenue and more significant results for both parties. With business connections around the world becoming more vital, businesses are looking for opportunities to achieve globalisation. With an established company and networking in both China and Australia, Sandra and her team are

san dr a’s tI ps For BUsI n ess sUCCess:

2. Take advice from cross-industry opinion groups and value the group discussion results. 3. Participate in as many seminars as possible because just one point may trigger wonderful leads. 4. mingle with lucky people as their positive energy flow will inspire you. 5. network with overseas enterprises as this will multiply the opportunities for your business. 6. read success stories of business icons and replicate their solid points. 7. Be grateful and generous and always make time to help people in need. 8. Be presentable and demonstrate positive attitudes. 9. exercise regularly as it keeps you healthy and trains your brain. 10. Apply the Feng Shui theory to your office setting to smooth your business progress.

Sandra has created much of her success by utilising strategic networking opportunities. In 1997, she became one of the youngest female Australian Chinese ‘Justice of the Peace’ which led her to be involved in Chinese leaders’ official visits to Australia. 4 Working Women® n Autumn 2011

in Li)

Sandra Li (M

ices cOntact ration Serv AAC Immig business 8 28 7 +61 (0) 417 28 PHOne aacimmigra @ fo in email

Autumn 2011 n Working Women速 5

6 Working Women速 n Autumn 2011


WW uPFronT

Business Friends

the rIGht MIX

Two best friends, one small business and absolutely no dramas! read how two office juniors took over a small business and transformed it into a thriving enterprise. Be empowered by their inspirational business and life journey. Most people will tell you that friends and business don’t mix. But in the case of Natalie Tink and Kylie Kovacevic, that could not be further from the truth.

The girls became friends when they started work as office juniors at a small publication, ‘Coast to Coast Media’. Little did they know that they were not only destined to become great friends but their friendship and ability to work so well together as staff members would one day put them in an amazing position. They would not only own the business that brought them together, but they would also transform it into one of Australia’s most successful business and property magazines. So how did Kylie and Natalie - who didn’t even finish high school - become the owners of a nationwide magazine? Well, they had faith in themselves, a standout work ethic, good timing and just a little bit of luck.

Like most businesses, Coast to Coast Media has had its share of highs and lows, and as anyone in business would know, you have to ride out the bad times. However, the previous owners didn’t believe in that philosophy and at one of the low times, they decided they wanted to move on.

Natalie and Kylie purchased the business over ten years ago and at that time it was producing a 70 page, black and white newsprint style magazine. It had a very limited distribution and small readership. Now with these two business babes at the helm, the overall size and quality of the magazine has dramatically increased. Distributed to most leading newsagencies right across Australia, the publication became so popular that it had to be split into two separate magazines, one for business and one for property. The exponential growth of the business over recent years is a direct result of two women joining forces and disproving the saying that, ‘Friends and business don’t mix.’ Having an unquestioned faith in each other’s abilities has been their self-confessed secret to success. Kylie and Natalie think in a very similar fashion and having each other to bounce ideas off before making final decisions has been an invaluable tool in the success of their business. Recently, both women have become mothers which has added an unforeseeable amount of

change to their daily business lives. Through the support they provided each other from the very beginning, they have shown that business women can also be great mothers as long as they surround themselves with people who believe in them. 2011 is going to be an even bigger year for Natalie and Kylie due to the expansion of their business into overseas’ markets. Their efforts are now turning to building their company into a valuable asset to pass on to their children. n

k Natalie Tin ast Media Coast to Co 6937 +61 (7) 5437 u ag tocoastm www.coast

cOntact business PHOne

s I X I n Va lUa B l e B U s I n e s s tI ps :

Not prepared to play the waiting game for a sale, the business was offered to its two best female employees. A purchase plan was established and with a big question mark hanging over both their futures, the girls took the plunge into the unknown world of entrepreneurship. They pushed forward with a sense of excitement and a very real understanding that failing just wasn’t an option.

1. Find great staff. Keep striving to find the right people who can help improve your business. Focus on creating a solid team environment so no one ever wants to be the one that lets the team down.

It wasn’t easy sailing for these young entrepreneurs. There were a lot of sleepless nights, uncertain times and long periods where they were not even able to pay themselves a wage. It took several years of hard work and sacrifice but the girls made it through together and came out the other side.

3. Visualise your goals. A simple but effective way to do this is to have a dream board in your office work area. A pin board that has your goals written out so that you can see them at a glance anytime of the day. Include pictures of your personal goals such as a new car or holiday.

2. Keep your finger on the pulse with all outgoings. Always look for a better deal with your goods and services. You will be amazed at what you can save if you take the time to compare and ask for better rates.

4. Make your leisure time count. It can sometimes be very hard to switch off from work mode when the time finally comes to finish up for the week. It is important for your business that you go back to work as fresh as possible. 5. Doing some form of daily exercise can be a very positive part of any business woman’s day. Factoring in 20 to 30 minutes of exercise into your daily agenda will help you unload stress and feel good about yourself. 6. Never ask somebody to do something you are not prepared to do yourself. We have based our whole business careers on this philosophy and it has served us well. Autumn 2011 n Working Women® 7

WW Business Success

The heart of Enterpreneurship Understanding Managerial Behaviours

Your employees may not own your business but it is your staff, when you are not present, who are the driving force behind your business’s success and endeavours. BABETTE BENSOUSSAN explains the effect the managerial behaviours of staff can have on business outcomes.

So you want your business to be more entrepreneurial and your employees more innovative and productive? Therefore, you want your employees to continue to provide the good service and quality on which you have and are building your reputation but with the ability to add value to your business, without you having to be there all the time to tell them how. To create an innovative and entrepreneurial environment, it is important to fully understand what entrepreneurship means to you. The press often define the term as starting and operating a new business. Managers on the other hand describe entrepreneurship in such terms as innovative, flexible, dynamic, risk taking, creative and growth oriented. These views are often used to describe the success of organisations such as Apple, Google and General Electric. However, none of these definitions are precise enough for managers wishing a more entrepreneurial organisation. For every successful company there are thousands of new restaurants, clothing stores, and consulting firms who have tried to be innovative, creative and growth oriented, yet they have failed. So how can you be different? How can you make innovation, flexibility and creativity operational? To help answer these questions, we need to look at entrepreneurial behaviour. Numerous writers on the topic suggest that the best approach is to view managerial behaviour in terms of extremes. At one extreme you have the entrepreneur who feels confident of his or her ability to seize opportunities, expecting surprises and the need to adjust to changes with the ability to make the most of these changes and to make things happen. Whereas, at the other extreme, you have the administrator who is fearful of change and the unknown and whose inclination is to maintain stability and follow traditional business norms. Most of us exist between these two extremes. Companies of all sizes have difficulty in encouraging entrepreneurship when the individual’s needs and the company’s interests do 8 Working Women® n Autumn 2011

not coincide. It is not an easy task. The pressures that push a company to either end of the scale are often determined by factors of timing and resources coupled with personal, organisational and competitive forces. Regardless, the difference in approaches becomes apparent in response to the following questions.

Where is the opportunity for my business? The first step to identifying an opportunity requires a market or external approach rather than an internal or resource approach. It is important to remember here that most readily available information is generalised and intended to inform in a universal way. Rarely is generalised information - which just about anyone can access - tailored enough to support business decision making which has to occur in the context of a particular company’s situation. The entrepreneur however is attuned to environmental changes, constantly scanning information, which may provide a favourable opportunity, while the administrator seeks to preserve resources and reacts defensively to possible threats. Administratively-oriented companies approach new opportunities more cautiously, while successful market-oriented businesses are aware

that change is inevitable and therefore they keep their organisations learning. Entrepreneurs are not just opportunistic gamblers. They have to be creative and innovative. They may not necessarily break new ground but perhaps may mix old ideas in such a way as to provide new services or applications. Some new software companies, for example, are simply altering existing technologies or are repackaging them to accommodate new perceived market segments.

What resources do I have and how do I control them? Necessity is the mother of invention and many people who start a business make imaginative use of their limited resources. An engineer may discover selling skills which she or he never knew they possessed or a restaurant owner may quickly adjust to waiting on tables. Most of the risk in entrepreneurial management lies in the effort to pursue opportunities with inadequate or inappropriate resources. The only control that an entrepreneur needs from a resource is the ability to use it, while an administrator believes that resources are inadequately controlled unless they are owned or on the payroll. Using external resources as required is, in itself, an opportunity to maintain

costs while providing a service equal to or better than larger competitors. Entrepreneurs learn to use other people’s resources while keeping the option open on bringing them in-house. A small publishing company may hire a freelancer to make editorial improvements, or contract with a typesetting company or binding company and even contract with a public relations firm to sell the book to stores. There is no need therefore to control all the resources necessary. It should be remembered that, apart from the effective allocation of scarce resources, successful entrepreneurs seek plateaux of success where they can consolidate their gains before moving to pursue further opportunities. It is important, when possible, to pause and give both employees and internal systems time to adjust. This may not always be possible as booming markets often don’t allow growing companies the luxury of a pause.

What structure is best? In organising business, there is a distinct difference between the entrepreneur and the administrator. The entrepreneur tries to ‘feel’ the way events are unfolding. While the administrator views organisational relationships more formally i.e. rights, responsibilities and authority. Power and status, expressed in a hierarchy and financial rewards, push companies towards the administrative end with the control of the resources also influencing the approach to a business operation. Businesses that use or rent resources by necessity develop informal networks both internally and externally from which new opportunities may be gleaned. It is up to individual companies to allow favourable conditions for entrepreneurship to flourish. That means, encouraging the pursuit of opportunity, the most appropriate commitment and use of resources and the breakdown of hierarchy. These goals are not easy to reach, particularly if your company needs to be turned around. It is much easier and safer for companies to stay with the familiar than to explore the unknown. Only by encouraging change and experimentation can companies of all sizes adapt and grow in the midst of uncertainty. n

soussan Babette Ben cOntact fts Group hi dS in The M business 6 322 34 +61 (0) 403 PHOne u .a m co hifts. www.minds

Are You Petite? Do you find hemlines always too long and necklines dangerously low? Petites aren’t tiny. Petite sizing is styled to fit anyone under 5’4” or 160cm tall. The key to a professional look is well fitting clothes. As a working woman who needs to look my best, I have been on a mission to bring high quality petite fashion to Australia. At last, Pocket Diva has arrived! Beautiful, fashionable, grown up clothes, to suit your needs from casual to corporate. Shop from home for delivery to your door. That’s one less hassle, and a treat you deserve.


1300 916 383 Autumn 2011 n Working Women® 9

success WW BuSineSS SuCCeSS

Can Be FUn

Don’t lose yourself on your road to success; get funny and be happy! Join an optimistic kirSTY o’CALLAgHAn as she conveys the importance of humour in the success of your business.

Have you noticed that some people on their road to success get enveloped in the illusion of ‘a serious business person is a professional business person’ and become inclined to lose their ability to have fun? Well, there is a secret ingredient that these people may be missing. With it, they will achieve their success faster, easier and most of all, healthier. It is humour. Nothing works faster or more reliably to bring your mind and body back into balance than a good laugh. Humour inspires, motivates, connects you to others, and keeps you grounded, focused and above all, alert.

Because of humour’s social nature, people with a healthy sense of humour are less overwhelmed in tough situations; they are more cheerful and less rigid. They are also able to use laughter to diffuse hostility and encourage cooperation when working in a team and completing projects. People who laugh well together work well together. When using humour in either a professional or personal standing, it can have either a positive or negative effect. Understanding different types of humour will assist you to have a positive effect. Poking light-hearted fun at yourself can provide a much needed relief from tense situations. Putdown humour, teasing, sarcasm and ridicule are

Consider that having more humour in your personal and professional life will increase creativity, teamwork, opportunities and ultimately productivity. The reality is that people are attracted to an element of fun and laughter. Humour has been reported to do many positive things to your body. It’s responsible for elevating your mood, breaking up boredom, reducing fatigue and giving you a more flexible outlook on life. Humour also boosts your immune system, reduces stress, relaxes muscles and lowers your blood pressure. Consider that having more humour in your personal and professional life will increase creativity, teamwork, opportunities and ultimately productivity. The reality is that people are attracted to an element of fun and laughter.

10 Working Women® n Autumn 2011

not the best idea as they may cause self-esteem issues, misunderstandings and resentment from others. Telling funny jokes can lighten the mood. Jokes can provide a sense of togetherness, as long as the joke doesn’t isolate other individuals. Observational humour is the healthiest of all humour. People who use this type of humour have a unique outlook on life. They are always able to see the bright side of things and they don’t take themselves too seriously. This enables them to deal more easily with daily stress in their life at work and at home. Observational humour is the

only type of humour which can be enjoyed alone. As a result, studies linking humour with health have tended to support this type of humour. It is well known that not only children, that adults also learn more through play, so here are a few tips on how to be successful through fun. n

Limit sarcasm. It has the potential to be taken the wrong way in a work environment.


Joke appropriately. Don’t just memorise the latest joke making the rounds on email. Tailor your jokes to the individual or situation, and keep them clean.


Be funny. Making a funny comment to diffuse tension is a great idea, but don’t overdo it.


Surround yourself with positive and fun people. Spend time with those who are upbeat and avoid negative people whenever possible.


Laugh with others. You can be seen as having a great sense of humour without ever telling a joke. Just listen to those around you and share in their laughter.


Today, let go and have fun. Remind yourself to have fun and laugh every day. n

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Autumn 2011 n Working Women速 11


hoW to set Up a

mastermind grOuP

Smart small business owners have clicked into the power of creating a regular mastermind or brainstorming group. They use this group as a sounding board for new ideas, innovations, business challenges and in many cases informal mentorship. Let’s face it, not only do you get to know this handful of people extremely well, you also get to tap into their business acumen and knowledge. And when it’s well planned and organised, it can be a win-win for all the mastermind members, not just you. The eleven point checklist for setting up a successful mastermind group:

1. Every mastermind group needs a driver or organiser. The organiser will firstly want to decide what they want to achieve from the mastermind group. Make a list of at least five things you hope to be achieve from regular meetings with a specific group.

12 Working Women® n Autumn 2011

one of the biggest challenges faced by many small business owners is the shortage of people to bounce ideas off. roBYn HenDerSon explores the solution to this universal challenge.

offer a potential mastermind group. Dig deep here, maybe you can provide the venue, refreshments and transport - ideally if you have potentially four members - each will contribute different things.

with the group, the return on investment that the group members can expect, when you will meet for the first time, the meeting time that suits most people and the trial period time frame. Basically you are preparing your mastermind plan here that you will present to the prospects.

3. A list of prospective members for the group

5. Work out your return on investment for the

2. Secondly, list ten things that you have to

should then be developed. This should consist of people you know and trust, people who ideally work outside of your profession or industry. This will ensure that they can give you ideas with fresh eyes, rather than the “this is how we’ve done it for years” attitude. You are looking for 4-5 people with similar values and ethics to you. They may have different ways of thinking and expressing themselves, but they are known to be honest, reliable, professional and good communicators.

4. Create a time line of when you will make contact with the prospects. Prepare a brief outline of what outcomes you hope to achieve

group. Lets look at potentially meeting with this group twice a month for 1 hour. Meeting time - 1 hour Travel to and from venue - 2 hours Action to be taken post event - say 2 hours With a total of five hours per meeting with two meetings a month, that’s 110 hours of your time over an annual period. At a charge out rate of $250 per hour, this mastermind group is potentially going to cost you $27,500 in the next 12 months plus 2.75 weeks of your time. It is important to plan the mastermind group, set rules, make people accountable and to choose

Looking to refinance wisely. Is every person on the list worth 2.75 weeks of your time in the next 12 months?

6. At this point in time, many mastermind groups do not proceed as the organiser throws in the towel, deeming it to be all too hard and they don’t have that much time to spare. If that is the case, consider reducing the meetings to once a month, for a longer time. Constantly be aware through your ROI and aim for quality mastermind groups not quantity.

7. After preparing a summary of your mastermind outline, make contact with your mastermind prospects and ask if you can forward the outline to them. Make sure to include the first proposed meeting date. Don’t take it personally if they reject your offer, it is better to have an early rejection than an undercommitted participant.

for a fresh start to the new year?

With the latest move in interest rates many people are looking for a more competitive product for their property loan(s). Refinancing can save you money, but it’s not a sure thing. Tips to consider before you refinance: n

Do you have the time? If not get a broker, it is best to know the details and if you don’t have time to do it properly you could get stung.


Make sure your home is nicely presented when the valuer comes to visit! Feel free to have some info ready like recent sales in the area to give to them.


Make sure your credit history is in order! A default can bring you unstuck.


The best product for YOU may not be the lowest rate.

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8. On the first mastermind meeting day, plan to arrive early at the venue. You may get a no-show on the day. Many people agree in principal to something and then find that due to prior commitments or unexpected events, they cannot honour their agreement. Prepare an agenda and stick to it. Give people opportunities to discuss their business while still keeping the meeting informal at this stage. Be sure to highlight the ROI expected and discuss best and worst case scenarios. Ensure that each person has an equal amount of time to discuss their own business challenge.

9. It may take a couple of meetings before the

The average retiree has less than $50,000 in superannuation. Don’t be this statistic!

bridge of trust is strong enough for people to let their guard down and discuss business challenges they may be having. Be patient with this.

Talk to Olivia Maragna, recently named Queensland’s Telstra Young Business Woman of the Year about how she can help you achieve financial success.

10. Allow for exit clauses. You may like to

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place a 45 day trial period to see how things are travelling. If things are not working out by then, dissolve the mastermind group without any hard feelings. This one point will ensure clean breaks if required.

11. We can find excuses every day to stay in our comfort zone and not approach others who can help us to grow our businesses and our careers. Yet if we have courage, face our fears and make our dreams, goals and targets greater than our fears - we can have whatever we want in life. When one open mind connects with another open mind in a mastermind situation magic always happens

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Get the ball rolling - begin compiling your list of potential mastermind group participants today. n

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Brand building Advertising Powerpoint production Target Marketing Design and production of sales collateral Mail-outs

Autumn 2011 n Working Women® 13

WW HumAn reSourCeS

mentoring develop and run a successful Workplace program

Do mentoring programs really give women an advantage career wise? Sue BrougHTon and meLiSSA SmiTH share useful resources and opportunities, combined with lessons from their personal experiences, to show the way in which a successful mentoring program can enable career success. It is said that when you learn, you teach and when you teach, you learn. This is the motto that should be embraced in all successful business careers. Implementing a successful mentoring program is one of the essential tools which enables an organisation to grow, to show their key people that they are valued and to improve retention, thus reducing operating costs. Mentors can be useful resources in finding out what performance expectations are. Mentors are also critical for women managers seeking to find a style with which male managers are comfortable. Exclusion from networks, lack of mentoring and the absence of women role models are the key barriers to most business women’s advancement in some organisations. Different types of mentoring programs share a core set of fundamental success factors and they are as follows: n

A link to business strategy.


Leadership commitment.


Devotion of adequate resources.


Supportive culture.


Realistic participant expectations.

It has been identified on drawing upon senior management experience in diverse industries when consulting and assisting the leaders in their fields, that in order to be successful a mentoring program should be tailored to the specific culture and workplace. However, generally, a mentoring program should

be designed to provide the mentoree with opportunities to: n

Develop connections and networks within the organisation.


Continue to develop professionally.


Ensure there is an appropriate match between organisational and personal objectives.


What mentoring is already in place?


How do we communicate to employees about the mentoring program?


What are the business reasons for developing a mentoring program?


What are the criteria for success?


Who needs to be involved in developing the program?


Be oriented to the culture of the organisation.


Be alert to where career development opportunities may exist within the company.


Who is going to manage and co-ordinate the program?


Understand the breadth and scope of the organisation as a whole as well as the new projects and future directions of the company.


How will employees be motivated to participate?


Who needs to be consulted? What other information do we need?


What tips and guidance should we give mentoring partners?


What ongoing support should we make available to the mentoring partners?


How many mentors should we encourage employees to have?


What steps can we take to improve the program continuously?


What challenges do we need to avoid?


How are we going to measure and report on the success?


What does a successful mentoring program look like to us?

In training, mentors are taught that their role is about establishing a trustful relationship. Mentors understand that their relationship with a mentoree is very different from a managerial one and that this relationship allows them to grow and succeed. When a mentoree wishes to continue the relationship after the formal program, there can be no greater compliment for the mentor. It has been identified that about 80% of pairs continue some type of contact after the formal program is over. This is a reflection on how well the pairs are able to establish a developmental and mentoring relationship. What are the results in your program? Are you getting good feedback? If not, what is missing in making your program more successful? Through addressing the questions below, you will be able to go through and highlight any areas where improvement is required in your workplace.

With the right vision and plan, your organisation can be on its way towards a program that works. Mentoring within an organisation is best grounded within the existing culture. By incorporating some of the principles outlined into your strategic plan, you can develop a successful mentoring program for your organisation. Whether you are looking at external versus internal programs, or formal versus informal, or even informal versus facilitated mentoring, each has a very useful application depending on the workplace. n

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14 Working WomenÂŽ n Autumn 2011

WW HumAn reSourCeS

Don’t get led UP THe GaRDen PaTH Creating a thriving workforce within a small business can be a challenge. kAren SCHmiDT shares with you her top seven staffing myths that many small business owners are guilty of. Running a small business requires a range of skills. Smart owners know that they should take advice from others in areas that are outside their expertise. The problem is that unless you are careful you can find yourself getting bad advice from well meaning people who may be operating from old paradigms. This is particularly true when it comes to the topic of staff. The result can be that you waste time, money and sleep plus potentially damage your reputation with employees, customers and suppliers. So what are some of the staffing myths that lead small business owners up the garden path?

1. Use family, it’s cheaper It may be cheaper in terms of wage costs but employing family members can turn out to be far more expensive than you might imagine in the long run. Giving directions or correcting errors is hard enough with a paid employee but when it’s your spouse, child or cousin it can be even more difficult. Plus, it all depends on whether that family member has the right skill set for the job. It is false economy to let someone perform a role when they don’t really know what they are doing and other people have to compensate for their lack of skill.

2. stick with casuals and contractors This is a great way to have flexibility and avoid unfair dismissal laws but it is not the best way to create a committed, engaged group of people who are passionate about helping your business to succeed. Sure, use short term hires for tasks and projects that really are short term but when it comes to ongoing work you are always better off with someone who has a greater level of commitment to the business. The only way you can get them to commit is if you commit to them by making them a permanent employee.

3. hire people that are like you In theory this sounds great, but in practice it can limit the growth of your business and lead to insular thinking. Unless your customers represent a very narrow and easily defined demographic, having a range of people on your team can be an excellent way of customising

your service offering. IBM learnt this one the hard way when they found that recruiting people who were identical just didn’t work.

4. Use young people, they are cheaper I’m all for giving young people a start in their career but don’t employ them simply because you perceive that they will cost less because you may find it costing you more money. If a more experienced person is required they are likely to be more cost effective in the long run as a young, inexperienced person will require greater training and more supervision to get them up to speed.

5. don’t use young people, they are too much trouble The wrong young people are too much trouble, just as the wrong people of any age can be. Avoid stereotyping someone simply because of their age. Yes, they will require a bit more guidance on the unwritten rules of work but think of the upside. You have the opportunity to train them to your requirements, rather than having to retrain a more experienced person who may have developed bad habits in past jobs.

6. you can’t compete with larger organisations for the real talent There are just as many advantages and disadvantages working for a large corporation as there are working for a small business. Many people are making a calculated decision to regain their work life balance, to find employment in their local community and feel they are contributing something rather than simply making money for a faceless conglomerate. Good people are looking for good employers so if you can become one it doesn’t matter how big or small you are.

7. If you pay people enough money the rest doesn’t matter Oh yes it does. There has been study after study that proves, after a certain point, money ceases to motivate people. They need something else, something less tangible to keep them working at their best, to get them caring about what they do and how they do it. In fact, one of the most valuable rewards is flexible working conditions for both parents and non-parents.

There are just as many advantages and disadvantages working for a large corporation as there are working for a small business.

This is something that small businesses are ideally placed to offer. How many of these staffing myths have you been guilty of believing? How far up the wrong path have those beliefs taken you? If you want to get back on the path to an engaged workforce then start by examining the way you think and then developing some new beliefs. Before you know it you will be on the right track for staffing success. n

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Autumn 2011 n Working Women® 15

WW BuSineSS STrATegieS

Keep that


flOWi ng

Cash is crucial to keeping any business running. if your cash tightens up, you may as well have severed your carotid artery! Join DonnA STone as she outlines 21 simple tips to keep your cash flowing.

Lack of cash flow has been, and will continue to be, the downfall of businesses regardless of their size because without a consistent cash flow, all businesses will find themselves in a very unpleasant position. It sounds ridiculous, but too many companies focus on the delivery of their products and services and neglect the need to be consistent when it comes to asking for payment.

5. Keep stock purchases to a minimum - don’t

14. Ask suppliers for early payment discounts.

carry any more stock than necessary. Of course you have to have stock to keep the business going, but know what moves and what does not.

Although you know discounting isn’t good, this does not mean you can’t ask your suppliers for discounts if you pay early or are a long term customer.

especially if you have stock. It’s quite common to ask for a 30 per cent deposit on a high stock item.

16. Ensure your marketing and advertising is working. Track your leads. Ask every new enquiry how they heard about you and write it down.

Well, ‘cash is king’ and if you intend to be successful in business you will need heaps of it. Here are 21 practical and down to earth tips to keep that cash flowing into your business:

8. Don’t release your products and services

17. Review and revamp your website. In the

until you have received payment. Many serviceorientated businesses, will not release work until they are paid, or at least the old account is settled.

age of technology, most people search via the internet and for most businesses an effective website can really generate a lot of income.

1. Send invoices immediately or frequently.

9. If you have a client who has a bad history

18. Have a good accountant as this will help

of payment or looks to be going bankrupt, then definitely work on a pre-payment system. With a bad history, it’s very fair to ask for pre-payment in order to keep doing their work.

legally with tax liabilities. Additionally, their professional service could possibly reduce the need for instalment and thus, allow more movement in your bank account.

10. Consider sacking the ‘D’ grade clients. If

19. See your solicitor or accountant regarding

they are hard work, always unjustly complain and then don’t pay - you don’t want them. Move them out to make room for new ‘A’ grade clients.

your entity setup. Not only is the setup critical for asset protection, but quite often you can legally pay less tax with the correct setup. For example, why pay individual tax at 46.5 per cent, rather than corporate tax at 30 per cent?

Businesses who are involved in large projects should invoice in instalments (progress claims). Otherwise, invoices should be sent immediately or at least weekly after the sale or job.

2. Make payment methods easy for clients. Include your bank details on the invoice and have various options for payment, i.e. direct, bpay, credit card or cheque.

3. Collect debt every week. Yes - weekly! Have a system or schedule and keep notes on communicative interactions. When someone makes a promise but fails to meet the terms, follow up by referring to the noted promises and when they were made. It’s a statistical fact that the longer you let an account go unpaid, the more likely you won’t receive payment at all.

4. Know your margins and keep your bookkeeping up to date. A sale may mean income in the books but in reality, it’s imperative that the client actually makes payment. Hence this, be ahead with your collection days. For example, if your average collection days are 70 and you are buying lots of stock, which has to be paid in 30 days, you are carrying too much. Try to close the gap. If you can buy on credit, 30 days from end of month, buy early in the month, so you essentially get up to 60 days. Cut the debtors from 70 to 50 days and you’ll be ahead. 16 Working Women® n Autumn 2011

6. Have customer agreements and be sure to cover areas such as the interest and fees you charge on late payment - remember you are not a free bank for your customers. If you owe the ATO money, they have a GIC (general interest charge) so why shouldn’t you?

7. Get clients to pay deposits on work -

11. Look after your ‘A’ and ‘B’ grade clients. Don’t put too much emphasis on gaining new clients without consciously being aware that you are not neglecting existing customers. Be grateful and show thanks to your clientele and perhaps provide a free report, or an additional free service.

12. If you have a new client who has no history with you, work on a pre-payment system for 3-6 months. In a polite way, explain that it is a standard Corporate Policy - most with good payment intentions will understand and fully accept the procedure.

13. Don’t discount. Look at a ‘discounting table’ on the internet - it really can be scary. You will see for example, that if your gross profit margin is 15 per cent and you discount by a tiny 5 per cent, then you actually have to double your sales volume to achieve the same gross profit.

15. Watch your expenses. Ensure you are not paying a fortune in phone services, or bank fees; don’t be impractical. Don’t cut costs on things like marketing and advertising as these costs are actually investments in your business and are critical to its good health and existence.

20. Have a mentor or business coach. Having someone to keep us focussed and on track, can be extremely beneficial to business development and endurance.

21. Educate yourself. Read articles on business subjects, attend seminars and gain knowledge. Sometimes it’s not about learning something new, but refreshing ourselves with reminders on what we should be doing. n

e Donna Ston lting su n Co e Ston 4 633 25 +61 (0) 412 co g. in lt onsu www.stonec

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WW BuSineSS STrATegieS



the healthy Business approach ignoring issues within your business is not a good idea. WenDY FogArTY looks at how the proactive management of your business not only prevents issues from arising but it also stops them from snow-balling out of control. Far too often a business owner will bury their head in the sand choosing to ignore the early warning signs that indicate pressures are building in their business. On the other hand, there is the proactive business owner who willingly takes action as issues come to light. So which camp do you sit in? The fact is that if you allow pressure points to mount within your business, one issue will become tangled in the next and before you know it, you will be dealing with a monster explosion that will have a viral effect throughout your entire organisation. Issues such as corrupt workplace culture, customer complaints, product returns, operational inconsistencies, accidents in the workplace, poor performance, lack of compliance, financial distress and security breaches are all predicaments that can escalate if left unaddressed and in turn, can have a detrimental effect on your business. Three top proactive management tips:

1. lIsten to CUstoMers n

Adopt an ongoing improvement culture in your business by providing regular opportunities for your customers to give feedback.


Listen closely, gather information, assess findings and then identify opportunities for improvement.


Implement improvements and maintain communications with your customers so they know you are proactively working towards meeting their current and future needs in line with changing markets.


Use problems in the business as an opportunity to improve your business.

2. CoMMUnICate WIth staFF n


Provide opportunities for staff to become involved in the decision making of your business and be actively involved in its ongoing development. Keep lines of communication open and take time to understand each person on your team individually.


Adopt a range of strategies that enhance the internal communications of the business. Use strategies such as team and individual meetings, workplace mentoring, staff feedback reviews, conferences, newsletters, brainstorming sessions, incentive programs, workplace recognition awards and executive coaching.

3. FoCUs on perForManCe and oUtCoMes n

Involve your team in the future direction of your business. This includes its performance, goals, challenges and successes.


Monitor performance against targets and industry benchmarks on a regular basis.


Provide support where needed to ensure the people on your team are well equipped for success.

The fact is that if you allow pressure points to mount within your business, one issue will become tangled in the next and before you know it, you will be dealing with a monster explosion that will have a viral affect throughout your entire organisation. Proactive management will allow you to have a range of strategies that continually enable you to identify and address problems even if they are small so you become able to manage problems rather than simply react to them as they occur. Don’t wait for a customer complaint to trigger a reaction or staff turnover to increase before you start investigations. Proactive management is simply a form of good management and will enable your business to remain robust in the marketplace. n

rty Wendy Foga ve & Imperati Important s lution Business So 7 ) 409 662 22 (0 1 +6 PHOne u com.a www.i-ibs.

cOntact business

Autumn 2011 n Working WomenÂŽ 17

WW business strategies

3 keys to building a powerful

brand identity

The development of a strong and memorable brand identity distinguishes and identifies your business from your competitors helping you to build a loyal client base. NONI EDMUNDS highlights three of the key aspects to grandstanding your brand. Brand identity is multi-faceted and includes your business name, brand mark (logo), symbols, colours, slogans, packaging, display, brand personality and every interaction with customers.

Everyone receives thousands of brand messages every day. Every second our subconscious mind receives two million pieces of information. However, our conscious mind can only process five to nine pieces of this information per second.

Find out if your business identity is working as hard as it could be by assessing your current branding against the following three key areas:

Emotion uses the right brain sphere which is also responsible for long term memory and visual communication. Thus, it is important to consider whether your brand mark or logo makes an impression on your audience:

Create an emotional experience Strong brands use emotional appeal to create a persuasive brand experience and trigger associations with products and services.


se the language of colour as a design tool to U create strong emotional responses.


eep in mind the meanings of colour for your K industry and audience.

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18 Working Women® n Autumn 2011


se strong and simple graphic elements to U provide visual cues for memory recall.


rands do more than sell to first time B customers. They also need to deliver to make current customers part of the ‘fan club’ of advocates for the brand and most importantly, convert them into repeat buyers.

Be consistent with your marketing position Your product or service needs to reflect the market position you are targeting. Otherwise, your product or service is cheapened by association of poor quality or your message could be missed altogether.

WW BuSineSS STrATegieS

Every aspect of your business’s brand identity is important so make sure your customers have the best experience with your brand at every encounter. Is your target audience at the premium end of the market or the low value budget end of the market? n


Use design and editorial elements including suitable colours, quality of printing, production and tone of voice. For example, special printing effects with spot varnish effects or metallic inks will add extra luxe for a premium effect. Include sensory elements such as touch, smell or sound. For example, paper stock selection for brochures or with a retail outlet consider the mood created by sound, lighting and audio visual.

deliver on your promises Be consistent across all your communication avenues online and in print. Deliver what you promise in order to maintain credibility. Every aspect of your business’s brand identity is important so make sure your customers have the best experience with your brand at every encounter. n

Seek advice from a design and communications professional to implement strategies suitable for your market.


Create a style manual to ensure your branding remains consistent.


Finally, be brave and dare to be different. Incorporate your brand values into the way you do business and be a leader for your brand. n

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Autumn 2011 n Working Women® 19

WW on THe moneY



We live longer, earn less and look after everyone else before ourselves. it’s no surprise then that on retirement most women find themselves in a financial pickle. oLiViA mArAgnA aspires to educate women about money management and how prepare for their future financial needs. It is universal knowledge that there are distinct differences between men and women, but when it comes to the issue of money there are significant differences. When you consider the following statistics and the rising costs of living expenses in Australia there has never been a more important time for women to seek financial planning advice. Consider the following: n

The number of women in the workforce has increased by almost 25 per cent in the last 25 years.


At least 80 per cent of women will spend at least a decade on their own.


Most Australian women will not have enough money to cover living expenses in their retirement.


On average, women live six years longer than men.


The average length of widowhood is 15 years.


Nearly 40 per cent of Australian marriages end in divorce, with women often financially worse off.


Most single parents in Australia are women.

Source: Australian Bureau of Statistics

These statistics highlight the motivations for why women are beginning to take greater control of their financial futures. Considering that in many cases women are still not paid as highly as men, the following life circumstances can have a more dramatic effect on a woman: 1. When you outlive your partner whether you are young or old 2. Divorce or relationship break down 3. Serious illness for you or your partner 4. A very sick child who requires ongoing medical attention. These are only a few of the complexities life can throw at you and they truly emphasise the need for women to consider their financial position for the future and plan for unexpected events. With a financial plan in place and a professional guiding hand, if disaster strikes at least you will know you are prepared and that you won’t be alone.

That’s why it’s important to plan for your retirement now. If you are a woman, either working for your family or for an employer, take the time to sit down and do some homework. Work out when you would like to retire and do some quick sums on how much money you’d like to retire with. If the two scenarios don’t match, then seeing a good financial adviser will help guide you in the right direction and help you plan a future that suits your personal needs. Important Information - The information and any advice does not take into account your personal objectives, financial situation or needs and so you should consider its appropriateness having regard to these factors before acting on it. n

start plannInG noW When you look at the statistics, there are a vast number of women who may not have accrued the necessary superannuation and will find that their retirement nest egg just won’t last the distance.

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Bondi JuncTion – When: Saturday 2nd April 2011, Time: 2-4pm Place: RSL Club Bondi Junction, 1-9 Gray St, Bondi Junction

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Byron Bay – When: Saturday 14th May 2011, Time: 2-4pm Place: Lord Byron Resort, 120 Jonson St, Byron Bay Cost: $27 per person Early bird price of $17 if booked by the Saturday prior to the seminar date

Ph 1300 552 260 Autumn 2011 n Working Women® 21

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aTo targets eBay


Are your online sale activities just a hobby or do your online transactions resemble those of a fully functioning business that is avoiding tax? PeTer CLArke evaluates the way in which ‘dipping your toes’ into the online world of trading sites can now channel your income data to the Australian Tax office for review or audit. Just recently, the tax office has successfully obtained records from eBay and The Trading Post that now enables them to data match income declared by taxpayers to their income generated online. Targeting those with earnings of $20,000 or more in any of the last three financial years, the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) crackdown is looking for online operators who are effectively running a business but not legally declaring the income. The ATO also expects to catch existing businesses that are generating additional income through trading sites but not declaring the income. The Tax Office will match data from the trading sites to Tax File Number’s, ABN’s, addresses and dates of birth. The data matching program identifies and creates a list of taxpayers ‘of interest’ who are then contacted for a review or audit.

22 Working Women® n Autumn 2011

For many, sites like eBay offer a distribution channel for home or start up businesses without the expense of a shop front or developing a retail network where margins can be squeezed and profits reduced. It’s a way of ‘dipping your toes’ into the retail market to gauge a product line’s appeal without all the overhead costs associated with traditional business. The Tax Office’s focus means that they suspect there are a host of eBay business entrepreneurs who are not declaring their income. At what point do you have to declare the income you have earned to the Tax Office? The Tax Office will be looking to see if your activity online could be deemed to be a business. There is no one test that qualifies your activities as business verses hobby, but factors such as; the regularity of your transactions, whether or not you are promoting yourself as a business by developing a brand

name, if you engage in marketing activities, the size, scale and permanency of your activities and finally, whether you operate in a business-like manner. All of these factors contribute towards the conclusion as to whether what you are doing is a business or merely a hobby. If your activities are just a hobby then the income is not assessable, and the expenses are not deductible. If you are a business then you need to declare the income earned but you also get to claim deductions for the cost of the business activities. n

cOntact business PHOne


Peter Clarke nks Australia Business Li 773 817 +61 (0) 408

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Delving into the world of shares can be a daunting process, especially if you don’t have the theoretical knowledge and experience required. SonYA CoSSArT identifies the options available when deciding to expand your financial portfolio. History has shown that over a long period of time, owning shares as part of a diversified portfolio can deliver strong returns, so why do so many people stand on the sidelines? There are two ways for you to buy shares and build your portfolio. The first includes the use of a full service stockbroker and the second includes the use of a discount broker. Many people look at the brokerage they pay and make their decision based on that factor alone, however there is more to consider when deciding which avenue to follow. Understanding the differences between a discount broker and a full service broker will help you better gauge the benefits each can provide. Discount stockbrokers are primarily used by people for execution only trades; to access the lower brokerage rate. The investor will choose the stock to buy or sell and lodge the order online without getting any advice.

Features of a full service stockbroker: n

The way in which you choose to invest in the stock market is very much dependent on what is right for you. As an investor, your level of interest, experience and time will determine the most appropriate service level that you require. n

Advisers can provide ideas about opportunities to buy shares based on research and more importantly, will suggest when to sell.


You may be able to access company floats from time to time.


Full service brokers may be able to assist you with executing your trades more effectively and efficiently to achieve better price outcomes.


Many full service brokers may allow you access to their research, provide you with investor updates and periodic seminars. Essentially, they are always at the end of the phone to talk you through any ideas or queries you may have.

Features of a discount stockbroker: n



Lower headline brokerage rates - Although the headline rate may look low, be sure to read the fine print about any additional costs that may apply, for example, if you want to specify a price you want to buy or sell at, it may cost more. In many cases, speaking to a person may also cost more than the transaction itself. Some discount brokers may charge a fee for certain administrative functions. The variation within and between providers can be wide. Access to free research - This can be appealing for some while others may be completely overwhelmed by the sheer volume of information. The responsibility to keep up to date with relevant events concerning their companies and to identify opportunities and risks is all on the investor. Investments - The decision regarding which stocks to buy or sell, when to buy or sell and finally at what price to buy or sell for, is up to the investor.

Full service brokers will work with individuals and recommend investments that are appropriate for their relevant personal circumstances including stated goals, needs and comfort with risk. These brokers develop relationships with their clients and understand their clients’ goals.

Brokerage will generally be higher than that of a discount broker - Full service brokerage rates vary between brokers. Here you are paying for the experience, knowledge and service level as well as the supporting administration and portfolio reviews they provide. A statement of advice will be provided to you and it will outline your needs, goals, current position and recommendations.

The way in which you choose to invest in the stock market is very much dependent on what is right for you. As an investor your, level of interest, experience and time will determine the most appropriate service level that you require.

Do you want to invest in property but think you can’t afford it? According to research, less than 45% of women won’t have enough money to retire on and on average we live 10 years longer than males! Yet, at the same time, there is more information available on ‘how to’ invest in property for retirement than ever before. So then… why isn’t everyone investing? Well for most women it’s either being time poor, unsure, or ill informed. Did you know your investment property could be bought by utilising the equity in your own home with no cash outlay? That’s where I can help. My mission is to help you purchase the right investment property. Want the answers to ‘where’, ‘what’ and ‘how’, including paying off your own home quicker while gaining an investment property? My years of experience in real estate have taught me all the pros and cons. I will work with you and provide information on all aspects of property investment so that you make informed decisions. If you’re unsure where to start with property investment, then I encourage you to download my complimentary “Top 5 tips for successful investing” report, where you will gain valuable information on how to succeed in property.

Simply go to and download it FREE!

Paying more may result in a better long term outcome for both the experienced investor and those who are time poor or not comfortable with shares and want some assistance to learn and invest. n

art Sonya Coss curities er Bell Pott Se 1954 +61 (3) 9235 u .a

cOntact business PHOne


Contact Desley Arnold on 0416 084 529 or 07 3870 4002 Autumn 2011 n Working Women® 23

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Selling your business? You might be eligible for a CGT concession

You start a business with the idea in mind of building it into an asset that can be sold for a handsome profit. However, once sold and the applicable capital gains tax is applied, the sale price doesn’t always live up to expectations. We asked SuSAn rALLingS to cover what business owners could be doing to maximize the return on the sale of their business.

Capital Gains Tax can be large and rather painful to have to pay. A lot of businesses may not know that there are concessions available which can lessen your total costs. For this reason, it is important to discuss the options available to you with your accountant before you sell. To qualify for Capital Gains Tax (CGT) Concessions you must have one of the following: n

Be recognised as a small business entity and must continue operating as a business in the current year.


Satisfy the maximum net asset value test; the maximum net asset value threshold is $6 million or the alternative $2 million turnover per annum test.


The entity (individual) is a partner in a partnership that is a small business entity and the CGT asset is an asset of the partnership.

In addition to this, the asset must satisfy the active asset test. If the CGT asset is a share in a company or an interest in a trust, one of these additional basic conditions must be satisfied just before the CGT event: n

The individual must be a CGT concession stakeholder in the company or trust.


The entity that owns the share or interest satisfies the 90 per cent test.

applying the Concessions The small business concessions apply in addition to the individual 50 per cent CGT discount,

where the discount is available to the individual. Therefore, to maximise the tax concessions available (assuming the business meets the small business definition and active assets test), ensure that you discuss the following with your accountant: n

First apply the 15 year asset exemption.


If the 15 year condition is not met, the second step is to apply the 50 per cent CGT discount for individuals. This is not available if the business is a company.


Apply the 50 per cent active asset exemption. This is not compulsory - the active asset exemption can be disregarded. An asset used or held ready for use in the course of carrying on a business, or an intangible asset inherently connected with a business e.g. goodwill.

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24 Working Women® n Autumn 2011

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Next, apply the retirement exemption. This is subject to the $500,000 lifetime limit.


Finally, apply the replacement asset rollover relief - capital gains tax on the sale of an asset can be deferred if the proceeds are used to acquire a replacement asset, or make a capital improvement to an existing asset and satisfy certain conditions.

A lot of these important factors are quite complex and are not always suitable for every business situation. Because of this, ensure you always get advice from a qualified professional.You should talk to your Accountant or Financial Planner to determine what the best strategy is for your individual circumstances. Important Information – The information contained in this article is general information only. It does not take into consideration any specific needs, situations or objectives. Before making any financial decisions you should make sure you are comfortable that the strategy suits your needs and objectives, and your risk profile. If necessary, you should seek professional advice. n

ngs Susan Ralli s Limited ga RBS Mor n 65 48 +61 (7) 3334 m co bsmorgans.

cOntact business PHOne


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Warning signs it has often been said that profit is pointless and cash is king. But do you know why? rHonDALYnn koroLAk explains the importance cash flow has on the livelihood of your business. Knowing exactly where you stand financially - your cash position - means that you don’t have to wonder, “Do I have enough money in the bank to cover my rent and wages this month?” The health and vitality of your business is dependent upon your ability to cover all tax obligations, payments to suppliers and basic operational expenses (i.e. wages, rent etc.) as they come due in your business. Unfortunately, knowing where you stand is not as simple as merely looking at the balance in your bank account or estimating your cash needs at a point in time in the future. Your bank account will indicate your cash on hand (at a point in time) but it will not tell you what your cash flow is. Cash and cash flow are not the same thing. Cash flow is about the movement of cash

in and out of your business as it operates over a period of time. The distinction is critical - if your company is profitable yet it maintains a negative cash flow for an extended period of time, eventually it will run out of money and you will not be able to continue to operate. Therefore, cash flow is king

Almost every business will experience financial distress or pressure at some point in time - the key to survival lies in the owner’s ability to diagnose problem areas and take corrective action quickly. This requires careful monitoring and measurement of key financial metrics which highlight possible areas

Almost every business will experience financial distress or pressure at some point in time - the key to survival lies in the owner’s ability to diagnose problem areas and take corrective action quickly. and knowing your cash flow is critical to staying afloat. You can have the most brilliant product or service but if you don’t have positive cash flow, your business will go under.

of financial pain. Despite the importance of tracking profitability as well as cash flow, many business owners fail to measure even a handful of key performance indicators each month and often ignore the classic warning signs, which if

Tax time blues? Tax Time is coming up fast, which means now is the perfect time to review your portfolio. Why not assess your current financial situation and see if your portfolio is performing to its maximum potential. Susan Rallings, a founding member of the WNA, can help you organise your finances. Susan is qualified to help you review your equities investments and advise on a full range of financial planning services. RBS Morgans Limited A.B.N. 49 010 669 726 AFSL 235410 AParticipant of ASX Group A Principal Member of the Financial Planning Association

To review your portfolio call Susan Rallings on 07 3334 4865 or email

26 Working Women® n Autumn 2011

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YOUR BUSINESS IS HEADING TOWARDS FINANCIAL DISTRESS increase in the volume of business over a short period of time.

left unaddressed, could foreshadow the death of their business.

Over-reliance on borrowed funds. This can occur when the company is not able to run on internally generated funds and cannot service the loan plus all of the other fixed costs of doing business.

Every business that is in distress shows clear symptoms of impaired profitability and cash flow. In fact, there are nine key warning signs that foretell the end is near and must be acted upon immediately to turn the business around:



Lack of up-to-date financial information (timely financial statements, management reports) and failure to calculate and forecast cash flow.


Business is experiencing difficulty paying creditors and tax obligations as they become due.



Continued erosion of gross profit margins, which signifies an inability to control the variable costs of doing business, a reliance on price discounts to entice sales and/or the failure to pass on price increases from suppliers.

Return on assets continues to decline over a period of time indicating the business is making less and less profit for each dollar of assets invested.


High employee turnover and reduced productivity are particularly important indicators because they suggest an inability to maintain staff (intellectual capital) and output at previous levels.


Uncontrolled growth/expansion, in which the business has insufficient working capital to finance the increases in receivables, inventory and payables that come from a substantial


Increasing marketing/advertising spend (as a percentage of sales) over a prolonged period

of time. This may indicate that the business is chasing customers and sales at the expense of profitability. n

A continual need for capital injections/loans because the business is not generating enough operating income internally.

The key to avoiding financial distress and failure in your business is of course, early detection. By being aware of the nine key warning signs, you can focus your attention on what is important in your business, make better decisions and take action that enhances your bottom line and strengthens the long term health and viability of your business. n



ed cOntact ng Unlimit Imagineeri business 4 1300 892 98 PHOne ngunlim

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Autumn 2011 n Working Women速 27

WW mArkeTing


develop a marketing mindset marketing your business when funds are tight can be a tough task to accomplish. expert SAnDrA o’neiLL provides tips on why you should curb ineffective marketing splurges and how opening your market mindset before opening your wallet will save you dollars.

So you want to promote your business, but you don’t want to spend a fortune doing it - well join the club! There isn’t always a silver bullet, but the good news is that you can promote your business without spending a fortune if you know how. You need to get smart, be strategic and have some real direction with where you are heading and what you want to achieve. If you want to save yourself from spending too much on marketing, you need to plan it that way. If you don’t, you will inevitably end up randomly spending and wondering where your budget is going. You can waste a lot of money, potentially with low returns, if you don’t have a plan to follow.

Ask yourself this; do you have a marketing plan and strategy? A real one, not one stored away in your head somewhere. It doesn’t have to be a huge document but it does need to be documented in some physical form. If it’s written down, it will make you more accountable.

1. Does your plan set out what marketing and advertising you are going to undertake?

2. Have you decided what types of marketing will work best for your business and what combination you are going to implement?

3. Does your strategy specify where you are going to place your advertising, if any?

4. Do you intimately understand your customers and their demographic, geographic and psychographic variables?

5. Are you using your database tactically? Once you have established this, then you can start to plan how to promote your business without spending a fortune. Remember that you haven’t even spent a cent yet! If you are strictly driven by budget then you might as well start with that as there is no point over spending


and finding you cannot pay for it. However, be realistic as you will probably need to spend some money; that’s just the law of the land. But you can have greater control over your funds if you have planned your marketing carefully.

Open your mind before you open your wallet. You may already know what is likely to work best for your business. Sure, it would be nice to have an elaborate marketing campaign from the beginning but if you start with your budget, and manage it accurately, then you should increase sales. And therefore down the track you will have more money to place into future marketing campaigns. You have to start from somewhere; it’s a bit like an organic garden. Carefully nurture what you have and it should grow well. Test your efforts and revise your plan constantly, allowing yourself to be flexible and fine tune procedures if and when required. Write down your marketing plan and budget for whichever timeframe works best for you and your business. Open your mind before you open your wallet. n

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28 Working Women® n Autumn 2011

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WW mArkeTing


10 awesome Ways to Engage an audience

The development of an enewsletter can engage an audience and boost your business potential. But knowing what will and won’t grab attention is the secret to success. LYn BAiLeY highlights ten effective ways to keep your readers interested in your enewsletter copy with the aim of building a positive relationship with them. The purpose of a newsletter is to create an online community surrounding your business and promote yourself as an expert in your field. It is important to give your readers something of value in every issue. Then, when you do introduce a new product or event, you’ll already have a willing audience to whom you can market and sell your product. Ten interest grabbing tips:

1. Have an eye catching heading in the subject line of your eNewsletter, follow it up with fantastic content relating to the topic in the body of the newsletter and finally, rev it up using hot words like ‘you’, ‘easy’, ‘new’ and ‘save’.

2. Share a small part of yourself in each edition. This will allow people to identify with you as a real person and help to build a relationship with your readers. You can share minimal amounts of personal information about your hobbies, travels, photos, funny events or share less personal information about your favourite recipes, books or movies.

3. Use a simple design or template with a single column keeping it short and sweet. Ensure you have an appropriate title and constantly endeavour to aim all content at your niche market. Don’t forget to write an introduction, a summary of what’s in the issue, a short personal section and a main article which will feature as the body of the newsletter.

4. Testimonials are great ways to let someone else introduce you and your business without you having to do the work. Other people can be used as excellent marketing tools to let your readers know a little more about you, your business and its success.

5. Readers love ‘how to’ articles such as how to save time, how to save money, how to groom a cat. Be vigilant and make all publications relevant to your business and your products.

6. Offer a Q&A section to allow readers to email their questions to you that you can publish in the forthcoming editions of your newsletter. This strengthens the relationship your readers will have with you and your business as they see you interacting with them.

7. Readers love lists. These can include anything from ‘5 ways to boil an egg’ to ‘3 steps to a clear kitchen bench’.

8. Share your opinion on a related product or event that you have recently tried or attended. Convey your excitement and enthusiasm to your readers. As they come to trust you, they will appreciate your honest feedback.

9. Come up with five fabulous questions to ask an expert in your field and publish their interview with you. This can be done in person,

via phone or even via email. Most experts are only too happy to share their knowledge and expertise.

10. Promote any current products or events. Make sure you include self promotion in this section. Don’t hesitate to promote yourself as an expert in your field. Include your own events and products in every issue you send out. Follow these effective tips and your next eNewsletter is sure to be a hit. Remember, the purpose of such publications is not based on selling; it should be based on building and improving relationships with your clients and potential customers. n

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Autumn 2011 n Working Women® 29

WW mArkeTing


your business is the ultimate leverage Boosting the success of your marketing campaigns through leveraging is a simple and often overlooked tool. SHirALee WiLSon explains how to leverage your marketing ideas and increase your response rates.

Too many business people and marketers remain grounded in one dimensional thinking habits. Marketing is a tool of the mind and it’s in the mind where true wealth is made. Before this starts to sound like some kind of new age lecture, let me give you an example of what I mean. Let’s say you mail a sales letter to your database of 50,000 people, with an average cost of $1 each. If you get a poor response rate and only manage to break even then there is a strong tendency for you to give up. If after strategically improving and altering components of the mailing piece you are able to multiply the response by 5, 15, 50 or even five hundred times, then you are using leverage.

BoostInG yoUr response A sales letter that breaks even has the potential for almost infinite change. It’s highly likely that something in the sales letter can be improved to increase response. Try using a stronger opening headline to catch the attention of the audience, make an offer in the body of the letter or change your pricing strategy. The letter should be constantly revised and improved to maintain a steady increase in responses. By improving the content of the sales letter and doing so successfully, you employ the leveraging action of marketing. You’re still sending a sales letter, but it’s not about the physical tool. It’s about the infinite possibilities impregnated in the marketing concept carried by that tool.

neVer rUn oUt oF ‘MarKetInG BUdGet’ Other than available cash flow, there should be no such thing as a marketing budget. It is a ridiculous idea based on the assumption that marketing is a cost rather than a revenue generator. Here’s why. If an ad costs $1,000 and the revenue generated from the ad is $1,200, why would you stop the ad just because your budget dictated it?

30 Working Women® n Autumn 2011

In marketing, persistence almost always pays off. Marketing can leverage a flailing or a bland idea into something spectacular - if you have what it takes to make it happen. It’s all about thinking out of the box! With a strategic approach and providing the cash is available, the marketing budget is unlimited. Understanding that it is self generated is the key to marketing leverage and massive business growth. In marketing, persistence almost always pays off. Marketing can leverage a flailing or a bland idea into something spectacular - if you have what it takes to make it happen. It’s all about thinking out of the box! n


Shiralee Wils

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WW mArkeTing



Customer testimonials are a simple yet effective marketing tool that all businesses should implement. ingriD CLiFF identifies how you can easily source testimonials for your business and how to utilise them to your advantage. Testimonials are like exercise - you know you need to do it and it is good for you, but somehow you never get around to it. So how do you receive terrific testimonials without the pain of chasing customers?

systemise the process Make asking for testimonials a part of your sales process. Send a follow-up email through your auto-responder program seven days after a purchase asking for feedback on the product or service.

Client satisfaction doubles as testimonial gathering Finding out what your customers like and dislike about your products or services through a client satisfaction survey serves two purposes. You get early warning of things that need to be improved with your business as well as some great potential testimonials you can use in your marketing.

Make it easy for them Contact your best customers and ask them to jot down a few words about what they liked about your business. This could be in an email or on a postcard. You need to be clear that you only want them to ‘jot’ rather than ‘write a testimonial’.

Jotting is much less confronting for people than writing a testimonial and you are more likely to get a favourable response.

Use a tick sheet or scale People are often more willing to fill in a tickbox survey or circle their satisfaction with your product or service on a scale. This allows for some great statistical compilation data. Such as “98% of our customers say we provide exceptional service.”


What prompted them to choose your service or product over competitors?


What were their concerns? For example, they may have found similar services did not meet their expectations.


What happened when they bought the product or service? What did they do and what results did they receive?


What was their favourite feature of the product or service?


What did they like most about the approach the product or service took?


Who would they recommend this product or service to? Why?

Call your loyal customers Telephones are not dead in the age of email. You can call your top customers to ask them for feedback on your services - both good and bad. As they are talking, jot down what they say. If you get someone raving about you on the phone, respond with “Wow - thank you! I am so glad you loved our service. Would you mind if I used some of the things you just said in a testimonial for our business?” Email them the words they used and ensure you get written consent before utilising the content.

ask the right questions To ensure your testimonials have structure, ask your clients to base their answers on the following points.

Remember, fluffy and general testimonials don’t carry as much punch as detailed, specific comments with the person’s name attached. With testimonials, detail matters. n


Ingrid Clif cOntact ony Heart Harm business 44 88 51 33 +61 (7) PHOne


Finding out what your customers like and dislike about your products or services through a client satisfaction survey serves two purposes. You get early warning of things that need to be improved with your business as well as some great potential testimonials you can use in your marketing.

Does your e-newsletter raise the profile of your business? Does it grow your business?

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V Message - a powerful e-newsletter tool that lets your business: run surveys and track RSVPs send e-newsletters and e-alerts build and maintain lists automate subscribe/unsubscribe requests measure success through detailed reporting Autumn 2011 n Working Women® 31

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Marketing success with zero


Do you feel restricted by your marketing budget when developing new marketing initiatives for your business? rACHAeL BermingHAm uncovers ten simple and cost-effective marketing strategies that can be easily implemented within any business on any budget.

The majority of business owners absolutely love what they do, but find it challenging having to sell and promote their services or products to receive an income - especially when on a limited marketing budget. This doesn’t have to be the case. Discover how to market and promote your business costeffectively and you won’t have to desperately push your products or services on to potential customers.

important enough to warrant doing, which often results in a fatal outcome. Love what you do and let it show! Doing business with someone who is excited, passionate and happy is completely different to doing business with someone who is grumpy, bored or even angry. Maintain a friendly, helpful and focused approach at all times to insure you’re exceeding your customer’s expectations.

Let’s face it; if you’re returning calls to clients a week later, it’s highly possible that you will have already lost their business. If you send out quotes, have a system such as diarising a follow up call. Systems can make or break your business. Stick to your schedule so you’re not running behind.

The following ten strategies are the basic backbone of any marketing plan and are important to anyone wishing to build a successful business. They’re so easy that sometimes people overlook them, or worse, think they’re not

Know What you Want to accomplish and remain Focused

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Be passionate

If you don’t have a plan in place of where you wish to be, and how you want your business to be functioning in a year or two - then you’re on the road without a map. You’ll go round and round in circles, and life will be a little chaotic. Not only will you be confused, in most cases your clients and team will certainly feel the adverse effects of this lack of direction too. Start thinking about where you see yourself and your business this time next year, then go about setting up little goals for yourself that are achievable between now and then to ensure you set yourself up for a successful and profitable outcome.

Implement effective organisational systems Make sure you’re organised with systems and procedures that will assist both your employees and your clients. Simple strategies like having a

Silent passion is not going to get you anywhere. If people don’t know what you’re doing then how can they do business with you, or refer you to others? One of the cheapest and most powerful marketing strategies is networking. That doesn’t mean you have to impose yourself on everyone who comes into your space; instead it means to be prepared for what you will say when the opportunity arises or when you can create an opportunity to communicate with the person about what you do. And remember to speak up to your family and friends; this is a real bug bear among many entrepreneurs and small business people starting out. Don’t be shy about what you do or what you are creating for yourself - speak up, be proud!

establish an online presence Various online directory websites will happily have your business submitted and shown on

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32 Working Women® n Autumn 2011

prioritised schedule so you don’t double book or forget things can make a huge difference to you business operations.

WW mArkeTing There are so many people out there providing standard service, it’s actually not that hard to give superior service. If you’re not sure where to start, simply ask your clients how else you could help them. their directory for free. If you have a website, you’ll find numerous businesses or organisations in your local area, state, country and also globally that will accept an online listing from you. Remember this opportunity can help you build your exposure and profile. Take half an hour each week to list your business somewhere different. Just make sure you keep track of who they all are so you can update your details if necessary in the future.

Build Beneficial relationships Building great relationships with your clients can increase business, profitability and longevity beyond your wildest dreams if done well. It’s just as important to build good relationships with your associates - you would be surprised how many suppliers and clients can feel the energy of a happening, successful and happy business when they walk in the door. Give them a reason to talk about your business for the right reasons!

add Value There are so many people out there providing standard service, it’s actually not that hard to give superior service. If you’re not sure where to start, simply ask your clients how else you could help them.

Obviously you need to put your prices up to ensure you’re not running at a loss - remember people buy value. They love to be made to feel special and this is what the marketing strategy ‘adding value’ is all about. Until you can afford to spend some extra money, a cold water or cup of coffee, a call, an email or a bit more time in getting to know your client goes a long way.

always provide exceptional service Such things like being on time can make or break a potential business relationship. How many times have you heard someone complain that their tradesman, doctor or hairdresser was late? How many times did that professional call prior saying they were going to be late? Such a small thing like a telephone call can make your client feel respected. It entails a structured system to be implemented for yourself and your employees to recognise when a telephone call should be made.

encourage testimonials and Feedback

earth do you know which marketing initiatives are effective? Only 50% of marketing works, do you know which half is working for you?

seek out Mentors How many millionaires and business success stories have said they had mentors and coaches that were instrumental in helping them get there? Plenty will share that they had a little help and guidance; the truly honest ones will tell you they could not have done it without their mentors and coaches. There is no shame in asking others for help, you don’t need to walk this path alone. After all, anyone who has ever had a business knows what a huge task it is. You can fast track your business and save substantial amounts of money and energy. Seek out people who are excellent in areas in which you need a little more assistance. n


chael Berm

How did they find you? Where did they hear about you? Every business, big or small, needs to put this at the top of their list. If you don’t know where your clients are coming from, then how on

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Autumn 2011 n Working Women® 33

WW neTWorkoLogY

connections B a C K

t o

B a s I C s

Have your networking activities failed in gaining you new beneficial business relationships? Could it be something you’re not doing? Pix JonASSon gets you back to basics with her savvy networking tips. Networking can be done anywhere at any time; locally, regionally, nationally or even internationally. Get online and start networking with the latest craze of social media applications such as Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn. Get actively involved in forums, discussion groups, teleseminars and webinars. Google Alerts provide information and article updates relating to your

chosen industry or niche, allowing you to interact with contacts of interest.

help you to establish personal relationships with a vast variety of people.

Meet face to face offline by becoming involved in live business, training and industry events or invest your money in valuable in-depth books or alternatively borrow some from your local library.

When meeting new people you must always remain genuine, authentic and real. Don’t go in straight for the sell, prove that you have the right intentions otherwise you will completely blow any possibility of building a personal or professional relationship for the future.

Community events are a perfect setting for you to network and meet new people en mass. Volunteering for committee positions will also

n e T W o R K i n G


n Be confident

with your personal presentation, attire and body language.

n Perfect

n U G G e T S

n Perfect

a 30 second pitch on your business.

n Ensure you have an adequate supply of

n Wear a name

tag, it ensures your name is not forgotten.


n Develop and maintain a database or

your business cards. n Take a diary so you are able

to schedule

follow up appointments.


n Remember

to listen as much as you share. We have two ears and one mouth, use them in that order.

n Use a person’s name where possible. After

all, it is their favourite word. n Introduce yourself and ask about

them, it’s

their favourite topic. n Master a quality first

impression because you never get a second chance at a first impression!

Income Protection

your handshake. It should be firm and professional.

Wealth Creation

spreadsheet of pertinent contact info such as where and when you met someone, their likes or dislikes, goals or family and business information.

Meet face to face offline by becoming involved in live business, training and industry events or invest your money in valuable in-depth books or alternatively borrow some from your local library. Attempt to ask open-ended questions which will lead to more than a yes or no response; this will result in a discussion-based conversation. It takes time to build rapport. Effective networking can be a lengthy process, be patient whilst building your business relationships. n

n Within 24 - 48 hours, send a follow up email

or a physical hand written thank you card. n Provide

them with information pertaining to their interests or needs such as newsletters, resources or articles.

n Have an exit

strategy. Learn when and how to move on in a polite and professional manner.

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WW neTWorkoLogY

NeTworKING & DATING Much the same really!

Are there similarities between networking and dating? geoFF kirkWooD looks at the human elements involved and the reality of relationships and how they either progress or digress based on the feelings developed between both parties.

To some, it is absurd that networking and dating are very similar. You may be laughing and exclaiming, “Nothing like it!” yet, the idea actually has validity. Imagine the following scenario: You’ve just been out on a first date and things went rather well. In fact, you really liked the person and saw some real potential for the future. So the next morning you want to say how much you enjoyed his or her company so you send them an email. “No,” you say? “You can’t convey something warm and personal in an email. A relationship or even a friendship is personal and needs to be treated that way. I would phone them or send them a card to express how much I enjoyed the date.” Well, the penny just dropped! You see, so many people who involve themselves in networking and building business relationships say that their first point of follow up after meeting a new contact is sending off an email trying to re-affirm the connection. Although emails are excellent for conveying information because they are quick, traceable and convenient, they are NOT a relationshipbuilding tool. After meeting a new contact, you need to build the relationship. Building it to the point where the person knows you, trusts you and would be prepared to both refer you and do business with you simply can’t be done via an email. The key here is the word relationship. Relationships are built at a feeling level and feelings are often delicate things that can easily be offended or hurt. So next time you meet someone and you want to establish a real connection, have a plan and process that you use and make sure it is about connecting with the person at a feeling level. Follow-up tools you might like to try: n

Send a ‘nice to meet you’ card in the mail. It will stand out from other mail and is not subject to the delete key on a computer.

After meeting a new contact, you need to build the relationship. Building it to the point where the person knows you, trusts you and would be prepared to both refer you and do business with you simply can’t be done via an email. n

Phone and tell them how much you enjoyed meeting them.


Book an appointment to explore how you might be of service to them.


At the appointment explore how you can help each other.


Send another card thanking them for their time.


Follow up on everything you said you would do.

Networking is very much like dating. So get in touch with the person, build the relationship at the feeling level, and who knows where that may end! n

ood Geoff Kirkw geoffkirkwoo 35 90 31 0 42 ) +61 (0 com d. oo w rk ki www.geoff

cOntact business PHOne

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Autumn 2011 n Working Women® 35

WW CommuniCATionS

OnlinesaVe discussions tIMe and Money With new channels of communication constantly being developed, it can often feel like a mission trying to keep up with your emails, Facebook comments, Linkedin messages and Twitter alerts. eBonie gougH identifies ways in which you can prioritise your emails to allow for more effective communication.

As a business owner it’s imperative to choose the communication channels and formats that work best for your business’s needs. The next step is to encourage your staff and business colleagues to jump on board to utilise them also. It might take some time and effort but in the end there’s no doubt that it will lead to a more efficient flow of ideas and better results for the bottom line of your business. A modern concept for managing communications in the workplace is to set up ‘secret’ Facebook group for your staff. This way your team have an easily accessible copy of the latest news and announcements regardless of where they are geographically located. You need to ensure that all staff are encouraged to contribute and participate as this will lead to keeping the communications open and relevant. Before starting their shift each day staff should read the group discussions that have taken place since they were lasted logged on as this will get them up to speed on the latest happenings. Using Facebook groups for this purpose is an excellent tool and one which allows your staff to share ideas whilst also receiving immediate internal feedback on work related issues. Another great idea is to invest in the latest innovative smart phones such as the iPhone or Blackberry. This will enable you and your staff to keep track of your emails and scheduled meetings whilst you are all on the go. Not to mention the additional applications which can also be of great use such as document readers, daily planners and reminders, calculators and many more.

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When it comes to important, pressing or urgent communication, email and text messaging are an invaluable resource, but when it comes to the best means for communicating non-urgent matters to work colleagues a ‘secret’ Facebook group certainly fits the bill.

Businesses that embrace and encourage their staff to utilise the various channels of communication currently available, not only enhance communication among their staff, they also build stronger relationships and enhance productivity in the workplace. n

cOntact business PHOne

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36 Working Women® n Autumn 2011

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WW CommuniCATionS

the Conscious Communicator

Deliver a powerful message

Whenever we connect with someone, be it in a meeting, a business presentation, a simple introduction or a speaking engagement to hundreds, we are inevitably communicating. Simone De HAAS looks at the role authenticity plays in determining the outcome of every connection we make.

The way in which we word our conversations and other communication avenues with our audience, is only a small part of the process that will result in our audience categorising us as authentic communicators. Here are some tips that will help you present yourself and your message with authentic ease and self-belief.

3. Flow not force - don’t force your ideas on your

1. Create a space for communication to occur.

5. Let go of the need to be right. Instead,

Be aware of your barriers and filters which get in the way of active listening. Your barriers can include opinions, personal history, expectations and ideas.

6. Your inner voice and outer voice should

2. Active listening is a vital part of the communication process as it keeps you open and present in the moment and it allows you to reflect on what you’ve heard and ask for clarification.

listeners. Just present them in an authentic way and allow listeners to make up their own mind.

to as ‘the power of the authentic voice’. When your inner and outer voice matches, you have authenticity.

4. Replace selling with serving. This allows you

8. Own your power and take responsibility for

to have an outward focus by removing the ego from your communications and enables you to hear what is really being said. embrace being authentic and real. Release the need for perfection, rather commit to being 100 per cent present, not 100 per cent correct. match. That is, your verbal and non-verbal words and actions should align and should be expressed in integrity and authenticity (consider the saying ‘actions speak louder than words’).

your message. Whether we are trying to sell ourselves, or a product, it’s important to put across a proposal and make a good impression for possible future business relationships. If those we are attempting to communicate with are not receiving our message the way it was intended, we will not be successful in meeting our objectives. n

7. Your vocal tone, resonance, pitch, and volume should match the message. This can be referred

Haas Simone de talyst Ca ve ti Cre8 4 535 67 +61 (0) 412 co t. ys al at w.cre8tivec

cOntact business PHOne


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WW CommuniCATionS

Socially M aKi nG

acc ePTaB le

c Hoic eS

more and more businesses are using social media tools as a way of connecting with their customers. CATrionA PoLLArD looks at the preparation required before plunging into the world of connecting socially. There are so many social media outlets to choose from but with all the options, how do you determine which ones best suit your business? Before you sign up and start tweeting or Facebooking, you should think about the social media strategy. This means taking time to stop and think about what you want to accomplish. It’s pointless to create accounts for every social media outlet without a clear understanding of your objectives. Here are a few questions to answer and points to think about while creating your social media strategy.

describe your business. If you can’t describe your business and the value you have to offer in a sentence, how will potential new customers know what you do? You will need to be able to do this first.

What do you want to accomplish using social media? You need to define your objectives of why you want to use social media. Are you joining to make more contacts within your industry? Do you want to build on your relationships using an online medium? Would you like more engagement from your current customers? Do you want others in your industry to know you’re up to date with technology and trends? Whatever your reason, you’re bound to find an outlet that suits your business as the options are plentiful.

What social media outlets are best for you? There are many different options when choosing social media outlets. Some options include social networking sites (i.e. Facebook), real-time updates or micro-blogs (i.e. Twitter), blogs, social news websites, just to name a few. You need to examine the characteristics of each social media outlet and see which of those support what you want to accomplish. For example, if your goal is to make new contacts with other business professionals in your industry, perhaps LinkedIn would be an outlet to consider.

do you have something to share? Social media is about sharing content and information as well as making connections with others. This connectivity is a way to build your relationships and meet new contacts. Do you have something interesting to share? Do you have news? Do you have information that is relevant and fascinating? Having something to share will encourage people to keep coming back for more.

how will you drive people to participate? You can have multiple social media accounts and link them to each other to expand your business’s profile. Sharing content and information will encourage your contacts to participate in dialogue with you, whether it’s posting a comment on your blog or inviting others to read your information, ongoing

participation will lead to more interest. Participation is a two-way street, if you make the effort your customers will too, thus building stronger relationships.

prepare to lose control of your brand. Putting your brand out there will provoke debates, opinions and comments that might not necessarily be favourable. Are you prepared to lose control of the conversations about your business?

Who will maintain your social media presence? Do you have the resources to keep updating your social media profiles? Will you or someone at your company update content, so your ideas and what you have to share is fresh?

how will you measure success? Do you have a metrics system in place that can measure the effectiveness of your social media activity? Will you look at the quality of each comment made to determine if they’re positive, neutral or negative and how will you rate these? Will you be measuring your profile views or how many followers or subscribers you have? Have any business transactions happened as a result of your online conversations? If your goal was to build relationships with other contacts, are you doing this and are your relationships positive? You need some sort of measuring system to tell you whether or not social media is having a positive effect on your business. Social media is making a big impact on how we all do business. Take time out to think about why you want to use it, what outlets are best for you and how you’re going to measure success. n

llard Catriona Po nications CP Commu 1063 +61 (2) 9922 u at ic n u m www.cpcom

cOntact business PHOne

38 Working Women® n Autumn 2011

WW CommuniCATionS

Are you giving

5 STAr


it’s frequently said that we rarely get a second chance to make a first impression. Business etiquette coach PATSY roWe provides three simple tips that are guaranteed to allow for a perfect introduction. In today’s more casual world, introductions are frequently ignored, mumbled over or stumbled through. An introduction is not: “Bev, this is Bruce - Bruce, meet Bev.” Bruce and Bev are quite able to say this to one another without assistance from a third person. So what are three tips for a making a good introduction? n



Introduce each person using their full name. It’s certain that both Bruce’n’Bev have last names, so use them. This is particularly important when so many married couples have different last names and you don’t want to be held responsible for marital discord by Bruce chatting up Bev in front of Brian because he doesn’t know Brian is her husband! Help initiate pleasant conversation between complete strangers by giving a ‘tag’ of information. For instance, mention that Bev is the newly appointed Financial Director, and Bruce the Accounts Manager. Giving this tag of information on meeting gives them something intelligent to talk about (one hopes). Give enough information about both parties to avoid an unfortunate faux pas - a ‘false step’. We’ve all taken ‘false steps’ from time to time, for instance, in the case of Bev, if I’d introduced them without a ‘tag’ and she and Bruce were chatting and Bruce mentioned that Patsy told him her ‘dragon of a boss’ was coming tonight, did Bev happen to know her? Imagine his embarrassment if she replied that

since she was Patsy’s boss, she could only imagine that made her the ‘dragon’. To put people at ease and create an air of immediate friendliness and warmth, listening is as important a part of introductions as making them. When someone is being introduced, concentrate, if you don’t catch their name, it’s quite acceptable and very sensible to ask for it to be repeated. It is important to get people’s names right in business circles. You don’t want to find that you’ve been introducing Priscilla to everyone all evening as Primula, just because Priscilla was too embarrassed to correct you. If you’re the one who is being introduced incorrectly, just whisper to the person making the introductions, “Sorry, but it’s actually “Schumacher” not “Schumonger.” Sometimes it helps to remember names if you repeat them early in the conversation, but it’s of no help whatsoever if you’re repeating the wrong name. If the name is foreign, make a special effort to pronounce it correctly. It’s discourteous to brush it off as being in the too hard basket. Finally, smile when you shake hands and you’re on the way to being a five star networker. n

Patsy Rowe Enterprises Patsy Rowe 8895 +61 (7) 5577 u .a om .c ette www.etiqu

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WW CommuniCATionS

Generate more leads and revenue for your business


Discover how to find your voice, develop your message and connect with your audience with zero speaking experience. CArren SmiTH shares with you her expert advice for overcoming the fear of public speaking and creating memorable presentations. The majority of us developed the ability to speak from a very young age, so it would be safe to say we’re all experts at it by now. If this is the case, why is it that the moment we have to stand up and present in front of a large audience we are overwhelmed with debilitating fear? Whether it’s sweaty palms, a mental blank, the feeling of being frozen in one spot or the flush of adrenaline that makes our heart beat fast, we all know the feeling. These symptoms are a result of speaker’s anxiety. We know it’s not the speaking which is the problem; it’s the fear of speaking and the fear of judgement. With all eyes on you the pressure to look great and perform well becomes

paramount, as our perception of a successful delivery is based on these factors. Discover the top five secrets that expert speakers wouldn’t want you to know about.

Identify your audience In order for any marketing strategy and tailored marketing message to be effective, it is imperative that all communication is directed primarily at the identified niche market. This is no different to speaking. Your audience should be specific and measurable - an inch wide and a mile deep.

tailor make your message What’s in it for the audience? Always come

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Create an outcome The audience will always want a way to ‘take the presenter home’ in some way. Make sure a product or service is included as a giveaway or promotion. That way the audience won’t leave in a state of incompletion, they will leave in a state of satisfaction instead. Be prepared to give more value than just the presentation and a relationship of trust and connection will be the result.

What’s in it for the audience? Always come back to this question to ensure the key message remains relevant. Identify the needs and interests of your audience and ensure your message offers a solution to their problems. stick to one topic


back to this question to ensure the key message remains relevant. Identify the needs and interests of your audience and ensure your message offers a solution to their problems.

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Never overload the presentation with too much content and data. One topic per hour is the average learning capacity for the audience. Being succinct and potent should be the objective of every powerful presentation.

Motivational vs. inspirational There is a difference between inspirational and motivational focused presentations. Motivational presentations provide instructions and leave the audience on a high for about two hours. Inspirational presentations provide an experience that leaves the audience transformed. With statistics pointing to 98% of the population preferring to die than to speak in public, these tips are a great place to begin the journey of successful marketing to a wider audience. n

cOntact business PHOne


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40 Working Women® n Autumn 2011


seven steps to creating a successful


never before has connecting with your customer base been so easy than with the development of the internet and interactive communication tools such as blogs, newsletters and emails. Ben AngeL proposes seven effective ways for you to connect with your customer base. Email campaigns can be an easy and cost effective way of keeping in touch and marketing to your current and potential customers.

and services you offer and next time they see the same picture they will subconsciously say to themselves, “I’ve seen that before, I don’t need to look at it again!”

Here are seven key tips to set up an email campaign that produces a return on investment.

speak the lingo of your target market

Benefit-based subject line Creating a subject line is one of the most important things you can do when creating a successful email campaign. To ensure you are getting your emails read, use words like ‘you’ and ‘your’ in the subject line. It will always get a better response. Secondly, ensure the subject line explains the benefits of reading the email. For example ‘7 tips to successfully grow your business’.

Keep it short and sweet Today’s consumers are bombarded with interruption marketing and emails are no different. Your customers don’t want an email that is pages in length and is impossible to scroll over for a quick squiz to see what’s going on. Use memorable headings are accompanied by one short sentence or paragraph description of your latest information. Importantly, ensure you provide a link back to your website so they can read the rest. After all, your objective is to increase your website’s traffic and in turn, make more sales.

Use of graphics Regularly update the graphics that you use in your email campaigns. After a while people will associate certain pictures with certain products

Many businesses use long convoluted words that are misunderstood and overlooked by their target consumers. Write the way you speak, ensuring you use correct spelling and punctuation. If you do this, your copy will always be read more often because it is more accessible and more conversational.

promote refer a friend campaigns An email campaign isn’t only used to market to your existing database but it can be used to assist you in growing it. Run monthly competitions in which readers can win a prize if they refer a certain amount of friends to your website. All you need is a couple of raving fans that will send it to their entire email box for you to hit the jackpot.

Choose your topics creatively Think of the one thing your client base really needs assistance with, but is too afraid to ask for help. Discuss topics that may help, including call reluctance, struggling with confidence and other issues they are afraid to face. You will literally open the floodgates for fantastic interaction when you delve into the areas where others have failed to go in the past.

Use your real estate carefully Real estate is all about location, location, location and so is the real estate on an email campaign.

The area of most value to you is the very first block of any email newsletter because it’s what your readers see first when your email campaign drops into their inbox. Always use this section to promote your own business first before and above everything else. Then in subsequent sections add your articles, tips of the month and referral competitions. There you have it, seven key tips to create successful email campaigns. n

Ben Angel ker ist and Spea Author, Styl 4114 +61 (3) 9645 u .a om l.c ge www.benan

cOntact business PHOne

Are the men in your life hard to buy for? Hampers for Him have a great range of gifts specifically designed for men. Browse and buy online saving time whilst giving a thoughtful gift he’ll love to receive. Beers, books, spirits, sports lovers packs and more! You’ll also find our ‘Create Your Own’ service helpful and convenient. Email us now: or phone Louissa: 0435 737 242

Autumn 2011 n Working Women® 41



web videos

Are you utilising web video as a tool to build better business connections, trust and lasting relationships? CLAire STreTCH provides tips on how to gain more traction with your existing and potential clients by creating a powerful web video.

There has been exponential growth in the number of SMEs who are now using video as part of their business website content. At the broadest level, the reason for this is that video creates a sense of human connection which in our modern, hectic and demanding business world consumers are craving. The foundation of any thriving business is good quality, lasting relationships and the currency of such relationships is trust. Video can help you to build a connection that allows trust to grow. And video does this in a way that the written word alone cannot match. There are many good reasons to consider adding video to your business web site. To use web video to its best effect, the content needs to be well conceived, of value to your customers and must be of a high enough quality to be easy to listened to and watched.

how to create powerful web video content First, you need to be clear what outcomes you want from your business web video. Relationship building is pretty much a given however you will also be predominantly looking to either:

1. Educate and inform in order to build your profile as an expert in your field or area of expertise or;

2. Advertise specific products or services with the aim of increasing your sales figures. Once you are clear on the main purpose of your video you can move into the pre-production phase.

For an educational and expertise video, preproduction typically involves writing a script for the video and deciding how you want to use the visual potential of video to move beyond a simple ‘talking head’ and add power, impact and memorability to your video. With regards to script writing, the key point to remember is that you are going to speak the words - and the spoken language is very different from the written word. We tend to be much more casual and straightforward when speaking. So make sure that the script runs off the tongue naturally and easily when spoken aloud. You might choose to work with a professional copywriter, with experience in script writing, to efficiently manage this stage of the pre-production.

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42 Working Women® n Autumn 2011

If your primary goal is to advertise a specific product or service, the process is much the same, however you, or a member of your team, won’t be the star of the show. Instead there will be a concept or a theme, as opposed to a person, that forms the spine of the video. A lot of adverts are based on a punch line, so that’s a good place to start when in the conceptual stages.

The ingredient most likely to engage a person is humour, a huge proportion of web videos that go ‘viral’ do so because they are seriously funny. With regard to the visuals, they might be as simple as filming against a green screen and having your company logo dropped into the background for the entire video, or they might be as complex as going out to shoot footage at multiple locations. Or they may be somewhere in the middle, for example you might choose to film against a green screen and use a set of well chosen images and video clips in the background to add impact and illustrate what you are talking about. There are many great stock photo and stock video libraries on the web. If you want to utilise the full power of video and your budget allows, then you will need to

Need more hours in your day? OPA can help you find time to relax and work ‘on’ your business, rather than ‘in’ your business.

‘storyboard’ your video in the pre-production phase. A storyboard is a sequence of drawings, one for each different camera set up, with the text and key words written next to its appropriate drawing. Don’t worry, the drawings do not need to be of artistic merit. Very basic stick images and simple representations are fine as long as you can interpret them.

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Your business is our focus!

Given that people watching web videos are not a captive audience, it’s critical that you engage them from the outset. There must be a ‘feel good’ payoff from watching the advert, otherwise it won’t get viewed. The ingredient most likely to engage a person is humour, a huge proportion of web videos that go ‘viral’ do so because they are seriously funny. You are looking for a way to expose your products and services that hopefully finishes with a humorous twist on the punch line or concept of your advert. One last point regarding web adverts is that they work better for established brands, as the trust required for people to buy already exists. If your brand is not established and known, then your time and energy is best spent in creating web videos that demonstrate your expertise and give value by way of information. Additionally, this helps to form the existence of trust and respect between your business and your customers. Successful, enduring and strong relationships are the foundation and life-blood of any business. n

h Claire Stretc h tc re St lm Fi 276 238 +61 (0) 416 u www.filmst

cOntact business PHOne


Keep your business

pumping around the clock

Just imagine the cash flow your business could be achieving if you knew the secret to keeping your doors open 24/7. CHArLY LeeTHAm explains how simple it is to give the appearance that you’re always open for business regardless of the size of your business or staffing levels. Rapid advancements in technology now allow every small business to trade around the clock. By utilising the power of the internet you can be in complete control of attracting new customers and making sales 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. It is just about understanding the technology available to you and adopting the aspects that best suit the needs of your business. Check out these online ideas and decide if they might offer your business additional marketing and lead generating opportunities.

Create your web presence There are now over 2 million ‘au.’ websites registered in Australia, however a web presence is so much more than just having a fully functional website. In this day and age it is expected that every business would have a website, even if it’s simply an online business card. But if you’re not ready to take the plunge and develop a website and you are still eager to expand your online marketing horizons you do have options. Social media sites such as Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter can be used quite successfully to develop your web presence. So if your business doesn’t currently have a web presence, get started today by staking out your territory using the social media site of your choice.

lead then capture and follow up Attracting new customers and fostering existing relationships becomes a much easier task when you have an online presence. However, having a web presence does not mean you can sit back

and wait for the sales to flow in. One of the most important tasks to ensuring a successful outcome from online marketing relies on the capturing and recording of the details of your online visitors. Remember, not everyone who visits your website today will be ready to make a purchase, they may only be gathering information or simply browsing and came across your site by accident. So how then, can you engage these visitors and get them to return? The short answer is that you can’t - unless you can contact them again. This is why the process of asking your website visitors for their name and email so they can be contacted in the future is of great importance and so critical to increasing your business potential and sales. Imagine being in the position to be able to contact people who have visited your website about special offers, discounts, new product releases, promotions and other offerings your business has in the pipeline. And the process of ‘lead then capture’ doesn’t have to be limited to only email addresses - SMS campaigns are also becoming very popular and these can be easily managed from your end by most email marketing programs. Implementing a ‘lead then capture’ process on your website is almost as good as talking to customers who walk into your store front. With a bit of tweaking, this strategy can be adapted to work ‘in store’ for your business too.

publish your website updates on your social media Wouldn’t it be great if when updating your website similar information was automatically added to your social media networks, including Facebook and LinkedIn. Well by using tools such as RSS (Real Simple Syndication) it becomes possible to send several updates on autopilot to your social community. This allows you to save time, appear active and generate interest in your business 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. This particular strategy needs to be approached with caution as it is possible to be too ‘noisy’ or too ‘quiet’ within your network. A balanced approach is required to ensure that the information you share on your social networks is seen as informative and useful whilst encouraging people back to your site to learn more. n

ham Charly Leet ust Tr Leetham 3 983 57 1 41 ) (0 1 +6 .com m ha arlyleet www.askch

cOntact business PHOne

Just imagine for a moment - NO MORE RUTHLESS DEBT - wouldn’t that feel amazing? If you are looking to ‘DITCH YOUR DEBT’ and improve your financial situation, then LIDIA’s workable, fresh new approach to getting ahead is just what you need. LIDIA is a call-to-action businesswoman in the world of finance. A well recognized trainer and public speaker and the creator of the clever ‘Ditch Your Debt’ money-making process.

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Autumn 2011 n Working Women® 43

WW CroSS CounTrY


closing the

cUlTURal DiViDe if you are entering a foreign market with a view to building business relationships it’s important to research the communication styles of the country you are entering. Americans and Australians might both share the english language, but as renowned cross-cultural strategist DeniSe PirroTTi HummeL points out, confusion during verbal and written exchanges can often become the stumbling block to creating and building strong business relationships.

‘Two countries divided by a common language’, is an expression that aptly describes the potential for disconnect between Americans and several other English-speaking societies, including Australians. Despite the common language, the distance that divides us is at times far greater than even our longitude and latitude would suggest. Our respective colloquialisms have become so much a part of speech patterns that in business we sometimes forget that we are creating barriers by failing to neutralise language that is culturally-bound. Humour which is one of the greatest rapportbuilding tactics of all is also often lost in translation. Without the unspoken context we assume our counterpart understands. Since establishing rapport is the foundation to doing business across cultures, becoming more aware of our communication is one of the first steps in building the relationship.

There are six key areas used to evaluate the impact of culture on the business process:

1. Communication style 2. Time orientation 3. Intercultural divergence of business processes 4. Group dynamics 5. Power distance issues and 6. Change/risk management. In stating these six key areas, clear communication is most often at the core of the impact. Consider the confusion I experienced when my Australian colleague sent me an email recently regarding the proposed next steps in a project we were working on together. G’day, you’re on the money on all points. Fair dink’um I will live up to my end of the bargain. You shielas drive a hard bargain. I’m fairly sure he is complimenting me and I think I have his collaboration on my proposed next steps, but I’m definitely not sure if he’ll step up to the plate, whether I’ve covered all my bases or if he’s out in left field. I’m also wondering if I should touch base with him and give him a heads up that I’ll be calculating a ballpark figure sometime in the near future. 44 Working Women® n Autumn 2011

In my attempt to cross the cultural divide, I told him that I was fairly sure that I hit that for six, but he bowled me a googlie by not being clear and that’s just not cricket. At that point, he agreed that a day of cross-cultural training might serve us in good stead, despite the fact that we ‘speak the same language.’ Drop an executive into China or India and it is readily apparent that their radar needs to be extended to adapt to cultural norms. People look different, they speak a ‘different’ language, the sights, smells, transportation and technology are all ‘foreign’. Drop that same executive into Australia, South Africa, New Zealand, Ireland or Great Britain and she may not be using any of her crosscultural acumen to assess the business or social differences, other than to make note of the interesting accent. When looking for commonalities upon which to establish rapport, an assessment of the cultural and historic origins of a society is often quite telling. At the core of every society are attitudes, beliefs and principles, which can be traced back generations. These shared experiences shape a country and the character of its citizens. The cultural foundation of the United States is based on the pursuit of freedom, an eagerness to explore a new frontier and an unyielding determination to succeed. These qualities are drawn from the recalcitrance of a handful of British citizens to free themselves from a regime which they perceived to be restricting their ability to openly practice their faith. From these roots, the cultural cornerstone of rugged individualism was born. Some refer to the concept as America’s ‘cowboy’ roots. For Australians, this might be sounding familiar? A client of ours, Bill Noble, Managing Director of Europe for WD40, is an Australian working for an American company, stationed in Europe. He reminded me recently that Australia was also colonised by British explorers who sailed around the continent of Africa at great peril, and long story, short, consider themselves just as independent and enterprising as the Americans. So what are the ways to create rapport, trust, and synergy that might otherwise be lost to

strong accents and incomprehensible sports metaphors? Noble says that in addition to the entrepreneurial mentality he shares with many of his American colleagues, he looks for two key characteristics, honest communication and a sense of humour. Truth be told, many American executives are looking for exactly the same thing: a highly motivated personality, striving for excellence, strong ethics and someone they like being around. So to create that connection, avoid colloquialisms, incorporate context with your humour, avoid sarcasm until you’re sure that you understand each other, and avoid assumptions that you’re being understood by actively eliciting from your colleague what she hears you say. Whether you’re an Australian looking to do business with Americans or visa versa, understanding the language that divides us is one of the ways to get there. n

el otti Humm

Denise Pirr cOntact nsensus Universal Co business 151 -0 6 69 ) +1 (760 PHOne salconsen www.univer

abOut denise As the CEO and Founder of Universal Consensus, renowned cross-cultural strategist DENISE PIRROTTI HUMMEL, helps clients leverage the power of culture to optimise profitability, improve communication and drive efficiency into their business process. She is also the developer and instructor for a series of global training courses at the University of San Diego and her cross-cultural training programs have taken her to almost every continent. Denise has been appointed to the U.S. State Department Worldwide Speaker and Specialist Program, a program that allows American experts to engage with foreign audiences globally. She speaks English and Italian fluently and French and Spanish, conversationally.


USA Property Tour 9th-13th May


in american real estate

recent shifts in both the u.S. and Australian dollars have allowed for a new and exciting way to invest your money buying property overseas. JuDiTH TAYLor provides guidance on the property opportunity of a lifetime.


Are you looking for a new and exciting way to invest your money? One option some adventurous women are considering is buying property in the United States. The weak dollar and low mortgage rates have made foreign investors see American property as the opportunity of a lifetime. In fact, when ranked among countries targeted for real estate investment in 2011, the U.S. drew four times as many votes as Britain, the second-ranked according to an annual survey by the Association of Foreign Investors in Real Estate (AFIRE). Australians are now armed with a currency that surpassed the U.S. dollar for the first time since 1982. It is no wonder why women are becoming more and more enthusiastic about buying property in the U.S. where an average home costs 62 per cent less than its local equivalent. Driven by a near 10 percent unemployment rate, and with millions of U.S. homes facing repossession, the median U.S. home price has declined 26 per cent since a peak in June 2007, in accordance with data from the American-based National Association of Realtors. Despite this, investing in the U.S. does not occur without risks. While Australian investors are picking up houses at bargain prices, they still don’t know how much further prices could drop or when the housing market will recover. Additionally, job growth is still weak and as investors know, employment needs to recover before the housing market can. Remember, buying U.S. property is a big step for many investors and should not be taken lightly. It is critical to research the facts and find out whether it suits you personally. If you decide to move forward, research the area and property. The cheapest property may not be the best investment. As with most property purchases, look at buying an American property as a long-term investment. Due to many homeowners losing their houses in foreclosures, rental demand is strong. Therefore, consider investing in property that offers strong rental yields and the potential for strong future capital growth. Some additional tips to keep in mind: n

If at all possible, visit the area you’re interested in and see the market firsthand.


Investors considering the U.S. market should do so with expert assistance. Find reputable agents or contacts to help and advise you.


Find a reputable, reliable, honest property manager who provides full management service.


Always seek professional legal and taxation advice before making any investment decisions. n

Judith Taylor omen Property W 4 1300 881 22 en om rtyw www.prope

cOntact business PHOne

Autumn 2011 n Working WomenÂŽ 45


Gourmets GallopInG

GO GLOBAL A new age of travellers has emerged and they demand nothing but the best, including gourmet foods, beverages and unique encounters. kAren riDge reveals how and why the expectations of travellers are evolving.

Most travellers are quick to admit that eating and drinking is a vital part of their holiday experience. A glass of Chianti in Tuscany, eating from street vendors in Vietnam or perhaps taking a cooking class to learn the basics of a particular cuisine, for most it’s a great way to get up close and personal with a travel destination. Often gourmet delight moments turn out to be the most significant memories of a trip. There’s now a group of travellers emerging who are making it their mission to take this notion even further. They are that serious about the culinary and oenological aspects of their holiday that

they let it take centre stage. As a result, over the last few years, holidays with food and wine as the pivotal point have been becoming more and more popular. Gastronomic travel has always been a niche market within the travel industry with well-heeled Australians seeking out 5-star experiences such as big name wineries and Michelin-star restaurants.

However the travel industry is now seeing the emergence of a secondary market, the traveller interested in a genuine ‘food and wine experience’. They are not necessarily wealthy, but they are definitely younger. These travellers want to ‘get in amongst it’ and they will happily forego spending on expensive hotels and premium airfares, in return for authentic gastronomical encounters.

Gastronomic travel has always been a niche market within the travel industry with well-heeled Australians seeking out 5-star experiences such as big name wineries and Michelin-star restaurants.

Wanted: 10 Adventurous Women For people who want to experience a lifestyle that exists in Italy after the bus tours have gone, join Adelaide local, Penny King, on her ‘Tour for Independent Women’. Walk with us to secret places in Rome, visit private Palazzos and Italianate gardens. Take an Italian lesson over dinner, dine and shop with the locals. Come with us to the opera! Stay in the heart of Florence. Visit a renowned perfume maker, lunch in a Medici Villa, relax over a quiet drink on our rooftop garden, or shop in the leather markets. Avoid the queues with our private entrances to galleries and museums. Learn about Renaissance art and Italian cooking. Stay in a Tuscan Villa. Visit the magnificent Amalfi Coast. Glide through the Venetian canals in our private boat. Tour departs Adelaide on 15 October 2011.

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46 Working Women® n Autumn 2011

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It’s all about participation, combining traditional activities such as wine tastings with more action-packed activities such as truffle hunts and foraging for shellfish. For them, it’s the only way to unlock the true flavour of the destination. At the extreme end of this spectrum, there are travellers who even get physically involved with the French grape harvest. Talk about an active holiday! Today’s gourmet traveller is internet savvy and certainly knows their way around the vast number of travel information websites. They regularly browse food blogs, share their experiences and opinions with fellow travellers and correspond directly with the restaurants and wine producers.

Being extremely knowledgeable, their travel requirements cannot be met by the average travel agency. Increasingly they are demanding personal travel consultants who can think and act on their level and more importantly one who shares their interest in food and wine. For most gourmet travellers, it is important that their travel consultant has experienced the destination with their own eyes...and palate! With interest in food and wine growing steadily in Australia the desire for ‘foodie’ holidays is unlikely to reduce. Rather, it is expected to expand and develop rapidly over the next decade. It might be a progressive wine tasting today, but tomorrow, it might be foraging a forest for exotic

mushrooms. Whatever exciting adventures await, these gastronomic travellers expect their travel agent to ensure nothing but the best experience is served up at their next holiday destination. n

karen ridge ine Travel Food and W 1 52 1 1800 70 dwinetrave an od .fo w ww

cOntact business PHOne

Would you like to have Plastic Surgery or Dental Treatments but are shocked at the high prices in Australia? Thailand is a world leader in cosmetic surgery, with affordable priced procedures and high quality care makes it one of the most popular cosmetic surgery destinations. You can now have safe, secure treatments in beautiful Thailand with Australian based Medi Makeovers for up to 60% less and we organize everything for you. We have personally sourced leading surgeons, hospitals and accommodations in Phuket and Bangkok. Dentistry All dental treatments such as Crowns, Veneers, Implants, Root Canals, Wisdom Teeth Removal Face Face Lift, Neck Lift, Blepharoplasty, Rhinoplasty, Laser treatments etc Body Breast Implants, Breast Reduction or Lift, Tummy Tuck, Liposuction and more!

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Autumn 2011 n Working Women® 47

WW products

WhatWeLike Showcasing the products WNA Members take to the domestic and international markets - these products are as diverse as the businesses and careers of the dynamic women behind them.

t Designer Scents

Palermo Perfume is the ultimate choice in fine fragrance and skin care products. With over 350 designer scents to choose from, the products are Australian made using imported French essences and natural essential oils. Choose from eau de parfum, gifts sets, hand creams, bath gels, body lotions and candles for home ambience. Prices start from RRP: $30.00. Visit

q I m p r e ssi v e G i v i n g

Snowgoose offers more than 30 gift box varieties throughout the year for both personal and corporate gift giving. Snowgoose has a no-fuss ordering system either online or over the phone and they deliver to anywhere along the eastern seaboard. Whether you’re shopping for family, friends, your partner or even your boss, Snowgoose has a gourmet gift box to suit everyone. Price start from RRP: $65.00. Check out the full range at

p Make a Difference

Reward, inspire and delight your clients, employees, family and friends with a unique gift from Naturally Gifted. With eco-friendly and sustainable products including: organic wine, local gourmet food, fair trade chocolate and organic baby gifts, you will find the perfect present for any occasion. Prices start from RRP: $45.00. Find your perfect gift at

t G oa l S e tti n g

Overcome self-sabotage, harness your natural motivation and set goals you’ll actually achieve. How? By making your goals specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and time-framed. The Complete Guide to Setting SMART Goals includes mistakes to avoid, stepby-step instructions, examples, templates and planners. RRP: $29.00. To order visit

The Power of Illusion u

Give your skin a gorgeous dewy glow, highlight and even enhance various parts of your face with this illuminiser. Small lips can appear larger, close-set eyes appear further apart and the whites of your eyes appear whiter. Apply to cheekbones, under brows or to your lip bow for fuller lips. For a natural ‘no make-up glow’ apply a small amount of illuminiser over the entire eyelid. RRP: $25.00. To order visit

 Promotional opportunities  Relevant business information  mentoring, guidance and support plus much, much more ...

All About Biz is a promotional network service that gets your business noticed! 48 Working Women® n Autumn 2011

Join us today and start getting all the help you and your business need in one place.

We’re All About Biz and All About You Take a look at what we have to offer

Vintage for all Occasions u

Salon Confidential u

Paisley Peach welcomes you to the world of infinite possibility and creativity with their range of exquisite and distinctly unique wedding invitations and greeting cards. Inspired by vintage French florals, the full range is available for purchase online. Prices start from RRP: $4.50.

This new salon-quality hair care sensation mixes the finest of Aussie made ingredients to create that salonfresh and guilt-free look right from your own home. The full range of shampoos, conditioners and hair styling variants can be purchased from your closest Price Attack store or online. RRP: $9.95 each.

t Calling all Cherry Lovers!

Cherries Direct is an Australian company dedicated to sourcing the finest cherries on the planet. Simply jump online to have the most luscious Australian cherries delivered straight from the farm to your doorstep in 48 hours! Purchase as a gift or simply stock your own fridge with nature’s most delectable candy. Cherries Direct Australian cherry boxes are the perfect corporate gift for colleagues or clients. RRP: $40.00 per 2kg box. Available for purchase from

qAnti-ageing Tea

A delightfully refreshing health tonic formulated especially for women from eight bountiful herbs and flowers. Rich in anti-ageing antioxidants, especially Vitamin C, as well as other gently cleansing and purifying herbs. For optimal wellbeing drink regularly to restore balance and promote a radiant complexion. WNA Members receive a free stainless steel tea dispenser valued at $5.00 with purchase on request. RRP: $24.95. Visit

t Dream Big

The dream big collection is a range of consciously created inspirational and encouraging products to inspire people around the world. The collection consists of gorgeous hand poured 100% soy scented candles, a range of inspirational t-shirts and of course greeting cards to send to someone special. Each product comes with a specially designed inspirational message to bring passion, fun, light, love and excitement into your life. Prices start from RRP: $4.00. For information visit

Perfect Pedicure Sandals u

With inbuilt toe dividers you can pop these shoes on straight after a pedicure to prevent your polish from smudging - perfect for the girl on the go! RRP: $39.95 and available for purchase at

Want your products listed here?

Email a professional product photo (tif or jpg at 300 dpi) and a 60 word description including the RRP and where readers can purchase the product to

Do you recognise and reward the important people in your business? Organic, fair trade and local gifts for all occasions, delivered Australia wide

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Hardworking staff Loyal customers and clients Referring business partners

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1300 80 30 44 Autumn 2011 n Working Women® 49

WW Export


Business Program Targets Women Businesses owned and operated by women are one of the fastest growing business segments, but despite success in domestic markets research indicates that they are less likely to become exporters.

To support business women who are interested in learning more about how to take their products and services to the world, a new program has been launched. The program is aimed at making international trade activities easier and more accessible.

The ‘Women in Global Business’ program has been designed to provide training, education, networking as well as trade and investment opportunities to connect women both in Australian and abroad.


series of networking events and seminars A across Australia.


romotional activities to encourage more P Australian business women to engage in international trade and investment.

The resources and activities delivered through the program include:

The program is a cooperative project between Austrade and the governments of New South Wales, Queensland, Victoria, South Australia, Tasmania and the ACT.


website that acts as a central platform for A disseminating information and networking and linking businesswomen across Australia and overseas. The website will also deliver online services such as mentoring and webinars.

If you are interested in learning more about the program contact Austrade on T: 13 28 78 or E: n

Your Golden Opportunity Need an excuse to catch up with friends, network with your clients or simply have a fun and hassle-free get together? Try a fun new way to raise money for your charity of choice! Do good with gold by taking part in The Golden Cause national charity drive. Whether it is a single gold earring you have lost the other half of, a broken gold necklace or simply gold you will never wear again, we all have unwanted gold sitting idle in our jewellery boxes. The Golden Cause provides an opportunity to host fun and easy events with your friends and clients to turn this outdated or broken gold jewellery into valuable fundraising dollars for charity.

• Your guests are paid excellent market rate prices on the spot for their unwanted gold jewellery • An additional 10% on top of these great prices is donated to your charity • We organise the party for you and provide a professional gold assessor • We give you $70 towards champagne and nibbles • $50 from each party booked at your event also goes to charity

How do The Golden Cause events work? Invite around 10 friends or clients and ask them to bring all their unwanted gold and platinum … broken necklaces, single earrings, old cuff-links, etc.

Community Angels Inc.

A professional gold assessor will value each guests’ gold and present a cheque on the spot for anything they wish to trade.

Your charity of choice will then be paid an additional 10% of the total pay out from your event. Our gold assessor manages all financial transactions, including the charity donation and will ensure you can track your fundraising progress online at

To book your party for The Golden Cause today, text PARTY to 0423 858 093 or visit 50 Working Women® n Autumn 2011

dIy pr


a three step system

need to get your business seen and known? JuLie morgAn provides information on how important and priceless a simple public relations system can be for any business. With these steps up your sleeve, watch your publicity soar!

As many self-made publicity gurus will agree, doing your own PR is not rocket science. Regardless, it certainly helps to know the basics when approaching the media, so get your story pitch right and it could earn you some priceless publicity - get it wrong and you can miss an opportunity, or worse, you could even do damage to your reputation. Before you contact the media, it’s important that you do some research into the type of story that will appeal to the media outlets you are pitching your story idea to. Three important steps to follow when doing your own PR:

step 1: MaKe sUre yoUr story Is neWsWorthy. Don’t just send in your product or business information to the media, offer the media a relevant news angle or story idea to write about. News is something exciting that is occurring ‘in the now’. It is not something that happened a month ago. In business it could be: n

A launch of a new product or service, particularly if it’s a first, or one-off.


A new contract, major deal or business partner.


A record turnover or sales.


A major trend.


A business milestone e.g. celebrating 10 years in business.


New research.


An insight or a comment on a current news story or issue.

step 2: haVe a Well WrItten press release. Journalists receive hundreds of emails a day from people wanting coverage. A well written press release can certainly help your news get noticed. Make sure you: n

Use a catchy and informative headline.


In your first paragraph include the key facts e.g. the what, why, how, when and where of your story.


Keep the language simple.


Keep sentences short, journalists want facts fast.


Don’t have more than two sentences in a paragraph.

step 3: send yoUr press release to the rIGht MedIa ContaCts. There is no point sharing your news about art with a sports editor, so make sure you send your release to the appropriate contacts. If you’re looking to buy an Australian media list online, shop around for ones that contain the names of journalists rather than just their title. Purchase lists that you can use again rather than hiring once-only.

relationships and respond to journalists directly and quickly. Being able to provide comments and information on the spot can also boost your chances of media coverage. But, the downside of ‘do it yourself’ PR is that writing press releases and contacting journalists can be time-consuming without the right tools. To counter this, get quality media contact lists and outsource your press release writing if putting pen to paper isn’t your strength. n

Lastly, as with most things, there are pros and cons with doing your own PR. A major benefit is that you know your business better than anyone else does. You don’t have to pay PR agency fees and you can build

cOntact business PHOne

n Julie Morga ru u G PR 5060 +61 (3) 9696 u .a om .c uru


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better tHinking for work five strategies to give you back your mental edge

Did you have breakfast this morning? no? Chances are you’re not allowing your body to reach its full potential not only whilst at work, but also in your personal time. Dr JennY BroCkiS looks at five simple ways you can allow your brain and body to perform to the best of its ability. Are you feeling a bit sluggish mentally and wondering how you can sharpen your memory and thinking skills? We know how important it is to look after our body but it is crucial we look after our brain too. After all, we put huge demands on it every single day. Listed below are five strategies to help your brain think better.

1. PROVIDE THE FUEL Our brain is a very greedy organ. It may only comprise two per cent of our body weight but it consumes 20 per cent of our daily energy input. One of the biggest mistakes we can make is to attempt to start our working day without feeding our brain. Our brain cells don’t store glucose so we have to eat. Television advertisements

remind us how important it is for our kids to eat breakfast so they perform well at school and this applies to us in the workplace as well.

2. PROVIDE THE SPACE YOUR BRAIN NEEDS TO THINK If you are struggling to come up with new ideas or trying to finish a project in time for a deadline, it could be that your brain needs a break. Every 45 minutes or so, have a mental break. This gives your brain a chance to consolidate facts and allows your mind to relax. This is the time when insights and brain waves are more likely to occur. If you have several tasks that need to be done at the same time, resist the temptation to multitask. Prioritising and paying attention to one task at a time will help you manage

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distractions, get things done more efficiently and with fewer mistakes.

3. PROVIDE THE REST Getting adequate sleep is essential to enable good thinking and easy recollection. Sleep provides our brain the time it needs to encode our learning from the day and lay down memories. How much sleep do we need? Well, everyone is different but the average requirement is eight hours. But remember, having too little sleep means we function much less efficiently mentally.

4. PROVIDE THE STIMULATION Routine and repetition leads to mental boredom. Our brain cells like novelty and challenge so we need to stretch that mental muscle. Try looking for new things to incorporate into your work routine. If you have always followed the same pattern for meetings and presentations, perhaps they could be done differently and more effectively as a result.

5. PROVIDE THE EXERCISE Being stuck at a desk all day leads to loss of fitness and increases our risk of obesity. Exercising has been shown to stimulate more efficient thinking, better memory and remembrance, even from as little exercise as walking three times a week for 30 minutes. Industry leaders who have to make quick, good and confident decisions are often those who also incorporate regular exercise into their day. If you feel too tired or are working too many hours, paradoxically introducing exercise into your daily routine can increase your energy levels and improve your productivity. So next time you’re finding it hard to concentrate on the mountain of work that requires attention, follow these tips and you’ll be on top of your workload in no time. n

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eleMents oF

The tragic circumstances surrounding the start of 2011 will be firmly etched in our memories for a very long time. gAYe kueLSen looks at life experiences and how they can be a catalyst for examining our values and defining how we gauge our personal success.

The impact of the recent floods in January has been devastating, and many people are now putting their lives back together. Some people have lost everything and have only themselves to cling to. Events like the floods make people realise what is really important in their lives. So, even if you have not been directly affected by the floods, this is an opportune time to assess your own life and decide what kind of personal success you wish to achieve. What does personal success mean to you? It can be finding inner peace, being happy,

9. Be organised - when you prepare and plan you prosper. You also become calm, capable and confident.

to incorporate it into your life. Within three months you will be well on your way to achieving your personal success.

10. Have fun - incorporate fun in everything you do. Laugh often; live well; and love much.

Remember, that it is not what you can touch and feel, but rather what touches you and makes you feel that brings true purpose to your life. n

11. Be your best - develop a genuine interest in others and be generous with yourself, time and skills. What you give out to other people will come back to you in abundance. The most effective way to make changes in your life is to make small changes that you can sustain over the long term. Concentrate on one element each week and decide on the steps you can take

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Know yourself - really understand your values and beliefs. These are the basis of your thoughts which influence your behaviours that create the results in your life. having financial independence or contributing to meaningful relationships. Whatever personal success means for you, for everyone, there are some common elements that when present in your life, will lead you to greater fulfilment. Consider if you have these eleven essential elements present in your life: 1. Know yourself - really understand your values and beliefs. These are the basis of your thoughts which influence your behaviours that create the results in your life. 2. Priorities - decide what is important to you and focus your energy and time into these areas to live the life you want. Remember that goals are your dreams with an action plan. 3. Passion - find your passion and unleash your creativity. When you do what you love, it is never work. 4. Gratitude - acknowledge three things every day for which you are grateful. Gratitude helps you focus on what you do have. 5. Family - make it a priority to spend quality time with your loved ones. 6. Friends - surround yourself with positive people that support you. 7. Health - are you here for a good time or a long time? You can enjoy both when you are fit and healthy. 8. Finances - instead of a budget, create a ‘How to get what I want’ plan to achieve your financial goals.

Does your life feel like it is bursting at the seams? Would some TLC be the answer? Kirsty O’Callaghan’s brand of TLC is something quite different. Kirsty is a National Parenting Expert who is motivating and inspiring thousands of Australians through positive and Present Parenting Techniques.

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Through the suite of TLC services you can shape a different future. Are you ready to succeed? Take the first step to regain control of your life and call Kirsty O’Callaghan today. With each booking you receive a free copy of Kirsty’s book ‘PARENTING – A Guide For The Ride’

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return to work minus the

MuMMY GuIlT Are you suffering from mummy guilt? BLYTHe DriuSSi-roWe is a busy working mum with two toddlers trying to make it all happen. in this story she shares ten valuable lessons she’s learnt along the way.

Whether to return to the workforce after having children is a decision faced by hundreds of women every year. With the cost of living skyrocketing, many women feel as though they have little choice so they often go back to work carrying a fair amount of guilt. It is understandable that with so many competing demands on working mums they often wonder if nurturing their career path is even worth the sacrifice their family unit has to make.

10 tips on returning to work minus the mummy guilt. 1. Never underestimate a mother’s intuition.

your life. Finally, take responsibility for your decision to work and make the most of it.

Follow your instincts when choosing care for your child. If you don’t feel a connection, don’t go there. Be patient, look around and don’t compromise.

not working, it is critical that you spend quality, memorable moments with your family. Eat dinner together, read together and have fun. Turn off your phone, your blackberry, your email and really ‘be present’.

2. Transition back into the paid workforce. Consider easing back into your job or business. Perhaps work half days or start working a few

Regardless of whether you are juggling a corporate career or running your own business, learning how to control the ‘mummy guilt’ factor will make your life so much more pleasant and manageable. Regardless of whether you are juggling a corporate career or running your own business, learning how to control the ‘mummy guilt’ factor will make your life so much more pleasant and manageable. The following tips might resonate, confirm or be of value in shaping your role as a fabulous working mum.

days and build up. Allow your child, and yourself, to test run the new routine.

3. Remember your purpose and take responsibility. Given what we focus on in life is what we tend to get, avoid focusing on the guilt associated with returning to work and shift your thinking. Consider the benefits of what working will give you as an individual, a mother, and to

4. Be present and in the moment. When you are

5. Stop being a martyr. Stop playing the role of superwoman. It may make you feel important and needed but it can also serve as an excuse to avoid looking after yourself. You need to be comfortable asking for help, accepting help and delegating whenever you can.

6. Outsource. Not the parenting, but if possible and affordable, outsource those time-consuming, less enjoyable, chores such as cleaning, ironing or bookkeeping. Allow your limited free time to be spent on more quality activities.

7. Give up on perfectionism. Quit sweating the small stuff. If the house is a mess because your two year old has been home all day with the carer, whilst you have been working…so what.

8. Accept that work and life balance is an urban myth. Don’t waste your energy in search of the perfect work and life balance. Accept the fact that there will be times where your work may seem to consume you and other times it will be your family. Understand it is more about a balance in your thinking.

9. Communicate your needs. If the going gets tough, you must speak up. Talk to your boss or partner so can you change your hours or alter your workload. Can you share the chores or family responsibilities with your partner? Do not keep it bottled up.

10. Be realistic and don’t kid yourself. Don’t expect you will ever be 100 per cent guilt-free. As a working mum it often comes with the territory. Remember, no one is perfect so give yourself a break, do your best and enjoy the ride! n

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WW BeTWeen THe PAgeS



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easy MarKetInG For WoMen

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“Unlike so many other marketing books filled with jargon and scenarios that just don’t resonate with real-life circumstances, Easy Marketing for Women is easy to understand and makes perfect sense. If you are after the tools and ideas to market your business in a book that speaks to you, this book is highly recommended.”

TOP READS yoU seXy Mother: the JoUrnal Author: Jodie Hedley-Ward RRP: $24.99

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Authors: Vicki Bennett and Ian Mathieson RRP: $9.99 How can women achieve balance and access personal fulfillment? This eBook offers practical tools and ideas while being loaded with stories and experiences from women. The stories are interwoven with comments, advice and suggestions from the authors which will stimulate thinking and create a positive and productive mindset. Available at

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A stunning book compiled by karen Phillips and with a foreword by olivia newtonJohn, which takes a look at 50 Australian women role models from fields such as fashion, media, sport, politics and everyday life. miranda kerr, Collette Dinnigan, kasey Chambers, Sigrid Thornton, Fiona Coote and gai Waterhouse are just some of the women who share their experiences, lessons learnt, aspirations and advice. Available at all good book stores.

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play froM

pAuSe To

Film maker HemmA keArneY knew the turning point in her career had arrived when she found herself looking into the eyes of a woman who had gained sight for the first time in 50 years. After producing her first short film at the age of only 16, Hemma propelled herself into the world of film-making. Over the next few years Hemma experienced the highlights of the film industry - from international feature films all the way to music film clips, she had the opportunity to work with some of Australia’s best talent.

In realising the importance of exposure for the people affected by ‘The East Timor Eye Project’, Hemma wanted to incorporate this type of work into her everyday life. The documentary went on to win ‘Best Film’ and ‘Best Community Film’ in the Pfizer film contest in 2010.

However, little did Hemma know nothing would measure up to the experience that was yet to come. It was whilst filming the documentary ‘The East Timor Eye Project’ that her life path completely altered. The documentary featured volunteer Ophthalmologists performing sightsaving surgery in the recovering community of East Timor. With her film camera in one hand and a stills camera in the other, Hemma travelled with medical staff throughout the procedures interacting widely with East Timorese patients and their families.

The photographic moments Hemma captured during the time she spent in East Timor were later published in the book, ‘Twenty Minute Miracles’. Aside from these achievements, Hemma’s real triumph was the exposure and funding that the project received as a result of the film. This has consequently become the mission statement for her new business Avogadro Productions, an influential production company that offers tailor-made images combining film and photography.

In realising the importance of exposure for the people affected by ‘The East Timor Eye Project’, Hemma wanted to incorporate this type of work into her everyday life. The documentary went on to win ‘Best Film’ and ‘Best Community Film’ in the Pfizer film contest in 2010. Hemma realised that through film, authentic stories of individuals could be told and the dreams and aspirations of those less fortunate could gain exposure. “Initially, when I first started in film, it was amazing to me that I could do film-making professionally. It was during the filming of the documentary that I realised I wanted to take charge of my career personally and contribute to people on a more genuine and personal level,” said Hemma.

Hemma’s current productions range widely and include the promotion of local businesses, community circus projects, charity work and even filming for corporate events. Although market trends are continuously changing, YouTube instructional, advertising and promotional videos are in high demand. As a result of this, Hemma’s passion for providing a personable and beneficial service rewards her with the opportunity to connect with people through the filming process online.

of as inexpensive University degrees. Every mistake brings new knowledge.

2. Avoid ‘comparison paranoia’. Everyone’s journey is completely different and we all learn in different ways. Turn comparison into inspiration from one another.

3. Remember yourself within the business. It’s important to feel healthy and energetic while starting and running a business because it reflects directly into your business and your image. n

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arney Hemma Ke oductions Avogadro Pr 629 099 +61 (0) 439 ct gadroprodu


Knowing how hard gaining exposure can be, and working in the film-making industry, Hemma shares her top tips.

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58 Working Women® n Autumn 2011

heMMa’s top tIps 1. Never give up. Mistakes should be thought


Walk the talk


Do first impressions really matter? Yes they do, according to personal image consultant Ann WHiTAker. Your customers’ opinions of your company, your products and your services are influenced by how they perceive you and your staff. Did you know that when someone first meets you, they will form a first impression of you and your capabilities in the first 7-10 seconds. It is a known fact that 55 per cent of first impressions are based on appearance, 38 per cent being based on the tone and inflection of your voice and only 7 per cent are based on the actual content of what you say. Every time you meet someone, you engage in non-verbal communication and removing the risk of any subconscious barriers provides the key to successful business communication.

2. Make-up should always be worn in the

7. Shoes should have heels. They don’t have to

professional arena. If no make-up is present then it gives the impression that you did not make an effort.

be sky-scraper stilettos a low heel with suffice. Strappy glitzy heels are to be avoided.

3. Personal grooming should be impeccable. Nails should be clean and nail polish should be worn, a clear polish will suffice.

4. Tissues should be used and thrown away and not tucked in a sleeve or pocket, or left on your desktop.

5. Handbags should never be over-stuffed.

Here are some tips on improving your personal business impact:

Likewise only carry those papers that are pertinent to a meeting, not an armful of historic documents.

1. Ensure that the outfit you have chosen to wear

6. Never carry both your handbag and a laptop

is appropriate to the meeting setting. Consider the formality of the environment.

bag into a meeting. You will have to juggle the bags in order to shake hands. Simply empty the items you need from your handbag into one of the laptop bag’s pockets.

8. A skirt suit is always the most formal look, but trouser suits and dresses with matching jackets are also perfectly acceptable professional wear.

9. Avoid jangly earrings, bracelets and necklaces as they are a distraction which takes the attention away from your business message.

10. Have your colours professionally analysed so that you dress in colours that maximize your appearance. Wearing your correct colours means that you will look fabulous and exude confidence. n r Ann Whitake e ur and Imag lo Co of se Hou 656 097 + 61 (0) 424 taker uk/annwhi o. r.c u lo co of se ou .h w ww

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Autumn 2011 n Working Women® 59


Manipulation Are you a target?

Have you ever encountered a person in your business that has turned your workdays into a series of battles? Dr mArY CASeY provides the tools and guidance you’ll need to put a stop to anyone trying to drain you of energy, or making you feel powerless or vulnerable.

Interpersonal conflict happens in both personal relationships and at work and can’t always be avoided. The litmus test shows that ongoing conflict is a serious problem. This occurs when problems in the office never get resolved no matter how often you may argue or try to make it work. If this has ever been the case for you, chances are you were dealing with a manipulator. Many women fall victim to manipulators in the workplace and become their prime target. Over a long period of time, the manipulators continuous presence and negative influence in your life makes you feel sick, confused, angry and frustrated, simply because you are not aware that you are being manipulated.

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Chances are that if you suspect you are being targeted by a manipulator, you are probably correct. Many targeted women lack personal boundaries and as a result, allow manipulators to make decisions and changes without asking anyone and basically make you feel powerless and vulnerable. Most manipulators are intimidated by people smarter and more assertive than themselves. Realising that you are a targeted person in the workplace, it’s important to understand the motives behind manipulative behaviour and further, take note of the tactics used, and develop strategies on how to deal with them. The goal of a manipulator is to control and influence the behaviours and actions of others. They use control gestures such as emotional blackmail, fostering guilt, helplessness, and dishonest, persuasive language. Most manipulators don’t realise they are doing this because their behaviour is fed by their own insecurities or a view of life as a struggle for survival, a series of battles. Hence they need to mark their territory, secure ‘allies’, and use emotional tactics. They can be aggressive or even passive aggressive.

When confronting manipulative behaviour, avoid sarcasm, hostility, threats and put downs, they are masters at emotional games and will use your behaviour as evidence that you are the abuser. With this new awareness, you need to change through the application of strategies to avoid yet again, being a victim. People do what they do because they can, and because of this, you should define your limits and set boundaries by always being assertive. Seeing your strong boundaries, a manipulator will find you a difficult target and they will move onto easier prey. When confronting manipulative behaviour, avoid sarcasm, hostility, threats and put downs, they are masters at emotional games and will use your behaviour as evidence that you are the abuser. They will invariably offer excuses for their behaviour, divert the subject to a minor issue, or shift the blame. Always re-focus on the issue at hand to keep the responsibility on their side.

oFFensIVe taCtICs Used By ManIpUlators n

Refutation: Denying they have done wrong.


Distraction: Changing the subject to evade the issue or gain time.


Threats: Using concealed or open threats to keep their targets anxious.


Fostering guilt: Suggesting you are selfish to make you feel bad and want to repair the ‘damage’.


Charm: Praise and flatter openly to gain the trust and confidence of others.


Accusations or discrediting: Shift the blame to others and detract in subtle, hard-to-detect ways.


Deception: Withhold large amounts of the truth, distort the truth, or are vague. n


• Control your emotions, or disengage: They are experts at emotional games and will use your anger or frustration as evidence that you are the abuser. • Observe only outcomes: Don’t try to second-guess the meaning behind their words or actions. • Be clear and specific: Ask for what you want precisely; ensure your body language backs your words. • Act fast: They interpret your silence as agreement if you wait for the ‘right time’ to address the issue. • Keep them responsible: When they try to shift the blame, focus on their behaviour. • Stand your ground: Repeat the same statement until they realise you will not change your mind. • Accept no excuse for inappropriate behaviour. Re-focus on the issue you are trying to confront.

sey Dr Mary Ca re nt Ce Casey 7777 +61 (2) 8778 u .a om .c centre www.casey

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WW life support


The only hurdle To change is After years of trying to lose weight, through many diets and exercise regimes, finally at the age of 45 when working long hours and travelling extensively in the Corporate Arena, I managed to find the way to lose weight and keep it off – permanently! What I have learnt, it is not about “losing weight”, but “losing body fat”, which means the scales are not the measure of success. As a direct result of my choices, I am also physically stronger which has overcome many physical issues such as back and knee pain. At one stage I could not walk up and down stairs without “hanging” onto the rails, now I can run up and down the stairs! At an age when I am “theoretically” supposed to be getting slower and putting on weight (nearly 50), I am stronger and smaller than I have ever been in my adult life! It is a LifeStyle Choice, and I stopped making excuses around “time” as to why I couldn’t achieve my desired results. With a background and tertiary qualifications in IT, I understand if we need a software program to do something different we need to “make a change” to achieve a new and desired result.


What I have done “Commitment leads to Action, is taken my Action brings your dream Closer” experience and understanding from the IT industry and “rewritten” my software program. As even services include: though the “hardware” may be dated (my body), n life style Coaching (Nlp Accredited) it doesn’t mean my software can’t be rewritten n Nutrition Coaching (with the focus to upgrade the hardware! around fat loss, not Weight loss) n Nutritional evaluation (includes how to Over the past 4 years I have learnt how to eat shop in a supermarket and reading and exercise correctly without compromising food labels) my lifestyle of eating out (which of course n General fitness review and assistance includes the glass of wine!), to maintenance my (Creation or modification of exercise new dress size! programs) LifeStyle Coaching was developed for people who want to learn how to make the right choices D i D yo u k n ow ? n 70% of our energy is expended when we for a happier and healthier you. are at rest. The Services are an education process over a 4 n More muscle mass, faster metabolism, to 6 week period, designed to equip you to make which means faster body fat loss the right choices for you and your LifeStyle. n fat loss = exercise + right food. As choices are not just about doing the right exercise, it is about doing the right exercise for you, when to exercise, when to rest and eating Jenni Dean the right food. ContaCt aches Lifestyle Co Business 040 369 0 40 If you are ready to move forward for a more +61 (0) .au Phone “energetic you”, then maybe you are ready for jennidean@ l m ai co em eve. lieveyouachi LifeStyle Coaching. n www.yoube


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Breville’s the Freeze & Mix™ u

How do you make homemade ice cream using your mixer? With the Freeze & mix™ thermal ice cream bowl and scraper paddle you can whip up ice cream, gelato and frozen yoghurt in as little as 20 minutes. This double-walled insulated bowl and scraper paddle is sold as an accessory for the Breville Scraper mixer™ and Scraper mixer Pro™. RRP: $99 Contact:

t Claire Moffa Women Connected 434 901 +61 (0) 402 ectedwomen www.conn

cOntact business PHOne

Autumn 2011 n Working Women® 63


be the ceO of your own


Take charge of your future and step up to your life. Join Jenni DeAn as she outlines the simple changes required to fast-track to a healthier, more alert and more motivated lifestyle. Just because you are working hard, and have limited time it doesn’t mean that you can’t become healthier and slimmer. And let’s get it straight from the start, becoming healthier doesn’t signify missing meals or using meal replacements. It involves choosing the right exercise and eating lots of the right foods to make sure your energy expenditure is kept at a high rate to burn fuel (body fat) - even when you are sleeping! So what is energy expenditure? Energy expenditure is what your body uses daily to keep operating. It is broken down into three key areas; rest (generally sleeping), physical activity (exercise) and thermogenesis (living, including the digestion of food).

All of these energy expenditures are regulated through our metabolism and creates the energy we need to stay alive and to perform daily activities. So the faster your metabolism, the faster you can burn fuel and body fat. To bring on the ‘new you’, the first step is to be motivated, or at least be motivated to start. The motivation must be yours and not anyone else’s. If you are pushed into action through someone else’s motivation, you are only setting yourself up for failure. Make a contract with yourself. By doing this, you will hold yourself responsible for your own success. The second step is to set your goal. Don’t make it so big that realistically it cannot be achieved,

Hands-on SEO workshops - ensuring your online success  Personalised hands-on workshop  Limited enrolment  Genuine techniques to build your SEO skills  Immediate feedback from your instructor  6 months 1-on-1 mentoring post workshop at no extra cost  Risk free guarantee If your website isn’t creating online growth, then register now for our next hands-on workshop and learn genuine techniques to take your online presence to a new level of success.

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64 Working Women® n Autumn 2011

as once again you are only setting yourself up for failure. Take baby steps to move towards the bigger goal and keep your direction in sight. Additionally, create a vision board – position it on your fridge door. This will help keep your goals in sight, especially when preparing your meals. The third and final key area involves the planning of your success. This step encompasses a number of activities such as planning the right exercise, planning where you are going to eat and what you are going to eat. You certainly don’t want to skip any meals, because this slows down your metabolism whilst eating the right food assists in speeding up your metabolism. When you are planning your week ahead ensure that before you shop that you write a shopping list. This will not only make sure you buy the right food, it will also help you save money. Take one a step at a time. Maybe spend the first week shopping for the right foods and then the second week you can focus on starting an exercise program or changing an existing one. Don’t forget to include resistance training to help increase muscle mass which contributes to increasing your metabolism and it is effective for up to 36 hours after the training. This is great for when you are leading a busy life. Within two to three weeks you will start to make more than one change a week. With an average of 28 days for a change to become habit, plan for success not for failure - start small, build up big. n

Jenni Dean aches Lifestyle Co 040 369 0 40 ) (0 61 + hi ac u lieveyo www.yoube

cOntact business PHOne

Don’t risk your business or staff,


do happen

Safeguard your business by sourcing experienced, professional services for audits, programs and training. In Australia it is mandatory for every business to provide a safe work environment and safe systems of work. That’s a big responsibility when you’re focused on your core business and it can be a lot of work to stay up to date with changing legislation. However, having a strong and thorough plan in place is priceless insurance for the success of your business. Safety For Life Pty Ltd solves these thorny problems for you. Imagine you have a trusted expert on hand to guide you, coach you and advise you when things need to be done differently – that’s just

Hello from Someday Isle. Wish you were here ...

what Safety For Life does every day for dozens of businesses just like yours. Don’t risk your business or staff, incidents do happen. The costs of being found non-compliant to legislation can be crippling.

Safety For Life provides experienced, professional services to your business through audits, programs and training.

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The costs of being found non-compliant to legislation can be crippling.

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Dear Self, Is this your Someday Isle? You know the place you imagine when you say ‘Someday I’ll ...’ Well, this is your future self telling you that unless you give yourself a good shake and do some serious planning, someday will never come. Because I know you’re busy I’ve made a list – all you have to do is tick it off. LIST FOR GETTING TO SOMEDAY ISLE

1. A business succession plan so we can retire in style. 2. The security of life insurance to protect all that we have worked for. 3. A robust and healthy super fund to spend as we wish. 4. Contingency funding (for leave, pay outs, bonuses) to reward our staff for helping us. 5. Shares and investments that are structured to give us strong returns. 6. Advice today from someone who, like us, shares our dreams. So get going, make financial security your gift to me. See you someday.

Love, Self PS: TIP - Start with number 6. Jenny is expecting your call because if you listened to me you already made it ...

Jenny Moss - AR No: 235806 As seen in Hollywood, the Ultimate Body Applicator is a unique slimming sensation. Expect “ultimate” results with this amazing 45-minute makeover. The natural herbs in this powerful wrap actually work to tone, tighten, and detoxify your fatty areas. Loose up to 10cm’s in 45 minutes permanently. Visit Marnie Rangan 0433 574 158 — It Works Independent Distributor TRy IT ToDAy – only $35 each with mention of this ad Distributors also wanted Australia wide

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WW STreSS mAnAgemenT

How Resilient


it’s been said that that what doesn’t kill us will make us stronger, and this is certainly the case when it comes to resilience. Jen DALiTZ offers guidance on how to control your resilience to maintain an empowered and stress-free mind.

If you were to rate out of ten how resilient you’re feeling at this very moment, one being the lowest and ten being the highest, what score would you give yourself? If you’re having trouble picking a number, imagine you’ve just boarded a plane for an overseas trip and you find you’re seated next to a young mum with a screaming baby; with that context give yourself a score. Now how does that score compare with how you would have rated yourself a month ago? And a year ago? Is there any difference? Most people will find that their resilience goes up and down over time which is what you would expect. Our resilience is continuously influenced by various factors that change over time and often it is also impacted by factors outside of our control, as well as our choices that may be within our control; yet impact on our resilience nonetheless. Do you want to be more resilient? Surprisingly, there are no secrets to becoming more resilient. It’s simply about being able to work through the tough times, about making mistakes while being prepared to try again and it’s about picking yourself up and moving forward in life. It’s important for parents to give their children the opportunity to try and fail, and then to try again. Moreover, it’s important to continue to do this as adults because the imperfections we encounter and see in life can help us to be stronger and more resilient.

the factors at play. If your goal is to build your resilience, you can start by understanding: n

Where you are right now and how you got there.


The factors of your current situation that are within your control and how you can change them for the better.


The factors that are out of your control and how you can best respond to them.

of resilience in the previous exercise at five or below, it’s possibly not the best time to be making important decisions about your career or anything else. So you’re feeling a little stretched, a little like screaming or just falling into a heap and hiding under the doona for a week, what can you do about it right now? Create silence. Step away from your desk or the central activity in your life. Go for a walk, take some deep breaths and spend a little time letting the noise in your head die down.

When it comes to building your resilience, you might be surprised at just how much is within your control. By focusing on choices and factors that you can control, you’ll feel empowered, less stressed and more capable of overcoming challenges. Focus on you. Are you being active and exercising daily? Are you eating well, or is your bin full of fast food wrappers? Are you consuming too much alcohol? Are you getting enough sleep? All of these factors will impact on your physiological wellbeing. Lean on others. In the city, there has been a shift away from people leaning on each other and being part of a community and it has now become a place where everyone is trying to go it alone. If you’re doing it tough, don’t be afraid to phone up a friend, to confide in a colleague or to just let off steam - a problem shared is a problem halved.

What can you control? When it comes to building your resilience, you might be surprised at just how much is within your control. By focusing on choices and factors that you can control, you’ll feel empowered, less stressed and more capable of overcoming challenges.

the here and now.

Consider your current workload and ask yourself:

In the context of career planning, individuals making choices about the work they are doing and the work they want to do in the future, may have experienced a burnout. They may be setting new career goals or be contemplating a new role and if you rated your current level


Am I taking on tasks, at work or at home, that belong to someone else?


Are there skills I could develop further to help me perform better? Or to manage my current circumstances more effectively?

66 Working Women® n Autumn 2011


Am I appreciating the trade offs I am making in my life?


Am I giving feedback to people around me about how I’m feeling, what I’m thinking and what I want?

Often it’s only when we ask ourselves these questions, that we realise just how much we can control and how much we can strengthen our resilience by making a few simple changes.

What’s outside of your control? Of course there are always going to be factors outside of our control that have a big impact on our physical and emotional resilience. But even if you can’t control the situation, you can at least choose how you respond - and you’ll be surprised at how much better this can make you feel. Even in the most difficult circumstances you can choose your response by considering the following:

1. Manage your own expectations. Don’t be hard on yourself and don’t expect too much. Be kind to yourself and don’t expect to be able to operate on all four cylinders for the time being.

2. Set expectations of those around you. Make sure they know what’s going on, and the impact it is having. If there is something you need, don’t be afraid to ask. What’s the worst thing that can happen? Even if they say no, you’re no worse off.

3. Consider alternatives for both the short term and long term. Is there anything you could do to achieve your desired outcome? Things will at times, seem impossible and obstacles will seem insurmountable. But when the dust has settled, consider what you’ve learned, what you’ve gained and where you’ve come from. n

Jen Dalitz hinxx cOntact sulting / Sp n Dalitz Con Je s es n si bu 70 1300 969 0 PHOne www.sphin

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Advert Design

Michelle Glass loves working for

White Lady FuneraLs

Want to maximise your advertising dollar? HeLen gooDmAn provides some top tips to create adverts with impact. n

n n









Beautiful white hearses and elegant ladies in their crisp white uniforms......but behind the scenes are a group of hard working dedicated women, and because my passion is delivering excellence in customer service I love working in a team who all strive for going the extra mile for every family we care for.

Follow the AiDA formula: Attention, interest, Desire and Action. With advertisements, less is always more. Always use your logo. in most cases it should appear at the bottom right of the advertisement. ensure that your web address is prominent. For typefaces, as a rule, only use two different fonts; one for the headline and one for body copy. The headline typeface can be more creative and should be at least four times the size of the body copy. if you want your copy to be easily read, stick to a simple clean typeface, but also one that reflects your business style.

Use space wisely, just because it is there does not mean you need to completely fill it. n

White Lady Funerals are the creme de la creme of the funeral industry.

most professional typefaces are available in different weights, used in the right way you can add emphasis to your key messages. Try adding a thicker border around your advert - it will draw attention to your advert when placed with others. use space wisely, just because it is there does not mean you need to completely fill it. use of white space can add impact to your message and can draw the eye to important points. use quality graphics or photos taken by a professional to illustrate your point. one strong quality image will say far more about your product or service than several poor ones. ensure the file is in the right format for print use. Where possible always use your professional designer to create your advert, it will keep your brand consistent and ensure that the advert is created in the right specification for publication. remember your advert will be on a page amongst others; make sure it stands out. And of course, place your advert in a publication where your target audience will see it!

an Helen Goodm Design ic ph ra G PG 7996 +61 (7) 3297 gn si de ic ph www.pggra

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68 Working Women® n Autumn 2011

Michelle Glass, White Lady Funerals


a woman's understanding


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Calendar2011 Put your foot in the door at Wna – dynamic networking events, connections and educational speakers. aPRil WeD 6 April


Business Luncheon

Salamanca inn, 10 gladstone Street, Hobart. TAS

THu 7 April


Business Luncheon

The Pavilion Functions Centre, 1 Bogan Street, Albion. QLD

THu 7 April


Power Tea

Chifley Albury, 648 Dean Street, Albury. nSW

THu 14 April


Business Luncheon

rendezvous Allegra, 55 Waymouth Street, Adelaide. SA

THu 14 April


Business Luncheon

Spring Lake Hotel, 1 Springfield Lakes Blvd, Springfield Lakes. QLD

WeD 11 may


Business Luncheon

CQ Functions, 113 Queen Street, melbourne. ViC

THu 12 may


Business Luncheon

The Vibe Hotel, 111 goulburn Street, Sydney. nSW

THu 12 may


Business Luncheon

The Pavilion Functions Centre, 1 Bogan Street, Albion. QLD

WeD 18 may


Business Luncheon

Blue Water Functions, 56 Duncraig road, Applecross. WA

THu 19 may

gOld cOast

Business Luncheon

radisson resort, Palm meadows Drive, Carrara. QLD

WeD 1 June


Business Luncheon

The Vibe Hotel, 111 goulburn Street, Sydney. nSW

THu 2 June


Business Luncheon

CQ Functions, 113 Queen Street, melbourne. ViC

Fri 3 June



CQ Functions, 113 Queen Street, melbourne. ViC

THu 9 June


Business Luncheon

The Pavilion Functions Centre, 1 Bogan Street, Albion. QLD

THu 9 June


Power Tea

Chifley Albury, 648 Dean Street, Albury. nSW

WeD 22 June


Business Luncheon

rendezvous Allegra, 55 Waymouth Street, Adelaide. SA

THu 23 June


Business Luncheon

Spring Lake Hotel, 1 Springfield Lakes Blvd, Springfield Lakes. QLD

WeD 29 June


Business Luncheon

Salamanca inn, 10 gladstone Street, Hobart. TAS



all Our W ie v O t r it tO bOOk O events vis g in k r O 2011 netW o w t e n s n e www.wom

BUilD YoUR PRofile – PRoMoTe anD aDVeRTiSe aT oUR BUSineSS neTWoRKinG eVenTS. Want your promotional material inserted into event delegate satchels? It’s easy for financial members; donate a door prize when attending our events and you’ll be entitled to place your promotional leaflet onto all guests’ chairs. To find out more details T: 1800 052 476 or +61 (7) 3272 8222.

PLeASe noTe: All dates are subject to change. Bookings are required to be made by rSVP dates. Tickets are not held without payment. no money is accepted at the door. reFunDS: For a full refund, notification is required 3 working days prior to event. After this time no refunds are given. enquiries call us on T: 1800 052 476 or +61 (7) 3272 8222. Autumn 2011 n Working Women® 69

Classified Business Directory Accountants Business Links Australia

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Autumn 2011 n Working Women® 71

Classified Business Directory OHS Consultants Safety For Life Pty Ltd

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Online Business Resources All About Biz - Your Online Resource

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Parenting Services Unity-Qld - Services for All Parents

Kirsty O’Callaghan is a National Parenting Expert and is motivating and inspiring thousands of Australian’s to shape their future through positive and Present Parenting Tactics. +61 (0) 402 889 648

Party Plan The Golden Cause

Do good with gold! Need an excuse to catch up with friends, network with your clients. Try a fun new way to raise money for your charity of choice! 1300 358 927


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Solar Energy Services The Solar Guys

Reduce your Power Bill for both your home or business. Supply of Solar Hot Water, Solar Power, energy efficient lighting and pool solutions. Call us for a free quote today. +61 (7) 3375 4075

Sporting Goods Body Torque

Specialising in Cycling/Triathlon, Sports (polo’s & t/shirts). Custom Team Gear for Corporates, Clubs, Associations and Social bunches. Small orders starting from mininum 5 per style. +61 (7) 5256 2431

Telemarketing Services B2B Marketing-Outbound Telemarketing

KeyCall Centres was established in 1999, we are a lead generation, business-to-business call centre conducting marketing campaigns to assist companies. For more information visit our website. 1300 799 837

Training | Certified Australian Institute of Health & Business Management

Physiotherapists Lifestyle Therapies

Sick of PAIN? Our team of physios will help you eliminate or control pain with a range of cutting edge natural and conventional treatments. +61 (7) 3396 9111

Relaxation & Wellbeing Spa-ing Partner

Your online guide to Australian day spas, resorts, hotel spas and lifestyle retreats. All things indulgent for the body, mind and soul. Visit website for details

72 Working Women® n Autumn 2011

Premier RTO offering consulting services, accredited/non accredited training & assessment in Complementary Health & Business Management. Do you value & invest in your people? +61 (7) 3343 1051 | 61 (7) 5445 7474

Training | Computer Smart Advice

Looking for 10 minutes a day for you! Smart Advice is your hub for finding 10 minutes via business tips, smarter ways to use your computer or linking you to some smart IT tools. +61 (7) 5444 6200

Training | Public Speaking Fun & Fearless Public Speaking

Invite Speaking Coach Geraldine Barkworth to show you how to unleash your Inner Speaker with phone coaching, workshops and retreats for bold women. +61 (2) 6685 1917

Training | Staff Development Origin HR (Qld)

Staff Development at no cost. Don’t have the budget or the time to train staff? Want an online and cost neutral solution for your staff development? There is Government funding available for eligible staff. +61 (7) 3123 6944

Video for Web & Film Products Video for Your Website

Let your web video speak for you. With the latest digital video equipment, honed film skills and creativity, we will partner you in creating high quality, high impact web video. +61 (0) 416 276 238

Virtual Assistants Online Personal Assistants

Get time back in your day and partner with a VA Certified Virtual Assistant today! Offering tailored solutions to give you the vital support to help you grow your business. +61 (8) 6102 4557

Website Services Argonyx Studios

Website design, graphic design & print, web & email hosting, search engine optimisation, email marketing and software solutions. 1300 796 292

Online Business Implementation Expert

Harness the internet as a channel to market. New websites, website re-do’s & makeovers, SEO, lead capture, eCommerce, hosting & domain names. Book your free 30 minute consultation. +61 (2) 6100 3881

Women’s Organisations

Want more women in your life? Advertise in the next issue of

Working Women m








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ents rking ev – Netwo tise ss exper – Busine s tools busines – Small tacts king con r o w t e –N ment manage – Career otion ss prom e in s u B – 24 /7 ervices s e n li n –O

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JUST SOME OF THE REASONS WHY WOMEN JOIN WOMEN’S NETWORK AUSTRALIA: n Automatic listing in our Online Members’ Directory

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