Working Women Magazine | Autumn 2014

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Working Women Women’s Network Australia


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AUTUMN 2014 AUD $8.75

Dollar Deals

Do women need to toughen up?

Print Post Approved 100003825

Single women are doing it for themselves


ways to become a media darling

ONLINE BRANDING It’s getting personal


10 eco-friendly tips to finding a fella!


SimplyStated Working Women Women’s network Australia


w w w.w o m e n s n e t w o r k . co m . a u

Business n success n Life

Autumn 2014

As we go to print it appears that business sentiment is finally turning the corner and heading in a positive direction. After half a decade of languishing in less than perfect conditions, businesses are starting to see that there is light at the end of the tunnel and business and consumer sentiment and activity is starting to ramp up. There is always a silver lining and those businesses poised and ready for action will soon be reaping the benefits of pushing through the economic downturn. According to the experts, right now is the time that entrepreneurs should be progressing forward with expanding their existing business or launching their business FOUNDER AND EDITOR-IN-CHIEF WORKING WOMEN® Lynette Palmen AM NATIONAL ADVERTISING MANAGER Nikita Harris 1800 052 476 PROOFREADER Wendy Smith – Jewel See Editing +61 (7) 3349 4440 DESIGN Tricia Mahoney – Scarab Blue Design +61 (0) 419 311 862 SUBSCRIPTIONS WNA Head Office 1800 052 476

2 WORKING WOMEN® n Autumn 2014

start-up. It’s during this part of the economic recovery cycle that entrepreneurs can gain the most traction. Sadly, one of the most obvious reasons being that there is less competition in the market place, with the businesses that could not weather the tough economic conditions having fallen by the wayside. But don’t think you have a couple of years to stake your claim because once the economic tide turns, it turns fast and new business start-ups will sky-rocket. Interestingly, female entrepreneurship is alive and well, with a recent report indicating that the majority of new businesses entering the market here in Australia are owned and operated by women. But as any female entrepreneur will tell you, small business ownership can be a very lonely road. To succeed in business, women need capital, business advice, mentoring, access to networks, ongoing education and let’s not forget one of the most important aspects – the ability to market and attract customers. With the majority of women owned businesses starting organically, and most starting with seeding capital of $5,000 or less, the early years can be tough going. But thanks to our existence, thousands of women just like you have direct access to information, knowledge and a supportive network of women business owners they can rely on. The online world is also proving to be one of the preferred options for women in their search for information and resources to help build their businesses – but even greater value is found when women have PUBLISHER Women’s Network Australia Pty Ltd ABN 66 010 793 727

WORKING WOMEN® is published four times a year by Women’s Network Australia Pty Ltd PO Box 1723 Sunnybank Hills Q 4109 1800 052 476 FAX + 61 (7) 3272 8111 WEB EMAIL HEAD OFFICE PHONE

‘WORKING WOMEN’ is a registered trade mark of Women’s Network Australia Pty Ltd EDITORIAL Editorial is most welcome if it is of a newsworthy nature and accompanied by a good quality photograph. Articles should be directed towards our readership base of business and professional women. Women’s Network Australia has editing rights on all articles submitted. Editorial submissions are accepted on the basis that the publisher may use the author’s name, comments and content for this publication and promotional purposes including electronic and print media. Authors waive all right to copyrights (if any).

AUD $8.75

Dollar Deals

Do women need to toughen up?

single women are doing it for themselves Print Post Approved 100003825

These are exciting times for all of us. Our inspired ‘Working Women’ community continues to grow thanks to the tremendous support we receive from both our Members and readers. With growth comes change and to keep up with your changing needs we expanded the reach of the magazine via the addition of a digital version of each issue. Each individual’s preferred delivery method of content is changing so rapidly that to remain relevant and accessible, constant change is just part and parcel of running any business. The digital version of ‘Working Women’ magazine is attracting traffic from all over the globe and offers increased media presence for our advertisers as well as a platform for our community to connect online. You can access and read ‘Working Women’ online at


ways to become a media darling

online Branding it’s getting personal

Just for fun

10 eco-friendly tips to finding a fella!

water cooler gossi p – is it now causi ng soc ial r i pples?

direct access and mentoring support from likeminded women whose experience and stories they can learn from. We are delighted to share this issue with you. We love receiving your feedback and comments on the products, stories and articles covered in each issue. If you want to drop us a line you can email us at

Lynette Palmen AM Founder and Managing Director Women’s Network Australia

ADVERTISEMENTS Advertisements created by Women’s Network Australia Pty Ltd for this publication cannot be copied or reproduced without permission of the editor. ADVERTORIAL Advertorial is accepted in all sections. A large, clear professional photograph must accompany all articles. Prices are available on application. Please call 1800 052 476. DISCLAIMER Materials and articles in this publication are general comment, not advice. The information is believed to be accurate and reliable but no responsibility is taken for any opinions expressed or for errors and omissions. Readers should not act on the basis of the material without taking professional advice relating to their particular circumstances. COPYRIGHT ©1993 – 2014 Women’s Network Australia Pty Ltd All artwork created by WORKING WOMEN® is the property of Women’s Network Australia Pty Ltd and must not be duplicated in another publication or promotion without written permission as it is subject to Australian copyright law.

Contents Business BUSINESS STRATEGIES Ouch! Understanding your customer’s pain point


The four doors – which option will you choose?


Failing your way forward


COMMUNICATION Communication secrets of an entrepreneurial family


5 Communication tips for motivational leadership


MANAGEMENT STRATEGIES Business: keeping it in the family


Harnessing collective thinkers for future success



42 24

HUMAN RESOURCES 7 Reasons why performance review systems fail


New bullying laws



Elder law – the new kid on the legal block



Separating? Top 6 tips you need to know



BRANDING What are you saying about your own business?


WOMEN’S ISSUES Negative language and pay issues still holding women back in the workplace


MEDIA SMART 5 Ways to not ‘stuff up’ your big media opportunity


7 Mortgage mistakes investors should avoid


33 34

Ten eco-friendly ways to find a fella


How to thrive as a ‘single wife’ 4


TRAVEL Beijing


Direct selling entrepreneurs – are you missing out?

Love wasting time and money? Don’t get organised!



Full-service vs discount stockbrokers


Preparing to sell for top dollar



Work smarter not harder


Success – It’s a development in progress 22





OUR COMMUNITY The silent epidemic



Do you want to know more about the early years learning framework?



How to maximise the return on your networking investment


From shy to an event savvy networker


SOCIALLY SPEAKING Guidelines to writing your social media policy


Facebook client attraction formula


Using photos for business and social media


SALES STRATEGIES Selling – it’s just like dating


From fear to confidence when prospecting


In Every Issue Simply Stated


What We Like


Off the Shelf


Reel Entertainment


Classified Business Directory


Advertising rates and deadlines


Busy women – 5 easy steps to healthy youthful skin


Diets do work when you are on them!





20 Jun 2014 1 May, 2014 1 May, 2014 1 May, 2014

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It’s a development IN PROGRESS According to CALLY LYONS, having a plan, gathering the right people and being persistent are all requirements to achieving success as a business woman. These are three factors she has always stood by throughout her business life, from selling travel and phones in her earlier years, through establishing one of Brisbane’s premier catering businesses to stock-broking, financial planning and philanthropic investment. An inspiration to women everywhere, those fortunate enough to meet Cally and even more fortunate to become her friend or work colleague are invariably blown away by her perseverance, energy and passion for the real estate industry and life in general. The road to success hasn’t always been smooth though, with Cally receiving a cancer diagnosis mid-way through her latest development project. Today, Cally Lyons has a thriving property empire with her latest venture, 20 boutique apartments, being marketed in the booming Brisbane inner city suburb of Kelvin Grove. Cally’s philosophy is simple – if you are going to do something, ensure you have done your research thoroughly and have a solid plan in place, surround yourself with a team of talented people or ‘gurus’ and persist until you achieve success beyond expectations. Since she was 15 years old and a friend’s father sought her comments on plans and prices for his first property development, Cally dreamt of

C A L LY ’ S T O P T I P S : 4Ls AND 2Gs 1. Location – the fringe of the CBD where people want to live 2. Location – with transportation links and multiple uses 3. Location – flood-free hilltops and hillsides with views and breezes 4. Learn – something new every day; confidence is knowing that you know 5. Gurus – for best teamwork 6. Give back – to the community 4 WORKING WOMEN® n Autumn 2014

being a property developer herself. This dream has become a reality. In a market that others would view as difficult and challenging, Cally has shown the vision, positivity and financial fluency aligned with unwavering resilience, grit and determination to achieve success. As someone who aims to learn something new every day, she believes confidence is knowing that you know. Many potential financiers told her she required pre-sales in order to finance the current development but she persisted until a major bank agreed they were not necessary. Halfway through her Evoque apartment project Cally was diagnosed with cancer. For many, this would have been the moment to withdraw and take time out. But not Cally! A short stint in hospital amazed her surgeon who couldn’t believe her determination to recover and get back on track as quickly as possible. They animatedly discussed property as she was wheeled into the operating theatre. Only weeks after having two tumours done and dusted, a highly motivated Cally had her computer, office phone and mobile phone fired up and was busy back at work and planning her next development of five townhouses on a Kelvin Grove hilltop. With the support of a loving family, including husband Richard, six children and a new granddaughter, Cally has been fully focused on having the best architects, town planners, consultants, lawyers, accountants, builders, real estate and finance team as her mentors. She believes that working with a top team is one of the most vital secrets to success. She favours flood-free hilltops and hillsides with stunning views and breezes – so important in sub-tropical Brisbane. Excellent infrastructure

Cally believes that working with a top team is one of the most vital secrets to success. for ease of transportation, a large number of potential tenants and home owners from the nearby CBD, hospitals, university and research institutions pinpointed Kelvin Grove and Red Hill property with future multiple uses as prime locations to buy. Her marketing guru, Bridget Gabites from Harcourts Solutions, is also a powerhouse of passion and energy who ensured that Cally did not have to worry about marketing Evoque apartments herself during her recent health crisis. Cally is one of the most enthusiastic supporters of ‘Butterfly Babies’, an initiative of the Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital Foundation, and has organised for donations to be made from sales of the Evoque apartments. As a high-profile member of the committee, Cally has been a driving force behind raising significant funds to assist the prevention of brain damage in babies, a cause close to her heart since she lost twin boys at 26 weeks 34 years ago. She saw this opportunity as a tribute to them as well as giving back to the community and has entwined her philanthropy and property development. Cally, dubbed a “pocket dynamo” by her friends, has an inspiring roadmap to achievement and fulfilment.n

CONTACT Cally Lyons BUSINESS Evoque Pty Ltd PHONE 1300 882 508

Autumn 2014 n WORKING WOMEN速 5



Understanding your customer’s pain point Have you ever experienced times of adversity with your customers or clients? It’s an unfortunate reality for many businesses. But how can we turn a negative situation into an opportunity to better understand our customer’s needs? CATHERINE PLANO provides practical advice on how to build a strong and healthy relationship with your customers simply by understanding their pain point. To discover your customer’s pain point you will need to go hunting for it, as at times the problem might not be very clear to you. This is a sign for you to dig deeper, and you need to keep digging until you have an accurate understanding of what is causing your customer concern or their present state of dissatisfaction. One useful way to do this is to ask your customer to rate an experience of doing business with you; this will help you understand where your customer is right now in terms of satisfaction and where they would like to be. You could ask something as simple as: ‘If you were to rate your current experience or situation (this may include a service or product) from a scale of zero to ten, how would you rate your current experience?’ Zero being the lowest and ten being the highest. Once you have received a response, for example if it was a five, you would then ask your customer: ‘Would it be okay for me to ask you why you selected a five, so I can get a better understanding of your experience?’ You will find that your customer will be happy to share and tell you a lot more than you may have expected.

The next step is to ask your customer: ‘What is the ideal number on that scale for you to be completely happy?’ The response may be a nine, and then you can ask: ‘What will it take for us to bring that experience from a five to a nine, to bridge the gap and get the outcome you are trying to achieve?’ During this process it is a good idea to paint a picture in your mind of what you understood to be the reason for your customer’s adversity. Do this by walking your customer through a scenario, tapping into all the senses by using visuals, feelings and language. This will give you a real sense of the pain point. Once there is a clear vision, you can then find a way to alleviate or eliminate your customer’s pain point. If you still are not very clear, use the Columbo approach. This is where you can excuse yourself for being a little slow. Be humble and ask: ‘Could you please clarify this for me?’ or ‘Please help me understand?’ By rephrasing what you understand about your customer’s pain point, you will demonstrate that you were listening, and it will also let you know if you are on track or not.

you greater insight as to whether you can help to improve your customer’s experience or not. Unfortunately, on some occasions you may find you do not have a solution for your customer. In these situations you may find you can earn their trust and respect by recommending someone else who can assist them. n

‘Every adversity, every failure, every heartache carries with it the seed of an equal or greater benefit.’ – Napoleon Hill

CONTACT Catherine Plano BUSINESS Quantum Co-Creation PHONE +61 (0) 423 107 879

Going through this simple process will give

Do you know someone who is entering aged care? We can help take the stress out of the decisions around: • Paying the bond • Paying daily care fees • What to do with the family home, and • Correspondence with Centrelink Call us today so we can help you with these decisions. Phone: (07) 3018 0587 Email: Web:

Do you want to look & feel great? SecretS from my “fountain of youth” Take the 30 day challenge by drinking Healthy Coffee & Green tea infused with Ancient Chinese Herbs. Call ChuPing on 0402 154 362 Mention WW magazine and receive FREE postage to anywhere in Australia on purchases of three boxes or more.

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ChuPing Yu – age 60 6 WORKING WOMEN® n Autumn 2014



Which option will you choose? One of the most common things that seems to be missing from the philosophy of small business to ensure their success, is defining where they are actually going. MICK HAWES explains an approach that may help you clarify where you want your business to end up and what you want your business to do for you. Business owners can tend to focus on a great idea, and then charge headlong into making it happen without any real thought about where they really want to end up and by when. They may have some vague cloudy idea of where they want to go but really, there is no clarity. To help you get a clearer picture of where you want your business to go, imagine there are four doors in front of you. Each door represents a possible choice for the direction of your business. The reason we are using doors in this analogy rather than just choices is because when people have a number of choices put in front of them, they tend to choose a bit of one and a bit of another. The secret to this approach is to choose one direction and one direction only, walk through the door and close it behind you, thus cutting off any possibility of going down the road of the other three choices.

Door 1: The ‘franchise or replication’ model.

With this model your focus is on setting up the business with a set of established and proven systems and procedures, so that the business model can be copied or reproduced over and over. This doesn’t necessarily mean you franchise your business, it simply means you want to copy that business model, for example, you may want to open another office or shop front.

Door 2: The ‘sell’ model.

Choose this model if you are building the business to sell to another interested party, for maximum financial return.

Door 3: The ‘lifestyle’ model.

The end result of this choice is having a business that works completely autonomously, with little to no input and effort from the owner. The business pays for and gives the freedom to the owner to enjoy the lifestyle that the business owner chooses to lead.

Door 4: The ‘improvement’ model. There are a number of people who really love what they do and want to stay working in the business. This choice focuses them on all of the things that need to be done to build the business into a more profitable business and eliminate as much of the distress and unenjoyable activities as possible from the business.

As noted earlier, walking through a specific door cuts off the possibility of following any other choice, but what is really being said here is that it cuts off the possibility of any other choice for a specific period of time. For example, you may have chosen door one and decided to open multiple offices or outlets, and the timeline for doing this may be 24 months. When you have either achieved or are very close to achieving that outcome, you may want to then choose a different door. For example, you may want to choose door number two, the sell door.

Choosing just one door gets you focused on exactly what needs to be done to achieve your specific goal, rather than being distracted by a bunch of things that don’t really need to be done for that particular outcome. The main point of this philosophy is that if you don’t know where you are going, any road will take you there. And if you attempt to keep all your options open you will end up with no options. Each of the four doors or choices have common activities that will need to be done, no matter what, such as creating systems and procedures etc. But there are also activities, and things that need to be done which are exclusive to each of the individual choices. Choosing just one door gets you focused on exactly what needs to be done to achieve your specific goal, rather than being distracted by a bunch of things that don’t really need to be done for that particular outcome. At the very least, I encourage you to map out these options, write the pros and cons and see which of these floats your boat! n

CONTACT Mick Hawes BUSINESS PHONE 1800 234 551

Join the premier networking group for women in business BE INSPIRED AND CREATE OPPORTUNITIES! Make the choice today and change the way you do business - tap into cutting edge online networking opportunities and surround yourself with inspirational business women who can become your mentors, referral advocates and friends.

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Autumn 2014 n WORKING WOMEN® 7


Failing your way


Can you survive whatever the economy or the dynamics of your business throws at you? ALICIA MENKVELD explores what it means to have a business mindset that will help you weather the storms and set you up for business growth and profitability.

Whether you are an established business owner, planning to launch a new business or just starting out, having the right business mindset is paramount to your success; it can either limit your potential or power you to success. This year is well under way and now is a good time to assess your business mindset because the decisions you make today, will affect your business today and in the future. Building the right infrastructure for your business will require you to become a good strategist and having the right business mindset is all about thinking strategically. Good strategists look at all facets of their business in terms of where they want to go and staying proactive. They expect the unexpected, welcome change and turn obstacles into opportunities. Which of these seven business mindsets do you currently have and where is improvement is needed to safeguard your business against the unexpected this year?

HAVING A BUSINESS MINDSET MEANS: 1. Knowing what you want from your business – Businesses should serve a specific purpose and yours should give you the lifestyle you desire. Be very clear about what you

Are You Time Poor? Run your business and invest your time where it matters...

want and work backwards to ensure that any businesses you create will give you the money, freedom and fulfilment to support your chosen lifestyle.

2. Never giving up when things get tough – Creating and running a business is tough and there are many challenges. You will succeed if you refuse to give up on your dreams. A positive business mindset and a firm belief in your vision will help you keep on track.

3. Failing forward and moving on – You will follow paths which might not work out as planned. Pick yourself up, learn from your mistakes and try again. You only fail when you stop trying.

4. Setting, tracking and achieving goals – Running a business can become overwhelming. Set specific measurable goals relevant to the phase your business is in. Track your progress monthly and adjust your plans to help you achieve the lifestyle you envision.

5. Focusing only on the important – Use the 80:20 principle in all areas of your life. Identify the 20 per cent of your clients or actions that give you 80 per cent of the results or benefits you want, e.g. 20 per cent of your clients will generate 80 per cent of the revenue. Know which 20 per cent in your life and business delivers the greatest results.

6. Streamlining: eliminate, automate and delegate – Create processes and checklists for all routine, complex or important tasks to ensure continuity while improving consistency and quality in your business. Create systems or use cloud-based software like ‘Infusionsoft’ to automate all your repetitive tasks which cannot be eliminated. Delegate or outsource the rest of the tasks so you only focus on the 20 per cent that guarantees results.

7. Creating money making machines Book Your FREE Consultation Now

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8 WORKING WOMEN® n Autumn 2014

– Create businesses that are money making machines and that support your lifestyle. They are businesses that run with very little input from yourself while giving you the freedom and

wealth to pursue your passions and do what matters most to you in life. Spend more time with family and friends, travel the world or play golf, the choice is yours. It takes leadership courage and dedication to cultivate a business mindset that will lift you to success. Our times call for bold, confident, courageous female leaders; leaders, who think ahead, strategise and make a difference in the world; and leaders who won’t give up when things get tough and who keep on failing their way forward to success every day. I suggest you start with number 1. Take the time to pause, reflect and clearly define your vision: WHAT it is that you want to do and more importantly, WHY you want to do it. Then, as you start moving forward the rest of the business mindset keys will begin to flow and merge together. Think BIG. Start SMALL. Act NOW! n

CONTACT Alicia Menkveld BUSINESS Radical Consulting PHONE +61 (0) 425 177 897





7 Reasons to Buy an Evoque Apartment…

1. Boutique complex of 20 Apartments. Small complexes hold value and grow at a faster rate due to stronger interest from owner occupiers. 2. The complex is made up of 2 separate buildings, allowing quiet living. 3. Lower cost per square metre than most new buildings in the area. Our body corporate costs are also extremely low, estimated around $1,500 per year.


4. Kelvin Grove has over 20,000+ employed workers in the area, including the RBH and QUT staff – but currently only 3,000 homes. 6. Excellent transportation links, via Inner City Bypass, Airport Link, & Clem 7. 7. Strong growth predicted for Kelvin Grove in coming years given proximity to the city, growth of local businesses, the University and Hospital.

PROUDLY MARKETED BY: Bridget Gabites - Harcourts Solutions P 0424 268 877 - -



Communication secrets of an entrepreneurial family When we speak, we take for granted that others listen. Unfortunately, this isn’t always the case. NATASA DENMAN looks at the importance of the fine art of listening and how it impacts on the dynamics of those around us. Ask any mother if their children listen to anything they say. “In one ear and out the other” is a phrase that has been bandied about for the past century. What many people fail to understand is that if people are not listening to you, it isn’t their fault. Well, it isn’t most of the time anyway. In the movie ‘Cool Hand Luke’, Strother Martin delivers to Paul Newman the famous line: “What we have here is a failure to communicate.” This is what we do, we fail to communicate our message clearly and when we are unable to ‘get through’ to the other person, they fail to ‘hear’ us. Sure, they might nod their head or say yes, yet internally they haven’t heard a thing we have said. If someone has not understood you, it is the way you have delivered your message and communicated it to those you were talking to that is the issue. Parents and bosses are examples of people who don’t always communicate well, especially when they are in heightened emotional states. Simply adding “Am I making myself clear?” has no further bearing on whether you are understood or not. So, what secrets can an entrepreneurial business woman share around communication? To start with, having an understanding of what makes someone listen is important. Too many conversations these days are conducted in

the presence of other distractions. TV, music and Internet are all modern day distracters. They are also some of the main reasons why this generation is struggling with their off-line communications. It is proven in many university studies that families who eat meals together without TV or phones being accessible have a closer connection with each other. The kids are generally happier and perform better in social interactions. When having a conversation it is important to make the effort to direct your undivided attention to each other so as mentioned earlier, remove the distractions. Another great tip is to tell the other person or people how long (roughly) the conversation is going to go for and why they need to listen. The life of an entrepreneur is generally filled with meetings, conversations and phone calls. Many women excel at business only to fall apart at home. They shut down like a man did in the 60s when he came home from work, ate his dinner and then slumped in his chair in front of the TV. They get caught between the masculine and the feminine and rather than sitting back and letting others have a say, they shut them down and assume control. When someone has been shut down, they withdraw into their world. Then no matter which way you

Make sure your drive to be successful extends to your family and loved ones as sometimes being caught up in The Entrepreneurial World makes family communication tough. If you know that it needs work, it needs to start now. try to communicate with them after they have withdrawn, your attempts will be futile. Communication is then replaced by silence, feelings of isolation and resentment. It is not a nice way to live yet so many families are living in either a state of repression or apathy. Practicing the art of active listening is a wonderful thing to do for yourself, your family and your entrepreneurial world. It is amazing what you can actually hear when you learn the skills to listen.

HERE ARE 3 QUICK GREAT COMMUNICATION TIPS: 1. Take stock of your current communication strategy and if you identify that people haven’t been ‘listening’ to you, start doing it differently immediately.

2. To get into practice for great communication, set your intention of what you want to achieve by having each conversation. At the end of the conversation ask the other participant what they now understand about the situation/ explanation to see if you have communicated in a way that they have understood you.

3. Set aside at least five minutes every day to

Design with passion Design and passion are crucial elements to making the most of your brand, whether you’re about to establish a new identity or grow an existing one. Increase your brand exposure with the unique expertise of Scarab Blue Design, a dynamic graphic design agency with huge experience, big ideas, small rates and loads of passion.

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10 WORKING WOMEN® n Autumn 2014

speak, without distraction, with the people in your life who are most important to you. This can be either with your kids, husband, partner, family or friends, and talk freely and with love. Make sure your drive to be successful extends to your family and loved ones as sometimes being caught up in The Entrepreneurial World makes family communication tough. If you know that it needs work, it needs to start now. n CONTACT Natasa Denman BUSINESS Ultimate Business Edge PHONE +61 (0) 412 085 160



Communication tips for motivational leadership

Miscommunication or lack of communication is the cause of most business problems and most people problems in general. Research has found that a leader who communicates effectively with respect and empathy will have a more motivated and productive team and consequently better results. Communication coach JANEEN SONSIE provides five tips to help you improve your communication. Good business is all about communication and how well you do it. Ineffective communication is at the heart of most business problems and research has shown that businesses with leaders who have highly effective communication generate up to 50 per cent better returns than those that don’t. Leaders who communicate well are able to motivate their teams to increase productivity, which in turn will increase profit. Good communication starts at the top. It creates the culture in your organisation and how you, as the leader, communicate with others sets the standard for everyone in your business. Your team will follow your example and if they don’t, you can pick them up from a perspective of ‘that’s not how we do it here – this is the way we do it’. These five tips will help you to communicate as a highly effective leader so you motivate your team.

1. Be authentically you. The only way you can be perfect is to be you perfectly. Believe in and trust yourself and your intuition and say what is true for you. Your team will love you more if they get to see the real you. Just look at Richard Branson. We all connect in a more fulfilling way when we are authentic to ourselves and we enjoy the relating more too.

2. Remember all business relationships are personal. Every business relationship

Working Women Women’s network Australia


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Business n success n Life

Autumn 2014 AUD $8.75

is just two or more people interacting and therefore comes down to inter-personal communication and the relationship between those people. Focus on the inter-personal communication of what is being said and how it is being interpreted with empathy as well as the business objectives.

means they genuinely care about the people in their teams and they show it in the way they treat them. Empathy involves understanding and showing respect for the other person and communicating with them accordingly. When you do this your teams will follow you with loyalty and support for you too.

3. Don’t let your ego control you. We all

Think about how you communicate now. How often do you communicate well and how often do you fall in the traps described in the points above? Ask for feedback to find out how others perceive the way you communicate. It takes a brave woman to seek such feedback and listen to it openly but it will give you the greatest opportunity to improve and be the best leader you can be.

have an ego and whilst we need it to define our sense of self, we don’t need it to control how we think and the way we communicate. Our ego tells us we are perfect, which we are not, and so will try to prove to everyone that we really are. So, if you feel the need to prove how good you are to others, pull back on your ego to get it in check and let go of your need to prove anything about yourself.

4. Give up your need to be right. It doesn’t matter who is right and who is wrong. They are just labels you give. This relates to the previous point of not being controlled by your ego. If we accept what is, then we do not need to make someone wrong and we do not need to make ourselves right. It all just is. When we let go of our ego’s need to make ourselves right, there will be far fewer arguments and many more valuable discussions with open sharing.

5. Always show empathy and respect. The most successful leaders feel empathy for others and show respect to everyone. They are then respected in the same way in return. This

So, think of these tips every day and check that you are using them in your communication. They are not hard to do but if you aren’t using them in your communication now it will take practice for you to communicate this way all the time. If you do, you will develop loyal and motivated teams that are highly productive and the results will speak for themselves. n

CONTACT Janeen Sonsie BUSINESS Get Real Communication PHONE +61 (0) 414 371 293

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Do women need to toughen up?

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Keeping it in the family Research shows that just under half, 45.2 per cent of family business owners see themselves working in the business beyond 65 years of age, with 66.1 per cent indicating that their businesses were NOT exit or succession ready. OLIVIA MARAGNA looks at the challenges that confront family owned businesses down the track and how they can manage the issue of ownership and leadership succession. Over two million people either own or operate one or more businesses in Australia, according to figures released by the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS). Ninety-six per cent of businesses are small businesses, with family operated businesses accounting for 87 per cent of all businesses. History shows that business continuity has always been a challenge for family business with less than one in three businesses making it to the second generation, and of those only 10–15 per cent reach the third generation. Many business owners are often too busy dealing with today’s operations to worry about tomorrow. However, putting off establishing a clear-cut business continuity plan in a family business can lead to future problems and can cause a strain on family relationships, even in the closest of families.

You will want someone to take over the business for the right reasons and not based on obligation, so choose wisely. someone external to the family facilitate these. This is also an opportunity to encourage open discussions to ensure there isn’t a breakdown of communication between all of the family members involved in the business.

2. Plan – Have a plan for the exit of the older generation by setting dates and ensure there is sufficient retirement planning so the older generation is well looked after in retirement. If you fail to have the total support of the older generation then they are unlikely to relinquish their control and position in the business.

3. Choose – Who replaces the older

Here are six steps to follow to help maximise your family business continuity:

generation is a vital issue in order for the business to succeed. It may not always be appropriate for the eldest child to automatically take the lead (whether they expect to or not). There must be open and frank discussions on this issue and a firm decision made on a suitable successor. You will want someone to take over the business for the right reasons and not based on obligation, so choose wisely.

1. Meet – Although you can talk about the

4. Seek – Get professional advice. It is crucial

family business around the kitchen table, it is a good idea to have formal family meetings with a structured business agenda. Consider having

that all-important planning issues are discussed with your professional advisers. Your solicitor will assist in drafting documents including any

To ensure continuity, a plan is absolutely essential for every family business, regardless of whether the family runs a global business, family farm or local convenience store.



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applicable loan documentation, your accountant will assist with the tax implications on the sale of the business and your financial planner will assist in the retirement planning for the older generation and superannuation.

5. Implement – Implementation is key. Set dates for future meetings so that discussions continue until the continuity plan has been completed and all family members have been provided for.

6. Review and Refine – It is important to keep your business continuity plan current. Changes in personal circumstances, health issues and goals can prompt an alteration in a business continuity plan and it should be reviewed and updated to ensure that what you have agreed upon remains relevant. It is never too early to start planning for continuity. A commonsense approach of preparing in advance and seeking professional advice from someone objective, will set the future of the business up in good condition and allow it to continue in its success in many years to come. n

CONTACT Olivia Maragna BUSINESS Aspire Retire

Financial Services 1300 667 702 PHONE




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Harnessing collective thinkers for future success

This is a pivotal time for many Australia businesses and the decisions we make and paths we take now will impact the future direction and growth of our businesses. DR ROSEMARY McCALLUM proposes that a paradigm shift is required to cement our future in the world market.

Have you ever thought about how “Tradition” can sound the death knell in your business during the unprecedented changes that are occurring in how businesses will thrive in the 21st century? Traditional thinking in this fast, techno, and global age can be disastrous in such a competitive market and many businesses are not utilising an amazing valuable resource that they have within their own workforce – namely the power of collective thinking. We all had passion when we started our business or advanced to a new career opportunity and we actively strove to implement the best way forward towards our goals and visions. Unfortunately, sometimes we ‘settle in’ with our original ‘best way’ and don’t realise that the world has changed around us. “This is how we have always done it and it has worked out fine in the past” is a mantra you will hear time and time again. This thinking leaves no room for inspiration and fresh ideas. How many of you have set off for a destination only to find you are heading towards your workplace and you ask yourself, “How did I get here?” Yes, that’s right, you have gone into automatic pilot. You are totally disconnected from the present and you are left wondering how many red lights you went through. When you are not engaging in active thinking, the same things happens in business – you are so busy doing that you haven’t seen the red warning lights.

So, where we are right now in business is one of the greatest gifts we have received in a long time because uncertainty pushes us, albeit kicking and screaming, into expanded thinking. We have all heard the saying, “Necessity is the mother of invention” so gather your forces together and get thinking. It’s time to challenge our assumptions about whether the systems, procedures, structures, products and services that we have used consistently over time are the very best and most efficient way in the current market. Use your most powerful and valuable assets to answer the challenge – your staff members’ thinking abilities! Ask the hard question: “Why do we do it this way?”, then ask “Is there a better way?” and “How can we improve?” Get together in a fun environment to come up with answers that are outside the box. Access the greater resources of your people. Generally a person is hired for a specific task and although at the time of applying for the position they present a CV that gives an insight into the fact that they are so much more than the task at hand, many employers and managers ignore the valuable resources that accompany the person they have just employed. All of your staff have the ability to think and believe me they do a lot of thinking especially if they can see there is a better way to do things. Also, you have a myriad of personality types at hand who view the world from different

Are you looking older than you feel?

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The result is that staff feel valued, their opinions matter and that brings meaning and purpose to their working life. All of a sudden absenteeism goes down, team cohesiveness is enhanced and productivity is lifted. The meaningful workplace is the workplace of the future and happiness is the new productivity, so start harnessing this powerful resource of ‘Collective Thinkers’ for a thriving successful business that fits perfectly into the demands of the 21st century. n

CONTACT Dr Rosemary McCallum BUSINESS Abundant Life Solutions

Group +61 (0) 402 664 706 PHONE

Is the most important question in business! Imagine the possibilities when you realise you are greater than whom you think you are.

Dr Sarah at the Sunnybank Hills General Practice offers a range of cosmetic procedures, all administered in a safe, professional medical environment.

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Great leaders are humble, they don’t have to come up with all the ideas. Great leaders inspire their people to stretch, innovate and voice their ideas. Emotionally strong leaders are prepared to get in with the troops, extol their virtues and use the collective genius through brainstorming possibilities and creating a community for a common cause.

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perspectives, some ask why, how, who or what. Therefore, you have at your fingertips four ways of expanding outcomes plus different nationalities and backgrounds that bring a richness of innovative thought, so let’s get those creative juices flowing.

Learn how inspire, draw out and utilise the power of “Collective Thinking” for greater productivity and profit. Dr Sarah Cunningham

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Contact Dr Rosemary McCallum Principal Coach & Speaker – 0402 664 706

Abundant Life Solutions Group Leaders in activating the exceptional in YOU, your business or career. Autumn 2014 n WORKING WOMEN® 13


7 reasons why performance

REVIEW SYSTEMS FAIL Have you ever heard the saying “employees are your best asset”? So why do managers struggle to get the best return on investment from their employees, and often end up screaming, “employees are my worst nightmare”. SHARON COLLITT explains how you can use performance reviews to motivate employees and improve their productivity.

This article is not designed to scare employers away from using performance review systems to effectively manage their talent, but to highlight why this is such a critical element to managing employees effectively to ensure the business is able to meet its performance targets. Let’s go through the top seven reasons why performance reviews often fail:

4. When performance reviews are ‘sprung’ on the employee. Employees should be encouraged to prepare for their review conversations with their manager to ensure a two-way discussion.

5. When a manager conducts the review purely because “HR told them to” and they display little or no enthusiasm for the process.

6. When managers are not trained effectively to properly evaluate employee performance.

1. When an employee takes offence at constructive criticism. Although delivering both positive and negative feedback is part of being an effective manager, there can be instances where non-complimentary feedback or disciplinary action is viewed by the employee as offensive, and, in extreme cases bullying.

2. Having review discussions only once a year can lead to managers basing feedback solely on most recent performance, rather than performance over the full course of the year, potentially skewing individuals’ review results.

3. Having review discussions only when there is an employee issue, for example, when an employee is not meeting performance expectations, the manager has ‘had enough’, complaints are received from colleagues or customers, or a company needs to terminate the employee. This type of discussion should be treated as a diminished performance discussion and not an annual review discussion.

7. When managers do not follow your own company policy. If your policy is to hold reviews with employees then you need to do as you say or your employees will lose faith and trust. An effective performance management system requires considerable effort to develop, implement and maintain, but the benefits are plentiful, including opportunities to: Improve the relationship between manager and employee. n


Identify employee potential.


Identify training and development needs.

Identify problems that affect job performance and devise remedial action. n

Obtain feedback to improve job design, allocation of resources, work scheduling, etc. n

Maintain effective performance by identifying performance problems at an early stage. n


Empower employees to take initiative.

Obtain feedback on the effectiveness of other HR functions, such as recruitment, selection, training and development, career planning and job analysis. n

Provide information for decisions surrounding remuneration and rewards. n

Provide information to assist with legislation compliance, such as equal opportunity and dismissal legislation. n

Reinforce organisational values and objectives. n

Performance reviews are critical and, in most cases, expected by employees. Getting your review systems right in the first place will go a long way to achieving your company goals and having a highly motivated and productive workforce. n

CONTACT Sharon Collitt BUSINESS Employment Toolkits PHONE 1300 123 678

Performance Management made easy Simply download a range of toolkits from as little as $47 each.

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NEW bullying laws Is your business ready for the new legislation relating to bullying in the workplace which was introduced in January 2014? KATHERINE HAWES highlights some of the key changes in the new legislation. The new laws are designed to stop workplace bullying promptly and make it easier and faster for victims of bullying to bring an action to stop the bullying rather than just seeking compensation.

processes and procedures in place with regards to bullying. There are expectations in place that employers must be able to articulate what is in place to prevent bulling and what they have done or plan to do, to prevent it occurring.

As a result of this new legislation, employees can now lodge an application directly with the Fair Work Commission (FWC) directly related to bullying. Not only is the FWC obliged to act within 14 days, but they now have the power to issue an order to the alleged bully or bullies in order to stop to the disputed behaviour.

Further, there is also an expectation employers have mechanisms in place to explore and review complaints and conduct thorough fair investigations. The disciplining of any offender is without doubt a necessary step and mediation and coaching may be expected.

The FWC can only exercise jurisdiction to issue an order to stop bullying if it is satisfied that a worker has been bullied at work (by an individual or a group) and that there is a risk the worker will continue to be bullied at work by the individual or group. If the FWC is satisfied regarding the above, it may then issue an order it considers appropriate to prevent the worker from being further bullied at work. In determining the terms of an order, the FWC, must take the following into consideration:

(a) Any final or interim outcomes arising out of an investigation into the matter that is being, or has been, undertaken by another person or body; and

(b) Any procedure available to the worker to

2. Although the purpose behind the new laws

(d) Any matters that the FWC considers relevant. Please note that an order may only be made if the Commission is satisfied that there is a risk of continuing bullying by the same individual or group of individuals, and such orders are to be directed to preventing the worker concerned being bullied by that individual or group (s.789FF(1)). Consequently an order could not be made if the worker was no longer exposed to bullying by the individual or group (perhaps, for example, if the worker had resigned or been dismissed).

(c) Any final or interim outcomes arising out

IMPORTANT INFORMATION FOR EMPLOYERS: 1. The commission has predicted about 3500

of any procedure available to the worker to resolve grievances or disputes; and

bullying claims could be made in 2014 so it is key that employers ensure they have robust

resolve grievances or disputes; and

is to provide an avenue for workers to bring an action to stop the bullying rather than compensation, the worker themselves may still bring about an action for worker compensation in relation to the bullying.

3. The new legislation must not be taken in isolation and there are still other laws that employers need to be aware of. Please refer to the online fact sheet for more information. In conclusion, employers need to ensure they are set up appropriately to effectively respond to claims of workplace bullying and to defend an application to the FWC. n

CONTACT Katherine Hawes BUSINESS New Age Legal Solutions PHONE +61 (2) 9615 9635

Is your business ready to respond to Australia’s biggest workplace reforms? July 21 2013 saw the introduction of new workplace laws designed to encourage and maintain harmonious working relationships. Our consultants offer training in: -

The new reforms •Workplace Investigations

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Autumn 2014 n WORKING WOMEN® 15


Elder Law

the new kid on the legal block The rapid growth of Australia’s ageing population has created a need for legal advice and services specifically tailored for the elderly and their families. MADELAINE INGLIS looks into the area of the law which has become known as Elder Law.

The following case study highlighting the various areas of Elder Law would be all too familiar to most Australians today. Lois was 85 years old and divorced with one daughter, Zoe. She was a pensioner and had lived on her own in the family home independently for 30 years. Over a matter of a few weeks, Lois suddenly began having falls. After the third fall she ended up in hospital where she was assessed by an aged care assessment team (ACAT) as being mentally fit and capable. However, physically Lois was assessed as requiring full-time low level care. Lois and Zoe were confronted with the distressing news that Lois could not return home and that she would need to move into a suitable aged care facility straight from hospital. To ensure Lois’ affairs were in order and to assist and facilitate the transition from the family home into a low level care hostel, Lois and Zoe had to initially engage lawyers to:

1. Redraft her will. Lois had a Will but circumstances had changed since it had been drafted and her original will no longer reflected her current wishes, for example, Lois now had a grandchild with special needs, her brother had since passed away and her niece had divorced.

2. Prepare a power of attorney. The power of attorney appointed Zoe as Lois’ attorney.


This enabled Zoe to commence operating her mother’s bank accounts to ensure Zoe could pay her mother’s bills. On the advice of the lawyers, Zoe ensured the power of attorney was an enduring power of attorney so that Zoe could continue to manage her mother’s financial affairs in the event Lois lost mental capacity.

3. Prepare an appointment of enduring guardian. This appointed Zoe as her mother’s enduring guardian. In the event Lois became incapable of making personal, health and lifestyle decisions for herself, Zoe could make those decisions for her, such as where Lois would live, what health care and other kinds of personal services Lois would receive.

4. Provide contract advice regarding entry into an aged care facility. The advice provided was specifically related to the permanent entry by Lois into a low level aged care hostel.

5. Complete convincing regarding the sale of the family home in order to fund the accommodation bond payable to the aged care facility. Lois’ health eventually deteriorated and she needed to transfer from the low level care hostel into a high level care nursing home. After 18 months Lois passed away. Zoe, in her capacity as her mother’s attorney, engaged the lawyers again to: n

Firstly, provide contract advice regarding transfer between aged care facilities. The

advice provided was specifically related to the permanent transfer from low level care to high level care (including advice in relation to the accommodation bond originally paid to the low level care facility). Secondly, obtain probate and complete the administration of the estate. n

Elder Law may also include assistance with: n

Convincing relating to entry into retirement village whether by purchase or lease


Family law matters


Protection of assets


Superannuation and pension entitlements


Elder abuse or discrimination claims

Elder Law involves legal assistance and solutions to those specific issues facing the aging, the elderly and their families at what can often be a confronting, difficult and stressful period for everyone involved. n Disclaimer: The above information is general information only and is not intended to be legal advice. If required, you should seek professional advice from a lawyer.

CONTACT Madelaine Inglis BUSINESS Brown Wright Stein Lawyers PHONE +61 (2) 9394 1042

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Top 6 tips you need to know

We all enter relationships with high hopes but in life sometimes things don’t quite work out as planned. If you are facing a separation from your partner, ANNA PARKER and KATE ETTERSHANK offer up some helpful tips that will assist in smoothing the path ahead. If you are considering separating from your partner, whether you are married or in a de facto relationship, there are many things to think about and it can all be overwhelming. However, there are a number of things you should be sure to do in order to protect yourself and your children.

good relationship with each of their parents, without feeling like they ‘letting down’ the other parent. However, in circumstances where you have concerns for their safety, you should act protectively. You should not expose your children to risk.



Separating is difficult and can be traumatic. You may be holding it together (perhaps for the sake of the children) but many people find it much easier to process the emotional aspects of separation with the assistance of a professional. A good counsellor or psychologist will help you see issues clearly and assist you with strategies for coping.

Many people think that seeing a lawyer will instantly mean ending up in a long, drawn out, adversarial battle and a court hearing, but that is not the case at all. Most family lawyers spend a considerable proportion of their time either advising people so that they are fully informed to enter into their own negotiations, or facilitating settlements by negotiating on their clients’ behalf. Specialist family law advice can really help. People often say at the end of a first conference with their lawyer that they feel a lot calmer, they feel reassured, and their anxiety has reduced. Separation is stressful and confusing enough as it is, and the law can be difficult to navigate without proper guidance. Legal advice can put the legal issues into perspective and help people come up with a workable plan.


Prior to separating, gather as much information about your family finances as you can. Make copies of important documents and computer files. By law, separating couples are obliged to provide full and frank disclosure of their financial circumstances to each other. However, it is easier if you are aware of your assets and liabilities prior to separation. This information will assist your lawyer to provide you with accurate advice so try to bring as much of this information as you can when you first see a lawyer.


If you have a joint mortgage, contact your bank and ask that dual signatures be required for any withdrawals. Do the same for any term deposits or other large sums of money. You do not want to find yourself in a situation where your former partner makes a large withdrawal and wastes

PLAN FOR THE FUTURE it on a holiday or at the races, diminishing the assets available for distribution between you. Assess your budget and ensure you have access to enough income or resources to cover it all. If you have a joint bank account with your partner, open your own account to ensure you have access to your own funds. Separation is expensive and while both of you establish your new lives, there will be expenses.


If you have children, avoid discussing your separation, negotiations or litigation with, or in front of, them. No matter how old your children are they will be affected by the separation and the impact on them will be lessened if they are protected from discussions about the separation and any negative views you hold about their other parent. Do not use the children to pass on messages to the other parent. Do not use the children as ‘bargaining chips’ when negotiating financial issues. Always make decisions that are in the best interests of the children and work on developing a good parenting relationship with your former partner. If you have children together, you will have to work with each other at least until the children turn 18 and probably beyond. Children should be encouraged to spend time and have a

See a financial advisor. A good financial advisor will help you plan for the future and help you understand what you will need to set yourself up following separation. With the appropriate advice and support, you will be able to work through the many issues that arise following the breakdown of a relationship. n

Anna Parker & Kate Ettershank BUSINESS Nicholes Family Lawyers PHONE +61 (3) 9670 4122 CONTACT

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WhatWeLike Showcasing the products WNA Members take to the domestic and international markets – these products are as diverse as the businesses and careers of the dynamic women behind them.


A passion for pearls Nothing spells class quite like pearls. Make a splash and impress your friends with this beautiful freshwater cultured pearl and leather bracelet. This lovely genuine leather and pearl bracelet with 925 sterling silver roundels is on trend and a must have item. RRP: $69.00. To order visit

Lunchboxes have changed and your kids will love these. Gone are the days of just opening the lid of a lunchbox to see what’s inside. The Flip Lid has loads of space – segmented into 6 different compartments, spread across two separate sections joined together by a unique webbing that allows it to be flipped and folded over and over and over. You can pack a lot of food and none of it will get squashed. It also comes with a leak-proof container and drink bottle which doubles as a freezer block. RRP: $24.95. To order visit

Organic and green

On a health kick or trying to drop a dress size? This 100 per cent organic green tea is not only a delicious and refreshing beverage packed full of flavonoids and antioxidants, it’s good for you as well offering the added benefit of eliminating toxins and increasing metabolism. Even better, you can enjoy it hot or cold at any hour of the day because it contains very low traces of caffeine. RRP: $35.50. To order visit

Sparkling joy!


These exquisitely comfortable wraps are made from bamboo and cotton. Originally designed for hospital, aged care or maternity, they provide warmth and modesty. They are just wonderful for breastfeeding mums, and are also convenient and stylish for older ladies whose movements may be restricted. Incredibly soft on the skin they come in a range of colours. The best part is that they are reversible. RRP: $55.00. To view the range or to order visit

18 WORKING WOMEN® n Autumn 2014

Sarabah Estate Vineyard Sparkling wine is an amazing blend of complex flavours exhibiting brioche characters with a lush fruit palate to please many a premier chef’s range of dishes and commemorate any special occasion. With a golden straw hue, a nose of subtle yeast complexity and a herbaceous fruit bite, this wine is flavoursome yet soft, rounded with good persistence, and has a clean natural finish. RRP: $34.95. To order visit


We love these lint-free microfibre scarf clips. They are always handy for cleaning phones, e-readers, tablets, glasses and jewellery. Attach one to your purse, backpack or luggage to make a convenient, stylish statement. They are safe to use on all anti-glare surfaces and are machine washable. RRP: $19.95. To purchase call your Independent Norwex Consultant or find your closest consultant by visiting

Back up your digital life

No doubt you do everything online these days, but are all your photos, documents and music playlists backed up? Seagate has taken the hard work out of backing up your digital life with its Seagate Slim 500GB portable drive. At about the thickness of an iPhone, the Slim is the slimmest portable hard drive available. You can slide it into your pocket, handbag or briefcase to take wherever you go and keep multiple copies of your files in case disaster strikes. It’s all about making life a little easier. RRP: $99.00. To purchase visit Officeworks, JB Hi-Fi or order online at

Harmony all round

When you purchase a Harmony Bracelet you become a Harmony drop in this ocean of Female Collaboration. BraveHeart Women are travelling to the Israeli-Palestinian Region in May 2014 and May 2015 in order to hold the space for Harmony. Women from the western world are fuelling this vision by selling harmony bracelets. There are 14 different styles in numerous colours. RRP: $36.00. To order visit

DNA TAGS Say goodbye to tatty airline tags or handwritten muck and say hello to your very own personalised tags. Stand out in the crowd and express your personality with your own tags. Made from long lasting durable plastic, similar in size to your everyday credit card, but printed to a high quality. Suitable for business travellers, holidays, luggage, school bags, gym bags or anything that needs a tag! RRP: from only $15.00. To view the range or order visit

Kit and Kaboodle

Every Aussie home and workplace needs a first aid kit. We love this kit because it provides all the essentials so you are ready for any situation, be it a cut or burn, a cardiac arrest or a natural calamity. Each Kit has an Identification Number and when you register your kit, you are added to the free reminder service, so that you never forget to check your first aid kit again! RRP: $94.00


This gorgeous lip balm is specially formulated for conditions such as extremely dry, irritated, flaky, split and chapped lips, as well as eczema, dermatitis and psoriasis. The balm is 100 per cent pure and natural and completely fragrance free. It contains an unusually high concentration of herbal extracts and oils, every one individually effective and even more powerful when combined. RRP: $11.50. To purchase online visit


Email a professional product photo (tif or jpg at 300 dpi) and a 60 word description including the RRP and where readers can purchase the product to

Nature’s jewels Mother nature is the inspiration behind this gorgeous piece of jewellery. Every detail is executed by hand in Lorraine Allan’s studio in South Australia. Combining lightweight anodised aluminium with sterling silver to give a very unique product, this beautiful bracelet is definitely a talking piece. RRP: $120.00. To order visit Autumn 2014 n WORKING WOMEN® 19


What are you saying ABOUT YOUR OWN BUSINESS? A brand is essentially a feature that distinguishes a business from its competitors. Most small business owners are aware of this. VICKI ISZATT looks into a brand element that many small business owners tend to underestimate – ‘themselves’. We are our brands. Everything we say and do, don’t say and don’t do creates an image about us in the minds of our stakeholders. The same principle applies online. But have you thought what your personal branding is saying (or not saying) about your brand? What is your online presence saying about your business?

Why bother? Focusing on personal branding is not a matter of vanity. It can help business owners to build a positive reputation for their brands. There are several reasons to work on your personal online presence. Importantly, it can improve your reputation and build up your credibility. It also helps you to put a face to your business, which strengthens your links with key audiences and increases the chances of getting more referrals. Furthermore, having both company and personal branding strategies heightens your chances of being found by prospective clients, especially after the changes Google has made to its search algorithm. Online searches are no longer about individual words, but about conversations and meanings. Within this context, authorship becomes extremely important. Creating content and positioning people over brands will be one of the best ways to go.

Where to start? As with your company, the first step to improve your personal online branding is to identify where you are now. This ‘Discovery stage’ is fundamental because it will give you a guideline: What assets do you have? Do you have a Facebook page? Are you on LinkedIn? How often do you update these profiles and what tone do you use in your posts? One of the easiest and most effective tools to work on your online personal branding is having an appropriate LinkedIn profile. It ranks very highly on Google, provides fast results, and if well managed it can help in recruitment processes. There are many simple tricks you can employ to take advantage of LinkedIn: Upload a good profile picture – a profile is seven times more likely to be viewed if it has one. It also helps a business owner to network: Let’s say that in your last networking meeting you gave dozens of business cards away. Like you, other companies too. How do you expect your potential partners or clients to remember your face over all the rest? A LinkedIn picture can help them to remember you. n

Customise your public profile URL. You can pick a URL that includes your name. n

Make sure your entire profile is visible to the public. n

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20 WORKING WOMEN® n Autumn 2014

Embed a WordPress blog, embed SlideShare slides, seek recommendations, add any active Twitter accounts, etc. Do not forget your G+ profile, as it is one of the most powerful traffic drivers. n

What to pass up? Avoid pictures that are not yours (such as images of your kids or your pets), and try to make it personal, keeping away from generic flowers or landscape photos. n

When sending invitations to people, try not to use the standard connection request. Even if you are reaching out to someone you have not met, make it personal, by customising your message. n

Don’t include too many skills; a really long list will be skipped by viewers. It is advisable to enter between twelve and fifteen, but it also depends on the sort of business and level of seniority you want to project. n

Don’t forget to include details that make it easier for the searchers to find you: location, position, and company. n

Go the extra mile – besides LinkedIn, Facebook, G+ and Twitter, there are other profiles that rank in online searches and can help you to improve both personal and company branding: SlideShare, Flickr and are some of the most recognised. In addition, remember to use Google Authorship Markup to “sign” your content and include in your G+ profile all the contributions you have made to relevant blogs and websites. Your SEO agency can help you check the search performance of all your articles by checking Author Stats. A combination of a number of the suggestions above will contribute to boosting your personal online presence and help to build your reputation and credibility in business. n

CONTACT Vicki Iszatt BUSINESS Lined Media PHONE 1300 526 934



still holding women back


Why don’t women ask for what they deserve but instead continue to settle for second best? YVETTE MAURICE explores the reasons behind the gender gap and how women can bridge that gap and achieve economic and social equality. Last year, a major US financial institution published a study that highlighted gender gaps in earnings by country. According to the report, “Countries in Asia have some of the worst gender pay gaps in the world and while Australia’s not the worst-performing western economy, New Zealand puts it to shame.” Bloomberg (a privately held financial software, data and media company headquartered in New York City) pooled the data into a list of 36 countries, indicating the biggest pay gaps by gender. Australia, Canada and the USA performed badly, Australia coming in at number 17 with a gap of 16.4 per cent between what men and women earn for the same position. Women Don’t Ask by Linda Babcock and Sara Laschever lists many quotes from women who simply don’t feel they deserve the same pay as men. Emma, a social science researcher says, ”I realised that I could have really negotiated for much more but I didn’t. Because I accepted, ‘Oh, I want to tie in with the range. I should feel lucky I have this job’.” “In many small ways, it’s as if men have little plus signs next to their names and women have little minus signs,” says Virginia Valian, a psychology professor who wrote Why So Slow? The Advancement of Women. Valian speaks about a term she calls ‘cognitive errors’. She suggests that both men and women attach traits and language to each sex often without being consciously aware they are doing this. “Once you learn about how (these biases) work, you tend to be more thoughtful about how you make your own decisions,” says Shelley Correll, Director of the Clayman Institute for Gender Research and a professor of Sociology at Stanford University. “We’re not being biased because we’re bad people. We’re often biased because we’re in a rush.” In an age when we have so much information to assess, these cognitive shortcuts are common. “When we process a lot of information in decision-making, such as evaluating candidates for a position, we unconsciously use cognitive shortcuts, including gender stereotypes, to

speed the process,” Correll explains. “Men tend to be evaluated more positively than if we didn’t know their gender and women tend to be evaluated more negatively than they would be if we didn’t know their gender. Our standards tend to shift whether we’re evaluating a woman or a man ... he gets what we call a leniency bias.” One study from Women Don’t Ask revealed that eight times as many men as women graduating with master’s degrees from Carnegie Mellon negotiated their salaries. When it was a man negotiating, they were able to start on a salary of 7.4 per cent (or about $4000) more. The book suggests that “the gender gap between men and women might have been closed if more of the women had negotiated their starting salaries.” Recently, The Huffington Post came out with a list of words that are only ever used to describe women. Among them: mousy, sultry, hormonal and bitchy. “I first started thinking about (the language used for women) when Girl With A Dragon Tattoo came out,” says Shawna Hein, 28, a user experience designer from Berkeley. “It’s a whole action series where the main character is a bad ass, and yet she’s called a girl. You never see an action hero with boy in his name.” So, what is holding women back? According to a Global Leadership Forecast leadership report,

“In all major global regions, women were more likely than men to fall off the management ladder before reaching the top”, and, “At all management levels women were less likely than men to be named high-potentials.” Sara Laschever says that women need to get better at asking the tough questions, including pitching for a better salary. “With women’s progress toward full economic and social equality stalled, women’s lives becoming increasingly complex, and the structures of businesses changing, the ability to negotiate is no longer a luxury but a necessity.” n Yvette Maurice credits: • A ugust 2013. Sydney Morning Herald. Kids Need to Stress Less. • J uly 2013. Sydney Morning Herald. When Grooming Becomes Pathological. • J une 2013. Sydney Morning Herald. Are You Too Ashamed to Lose Weight. • February 2013. Crikey. Death of the Shock Jock. • August 2013. Mamamia. I was a Late 90s Cigarette Girl. • A pril 2013. Bookmasters. Top Tips for Aspiring Authors from a Manuscript Editor. • F ebruary 2013. Vegan Soapbox. Give “Fake Vegans” a Break.

CONTACT Yvette Maurice BUSINESS Open Colleges PHONE +61 (0) 400 370 313

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Autumn 2014 n WORKING WOMEN® 21


5 WAYS TO NOT ‘STUFF UP’ YOUR big media opportunity

The opportunity to gain free publicity and media exposure is a dream come true for small business owners. But in all the excitement, business owners must not forget the importance of preparation. SONJA VIDUKA provides guidance on how to ensure you are ready and poised for when the media come knocking at your door. Media exposure can be a powerful way of reaching your target audience, whether potential clients, investors or the general public, just ask Richard Branson. We have all heard stories of businesses skyrocketing overnight thanks to a successfully executed media opportunity. However, as with anything, there are risks involved. By following these five practical tips, you will ensure you leave nothing to chance in a media interview.


Media exposure can do wonders for a business but a poor media performance can damage both your business and your personal profile (not to mention be embarrassing personally – your mates will never let you live it down). Don’t take any chances by being unprepared. Professional media training is well worth the investment as it will help you stay on message and enable you to keep your cool when tackling any tricky questions that may come up. A good media performance will also increase the likelihood of you being invited back for future opportunities.


Your surroundings say a great deal about yourself, and your business. Opening up your workplace to a journalist can be compared to bringing home a love interest for the first time.

In the delicate early stages of the courtship you want to make the best impression possible. You spruce up the place beforehand, get any questionable books or DVDs out of view, and otherwise put your best face forward. Similarly, when you invite the media ‘back to your place’ ensure any confidential documents or correspondence are out of sight, staff are complying with all regulations and that your office is presented in a way that you would be comfortable with if a million people were watching. This includes clients, potential clients, sponsors, competitors and board members. Because there is every chance they will be watching.


There is a big difference between being “friendly” and being “a friend”. You may be flattered when a journo compliments you on your achievements, your lovely office, or even your new shirt, but never mistake their congenial nature for friendship. Don’t think it is okay to confide in a journo. A journalist is talking to you because it’s their job. Journalists are trained to sniff out good stories. And by good stories that sometimes means bad stories. While your media opportunity may be of a positive nature, journalists are always on the lookout for the next big headline. Being a former journalist myself, I’m not saying

reporters are bad people – just that they have a job to do – so remain professional. Your safest bet is to take it for granted that everything said in your interview will go to air.


A media opportunity can create a buzz around the office and give staff a welcome break from routine. Most employees will feel proud to see their company getting positive media attention. However, the disruption may also leave some staff feeling unsettled so it is important to keep your staff in the loop well ahead of time about any media opportunities that will be impacting them. Also, make sure staff members not specifically required to take part in filming or photo opportunities are kept out of sight. This will ensure your media opportunity is not compromised in any way by rogue staff members.


It is important to maximise this chance to get your name and branding out to your target audience. Therefore, as soon as the media opportunity has been locked in, inspect any signage or banners that feature your company logo. If they are outdated or you don’t have any, organise to get some new ones made. These can come in handy as a backdrop for an on-camera interview and provide another opportunity to put your logo in front of your target audience. You know your headquarters better than anyone. Conduct a location audit a few days before your media opportunity and take note of the spots which will provide the best backdrop for filming or photos. This will give you a chance to present your business in the best light and save you from scrambling around looking for suitable locations at the last minute. n

CONTACT Sonja Viduka BUSINESS SoVi Communications PHONE +61 (0) 425 718 662

22 WORKING WOMEN® n Autumn 2014


Direct selling entrepreneurs

ARE YOU MISSING OUT? In these times of economic and job uncertainty there is a light at the end of the tunnel. One industry that is booming at the moment is Direct Selling. DEB PICKERING looks at how and why so many women are becoming party plan entrepreneurs.

For the uninitiated, the term ‘Direct Sales’ might raise perceptions of the fly-bynight get rich schemes associated with pyramid selling. These illegal schemes made headlines before being banned in Australia in 1963. The Direct Selling Association of Australia (DSAA) represents a growing number of legitimate party plan and network marketing companies that are changing the lives of people across the country, offering people the opportunity to reap the benefits of their hard work and give back to others at the same time. Long gone are the days of the ‘Fluffy Slipper Brigade’ when party plan was just something bored housewives did to fill in the day … mind you, when in history has there ever been ‘bored housewives striving to fill in a day’? It is true that the greater percentage of party plan industry distributors are women, and motherhood may be one of the number of roles they play in their lives, but that is where the myth stops. Today, in this the 21st century, party plan companies are represented by women from all walks of life, women who have trained as accountants, solicitors, nurses, teachers, admin officers, government officials and bankers. All of these women have the vision and entrepreneurship to see what a business in direct selling can offer them. The sky is

NOT the limit … they can go higher. Working within the party plan model, it is possible to earn any amount of money you want and the remuneration is determined by the effort the individual puts into the business. Most party plan companies offer their distributors a successful model to follow which eliminates the necessity to start from ‘scratch’. The opportunities in the industry are endless and the job satisfaction is incredible. The only requirement necessary to succeed is to WANT it enough. The secret to success is to work out what you need to make a difference to your lifestyle. Is it money, is it achievement, is it recognition or is it all three? The next step is finding a quality product you love and trust. This means investigating and researching the various party plan companies. Ensure you check if they are a member of the governing body DSAA, how long have they been in business and are they a debt free company? Ensure they have a viable compensation plan offering long-term sustainable growth and that the remuneration and incentives are plausible for the time and effort you are willing to give.

the industry is holding its own. If you work hard, believing in the fact that you are the CEO of your own business and run it like a business, there is no limit to the success you can achieve. If, however, you believe the world owes you a living and you see this business as a quick fix, you will be disappointed. Make no mistake, running a direct sales business that delivers a high return, takes an enormous amount of focus and energy just as running a franchise or a global mainstream company; it is what you put into it that determines what you get out. The indisputable advantages offered include lifestyle choices, unlimited financial returns, flexible hours, the choice of working environment and control over your own destiny. There is no age barrier for success in direct selling and the only limitations are those you place on yourself. So in thinking about all this, why would you dismiss a career in direct selling? It is a growth industry just waiting for the right people to come along. Is that YOU? n

Australia recently ticked over a population of 23 million people. The direct selling industry contributes approximately $1.5 billion to Australia’s economy and the number of people involved is only 1.7% (440,000). Do the maths;

CONTACT Deb Pickering BUSINESS Intimo Lingerie Stylist PHONE +61 (0) 402 232 411 deb_pickering.html

Live the life of your dreams and earn a fashionable income We are currently looking for new Intimo Lingerie Stylists in your area! Enjoy the freedom of being your own boss, the flexibility of choosing your own hours and the fun of working with beautiful lingerie while inspiring women every day. With affordable start up costs and ongoing training, Intimo is a smart investment for every woman’s future.

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How to maximise the return on your

NETWORKING INVESTMENT Stop! Before you attend one more networking event, you need to be clear on why this event is the one for you and what return can you expect on your networking investment. JEN DALITZ examines the why, how, where and who of networking and how you can maximise your expected returns. We all know that networking has become an essential business activity. But with many and varied networking events on offer, how do you choose the one that’s right for you? Well, that depends on your industry, where you live and work, your existing network, your career and life goals, and importantly your networking budget. Do you have a networking budget? Do you know what the return is on your networking investment? Are you managing your networking strategically, to determine how, when, where and with whom you network?

BEFORE YOU BOOK IN TO ANY NETWORKING EVENT ASK YOURSELF: 1. How likely am I to meet new people? Are you looking to build your business relationships or make personal friendships? Choose a network whose audience will meet that need. Business chambers, industry bodies and professional membership organisations can be great for expanding your work contacts. Building friendships outside the office can also be important at times, and if you have recently moved to a new area then networking events are low risk ways to connect with other friendly people. Choosing a networking series that meets frequently can give you a routine for reconnecting with them every week or month or quarter.

2. What is the format for the event? Different formats lend themselves to different

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24 WORKING WOMEN® n Autumn 2014

networking opportunities. If you are looking to reconnect with industry peers, stand up cocktail events can enable you to move around the room more freely and distribute your current business card. If you are attending with a client or potential client, a seated event will give you more time directly with them. If you are looking to connect with as many people as possible, choose smaller more intimate affairs over large-scale fill-a-ballroom type events which can be particularly difficult to navigate.

3. How will this event contribute to my professional development? Many professional networking events feature a guest speaker who will share valuable lessons and tips that have attributed to their own career success. Others may provide technical briefings on changes across your business landscape. Don’t just listen and nod along with the crowd! Take your journal with you and jot down the key takeaway points that will make a difference to your goals. Then be sure to make a calendar booking with yourself to check in weekly for the next three months on how you are applying that advice in your own career.

4. What is included? With the investment for many networking events running into the hundreds of dollars, it is important to understand exactly how much you will be paying and what you will get in return. Is catering provided? Is it a sit down meal or cocktails? Do you need to pay a membership fee to attend future events? Are donations to charities expected when you arrive? Are you

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permitted to distribute marketing materials at the event? Can you get to the venue on public transport, or will you need to drive? And if you drive, is discounted parking included? It seems straightforward but it’s easy to be caught out. So ask as many questions as you need before you hand over your credit card!

5. Could I get more juice out of the lemon? What other benefits might you gain from this event? For example, I will often use networking events to gather opinions and input for research or to understand the challenges particular sectors of industry or the workforce are facing. I have even been known to do some people watching and observe what the dress code is for clients I am targeting. Take a look at your ‘to do list’ and think of the ways you can use an event to multiply your productivity back at work. Armed with all the facts, you can make a rational decision as to whether a particular event is the right one for you. And if you do decide to go ahead and register, be sure to put the registration cost against your networking budget and to track future opportunities that originate from it. Only this way will you truly be able to understand and maximise the return on your networking and its impact on your career. n

CONTACT Jen Dalitz BUSINESS The SheEO Blog PHONE 1300 969 070

Are you missing out on business opportunities due to being too shy to turn up at events? Don’t fret because even the shyest of business owners can become proficient at networking a room. ANGELY GRECIA provides some helpful tips for you to take on board when attending your next networking soiree.

Networking comes naturally and easily for some but others would rather avoid it if they could! Remember, networking is one of the most effective ways of creating and maintaining relationships that could result in new business leads, loyal customers, potential business partnerships and more. If you are a bit shy about networking, follow these tips and you will be collecting business cards in no time, one of the first steps in successful networking.


You never need to feel like you are interrupting or being a nuisance. Nine times out of ten, guests are there to meet new people too, in the hope of expanding their business network. And many will be just as apprehensive as you are about approaching others.


If the idea of approaching people you don’t know intimidates you, start by looking for a

familiar face such as a colleague, client etc. If you don’t recognise anyone, then start with approaching an individual or small group of guests and introduce yourself. In a small group situation, introduce yourself to one or two of the people in the group first as this can help you join the rest of the group conversation.


I know it’s hard but doing this can make it seem like you are not approachable. Limit this as much as possible unless you are looking to contact a friend /colleague attending the same event. Precious networking time – time when you could be growing your business – is being wasted by this avoidance tactic.


Ask questions of other people and you will see them open up. Listen for any information that enables you to help them, e.g. if they are looking for a service that you provide. Asking questions of others should also encourage them to ask you questions, which is particularly handy if you are a bit shy about talking about yourself. This will then give you an opportunity to talk about your company/business, your role, what it involves, what interests you have outside of work etc.


It is easy to spend time with just one person for the entire event but don’t restrict yourself if you want to meet new people and other potential clients. A handy tip when it’s time to move on is to say something like, “I hope you don’t mind but I have a couple of other people I’d like to meet before this session/event/ function ends. Thanks for your time, I enjoyed meeting you. Here’s my business card if you would like to stay in touch…” n

CONTACT Angely Grecia BUSINESS MYOB PHONE +61 (2) 9089 9071

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discount stockbrokers

Stock market trading, we all know the potential risks and returns involved, but is it worth getting advice on? BIANCA DEZOTTI, PATRICIA DOYLE and SUSAN RALLINGS discuss the pros and cons of full-service versus discount stockbrokers. If you are looking for better ways to invest your savings or contemplating how you can gain from short-term opportunities, both full-service and discount brokers could work for you. Regardless of whether you are time-restricted or not, it’s worth thinking about the advantages and concerns of both options to consider which would best suit your needs. A discount broker, or online provider, has the tools for you to execute your own trading activities, predominantly in the share market. They usually provide you with self-education guides to help when starting out. This is truly a DIY experience. Most web-based trading platforms also provide you with a ‘watchlist’ of stocks for you to monitor trends and see real-time activities affecting your portfolio. This means that you have a great deal of flexibility to place your bids first-hand, thus lowering transaction costs involved. The main disadvantage you need to be aware of is the inherent risks of trading first-hand. Barriers to entry for bids on the stock market have been torn away with the implementation of online trading. This means that those with no investment experience can trigger serious misfortunes if they are ill-informed or are not diligent when executing their own trades. Put simply, if you make an error you wear the cost. If you are a new investor wishing to use a discount broker, become well educated in how to use the tools in conjunction with your investment decisions to help mitigate the risks.

The decision to hire a full-service broker who is committed to serving your investment interests can be immensely advantageous. Selecting an adviser with the training and skills entailed to provide you with informed advice can save you time, energy and the worry of investing solely by yourself. Full-service brokers offer guidance and advice while answering company-specific questions and transacting your buy and sell orders on your behalf. You receive portfolio reviews and updates on the market and your specific holdings to help grow your portfolio in line with your objectives. You can gain access to research providing in-depth analysis and information on particular companies or types of investments, while also having online access to view your investment portfolio which is included in the brokerage fee. A good full-service broker will get to know you and help you to develop a custom plan by examining your individual financial situation. Such a plan may also involve ways to implement wealth creation strategies outside of the stock market including budgeting, debt-reduction, life insurance, superannuation, tax-saving strategies and estate planning. They can also assist to mitigate your risks through diversification. This could include a portion of cash, fixed interest (preference shares, hybrids or term deposits) and ordinary shares, depending on your individual tolerance of risk. Having a full-service broker to refer to for investment advice can be beneficial to not only

Do you have a ‘my favourite read’ photo? Where’s the most unusual or far flung destination you’ve been snapped reading Working Women magazine? Send us a photo and story as to why you were reading Working Women in this unusual location or global destination? Tell us in 75 words or less where it was and why etc.? Our office will select the most interesting entry and feature your photo and comments in our next edition. Please email your photo and brief story to Entries close on 20 May, 2014. Your photo must be received as a jpg file and it must be scanned at 300 dpi so it can be reproduced in both print and digital format. Disclaimer: By submitting photos and text to Women’s Network Australia’s Working Women magazine, you give permission to publish it in upcoming print and digital editions. Women’s Network Australia may use the entries for promotional, marketing and publicity purposes.

26 WORKING WOMEN® n Autumn 2014

grow a wealth portfolio, but also help you to conduct informed investment decisions. They can work in conjunction with your accountant, lawyers and external advisers in order to provide tailored advice aligned with your individual circumstances and life-stage changes. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced investor, a full-service broker can help you achieve your financial objectives by conducting recommendations best suited to help meet your goals by recommending investments that coincide with your attitude towards risk. If you are seeking some level of investment advice, arrange to see a qualified full-service broker to firstly decide whether or not you can see them working with you. Make your objectives clear and ask for a plan or suggestions to be made exclusively to map out a path to meet your financial goals. Stockbrokers understand market trends and have immense knowledge when it comes to placing transactions through the market, their timing and monitoring your order volumes. A financial services broker will provide a sounding board for you to bounce ideas off, discuss any concerns you have as well as advise you on what might be seen as ‘hype’ or a bubble in the market to ensure you are not making irrational decisions. At the end of the day, what you invest in is your decision, it is your money. You need to consider whether you have the time to monitor your investments, or whether your preference is to pay a slightly higher fee for a licensed professional to do this for you. Important Information: The information contained in this article is general information only. It does not take into consideration any specific needs, situations or objectives. Before making any financial decisions you should make sure you are comfortable that the strategy suits your needs and objectives, and your risk profile. If necessary, you should seek professional advice. n

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1800 052 476 Autumn 2014 n WORKING WOMEN® 27



investors should avoid

Everybody makes mistakes, sometimes it is the best way to learn. But when it comes to property investment, mistakes can be costly and it is wise to learn from the mistakes of others to modify your strategies and be ready for a much smoother experience. OBU RAMARAJ highlights seven mortgage mistakes that savvy investors should avoid to build a successful property portfolio. Buying a property can be a sound investment which can provide a steady source of income and eventually profit, when you want to sell it. Maximising profit is a balancing act between choosing the right property, the right suburb and the right home loan. The truth is that buying and managing an investment property requires time, skill and experience. You need to do your homework, consider your long-term investment goals, costs and exit strategy. Before you apply for your mortgage as an investor, consider these seven mistakes that most property investors make.

Mistake #1: Making a purchase based on emotion New property investors have a tendency to choose a property because they have fallen in love with it. You should buy an investment property based on affordability, market value, rate of occupancy and future growth potential. Investments should be free of emotion and the best way to achieve that is to engage the services of a buyer’s agent.

Mistake #2: Not being finance ready The kind of property being purchased determines how much finance you can secure. For example, you can only borrow up to 80% for an off-the-plan CBD apartment and even less for student accommodation. It is important to ensure your finance is pre-approved based on the amount you can afford and for the kind of property you want to buy.

Mistake #3: Not using the right structure to borrow

Mistake #6: Not accounting for extra costs

Many investors are so keen to buy an investment property, they will do it at any cost and sometimes borrow using the wrong structure. One example is cross-collaterisation where two or more properties serve as securities against one big loan. This is a risky choice, in that you may end up paying thousands more in mortgage insurance, or it can be difficult to release a security in the future should the need arise (depending on total borrowing).

As an investor, you need to account for extra costs like stamp duty, GST and other expenses before seeking finance. It is important to have enough cash reserves to account for mortgage repayments, council rates, maintenance, insurance, property management fees and utilities amongst other fees, should you find yourself without tenants for some time.

Mistake #4: Not engaging the right team of professionals A key to achieving success in property investment includes engaging the right team of professionals. One of the biggest mistakes you can make is to try and do it all yourself. Research, understand and gain knowledge about property investment. Being financially smart will help you ask the right questions and guide you with regard to whose information you should trust.

Mistake #5: Not defining your investment goals You do not get in your car without knowing where you want to go and how to get there. Similarly, before deciding to become a property investor, you need an investment strategy that fits in with your long-term wealth creation goals and financial situation. With clear goals and consistent review, your investment can deliver positive results with minimal risk.

Mistake #7: Not reviewing your portfolio regularly Banks change their interest rates seasonally and sometimes offer new promotions. If you get too cosy with your preferred lender, you may miss out on a really good deal with another lender. Therefore, ditch your ‘set and forget’ mentality and review your loans at least annually, to ensure you have a loan at the best rate. To sum it up, whether you are buying your first or subsequent investment property, you need to know your investment goals, plan your investment strategy, and finally engage the right team of professionals. Avoid the mistakes above and you are on your way to building a successful property portfolio. n

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28 WORKING WOMEN® n Autumn 2014


Guidelines to writing your


Social media use, both personally and professionally, is continuing to explode. Not all business owners are utilising the technology but many of their staff are and the water cooler chats of the past – both good and bad – now take place online. ANNA CAIRO looks at why all businesses need to heed the call to protect their commercial enterprises by developing their own social media policy and guidelines. All businesses need a social media policy regardless if your organisation is using social media or not. Because, whether you acknowledge it or not, all businesses are involved in social media simply because their employees are using it in their private lives. As such a policy is needed to protect any organisation that has more than a handful of employees. The surprising aspect of workplaces is that the majority don’t have a social media policy. Considering the prolific usage of social media this is astounding. The Fair Work Commission has even stated that not having a social media policy “in this current electronic age was not sufficient” (Glen Stutsel v Linfox Australia Pty Limited [2011] FWA 8444 [2011]). No one policy will work for all organisations. Such policies need to be tailored to the culture of the workplace as well as the industry, however, there are some fundamentals that can be applied across the board. Here are four key elements:

SOCIAL MEDIA OBJECTIVES What does your organisation want to achieve by using social media – what are the goals? This is important so that it can be shared with employees. Whether it is to increase brand awareness, for recruiting purposes or to improve customer service, having your employees on board is essential. They need

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to be part of the ownership so that they can support achievement of the objectives.

DEFINITIONS Your policy must define what you mean by ‘social media’. This may seem straightforward, however, social media platforms include a broad spectrum of sites as obvious as Facebook and LinkedIn to blogs, wikis, forums and discussion boards. It is important to be specific and to avoid assumptions.

SOCIAL MEDIA USAGE GUIDELINES What are the ground rules? Is social media to be permitted in the workplace? What topics are prohibited and not to be discussed? Answers to these questions assist employees with having boundaries around what can be open for discussion. These rules will vary from business to business and such guidelines set limits for employees. Getting the balance right is important. If the rules are too draconian then the organisation will not get benefit from utilising social media.

Social media in the workplace has become one of the hottest issues in HR for a number of years, part of the dynamic and changing world of communication in the 21st century. for various points of view. This ensures the policy is practical, manageable and enforceable. A well-crafted policy is one that is simple to understand and implement and which also has disciplinary procedures and consequences attached if breached. Social media in the workplace has become one of the hottest issues in HR for a number of years, part of the dynamic and changing world of communication in the 21st century. A social media policy is one aspect that is critical to minimising social media risk to your organisation. Use your social media policy to work in partnership with your employees. A collaborative and proactive approach is in tune with a modern workforce and more likely to yield positive results. Provide training, which is critical and create it so that employees become ambassadors for your business. n

SOCIAL MEDIA POLICY NEEDS TO BE INCLUSIVE Developing social media policy needs to be a collective effort. It needs to be created with employee feedback to gain their ownership and trust. It also needs to be created with your teams including marketing, HR, IT and legal

Lost for


CONTACT Anna Cairo BUSINESS Anna Cairo Consulting PHONE +61 (0) 417 010 877

Find them at professional coaching in public speaking and other associated communication skills

Call margaret on (03) 6278 8633 or 041 936 4400

Autumn 2014 n WORKING WOMEN® 29


Facebook client attraction formula Do you want to know the fastest way to attract new clients and sales from Facebook? Let NATALIE ALAIMO show you the step-by-step plan which savvy business owners are using right now and it’s working gangbusters. Do you want to know the fastest way to get new clients from Facebook? Attracting new clients and sales from Facebook is not about gaming the system or buying likes. It’s a strategic approach to build a long-term viable business. Here is the attraction formula broken down into seven key steps:

Step One: Who do you want to work with? Online marketing requires a different approach to traditional marketing. If you don’t specifically determine who your ideal client is you can waste time, money and effort talking to the wrong types of people online. Although your product or service may benefit multiple types of people, the key to a successful business is to focus on those most likely to buy from you. For example, most people can use Tupperware, however, women with children are more likely to buy it.

Step Two: How are you bringing in the money? A real time conversation occurs when a potential client phones your business. They ask questions, you respond, back and forth etc. However, when we market online that ‘real time’ conversation does not happen the same way. As business owners we must preempt what the client will ask, answer their questions and then convert them to a sale. To be successful when marketing online, it’s vitally important that you have worked out this process first! Determine what steps your clients need to go through to give you money and use Facebook to direct them through this process.

Step Three: Hook your market Think about the last time you purchased

something – did you know, like and trust that person or company? I’m sure you did, because that is how we like to do business. Selling online is a little different and can be streamlined. Instead of having to talk to 10, 20 or 30 people individually to build a relationship with them, you can “Hook Your Market” by producing one piece of content which helps build your know, like and trust factor. Popular choices are content such as eBooks, webinars, and video series. Think about what your clients want and deliver this to them. You then have a winning hook!

Step Four: Setting up your hook Your clients are spending time on Facebook, so why not use Facebook as a source of new leads. Your ‘hook’ can be used to attract the new leads and when people consume it they are building that relationship with you. The examples of ‘hooks’ above were mostly automated, freeing up your time. For this process to occur you need to set up a Custom Tab on Facebook which is linked to your Email Marketing Program. Basically, the way it works is that people land on the tab and in exchange for your eBook/ webinar etc. they provide their email address which you can then use to build rapport/ relationship via email marketing.

Step Five: Driving traffic with Facebook advertising Once you have a place to send your traffic, then send some traffic there – Facebook Advertising can make this process quicker and it won’t break the bank. Facebook Advertising can be confusing (sorry) as they offer many different options but the type of ad that is working best is the Page Post Ad.

To create an ad, share your normal standard status update via your page and then jump into the Facebook Ad manager and select your post, targeting, budgets, etc. These ads are working really well as they appear directly in the newsfeed where Facebook users are looking.

Step Six: Direct to the $$$ Now you must direct people to the sale, as sales are the reason we are doing all of this. Provide people with a very clear call to action either in your hook (at the end of your eBook / report /webinar) or in a separate email after they have consumed your hook. Most people get all this way and then forget to ask for the sale – don’t let that be you. At the end of your eBook /webinar /video series offer people a free consultation, a direct product purchase etc.

Step Seven: Rinse and repeat The final step, is about testing and measuring, tracking your results and working on improving them. Most likely you won’t get this right the first time. It takes practice, testing, measuring, and refining. Just because people don’t buy straight away it doesn’t mean that they won’t buy next month or next year! Don’t give up. Keep refining, keep testing and keep repeating. Using the Facebook Client Attraction Strategy, Facebook can become one of the best sources of low cost quality leads for your business. n

CONTACT Natalie Alaimo BUSINESS Natalie Alaimo

International +61 (7) 5554 5515 PHONE

Not getting the results you want with Facebook? Let me show you how! Join the Free 30 Day Facebook Challenge. You get; • Simple and easy daily action tips • The confidence and strategies to get real results on Facebook • Learn how to build fans and increase engagement in as little as 10 minutes per day

RegisteR now, it’s FRee. Visit and enter your details 30 WORKING WOMEN® n Autumn 2014

What others are saying: “I enjoyed it. The suggestions worked, the directions were easy to follow, and I have grown an interested following that interact”



and social media

Be a REAL and RECOGNISABLE face for your business.

As they say a picture tells a thousand words. KERRIN SMITH outlines the real value that great photography adds to the marketing of your business and online interactions. If you are on the lookout for quick, easy and effective ways to boost your online presence then photos are the answer to your prayers! Virtually every phone now has a digital camera built into it. On top of that if it is a smart phone you can upload photos to any number of social media platforms within moments of taking a shot.

UNDERSTANDING THE “WHY” Online shoppers are not just there to buy, they are also gathering information, researching products and getting to know their suppliers. If your social media pages and websites do not include any pictures of you or your team it can prove to be dangerous for your business reputation. People are aware of online scams and often associate no online portrait photo as a potential red light. This is why you need to post regular photos of you and or your team in action. This action will create visual proof and credibility, making shoppers feel confident that they will be dealing with real people.

SO WHAT SHOULD YOU POST? First and foremost you should have a clear, professional headshot linked to all of your social media pages and website. Use the same photo and put it everywhere – consistency is the key. Submit the portrait with any articles you write for other people, even if they have not asked for it. If you have a team, upload a group shot to your website’s “About Us” page. This will give your business that warm, family feeling. Tangible products are an obvious choice for photos. People want to see the product before they buy it so make the shots clear and professional. Label or include the product details next to the photo. If your business supplies eProducts or services, things can be a little trickier but it is still possible. Be creative, for example, photograph a happy client using their laptop or smart phone in conjunction with your product to create the feeling you are after – energetic, relaxing, socialising, learning, building confidence and so on. The same goes with service providers. Other great opportunities for photography are events. If you are a speaker get shots of yourself in action, which are exciting and dramatic. If you have a big crowd do not forget

to include a wide shot of the room. For intimate groups, focus on audience engagement. For one-on-ones you can showcase the personal attention your client receives. This type of photography works in reverse if you are attending an event that complements your business. Track down the keynote speaker and (politely) grab a quick shot of you with them. This shows your audience that you are an active go-getter, keen to rub shoulders with the best in your industry.

Get noticed online with unique and powerful business portrait photography.


Always use tags and descriptions with your photos. Add back-links to your website if the platform allows, to improve your SEO. Always change the file name of the picture to something relevant such as your business name. To stay on top of the whole process, make a plan. Work out when, where and why you can take advantage of a photo opportunity. To avoid time wasting, schedule uploads. You can get apps and programs that will allow you to automatically share your photos across all of your platforms at once to save you time. If possible, delegate this area to someone else as your time is valuable. Make sure you respond to any engagement with the photo from viewers too. The most important part of the process is to track the engagement of viewers with your photo. Be sure to use any tracking features offered by the social media platform you are using. This will show you what is grabbing the attention of your audience. That way you can focus on what works and drop what is not engaging people.


Photos create perceptions even before your copy will be read. They create clear and immediate proof of your business, all the while building engagement, trust and confidence in the viewer. So start snapping today and put that powerful tool at your fingertips into action for your business. n

Build trust and credibility with a dynamic business video.

Create a unique personal brand with entrepreneurial photography and video packages by Kerrin Smith. Get ready to go online:

• Social Media Sites • Blogs • Profile Pics • Websites • Facebook Banners • eNewsletters • Landing Pages • eMagazines • YouTube Channels

For more information on video and photography packages contact Kerrin Smith on: 0457 229 087

CONTACT Kerrin Smith BUSINESS Kerrin Smith Photography |

Film | Art +61 (0) 457 229 087 PHONE

Available Brisbane, Gold Coast & Sunshine Coast.

Autumn 2014 n WORKING WOMEN® 31


WORK SMARTER not harder

What does working smarter, not harder really mean? Is it about being more effective and efficient? KIRSTY O’CALLAGHAN reveals tips on how to spend your workday so that you are producing the highest quality results while not feeling drained and overwhelmed.

Most business owners have heard the quote “work smarter not harder” and sound out a resounding “YES”. After all who wouldn’t want to jump on the bandwagon of doing less and gaining more? But this is not what ‘working smarter’ means. If this is you, you may have taken this phrase the wrong way and it has led many to facing the door of failure rather than success. The recipe for success may lie more in the quote by Napoleon Hill: “Effort only fully releases its reward after a person refuses to quit”. Take time to talk to any person who has achieved a level of meaningful success in their business and this is what they will tell you: n

Running a business is challenging


Entrepreneurship is not for the faint of heart


It takes hard work and perseverance

You are constantly reinventing and improving your business, plans, vision and goals to keep up with trends and customer needs n


Don’t be afraid to fail

Be disciplined and work harder than everyone else n


Learn as much as you can, as fast as you can


Always go the extra mile

Your biggest asset will always be networks, strategic alliances and referrals – this takes time and nurturing n

Counselling, Coaching and Training Service Corporate | Families | Individuals | Groups

Get the results you desire from home to workplace Get your free e-book today ‘90 Kirsty-isms’, to give you daily inspiration and motivation 32 WORKING WOMEN® n Autumn 2014

So, how can you turn this possibly limiting thinking around, expand your business in a smart way and feel you are working smarter and not harder while still putting in 101 per cent effort? Here are some tips to get you headed in the direction of working ‘smart’.

HAVE CLEAR OBJECTIVES Avoid spending time and effort on some side issue that doesn’t contribute to achieving the goal.

BEWARE OF PERFECTIONISM Studies show that it requires 50 per cent more effort to squeeze out an additional 10 per cent improvement in quality. Learn to recognise the point at which “Good enough is good enough”. Then stop.

AVOID PROCRASTINATION Do the worst first. You can turn a mildly unpleasant or uncomfortable job into one you truly dread. Don’t make a job more stressful by putting it off repeatedly until you have a crisis on your hands. As Nike says: “Just do it”. Get important and difficult tasks out of the way first thing in the morning when your energy is high and unexpected issues haven’t taken over your day.

STAY ORGANISED AND PRIORITISE It’s unnecessarily stressful and time wasting

• Stress and Change Management Tools and Strategies • Simple, practical and real solutions • Seminars, workshops, groups and individual consultations • Affordable and trustworthy services and products Kirsty O’Callaghan Consultant | Speaker | Trainer UNITY-QLD P: +61(7) 3482 4295 M: 0402 889 648

You need to constantly be questioning how you are spending your time and what would be the best use of your time right now. to have your work scattered all over the place. Keep related project pieces together where they are easily accessible and daily prioritise tasks. Always have your work area de-cluttered and make it an area you feel good being in.

AVOID DISTRACTIONS Think about your typical workday. Do you allow yourself long stretches of time in which you can truly sink your teeth into a project, or do you tend to only work in small blocks of time between interruptions? Are you constantly flicking back and forth between projects and your email or social media sites?

MULTI-TASKING IS A MYTH Despite what you may believe, you can’t multitask. Anyone who has ever tried to talk on the phone while responding to emails should understand.

CREATE A ‘NOT-TO-DO-LIST’ Energy spent doing tasks that are not in line with business goals is a recipe for failure. You should consider which tasks you spend time on regularly and then weigh their impact. If the impact is minimal, or if they distract you from things that will have a greater impact, consider whether there is a way to automate or delegate them. If not, consider whether you can remove them from your to-do list altogether. You need to constantly be questioning how you are spending your time and what would be the best use of your time right now. Is there a more efficient way that will produce the same or better results for you and your business? If you could put in one per cent extra effort than your competitors to gain 50 per cent more productivity where are you going to focus that one per cent? n

CONTACT Kirsty O’Callaghan BUSINESS Unity-Qld PHONE +61 (7) 3482 4295



Overwhelmed by clutter?

Don’t get organised! Drowning in amongst your ‘to dos’? LOUISE D’ALLURA shares tips to help you tackle procrastination and get more done.

Do you ever feel like you are tackling your low priority tasks but procrastinating on the ‘tougher’ high priority tasks? The trick is to focus on:

Remember everything does not need to be perfect 100 per cent of the time. Excellent can be good enough!

Being MORE productive to power through the low priority tasks and

Research on top performers and athletes shows that working in 90 minute blocks, taking breaks and being active throughout the day, eating well and getting enough sleep will help to keep your brain and body energised and operating at your peak. If you eat well, you can think well, and in turn work well and live well!


Procrastinate LESS on the high priority tasks. n

These seven tips will help on your way to procrastinating less and getting more of the right things done:

1. Know what your ‘high’ priority tasks versus ‘low’ priority tasks are. If you are familiar with the Pareto Principle you know that 80 per cent of our results come from 20 per cent of our efforts. When you know what yields your best results you can devote the necessary time, energy and focus to these as your high priority tasks.

2. Take control of your distractions. Do you know your triggers? Is it email, Facebook, twitter, or phone calls? To help keep your attention on the important high priority tasks and power through the low priority tasks, keep your email closed or turn off sound and notifications, and only check emails and return calls at set intervals. Checking in constantly satisfies our desire to feel connected and see what’s happening in the world.

3. Disorganisation is a productivity killer. If you are still procrastinating on ‘get organised’ you are sabotaging your efforts! The world’s top entrepreneurs cite being organised as a key element of their success. If you are resisting getting organised, is it fear of success or fear of failure or a lack of skills holding you back? Take time out to get organised and set your systems up properly (once and for all) so both high priority and low priority routine tasks are easier. You will save hours every week and a lot of money in the long run.

4. Watch out for perfectionism. Identify the tasks where ‘perfect’ is paramount, ‘excellent’ is ideal and ‘good’ is great. Save perfect for when it counts and will be appreciated.

5. Rest and recuperate so you can think well.

6. Tune in to procrastination to uncover your ‘why’. Procrastination can be a positive tool – if you understand how to ‘read’ it. If tasks are staying on your to do list, work out WHY are you hesitating. Is it because you don’t have enough information? Did you say yes when you really wanted to say no? Are you unsure of how to move the idea or project forward? Put pen to paper or chat with someone to identify “what’s the very next thing I could do to get MOVING?” If you are hesitating on a particular type of task these might be the ones you want to delegate.

7. Delegate tasks. If you are NOT delegating a task, is it because the process has not been documented clearly so you are NOT confident it will be done how you want or need it to be done? Jot some processes down and then take a look at what elements you could delegate, for example, can you delegate the scheduling of your social media updates so your time could be better focused on the task of connecting and responding to the comments? Productivity is all about getting the right things done at the right time in the correct amount of time. If you are working more and enjoying yourself less, it is time to take stock and do something different! Getting organised will improve your productivity, your business, your health and stress levels in real and profound ways. n

CONTACT Louise D’Allura BUSINESS The Revamp Experience PHONE +61 (0) 408 723 559

Want to feel organised and on top of things? If you’re living under a mountain of paperwork, wasting time looking for things and struggling to find time to work on your business, Louise D’Allura will work with you to design the most effective layout for your workspace and implement simple systems so you can get more done in your day. Working Women Readers can book in a complimentary Focus session today! Call 0408 723 559 or email

Louise D’Allura, Director

0408 723 559 Autumn 2014 n WORKING WOMEN® 33


Preparing to sell for


There is no tip toeing around it. Well presented homes sell faster and achieve a better price than those that look untidy and unloved. CHERYL PARADISE provides a checklist full of tips, ideas and strategies to ensure you get top dollar when selling your property. Making the decision to sell your home is both an exciting and nerve wracking experience. From choosing a real estate agent you trust and feel comfortable with, through to listing and preparing the property for inspections is no easy task. And then there’s the anxious wait for potential buyers to fall in love with your home. But beware, before a potential buyer gets anywhere near your property there is much preparation that needs to be done. The fact is no matter how many potential buyers your real estate agent brings to your home for inspections if the presentation of your property is not up to scratch, selling the home will be an uphill battle. Sellers often place the blame for a slow sales process on their real estate agent, but regardless of how many sales awards your real estate agent can boast of, selling an untidy, unloved property that presents in a run-down condition is a hard ask for anyone to achieve – unless it is priced accordingly. You may have grand ideas on the size, layout and the potential your home offers but 90 per cent of buyers in the market cannot even see past your choice in furniture and decorations. Once you add dust, clutter and general untidiness to the equation, you have discounted nearly every buyer inspecting your property. But all is not lost! By using some simple tips

and a little elbow grease you can prepare your property for sale and give yourself the best chance of achieving the best possible price. The overall goal in preparing your property for sale is to aim for display home presentation standards and ensure you repair everything and anything that needs fixing. Here is a checklist to ensure your property is market ready: De-clutter the property inside and outside – remove any rubbish or things you have been storing. Put away items from the top of the kitchen benches, bedside tables, coffee tables, bathroom vanity and chest of drawers. Take n

everything off the top and front of the fridge as well. Items such as lamps, attractive appliances such as kettles and coffee machines that enhance the area can and should remain visible. Make sure all your lights are working, if possible replace all light bulbs with warm white lights, as they photograph better. n

This one needs to be said twice! Clean inside AND outside. If you want people to fall in love with your house, it has to be clean. All floors, bathrooms, kitchens and rooms should be absolutely sparkling. Clean all windows, screens and tracks, and wash the walls if they need it too so all marks are removed. n

Better image... more sales guaranteed! 1800 777 428

34 WORKING WOMEN® n Autumn 2014


in décor. Keep the look simple, modern and neutral.

SMELL – The house has to smell inviting and fresh. No bad smells or anything overpowering. Keep it subtle and sweet, such as fresh flowers, coffee brewing or freshly baked cookies in the oven.

TOUCH – The house has to ‘feel’ good. All surfaces including kitchen benches and floors should be smooth and cleaned to perfection. If it’s a hot day pull out all stops and put the air conditioning on, if it’s a cold day turn the heating on or fireplace if you have one. Buyers need to feel so comfortable in the house that they don’t want to leave. A final tip to sellers – disappear during inspection times. Whatever you do don’t hover and stay at the property while your agent is showing it to a prospective buyer. Tidy the patio and pergola areas, pressure clean the driveway and pathways and if you are too busy get a professional in to help with these areas. n

Work on the garden, not only mowing needs to be done, you have to weed, edge, prune and water. A cared for garden can add thousands to the value of your house. n

If your property has a swimming pool make sure it is sparkling clean especially on inspection days and check that all equipment is fully operational. n

Repair anything that is broken such as leaking taps, squeaky or broken door handles, hinges on cupboards, doorstops, holes in plaster and paint work. If you have a problem with bugs, get the pest control expert in to do a treatment. If you have termites in the garden, or (heaven forbid) in the house, they must be treated by a professional. If necessary get a barrier system installed to protect the property from future infestations. n

Presentation is key – make beds, add cushions and soft furnishings. Add modern artwork and simple decorator pieces where necessary. The general rule is no bath or toilet mats as they can make a room appear smaller, however fluffy and bright towels can add a decorative touch. The main aim is to create an environment that doesn’t distract buyers from the property but enhances the features of the home. n

In addition consider the five senses you need to appeal to:

SIGHT – Make sure the property looks

A buyer needs to be able to take their time when inspecting your property – that way they can get a ‘feel’ for the house and visualise themselves and their family living there. Buyers cannot do that if you are sitting there, even if you sit outside under the patio. The whole idea is to encourage potential buyers to stay as long as they need and allow your agent the time and space to sell them your property. You need to trust in your choice of real estate agent and know that they will look after your property and secure it when they leave. By using all of these tips you will be well on your way to securing a top price when listing your property for sale. n

impressive, bright, clean and spacious.

SOUND – Consider playing relaxing background music such as soft piano or rainforest type music.

TASTE – Entice with the sense of smell by cooking a cake or cookies in the oven, the smell will have potential buyers wanting to move in. Taste also applies to appealing to buyers taste

BertyButton Gets a Team! ®

CONTACT Cheryl Paradise BUSINESS Paradise Property Sales PHONE +61 (7) 3711 7915

Thinking of buying, selling or investing? Let me help with all your property needs in Parkinson, Algester, Calamvale, Stretton, Drewvale & neighbouring suburbs of Brisbane

Cheryl Paradise M: 0412

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Autumn 2014 n WORKING WOMEN® 35


SELLING it’s just like dating

People fear selling and cringe at the mention of the word yet selling is part of everyday life. Anyone who has been on the dating scene is selling – and they don’t even realise it. TANYA GRAY encourages us to fall in love with the idea of helping others as opposed to selling to them. Sales people and selling have a very poor reputation in Australia yet selling is entrenched in everyday life. Each of us plays our part in the buying and selling process daily.

from fear to optimism. Embrace each sales opportunity with fresh belief. As the saying goes, “Love like you have never been hurt” or in the realm of sales, “Go to a sales call like you have never heard a no”.

People fear selling and cringe at the mention of the ‘S’ word – yet it shouldn’t be this way.

The first sales meeting with a prospect is like going on a first date:

If a business owner, or sales person genuinely wants to help, and believes their product will help the buyer, the experience can be like getting a warm hug – all parties feel they have got something good from the experience. Selling’s bad reputation is often well earned – courtesy of industries like real estate, car sales and telemarketing. These sales people are known to focus on the dollar and not on the customer needs – it is all a numbers game. A great example of this is in the recent movie ‘Wolf of Wall Street’. No wonder many small business owners are fearful of being labelled a ‘wolf’. Yet they also believe their resistance towards selling is holding them back. Sales are a critical element to all business success and yet people shy away, just like they do from being set up on a date. It’s time to learn to love selling – love the little rush of nervousness before you start, love the hope you hold in finding something in common with the prospect, a connection so you will have an ongoing relationship. It is time to change our attitudes towards sales

What should you wear in order to be remembered? Ask yourself: what is the first impression you want to make, who are you meeting, where and when and what is your desired outcome? n

Create a warm and engaging first contact. Your handshake, eye contact and body language should deliver the right signals, that you are self-assured, open to learn and to listen and possess a touch of humility. n

A touch of small talk. This helps us understand how the other person likes to communicate, and this is your first chance to get to know someone, so don’t trivialise it. n

Getting to know each other. This is the fun part and your chance to ask some great questions and to listen. Your opinion counts for little at this stage, it must be all about them. n

Things are heating up, you have something in common. This is your chance to learn more about this common ground. Drill down and learn as much as you can. Only once you get that feeling it is the right thing to do, then offer a next step.

Sales success is less about the process and more about having the right intention – the intention to meet someone and then if applicable, to help their business or some part of their life improve. Getting excited about selling, about meeting someone new and learning how you can spend more time together will make a difference to your sales activity and consequently your results. Business owners who desire to genuinely have a company that loves their clients and give them great products or solutions need to get their whole team back in dating mode. Learn to love to help, not sell. Learn to love to meet new people and make new relationships. And it is okay if they are just not ‘into your offer’ or want to just stay as friends. n


3262 5005 36 WORKING WOMEN® n Autumn 2014

Making the next date. Wow, so you are thinking “that was a worth it and we should meet again to take things a little further”, then it is time to set up a time to catch up or offer some stories, solutions and benefits that can help your prospect whilst showing your capabilities. n

CONTACT Tanya Gray BUSINESS Getting Clients Today PHONE +61 (0) 413 306 109

Proud Member of InvoCare


From fear to confidence WHEN PROSPECTING

Many business owners believe a new salesperson will be the answer to all of their problems and that soon their business will be flooded with new leads and clients. But what if this new salesperson cannot do everything you expected? ASHLEIGH HOULT takes you through the steps to train your sales representative out of a place of fear and into a state of confidence to become an effective prospector for your business.

We are heading into the second quarter of 2014 and you are ready and raring to grow your business and take it to the next level. You have set some very aggressive sales goals, and what is getting you even more excited is that you believe you have the perfect solution to be able to hit these targets and fill your sales pipeline: a new sales person. Would it frustrate you more than ever if you soon realised that the sales person who was going to solve all of your problems, started to create more of them? To notice that they are doing anything and everything to avoid any of the ‘grunt activity’ required? That they are waiting for enquiries to come to them, rather than actively pursuing them? One mistake many businesses can make when hiring a BDM or sales rep, is that they look for someone to fulfil the WHOLE sales process – everything from the pre-qualification, cold calling, right through to making the sales presentations, writing proposals and converting – without understanding the repercussions of these expectations. What is the issue with hiring a ‘holistic’ salesperson you may ask? It has been proven that sales people who are great in face-to-face selling conditions can have a very different skill set to those who love the ‘grunt work’ and prospecting all day. Most sales reps, in general,

hate cold calls because of the high rejection factor and the fact they only get to see the upside in the later stages of the sales cycle. Seeing the reward in the long term requires a vision that very few of these sales reps have. Prospecting is hard work and some people burn out from the high rejection rate and repetitive nature of the work. If this is what you have started to experience from your new sales rep, all is not lost. One can coach an excellent face-to-face sales person to be a more effective prospector – it’s about getting rid of their fear of cold calling and moving them into a state of confidence. There are a number of things you can do to achieve this:

1. Have planned dialogues: The primary reason that salespeople lack confidence when making cold calls is that they don’t have planned dialogues. It’s difficult to be confident when you don’t know what it is that you are going to say, how you are going to resolve your prospect’s concerns etc. As well as having an opening statement prepared, have a plan for what you are going to cover. A full script might seem wooden, so you can always try a bulletpoint list of key points instead. This enables you to get across the information you need without thinking about it, allowing you to focus on being warm and personable.

2. Have a compelling message: Another reason salespeople lack confidence is they don’t have a compelling message. In order to be confident, you need to be able to help your prospective client and have a message they find compelling. Do your homework. Read the manuals of top products. Learn the specs. Subscribe to relevant industry newsletters. Ask existing customers what they like best. Determine how (and why) they use your products. Get examples. Hear the success stories.

3. Know your ultimate goal/aim: Most salespeople go into cold calling with a ‘selling mindset’, thinking they need to close the deal there and then. Train your sales rep to simply have a great conversation, identify their prospect’s needs, and to have the mindset that they are there to help people, not to sell to them! Effectively teaching sales professionals how to overcome the fear of cold calling doesn’t necessarily require a lengthy process. By following the steps above you could train your sales rep into the successful solution you were looking for, and ultimately achieve the business goals you have set for the year. n

CONTACT Ashleigh Hoult BUSINESS The PromoDonna PHONE +61 (0) 419 590 752

Autumn 2014 n WORKING WOMEN® 37




Books, they hold the answers to the great questions in life! Basically they offer the same words just in a different order, but they have been inspiring, educating and bringing tears to eyes for years. Here are our top choices.

BRAND ENGAGEMENT – Public Relations and other techniques to make your brand shine Wendy McWilliams $19.99 (paperback) $4.95 (e-book)

Brand Engagement is a practical guide that reveals tried and tested PR tactics that will help businesses engage with their target audiences and contribute to building their brand. The 120-page book includes case studies and advice from business leaders on subjects such as sales training, innovation, customer engagement, strategic alliances, social media and search engine optimisation. Available for purchase online at


Kate Marie and Merlin Thomas $39.95

We can’t be optimised in business, unless we are in peak health mentally and physically. It is stressful juggling our fast lives and keeping a balance. Fast Living Slow Ageing will help you take control of your health and live a full, productive and balanced life. Available for purchase online at

MINDFUL MONEY Jane Horn $26.00

We all have an emotional mindset around money which can impact on how we work with our money on a practical level. Mindful Money enables you to create a mindset around money that is in line with your personal values and the goals you wish to achieve. Creating this conscious approach can dramatically reduce stress, accelerate your ability to achieve your goals and shape they way you operate your business. Available for purchase online at


Fiona Evans $29.95 (paperback) $15.99 (ebook) Sometimes we long to step off the merry-go-round but few have the courage to take the leap. For 40-something Fiona that leap became an imperative. In Drink the Wild Air, she chronicles the unravelling of her life with an arresting and confronting candour. As her journey progresses Fiona learns that self-acceptance and vulnerability are the essential foundations for life, love and any meaningful relationship. Captivating, thought provoking and a damn good read. Buy the paperback at or the ebook at kobo, ibook or kindle.

FIT FOR BIRTH AND BEYOND The guide for women over 35 Suzy Clarkson $29.99

DESTINATION DESIRE – The Global Goddess, a single woman’s journey Christine Retschlag $14.99

Suddenly single at the age of 38 after a 22-year relationship, Australian journalist and travel writer Christine Retschlag spent the next five years falling apart in all sorts of hilarious and disastrous manners at destinations around the world. But something happened and The Global Goddess was born – part autobiography, part travel guide, and a whole world of fun. Follow The Goddess on her dating disasters and her journeys as a single woman, looking for love in every corner of the globe. Available as an eBook via Amazon for $4.99 or online at 38 WORKING WOMEN® n Autumn 2014

Fitness expert Suzy Clarkson uses her own experiences of childbirth at 38 and 45 to present a comprehensive and easy-to-follow fitness guide for pregnant women through each trimester and after birth. Step-by-step photographs and diagrams, it is practical and full of helpful advice on how to develop healthy habits to achieve a safe outcome. The endorsements by leading experts in obstetrics and fertility ensure that this is a guide you can use with absolute confidence. Available from all good book stores or

BRING OUT THE MAN IN YOUR MAN Christine and Peter O’Neill $18.00


Do you want your man to ‘step up’ and be more of a man, whatever that means to you? Do you want him to communicate more, be more helpful, attentive, playful and sexy? Bring Out The MAN In Your Man provides you with ideas and tools to review and improve your relationship. The handy workbook section enables you to examine and score areas of compatibility and to write your own ‘Code of Conduct’. The book also includes useful communication and confrontation phrases for you to use in your relationship and your business. Available from

PROPERTY PROSPERITY Miriam Sandkuhler $29.95

Have you always wanted to buy property but are confused about where and how to start and who to trust along the way? Property Prosperity will give you all the information you need to avoid the common techniques used to trap and trick investors into buying unsuitable properties, and how to protect yourself. It gives open, honest, transparent and straightforward but extremely important steps to action, when venturing into the property ‘jungle’. Available at all good bookstores or online at

THE SPIRIT HEALER Charlotte Grace $24.99

Who am I? What am I doing here? What is life all about? How can I make the pain go away? Married at 16, with three children by 21, and her first bout of cancer by 26, Charlotte’s real life drama, set in Australia, will speak to your heart and to your soul. Charlotte shares the mind opening, intriguing and compelling story of the journey to heal her spirit, find where she belonged and fulfil her destiny. A story that will give you the courage to let go of the limits holding you back from the happiness you seek. Available for purchase online at


Conversations about home loans typically focus on cheap interest rates. Smart Women, Smart Home Loans is an essential guide for every woman who wants a thorough understanding of home loans in order to choose the right home loan based on her needs. This book is packed with essential information about the mortgage industry and the process involved. Available for purchase from


Are you sick of being single? This book offers the findings from recent research that are not only of value for a single lifestyle but also help to explain why attracting and keeping love can be so challenging today! The information and exercises through the pages of the easy-to-read Live and Love Successfully while Single will assist anyone who lives without a partner, whether through choice or circumstance, to create more joy and fulfilment in their life. Available for purchase online at

GET THE BALLS TO GET REAL – How to Communicate Effectively to Build Healthy Relationships Janeen Sonsie $15.95

Learn communication strategies that will give you the confidence to be true to you in your communications so you connect with others in a more fulfilling way. The strategies and communication techniques in Get the Balls to Get Real will help you build your self-confidence to say what you really think and feel with respect and empathy and have those difficult conversations more easily and with less conflict. Available for purchase online at


Marie Bean $25.00 This revolutionary book encourages readers to slim down by avoiding dieting and to get fit the ‘lazy way’. Packed with humour and insider tips based on years of experience, the entertaining book explodes the many assumptions shrouding food, dieting, fitness and the weight loss world. Lazy Loser is about helping people rediscover their enjoyment of eating by realising that ‘no food is bad’. Available at all good book stores or visit Autumn 2014 n WORKING WOMEN® 39


Ten eco-friendly


Have you run out of places to look for the right man for you? Inspired by her global travel adventures and her many dating disasters in exotic locations, CHRISTINE RETSCHLAG provides single women some innovative, fun and carbon neutral ways to find a man. You may have searched high and low but I can guarantee there will be few ideas below that you haven’t yet tried in your search for a soul mate.

1. Hide in the recycling bin and wait until Tuesday morning, around 5 am, when the garbo comes around. If you’ve been sorting through your rubbish properly, you will have plenty of newspapers to read to keep you company while you wait, and will end up with very few cabbage leaves attached to your head. When you hear the roar of the truck, jump up like a jack-in-the-box and say “Surprise”. Don’t forget to accept the compliment when the garbo points out you are not trash.

2. Go to an airport. But don’t fly, anywhere. Flying equals bad carbon pollution. Sitting on one’s bum equals visual pollution. Spend the entire day in the departure lounge with your recycled water and banana (the skin will later become compost) and strike up conversations with random strangers who look like they are going somewhere interesting. Try not to look disappointed when he says he has to rush to catch the red eye to Bangkok. You know there is no red eye to Bangkok.

3. Visit your local library. Among all those recycled books which have been read by hundreds before you, you are bound to find someone lurking between the shelves. So what if he is 90 and thumbing through the 1970s Playboy collection? At least he can read. Unless he’s 90 and hanging around the children’s

40 WORKING WOMEN® n Autumn 2014

books. If so, move on, fast. And call the police.

4. A nudist/eco retreat. What could go wrong? There can be no lies, no subterfuge; just let your body do the talking. You don’t even have to wax! There will be no surprises when you get your man home, you already know how his extremities cope with cold water.

5. The beach! Take a frisbee (made out of bamboo, rather than plastic) and start throwing it. Men seem to love playing frisbee at the beach. Once they realise you have no one to throw it back to you, they are bound to join you. Unless a mangy dog gets there first in which case try to act cool and pretend the dog is yours.

6. Walk everywhere. It doesn’t matter how far you have to walk, just keep walking. After all, you are not going to meet anyone sitting inside the confines of your air-conditioned car singing Celine Dion now, are you? If you can’t walk, cycling is also a great option, however, I fear whizzing past someone at speed is not conducive to snappy pick-up lines. So, go back to walking.

7. Funerals. Not your own. Not even someone you know. Funerals of complete strangers. What could be more environmentally friendly than watching someone go back from whence they came? Don’t pick a cremation. All that smoke ash cannot be good for the environment. Because you are not emotionally involved with the deceased, you will be in a much better

position than any other single woman at the funeral to make your move on any vulnerable men. And who on earth is going to question your attendance at a funeral?

8. An environmental rally. Nothing screams sexy more than angry protestors. Imagine the testosterone. You may have to wait for your knight in shining hemp to be released on bail should he be arrested, but he’ll be worth the wait. He loves the planet and all her foibles. Imagine how much he will love you.

9. The great Southern Ocean. If you can hang in there with the whales, eventually a group of hunky eco warriors will come down and save you all from the evil spear guns of the Japanese whalers. Don’t, whatever you do, wear a black wet suit. It might, however, get a little chilly. So, take a jacket.

10. Not on the computer. Who ever met someone on the computer? How many trees and brain cells are we killing sitting on these things for hours on end? Get out there. Hug a tree. You never know who might be hugging the other side. Okay, so he’s a deranged escaped mental health patient. Go to the next tree. n

CONTACT Christine Retschlag BUSINESS The Global Goddess PHONE +61 (0) 437 655 525


How to thrive as a ‘Single Wife’ Even before the excitement of the extra income from a fly in, fly out job cools, it’s crucial to pay close attention otherwise you could lose your marriage as well as your business, cautions SUE LESTER.

An increasing number of women are finding themselves in the ‘single wife’ role as their partners accept fly in fly out (FIFO), drive in drive out (DIDO) jobs or positions based overseas.

time commitment to your business, and what happens the first day he is home. For example, you immediately disappearing with a martini in hand is probably not his ideal after four weeks of 12 hour shifts seven days a week.

Unlike divorcees and widows, your partner does come home and your family income will increase rather than decrease, but like them, you will spend the majority of your daily life as a single mother. Your tag-team physical support has gone, there is no one to gang up with against the kids and no one to cuddle up to at night.

Write it all down, including contact details for all essential services, professional services, passwords, birthdays, and significant dates. Ensure your wills are both up to date, as well as your Enduring Powers of Attorney, and life insurance.

If your expectations are not clarified and ground rules are not put in place from the very start, you could easily and painfully lose both your business and your marriage.

Things to consider beforehand:

Brain storm together on your support network, in terms of who can you share childcare with, who can cover when you are sick, plus the need for a cleaner, yard maintenance, pool service and book keeper. Where (not how) will you fit in self-care including exercise and relaxation?

A great tool to examine the pros and cons, and reveal any fears or misconceptions, is Cartesian Logic. These deceptively simple four questions, when answered in the context of each area of your life, will give a full picture of the consequences, both positive and negative.

Systems are crucial for keeping both your household and your business running smoothly as you will have more responsibilities to fit in. The more organised you are, the more in control you will feel, the more resilience you will have on THOSE days. Invest in a personal coach to keep you focussed, supported and sane.

1. What will happen if I do (i.e. accept the job)?

Things to consider during:

4. What won’t happen if I don’t?

Help your children to adjust by saying, “Daddy is at work” rather than “Daddy has gone away”. Using the term ‘at work’ reassures and reminds them (and you) there is a purpose for his absence, and it is only temporary.

It is crucial you are both open and honest about your concerns and fears, as well as expectations. Expectations on exactly what ‘regular contact’ means, decision making, bill paying, holidays, fidelity, time span, your

Have maps and photos showing Daddy ‘at work’. Encouraging each child to keep a diary of drawings, photos, and anecdotes is a great way to keep them emotionally connected, ensure they have something to talk about on Skype,

2. What will happen if I don’t? 3. What won’t happen if I do?

Turn your stumbling blocks in business into stepping stones now! Clear your head trash here….smooth your path in business with an ‘Internal Image Makeover’ or ‘Head Transition’ coaching sessions.

and help include their father in daily life. Keep your mutually agreed house and behaviour rules consistent whether your partner is home or not. Be very wary of allowing children to sleep with you as that will disrupt their routine and require adjustment (and kill your love life) when their father returns and ‘kicks them out’. Never link punishment to their father’s return. It can stifle their relationship renewal, and make you appear weak, and only second in charge. Remember, on those rough days when you are feeling exhausted, lonely and resentful, it is your choice to live this lifestyle. Remind yourself of all the benefits, look for the little moments of daily happiness, know he is coming home again, and do something nice for yourself, like putting work aside and going to bed when the kids do, or emailing your personal coach. Be aware of comfort eating, drinking and sex, and find alternative ways to get rid of the ‘empty’ feeling. Expect that everyone will have an opinion on your new choice of lifestyle and they are entitled to their opinion. But remember, it is your life so you do not need to justify it to anyone. With planning, support and the right mindset, you can make it the best lifestyle choice for your family. n

CONTACT Sue Lester BUSINESS Growing Content:

Smoothing Your Path +61 (0) 428 128 679 PHONE

D.I.Y. head trash clearing book







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Sue Lester, international catalyst of change, author, speaker. e: or M: + 61 (0) 428 128 679 w: Autumn 2014 n WORKING WOMEN® 41



China is so much more than Mao, rice paddies and straw hats. SANDRA MARTIN and NATALIE SHEPARD invite you to discover the intriguing and mesmerising China that they know, starting with Beijing.

China is a land of revealing diversity. It can be described as ancient yet up to the minute, antique and funky, outwardly urban but quintessentially rural, space age yet old fashioned, a land of mesmerising contradictions. No matter where you look in China, you see something unexpected, something surprising. It may surprise you to know that China has more millionaires than any other country, and more 5 6, and 7 star hotels. China has emerged into the 21st century as an exciting ‘go to’ destination and its doors have been flung wide open to the world. There is something for everyone … and the best part is you can be in China in less than eleven hours from any Australian capital! Most first time travellers to China do the big three, Beijing, X’ian and Shanghai. At a squeeze you could do the three cities in seven days but we would suggest ten days or more, giving you more time to explore and experience what’s on offer. Beijing is a cultural and historical feast. This is one of the oldest civilizations in the world. Think, the Forbidden City, Summer Palace and Temple of Heaven, and Tiananmen Square, and we are talking about the largest public square

in the world and the largest palace complex, filled with museums, galleries and artisans. No matter what you think, nothing will prepare you for the sheer magnitude of the Great Wall of China, which is just a short drive from central Beijing. Pack some comfy walking shoes so you can tick climbing the Great Wall off your bucket list. Another fascinating area of Beijing, is the Hutong, best seen from the seat of a rickshaw, or cycling the narrow alley ways and streets. See Beijing behind the scenes and appreciate the simple life of these beautiful people, their homes and everyday life. The Hutong area is also home to some of the most simple and best eateries in Beijing. One of our favourites is Mr Shi’s Dumplings at 74 Baochao Hutong, Gulou East St, Beijing. You will find Mr Shi’s filled with locals and expats, which is always a good sign. Beijing, like Shanghai, is a shopping mecca, with vast super modern sprawling shopping malls, up-market high-end boutiques, street markets, wholesale markets, the copy markets … and everything in between. And it is all open until 9–10 pm, which gives you time for both sight seeing and picking up some unbelievable bargains. The Silk Market or Copy Market as it is known is a favourite with tourists, six storeys of







You need a Visa to enter China.


est time of year to travel is between late B May to late September. Avoid Chinese public holidays, i.e. October 1st – 7th.


Most hotels supply complimentary bottled water. In the markets, you are expected to haggle (with a smile and a laugh), so expect to pay only 15–20% from the initial starting price. here are many airlines flying into China, if T you choose a Chinese airline, they allow a 40 kg luggage allowance which is a real bonus Taxis: always ask for the meter to be put on, if you haven’t negotiated a fare in advance.

42 WORKING WOMEN® n Autumn 2014





If travelling with a Chinese airline, we would suggest you load your iPad or tablet with movies and music, because the inflight entertainment is usually in Chinese. Travel light, don’t take much with you, as you are bound to pick up some incredible bargains, and this is an opportunity to pick up Christmas presents and gifts for others. Tipping isn’t expected, although it is undoubtedly appreciated. Always carry tissues or toilet paper in your bag. Good western style toilets can be found in any hotel lobby or major shopping mall. Free wi-fi can be found in all McDonalds, and Star Bucks coffee shops, which are plentiful.

everything you could possibly imagine. This is where you can pick up a ‘Prada’ handbag, a ‘Chanel’ Jacket, ‘Gucci’ shoes, a ‘Mont Blanc’ pen, ‘Nothface’ snow gear, ‘Dior’ sunglasses, and loads and loads more. It is heaps of fun and you need a sense of humour and a ready smile but if you want a browsing relaxed shopping experience, this is not the place for you. Other markets that are very similar, but more low key, are the Yashow Market in the Sanlitun district and the Hongqiao Pearl Market. The Pearl Market is a four-story building located just next to the Temple of Heaven that offers much more than pearls. Like the Silk Market, it provides everything from shoes, bags, luggage, clothes, silk, tea, toys, souvenirs, to authentic pearls and jewellery. At night, there is plenty of entertainment, and apart from all the amazing restaurants (try Duck de Chine in the 1949 Hidden City building in the Sanlitun district for the most mouth watering Peking Duck you will ever taste!), there are some great bars in the Sanlitun district and it is not unusual to hear the sounds of sultry blues and ‘hoppin’ jazz as you walk around the area. The Chaoyang Acrobatic Show is also a must do whilst you are visiting Beijing. The performance lasts three hours and VIP seating will cost you $25 to $30, we recommend you book in advance. Wangfujing Street is a ‘walking street’, it is the main shopping and commercial street of Beijing and is worth visiting day or night. Not only will you have the opportunity to shop in some of the largest shopping malls in the world, you can also join the locals in line dancing or ballroom dancing. Or maybe Tai Chi is your style? They are very happy for you to join in, you need a sense of fun and to not to take yourself too seriously. The best thing about Beijing is it is safe, it’s easy to navigate and very easy to get around. It has an efficient and very cheap subway rail system, a plentiful supply of cabs (look for the government owned green, blue or red, and avoid the black and unmarked cabs that are privately owned), and it is always an adventure


to hop on a local bus, they are plentiful and efficient too. We use our own transport in Beijing, and always have our own English-speaking guide, and this allows our small group a huge degree of flexibility and independence. Beijing is a very friendly city, and in the 10 years we have been taking groups of women there, we have always felt safe and well cared for. One of the nicest things to do at the end of a big day of sight seeing, shopping and exploring, is to have a relaxing massage. Massage is a Chinese specialty, and you find it available in

Calling all

most hotels. Whether it be a pedicure, foot spa and massage or a full body two hours of bliss, it is a great way to end the day; expect to pay $8 to $20. Some of our girls have been known to have four in one day – they are that good. Beijing is the perfect place to start your China adventure, and it’s only a short flight to X’ian the home of the famous, Terracotta Warriors. Hotels in Beijing are plentiful and varied in price and quality. We stay at either the Holiday Inn Downtowner, a good quality 4 star hotel, set back from the street so that it is quieter, close to all the main tourist highlights, with a


Wild Wacky en nderful Wom

department store and supermarket over the road, a fantastic ‘locals’ wholesale market, and the subway station at the front door. The Novotel Beijing, is downtown and is a five minute walk from Wangfujing, the main shopping street, and close to all the major attractions. n

Sandra Martin and Natalie Shepard BUSINESS Wild Wacky Wonderful Women PHONE +61 (0) 414 728 968 CONTACT

if you want a unique, fabulous, fun travel experience with like-minded inspiring women, then this is the trip for you. With over 25 years experience in the travel industry, Sandra Martin your image and style coach is constantly amazed by China, this country of contrast’s ability to surprise and delight at every turn. Join Sandra and Natalie Shepard your lifestyle coach and other Wild Wacky Wonderful Women in China. 11 days visiting Beijing, Xian & Shanghai. May 24th 2014, (Booked out), limited places available for the September 20th departure. Bookings being taken now for May & September 2015. A holiday here makes perfect sense, China has it all, and is affordable. WWWW – Sandra: 0414 728 968 natalie: 0419 607 200 228A Lygon St, East Brunswick, Vic 3057 Autumn 2014 n WORKING WOMEN® 43



S I L E N T epidemic

Australia has a silent epidemic – domestic violence. It has no prejudices. It affects people in all societies no matter their gender, nationality or ethnicity but the victims are usually women and children. It has devastating consequences for those who experience it. Domestic violence is a pattern of abusive behaviours occurring in an intimate personal relationship in which one person seeks to gain power and control over the other. It can occur long after the relationship has ended. While men can be the subject of it the majority of those who use violence are male and the victims are usually women and children. It is repetitive, prolonged abusive behaviour that tends to get worse over time. Domestic violence is serious and has devastating physical, emotional and psychological consequences for those who experience the abuse. Two people every week in Australia die at the hands of a loved one; these include men, women and children. Because violence is affecting our friends, colleagues, mothers, sisters and neighbours, Australia has over 1,000 domestic violence refuges (shelters or safe houses) providing safe and secure accommodation for those who have to flee with their children, leaving their home and possessions behind. More often than not they arrive at the refuge with nothing. These refuges are under resourced and busting at the seams. Some women only stay for a few days, and others stay several months. Some women stay in refuges for a break from the violence, allowing time and space to think away from the abuse, and may decide to return home to try again. Many others use their stay in refuges to plan for the next stage of their

life. These women arrive accompanied by their children who have also had to leave everything behind in order to be in a safe environment. Children’s exposure to domestic and family violence in the home can severely affect their wellbeing on a variety of levels including their emotional welfare, self-worth and development. They can react in different ways, they may show signs that they are affected by the violence or they may keep their feelings hidden. Violent behaviour also gives children negative messages about how they should treat people. An important role of the refuge staff is to look after both mothers and children, often rehabilitating learned behaviours, reassuring the children that the abuse and violence is not their fault, and teaching the children that violence does not belong in a healthy relationship. Sometimes, the child is so traumatised that they do not know how to express their feelings in any manner and needs to be shown how to empathise with themselves as well as how to express themselves in a healthy manner. Sadly, the resources available to refuges are often too thin to help children to overcome the ordeal they have just escaped. Australia’s CEO Challenge is the only program that has businesses directly helping those most traumatised by domestic violence, providing extra resources to domestic violence refuges. Businesses work with Australia’s CEO Challenge to learn and teach their staff and communities how to recognise the

Are you sick of suffering from back, neck or knee pain? Are constant headaches ruining your life? Get your pain levels under control and start feeling normal again with Qmagnets. It’s the affordable, reliable, re-usable and easy to apply injury and pain device used by: The Australian Wallabies, Female Triathletes, Olympians, many AFL & Rugby teams and a growing number of WNA Members across Australia. Nagging pain, muscle spasms and restricted movement become a thing of the past when you make the choice to wear Qmagnets. Contact: Dianne Hermans, Principal Physiotherapist


M: 1800 762 463 E: 44 WORKING WOMEN® n Autumn 2014

signs of domestic violence, how to respond appropriately, and where to refer for help. Business leaders invest in their greatest asset – their employees – because they share the vision of Australia’s CEO Challenge of a world where all families are places of safety and care for all members. By partnering with their local domestic violence refuge, workplaces in this program are making a tangible difference to the lives of women and children by helping them find a safer life. Australia’s CEO Challenge is not government funded and therefore relies on fundraising events. The next event is Art from Your Heart, an art exhibition and auction where Australian celebrities and artists donate one-of-kind pieces that capture the essence of their family, expressing how much they value and appreciate the loved ones in their lives. Canvases and art tools are also given to children in our partner refuges so that they can have a few hours working on what a happy family means to them, providing them with a healing release and a creative way of expressing themselves. These moving pieces of art are exhibited and auctioned off with all money donated back to the refuge. Please find out more about how you can support this event or your local refuge by visiting this link: n

CONTACT Nathalie Prince BUSINESS Australia’s CEO Challenge PHONE +61 (7) 3119 6347

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Do you want to know more about the

Early Years Learning Framework? The Early Years Learning Framework is part of the Council of Australian Governments’ reform agenda for early childhood education and care. KAY GANLEY explores this key component of the Australian Government’s National Quality Framework for early childhood education and care and how it underpins universal access to early childhood education. Each Childcare Centre in Australia develops its own strategy to implement the framework. The Early Years Learning Framework (EYLF) describes the principles, practices and outcomes that support and enhance young children’s learning from birth to five years of age, as well as their transition to school. The framework was developed by the Australian and State and Territory governments with input from the early childhood sector and early childhood academics. It has incorporated feedback from a consultation process, including two national symposiums, national public consultation forums, focus groups, an online forum and case-study trials. The outcome of this review was the current EYLF. The EYLF puts children’s learning at the core and comprises three inter-related elements which outline the world which educators in Australia are required to shape for children:

1. PRINCIPLES – the goals for the care, e.g. secure, respectful and reciprocal relationships.

2. PRACTICES – these are actually guidelines for how to achieve the goals set out in the principles.

3. OUTCOMES – five overall goals, each with sub-goals which contain a list of the things that the child needs to achieve to meet the overall goal. These serve as easy reference points for the teacher’s assessment of the child. All three elements are fundamental to the early childhood pedagogy and curriculum decision-making. The curriculum encompasses all the interactions, experiences, routines and events, planned and unplanned, that occur in an environment designed to support and foster children’s learning and development. The emphasis in the framework is on the planned or intentional aspects of the curriculum. Children are receptive to a wide range of experiences. What is included or

The emphasis in the framework is on the planned or intentional aspects of the curriculum. Children are receptive to a wide range of experiences. excluded from the curriculum affects how children learn, develop and understand the world. Like all nations, Australia needs to have a training package which is responsive to pedagogical changes. The challenge for Vocational Education Colleges is that they need to ensure that graduates understand the difference between a set of rules – which must be followed – and a framework, which provides guidance. The second option allows for flexibility and what is called intentional teaching, to develop a child-centric curriculum. n

CONTACT Kay Ganley BUSINESS Charlton Brown PHONE +61 (7) 3216 0288 Autumn 2014 n WORKING WOMEN® 45



5 easy steps to healthy youthful skin

Are you too busy for a regular skincare routine? In the juggle of life as a working woman, looking after our own needs often falls way down the priority list. TRISTAN FAHEY provides some simple principles to help you maintain healthy youthful skin even in the midst of your hectic schedule. Step 1: How we treat our inside matters! What we put into our body can have an enormous effect on the health of our skin. The nutrients we get from food and water help build solid structure to the deepest layers of skin, effectively ‘pushing it up’ from the inside. A diet packed with vitamins and minerals, high in antioxidants, and full of natural foods, provides bioavailable nutrients, ensuring the skin can heal, hydrate and maintain its health. Minimising our toxic load helps the body process and eliminate harmful toxins including cigarette smoke, alcohol, pollution, food colours, preservatives, and synthetic versions of many natural food ingredients. Be kind to yourself and ‘go natural’ wherever possible – minimal processed foods and alcohol intake and lots of water. You will notice an immediate improvement in your skin.

Step 2: Take today off No, not a day off work, although we should all do that more often. This is about removing the dirt, grime and makeup each day so the skin can replenish overnight. A third of women confess to sleeping with their makeup on at least twice a week. In a UK study, Dr Stefanie Williams, director of the European Dermatology Clinic tested women who slept in their makeup over a period of a month. She observed a 20% decline in the surface texture of the skin (due to lack of oxygen), and because makeup prevents skin shedding itself, the skin was dull and uneven, with deeper wrinkles due to

a reduction in elasticity. Pore size increased by 5% and skin showed more redness due to irritants being locked into the skin. Dr Williams concluded that the skin of the respondents aged an average of 10 years in one month. Cleansing with oil is the most effective form of cleansing, as it removes the dirt stuck in our oily pores (which water can’t get to), and rebalances the skin’s natural oil production. Whether you have dry skin, or oily skin, cleansing with oil works to rebalance your skin naturally.

Step 3: Remove the dead wood

One of the most effective anti-aging steps is exfoliation. Under 40 years of age, skin cells renew every 30 days, revealing brighter, more radiant skin. After 40 years of age, this process slows to 60 days, so we need help to free up that youthful skin that is underneath waiting to shine! Exfoliating removes dead skin cells so new healthy cells are free to provide the radiance, breathability, hydration and smoothness they should. Carefully choose a scrub with a moisturising base, so it provides hydration and protection while gently exfoliating the dead skin layers. Don’t scrub too hard, and for most, don’t scrub more than 2–3 times a week.

Step 4: Give me a drink

The skin, that is! The body (and the skin) is made up of more than 60% water (though this varies by individual), so maintaining our water intake, and minimising water loss through our skin is essential for every cell to operate at its peak in the body. Moisture in our skin

provides a protective barrier, a vehicle for vitamin/mineral transport, and holds the shape (and plumpness) of our skin. When our skin is dehydrated, it encourages fine lines and wrinkles to form, and skin to sag. For those of us over 40-ish, using a hydrating serum in addition to a good moisturiser will pack in the moisture, helping to plump the skin, and provide much needed lubrication for its maintenance.

Step 5: Protect me

In Australia, our skin is damaged by the harsh sun every day, so sun protection is an essential anti-aging tool. Sun exposure can dehydrate, and activate free radicals which cause further aging of the skin. Make sure you use sun protection cream daily, even in winter. For a natural option, raspberry seed oil is one of the best natural sun protection ingredients available, with an SPF of around 28–32. Rather than blocking out the sun, it provides the ‘armoury’ to help the skin protect itself. So, if busyness has been your excuse, let it be no more! With a good natural diet and adequate water consumption, plus a simple cleanse, exfoliate, and hydrate routine and protection from the sun, you are sure to notice significant difference in your skin. n

CONTACT Tristan Fahey BUSINESS Rubifresh Skincare PHONE +61 (0) 412 583 917

To change the body permanently – you must also change your mind • • • •

As seen n o Channel 7 e Sunris & Channel 9 ACA

Have you or someone you know ever battled with unhelpful emotional eating patterns? Have you yo-yo dieted or felt challenged to maintain the motivation for regular exercise? Do you suffer with sugar, carbohydrate, chocolate or some other unhelpful cravings? Have you ever committed to lose weight and given in to the constant head cravings instead?

If part of your weight and body image battle is in your head, then this workshop is the solution to unzip the fat suit to discover the slim and healthy you permanently. 2 Day Workshop - Mind Potential – Unzip The Fat Suit UsIng Your Mind Dates available in Cairns, Brisbane, Sydney, Melbourne, Ballarat, Perth, Adelaide Every attendee receives a complimentary copy of the latest book & CPR Mind Potential Kit DVD valued at $375. • Phone 1300 664 544 • Email 46 WORKING WOMEN® n Autumn 2014


Diets do work


A common catch cry in the weight loss and health industry is “Diets don’t work’, however, many people who have been on diets claim they have dropped kilos and dress sizes. MARIE BEAN shares her thoughts on the real reasons that dieting doesn’t work in the long term. Basic science tells us diets have to work. Most diets dramatically reduce calorie intake. The amount of calories an adult needs to maintain weight (meaning not lose or gain it) is based on sex, size, age and activity levels – a general daily figure is between 2000 and 2500 calories. Most diets halve calorie intake, with many based on less than 1200 calories a day. Diets also recommend exercise to speed up the weight loss process. A non-exerciser who hits the gym or takes up a sport can expect to burn an extra 500–1000 calories daily. Therefore, if you adhere strictly to the diet and stay on it for a required length of time, you will lose weight. However, research tells us that the maximum amount of time we can be on a weight loss diet in our lifetimes is 10%. Which begs the questions, what is going on during the other 90% of our lives? Not dieting. Which means eating, drinking and moving as much or as little as we like. If you fluctuate between dieting and your normal eating, the non-diet phase rules the majority of the time, and this is when weight gain is happening. There’s a perception that overweight people eat badly all of the time – greasy takeaways, soft drinks and sweets for breakfast, lunch and dinner. This is rarely the case, as most people eat a balanced diet that includes fruit, vegetables, meat, breads, cereals and dairy products over the day. Statistics show we are exercising more. Walking, swimming, gym classes, running and

cycling are the most popular forms of exercise in Australia and yet as a nation we are getting fatter. The underlying problem comes down to these key points:


A recipe from 20 years ago that served six people – the same ingredients – now serves four. Dinner plates have increased in size by 20% since the 1970s and we still fill them. Adult females eat 200–300 calories more a day than their 1950s counterparts. It doesn’t sound much, but even an extra 100 calories a day can lead to a gain of 5 kilograms a year. Tip: Shave a quarter off your serving sizes and don’t have seconds at mealtimes.


Food eaten out or packaged food often has hidden additives – salt, sugar, fats and extra calories. We have more control of our eating when we buy food fresh and prepare it ourselves. Fresh meat/fish/chicken and vegetables is a healthy dinner, however, if you crumb, batter, deep fry or cover the meat and vegetables in creamy sauces, it is not so healthy! Tip: Look at the food on your plate, is it in its freshest state and not laden with extras?

drinks and juices could be the reason you are gaining weight and may have nothing to do with your eating. Tip: Look at your drink diet. Change the sweet ones to water and cut back your coffee and alcohol intake.


Exercise is great at improving health and can keep us disease free, but if you are partaking in numbers 1–3 above, even daily exercise may not be enough to stop weight gain. Exercising for 45 minutes to an hour a day and then sitting in cars, at desks and on the couch all evening, just doesn’t cut it. All movement burns energy – the energy that comes from food. Sitting and lying doesn’t burn it as well as standing or walking. Tip: Look at your daily amount of sitting time (outside of work) and halve it. What should you do when not sitting? Move more – gardening, clean something, play with the kids or the dog, or walk with a friend. The easiest way to lose weight is to look at what is going on in your normal, non-diet life and make little changes to shave off or burn extra calories. This is the best long-term approach to weight loss and better health. n


The extra sugar consumed in drinks could add up to 100–500 calories a day. These are known as empty calories because they don’t fill us up and are not nutritional. Fancy coffees, alcohol, sports drinks, iced teas, flavoured milks, soft


Free Speaker

Are you looking for a Guest Speaker who can motivate, inspire, educate and entertain your colleagues, staff or group? Marie Bean is the original Lazy Runner and the author of the successful books – Lazy Runner and Lazy Loser Marie can present on a range of topics: health, fitness, running, weight loss, business and personal successes. Book Marie for: Lunchtime Chats, Fitness and Running Workshops, Special Event Training, Corporate Events & Conventions. Available in Brisbane, Gold Coast, Sunshine Coast, Sydney & Melbourne. Call 0417 626 961, email or go to to find out more

CONTACT Marie Bean BUSINESS Lazy Runner and Lazy Loser PHONE +61 (0) 417 626 961

Did You Know? Each week over 15,000 women in business devour the content delivered via Women’s Network Australia’s eNoticeBoard. You can add your business offering to next week’s issue.

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or visit Autumn 2014 n WORKING WOMEN® 47


ReelEntertainment Australia’s love affair with films continues to keep cinemas across the nation overflowing. 2014 promises to be a year filled with even more outstanding movies. Here’s a taste of some films we know our movie buffs will enjoy. CUBAN FURY

Releasing 20 March from STUDIOCANAL Beneath Bruce Garrett’s shabby, overweight exterior, the passionate beating heart of a salsa king lays dormant. Only one woman can reignite his Latin fire. Spotlight hits, sweat drips, heels click – Nick Frost IS Cuban Fury. 1987: A 13-year-old natural born dancer with fire in his heels and snakes in his hips is working himself up to explode all over the UK Junior Salsa Championships. But then … a freakish bullying incident on the mean streets of London robs him of his confidence, and our young hero finds his life diverted down a very different path. Twenty-two years later, an adult Bruce Garrett (Nick Frost) finds himself out of shape, unloved and trapped in a downward spiral of self-pity, repression and Nando’s takeouts. Only Julia (Rashida Jones), his smart, funny, gorgeous new American boss, gives him a reason to live. But she is untouchable and out of his league, or so he imagines. Unbeknown to Bruce, however, Julia has issues of her own. Luckily for him, she also has a secret passion.


Releasing 27 March from Leap Frog Films Olanna (Thandie Newton) and Kainene (Anika Noni Rose) are glamorous twins from a wealthy Nigerian family. Returning to a privileged city life in newly independent 1960s Nigeria after their expensive English education, the two women make very different choices. Olanna shocks her family by going to live with her lover, the “revolutionary professor” Odenigbo (Chiwetel Ejiofor) and his devoted houseboy Ugwu (John Boyega); Kainene turns out to be a fiercely successful businesswoman when she takes over the family interests, and surprises herself when she falls in love with Richard (Joseph Mawle), an English writer. Preoccupied by their romantic entanglements, and a betrayal between the sisters, the events of their life loom larger than politics. HALF OF A YELLOW SUN is an epic love story weaving together the lives of four people swept up in the turbulence of war. 48 WORKING WOMEN® n Autumn 2014


Releasing 17 April exclusively at Palace Centro Cinema from Madman Entertainment Set against the romantic desolation of Detroit and Tangiers, an underground musician, Adam (Tom Hiddleston), deeply depressed by the direction of human activities, reunites with his resilient and enigmatic lover, Eve (Tilda Swinton). Their love story has already endured several centuries at least, but their debauched idyll is soon disrupted by her wild and uncontrollable younger sister, Ava (Mia Wasikowska). Can these wise but fragile outsiders continue to survive as the modern world collapses around them?


Releasing 24 April from Pinnacle Films Inspired by a true story from the late 1970s and touching on legal and social issues that are as relevant today as they were 35 years ago, ANY DAY NOW is a powerful tale of love, acceptance and family. When a teenager with Down syndrome is abandoned by his mother, a gay couple takes him in and becomes the loving family he has never had. But when their unconventional living arrangement is discovered by authorities, the men are forced to fight a biased legal system to save the life of the child they have come to love as their own.

Classified Business Directory ACCOUNTANTS Business Links Australia

Accounting and tax planning services for small to medium sized businesses, investors and selfmanaged superannuation funds. Located Southside Brisbane. +61 (7) 3341 1007


Australia’s most respected care and training provider. Whether it’s for a couple of hours or a couple of years we can supply a nanny to suit your specific needs. 1300 626 643

COACHING & DEVELOPMENT Abundant Life Solutions Group

Leaders in creating inclusive workplaces that inspire meaning and purpose, release collective creative thinking and result in higher productivity creating greater profitability. +61 (3) 5964 2930

Are You A ‘Single Wife’, FIFO, DIDO?

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Coach, Psychologist, NLP Practitioner

Stressed? Not coping? Uncertain about some life issues? Career direction unclear? Journey with a highly skilled, post graduate qualified, deeply committed positive professional. +61 (0) 428 036 379

How to Make Change Easily!

Want to see results straight away? Then contact Louise Corica – a talented facilitator with business savvy. Her skills and qualifications will help you make changes today. +61 (0) 418 458 616

The Art of Stress Free Living

Distracted by bright shiny objects? Drowning in paperwork? Making poor food choices? Lack energy? Want more time and balance for what matters most? Grab your free guide today. + 61 (0) 408 723 559

COSMETIC PROCEDURES Dr Sarah at Sunnybank Hills

Wrinkle treatments, Gel fillers, skin checks and skin care advice by an experienced doctor. BOOK NOW! Free consultation! +61 (7) 3711 1400 Sunnybank Hills General Practice

DENTISTS Refresh Your Smile and Confidence!

Experienced personalised approach, snap-onsmiles, invisible braces, minimally invasive dentistry, facial rejuvenation. Complimentary health smile assessments. Special occasion packs. +61 (2) 9438 4425

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EVENTS & WORKSHOPS Unzip The Fat Suit Using Your Mind

HEALTH & WELLNESS (CONTINUED) Online Running Coaching

FASHION Cover Up in Style

HUMAN RESOURCES Employment Toolkits – HR & WHS Specialists

If you or someone you know battles food cravings, comfort and boredom eating or exercise motivation, this 2 day event is the solution. Dates in Cairns, Brisbane, Sydney and Melbourne. 1300 664 544 weight-loss/

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Providing strategy, advice and expertise in investing in Shares and Superannuation for over 20 years. Need help? Call Susan Rallings to discuss your specific needs. +61 (7) 3334 4865

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We help you to achieve your financial and lifestyle goals over the short and long term. Your goals are achieved by using prudent financial planning strategies and tools. +61 (7) 3018 0587

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Unicorn Graphics

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HEALTH & WELLNESS Do You Want to Look & Feel Great?

Take the 30 day challenge by drinking Healthy Coffee and Green Tea infused with Ancient Chinese Herbs. Mention WW Magazine and receive postage to anywhere in Australia on purchases of 3 boxes or more. Business opportunities also available. +61 (0) 402 154 362

Want to learn how to run?Would you like to run a marathon? Online running coaching really works – personal programs designed for the level of running and fitness you are at right now. +61 (0) 417 626 961

A leading provider of HR and WH&S Toolkits, instantly downloaded and implemented straight into your business. Visit our website today for your free e-Book, ‘7 Costly HR Mistakes’. 1300 123 678

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Choose Bliss Conveyancing for buying and selling businesses, retail and commerical leasing, property conveyancing and self-managed super funds for property wealth. Call and chat with us today. +61 (2) 4421 0360

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PHOTOGRAPHY/VIDEO Boost Your Personal Branding Online

Get noticed online with unique and powerful business photography and videos. Build trust, referrals and relationships with a creative personal branding makeover by Kerrin Smith. +61 (0) 457 229 087

REAL ESTATE SERVICES Paradise Property Sales & Consultants

Award winning, independent real estate agency servicing southern suburbs of Brisbane, specialising in Parkinson, Algester, Calamvale, Drewvale, Stretton and surrounding suburbs. +61 (7) 3711 7915


At Unity-Qld we use easy-to-implement strategies that are simple, effective and practical. Our support, products and services are relevant from home to workplace and your situation. +61 (0) 402 889 648


Call the WNA Head Office on 1800 052 476 to find out more. Autumn 2014 n WORKING WOMEN® 49

Classified Business Directory SALES & MARKETING SERVICES Torresresearch and Writing

Are you tired of the fruitless rounds of networking? Do you just want to know who your market is? We can equip you with simple research tactics or take over the research for you. +61 (0) 405 041 014

SOCIAL MEDIA SERVICES Boost Your LinkedIn Profile

Is your LinkedIn profile up-to-date and complete? LinkedIn is the most important platform to promote your business credibility. We can write, edit or overhaul your LinkedIn profile. +61 (0) 417 010 877

THINGS TO DO Jot down your ‘Things To Do’ action plan and contact businesses in our Classified Directory to help you achieve your goals.

Safeguard Your Business

Protect your business with an effective Social Media Policy that supports and empowers high quality engagement. Find out more. Book a complimentary consultation. +61 (0) 417 010 877


Speakup can help you get over your fear of speaking in public. One on one or groups. Based in Hobart, very happy to travel. Call Margaret. A POWERtalk International member. +61 (3) 6278 8633

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Has your pre-booked transport been late or not arrived at all? Our pre-booked transport service offers a prompt, safe and reliable service for airport transfers, Events and tours. +61 (0) 411 211 400

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If you want a unique, fabulous, fun travel experience with like-minded women, then this is the trip for you! A life changing, empowering journey – culture, sightseeing, shopping, food and so much more. +61 (0) 414 728 968

WEBSITE SERVICES Need a New Website?

Brilliant Web Design will build a website which will attract, connect and convert your ideal customer. More than just web designers, we can help you with email marketing and social media. +61 (7) 5554 5515

WORK WANTED Queen of Office Administration

I would like to work as an office administration assistant. If you can offer work, please email me. Short term, long term, part time. Look forward to hearing from you! +61 (0) 415 633 422


in the next issue of Working Women Visit or call the WNA Head Office 1800 052 476. 50 WORKING WOMEN® n Autumn 2014

Don’t forget to network

Working Women M







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Autumn 2014 n WORKING WOMEN® 51

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