Working Women | Autumn 2013

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Working Women Women’s Network Australia


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AUTUMN 2013 AUD $8.75

ONE SIMPLE IDEA that is sure to elevate your Google ranking


Start your positive mental diet today!



How to design a credible social media plan

Kitchen bench

to building a robust share portfolio

Print Post Approved 100003825

ENTREPRENEURS take on the world

CREATE A CELEBRITY status for your business


Contents SimplyStated

The past five years has been extremely tough for many small business owners. At the same time, the use of social media has exploded as a means to cut marketing costs and boost business connections. It makes you wonder how small businesses would have survived throughout this time if technology had not been as advanced as it is today. Going back 23 years, when I started Women’s Network Australia if you didn’t have a CBD address you were not even in the race. It was very cut and dry – display a vanity address on your letterhead or don’t get the business. Back then, who would have imagined commercial enterprises turning over millions of dollars run by savvy entrepreneurs who don’t even leave their homes. We now live in a global marketplace with business status being more about your ability to work fluidly, mobile and from anywhere at any time. It will be interesting FOUNDER AND EDITOR-IN-CHIEF WORKING WOMEN® Lynette Palmen AM SUB EDITOR Kirsten Barton NATIONAL ADVERTISING MANAGER Nikita Harris 1800 052 476 or +61 (7) 3272 8222 PROOFREADER Wendy Smith – Jewel See Editing +61 (7) 3349 4440 DESIGN Tricia Mahoney – Scarab Blue Design +61 (0) 419 311 862 SUBSCRIPTIONS WNA Head Office 1800 052 476 or +61 (7) 3272 8222 2 WORKING WOMEN® n Autumn 2013

to watch the CBD floor space in capital cities transform into other uses as residential homes shape up as the preferred hubs for commercial and small business activity. On the subject of working from home, in this issue we introduce you to kitchen bench entrepreneur Marina Bertolino. A few jelly beans scattered on the kitchen bench and good dose of savvy entrepreneurship led the heavy haulage transport company owner to produce a unique line of children’s story books. Those story books have since gathered interest from publishing houses across the globe and captured the attention of animators in Hollywood. Marina’s story provides inspiration and hope for any woman considering a business start up. As always, this issue of Working Women is packed full of interesting business articles, resources and information that will assist you to start up, develop or grow your business. And these articles are all written by Members of Women’s Network Australia (WNA) who are scattered across the nation. If you are not a Member of WNA, I encourage you to join and gain from all the membership benefits on offer. Visit

Lynette Palmen AM Founder and Managing Director Women’s Network Australia

PUBLISHER Women’s Network Australia Pty Ltd ABN 66 010 793 727

WORKING WOMEN® is published four times a year by Women’s Network Australia Pty Ltd PO Box 1723 Sunnybank Hills Q 4109 1800 052 476 or +61 (7) 3272 8222 FAX + 61 (7) 3272 8111 WEB EMAIL HEAD OFFICE PHONE

‘WORKING WOMEN’ is a registered trade mark of Women’s Network Australia Pty Ltd EDITORIAL Editorial is most welcome if it is of a newsworthy nature and accompanied by a good quality photograph. Articles should be directed towards our readership base of business and professional women. Women’s Network Australia has editing rights on all articles submitted. Editorial submissions are accepted on the basis that the publisher may use the author’s name, comments and content for this publication and promotional purposes including electronic and print media. Authors waive all right to copyrights (if any).

Working Women Women’s network Australia


w w w.w o m e n s n e t w o r k . co m . a u

Business n success n Life

Autumn 2013 AUD $8.75

One Simple idea that is sure to elevate your Google ranking

dOn’t wait

Start your positive mental diet today!



How to design a credible social media plan

Kitchen bench

to building a robust share portfolio

entrepreneurs Print Post Approved 100003825

Due to economic conditions, job losses and redundancies there is a quiet revolution taking place with more and more women deciding to future proof their financial destiny by starting up their own business. With companies downsizing and cutting costs, women are being sent home in droves but for these women, unlike the generation of women before them, working in the home means home-based entrepreneurship. For years, women have been starting businesses at a faster rate than men and when it comes to micro and home-based businesses women win the race hands down.

take on the world

create a celebrity status for your business

G e t yo u r b u s i n e s s i n to p s h a p e f o r th e y e a r a h e a d


Cover Story

Beatrice Imbert turned a successful and stable corporate career on its head by deciding to finally grab the bull by its horns and go after her passion of writing. She packed her bags and began interviewing the women who inspired her so she could get to know the ‘real’ women behind the name or the fame.

ADVERTISEMENTS Advertisements created by Women’s Network Australia Pty Ltd for this publication cannot be copied or reproduced without permission of the editor. ADVERTORIAL Advertorial is accepted in all sections. A large, clear professional photograph must accompany all articles. Prices are available on application. Please call 1800 052 476. DISCLAIMER Materials and articles in this publication are general comment, not advice. The information is believed to be accurate and reliable but no responsibility is taken for any opinions expressed or for errors and omissions. Readers should not act on the basis of the material without taking professional advice relating to their particular circumstances. COPYRIGHT ©1993 - ©2013 Women’s Network Australia Pty Ltd All artwork created by WORKING WOMEN® is the property of Women’s Network Australia Pty Ltd and must not be duplicated in another publication or promotion without written permission as it is subject to Australian copyright law.

Business BUSINESS STRATEGIES How to become a celebrity on a shoestring budget


7 steps to boost your business


Systems overkill? How to simplify your systems


Increasing profits through e-commerce


COMMUNICATION Anyone can write a book – right?


The end of DIY web content


Presenting has changed – 5 ways to engage today’s audiences


The Power of FAQs



23 53

MARKETING Marketing and customer service are not mutually exclusive


Media kit know how



PUBLIC RELATIONS Crafting a credible social media plan


SMART TECHNOLOGY 3 Essential elements to get your business online


Social media and managing your online reputation


5 Signs that you need a virtual business makeover



PROPERTY QR codes – how can they help you sell your home? Busting through limits

Success UP FRONT

Are you playing ladies or networking strategically?

Berty Button Kids


From corporate business babe to author extraordinaire


MATTERS OF LAW Farmers see red over purple wax tip – how far one woman went


SALES STRATEGIES Outsource sales staff or hire internally?


How to qualify your point of contact


If you’re not unique, you’re invisible!


HUMAN RESOURCES 4 Steps to bully proofing yourself in the workplace


Top tips for investing in direct shares


Don’t be a victim of the money glass ceiling 24 Financial Year resolution checklist



Start you positive mental diet today


PRODUCTIVITY Change – a holiday or a hurdle?


Clocking on for success


Take the stress out of planning a family holiday


The Big Island of Hawaii


HEALTH & WELLNESS Supplements: Do you really need them?

In Every Issue



Off the Shelf


What We Like


Ask your team to get out for good


Table Service


Digging deep in a disaster


Health & Beauty


Classified Business Directory




From superwoman to super self



Simply Stated 39





A.I.M. for work/life balance


Reel Entertainment


Top tips – when only the best nanny will do


Advertising rates and deadlines





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Autumn 2013 n WORKING WOMEN® 3


Berty Button


Many businesses do literally start at the kitchen bench. But who would have imagined a handful of jelly beans as the catalyst for a heavy haulage trucking company and a line of storybooks delighting children across the globe. Like many women’s journeys, Marina Bertolino’s career path has been varied. Working both administration and management roles for various companies including a typewriter manufacturer, shipping business, hotels, travel agencies, construction and transport, she never imagined the end result would be selfpublishing children’s books. Living in the regional town of Wodonga, Marina was a frequent traveller to Sydney, so trucks and roadhouses were her companions. It was serendipitous that in 2002, not long after her daughter Georgia was born, she met Mark Button, a truck driver with 32 years experience under his belt. A true friendship was forged. A few years later Mark revealed his interest in starting up a trucking business back in Western Australia, his home state. Due to Marina’s management experience, Mark asked her to be his business partner and so began a new chapter of entrepreneurship in Marina’s life. Mark quickly returned to Perth and purchased his first truck, which he called Quartez. It was 2007, the height of the mining boom, and Mark was overwhelmed with the demand for transport services. He was exhausted and

Berty Button Kids has now produced its first book called Berty Button Gets A Team! Expanding the Berty Button brand into publishing has been an exciting step with a steep learning curve for Marina.

Marina is often asked where the name ‘Berty Button’ was derived from. Carrying the surname of Bertolino herself and nicknamed Berty for most of her life and going into a business partnership with Mr Mark Button, the name ‘Berty Button’ proved to be a winning combination.

struggling to keep up with demand. To cheer him up, Marina posted a card with a picture of jelly beans on the cover and wrote, ‘Keep working towards the future you want and there will be plenty of colour at the other end.’

It was whilst participating in the Convoy for Kids to raise funds for children with leukaemia that the next phase of growth for Berty Button was born. Travelling in one of the Berty Button’s colourful trucks, Marina saw a young boy holding his mother’s hand waiting to cross the road. When he saw the Berty Button truck his face lit up with sheer joy and happiness, so excited to see the huge truck covered in jelly beans. For Marina this was a light bulb moment. She realised that heavy haulage was not the only mission for her company Berty Button. So, she went back to the kitchen bench and developed a series of picture books for children based on the real adventures of the Berty Button trucks across Australia.

One night, unable to sleep, Mark got up and went into the lounge room where he saw a shaft of moonlight shining on the jelly bean card. It was a ‘Eureka’ moment. He called Marina at 2:00 am and said, “We’ve got to put jelly beans on the truck!” Marina initially dismissed the notion, however, by the next morning it dawned on her that the idea wasn’t as silly as she had first thought. Excited and inspired by the unique branding concept and what it could achieve for the trucking business Marina purchased some jelly beans, spread them over the kitchen bench (removing the black ones because she doesn’t like them) and started taking photos. These very images were what designers used to coat Mark and Marina’s fleet of ‘Berty Button’ trucks.

BertyButton Gets a Team! ®

Berty Button Kids has now produced its first book called Berty Button Gets A Team! Expanding the Berty Button brand into publishing has been an exciting step with a steep learning curve for Marina. And that curve is about to get steeper following her recent trip to the United States meeting with publishers, Hollywood directors and animators who are interested in expanding the concept globally. Many women start businesses from home, but Marina really did start her business literally from the kitchen bench. n

CONTACT Marina Bertolino BUSINESS Berty Button Kids PHONE +61 (0) 405 472 297

4 WORKING WOMEN® n Autumn 2013

TH E 5 FU N DA MENTAL BUTTONS Marina’s tips about what women need to do to become and remain successful in business. INNOVATION The realisation of an idea,

acting on it even if you are not sure how to proceed. This problem can be resolved by networking with other business owners.

EXIT STRATEGY Building your business with an ‘exit strategy’ in mind provides strategic direction to realise the vision.

FINANCIALS Fall deeply in love with the

financials of your business. You have to be able to read the scorecard. You must be able to interpret and understand the numbers in your business, including the income and the expenditure in all its different interpretations. Don’t become complacent and leave your accountant or bookkeeper to be the ‘gatekeepers’ of your money. After all, the income of your business is yours to earn and spend.

TEAM SPIRIT Business is a team sport, you

must get the right people on board. Your team needs to be as committed and aligned to the vision, if not more, than yourself.

TECHNOLOGY Embrace it in all its current formats.

Autumn 2013 n WORKING WOMEN® 5



Following her passions meant leaving behind a high-flying corporate career, financial security for her family and life as she knew it. BEATRICE IMBERT took the plunge into her passion of storytelling and has come out the other side as a successful author who is living her dream.


Author, Speaker and Business Owner Beatrice Imbert has recently unveiled her new book The Secret Diaries of Inspirational Women – Volume 1. The theme focuses on how everyday women have achieved extraordinary lives and how you can too. The book is a series of intimate stories and conversations with some of Australia’s most iconic and successful women: Dr Gill Hicks – Survivor of the 2007 London Bombings and Founder of M.A.D for Peace; Maggie Beer – Culinary Genius; Moira Kelly – International Humanitarian and Founder of Children’s First Foundation; Layne Beachley – Seven times World Surfing Champion; Karen J. Scott – Survivor of the 2011 Christchurch earthquakes; and Michelle Bridges – celebrity fitness trainer. The book was very much a personal journey of discovery, transition and reinvention for Beatrice. This was what she was experiencing in her own life when she began this journey and what better way to assist this process than to learn from some of the most successful women today. She quickly discovered that, much like her, each of these women had reinvented their lives to get where they are today. Beatrice packed her bags and began interviewing the women who had inspired her own journey for very different reasons. She wanted to get to know the ‘real’ women behind the name or the fame. Who are they at home? Did they follow their passions? What are some of their beliefs in overcoming adversity and balancing their busy lives? What do they attribute their business success to? What are their most important values? What were the defining moments that propelled them to success? What are their next stepping stones and what would they like their legacy to be? Many women intuitively know what their passions are and wish they could turn them into a profitable and viable business or simply ensure that they feature in their day-to-day lives rather than on a wish list as a New Year 6 WORKING WOMEN® n Autumn 2013

resolution. As women, we cannot help but question how we could do this and juggle our careers, our children, our marriage and even the dreaded question ‘What would people think?’ This is what Beatrice Imbert decided to do. Over the last three years, she has turned a successful and stable corporate career and her home life on its head by deciding to finally grab the bull by its horns and go after her passions. Coming from a corporate background where she held a role as a National Sales and Marketing Manager of an International Property Development firm, Beatrice was very successful in her field but deep down retained a burning desire to do more and to bring her passions to the forefront. Her passions were storytelling and making a difference in the world through writing, connecting with people and bringing them together. It was so far beyond what she had done in the past and in fact she had only ever shared this ambition rather shyly with one friend. Many self-doubt issues and challenges came up such as financial viability especially as a single parent and breadwinner, experience, and lack of time as she would have to continue working full time whilst setting up her new venture.

In a way, it was a blessing in disguise that I had never shared my ambitions with too many people. I needed to first work it out for myself. I worked out a way of discovering who I was, what I was really good at, what I needed help with but also why people came to me in my business and personal life. The secret to her success, she attributes to being passionate about what she chooses to do. “There is nothing easier than to dedicate time, energy and passion into something that you simply love to do. You take away the ‘work’ factor and it becomes ‘play and simply living to the max’; my dreams are no longer dreams,

they are my reality,” she says. “In a way, it was a blessing in disguise that I had never shared my ambitions with too many people. I needed to first work it out for myself. I worked out a way of discovering who I was, what I was really good at, what I needed help with but also why people came to me in my business and personal life. From that I determined my values and my goals. They were a way of ‘connecting the dots’ of my life. I knew that all the pieces were there, I just had to bring the jigsaw puzzle together. I discovered five vital values that I thrive on. They were ‘To connect, to collaborate, to coach, to create and to care’ and if I could do that every day, I was pretty much living my ideal life.” Fast forward three years, Beatrice has secured two publishing contracts and completed her first book which is at launch phase. She has completed the interviews for her second book with equally inspirational women such as Janet Holmes a Court, Jessica Watson, and Sahma Hadid to name a few… She is also becoming a sought after speaker among business and corporate women’s groups who want to hear more about the inspirational women in her books but also her own personal reinvention. Her other very definite passion of making a difference in the world has also flourished. Beatrice is part of the Life Support and Trauma committee that raises funds and awareness at the Alfred Hospital in Melbourne. Her strong sense of giving back to the community shone through with one of the iconic women she interviewed, Moira Kelly AO, inviting her to be part of a new project – Global Gardens of Peace which will become better known as ‘Moira’s Garden’. The aim is to create a peaceful and safe environment for children to come grow, play and learn. The first garden is earmarked for Gaza and will be launched in 2013. “This war-torn country simply does not have such facilities and the team is committed to raising awareness and funds for the Palestinian

B E AT R I C E ’ S T I P S TO SUCC ESS Dare to dream big – don’t be afraid to think big. If it feels right, then you are on the right path. Do not take ‘No’ for an answer – ‘No’ is simply a stepping stone, not a failure. Solve the problem and try again in a different way. n

Do something every day that inspires you – listen to a favourite song, spend five minutes cuddling your son or daughter, write down that next big idea. n

Visualise the end of the journey – feel it and revel in it – you have just taken the first step to making it into a reality. n

Back yourself, no one else will as much as you will. n

Give back to the global community – invest in the world, it is the quickest way to get perspective and to enrich your own world. n

children. Ten per cent of all profit earned on the book will go towards ‘Moira’s Garden’.” In 2013, Beatrice will be launching her new seminar, ‘The Reinvention of the Professional Woman through Book Publishing’. Her aim is to focus on small groups where she will be able to teach and coach women to really discover their uniqueness, learn how to write a book, handle interviews and all aspects of sales, marketing and book publishing. “I wish to share all that I have learnt and create a unique experience in my seminars, one that will shift and help each of the participants turn their life into an extraordinary one. It will be a more personal approach as writing a book is such a life shifting experience and often the support is simply not there,” she shares. “You may wish to write as a personal ambition, as part of your business or you may simply want to be a published author.” “The journey for me is not over,” she adds. “I continue growing, learning and ultimately re-inventing myself as my needs change. I get excited when I reflect back at the end of each year and see how much I have accomplished. I cannot wait to help others to do the same.” n The Secret Diaries of Inspirational Women will be available from February 2013 in all good bookstores or via The Kindle version is available now on Amazon.

CONTACT Beatrice Imbert PHONE +61 (0) 408 566 071

Autumn 2013 n WORKING WOMEN® 7


How to become a


on a shoestring budget Whether you are a solopreneuer or a major corporation, you need people to know about you. JILL LUBLIN looks at five things you need to do to become a guerrilla publicist.

Master showman PT Barnum said, “A terrible thing happens without publicity ... nothing!” Publicity is your best friend if used well. It is the most overlooked marketing tool and also the least expensive and least risky.

on profits, not sales; they place primary importance on how many relationships they build, not on how much money they make.

on your promises. Self-promotion based on assumptions, exaggerations, or lies will bury you at the speed of the Internet.

Five things you can do to become a guerrilla publicist on a shoestring budget:

2. Build relationships from your heart day and night with a targeted market


1. Know who you are, what you want, and sing your praises often


You are the product regardless of what product or service you provide. People trust the familiar and if they are familiar with you, they are more likely to purchase your product or service. You must know and believe in yourself, your products, or your services.

Publicity is free media exposure for your product or service.

Public relations (PR) is the overall planning and strategy for dealing with the media. n

Advertising is paying to promote your product or service. n

Say, for example, you have a lemonade stand. Your PR strategy is to use word of mouth to promote your product, and you hire your brother to post flyers (advertising). In the meantime, a thirsty runner with no money jogs by and you give her a cool drink on the house. Because she’s the editor of your local paper, the next day your lemonade stand is prominently displayed on the front page. Business booms. That’s publicity. Publicity is the art of convincing others to sing your praises at the same time you are singing your own praises. You and others team up to tell the world who you are, what you do, and why it is so important. With advertising, those who purchase your service or product are your target customers. In publicity, the media is your target customer. One customer sold on your service or product equals one sale. One media representative sold can result in thousands of sales.


Guerrillas are business operators who substitute time, energy, and imagination for money. Guerrillas measure their performance 8 WORKING WOMEN® n Autumn 2013

Know who you are

Position yourself as an expert by persistently selling yourself. This is most easily accomplished with a 10 to 15 second sound bite that proclaims precisely who you are, what you do, and why you make a difference. Be ready to explain exactly how your product or service will benefit your listener.

Know what you want Opportunities won’t just come knocking on your door; you have to make them happen! Luck is made by having a clear purpose, achievable goals, and by taking consistent and persistent action. Clearly identify your purpose and objectives and lay out a precise plan on how you will achieve those objectives.

Sing your praises often The most obvious signs of your expertise are that your customers keep coming back, pay what you charge, and recommend you to others. Ask for a written or verbal testimonial then broadcast that testimonial everywhere you can. If you’re good, you’ll get good publicity. However, one bad experience can ruin your reputation, so you’d better consistently deliver

Your relationships are your most valuable asset. When building relationships, think in terms of: n Campaigns, not ads n Careers, instead of jobs n Decades, rather than days, months, or years Remembering that the media is your customer, take the “concierge approach” to building relationships with them. Offer information, sources, access to your contacts, and fresh stories and ideas. Thank them more than they thank you and always give them more than they expect. Your appreciation will always be welcome and will pay you big dividends. Take every opportunity to say who you are, what you do, and how what you do can help others. Don’t be shy about making yourself highly visible. Begin your campaign months in advance of the introduction of your product or service and blitz the media with persistence. All your relationships are built on trust. Say what you mean and mean what you say. Believe with all your heart that: n What you are promoting will change the world n Your promoting it will make a difference n You know more about it than virtually anyone else

3. Play the numbers game, and play it well The relationships you build with the media are mutually beneficial. The media constantly needs fresh information and look for people like you to provide it. Expect, but don’t be discouraged by disappointment and rejection as the media sees thousands of press releases every day.

WW BUSINESS STRATEGIES Take every opportunity to say who you are, what you do, and how what you do can help others. Don’t be shy about making yourself highly visible. Begin your campaign months in advance of the introduction of your product or service and blitz the media with persistence. Here are a few ways you can make the numbers game work for you: Press releases: The media wants and expects press releases. Send them hot relevant stories and they will love you. Compose lively oneline headlines that will make them continue reading. Use subheadings or bulleted items to provide snapshot information at a glance. Media lists: These are databases containing information about the people and organisations that can help promote you. Start your own media list with the names of every person who is even remotely associated with the media. Gather media information from online services (more reliable than print) and keep them up to date. Follow up: Contact your media list. Take initiative by striking early and often. Be persistent but in a warm friendly way. Always follow up and capitalise on any news developments, keeping your name on top. Media kits: Once you have generated some

interest have a media kit ready to go. Remember, less is more but include everything they want to know: your company history, personal biography, a list of suggested questions, articles, brochures, a quality photo, endorsements and testimonials and even a few giveaways.

4. Be prepared for anything Identify you and your business’ uniqueness and find some special slant that will get the media’s attention, something relevant to the media’s audience. Promote yourself and your message early, forcefully, and fast. Assume you have 10 seconds to convince the media. Convey enthusiasm. Be prepared for anything and be flexible as the slant you took may not be the slant they use. Practice your interviews from every angle and when the time comes, take command of the interview and stay relaxed.

5. Get yourself out there Guerrilla publicity is a multi-faceted approach.

Get yourself out there: n

Conduct live or teleconference seminars


Get published (articles or your own book)


Create a web site


Have an e-mail newsletter


Join Internet communities


Use online publicity forums


Create joint ventures


Now is the time to take action. As Einstein said, “Nothing happens until something moves.” Make publicity a mindset in your life. Always look for ways to publicise yourself and opportunities will appear. Take the time to establish your credibility and build for the long run. Finally, make the most of every chance encounter and every media contact. Your preparedness will pay off with free publicity and more customers at your little lemonade stand than you ever imagined. n

CONTACT Jill Lublin BUSINESS Promising Promotion PHONE 011 1 415 883 5455

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Autumn 2013 n WORKING WOMEN® 9


7 steps to boost your

BUSINESS Australia’s largest business management solutions provider, MYOB surveyed small to medium sized business clients to gain insight into their business plans for this year. KRISTY SHEPPARD covers the findings of the report.

Activities with the most focus being applied to them by today’s SMEs include improving systems and processes, creating customer growth strategies, tweaking pricing and starting a succession plan.






I mprove my systems and processes – 51 per cent I ncrease the time I spend working on my business rather than in it – 35 per cent I ncrease my customer acquisition activities – 32 per cent I ncrease my product/service range – 25 per cent I ncrease my customer retention activities – 25 per cent


Increase my prices – 21 per cent


Start a succession plan – 20 per cent


n n

I ncrease the geographical areas I service – 18 per cent Increase my number of staff – 18 per cent I ncrease my online marketing spend – 17 per cent

It’s encouraging to find SME operators prioritising activities that focus on increasing their productivity, their service offering and the stickiness of their clients. There are several strategies to help transform your business so it is in top shape for the year

Lost for

words? 10 WORKING WOMEN® n Autumn 2013

ahead. These include revisiting your business plan with a trusted business advisor, investing in new and improved equipment and exploring ways to re-energise your team.

HERE ARE 7 STEPS TO BOOSTING YOUR BUSINESS: 1 It all starts with a plan A clear strategic plan is the foundation of any successful business. A detailed, forward-looking plan covering all key business facets will ensure your activities are geared towards growing your profitability. Review and update your plan to take into account any new developments or opportunities. These could be investing in growing your market share, improving your market intelligence so the business is more competitive, or even aspects as simple as setting sales targets.

2 Seek professional advice The mix of business commitments such as compliance, accounting, payroll, export rules, council codes and employment relations can be overwhelming for many business owners. Take time to tap into your wider networks to explore what opportunities they think are on the horizon for this year.

3 Review your supplier base Review your current contracts and suppliers, to see if you are getting your money’s worth. Research your suppliers’ competitors to find out their service offering, prices and the discounts they are prepared to offer for placing regular

bulk orders, referrals, and ongoing loyalty to their business and so on. Consider whether a service you currently outsource can be carried out more cost effectively internally, or whether you can consolidate your suppliers.

4 Diversify your range Innovation in products and services can be a sure way to stay well ahead of the competition. Offering a new or improved range to existing customers will help retain them and can also attract new customers. Find the courage to trim away any non-profitable activities and back the winners.

5 Spruce up your systems and processes With all the different hats that a business owner wears, getting your systems and processes right is vital to business success. SME operators are spoilt for choice when it comes to technologies that will improve your efficiencies that help make business life easier. When it comes to improving processes consider building a comprehensive operations manual or fine tuning the one you have, and then have staff contribute to discussions on how to improve the way you work as a team.

6 Be where your customers are: online With more than 80 per cent of consumers researching online prior to making a purchase, being online offers a huge opportunity to connect with more customers. According to the survey, SMEs with a website were 53 per cent more likely to experience a revenue rise over the last financial year.

7 Re-engage your team

Find them at professional coaching in public speaking and other associated communication skills

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Consider ways you can reignite staff motivation. Perhaps organise a catered strategy meeting to run though plans for the year ahead. Maybe follow up with one-on-one meetings with staff focusing on how individual goals relate to these plans, so your staff understand the important role they play in the business. n

CONTACT Kristy Sheppard BUSINESS MYOB PHONE +61 (2) 9089 9068

Do you want to be the

Grow your reputation! Grow your business! 10 DREAM BUSINESS APPS • 31 GREAT COMPUTING TIPS • 4 STEPS TO THOUGHT LEADERSHIP

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DO IT Lessons from the business master

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AeneAn cursus cusau gue The trouble is that relevant PR opportunities are often scarce and the competition for LEARN IT, cusau gue Aean nean Aean nean PR you are often lost in a sea of them is great. And, IT, even when you do secure some THINk other contributors. business master ROBeRt KYOsaKi

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As an expert in TheMentor or SheMentor magazine you are given the opportunity LUctUs et ULtRices non ante posuere aenean cursus auguepromote your brand over six professionally OnsUR adpis to truly showcase your expertise It’S EItHER anteand jUste faucbus Hawkins designed pages. It’s orci hard to get lost with thatTerry much exposure and you’ll soon be the recognised authority in your area of expertise. magazine Plus, you’ll receive 1,000 copies of the magazine, making it a powerful marketing tool 10 DREAM BUSINESS APPS • 31 NEtwoRkINg & LEADERSHIP tIPS that will be read and shared for years to come. 10 DREAM BUSINESS APPS • 31 GREAT COMPUTING TIPS • 4 STEPS TO THOUGHT LEADERSHIP


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SYSTEMS OVERKILL? How to simplify your systems

Have you ever thought creating systems for your small business was complicated and time consuming? In reality, the simpler your systems are, the better they will support your business. KIM MORRIS explores how to keep systems simple so that they can become the standard for how you do business. You know something is not working right in your business, and you know you need to fix it. You have all these ideas rolling around in your head about things you could do, and you sit down and start to ‘fix’ your broken system. The fact is when something is not working as we believe it should, we often tend to think it’s because it needs something more. We figure we can improve it by adding a little bit of this and a little bit of that. Then, we find ourselves tweaking it, modifying it, and ‘improving’ it into something that we think at the time is better but, in reality, it’s just overcomplicated things a whole lot! Over time this will eventually lead to ‘Systems Overkill’ whereby you adopt the new system and set it as the standard in your business. If you have team members, they too adopt the new process and everything might seem rosy for a while. But what is happening in the background? Each time this system is being done, one of two things will happen. It will either become yet even more complicated, or things will start to drop off the radar, in which case the process will begin to completely fall apart. So, how do you remedy this situation, where a poorly performing system becomes an overly complicated system, which eventually becomes a system dead in the water? Well, there are three tips to keeping your systems as simple as possible and to ensure when you recognise

a system that needs a little massaging, as opposed to a full makeover. It’s as easy as 123.

1. Focus on WHAT it is you are trying to achieve in plain and simple terms.

2. Focus on what the expected outcome is that you are trying to achieve.

3. Focus on the steps you need to take to get

Each time this system is being done, one of two things will happen. It will either become yet even more complicated, or things will start to drop off the radar, in which case the process will begin to completely fall apart. You are using a template that is the basis for all your systems and processes. n


A system becomes overcomplicated when:

You are not sure what the system is trying to achieve. n

You are not sure what the details are because you don’t know what you are trying to achieve. n

You are up against a problem and try to apply a quick fix which isn’t really appropriate for the problem if it arises again. n

You don’t have a plan for systems development and you are adding a bit of this and a bit of that in an ad hoc manner, hoping it will hit the mark. n

As opposed to making a system simple and easy to follow, which occurs when:

It fits in with your overall business goals and direction. n

You give the system (in documented form) to someone else to do, and they can understand what is required immediately. n

Complicated systems evolve over time, or sometimes overnight if they are created in response to an emergency. But, simple systems are created deliberately with careful thought to the expected outcome and how they will support the business overall. So, take the time to develop simple systems and don’t kill your systems by feeding them unnecessary pieces of information that they don’t need! n

You identify straight up what the system is in a clear and concise manner. n

You can easily state what the expected outcome is. n

You have enough knowledge of the details and steps. n

Aspire Retire – Home of the Australian Adviser of the Year

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through e-commerce

Australian small businesses that have introduced e-sales say it accounts for almost half of their revenue and the majority predict an increase in this type of trade over the next 12 months. KAY REYNOLDS reveals the latest findings on the business of e-commerce. One in three businesses have made their products available for purchase online and those that have are reaping the benefits. Businesses that have embraced e-commerce are 33 per cent more likely to have reported a profit increase in the 2011–12 financial year.

reveals that those who have not established an e-sales strategy are reluctant to do so, with only 12 per cent planning to sell their products and services online in the next 12 months. An even smaller number of small business owners (9 per cent) consider e-commerce necessary for future-proofing their business.

Social media is driving revenue and growth for businesses with a recent survey by American Express finding that social media has helped almost one quarter (23 per cent) of small business owners to grow their business, and those that attribute business growth to social media are more likely to have reported an increased profit in 2011–12 (57 per cent) than those that don’t (35 per cent).

This reluctance can partly be explained by the significant proportion of respondents (40 per cent) who don’t find e-commerce relevant to their business – a view most prevalent among those in construction, finance, insurance and health and community services.

Small business operators who use social media believe it has helped them grow their business in several ways, including: n Sourcing new customers (54 per cent) n Raising brand awareness (51 per cent); and n Generating new sales (40 per cent). The survey supports the notion that small businesses that have gone online and are using social media, are seeing comparatively stronger revenue growth. While different channels work better for different industries, both e-commerce and social media can be innovative and affordable. Despite the success of e-commerce, the survey

Some small business owners also said they are not sure how to approach adopting e-commerce with their main concerns surrounding difficulties in setting up the payment platform and customer privacy issues.

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Fortunately for small business owners, the Internet offers limitless opportunities so even those who feel that e-commerce isn’t right for them can make use of the online opportunities offered by social media to promote their products and grow their business. n

CONTACT Kay Reynolds BUSINESS BWA Merchant Services PHONE +61 (0) 407 385 077

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Anyone can write a book


You may have heard it said that anyone can write a book. But is this true? And, more importantly, can anyone write a book that someone will actually want to read? WENDY SMITH explores answers to these questions in relation to writing a non-fiction book. Having the right book published in your name can highlight your business expertise and experience and promote you as an expert in your field. Being a published author can lend you and your business credibility. Book sales could create a new income stream or you could give away copies to existing or prospective clients. But this is a double-edged sword – yes, a professional and high quality book can do wonders to promote you and your business but a poorly written publication with questionable content, typos galore and a dodgy presentation will do you no favours whatsoever. So, can anyone write a book? How about asking a different question: can anyone start a business? Theoretically, yes, but what is it that makes a business succeed? For example, is it good planning and preparation; the right structure; innovative ideas; exceptional products and/or services; surpassing customer expectations; keeping ahead of your competition; support from a great team; knowledge, expertise and experience; passion; good old fashioned hard work; an attitude of excellence; sound processes and procedures; consistency; and not giving up when the going gets tough? If you attempted to start up or run a business in an ad hoc or haphazard manner with no planning or very little investment, whether that be in time and energy or money and resources,

it is unlikely your business would soar, that is if it got off the ground at all. So, as a business woman, if you approach your non-fiction book project as you would approach a new business venture, applying relevant points from the list above, then you are well on your way to success.

STEPS TO GETTING STARTED ON WRITING A SUCCESSFUL BOOK 1. Define your book’s subject and purpose Be clear about what you are writing about, why you are writing your book and who you are writing it for. Ensure you know your subject inside out. Stay focused on your topic and write to your niche market but also stay true to who you are as your readers will quickly pick a phoney.

2. Do your homework What is your competition? What is your point of difference? What do your target readers actually want? Offer something of value to your readers, a total package that warrants the investment of time they will spend reading your book. Be generous with the information, ideas and insight you share. Furthermore, almost anyone can do the research and put dry bare facts onto a page but, to make it truly unique and stand out of the crowd, bring in your personality (and a bit

of fun where appropriate) and your individual experience, and tell stories or include case studies to engage your readers.

3. Develop an overall structure for your book Break down the content or subject matter of your book into a number of individual topics – when refined these topics may even become individual chapters. Then, expand on each topic with brief notes or even dot points to provide an idea of the content to be included under each topic. There should be a logical progression or flow of ideas throughout.

4. Gather the right team Seek out the best possible people to support your book project. Ask around for recommendations from others who have recently published books. If you are not a natural writer, that is okay, there is lots of assistance available with services from researchers to ghost writers to writing coaches, to editors (e.g. structural editors and copy editors) and proofreaders, depending on the stage of the book and level of help you require. Note that even if you have written and selfedited your manuscript, and you may have also asked a friend or family member to edit or proofread your work, the input of a professional editor can make a huge difference to the quality of the end result. Ditto for your cover design and interior layout.

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Definition is everything

If you are self-publishing, you will also need a graphic designer for your book cover, a book designer or formatter, a printer, ebook specialists, and other publishing services.

5. Write, write, write Yes, at some stage, you need to do the hard work and write the content. Start by further expanding the topics and points that emerged when you developed the overall structure above. In your first draft, don’t get hung up on spelling and grammar and sentence structure – that is what the editing process is for – just write or type and get your information down on paper (or on hard disk and don’t forget to save regularly!).

6. Review, edit, rewrite Once you have finished writing, put your manuscript aside for a time and later go back and review and self-edit and rewrite where necessary. Allocate adequate time in your writing schedule for multiple drafts as very few writers, even professional writers, will achieve an optimal result in their first draft(s). Most word processors have a built in spell checker, so make use of the spell checker, even if it is not perfect. Ensure the language is set to Australian English (or your required language) in your word processor application settings. Of course, you will still need to manually check your work but a spell checker can get you off to a good start. Get a good dictionary and check the spelling and/or meaning of words that you are not sure about. A thesaurus can also be a very handy tool to find just the right word for the context. Once you are happy with the basic content and structure, then it is time to bring in other experienced professionals to help you finish it off, like some of those mentioned above. Again, allocate time for multiple editing and proofreading stages, and also formatting (if you are self-publishing), as well time for you to review work completed at the end of each stage, as you will need to “sign off” on each stage of the process. Also consider seeking feedback from a colleague or an expert in your field to pick up on specific content or subject-related issues and maybe request someone from your target audience to read over your book before it is finalised. Carefully consider the feedback received and go back to your manuscript and make any necessary changes. Is 2013 the year that you will write your book? Imagine the possibilities – picture yourself as a published author with a well-written and professional quality book that will positively promote you and your business into the future. n

Communications: Aka PR: Aims to inform, promote and persuade in the right way, right time, right place. Media relations: Least controllable, most powerful, but not a cure-all. Marketing: Communications with the intent of selling. Market research: Means of investigating ideas and finding the ‘why?’ behind the numbers.

Specialising in legal, professional services, higher education and not-for-profit. Clear fluff-free advice and practical support. Sign up for free monthly e-bulletin with top tips and ‘to-dos’ each month. Alicia Patterson

CONTACT Wendy Smith BUSINESS Jewel See Editing PHONE +61 (7) 3349 4440

Phone: 0403 172 024 Email: Autumn 2013 n WORKING WOMEN® 15



DIY web content Many businesspeople write content for their website without getting advice from an expert. Web content creation is an art that requires more than just a knowledge of Year 12 English. KYLEE BRISTOW explains what editors actually do when they review your website.

It’s funny how many people will hire a lawyer for contracts, a graphic designer for web design and a bookkeeper for accounts, but still insist on writing their website content themselves. Even once they have written it, they don’t get an expert to review it. They use a spell checker, rely on their high school English skills and perhaps ask a few friends to look over it for them. While they agree that proofreading is a good idea, they don’t see the point in spending money on an editor just to do that. Does this sound like you? If so, it might be worth examining what editors actually do when reviewing websites. It’s far more than checking spelling and grammar. A

website is a marketing tool – so if you don’t know much about writing marketing material, you will be on the back foot from the start. You might be surprised at the questions an editor will ask when reviewing your website. They are looking for issues that could turn your intended audience away within seconds of clicking on your link. These could include the following: What’s the purpose of your website? Selling a product? Getting a database? Displaying a portfolio? n

What do people want when they come to your website? Are you giving it to them?

Does your sentence/paragraph/page structure suit the medium or have you just pasted straight from an article or book? n

Is your navigation appropriate for your purpose? n


Is your terminology consistent?

Have you used the appropriate keywords for search engines to pick up your pages? n

Have you broken the content up with headings and bullet lists to make it scannable? n

Have you used text colours that are easy to read? n



Does your tone suit your audience?


Does the tone suit your business’s image?

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These questions could go on and on. And any editor worth their salt should ask all of them. If you value your business reputation, you should get an expert to analyse your web content as a total project. Sit down and discuss your goals, branding, image, audience demographics, competitors, and products or services. Consider your sales funnel or customer journey. Ask yourself why you even have a website for your business. Ultimately, you must ensure that your website does what you want it to do – because just checking spelling and grammar isn’t enough. n

CONTACT Kylee Bristow BUSINESS Lexi Corporate Publishing PHONE +61 (0) 448 029 444

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ways to engage today’s audiences

With television, Facebook, Twitter, and smartphones constantly vying for an audience’s attention, the modern presenter must break through the barrage of distractions to reach their audience and connect. KEVIN RYAN explains how speakers can step up their game and connect with today’s disengaged audience.

Taking care of your most precious assets.

Over the last 30 years, presenting to an audience has changed remarkably. The trouble is most of the guidelines for presenting successfully to an audience were written over 30 years ago.


For most speakers, “I mustn’t leave anything out,” becomes the overriding thought. If you focus on getting the words right, you risk turning your delivery into something so boring that nobody wants to listen to it. It is important to have a clear idea of the message you want to leave them with and some notes to refer to if necessary; but don’t worry about what you leave out – they will never know!

them with? Write this first, and then decide what’s necessary to lead up to it. Practice similarly, so you know your conclusion better than the opening. Then, in your delivery, you are working toward the part you know best – which will build your confidence.

2. Don’t worry about going blank

5. Tell them a story

They say that the human memory is a marvellous faculty that starts the moment people are born and only stops when they stand in front of an audience to speak. Everyone goes blank. It’s not the worst thing that can happen. If you lose your way, simply check your notes and refresh your memory. The audience will not think less of you for it.

3. Prepare more than the words

Many speakers spend all their available preparation time writing their speech, when research shows that as little as seven per cent of the message the audience receives comes from these words. Up to 93 per cent of the message and, certainly, a majority of the audience engagement comes from the non-verbal component, specifically, the vocal component (the way we say the words) and the visual component (what they see). Write your speech early and spend a majority of your preparation time saying it aloud (paying attention to your pacing, emphasis and pauses) while standing up.

4. Write it ‘back-to-front’

The most important part of the speech is the conclusion. What message do you want to leave

Placement Solutions

Audiences love stories. The narrative is inherently engaging. They are more likely to remember the story than any other part of your presentation. Telling a story is also the part of your presentation where you are least likely to lose your way or go blank. Every good presentation needs a combination of logical and emotional content – logic makes them think but it takes emotion to get them to act. Roger Mavity, co-author of Life’s a Pitch says, “A great pitch doesn’t take place in the library of the mind; it takes place in the theatre of the heart.” Stories are the easiest way to add emotional content to your presentation. Audiences today are harder to engage, easier to distract and have shorter attention spans than at any time previously. But use these hints and you will become more natural, spontaneous and engaging to any audience. n

CONTACT Kevin Ryan BUSINESS Ryan+Associates Australia PHONE +61 (0) 407 727 090

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Books, they hold the answers to the great questions in life! Basically they offer the same words just in a different order, but they have been inspiring, educating and bringing tears to eyes for years. Here are our top choices. TOO BUSY TO EAT WELL

Author: Louise D’Allura Price: $9.80 eBook Overwhelmed and struggling to get healthy food on the table? Buying takeaways a little too often? Are the foods your kids are eating affecting their behaviour and health? Maybe you need a new way to plan your weekly menu! In six easy steps, learn how to: find time for cooking, evaluate the foods you eat, sort out your chaotic pantry and kitchen, and save dollars and all that mental energy tied up with solving the What’s for Dinner Challenge! Download this 31-page ebook from


Author: Kay Walls Price: $15.99

Kay Walls first met Dr Suman Thapa, a wonderful doctor from Nepal, whilst having eye surgery. Follow Kay’s many exciting trips to Kathmandu and how she was empowered to raise money to build a clinic, buy an ambulance and send the doctor who had saved her sight to London to study paediatric glaucoma surgery. Dr Suman is now the only paediatric glaucoma surgeon in Nepal. This is a story of new experiences, huge challenges, and one woman’s passion and drive to leave this world a better place. Purchase online at


Author: Melissa Browne Price: $29.95 An innovative, full-colour, illustrated business book written for women in business or women thinking about starting a business. It’s designed to show you that building a successful and profitable business can be just like shaping a fabulous wardrobe. More Money For Shoes is the secret weapon that will take you from being ordinary and perhaps confused, to extraordinary in the business world.

Yours, Mine, Ours: A Guide to Family Law Author: Dixie Ann Middleton and Emma Louise Turner Price: $25.00

A guide to what happens to your money and children on the breakdown of the family, whether by choice or by death. You will find this series of short, punchy articles not only interesting but legally correct and informative. This resource will allay a great deal of fear and misinformation about crucial areas of law which impinge on the lives of most Australians, to a lesser or greater degree. Available at Riverbend Books, Bulimba, Queensland or visit


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The POWER of


Frequently asked questions are a fantastic tool for gaining a better Google ranking and for taking the pressure off a business owner having to repeatedly answer client questions. BERNADETTE SCHWERDT looks at how you can use FAQs to help educate the market about your product or service. FAQs are an essential selling tool because they answer the questions that your target market is asking. If a business owner cannot answer these questions, the customer will go elsewhere to a company that can. It is psychologically proven that if we have unanswered questions about a product (e.g. how much is it, is there a money back guarantee etc.), we cannot process through the mental steps required to feel confident in purchasing the product.

TIPS ON HOW TO WRITE A POWERFUL FAQ QUICKLY: Write out the top 20 or 30 questions you often get asked by potential customers Start with the basics, no matter how prosaic or mundane. For example, for a florist: n

Can I order online?


Do you offer free delivery?


Can I add chocolates or gifts to my order?


What is the minimum purchase?

Then follow up with more detailed questions: n

What if the flowers I order are not fresh?


Do you offer a money back guarantee?

How long does it take to get my flowers delivered? n

WHY ELSE DOES WRITING A FAQ IN THIS WAY MAKE SENSE? It provides the raw material for the rest of your copy. Starting out with the FAQ helps you to better understand your product from a potential client’s point of view and it can become the foundation for all the other copy on your website or brochure. With some tweaking, cutting and pasting, and re-writing, you can re-use the content of your FAQ for other pages. This is a very time efficient and productive way of writing copy. They are easy to read. Everyone loves a Q and A because they help us get answers to our questions. Having a clearly laid out, well written FAQ means readers can scan quickly through the text and find answers to their specific questions.


Writing copy can be time consuming but once written by you or by a copywriter, it is worthwhile thinking about how you can use it more than once. Here are a few tips on how you can re-work big chunks of copy (like a FAQ) to get maximum usage out of the copy.

Do you belong to an accredited floristry organisation?

Slice and dice. One or two FAQ questions can easily become an article or blog. Five or six can become an eBook and 20+ can become a book.

Answer the questions. Write out the answers in the most elegant, persuasive and concise way you can. This now becomes your FAQ. Easy!

Create articles from your content. One of the quickest ways to get people to read your


content and get traffic to your site is to submit your articles or blogs to industry blogging sites, ezine sites like or to LinkedIn. Add a ‘bio box’ at the end of the article with your website address, contact details and a bit about you so that interested readers can find you. Use the material as the basis of an online newsletter. Compile a few FAQ questions into one and make that the basis of the newsletter. If you are going to do a newsletter though, make it consistent and send it out on a regular basis. Create fact sheets. FAQs lend themselves nicely to Fact Sheets. Pick a topic that attracts a lot of questions and answer the top five questions, and voila, you have created a Fact Sheet. Some infopreneurs I know create ‘series’ of Fact Sheets, get them printed and laminated and sell them as part of their suite of information products. Post your articles on Facebook or Twitter. To broadcast it to your followers and friends, simply load the article up into your blog, copy/paste the URL of the blog, write a post/ tweet to introduce the article and share it with the world. n

CONTACT Bernadette Schwerdt BUSINESS Australian School of

Copywriting +61 (3) 9337 6601 PHONE

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Autumn 2013 n WORKING WOMEN® 19


Marketing and customer service are not

mutually exclusive

The current economic climate is making it even more vital to have the best possible customer service in your industry. TERRI MITCHELL shares how budgeting more dollars into your customer service plan will give you a greater return on investment. Unless you have been hiding under a rock, you know the conditions affecting Australia’s economy are impacting businesses of every size, everywhere. It is a fact that the situation is tough, with increased administrator activity and iconic companies, small family businesses and corner shops closing almost weekly. Whether it’s because of online shopping, overseas competition or other reasons, every business owner is under increasing pressure to boost sales, cut costs and satisfy shareholders or bank managers. Therefore, your marketing budget and your investment in customer service must work hand-in-hand. Why? Every issue affecting

your customer service is potentially another customer taking their business elsewhere.

Staff don’t need to commit everything to memory, but they better know where to get the information. Customer satisfaction and retention have never been as vital to cash flow and profitability as they are now, so your customer service must be exemplary, to maximise every marketing dollar spent. Consider these following three factors in your business plans:


When ramping up your advertising, you must roster staff to anticipate the increase in customers. Also, your IT team should foresee sudden demands and your web technology must cope, and your telephone and POS systems better handle the rush. Nothing kills sales quicker than keeping customers waiting, either because there isn’t enough customer service staff, or poor technology that fails under load.


Make sure your staff knows their stuff. Your return on investment (ROI) will show holes like Swiss cheese if your customer service staff are poorly trained. If they don’t know your latest offer, special deal, or the coverage or specifications of your Widget, customers won’t be impressed. Staff don’t need to commit everything to memory, but they better know where to get the information. It means you have

QR code generated on

to supply the training and resources, weighing this cost against the loss of business when frustrated customers go to your competitors.


Have you hired the right customer service staff? Your staff need to make each customer feel acknowledged and valued from the moment they connect with your business. If your staff don’t know how to smile, in their facial expression and attitude, you are in trouble. Ensure your staff are friendly, engaging, can smile and are willing to make the customer service experience a pleasure for every person. Without the smile, your marketing ROI will take a nosedive. These points may seem insignificant against your bottom line. But in today’s fragile economy when customer loyalty is falling victim to online shopping and other pressures, you cannot risk wasting your marketing outlay on inadequate staffing numbers or on illtrained staff who will not make your customers feel like the VIPs they are. When you crunch your numbers, you will want to see that your ROI is not hindered by failing to consider these very important factors. n

CONTACT Terri Mitchell BUSINESS The Profit Frog PHONE 1300 983 641

DON’T GAMBLE that poor communication habits in your business will fix themselves! How to make sure your business name is on quality documents EVERY TIME! People do notice spelling and grammatical errors and your business name will stand out for all the wrong reasons. Call Aunt Em and book a business communication audit with her, she will ensure that your business language will always have lustre. Frances Cahill BA (Hons) 1st Cert IV TAA, CERT IV Small Business Management

Chief Word Polisher – 0411 537 957 •

20 WORKING WOMEN® n Autumn 2013


MEDIA KIT know how

Developing a media kit for your small business is one of the most effective PR tools you can use to attract media attention. JULIE MORGAN looks at the reason every business should have a media kit and the components that need to be included.

A media kit is your ‘toolkit’ of media-ready information that journalists can use in a story about your business, product, event or service. It contains your press release, company and spokesperson biographies, product information and fact sheets, high quality photographs and usually a few case studies (customer success stories) and sample product/s. You can use this information when proactively pitching your story idea to the media, or when responding to an interview request. After you have collated this information, you might consider packaging it up into a physical, hardcopy ‘kit’.


How will it be presented? Will you use a stock-standard folder or create a hamper or something more innovative?

CONTACT Julie Morgan BUSINESS PR Guru PHONE +61 (3) 9696 5060


How will it be delivered? Will you post it or does it need a special courier? Remember, first impressions count so be sure the presentation of your media kit and materials is impeccable. Don’t risk it being damaged in transit. Some companies have hired promotional staff to make personal deliveries to the media. If sending perishable items to the media, be sure they are properly handled and delivered promptly! n

Who will you send it to? Do your research and get a firm idea of the number of journalists you want to send the media kit to. This will help you determine your budget. n

1. To get a journalist’s attention – having a courier deliver something to a journalist is more likely to get noticed than an email which can be easily missed or deleted.

2. To let a journalist smell, touch, taste or experience your product.

3. To create an impression about your brand. But, beware of the detail! Physical kits can be expensive. So ask yourself: Do you have the budget to create a physical kit? Creating a physical kit means you will need n

to cover the costs of product samples, printing and/or design, the packaging materials, and postage and/or courier delivery charges.

Lastly, regardless of the format of your media kit, the most important consideration should be your content. To appeal to a journalist you have to think like one. They are after good stories – so make sure you offer one. And of course, you will need a good list of media contacts. Whether you decide on a physical media kit or an electronic one – it is good to be prepared. Do you have a media kit and if not, what is holding you back? n

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Worried about the state of the markets? Keep up to date with our morning market email - a daily update which outlines what has happened overnight as well as any current news on Australian companies. Make an appointment to review your investments, insurance and superannuation.

Contact Patricia Doyle from RBS Morgans on 07 3334 4966

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22 WORKING WOMEN® n Autumn 2013


Top tips for

INVESTING PATRICIA DOYLE AND SUSAN RALLINGS reveal some of the simplest ways to make the most from your share portfolio.

in direct shares

Investing in direct shares does not have to be complicated; there are a few simple processes you can follow to ensure you do not end up burning your cash. A conservative approach and a few fundamentals can set you on a path to a healthy and growing investment portfolio. We have outlined some tips to consider before purchasing your shares. To maximise your investment outcomes, take some of these points into account and you may achieve your goals or objectives in a more efficient manner. Diversify – one of the most important tips to remember is, as they say, to not put all of your eggs in one basket. It is important to spread your cash so that if one stock drops, the whole portfolio is not dragged down. Buy stocks you know and understand – this is part of the sleep at night factor. As an example, if you shop at Woolworths and you like it, there are probably plenty of other people who do too – not a bad investment choice. If you bank with Commonwealth Bank, maybe this is an option for you as well. It is no good buying stocks that you do not understand as you will feel uncomfortable; there is no reason why you should have to worry about your investments. Buy reasonable parcel sizes – this comes back to the tip of diversification, however, it is important to not over-diversify. As an example, in a portfolio with 50 stocks, one stock increasing in value by 20 per cent will not have a meaningful impact on the overall portfolio. As a general rule, 10–15 stocks for a portfolio provides enough diversification but not so much that there are little bits here and there that are not contributing to the portfolio. Take an active approach – the buy and hold strategy has not really worked since the GFC. We are not talking about day trading, we simply think it appropriate to take profits where possible, for example, once the stock is up 20 per cent, think about selling either a portion of your holding or the full amount as there could be an opportunity to buy back in down the track or invest in another stock.

Investment horizon – when selecting stocks think about how long you plan to invest for. This is especially important if you may need your cash in a short period of time, for example, three months, is this long enough to make a meaningful return on your investment selection and what if the market is down when you need the money? Sector selection – sectors go in and out of favour. As an example, retail and insurance have been doing it tough lately, so consider other sectors but never rule any out as a lot of sectors are quite cyclical and have up and down times, just look at resources. Risk profile – how hot do you like your curry? It is simple, if you are fairly conservative, you should not be buying speculative mining stocks! Know when to cut your losses – we cannot always get it right, not every investment will work out the way we want it to. Look at the catalysts that are coming up for the stock in the next six months, if there are none and the share price is not moving or heading south, perhaps it

is time to look for another opportunity and put the money to better use elsewhere. These few tips will enable you to monitor the factors that can influence your portfolio without focusing solely on stock specifics. This will establish a stable portfolio that can withstand the tough times and make things just that little bit better in the good times. Important Information The information contained in this article is general information only. It does not take into consideration any specific needs, situations or objectives. Before making any financial decisions you should make sure you are comfortable that the strategy suits your needs and objectives, and your risk profile. If necessary, you should seek professional advice. n

Patricia Doyle and Susan Rallings BUSINESS RBS Morgans PHONE +61 (7) 3334 4966 CONTACT

Autumn 2013 n WORKING WOMEN® 23


Don’t be a victim

of the money glass ceiling

The path to abundance is littered with humps, bumps and roadblocks that can keep diverting you from reaching and enjoying the richness in your life and business that is your birthright. KATHLEEN ANN shares some strategies to help you break through to the other side.

If you have found yourself stuck at roughly the same income level no matter how hard you work then the chances are you are bumping up against your self-imposed money glass ceiling. The money glass ceiling is an invisible barrier that you co-created and inherited from your family and other significant people from your childhood then re-enforced over your lifetime. Money is simply a mirror of how much you value yourself and how much you are prepared to show up in your life. This is reflected in the amount you are willing to receive. Nowhere is this more tested than when running your own business.

And the reason you feel trapped and find yourself repeating the same patterns over and over again is because these beliefs are buried deep and lurking in your subconscious. That’s why just knowing this intellectually is not enough because it is your subconscious that is really running the show. Consciously and logically you know you are skilled, experienced, and capable of so much more yet you fall short of your own expectations so you begin to question and doubt that you can achieve your goals. The good news is, it is totally within your control to change your negative beliefs and heal your relationship with money. The secret to increasing your net worth is to increase your self-worth.

It is our self-worth perception that holds us back or spurs us forward. This is why all the effort you engage in is often frustrating and fruitless if deep down you do not truly believe you are worthy of being paid what you are worth. So what is the solution? Like peeling back the layers of an artichoke you need to start identifying the negative beliefs you hold about yourself and your self-worth. You can then begin to eliminate them one by one by replacing them with empowering beliefs. Here are the four major emotional undercurrents you need to be aware of: n rejection n fear n guilt n shame Remember, it is your thoughts that create your emotions, and how you feel creates your actions which in turn affect your outcomes. In the moment, when you notice feelings come up that cause you tightness or restriction, stop and ask yourself, “What am I telling myself that is making me uncomfortable?” Listening to your answer will unearth the disempowering belief that is likely to be driving your actions. A common limiting belief that keeps women in particular from stepping up and playing a bigger game is: “people won’t accept me if I make more and have more than they do”. A breakthrough belief to have instead would be: “I help others by being a leader for wealth, achievement, and abundance”.

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If you really want to break through your money glass ceiling, heal your relationship with money, and increase abundance in all areas of your life including your business then cleaning up your mindset is a critical place to start. Get started today! n

CONTACT Kathleen Ann BUSINESS Power Up Your Marketing PHONE +61 (0) 412 907 852



checklist OLIVIA MARAGNA provides tips that will keep you on track with achieving your financial fitness goals and aspirations in 2013.

As we say goodbye to the first quarter of 2013, and ponder how fast time flies, many of us find ourselves thinking about our aspirations for the future. Reflecting on what we have achieved, where we want to go and what we need to get there is critical to our lives whether we run our own business, are employed or at home with the kids. A financial checklist is an excellent tool to check on how you are progressing towards your financial goals, and to also help identify any specific areas you might need to focus on in the immediate future.

The key issues to consider are: HOME LOAN REVIEW

If you are still making repayments, is it time to revisit your progress? Are you able to increase your payments or frequency of payments to save interest?

OTHER DEBTS Review the amount of hire purchase, personal loans, credit card or other debts currently being paid off. If the total of all loans exceeds 10 per cent of household income, you need to implement a plan to reduce them as a matter of priority.

policies to ensure that you and your family have adequate cover.

YOUR WILL Everyone has heard of the importance of making a will and keeping it up to date. Making a will itself is not particularly difficult or even terribly expensive. It is a fact of life that people get divorced, form new relationships, change old relationships, or establish new interests. Any of these may result in a will being challenged through the legal system and create long-term animosity, anger, resentment, and considerable delay in finalising the estate. Estate planning matters should be regularly reviewed in addition to your will. Don’t wait until 2014 to review your financial situation, do it today. n

CONTACT Olivia Maragna BUSINESS Aspire Retire

Financial Services 1300 667 702 PHONE

Not moving your business forward as quickly as you’d like?

SAVINGS, INVESTMENT AND SUPERANNUATION What is the current value of your investments and retirement savings, including superannuation? It is estimated that by the time you reach 65 years of age, your savings will need to be at least several times your annual household income. Are you on track or do you need to start putting more away?

ANNUAL SAVINGS How much money did you save this year? Are you spending first and saving what’s left, or are you saving first, and then spending what’s left? If your savings are not as healthy as you had hoped by this time of the year, it’s time to remember to pay yourself first and allocate at least 10 per cent of your income to a regular savings plan.

INSURANCE When accidents or illness strike, most people are caught insufficiently protected. It is important to regularly review your insurance

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Public relations have gone through a radical change over the past five years. This is as a result of the growing influence social media channels have had on consumer perception and on traditional media.

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Developing a strategic plan for your digital communications is now an essential element for almost every business.

CREDIBILITY There are billions of bloggers and microbloggers in the world today. However, finding the credible ones is like the proverbial search for a needle in a haystack. Tools such as Technorati and Alexa provide blog rankings based largely on traffic and SEO scores. Klout, Kred and PeerIndex assess influence measured on the surface level of social media activity. There is a lot of scrutiny over the validity of the data returned by these services. For example, is influence truly identified by a higher score because someone is more active online? Services such as Klout also offer ‘perks’ from brands to influencers who score over 20 and this leads to a question of ‘paid media’ or ‘earned media’: which is best and most influential? The problem with software, and this includes some of the clever listening software from services such as Radian 6, is that it cannot really read semantic terms or conversations in context and, therefore, predicting human behaviour, intent and influence is skewed. Simply earned media, true recommendation from real experience, is more credible than from a Klout perk or from someone who constantly chatters away online with lots of followers.

THE STRATEGY Whilst slow and laborious, and with a heavy requirement on human interaction, for an effective social media communications plan this is the recommended process:

Connect with us on Facebook

1800 052 476 26 WORKING WOMEN® n Autumn 2013

Vet the market Broad-based research: Use all the tools at your disposal, including those mentioned above. Lots of them are free to use to build a wide net of potential people. n

Community research: Take your broad base, then filter by working out and tracking what communities these participants are part of and most engaged with. This is a manual human process. n

Subject matter research: With your filtered list, now track the subject topic with the conversation, response commentary and connectivity of the target blog/ bloggers or community owners and most active participants. This is a manual human process. n

Top Tip: Don’t be blinded by Top 100 blogger lists and so on. You need to be very targeted by social media participants and/or bloggers’ passion for their topic or subject and how they share that in an engaging, credible way. They may not be the most famous, most followed, loudest and most connected on the social media surface, but they are likely to own a special niche as a go-to person for a certain subject.

Reach out (with some humility) Don’t start sending out the press releases! This is the very non-digital part of the strategy: pick up the phone. Ask your targets if they are interested in talking with you and collaborating over XYZ? If they don’t answer the first few times, leave a message and send a follow up email. Build a relationship at the outset, as opposed to sending unsolicited information. n

Be personable and clear about what you are contacting them about and ask what information they would like to receive, as opposed to assuming you know what they want. n

Top Tip: Customise the information and give them an opt out too: “If this is not your thing, could you let me know, so I don’t send you unsolicited info.”

Collaborate People like people; and enthusiasm sells; your outreach strategy needs to be based on building a genuine shared passion and relationship. Authenticity is hard to come by, especially if you are not really into your client’s subject or product. This is where I think the PR industry has really struggled with the changing climate of social media. n


Content! You need to give great content to the people you reach out to. Make sure it is relevant and you do this through a process of collaboration with your outreach targets. Ask them what they need and want! n

Top Tip: One great tactic is to open up your client’s business and its people as part of your social outreach program. People are the biggest assets a brand has got, well beyond just the product story.

Be tactical with content There are a variety of ways you can use content to engage social media participants. Here are a few ideas: Sneak peeks – advanced insights into product developments and marketing campaigns n


Experiential – trials


VIP status – access to all areas of the business


Special product and pricing

Don’t start with bland communications and never start with Dear Blogger...


Random acts of kindness


Don’t be demanding or pushy or oversell


Social giving and charitable programs


Don’t use top 100 blog lists blindly


Don’t send anything unsolicited


Do not use press releases, and do not cut, copy and paste n


No mass emails


With all of this information under your belt you now have the building blocks for developing your own digital communications plan. n

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In today’s business environment it is imperative that your business has an online presence. Gone are the days of static brochure style websites, these days it’s all about new media and communication. The three essential elements to getting your business online are: n

Website (with blogging capabilities)


Email newsletter, and



Often businesses start with one of the above elements or sometimes two. The real power and results, however, comes from having all three elements and of course updating them regularly. Instead of the old ‘set and forget’

to get your business online

Setting up a website and then giving it no attention is like leaving a pile of your business brochures somewhere that no one can find them. NATALIE ALAIMO covers the minimum requirements to creating an online business presence. approach, marketing your business online is about opening the lines of communication and staying in front of your market.


Have you ever visited a website and wondered if the company was still in business? Your website is a dynamic evolving component of your business which should be updated at least monthly. The easiest way to do this is to have an inbuilt blogging capability where you can update your clients on what is happening in your business, industry and on issues which are important to them.

Email newsletter

Instead of making your clients come to your website to find out information, be proactive

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The average user logs on 40 times per month, spending 22 minutes per session and more and more users are accessing Facebook via their mobile. Therefore, your business must have a presence on Facebook which you update regularly. Aim for at least once per day Monday to Friday. Create a Facebook Business Page and keep your content relevant to your market.

Once on your website, your goal is to get them on your newsletter list. Then via a regular newsletter you can direct them back to both your website and Facebook page where again they can read information which is relevant to them. They are now part of your community and you are building a relationship with them. When the time is right for them, they will become a paying customer. This process is called the ‘Habit of Three’ and is imperative for your success online. n

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28 WORKING WOMEN® n Autumn 2013

With over 1 billion monthly active users and over 13 million Australian users, Facebook is where your customers are spending time, and lots of it.

To become a real power player online these three components must work together. Facebook can be used as your lead generation tool, to have more people find out about your business. Your goal via the content you share on Facebook is to encourage users to visit your website. On your website they will read articles and blogs which are relevant to them about your business, industry etc.

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and send them a regular newsletter – monthly or weekly depending on your schedule and of course your market. Include lots of juicy information about your business, industry and topics which they are interested in reading. Aim for 80 per cent information and 20 per cent sales. A regular newsletter will keep you top of mind for your customers.

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Social Media and managing your

ONLINE REPUTATION What happens online stays online so organisations need to be proactive in keeping track of what occurs in the online environment. ANNA CAIRO reveals how you can protect your online reputation in three steps by simply being sensible, attentive and responsive. Despite the positive aspects social media brings, the nature of the platform means that someone airing their bad experience online does so instantly and potentially to a massive audience. As the online environment becomes more crucial to business and as more people comment on their experiences online with friends via Facebook, blogs, Twitter and so on, the risks for business increases. Whether a business is selling a product, looking for an investor or considering employing someone, a positive online reputation is now vital. For businesses, managing these potential negative comments and experiences is crucial, and means being prepared for them instead of reacting when unconstructive comments appear online. Here are three steps to manage your business online reputation.

Build your online reputation

It’s not enough to have a social media presence, business needs to be actively involved and build their credibility. Through developing professional and personal networks, get involved in conversations, answer questions, ask questions and share information. Use client or customer testimonials and engage your community. The more a business interacts

the more they position themselves as an authority in their space, building reputation and credibility.

Track and monitor

One of the key ways to track and monitor your online reputation is to consider some key words or phrases that you believe symbolise you, your company, and your brand. These can be typed into a search engine to see what comes up. This, however, is a time consuming process to do regularly. What is more efficient is to set up ‘alerts’ (i.e. Google or Yahoo Alerts among others) with your key words so that you are notified each time your key words are mentioned. From this you can track and manage important conversations that are occurring around your brand and identify opportunities to become involved before issues get out of control.

An effective social media presence requires more than an existence; it involves a strategic and practical approach to make it work for your business. Most negative comments can be turned into positive experiences so it pays for business to remember this and have a confident frame of mind. n

Respond to criticism

One of the key mistakes most businesses make when confronted with negative comments is to ignore them hoping they will go away, which they never do. Businesses need to own their negative comments and respond quickly and effectively. This means being polite, apologising

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and not arguing as you will lose the argument and what started as an unhappy customer will turn into a PR backlash. The trick is separating the genuine complaint from the troll.

We offer: • Workable social media strategy tailored to business objectives • Practical solutions for social media workplace issues

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signs that you need a



As a virtual business owner, MICHAELA CLARK has been living ‘on the cloud’ for a number of years now and believes her business could not exist without it. She identifies five key areas where cloud computing can enhance and improve your business. It is surprising just how many business owners seem to be operating as it was five years ago. Cloud computing is undoubtedly changing the way small businesses operate by increasing productivity, reducing operating costs and allowing any size business to compete on a much bigger scale than ever before and yet, it appears not all SMEs are leveraging the technology. Here are five clear signs that you need a virtual makeover – and fast!

1. THE ONLY PLACE YOU CAN CHECK YOUR EMAILS OR DOCUMENTS IS IN THE OFFICE The biggest change you can make today for your business is getting hosted or cloud-based email and document storage.

From as little as $5 per month, programs like Google Apps for Business will allow you to securely sync your email/calendar/documents across multiple devices such as your phone, office computer and iPad. So no matter where you or your staff might be, with an Internet connection, you can access the information you need to run your business. Whitsundays anyone?


Having your customer records sitting in a filing cabinet is losing you money. Using a cloudbased CRM program will open up a world of opportunities for communicating, marketing and selling to both new and existing customers. These types of systems are affordable and designed to increase the productivity of your staff and give a clear indication of your sales pipeline, or lack thereof. Popular programs include Zoho, Highrise, and Capsule.


Don’t get me wrong, Excel was great for record keeping in the 90s. These days though, there are many cloud-based accounting programs like Xero that for a small monthly fee will save you time, frustration and money. Programs like

Working virtually can basically make your office truly paperless. Just about anything can be done online now including getting your faxes, diminishing the need for ‘hard copies’ saving you space and money on paper, inks, stationary and postage. this will save thousands on accountant fees and help you to improve your cash flow through real-time reporting. Imagine reconciling your monthly bank statement in minutes, not hours. It is time to say goodbye to the shoebox full of receipts sitting under your desk and embrace cloud-based accounting packages!


It is like a security blanket that is hard to let go of, but ladies, it’s time to cut the cord. Using electronic calendars and to do lists will ensure you stay on top of things anywhere, anytime and you will never forget another important business meeting, the kids’ bake sale at school or your sister’s birthday. It also means that your staff can keep across your appointments and movements. We love using Todolist to manage our tasks.


Working virtually can basically make your office truly paperless. Just about anything can be done online now including getting your faxes, diminishing the need for ‘hard copies’ saving you space and money on paper, inks, stationary and postage. So, whether you have one or all of these elements in your office, now is the time to get on the cloud and start reaping the benefits! n

Overwhelmed by admin tasks? Know you need help but don’t know where to start? Let us review your business processes to help you create a virtual working environment, allowing you to start working with a virtual assistant and get your to-do list under control. Virtual Workspaces | Admin & Executive Support Social Media | Blogs & Websites | Event Planning Newsletters | Customer Service | Project Mgt We take away those tedious admin tasks that keep you up late at night, allowing you to focus on growing your business and gaining back some work/life balance. • Use us as much or as little as you need • No ongoing commitment • Save money - buy hours in bulk • Australian based team • Know your information is secure by using locally based contractors


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Autumn 2013 n WORKING WOMEN® 31


WhatWeLike Showcasing the products WNA Members take to the domestic and international markets - these products are as diverse as the businesses and careers of the dynamic women behind them.


This mix of beautiful freshwater cultured pearls and leather are all the rage. The multi-strand genuine black leather bracelet features seven 6.5– 9.5mm white, grey and black AA+ quality, high-lustre freshwater cultured pearls. The chunky magnetic metal clasp makes this fabulous bracelet very easy to wear. RRP: $38. To order visit

Organised travel

No more rifling through your luggage to find your charger. This stylish bag is perfect for keeping your chargers handy and organised. Available in various colours, it has a multi-level pocket that can fit your phone and computer chargers in the same place as your electrical converters. RRP: $35. To order visit


Spell a name, place or phrase to mark an occasion or design a distinctive piece of art for your home. Simply create your word art using the nature or architecturally inspired gallery of photographs, specify whether to print in stylish black and white or stunning sepia, and select a suitable frame. It is so easy to do. Prices start from RRP: $99. Visit

Palazzo pant perfect

Designed especially for women over 45, these fabulous Palazzo Pants are cool, comfortable, washable, drip-dry, and non-crease. Throw them in a suitcase or travel in them and arrive looking sensational. Dress them up or down, these pants work on every body shape and are available in summer or winter weight fabrics. RRP: $159. To order visit www.penelopewhiteley. com/shopping/penelopes-palazzo-pants/

ORIGINAL ORCHID TREASURES This stunning jewellery is made from real orchids preserved in resin resulting in one-of-a-kind treasures that can never be duplicated. A stunning array of hair pieces, necklaces, earrings, rings, brooches and charm bracelets. RRP: Starting from under $100. For more information visit

32 WORKING WOMENÂŽ n Autumn 2013

Not all oysters make gem quality pearls and some species do not make pearls at all. There are two basic groups of oysters, edible oysters and pearl oysters. Edible oysters are often referred to as true oysters.

A statement piece This original artwork by Kerrin Smith is professionally finished with a minimal, modern white frame. The bold colour will lift any dull area creating a statement in your home. The framed artwork measures 770mm x 600mm. Both affordable and unique, this piece and others are available from RRP: $530. Visit


Untangle your earphones

What fashion conscious pooch wouldn’t love to be seen in this stunning Kenyan collar, hand beaded in the bright colours of Africa? Eclectic and unique, it’s made from durable bridle leather with recycled brass buckles and clasps. RRP: $50. Find something special for your pooch or feline at

No more fussing with tangled cords. EarRapps Koalas will keep your earbudstyle earphones wound up and ready for use. A fun and practical earphone storage solution and they store neatly in your pocket or bag. Ideal for the mobile phone generation. RRP: $10 (earphones not included). Visit

Fun travel app for kids

Let your kids discover all the fun things to do in a city with this travel app and because it can be used offline, it helps kill time on the journey too. Available for iPad and iPhone – try the free version of Bound Round from the iTunes store to get a feel for what it’s all about, then unlock more locations and access venue discounts all for RRP: $7.49. Visit

Pure silver moments

Capture your special moments in time in a stunning range of pure silver jewellery. Choose from a range of charms, pendants, cufflinks and key chains that capture your loved one’s fingerprint, hand or foot print, children’s drawings, words or names, all in pure silver. RRP: starting at $80 for charms. To order or find out more visit

For more tips on traveling with kids, see Janeece Keller’s article on page 52


Email a professional product photo (tif or jpg at 300 dpi) and a 60 word description including the RRP and where readers can purchase the product to Autumn 2013 n WORKING WOMEN® 33


Are you playing ladies or



Networking events are an ideal way to build your business and increase your profile whilst accessing resources and information. RUTH THIRTLE focuses in on why your networking strategy should be on increasing your income as opposed to getting caught up in the concept of socialising and playing ladies. Everyone loves going to networking events – of course, WNA events are particular favourites – and in general women enjoy getting together and having fun. Eating, drinking, catching up with old friends, and meeting new people – what else could a woman in business ask for? Well, to be honest, to be making money! Networking is all about building relationships so there is a strong social component. However, at some point it needs to make financial sense for it to be worthwhile. Networking is not a get rich quick scheme, it is part of a long-term strategic business development plan. It is definitely not just about being a ‘lady doing lunch’. Here are three keys for turning relationships into referrals to ensure networking is not only fun but makes financial sense.

1. Ask for business. Often people assume that because someone has met them and know what they do, referrals will automatically follow. Unfortunately, this is often not the case – people do need to be prompted. As you get to know someone then you can say, “So do you know anyone who needs (whatever you offer)?”

2. Share testimonials. Social proof has a huge

Live life boldly! Natalie Barney Jewellery Design makes beautiful and unique pieces for confident and passionate women!

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34 WORKING WOMEN® n Autumn 2013

impact on the way people see your business. As you are talking to people, share what others are saying about you and your business. It is always great to get an email testimonial. Hearing what other people say about your business will often help people realise they know someone who can also benefit from being introduced to you.

3. Claim your expert status. What are you doing to position yourself as the go to person in your field? Are you speaking at events? Are you appearing in the media? Are you writing blogs or books? Are you socialising with the big names in your field? As you do any of these things (and others), let people know. Share these accomplishments on social media or in person. Your expert status gives credibility so people feel more comfortable referring others to you. So, please continue to relate more than sell when networking – and be strategic when it comes to turning networking into working. n

CONTACT Ruth Thirtle BUSINESS Business Results Catalyst PHONE +61 (0) 404 090 016



how far one woman went Even an idea as simple as putting red tips on eco-friendly bananas is an idea worth stealing. Wherever there is money to be made there will be people ready to copy your intellectual property. SHARON GIVONI highlights the importance of protecting your ideas and intellectual property. When Dianne Sciacca sought to trade mark the red wax tip of a banana some 12 years ago, she never dreamed it would become so famous and such a valuable asset. Queensland farmer, Dianne, is extremely proud of the notoriety that the red wax tipped specially grown bananas have received to date. Her website reminds visitors that “Environmentally Friendly Bananas with the distinctive red tip!” mean bananas grown by her business “Pacific Coast Eco Bananas”.

HOW DID THIS ALL COME ABOUT AND WHY RED WAX TIPS? Dianne explains that their bananas are “grown via a special ecological farming system that produces a sweeter, creamier banana with a longer shelf life. But this means we need to sacrifice yield to produce superior fruit.” Given the great investment involved on their part, this stand out tip was a simple way to “communicate the message to consumers at a glance”.

PROTECTING THEIR IDEA From the beginning, Dianne and her husband Frank knew they needed to protect their innovative idea. They did this by registering a trade mark over a red wax tip applied to ‘a third’ of a banana. Today, they have exclusive rights to use this type of tip in all colours in relation to bananas. Since they started using a red wax tip on bananas some 12 years ago, Dianne’s company has enjoyed so much success that they have extended their offering to wax tips in all colours.


This includes a beautiful candy pink coloured wax tip to promote breast cancer awareness (on the Mother’s Day Classic ‘Walk for Life’ fundraiser, walkers were fuelled by some 80,000 pink tipped bananas!). Football clubs and conference delegations have also ordered tailored wax tipped bananas instead of stationery. “Many people think that having a well known colour or shape trade mark is something reserved for large companies but this is far from the truth,” says Dianne. Yes, large multinationals do own such marks (for example, Tiffany & Co with its baby blue box, purple packaging for Cadbury chocolate, and silver which is associated with Philadelphia cream cheese), but Dianne encourages other business women to think broadly about trade mark protection – you never know how far you can go until you try. If you do not protect yourself, you leave yourself and your valuable IP vulnerable to unscrupulous copycats. “They say the best form of flattery breeds imitation,” says Dianne, “but we weren’t flattered at all when we recently discovered that another Queensland-based banana farmer was selling purple wax tip bananas and had applied for his own purple wax tip trade mark despite our enormous rights and investment over many years. This was especially hard to swallow after having to survive the damage of cyclone Yasi.” Determined to protect their brand, through their lawyers, Dianne and her husband initiated legal proceedings against the farmer.

Her efforts eventually paid off and resulted in Orders obtained in the Federal Court of Australia forcing the other farmer to discontinue to supply bananas with wax tips. He was also ordered to pay damages and costs in excess of $49,000 and withdraw his own trade mark application. “We never doubted our success,” says Dianne, “and are very relieved that we protected ourselves legally from the outset.”

TIPS FOR BUSINESS WOMEN DRAWN FROM THIS REAL LIFE CASE STUDY: 1. Think laterally about how you can differentiate the special characteristics of your own goods and services and whether you can protect them legally. 2. If someone copies you, you may have legal rights to stop them. Don’t give up easily. 3. If you have a great idea, don’t be scared to develop and nurture it – Dianne’s bananas sell Australia wide and in major supermarkets. If two farmers can achieve this level of success, despite the setback of a cyclone and someone trying to reap the fruits of their labour (excuse the pun) – so can you. Disclaimer: this article is of a general nature only and current at the time of writing. It should not be relied upon as legal advice. n

CONTACT Sharon Givoni BUSINESS Sharon Givoni Consulting –

Trade Mark & Copyright Lawyers +61 (3) 9527 1334 PHONE

protecting your most valuable business asset Your intellectual property is your most valuable business asset and failure to protect it may put your business at risk. Why choose Adept IP? Our name speaks for itself! Adept Dynamic Easy Practical Timely Innovative Professional

Adept IP has highly skilled patent and trade mark attorneys specialising in patents, trade marks and designs. Our dynamic approach takes time to understand your business. We communicate in plain English so that you can easily understand the relevant IP issues. Practical and tailored advice. All work is completed on time with regular updates. Innovative methods means low costs and fixed pricing. Intellectual property services of the highest professional standard.

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Outsource sales staff or

HIRE INTERNALLY? As a small business owner or entrepreneur your time and resources are most likely spread thin, making it difficult, if not impossible, to hire and train new sales staff to generate leads for you. ASHLEIGH HOULT uncovers how to make your life simpler and your business more successful with an outsourced sales person.

With 2013 now well underway, business owners will have one thing on their mind, how to secure new sales leads and grow their business this year. The fact is, a business owner’s true value does not lie in sitting in the office developing new sales strategies, creating new sales collateral, or cold calling prospects to generate new business opportunities. The most value is created when they can focus on their core business and on delivering more value to their current client base because they are confident that there are a consistent number of warm prospects flowing through their sales pipeline. So, when finding a sales resource to make this happen, should you outsource, or hire internally? For some, hiring an internal sales person is the obvious choice, as they know that they can then manage them day to day. But for most business owners the thought of hiring a sales person causes them to shudder. They understand the lengthy process that lies before them, and that an employee costs more than just their salary.

One of the biggest challenges for any business is the recruitment of successful sales people. However, by outsourcing a sales person, a business owner no longer has to worry about trying to find, or develop such a person. They can also reap the benefits of highly talented sales people, for less than the fully loaded costs of actually employing them directly. When thinking about sales strategies for 2013, outsourcing a telesales team should be part of the plan. You can outsource a highly effective sales resource, one who has all of the core competencies to be a winning performer for your organisation, and they can focus entirely on getting you in front of genuine opportunities, thus freeing you up to convert interested prospects, and focus on your core business and clients. n

A copious amount of time and energy is required for the recruitment process as well as training, managing and monitoring their performance. Most importantly, there is also the time it takes for new sales staff to actually become productive.

BENEFITS OF OUTSOURCING A TELESALES PERSON No longer is there risk of an internal sales person leaving the company and taking with them Intellectual Property n

An outsourced sales person can still appear to be an employee of your business via strategies such as setting them up with a company email address and phone number. It will look seamless to any prospect. n

Through preparation and planning prior to the commencement of calling, business owners can still create a ‘one voice’ mentality with this sales resource. n

If you utilise the services of a local telesales firm, the majority of the time you will find that they only hire very experienced sales people with good track records, and they never work from a script. n

CONTACT Ashleigh Hoult BUSINESS The PromoDonna PHONE +61 (0) 419 590 752

Take back conTrol of your superannuation • Has your superannuation SHRUNK with the stock market crashes? • Does someone else control where your superannuation is invested? • Do you pay fees to your superannuation fund manager? • Want to know how simple it is to control your own superannuation? • Want to know how easy it is to buy Real Estate with your own superannuation? If you answered ‘YES’ to any or all of these questions, you need to speak with us. 36 WORKING WOMEN® n Autumn 2013


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Need gifts for men?

YOUR POINT OF CONTACT Have you ever had issues with getting to the top decision maker when presenting quotes and proposals? JENNY CARTWRIGHT provides helpful tips and guidance that could save you a heck of a lot of time during the sales process. When leads or enquiries come in to your office asking for a price or a proposal, a very important first step is to qualify the person making the request. If you don’t, you could be wasting your time creating a beautiful proposal for them and never hear from them again. In nearly all cases, the person asking for the proposal or quote is not the decision maker, their boss has initiated the request. So a good qualifying question to ask is:

“Who else are you going to be speaking with about this decision?” From there, ask to speak to the decision maker directly, as you have a number of questions you would like to ask them before quoting, to ensure you can give them exactly what they are looking for. If that fails, ask more questions to gauge how serious they are about doing business with you or whether they are just comparing prices.

“When would you be looking at moving forward on the proposal if accepted?” Then, to find out what other quotes and options your prospect is considering, you could ask: n May I ask how many other quotes I am competing with? n Why are you looking for other suppliers? n What specifically are you looking for in another product/solution? n What will make our quote the one you choose?


If your contact cannot answer your questions, they will eventually give you the decision maker’s direct number and you can do the convincing direct! Remember, unless you can find out what problems and solutions the decision maker is looking to solve, you cannot compile a convincing proposal. Ask what the problem is that they are trying to solve by using your service and product and then ask the pain questions: n Roughly how much is that costing you at the moment? How many times a year does this problem happen? n

One of Australia’s top speakers and body language experts, Allan Pease says, “Questions are the Answer”. If you want to spend less time on submitting quotes and proposals and more time on making sales and creating income, start asking your prospects the right questions from the very beginning of the sales process. n

CONTACT Jenny Cartwright BUSINESS Sales and Telesales Solutions PHONE +61 (2) 9427 3479

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men’s gifts made easy Autumn 2013 n WORKING WOMEN® 37


If you’re not unique,

YOU’RE INVISIBLE! It’s been said that “If you don’t stand for something, you don’t stand for anything.” DAVID SOLOMON asks the key questions to make sure you stand out from your competitors.

The idea behind a Unique Selling Proposition or USP is that each company, product or service taken to market should have a specific benefit that is unique to it (hence making it as discernibly different from its competitors as possible). This benefit needs to be a compelling proposition so that it can move many people to buy the product or service. So what is the problem with a USP? Simply, a USP generally only takes into consideration the perspective of the product, service, company, or even individual about which it refers. More specifically, there is no consideration of the customer’s perspective! So what’s the answer to standing out as a brand then? It’s your UPV or Unique Perceived Value that counts. It is your customer’s perception of your unique value – the value they acknowledge when they look through their individual filters – that counts. You could also develop a CVP – a Compelling Value Proposition – this works just as well. The key takeaway message is that we have moved away from the narcissistic perspective of the USP, to understand that the audience – specifically their desires, their needs, their likes and dislikes – are what we need to be addressing! Let’s face it, with a few exceptions, most

Who am I? You – the individual or owner of the business

clients don’t care that much about you – other than what you can do for them. What they are interested in is what can you do that will help them win more business, cut their costs, save them time, be more efficient, deliver a better result, provide better service and make more money. They want to know how you can help them with their value proposition.


And the way to make a value proposition compelling? That’s simple. A CVP is a clear and succinct statement of the value you offer your customers and should ideally answer these questions:


Who are we? Your company’s positioning

What do we offer? Your products / services / processes n


Who do we do it for? Your target markets


How much do we do it for? Your pricing


Where do we do it? Your location


When do we do it? Your operating hours


Why do we do it? Your mission


What’s in it for them? Your customer’s benefit

And the most important question of them all… How does it make your customer feel? Your customer’s experience. n

You really do deserve to be successful! If you want to… 3 Attract more clients 3 Sell more to existing clients

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…then go to and get the tools, resources and support you need to generate all the business you can handle and you could ever want.


Register for an unrestricted VIP 30 day free access to the entire online system at PLUS receive 10 free videos that will help you make a minimum of $10,000 in just 30 days! For more information or if you are looking for some individual TLC, feel free to call me on (02) 9994 8999. David Solomon, Business Performance Strategist – helping women in business unlock their magnificence!

38 WORKING WOMEN® n Autumn 2013

When you have clearly articulated the answers to these questions, then you can define your point of difference. Make it real and tangible – not just a memorable line. It should be a declarative statement of intent, belief, action, and a promise to the customer. Embrace it and live it – that’s the way to stand out from the crowd. n

CONTACT David Solomon BUSINESS Quiddity PHONE +61 (2) 9994 8999


4 STEPS TO BULLY PROOF yourself in the workplace Workplace bullying is alive and thriving in modern workplaces and if left unattended will only get worse with time. BLYTHE ROWE offers four simple steps to bully proof yourself from these toxic behaviours. According to PricewaterhouseCoopers, workplace bullying is estimated to cost the Australian economy anywhere between $6–36 billion annually. In 2011, NSW alone received over 5,000 complaints of bullying. Furthermore, according to the KnowBull Survey 2010, active bullies exist in 66 per cent of workplaces and although bullies come in all shapes and sizes, 72 per cent are the stereotypical ‘bully boss’. So here we are desperately trying to rid bullies from our schoolyards yet they are growing up, getting fancy titles and hanging out in our organisations! Go figure…

bully. What are they attacking you for?

Given the prevalence of bullying, at some stage you may find yourself at the mercy of a bully. It might be a colleague, your boss, a supplier or even a client.

Gain some confidence first.

Following are four steps for you to take in order to bully proof yourself, if and when a bully attacks.


You must understand that the bully is coming from a place of resistance, insecurity and power. When you understand this, you are in a stronger position if they attack you personally. Don’t accept rationalisation for the bullying behaviour, get emotional or even argue, as then they have won. Instead, move to step 2.


Train yourself to listen critically to the

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One Simple idea

Sorry, I was just heading out. Can we talk tomorrow?

Don’t accept rationalisation for the bullying behaviour, get emotional or even argue, as then they have won. you are every bully’s worst enemy. The moment a target faces up to the bullying behaviour – you regain your power. The four steps to ‘facing up’ to a bully are:



Speak up – tell them you refuse to accept it any longer.

That’s interesting, do you think so? Perhaps you are right (non defensively).





Left up to chance you are likely to fall into the bully’s trap and take them on before you are ready (it’s natural to respond to an attack with an answer). The key to being ready is to practice. Here’s how: n

Decide on the easiest responses to say.

Imagine a situation where you get attacked or criticised, say your response out loud. n

Repeat with another situation.

Write out the responses to embed and to make them sound automatic. n

Look them directly in the eye and ask why?

Tell them exactly what you do expect from them in the future. Explain that if it continues to happen, what you intend to do. n

If they continue to be a bully, do what you said you would do and escalate the problem – the bully will soon realise you are not the person to be messing with! Finally, remember, as a business owner, as a leader, you have the responsibility to face up to any bullying behaviours that you witness of others around you – ignoring it, hoping it will go away, is simply not an option! n


Meet the bully head on. After you have cooled off, you can now approach the bully – you are calm and will have the upper hand. Don’t show weakness, don’t apologise or lose your temper. By demonstrating certainty

CONTACT Blythe Rowe BUSINESS Blythe Rowe Pty Ltd PHONE +61 (0) 415 947 171

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Excuse me, I have something I have to attend to. I will get back to you later. n


Anticipate poor behaviour, don’t be surprised.

w w w.w o m e n s n e t w o r k . co m . a u

When you hear the works of attack, usually couched as criticism, don’t react, not initially. Diffuse the situation and excuse yourself with one of the following ready-made responses and walk away.

take on the world

create a celebrity status for your business

G e t yo u r b u s i n e s s i n to p s h a p e f o r th e y e a r a h e a d

n The

* See rates and specifications sheet for full details at

Find out more about advertising in WORKING WOMEN ® Contact Nikita Harris on 1800 052 476 or +61 (7) 3272 8222

Autumn 2013 n WORKING WOMEN® 39



to get out for good

Maybe you need to energise your sales force or you want your employees to show up on time, improve their health or increase productivity. CAROLYN O’NEILL looks at the subject of Corporate Social Responsibility Programs and the enormous returns being enjoyed by the businesses who participate. Tony Blair, Bill Gates and Sir Richard Branson can’t be wrong in pushing for Philanthrocapitalism; it’s time to involve businesses in philanthropy to lead the world out of its current situation. If we change the way we do team building, if we change the way we motivate staff, if we change the way we have fun… together we can change the world. And along the way, the returns for business are enormous. Studies show that when companies implement a corporate social responsibility program (CSR) successfully, the result is positive employee relations with respect to recruitment, morale, retention, and productivity. A real commitment to a CSR program can lead to a true and defining differentiation from competitors. Your employees will feel it, and so will your suppliers, partners, and customers. Also, statistics prove employees are more loyal. Loyalty reduces staff turnover and it raises earnings, because loyal employees, as a rule, are more productive. Choosing the right incentive can be challenging and to set your company soaring, ensure your CSR program is designed for your target audience and the program is within budget. Planning the perfect program starts with getting the team together and deciding on a charitable project that inspires and captures the hearts and minds of the participants as well as meets the company’s objectives.

Then, develop an exciting fundraising event program designed to meet your charity target objectives. Have the team’s input to choose from fundraisers that are both entertaining and fun while bonding your team and developing leadership and communication skills. Promote the contest throughout the workplace with posters that track results while promoting the contest. This will be a reminder of where they need to go in order to achieve the incentive. At the end of the incentive program, clearly communicate the results. These results include not only the winners, but the results of their hard work such as an increase in profits or improved customer satisfaction. As an example of a charitable incentive, your team can experience an adventure of a lifetime and help create an educational opportunity for some of the poorest children in Africa. The School of St Jude is a charity-funded school fighting poverty through education. Through fundraising efforts, your team can assist these students, visit and connect with the school and experience the real Tanzania on a wildlife safari. Giving others a helping hand can be an extraordinary life changing experience that stretches the individuals involved, giving them the chance to leave behind a sustainable contribution making the world a better place. When you have done a great job with CSR, share it with everyone through social media,

Loyalty reduces staff turnover and it raises earnings, because loyal employees, as a rule, are more productive. newsletters, media coverage, and face-to-face interactions. When your employees see the pride of the company, they will feel greater pride and the energy, excitement, and enthusiasm becomes contagious. At the heart of every successful incentive campaign is a strategic program with a goal. Motivating people to achieve a specific result goes beyond offering exciting awards. It begins with a sound business strategy and a multifaceted campaign to make it happen. Always use a travel incentive expert who can find the best pricing to suit groups. These professionals can advise on destinations, design budgets and recommend charities and organise your fundraisers. So, if you need staff to go all out to achieve goals, make it worth their while, and the returns will be seen long after the group returns motivated, excited and still striving for greatness. n

CONTACT Carolyn O’Neill BUSINESS Journeys for a Cause Pty Ltd PHONE 1300 851 584

Did You Know? Each week over 15,000 women in business devour the content delivered via Women’s Network Australia’s eNoticeBoard. You can add your business offering to next week’s issue.

PHONE 1800 052 476

or visit 40 WORKING WOMEN® n Autumn 2013


DIGGING DEEP in a disaster In times of a natural disaster, many of us find our pockets are deeper than normal and give generously to the appeals that spring up to support those in need. MARG MARSHALL explains how to be sure your donation will be tax deductible. The Australian summer, it’s fun, sun and natural disasters. Recent history suggests that we can sadly almost bank on a natural disaster occurring in our own country or in a near neighbour’s. Cyclones, tsunamis, floods, bushfires, we have seen them all in the last five years. Recently, both Tasmania and New South Wales have seen significant losses of property due to bushfires, and Queensland has seen losses due to floods. At times like these, the call is put out for people to give generously of their time, skills, goods and money. Whilst for many the main driver behind our giving is not tax deductions, the ability to claim the donation as a deduction gives a little added incentive. So come tax time, the question is: “What can I claim?” Donations of cash and goods may be tax deductible. There are a number of requirements for a donation to be tax deductible:

1. It must be made to a deductible gift recipient (DGR). A DGR is an organisation that has been endorsed by the ATO to receive tax deductible donations. It may also be specifically listed in tax law as a DGR. A quick web search will inform you of the status of the organisation you wish to donate to.

2. It must be a “real” donation. This means you must be making a voluntary payment and not receiving anything in return. Buying a raffle Level 1 160 Collins Street Hobart TAS 7000 03 6223 6155

Our Tax Consulting group delivers effective results through specialist advice, providing practical solutions to difficult taxation issues. Our hardworking team offers exceptional service to exceed expectations and partners with you to ensure success.

ticket or a ticket to a fundraising dinner, for example, is not a donation.

3. It must be a donation of money over $2 or a certain type of property (goods). Donations of time, although valuable, are not tax deductible. Property which is donated must meet certain criteria: n

Property valued by the ATO at $5,000 or more

Property or goods purchased less than 12 months before being donated n

Listed shares valued at $5,000 or less and acquired at least 12 months before being donated n

4. It must comply with any conditions for the DGR. For example, some organisations are endorsed only for a specific purpose or a specific period of time. Often at times of a natural disaster, different organisations will pitch in to raise money for the emergency. For example, in the most recent bushfire disaster in Tasmania, a large retail outlet donated all profits from one day’s trading to the Red Cross. In addition, shoppers were asked to add a donation to their purchase. It is important to check that where you are contributing to such a fundraising drive, the operator is authorised to collect donations, otherwise your donation may not be tax deductible (it may also be at risk of being misused).

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You must have some evidence of payment of the donation, which does not have to be a receipt from the organisation that the donation was paid to. In fact, a DGR is not required by law to provide a receipt (however most will if asked). Bank records, employer statement (from workplace giving), shopping dockets (as in the example above) and Internet banking receipts are all appropriate forms of record. By following the rules you can be sure your donation counts, and be confident in your tax deduction claim. n

CONTACT Marg Marshall BUSINESS Wise Lord & Ferguson PHONE +61 (3) 6223 6155

• Stress and Change Management Tools and Strategies • Simple, practical and real solutions • Seminars, workshops, groups and individual consultations • Affordable and trustworthy services and products Kirsty O’Callaghan Consultant | Speaker | Trainer UNITY-QLD P: +61(7) 3482 4295 M: 0402 889 648 Autumn 2013 n WORKING WOMEN® 41



Work/life balance involves you maintaining a supportive and healthy work and home environment. KIRSTY O’CALLAGHAN looks at how to achieve a good balance between your work and personal responsibilities. According to a major Canadian study conducted by Lowe (2005), one in four employees experience high levels of conflict between work and family, based on workto-family interference and caregiver strain. If role overload is included, then close to 60 per cent of employees surveyed experience work-family conflict.

Work/life balance is meeting everyone’s needs and wants, including your own, in a realistic way. It is an intentional state of harmony, satisfaction and wholeness within the life areas of family, partner, work, financial, social, health and self-care, professional development, me time, volunteering and spiritual.

You may have many competing responsibilities: work, children, housework, volunteering, spouse and elderly parent care. This places stress on individuals, families and the communities in which you live. Work-life conflict is a serious problem that impacts everyone.

It allows you to enjoy the satisfaction, peace and harmony that come from living a balanced life, from focusing your time and energies on the things most important to you and not just those that yell the loudest for your attention.

It seems that this problem is increasing due to high female labour force participation rates and dual-earner families, increasing numbers of single parent families, and emerging trends such as elderly care. It is further exasperated with globalisation, an aging population, and historically low unemployment.

Use this formula to create the meaningful balanced life you desire:

A = attitude: do you have an attitude of gratitude, are you hopeful, do you adopt a never give up and determined focus?

I = inspired energy: who are you around

regularly, do they sustain or drain your energy, do you drink enough water, eat high energy foods and get enough rest and relaxation?

M = meaningful order: what are your key life result areas, what are you passionate about, what are your desires, what routines, lists, time management techniques and plans will work for you and your unique family? Balance is the opposite of feeling overwhelmed and stressed. It is feeling purposeful, being in the now, doing your best and following what you truly desire, maintaining a connection to what is important to you and knowing you can overcome obstacles placed in your way. n

CONTACT Kirsty O’Callaghan BUSINESS Unity-Qld PHONE +61 (0) 402 889 648

AAAAAAHHHHHH Are you tired of a never ending to do list and never having enough me time? Discover the 9 Simple Strategies that will Help YOU increase Your Business Profitability and overcome your overwhelm so that you can enjoy the work life balance you deserve. Get your FREE report now (valued at $27) 42 WORKING WOMEN® n Autumn 2013



Nanny Agency

when only the

best nanny will do For many parents, employing a nanny to participate in the management of their family’s needs and care may create angst and a sense of guilt. KAY GANLEY provides guidance on how to make the entire process as simple as ABC. Nannies are professional carers who have formal training in working with children. When families hire a nanny, they often find themselves navigating a whole new world with unspoken rules, expectations and dynamics.

Casual Babysitting / Emergency Care Full-time / Part-time Care Crèche Care for Special Events

One of the biggest mistakes parents make is not being realistic about the time and effort it takes to hire a good nanny. When looking for a nanny to join your family and support your care needs, be sure to use a reputable employment agency that only places trained and qualified staff.

Corporate Child Care Available

Here are some top tips on finding a great nanny and maintaining a healthy working relationship.

add to your nanny’s list of responsibilities, do it openly and directly, explaining your reasoning.

Don’t worry if you feel a bit jealous. It’s

Do discuss the basics. Address as many

perfectly normal to feel jealous of the nanny but once you see that no one can replace you, it will get easier. Meanwhile, see if there are ways the nanny can help you see your child more often and stay connected with them.

Don’t worry if your child calls your nanny ‘Mum’. This is actually a great sign of your child’s bond with the nanny. A good nanny should respond to the situation by correcting the child, talking about when mum is actually coming home and even suggesting doing a project to present to mum when she comes home from work.

Don’t forget that the nanny/family relationship is a professional one. The longer a nanny is with your family, the more she becomes part of the fabric of your life. While a great relationship boosts a nanny’s self-esteem and commitment, remember that they are trained professionals and many will prioritise professional respect over intimacy.

concrete employment issues as you can at the start of the relationship. Discuss when your nanny can take holidays (many families offer it only when they take their own) and always have backup options should she get sick. Also, make sure you know your nanny’s after-work schedule in case you need them to stay late.

Don’t install a nanny cam. If you are suspicious, approach your nanny with your concerns. If you do not get the response you are looking for, then this probably isn’t the right person to welcome into your family anyway. Be sure to ask your nanny and child about their day so that you can start to get a sense of their connection. Having a professional carer join your family can be a wonderful experience – with the right approach to recruitment, employment and communication, a nanny will be a welcome addition to your family. n

Don’t ask her to clean bathrooms. While most nannies will cook, clean and do laundry for the children, their duties should only be child related. There is a clear line in your home between housekeeper and nanny. If you want to

Qualified Professional Carers

CONTACT Kay Ganley BUSINESS Charlton Brown PHONE +61 (7) 3216 0288

Prac families needed for Nannies-in-Training Approved In Home Care Provider

Trust a CHARLTON BROWN® nanny or companion to

CARE for the youngest,

to the oldest members of your family Mention Women’s Network when registering with the CHARLTON BROWN® Nanny Placement Agency and receive

50% OFF your registration

For more information Call 1300 626 643 or visit our website CRICOS 02476C ABN 76 071 346 953

Autumn 2013 n WORKING WOMEN® 43


TableService There’s something special about gathering around a table for a meal with family and friends or simply catching up over a cuppa. Here is a selection of products from WNA Members designed to make your table service even more memorable.

Slim and Satisfying

SlendierSlim pasta and noodles are made from a root vegetable called Konjac, which is high in dietary fibre, low in calories and low in carbohydrates. Unlike regular pasta and noodles, these will keep you full and satisfied, minus the calories. They are so easy to prepare and are ready in a minute. Pick them up at any of the major grocery chains or health food stores. RRP: $3.89. For more information visit

“Wine improves with age. The older I get, the better I like it.” – ANONYMOUS THE PERFECT DROP Moscato Bianco is a light, easy drinking white wine with floral and citrus aromas and a fruity taste. Sweet, but not cloying, it is balanced with crisp acidity and low alcohol content. The perfect drop to share with friends on the veranda or pair with salads and seafood. RRP: $18. To order visit


These tea bags are best served up hot, with a dash of humour and a little light-hearted sisterhood. High quality tea from Ceylon, beautifully presented in brightly decorated tins and sachets, each tea bag contains a different insightful and humorous quote about the pleasures, trials and tribulations of being a woman. RRP: $16.95 for canisters and $4.95 for sachets. Purchase online at

A naturally impressive setting

Impress your dinner guests with a gorgeous Rafelle table runner. Offering that raw lived in appeal that natural fibres evoke, they are made from 100% creased linen. Layer up your table with matching placemats and napkins. Table runner RRP: $79.95. To order visit

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Paddock to plate: 44 WORKING WOMEN® n Autumn 2013

dress your salads with style

This stylish mouth-blown glass globe can hold both oil and vinegar. Includes two drip-proof pourers and a rubber sprayed tray. A fun modern gift for the dining table. RRP: $36.50. Purchase online at


QR codes


Next time you are out and about, take a look around and notice how many people are using their smartphone, computer, tablet or iPad to access the Internet. These same people are potential buyers for your home but how easy is it for people on the go to find your property? WENDY CHAMBERLAIN explores how the latest technology can help get your property sold. You have probably seen QR codes around. QR (Quick Response) codes are twodimensional codes that feature black modules on a white background, arranged in a square pattern. They are small bar codes that can be read by mobile gadgets including smartphones with cameras, or tablets and iPads, with a bar code reading application installed.

Simply generate a QR code that redirects your potential buyer to the most effective place for them to find out more – usually to view your property on one of the multi-listing property websites, such as or This can all be done via the mere tap of a smartphone.

A QR code enables a potential buyer to look up further information about your property on the spot, via their smartphone or mobile device. They can even call your real estate agent right off the QR code, if that’s how you have programmed it.

Bar codes versus QR codes – what’s the difference? While a QR code is similar to the bar codes used at retail stores to track the prices of products, it is different in terms of the amount of data contained in the code.

In a nutshell, QR codes can store and share far more information than a traditional bar code. When you scan the code, you can access the information contained in the QR code. With their ease of use and the access to data they provide to anyone wielding a smartphone, tablet or iPad, savvy business owners are starting to realise these tiny little black and white boxes can pack a marketing punch.

How can a QR code help get your house sold?

When you are on the hunt for a new home, you are often mobile. As a seller, this means your buyers are attending open for inspections brandishing their latest smart gadget. This is where the QR code becomes an ideal marketing tool for the real estate market and anyone looking to sell their home.

How many times have you stood out the front of a property, looking at the sales board, only to realise that you have missed the open for inspection? Imagine being able to whip out your smartphone and look up further information about the property right then and there. That would be really convenient, right? That’s the power of a QR code.

A QR code ups the convenience factor for any buyer, allowing them to find out more about your home and contact your real estate agent in just a few short clicks on their phone or tablet.

But more than that, your unique QR code can even include the property details as well as your contact number or your real estate agent’s mobile number, in addition to the website URL to find your property. A QR code can be incorporated into your real estate sales and marketing campaign in many different ways. The ultimate aim, of course, is to make it as easy as possible for anyone viewing your home to look up more information about your property.

Social media continues to change how society communicates and real estate is no different. The influence of social media in the real estate world continues to grow, as it offers buyers and sellers many different avenues to research and view real estate online. When it comes to getting your home sold, technology such as QR codes may just be the competitive edge that makes the difference. n

CONTACT Wendy Chamberlain BUSINESS Social Property Selling PHONE +61 (3) 9686 2288

“I want a lawyer that is conscientious, approachable, well priced and…a woman.” Then choose Longmores Lawyers, the all-woman firm that goes above and beyond. Property Conveyance, Business Law, Contract Law, Building Construction Law, Debt Recovery, plus more… 1300 851 464 Autumn 2013 n WORKING WOMEN® 45





The world is a busy place where we face a large number of demands. There are barriers, boundaries, to do lists, rules and regulations everywhere we turn. How many of these limits are real and how many are imagined? SHANNON BUSH shares her insights and a powerful creative exercise to help you bust through the limits in your life. Take a moment to imagine what it would be like if you lived your life in a box. Sometimes that box might be large and roomy and sometimes it might feel so crowded that bits of you feel like they need to push through the walls just so you can breathe. The walls of your box are the limits you have in your life.

When it comes to busting limits there can be a lot of questions to answer. Where do the limits I experience come from? Are they real or imagined and do I have any influence over them? You may even find yourself asking, “What is a limit anyway?” A limit is anything that gets in the way of you living an empowered, confident, more joyous

and abundant life. It is something that stops you from creating and experiencing success and co-creating and living a life that is filled with happiness. How often have you got yourself in such a mess that you just cannot seem to find a way out? What sort of limit does this place on you and what impact does that have? How does the experience make you feel? When it comes to busting through limits you have to start looking at things in a different way. Perspective is a big thing we often lose sight of. One of the first things to do is challenge whatever it is you see or feel is limiting you in some way. Take the approach that it is not real until proven so. Much of the time, when you stop and contemplate what is truly real you will end up deciding that what you got yourself so bound up by isn’t really that real or that big of a deal after all. You have simply become entangled in the emotion and perception or belief that it’s real and when that happens it’s time to challenge it!

A confident successful woman intimately knows her leadership style. Do you? Imagine how your confidence would soar and how rewardingly succulent your life, business or career would be if you had a personalised guidance system outlining your unique path to effortless success. Discover your archetypal personal leadership style and unlock the key to accelerate the confident expression of your innate potential every day. Contact Shannon Dunn (Bush), Personal Leadership Expert and Creative Possibility Coach to book your Innate Potential discovery session today. Mention Working Women magazine and receive a bonus Personal Leadership Report ($97 value).

With each booking you receive a free copy of • 0403 270 196 • Kirsty’s book ‘PARENTING – Personal leadershiP CoaChing • Training • sPeaking A Guide For The Ride’ Empower Your Visions and Transform Your Life 46 WORKING WOMEN® n Autumn 2013

Much of the time, when you stop and contemplate what is truly real you will end up deciding that what you got yourself so bound up by isn’t really that real or that big of a deal after all. Try this quick busting limits exercise to help you to see things from a different perspective: Think about something in your life that feels like it is limiting you in some way. n

Get yourself a piece of paper – the bigger the better. Draw a square or rectangle so it represents a box. n

Inside of the box write down all the facts you have that prove the challenge or issue is real. n

Next, turn the piece of paper upside down so all that you have written inside is facing a different direction. n

Now think about all the evidence you have that proves the challenge or issue is just imagined and write that around the outside of the box. n

Once you are done, turn the piece of paper around as many times as you have to until what is in the middle is just a blur and then let it go (literally if you want to). n

Ask yourself: “What do I stand to gain in my life by releasing this limit?” n

Write that down and use it as your focus for moving forward. n

Breaking limits, real or imagined, can be one of the most empowering things to do for yourself, your business and your life. Take the challenge today and reap the rewards. n

CONTACT Shannon Bush BUSINESS Creative Possibility PHONE +61 (0) 403 270 196

Do You Want To Create Your Best Life, Build An Event Empire You Crazy Love & Get Sexy Rich? Then simply go to to receive your FREE weekly Event Empress Tips, Tools & Templates to do just that!

Amber, working with you, is without a doubt, the most inspiring and useful business building I’ve ever done. Your system allowed me to create and deliver my very first event, where I generated seven new clients (and counting) and $10,000 in sales. HOLLY RAGLAND | ONE GIANT LEAP – COACHING FOR CREATIVE ENTREPRENEURS

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Autumn 2013 n WORKING WOMEN® 47


SUPERWOMAN TO SUPER SELF Many women, particularly business women, forget that despite their numerous achievements they can’t always do everything. SOPHIE TRPCEVSKI shares her tips on how and why women need to evict their superwoman persona and spend more time working on discovering the empowered woman within.

Do you bounce out of bed in the morning like a superwoman, throw on your cape and fly out to save the world from inefficiency and imperfection? Are you known as the woman who gets things done properly and on time? Then why do you feel unfulfilled and out of control?

is telling you that you have to be the best at everything if you want to succeed in life. That is an impossible target to reach so you are set up to drive yourself crazy before you finally fail.

How can you become empowered and be your Super Self?

The first thing you need to do is stop living by other people’s standards and beliefs. Your personal power is within you. All you need to do is find it. Self-worth is nothing to do with being someone else’s idea of perfection; it’s about identifying and living within your values.

The answer is simple. You are suffering from ‘Superwoman Syndrome’. You have somehow managed to confuse power with empowerment.

What’s the difference between power and empowerment?

Power comes from the outside. Every superwoman has reached out and seized power by making herself indispensable. She accepts every assignment and volunteers whenever she is needed. Hugging the work to her chest, she thinks she has got it made but all she really has is self-imposed stress, pressure and overwork. Empowerment comes from the inside. An empowered woman makes her own choices and decisions based on her value system and unique feminine energy. She accepts what she can manage and she feels comfortable and confident enough to say no when she needs to. She releases energy to the world through her self-belief and balanced lifestyle. She gives but she takes when she chooses to.

How did you get here?

You are superwoman but you don’t know why.

You made your choice based on your belief system but you might not even know what it is. Like many women you are driven by beliefs instilled into you as a child, based on incidences that happened between the ages of zero to eight. You began to believe that you are not lovable, that you don’t belong or you are not enough and you have gone through life validating that belief until that becomes your truth. You live your adult life based on the beliefs you made when you were a child. They are so ingrained that you probably are not aware of them but they kick in and limit you each time you have to make a decision or choose a course of action. Your belief system

Take time for reflection. Now that you know you have been working to a system that isn’t yours, you can assess your values and beliefs and discard the ones that are holding you back. Get out of your head and connect to your heart. Stop looking outside of you for love, connection and approval. It comes from within. Choose to evict superwoman from your head and find your authentic ‘Super Self’ inside your heart. This will bring you true happiness, peace and success in your business, easily and effortlessly. n

CONTACT Sophie Trpcevski BUSINESS The Goal Spot for Women PHONE +61 (0) 412 016 106

ATTENTION Busy Women: It’s time to stop running yourself ragged

Discover Your Super Self Program Choose between two schedules: Sched 1: April 19 to 21, 2013 Sched 2: Every Thursday for 8 weeks 6.30pm to 9.30pm starting May 2 to June 20, 2013 For more information and to book, call 03 9317 9414 or go to

48 WORKING WOMEN® n Autumn 2013

trying to be superwoman! Be your best Super Self and live life on your own terms. Change your results as you change your thinking Create new possibilities and opportunities as you drop your emotional baggage Renew your focus and motivation as you gain clarity in your business Lead mindfully as you learn to master your emotions Tap into your passions and work from the heart Gain energy and enthusiasm as you live congruently with your values Discover the keys to success and universal principles to manifest business opportunities easily and effortlessly

Facilitated by the Founder of the GSpot for Women

Sophie Trpcevski

Speaker, Author, Educator, Executive Coach, specialising in : Developing Female Entrepreneurs, Emotional Intelligent Leadership, High Performing Team and Self Empowerment EMPOWERMENT FOR SUCCESS


Start your positive

mental diet today Your internal dialogue or ‘mental diet’ will create your reality, so choosing highvibrational words over lower-vibrational words is paramount. CHRISTINE MCKEE shares ways and words on how to create your ideal business reality.

Every moment is an opportunity to explore your autopilot mental dialogue, and if you are finding you feel negative, flat, angry, unsettled, or at all uncomfortable, that is a sure and clear sign to modify your current thought patterns and switch to words that move you in the direction of joy, happiness, creativity, abundance, and inner peace. Note that this is not an exercise in simply thinking positively, although that certainly is a step in the direction of inner happiness.

full of energy” rather than “I no longer want to be tired and lethargic”. Become aware of the fantastic statements you say to yourself:

Let’s look at some examples of high-quality, high-vibrational words and statements that may already be a part of your mental dialogue. If they are not, you may find it useful to use them on a regular basis.

You may be familiar with some of the lowervibrational words in the list below. These are examples of words that are likely to create less than happy business situations, relationships, and outcomes in your life. If you relate to any, great, you now have the opportunity to choose whether you want to keep them in your vocabulary or rewrite to more useful words or statements.


Happy, ecstatic, joyful, bliss, laughter, love, peace, blessed, grateful, harmony, flexible, create, respect, integrity, courageous, fun, abundant, freedom, cooperation, unity, together, excited, curious and bright.


With these statements, be sure to word them in terms of what you want rather than what you do not want, for example, “I am vibrant and

Happy, ecstatic, joyful, bliss, laughter, love, peace, blessed, grateful, harmony, flexible, create, respect, integrity, courageous, fun, abundant, freedom, cooperation, unity, together, excited, curious and bright.

I wasn’t taught how to communicate well, so I can’t.

I am abundant in my business and life.



I am limitless in my capability.


All of the resources I require are within my reach. n


I achieve anything I put my energy into.


I am capable of learning new things.


Bad, negative, hopeless, useless, stupid, careless, fearful, worried, angry, guilty, anxious, untrusting, controlling, no options, complacent, edgy, frantic, stressed, troubled, procrastinate, drained, demanding, avoiding and tight.


These are often statements you mentally tell yourself or others that limit you or them in some way. When you put your attention on these (and any others that you have on your own list) you will not get the highest quality outcomes for yourself or others:

Design and passion are crucial elements to making the most of your brand, whether you’re about to establish a new identity or grow an existing one. Increase your brand exposure with the unique expertise of Scarab Blue Design, a dynamic graphic design agency with huge experience, big ideas, small rates and loads of passion.

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I am not educated, so I can’t expect much.



Design with passion



I don’t know how to market my business well.

Business building is meant to be hard, otherwise you don’t learn anything. n

I’m overwhelmed.

Now it is your turn. Go ahead and come up with the list of high-vibrational words and statements that you currently use. Then, take note of the low-vibrational words and statements that you use in your life. Observe the contexts in which you are more likely to choose low-vibrational words rather than highvibrational words, and the people you are more likely to use them with. Based on your observations, spend some time now transforming low-vibrational words or statements into healthy, high-vibrational opposites. Low-vibrational example: “I wasn’t taught how to market my business well, so I can’t.” High-vibrational version: “Even though I wasn’t taught how to market my business, I will learn from others and observe my behaviour and make the changes to help myself.” n

CONTACT Christine McKee BUSINESS BE Institute Pty Ltd PHONE +61 (0) 416 087 948

Is Your Brain Sabotaging Your Success? Discover how to take back control using the latest psychological research & tools. Join us for an information-rich evening seminar with psychologist – Christine McKee. Brisbane dates:

3rd April, 8th May, 5th June 2013 – “outstanding workshop” – “content was fantastic” – “absolutely awesome in every way” Bookings just $37 + GST (includes free copy of Be By Design). To book go to

Autumn 2013 n WORKING WOMEN® 49


Change A H O L I DAY


They say a change is as good as a holiday. However, change on a business or personal level can feel like a difficult hurdle. LOUISE CORICA looks at how to apply a positive and motivational focus when making the necessary changes to propel you or your business forward to success. Everything starts with a dream, the seed of an idea or a hopeful expectation. Stepping out in difficult times with confidence is a sign of courage as well as the sign of a true leader.

How do we change?

The purpose of this article is to instil a positive motivational focus of how to change with ease. Whether it is making changes to your business or your personal situation, it is important to believe that the changes you make are achievable. They say that behind every good woman is a good man. Well, when it comes to change you can have six, thanks to Rudyard Kipling. It’s the who, what, how, when, where and why.

When should we change?

Planning is powerful. Planning allows individuals, as well as business leaders, the opportunity to design their changes, thus ensuring implementation success. What is change?

The Macquarie dictionary defines change as ‘to make a difference, alter in condition, appearance’.

Who is affected by change?

All humans are affected by change. Change is one of life’s challenges and often it’s unavoidable.

Human instincts are innate. It is when we acknowledge those senses and act accordingly that we see change. What are your instincts telling you? Here you have a choice. Change can be planned, or a knee jerk reaction. The thought processes involved in change are more complex. If a change is based on fear, the change is very apparent, whereas prepared change demonstrates strength, credibility and foresight.


What do you want to change?


How do you propose to change it?


When do you want to change by?

What should change?

Where should change take place?

Change requires commitment. There is only one person who needs to start the change process. Take charge of change and know this is the only time you will be allowed to swear this year! So repeat after me “I do solemnly swear I am committed to making this change”. And make sure you have fun along the way. n

Why should we change?

Change can be about survival, or that one’s very existence relies on embracing change and making it happen now. Change can be as simple as rearranging the furniture! Make a plan, think through your approach to make the moves, and consider if it is in keeping with your strategy of change. Planning is insurance for the proposed outlay on resources when making significant changes. Change can take place one idea or one department at a time and with the resurgence of energy and positive outcomes, the ripple effect can be positive and effective. Organisational change requires a lot more energy and effort and takes time to be effective.

Contact Louise Corica on 0418 458 616 and at

50 WORKING WOMEN® n Autumn 2013

Answer a few simple questions in planning your personal/business change:

Planning is powerful. Planning allows individuals, as well as business leaders, the opportunity to design their changes, thus ensuring implementation success. Achieving a positive reaction to the ‘proposed’ change requires a focus on what, how and when changes need to take place. Keep motivated and true to the transition you are initiating.

Want to know how You can Make Change Easily and see results straight away?

Her tailored seminars and expertise will help you make changes TODAY

In small businesses, the owners are the ‘one department’. However, it often only takes one thing to change (positively) then the other ideas will follow.

CONTACT Louise Corica BUSINESS Time2Manage PHONE +61 (0) 418 458 616

Do you want more?.... More Money? More time? More help? More FUN? Confident successful women get more out of life through advanced influencing and negotiation skills. Try something new – Equine Guided Education – it’s a powerful learning experience and our program helps you get results FAST! Sign up today for your free e-book. Register for the workshop and receive a FREE follow up coaching session valued at $160 Results 100% guaranteed.

Contact Amanda on 0422 809 060 or visit


Drowning C LO C K I N G O N F O R in clutter?

success Creating a healthier and more productive work pattern is one of the top secrets used by successful business owners. LOUISE D’ALLURA shares the research on how to boost your daily productivity output so you can get the most out of your working week.

Research from McGill University on the way we work suggests there are patterns of energy we tend to experience over a week. By understanding the natural patterns it can help boost your productivity and keep you in tune with your clients.


Taking regular breaks (for food and to get outside) can give you the perspective you need to solve a problem or come up with new ideas. Make meal breaks easy by keeping a list of lunches and snacks that boost your energy on the fridge.

MONDAY Confirm your goals (set on Friday), get organised for projects in the week ahead and tackle administration tasks.

TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY Focus and determination is the theme, so it is all about getting it done and tackling challenging tasks.

THURSDAY A great day for meetings (to reach consensus) and finalising tasks before the end of the week.


Knowing what ‘must get done’ today, this week and next week (your three week arc) is an invaluable strategy to keep focus and determination in balance! Personal Kanban is another great tool to keep track of your projects. Note all your projects on a whiteboard under three headings:

2. Doing

and brainstorming your long-range plans. It is the perfect day to review your three-week arc: this week (i.e. the week you are about to enter), next week and the week after. If you have a tendency to leave things to the last minute, this strategy is a life saver!

3. Done

CHUNK YOUR DAY INTO 90-MINUTE BLOCKS Do you keep working and only stop when you are at the point of exhaustion? Research shows that our body and mind naturally pulses in 90-minute cycles so the key to boosting your productivity is to work to these 90–120 minute cycles, then take a break! Basic administrative tasks you need to complete each day (calls, emails etc.) can also be batched into a 30–90 minute block.

If you’re wasting time looking for things and struggling to find the time to work ‘on’ your business, our personalised Organising and Accountability Sessions can help you to tackle the ‘clutter’ in your schedule, home office, and work-from-home habits! We will design the most effective layout for your workspace and implement simple systems to get more done in your day.

WoRking WomEn REadERs’ offER

1. Ready

FRIDAY Today is all about relationship building

Once you understand the week’s pattern, it is time to implement some habits on a day-to-day basis. These habits will help you find more time, energy and balance for what matters most!

Worry you’re turning into a hoarder with mountains of paper?

Visit the website to book a Complimentary Get Organised Focus Session with Louise D’Allura and a request a copy of The Art of Stress Free Living.

This helps you to be realistic with how much work you can do. Monitoring three to five ‘doing’ projects is usually a good amount to focus on.


Focus your first 90-minute block of the day on tasks that help you make money or save money! If your day goes pear shaped you still have your money making or saving task completed.

QR code generated on

Louise D’Allura, Director

Tapping into the week’s natural patterns will keep you focused on key tasks and the results you need to move your business forward. n

CONTACT Louise D’Allura BUSINESS Revamp Professional

Organisers Pty Ltd PHONE +61 (0) 408 723 559

0408 723 559 Autumn 2013 n WORKING WOMEN® 51



family holiday Usually by the time you finish planning a family holiday you are so ready for a break you don’t care what happens on the actual trip. Use JANEECE KELLER’S tips on how to get your kids involved with the planning, to take some of the stress off you and make it a family activity that will have everyone smiling in those holiday photos. Planning a family holiday can be hard, particularly when you are going somewhere you haven’t been before. It is time consuming to trawl through all the travel books, blogs and websites to find recommendations on what to do. And that’s after you have spent hours deciding where to go, how to get there and where you are going to stay!

Plus, they will learn valuable skills for when they are able to travel on their own later in life.

Then there are the kids. How do you find things the kids are going to want to do, and then how do you prioritise the things you think they will find most fun?


One way to reduce your research time, and to ensure you schedule in something the kids really want to do, is to involve them in the planning.


Of course, how much they can do depends on their ages and abilities, so here are a few tips for how to get the kids doing some of the research and planning for your next family holiday.


Gather brochures from your travel agent and look through them with your child. Help them cut out photos and glue them into a collage.


With the kids actively involved in planning your next family holiday, it’s time for you to sit back, relax and look into what you really want to do while you’re away too. n

Use Google Earth to map out your travel routes to and from your destination with your child. n



Download a kid’s travel guide app so they can look at pictures and read about kid-specific activities and tell you what looks like fun. n


Help them save money to spend during your


Provide them with access to your online trip planning. Let them look at everything from flights to hotels to rental cars. Ask them to get some prices and suggestions for the most convenient flights and specific types of hotels your family likes and can afford. (Of course, don’t give them your credit card).



Discuss a limited number of destinations. Talk about your family’s interests and the type of holiday you are looking forward to taking. n

Include them in the daily planning of your trip and get them to help create an itinerary (including let them help to decide the route of the trip if driving).

Give your toddler their own small suitcase and a week before your trip, work with your child to choose one special item per day to pack.

With the kids actively involved in planning your next family holiday, it’s time for you to sit back, relax and look into what you really want to do while you’re away too.



Use kid friendly websites specifically for your destination and look for photos, colouring pages, and other activities that provide information.

Having the kids help plan your holiday will start to get them interested and excited, and their input will help you have a holiday that’s fun (and harmonious) for everyone. It also lets them know that their ideas are important and that their interests are taken into account.

trip with extra chores, or reward them for finding a discount on a restaurant they want to visit.



CONTACT Janeece Keller BUSINESS Bound Round PHONE +61 (2) 9909 8686

Bound Round interactive travel guides use stories, photos, video and games to let children explore a city and find out all the fun things to do there. With content created by kids for kids, Bound Round guides are the perfect family holiday planning tool!











The Big Island of


From rugged ancient peaks and still-active volcanoes with lava flowing into the sea, to lush tropical vegetation and coffee plantations, to sandy beaches, exotic sea life and endless blue ocean, the Big Island of Hawaii, according to PENNY KING, is the perfect place to either chill out or try something more strenuous or adventurous. Honolulu (on the island of Oahu) and Kona (on the Big Island of Hawaii) are as different as chalk and cheese. Most of us have a mental image of the attractions of Hawaii – surf, hula and loud holiday shirts! All correct too. In Honolulu, add to list shops, tourists, malls and extravagant touches of USA Surf Culture. If a holiday with a laid-back feel is more your style, visit Honolulu and then pass on through to the relaxed version of Hawaii – Kona on the Big Island (a short flight away). The Big Island of Hawaii is the biggest in the group and it is still growing! Here, lava oozes down the slopes of still-active volcanoes to long stretches of black sandy beaches and surrounding it all is clear blue ocean, golden sunshine and lush vegetation. There are numerous opportunities for chilling out. Palm fringed resorts recline along the royal Kona coast, resting on little volcanic bays filled to the brim with exotic fish and huge turtles. It is a perfect place to hire a car and tour around. About an hour’s drive south from Kona is the unique Hawaii Volcanoes National Park. Take the opportunity to fly over the volcano in a helicopter or take a walk through the lava tubes. You can get close to molten lava, vivid sea life, and the Hawaiian pace of life. Small villages exist alongside one of the biggest cattle ranches in the Pacific – Parker ranch. There is snow all year around on the tip of central Mauna Kea – another volcano and one of the five that make up this island. In fact, it is this ancient volcano which, when measured from its original base deep on the sea bed, is recorded as being much higher than even Everest! Swim in the Royal Lagoon, trek around the people’s sanctuary and discover the lonely cairn of stones that mark the slaying of Captain Cook. Try the famous Kona coffee on a plantation or paddle a canoe around the first leg of the Kona Iron Man course. The pace of life here has not changed much in a hundred

years. You can do as much or as little as you want – and live well, doing it! Hawaiian Airlines flies from Sydney to Honolulu several times each week. Fares can be as little as $999 return. Flights connect with Kona hourly from Honolulu. Stay at Outrigger Keauhou Beach Resort Kona from $119 per night per room. n

CONTACT Penny King BUSINESS Tours for Women PHONE +61 (0) 433 255 472

Is this the holiday you’re dreaming about? ... Touring in a small group of like-minded travellers with a fabulous female tour guide and activities from spa treatments to cooking to shopping and tai chi. Interesting, varied itineraries to destinations such as India,Vietnam, China, Turkey, Morocco, Peru and Italy. We guarantee lots of laughs with your fellow female travellers of all ages! To jump on board and take the ride contact Aileen Collins at TravelManagers Australia PH: 1800 22 22 44 Autumn 2013 n WORKING WOMEN® 53


Health&Beauty Are you looking for ways to maintain or improve your health, enhance your natural beauty, relax or simply indulge and be pampered? If so, here are some products from WNA Members created with you in mind.


Embarrassed about your teeth? Have you trained yourself not to smile? And does the cost of veneers or crowns make you feel faint? Then you will love this new ‘Snap-on-Smile’ concept. The removable dental device fits over your existing teeth and after just two visits to the dentist entailing no injections, no drilling and no pain you will have a Hollywood smile to be proud of. RRP: $2200 per arch. To find out more visit

Organic meditation cushion

BEAUTY TIP: Is your skin oily? Stop using alcohol-infused toners, peels, and exfoliators.

While you may think you’re clearing up breakouts, you’re actually stripping away naturally occurring oils, causing even more sebum production. When selecting products, choose alcohol-free serum and gel-based formulas, and avoid anything with occlusive ingredients like petroleum and mineral oil, which can clog the pores.

Everyday pampering with a fun flirty fragrance

Why save pampering for special occasions? This Red Lychee Body Wash is for everyday use. A unique take on traditional sweet fragrance blends, it’s fun and flirty with undertones of creamy musk, orchid and kiwi. It’s even infused with irresistible white chocolate! Awaken your senses and stimulate your mind daily. RRP: $29.95 To order visit:

Refresh your confidence

54 WORKING WOMEN® n Autumn 2013

GIVE YOUR SKIN A HOLIDAY An essential addition to your suitcase, this skin care travel pack is enriched with vitamins, antioxidants and nutrients from the finest Australian botanicals. Your skin will feel like it’s been on a holiday – clean, firm, toned and hydrated. Contains: 30ml Pure Crème Rose Geranium Cleanser, 30ml Rose Petal Balancing Toner, 20ml Vitamin Enriched Facial Recovery Masque, 20ml SPF 15 Skin Firming Crème. RRP: $30. To order visit

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Experience our painless, minimally invasive general, wholistic & cosmetic dentistry: • Snap-on-smile • Invisible braces • Rapid smiles • Laser dentistry • Tooth lightening or whitening • Jaw pain therapy & stress management • Lumineers and much more! Special occasion and family packages available. Book your complimentary smile or orthodontic assessment now Ph 02 9438 4425 Web email CliniC 47A Willoughby Road, Crows Nest Sydney

This lightweight meditation cushion made of organic cotton gives firm comfortable support. Filled with traditional buckwheat husks its pleated sides allow the cushion to expand, aiding good posture and allowing the back to be properly aligned for meditation. Comes with integrated carry handle. RRP: $54. Available from

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Supplements: D O Y O U R E A L LY N E E D T H E M ? Evening primrose oil, krill oil, flaxseed oil, cod liver oil, vitamin A, vitamin B, green coffee, the list of supplements on offer goes on and on. But how do you know which one to use? DOREEN SCHWEGLER breaks down if and when to use supplements. You might be barraged by information about the latest and greatest health supplements, but do you really need them? Below is a brief discussion of three common questions regarding supplementation and some recommendations as to what might help you stay on top of a busy lifestyle.

WON’T A GOOD DIET PROVIDE ALL THE ESSENTIAL NUTRIENTS I NEED? Many factors contribute to depleted nutrients in our diets, such as: n

Food processing

Prolonged storage and modern agricultural processes (such as harvesting food before it’s ripe and the types of fertilisers used) n

Stress in our daily lives (which increases our requirements for minerals like magnesium and B vitamins) n

Rushed meal preparation and eating (resulting in compromised digestion and quality of meals) n

Our health predispositions (for example, some people have a genetically-determined increased requirement for certain B vitamins) n


Certain illnesses


Pregnancy or breastfeeding

Krill oil contains smaller amounts of omega 3, but is reputably better absorbed, and also contains a unique antioxidant called astaxanthin.

Poor food choices (like processed foods, excess coffee or alcohol) n

Therefore, a good quality multivitamin and mineral supplement might be warranted.

I’M ON KRILL OIL – IS THIS MORE EFFECTIVE THAN FISH OILS? Both fish oil and krill oil contain omega 3 fatty acids that are useful in reducing inflammation, improving cardiovascular and eye health, memory and concentration, as well as many other benefits. Krill oil is derived from small crustaceans in Antarctic waters. Krill oil contains smaller amounts of omega 3, but is reputably better absorbed, and also contains a unique antioxidant called astaxanthin. Fish oils are backed by extensive research, whereas krill oil is relatively new on the block, and significantly more expensive. Krill oil is recommended if you have high cholesterol, otherwise a good quality fish oil (which has been purified to remove heavy metals and other contaminants) is cheaper and probably as good. If you are suffering from an inflammatory condition, or are genetically predisposed to inflammation, which is one of the drivers of diseases ranging from cancer, weight issues, cardiovascular disease and digestive problems, purified liquid fish oil may be more suitable. If you eat fish, aim for four serves a week. Beware of larger fish like flake and swordfish that are higher up the food chain because of

Maxfield Cosmetics Make-up that will make you beautiful Our mineral based makeup comes in full size and travel sized packaging. Perfect for your bathroom and your handbag. Order over $100 worth of product online and receive both a 10% discount and a free 30 minute phone/skype image consult with Image and Presentation Coach Clare Maxfield AICI CIP - the founder of Maxfield Cosmetics To access your discount type in the code WNA30 when you checkout.

heavy metal accumulation. Aim to eat smaller fish like sardines, whitebait, trevally, taylor, mackerel and herrings. This is particularly important if you are pregnant or breastfeeding. Recommendations are listed at: http://www. mercuryinfish.cfm

SHOULD I BE USING THE BATHROOM EVERY DAY? Theoretically we should eliminate at least twice daily, comfortably and without straining. Bloating is not normal, nor is excessive wind. Being on the pill, taking antibiotics and dietary indiscretions can play havoc with the good bacteria in our digestive system. A tailored probiotic can be useful in helping bowel irregularity, after antibiotics, if you are suffering from thrush or allergies, and to boost immunity, amongst other benefits. Keeping the diet as unprocessed as possible, as well as incorporating regular exercise and stress management is vital to staying in peak condition. When extra support is required, a good quality multivitamin, omega 3 supplements and a probiotic may be helpful in getting the ‘mojo’ back into your day! n

CONTACT Doreen Schwegler BUSINESS All Degrees of Health PHONE +61 (3) 9331 0951


in finding out how understanding your genetic profile can help with weight, cardiovascular risk, healthy ageing and MUCH more? Maximise YOUR health potential - see: www.alldegreesofhealth. for more info. Special offer: 1 hour seminar ‘Genetic Profile and You’ see Only $5 if pre-paid 7 days prior (Reg $20) + Free excerpt from my new book ‘Complete Health Overhaul’ email admin@alldegrees

Autumn 2013 n WORKING WOMEN® 55

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ReelEntertainment Australia’s love affair with films continues to keep cinemas across the nation overflowing. 2013 promises to be a year filled with even more outstanding movies. Here’s a taste of some films we know our movie buffs will enjoy. THE COMPANY YOU KEEP Release date: 18 April 2013 Madman Entertainment

From Academy Award® winning director Robert Redford (Ordinary People) and Academy Award® winning producer Nicholas Cartier (The Hurt Locker) comes a suspense thriller based on the novel by Neil Gordon. With an incredible, awardwinning ensemble cast including Shia LaBeouf, Susan Sarandon, Julie Christie, Brendan Gleeson, Richard Jenkins and Stanley Tucci, The Company You Keep explores how far you would go for what you believe in and to protect the ones you love. When a former member of the radical protest/terrorist organisation the Weather Underground (Sarandon) turns herself in to the FBI, Ben Shepard (LaBeouf), an aggressive young journalist, starts searching around for leads on the other members. Before long Ben uncovers Jim Grant (Redford) a former Weatherman and a fugitive wanted for murder. After living for more than thirty years under an assumed identity as a civil rights lawyer and single father in New York, he must now go on the run. With the FBI in hot pursuit and Shepard getting closer to discovering his secret, Grant sets off on a cross-country journey to track down the one person who can clear his name and allow him to go home to his daughter.


Release date: 28 March 2013 Hoyts Distribution


Release date: 25 April 2013 Transmission Films Hortense Laborie, a renowned chef from the Périgord, is astonished when the President of the Republic appoints her his personal cook, responsible for creating all his meals at the Élysée Palace. Despite jealous resentment from the other kitchen staff, Hortense quickly establishes herself, thanks to her indomitable spirit. The authenticity of her cooking soon seduces the President, but the corridors of power are littered with traps. Haute Cuisine is based on the extraordinary true story of President Francois Mitterand’s private cook. 58 WORKING WOMEN® n Autumn 2013

From author Stephenie Meyer (The Twilight Saga), comes a story set in the near future when our planet has never been more perfect. Greed and violence have been eliminated, and peace and kindness are practiced by all. But perfection comes at a price, as an alien race of pure “souls” has invaded Earth, using humans as their hosts. A parasitic alien soul is injected into the body of Melanie Stryder. Instead of carrying out her race’s mission of taking over the Earth, “Wanda” (as she comes to be called) forms a bond with her host and sets out to aid other free humans. Directed and adapted for the screen by Andrew Nicol (In Time; The Truman Show), The Host stars Saorise Ronan (The Lovely Bones), William Hurt (Into the Wild) and Diane Kruger (Inglorious Bastards).


Release date: 2 May, 2013 Madman Entertainment Mads Mikkelsen (A Royal Affair) delivers a superb, award-winning performance in this electrifying new film from Thomas Vinterberg, the acclaimed director of The Celebration (Festen). Lucas (Mads Mikkelsen) is beloved by his students and fellow teachers at his local kindergarten. After a divorce, made especially painful when his wife moved away from town with their teenage son, Marcus, Lucas’ life is recovering with a new girlfriend, and the reforging of his relationship with Marcus. His world comes crashing down, however, when a young girl in his class accuses him of inappropriate behaviour. It’s a simple lie that spirals out of control and the small community suddenly finds itself in a collective state of hysteria. Long held friendships are tested as mistrust takes hold, and Lucas must summon all his strength in a brave fight for his life and dignity.

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CASUAL RATE (once off)

2 PACK RATE (2 consecutive issues)

4 PACK RATE (4 consecutive issues)

1. Double page

297 x 210


$1615 per issue

$1530 per issue

2. Full page

297 x 210


$902.50 per issue

$855 per issue

3. Half page horizontal

133 x 190


$570 per issue

$540 per issue

4. Full page – one column

271 x 60


$475 per issue

$450 per issue

5. Quarter page horizontal

64 x 190


$427.50 per issue

$405 per issue

6. Quarter page – two columns

64 x 125


$351.50 per issue

$333 per issue

7. Quarter page – one column

64 x 60


$275.50 per issue

$261 per issue

Advertorial – 220 words plus image

133 x 190


$570 per issue

$540 per issue


Publication Date

Editorial and authors image Material Deadline

Display Advertisements/Advertorial Booking Deadline Material Deadline

Classified Business Directory Booking and Material Deadline


20 June

15 April

1 May

8 May

1 May


20 December

15 October

1 November

8 November

1 November



20 September 20 March

15 July

15 January

1 August

1 February

8 August

8 February

1 August

1 February

Autumn 2013 n WORKING WOMEN® 59

Join today and discover the difference networking can make to your business! Be inspired and create opportunities for you and your business by joining the nation’s premier networking organisation for women in business. Step into a world of business opportunities, collaboration, connections and knowledge designed to help you to develop and grow. Access expert advice, online forums, education, business resources, networking contacts, small business guidance and over 100 live networking events and speakers. Build a rock solid business, expand your connections, attract more clients and be mentored by inspirational business women.

Join Women’s Network Australia today! It’s the easy way to fast-track the success of you and your business.

1800 052 476

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