World Outreach Annual Report 2020

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Annual Report 2020


of World Outreach Ministries 11


Annual Report

2025 6 Ministry Focuses 8

Highlights 5

Report 2020 18 Thank You 20


We Do 9


2020 2

Annual Report

message from our International Director 4


Table of contents


We Work 10

Relief 14



Statement 3


from the Field 16


Unreached people groups speak different languages, they live in hard-to-get-to places and are often resistant to the Gospel. But World Outreach feels compelled by the love and Commission of Jesus to go to share the good news and show Jesus’ love.

Mission Statement

“World Outreach exists to evangelise and disciple unreached people groups, equipping them to disciple their own and other peoples.”

WO’s primary distinctive is its focus on unreached people groups (UPGs). This distinctive governs everything WO does. All activities, initiatives, ministries, services and structures support and work toward the end goal of evangelising and discipling UPGs. Currently, there are approximately 7,400 people groups that are classified as unreached or least-reached. This is a staggering 41% of the world’s population, equating to over 3.2 billion people.

Visit our website to read our Distinctives and Statement of Faith

Unreached People Groups

On all levels, 2020 was an unprecedented year with the COVID-19 pandemic, closed borders and lockdowns disrupting our normal operations. Even though our field workers have been unable to continue much of their face-to-face ministry as usual, they have adapted and improvised with what I call ‘creative compassion’.

Another field worker wrote how the care they’re giving to the poor has opened unprecedented doors into communities that, up to this point, have not been responsive to the Gospel.


A message from our International Director

express our heartfelt thanks to you for your prayer, interest in, and support of WO. We simply couldn’t do what we do without your generosity and partnership in the Gospel.

Bruce Hills International Director

Like most organisations, there was a decrease in giving in 2020, but an equal reduction in expenditure, so the overall effect on WO has been Despitemanageable.thepandemic, thousands have still been reached with the Gospel, dozens of new churches have been planted, kids have been discipled through programs in multiple countries, prisoners have been visited, susceptible communities have been assisted, the hungry have been fed, leaders have been developed, and the love of Jesus has been shown to people. The Gospel of Jesus Christ and love of God can never be locked down or

To provide food and basic necessities for exposed families, we set up a special COVID-19 appeal to help provide resources for the field workers to distribute. In 2020, (USD) $75,000 was received from donors. Along with some extra funds WO made available, we distributed around (USD) $92,000 to suffering and at-risk

Our field workers have seen the Lord open new opportunities to assist those most affected by COVID-19 in practical ways. Many obtained permission from their local authorities to distribute food, medicine and basic supplies to the most vulnerable. This has brought remarkable results in places like Pakistan, Egypt, India, Thailand and Mozambique.

Welcome to the Annual Report from World Outreach (WO) for 2020.

God bless,

Onepeople.of our field workers in a sensitive country recently wrote that: ‘COVID-19 has become a boon for the houses churches. It seems they have hit pay-dirt, as multiplication in the last two months has been beyond the wildest thoughts I’ve had. Every house church has multiplied by at least five times.’

The World Outreach Podcast was launched. Each episode is a dynamic conversa tion to advance the cause of missions amongst UPGs everywhere. . We invite you check these podcasts out at:

Our global and regional events were moved online due to travel restrictions. These include: Regional Vision Team meetings, Field Coordination Team meetings, Leadership Program sessions and Field Leader trainings. Online quarterly Town Hall gatherings and global prayer meetings were also introduced to foster greater connection among field workers.

2020 Highlights






At the end of 2020, WO has over 240 mission workers from 30 nations, serving in 33 countries, but ministering into an additional 37. WO is currently engaged with 140+ different UPGs. Added to this, WO has 350 national workers serving in a recog nised WOI ministry, 9 offices throughout the world and a clear vision leading into


A new SE Asia Field Office was established to service our field personnel more ef fectively and efficiently.



Due to the global pandemic, most of our ministries had to pivot to respond in a relevant way. Food relief packages were handed out to hundreds of families. Our field workers found many unreached people groups that were previously resis tant to the Gospel being open to hearing the message of Jesus for the first time because of these relief efforts.

In 2019 we launched the Leadership Program to develop WO leaders to serve in the organisation. In 2020, we graduated our first cohort of leaders, and started with training our second cohort.

By the end of 2025, we want to increase the number of UPGs we are engaged with from (currently) 149 to 300.

We have just launched Vision 2025 (V2025), which is a 5-year strategic plan of where we want to be as a mission by the end of 2025.

Missionaries (Field Workers)

Vision 2025

Unreached People Groups (UPGs)


Unreached People Groups (UPGs) are our primary distinctive and focus. This distinctive governs virtually everything WO does. Most activities, initiatives, ministries, services and structures support and work toward the end goal of evangelising and discipling UPGs. All the other goals are there to accomplish this main goal.

Here are our goals for the end of 2025:

To reach the audacious goal of engaging with 300 UPGs, we’ve set a goal to double the number of our missionaries from (currently) 250 to 500.

National Workers

To accomplish all this, our revenue needs to increase by approximately 75% each year.

Alongside our missionaries, we currently have around 350 national workers serving in a World Outreach ministry. We’ve also set a goal to increase that number from 350 to 500.


All of this will be impossible without prayer covering, so we’ve set a goal to increase our prayer base from (currently) 500 to 10,000 people. Just imagine thousands of people praying for a UPG, then one of our team going in to engage with them!


Will you partner with us in one of the greatest moments in modern day missions?


This will take our total missions force from 600 (missionaries and national workers) to 1,000.

Our church planting is combined with training and mentoring of church leaders to help them disciple new believers so that generations of new leaders are raised up and a movement of new churches is birthed.

Evangelism & Church Planting

Raising Leaders

WO is committed to equipping children’s workers with contemporary resources to not only reach, but disciple and teach children about the Word of God.

This pie chart shows the percentage share of Mission Partner (MP) ministries by REACH focus. Note that some MPs are involved in more than one type of ministry.

Our Ministry Focuses

We primarily REACH these UPGs through five main focuses.

All Nations

WO is committed to see women and men from both the majority and minority world, from all generations, actively encouraged, equipped, and engaged in mission service.

Children’s HumanitarianMinistryAid

Childrens Ministry

Raising EvangelismLeaders&Church Planting

All Nations Mobilisation

We are committed to the equipping, development, and mobilisation of pastors and leaders across the majority world for ministry and mission through intentional, focused, and contextually relevant leadership training.


When natural disaster strikes, as resources permit, we are able to initiate a response to communities in need, providing them with funds to buy food, water, medicine, and replace household goods that have been destroyed.

Humanitarian Aid

Because of your generous support, World Outreach and its mission partners engage in: What we do 9

Middle East



North America Canada

Africa Western Africa North SouthernEasternAfricaAfricaAfrica Australia

Asia South East Asia South Asia East Asia

We Work Cross-cultural240+Workers National350+Workers 70+Nations Unreached149+peoplegroups

Eastern Europe


Here’s some of our work across the majority world In Ethiopia, to have a disability is consid ered a curse from God, and children are often hidden because of this shame. At our therapy centre, we provide therapy for children with physical disabilities and give them hope for their future. THERAPY CENTRE, ETHIOPIA

New Hope Ministries operates a boarding home in Borneo where care is provided for about 120 girls and boys aged be tween 6 and 21 years. From the home, the children are sent to nearby schools to complete their education.


World Outreach Ministries

Baan Piemrak is a small hostel in Chiang Mai for disadvantaged female university students. It provides safe accommodation and discipleship, especially for first year students coming to the city from rural areas. Piemrak Foundation also supports school projects for poorer students in practical ways.

The Hope House is a home for destitute, abandoned and orphaned little girls in Chennai, India. The Hope House provides the girls with a safe and nurturing family environment and education. THE HOPE HOUSE, INDIA


Baan Faa Mai hostel in North Thailand is a discipleship youth ministry for disad vantaged high school girls from remote mountain villages. They also learn various skills and are encouraged in their studies.



The Christian Discipleship Centre offers theological training to Bangladeshi nationals. CDC also runs 6-month church leadership training courses, an adult literacy project, children’s schools as well as adult healthcare and livelihood programs.

Tawangmangu Bible School, Indonesia is a Bible College in Central Java. It offers a 2-year diploma in ministry and a 4-year Master’s degree in Theology. Over 4,000 students have graduated from Tawang mangu Bible School, of which 70-80% are actively involved in Christian ministry.





Generation Ministries India runs a school for children of migrant workers in North East India as well as skills training work shops and children’s camps through theAsha Ghar (House of Hope) Children Club to children from poor areas.


O Bom Samaritano, Mozambique address es urgent medical needs in Northern Mozambique through a network of 70+ rural health posts. Aside from a small, ini tial investment for the construction of the post, the health posts are financially selfsufficient. An infant feeding program is run concurrently by the healthcare posts, while volunteers also organise activity programs for older orphaned children.



Didasko Academy offers free, online, video-based training, covering all aspects of the world of missions. Courses are selfpaced, can be done individually and are taught by experienced instructors.

Isithunzi, an isiZulu word that means “restoring dignity”; by empowering, inspir ing and therefore uplifting marginalised communities with sustainable ways to make a living. The emphasis is on low start-up costs and basic business prac tises. Bible study and discipleship are a fundamental part of the project. Projects that have been successful in the past are costume jewellery crafting, crocheted winter clothing and regenerative farming techniques.

Life: Alpha runs discipleship and empow erment programs for children and youth, which include soccer ministry programs and children’s Bible clubs. They also run leadership and skills based training for young adults, including vegetable farming and jewelry making.

Hostel of Hope, Myanmar is located in two locations. The hostels house 66 children from extremely poor families from tribes of the Naga Hills – in the north of Myanmar. The hostels house, clothe and feed the children, while giv ing them an opportunity to receive an education.

Siam-Care Foundation wants to share God’s love with Thai people, by giving hope and future to thai children in need. We keep families together by supporting education, basic needs, medical expenses and counselling.


The Scarlet Thread Prison Ministry is involved in teaching and one-on-one counselling in prisons around South Africa, loving the inmate and showing them that they have worth and a future. There are inmates from all over Africa.

The Houses of Hope in Tungsonghong and Thai Samud are safe places where children from some of the poorest fami lies in Thailand can learn English and music, play games, and learn about God’s love for them.





Rahab Ministries reaches out to the wom en of the red-light industry in Bangkok, Thailand. Rahab aims to share the love of Jesus Christ through Friendship Evange lism and Social Concern; provide practical help and emotional support to women working in prostitution; and provide opportunities for education, vocational training, and alternative employment.



La Semence, Ivory Coast offers educa tion to children from 2 to 16 years of age. The 100 students come from different ethnic, religious and social backgrounds. Mentally and physically disabled chil dren constitute 10% of the pupils and the pupils are provided with education, transport and food. Staff at La Semence also train teachers from other parts of West Africa.


Tripura Missions Schol educates 60 children from nursery to primary school of the Bengali people and Tripuri tribe. These are the largest unreached people group and the least reached people group in Tripura state. The school caters to a community of day-labourers and small-scale farmers. School fees are capped at affordable levels to ease the financial strain on families.

Generation Ministries, in partnership with Sun Focus Foundation, translates, introduces andpublishes Sunday School curricula in several languages. Over 70,000 “Grow Up with Jesus” (CBL) book/visual aid sets have been printed for children aged 4 to 14 and are often the only one of their kind in the local language. Grow Up with Jesus is used by more than 2,200 churches in the Middle East and hundreds of other churches in South and South East Asia and Sunday School teachers are trained in teaching the curriculum. Generation Ministries also run a variety of mercy projects for the very poor in the various countries, including school fee subsidies, live-in homes, feeding and basic education programs as well as a free health clinic for children.



Outreach India runs programs for chil dren, teenage girls, adult women and mothers that teach Christian values, life skills, health, hygiene and healthy family relationships. Participants are also in volved and trained in outreach and house visitation activities.

O Semeador (the Sower) is a children’s ministry and evangelism program in the District of Mozambique. The program caters for 400 to 600 children of pre-be lieving families, where the children come to play, sing, dance and learn the Word of God.

Raising Intentional Community Empowerment provides small grants to empower poor entrepreneurs through micro-enterprise projects.


Highridge Christian Academy, Malawi, is a kindergarten that provides education based on Christian principles and values to 240 students. The school strives to provide subsidies to children from needy families and of ministers of the Gospel such as pastors and ministry leaders.

The Good News Team, Thailand reaches out to Thai children with evangelistic car toon booklets and bible correspondence courses. Every year, 150,000 new booklets are distributed and up to 1.5 million Thai children are reached through these book lets, with 10,000 children applying for Bible correspondence lessons after read ing the booklets. The booklets are used in school library projects and are sent to schools in every province of Thailand.

Hope Burkina Faso helps fund and support 2 schools in Burkina Faso. The schools educate 300 students between the ages of 6-15 years. The schools are under supervision of the Ministry of Edu cation and use the national curriculum with French the medium of instruction.


Mount Hope in Kalimantan, Indonesia is a Christian school offering education from Kindergarten to high school. There are 150 live-in children, while another 300 children attend the Day School. School education is complemented by a train ing center that offers training in creating micro-businesses both within the training centre & in the surrounding community.



Sharon International Learning Center is a school in, Vietnam. It offers the Accelerat ed Christian Education curriculum to 100 students. 20% of the children are from poorer backgrounds who cannot afford the monthly fees.

Maziotela Ministries offers preschool programs that focus on the spiritual, physical, mental and social develop ment of the children. Maziotela trains teams of teachers and volunteers from rural village churches; provides ongoing mentoring, supervision and resources to facilitate the functioning of three exist ing preschools; and trains teachers for future preschools of churches and other organisations.



New Life Language School, Egypt, is a Christian school in Egypt with around 400 students from Kindergarten to Grade 9. The mission of the school is to provide students with a caring learning environ ment and a good academic atmosphere that will allow them to grow in all aspects of life.


This year, the world has been in the grip of a global pandemic. Consequently, nations imposed strict lockdown conditions to mitigate the spread of the deadly virus. Naturally, this meant that some of our missionaries were unable to continue their face-to-face ministry as usual.


However, many of our missionaries and associated teams continued to conduct outreach activities in spite of the virus, some improvised with some creative compassion, while others resorted to and virtual (online) ministry. Over the course of the year, thanks to supporters like you, we have been able to financially support their efforts.

Covid-19 Relief




Through funds raised through WO’s COVID-19 appeal, one of our missionaries was able to deliver food packages to 45 families, which provided food for the families for a week. He continues to do this.

Food has been stockpiled and distributed to the most vulnerable.

One of our missionaries in Indonesia wrote that: ‘…during one of the food parcel hand-outs, we had the opportunity to pray for a man whose shoulders were frozen. He was not able to lift his hands above his head. After praying for him, we all rejoiced as he lifted his hands up high.’

The power of prayer


On another island, one of our missionaries is helping his community in Indonesia by giving vitamins, bread and cereal to people who have been quarantined. He rides to their fence on his motorbike and hands over a bag full of these essential items to families who otherwise would have no access to them.

Finally, they have created devotionals and medical videos in Portuguese for people to pass out from phone to phone to encourage and inform people.

Sustenance to the poor

Please keep the Koti people in your prayers. They have no ventilators, oxygen or test kits! God is their hope.

The Koti people group of Mozambique went into lockdown and subsequently experienced no community gatherings, no food supply, and no medical help. So, our WO team went to the Lord in prayer, seeking him for wisdom. Without fail, the Father gave them solutions. They were given a slot on the radio, six times a week, to continue teaching the Word of God... thousands of people tune in every day!

INDONESIA Healing Miracles


We are partnering with a missionary who works with UPGs in the remote jungle villages of our country. I recently travelled with him to visit two new UPGs. We had to travel 16 hours by train and then another 4 hours by car to reach the first village. After that, we could only use bikes on rocky dirt roads to reach the other villages in the jungle. So far, our mission ary friend, who goes there three times a week, has managed to tap into 9 villages. There are altogether 400 villages with 20 people groups in this area. This area is so remote and primitive that I was the third outsider to ever visit them! The people are purely animist, but God is already moving mightily in their midst. They are very open to the Gospel. Within 30 minutes, we were able to gather 400-500 people. Amazingly, on the days that our missionary friend is unable to be there, a 5 year old boy has been “holding the fort” - villagers come to him for prayer, and deliverance and miracles are happening as this little boy prays for them “in Jesus’ name”! As these people speak a dialect that has no script, a 12-year old boy has been translating songs and scripture passages from the common language into their dia lect. Talk about the faith of children! People walk 30-40 km to this village just to get prayed for. Our missionary friend says with 4-5 more people on his team, he’ll be able to accom plish in one week what would normally take 10 months on his own! May God provide more workers for this harvest field!

Testimonies from the field


We are extremely grateful for the Bibles that we were able to purchase as a result of WO donations. Here is a picture of the group of young leaders at a leadership development session held in Mozambique, who received the Bibles. When they arrived for the training, not one of them owned a personal copy of the Scriptures and Ps. Mauricio, who was leading the seminar was in the process of copying out passages of Scripture by hand to distribute among the members of the group. Each participant ecstatically received this wonderful gift and then in addition they were also given a couple of extra Bibles to take back to their districts where there are massive shortages of God’s Word. In some of the villages, they only have a single Bible for each church that has been planted.

Programs$446,826.56Expenditure If you would like more information, please email: 18

Financial Report &

2020 World Outreach International is a Registered Charity in New Zealand (CC33593), governed by all the laws and regulations therein, and independently audited by RSM Hayes Audit Ltd. Registration details and audited reports are filed annually and are publicly available on the NZ Charities website: ( Designated Projects

Total Total$2,788,828.43RevenueExpenditure$2,732,303.22 * Wages excludes member care salary support * Travel & Accommodation excludes all Field related travel and Member care travel from Expenses * Marketing & Promotion includes Nations Magazine and Fundraising * Field Ministry Support includes member care Travel and Member care salary support; Grants and Traing & events * Property, Legal & Administration includes: Depn, Rent, Admin Expenses, CO Support (from Expenses tab) * Designated Missionary & Ministry Support equals the 90% of funds contributed to Field Works excluding the missionary contribution.19

3. Give thought to further bequests to specific people, projects, or charities.

Including a gift to the ministry of your will a special and personal way to continue making a difference in the world your life earth has passed.

Leaving a Legacy 20

World Outreach in

For some, the question of where to allocate funds can be confusing. The following steps are a guide to assist you in the process.

1. A statement needs to be made regarding payment of just debts, funeral, monumental and testamentary expenses, and any duties payable in connection with the estate.


4. Consider where to allocate any remaining portion of the estate after all the expenses and specified bequests have been made.



2. Prepare for ongoing support for your spouse and children in the event that you pre-decease them.

THANK YOU! World Outreach is able to move forward because of you. PO Box 97230, Manukau 2241, New Zealand T: (64 9) 263 5434 T: (64 9) 887 7150 M: (64 21) 330 874 Email:

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