Athens GMT +2
8B Chimarras Str. 15125, Maroussi Athens Greece
Executive and immigration contacts
Stefanos Mitsios
+30 (210) 288-6365
Dimitri Menexis +30 (210) 288-6370 Email:
Manos Tountas +30 (210) 288-6387 Email:
Social security and immigration contact
Maria Rigaki
A. Income tax
+30 (210) 288-6528 Email:
Who is liable. Individuals who are tax residents of Greece are taxed on their worldwide income. Nonresidents are taxed on their Greek-source income only.
Individuals are considered to be Greek tax residents if they sat isfy any of certain specified conditions, including, among others, the following:
• Their center of vital interest is in Greece (that is, their domicile).
• Their habitual abode is in Greece. An individual’s habitual abode is deemed to be in Greece if the individual spends more than 183 days in Greece in any 12-month period. This condition is deemed to be satisfied if an individual has spent over 183 days physically in Greece (short stays outside Greece are also counted to determine whether the 183-day threshold has been exceeded). After the above 183-day threshold is surpassed, the individual is deemed to be a Greek tax resident as of the begin ning of the 183-day period in Greece unless he or she is also considered domiciled in Greece; in such case, he or she is taxed for the full year as a Greek tax resident. An exception to the above-183-day habitual abode rule applies to individuals com ing to Greece for “medical, tourist or similar private purposes” and staying in Greece for more than 183 days but less than 365 days in a calendar year; that is, although they surpass the above 183-day threshold, they are not considered as having their habitual abode in Greece.
Protection under a double tax treaty may be available if the individual can claim to be tax resident for the respective tax year of another country with which Greece has entered into a double tax treaty.
Non-tax residents who earn income from Greek sources should obtain supporting documentation, such as a tax-residence
certificate, from their home country to validate their nonresident status in Greece if requested to do so.
Special tax regimes have been recently introduced for foreign tax resident high-net-worth individuals, for foreign tax resident indi viduals with foreign-source pension income who transfer their tax residency to Greece, and for foreign tax resident individuals with Greek private employment income who transfer their tax residency to Greece and choose to be subject to these tax regimes. These regimes are discussed below.
Alternate tax regime for high-net-worth individuals. As of the 2020 fiscal year, individuals who transfer their tax residence to Greece may choose to be subject to an alternate tax regime regarding the taxation of their foreign income in Greece. To be eligible for the above regime, an individual needs to satisfy the following conditions:
• He or she has not been a Greek tax resident for the previous seven of the last eight years before the transfer of his or her tax residence to Greece.
• He or she proves that he or she or a close relative has made an investment of at least EUR500,000 in real estate, businesses or legal entities in Greece or securities or shares in legal entities based in Greece, or has made such investment through legal persons in which they hold the majority of the shares.
If the application for the transfer of the tax residency in accor dance with the above process is successful, the following rules apply:
• The individual needs to pay an amount of EUR100,000 per tax year for income arising abroad.
• The individual needs to declare his or her Greek-source income and is taxed in Greece only on such income.
• Any assets held abroad by the individual are exempted from inheritance and donation tax.
An individual who opts to be subject to the above alternate method of taxation may request that the application be extended to their close relatives if he or she pays an amount of EUR20,000 per tax year per relative.
An individual can be enrolled in this regime for 15 years.
Alternate tax regime for individuals with foreign pension income. For the 2020 fiscal year and future years, individuals who earn pension income from abroad and who transfer their tax residence to Greece may choose to be subject to an alternate tax regime regarding the taxation of their foreign income in Greece. To be eligible for this regime, an individual needs to satisfy the follow ing conditions:
• He or she has not been a Greek tax resident for the previous five of the last six years before the transfer of his or her tax resi dence to Greece.
• He or she relocates from a country with which Greece has a valid agreement concerning administrative cooperation on tax issues.
If the application for transfer of the tax residency is successful, the following rules apply to the individual:
• He or she must report in Greece all Greek-source income and all foreign-source income that is subject to this alternate tax regime.
• He or she must pay annually by the end of July a 7% flat income tax for their income obtained abroad with their tax liability in Greece for such foreign-source income (including a relief from solidarity tax) being fully exhausted. A foreign tax credit is also available on certain conditions.
• He or she is subject to Greek personal income tax for all their Greek-source income according to the general tax rules.
An individual can be enrolled in this regime for 15 years.
Individuals taking advantage of one of the above regimes are considered tax residents of Greece for the purposes of applying the tax treaties that Greece has enacted with foreign jurisdictions.
Law 4758/4.12.2020 alternate tax status. A new special tax regime was introduced in December 2020 for foreign tax residents intending to relocate to Greece and become Greek tax residents in order to work in new employment positions or as freelancers.
Under this new regime, effective for fiscal years beginning on or after 1 January 2021, individuals earning employment income in Greece who transfer their tax residence in Greece may choose to be subject to a favorable tax regime regarding their employment income for services rendered in Greece. To be eligible for this regime, an individual needs to satisfy the following conditions:
• He or she has not been a Greek tax resident for five of the last six years preceding the transfer of his or her tax residence to Greece.
• He or she relocates from a country with which Greece has a valid agreement concerning administrative cooperation on tax issues.
• He or she is providing employment services in Greece through an employment relationship as defined by Greek law to a Greek legal person or legal entity or to a Greek branch of a foreign company.
• He or she declares that his or her stay in Greece will be for at least two years.
If the application for the transfer of the tax residence per the above process is successful, the individual will be exempt from paying income tax and solidarity tax on 50% of his or her Greek employment income.
Income subject to tax. The Greek Income Tax Code (Law 4172/2013) provides for the following four categories of income:
• Employment and pension
• Business income
• Income from capital
• Capital gains income
Different tax rates apply to the categories. Some tax rates are progressive while others are exhaustive. The taxation of various types of income is described below.
Employment and pension income. Employees are subject to income tax on income derived from employment, which includes income from salaries, wages, allowances, pensions, stock-based compensation and any other payments periodically made in cash or in kind for services rendered and certain other income items.
The Greek Income Tax Code contains specific provisions for the taxation of the following types of benefits:
• Company cars, which are taxed in accordance to a deemed income formula
• Loans provided to employees, which yield deemed taxable income to the employee
• Company provided housing, regardless whether it is leased or owned by the company
• Equity-based compensation
In general, the market value of benefits in kind received by an employee or a relative of the employee is considered taxable income for the employee if the value exceeds EUR300 per year.
Other payments usually made to employees on international assignment are taxable, including the following:
• International service premiums
• Cost-of-living allowances
• Education benefits
• Relocation bonuses
• Performance bonuses
• Employee tax reimbursements
• Other allowances paid periodically and regularly
Insurance premiums paid by an employer on behalf of an employee and his or her family members under an insurance program for health, medical or hospital coverage and/or life insurance cover age of the employee are considered tax-exempt income for the employee up to an amount of EUR1,500 per year per employee.
Capital accumulated until 31 December 2013 that reflects insur ance premiums paid by the employee in the course of a life insur ance private pension scheme is considered exempt from tax (that is, it is not taken into account for the purposes of applying a special tax rate of 10% for insurance indemnities up to EUR40,000 and 20% for insurance indemnities exceeding such threshold that are paid out of and derived from such life insurance private pen sion schemes).
Employer contributions toward a group life insurance private pension scheme are not considered to be employment income and are taxed separately on redemption at special final tax rates (con ditions apply).
Expenses incurred by an employee in the course of their work duties does not constitute taxable income to the employee if proper tax documentation evidencing the expense exists and if it can be proven that the expenditure was a productive business expense.
Board of director fees are categorized as employment income for tax purposes but may be payable through a distribution of capital if savings exist.
The following progressive tax rate scale applies to individuals with salary income, pension income, freelancer income and personal agricultural income.
Taxable income Tax rate Tax due Cumulative tax due EUR % EUR EUR
0 to 10,000 9 900 900 10,001 to 20,000 22 2,200 3,100 20,001 to 30,000 28 2,800 5,900 30,001 to 40,000 36 3,600 9,500 40,001 and above 44 —
A tax allowance may be available under certain conditions on income from salaries and pensions, which depends on one hand on the existence and the number of the dependent children and on the other hand on whether the income exceeds the amount of EUR12,000. In principle, each taxpayer with salary income, pen sion income, freelancer income or real estate property rental income is expected to realize expenses via electronic means of payment at a rate of 30% of their actual income per tax year. The maximum limit of the expenses is set at the amount of EUR20,000. Failure of the taxpayer to reach the corresponding limit of expenses leads to additional tax of 22% applied on the difference between the declared and the corresponding amount of expenses.
Severance payments made by Greek companies to departing employees are taxed at the following rates.
Severance payment Tax rate Tax due Cumulative tax due EUR % EUR EUR
First 60,000 0 0 0
Next 40,000 10 4,000 4,000 Next 50,000 20 10,000 14,000 Above 150,000 30 —
Insurance indemnities paid under group insurance private pen sion schemes are taxed at the following rates:
• Each periodically paid benefit: 15%
• Lump-sum payment of up to EUR40,000: 10%
• Lump-sum payment exceeding EUR40,000: 20%
Business income. The above progressive income tax scale appli cable to salary income and pension income also applies to the income of freelancers and single proprietorships.
An unjustified increase of wealth of an individual is taxed as business income at a rate of 33%.
In general, an expense is considered to be deductible for business tax purposes if it satisfies the following conditions:
• The expense is incurred for the benefit of the company in the course of its usual business transactions, including company social responsibility actions.
• It corresponds to an actual transaction, and the value of the transaction is not deemed to be lower or higher than the market price of a similar transaction.
• It is recorded in the proper accounting books for the period and is evidenced by proper documentation. For social responsibility expenses, it is deductible for company profit determination purposes if the company shows profits in the year in which the expense is incurred.
Income from capital. Dividends are subject to a 5% final with holding tax rate. The concept of dividends is extended, in accordance with Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) guidelines, to include all distributed profits, regardless of the legal form of the distributing entity. Foreign dividends received by a Greek tax resident may be sub ject to more favorable tax treatment under an applicable double tax treaty.
In principle, interest is subject to a final withholding tax rate of 15%, with no further personal income tax liability for individuals (but solidarity tax is assessed in addition to the withholding tax on assessment of the personal income tax return filed annually).
Royalties are subject to a final withholding tax rate of 20%, with no further personal income tax liability for individuals (but soli darity tax is in addition to the withholding tax on assessment of the personal income tax return filed annually).
Income from immovable property is subject to tax in accordance with the following progressive tax scale.
Real estate income Tax rate Tax due Cumulative tax due EUR % EUR EUR
First 12,000 15 1,800 1,800
Next 23,000 35 8,050 9,850
Above 35,000 45 —
Income from immovable property is any income whether in cash or in kind that is derived from the leasing, self-use or free-use of real estate.
To derive income in kind, a 3% rate of return is applied to the objective value of the real estate.
Profits derived by individuals from the sale of shares listed on the Athens Stock Exchange or in any recognized foreign stock exchange market are subject to transaction tax at a rate of 0.2%.
Capital gains. Capital gains from the transfer of capital are taxed at a rate of 15%. They include gains from the transfer of securi ties if such transfers are not classified as business activities. For the transfer of listed shares or other listed securities, a capital gains tax is imposed only if both of the following circumstances exist:
• The listed shares or listed securities were originally acquired after 1 January 2009.
• The transferor holds a 0.5% or higher stake in the share capital of the company.
The above provisions apply to capital gains from transfers of securities taking place on or after 1 January 2014.
An exemption from capital gains tax applies to gains derived from the transfer of securities if the seller is a tax resident of a country with which Greece has entered into a double tax treaty.
Losses incurred from the sale of securities can be carried forward for a five-year period and be offset against profits that arise from the same income category.
Taxation of employer-provided stock options and stock awards. Recently enacted legislation has amended the tax treatment of the following:
• Share settled stock option income
• Income deriving from stock awards, which involve the granting of shares for free as a benefit in kind in the context of stock award plans, in which the achievement of key performance indications or the occurrence of a specific event is set as a con dition for awarding the shares
Under the new rules, if certain conditions are met, in principle, the tax point is at the sale of the shares, and only a 15% capital gains tax is imposed.
Other considerations
Deemed income. The amount of declared income is compared with the amount of deemed income, determined based on evi dence relating to amounts spent on the acquisition of assets and on living expenses.
In general, amounts spent for the acquisition of assets are consid ered evidence of income to the extent that such amounts cannot be justified by the following:
• Taxable income
• Tax-exempt income or income that has been taxed under special rules, such as bank interest and directors’ fees
• Capital that has been accumulated out of taxed or tax-exempt income of prior years or from the sale of assets
• The importation of foreign exchange into Greece (restrictions apply to the importation of foreign exchange by Greek tax resi dents to cover deemed income)
• Contracted loans
• Gifts received or gains from lotteries
Capital purchases (for example, a home or car) constitute deemed income on an “actual expense” basis. Certain items generate deemed income under the “living expenses” section. In this context, deemed income from “living expenses” is derived from assets that are owned, while deemed income from “actual expens es” is derived from amounts spent to purchase assets. Currently, the list of deemed income items consists of the following:
• Motor cars, pleasure boats, aircraft, and chattels of great value.
• The annual deemed income for using a private home that is owned, rented or granted for free. The deemed income is calculated based on the square meters of the home and on the zone prices applicable for the respective location. For secondary residences, the amount described in the preceding sentence is reduced by half.
• The annual objective living expense for cars is calculated according to the engine capacity of each car.
• Swimming pools.
• Annual donations in excess of EUR300, except donations made to the state and municipal governments and other government bodies.
• Loans and gifts from parents to children in excess of EUR300.
• Purchase or formation of a business, increase of share capital for amounts invested in the business or purchases of shares or securities in general.
• Annual expenditure for the payment of interest and principal with respect to loans or credit.
• Purchases of valuable articles over EUR10,000.
• Loans granted to anyone.
• Repayment of loans.
• Private education and private school tuition fees, and remunera tion for housemaids, private drivers, teachers and other house hold personnel.
Deemed income does not apply to non-tax residents who earn no real income (any amount or type of income) in Greece. If non-tax residents earn real income in Greece, the deemed income related to amounts spent on the acquisition of assets applies.
Earning of income. Income is deemed to be earned at the time the individual has the right to collect such income. Exceptionally, for uncollected accrued income from employment or pensions that has been collected by the beneficiary in a later tax year, the time of acquisition of such income is the time of collection.
Credits. Under certain conditions, Greek and foreign tax resident individuals may subtract certain credits from the tax computed on their taxable income. All claims regarding expenses must be sup ported by proper documentation.
A 20% tax credit is provided on certain conditions for money donations of the taxpayer to public entities, charities and nonprofit organizations in Greece or other countries of the EU/ European Economic Area (EEA), provided that the donation exceeds the amount of EUR100 per tax year.
In addition, the tax law provides for a EUR200 credit per disabled individual living with an individual taxpayer.
For the 2020 to 2022 tax years, a deduction from income tax is recognized on certain conditions for costs incurred by taxpayers who receive services for the aesthetic, functional and energy upgrading of buildings.
A foreign tax credit is provided for foreign income declared that is taxed in Greece in accordance with the progressive income tax scale. The tax credit is limited to the Greek tax payable on that foreign income.
Rates. For the income tax rates applicable to the various catego ries of income, see the sections on these categories in Income subject to tax
Solidarity tax contribution. A special solidarity tax contribution is imposed on individuals who earn income exceeding EUR12,000 on an annual basis. In general, this solidarity tax contribution is imposed on the following:
• Both Greek and foreign income of Greek tax residents
• Greek-source income of foreign (non-Greek) tax residents
Net personal income (both taxable and tax exempt) is used to determine liability of the taxpayer.
The following are the progressive tax rates for the solidarity tax contribution for income earned on or after 1 January 2016.
Taxable income Tax rate Tax due Cumulative tax due EUR % EUR EUR
First 12,000
Next 8,000 2.2 176 176
Next 10,000 5.0 500 676
Next 10,000 6.5 650 1,326
Next 25,000 7.5 1,875 3,201
Next 155,000 9.0 13,950 17,151 Above 220,000 10.0
Solidarity tax contributions are withheld from salary income on a monthly basis (together with the regular tax withholdings on salary income). In some cases (for example, dividends, interest and capital gains from sale of securities that are declared on the annual personal income tax return), solidarity tax is assessed on the filing of the individual’s annual personal income tax return.
For salaried employees, solidarity tax contribution withholdings are made on the basis of the salaried employee’s annual salary after the deduction of employee social security contributions. A salaried employee’s annual salary is calculated on the basis of his or her monthly salary. The following types of individuals are excluded from the obligation to pay solidarity tax:
• Individuals with over 80% disability rate
• Long-term unemployed individuals
Severance payments are not subject to solidarity tax.
Law 4738/27.10.2020 introduced a suspension of solidarity tax for specific categories of income of individuals depending on the year concerned. For example, for the 2020 fiscal year, the exemp tion from solidarity tax applies to the following income categories:
• Business income
• Income from capital (dividends, interest, royalties and real estate income)
• Capital gains
For the 2021 and 2022 fiscal years, the exemption from solidar ity tax applies to employment income earned by employees of the private sector.
Additional conditions may apply in order to grant the above exemption if the alternative income computation (deemed income) rules are used to determine the individual’s taxable income.
Luxury tax. A luxury tax is applied to the deemed income arising from the use of automobiles, pleasure boats (private yachts), airplanes, helicopters, gliders and swimming pools. The luxury tax rates range from 5% to 13%.
B. Other taxes
Inheritance and gift taxes. All property located in Greece, regardless of ownership, and any movable property located abroad that belongs to a Greek citizen or to any other person domiciled in Greece are subject to inheritance tax. All property located in Greece and any movable property located abroad that is donated by a Greek citizen or by a foreigner to a person domiciled in Greece are subject to gift tax.
Movable assets located abroad and belonging to a Greek tax resident who was established outside Greece for at least 10 consecutive years is exempt from Greek inheritance tax.
Effective from 31 July 2020, donations of movable property located abroad that have not been acquired during the last 12 years in Greece by Greek citizens are exempt from tax, provided that such donors (Greek citizens) have been residing abroad for at least 10 consecutive years and, in case of relocation to Greece, no more than 5 years have elapsed.
The categories of rates for inheritance tax and gift tax depend on the relationship of the beneficiary to the deceased or donor. The rates are higher for more distant relatives and unrelated persons.
The following table illustrates the increase in the inheritance tax rates for categories of persons less closely related to the decedent.
Tax on Tax rate on Threshold threshold amount exceeding amount amount threshold amount
Category EUR EUR %
A 600,000 16,500 10
B 300,000 23,500 20 C 267,000 71,700 40
A gift or parental grant of cash is taxed separately at a rate of 10%, 20% or 40%, depending on the relationship of the benefi ciary with the provider.
Effective from 1 October 2021, parental grants or gifts to the persons belonging to Category A, as well as parental grants or the gifts of money to said persons via bank transfer, are subject to tax, which is calculated at a rate of 10%, after deducting a onetime tax-free amount of EUR800,000.
Estate tax treaties. Greece has entered into estate tax treaties with Germany, Italy, Spain and the United States to prevent double estate taxation.
Real estate taxes. Annual Real Estate Tax (ENFIA) has replaced FAP. ENFIA is divided into a main tax and a supplementary tax. ENFIA applies to real estate located in Greece that is owned by individuals or legal entities.
ENFIA is payable on an annual basis. The tax payable depends on a number of factors, including but not limited to the following:
• The zone price of the location where the property is located
• The area the property in square meters
• The intended use of the property
• The age of the building
• The floor where the property is located (if it is above ground)
• The number of “building facades” of the property (that is, whether the property is adjacent to a public road and if so whether it is adjacent to more than one public road)
Additional ENFIA tax is imposed if the total value of the tax payer’s land exceeds a threshold of EUR250,000. Rates ranging from 0.15% to 1.15% are applied progressively on the value of the taxpayer’s property in excess of the EUR250,000 threshold.
At the time of writing, the Greek government was also consider ing the introduction of a wealth tax but no final decision had been reached.
The rate of the real estate transfer tax is 3% for transfers occur ring on or after 1 January 2014.
A special 15% tax is applied to real estate owned by foreign companies in Greece. Many exemptions are available. In certain circumstances, actions must be taken to obtain such exemptions.
C. Social security
Coverage. The state social security system in Greece is administered by the National Social Security Organization (e-EFKA), which has encompassed the different social security organiza tions covering each category of employed persons. Its benefits include pensions, medical expenses and long-term disability payments.
Contributions. Social security contributions are made by employ ers and employees based on a percentage of the employee’s monthly salary.
Under Law 4387/2016 and subject to the relevant ministerial decisions, there are various packages in relation to social security coverage of employees, depending on the type of employment. The most common social security contribution package is set according to the provisions of Law 4826/2021, which includes the following rates:
• Employers’ contribution: 22.54%
• Employees’ contribution: 14.12%
The maximum monthly amount subject to social security contri butions is now EUR6,500 (14 payroll periods).
Totalization agreements. To provide relief from double social security taxes and to assure benefit coverage, Greece has entered into totalization agreements with the following jurisdictions.
Argentina EU member states Switzerland Australia Libya Syria Brazil New Zealand United States Canada Ontario Uruguay Cyprus Quebec Venezuela Egypt Serbia
D. Tax filing and payment procedures
A taxpayer who is 18 or older must declare all of his or her tax able and exempt income to the tax authorities electronically.
Tax returns must be filed by 30 June of the year following the relevant calendar year.
Married persons, regardless of whether they file joint or separate tax returns, are taxed separately on all types of income.
Tax liability is determined by deducting from the computed amount of tax any previous advance payments of income tax, any taxes withheld at source and any creditable amounts of foreign taxes paid.
In addition, if the individual receives income from a business, as a general rule, 100% of the amount of a current year’s income tax must be paid as an advance payment of the following year’s tax liability. The amount of the advance tax payment reduces the fol lowing year’s tax liability.
Income tax is usually paid in three equal bimonthly installments.
E. Double tax relief and tax treaties
Greek residents are entitled to a credit for foreign taxes paid, not to exceed the amount of Greek tax payable on the foreign-source income.
Greece has entered into double tax treaties with the following jurisdictions.
Albania Hungary Romania Armenia Iceland Russian Federation
Austria India San Marino Azerbaijan Ireland Saudi Arabia Belgium Israel Serbia
Bosnia and Italy Slovak Republic
Herzegovina Korea (South) Slovenia Bulgaria Kuwait South Africa Canada Latvia Spain
China Mainland Lithuania Sweden
Croatia Luxembourg Switzerland Cyprus Malta Tunisia
Czech Republic Mexico Turkey Denmark Moldova Ukraine Egypt Morocco United Arab Estonia Netherlands Emirates Finland Norway United Kingdom France Poland United States Georgia Portugal Uzbekistan Germany Qatar
F. Temporary visas (Schengen visas) and Digital Nomad Visas
An entry visa, which may be obtained from the Greek embassy or consulate of the expatriate’s place of origin, is usually required for visiting Greece. However, a temporary visa is not required for citizens of EU-member countries, for citizens of the United States or for citizens of countries that have signed reciprocity treaties with Greece.
Non-EU nationals, including citizens of the United States or citizens of countries that have signed reciprocity treaties with Greece, who intend to enter Greece to obtain a Greek residence permit need to obtain a special type of Schengen visa from the Greek consulate or embassy of their country of origin before entering Greece.
Law 4825/2021 (Government Gazette A’ 157/4.9.2021) introduced the Digital Nomad Visa for foreigners who wish to work remotely from Greece. Holders of a Digital Nomad Visa have the right of legal residence in Greece, with no access right
to Greek-dependent employment or business activity in Greece whatsoever.
Third-country (non-EU) nationals who are either dependent employees or self-employed persons and who work remotely with employers or clients outside Greece using information and com munication technologies are considered Digital Nomads. Family members are eligible for an individual visa, valid for the same period as the Digital Nomad Visa, which does not provide right of employment or professional activity in Greece.
A Digital Nomad Visa is valid for up to 12 months. If the thirdcountry national estimates that he or she will continue to be eli gible following that period, then prior to the expiration of the visa, he or she may apply for the issuance of a Digital Nomad residence permit with a two-year period of validity (with option of renewal). In that case, family members are eligible.
The Greek consular authority of the place of main residence of the applicant can issue a Digital Nomad Visa by applying a fasttrack process. The Digital Nomad residence permit is issued by the competent authority of the Greek Ministry of Migration and Asylum.
To be eligible to a Digital Nomad Visa, the applicant is required (among others prerequisites) to provide evidence that he or she has sufficient resources, such as a stable income, to cover his or her living expenses during his or her stay in the country, without burdening the national social welfare system. The amount of suf ficient resources is set at EUR3,500 per month. If the applicant’s resources derive from dependent employment or independent provision of services, the above minimum amount refers to the net income after payment of the required taxes in the country where the employment or services are provided. The above amount is increased by 20% for the spouse or cohabitant and by 15% for each child. In addition, the applicant is required to provide documentation proving that he or she is a dependent employee or self-employed person working remotely with employers or clients outside Greece, covering the validity period of the Digital Nomad Visa.
A third-country citizen, as well as members of his or her family, who meet the conditions to apply for a Digital Nomad Visa and have already entered Greece either with a uniform type of visa or under a visa waiver regime, have the opportunity, within the period of validity of their existing visa, to apply to the one-stop service of the Greek Ministry of Migration and Asylum for the issuance of a Digital Nomad residence permit. In this case, they will also be required to submit documentation proving their resi dence address in Greece.
G. Residence permits providing access to dependent employment and self-employment and permits for investors in strategic investments and owners of real estate
EU nationals are not required to obtain residence permits to live and work in Greece. However, EU nationals who intend to reside and work in Greece for more than three months must obtain a
European Citizen Residence Card. This card, which may not be denied to EU nationals, is granted for an indefinite time period by the appropriate Police Department (Alien Bureau). Non-EU nationals must obtain a residence permit. Greek law provides for specific types of residence permits for non-EU nationals, which provide access to employment in Greece. Consequently, a non-EU national does not need to obtain a sepa rate work permit apart from the residence permit.
The competent authority for the issuance of a residence permit depends on the type of residence permit. For example, the Greek Ministry of Internal Affairs grants residence permits to members of boards of directors, administrators, legal representatives and higher executives of subsidiaries or branches of foreign compa nies exercising their commercial activities legally in Greece. Residence permits are usually valid for one year and are renew able.
In addition, individuals who have adequate means to support their activities and who are engaged in activities that make a positive contribution to the national economy may be selfemployed in Greece if they obtain an entry visa and file an appli cation for a residence permit.
Apart from the above, residence permits are available to non-EU citizens who will invest in Greece.
In this context, a residence permit is granted to a third-country national (non-EU) who purchases real property or enters into a time-sharing agreement or lease agreement under specific requirements set by the Greek Immigration Code. The residence permit is granted for five years. The residence permit may be renewed for an equal term if the property remains in the ultimate ownership and possession of the interested party and if the party complies with other provisions of the applicable laws. The permit is granted if the interested party has been granted a visa (under certain conditions) and if the interested party has ultimate owner ship and possession of the property in Greece, individually or through a legal entity of which the party is the sole owner of the respective shares or capital parts. The minimum value of the property should be EUR250,000.
Under the Greek Immigration Code (Law 4251/2014), a Blue Card may be issued to highly specialized personnel (European Directive 2009/50/EC). The Greek Immigration Code has incor porated into the Greek legal framework the provisions of the EU Intercorporate Transfer Directive (Directive 2014/66/EU) on the conditions of entry and residence of third-country nationals in the context of an intra-corporate transfer.
H. Family and personal considerations
Family members. Residence permits are granted to an EU citizen’s non-EU family members according to specific prerequisites set by the Greek Immigration Code.
Marital property regime. Spouses (heterosexual couples) in Greece may choose the marital property regime they prefer. If they do not make an election, a regime of separate property
applies. Spouses under a separate property regime may nonethe less acquire common property.
Before or during the marriage, the spouses may modify the default regime of separate property by entering into a marital con tract adopting a community property regime. The contract must be notarized and recorded in the public registry. The community property claims purport to survive a permanent move to a non-community property country.
The property relationship of the spouses is subject, in order of priority, to the law of their last common nationality if one of them retains it, to the law of their common marital residence or to the law of the country to which they are most closely connected. These rules are fixed permanently at the time the marriage is solemnized.
Forced heirship. The Greek rules on forced heirship protect the closest relatives of the decedent, who may not disinherit them. Forced heirs are always entitled to a certain percentage of the estate, and they have all the rights and duties of other heirs. Forced heirs in general are the descendants, the parents and the surviving spouse of the decedent. If descendants survive, the parents are excluded, and the surviving spouse’s portion is one-eighth of the estate.
Forced heirs are entitled to one-half of their intestate share of the decedent’s estate. The forced heir’s right may be inherited and devolves under the rules of the intestate succession.
Any testamentary dispositions to the prejudice of the forced heir or any restrictions imposed on his or her share by the will are void. Inter vivos donations of the testator to the detriment of the estate and, consequently, to the legitimate portion are canceled if the estate at death is insufficient to provide the forced heirs their portions.
Under the provisions of Greek law, distribution of all property, movable and immovable, is governed by the law of the decedent’s country of nationality at death.
Driver’s permits. An expatriate may drive legally in Greece on his or her home-country driver’s license. EU citizens are provided with EU driver’s licenses, which they may use for up to one year. Non-EU citizens are provided with international driver’s licenses.
No examination is required to obtain a Greek driver’s license for holders of European or international driver’s licenses.