8 minute read
Sausage Recipes
PANIROILED SAUSAGES ...Sausage,as bacon, should always be cooked over low heat, draining off excessfat as it accumulates.To panfry sausage, put it into a heavy pan, either hot or cold, and cook over moderate heat, turning frequently until browned and thoroughly cooked. Allow about 30 minutes for sausage cakes and 15 to 20 minutes for the small cased sausages.Cream gravy may be made from fat remaining in pan at end of cooking. Biscuits are delicious with this gravy.
SAUSAGE WITH APPLE RINGS ... Panfry sausage. Remove from pan to a hot platter. Pour off excess fat. In the remainder of fat put slices of apple cut ~ inch thick, from which cores have been removed. Cook one side until delicately browned and beginning to look transparent. Turn, sprinkle generously with granulated sugar and continue cooking until apples are transparent. Remove to platter with sausages and serve piping hot. About ten minutes will be required for cooking apples.
SAUSAGES WITH PEACH HALVES ... Prick the casing of sausageswith a fork. Place on a rack of the broiler. On broiler rack also place peach halves, with a little butter in hollow of each. Have broiler rack set about four inches under a moderately hot flame or element. Turn sausages once during cooking to get an even brown. Broil fruit and sausagesfrom 12 to 15 minutes. Arrange on hot platter, garnishing with parsley. Servewith mashed potatoes and mixed green salad.
1pound small sausages lI.I teaspoon salt lI.I cup diced celery ~ teaspoon sugar lI.I cup tomato ketchup Creamed potatoes lI.I cup water Prick sausage casings and panfry slowly until done; remove to a serving dish and pour off all but 2 tablespoons fat from pan. Cook celery in this fat; add ketchup, water, salt and a dash of pepper and sugar. When sauce is boiling, pour over sausageson a chop plate and surround with creamed potatoes sprinkled with chopped parsley. Serve with buttered onions, cinnamon apple salad and tapioca pudding.
... Prepare biscuit dough, using a prepared biscuit Hourif desired. Pat or roll to Y3 inch in thickness and cut into triangles or in four or five inch squares. Panfry sausage ten minutes. Drain well and place one sausage on each piece of biscuit dough. Wrap dough around sausage. Put into a baking pan and bake in a hot oven of 450 degrees F. about 15 minutes or until biscuit dough is baked. While biscuits bake, make a cream gravy with sausagefat. Serveover baked rolls. With this dish serve buttered lima beans, molded fruit salad and jelly roll.
1pound sausages 1medium can kidney Parsley beans Prick casingsof sausagesand panfry until brown. Pour off excessfat. Place in baking dish and pour kidney beans over sausages.Bake in a slow oven of 350 degrees F. for about 30 minutes. Place beans on hot platter and surround with sausages or serve in baking dish. If desired, beans may be poured over sausage in frying pan and simmered slowlyfor 20 minutes on top of stove.Baked beans with tomato saucemay be used in place of kidney beans. Servewith cold slaw,pickles and apple pie.
1pound link sausages lI.I cup brown sugar 3 medium-sized sweet lI.I cup sausage potatoes drippings 3 large red apples lI.I cup boiling water Fry sausage links, which have been pricked with fork, until golden brown. Boil sweet potatoes until tender, pare and cut in halves lengthwise. Line bottom of well greased casserolewith sweet potatoes. Place browned sausages over potatoes, and over sausagesput apples cut in generous slicesbut not pared. Sprinkle with brown sugar, and pour drippings, diluted with water, over all. Bake in a moderate oven of 375 degrees F. for about 40 minutes. Serves3 or 4. Servewith salad of lettuce hearts with cheese dressing and pineapple pudding.
2 pounds sausage, 2 cups or more made Into patties sauerkraut 2 cups noodles Salt Cook noodles in boiling salted water until tender. Place layer of cooked noodles in baking dish. Cover with sauerkraut. Brown sausage patties in frying pan and place a layer over kraut. Repeat using a second layer of noodles, kraut and sausage. Add 2 cups water and bake in a moderate oven of 350 degrees F. about 1 hour. Serve with boiled potatoes, apple sauceand cherry cobbler.
1pound ground 1tablespoon minced parboiled liver onion 1pound bulk pork 2 tablespoons ketchup sausage 2 tablespoons prepared 1~ cupsdry bread horseradish crumbs 1egg, slightly beaten 1cup milk Cook liver for a few minutes in hot water. Grind and combine with sausage.Add bread crumbs and seasonings and moisten with beaten egg and milk. Pack into greased loaf pan and bake in a moderate oven of 350 degrees F. for 1~ hours. Serve with creamed cabbage,pickles, and pineapple with chocolate cookies.
SAUSAGES BAKED IN POTATOES ... Wash and pare potatoes of uniform size. Make a hole with apple corer through entire potato. Push a small sausage into this hole. Place potatoes in a baking dish, sprinkle with salt and pepper and bake in a hot oven of 425 degrees F. until potatoes are very tender, basting every 10minutes with sausage drippings. Serve with stewed tomatoes, creamed peas and cold slaw.
1pound link sausages 1small onion, 2 cups bread crumbs grated or minced \I.i teaspoon sage salt and pepper Make a dressing by combining all ingredients except sausage.Moisten with water if moist dressing is liked; if dry dressing is preferred do not add liquid. Pack into a buttered baking dish, place sausages on top and bake in a moderate oven of 350 degrees F. until sausages are done, about 30 minutes. Serve with Tomato Sauce and a mixed green salad.
1Y2 pounds pork 1cup diced carrots sausage 1Y2 cupsgravy 2 cups diced potatoes or canned consomme, 1cup diced turnips thickened 1cup cookedpeas Biscuitdough Make sausage into small patties. Place in a frying pan with % cup water and cook slowlyuntil water is evaporated and meat browned. Place diced vegetables in buttered baking dish with sausages on top. Cover with gravy. Bake in a moderate oven of 350 degrees F. until vegetables are tender, about 1 hour. Fifteen minutes before serving, place biscuit dough on top and increase the temperature to 400 degrees F. to bake the crust. Biscuit dough may be cut into small biscuits and laid over top instead of a large crust.
4 to 6 sausages 2 cups baked beans 1tablespoon minced 1cup canned or onion fresh corn Mince sausages and fry slowly wtih minced onion until sausages are crisp and brown. Pour off part of fat. Add corn and beans, pour into a casserole and bake in a moderate oven of 350 degrees F. for 25 to 30 minutes. Serve with shredded cabbage or Waldorf salad and fresh or canned fruit.
4 to 6 sausages \I.i cup milk 4 e88s,slightly beaten Y2 teaspoon salt Dash of pepper Toast Cut sausages in small pieces and fry slowly until tender. Pour off most of fat and add eggs slightly beaten and mixed with milk, salt and pepper. Stir lightly with a fork until egg is set and creamy in consistency. Serve on hot buttered toast. A delicious breakfast dish.
1pound sausage Fried tomato slices 1cup rice Boil riceuntil tender in boiling saltedwater, drain, cover and allow to steam until every grain is separated and tender. Fry sausage,formed into patties, until well browned and done. When sausage is done, remove to a hot platter and in the skillet with a small amount of fat, fry tomato slices that have been salted, peppered and dipped in flour. Brown tomatoes on both sides, sprinkling with a few grains of sugar while cooking. Heap the fluffy boiled riceon a large chop plate, put a little melted butter over it and surround with sausagecakesand fried tomatoes.
1Y2 pounds frankfurters 3 tablespoons 1onion Worcestershire sauce 2 tablespoons butter Y2 teaspoon 3 tablespoons vinegar prepared mustard 2 tablespoons brown Y2 cup water sugar Y2 cup chopped celery % cup ketchup Salt Prick skins of frankfurters and arrange them in shallow pan. Prepare sauce as follows: Brown onion in butter, then add remaining ingredients. Simmer for a few minutes; pour over frankfurters and bake uncovered in a moderate oven of 350 degrees F. for 45 minutes. Serve in sandwiches, putting some sauce on each or serve as a hot supper dish.
4 to 6 frankfurters Y.t cup chopped 5 medium sized,diced dill pickle cookedpotatoes 1tablespoon chopped
I large cucumber diced onion 1tomato diced 1teaspoon prepared Mayonnaise mustard Slice frankfurters which have been cooked in boiling water, cooled and peeled. Combine with potatoes, cucumber, tomato, pickle and onion. Moisten with mayonnaise to which has been added mustard and salt. Serve in deep crisp nests or lettuce. This is a substantial main dish salad. Serve for luncheons, suppers, porch parties and picnics.
Y3 cup brown sugar 1No.2 can (2 cups) 1tablespoon flour tomatoes 1cup coldwater 1green pepper,minced Y2 teaspoon salt 2 pounds large frankfurters Combine sugar, salt, flour and water. Add vegetables and cook for five minutes, stirring frequently. Add frankfurters, cover, and bake in a moderate oven of 350 degrees F. for about lY2 hours. Serves 8. Serve with baked potatoes, cabbage salad and apple pie.
This section is devoted to the lesser known
facts concernmg the relative food values of meats and other common foods.
The charts herein show the content of calories, vitamins, protein, etc. They are designed to be of help in the preparation of balanced meals containing the necessary food elements. In this section we are also pleased to present complete dinner menus planned and tested by Josephine Gibson. They are offered as an aid in the preparation of appetizing, satisfying and varied family and guest menus.