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Fried Foods

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Beef Recipes

Beef Recipes


1cup sugar 1teaspoon baking 2 tablespoonssour powder creamor lard Y2 teaspoon lemon 3eggs extract 1cup sour milk Y2 teaspoon nutmeg

Y2 teaspoonsoda 4 Y2 cups flour Y2 teaspoon salt (approximately) Mix sugar with cream or lard and add beaten eggs and sour milk. Sift dry ingredients with 1 cup flour and add to firstmixture. Add additional flour to make a dough just stiff enough to handle. Toss on floured board and roll Y2 to % inch thick. Cut with doughnut cutter and fry in deep fat until brown on one side, turn and fry until brown on other side. When cold, roll in powdered sugar. Makes about 3 dozen doughnuts.


¥3 cup sugar 2 tablespoonslukewarm 3 tablespoons lard water 1teaspoon salt 5 cupsflour 1cup scaldedmilk 2 eggs 1yeastcake 1teaspoon nutmeg Add sugar, lard and salt to scalded milk. Cool to lukewarm and add yeast cake mixed with warm water. Add enough flour to make a sponge, about 2 cups. Set in warm place to rise. When light add well beaten eggs, nutmeg and enough flour to make a soft dough. Cover and let rise until double in bulk. Knead until free of large air bubbles. Roll out on slightly floured board to Y2 inch in thickness. Cut with a doughnut cutter, cover and let rise in a warm place until again double in bulk. Put top side down in deep hot lard. Fry on one side, turn and fry on other side. Drain on unglazed paper. Just before serving sprinkle with granulated or confectioners sugar. Makes 2 Y2 dozen doughnuts.


1cup milk 1cakecompressedyeast J4 cup lard 2 well beaten eggs Y2 teaspoon salt 4 cups bread flour Y3 cup sugar Currant or grape jelly Scald milk, add lard, salt and sugar. When cool, crumble yeast cake into mixture and beat well. Add eggs and enough flour to make a dough stiff enough to handle-about 4 cups. Knead and set in a cool place to rise about 6 hours or overnight. In the morning, turn onto a floured board, roll J4 inch thick and cut into rounds using a biscuit cutter. On each circle put a teaspoonful of jelly or thick preserve. Draw up edges, so jelly is completely covered and press edges together very firmly. Leave these balls on lightly floured board to rise until double in bulk. Then fry in deep hot lard, turning frequently until thoroughly cooked and well browned. Drain on unglazed paper and when cool, roll in granulated sugar.


4 cupsflour 2 tablespoonscocoa 4 teaspoonsbaking 2 eggyolks powder 1cup sugar Y2 teaspoon salt 1cup milk J4 teaspooncinnamon Y2 cup melted lard Sift flour, measure, and sift with baking powder, salt, cinnamon and cocoa. Beat egg yolks, add sugar gradually, beating it in well. Add sifted dry ingredients alternately with milk, mixing well after each addition. Add melted lard. Add slightly more flour if needed to make a dough that will roll. Roll to Y2 inch in thickness,cut with doughnut cutter and fry in deep hot lard. Drain well on unglazed paper and, when cool, roll in powdered sugar.


J4 cup lard J4 teaspoonsalt 1cup sugar 3Y2 teaspoonsbaking 2 eggs powder 4 cupsflour 1cup milk 1,4 teaspoongrated Powderedsugar and nutmeg cinnamon Cream the lard, add sugar gradually and cream well. Add egg yolks well beaten, and egg whites beaten until stiff. Mix and sift flour, nutmeg and baking powder and add alternately with milk to first mixture. Roll out on lightly floured board Y2 inch thick. Cut in strips 8 inches long and % inch wide. Twist several times and pinch ends together. Fry until golden brown on both sides. Roll in confectionerssugar beforeserving.


1cup flour Y2 tablespoon melted 1teaspoon baking butter powder 1cup canned corn, Y2 teaspoonsalt well drained Dash of pepper 1tablespoon chopped 1egg pimiento J4 cup milk Sift flour, measure, and return to sifter. Add baking powder, salt and pepper to flour.Beat egg, add milk gradually, beating it in. Add melted butter, corn and pimiento and mix well. Sift in dry ingredients and stir until batter is smooth. Drop by small spoonfuls into deep hot lard. Fry to a golden brown, drain and serve piping hot.

PINEAPPLE OR BANANA FRITTERS... For pineapple fritters, add Y2 cup diced canned pineapple to fritter batter made as for apple fritters. Be sure pineapple is thoroughly drained. Drop by spoonfuls into deep hot lard. Cook until delicately brown, drain well and serve with syrup or sprinkled with powdered sugar. For banana fritters, use Y2 cup cubed bananas instead of pineapple. Serve in same way as pineapple fritters.


1 cup flour 2 tablespoons sugar 1 teaspoon baking 2 eggs powder Y3cup milk Y4 teaspoon salt 2 medium apples Beat eggs in a mixing bowl, add milk and beat together well. Mix and sift flour, baking powder, salt and sugar. Sift, all at once, into milk and egg. Stir until barely smooth, do not overstir. Pare and core apples and cut with a doughnut cutter. Dip in batter and fry in deep hot lard. Cook to a delicate brown, from 3 to 5 minutes. Drain and serve hot, as a garnish with meat or for dessert with Lemon Sauce.

FRENCH FRIED POTATOES... Select large firm potatoes and allow three potatoes for serving two. New potatoes do not brown well, so do not use them. Pare and cut in strips, one-half to threefourths inch wide and about three inches long. Put potato strips into cold water and soak for at least twenty minutes. To fry, drain and dry potatoes thoroughly in a dry towel. Have kettle a little more than half full of lard, which has been slowly melted to 390 degrees F. Put potatoes in a wire basket, using just enough to cover bottom of basket. Lower it slowly into the fat, being careful that fat does not bubble over at first. The cold potatoes will reduce the heat of the fat, so turn up fire under kettle at first to keep the temperature even. Let fry until a light brown, from five to ten minutes. Lift up basket, let it drain, then transfer to absorbent paper. If more potatoes are being fried, keep first batch hot in oven. Sprinkle with salt just before serving.

FRENCH FRIED EGGPLANT ... Pare eggplant and cut in lengthwise strips, as for French fried potatoes. Sprinkle with salt and pepper and dredge each strip with flour. Dip in beaten egg, then coat well with dry bread or cracker crumbs and fry in deep hot fat. Drain well and serve. Sprinkle with more salt, if needed.


2 cups hot, riced potatoes 2 tablespoons butter ~ teaspoon salt

Va teaspoon pepper

Y4 teaspoon celery salt Few grains cayenne Few drops onion juice 1egg yolk 1teaspoon finely chopped parsley

Mix in order given and beat well. Chill, shape into croquettes, dip in fine crumbs, then in an egg diluted with 1 tablespoon water, then in crumbs again. Fry in deep hot lard. Drain well and serve. FRIED POTATO BALLS... Omit egg yolk, shape into small balls, roll in flour and fry in deep hot lard.

FRENCH FRIED ONIONS ... Cut large white onions in one-fourth inch slices. Separate slices into .rings. Dip rings first in milk, then into flour. Fry In deep hot lard. Brown delicately, drain on unglazed, absorbent paper. Salt before serving.


3 tablespoons butter ~ cup American cheese 4 tablespoons flour cut in small cubes :ys cup milk ~ teaspoon salt 2 egg yolks Pepper ~ cup grated Bread crumbs

American cheese Melt butter, blend in flour. Stir in milk gradually. Cook over low heat, stirring constantly, until a thick smooth sauce is formed. Add egg yolks and grated cheese and stir until cheese is melted. Remove from heat, stir in cubed cheese and season mixture rather highly. Chill, and shape into croquettes. Roll in fine, dry bread crumbs, in beaten egg diluted with one tablespoon water, then in crumbs again. Fry in deep hot lard. Drain well and serve with Tomato Sauce. Makes 6 to 8 croquettes.



1 thick ham slice 6 medium sized potatoes

Y4 cup sliced onions, or more 2 tablespoons flour 2 tablespoon butter

Cut ham into individual servings. Place a layer of sliced potatoes in a greased casserole, then a layer of thinly sliced onions, and the ham slices on top.

Prepare a sauce, melting butter, blending with flour and then adding milk and stirring until thickened and smooth. Add seasonings, pour over ham and potatoes in casserole, sprinkle with paprika, cover and bake in a moderate oven until potatoes and meat are done, about one hour. Serve with scalloped cauliflower, molded vegetable salad, sherbet and cookies. 2 cups milk ~ teaspoon salt Va teaspoon each thyme and marjoram, if desired Paprika


2 cups mashed Cayenne potatoes 1 cup chopped 1 tablespoon butter cooked ham 3 egg yolks Egg and crumbs Mix potato, melted butter, yolks of 2 eggs and cayenne, beat until smooth, and chill. Chop ham, mix with other yolk, set on stove for a moment, then cool thoroughly. Take a tablespoon of potato mixture, make a hole in it, put a large teaspoonful of the chopped ham inside, close the hole and form a ball. Dip in flour, rhen in egg beaten with 1 tablespoon water, then roll in crumbs and fry in deep hot lard until well browned. Garnish with parsley and serve.

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