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Beef Recipes

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Bacon Recipes

Bacon Recipes

RIB ROAST OF BEEF... 2 rib standing or rolled rib roast (about 4 pounds). Salt, pepper and flour.

Rub with salt, allowing Y2 teaspoon per pound, and pepper. Sprinkle lightly with flour. Place on rack in roaster, fat side up. Roast in a slow oven of 300 to 350 degrees F. without covering or basting until as well done as desired. For cooking a standing rib roast rare, allow 18 to 20 minutes per pound; for medium, allow 22 to 25 minutes per pound; and for well done, allow 27 to 30 minutes per pound. Ten to fifteen minutes per pound more is required for cooking a rolled roast to same degree of doneness,

If a meat thermometer is used, insert it so that bulb reaches center of the large muscle. For rare beef it should register 140 degrees F.; for medium beef, 160 degrees F. and for well done beef, 180 degrees F.


1 porterhouse, club Salt and pepper or sirloin steak Have steak cut at least 1 inch thick. Heat broiler, place steak on broiler rack far enough from heat so that by time it is browned on one side it will be half done. If the heat is turned on high, the meat should be about 3 inches from source of heat. When browned on one side, season with salt and pepper and rum. Allow to finish cooking on second side, season, and serve immediately. A steak 1 inch thick requires approximately 12 to 15 minutes; and a steak 2 inches thick requires 30 to 35 minutes.


I Y2 to 2 pounds round Y3cup flour steak, cut thick 2 tablespoons fat % teaspoon salt Y2 onion Pepper 2 Y2 cups water Add salt and pepper to flour and pound into meat. Brown well in frying pan with fat. Add onion and water, cover closely and simmer until tender, about 1 Y2 hours. Turn meat occasionally. Makes delicious gravy around meat.


4 pounds chuck or 2 onions, sliced rump pot roast 1 cup boiling water 2 tablespoons flour Salt and pepper 2 tablespoons fat Season meat with salt and pepper and dredge well with flour. Brown on all sides in hot fat in cooking kettle. When well browned, add sliced onions and boiling water. Cover tightly and let simmer until meat is tender, about 2 or 2Y2 hours. Add more water if necessary, never much at a time, and turn meat occasionally. When done, remove meat and make a delicious brown gravy, adding more liquid to pan and thickening with flour and water paste. Boil well and add more seasoning if needed.


2 pounds round steak Y3 cup flour cut thick Y2 onion, chopped % teaspoon salt Y2 green pepper, Dash of pepper finely chopped 2 tablespoons melted 2 cups cooked tomatoes suet 1 teaspoon sugar Add salt and pepper to flour and pound into meat. Brown in frying pan with fat; then add onion, green pepper, tomatoes and sugar. Cover closely and simmer or bake slowly until meat is very tender, about 2 hours. Add water from time to time, if needed. Meat may be cut into pieces for serving before cooking. .


1 pound ground beef 1 small can tomato 2 tablespoons fat soup 1 onion, chopped 1 teaspoon salt 1 medium can kidney \I.i teaspoon chili beans powder, if desired Brown beef in frying pan with fat and chopped onion. Add beans and stir well. Add tomato soup or canned tomatoes, salt and chili powder and simmer 15 to 25 minutes. Chili powder may be omitted unless hot chili is desired, and dash of pepper substituted.


1 Y2 pounds ground Generous dash of beef pepper 1 cup stale bread 1 teaspoon grated crumbs onion 1 teaspoon salt Y2 cup milk or more 1 egg 3 slices bacon Mix meat, crumbs, salt, pepper and onion. Add egg, mix it in well and add milk to moisten. Loaf should be soft, yet hold together well. Shape into loaf, place in a greased pan, and place bacon strips over top. Bake in moderate oven of 350 degrees F., until baked through and well browned, about 1 Y2 hours. No water is added during baking.

VARIATIONS FOR MEAT LOAF ... One-h~lf pound ground pork mixed with beef gives richness to loaf The other ingredients remain the same. Bake slightly longer. One-half cup chili sauce or ketchup diluted with Y2 cup water, poured over meat after it is brown, and used for basting, gives a spicy flavor.

One or two hard cooked eggs may be molded in center of loaf before baking, thus when slicing, the loaf has an especially attractive appearance. Also bake individual meat loaves, molding Y2 hard cooked egg in each.

For picnics, large dill pickles or sweet pickles may be molded in meat loaf, giving zest to sandwiches.


3 pounds beef,round, 2Y2 cups boiling water chuckor shoulder Y2 cup tomato ketchup

Salt,pepper and flour 1teaspoon sugar 1 cup each,diced carrot, 6 or 8 medium potatoes turnip, onion and celery Sprinkle beef with salt and pepper. Dredge well with flour and brown well in several tablespoons fat. Place in deep pan with diced carrot, turnip, onion and celery. To boiling water add ketchup and sugar, and pour ¥3 of this liquid around meat and vegetables. Cover closely and bake about 2 hours, in a moderate oven of 350 degrees F., basting every half hour with remaining liquid. Turn meat once. Add potatoes, whole, during last hour of baking.


1Y2 pounds ground 2 tablespoons fat beef Saltand pepper 1small onion, minced 1small can tomato soup Mix meat with chopped onion, season with salt and pepper, form into balls and fry in skillet with hot fat until nicely browned on both sides. Add tomato soup and simmer or bake slowlyuntil sauce is rich and thick, about Y2 hour.


1pound beef,ground 1teaspoon Worcester1medium onion, shire sauce chopped 2 cups strained tomato 1small green pepper or tomato soup ;4 pound grated cheese 1packagespaghetti, 1Y2 teaspoonssalt boiled Cook pepper and onion in several tablespoons butter; add meat and cook until browned, stirring frequently. Add other ingredients, turn into .buttered baking dish, sprinkle with buttered crumbs, if desired, and bake in a moderate oven of 350 degrees F. for 45 to 60 minutes. Meat maye be shaped into small balls beforebrowning.


1pound beef liver 1medium onion, sliced 1Y2 tablespoonsflour ;4 cup diced celery Y2 teaspoon salt 2 carrotssliced Va teaspoon pepper 2 cupsstrained 2 tablespoons melted fat tomatoes Y2 bayleaf Cut liver into 2 inch squares, roll in combined flour, salt and pepper; brown on all sides in hot melted fat.Remove meat to casserole.In fat brown onion, celery and carrots slightly, then place in casserole with meat. Add tomatoes and baylea£ Cover tightly and bake in a moderate oven of 350 degrees F. for about 1Y2 hours.


2 pounds stewing beef, 4 or 5potatoes cut in cubes 4 or 5 carrots 2 tablespoons flour 4 or 5onions 2 tablespoons fat Dredge meat with flour, season well with salt and pepper, and brown on all sides in hot fat. When nicely browned, add 1 cup meat or vegetable stock or water and let simmer slowly for 1 hour. Add potatoes, carrots and onions, or any vegetables desired, and more stockor water and salt. Letsimmer slowly until vegetables are done. Remove meat and vegetables to a hot platter and thicken remaining liquid for gravy with flour smoothed in cold water.


2 cupscorned beef or 1cup milk, stock roast beef,chopped or gravy 2 cupscubed, Saltand pepper cookedpotatoes 2 tablespoons bacon

Y2 cup chopped onion drippings Melt fat in a frying pan, add onion and brown slightly. Add remaining ingredients, well mixed. Spread the mixture evenly in pan and cook slowly for Y2 hour. Cover pan during first 15 minutes so hash will heat thoroughly. If hash is to be baked, allow 45 minutes in a moderate oven of 350 degrees F. The hash may be stirred several times while cooking so it will brown all over but, if not stirred, fold and serve in the manner of an omelet.


3 or 4 pound beef Saltand pepper brisket Cover beef brisket with hot water and let simmer slowlyuntil tender, one and one-half to two hours. Season during last hour with salt and pepper. Serve with horseradish sauce.

To prepare Horseradish Sauce: Melt 3 tablespoons butter, blend in 4 tablespoons flour. Add 1 cup hot broth from meat and Y2 cup scalded milk and stir constantly to form a smooth sauce. Add 3 tablespoons prepared horseradish and salt and pepper to taste. Serve hot with boiled bee£


1porterhouse or Saltand pepper sirloin steak Place steak in heated, heavy frying pan. Brown on one side and then on other. Season with salt and pepper. Reduce heat and turn frequently so the steak will took uniformly. Pour off fat which collects in pan so meat will broil rather than fry. Serve at once on hot platter.

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