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Pork Recipes

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Whole or half ham 1tablespoon prepared 1cup brown sugar mustard Whole cloves 2 tablespoons vinegar Wash ham and place fat side up in an open roasting pan. Place in a slow oven of 300 to 350 degrees F. and bake without adding water and without covering. Allow 25 minutes per pound for whole ham and 30 to 35 minutes per pound for half ham. If meat thermometer is used, cook to an interior temperature of 160 degrees F. Forty-five minutes before ham is done, remove rind, and score fat over the outside in diagonal lines to .form diamonds. Spread with mustard, then with brown sugar, and stick with whole cloves. Add vinegar to juices in pan, and return ham to oven rocontinue baking until done. Instead of adding vinegar, pickled peaches or pears may be placed around ham during last 30 minutes of baking, and ham may be basted with juice from the fruit. Serve fruit as a garnish around ham.


1ham 1cup (about) blanched 1to 2 cups light brown almonds sugar 1cup water 2 cupscranberries 1cup granulated sugar Bake ham as in above recipe. An hour before done, remove rind, coat with brown sugar and at regular intervals in the fat stick in strips of blanched almonds. Have cranberry saucemade by cooking cranberries with water until tender, about 20 minutes, then straining and adding sugar, and heating just enough to dissolvesugar. Return ham to oven and continue roasting in a slow oven of 325 degrees F. for 1 hour or until very tender, basting frequently with the cranberry sauce.When serving, serve additional cranberry sauce or jelly separately.


Pork loin, shoulder Salt and pepper or freshham Place roast fat side up on a rack in an open roasting pan. Pork loin should be placed rib side down, so that bone ends are down to prevent them from becoming too brown. Season meat with salt and pepper. Place in a slow oven of 300 to 350 degrees F. and roast until done without adding water and without covering. This requires 35 to 40 minutes per pound. If meat thermometer is used it should register 185 degrees F. During last hour of baking, potatoes may be browned around roast.

CROWN ROAST OF PORK ... Have the crown prepared in market. Wipe with damp cloth and rub thoroughly with salt and pepper. Arrange roast on a rack so that rib ends are down. As the meat cooks, the fat and liquid will baste bones so they will not become too brown. Roast in a moderate oven of 350 degrees F., allowing about 35 minutes per pound. Do not basteand do not cover. If meat thermometer is used, it should be 185 degrees F. when meat is done. When serving place roast, rib ends up, on platter and place paper frill on each. Fill center of roast with a cooked vegetable such asgreen beanswith mushrooms or buttered onions or spinach. Surround outside with apple rings and candied sweet potatoes. Make gravy from liquid in pan.


1cottageham 1tablespoon vinegar Y2 cup granulated \--4 cup water sugar 1dozen whole cloves 1teaspoon prepared Bread crumbs mustard Soak ham in cold water overnight. Pour off water, cover with fresh water and simmer slowly until ham is tender, about 30 minutes per pound. Allow to cool in liquid in which boiled. Remove excess fat and skin from ham. Combine sugar, mustard, vinegar and water. Stickclovesin ham, pour sauce over it, cover side of ham with crumbs and bake, basting with sauce, until delicately brown and tender in a hot oven of 400 degrees F. About 45 minutes will be required for baking.


3 pork tenderloins Y2 small onion, minced 6 tablespoons melted Y2 teaspoon salt butter Small amount minced 2 cupstoasted bread parsleyand celerysalt crumbs Dash of pepper 1egg, slightly beaten Wipe tenderloins with a damp cloth, then split and lay opened flat.Rub with 2tablespoons melted butter. Meanwhile prepare stuffing as follows: Combine toasted bread crumbs, egg, minced onion, seasonings, and 4 tablespoons melted butter. Mix well and spread on pork. Fold up tenderloins and tie with string, if necessary.Arrange in baking pan, sprinkle lightly with salt, put ¥l cup boiling water in bottom of pan, and bake in a moderate oven of 375 degrees F. for 1Y2 hours, or until tender. Cut and remove strings. Make gravy from drippings in pan. Serve with mashed sweet potatoes, carrots and peas, cucumber relish and lemon pie.


6 pork chops 1teaspoon sugar 1large can baked beans \--4 cup tomato ketchup. Fry chops until nicely brown on both sides. Sprinkle them very lightly with salt and pepper. Pour baked beans over chops, add sugar and ketchup and 2 tablespoons water. Mix lightly and bake in a moderate oven of 350 degrees F. for 20 to 30 minutes. Serve with buttered cauliflower or broccoli.


6 pork chops Saltand pepper Flour Pork chops are most successfulcooked slowly,and braising is often used. Rub chops with salt and pepper and sprinkle lightly with flour. Brown on both sides in a frying pan with small amount pork fat. Cover and cookover low heat or in a moderate oven of 350 degrees F., until tender, from 50 to 60 minutes. One or two tablespoons water may be added during cooking, if desired. Serve with stuffedbaked potatoes, creamed cauliflower,cinnamon apple salad and fruit custard.


6 double pork chops V2 teaspoon salt 3 cupsstale bread Dash of pepper crumbs V2 teaspoon Worcester3 tablespoons butter shire Sauce 1small onion, minced 1cup water Cut pocket in each chop. Make a dressing of crumbs, butter, onion, salt, pepper and Worcestershire sauce. Place dressing firmly in pockets of chops. Sprinkle chops lightly with salt and pepper, brown on both sides, place in a roasting pan and add water. Bake, covered, in a moderate oven of 375 degreesF. until meat is tender, about 45 to 60 minutes. About 2 tablespoons tomato ketchup may be added to water poured over meat, if desired.


2 tablespoons melted 1teaspoon prepared butter mustard 1tablespoon each,Chili Salt,pepper, Cayenne sauceand Worcester- 6 lean pork chops shire sauce 7 large white potatoes Combine fat, chili sauce, Worcestershire sauce, mustard, salt and pepper. Fry chops until seared on both sides, then cut gashes in them with sharp knife and place in a baking pan. Pour sauce over chops and bake in a hot oven of 400 degrees F. for 40 minutes or until tender. Meanwhile cook, mash and season potatoes, beating until fluffy. Arrange mashed potatoes in a mound in center of a large chop plate with pork chops placed pyramid fashion around them, having bones pointing upward in the center. Garnish with ring of parsley around edge of plate. Serve with corn fritters, cucumber pickles and berry pie.


6 pork chops V2 cup water Saltand pepper V2 teaspoon sugar 1cup tomato soup or Minced onions, canned tomatoes if desired Sprinkle chops with salt and pepper, also flour, if desired. Brown in a heavy pan, searing well on both sides. Add tomato to which sugar has been added, water and minced onion, if used. Cover and cook slowly or bake in a moderate oven of 350 degrees F. for 50 to 60 minutes. Serve with scalloped potatoes, French fried eggplant, apple sauce and cookies.


SAUERKRAUT... Allow % pound spareribs for each person, and % cup to 1 cup sauerkraut for each person. To bake, season spareribs with salt and pepper. Place layer of kraut in a roasting pan. Sprinkle lightly with brown sugar and placespareribs on top. Bake in a moderate oven, until spareribs are tender, about 1 hour. To boil, place spareribs in a kettle, season with salt and pepper, cover with boiling water and cook, covered, until almost tender, about 1 hour. Add sauerkraut, and continue cooking until spareribs are very tender.


6 pork chops 3 tablespoons flour 6 medium potatoes 2 cupsmilk 3 tablespoons butter Saltand pepper Rub rib or shoulder chops with salt and pepper and brown on both sidesin small amount fat. Pare potatoes and slice very thin. Prepare White Sauce by melting butter in a saucepan, blending in flour, then adding milk and stirring until thickened and smooth. Place layer of potatoes in buttered casserole, sprinkle with salt and pepper, dot with butter and add half the White Sauce. Add second layer of potatoes, seasonings and sauce, then place browned chops on top and bake in a moderate oven of 350 degrees F. until potatoes and chops are tender, about 1 hour. Preparing white sauce prevents milk from curdling. Serve with stewed tomatoes, fruit salad and gingerbread.


... Have a pork shoulder boned. Rub inside and out the pocket with salt and pepper. Stuff-pocket with bread stuffing used for Stuffed Pork Chops, page 6, or with sauerkraut. Sew or skewer opening closed. Place in a roasting pan and roast in a moderate oven of 350 degrees F., allowing 40 minutes per pound: Servewith sweet potato puffs, hot spiced beets, molded fruit salad and cherry tarts.


1slicefreshham I teaspoon salt or freshpork Dash of pepper 1V2 inchesthick 3 or 4 slicespineapple 2 tablespoons flour Rub meat with flour, salt and pepper, and place in a casserole.Cut pineapple slices in half and place on meat. Cover, and bake 1V2 hours in a moderate oven of 350 degrees F. Serve with candied sweet potatoes, wax beans, orange and grapefruit salad and chocolate cake.

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