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Veal Recipes

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ROAST VEAL ... The rib and loin roasts are the choice roastsof veal and the more expensive.The rump of veal.makes a splendid roast with little waste. The shoulder roasts and roasts from the leg are also delicious.

Veal for roasting requires a low, even heat. Do not sear at the start as that dries the meat. Rub roast with salt and pepper and place in roasting pan in slow oven of 325 degrees F., allowing 30 to 40 minutes per pound. Sear at end of roasting period, if desired.


4 pounds shoulder of I tablespoon chopped veal,with bone removed green pepper 3 slicesbacon Saltand pepper 3 cupsbread cubes Sageor poultry season1teaspoon ing, if desired minced onion 4 tablespoons melted butter Rub roast outside and also inside of pocket with salt. Fry bacon slowly until crisp, drain and break into small pieces.Add to bread cubes,with onion, green pepper, seasonings and melted butter. Mix well and pack firmly into pocket. Place in a roasting pan and roast uncovered in a slow ozen of 325 degrees F. until tender, allowing 35 to 40 minutes per pound. Serve with creamed potatoes, buttered asparagus, cucumber salad and apricot cream pudding.

VEAL CHOPS AND CUTLETS ... Veal contains too little fat for broiling-it requires longer and slower cooking. Sear chops or cutlets in a heavy pan with small amount of butter, bacon fat or lard. Seasonwith salt and pepper. Cover and cook over very low heat or in slow oven until chops or cutlet are tender, from 40 to 50 minutes. A liquid such as tomato soup or sauce, Spanish Sauce or Mushroom Sauce, or sour cream, may be added after searing.


2 pounds veal breast, 4 or 5small carrots shoulder, neckor shank 4 medium potatoes 1onion 1turnip 2 tablespoonsbaconfat Salt and pepper Cut meat in cubes. Sprinkle with salt and pepper and dredge with flour. Slice onion and brown meat and onion in kettle or frying pan with bacon fat. Add boiling water to cover, cover kettle and simmer until meat is almost tender, about 1 hour. Add vegetables. Carrots may be sliced or cut in strips or, if small, left whole. Potatoes may be cut in balls or cubes. Turnip should be sliced. Continue cooking until vegetables are tender, about Y2 hour longer, removing cover during last few minutes of cooking. Thicken gravy in kettle with small amount of flour rubbed smooth in small amount of milk. Season well. Serves 4. CITY CHICKEN ... Purchase equal quantities of pork steak and veal cutlets. One pound of each will serveeight. Have meat cut thin. With a mallet or meat hammer pound meat until flat, pounding in salt and pepper at the same time. Cut in inch squares. Insert a meat skewer into center of each, alternating a square of veal and one of pork. Shape into drumsticks with fingers. Roll in flour or dip in fine bread or crackercrumbs, beaten egg and again into flour or crumbs. Let stand ten minutes. Melt 1Y2tablespoons butter and an equal amount bacon fat in skillet or baking pan. Put in city chicken, brown on all sides, cover and bake in a moderate oven of 350 degreesF. until tender, from 45 minutes to I hour. Remove to a hot platter and make gravy from liquid in pan


1vealcutlet Dash of pepper

I cup bread crumbs 1teaspoon chopped 2 tablespoons onion melted butter 1smallcan creamof J!.l teaspoonsalt mushroom soup Cut veal into serving pieces, making them about 4 inches long and 2 inches wide. Rub each piece with salt and pepper and dredge with flour. For dressing, combine crumbs, melted butter, salt, pepper and onion. Put I spoonful of dressing on each piece of veal. Roll meat around it, fastening with a toothpick or tieing with twine. Melt a small amount of fat, 2 tablespoons, in a frying pan or baking pan. Put in rolls and brown on 'all sides. Add mushroom soup. Water, milk, canned vegetable soup, consomme or tomato soup may be used instead. Cover and cook over low heat or in moderate oven for 45 minutes to an hour, or until veal is very tender. Serves 4,


1vealcutletor 2 tablespoonschopped 4 vealchops green pepper 2 tablespoonsbacon Y3 cup tomato ketchup fator butter Y3 cup water 1small onion, chopped Cut veal cutlet into serving pieces.Wipe piecesof veal or chops, if preferred, with a damp cloth, rub with salt and pepper and dredge with flour. Melt fat in frying or baking pan and slightly brown in it, onion and green pepper. Remove vegetables from fat and brown meat well. Return vegetables to pan, spreading them over meat. Combine ketchup or chili sauce and water and pour over meat. Cover and cook slowly or in a slow oven of 325 degrees F., until tender, about 1 hour. If sauce is thin, thicken slightly and pour over meat. One-half cup slicesof mushrooms may be added during last 20 minutes of cooking, if desired. Serve around a mound of boiled rice. Serves 4. Complete the menu with French fried egg plant, green beans in cream and Dutch apple pie.

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