Industrial property Agricultural products Transport Nonagricultural products Other commercial services Travel Merchandise trade Trade in commercial services
Trade Profiles 2022
Agricultural Products
Non-Agricultural Products

GDP (million current US$, 2021) 1 629 Rank in world trade, 2021 Exports Imports GDP per capita (US$, 2019-2021) 834 Merchandise 176 194 Current account balance (% GDP, 2021) -3.1 excluding intra-EU trade 150 169 Trade per capita (US$, 2017-2019) 234 Commercial services 194 184 Trade (% GDP, 2017-2019) 27.7 excluding intra-EU trade 168 158 Value Million US$ 2021 215 355 2021 2021 0.00 0.00 Breakdown in economy's total exports Breakdown in economy's total imports Value Value Top exported products (Million US$) 2021 Top imported products (Million US$) 2021 na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na Share in economy's trade in agricultural products Value Million US$ 2021 2010-2021 2020 2021 Exports na na na na Imports na na na na Value Value Top exported products (Million US$) 2021 Top imported products (Million US$) 2021 na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na Share in economy's trade in non-agricultural products Value Million US$ 2021 2010-2021 2020 2021 Exports na na na na Imports na na na na By main commodity group By main destination, % (2005) By main origin, % (2005) Annual percentage change Annual percentage change
Merchandise exports, f.o.b. 5 -14 0 Merchandise imports, f.o.b. Annual percentage change 2010-2021 2020 2021 6 -11 19 Share in world total imports (%) By main commodity group Share in world total exports (%) India: 86.6 Singapore: 12.1 European Union: 0.8 Panama: 0.2 Korea, Dem. People's Rep. of: 0.2 Other: 0.1 European Union: 46.8 Senegal: 40.9 Thailand: 7 China: 2.4 The Gambia: 1.6 Other: 1.3
156 World Trade Organization – Trade Profiles 2022

Value Million US$ 2021 20 147 2021 2021 0.00 0.00 Breakdown in economy's total exports Breakdown in economy's total imports Value FATS sales 2021 Inward (million US$) na Outward (million US$) na Value Million US$ 2021 Exports 0 Imports 56 Exports Value Imports Value Share (%) By sea (2021) . 03 By sea (2021) 56 99.6 By air (2021) . 11 By air (2015) . 06 0.2 By other (2018) . 22 By other (2021) . 01 0.0 Value Million US$ 2021 Exports 6 Imports (2020) 53 Million US$ Value 2021 Other commercial services Exports 14 Imports 32 2021 Goods-related services Exports 0 Imports (2020) 1 Residents Total Residents Total Residents Total na na na 14 na 14 9 na 9 Travel exports (Index 2010=100) na na 2020 Travel 2021 2010-2021 Transport exports (Index 2010=100) -10 7 4 10 Annual percentage change Share (%) 19.0 81.0 92.2 na na na na na na 2010-2021 2020 2021 Annual percentage change By main services item, % (2019) By main origin -56 10 4 2010-2021 2020 na Commercial services exports Commercial services imports -7 2021
By main services item, % (2021) By main destination Share in world total exports (%) Share in world total imports (%) Annual percentage change Transport Annual percentage change 2010-2021 2020 2021 -7 172 -7 6 -84 108 -39 na INDUSTRIAL PROPERTY na 104 na 24 -12 -3 Non-residents Non-residents Non-residents Other Commercial Services and Goods-related Services 2020 -32 -10 Annual percentage change 2010-2021 2021 2010-2021 2020 2021 na na -7 Exports of OCS by main item (2021) Patent applications Trademark applications, 2013 Industrial design applications, 2013 0 100 200 2010 2014 2018 2021 Guinea-Bissau World Transport: 0.7 Travel: 30.9 Other commercial services: 68.4 Goods-related services: 0 Transport: 29.4 Travel: 52.5 Other commercial services: 17.7 Goods-related services: 0.4 56.8 24.0 14.9 4.3 ICTs Financial services Other business services Other Guinea-Bissau 157 World Trade Organization – Trade Profiles 2022