A New System of Domestic Cookery

Page 206

If in s u m m e r , codlins are b e s t : in September, golden rennets or winter pippins. To preserve green Apricotsf L a y vine or apricot leaves at the bottom of your pan, then fruit, and so alternately till full, the upp e r layer being thick with leaves; then fill with s p r i n g water, and cover down, that no steam may c o m e out. Set the pan at a distance from the fire, that in four or five hours they may be only soft, b u t not cracked. M a k e a thin syrup of some of t h e water, and drain the fruit. W h e n both are cold, put the fruit into the pan and the syrup tpitj put the pan at a proper distance on the fire till thy apricots green, but on no account boil or crack: j remove t h e m very carefully into a pan with the s y r u p for two or three days, then pour off as much' of it as will be necessary, and boil with more sug a r to m a k e a rich syrup, and p u t a little sliced g i n g e r into it. W h e n col4, and the thin syrup has all been drained fern the fruit, pour the thick over it.

To preserve Strawberries whole. G e t the finest scarlets before they are too ripe, • with their stalks k e p t on ; lay t h e m separately on a China dish ; beat and sift twice their weight of doubly refined s u g a r over t h e m ; then bruise a\ few ripe strawberries, with their weight of doubly refined sugar, in a China bason, cover it close, and set it in a saucepan of boiling water which will just hold it till the juice comes out and bec o m e s t h i c k ; strain it t h r o u g h muslin into a sweetmeatpan, boil it u p and skim it. W h e n cold, put in the strawberries, set t h e m over a stove till milk w a r m , then take the pan off till they are ^oldl

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Articles inside

Cookerv for the Poor, 236 to

pages 240-245

Cookery for the Sick, 221 to

pages 236-239

Home Brewery, 210 to

pages 221-235

To pot and roast Cheese To poach Eggs, ibid Oil managing a Dairy, 207 to 21Q

pages 206-220

Ices, 188 to

pages 189-203

To make and preserve Yeast

page 205

Puddings, 127 to

pages 143-165

Sweet Dishes, 143 to

pages 166-187

Fruits, 166 to

page 188

On making Salads and boiling Vegetables, 115 to

pages 117-118

Pastry, 120 to

pages 127-142

Forcemeat for Patties, Balls, or stuffing, 119 to

pages 120-126

Small Dishes for Supper, 117 to

page 119

On making Stews, 112 to

pages 115-116

On making Vinegars and Pickles, 100 to

pages 112-114

Observations on dressing Fish, 15 to

pages 18-68

On making Soups, 84 to

pages 92-99

On making Gravies and Sauces, 92 to

pages 100-111

On dressing Poultry, 69 to

pages 79-83

On dressing Meats, 18 to

pages 69-78

On making Pies, 79 to

pages 84-91

kinds of Fish, 1 to

pages 15-17

Miscellaneous observations for the use of the Mistress of a Family Different methods of cooking the several

pages 1-14
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