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18th April - 2nd May 2014 | Ayrshire News 1

Self Assessment Tax Returns Accounts • Bookkeeping VAT • Payroll ...and much more.

18th April - 2nd May 2014 | Issue 57 | Published by West of Scotland Media

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Ayrshire’s only FREE Local Newspaper! To visit our new website just scan the QR code with your phone


5 Pairs of Theatre Tickets see page 18


Glasgow Tigers

see page 21

see page 31

Family Cinema Pass for Four



Ex policeman jailed for horrendous sex offences A former policeman was jailed for eleven years in Glasgow Sheriff Court after repeatedly abusing six children over a 35 year period of time.

James Ainsworth, a retired policeman, continued his catalogue of his abuse with one child for more than 25 years. The 62 year old who used addresses in Ayrshire and Dumfriesshire, attacked two boys and four girls,

one of the girls was so distraught after one of the ordeals she cleaned her teeth with powdered vim, which is a type of bleach used with a scouring pad.

Continued on page 2



2 Ayrshire News | 18th April - 2nd May 2014




West of Scotland Media





Published by West of Scotland Media Ltd

Tel: 0141 764 1808 WOS Media - The Publishers would like to state it’s clear impartiality towards the views and opinions of its advertiser’s products, services or sales messages promoted inside this newspaper. If for any reason the publishers are not entirely satisfied with elements of material submitted via paid or free advertising, it will reserve the right to withdraw or modify without notice or reason. We will not be liable to you for any loss or damage suffered by you or your business arising out of or in any connection with any total or partial failure to publish an advertisement on any website or publication; loss of artwork, copy, photograghs or material including errors; and including, without limitation, negligence, statutory duty or otherwise arising out or in connection with us. The placing of an order for advertising to be included in any publication or website shall amount to an acceptance of these conditions.

Continued from page 1 He forced the six year old to perform a sex act on him and then threatened the safety of her mother if she told anyone, he said “No one will believe you. I’m a police officer and something bad will happen to your mum.” He avoided prosecution by telling one of his victims “you’ll be dragged through the courts. I’m a police officer and it will be my word against yours.” This was after he had molested the young girl as she showered. Some of the horrifying crimes he committed were dressing as Spiderman before molesting two boys and telling them “that’s what big boys do”. Ainsworth began his reign of terror at the age of fourteen, indecently assaulted a girl of eight before raping her in a loft, the victim was so young she had no idea what was happening to her. The beast was so cowardly, he denied the horrifying crimes in court and made his victims testify although during the trial, the case was abruptly halted after Ainsworth was allegedly assaulted outside the court.

bits ving ha The dri Ayr costing dear s motorist

7th Feb


upstanding citizen. A person to be celebrated, a person that society can be proud of.

This young person in question could be the type who goes without adulation, the next door neighbour who, without a doubt, helps neighbours with their shopping, something as simple as checking in on an elderly neighbour or offering to do their shopping for them., it’s up to you the reader, to make sure this unsung hero gets the praise that they deserve.

Ainsworth has been in jail since the change of his plea last month. By

Crime rates at 39 year low in Ayrshire

Dreeva Vine

With a total of eleven categories to choose from there will be three finalists from each category will receive an invite to the awards ceremony in Glasgow’s SECC Arena on 10th April

T: 0141


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spirit ery ily, the be pump old comp up in Catri prized ed throu was supposed natur Diversity, Heritage Hero, any was vat 1A. salmon al habit Enterprise gh a hose 128 peop ne and curre The competition is open to all young and trout at of theected Arts, Volunteering, Unsung Hero, ntly empl set unaff into ’s Ayr Rive Lomond le and is part people aged 11-26 and people from But, throu oys , due to r were of full Sport, the and Entertainment flow atEnvironment by Sand Distillery empi the Loch Ayrshire have only two more weeks to pressing gh the slip of the time river being of rain a re owne Alan Editorand of the Sundayin Mail produ y Bulloch. nominate the unsung heroes. as Rennie whisky the wrong butto finger, and the a down d It has ction of and the wouldn’t an annu ky was spoke of whis his pride at being a fall partner spirit trouble. operator n, led the just relea al s per year.36.5 million The Closing deadline being 18th Vat 2A the whis bottles for this have worthwhile causesed. “We are into majo which was the ky facto been the owne It Mana of February 2014. r was nearl recipient a massdelighted rs Scot torybe part of the Young of whis y full ive head who were left of mem ging director of the ky. vast Awards forache the eighth year. It is a big Chief Executive Louise McDonald Henr managed with ber amount y Jagie of the if the to for lko, a consu at Ayr The poor year ourme nation and fish morehad than ever of Young Scot said in regards to the Sheriff Bulloch famil the whis safety syste The comp Court as the safety young will play a ky. major part. We prestige surrounding the awards in regar on 24th y, was m had anyScots meas firm ds to Catri January in to admitted overflowed ures meaning no back up forward receiving hundredswate of r envir ceremony “In every town and city in ne look quest the sending Bond ion Glen ed nominations the spirit incident. “Wh Warehous from acrossSepte the mber onment regul breaching Scotland, there are young peopleprevi whoouslyinspiring river with pouring straig the whisky appears ile to the been warn e had no one ht into to have were routi danger country.” after the 6, 2011. A whol ations on deserve to be nominated for a Young any the been cause wrong tank the error, surroundin ed twice incident It was e wiser. there Gauges nely filled abov meas d by huma the only thank Scot Award. The Awards highlight how in quest two years the poor of were ures of and arrangeme For moreginformation or if you know e that Procurator n ion. forklift no conti s their tanks were alarms to safety hard young Scots work and are a great facto truck drive to a quick think warn whenlevel. ngency someone or ry a group of young people accident nts to prevent system. how 5000 fiscal Tom danger been conn 92% perce the opportunity to celebrate the effort and this kind causing Dysart and raise r who notic ing nt full litres of deserving of a young scot award and ected to a syste 67% ed the d the alarm higly flammspoke percent m could pollution. Altho of Mr dedication displayed by them. So if you the contr had not The Scott proof whis . would like to nominate them contact have been ol syste autom Wallace ugh atically know a young person in East Ayrshire, ky mana able m. Agency’s ish Environm installed before staff were went on to open ged to to pick ent Prote (SEPA) ment help recognise their dedication and also unab David the corre the correct valveto spira ction midnight on 18 February 2014. reporting le to deal ion that Wallace lling activated. ct s determination by nominating them for tank office released with the it of adeq situation becau were alarmIn addition, altho was not a statem r uate ent drain had training and se of a lack the tanks s to tell opera ugh there a been rain being a water were 80% tors when left open safety . The percent gate to stop full they any unwa which is intengate escaping nted mate ded into the rials from river.

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19/12/2013 16:15

The Ayrshire News 10,000 distribution and growing. In the next few weeks we will be releasing details on how you, the advertiser will have the fantastic opportunity to win a YEARS FREE advertising in this very paper, The Ayrshire News. If you’re a business owner in Ayrshire and you would like free advertising for an entire year (who wouldn’t) keep up to date with the latest edition of your only free local newspaper in Ayrshire for details. The Ayrshire News...your news, your issues, your paper.

Statistics released by Police Scotland today announced that crime rates in Ayrshire have hit a 39 year low and levels of public confidence are incredibly high. Since the responsibility for policing in Scotland was handed over to Police Scotland last year (April 2013) crime across nearly all categories has fallen. Police Scotland released statistics from to a national survey and also used social media to gauge opinions in the Ayrshire area.

Fewer victims of serious assault, fewer victims of common assault, fewer robberies in communities across Ayrshire and a promise by Police Scotland to listen to local people’s community worries. 31000 people were surveyed in Scotland to find out the issues that blight their local area, 2000 of them taking place in Ayrshire along, double


of a packed SECC.

4 Roundsqu only coffe are Roastery based business e roastery and in Ayr is Ayrshire’s is the coun catching the already this new try’s bigg attention 7th Feb est hosp of some Roundsqu ruary itality of 21st Feb Ayrshire, are RoasteryThe most providers. ruary 201 is a memcontrovers Ayrshire As Ayrs Ayrshire and few years ber of ial play of 4 | Ayr hire’s only The Food Netw Arran Taste the last WordTouris shire of God m andBible: The coffee ork. Roundsqu theatr News comp (abrid the e’s own Gaiety lete ged) rolls roaster are Roas February 21 Party mem artistic board along up to Ayr y we hav tery 12th. with parties The satiric Buffet also available for larger apply) help and(T&Cwas councillors bers insisted but Alliance set e a banne Andrew al play that the uniq guidance up by Heat of decis has previ firmly O’Donnel d ue original DUP by counc ALLOY ion said stood ously been proillors from Luca her Stevenson WHEEL l was decision Irish town Catholic duc News behind REFURB ““Whether | Ayrshire Turn your 7thbrou February - 21st Februaryand 2014 15 the award ISHMEN to s Barra or Prote ght on Sun - Thur 5pm - 7pm of Newt intthe North alloys into worn, corroded Roundsqu T Parte you are ud from north winning halt the stagin the atheist later as & damaged ern proud for something ares Rang or Jedi, stant, Muslim McGuigaonabbey g of outsk comedy. you can Su Casaernnie The fury Head replacem a fraction of you House on the or Jew, RSC’s e. the pricebe The busin of New n Havin Coffeeirts of Belfa Fri & Sat 4pm - 6pm specialis ent wheels with Blend romp throu will be tickle of Monty in the same satiric t refurbish Business g playe ess is our full House. st. House d by Arcad ment service. Pytho gh old-ti situated previously d in Amer Decaf Ayr Gaiet e, Friday & Saturday 12pm - 2pm al vein Unit 5, me religi the also cause n’s Life of ica Gentlemafrom above Colvill sourced, Ayr). Their award as y’s Artist East Kilbrid es Park on.” being nomiachieved notab and having Hope added n’s Blend ic Direc winnin Su Casa e G75 Single initial releasd similar outraBryan which and, mostorganic and le succe Coffee nated g bean award 0GZ 013 Orgin : “This tor locall which ss by impo Housefor the s are direc Brazil challe Half Caf www.t 55 571 is a famil Vince wide variet e and was also ge upon its fort outsta is quite (LorneHelen hewhe nge the rtantly, freshny roasted. The trade elspeci 098 y show was Haye fun nding inoffensive y banne coffe Single main of , Comprehensive vast all round s places. e house d in a qualities ess. The busin unfor focus Origin .uk eseenis. ethicanew 1pm - 3.30pm The theatr play, this and great . 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Christians, (which was forbidden at theNaylo time);r welco elsewhere. e it http://w ming the Valentine was subsequently arrested and tried for But once a year on February 14th, people have to change said crime. Claudius took a liking to St Valentine run the emotional gauntlet that is Valentine’s Day. offering him leniency if he would denounce But who was St Valentine? Why is there a day Professi Christianity. Instead, Valentine attempted to onal devoted to love, named after him? & friendly , reliable convert Claudius, ultimately sealing his fate. There are many conflicting stories in regards to service Emperor Claudius sentenced him to death, first the man that ladies love more than Ryan Gosling, with clubs and stones and when that failed, had 87 Kilm George Clooney and Brad Pitt combined. arno Call Jam him beheaded and allegedly, his heart cut out from Shawland ck Road Saint Valentine according to one of the theories ie now his body. for a free was as third century Roman priest, who conducted Tel: 0141 s G423YR no has Rumour has it, that on the day of St Valentine’s 387 9046 the tradition of Courtly Love (Courtly Love being sle quo execution, he left a note to the jailer’s daughter All pain te: the pursuit of someone who wasn’t your spouse t supplie whom he had healed, whilst incarcerated, signing through deeds of nobility) d at trad it “Your Valentine.” e prices There is not much more known of this mythological The very first valentine card! man except he died on February 14th, has a bridge

e rd Grad e Standa cellenc y 4 for Ex Primar 4 4 Curriculum Maths Gu er English 4e 4 High ttering • 4 ediat Chimne Roofing 4 Interm


Society needs heroes and award ceremonies like this to prove that despite what some might believe, there are superheroes out there however they don’t wear costumes, they have no powers and they walk amongst us completely oblivious to the good that they do in the world.

ory? Got a st 764 1808

Students Primary

Ainsworth upon the commencing of Prelim go the trial changed his plea to guilty child ath Special! r your G c lp e M saving his victims the pain of having to H athsCLASSIFIEDS Ha neyin ithHenrKy ip ½ PRICE RoM ofing ds far wsional tuitiorv18 go through the court case again. year ol to 5 fes r ment fo

The paedophile ex policeman’s defence lawyer said “Mr Ainsworth had difficulty coming to terms with his offences and his pleas of guilty and acceptance of his own behaviour had the result that the victims did not have to give evidence for a second time.”

- 21st

Whisky love more than rs look awa y now 7000 bott quality , The les of whisky high fine company escap into the ed with of £12,0 River Ayr.were washed a meag occurred being warn 00 poun re The incid ds even pour into when ent £12,000 ed twice of after carr yingScot Awards the Young 2014 Some of the categories that are their cond a today.” pounds, 2000 narrothe river and tanker bottle emptied the precious wly avoid nearly anoth s of high being a mere uct. available for nomination are Sports, river as liquiatd the The list ofinto awards available er ed pollu drop in quality well. 300 was Arts and Health to Enterprise, Heritage to ting the wrong a factowhichthe the whisky ceremony vat due company’s ocean (or ry is run in partnership is a The opera and volunteering, with the winners due river) withcare the Sundaydriv Mailer is as follows profits. not of the of 27, 500 tor in control and atten paying The being announced on the night in front of the deliv litres of tion. Cultural 38 year Luck Community, Health, to

It’s time to nominate those inspirational young people in East Ayrshire for the Young Scots Awards 2014.

A 31 year old has been reported to the procurator fiscal on a charge of attempted murder.

I was going to sentence you to twelve years but I’m prepared to give you a discount of a year as there was no need for the victims to testify for a second time.”


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your provide yrshire s of we can www.a McGrath building block idual At Kip with the ever their indiv nces sat their child - what circumsta to a will have exams are “Many ng learning students These may be. illness or movi could many Many needs by now. net for able - like children e be Prelims rtant safety Other factions in the media would have can arise -which mean help to ensur nt may tial extra an impo as the stude of illness, or new area society believe that young people are poten little a full from e students l in the event causes them benefit perform to their l,” said centr uncouth, aggressive louts who maraud oard by n that exams viour to appea of dashb at schoo McKay. they can across the streets, destroying property, ng beha thirds other reaso , in their final also a Liz classes meaning drivi and the some their two in into each other and their body and minds. r-perform . They are re knowing Frank Park l system A study has found that unwittingly to unde lights. owners, some that requi June 2014 and educationa are found warning However the Young Scot Awards likes their Halfords school in May/ ator of areas run up to rath’s Scotland. motorists and tear to “We have using the the cil of Kip McG quality, after- amme in toCoun prove otherwise with an award added: of Ayr good indic support in results in S4 wear rists vehicles*. for is Gregor costly eyoung Teaching is a high tutoring progr s, English, 38,430 of moto ceremony praising people who cement additional exams. 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All local schools, ren atten braking to near-empt ages who, being left behin l, absence cost of rds rists shou schoo normally some older child . ing for conta fied, work in for a number “The rising s that moto to reduce at Halfo they are a change of fuel tanks need fic learn “It to mean Manager ty although according to fully quali been with us d over 1000 be due illness, or a specicome to our today and, said: Carrie, opportuni nts Gregor e in Ayr, Scotl to pick up every more often and have We have helpe our centre in through Other stude order to seize rs . ed ” nged in ulty. Autocentr easy for drive iques that range of years since we open es. bills. a diffic challe be their to es offer of is all too s and use techncar. students k and Ayr centr grades. 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Judge Norman Ritchie QC while sentencing acknowledged Ainsworth for admitting his guilt and saving his victims from added torment saying “You have admitted the wrong you did.”

Whisky lo ! the future - because tears a vers shed a ultsInspire s e R fter blu river o m i l our future needs inspiration e r f P nder ws 3 re Ne4 Ayrshire News | 7th February - 21st February 2014

t ry - 21s Februa

the amount from previous years.

a sense of security.

Although it might seem sometimes that according to the media, it isn’t safe to leave your home, it has never been safer to visit the shops, with people taking a more active role in the community and with added special constable places in Ayrshire. There is a sense of pride appearing back in the community but more importantly

With the non emergency 101 telephone service, the backbone of the emergency services 999 number and added opening hours, manned police stations 24 hours a day 365 days a year. Police Scotland are promising to always care about the things that matter to you.

In the coming months Ayrshire Police are launching their next step in connecting with the local area by creating Ayrshire Division Facebook Page. Full details of Police Scotlands first year in charge visit www.scotland. By

Gregg Kelly

ban yrshiren

to Ayr Ga


Available from 01292 288 235. the box office on Or onlin (online e at www.ayrg transactio two poun ns recei ds charg ve a smal e) l

18th April - 2nd May 2014 | Ayrshire News 3

£18 million pounds upgrade for Brodick ferry terminal

West of Scotland Media has moved

North Ayrshire Council approved a £1.2 million pound investment toward upgrading Brodick ferry terminal.

The terminal which many see as a vital part helping to boost the Arran tourist economy has been granted £1.2 million pounds on top of the £14million which has been earmarked by the harbour operator Caledonian Maritime Assetts Ltd(CMAL) and also Transport Scotland.

Here at West of Scotland Media, we’ve moved into new premises in the heart of the East end.

Our move has been a necessity as we under take an unprecedented expansion programme, with bigger offices and more staff and and a new outlook on the world of media production.

The Ardrossan to Brodick ferry service transports nearly 730,000 passengers, 134,000 non commercial vehicles and 13,000 commercial vehicles each year and is essential for the sustainability of the residents and businesses of Arran.

With a new design studio which can handle all your design needs we are geared to take on more business and provide a better service than ever before to new and returning clients.

Our new address is: West of Scotland Media, Suite 2/6, Brook Street Studios, 60 Brook Street, Glasgow G40 2AB Find us online at:

New Production and Creative Department

The ambitious £18million pounds upgrade will include a new two berth pier adjacent to the existing pier, an extension to the number of ferry services in the summer, a covered walkway and terminal building, increased security car parking and an additional bus stance.

Employment, said: “Tourism is the lifeblood of Arran and the ferry service from the mainland is absolutely vital to the island community.”

Having agreed to support the new project the Cabinet asked the Council to ratify the investment of £1.2 million pounds in unallocated capital funds.

“This is the perfect opportunity to address the issue of an ageing facility and make improvements which will be of benefit to the local economy. “More frequent ferries would be a catalyst for increased tourism and servicerelated jobs. “CMAL’s proposals offer the greatest benefit and value to the island. “The plan also provides an opportunity for commercial use of the existing terminal once a new facility is built.”

Councillor Marie Burns, Cabinet Member for Economy and

The island is so popular around the world that toy company Hasbro

Three men arrested one charged after man’s body found in his garden Labour back Ethical William McLachlan’s lifeless body was discovered in his garden deceased, at 7am April 12th.

Three men were subsequently arrested with one now being charged with murder while the other has been charged with assault..

James Cameron is accused of killing William McLachlan while Jordan

Skeoch aged 19 is charged with assault in connection with the incident.

Both Cameron and Skeoch of Largs made no plea or declaration and were remanded in custody. A third man has been released pending further enquiries and did not appear in court.

Scotland’s Panda

Artificially Inseminated

commissioned an Arran version of Monopoly that could be purchased. Councillor John Bruce, who chairs the Brodick Harbour Group, said: “If approved, this will be the biggest investment on the island for many a year. “The upgrade of the harbour would be a massive boost for the whole island, given that Brodick is the gateway to Arran. “There is already substantial funding in place. Undertaking work will help reduce disruption for visitors and islanders alike while making the most of the available funds. By

Gregg Kelly

Care Charter

Katy Clark MP has welcomed the Labour Group’s proposal to sign up to the UNISON Ethical Care Charter – and has called on the council to do so as soon as possible.

The Ethical Care Charter aims to improve social care by tackling the issues that poor commissioning has created. It would end the scandal of 15 minute care visits, ensure that appointments are scheduled to meet the needs of the client, pay staff the living wage and pay them for travel time and costs.

Tian Tian, the UK’s only female Giant Panda, is artificially inseminated after failing to mate naturally.

Yang Guang and Tian Tian, both aged 10, are the first giant pandas to live in the UK for 17 years. They arrived on loan from China in 2011 and will stay at Edinburgh Zoo for a decade. Last year

Kilwinning Labour Councillor Joe Cullinane proposed that the Council sign up to the Charter on 26th March. The issue has been remitted for further debate. Speaking on the issue, Katy said, “I welcome the Labour Group’s motion on UNISON’s Ethical Care Charter as it is time to end the scandal of poorly commissioned social care.” “Our elderly and most vulnerable deserve social care which meets their care needs and provides them with dignity and independence not rushed 15 minute visits where the care worker she was inseminated three times, but lost the baby during late pregnancy.

Before Sunday’s artificial insemination, the zoo attempted to bring her together with Yang Guang. Iain Valentine, director of giant pandas for the Royal Zoological Society of Scotland (RZSS), said “We were hopeful

has to cram in their work in order to get to their next appointment.” “The Ethical Care Charter will put an end to the problems caused by council’s commissioning based purely on cost and I would urge all councillors to support Labour’s proposal and agree to sign the council up to the Charter as soon as possible.” natural mating would occur this year, but in the end Tian Tian’s hormones started to fall quickly, which meant her breeding window could be much shorter.” Experts say they will not be certain of Tian Tian’s pregnancy until she gives birth. This could be in August or September.

4 Ayrshire News | 18th April - 2nd May 2014

Maplin opens in Ayr

Creative Scotland announces £399,000 support for youth arts in Ayrshire Creative Scotland is proud to announce £399,00 support to help boost youth arts provision in Ayrshire. The announcement is part of a new strategy to create a network of nine regional Youth Arts Hubs from a total funding package of 3.1million pounds across the country. The nine hubs, Aberdeen and North East, Argyll, Ayrshire, Edinburgh, Fife, Glasgow, Highlands, Moray and West Dunbartonshire are being created through partnerships between local and national arts and youth services providers to increase access to youth arts

across Scotland across a range of art forms. Ayr Gaiety will be working in partnership with youth and arts providers to deliver the Youth Arts Hub for Ayrshire through Ayrshine. Ayrshine is a youth- led arts initiative connecting artists, young people, public organisations and the voluntary sector across Ayrshire. Its key elements include Ayrshine TV, new and existing events, a youth arts circuit and innovation projects. Jeremy Wyatt executive director, Ayr Gaiety Partnership said “We are delighted that Creative Scotland have decided to back

the Ayrshire partnership. There are already productive new relationships forming and I expect the funding to be a catalyst for many more. Our first step will be setting up the youth panel to lead on the key decisions going forward.” Acting as focal points for regional youth arts delivery, the Hubs will nurture and celebrate ambition, enthusiasm and talent in Scotland’s young people by improving the regional infrastructure. Young people will be central to the decision making process and development of the Youth Arts Hubs.

Well Would

You Look

At That!

Here at The Ayrshire News we’ve scoured the world weird web for some unusual facts to brighten up your day and astonish your friends.

Other than humans, black lemurs are the only primates that may have blue eyes. The ship, the Queen Elizabeth 2, should always be written as QE2. QEII is the actual queen. Libya has the only flag which is all one colour with no writing or decoration on it. It is physically impossible for pigs to look up into the sky. Lion whiskers are unique - no two lions have the same pattern of whiskers.

Provost of South Ayrshire, Councillor Helen Moonie, opens new store in Ayr Maplin invited a very special guest to the grand opening of its store on Heathfield Retail Park last Saturday. South Ayrshire Provost, Councillor Helen Moonie, officially opened the Ayr store at 9am and received a first glimpse of the new store with store manager Stuart Smith. Store manager Stuart Smith, from East Kilbride, previously managed the company’s Glasgow Forge store. The new store has created 12 new jobs for local people, in a welcome boost to the local economy. Customers will find thousands of electronics products ranging from CCTV to Sat Nav, DJ and music gear, TV and satellite equipment as well as office and telecoms items. The store’s opening times are 9am-8pm Monday to Friday; 9am-6pm Saturday; 10:30am4:30pm Sunday.

The Hudson River along the island of Manhattan flows in either direction depending upon the tide.

The line between the Thin Blue Line Police Scotland have asked the people of Ayrshire for their help

Kilwinning Campus (Lecture Theatre) – Tuesday 22nd April

Police Scotland are welcoming a new team of Special Constables into the Ayrshire area and you could be one of them.

Ayr Campus (Riverside Building) – Wednesday 23rd April Kilmarnock Campus (Lecture Theatre) – Thursday 24th April.

For people who believe in fulfilling their civic duty, whilst also increasing public trust, safety and well being in the outward community and local area, its time to become a special constable. For added motivation and the feeling of giving back to your local community come along to one of three open days (or three if you’re keen)

A spokesperson for Police Scotland had this to say about the initiative “We are seeking motivated individuals who are able to speak to people from all walks of life. You should enjoy working in a team environment and you’ll need integrity, patience and the ability to think on your feet. Treating people fairly will be second nature, so will respect for diversity.

These events will be held between 6pm and 8pm at the following venues:

The special constable initiative has improved public opinion of police as

they are seen as a more approachable authority in the community, it also helps the general public get a sense of what it’s like being a police officer. A Police Scotland spokesperson said, “many special constables attend local community events such as gala days, take part in drug targeting initiatives,

are instrumental in implementing local

action plans to tackle issues such as youth disorder and generally provide

a reassuring presence to their local communities. There is no such thing as a typical day for police officers and the same is true for special constables.”

Prison bosses close 80 Facebook accounts It has been found out that prison bosses in Scotland have shut down 80 Facebook pages in the past year.

Crafty cons had been updating their social media sites using smuggled in smartphones. Convicts have even used the smuggled items to taunt their victims of to get in contact with fellow criminals. There were 118 allegations last year of criminals behind bars having access to social media websites and some were being regularly updated. It was found that Shotts high security prison in Lanarkshire came out top of the shame list, with an enormous 21 accounts being shut down following 27 allegations. HMP Aberdeen was second on the list, many of the prisoners have boasted about having an easy time in jail and even boasted about taking drugs in their jail cell. Its not the first time that criminals have managed to smuggle counterfeit items into prison as murderer Imran ‘Baldy’ Shahid released pictures of himself saying that he was coming for the people who attacked him in jail

Gnome sweet gnome A pair of stolen gnomes have found their way home after police discovered 33 of them in car last week.

Baldy who was jailed for life for the racially motivated murder of Kriss Donald released menacing pictures of himself and said that he was ready and coming for them. A total of 250 accounts have now been shut down since the Scottish Prison Service launched a Facebook crackdown in November 2010. Laws introduced that year also mean anyone caught with a mobile phone can have up to two years added to their sentence. Signal blocking technology costing £1million was installed last month at Shotts and HMP Glenochil in Clackmannanshire. By

Richard Garland

Bowled over by generous donation

The lonely gnomes have been reunited with their owners after police released a statement begging people to get in touch if they have had their garden ornaments nicked.

In one of the strangest stories of the week, police in Aberdeenshire opened up a car to discover that thirty three of the colourful ornaments had been hidden in the car boot. Unfortunately thirty one of the gnomes are still without homes and

With the Easter holidays nearly upon us and people allowed to indulge their most chocoholic behaviour we at the Ayrshire News thought we would tell you a little about chocolate and its scrumptious history.

Chocolate however has a long and mysterious history, some say that there have been traces of chocolate found back at the beginning of civilization in the Aztec time. As far back as 1900BC.

Club members raised a wonderful £300 through regular donations. Former club President Ruth Kelly

Linda Easton, Renal Administrator, said: “This is a fantastic amount of money and will be used to benefit dialysis and transplanted renal patients in Ayrshire. I’d like to say a huge thank you to the Kilmarnock and District Ladies Bowling Club on behalf of everyone here at the unit.”

They are believed to have been snatched on a gnome robbing spree between Wednesday April 2nd and Thursday April 3rd last week. A police spokeswoman said in regards to the homeless gnomes “anyone who has recently lost their gnomes to contact them on their 101 nonemergency number”. “Inquiries are still ongoing to trace the owners of the other 31 gnomes


A whopping 78.5% percent of woman admitted to pinching colleagues chocolate when left in a communal fridge. (so that’s where my chocolate goes)

and current club President Isa Brown presented the sum to Renal Unit staff

haven’t been let out of the sight of officers who recovered them.

and officers have said “three men are currently helping them with their inquiries.”

Constable Jack Saville said: “A total of 33 gnomes and garden ornaments are believed to have been taken from a variety of addresses in the Aberdeenshire area overnight between Wednesday and Thursday last week. “We are keen to trace the owners of these items.” By

Gregg Kelly

Who loves Everyone knows we are a nation of chocolate lovers but its only this week that we have began to realise the extent of our obsession. It has been claimed that the average UK resident eats their way through 10 kg of chocolate a year and also that woman spend nearly twenty pounds more than men per year.

The Renal Unit at University Hospital Crosshouse has benefited from a very generous donation from the Kilmarnock and District Ladies Bowling Club Ex-President Association.

18th April - 2nd May 2014 | Ayrshire News 5

In the book The True History of Chocolate by Sophie and Michael Coe they give evidence to support

the fact that chocolate was pre Columbian culture. The Smithsonian website gives evidence to suggest that there is definitive evidence to support the case of chocolate residue being found in Honduras in 1500 BC. In pre modern Latin America cacao bean(the bean chocolate is derived from) was used as currency according to a sixteenth century Aztec document. Nowadays the chocolate industry is worth a massive £3.96 billion pounds and in Britain we consume 660, 900 tonnes of chocolate per year. Britain are the seventh largest consumers of chocolate in the world with Switzerland being the worlds foremost consumers and 40%percent of the worlds chocolate in consumed in Europe alone. As well as chocolate tasting simply beautiful it can also have almost medicinal qualities (good excuse the next time someone asks for a bit of yours) The phrase “I love chocolate” can

Premium rate bank phone lines capped After pressure from the Rip-Off Britain campaign, the financial regulator is going forward with a cap on premium rate charges to customers contacting their banks. Currently there are no regulations on what banks can charge per minute

or per call from customers, but after months of campaigning by Rip-Off Britain, the regulators have agreed to introduce a cap on the cost of contacting your bank, with charges to 0845 numbers being limited to the normal rate.

actually be considered a true fact because it contains a chemical called phenylethylamine which is released naturally to give you the sensation of falling in love with someone but is also contained within chocolate, thus when you eat chocolate you are literally falling in love with it. Chocolate contains dopamine, serotonin which are a natural painkiller and a pleasure inhibitor respectively. Chocolate began to be mass produced in Britain to combat peoples reliance on alcohol and some of the largest confectionery companies in Britain were created to produce chocolate, Fry, Rowntree, Cadbury were all established so that people would renounce consumption of alcohol which the Quakers considered a sin, whilst able to enjoy chocolate which was deemed nothing more than a harmless vice. By

Richard Garland

6 Ayrshire News | 18th April - 2nd May 2014

McDonald’s Assisted Suicide Bill Lives On By

Lex Haringman

Margo McDonald MSP, also known as “the blonde bombshell”, passed away earlier this month, aged 70, after struggling against the degenerative Parkinson’s disease for almost two decades. In her final years, she fought for a controversial bill which if passed would give individuals the right to die. After her previous 2010 attempt was rejected by the Scottish Parliament, McDonald introduced a revised version of The Assisted Suicide (Scotland) Bill on 13 November 2013. It enables those suffering from terminal and lifeshortening illnesses, including progressive conditions, to seek assistance when they decide to end their lives. The assisted suicide must occur within the period of 14 days that they receive the prescription. In the

explanatory notes, the Bill stresses that it “does not authorise any form of euthanasia”. Instead it protects those assisting the suicide from criminal and civil liability. The current law in Scotland does not make suicide illegal and there is no specific law governing those who assist it. However, in theory people assisting suicide can be charged with homicide. The Bill has safeguards which aim to protect the vulnerable individual, along with an “early warning” system where patients over the age of 16 can

inform their GP of their support in principal for assisted suicide. They must then wait a minimum of 7 days before they can formally request it. All requests must be supported by a second professional opinion. Despite this, the bill has still received much criticism from various groups. Kevin McKenna branded McDonald ‘Scotland’s very own Angel of Death’ in his article published by The Guardian earlier this year.

He points out that those who feel this way may be the minority and could be suffering from depression. Another argument McKenna makes is that elderly patients will use this bill so that they no longer feel like a burden on their families and friends.

Kevin McKenna argued that the Bill assumed that life was intolerable and not worth living for the terminally ill.

Nevertheless, the Bill has received support from other groups, including 11 medical experts who sent a group letter

to The Herald newspaper which stated: “we believe the safeguards designed to protect the vulnerable are comprehensive and rigorous, with doctors being the best professionals to assess for any concerns regarding coercion.” A poll released earlier this year revealed that 69% of those questioned supported the legalisation of assisted suicide and only 13% were opposed.

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18th April - 2nd May 2014 | Ayrshire News 7

Local children join in Commonwealth Games celebrations The final countdown to the start of Scotland’s biggest ever sporting event, the XX Commonwealth Games has begun and to mark less than 100 days until the big event, Vibrant Communities held a celebration event for local youngsters. Easter Play-Times, held at Auchinleck Academy for children aged 0-8years, had a Commonwealth theme with fun activities

like athletics and relay races. There were also bouncy castles, face painting, badge making, arts and crafts and parachute games for the little ones, and even some of the big ones, to enjoy. Councillor Kathy Morrice, Spokesperson for Improving Community Health and Wellbeing said: “I was delighted to attend Easter Play Times which had been specially designed to celebrate 100 days to the start of the Commonwealth Games in Glasgow. Incredibly there were 100 children and adults at

Auchinleck Academy enjoying all the activities on offer.

“Chatting to the adults, and the little ones, it is clear that excitement really is building for the Games. Events like this help to create a positive legacy for our young people, encouraging them to be healthy and active into the future.”

Viviene Nelson, Amber Cairns, Hayley Kennedy, Lucy Cook, Aiden Kennedy, Declan McLeod and Natasha Walker

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8 Ayrshire News | 18th April - 2nd May 2014

Star Signs

Joan Charles

I am delighted to be delivering your stars although; I won’t be doing them in the traditional way, as I am not an astrologer. For many years I have provided the stars using Tarot cards and that is what I will be doing here so, I guess in a sense they should be called, Taroscopes. Anyway, I do hope you enjoy what the cards have to say.


Well it looks like you could be in for a welcome surprise as some new cash might become available. I am feeling that you are in a place where security is important and you want to keep it balanced and coming in the door. Good times are on the horizon so stay focused.


Ops, you might have a wee nippy head on and in need of some play, rest and relaxation to lift your mood. Perhaps doing something a bit out of the ordinary will take your mind off of some underlying issues that are causing you distress. Say what you feel but keep it diplomatic.


Your cup may be over flowing and that has to be a good thing however, it’s more about how you keep all of this in balance that is the problem. Having said that you do tend to thrive on adrenalin bursts and so maybe it’s a secret guilty pleasure.


Travel is calling and I sense that your itchy feet are in a hurry to be heading off somewhere to get you away from the normal routine. Interestingly you may have aspirations to go somewhere that is full of interesting things to do but your budget might hold you back slightly.


It’s a fabulous time to succeed in an ambition that you have perhaps been considering for a while now. The only person holding you back is yourself and once you lift the limitations you can do anything you like so, don’t wait and allow it to be something you wished you had of done – go do it.


Love and romance seem to be on the cards and whether that means you finding someone that is an ideal partner or that new love sparks in your existing relationship it is all good. A kiss that is rather unexpected could spark off a new whirlwind romance and you could be a bowled over by it.


Watch out for work being a bit of a nightmare with issues arising here, there and everywhere. You are quipped to deal with this but is annoying and the best way to get round this is not to give it too much of your energy as it can be draining.


You might feel as if you have taken on way too much and that you don’t have the time to sort it all out. Take a wee step back and assess the situation, get yourself a wee plan and off you go. The thought of this may be worse than it actually is.


Cutting away things that no longer serve your purpose is a good idea, you have been allowing things to get the better of you and not it’s a case of no more Mrs., nice woman. Dealing with issues head on is the only way to get yourself on a balanced footing.


This could be a time when plans you had go astray due to other people cancelling on you or just forgetting you had arrangements. Having a wee back up plan B will help to combat disappointment and a few nights in. Create some interesting social nights for your diary.


If you thought you were heading into calmer waters then maybe you need to think again. Work appears to be taking over and much as you had plans to slow down a bit here you are again on the 100-mile an hour rush. Planning time out in the diary will help you stick to this.


If only all out plans went ahead it would be great but that’s in an ideal world, it maybe that there are some blessing in disguise in there though that you have not considered because although we think we know what’s good for us its maybe not always the case.

Working with Spirit Guides One of the most common questions that I am forever being asked is ‘Do you know who my spirit guide is?’ This is a request that often drives me nuts in its vagueness and blatant naivety. Yet, as a medium that is still continually learning his trade each and every second of every day, I can vividly remember a time when I would have been delighted if only someone, somewhere, would have given me the answer to this very same query. Now, I’m not for one solitary moment suggesting that anyone who doesn’t know the identity of there spirit guide is in fact a poor quality medium. On the contrary, many of the world’s finest mediums don’t profess to know the names of the guides who work alongside them. Which then begs the question - ‘Do we really need to know the names and nationality of each and every guide that chooses to work with us?’ The answer to this question is undoubtedly, ‘No we do not.’ In reality, it is only human nature that dictates that somewhere within the consciousness of most individuals there lies a hidden desire to relate to anything and everything by good oldfashioned identity, and as physical beings living in a spiritual world we must endeavour to experience this predominantly materialistic lifestyle by means of seeing, hearing and feeling - before actually believing!

So if we don’t really need to know the identity of our spirit guides then what really is their purpose? There is really only one way in which we can ever truly understand what a spirit guide does or even stands for in the grand scheme of all things - and that is to simply ask them. Fortunately, as a deep trance medium, I have enjoyed this humble privilege on many occasions. I have communicated with guides whose job it is to protect their human counterpart from any dangers that may present themselves in both the physical or spiritual dimensions. I have also communicated with guides who have amassed so much knowledge throughout their universal travels that their whole persona is now based purely on logic, with an intellect that is way beyond anything that you or I could ever imagine. But, no matter what level of ascension these spiritual individuals may find themselves on, there is one thing that they are always in total agreement with - that any name or nationality that we choose to give them is of absolutely no consequence or importance to the partnership that is built between spirit and medium. An effective partnership is always enhanced by merely advocating respect and dedication to the task ahead. In fact, we really only need to give our guides an appropriate identity in order to relay their knowledge to others who may not yet fully understand the benefits of an identity-free culture.

On a personal note, the spirit guides who I predominantly work with are Chung, Black Hawk and SiBir. Black Hawk is my spiritual protector who is with me every second of my physical lifetime. Chung and Sibir work with me through trance and physical mediumship. Both of these guides actually have the ability to work with many other mediums at the exact same time of any day. Many years ago, both Chung and SiBir also worked with trance mediums that were very much in the public eye, although at that time both guides were identified using different names. I will not reveal their previous identities as they have since indicated that it would be of complete irrelevance to their cause. Working with spirit guides will undoubtedly improve your level of mediumship. I will always encourage mediums to seek the presence of these highly evolved spirits through the effective means of constructive meditation. Remember you only need to send a thought out to the spirit world that you are ready to work with your higher self. And if you wish to give your guide a suitable name then by all means do so. I promise you that they will not be offended - as long as you continue to respect the world of spirit and all who dwell within it. For more information contact David: email;

Joan Charles

Clairvoyant, Columnist & Author


Introduction to the Tarot– The Law of Attraction and Psychic Development courses are on-going, so, check for dates and details.


Tarot, Angel, Spiritual, Chakra and Tarumenology [a combination of tarot and numerology]

For details of any of the above contact Joan on mobile: 07930 697 229 or email:

18th April - 2nd May 2014 | Ayrshire News 9

Because I’m happy, clap along if you feel like happiness is the truth. But are you?

For over 22 years I have been obsessed as to why your immune system could let you down. Lack of good food, exercise, daylight and love, but what I did not fully understand was how important it is to be happy. Happiness is vital for your long term health. Happiness and Trust as opposed to fear and lack. When you are happy your body joins in. Quite literally on an electrical and chemical level the body loves you being happy.

if we do not understand that.

When we are negative every cell in our body contracts and when we are positive state they expand. Since we are an energy system and our energy has to flow we can allow it or not. So we are either constricting the flow or enjoying it. We are making life easy or difficult and we are choosing even

When I discovered The Sedona Method (a simple, elegant emotional release technique) my happiness transformed. Since then I have studied EFT [ emotional freedom therapy which works by tapping on meridien energy lines on the body] andT he Work, Access

Our bodies are like a giant radio sending and receiving signals all day long, whether we know it, like it or not. It is just the way it is. Science also now knows this. Our hearts give off a magnetic frequency and the frequency is governed by how we feel. What we see in our lives is governed by what frequency we are putting out. What we believe is what we are going to end up with……and the beliefs are usually not even ours.

Consciousness are all amazing tools for allowing your cells and you to be happy. When I learned how to change beliefs, habits, feelings and thoughts life became so much more fun. I got my sense of humour back, my energy levels went up and amazing clarity and opportunities started to appear. Seemed as if by magic, but was actually because of my new frequency/vibration. When you feel that good you want to tell all your friends, anyone who will listen and for 8 years that is what I have been doing. But now we have a hugely exciting project about to come off in Glasgow the very first course to teach others all of this stuff.

22 years of research, studying and travelling to bring these transformational, simple processes to you. We are very excited to launch a 2 day course on the 31st of May to teach fellow Scots The Key to Health and Wellbeing. The course teaches you how to live in harmony with the laws of nature and how to unlock any limiting beliefs, subconscious blocks, past hurts and traumas, negative thinking and habits that could possibly stop you from achieving optimum health and happiness. An 8 step plan that is 100% free (apart from the food but you are buying that anyway if you don’t grow it) and available to everyone on the planet.

Attracting Synchronicities There are no two ways about it, life can be difficult and we are continually challenged in every way possible but you know, it’s only hard because if it were too easy what would we gain and where are the benefits in winning all the time? I don’t know about you but I would be bored.

It’s this constant challenge that keeps us going, have you ever noticed that, when you put together the first and last three letters of the word challenge you get the word CHANGE - I guess that’s the core element we are all afraid of. People try to hang on to old and outdated ways, patterns and behaviours; anything else means we

are stretched beyond our comfort zone and guess what? They are there to be extended, stretched and pushed to the limit however; we don’t want to dip our toe in the water just in case it doesn’t work out.

You may have heard about synchronicities, a phrase coined by Carl Jung - this is a chain of meaningful events that happen one after the other. As an example, have you ever bought a car and following the purchase that same car is the only thing you see on the road? This is only one example but you get what I mean. By working with synchronicities in life we can improve the chances of experiencing new and wonderful adventures.

To attract these meaningful events means we learn and gain as we move forward in our lives. On your path it is important to remain attuned to life’s signals, which are surrounding you all the time, helping to point you in the right direction. There is no such thing as a coincidence in life as everything happens for a reason although, it may not be apparent at the time.

Maybe you have noticed a lot of your friends and family getting sick? Time to get back in line with nature and get our health and happiness back. I work privately with clients on a one to one basis as often we need this for trust and security. Now we also have our brand new cutting edge 2 day course, then we have our retreats the first one will be in September where you will be immersed in awesome touch and talk therapies, sunlight and sea, yoga and meditation along with flooding the body with nutrients and nourishment allowing you to come home light, free and happy. Lilia Sinclair lookgoodfeelgr8@

By Joan Charles

Sometimes, it’s only on reflection that we can actually see that if one thing had not happened, how would it have been possible for all the other things to fit into place? If you are ever stuck in traffic watch the sets of traffic lights and as if by magic and in sequence they all flow to allow the right amount of traffic to past when the time is right.

Synchronicity is not so hard to comprehend after all, how many times have you heard people say “I was in the right place at the right time”?

In life, we all get a turn of everything, perhaps at different times but nevertheless it will fall into place. The more we are aware of synchronicities the more they appear in our life.

Unless we walk around with our eyes closed you can’t help but notice that things that fit together perfectly.

We make things complicated when they could be simple. Being awake to this is so important and once you do

awaken from the sleep of what you call normal everyday life you will never want to go back to that place where we walk about with our eyes closed to the signals that show up. The universe is trying hard to point you in the right direction, if you miss it the first time it will come around again but, why not save yourself a lot of time and go for it first time round.

10 Ayrshire News | 18th April - 2nd May 2014


Fears of hundreds dead Ukrainian troops move Mini after Korean ferry sinks submarine into east of country and continues confront separatists search for flight MH370

Around 300 hundred people, many of them secondary school pupils are feared dead after a ferry they were travelling on off the coast of South Korea capsized and sank. The ferry, which was mainly carrying secondary students from a Seoul high school, was going from the northern port of Incheon to the resort island of Jeju in the south. The ship issued a distress call early on Wednesday morning when it ran into difficulties, it began capsizing soon after and sank within two hours of sending the emergency signal. Local lifeboat crews responded immediately, with dozens of ships and helicopters descending upon the stricken vessel, in an attempt to pick up survivors. Two people are confirmed to have died and a further 13 have been injured according to officials.

On Wednesday afternoon, South Korean officials released a statement saying that 368 people had been rescued from the water, however this figure was revised to 164, citing a counting and communications error. So far there has been no indication as to the cause of the sinking, with passengers who were onboard saying that there was a large bang and the ship came to a halt before beginning to list heavily before turning on its side and continuing to sink. The US Navy is reported to have dispatched a ship to the sinking, with the South Korean Navy already in attendance, with navy divers attempting to continue the rescue operation under water, however progress is being hampered by a muddy sea bed which has been disturbed by the sinking, reducing visibility to zero. By

Michael McDaid

Forensic evidence examined in Pistorius murder trial Ballistic forensic evidence in the killing of Ms Steenkamp was examined in court last week, concluding that Ms Steenkamp was infact killed by a burst of “rapid fire” as she fell and not as police ballistic witness’ had previously believed in a primary and secondary set of shots.

Olympian Oscar Pistorius denies intentionally killing Ms Steenkamp in the early hours of Valentines Day last year. Mr Pistorius claims that he believed Ms Steenkamp to be an intruder and fired rapidly in fear of his life through the bathroom door, killing the model instantly. The prosecution alleges that Mr Pistorius murdered Ms Steenkamp after the couple had an argument. Mr Pistorius faces 25 years to life in prison if he is convicted of

premeditated murder. However if he is acquitted of the premeditated murder charge, the court will consider an alternative charge of culpable homicide, for which the sentence is roughly 15 years in prison. He is also facing charges of illegally firing a gun in public and illegally possessing ammunition, both of which he denies. Trials in South Africa are not held with jurors, instead, the cases are decided by the judge and two assessors. By

Lauren Black

A miniature robotic submarine which was first deployed a fortnight ago, has resumed it search for the missing airliner, after being recalled due to bad weather conditions last week. The submarine which is remotely controlled from the surface is equipped with specialist sensors and sonar, which enables it to map the sea bed in an effort to locate the wreckage from the missing flight. Last week hopes were high when it was announced that Australian search teams had received a signal ping which according to officials was “almost certainly from flight MH370’s black box” So far the mini-sub has not detected any wreckage and as time goes on it is becoming less and less likely that the plane will be found as the black box’s batteries run down. By

Garry Smith

Venezuelan talks, not as effective as hoped Amid ongoing talks between the Venezuelan government and the popular opposition MUD coalition, which are being mediated by officials from the Vatican and the UN, it has been announced that there will be no amnesty granted to protesters or protest leaders. The protests which are taking place in the cities of Venezuela and particularly the capital city of Caracas. Since the protests began at the beginning of this year, more than 40 people have been killed, including both civilians and members of the National Guard. Last week General Vladimir Padrino, head of Venezuela’s military command, admitted that there had been “some excesses” carried out by members of his forces and that there were currently 97 investigations into cases of abuse. By

Michael McDaid

Ukrainian forces have moved into the eastern Ukrainian city of Kramatorsk, the day after what has been described as an anti-terrorism operation began, which is intended to recapture areas of the country which are under the control of proRussian militias. However, the Ukrainian forces have been blocked by pro-Russian civilians who have erected barriers at the entry roads to the town. The armed Ukrainian response to the separatists turned bloody last week on the first day of operations with a Ukrainian officer having been shot dead in a firefight and a number of other soldiers were wounded. The Ukrainian interim government and the international community believes Vladimir Putin’s Russia is behind the separatist movement in the east of the country and is giving support to the movements. Ukraine’s interim Prime Minister, Arseniy Yatsenyuk, in a televised address has demanded that the Russian government “stops supporting terrorists in Ukraine” and went on to warn the wider western community that Russia is trying to “build a new Berlin wall in Ukraine”.

Putin has addressed the situation in a phone call with the German Chancellor Angela Merkel, warning that Ukraine was “on the verge of civil war” and urging the Ukrainian government to step back lest Russia intervenes. Supporting the claim by the Ukrainian government, armed men have been reportedly travelling into Ukraine from the Russian border, with armoured personnel carriers flying Russian flags in the streets of the eastern regional capital of Kramatorsk. A spokesman for the pro-Russian militia forces in the region has said that their only demand is that the region stages a referendum on turning Ukraine into a federation of states, similar to Russia. The Ukrainian commander of the counter terrorist operation spoke last Tuesday after his forces recaptured the regional airport at Kramatorsk saying: “We have to deal with a very serious, highly skilled and very professional opponent,” he said according to Interfax-Ukraine news agency. They display a very high level of preparedness, tactical and practical skill. These people must have been to hot spots across the world and on their own territory.” By

Michael McDaid

18th April - 2nd May 2014 | Ayrshire News 11

INTERNATIONAL NEWS ROUNDUP Ian Watkins accomplice, Joanne Mjadzelics to face trial

£2.7 billion pounds high speed rail link welcome boost for Scotland

Joanne Mjadzelics, Watkins former girlfriend , from Doncaster, has been charged in relation to the Ian Watkins pedophile probe case. Ms Mjadzelics has been charged with a total of six counts of possessing and distributing indecent images of children and one count of encouraging another to distribute indecent images.

Transport Secretary Patrick McLoughlin this week confirmed the key intercity route between London and Scotland will have an extra 500 carriages in place by 2018.

Ms Mjadzelics appeared at Newport Crown Court via video link on Monday the 7th of this month. Her trial has been set to commence on the 8th of September. Ian Watkins, former lead singer for the band “The Lost Prophets”, was conviceted and jailed last year after admitting to the attempted rape and sexual assault of a child under the age of 13, alongside a number of other heinous sexual offences against children. By

Lauren Black

The continuing transformation of British rail travel has taken a major step forward after confirmation that funding has been secured to build a new fleet of state-of-the-art trains. Under the new multi billion pound contract 500 new carriages will be manufactured at Hitachi Rail Europe’s purpose built factory in Newton Aycliffe in County Durham, in a deal that will create jobs across rail lines in both Scotland and England. The Class 800 trains are expected to be up and running on the East Coast Main Line from 2018 as part of the government’s £5.7 billion pound Intercity Express Programme.

The new trains will be able to increase passenger capacity by nineteen percent whilst reducing train journeys between Edinburgh, Newcastle, Leeds and London by upto fifteen minutes and increasing the frequency of trains to these destinations. Transport Secretary Patrick McLoughlin said.“We are building a world class rail system and the Intercity Express Programme is a key part of that. He continued “These new trains will transform rail travel between many of the great towns and cities of England and Scotland. This deal is further proof that our long-term economic plans are on track, creating jobs and breathing new life into the UK’s train-building industry.” In addition to the already confirmed 497 carriages being produced for the east coast, a further 369 carriages will run on the Great Western Main

Line from 2017. Hitachi as part of the deal have also agreed to upgrade and refurbish depots across the Great Western Rail Line and East Coast Main Lines. Alistair Dormer, Hitachi Rail Global CEO of Hitachi Ltd, said “This is an important milestone in the delivery of Class 800 series trains for the East Coast Main Line. Hitachi Rail has been working closely with the Department for Transport, train operators and passenger groups to design the new trains.” “We are delighted that the success of the programme to date has attracted interest by world-class financiers and we look forward to building these trains in our new manufacturing plant in County Durham.” She finished. By

Dreeva Vine

UK economy to lead G7 growth in 2014

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) has said last week that the UK’s economy will see the fastest level of growth out of all of the G7 countries this year.

The IMF predicts that the UK economy will grow by 2.9% in 2014, an improvement on the previous prediction made in January of 2.4%, the IMF also predicts a 2.5% increase in 2015. Despit these optimistic predicitons for the UK economy, the IMF has warned that the growth in the UK has been unbalanced, with a marked lack of performance in the business investment sector and the export market. This economic growth is amid the back drop of a strenghtened global economy, which the IMF has forecast to grow by 3.6% this year and 3.9% in 2015. Chancellor George Osborne has reacted to the 2.9% growth prediction saying that it is ‘proof that the economic plan is working’. Mr Osborne also went on to attack the Labour party criticizing ‘growth deniers in the Labour party’ who he claimed were ‘intent on talking down the British economy” Shadow Chancellor Ed Balls responded to Mr Osbornes comments stating that the IMF was ‘right to warn about an unbalanced recovery’ and went on to accuse the government of ‘complacently trying to claim that everything was going well’ However, despite these optimistic predictions, the IMF says that it continues to see risks among emerging economies and warns of low levels of inflation in advanced economies and possible geopolitical issues influencing growth and recovery. By

Brendan Doherty

Paul Flowers facing drug possession charges Starbucks to Paul Flowers, the former chairman of the Co-op bank and Methodist move European church minister, has been formally charged with drug drug HQ to UK possession, crown prosecutors Another man, Gavin Woronuik, has been charged with offering to supply drugs and with the possession of criminal property.

have said in a statement.

Mr Flowers was arrested in November last year following allegations that he was involved in a drug deal which stemmed from video footage obtained by the media of Mr Flowers purchasing cocaine. The charges laid against the disgraced banker include two counts of possession of a class A drug and one charge of possession of a class C drug. The drugs in question have been named as cocaine, methamphetamine and ketamine.

Mr Flowers solicitor released a statement to the press saying that Mr Flowers would make a full statement following his appearance at Leeds Magistrates Court next month.

Mr Hollas also added: “He [Mr Flowers] has been hounded for months by certain elements of the press and they have included many allegations within their papers that have been completely without foundation” Claire Stevens of the Crown Prosecution Service said that Yorkshire and Humberside complex case units had “carefully considered a

file of evidence gathered by the West Yorkshire Police” in relation to Mr Flowers actions. Ms Stevens continued saying: “Following a review of the evidence, I have concluded that there is sufficient evidence and it is the public interest to charge Paul Flowers with possession of Class A and Class C drugs relation to an incident in November”. By

Michael McDaid

International coffee shop giant Starbucks has announced that it will be moving its European headquarters from Amsterdam to London by the end of 2014, after a dispute over corporate tax avoidance in the UK. A company spokesman said that “this move will mean we pay more tax in the UK” and that the relocation will ensure that there are a “modest number of senior executives” who will be in a position to “better oversee the UK market.”

This move comes after Starbucks paid £5 million in corporation tax last year, the first time it has done so since 2009. The company had been avoiding corporate tax bills by transferring the money to its Dutch subsidiary in the form of royalty payments. By

Michael McDaid

12 Ayrshire News | 18th April - 2nd May 2014

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18th April - 2nd May 2014 | Ayrshire News 13

LGBT group are Vibrant Community Champions

Kilmarnock’s LGBT group have been awarded the Vibrant Community Champion award in recognition of their hard work and commitment helping to support the young people of Ayrshire. The Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender group is a peer support group for young people, formed initially as a peer education group focusing on peer support. However, the young people involved realised that it was important to raise awareness of LGBT issues with a focus on homophobia and its terrible effects. The young people wanted to make a difference and to stop anyone going through the same negative situations they had. From this desire for change, the Inspiring Change project was born. The group produced a peer education DVD and education resource pack which has been issued to schools and youth work partner agencies across East Ayrshire. They will be delivering peer education workshops to young people in the coming months and have already delivered LGBT awareness workshops, to mark LGBT history month, to employees from East and South Ayrshire Councils, the NHS and students at the Ayrshire College. The group have won numerous awards at the annual LGBT Youth Scotland’s National Gathering and this recognition has allowed the group to garner recognition within the wider LGBT community. They are worthy winners of the Vibrant Community Champion award. For further information on the LGBT group, Vibrant Community Champions or to nominate someone for the award please contact Margaret MacBain –

Tragedy on swings Billy Hughes, aged 10, died last Monday outside his family home in Glasgow when he reportedly became tangled on a rope swing. Tragedy struck at Balveny Street, Garthamlock, when the schoolboy was found unconscious by his parents, who immediately called an ambulance. He was rushed to Yorkhill Hospital in Glasgow but died a short while later due to his injuries.

The incident was described by Police Scotland as a “sudden death”. Their spokesperson said: “We can confirm that around 9.40pm on Monday, April 14, we received a report of the sudden death of 10-year-old Billy Hughes in his garden at Balveny Street, Garthamlock.” They are currently treating his death as “unexplained”, but said that a postmortem would be carried out. By

Lex Haringman

Peter Howson walking for Autism Peter Howson the Scottish artist originally from Ayr is nearly half way through his epic journey in aid of autism.

The artist who suffers from Asperger’s Syndrome, a form of Autism, is walking 300 miles from Aberdeenshire to his home town of Ayr. The artist who began his walk on Autism day at the start of April and will continue until the beginning of May. It is expected that the trek will take him around a month. Both Peter who was awarded an OBE in 2009 and his daughter are on the

autistic spectrum and his ambition is to raise money and heighten awareness for the Scottish Autism Charity. So far he has raised £58,604 pounds and counting. He will also be producing daily sketches about his journey to help increase the funds raised for the worthwhile charity. Visit to donate and keep up-to date with his progress on Twitter @PeterHowsonWALK By

Dreeva Vine

Donate your unwanted furniture and household items to help Cancer Patients We are always looking for good quality donations and we will collect FREE from your home

We are also in need of Volunteer Collectors so anyone interested in joining our team please contact Joan. To arrange a free uplift or to enquire about Volunteering please contact us on

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14 Ayrshire News | 18th April - 2nd May 2014


New campaign to beat doorstep criminals

Council advises football fans on cancer risk

East Ayrshire Council is linking with Police Scotland to stop bogus callers in their tracks.

Working with the Council’s Community Safety team and Trading Standards Service, police have launched a major campaign with the message “If in doubt, keep them out.” Doorstep crime by bogus callers or rogue traders can have a devastating effect on residents who fall victim. Many of those targeted are over 60s, who are perceived as vulnerable by criminals. Chief Inspector Clarke Callaghan said: “Those who commit such crimes are extremely convincing in how they approach and interact with potential victims. Anyone can be convinced by the lies that these criminals create” People often do not report this type of crime, as they might not even be aware they have been subject to a crime, or they feel embarrassed to tell anyone.” Bogus callers try to get into people’s homes or obtain personal details by pretending to be someone they’re not, such as Council staff, meter readers, charity collectors or even police officers. Rogue traders usually cold-call, claiming to

be workers offering to make repairs to houses, driveways or gardens. In reality, they charge inflated prices for shoddy or unnecessary work. Residents are advised to use a door chain or bar - and if not sure of the caller, don’t answer the door. Police Scotland’s Nominated Neighbour Scheme aims to foster support for those who choose not to open the door to cold-callers.

Football fans had the chance to get their health checked and to find out more about prostate cancer when they attended the Kilmarnock v St Johnstone game last weekend.

Anyone who feels threatened, unsafe or suspicious should call 999. For more advice about doorstep crime, residents can contact community police on 101 or Trading Standards on 01563 576602.

The Council’s Lifestyle Development, Older Adults and Wellbeing Team within Vibrant Communities has recently joined up with Prostate Cancer UK to try and target men at a local level who are living with prostate cancer as well as raise general awareness about spotting the signs and symptoms of the condition.

Councillor Tom Cook, Depute Leader of the Council and Spokesperson for Improving Community Safety and Equalities, said: “Anyone can be fooled, as these doorstep criminals are professional con artists. However, the over 60s are often specifically targeted.”

The team contacted Kilmarnock Football Club about the possibility of parking the CHIP van outside the stadium prior to kick off at the home game. The usual health checks, consisting of blood pressure, body composition and lung capacity were on offer as well as the chance to

take away literature on prostate cancer. The team has already linked up with GPs in East Ayrshire to promote the range of activities it provides and is encouraging them to refer men living with prostate cancer to the team for exercise and lifestyle advice. Provost Jim Todd went along on the day to lend his support since Prostate Cancer UK has been his chosen charity over the last couple of years.


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18th April - 2nd May 2014 | Ayrshire News 15

There’s no place like home? New statistics released have shown that forty percent of young people in Scotland see their working future elsewhere in another part of the world, America, Australia and Canada being the most popular destinations. With rising costs of living, zero hour contracts, the less than impressive weather and general misery of most of Scottish working class life, its easy to understand why. A survey conducted by Robinsons Removal Services found that some of the biggest arguments for moving away from the UK was the constant economical uncertainty and lack of opportunity to better themselves in life. The majority of young people in the modern age have grown up to expect a certain standard of living, opportunity, and financial stability, but with uncertainty in the jobs market and

constant media attention on politicians thieving from the public purse, bankers manipulating markets to increase their own financial gains and stagnant jobs market. Young people are beginning to look overseas for the chance to have a better life. The survey asked 16-21 year olds how they felt about life in the UK and how they felt about life in Scotland and unsurprisingly they weren’t too impressed. With politicians speaking for a generation of young people and section of society that they have had no contact with. Politicians speaking as young people are incompetent and a danger to themselves, why would they wish to stay in a country that constantly undermines them, refuses to listen to their opinions and systematically destroys anything they have pride in? Ian Brown, Head of International Moving at Robinsons said: “It’s understandable that so many young

people have thought about leaving the UK: many are struggling financially, have difficulty finding jobs and feel they have they have fewer opportunities in general. Conversely, there are a large number of countries across the world with great standards of living that are very welcoming to Brits. That means leaving our shores is a very tempting option for many young people.

If they are not wanted, and are presumed wholly incompetent, ironically, by a selfish society that in their lifetime has brought the world to

its financial knees. Answer this question. What’s keeping them here?

With the price of travel at an all time low and the promise of new beginnings a mere website away. Answer this question. What’s keeping them here? For a country that has complete disdain for its young, and offers them little or no opportunity with slim chance of success. What’s keeping them here? Bare in mind, these young people, this disenchanted youth, they are the drivers of fortune, they are the future generation that an economy needs to thrive.


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16 Ayrshire News | 18th April - 2nd May 2014

Alfie Sharpe, Hero For A Day! Firefighters fulfilled the wish of a lifetime for an Ayrshire youngster who has spent two years battling an aggressive form of cancer.

Kilmarnock six-year-old Alfie Sharpe endured countless rounds of chemotherapy, operations and pioneering treatments in a bid to beat neuroblastoma, but hopes of defeating the cancer were dashed when tumours were found in his brain, making the condition terminal. Cheree and Steven, Alfie’s mum and dad, have been determined

to ensure his time is fun-filled and they got in touch with crews at Kilmarnock Community Fire Station to let them know about their son’s passion for the fire service. Visits to their local station followed but Alfie was in for a real surprise – as the Scottish Fire and Rescue Service (SFRS) invited him to be a firefighter for a day. Crew Manager Alan Brown said: “Alfie is an amazing boy who never

18th April - 2nd May 2014 | Ayrshire News 17

fails to astound. We’ve been really lucky to have him join our crews here at Kilmarnock. “He has a wicked sense of humour that constantly makes you laugh and his knowledge of the fire service is second to none. “His mum and dad are rightly incredibly proud of him and we were absolutely delighted to help them make his wish to be a firefighter come true. “Alfie completely threw himself into his training and demonstrated every bit of the courage and determination we expect in our firefighters. “Whether it was tackling fires,

climbing ladders or speeding up the River Clyde with a swift-water rescue boat team, Firefighter Sharpe was eager to complete every task.” A vintage fire engine from the service’s Heritage Trust arrived at the family home on Tuesday 8 April to take Alfie and his parents to the SFRS Training Centre at Cambuslang in South Lanarkshire. Instructors at the world-class facility on the outskirts of Glasgow put Alfie through his paces, as the energetic youngster took on a wide range of emergencies tackled by Scotland’s firefighters. Martin Savage, the SFRS Heritage Trust secretary, said: “It was an

absolute pleasure to meet such a terrific wee lad. “Alfie is a truly amazing character who clearly loves the fire service, so we are just delighted to have been able to play a part in making his day special.” Joining a serving crew on a modern fire appliance, newly-designated Firefighter Sharpe began his shift with a turnout to a car fire. After manning a high pressure water jet and helping to successfully extinguish the blaze, Alfie was whisked under blue lights to the scene of a road traffic ‘collision’ on the centre’s own section of motorway. No sooner had the road rescue

operation finished than Alfie’s crew were turned out to a visually spectacular petrochemical incident, with the family then moving on to join the swift water rescue teams based at Knightswood in Glasgow. Firefighter George Fisher, a member of the rescue boat crew, said: “The modern fire and rescue service obviously responds to huge variety of emergencies and swift water rescue is something many people don’t realise is part of our role. “The boats are designed for a practical purpose rather than comfort but Alfie wasn’t the slightest bit nervous about taking to the river and it was great to have

him on our team. “He’s full of confidence and fits right in. While on the water he had lots of questions about how the boat

works and what we do, so meeting him really made our day.“

SFRS crews at Kilmarnock are raising funds to help Alfie’s mum

and dad fulfil his wishes over the

coming days and weeks. Members

of the public can contribute by logging on to their fundraising webpage:



18 Ayrshire News | 18th April - 2nd May 2014

Competition Time! Jock N’Roll is a Brand New Musical Comedy featuring our All Star Scottish cast from JUKEBOX MEMORIES with all the music from Scottish Artists. From the early days of Sir Harry Lauder, who was once the world’s highest paid performer, to Music Hall favourite and International Star Andy Stewart.

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It’s a sing-along for all ages, but most of all it takes you on an exciting Scottish Musical Journey featuring; Stop your Tickling Jock, My Old Man’s a Dustman, Delilah, Shang-a-Lang, 500 miles, Shout, Ob-La-Di Ob-La-Da, Chirpy Chirpy Cheep Cheep, For Your Eyes Only, Walking on Broken Glass, Love Hurts, Darlin’, Love is all Around, Caledonia, Dignity, Keep on Dancing, and lots more, with over 50 Scottish classic hits in one great show!

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18th April - 2nd May 2014 | Ayrshire News 19

The dog that bit back!

Residents of a quiet residential area in Cumbria were horrified when a spate of tyre slashings continued for more than six months, with no-one, not even the police, able to catch the dastardly culprit in action. The elusive thug seemed to be able to strike at will, in broad daylight with no-one being able to pin him down or catch even a glance of the elusive thug. Until a victim decided to remove the wheels of this runaway crime spree and set up CCTV to catch the wheely bad vandaliser in action. After the thug struck again the local resident watched the CCTV knowing the culprits rein of

terror would finally be over., only to be shocked when it turned out the assailant was no-one more than a mischievous Border Collie canine. Edward and Jean Morgan were horrified when they were told that their family pet had taken a vendetta against the cars in the local area and had been biting the tyres, giving them a slow puncture. Mrs Morgan said “She is the most obedient and affectionate dog we have ever had and it is just shocking to hear this news.” Apparently Jess had been hit with a car earlier in the year and decided to claim her vengeance on the cars in her village. By

Gregg Kelly

AC/DC confirm they are not retiring

Legendary rock band ACDC confirmed this week that after forty years of “rocking out” founding member Malcolm Young is taking a break from the band due to ill health. The world famous band whom three of their four members originated in Scotland, promised fans, that after rumours emerged they were on the verge of retiring, had no intentions of doing such a thing. Sadly though Malcolm Young is taking time off to get over an unspecified illness and the band are scheduling time to get back in the studio and possibly create a new album. The band who have sold in the region of 200 million albums throughout their forty year career formed in Australia in 1973 but 3 of them

Our kids have been hooked from a very early age...

(Malcolm Young, Angus Young, and original member Bon Scott) emigrated from Scotland when they were children. The band who’s Back in Black album is number two in the all time greatest selling albums of all time behind Michael Jackson’s Thriller are the biggest selling rock and roll band ever but have never forgotten their Scottish roots. The band on their website released this statement “Malcolm would like to thank the group’s diehard legion of fans worldwide for their never-ending love and support.” A spokesperson on the website continued “In light of this news, AC/DC asks that Malcolm and his family’s privacy be respected during this time.” By

Richard Garland

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20 Ayrshire News | 18th April - 2nd May 2014


April and May releases The Quiet Ones (15) Starring Jared Harris and Sam Claflin A University physics professor assembles a team to help create a poltergeist.

The Amazing Spider-Man 2 (12A) Starring Andrew Garfield, Emma Stone and Jamie Foxx Peter Parker runs the gauntlet as the mysterious company Oscorp sends up a slew of supervillains against him, impacting on his life.

Transcendence (TBC)

ODEON PLUS Give all your passions the big-screen treatment

Enjoy a night at the Opera, Theatre or Royal Ballet. ODEON Plus Culture brings that unique cinema experience to everything you love. Now you can enjoy theatre on the big screen, beamed in live by satellite and always using the latest state-of-the-art sound and digital projection technology. ODEON Plus performances are available at ODEON Kilmarnock. Ask a team member for more information, pick up a leaflet in the foyer or check the website for future performances. The above mentioned performances are available to book now and it is recommended to purchase tickets in advance to avoid disappointment.

Now booking at ODEON Kilmarnock Enjoy a night at the...Royal Opera House, National Theatre and the Royal Ballet @ ODEON Kilmarnock Met Opera: Saturday: 26th April 17:55 Cosi Fan Tutti (live) 245min

Starring Johnny Depp and Morgan Freeman

The Royal Ballet: Monday 28th April 19:15 A Winter’s Tale 180min

A terminally ill scientist downloads his mind into a computer. This grants him power beyond his wildest dreams, and soon he becomes unstoppable.

National Theatre: Thursday 1st May 19:00 King Lear 180min

Pompeii (TBC)

National Theatre: Thursday 12th June 19:00 A Small Family Business 210min

National Theatre: Thursday 22nd May 19:00 The Curious Case Of The Dog In The Night Time (encore) 160min

Starring Kit Harington and Kiefer Sutherland A slave-turned-gladiator finds himself in a race against time to save his true love, who has been betrothed to a corrupt Roman Senator. As Mount Vesuvius erupts, he must fight to save his beloved as Pompeii crumbles around him.

Tarzan (PG) Starring Kellan Lutz Tarzan and Jane Porter face a mercenary army dispatched by the evil CEO of Greystoke Energies, a man who took over the company from Tarzan’s parents, after they died in a plane crash.

ODEON Kilmarnock

Bad Neighbours (TBC) Starring Seth Rogan and Zac Efron A couple with a newborn baby face unexpected difficulties after they are forced to live next to a fraternity house.

Godzilla (TBC) Starring Aaron Taylor-Johnson, Elizabeth Olsen and Bryan Cranston The world’s most famous monster is pitted against malevolent creatures who, bolstered by humanity’s scientific arrogance, threaten our very existence.


Blended (TBC) Starring Adam Sandler and Drew Barrymore


After a bad blind date, a man and woman find themselves stuck together at a resort for families, where their attraction grows as their respective kids benefit from the burgeoning relationship.

Postman Pat: The Movie (U)

ckets Great value ti* all day

Starring David Tennant, Rupert Grint and Jim Broadbent A veteran postman finds his beliefs challenged after he enters a TV talent show competition

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18th April - 2nd May 2014 | Ayrshire News 21


Monday night aired the UK premier of Game of Thrones, Season 4 Episode 2. The episode was written by George R. R. Martin, the author of the books that the show is based on. By

He certainly left us with an ending we will never forget. It begins with yet another plot to kill off the remaining Starks. Roose Bolton, who had previously betrayed and then murdered Robb Stark in the gut-wrenching finale of Season 3, now targets the two youngest Starks, Bran and Rickon. Over at Dragonstone, the Red Woman’s influence still lingers, as those who refuse to accept the Lord of Light as their one true God are horrifically burnt at the stake. Following Cersei Lannister’s discovery

of her brother’s illegitimate relationship with Shae, we witness the heartbreaking scene as Tyrion selflessly denies loving her, in order to convince her to leave Westeros, thereby saving her from the lion jaws of the Lannister House. These events, however, are overshadowed by the wedding of Margery Tyrell and the much despised King Joffrey. The Purple Wedding is an uncomfortable scene to watch throughout. Tensions arise as conflicts between characters multiply whilst cruel King Joffrey arranges a crude re-enactment of the “War of the Five Kings” to be played

Lex Haringman

out before his guests.



Sure enough, these tensions explode as the newly married king humiliates his uncle, denouncing him to the status of a cup-bearer. Joffrey then drinks from a chalice which holds poisoned wine. Leaving the king to die an agonising death in front of his horrified wedding guests. Love him or hate him, this death is painful to watch and wholly unexpected. It is only looking back in retrospect that we can pick up on the clever hints littered throughout the episode, such as Olenna Tyrell’s ominous comment “as if men need any more reason to fear

marriage”, or Joffrey naming his new sword Widow’s Wail. Nevertheless, the episode leaves us with many unanswered questions. Firstly, who did it? With his dying breath Joffrey points to Tyrion. But how would Tyrion know he would be serving the wine that poisoned the king? It could have been any one of Joffrey’s powerful enemies, and knowing the show’s tendency to surprise its audience, it will most likely be the one

we least expect. Secondly, who will be next to claim the poisoned position of power that is the Iron Throne? Will it be Prince Tommen, Joffrey’s younger brother, or will Stannis Baratheon make another attempt for the throne? Perhaps Daenerys Targaryen, will swoop in on her dragons and claim what she refers to as her birthright. One thing is certain: think twice about getting married in Westeros.

Robert’s Tips April



Robert Morris is Plant Manager at Gemmell’s Garden Centre, and can be found there giving out helpful advice to customers. Robert has over 40 years’ experience in the horticultural industry. When he’s not at work he’s hard at work in his garden and, as a keen walker and bird watcher, is always in the great outdoors! This marks the start of a monthly article giving seasonal tips, for keen gardeners and novices alike.

Levington Original Compost 50L 2 for £10


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• Now is the time to give everything a good feed. This will give a good

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• Deadhead Spring flowering bulbs and let the foliage grow until it

yellows. Remove leaves once the foliage comes away easily in your hand.

• Continue to deadhead Spring bedding such as Pansies and Violas

Summer Bedding can be planted out in beds, tubs and baskets but remember to protect from late frosts. boost to the start of the growing season. Use products such as Miracle Gro or Phostrogen.

• Put support for the tall perennials in place. • Keep the flower and shrub beds well watered in dry weather.

Watch out for dry windy days as they can be more drying than in hot calm weather.

• This is the time to feed lawns. Use products such as Aftercut or Cut

& Feed after mowing to keep lawns green and healthy and this will inturn lessen weed growth.

• Weeds will grow strongly now so keep them at bay with herbicides

and frequent weeding. Use bark to suppress weeds in beds and borders.

22 Ayrshire News | 18th April - 2nd May 2014

Divergent Review Based on Veronica Roth’s best selling novel and directed by Neil Burger (Limitless and The Illusionist), Divergent is a young adult series based in a world split into 5 factions based on human qualities, Abnegation (selfless), Amity (peaceful), Candour (truthful), Erudite (intelligent) and Dauntless (brave). When Tris Prior (Shailene Woodley) takes the obligatory aptitude test to decide which faction she will join she comes out in 3 different categories (Abnegation, Erudite and Dauntless) making her Divergent. At her Choosing Ceremony Tris decides she would fit best in Dauntless. However, you do not just become Dauntless, you have to earn it. All initiates have to face several challenges as

well as rigorous training to become Dauntless. Tris struggles throughout the training and you see that she has not chosen to be Dauntless due to her strength or physical ability but because she is a girl who will not give up on anything, she will always go for broke. Luckily for her she meets Four (Theo James) an older Dauntless who takes her under his wing. Together they attempt to stop the oncoming evil and save the Abnegation government without alerting anyone to the fact that they are Divergent. A great adaptation with a thrilling performance from Woodley helped along by Kate Winslet the Erudite leader who plans to overthrow the Abnegation government and start the world a fresh. By

Hayleigh King

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CULTURE AND EVENTS The Hunger Games: Catching Fire.

The second instalment of Suzanne Collins’ best selling Trilogy, The Hunger Games: Catching Fire follows Katniss Everdeen (Jennifer Lawerence) and Peeta Mellark (Josh Hutcherson) as they prepare to enter the arena for the second time. Set in post-apocolyptic North America, Katniss and Peeta became Victors of the Hunger Games despite the fact only one should leave the arena alive. This now means they must, once again, leave their families behind and embark on a Victors tour throughout the Districts of Panem and onto the Capitol. Despite doing everything asked of them Katniss and Peeta have still not proven themselves to the President of Panem, who has decided to send them back into the arena, intent on destroying Katniss. This year, however, the Games will not run as usual. This

year the contestants of The Hunger Games will all be former Victors, people who have won the games previously. The Games will prove to be a lot more difficult for Katniss and Peeta this time around so they join forces with some previous victors including Finnick Odair (Sam Claflin) and Johanna Mason (Jena Malone) who try their best to help the pair overcome everything thrown at them. Unlike many book to movie adaptations Catching Fire has stayed as true to the book as possible and it makes it all the more enjoyable. Even if you did not enjoy The Hunger Games Catching Fire is definitely worth watching. If you are a fan of fantasy movies set in the future it is definitely a must buy. By

Hayleigh King

18th April - 2nd May 2014 | Ayrshire News 23

The Fault In Our Stars Review International best seller John Green (Paper Towns, Looking For Alaska) has created a masterpiece that will live on in the hearts of readers for days after they have finished reading. The Fault In Our Stars is completely unputdownable with its witty narrative and incredible story. Join Hazel Grace Lancaster and Augustus ‘Gus’ Waters in this touching story of survival, love nad heartache. Set in present day Indianapolis and narrated by 16 year old Hazel Grace, the book deals with having cancer but

this is not the main premise in this young adult novel. Hazel, suffering from Thyroid cancer, and Augustus, in remission from osteosarcoma, meet at a support group for kids with cancer and become inseparable almost instantly. Hazel attends the group to give her mother piece of mind that she is not simply waiting for her terminal cancer to take over, Gus is there to support their mutual friend Isaac who, after already having an eye removed due to a cancerous tumour is about to lose his second eye. For Hazel life revolves around her disease, everything she does is cancer related. Gus, however, has never let the fact he only has one


Ayr Spice Restaurant

The Ayr Spice restaurant in Minishant is set to host an evening of classical musical recitals from three Ayrshire musicians on Wednesday, April 23 at 7pm.

leg define his life. He does what he wants, when he wants and how he wants. He teaches Hazel that life is not all about cancer and shows her how to live he life despite the oxygen tank she carries behind her.

accompany the talented musicians.

Tickets for the evening are £15 and one third are already gone so book now (see advert on page 12 for full details on how to book).

They are Michael Foyle, the violinist and pianist from Troon and Roger Paterson from Saltcoats, who is an extremely gifted young tenor.

The evening will feature music from Fritz Keisler as well as a Mozart sonata for violin and arias by Purcell, Handel, Haydn, Schubert, Schumann and BenjaminBritten.

They will be joined on piano by James McChesney who is coming out of retirement after nine years to

It is an informal recital evening giving you the chance to eat and drink with the performers afterwards.

Green’s masterpiece is a story that should not be missed, with it’s heart warming plot of love, living life while you can and imminent heart break, it is one that will stay in the back of your mind long after you have finished reading it. But if the book isn’t enough for you the feature film adaptation will be in cinemas June 2014. By

Hayleigh King




with accommodation

Join us at the Fairfield House Hotel on th Saturday 24 May and listen to the songs from Grease performed by the Scottish Grease duo. Evening starts at 7pm 3 course Dinner 7.30pm Grease 8.45pm till 9.30pm Disco 9.30pm till 10.15pm Grease 10.15pm till 11pm Disco 11pm till Midnight

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In order to be in the draw and to win 4 tickets and 2 double or twin rooms on the night with breakfast follow the steps………. Step 1: Like the Fairfield House Hotel Face book Page(if you have not already) Step 2 : Like and Share this Post Step 3: Tell us your favourite Grease song

( draw will be made 25th April from the list of likes , winner will be notified on face book)

24 Ayrshire News | 18th April - 2nd May 2014

Another Dystopia: The Stone Gods By Jeanette Winterson These past couple of years have shown an increased interest in the dystopian world following the release of the Hunger Games films and this year’s much anticipated film adaptation of Veronica Roth’s Divergent trilogy.

In her novel, Winterson describes three different worlds that make the same mistakes. They eventually become inhabitable wastelands, forcing its citizens in search of a new world, which they will inevitably destroy. Failing to learn from their past mistakes.

Of course these are not the only popular dystopian novels out there. Many of you will have read or heard of works such as George Owell’s novel 1984, Margaret Atwood’s Handmaid’s Tale and Anthony Burgess’s A Clockwork Orange. All have been made into motion pictures. But the 2007 novel Jeanette Winterson’s The Stone Gods, has yet to be.

The first of these worlds seems to take place in a futuristic setting called Orbus, however the narrative suggests that it takes place in the world before present day. In Orbus there is an extreme consumer culture, where everything and everyone in “The Central Power”, one of the three areas in the world, is owned by a single company.

The dystopian genre is a useful tool in fiction for criticising and highlighting the contemporary issues of society. They depict a dark future, riddled with oppression, misery and moral decay. Its purpose is to warn readers by showing them the consequences, often exaggerated, of society’s actions.

world right now. When asked if her book is a political statement, Winterson says on her website “I have said many times that I believe our time to be unique in the history of the world. Either we face our environmental challenges now, or many of us will perish, and much of what we cherish in civilisation will be destroyed.”

Winterson’s novel explores the negative effects of materialism and environmentalism, two major problems that are still affecting the

Money has been abolished, but all items are loaned out so that nobody owns anything, further restricting their freedom. People can be “fixed” at a certain age, resulting in a desire to be younger and younger. In addition, they can make themselves beautiful through extensive surgery, and in some cases not look human at all. These parts of the texts criticise ultra-capitalism as well as touching

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on society’s obsession with celebrity culture, to be and look like celebrities. The world also faces similar environmental problems to the ones that we are currently having to deal with (such as the depletion of fossil fuels and melted ice caps) at a much more advanced stage. They have run out of natural resources and are now forced to search for a new home. Which can be interpreted as a warning to us to take better care of our world, before we to face the same nightmarish consequences. The deliberately non-linear, non-chronological narrative sets it apart from other dystopian pieces of fiction. If you are looking for something new from the genre or the issues it explores, I recommend trying this novel. By

Lex Haringman

Here at The Ayrshire News we’ve scoured the world weird web for some unusual facts to brighten up your day and astonish your friends.

The smallest mountain range in the world is outside of Marysville, California and is named the Sutter Buttes. Lucifer is latin for “Light Bringer”. It is a translation of the Hebrew name for Satan, Halael. Satan means “adversary”, devil means “liar”. The average garden variety caterpillar has 248 muscles in its head. The glue on Israeli postage stamps is certified kosher.

18th April - 2nd May 2014 | Ayrshire News 25

Prince Philip: What is Steampunk? A Divine Being?

For those unsure as to what Steampunk is need only to watch The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, Van Helsing or the latest Sherlock Holmes films for an answer. These are only some of the many films influenced by the particular style. Steampunk is a retro-futuristic type of science fiction originally inspired by the works of H.G. Wells and Jules Verne. As the names suggests, Steampunk features anachronistic machinery and technology which is usually powered by steam. It has gradually expanded out from the literary world to touch on other areas of culture.

Steampunk Fashion has seen an increase in popularity over recent years. Although not the ideal style to adopt whilst on a tight budget, it is becoming less of a low-production, high cost product as more websites, and occasionally stores, are offering their customers cheaper alternatives.

Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, is believed to be the son of a mountain spirit by a tribe in Vanuatu. An ancient legend tells of the son travelling over seas and marrying a rich and powerful woman. The Prince Philip Movement is a cargo cult of the Yaohnanen village on the Southern Island of Tanna in Vanuatu.

It is believed to have been formed during the 1960s, when Vanuatu was an Anglo-French colony called the New Hebrides. The movement was strengthened when the Queen and her husband made their official visit to the New Hebrides in 1974. Prior Chief Jack Naiva, who passed away in 2009, described the Prince as “a god, not a man”. By

Unlike other styles, Steampunk prides itself on being versatile and adaptable. Most of its clothes are inspired by fashion from the Victorian Era, but can be based other recognisable historical periods in which the Industrial Revolution is imagined to have already begun. Steampunk fashion can also be rooted in post-apocalyptic and fantasy worlds. For more information, look on the internet for an abundance of online resources and guides about how to dress Steampunk. Perhaps not an every-day thing, but it gives history a creative twist and makes for an interesting fancy dress.

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Alona Gates

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26 Ayrshire News | 18th April - 2nd May 2014

Student accommodation landlords exempt from immigrant checks In a landmark change to the new UK Immigration Bill, landlords of properties specifically designated as student accommodation will be exempt from conducting mandatory checks on the immigration status of their tenants.

The new bill which is set to come into law later this year and be enforced from the beginning of 2015, will force landlords and letting agencies to perform frequent and comprehensive checks on their tenants as regards their legal status for residence in the UK. If the landlord or letting agency is found to have neglected such checks they will be fined

£3,000 for each person found to be living illegally at the property. However, in the amendment to the bill, landlords and letting agencies who are providing purpose built student accommodation will not be subject to the new regulations, instead they will only have to carry out a single check on new tenants, consisting of liaising with the students university or college. The changes comes after the British Property Federation (BPF) tabled an amendment on the grounds that international students go through rigorous visa checks before being accepted by a university and that requiring landlords to so the same would be a

duplication of the same checks. “We are very satisfied to see that our amendments to the Immigration Bill have been accepted. The time and resources that would have been spent by student accommodation providers carrying out these checks would have been completely wasted,” said Ian Fletcher, director of policy at the British Property Federation. Currently the scheme is planned to be tested in a single area, which has yet to be confirmed, prior to its nationwide roll out next year, the Government is urging landlords and letting agencies to be prepared for the bills introduction. By

Michael McDaid

Property prices on the rise


Low stock and rising demand is pushing up prices in the prime property market in Scotland with the latest index showing they increased by 1.1% over the first three months of 2014. Prime prices rose or were unchanged during the quarter in all Scottish regions but stock levels are 26% lower compared to the previous year, according to the index from Knight Frank. This latest rise takes the annual price increase to 2.8%, the largest annual gain in six years, and more expensive properties are seeing sales increase. Indeed, the number of £1 million plus residential property sales picked up significantly in the second half of 2013. The firm says that confidence among vendors and buyers has returned to the prime Scottish market and tighter stock levels have coincided with an increase in the number of buyers registering their interest in purchasing a prime property in Scotland. There was a 36.5% rise in the number

of new applicants over the three months to March 2014 compared to the same period a year earlier. While the property markets in key Scottish towns and cities, such as Edinburgh and Glasgow, have been the biggest beneficiaries of this increased demand, there are indications that this is filtering out to the wider prime market. Indeed, prices rose or were unchanged during the quarter in all of the main Scottish regions, led by increases for homes located in the Scottish Borders, the Central region and the Lothians.

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18th April - 2nd May 2014 | Ayrshire News 27

Demand for property rising above supply levels

Spring cleaning tips, cleaning your laminate flooring on a budget With the spring cleaning season upon us, we here at the Ayrshire News decided to create a column with our top tips for getting your home into tip top shape. Laminate flooring has been a popular choice in Scottish homes since it became popular over a decade ago, replacing the much maligned linoleum flooring which was a mainstay for kitchen and bathrooms for nearly 50 years. However, with many laminate floors now starting to look a little worse for wear and a plethora of different cleaning products on the market which can infact damage certain laminate finishes, we’ve found a top tip for cleaning your laminate flooring without breaking the bank or damaging your flooring. For laminate floors, don’t reach into the cupboard under the sink for the chemicals, instead, check your pantry



for a bottle of white vinegar, more commonly associated with fish and chips, white vinegar is a cleaning miracle for stained laminate flooring. Unlike soap which attracts dirt to it and relies on being rinsed off to clean up, often leaving dirt behind in the texture of your flooring, white vinegar has a neutralised acid content which is perfect for breaking the bonds between dirt and your flooring. With just one part white vinegar to eight parts warm water you can leave your floor streak free and looking like new for weeks without having spent a fortune on cleaning products which may end up leaving you with a sticky floor for days.



Lauren Black

In a report issued by the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RIS), it has been revealed that the demand for property in certain areas of Scotland has outpaced the number of homes for sale for the first time since the financial crash in 2008, according to the RIS house prices are also rising in parity to demand, creating a sellers market. The report stated that despite the housing market displaying encouraging signs of growth as projected for 2014, the lack of housing stock is putting off wouldbe buyers from making the move on buying new property, thus slowing down the overall recovery of the housing market. With the RIS predicting a 46%

increase in the number of property sales in the latter half of 2014, buyers appear to becoming more comfortable with the rising prices, as mortgages are once again becoming more readily available. RICS Scotland director Sarah Speirs said: “Now that the housing market recovery is under way and mortgage finance is more readily available, buyers seem to be looking to test the market across Scotland. That said, it is a major concern that we are not seeing enough houses coming on to the market to meet this demand.” By

Brendan Doherty

PROPERTY Demand for property rising above supply levels In a report issued by the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RIS), it has been revealed that the demand for property in certain areas of Scotland has outpaced the number of homes for sale for the first time since the financial crash in 2008, according to the RIS house prices are also rising in parity to demand, creating a sellers market. The report stated that despite the housing market displaying encouraging signs of growth as projected for 2014, the lack of housing stock is putting off would-be buyers from making the move on buying new property, thus slowing down the overall recovery of the housing market.

With the RIS predicting a 46% increase in the number of property sales in the latter half of 2014, buyers appear to becoming more comfortable with the rising prices, as mortgages are once again becoming more readily available.

RICS Scotland director Sarah Speirs said: “Now that the housing market recovery is under way and mortgage finance is more readily available, buyers seem to be looking to test the market across Scotland. That said, it is a major concern that we are not seeing enough houses coming on to the market to meet this demand.”

28 Ayrshire News | 18th April - 2nd May 2014

Land Rover in Partnership with Virgin Galactic

Land Rover and Virgin Galactic (Richard Branson’s space travel company) have this week announced a long term partnership, based on the concept of shared adventures and new discoveries. The pairing was announced in New York on the USS Intrepid, a former United States Navy aircraft carrier which now serves as a museum for land, air, sea and space exploration exhibits. The new Land Rover Discovery which sports space age technology, known as the “Discovery Vision Concept” was presented, accompanying Virgin Galactic’s flagship space travel vessel, SpaceShipTwo, which is set to become the world’s first commercial space travel craft. The partnership between the two companies has been described as being “long term” and Land Rover will be supplying a fleet of Discoveries to Virgin Galactic to operate as company vehicles, intended to shuttle future passengers on SpaceShipTwo to and from the new astronaut training and launch facility that Virgin Galactic has created in the

Mojave desert of New Mexico. While SpaceShipTwo may have stolen the show from the new Discovery, the new Disco remains the most interesting part of this whole spectacle. As mentioned earlier in the article, the Land Rover on display is sporting technology which has been dubbed the “Discovery Vision Concept”, this new technology is truly the stuff of science fiction. Using what Land Rover have described as “augmented reality” technology, the engineers have apparently succeeded in making the Disco’s center console practically invisible to the driver and passengers. Instead replacing it with a view of the road in front of them. This new Discovery concept doesn’t appear to have forgotten its roots as a mudplugger, with new technologies intended to make it the most capable luxury off roader that the Jaguar Land Rover plant has ever produced, including laser projection systems which will beam a path onto the terrain ahead, aiding the driver in choosing the correct driving line to get out of a sticky situation, however, when the

Volvo maintains its reputation for safety with revolutionary child seat Last week Volvo, the Swedish car maker synonymous with safety innovation, revealed a revolutionary new child seat design, what sets the new Volvo concept apart, isn’t just the high level of safety the seat purports to lend to your little one, but instead it’s the portability and convenience.

The new Volvo child seat is in fact inflatable, designed specifically for parents who switch cars or travel without their car on a regular basis,

with one of the core design principles being portability, the new seat will fold away into a bag which has been sized to fit into the dimensions for most airlines carry on bag restrictions. Although inflatable, the seat is specified well beyond what current regulations dictate, with the seat utilizing ultra strong materials, which can withstand huge pressures and forces and utilizing drop stitching, a technique normally only found in emergency inflatables for ocean going vessels.

new Disco goes on sale, it’s doubtful that more than a very small percentage of them will ever see more challenging terrain than a flooded car park. Phil Popham, Marketing Director of Jaguar Land Rover spoke about the new partnership between the companies saying: “This is a marriage of two of Britain’s most iconic brands who celebrate shared values, a pioneering spirit and a true sense of adventure. Not only do we both share the same long-term vision to enable mankind to explore, but we also want to develop this partnership to inspire others. From our tens of thousands of employees and customers to schools and colleges, motivating more young people to pursue careers in engineering, science, technology and math - and explore new ways of travelling for future generations.” So it looks like the next moon rover might be built in Britain after all. By

Michael McDaid

Lawrence Abele, the designer behind the new seat, said: “For me child safety is always the number one priority and when we lived abroad with two toddlers we had to haul bulky child seats through airports and then into taxis. For many, travelling with young children is a challenge; any assistance to simplify the parents’ life with young children is a great thing.” By

Brendan Doherty



% 0 1 F OF this h t i w vert ad


18th April - 2nd May 2014 | Ayrshire News 29

Car sales are at their Driving theory test fees to fall peak in a decade The cost of the driving theory test is set to be cut by 25 per cent under plans announced today by Transport Minister Stephen Hammond. The proposals, which could save learner drivers in excess of £100m over the next 9 years, are contained in a public consultation on changes to theory test fees. The plans would see the cost of a car driving theory test fall by £6 in October this year, taking the cost of a test from £31 to £25, with a further drop of £2 planned in October 2015.

Car sales in Britain have hit a peak which has not been surpassed since 2004, with almost a quarter of all adults in Britain, mulling over the decision to purchase a new car, with a quarter of those in that statistic thinking of purchasing a brand new vehicle from the showroom floor. According to market analysis, the average figure most people in the UK are willing to spend on a new car is £12,500, with a third of those who said they were considering a new car planning to either part finance or fully finance their new vehicle. This new surge in the car market has

been brought on by the prevalence of cheap credit available to dealerships, a low rate which they are directly passing on to their customers, fueling sales of new cars in particular. The Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders (SMMT) released figures last week, which showed a steady increase in the number of people buying new cars in the last six months citing a 17.7% increase in March alone, with a predicted month on month 5% increase in the numbers of new cars being sold. New car registrations are now at their highest since March 2004, topping out at 464,824 new cars on the road last month.

The new car demographics have displayed that austerity is still on the minds of even those who are planning to or have bought a new car in the last few months, with one in six of those surveyed stating that they will be changing their current car for one with a smaller engine in order to cut down on fuel and tax bills throughout their period of ownership. For the enthusiasts out there this is good news, as a rash of low priced higher performance cars may start coming onto the market as the general public switch to more economical means of getting around and shun the higher maintenance larger engined varients. By

Michael McDaid

New checks for elderly drivers encouraged The Institute for Advanced Motorists (IAM) is calling on the government to introduce a national strategy of driving health checks and better information for elderly drivers and their families. The call comes after a poll showing that 42% of the population are worried about an elderly relative driving, yet they are unlikely to do anything about it. The IAM and Vision Critical poll of 1297 people shows that while concern about elderly drivers is evident, acting on our concerns is another issue. Fiftyeight per cent of those concerned did nothing about it When we do talk to our relatives about their driving it does not always

go down well. Of those that had done this, nearly half of respondents (47 per cent) were met with negative reaction. IAM chief executive Simon Best said: “Talking to an elderly relative about their driving is a difficult conversation to have. Driving is associated with independence, so giving up the car keys can be a very stressful process. This is especially true for drivers with dementia as they often underestimate the impact of the condition on their driving skills.” Mr Best also went on to say: “Voluntary online and on road driving assessments will provide an unbiased view and help everyone make the right decision at the right time. We are finding while there are some elderly drivers who should not be on

the road, most get it right and as many as 15% give up too early But with ever increasing numbers of elderly drivers, this is a growing mobility and road safety issue that won’t go away. The government needs to act now.” The IAM wants: A government action plan for older drivers; Widespread availability of voluntary on road driving assessments; More car manufacturers considering older drivers in vehicle design; Better information and online assessment tools for older drivers, their families and health professionals; Road designs that make it easier for older drivers to keep driving. There are now more than four million drivers over 70 years old, a figure that is set to increase to 5.8 million in 2032.

Transport Minister Stephen Hammond, said: “We are determined to keep motoring costs down, so we want to make sure theory tests offer the best value for money while continuing to meet rigorous standards. The theory test plays a vital role in making sure that new drivers know the Highway Code and the rules of the road and today’s announcement shows we are determined provide cost-effective services that keep our roads among the safest in the world.” Driver and Vehicle Standards Agency

(DVSA) Chief Executive, Alastair Peoples, said: “By agreeing new contract arrangements for the delivery of theory tests we have secured significant cost savings, and it is right that we pass these savings on to our customers. We want to make sure that we continue to keep pace with customers’ needs and deliver services in a way which is both convenient and cost effective.” The consultation launched today also sets out proposed reductions for motorcycle, bus and lorry theory tests. The consultation closes on 15 May and is available to view on GOV.UK.

Toyota recalling 6.4 million cars worldwide A Toyota recall is in the news again. In this instance there are three potential faults across four models, with 35,124 UK cars involved as part of over six million worldwide.

In its press release Toyota states that there have been no reports of any accidents or injuries relating to the vehicle issues. Toyota is now launching an inspection and repair programme at no charge for all customers, who can check if their car is part of the recall at the Toyota Website A spiral cable assembly defect has been identified on RAV4s and Hiluxes built between June 2004 and December 2010. A retainer in the airbag unit could become damaged and potentially cut connectivity to the driver’s airbag. Any issue should be highlighted by an airbag warning light. A seat spring rail issue in Yaris

and Urban Cruiser models built between January 2005 and August 2010 effects 10,339 cars. The spring has been identified as weak and susceptible to breaking under frequent use. Therefore it may not lock into position or could move in a crash. Toyota has also discovered a steering column bracket problem on 1,293 of the 10,000 Yaris’ and Urban Cruisers being recalled. A weld that connects the bracket to the instrument panel may break when ‘the steering wheel is repeatedly turned with full force’. Second-gen Yaris’ with the tilt/ telescopic steering wheel adjustment and Urban Cruisers built between September 2005 and February 2009 are in this part of the recall. An extra bracket will be fitted to all cars by Toyota even without damage; those affected will get replacement instrument panel reinforcement.

30 Ayrshire News | 18th April - 2nd May 2014

Marr Rugby awarded RBS Club of the Month After topping RBS Championship A in March and winning promotion for their fourth consecutive season, Marr have added to their trophy cabinet with the RBS Club of the Month award.


Eagle Eye: The Ryder Cup Review

Welcome to my column counting down to the 40th Ryder Cup at Gleneagles in September. It may be 7 months away but it is already the talk of clubhouses up and down the country.

The Troon-based club have made exceptional progress across the board at Fullarton Park in recent years, even in the face of adversity this season when their clubhouse burned down back in September. They employ a development officer, Rory McGee, who works with a number of the local primary schools and their links with Marr College, a CashBack for Communities School of Rugby, are some of the strongest in the country. They also have a full complement of youth teams from minis up to under-18 level.

Pictured: Kevin Quinn receives the RBS Club of the Month trophy for March from Scottish Rugby’s council representative, John Steele.

President, Kevin Quinn, said: “Winning this award is wonderful for the whole club. We’ve been recognised for the hard work, effort and commitment that is ongoing at all levels and for our success on and off the pitch. We have also managed to do all this with

The Marr Rugby clubhouse after the fire last september

temporary facilities in place after we had a major fire that severely damaged our clubhouse earlier in the year.” The second XV won RBS Reserve League West 1 in March while other highlights that month were a mini tournament that saw around 450 children turn out from seven different clubs. Quinn continued: “This year our performances have continued to improve, March saw a double achievement with the second XV winning their league and the first XV achieving an outstanding result to complete their season, winning RBS Championship Division A. “Going forward, the club’s commitment is to strengthen and sustain what we’re doing and to ensure that we’re able to provide a set-up that enables our younger players that are coming through to enjoy the experience of playing quality rugby

and representing Marr. “It has been another outstanding year for us and everyone’s delighted.” Scottish Rugby regional development manager for Glasgow South, Glen Tippett, said: “It is great to see Marr get promoted once again and to see them rewarded for their continual development. The club has been very proactive working in partnership with Scottish Rugby and South Ayrshire Council in growing the grassroots game in the west.” In winning the RBS Club of the Month award, Marr will receive a commemorative trophy, £1000 to be invested in the development of the club and an automatic nomination for the RBS Club of the Season award to be presented at the annual Scottish Rugby Club Awards Dinner on Friday 30 May.

Scotland reveals largest aquatics team in Games history for 2014

Team Scotland has named the largest aquatics team in Commonwealth Games history for Glasgow 2014. With 38 swimmers selected and two divers, the team is the largest in the competition by far and sports a number of athletes who are making their international debut. Team Scotland chief Jon Doig said: “There is a strong core of experience and success and I’m excited to see so many new faces. At this stage, it is the biggest single sport in Team Scotland for 2014.”

The first major of the year, The Masters yet again never failed to deliver in terms of drama and excitement right to the very end. Bubba Watson’s emphatic win has propelled him into list of greats and deservedly so. His incredible power off the tee is literally draw dropping at times. His 366 yd drive at the 13th hole on Sunday which left him with only a wedge to the heart of the green, will live long in the memory. Young Jordan Spieth’s performance was impressive and the 20 year old seems a lock for a place in the US team bound for Scotland in September. It goes without saying that Bubba had already booked his spot even before his 2nd Masters victory. From a European perspective, Jonas Blixt of Sweden who tied for second with Spieth has not hidden his desire to become a Ryder Cup player. Blixt impressed in only his third major and will be competing in the minimum 13 tournaments in Europe this season in order to qualify for the Paul McGinley’s team.

Throughout the history of the Commonwealth Games, Scotland has claimed more medals from the aquatic events than in any other sport, with a total haul before Glasgow 2014 totalling 73 medals including 20 top of the podium gold medals. The current line up includes five podium finishers, who have between them added five medals to the Scottish medal haul in the past. By Brendan Doherty

As for the veterans, Miguel Angel Jiminez and Thomas Bjorn, their solid Masters performances will strengthen their claim for a place in the European team. Competition for places are hotting up already for both teams which is bound to please both captains.

Till next time, this is Eagle Eye signing off.

18th April - 2nd May 2014 | Ayrshire News 31

Glasgow Speedway - the Fastest Family Fun in Town!


Rocks fall short in Trophy Final – Focus now shifted to Playoffs Picture by Stephen Mathie

The new speedway season may barely be underway but already Scotland’s three clubs are flexing their on track muscles to jockey for domestic dominance. With opening season challenge fixtures now out of the way, and with the winter cobwebs well and truly blown away, each of Glasgow, Edinburgh and Berwick are scheduled for home and away League Cup ties (in a qualifying group alongside Workington) to chase semi-final qualification. Some mouth watering, first class motor sport action is guaranteed. With Edinburgh having managed home and away wins over Berwick Bandits, this weekend brings the borders club to Ashfield Stadium (Sunday 13th, 3pm) requiring an away win to reignite their qualification prospects. Standing in their way, and looking to launch their own League Cup campaign with a home win are

the Glasgow Allied Vehicles Tigers, looking to get into their early season stride following last weekend’s rain off. The Tigers, who will themselves travel to face Berwick in the borders town this Saturday night before hosting the Bandits at home on Sunday, are at full strength and will take encouragement from their recent opening day performance which blooded their younger riders on the Ashfield circuit. The performances of French wonder kid Dimitri Berge (18), Danish duo Kasper Lykke (19) and Anders Thomsen (20) each gave Tigers team manager Stewart Dickson much to feel confident about as his new look side size up for the season ahead. If Tigers are to repel the Bandits this weekend they will need much stronger performances from their new No.1 rider, German internationalist Kevin Wolbert who only scored 5


points on his home debut a fortnight ago. With home skipper Theo Pipjer also having a disappointing opening day scoring performance, it is the top end of the side from which Glasgow will look for most improvement this weekend. Whatever the outcome of their clashes with Berwick, Tigers already have one eye on the following weekend when they will cross swords with arch rivals Edinburgh Monarchs. The capital side are already hotly tipped for honours in 2014 and have started strongly, unbeaten from their first 4 fixtures, however Glasgow will cherish the opportunity to puncture their rivals early season successes particularly in targeting a win around their home Ashfield Stadium circuit (Sunday 20th, 3pm). For full details visit Glasgow Speedway’s Offical Site

We’re giving away a pair of tickets for the Glasgow Tigers next home fixture at Ashfield Stadium on Sunday the 27th, for your chance of winning this fantastic afternoon at the races answer this simple question.

The Glasgow Tigers are based in which stadium? Send your answers on a self addressed postcard or envelope to West of Scotland Media, Suite 26, Brook Street Studios, 60 Brook Street, Glasgow G40 2AB

Sadly the dream came to an end for the Rocks as they fell at the final hurdle on their quest for the BBL Trophy. Worcester Wolves overcame the Rocks by a narrow 83-76 margin to claim the BBL Trophy in front of a near-sell out crowd at the Emirates Arena. It turned out to be a game of two halves at the Emirates in what was an enthralling matchup between highflying Worcester and the Rocks. EJ Harrison said: “It’s a tough one for us; we didn’t get it done in the 2nd half. It was a tight game throughout and down the stretch they made the plays.” Coach Sterling Davis said: “I thought our guys really came out with a high intensity level, especially to start a basketball game out. We knew what kind of a game it would be with Worcester. We did a good job defensively for the most part of the game.” The Rocks tried everything they could to pull back Worcester’s lead but the Wolves were just too strong in the final moments and took home the BBL Trophy with an 83-76 victory. Davis said: “We’ve got to be able to bounce back off of this and fight for what we have left remaining in the league.”

With the Trophy Final loss still fresh in their minds the Rocks players had to endure a three game stretch away from home over a 5 day period (Leicester, Surrey and Cheshire) – three games that would be considered crucial for the Rocks chances in clinching a Playoff spot. Leicester would be the first port of call for the Rocks and the script would read similar to that of the Trophy Final, with the Rocks taking an assertive lead in the first half only to self-destruct during a poor spell of play as they slumped to an 87-79 point loss. Putting that loss behind them the team travelled to Surrey knowing that losing was not an option. as the Rocks racked up a 91-76 point victory inching them closer to the promised land of a playoff spot. With the Surrey game in the bag, the Rocks concentrated their efforts on current fiercest rivals, Cheshire Phoenix. This game had all the makings of a good old fashioned dogfight! The Rocks came out all guns blazing against the Phoenix and ran out convincing winners 90-77 on the night, breathing new life into their playoff hopes. With only three games remaining in the regular season, it’s all to play for. By

Keirran Allardice

32 Ayrshire News | 18th April - 2nd May 2014

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18th April - 2nd May 2014 | Issue 57 | Published by West of Scotland Media

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Ayr to take on Rangers to secure fourth place Ayr United are set to take on Rangers on the 22nd of this month, the game which will take place at Ibrox stadium will be an important one for the Ayrshire men as they will have to win in order to secure fourth place in the league for this season.

The last time the two teams met Rangers came out on top with a 2-0 victory, however, with Rangers feeling deflated after their defeat in the Ramsdens Cup, Ayr United has a chance to capitalize on this low morale in the Glasgow side. Both teams are currently sporting three wins and two losses each in their last five games, so for most this match could be too close to call as two very well matched and capable teams

face off. However, Rangers home advantage may be the deciding factor against the men from Ayr, Ayr United Boss Mark Roberts is remaining confident ahead of the fixture and has decided to start teenage sensation Alan Forrest against the Glasgow side. Roberts who has scored seven goals off the bench is looking to prove himself as a player capable of starting a major match and making a difference. By

Garry Smith



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