Westchester/Putnam/Dutchess NY Edition

3September 2022

Exciting news on the longevity front is that diet and exercise can actually turn back time, at least when it comes to our bodies. A recent study shows that our “bio age”—the new marker that indicates how young our DNA is—determines how susceptible we will be to aging-related illnesses like cognitive decline, Type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease. According to the study, switching to a diet rich in leafy greens and vegetables and amping up our exercise routines can significantly reduce our bio age in as little as eight weeks. That’s huge! Learn more in our feature article, “Growing Younger: Longevity Strate gies that Help Reverse the Aging Process,” on page 22.
In my head I’m still in my 20s, and I have no intention of ever growing up.
I believe that the healthy habits we incorporate into our lives build up our health re serves, sort of like a wellness 401(k). When we contribute nutritious food and movement into our account, our bodies contribute in kind, with, for example, better balance, better vision and increased bone density, helping to prevent falls and broken bones. And the good news is there’s always time to turn things around because our bodies are miraculous healing machines. In fact, they do their best restorative work when we sleep—no action or thinking required.
We hope this month’s edition inspires and motivates you to be proactive with your health. Take a step and start reducing your bio age a little bit every day. W-Perillo
~ Tao Porchon-Lynch Yoga and longevity go together, as beautifully demonstrated by Tao Porchon-Lynch, the vibrant yoga instructor who practiced yoga her entire life and lived to be 101. This month our fo cus is on the healing practice of yoga and how to live a longer, happier and healthier life. There’s plenty of info inside these pages about local yoga studios and classes, as well as articles on natural strategies to help us feel good and age gracefully.
I admit I may go a bit overboard with my diet. I’m known as the “celery queen” in my family for the amount of celery juice I consume, and for pushing it and other juices and smoothies on others. I just love how good I feel when I nourish my body this way.
To find the ideal yoga class for you, turn to our special local yoga section, highlighting the latest area yoga happenings, on pages 36 to 43, and also be sure to check out classes listed in our calendars on pages 44 to 51. More classes and events can be found on our website as well:
Cheers! NATIONAL TEAM CEO/Founder Sharon Bruckman COO/Franchise Sales Joe Dunne Production Designer Gabrielle
4 Westchester/Putnam/Dutchess NY Edition CONTACT US PO Box 776 Pawling, NY 12564 Ph: 845.593.0065 Natural Awakenings Publishing Corporation 4851 Tamiami Trail N., Ste. 200 Naples, FL 34103 Ph: 239-434-9392 Publishers Dana MarileeBoulangerBurrell Editors Sara DawneGurgenClarkMarileeBurrell Design & Production Kathleen Fellows Patrick MarileeFlorescaBurrell Sales & Marketing Dana Boulanger © 2022 by Natural Awakenings. All rights reserved. Although some parts of this publication may be reproduced and reprinted, we require that prior permission be obtained in writing. Natural Awakenings is a free publication distributed locally and is supported by our advertisers. Please call to find a location near you or if you would like copies placed at your business. We do not necessarily endorse the views expressed in the articles and advertisements, nor are we responsible for the products and services advertised. Check with a healthcare professional regarding the appropriate use of any treatment. SUBSCRIPTIONS Subscriptions are available by sending $30 (for 12 issues) to the above address. Natural Awakenings is printed on partially recycled newsprint with soy-based ink. HEALTHY LIVING HEALTHY PLANET WESTCHESTER/ PUTNAM/ DUTCHESS EDITION Natural Awakenings Magazine is ranked 5th Nationally in CISION’S® 2016 Top 10 Health & Fitness Magazines
Dana Boulanger Marilee Burrell
But while my diet has become stricter as I age, my exercise routine has grown to be gen tler and less rigid. For me, a good day involves a little yoga and Synergetics in the morn ing, and then getting my heart rate up again later in the day by walking up hills through the woods near my house. I also have a rebounder set up next to my desk for spontaneous moments or for when I’m watching TV. When I search for a yoga class, I look for words like gentle, restorative, basic, over 50, yoga nidra or slow flow. All these things I believe are contributing to how healthy and independent I’ll be in my 80s and 90s, how my mind will function and how good my joints will feel.
Financial Manager Yolanda Shebert Asst. Director of Ops Heather Gibbs Digital Content Director Rachael Oppy National Advertising Lisa Doyle-Mitchell Administrative Assistant Kristy Mayer
letter from publishers

5September 2022

6 Westchester/Putnam/Dutchess NY Edition

7September 2022 HOW TO ADVERTISE To advertise with Natural Awakenings or request a media kit, please contact us at 845.593.0065 or email Deadline for ads: the 12th of the month. EDITORIAL SUBMISSIONS Email articles, news items and ideas to: Marilee@ Deadline for editorial: the 12th of the month. CALENDAR SUBMISSIONS Email Calendar Events to: Deadline for calendar: the 12th of the month. REGIONAL MARKETS Advertise your products or services in multiple markets! Natural Awakenings Publishing Corp. is a growing franchised family of locally owned magazines serving communities since 1994. To place your ad in other markets call 239.434.9392. For franchising opportunities call 239.530.1377 or visit DEPARTMENTS 8 news briefs 14 health briefs 16 global briefs 18 eco tip 18 foodlocal 20 conscious eating 26 healing ways 28 wise words 30 inspiration 31 healing brief 32 fit body 36 yoga news 44 calendar 47 watchplanet 50 classifieds 51 resource guide 20 FOOD DEHYDRATION MADE EASY Best Ways to Preserve the Harvest 22 GROWING YOUNGER Longevity Strategies that Help Reverse the Aging Process 26 HEADING OFF HEADACHES Natural Strategies Help Halt the Pain 28 LISSA RANKIN on the Mysteries of Healing 30 LIVING LIFE IN FULL COLOR 32 AGING GRACEFULLY How a Yoga Practice Keeps Us Young 36 SPECIAL LOCAL YOGA SECTION Local Yoga Studio News and Classes 47 PLANET WATCH Astrology Insights for Septemter with Pamela Cucinell 362030 Natural Awakenings is a family of 50+ healthy living magazines celebrating 27 years of providing the communities we serve with the tools and resources we all need to lead healthier lives on a healthy planet. Contents ADVERTISING & SUBMISSIONS 22

Location: Zen Space, 168 Old Saw Mill River Rd., Hawthorne, NY. For more information, call 914.248.8900 or email See ad, page 5.
The Zen Space for rent
Location: Saratoga Springs City Center, 522 Broadway, Saratoga Springs, NY. For more information, visit For vendor or sponsor information, call Rhodes at 518.410.6269. See ad, page 11.
The Zen Space has a 1,750-square-foot open floor plan with high ceilings and natu ral light from sky lights and mirrored walls. Amenities include heated floors; a Wi-Fi speaker system; built-in cubbies that are ideal for yoga mats or storing small equipment; a bathroom with a shower; a Smart Board for classes; and a kitchenette for post-workout juicing.
“I work with children with special needs at a middle school in Westchester. I have a master’s degree in special education. Healing children with special needs is near and dear to me because I grew up with a cousin with special needs. I believe reiki can benefit everyone, but es pecially those with special needs because of the calming effect reiki has on people who receive it,” explains DeToia.
Reiki for Children with Special Needs
8 Westchester/Putnam/Dutchess NY Edition news briefs Mind Body Soul Expo Returns September 3 and in October The 9,onCenter.Springsthe510ber 3,,atSaratogaCityThenOctoberfrom11 a.m. to 5 p.m., there will be a special Mind Body Soul Expo focusing on holistic prac titioners, presented by the Wellness Cen ter at Roosevelt II in conjunction with the Gideon Putnam inside and outside the Gideon Putnam at the Spa State Park.
“I wanted to create an event that was deeper and more meaningful than a trade show,” says Jennifer “Gem” Lynn Rhodes, founder and creator of the expos. “There are classes, presentations and performanc es to inspire, nourish and entertain. This is a free event, open to all, with no admission charge. Visitors can enjoy free presenta tions, free classes and free samples.” otherists,mediums, reikito connectfoodsmusicians,nutritionweightoils,gemstones, handmadeshowcasedof vendors.interactive exhibits and aroom,workshops,expo features presenters,ahealingandmeditationsacredcircles,demonstrations,widerangeProductsandserviceswillincludecrystalsandjewelry,essentialsoap,art, organicandveganproducts,management,fitness,skincare,andintuitiveguidance.There willalsobe localartisansandbellydancers,small-batchlocalandmuchmore. Visitors willbeablewithfitnesscoaches,psychicpractitioners,acupuncturchiropractors, astrologersandmanypractitioners.
The owner of the building where the Zen Space is lo cated, James Bernardo, is also the owner of Candela Systems Corporation, which is an electrical contracting firm whose focus is on energy conservation. “He went through a major transformation through juic ing, healthy eating and yoga. After losing 80 pounds, he designed this Zen Space in our office building as a way to offer others the opportunity to improve their health while still at work. It is our intention that a holistic practice will take the space and offer classes so tenants and the surrounding community can benefit,” explains Maureen Jacobson, vice president of the corporation.
Arecently renovated space specifically designed with a “Zen” intention is available immediately for rent. Located in Hawthorne on busy 9A near an Audi dealership, a new Amazon building and plenty of office buildings, this Zen Space is ideal for any ho listic healing practice or con sortium, as well as for Pilates, yoga, barre and meditation classes. There is also plenty of off-street parking.
For more information or to make an appointment, contact DeToia at 914.645.7704 or Also visit
Jennifer “Gem” Lynn Rhodes Laura DeToia
Zen Space Available for Rent in Hawthorne
Reiki practitioner Laura DeToia, of Merkaba Peace, is available to perform reiki services to help heal children with special needs. She can do this at their own home or via long distance for those not available for oneon-one sessions.

9September 2022

New Building at Fellowship Community Set to Open in Spring
Yellow Monkey Village Market
Settled on 80 acres of farm and forest, the Fellowship serves the needs of elder members through the phases of aging, from inde pendent apartment living to more direct care, surrounding and supporting the individual with a more human approach to care.
Planned for September 24
Location: The Fellowship Community, 241 Hungry Hollow Rd., Chestnut Ridge, NY. For more information, call 845.356.8494, ext. 2, or visit See ad, page 37.
After nearly two years, construc tion has begun to replace Pine Lodge, a residential build ing at the Fellow ship Community, in Chestnut Ridge, that was completely de stroyed by fire in May 2020. The fire left 11 senior residents and two employees of the Fellowship without a home and prompted an outpouring of support from the larger community. The new building is expected to open in April and will provide 10 additional units for existing and new members to the“Losingcommunity.thebuilding early in the pandemic created extraordi nary challenges for the Fellowship, on top of those brought on by COVID. Rebuilding has proven to be a long and slow process, exacerbated by skyrocketing construction costs due to supply chain delays, but after nearly two years of negotiations and plan ning, the work of rebuilding has finally begun,” says Peter Heatley, development manager of the Fellowship, a work-based, intergen erational community centered on the care of the elderly.
10 Westchester/Putnam/Dutchess NY Edition news briefsnews briefs
Yellow Monkey Vil lage (YMV) business owners are celebrating fall with a market on Sep tember 24, from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m., on the green at YMV, in Cross River. Parking is limited, so attendees are advised to carpool.“Thiswill be a great op portunity to learn about the wonderful shops Building site at The Fellowship Community The Sustainable Haven

Creative Explora tions, a creative wellness art studio in Mamaroneck, is of fering healingweekends.inappointmentDeLuca.withcenteredsessionsindividualizedthroughheart-expressiveartsownerAnnMarieTheyarebyonlytheeveningsand“Creativityasaartcanbeexplored by anyone at any age,” says DeLuca, a photographer, artist, business professional, educator and creative mentor. “No prior art experience or talent is needed to begin. This type of creative self-care may offer you, or someone you love, nourishment for the soul and tools for navigating life. These indi vidual sessions are opportunities for participants to find greater awareness, meaning and connection.”
Location: Yellow Monkey Village, 792 Rte. 35, Cross River, NY. For more information, email or visit
Location: 1600 Harrison Ave., Ste. 104-5B, Mamaroneck, NY. For more information or to make an appointment, call 914.560.6408, email or visit See ad, page 41. Ann Marie DeLuca
11September 2022
“There are endless possibilities to engage and explore what touches your heart and soul,” shares DeLuca, who has experience with children, adolescents, women, elders and has created work shops on improving self-esteem, self-compassion and expressing grief. “The expressive arts allow each person to connect with their inner truth and tap into their deepest self and soul desires.”
Wellness Sessions Available at Creative Explorations
in Yellow Monkey Village while discovering the work of local artisans, listening to some great music, and enjoying the food and treats from our food trucks,” says Elizabeth Kemler, owner of The Sustainable Haven, one of the businesses in YMV. The Sustainable Haven is a rustic-luxe lifestyle shop and café for those looking to slow down and connect, take time for simple but meaningful rituals, and create spaces and experiences that elevate the everyday, adds Kemler.
DeLuca provides a unique, creative personalized experience based on incorporating everything she has studied and practiced in the expressive arts, yoga, movement and mindfulness. Her mission is to help people to express themselves in a healthy way through the expressive arts.

12 Westchester/Putnam/Dutchess NY Edition
Continued Success at Quit with Quinn
For more information, call 914.704.4104, email or visit
Since the pandemic began, more people than ever are reporting an increase in addiction and self-medicating with sub stances ranging from alcohol to cigarettes, sugar and unhealthy types and amounts of food. Not to mention behavioral and drug addictions, which are at an all-time high.
“Meet your health and wellness goals once and for all. Whatever your goals are, I am here to help you. Set up your free discovery call today,” says Zumpano, who specializes in nutrition, toxin reduction, new habit formation and mindset shifts to help her clients live with health and vitality.
“There are many ways you can help,” adds Campbell. “Join us in FDR Park or walk in your own neighborhood. Walk on your own or form a walk team with your family and friends. Whether you walk or not, you can donate and fundraise. Spread the word to everyone you know.”
“Our treatments help with alcohol ad diction, sugar, weight loss, smoking, drugs and behavioral addictions,” says Quinn.
Bring help and hope to people fighting breast and ovarian cancer by participating in the an nual Support-A-Walk, presented by Support Connection Inc., on October 2, in FDR Park, in York town Heights, and in communi ties
Putnam Valley Cheer Team Danielle Zumpano Stephen Quinn
Services she offers include one-on-one coaching, wedding prep, local supermarket tours, customized pantry makeovers, and corporate wellness events.
Help Support Connection Make a Difference
“We know that people’s financial situations differ greatly, but we believe everyone should be able to access these treatments. We work to make that happen with pay ment plans and a sliding-scale option for those with a real need.”
Customized Coaching with Danielle Zumpano
news briefs
For more information or to make an ap pointment, call 914.473.2015 or visit Quit See ad, page 34.
In addition to providing health and nutrition coaching, Zumpano is an author and cookbook writer.
“Supportnationwide.Connection is based in Yorktown Heights, but their toll-free and web services allow for a nationwide reach,” explains Debbie Campbell, development and communications manager for the not-for-profit organization. “Whether you are showing your support locally or from afar, you can par ticipate in the Support-A-Walk. Walk with us, wherever you are.”
Location: FDR Park, 2957 Crompond Rd., Yorktown Heights, NY. For more information or to make a donation, call 914.962.6402 or visit See ad, page 45.
The Support-A-Walk is held to bring attention to the needs of people living with breast and ovarian cancer. Each year, thousands of people from across the Hudson Valley and beyond take part in this uplifting community event. Many participants walk in celebra tion of or in tribute to those affected by these diseases. Proceeds help fund Support Con nection’s free, year-round programs and services for people affected by breast, ovarian and gynecological cancer.
Certified nutrition coach, holistic lifestyle coach and fitness trainer Danielle Zumpano, of Against the Grain Lifestyle, is offering a variety of virtual and in-person customized coaching programs to help people learn how to create sustainable healthy habits and look and feel their best.
Zumpano also says to inquire about her 28-Day Total Body Cleanup Challenge.
“At Quit with Quinn, the success rate remains excellent and steady at over 90 percent,” says owner Stephen Quinn, who offers addiction-cessation treatments in person in Garrison and Midtown and at distance via Zoom. “During the past two and a half years, a large percentage of treatments have been done via Zoom with the same success as in person. This has opened a whole new door of accessibility.” According to Quinn, the process involves a series of energetic healings. The result is real, tangible and sustained cessation of addiction without the usual struggle that comes when trying to quit on one’s own. Clients don’t need to have any special belief in energetic healing. They simply need to have a desire to quit and be open to the help.
3 p.m. at Dutchess Yoga, in Poughkeepsie.“Wewillbeintegrating the energetics of the autumnal shift within ourselves through the Taoist phase (element) of met al,” says Hughes, owner of Empowered by Nature. “The lung and large intestine are governed by this seasonal cycle. We will explore this metal phase of the five phases through breath, movement and interactive lecture. We are able to be inspired only if we can let go of what does not serve us anymore from the past.” According to Hughes, participants will benefit from the workshop because they will become more aware and in tune with who they are and how they feel in their bodies. In turn, this will optimize their journey on a more self-realized, authentic path.Participants will be given a five element self-assessment test as a way to connect with their dominant element(s), says Hughes, who went on to stress the impor tance of the timeliness of this workshop.
Cost: $35. Location: Dutchess Yoga, 1820 Rte. 376, Poughkeepsie, NY. Written registration is required. Text Hughes at 845.416.4598 or email her at lorrainehu For more information, visit Hughes
13September 2022 Coming Soon Be Part of the Nov./Dec. Shopping Guide Special Call or email for Dana-NA@WakeUpNaturally.com845-593-0065details: SHOPPING GUIDE Metal NegativityWorkshop:ElementReleasing
“In autumn, it is essential to ascertain what is most precious in our lives before we enter the deep yin time of winter.”

global PeaceeventDay Addresses Global Racism
One was given 300 milligrams of nettle root extract twice a day for eight weeks; the other group received a placebo. The researchers found the nettle root significantly im proved urinary frequency, urinary urgency and night urina tion compared with the placebo group. It was not effective in modifying prostate volume, the feeling of incomplete emptying, intermittency, urine stream and straining. svehlik/
The pandemic has chal lenged both children’s learning environments and their emotional well-being, but new research shows that playing adventurously outdoors and participat ing in team sports can help lower their mental health risks. Researchers from the UK University of Exeter surveyed nearly 2,500 parents of 5-to-11-year-olds in the UK and Northern Ireland. The study found that kids that climbed trees, rode bikes, jumped from high surfaces and had other outdoor adventures without adult supervision experienced a lower incidence of anxiety and depression, and were more upbeat during the COVID-19 lockdown. In another study, researchers from California State University, Fullerton, found that kids in team sports like volleyball and soccer, but not others in individual sports like gymnastics and wrestling, did better emotionally and mentally. Analyzing data from 11,235 kids between 9 and 13 years old, they found that compared to kids that did not participate in sports, those that were on teams had a lower incidence of attention issues, social problems, anxiety, depression and withdrawal. Kids that participated in individual sports had higher levels of those mental health challenges.
An enlarged prostate, known as benign prostate hyperplasia (BPH), afflicts half of men by age 60 and 90 percent of men by age 85. Although it isn’t cancer ous, treatment can involve medications and surgery. European doctors often prescribe the herb nettle root, and Iranian research ers tested its effectiveness in a study that divided 80 BPH patients into two groups.
14 Westchester/Putnam/Dutchess NY Edition health briefs
Age-related degenerationmacular(AMD), the most common cause of blindness in older Ameri cans, became less of a threat in 1996 when the national Age-Related Eye Disease Study (AREDS) verified that certain nu trients—beta-carotene, vitamin C, vitamin E, copper and zinc—slowed its pro-—slowed pro gression. But after other studies showed a link between beta-carotene and lung cancer, it was removed from the formula. Two carotenoids found in the retina—lutein and zeaxanthin—were added, and the formula was rebranded as AREDS2. In a new, 10-year, follow-up study by the National Eye Institute (NEI), AREDS2 was found to reduce late AMD symptoms an additional 20 percent compared to the original formula. “This 10-year data confirms that not only is the new formula safer, it’s actually better at slowing AMD progression,” says Emily Chew, M.D., lead author of the study and director of the NEI Division of Epidemiology and Clinical Application. Richert/Pexels.comCamille
Established in 1981, the United iseachtheholidayorInternationalNations-sanctionedDayofPeace,WorldPeaceDay,isaobservedaroundworldonSeptember21year.The2022theme“Endracism.Buildpeace.”
To that end, the General Assembly has dedicated this day to observing 24 hours of non-violence and cease-fire. Secretary-General António Guterres says, “But achiev ing true peace entails much more than laying down arms. It requires the building of societies where all members feel that they can flourish. It involves creating a world in which people are treated equally, regardless of their race.”
Childhood Adventures and Team Sports Boost Well-Being
Revised Supplement Formula Slows Macular Degeneration
Nettle Root Improves Prostate Symptoms

15September 2022 Natural DirectoryLivingPricing • $125 for 1st Listing • 2nd Listing 50% OFF • 3rd Listing 50% OFF Be Part of the 2023 Directory Attract new customers and increase your business with our cost-efficient advertising, in print and online all year. Annual Directory Listings & Practitioner Profiles • Natural Awakenings Directory (NLD) Listing (only $125) • Add a 2nd & 3rd NLD Listing for just $62.50 each • Profiles: In Print & Online for 12 months • Something for every marketing budget, from $20 Calendar Listings to full page Display Ads and everything in-between. Sig N U P Now! Call WakeUpNaturally.com845-593-0065Each Listing includes: • 1 Category & 4 Contact Lines • Description (up to 40 words) • Photo or Logo CoMiNg iN JANUARY N At URAL Livi N g 2023direCtory Westchester, Putnam, Dutchess HEALTHYYOURHEALTHYLIVING,PLANETRESOURCEGUIDE Westchester/Putnam/Dutchess NY Edition FREE HEALTHY LIVING HEALTHY PLANET DirectoryNaturalLiving 2022 EARLY SPECIALBIRDENDSNOV.11

When people were given menus with the low-emission option as the default, the share of high-emission choices decreased by an average of 31.7 percent. When given menus with carbon labels, the emissions associated with their dish choices averaged 13.5 percent lower per dish. Combining carbon labels with prominent placing for lowemission options appears to have the greatest effect.
Electric Vehicle Chargers on Utility Poles
Other strategies might include increasing the availability of plant-based options; making them more prominent elsewhere (the meat aisle); and renaming veggie options to make them sound more appealing (slow-roasted, butternut squash and seasonal vegetable lasagna versus vegetarian lasagna). Multiple practices are needed to persuade people to adopt sustainable diets, so all of these methods are just the beginning of a shift away from highemission food by overcoming unconscious barriers.
Although this will be the first in Australia to use the panels, several projects in Europe have been built with the technology, including the world’s largest wooden sky scraper in Skellefteå, Sweden. “It feels urgent to innovate our building technologies to more sustainable methods,” says Kennon. “Collecting solar is a natural trajectory on our large-scale projects, particularly in locations that have great access to sunlight.”
A rooftop solar array and 1,182 solar panels on the sides will adorn an eight-story, $40 million, high-rise planned for West Melbourne, Australia, to provide the office building with most of its power. Avancis, a German firm producing glass panels containing solar cells, will supply the solar skin. Architect Pete Kennon says, “These things are possible, and the fact that a building can harness the sunlight from its own skin, it sounds like something you dreamed of, or you saw in a cartoon.” Generating 50 times as much power as a typical home rooftop solar array, the solar skin will save an esti mated 77 tons of CO2 emissions each year.
16 Westchester/Putnam/Dutchess NY Edition Neoscapebyrendering global SeattlebriefsProviding
Carbon Labels Cut Environmental Impact of Dining
Australian Office Building to Feature Solar Facade
The Curbside Level 2 EV charging program is available to anyone on a first-come, first-serve basis. The person making the request must own or plan to own an EV within the next 12 months, and their ex isting address must not offer off-street parking (where they could buy their own). Once a request is made, the utility will evaluate the area and ask for input betheychargersposeownerspropertyneighboring50IfEVstallingbeforeneighborsfrominanewcharger.morethanpercentofopthe,willnotinstalled.
Making changes while shopping at supermarkets, res taurants and with delivery apps can change minds about sustainable options and garner public support. Psycholo gist Ann-Katrin Betz and her colleagues at Germany’s University of Würzburg studied the design of restaurant menus and tested how adding carbon labels indicating the greenhouse gas emissions per dish and changing the most prominent menu items to foods with a lower impact on the climate affected the choices people might make when dining out.
As people switch to electric vehicles (EV) to reduce their emissions, some homeowners and apartment dwell ers without installthings2030,belowemissionsreduceofdisadvantage.infrastructurechargingareataThecitySeattlesetagoaltotransportation83percent2008levelsbyandtomakeeasier,theywillchargersonlo cal utility poles on demand. Seattle City Light will conduct the project as part of a more extensive portfolio of trans portation electrification investments and services to help the utility service area transition to zero-emission electric transportation options. Residents can accomplish some emission reductions with public transit, biking, walking and other options, but many still rely on personal vehicles for some trips.

Common California Bumble Bees Go Missing
Over the last six years, Pao’s team, in conjunction with collaborators at the University of Virginia, the University of Texas at Dallas, the Colorado School of Mines and the Na tional Renewable Energy Laboratory, have collaborated to develop the Segmented Ul tralight Morphing Rotor turbine, a two-bladed, downwind rotor, to test the concept in action. The researchers found that their turbine performed consistently and efficiently during periods of peak wind gusts. Mandar Phadnis, lead author of a study in Proceedings of the 2022 American Control Conference, says, “The blades are manufactured to be lightweight and very flexible, so they can align with the wind loads.”
Atlantic hurricanes pose risks to renewable energy wind turbines, and researchers at the University of Colorado-Boulder are developing more resilient models. Lucy Pao, the Palmer endowed chair in the Department of Electrical, Computer and Energy Engineering, says, “We are very much bio-inspired by palm trees, which can survive these hurricane conditions.” Traditional upwind turbine blades face into the wind, so the blades must be stiff, which requires more material and increases cost. Blades on downwind rotors face away from the wind, with less chance of hitting the tower when the winds pick up, so they can be lighter and more flexible, requiring less material. Downwind blades can also bend, instead of break, like palm trees do.
Wind Turbines Modeled After Palm Trees
The Western bumble bee, once easily spotted in Cali fornia, could not be found in a recent survey led by the University of CaliforniaRiverside (UCR). The first statewide census of Cali fornia bumble bees in 40 years found several other species absent, as well. UCR entomologist Hollis Woodard’s research group collected bees from 17 sites representing six different ecosystems previously known to host a large variety of bumble bees, as documented in the journal Ecology and Evolution. One of the missing spe cies, the Western bumble bee, is an important pollinator of wild plants and crops. “We didn’t find it, even once,” says Woodard.Thisstudy was an effort to document changes in bumble bee populations across large geographic areas in Califor nia since the last one in the 1980s. Smaller-scale studies have documented significant declines in bumble bee pop ulations around the world due to climate change, develop ment of wild habitat and the use of bee-killing pesticides, so it is important to have data that documents bee health. Bumble bees can fly in cooler temperatures and lower light levels than many other bees, helping to pollinate crops worth $3 billion annually in the U.S., including tomatoes, peppers and cranberries.
There is nothing wrong with having a tree as a friend. – Bob Ross
17September 2022

Celebrating its 15th year, the Pawling Farmers Market (PFM) is continuing its popular market through September 24 on the Pawling Village Green on Saturday morn ings from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. The market features plenty of produce and fruit from local farms and orchards; traditional, vegan and glutenfree bread and baked goods; awardwinning cheeses; pasture-raised meat and organic eggs; an endless variety of flowers; local artisan-made mustards, jams, jellies and pickled vegetables; maple syrup products; and many more food items. A rotating group of artisans offer beautiful handmade products from hats and knitted goods to pottery, jew elry, soaps and more. Knife sharpening will also be available on-site.
Before going to the store to buy new school sup plies, search the house for items that can be reused or repurposed, such as half-spent notebooks or last year’s pens and pencils. A little elbow grease and TLC can refurbish old lunchboxes and back packs—also affording an opportunity to teach kids how to repair and extend the life of items.
Avoid anything plastic, including single-use water bottles and Ziploc bags.
18 Westchester/Putnam/Dutchess NY Edition local food
Buy Eco-Friendly School Supplies
PFM seeks to make its farmers market more financially accessible to the wider Pawling community through its Feed Your Neighbor (FYN) program. Every week, market shoppers can obtain up to $10 in PFM tokens at the PFM market table by presenting a FYN postcard. The tokens can be used to buy food from any vendor at the market. Postcards are available at Pawling area locations, such as the Pawling Resource Center and Pawling Yoga and Wellness, or at the PFM market table. Proof of resi dence or financial need is not required.
Location: Pawling Farmers Market, Pawling Village Green, Charles Colman Blvd., Pawling, NY. For more informa tion, visit or follow PFM on Facebook and Insta gram for weekly postings of events and artisans.
Buy Secondhand Clothes
Kids that have outgrown last year’s threads and are clamoring for a whole new wardrobe can be cheerfully introduced to the burgeoning used clothing market, which is both eco-responsible and budget-friendly. Resist the temptation to purchase cheap “fast fashion” that too quickly ends up in landfills and pollutes the environment by using toxic dyes, fossil-fuel-derived textiles and other bad chemicals. Donate old clothes instead of throwing them away.
Pack a Waste-Free, Non-Toxic Lunch
Model Environmental Stewardship Show kids that the family embraces an eco-friendly lifestyle. Kids will watch and learn as their parents regularly bring reusable shopping bags to the store, frequent local small businesses, participate in community cleanup efforts and continually search for innovative ways to safeguard the planet.
Pawling Farmers Market PopularContinuesRun
Walk or Bike to School
Reusable, stainless steel, food and drink containers, as well as lightweight, reusable bamboo utensils, are ideal. Homemade, whole and bulk foods are healthier and much more Earth-friendly compared to prepackaged snacks that are usually wrapped in plastic and jam-packed with sugar and other unhealthy ingredients.
Opt for durable items that are made with recycled or sustainable materials and use minimal packaging. Avoid items made of plastic. Buy used textbooks whenever possible.
Back to School with the Planet in Mind eco tip Business/AdobeStock.comMonkey
This school season, families have an opportunity to make Earth-friendly decisions as they prepare their children for a successful educational experience. These tips balance sustainability against kids’ de sires for the coolest, newest gadgets and garments.
Reduce, Reuse and Recycle
If the family lives reasonably close to school, encourage kids to walk or bike. For young children that require supervision, enlist one or more adults to lead a convoy of walking or biking kids. School buses and carpooling are the next best eco-friendly choices. When transporting kids by car, make sure to turn the engine off while waiting in the pick-up or drop-off line. Engine idling is a significant air polluter.

19September 2022 HUDSON FARMERSVALLEYMARKET Greig Farm, 223 Pitcher Lane, Red Hook, HUDSON MARKETREGIONALVALLEYFARMERS Sundays, 10am-2pm 15 Mount Ebo Road South Brewster, NY FARM STORE BONI-BEL FARM & COUNTRY STORE Natural market & vocational 301programDoansburg Rd, Brewster, NY ZFARMS ORGANIC Online/By appt; Dover Plains, NY Call: 845.877.0024 Text: ZFarmsOrganic.com845.625.4798 FARMS FABLE: FROM FARM TO TABLE 1311 Kitchawan Rd, Ossining, NY Sat & Sun FableFoods.com9am-4pm HARVEST MOON FARM & ORCHARD 130 Hardscrabble Rd North Salem, NY HarvestMoonFarmAndOrchard.com914.485.1210 HILLTOP HANOVER FARM & CENTERENVIRONMENTAL 1271 Hanover St, Yorktown Heights, NY HilltopHanoverFarm.org914.962.2368 TAPROOMLAUGHINGKOMBUCHAGUT&TEA 289 Main St, Ste 103 Poughkeepsie/ TH-SAT 1-5 845.541.2722; GREENSMARKETSNATURALFOODS Briarcliff Manor 97 North State Road Briarcliff Manor, NY 10510 780Eastchester914.800.9146WhitePlains Rd. Scarsdale, NY 10583 666Mt.914.874.5481KiscoLexington Ave. Mt. Kisco, NY 10549 57Somers914.864.1274Rte.6.(in Baldwin Place) Somers, NY GreensNaturalFoods.com914.485.809310505 GREEN ORGANIC MARKET 275 S. Central Park Ave. Hartsdale, FB:914.437.5802NYGreenOrganicMarket WHOLE FOODS MARKET 575 Boston Post Rd, Port Chester, NY 1914.708.1985RidgeHillRd, Yonkers, NY 110914.378.8090Bloomingdale Rd, White Plains, NY WholeFoodsMarket.com914.288.1300 MEAL DELIVERY MINDFULL MEALS Plant-Based, Gluten-Free Calorie and Macro MindfullMealsDelivery.comCounted KITCHENBROOKLYNRESTAURANTORGANIC Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner 890 South Lake Blvd. Mahopac, BOKmahopac.com845.621.2655NY CHAKRACAFESBOWLS CAFÉ 33 Arlington chakraBowlsCafe.com845.849.0399Poughkeepsie,Ave.,NY O2 LIVING SANCTUARY 792 Rt. 35, Cross River, NY O2livingsanctuary.com914.763.6320 SWEET HARVEST SHOPPE Smoothies, Salads, Wraps 82 Main St., Cold Spring, NY SweetHarvestShoppe.com845.666.7390 THE FREIGHT HOUSE CAFÉ 609 Route 6, Mahopac NY thefreighthousecafe.com845.628.1872 COFFEE COFFEE ROASTERSLABS Order beans online/ship home 7 Main St., Tarrytown, NY 914.332.1479; FARMERS’ MARKETS GOSSETT’S FARM MARKET & Gossett Brothers Nursery 1202 Rt.35, South Salem, NY 914.763.3001; Natural FOOD Eat Well and Be Well with FoodieGuide Mindfull Meals, with weekly deliveries throughout Westchester, Putnam and Dutchess Counties. Send us your healthy, local food news: Marilee@ Find more local food info and resources on

When done correctly, dehydrating food is a safe method for maintaining its original state, says Tracey Brigman, NCHFP associate director and University of Georgia clinical assistant professor. “Dehydrators remove the water content in foods, resulting in a low risk of bacteria and spoilage.”
conscious eating Food
Many types of food can be dehydrated, in cluding fruit, veggies, meat, fish, herbs and nuts. “It’s easier to say what can’t be dehy drated,” Cancler says. “The general rule is you don’t want to dehydrate food that has a high fat content, such as fatty meats or avocados.” They go rancid quickly during storage. While there are dehydrated, highfat foods sold commercially such as cheese, peanut butter and eggs, these are processed using special equipment and techniques that can’t be copied in a home kitchen.
“People tend to throw those foods away a lot. They buy them and don’t use it all up before they spoil. Dehydrate leftover strawberries for snacks and dehydrate vegetables to use in soups or stews,” Cancler suggests
Unlike other food preservation methods such as canning or fermenting, dehydrating food does not require lots of special equipment, tools or skill. “Dehydrating food is super easy to do,” says Carole Cancler, the Hawaii-based author of the Complete Dehydrator Cookbook. “Drying food is more forgiving. You can’t make a lot of mistakes. Canning, if you do it wrong, can make everyone in your family sick.” The only caveat, Cancler says, is that food not thoroughly dried will get moldy. In humid environments, dehydrated foods must be kept tightly sealed to keep out moisture and prevent mold from forming.
Almost Anything Can be Dehydrated
rying food is the oldest known method of food preservation. Middle and Far Eastern cultures have used the sun and wind to dry foods since 12,000 B.C., ac cording to the National Center for Home Food Preservation (NCHFP). Today, the easy availability of food dehydrators offers a convenient way to preserve the fall harvest.
by Sheila Julson
Julia Skinner, founder and director of, an online fermentation and food history company, adds that when foods theydehydrated,areshrink and therefore take up less storage space. “They’re great to pack for traveling or for small tomatoes.”asflavors,tratealsoDehydratingkitchens.canconcensomesuchwithdried
Sliced strawberries, chopped onions or celery are good foods for beginners.

Peel leather from trays while still warm. Leave the second tray on the dehydrator while peeling the first leather, or re-warm leathers slightly in the dehydrator if they cool too much prior to peeling. Cut into quarters, lay on a piece of clean parchment paper about 1 to 2 inches longer at each end of the leather and roll into fruit leather rolls. When cool, twist the ends of the parchment paper tightly to close. Store fruit rolls in an airtight container for short-term storage, up to about 1 month. Leathers should be stored in a cool, dark dry place. For longer storage up to one year, place tightly wrapped rolls in the freezer.
She says that ideal temperatures are 125 to 135 degrees, but most standard ov ens only go as low as 170 degrees, which is too warm to dehydrate fruits or veg etables. “Then you must do wacky things like prop the door open to cool down the oven.” The exception, she says, is jerky: “It must be dried at a higher temperature, and lower-end food dehydrator models don’t get hot Sun-dryingenough.”foodsoutdoors is risky, Brigman cautions, due to varied weather conditions. In addition, insects and air pollution have to be considered. “For safety reasons, consumers should really purchase a food dehydrator. While it may be a high cost when you begin dehydrat ing, if you are a serious food preserver, it will save you money in the long term,” she says.
4 cups mango purée (from about 4 large, unripe mangoes)
Source: National Center for Home Food Preservation
Getting Started Starter model home food dehy drators, often found at resale stores or rummage sales, can be purchased for about $50. Some have adjustable temperature settings for different kinds of foods. When purchased new, most food dehydrators include recipeWhenbooklets.usinga dehydrator, Skinner advises, turn it on to the appropriate set ting and lay the food in a single layer on the trays provided, then let the dehydrator run for a few hours. She usually turns food halfway through to prevent sticking.
Lightly spray two fruit roll tray liners from an electric dehydrator with vegetable oil cook ing spray. Spread mango mixture evenly to ¼-inch thickness on the trays. Position fruit roll liners on dryer trays and place in dehydrator. Dry continuously for about 10 hours. Main tain dehydrator air temperature steadily at 140° F. (Monitor the dehydrator air temperature periodically with a thermometer.)
Cancler says that in some cases an oven can be used to dehydrate food, but it isn’t the most cost-effective method. “I don’t recommend continued use of the oven, because depending on where you live and the type or size of food being dried, drying can take anywhere from eight to 36 hours. Running an electric or gas range for that long uses a lot of energy.”
Sheila Julson is a freelance writer and regular contributor to Natural Awakenings magazines throughout the country.
21September 2022 LiliGraphie/AdobeStock.comyuriygolub/
Fresh herbs of choice (basil, parsley, sage, rosemary, thyme and dill are all good candidates)
1 cup clover honey ½ tsp ground cinnamon ¼ tsp ground nutmeg ¼ tsp ground cloves
Preheat electric dehydrator to 140° F. Wash and peel mangoes, chop roughly into chunks. Purée in blender until smooth. Pass purée through a food mill or sieve; discard any coarse fiber extracted in food mill. Add honey and spices to the purée and mix thoroughly.
String (such as cotton baker’s twine) Rinse off the fresh herbs and pat them dry. Tie the herbs by the stems in small bunches. Hang them upside-down indoors and out of direct sunlight. Depending on the type of herb, they will take several days to a week or longer to dry. When dry, crush herbs with a mortar and pestle or in a clean coffee grinder. Store in glass jars with tight-fitting lids.
Remove trays from dehydrator when purée is dry, with no sticky areas (about 10 hours— this will be highly dependent on the relative humidity of the drying room). Test for dryness by touching gently in several places near the center of leather; no indentation should be evident.

L ongevity, a human quest through the ages, is now a hot topic among scientific researchers that assert there has never been a better time to maximize our potential for metabolic renewal. Biological age—the state of our health at the cellular level—is in the spotlight, as are the anti-aging benefits of science-supported phyto nutrients, cell-rejuvenating foods and safe, non-surgical, stem cell procedures. Functional medicine, with its focus on the biologybased root causes of disease, is also a rising star in the arena of ageNoreversal.matter which path we follow to aging vibrantly, the most inspiring takeaway is that lifestyle, not genes, deter mines destiny. “On average in the United States, the last 16 years of life are spent with multiple diagnoses and on multiple medications. We are giving our hard-earned money to phar macies, hospitals and nursing facilities,” says Kara Fitzgerald, a naturopathic doctor in Newtown, Connecticut, and the author of Younger You: Reduce Your Bio Age and Live Longer, Better. She and other researchers contrast “lifespan”, the years from birth to death, to “healthspan”, the years spent in good health free of age-related disease and disability. “Lifespan is not necessarily healthspan, and we can change that,” she says.
Researchers are now understanding what factors can turn on positive gene expressions and turn off those that may activate life-threatening diseases.
“Bio age is how fast our bodies are aging, and aging is the main risk factor for all diseases, including Type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, de THAT HELP REVERSE THE AGING PROCESS by Marlaina Donato
22 Westchester/Putnam/Dutchess NY Edition
Age Is Not Just a Number Until recently, age was determined by the year on our birth certificate, but “bio age” is the new number to pay attention to. It might not only predict health outcomes down the road, but also add years to our lives. In groundbreak ing work in 2017, anti-aging researcher Steven Horvath at the University of California, Los Angeles, used algorithms to calculate biological age on the basis of how extensively our genome is modified by a process called DNA methylation.

The results, published last year in the journal Aging, showed that three years of bio age were reduced in the target group in just eight weeks compared to the control group. “What we eat, our stress load and our response to it, the quality of the air we breathe and if we exercise are all drivers or reducers of our bio age. Know ing this, we absolutely need to take responsibility for our lives,” saysThisFitzgerald.bioagereversal
Fitzgerald and her team drove this point home with the first randomized, controlled study on the power of lifestyle and diet to turn back the biological age clock. Based upon functional medicine, the program enrolled 18 healthy men between ages 50 and 72 in a target group and 20 in a control group. Those in the target group ate a nutrient-rich diet, slept seven hours a night, practiced relaxation techniques and took supplemental probiot ics and phytonutrients. They ate only between 7 a.m. and 7 p.m., exercised for at least 30 minutes five days a week, avoided sweets and consumed two cups of dark, leafy, greens and three cups each of cruciferous vegetables and colorful vegetables daily, as well as six ounces of animal protein.
flavonoid found in certain foods like strawberries, peaches, apples, persimmons, tomatoes, onions and cucumbers, rivals ever-beneficial quercetin. Research published
Chronic systemic inflammation is now understood to be the physi ological springboard for most diseases ranging from cancer to de pression, but its connection to uric acid is critical in producing free radicals that accelerate aging. “Unfortunately, most doctors look upon uric acid solely as a risk marker for gout. We now recognize that uric acid serves as a powerful signal in the body to prepare for food and water scarcity,” says neurologist David Perlmutter, author of The New York Times bestseller Grain Brain and the recent Drop Acid, a guide to lowering uric acid in the body. “Uric acid levels above 5.5 milligrams per decilitre trigger the body to raise the blood pressure, increase the blood sugar, become insulin-resistant and increase the formation and storage of body fat,” he says. “Cen tral to regaining metabolic health and reducing risk for metabolic conditions like Alzheimer’s disease, coronary artery disease and Type 2 diabetes is reining in uric acid.”
SIRT6, an enzyme in close relationship with NAD and respon sible for many molecular anti-aging processes, including DNA repair, is abundant in seaweeds, especially the strain Fucus vesi culosus, commonly known as bladder wrack. Research published in the journal Marine Drugs in 2017 indicates bladder wrack’s anti-inflammatory and anti-tumoral properties, as well as its potential to protect the liver and normalize high blood sugar and bloodFisetin,pressure.apowerful
Molecular Magic Harvard genetics professor David Sinclair, author of the seminal Lifespan: Why We Age—And Why We Don’t Have To, discovered antioxidant-rich resveratrol in grapes in 2003. Since then, he and other researchers have found additional compounds with the ability to activate longevity pathways. Nicotinamide adenine di nucleotide (NAD, or B3), a coenzyme involved in many metabolic processes essential to life, has been shown to rejuvenate aging mice, increasing energy-producing mitochondria in the cells and fortifying muscle mass. The body makes less NAD as we age, but research suggests that intermittent fasting, exercise and heat sau nas can stimulate this youth-preserving molecule. NAD-boosting supplements are also on the market, but consuming foods like naturally fermented sauerkraut, raw milk, nutritional yeast and pumpkin seeds is also a good strategy.
is good news when we look at the grim statistics. According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the American Cancer Society, approximately 610,000 people die of heart disease in this country each year and more than 600,000 Americans are predicted to succumb to cancer this year alone.
last year in the European Journal of Pharmacology cites fisetin’s nu merous potential benefits for neurodegenerative conditions such as Parkinson’s disease, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, Alzheimer’s disease, stroke and vascular dementia.
23September 2022 michaeljung/
The Trifecta of Acid, Inflammation and Stress
Chronic, unmanaged stress is a major factor in physical and mental decline due to elevated levels of cortisol. “Stress threatens
mentia and neurodegenerative disorders,” says Fitzgerald, noting that only 10 to 20 percent of longevity outcomes are genetic.

In the daily survival game, the body’s stem cells generate special ized cells to replace those throughout the body that are damaged and dying. This ongoing repair process slows down as we advance in years, but cutting-edge procedures offer new hope for condi tions ranging from arthritis to age-related brain fog.
Eating to reduce inflammation is key, and there is power on our plates when we add some of Fitzgerald’s longevity boosters like turmeric, green tea, shitake mushrooms, wild-caught salmon, eggs, liver and sunflower seeds. A study last year in Experimental Gerontology reported that the amino acid L-theanine, found par ticularly in green tea, reduced oxidative stress, liver degeneration and inflammatory responses in aging rats.
Fitzgerald concurs, “Excessive inflammation—an imbalanced immune response—accelerates the aging process, and it increases with stress. Stress is the gasoline on the fire of aging.”
25September 2022 the health and diversity of our gut bacteria, leading to increased gut permeability, a central mechanism underlying widespread inflammation, which is the cornerstone of all chronic degenera tive conditions,” says Perlmutter. “Those conditions as a category are ranked by the World Health Organization as the number one cause of death on our planet today.”
Even with exciting advances in the promotion of long life, ex perts are unanimous in stressing that going into our golden years disease-free begins and ends with individual lifestyle choices, starting with what we put in our mouths. “Diet is the most critical variable in terms of our metabolic destiny. It’s been said that a person can’t exercise away a poor diet, and there’s great wisdom in this statement,” says Perlmutter.
Radical Renewal Without Surgery
“Stem cells improve DNA methylation and telomere length, and result in a reduced physiologic age compared to your chronologic age,” says Chadwick Prodromos, a Chicago-based, board-certified orthopedic surgeon and the founder of the Prodromos Stem Cell Institute, in Antigua. “Joint replacements are offered quite liber ally nowadays, but most of our patients with severe arthritis who were offered joint replacements do well in our care without them for virtually any joint in the body.” Prodromos and his team com bine umbilical cord-derived stem cell treatment (non-embryonic/ fetal) with specially selected nutritional supplements and in some patients, platelet-rich plasma and hyaluronic acid injections.
“While stem cell treatment has been quite effective, it is important to remember that avoiding chemicals in the environment, exercising vigorously and maintaining a low BMI [body mass index] are clearly the most important factors in good health,” advises Prodromos.
No matter which path we follow to aging vibrantly, the most inspiring takeaway is that lifestyle, not genes, determines destiny.
Marlaina Donato is an author, composer and painter. Connect at

According to Alexander Feoktistov, M.D., Ph.D., founder of the Synergy Inte grative Headache Center, in Chicago, many headaches are caused by some form of stress. “Both physical and emotional stress can manifest with headaches. These are often triggered by changes in a routine or schedule, which throws the body’s regula tory rhythm off. Skipping meals, varying
by Carrie Jackson
tion Headaches can also be provoked by certain allergens, such as cigarette smoke, exposure to harsh chemicals in cleaning or beauty products, mold, dust, caffeine, alcohol and fermented foods.
26 Westchester/Putnam/Dutchess NY Edition healing ways Heading Off Headaches
eadaches are one of the most common pain conditions in the world. According to the Cleveland Clinic, up to 75 percent of adults have had a headache in the past year. While symptoms vary in scope and intensity, understanding the un derlying cause of a headache can lead to better treatment outcomes. Most headaches can be treated holistically, and lifestyle modifications can be key to lasting relief. There are more than 150 types of headaches, with the most common being tension, mi graine and cluster. Migraine attacks, which according to the Migraine Research Founda tion affect 12 percent of people in the U.S., are about three times more common in women than in men. Classic symptoms, which can be mild to severe, include throbbing or pound ing pain located in the sinuses, forehead, back of the head or one of the temples.
Triggers Migraine can be triggered by changes in the weather, fatigue, stress, anxiety, insufficient sleep, dehydration and hormonal changes, according to the American Migraine Founda

“The less active someone is, the tighter their muscles are and the more likely they will experience headaches. Make sure to get out for a walk every day, or try running to keep the body and mind moving. Yoga is another great activity as a mindfulness practice that decreases stress and also keeps the body moving to eliminate tension.”
“The mind-body connection is fierce,” says Christina P. Kantzavelos, a licensed clinical social worker who specializes in chronic illness and pain at Begin Within Today, in San Diego. “It’s important to keep in mind that pain literally originates in the brain. I use a Constructed Aware ness approach with clients and bring curiosity to the pain they are experienc ing, including headaches. What thoughts and emotions are coming up when they focus on the pain?” she says. “Physical symptoms are often the manifestation or tangible evidence of what is going on in your unconscious mind. Our bodies self-criticismstate.emotionalingdependorstrongerbecomeweaker,onourFear, and invalidating the self can be the root of a headache.”
Don’t Forget Exercise
Supplements Help Nutritional supplements can also be helpful, Renee says. “Increasing nutrients such as magnesium, coenzyme Q-10 and riboflavin can help minimize pain. Before stocking up on supplements, be sure to consult with a holistic practitioner to make sure you are making the wisest and safest selections for you. Many nutrients can be found andgreens,late,darkfoodscommoninlikechocoleafyseedsnuts, meat, fatty fish and legumes.”
Feoktistov recommends that patients experiencing headaches start with lifestyle modifications and over-the-counter meds such as ibuprofen. “Practice good sleep hygiene, stay hydrated by drinking water and minimizing caffeine, and introduce meditation as a way of focusing on what’s physically and emotionally going on in your body,” he says. “If headaches disrupt your daily routine, are severe or frequent and/or poorly controlled with over-thecounter medications, it’s time to seek help from a headache specialist or other medi cal professional who can work with you on a path to healing.”
Carrie Jackson is a Chicago-based writer and frequent contributor to Natural Awakenings magazine. Connect at
Most headaches can be treated holistically, and lifestyle modifications can be key to lasting relief.
Tell them you saw it in Natural Awakenings!
The Mind-Body Connection While not completely understood, mental stress and anxiety can also be a trigger.
“The best acupressure point for head aches is the soft skin in-between the thumb and pointer finger. Massage it for 20 to 30 seconds at a time to relieve pain or hold it for 10 seconds,” she says. “Mi graines are caused by vascular dilation in the head, so I recommend putting your hands and feet in hot water or taking a bath to stimulate blood flow away from the head to the rest of the body.”
27September 2022 your sleep patterns and exercising incon sistently can all confuse the body and lead to a headache, varying in intensity from dull and distracting to severe and debili tating,” he explains.
Try Acupuncture or Acupressure Evidence suggests that acupuncture is ef fective in relieving the pain of headaches by changing the flow of energy, increasing blood circulation, releasing endorphins and relaxing muscles. Acupressure and other techniques can be done anywhere, says chiropractor and acupuncturist Michele Renee, director of integrative care at Northwestern Health Sciences University, in Bloomington, Minnesota.
Renee also suggests maintaining a regular exercise routine to ward off headaches.
Good Practices

by Linda Sechrist of these quite fit either. I found as much shadow in this camp as I did in the conven tional medicine camp.
Generally, curing is about the elimina tion of all evidence of disease. Healing is a restoration of wholeness, which is what the word “heal” is based upon. When I’ve been present with people during end-of-life care, I’ve witnessed the restoration of wholeness in the tying up of the loose ends of a welllived life or a life not so well-lived, even in the presence of physical decline. Repair, healing and forgiveness in both internal and external relationships in our lives can come from doing deep shadow work. What are our whole health intelligences? Because healing is a return to wholeness, connecting with your whole health intel-ntel ligences—mental, intuitive, emotional and somatic—must be the foundational part of your healing journey to create conditions which make the body miracle-prone. I think of the work of integrating them as I do a symphony that requires a conductor to arrange and harmonize the intelligences. I call the conductor the “inner pilot light”.
A lot of the practices I write about are intended to facilitate the restoration of wholeness. That doesn’t mean that people shouldn’t also seek out potentially cura tive treatments with their conventional medical doctor. But those treatments often don’t cure either, so I really see it that individuals don’t have to choose one or the other. Rather, they can choose conven tional medicine and sacred medicine.
M ind-body physician Lissa Rankin, a New York Times bestselling author and founder of the Whole Health Medicine Institute in the San Francisco Bay Area, takes readers on her decade-long journey in her latest book, Sacred Medicine: A Doctor’s Quest to Unravel the Mysteries of Healing. She pro vides a discerning guide to the sometimes perilous paths available to patients when wellness fads, lifestyle changes and doctors have failed them. What motivated you to write Sacred Medicine? After 14 years of studying and practicing conventional medicine, I left it at age 37 because I became disillusioned and “mor ally injured” by the limitations of conven tional medicine and the U.S. health care system, which give lip service to a patient’s well-being and ultimately are about the financial bottom line. I never lost respect for the life-saving aspects of conventional medicine. I simply believed it shouldn’t be the only medicine in my medicine bag. It only took me nine months to realize that I could quit my job as an Ob-Gyn, but I couldn’t quit my calling. That which drew me to medicine from age 7 was still alive in me. I began spiritually seeking to find out what else heals. During my years of studying and practicing everything along the health, wellness, psychology, yoga and spirituality gamut, I tried many things, cherry-picking from various spiritual traditions, Eastern religions and New Age spirituality. None wise words
28 Westchester/Putnam/Dutchess NY Edition
Lissa Rankin on the Mysteries of Healing
Why use a carefully balanced brew of several healing interventions? Limiting how you approach your health care to one camp or the other could prevent you from having the best possible health outcome. There’s light and shadow in both camps. My book helps educate readers so they can practice discernment and make wise choices about which tools from the world’s medicine bag serves them best. It’s meant to help them become more miracle-prone and hopefully to embrace the paradoxes of healing, one of which is: You can heal yourself and you can’t do it alone.
What’s the difference between curing and healing?

29September 2022
For example, if we’re making medical decisions or any significant decision, it’s important to consult all the intelligences. Consider not only what the mind is telling you about what’s wise and smart and what the science shows, but what intuition is telling you about what might be in your best interests. Or consider what your gut or other aspects of your body are feeling. It’s not only the gut that can give us somatic intelligence. We can tune into various intel ligences all over our body. Some healers I’ve met are finely tuned into this kind of intelligence to the point that they can ask a “yes” or “no” question and feel the answer somatically. They use this as one of the ways to guide themselves and their clients. What part does trauma play in sacred medicine? Although trauma as a cause of physical disease might be disputed by skeptics who resist information that contradicts their worldview, the body of scientific data linking psychological trauma and both pediatric and adult-onset disease is air tight. According to so many sources in the mainstream medical literature, anywhere from 60 to 80 percent of illnesses have stress-related emotional underpinnings. What causes stress? Trauma does.
Linda Sechrist is Natural Awakenings senior staff writer. Connect at Love opens your heart, trumps fear, and paves the way for healing in all aspects of your life. – Lissa Rankin Tell them you saw it in Natural Awakenings. Available in print and online at

Here’s to living in full color, come what may. Marlaina Donato is an author, composer and painter. Connect at
CALENDAR Find and post last minute events at
Living Life in Full Color by Marlaina Donato
As adults, too often we are barely aware of our lives stuck in grayscale, but if we look deep inside, we long to be the brave red rose in a black-and-white world. Sometimes it takes something drastic, like being faced with a terminal illness, to throw off the shackles of, “What would they think?” and follow our own brand of bliss. Hopefully, most of us can make that decision without such a drastic wake-up call.
In many parts of the world, nature saves her best for last and pulls out all the stops. She dresses the trees in unapologetic glory, inviting us to live more boldly before it’s too late, and to express the passions we’ve held in for dear life. If we are wise, we will follow our bliss, whether it’s painting that wall in a color that might compromise resale value or dust ing off the violin we set aside after high school. Autumn gives us much-needed permission to let our hair down, let our locks go silver or feisty red, let our souls blow in the wind and come in for dinner a little late and disheveled. What parts of ourselves do we hold inside for fear of standing out a little too much? What would we wear if we defied fickle trends? How would we love if we realized that there is nothing more important than embodying love?
As children, it was in our nature to live out loud. We sang off-key, belly-laughed and showed off our blueberry-stained tongues. Somewhere between grade school and adoles cence, we learned to swim with the social current, content to blend in for comfort.
N ature concludes each day with a fiery mural, never again to be exactly duplicated and missed if we look away for a moment too long. “What color is in a picture, enthusiasm is in life,” said Vincent van Gogh, and to live with passion is to live life in full color.
30 Westchester/Putnam/Dutchess NY Edition inspiration

31September 2022 Intuitive & Healing Arts ASTROLOGY Pam Cucinell Phone, online & in person 917.796.6026; ENERGY MEDICINE Bernadette Bloom, MI Energy Healing & Teacher theesotericbloom.com239.289.3744 One Light Healing Touch Penny and Ron Lavin, MA Sessions and INTUITIVE ENERGY HEALING The Temperance Center Merrill Black, LCSW Reiki Master/Instructor Light Body Quantum Healings TheTemperanceCenter.com914.793.2600 HEALING SANCTUARY Moss and Moonlight Workshops, Yoga, Reiki, Women Circles, In-Person & Virtual Hopewell Junction, MossAndMoonlight.comNY INTUITIVE HEALING White Lotus Grace Whitelotusgrace.comMillbrook845.677.3517Healing/Dance/Readings&Remote NEW AGE STORES Persephone’s Pearl 1014 B Main St., Peekskill PersephonesPearl.com914.737.3460 The Soul Connection Shop Metaphysical Shop; Crystals, Jewelry, Reiki, Tarot, more at Universal Healing Arts Center Cortlandt Manor, SoulConnectionShop.com914.737.HEAL Synchronicity SynchronicityNY.com845.363.1765@synchronicityny1511Candles/Tarot/SagePsychics/CrystalsRoute22Brewster PSYCHIC MEDIUM Celestial Touch Laura Schek, Psychic Medium, Reiki Master 7 Arch St, Pawling, NY celestialtouchllc.com845.244.1767 QIGONG In Balance Concepts Qigong. Tai Chi. Meditation 2505 Rt. 6, St. 108, Brewster Inbalancetaichi.com845.803.1992 REIKI Balancing 4 Life Anne Bentzen, Jikiden Reiki Certified Teacher/Practitioner 25 Broadway, Pleasantville, NY Balancing4Life.com914.588.4079 Edit Babboni, CHC, RYT 200 Reiki HealthHealing.Coaching. Yoga. 61 Lakeview Drive, Yorktown Heights, NY yoga.zengarden@gmail.com917.721.2529 The Loving Lotus In person or remote sessions 914.557.8213;
44-50 and on
Thesetting.”Market supports The Pantry and Let It Shine’s mission to “connect women to the things and services they need.”
Find classes workshops on pages
During September and October, Let It Shine is creating a healers village at The Market on The River—held from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Sundays outside at Cortlandt Waterfront Park, in Verplanck—and is looking for healing arts practitioners.“Practitioners are wanted,” exclaims Kacey Morabito Grean, founder of the volunteer-run nonprofit. “They will not be charged a fee, but they may offer their services for a fee. We want them to come to The Market on The River to spread their healing vibes.” This will give market attendees a chance to learn about healing practices like reflexology and reiki, says Grean. “They may find peace and relaxation techniques in a beautiful out door
Location: Cortlandt Waterfront Park, 45 Riverview Ave., Verplanck, NY. For more information, call 914.323.8343, email or visit Kacey leading meditation and journaling session
Healers on the Hudson

n 1967, Tao Porchon-Lynch left a successful Hollywood career as a model and actress to become a fulltime yogi in her 50s. At age 87, she added ballroom dancing to her list of passions and at 93, she landed in the Guinness World Records as the oldest yoga teacher on the planet. She continued to teach a weekly yoga class just days before her death at age 101. “I love seeing students realize what is possible,” Porchon-Lynch said in an interview, and her words are an added incentive to reap the many benefits of a regular yoga practice at any age. Whether it involves getting down on a mat or practicing modified poses with the use of a chair, yoga helps us to stay nimble, manage stress, reduce symptoms of depres sion and tame high blood pressure. Yoga has been around for thousands of years for good reason, and health organizations like the Johns Hopkins Arthritis Center are now recommending the healing modality for a better quality of life.
Ancient Moves for Modern Life
by Maya Whitman
32 Westchester/Putnam/Dutchess NY Edition fit body Aging Gracefully HOW A YOGA PRACTICE KEEPS US YOUNG
“What I learned is that we need four es sential physical skills to navigate through life as we age—strength, flexibility, balance and agility—and we get that from yoga. We can find independence in our everyday life, and we don’t need a vigorous yoga class to do that,” says Ruth Pipitone, a gentle yoga instructor at various studios and senior centers in Northeastern Pennsylvania. For those that only associate the practice with youthful bodies and hip yoga gear, yoga is a full-spectrum practice. “Anyone can do yoga—gentle yoga, chair yoga and even wheelchair yoga.”

The Breath of Now
Blair, who specializes in helping others to find emotional equilibrium after trauma, concurs: “The nervous system is sym biotic with the breath, and vice versa. A long, deep inhale and a long, slow exhale can act as an immediate elixir for the nervous system to recognize that, in that moment, we are okay.” She has taught groups of people, some in wheelchairs and hospital beds, and she “still experienced the entire room shift when breathing together. As long as we are able to consciously notice breath, we can do yoga.”
The keystone of all yoga practice is working with the breath, an action that is naturally compromised by just getting out of bed and into the day’s challenges. “Most adults breathe from their chest. That’s where we activate the stress response of fight, flight or freeze. We need to use the lower lungs, too, so we can activate the parasympathetic nervous system to find calm,” says Pipitone.
33September 2022
For Terecita “Ti” Blair, yoga offered a new way of life after a catastrophic automobile accident in 2009. The Denver-based trauma and resilience educator and 2017 SilverSneakers Instruc tor of the Year says, “Virtually any style or type of yoga can appeal and work well for you today, but not tomorrow. Therefore real ‘yoga’ is about adaptability, and yes, those of us with compromised joints, immune systems, pain, disability and illness can absolutely benefit from yoga.”
Those with conditions ranging from cancer to Parkinson’s dis ease can reap benefits from an appropriate yoga environment. In 2021, a meta-analysis of 12 studies published in the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health found that yoga can increase muscle strength, mobility, balance and lower body flexibility in mature adults. An older study from Temple University showed that Iyengar yoga can improve balance and prevent falls in women over 65 years old.
According to a 2016 study of 227 participants reported in the journal Topics in Geriatric Rehabilitation, just 12 minutes of daily gentle yoga over 10 years improved bone mineral density in the spine and upper legs. About four in five participants had osteo porosis or osteopenia (low bone density), indicating that yoga is a good strategy for the 10 million Americans over the age of 50 with osteoporosis and the 44 million with osteopenia.

A regular yoga practice can sup port better sleep habits, improve flexibility, increase energy and reduce chronic pain. Do some homework and choose an appropriate class rather than showing up at the local ingcenterfitnessandhoptolandinthe right one.
n Keep it gentle and slow when diagnosed with low bone density or a back, knee or hip condition. Look for a slowerpaced class with a well-trained teacher or yoga therapist that can provide a variety of options. Not every yoga teacher is trained to address osteoporosis, joint replacement or overall muscle stiffness. In a live class, a well-trained teacher can watch for unhealthy knee placement or will notice if someone is holding their breath in a pose.
n Classes are not always billed as “Yoga Over 50” or “Senior” classes. They may be called “Gentle Yoga” or “Yoga Basics,” and participants certainly do not have to be of a certain age to benefit from a deliberate and slower-paced approach. Call local yoga studios to inquire about classes that involve longer warm-ups and a less-intense physical practice.
n Warm-ups are probably the most important part of a prac tice, especially for a more mature body; stiffer joints may take more time to relax, and a fast-paced class is less likely to offer that. Make sure to do warm-ups as part of a home practice, too.
Beth Spindler, author of Yoga Therapy for Fear, is a fea tured presenter for Yoga International, leads retreats world wide and has more than four decades of experience using yoga as a healing modality.
In essence, we deepen as we age, and yoga can meet us on a multidimensional level. “Yoga does not have to mean poses. Pos sibilities are infinite, and adaptations are unlimited, based upon our needs,” says Blair.
Connect with Maya Whitman at
curto/ december uplifting humanity october healthy planet WakeUpNaturally.com845-593-0065 T HREE-MONTH EDITORIAL CALENDAR & MARKETING PLANNER november mental health & well - being + gift guide + gift guide + body work
34 Westchester/Putnam/Dutchess NY Edition
No matter how many trips we take around the sun, tapping into the life force can give us a new perspective. “I use asana (yoga poses) to examine my thoughts and feelings and to find introspec tion to examine what is happening with myself physically, as well as mentally and emotionally,” says Pipitone. “You become more mindful of what you need to carry with you and what you don’t need to carry with you.”

Ellen Forman, director of PranaMoon Yoga, refers to PranaMoon as “the little studio that could.” They have weath ered through the challenges of the last few pandemic years and continue to offer yoga classes and workshops for all bodies and all levels in their studio, conveniently located at the Hat Factory in Peekskill, as well as online.
The vital and ever-growing over-50 crowd is now the focus of YogaShine’s offerings. From the comfort of one’s home, sessions are offered via Zoom. The studio cur rently has students attending not only from Westchester County, but also from New York City, Massa chusetts and Germany. Class sizes are intentionally small, so that each student may receive lots of individ ual attention.
All classes include breathwork and meditation, says Simon. Group classes and private sessions are both offered. “Your first group class is free, and you have nothing to lose but some stress,” shares Simon. In addition, Yoga/Movement Psychotherapy ses sions are offered for those that wish to do deeper healing work and explore tools for relieving personal stressors and patterns.
36 Westchester/Putnam/Dutchess NY Edition
PranaMoon Yoga studio in Peekskill
Vitalah Simon, owner and main teacher, stays close to her screen and watches the students carefully and caringly, giving corrections and praise as the class embarks into the healing realms of yoga.
For more information, call 914.769.8745, email or visit
Vitalah Simon
“Come practice yoga with us in a spacious, light-filled studio— with kind, knowledgeable and compassionate teachers and a full collection of quality props—in an awesome historical building where parking is easy,” adds Forman. Location: PranaMoon Yoga at the Hat Factory, 1000 N. Division St., Peekskill, NY. For more information, call 845.528.0318, email or visit
yoga news
“All of YogaShine’s classes have a gentle approach, while also strengthening our muscles and building balance and flexibility,” says Simon. “The teachings are based in the kripalu yoga tradi tion. Chair yoga is for those with some limitations that may make getting up and down from the floor an obstacle. It is also good for people recovering from injuries. Mat yoga includes floor work and seated and standing poses.”
PranaMoon Yoga—Shining Strong
“We are rebuilding, reconnecting and reimagining together!” exclaims Forman, who says that it is because of their dedicated community of yogis that they are still standing. “Our mission is to create a safe and nurturing environment to encourage selfexpression, spiritual awakening, emotional growth and physical unfolding.”PranaMoon provides the opportunity to practice yoga with a community in a safe, warm and welcoming space at affordable prices, says Forman. Their lineup of yoga classes include vin yasa, gentle, yin, teen, acroyoga and restorative. They also offer a weekly Morning Yoga Series and Yoga Bootcamp, which Forman describes as an exciting combination of high-intensity interval training and yoga. In-studio class sizes are limited for partici pants’ comfort, but “there’s always room on Zoom,” she says.
Yoga for the Over-50 Crowd

The recently opened Pawling Yoga & Wellness, a nonprofit located in the village of Pawling that offers pay-whatyou-can yoga, meditation and tai chi classes, is holding an Open House on September 9, from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. “Come find out how we can serve you,” says Gabrielle Semel, founder and CEO of the studio, which opened its doors on July 9. “Come join us for wine, light fare and fundraising. Come meet our team, see the space, hear about future programs and participate in our silent auction as we raise funds to assure accessibility for all regard less of financial circumstance.”
Whether one is interested in taking care of one’s body, strengthening one’s sense of focus, finding stress relief, enhancing one’s vitality, or connecting to community, Pawling Yoga & Wellness has something to offer everyone, says Semel. For many of us, alternative avenues to healing are cost prohibitive, but not so at Pawling Yoga & Wellness, explains Semel. “You can attend our classes and programs and contribute what you can—from pay ing nothing, to a dollar, to $5, to $22 and anything in between. It is our mission to provide group classes and wellness-based education to all members of our commu nity. Everyone is welcome at Pawling Yoga & Wellness.”
37September 2022
Location: Pawling Yoga & Wellness, 26 East Main St., Pawling, NY. For more information, call 845.661.8664,
Open House at Pawling Yoga & Wellness

An inability to maintain that one-legged stance points to an 84 percent heightened risk of death in the next decade.
38 Westchester/Putnam/Dutchess NY Edition
OneYear Anniversary Luna Power Yoga, in Mahopac, is celebrating one year of being in busi ness, and owner Cate Bartilucci says, “We couldn’t be more thrilled to continue this adventure of connecting and building our yoga family within our studio walls, but also with our surrounding community as well. Whether you are interested in mov ing through more power-driven flows, a gentle practice, or starting your day during a Rise & Shine Vinyasa class, we are here to support you each step of the way.”
Al Bingham, former owner of Croton’s Encourage Yoga, wants to help keep folks healthy and upright with a wealth of ondemand videos, deep-dive courses and livestream classes available at Encour, including Encourage’s new Better Balance course, which consists of five balance-themed yoga practices.
Location: Luna Power Yoga, 54 Miller Rd., Ste. 4, Mahopac, NY. For more information, call 845.276.4619, email info@lunapow or visit To view their schedule or to register for a class, find them on the Mindbody app.
According to Bingham, “Our Better Balance course trains the systems which main tain balance (the proprioceptive, visual and vestibular), and I also offer breathing and relaxation strategies to help us all stay grounded while keeping us upright and off the ground!”
Location: RedTail Power Yoga, 810 Rte. 82, Hopewell Junction, NY. For more information, call 845.605.2257, email or visit
Luna Power Yoga
Standing on one leg for 10 seconds may reveal whether someone is at higher risk of death, according to a recent study in the British Journal of Sports Medicine
“From the yoga perspective, keeping people steady on their feet requires that we en courage mental and emotional stability too,” adds Bingham. “While uneven or slippery surfaces are often the cause of trips and falls, sometimes it’s a person’s distracted attention that contributes to them moving too fast or not noticing changes in surfaces.”
Cost: $29/lifetime access. For more information, including discounts and memberships, visit
Cate Bartilucci & Patricia Bartilucci (mom) Al Bingham RedTail Power Yoga class
More Offerings at RedTail Power Yoga
Beginning this September, the studio is offering a new class, Vinyasa Yoga & Sound Bath, at 6:30 p.m. every Tuesday.
What Standing on One Leg Reveals
See ad, page 37.
RedTail Power Yoga, in Hopewell Junction, has an expanded Septem ber schedule of classes that are for all levels and are available both in person at the infrared, radiant-heated studio as well as via interactive livestream. “In yoga, we practice a principle called sthira sukham asanam—a bal ance of effort and ease. As we come away from the long restful days of sum mer and enter back into routines and obligations, the opportunity is to create a sense of balance, and to also commit to focus on ourselves and see what’s possible,” says Maureen Benedict, founder of the studio. Whether a beginner or experienced yogi, the expert team at RedTail will support one on one’s journey to strength and possibility, says Benedict.
Participants can expect to move through a traditional vinyasa yoga class to the sound of beautiful singing bowls played by a sound healer, explains Bartilucci. They also have a new member special: $35 for a week of unlimited yoga. Says Bartilucci, “Our teachers come from dif ferent walks of life, bringing with them a unique and empowering style for each class. Our new member special provides you with the opportunity to hop into different teachers’ classes and get a taste for what to expect before committing to a class pack or monthly membership.”
“The study in the British Journal used a modified version of tree pose for its assessment. That’s a great static balance. But it’s important to go beyond static positions and train dynamic movements as well as breath and focusing strategies too, which this course offers,” explains Bingham.

“The Divine Acres is a yoga shala, home to Yoga in the Ad irondacks, where yoga embraces nature, continually growing in space where everything resides in beauty,” says yoga instructor Rhodella Hughes, who along with her husband, Patrick, owns YITA. “Our upcoming seasonal yoga retreat offers the opportunity to come home to the self.”
Upcoming Yoga Teacher Training at Putnam Yoga
Putnam Yoga, in Baldwin Place, is offering an other 200-hour Yoga Teacher Training, start ing September 9. This 10-month course will run one 20-hour weekend (includes Friday) a month through June 2023. “This is a great opportunity for people to deepen their knowledge of yoga and learn how to teach a safe and enjoyable yoga class,” says studio owner and lead instructor Christine Dodge. According to Dodge, Putnam Yoga is still providing classes on Zoom as well as in person. They offer yoga classes for level-one and level-two practitioners every morning and weekday evenings. They also offer gentle hatha yoga, yin yoga, restorative yoga and prenatal yoga. “We will be celebrating our 10-year anniversary in October,” adds Dodge. “We are incredibly grateful for our kind and loyal community. We welcome all new members to join our Putnam Yoga family.”
The retreat will be a weekend immersion where attendees can reconnect to nature through the self with daily yoga, meditation, journaling, essential oils, singing bowls, fire circle, hiking and farm-to-table meals with their private chef, says Hughes.
The dates for their 2023 retreats are January 20 to 22, Fall into Winter; March 17 to 19, Spring Renewal; June 16 to 18, Spring into Summer; and September 22 to 24, Autumn Transformation.“Ourretreatsare farm-to-table with an abundance of vegetables and herbs from our gardens,” shares Hughes. “We provide a local restaurant with our organic garden veg etables, keeping in tune with ‘support local’, and shine with our community together. Our barns are thriving with three miniature donkeys, sheep, ducks and chickens. They bring us great joy that we share with our community.”
View from Yoga in the Adirondacks Christine Dodge
Location: Putnam Yoga, 30 Tomahawk St., Baldwin Place, NY. For more information, call 845.494.8118, email or visit See ad, this page.
Retreats at Yoga in the Adirondacks Yoga in the Adirondacks (YITA) at The Divine Acres—a sustainable family farm in Bakers Mills of the Adiron dack State Park —is offering a seasonal yoga retreat, Autumn Transformation, on October 7 to 9, and has announced its 2023 retreat lineup.
39September 2022 EARLY2023BIRDSPECIALENDS NOV. 11 Call or email for Dana-NA@WakeUpNaturally.com845-596-0065details: Upcoming
Location: Yoga in the Adirondacks, 2 Coulter Rd., Bakers Mills, NY. For more information, call 518.251.3015 or visit

“People can be themselves and feel welcomed the first time they walk through the door of Blue Lotus Yoga & Healing,” says Proscher. “We’re giving our community the space to allow members to just be themselves while also helping them become focused on being present within the moment. Our studio allows everyone to grow physically and spiritu ally in their own time. We believe in a holistic approach that focuses on the mind, body and spirit.”
Location: Blue Lotus Yoga & Healing, 5 Dover Village Plaza, Ste. 3, Dover Plains, NY. For more information, call 845.242.3625, email or visit See ad, page 41.
YTA is an educational nonprofit run by volunteers. Membership is open to studio owners, yoga teachers and all students. Workshops are usually held on the second Saturday of the month, from 1:30 to 4:30 p.m. The cost is $45 for members and $65 for nonmembers in advance. Continuing education credits are available for most workshops.
For more information, email or visit
TULA Yoga for Wellness studio YTA workshop with Ravi Singh (2019)
The Yoga Teachers Association of the Hudson Valley (YTA) will kick off its 2022 to 23 season on Sep tember 10 with J. Brown, host of the industry-leading podcast J. Brown Yoga Talks and founder of Abhyasa Yoga Center, in Brooklyn. Yoga Pedagogy: Dogma, Somatics and the Language of Empowerment will be held in person at Club Fit, in Briarcliff, and via Zoom. Brown will present a practice inspired by TKV Desikachar, followed by a discussion focused on dogma versus individual empowerment.Otherofferings this season will be led by Nya Patrinos, Devarshi Steven Hartman and James Knight, among others. Some workshops will be held in person and on Zoom, while others will be entirely on Zoom due to the location of the presenters. In this way, the YTA is hoping to expose its members to a wide range of topics and techniques and to allow all to take part in the discussion.
Reiki Infused Restorative Yoga class
Ayurvedic Massage and Reiki Now Available at Blue Lotus Yoga Blue Lotus Yoga & Healing, in Do ver Plains, has added Ayurvedic massage to its lineup of services. “Our small community yoga and healing studio offers reiki-infused restorative yoga and vinyasa-style yoga classes, as well as meditation, reiki sessions and now Ayurvedic massage,” says owner Deb AyurvedicProscher.massage is done with warm oil, which is applied to the en tire body, from the scalp to the soles of the feet. It’s the most popular mas sage in Ayurveda, and a traditional system of medicine from India, explains Proscher.
At TULA Yoga for Wellness, in Brew ster, yoga is for everybody and every body. Regardless of one’s age, gender, health conditions or fitness ability, one can find a yoga practice that suits their well-being.“Weoffer alignment vinyasa yoga classes that keep movement and poses safe and accessible,” says owner Kathy Daigneault. “Because of this instructional style of yoga, beginners are always welcome and encour aged. Modifications are a healthy part of a true yoga Daigneaultpractice.”isacertified
E-RYT 500 Yoga Alliance instructor with more than 2,000 hours teaching and nearly 30 years practicing. She specializes in a therapeutic style that allows a yoga practice to meet the needs of the individual, the group or theIncircumstances.additiontogeneral classes, Daigneault customizes private sessions for athletes, aging seniors, special needs adults, teens, those with autoimmune dis orders and corporate team building. “At TULA, yoga is about movement, creating shapes, breathing and listening to your body,” shares Daigneault. “Through this experience, you get to enjoy the benefits of a calmer mind, more flexibility and the feeling of being centered. As you step off your mat, as a result, handling life comes with greater ease.”
TULA Yoga–Yoga for All
40 Westchester/Putnam/Dutchess NY Edition
Location: TULA Yoga for Wellness, 22 Sut ton Pl., Brewster, NY (located within the Hardscrabble Club). For more information, call 914.806.3286 or email kathy@tulayoga To sign up for classes, visit
YTA Announces Yoga Workshop Lineup

“Between the lockdown and all of a sudden being thrown in the role of becoming a school teacher (having to teach my two children from home), I was neglecting my own personal practice and felt the overwhelming abyss that we all were going through,” explains Babboni. “But after I recognized the downward spiral of my mental state, I forced myself to pick my practice back up. It wasn’t even two or three sessions, and voila, shutdown or not, I was back to being strong.”
“Donna, a long-time member of Sacred Spirit, recently stepped up to join our board,” says board member Anne Day. “She brings her gifts of 30 years’ experience as a psychotherapist woven to gether with her RYT-200 yoga teacher certification to our studio by offering this class.” Yoga is an effective all-natural approach to addressing anxiety, says Day. Attendees will learn postures, breathing, coping skills and discuss mindfulness practices to calm the limbic system and easeWithstress.the new fall schedule, Chris Glover will be teaching Mod erate Yoga on Tuesdays from 9:30 to 11 a.m. and Gentle/Moderate Yoga on Fridays from 9:30 to 11 a.m. Kathleen Hinge will teach Intermediate Yoga on Saturdays from 9:15 to 10:30 a.m. and Be ginner Yoga on Saturdays from 10:45 a.m. to noon. Unlike most privately owned studios, Sacred Spirit is a nonprof it interfaith community, and largely volunteer operated—or “yoga for the people by the people,” as Day calls it.
Fall News at Sacred Spirit
“I went through these same challenges, and one of the only things that helped me get through it was practicing yoga,” says Babboni, owner of Zen Garden Health Coaching and Yoga, in Yorktown, which offers small-size classes in order to give each student per sonalized attention.
Location: Zen Garden Health Coaching and Yoga, 61 Lakeview Dr., Yorktown Heights, NY. For more information or to make an appoint ment, call Babboni at 917.721.2529 or visit
41September 2022
Sacred Spirit Yoga Zen Garden Heath Coaching & Yoga studio
Location: Sacred Spirit Yoga and Healing Arts Center, on the South Presbyterian Church campus, 343 Broadway, Dobbs Ferry, NY. For more information, email or visit
This fall, Sacred Spirit Yoga and Healing Arts Center, in Dobbs Ferry, will continue providing classes for a variety of levels in person for vaccinated attendees as well as livestreamed for those wishing to attend remotely. They will also be offering a special event class for all levels on November 5—Yoga for Anxiety—with psychotherapist and yoga teacher Donna Corwin Moss.
Babboni says she shares this story because she would like peo ple to understand the profound mental effect yoga can have on a person and would like to help anyone going through anything like she did.
During the shutdown, Zen Garden also had to close its doors.
Zen Garden Offering Personalized Attention
In Edit Babboni’s opinion, the practice of yoga saves lives, or at the minimum keeps people sane. During the past few years, we can all agree that life has been a lot more challenging. We have faced depression, separation, anxiety, fear, anger and frustration.

42 Westchester/Putnam/Dutchess NY Edition QIGONG Dutchess County Empowered By Nature Lorraine EmpoweredByNature.net845.416.4598Hughes In Balance Concepts Qigong. Tai Chi. Meditation 2505 Rt. 6, St. 108, Brewster Inbalancetaichi.com845.803.1992 ONLINE STUDIOS Encourage Yoga EncourageYoga.com413.679.7766DeepOnDemand/Livestream/Dive YogaShine For the Over-50 Crowd Mat, Chair, Therapy – ZOOM Groups and 914.769.8745; YOGA ASSOCIATIONS Yoga Society of New York Ananda Ashram Monroe, anandaashram.org845.782.5575NY Yoga Teachers Association Workshops 2nd Sat. 1:30pm Club Fit, Briarcliff Manor, NY and via Zoom; YOGA RETREATS Yoga in the Adirondacks, LLC 2 Coulter Rd, Bakers Mills, yogaintheadirondacks.com518.251.3015;914.556.8258NY NETWORK natural awakenings Yoga Teachers Association class with Tao Porchon-Lynch in 2019 Al Bingham, owner of Encourage Yoga online studio FIND YOGA CLASSES ON PAGES 44-50.

43September 2022 NEW YOGA STUDIOS ARMONK YogaShine Kripalu, Mat, Chair, Therapy 914.769.8745, Via ZOOM until further notice BREWSTER Tula Yoga For Wellness Group, Privates, Specialties 22 Sutton Place; Tulayogaforwellness.com914.806.3286 DOBBS FERRY Sacred Spirit Yoga & Healing Arts Center 343 Broadway (on campus of South Presbyterian DOVERsacredspirityogacenter.orgChurch)PLAINS Blue Lotus Yoga & Healing Yoga, Reiki, Meditation 5 Dover Village Plaza, Ste 3 845.242.3625; HOPEWELL JUNCTION Redtail Power Yoga 810 Route MAHOPACredtailpoweryoga.com845.605.225782 Luna Power Yoga Move, Sweat & Breathe 54 Miller Rd., Ste. 4 845.276.4619; Putnam Yoga 30 Tomahawk Street Baldwin Place, Mahopac PAWLINGPutnamYoga.com845.494.8118 Pawling Yoga & Wellness 26 East Main St., Ste. 2 PEEKSKILLpawlingyogawellness.org845.661.8664 PranaMoon Yoga In Studio + Zoom 1000 N. Division St, 2H SOMERSPranaMoonYoga.com845.528.0318 Zen Garden Health Coaching & Yoga Edit Babboni; CHC, RYT 200 61 Lakeview Dr., Yorktown Heights, yoga.zengarden@gmail.com917.721.2529NY LiguoriVincentphoto: PranaMoon Yoga’s Sound Bath Restorative with Sabrina Eyster & Marissa Dinki Luna Power YogaSacred Spirit Yoga & Healing Arts Center Redtail Power Yoga Paddle boarding Sukhasana with Yoga in the Adirondacks NEW NEW NEW NEW

Full Moon Gathering: Guided Forest Bathing Walk – 10am-12noon. Connect with nature and community through the Japanese-inspired guided practice of forest bathing, and celebrate the harvest moon. $30. Blue Mountain Park, 435 Welcher Ave. Peekskill. Info: Fru Molnar 336.287.8466; forest Yoga Pedagogy – 1:30-4:30pm. With J. Brown. Hosted by Yoga Teachers Association. The teach ing and learning of yoga has changed. Explore the paradigm shift taking place to address individual empowerment, language, and teacher/student rela tionship dynamics. $45 members/$65 nonmembers. Club Fit/Briarcliff Manor and via Zoom. Register:; 914.391.3389. Afro-Caribbean Spirituality (Taught in Span ish) – 5:30-6:30pm. Participants deepen their understanding and knowledge of Afro-Caribbe an traditions. $15. Persephone’s Pearl, 1014B Main St, Peekskill. Info:; 914.737.3460.
44 Westchester/Putnam/Dutchess NY Edition
WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 7 Wicca 101 – 5:30-6:30pm. Participants will be introduced to the world of Wicca to see if it resonates with their spiritual make-up. $15. Persephone’s Pearl, 1014B Main St, Peekskill. Info:; 914.737.3460.
WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 7 Viniyoga with Steve Rooney – 4:30-5:45pm. A practice of conscious breathing with movement, strengthening what is weak and relaxing what is constricted. Pay What You Can. Pawling Yoga, 26 East Main St, Pawling. Info:; 845.661.8664.
The Great Resignation: A Weekend Retreat for Young Adults – 9/2-9/4. Two-night weekend retreat. Together, participants examine how we live, how we treat one other, and what we’re looking for in a shared ethical code. The Center at Mariandale, 299 N. Highland Ave, Ossining. Info: Intro to Shamanism – 10am-6pm. With Eileen O’Hare. One day workshop teaches the funda mentals of shamanic practice, including 7 sacred directions, 5 elements, 3 worlds, energy-clearing practices, spirit guides and totem animals. $150. Healing House, Beacon. Info: 914.456.7789 or Hudson Valley Hot-Air Balloon Festival – 9/2-9/4. Bring a blanket or chair to watch hot-air balloons ascend from the designated picnic area. Reservations: $15/evenings; $8/mornings. Tymor Park, Union Vale. Info: or 845.454.1701. Quit with Quinn, Addiction-Free Naturally – 6:30pm, lasts 30-45 minutes. Quit with Quinn addiction cessation treatments bring remarkable, fast and sustainable results for overcoming all sorts of addictions. Q & A regarding smoking, alcohol, sugar, overeating, weight loss. Free. Details: 914.473.2015;
6th Mind Body Soul Expo
September 10: 1:30–4:30pm YOGAwithPEDAGOGYJ.Brown
Saratoga Springs City Center 522 Broadway, Saratoga Springs, NY September 3, 2022, 10am-5pm
Tai Chi with Sifu Steven Reilly – 9-10am. An in ternal art form and moving meditation, focusing on cultivating internal energy, which the Chinese refer to as Chi. Pay What You Can. Pawling Yoga, 26 East Main St, Pawling. Info:; 845.661.8664.
FREE VENDORCelebrateOCT.ADMISSION9,2022theFullBloodMoonSPACEAVAILABLETheGideonPutnamSaratogaSprings,NY Visit markyourcalendar
Hosted by Yoga Teachers Association
Please call ahead to confirm times and dates. Pre-register early to insure events will have a minimum number to take place. To place a calendar listing, email us before September 12 (for the October issue) and adhere to our guidelines. Email for guidelines on how to submit listings. calendar of events
SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 3 Yoga at Fishkill Farms – 9-10am. Ongoing until 10/8. Practice with RedTail outdoors at Fishkill Farms. Open to all levels. $20/Drop-in; class cards available Fishkill Farms, 9 Fishkill Farm Road, Hopewell Junction. Info:, 845.897.4377. 6th Mind Body Soul Expo – 10am-5pm. Demos, performances, classes, practitioners and unique mo dalities. Participants will explore health, wellness, and holistic therapies they may not have heard of before. Over 130 vendors. Free admission. Saratoga Springs City Center. Info: Stability Ball sessions – 10am. Starting 9/3 for 12 sessions. Participants have a ball and get a workout! $15/session, with opportunity for a monthly bundle; Kids/$12. Amenia Yoga, 18 Old North Road, Amenia. Info: Sarah Wallace: 646.401.4188; Boscobel Chamber Music Festival – 6pm. The Boscobel Chamber Music Festival presents The Emerson String Quartet. $85/adult; $45/child. Boscobel House and Gardens Event Pavilion. 1601 Rt. 9D, Garrison. Info: MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 5 Boscobel Chamber Music Festival – 11am. Family Concert on the Lawn. Adult $65/adult; $45/child. Boscobel House and Gardens Great Lawn, 1601 Rt. 9D, Garrison. Info: Fusion Yoga Classes – 5:30pm. Starting 9/5 for 12 sessions. Participants use free weights with yoga to bring out their fierce inner Warrior. $20/drop-in. Amenia Yoga, 18 Old North Road, Amenia. Info: Sarah Wallace: 646.401.4188;
UPCOMING WORKSHOPS 10/8: Yoga Nidra for Relaxation and Healing with Nya Patrinos 11/12: The Bhagavad Gita with Devarshi 12/10: Somatic Yoga with James Knight 01/14: Yoga, Meditation, Dharma, Activism with Leslie Booker Workshops at Club Fit/ Briarcliff Manor and via Zoom $45 members/$65 nonmembers Register at markyourcalendar
FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 9 Yoga Teacher Training 200-Hour – 10-month course will run one 20-hour weekend (includes Fri day) a month through June 2023. Putnam Yoga, 30 Tomahawk St., Baldwin Place. Info: 845.494.8118 or Pawling Yoga & Wellness Open House – 5:307:30pm. Wine, light fare, fundraising. Learn about the Pay What You Can offerings. Pawling Yoga, 26 East Main St, Pawling. Info:; 845.661.8664. Paint & Sip – 6-7pm. End the week by winding down and enjoying a nice spirit while creating art. Drinks included. $20. Persephone’s Pearl, 1014B Main St, Peekskill. Info:; 914.737.3460.
The teaching and learning of yoga has changed. Explore the paradigm shift taking place to address individual em powerment, language, and teacher/student relationship dynamics.
Afro-Caribbean Spirituality – 5:30-6:30pm. Par ticipants deepen their understanding and knowledge of Afro-Caribbean traditions. $15. Persephone’s Pearl, 1014B Main St, Peekskill. Info: Persephone; 914.737.3460. Welcoming Our Refugee Brothers and Sisters 7pm, on-site and online. Sr. Norma Pimentel, recognized in 2020 as one of Time Magazine’s 100 most influential people, will speak of her own expe riences of welcoming refugees and how communi ties can make a significant difference in the lives of vulnerable families. The Center at Mariandale, 299 N. Highland Ave, Ossining. Info: by Support Connection,
The Urinary System: Balancing Doshas to Keep Systems Regulated – 7-8pm. Free online lecture with Dr. Somesh N. Kaushik, an Ayurvedic and Na turopathic physician. Offered through the Pawling Free Library. Register with library: 845.855.3444 or
45September 2022
Bring help & hope to people fighting breast and ovarian cancer! ANNUALSunday,SUPPORT-A-WALKOctober2 Presented
Monthly Séance (In Spanish) – 7-9pm. Join in with others at Persephone’s Pearl to experience and communicate with the other world. $15. Perse phone’s Pearl, 1014B Main St, Peekskill. Info:; 914.737.3460. Sacred Sounds With Jonathan Carl Flemister –7:30-8:30pm. Usher in the Autumn Equinox with a sound healing experience. Pay What You Can. Pawling Yoga, 26 East Main St, Pawling. Info:; 845.661.8664.
Brotherhood Circle – 5:30-7pm. Commune with other men to discover ways to effectively navigate a Goddess-centered practice. Free. Persephone’s Pearl, 1014B Main St, Peekskill. Info: ; 914.737.3460. Come Together Pawling: An Online Program – 7-8pm. Viewing of Ted Talk video: “How Meno pause Affects the Brain” followed by a group discus sion. Free. Pawling Yoga, 26 East Main St, Pawling. Info:; 845.661.8664.
Hastings Flea – 10am-4pm. Shop for home goods, collectibles, crafts, jewelry, clothing, records, candles and more. Acoustic jam led by Matt Turk, food truck Superlicious, face painting, tarot read ings and Reiki. Metro North Parking Lot. Info: Candlelight Yin – 4-5:15pm. This Yin special event with candlelight and essential oils will leave par ticipants feeling balanced and peaceful. All levels. $40/Drop-in; free for monthly members. RedTail Power Yoga, 810 Route 82, Hopewell Junction. Info:; 845.605.2257. Intro to Acro Yoga Workshop – 4-5:30pm. With Bri anna Nimphius. Beginner Acro class is designed to be a safe and approachable introduction to this community practice which includes a base, flyer and spotter. $25. PranaMoon Yoga, 1000 North Division St, Peekskill. Info: 845.528.0318;
Inc. Walk With Us in FDR Park or wherever you are! THERE ARE MANY WAYS TO HELP! Donate ~ Raise Funds Form a Team ~ Spread the Word Volunteer ~ Make a Difference! ~ 914.962.6402 markyourcalendar The Center at Mariandale. See 9/2, 14, 17, 25 & 30

FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 23 Paint & Sip – 6-7pm. End the week by winding down and enjoying a nice spirit while creating art. Drinks included. $20. Persephone’s Pearl, 1014B Main St, Peekskill. Info:; 914.737.3460. Hypnosis for Anxiety – 7-8pm. Learn how to reduce stress through self-hypnosis with Denise Mastandrea. $25. Blue Lotus Yoga & Healing, 5 Dover Village Plaza, Suite 3, Dover Plains. Info: Deb Proscher: 845.242.3625;
Jikiden Reiki Shoden Seminar – 9:30am-5pm, 9/24-9/25. Anne Bentzen, Shihankaku, teaches original Japanese Reiki to relieve physical and emotional dis-ease. Learn history, 3 Reiju, 1 shi rushi plus supervised practice. $350. Balancing 4 Life, LLC, 25 Broadway, Suite 101, Pleasantville. Register/text: 914.588.4079. Fall Market at Yellow Monkey Village – 11am5pm. Learn about the shops in Yellow Monkey Village while discovering the work of local artisans, listening to music, and enjoying the treats from their food truck. 792 Rte. 35, Cross River. Info: Metal Element Workshop: Releasing Negativ ity – 1-3pm.With Lorraine Hughes. Cleaning out old negativity through breath work and mindful movement. $35. Dutchess Yoga, 1820 Route 376, Poughkeepsie. Info: ; 845.416.4598. Monthly Séance – 7-9pm. Join in with others at Persephone’s Pearl to experience and communicate with the other side. $15. Persephone’s Pearl, 1014B Main St, Peekskill. Info:; 914.737.3460.
SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 17 Psychic Fair – 10am-4pm. Features three readers and two healers. Insights and healing for body, mind and spirit. 30 minute session /$70; 60 minute session/$120. Balancing 4 Life, LLC, 25 Broad way, Suite 101, Pleasantville. Register online: 914.588.4079. Buddhist-Christian Dialogue: Reflections on Zen and Christian Mysticism – 10am. Using the ideas and spiritual teachings of the book, The Still Point: Reflections on Zen and Christian Mysticism by William Johnston, participants explore the different practices, rituals, and symbolism. The Center at Mariandale, 299 N. Highland Ave, Ossining. Info:
TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 20 Teen Yoga Ages 13-17 – 4-5pm, 6 week session thru 10/26. Join Alexa Wolkoff and learn the benefits of a regular yoga practice: healthy ways of moving, mindfulness, stress management and more. $130. PranaMoon Yoga, 1000 North Division St, Peekskill. Info: 845.528.0318; Foraging Workshop – 5-6:30pm. Led by wild edibles enthusiast Greg Rosen. Learn the basics of foraging wild plants. All ages welcome. Manse Garden, on South Church’s campus, 343 Broad way, Dobbs Ferry. $15/ Suggested donation . Info: Intro to Yoga with Kristi Gione – 7-8:15pm, 5 week series thru 10/11. Introduction to the basic asanas (postures) and breathing techniques and to help gain confidence in the body, increase flexibility and reduce stress. $95. PranaMoon Yoga, 1000 North Division St, Peekskill. Info: 845.528.0318; WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 21 Mediumship 101 – 5:30-6:30pm. Participants learn to develop their psychic abilities by es tablishing a connection with the other side. $15. Persephone’s Pearl, 1014B Main St, Peekskill. Info:; 914.737.3460. Find a Farmers Market near you. See pages 48-50. Find or post classes and events on our website. It’s FREE.
46 Westchester/Putnam/Dutchess NY Edition
THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 22 Autumn Equinox Gathering: Forest + Sound Bath – 5:30-7:30pm. Connect with nature through the guided practice of forest bathing, and then enjoy a deeply restorative sound bath with crys tal singing bowls under the trees. $55. Depew Park, 1 Robin Dr. Peekskill. Info: Fru Molnar 336.287.8466;
SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 18 Eat better for Gut Health – 3-4pm. Learn how to promote healthy gut bacteria for profound benefits with Louise Beach, MS, CNS. $20. Balancing 4 Life, LLC, 25 Broadway, Suite 101, Pleasantville. Register/text: 914.588.4079.
MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 19 LGBT+ Spirituality Group – 6-7pm. Discuss the mysteries of being queer while on a spiritual path. Free. Persephone’s Pearl, 1014B Main St, Peekskill. Info:; 914.737.3460. Fall Equinox Celebration – 7-8:30pm. Zee “Suey” Mendez, medium and healer shares astrology, a tarot pull, mini reads and leads guided meditation. $40. Balancing 4 Life, LLC, 25 Broadway, Suite 101, Pleasantville. Register/text: 914.588.4079.

Focus allows quick recovery from delays September 6. Tap into the right partners September 7 to ramp up accomplishments. Organize, work ongoing projects or use September 8 to recharge. Mercury goes retrograde September 9; don’t be a victim to frustration, ease into a measured pace. Mind-expansion swells with the September 10 Pisces full moon when you let it. For tuitous situations on September 11 require tenacity to come to fruition. Alert Presence “Hurry up and wait” is productive if you meditate at the “wait” on September 12. Idle time can refresh September 13. Atten tion to ongoing projects September 14-15 brings powerful results. Keep in mind the Mercury retrograde when buzz and chatter flies September 16-17; mixed signals and confusion present creative options but also the possibility of error. The ideal September 18 is spent in thoughtful conversation, re flection and at least one meal that satisfies the soul and body.
Sisterhood Group – 6-7pm. Come enjoy all the wonderful things within the femenine mysteries in the company of other women. Free. Perse phone’s Pearl, 1014B Main St, Peekskill. Info:; 914.737.3460.
Demystifying Medicare Presentation – 1:154:15pm. In person workshop. Online audio chapters available too. Free. Hendrick Hudson Free Library, 185 Kings Ferry Road, Montrose. Additional locations throughout September and October. Preregistration: 914.739.5654. Annual Support-A-Walk – Bring help and hope to people fighting breast and ovarian cancer. Presented by Support Connection. Walk with others in FDR Park or walk anywhere. Info: SupportConnection. org; 914.962.6402.
47September 2022
Demystifying Medicare Presentation – 10am1pm. In person workshop. Online audio chapters available too. Free. Katonah Village Library, 26 Bedford Road, Katonah. Additional locations throughout September and October. Info:
TreeHuggers Festival 2022 – 4pm. A celebra tion of fall, nature, and community. Outdoors at Mariandale. All proceeds benefit the Center at Mariandale. Ossining. Register: treehuggers2022. Afro-Caribbean Spirituality (Bilingual) – 5:306:30pm. Participants deepen their understanding and knowledge of Afro-Caribbean traditions. $15. Persephone’s Pearl, 1014B Main St, Peekskill. Info:; 914.737.3460.
Clean Up Deep connection with loved ones is avail able September 19. Therapeutic benefits are amplified the afternoon of September 20. Uneasy alliances work through griev ances this International Day of Peace September 21 — meditate for harmonious resolutions. Enjoy beauty and conversation this September 22 Autumn Equinox, but don’t make firm contractual agreements. Catch what has been overlooked in work, health and relationships on September 23. Sidestep anger and finish up old business September 24. Re-ignite! Put things in order before sundown when Rosh Hashanah couples with the Sep tember 25 Libra new moon. Any back and forth September 26 seems to lighten by evening, but September 27 can reveal unresolved issues. Unless immediate action is required, let it rest a bit. Tremendous vision comes through that evening and into September 28. Use September 29 to craft new perspectives. Get in nature September 30 to seek wider horizons. Pamela Cucinell offers a spiritual astrologi cal perspective for the massive changes of our time, as well as guidance through private sessions and podcasts. For more info, call 917.796.6026, email pamela@insightoasis. com, or visit and ActiveSpirituality.Life. See ad, page 30.
Septemberplanetwatch 2022
Lighten Labor Opportunities pop September 1, so allow possibilities. An old hurt needn’t prohibit successful outcomes September 2; op tions fire up in the evening. Pace yourself September 3 when everything seems to quicken. Morning gets a slow start Sep tember 4 but after midday, adventures soar. Prioritize on September 5 to enable high productivity with time to emphasize rest. Mercury Retrograde
FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 30 Encounter God’s Love Through Nature: A Week end Retreat – 9/30-10/2. Using various practices (outdoors where possible) participants will “read” the book of nature to discover what it says. The Center at Mariandale, 299 N. Highland Ave, Os sining. Info: Sunset Yoga & Cider with Fishkill Farms – 5:307pm. Practice on the wrap around porch while enjoying a beautiful sunset overlooking the farm. After, sip on a crisp glass of Treasury Cider. All levels. $40/drop-in; class cards available. Fishkill Farms, 9 Fishkill Farm Road, Hopewell Junction. Info:, 845.897.4377. Quit with Quinn, Addiction-Free Naturally – 6:30pm, lasts 30-45 minutes. Quit with Quinn addiction cessation treatments bring remarkable, fast and sustainable results for overcoming all sorts of addictions. Q & A regarding smoking, alcohol, sugar, overeating, weight loss. Free. Details: 914.473.2015;
Astrology with Pamela Cucinell
The Urinary System: Balancing Doshas to Keep Systems Regulated – 7-8pm. Free online lecture with Dr. Somesh N. Kaushik, an Ayurvedic and Naturopathic physician. Offered through the Desmond-Fish Public Library. Register with library: 845.424.3020 or

48 Westchester/Putnam/Dutchess NY Edition Find more events on: ongoing events Ongoing Calendar listings must be resent quarterly for our January, April, July & October editions. Email listings to
Beacon Farmers Market – 10am-3pm. May through Nov. DMV parking lot, 223 Main Street, Beacon. Info: Rhinebeck Farmers’ Market – 10am-2pm. Thru December 18 (no market December 4). Rain or shine. Located outside at the municipal parking lot. Info: Hudson Valley Farmers Market- 10am-3pm. Year round. A one stop shop farmers market with fresh Hudson Valley products. 227 Pitcher Lane, Red Hook. Info:; 845.758.1234. monday Peaceful Flow – 9:30-10:45am. With Danielle Spaeth. Peaceful Flow Vinyasa practice geared for all levels and is especially good for anyone looking for more active than gentle but not a fast paced vinyasa flow. PranaMoon Yoga, 1000 North Division St, Peekskill. Info: 845.528.0318; 1 hour L1 Alignment Vinyasa – 9:30am. All classes include movement, breath work and medita tion. Beginners welcome. $20/Drop-in or call for packages. Tula Yoga for Wellness, 22 Sutton Place, Brewster. Info: 914.806.3286; TulaYogaForWellTulaYogaForWell The Healing Circle – 10:30-11:30am. Via Zoom. Conducted by Beryl Hay. 2nd Mondays. Safe and sacred way to connect to the breath while deepening meditation and mindfulness practices. This practice helps to provide a more compassionate way to live. Info: (calendar). 1 hour L1 Alignment Vinyasa – 5:30pm. All classes include movement, breath work and meditation. Be ginners welcome. $20/Drop-in or call for packages. Tula Yoga for Wellness, 22 Sutton Place, Brewster. Info: 914.806.3286;
Rye 2022 Down to Earth Farmers Market – 8:30am-1pm. 5/8-12/4. In the parking lot off Theodore Fremd Avenue, behind the Purchase Street stores. Info: The Sunday Market on The River – 9am-1pm. Mother’s Day thru Oct. PranaMoon Yoga offers a drop in, all level yoga class on the lawn at 10am. Cortlandt Waterfront Park, 45 Riverview Ave. Ver planck. Info: Reiki Infused Restorative Yoga – 9:30am. A re leasing, restorative practice supported by bolsters and blocks so that the body is completely relaxed. Reiki is used to remove blockages. $20/$12 se niors. Blue Lotus Yoga & Healing, 5 Dover Village Plaza, Suite 3, Dover Plains. Info: Deb Proscher: 845.242.3625; Luna Power Flow – 9:30-10:30am. This all-levels Vinyasa-based class provides the opportunity to ground through mindful movement and build strength and endurance through power-driven flows. Modifications offered. $25/Drop-in. 54 Miller Rd. Suite 4, Mahopac. Info: 845.276.4619. Journey into Power Yoga Class – 9:30-11am. This 90 minute signature class is a journey to vitality, power and freedom. All levels. $25/Drop-in, class cards and memberships available. RedTail Power Yoga, 810 Route 82, Hopewell Junction. Info:; 845.605.2257. Irvington Farmers Market – 9:30am-1pm. 2nd & 4th Sundays. Main Street School parking lot, 101 Main St, Irvington. Info: Yonkers 2022 Down to Earth Farmers Market –10am-2pm. 6/5-11/20. Closed street and footpath in Van Der Donck Park at Wood worth Avenue between traffic barriers. Info:
The Market on The River Sundays through October 9 am - 1 pm Cortlandt Waterfront Park 45 Riverview Avenue Verplanck, NY 10596 Produce, Honey, Baked Goods, Farm Fresh Eggs PranaMoon Yoga at 10 Info@LetItShineOnline.comLetItShineOnline.comam markyourcalendar T.A.R.A. Mobile Clinic. See Thursdays.

Cat Spay And Neutering Day – 3RD Thursdays Low cost services provided by the T.A.R.A. Mobile Clinic. Appointments required. Other services avail able. Early morning drop off and late afternoon pick up. Trinity Episcopal Church Parish House, 5 Elm St, Fishkill. Pricing/Info: 845.206.9021. The NuSpecian Live – 9:30am. Aston and Jillian talk about health-related topics and NuSpecies products. Viewers can chat during the live show to comment on the topic and ask questions. Info: 1 hour L1 Alignment Vinyasa – 9:30am. All classes include movement, breath work and medita tion. Beginners welcome. $20/Drop-in or call for packages. Tula Yoga for Wellness, 22 Sutton Place, Brewster. Info: 914.806.3286; TulaYogaForWellTulaYogaForWell 1 hour L1/2 Alignment Vinyasa – 5:30pm. All classes include movement, breath work and meditation. Beginners welcome. $20/Drop-in or call for packages. Tula Yoga for Wellness, 22 Sutton Place, Brewster. Info: 914.806.3286; friday New Rochelle 2022 Down to Earth Farmers Market – 9am-2pm, 06/03-10/28. Thomas Paine Cottage Museum. New Rochelle. Info: The NuSpecian Live – 9:30am. Aston and Jillian talk about health-related topics and NuSpecies products. Viewers can chat during the live show to comment on the topic and ask questions. Info:
wednesday Virtual YogaShine for Adults – 8:30-10am. Kri palu-based, gentle and strengthening, calming the nervous system, heart-centered, developing consciousness, curiosity, and compassion. Lots of individual attention. First class free. Vitalah Simon. Zoom invitation: 914.769.8745,
Luna Power Flow – 9:30-10:30am. This all-levels Vinyasa-based class provides the opportunity to ground through mindful movement and build strength and endurance through power-driven flows. Modifications offered. $25 Drop in. 54 Miller Rd. Suite 4, Mahopac. Info: 845.276.4619.
Gentle/Moderate Kripalu-based Yoga – 9:3011am. With Chris Glover. In-person and virtual. Gentle, nurturing, yet strengthening. Develops a calm nervous system and embodied awareness thru compassionate self-observation. South Presbyterian Church campus, 343 Broadway, Dobbs Ferry. Info/ register:
coming in the october issue WORKERS us
49September 2022 tuesday
JOIN US! contact
Qigong Class – 5:30pm. With Master David Cun niff. In Studio class for those fully vaccinated. First class is free. In Balance Tai Chi Studio, 2505 Carmel Ave, Suite 108, Brewster. Info: 845.803.1992 or
Virtual YogaShine for Adults – 7-8:30pm. Kripalubased, gentle and strengthening, calming the nervous system, heart-centered, developing consciousness, curiosity, and compassion. Lots of individual atten tion. . First class free. Vitalah Simon. Zoom invitainvita tion: 914.769.8745,
Qigong Zoom Class – 9am. With Master David Cunniff. Zoom class. First class is free. In Balance Tai Chi Studio, 2505 Carmel Ave, Suite 108, Brew ster. Info: 845.803.1992 or Gentle Slow Flow Yoga – 9:15am. A slower, soothing Vinyasa practice. Gently open energy lines, soothe the nervous system through pranayama, medita tion and movement. $20. Universal Healing Arts, Cortlandt Manor. Info:, 914.737.4325. Moderate Kripalu-based Yoga – 9:30-11am. With Chris Glover. In-person and virtual. For more expe rienced practitioners. Nurturing, yet strengthening. Develops a calm nervous system and embodied awareness thru compassionate self-observation. South Presbyterian Church campus, 343 Broadway, Dobbs Ferry. Info/register: Green Street Radio – 10am. With Patti and Doug Wood. Environmental news, analysis and sciencebased information. Info: 99.5 FM and Qigong Class – 5:30pm. With Master David Cun niff. In Studio class for those fully vaccinated. First class is free. In Balance Tai Chi Studio, 2505 Carmel Ave, Suite 108, Brewster. Info: 845.803.1992 or Slow Burn – 6-7pm. Gain strength, stamina and focus through slow, isolated movements targeted to tone and sculpt. All levels. $25/Drop-in, class cards and memberships available. RedTail Power Yoga, 810 Route 82, Hopewell Junction. Info:; 845.605.2257. Yoga & Sound Bath Infusion – 6:30-7:30pm. This all-levels Vinyasa-based class is set to the sound of beautiful singing bowls played in-person by a sound healer with an extended Savasana. $25/Drop-in. 54 Miller Rd. Suite 4, Mahopac. Info: 845.276.4619. Tai Chi & Qigong – 7pm. Instructor, Sifu Gary Renza, 35 years’ experience, cultivates ‘life-force’ energy, to strengthen body, mind, spirit, improve overall health. $20/drop in. Universal Healing Arts, Cortlandt Manor. Info:, 914.737.4325. Beginner Qigong Class – 7pm. With Master David Cunniff. In Studio class for those fully vaccinated. First class is free. In Balance Tai Chi Studio, 2505 Carmel Ave, Suite 108, Brewster. Info: 845.803.1992 or Breath, Relax & Slow Flow Yoga – 7:30pm8:45pm, virtual via zoom. With Jo-Anne Salomone, CYT. A great slow flow with breath movement and deep relaxation. Open level. $12. Contact Jo-Anne: 917.364.1871;

classifieds Email
Larchmont 2022 Down to Earth Farmers Market – 8:30am-1:00pm. Thru 12/17. ). At the front of the Metro-North upper lot, Chatsworth Ave/Myrtle Blvd. Larchmont. Info/updates:
50 Westchester/Putnam/Dutchess NY Edition
saturday Yoga Teachers Association Workshops – 2nd Sat. Open to yoga teachers and students, members and nonmembers. Club Fit, 584 N State Rd, Briarcliff Manor and/or via Zoom. Info: Chappaqua farmers market – 8:30am-1pm. Opens May 7. Located at the South Lot, Chappaqua train station. Info:
Ossining 2022 Down to Earth Farmers Market – 8:30am-1pm. Year-Round. Parking lot near the corner of Spring and Main Streets. Info/updates: to A NATURAL AWAKENINGS PUBLISER Have you dreamed about owning your own business Regional exposure PutnamWestchester,&Dutchess Tarrytown and Sleepy Hollow Farmers Market, The TaSH – 8:30am-1:30am. Patriots Park. Info: Pleasantville Farmers Market – 8:30am-1pm. Through Nov. 19. Metro-North Parking Lot, 10 Memorial Plaza, Pleasantville. Information: Open Vinyasa – 8:30-9:45am. With Betsy Egan. Up lifting all levels Vinyasa class for students to experi ence their own personal journey finding increased strength, balance, flexibility, and a sense of personal growth and discovery. PranaMoon Yoga, 1000 North Division St, Peekskill. Info: 845.528.0318; 1 hour L1 Alignment Vinyasa – 9am. All classes include movement, breath work and meditation. Be ginners welcome. $20/Drop-in or call for packages. Tula Yoga for Wellness, 22 Sutton Place, Brewster. Info: 914.806.3286; Kingston Farmers Market – 9am-2pm. Thru Nov 19. County Courthouse parking lot, 285 Wall St, Kingston. Info: 2022 John Jay Homestead Farmer Market –9am-2pm. Members first pick 9 to 9:30am. Thru Oct. 29. In the barnyard; use the Farm Lane entrance. Parking is available in the field in front of the white Brick Cottage. 400 Jay St, Katonah. Info: Intermediate Kripalu-based Yoga – 9:1510:30am. With Kathleen Hinge. In-person and vir tual. For more experienced practitioners. Be guided through more advanced postures, and invited to hold poses longer and explore personal variations. South Presbyterian Church campus, 343 Broadway, Dobbs Ferry. Info/register:
or thought about owning a home-based franchise? Are you passionate about living a healthy lifestyle and enjoy supporting health and wellness businesses? The Natural Awakenings Westchester-Putnam-Dutchess franchise is for sale. Visit to learn more HELP WANTED BE A PART OF SOMETHING BIG – WORK FROM HOME FT/PT. Turn your passion for wellness into a paycheck! Be at the intersection of the booming natural health field and work from home in an e-commerce industry. Contact Cindy Rosenbaum of Rosenbaum Wellness. 914.806.6559. HOUSE SHARE GORGEOUS HOME AT LAKE WAUBEEKA, Danbury, CT. Available October 1. Single lady, nonsmoker, nature lover, quiet, responsible, spiritual, no dogs, cat will be considered. Shared bath, access to the entire house, kitchen, patio, lake amenities, hiking. $1200/month includes all utilities and HOA fees. Email Cathy at: for details. VENDORS EXHIBITORS, SPEAKERS, INTUITIVE READERS, HEALER SPOTS AVAILABLE – Awaken Wellness Fair November 20, 2022 Tar rytown, NY. Visit for details. ISO PRACTITIONERS AND UNIQUE MODALITITES – Two amazing opportunities to join MindBodySoul Expo in Saratoga Springs: Sept. 3, 2022 & Oct. 9, 2022. Visit MindBodySoulExpo. com for more information or contact Gem at mind List CLASSIFIEDYourHERE
Visit and sign up for our email list to receive updates and deadline remind ers, and to list your business and read the past issues.
Beginner Kripalu-based Yoga – 10:45am-12noon. With Kathleen Hinge. In-person and virtual. Learn gentle pose sequences and embodied awareness. Suitable for new students and those with physical limitations or recovering from injury. South PresPres byterian Church campus, 343 Broadway, Dobbs Ferry. Info/register: Aston’s Virtual Office Hours – 4-5pm. Every other Saturday. An open forum for those that are new to NuSpecies or currently on the products to ask any questions they have. Info: webinar-registration
Luna Power Flow – 9:30-10:30am. This all-levels Vinyasa-based class provides the opportunity to ground through mindful movement and build strength and endurance through power-driven flows. Modifications offered. $25/Drop-in. 54 Miller Rd. Suite 4, Mahopac. Info: 845.276.4619.
Virtual Chair YogaShine, Super Gentle, for Senior Adults and Adults with Special Needs/ Health and Recovery concerns 10:30-11:30 am. Gentle and strengthening, calming the nervous sys tem, heart-centered, Kripalu-based, developing cu riosity, flexibility, and compassion. Vitalah Simon. Zoom invitation: 914.769.8745, Qi Gong Class – 10:30-11:45am. With Lorraine Hughes. Fridays. Simple movements aligned with breathwork to alleviate stress and promote flexibility. open to everyone, regardless of physical capabilities. $100/5 class package. Dutchess Yoga, 1820 Route 376, Poughkeepsie. Info: Qigong Class – 5:30pm. With Master David Cun niff. In Studio class for those fully vaccinated. First class is free. In Balance Tai Chi Studio, 2505 Carmel Ave, Suite 108, Brewster. Info: 845.803.1992 or Luna Gentle Flow – 5:30pm. This all-levels gentle class is geared towards those looking to ease into their practice, while still developing awareness of their body through stretching, strength building, and breathwork. Modifications offered. $25 Drop in. 54 Miller Rd. Suite 4, Mahopac. Info: 845.276.4619.
Laura Cuervo, Cate Bartilucci and Pamela Roth at Luna Power Yoga
Cold Spring Farmers’ Market – 10am-1pm. Outdoors in the Boscobel House and Gardens, 1601 NY-9D, Garrison Info: Hudson Valley Farmers Market- 10am-3pm. Year round. A one stop shop farmers market with fresh Hudson Valley products. 227 Pitcher Lane, Red Hook. Info:; 845.758.1234.

Quit with Quinn overcomepeoplehelpsdaily addictions and unwanted habits ranging from sugar, smoking, alcohol, weight loss, to overeating and other compulsive habits. All natural, painless, no medications, needles, or hypnosis. 90% success rate. See ad pg 34.
phone. See ad pg 30. community resource directory Connecting you to the leaders in natural healthcare and green living in our community. To find out how you can be included in the Community Resource Guide email to request our media kit. AYURVEDA DR. KAUSHIK’S AYURVEDIC AND NATUROPATHIC CLINIC Yellow Monkey Village 792 Rte 35 Cross River, NY, and NYC Office: 914.875.9088; Cell: 646.670.6725; Combination of Ayurveda and Naturopathy is used to create a unique treatment plan to regain and maintain health. Based on one’s particular body constitution (dosha), a plan may includesupplements, diet/ nutrition suggestions, lifestyle management, detoxification, hydrotherapy, 0zone therapy, Panchakarma. Clinic days: M-F. See ad pg 10. BEHAVIORAL OPTOMETRY SAMANTHA SLOTNICK, OD, FAAO, FCOVD 495 Central Park Ave, Suite 301, Scarsdale 914.874.1177; A whole-person, holistic approach to vision care, for all ages. Specializing in vision therapy and rehabilitation for vision problems which interfere with reading, learning, attention, performance and efficiency. Please visit website for details. CBD YOUR CBD OF MT. KISCO 222 E. Main St., Mt. Kisco, NY 10549 914.276.5409; YOUR CBD OF WAPPINGERS FALLS 1582 U.S. 9 #5, Wappingers Falls, NY 12590 845.297.0302; Your CBD Store® is the largest hemp retailer in the US. All of our products are USDA Certified Organic, Non-GMO and ThirdParty Lab Tested. We offer the highest quality hemp products including CBD Tinctures, Topicals and Water Solubles for people and pets. See ad pg 6.Feelings come and go like coulds in a windy sky. Conscious breathing is my anchor. – Thich Nhat Hanh
QUIT WITH QUINN Midtown Manhattan and 914.473.2015;
Find your
KARLA BOOTH DIAMOND, MAMSAT Member: Westchester Holistic Network 11 Main St, 2nd Floor, Mount Kisco, NY 10549 with an educational for learning to release patterns of tension that may be causing stress, pain, or poor body usage. lighter and learn to undo compression of the spine and Cucinell with spiritual perspective and a practical twist. way to flow instead of fight; economy of action leads to a beautiful life. Zoom and
914.649.9565; Move
ACCOUNTING/TAX SERVICES STERNBACH & ROSE, CPAS 115 E. Stevens Ave, Suite 100 Valhalla, NY 914.940.4449; goal is to help people have less anxiety about managing their finances, to maximize their income and run their businesses better. Giving people a stronger financial foundation can absolutely contribute to a better quality of life.
NCGR PAA 917.796.6026; Astrology & Tarot
HEATHER PERLOW, L.AC. Concentric Acupuncture 875 Mamaroneck Ave, Ste 303, Mamaroneck 914.200.3343; restore your health together! My personalized treatment plans promote healing through acupuncture, cupping, gua sha and microneedling. I treat pain, insomnia, anxiety, depression, digestive and skin issues, pre/ post-surgical care, gynecological issues, arthritis, facial rejuvenation and more.
ACUPUNCTURE LAURIE R. MALLIS, MD, LAC SearchLight Medical 2424 Route 52, Hopewell Junction, NY 845.592.4310; with not feeling or looking your best? Let me guide you on your path to better health and well-being. Utilizing: Medical Acupuncture, ONDAMED Biofeedback Therapy, Reiki, Mei Zen Acupuncture for facial rejuvenation, weight loss and fertility. See ad pg 29.
51September 2022
ease! The Alexander Technique is

you want experienced, competent, compassionate, and exceptional care. HAIR SALON FRESH ORGANIC SALON SOLUTIONS Hair care, Skincare & Make up 190 Rt 117 By Pass, Bedford, NY 914.242.1928; A healthy approach to beauty and wellness led by Maureen Toohey, Regional Educator for Organic Salon Systems. The fresh team is committed to making your experience fully complete and satisfying, organically. Receive a gift valued at $75 with your 1st color appointment, when you mention Natural Awakenings. See ad pg 13. HERBAL MEDICINE LORRAINE HUGHES Registered Herbalist (AHG) 263 New Hackensack Road, 2nd Floor Wappingers Falls, NY;lorrainehughes54@gmail.com12590845.416.4598 Lorraine offers Individual Wellness Consultations based on the Chinese Herbal Medicine Paradigm which provides a preventative and individual approach to balanced health. Each “unique” individual protocol will include Chinese, Western, Ayurvedic Herbal remedies and Nutritional planning.
25 years
10pm daily. Free Parking. FUNCTIONAL MEDICINE SUSANNE SALTZMAN, MD 250 E. Hartsdale Ave. St. 22, Hartsdale,
Learn how to finally create long term sustainable health and well ness with customized programs to fit your individual lifestyle. Virtual and in person programs available. Individual sessions, monthly packages, wedding prep, corporate wellness, supermarket tours and more!
52 Westchester/Putnam/Dutchess NY Edition
Craniosacral Therapy with Somato Emotional Release allows physi cal, emotional, and spiritual issues to be intimately explored bringing relief from pain and activating a healing process which continues beyond the session. Experience CST alone or integrated in therapeutic massage. DOWSER
JEANIE PROFESSIONALPASQUALEDOWSER MEMBER: Westchester Holistic Network 845.709.5245;
pharmaceutical drugs.
Dr. Paul Scarborough has relo cated to Bronxville, NY from his NYC location to continue practic ing Atlas Orthogonal, a subspe cialty in Chiropractic. Specific x-rays are taken utilizing state of the art equipment, treatment is administered with the Atlas Orthogonal Percus sion adjusting instrument, secondary treatments are incorporated as needed. See ad pg 29.
DR. LEIGH DAMKOHLER, CCSP, LMT 8 Bacon Place, Yonkers, NY 10710 Chiropractor-WestchesterNY.com914.523.7947
Dr. Gertner himself suffered with back pain due to an injury. With upper cervical chiropractic treatments, his body began to “heal itself” and the relentless pain that had plagued him quickly left his body. This inspired him to become one of only 5 NUCCA chiropractors in New York, and less than 200 worldwide, currently. He experienced amazing results and he knows you will too. See ad pg 55.
The Loving Lotus and founder Erika Camilli will help provide an open, positive space to support you to connect to your authentic true self and create the change needed to live the life you’ve always wanted. Sign up for your free consultation.
CHIROPRACTIC ATLAS ORTHOGONAL CHIROPRACTIC Paul V. Scarborough, DC, BCAO 77 Pond Field Rd., 1F-2A 914.704.3005;
chronic illness in children and adults. Looking
clinical practice using natural remedies? Expertise in treating acute
homeopathic and functional medicine to decrease dependency
ANNE H. BENTZEN Certified Jikiden Reiki Teacher/Practitioner Treatments, Classes and Student Events BACH Flower Essence formulas Energy Counseling, Crystalline grids 25 Broadway, Ste.101, Pleasantville, NY; 914.588.4079 Health requires energetic balance. Reiki clears stress, reduces pain, inflammation and restores energy flow. Strengthen your immunity. Relieve anxiety. Depression and insomnia. Learn the original Reiki teachings with Jikiden. Private sessions and small classes. See pg 27. FLOATATION 111 East Main Street Mount Kisco, NY 10549 914.241.1900
COACH – LIFE THE LOVING LOTUS In person or remote sessions 914.557.8213;
PERSONALIZED treatments designed for YOU by Westchester’s only dually licensed practicing Sports Chiropractor and Massage Therapist. Receive a unique combination of muscle work and adjustments not provided elsewhere. Dr. Leigh can help you move and feel better. Get back to the life you love!
sound, and gravity. Choose from three different float environments to find your perfect experience. Appointments available from 10am
COACH – NUTRITION AGAINST THE GRAIN LIFESTYLE Virtual and In Person 914.704.4104Againstthegrainlifestyle@gmail.comAgainstthegrainlifestyledz.comVisit
Book your Free discovery call today.
CRANIOSACRAL THERAPY JOY MATALON LMT, CST Locations: Ossining, Garrison 914.519.8138;
A Center For Awareness and Relaxation through Floatation Therapy. Create the ultimate Relaxation Response by removing all stimulation from light, to 914.472.0666;NY for a physician with of and Emphasis on on If
Protect yourself from EMFs and other negative energies! A professional dowser can block the negative effects of cell phones, satellite dishes, high-tension wires and more. Moved into a new home? Want to sell? Have unexplained health issues? Call now!
UPPER CERVICAL CHIROPRACTIC OF NY 311 North St., Suite 410, White Plains,

HOLISTIC DENTIST DAVID L LERNER, 914.214.9678; approach
PODIATRY KATONAH PODIATRY, PC Pamela Hoffman, DPM Glenn B. Weiss, DPM 200 Katonah Ave., Katonah, NY 914.232.8880; Foot care for people of all ages. Board certified holistic podiatrists who use a comprehensive, inte grative approach. Customized treatments utilizing the best of today’s technology combined with nutrition and 30 years of experience.
DDS, CAC, FIND Yorktown Heights, NY 10598
aCancerIntegrativePellegrinoCenteriscollaboration of healthcare practitioners dedicated to delivering the highest standard of conventional, complementary, and alternative medicine. See ad, pg 27. Our intuition is the voice of our soul and the calm voice of reason and can help us navigate beautifully through life.
to the health care of the mouth based on a holistic understanding of the whole body. I invite you to explore our web site to learn how we can serve your needs. See ad pg 3.
53September 2022 MATTRESSES DAVIS FURNITURE Open Mon-Sat. 10-6 2264 South Rd., Poughkeepsie, NY 845.204.9090; Do you want a healthier night’s sleep? Visit locally owned Davis Furniture and see their full line of all natural American-made mattresses. For over 90 years they have been giving their customers more, and charging them less. And they’ve once again been voted the best furniture store in the Hudson Valley. See ad pg 9. MEDICAL MARIJUANA LYNN PARODNECK M.D. Certified Medical Marijuana Practitioner 914.525.6536; Evaluations and Consultations; Dr. Parodneck works in compliance with the New York State Compassionate Care Act. She is one of the leading medical marijuana clinicians in New York, with numerous referring specialists and an extensive professional network in the cannabis industry. See ad pg 37. NATUROPATHIC DOCTOR DR. KAUSHIK’S AYURVEDIC AND NATUROPATHIC CLINIC Yellow Monkey Village 792 Rte 35 Cross River, NY, and NYC Office: 914.875.9088; Cell: 646.670.6725; Combination of Ayurveda and Naturopathy is used to create a unique treatment plan to regain and maintain health. Based on one’s particular body constitution (dosha), a plan may include supplements, diet/nutrition suggestions, lifestyle management, detoxification, hydrotherapy, 0zone therapy, Panchakarma. Clinic days: Monday-Friday. See ad pg 10. NUTRITION NUSPECIES Westchester.866.624.4117Nuspecies.comLong Island. Brooklyn. Jamaica, Caribbean NuSpecies Health Centers provide free nutritionists/lifewithconsultationshealthcertified coaches. We make custom recommendations of our Raw, Organic, Liquid, Natural nutritional formulas and then work with our clients until they achieve their health goals. See ad pg 2. OFFICE OF DR. MICHAEL WALD Dr. Michael Wald, DC, Board Certified Nutritionist 29 King St, 2nd Fl, Chappaqua, NY 10514; Dr. Wald is a holistic DC, Nutritionist, and Dietician who’s Blood Detective software, labs and detailed consult help get to the cause(s) of persistent health issues. Conditions include autoimmune, weight loss, antiaging, cancer, GI issues, depression, and more. See ad pg 25. We offer a unique
Looking for a physician with 25 years of clinical practice using natural remedies? Expertise in treating acute and chronic illness in children and adults. Emphasis on homeopathic and functional medicine to decrease dependency on pharmaceutical drugs. If you want experienced, competent, compassionate, and exceptional care.
HYPNOTHERAPY LISA BLEASDALE, C.HT Certified Hypnotherapist Somers, 914.400.9508;Ny Willpower often falls short. Hypnotherapy taps into the power of the subconscious mind to transform your life by creating positive changes. Lisa helps individuals with stress reduction, addiction, weight loss, smoking cessation, procrastination, overcoming fears, phobias, anxiety, grief, and divorce.
INTEGRATIVE MEDICINE PELLEGRINO INTEGRATIVE CANCER CENTER 4307 Albany Post Rd Hyde Park NY pellegrinointegrativecancercenter.com12538
~Jodi Livon
HOMEOPATHY SUSANNE SALTZMAN, MD 250 E. Hartsdale Ave. St. 22, Hartsdale, 914.472.0666;NY

RETREATS YOGA IN THE ADIRONDACKS (YitA) at The Divine Acres “Where Yoga Embraces Nature” 2 Coulter Road, Bakers Mills, NY 12811 518.251.3015;
Foot and/or Hand Reflexology sessions are offered with the use of Essential Oils applied to acupuncture points based upon each individual’s presenting pattern. Please refer to Services page on web site for the many benefits of this ancient modality.
Where East meets West with compassionate care for a holistic approach to pet’s health. Offering a wide range of services/ products including wellness exams, nutritional support, alternative cancer therapies, surgery, dentals, acupuncture, CBD and more on beautiful 9-acre facility.
As Westchester County’s ONLY certified green spa, Balance Day Spa has been in business since 2010. We specialize in all aspects of esthetics, including: facials, peels, waxing, tinting, bronzing, aromatherapy, energy healing and makeup. All organic, all the time.
YitA at the Divine Acres is a yoga shala – a safe place for healing and becoming healthy within our authentic selves. Eliminate distractions and illuminate positivity to focus on our true intentions. YitA is a place of education and joy, with miniature donkeys and sheep that add love to this divine space.
54 Westchester/Putnam/Dutchess NY Edition
We offer a unique approach to the health care of the mouth based on a holistic understanding of the whole body. I invite you to explore our web site to learn how we can serve your needs
12590 845.227.P-A-W-S
At Alternative Healing Clinic, Dr. Jordan, NA.D., Ph.D. Naturologist finds causes of sub-health conditions and locates natural solutions that clear acute and chronic issues through an FDA approved non-invasive test creating your effective wellness plans. Free consultation. See ad pg 9.
WELLNESS CENTER ALTERNATIVE HEALING CLINIC The Future of Medicine By appt: AlternativeHealingClinic.com914.330.5594
LORRAINE HUGHES ARCB Certified Reflexologist 263 New Hackensack Road, 2nd Floor Wappingers Falls, NY;lorrainehughes54@gmail.com12590845.416.4598
Westchester’s ONLY Certified Green Spa 280 Mamaroneck Ave., Suite 310, White Plains, 914.358.9898;
HUDSON RIVER HEALING & WELLNESS 290 Main St., Cold Spring NY 845.240.1822; Improve overall wellness. Breather, Relax, Restore. Services offered; Salt Room, CBD Products, Red/Infrared Light therapy, Thai Bodywork, Massage, Craniosacral work, Percussive therapy, Reiki, Acupuncture, Reflexology, Myofacial Release, Meditation, Yoga and more.
See pg 3.
SUPPORT GROUP SUPPORT CONNECTION Breast and Ovarian Cancer Support Supportconnection.org914.962.6402;Services800.532.4290
Support Connection provides free support services to people affected by breast and ovarian cancer. Services include: One-onone counseling (counselors are also cancer survivors); Support groups; Educational and wellness programs; Webinars; Social gatherings; Referrals; A national toll-free information and support hotline. See ad pg 45. TMJ DISORDER DAVID L LERNER, DDS, CAC, FIND Yorktown Heights, NY 10598 HolisticDentist.com914.214.9678
Quit with Quinn helps people lose weight by overcoming addiction to sugar and white flour, and compulsive overeating. After treatment, most people experience indifference towards refined sugar, sweets and treats, leading to easy weight loss. 30 years experience. 90% success rate. See ad pg 34.
SLEEP DISORDER DAVID L LERNER, DDS, CAC, FIND Yorktown Heights, NY 10598 HolisticDentist.com914.214.9678
REIKI REIKI CLASSES Cynthia M Chase, LCSW, Reiki Master 860.395.0284; Manifest yourself as a healer; fulfill your life’s purpose! Cynthia offers personalized classes leading to Reiki levels I, II and Master level. Go to for details.
QUIT WITH QUINN Addiction-Free Naturally Midtown Manhattan and 914.473.2015;
We offer a unique approach to the health care of the mouth based on a holistic understanding of the whole body. I invite you to explore our web site to learn how we can serve your needs. See ad pg NY
products, pet boarding