Sea of Green: DUAL & Jonathan Paul Jackson

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Foltz Fine Art Presents




Jonathan Paul Jackson ____________________________________________________________________________________

April 2021

2143 Westheimer Road • Houston, TX 77098 713.521.7500 •

Foltz Fine Art 2143 Westheimer Houston, TX 77098 713.521.7500

DUAL (b. 1979) DUAL stands for the conflict between “street art” and “fine” art, between freeway burners and gallery exhibitions, between mass recognition and total anonymity. His bold lines and fresh colors are a break from the everyday monotony of life in the city—a taste of urban subculture, whether you asked for it or not. While one may not have a choice in where and when they encounter a DUAL piece, DUAL leaves it up to the observer to assign a meaning to his work. By operating under a pseudonym, he lets his audience write their own narrative for who he is and the message he is trying to get across. Perhaps best known for his work with wheat paste, particularly since his feature in the 2011 wheat pasting documentary Stick ‘Em Up!, DUAL has never been one to confine himself to a particular medium, background, or context. He has been recognized not only for his work with silkscreen and spray paint, but also for his work with lithography and acrylics. Though his obsession with “making marks” stems from his background in graffiti, he has translated that into a passion for creating art. His “art” includes everything from large-scale murals, to paintings on canvas, to meticulously made tape collages, to the forgotten art of sign painting. Dual’s work has evolved from gestural character studies, to more hard edge abstraction with an added exploration of color –creating quite the dichotomy between the “street” artist and the “fine” artist. In addition to being a constant presence on the street and a fixture in the Houston art scene since 2005, DUAL has also pursued a formal arts education and his work has seen more than its fair share of gallery walls. DUAL has been featured in a number of exhibitions by some of the top names in the Houston art scene including the Station Museum of Contemporary Art. He has had the opportunity to collaborate with a number of brands, labels and charities including the Lebron James Family Foundation, Pabst Brewing Company, Boys & Girls Clubs of America, Houston Outlaws, Dickies Workwear, Schmutz Watches, Street Serpents Apparel, and even Sprite. He has also been featured in a number of periodicals including 002 Magazine, Papercity, Houston Modern Luxury, Houston Press, Free Press Houston, Houston Lifestyle & Homes, Houston Chronicle and Case Magazine and published in books such as Stay Up and Stuck-Up Piece of Crap: From Punk Rock to Contemporary Art. ARTIST STATEMENT I am a painter born and raised in Houston who has always been obsessed with wanting everything around me to be bold, bright and loud. It’s as if I’ve always wanted to live in a world of sensory overload. I built a name for myself after a decade of being involved in graffiti, then went to school for a BFA which provided the knowledge to bridge the gap from graffiti outlaw to working artist. I have now become known for not only creating art in the studio, but also for my large scale, vibrant murals you can encounter throughout the city. I started making art because I wanted to make walls noticeable where before they merely stood as inconspicuous dividers. I want to take something dilapidated and make it beautiful. I paint to make what was once a silent surface speak for something. And finally, I make art so that hopefully one day, regardless if I’m here or not, someone will see it, be motivated and want to create something for themselves! Heavily inspired by everything around me, my paintings are colorful, abstract works of art which leave it to the viewer to interpret the forms. The human figure, botanical elements, pop-culture icons, animals, lettering and more have been reduced down to simple line form, separated into pieces, then carefully and methodically reorganized to create a brand-new experience. I want each completed painting to represent how I see the world: loud, bright, in your face but at the same time, inviting and approachable. The majority of my paintings begin with research, where I compile imagery and information dealing with a certain subject that I will then reference in the work. The finished paintings are created with a combination of using aerosol, acrylic and latex paint and have covered many surfaces: wood, brick, fabric, metal, glass, and concrete. Although I use a wide variety of colors and techniques in each piece, my process of arranging all the shapes, lines, and patterns on the canvas, creates a consistent language which is recognizable in my work. It’s a magical feeling to have a young child point out an animal in my work or an elderly person tell me they see a landscape that I didn’t intentionally mean to be there. It further backs up my purpose of creating work that can not only be observed in many different ways, but also create different emotions amongst a variety of viewers.

2143 Westheimer | Houston, TX 77098 | 713.521.7500 |

SOLO EXHIBITION Pipe Dreams, Fat Cap Gallery, Houston, TX 2019 2016 Waste Nothing, Wedge Space, Houston, TX 2014 Daytripper, Cardoza Fine Art, Houston, TX Psych-Out!, Emergency Room, Rice University, Houston, TX 2011 New Works and Then Some, Dionysus Salon, Houston, TX Self Titled, Houston Fixed Gear, Houston, TX 2008 Iconoclastically Yours, Aerosol Warfare Gallery, Houston, TX GROUP EXHIBITIONS 2020 Texas Emerging: Volume 1, Foltz Fine Art, Houston, TX At the End of the Road is a 3 Pointed Star, Leona Gallery, Austin, TX Xanax Party: Time to Chill Out, Private Eye, Houston, TX Hook, Line & Sinker, Pizza Gallery, Los Angeles, CA 2018 ALL CAPS, LCD Gallery, Houston, TX 2017 Record Props, Cactus Music, Houston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·V 6XPPHU -DP $OYDJUDSKLFV +RXVWRQ 7; 1HR3RS6WUHHW)XQN *DOOHU\ 0 6TXDUHG +RXVWRQ 7; &DOO LW 6WUHHW $UW &DOO LW )LQH $UW 6WDWLRQ 0XVHXP &RQWHPSRUDU\ $UW +RXVWRQ 7; )XQN0RWRU 3HYHWR *DOOHU\ +RXVWRQ 7; $UW ² $ 6SULQJ $UWLVW ([KLELWLRQ 6SULQJ 6WUHHW 6WXGLRV +RXVWRQ 7; 3HUVRQDO )UHHGRPV DQG /LEHUWLHV 83 $UW 6WXGLR +RXVWRQ 7; AOO $ERDUG (O 5LQFRQ 6RFLDO +RXVWRQ 7; 0RQVWHU 6KRZ 'RP\ %RRNV +RXVWRQ 7; 7KH 0XUDO 3URMHFW .LQJVSRLQW *UDIILWL 0HFFD $UW 6SDFH +RXVWRQ 7; $EUDVLYH %HDXW\ 0DLVRQ G· (WRLOH $XVWLQ 7; 3%5 $UW %RKHPH·V +RXVWRQ 7; 6WXFN 8S 'RP\ %RRNV +RXVWRQ 7; 3ULQWHU·V %DOO 6SULQJ 6WUHHW 6WXGLRV +RXVWRQ 7; $OZD\V 2Q 0\ 0LQG +RXVWRQ )L[HG *HDU +RXVWRQ 7; $UWRSLD :LQWHU 6WUHHW 6WXGLRV +RXVWRQ 7; 3KRWR *UDII 83 $UW 6WXGLR +RXVWRQ 7; 5RFN 7KH /RW $HURVRO :DUIDUH *DOOHU\ +RXVWRQ 7; 7KH 6HULH 3URMHFW 0(&$ +RXVWRQ 7; 2II 7KH :DOO ,, -HQQL·V 1RRGOH +RXVH +RXVWRQ 7; 6WLFN ¶(P 8S 3RVWHU ([KLELW $HURVRO :DUIDUH +RXVWRQ 7; 5HGV :KLWHV DQG %RRV $GYDQWDJH %0: 0LGWRZQ +RXVWRQ 7; 0RQVWHU 6KRZ 'RP\ %RRNV +RXVWRQ 7; 1HR3RS6WUHHW)XQN *DOOHU\ 0 6TXDUHG +RXVWRQ 7; 8VH <RXU ,OOXVLRQ &ROWRQ )DUE *DOOHU\ +RXVWRQ 7; )36) $UWLVW 6HULHV 3RVWHU ([KLELW 6SDFHWDNHU $5& *DOOHU\ +RXVWRQ 7; 2II 7KH :DOO 0HJD+RVW *DOOHU\ +RXVWRQ 7; 3OH[L JODVV $UW 6KRZ %ODFN 6ZDQ 6WXGLR +RXVWRQ 7; New Works, 2QH $OOHQ &HQWHU +RXVWRQ TX Printer’s Ball 2011 6SULQJ 6WUHHW 6WXGLRV +RXVWRQ 7; 0RQVWHU 6KRZ 'RP\ %RRNV +RXVWRQ 7; 6WD\ 8S %RRN 5HOHDVH $UW 6KRZ :DU·KRXV 9LVXDO 6WXGLRV +RXVWRQ 7; White Linen Nights, Blue Line Bike Lab, Houston, TX 2009 Roadside Distractions, Gallery 619, Houston, TX

2143 Westheimer | Houston, TX 77098 | 713.521.7500 |

Foltz Fine Art 2143 Westheimer Houston, TX 77098 713.521.7500

Jonathan Paul Jackson (b. 1984) Jonathan Paul Jackson is an African American Visual Artist from Houston, Texas. He works in all mediums of Art, including Painting, Sculpture and Illustration. At the age of 11, he completed his first large-scale painting, and by the age of 16, he was showing in coffee shops in the Houston area. Jackson has some formal education in art, but is mostly self-taught. At the age of 19, he curated his first show with two established artists, painter J. Antonio Farfan and photographer Daniel Kayne. His fabric and stitched art was his first full series, which included 25 pieces, which was displayed at Cafe Brazil in Houston, Texas in 2006. In 2008, Jackson started curating art shows for fellow visual artist, putting his own art career to the side for a couple of years, but he never stopped sketching and drawing. In 2011, he returned to his art, producing a series of oil pastel works jazz greats, political figures and everyday objects. His other works involve experimenting in Neo-Expressionism on a series of action paintings. His paintings range from a series of color studies or what he has come to call “Color Meditations , in which he experimented with color while researching the masters of color, Matisse, Warhol and Gauguin, he soon realized that it was not the colors they used to create the work but how they applied the paint/color to the surface that truly defined them as "Masters of Color." In 2016, Jackson began a series of paintings entitled Indigenous Contemporary. When he started studying different indigenous sculptures and cultures, he fell in love in with the meanings and the storytelling. To celebrate the new-found love, he created paintings of where his imagination went when was reading about the cultures. This particular exhibition of paintings is based on studies of various indigenous cultures, including African, Latin and North America sculptures and culture. What I want the series to accomplish is to create interest in the viewer to be more inclined to go spend more time in the artifacts section of art museums, because if we understand the art of the past it helps us understand and create art for the future. Indigenous Contemporary Volume 2 is the second installment of the series. In Volume 2 of the series, he adds technology to the process of creating the paintings, using Photoshop software to alter photos of indigenous sculptures and of my own paintings and drawings, then using a wide-format printer to make enlargements of the altered photos. Applying these technologies, he wants to bridge the gap between the past and the future. If we understand the art of the past, it helps us understand and create art for the future.

2143 Westheimer | Houston, TX 77098 | 713.521.7500 |

Selected Solo Exhibitions 2019 African Contemporary, Fort Worth Community Arts Center, Fort Worth, Texas 2018 Volume 2 2018, Cafe Brasil, Houston, Texas Just Another Day, The Tipping point, Houston, Texas Color Ways, Mid Main Art Projects, Houston, Texas A Natural Curiosity, Flight Gallery, San Antonio, Texas

2017 2016 2014 2013 2005

Gimme Shelter, Private Eye Gallery, Houston, Texas Untitled Exhibition #003, Tomo Mags, Houston, Texas A Theory of Color, Mid Main Art Projects Mid Main Windows, Houston, Texas When the Going was Good, Little Pink Monster, Austin, Texas A Touch of Felt, Cafe Brazil, Houston, Texas

Selected Group Exhibitions 2019 NEXT: Three Generations of Houston Abstract Expressionists—Featuring Richard Stout, Ibsen Espada & Jonathan Paul Jackson, Foltz Fine Art, Houston, Texas 2018 Shinrin Yoku, East Austin Studio Tours, Austin, Texas Long Live Bolm, East Austin Studio Tours, Austin, Texas Thanussiness, Flight Gallery, San Antonio, Texas Texas Aviary”, Reaves | Foltz Fine Art, Houston, Texas 2017 Holiday Show, Reaves | Foltz Fine Art, Houston, Texas Wild Abandon E.A.S.T., Print Press, Austin, Texas Group Show, Lullwood Group, San Antonio Texas Tell me I Can't, SXSW event, Topology Gallery, Austin, Texas

Galveston Art Walk, Senpai Gallery, Galveston, Texas The Blanket Show, Senpai Gallery, Galveston, Texas El Ricon Social Show, MKT Bar, Houston, Texas

2016 Contact: Two-Man Show with Andrew Schmidt, Topology Gallery, Austin, Texas Trust Me Daddy, Safe House Gallery, Houston, Texas East Austin Studio Tour, Topology Gallery, Austin, Texas By the Pound, Museum of Human Achievement, Austin, Texas Art Bash, Austin Art Alliance, The Pershing, Austin, Texas Group Show, Flight Gallery, San Antonio, Texas Locus, Alt Gallery, Austin, Texas Artifacts and Photos, Flight Gallery, San Antonio, Texas SXSW art installation, American Greeting Card Company, Austin, Texas

2015 2014 2007 2005

Meditations: Art of the African Diasporas, Texas Southern University Art Museum, Houston, Texas. Curated by Dr. Alvia Wardlaw. Untitled Exhibition #003, Tomo Mags, Houston, Texas Collective Solid, Deborah Colton Gallery, Houston, Texas Artifacts, El Rincon Social, Houston, Texas Group Show, Alonzo Gallery, Houston, Texas The Group Show, Little Pink Monster, Austin, Texas Black\Gold: Two-Man Show with Adrian Landon Brooks, Sucker Punch Art Gallery, Houston, Texas The Great Adventures, The Private Residence of Daniel Kane, Houston, Texas

2143 Westheimer | Houston, TX 77098 | 713.521.7500 |

Foltz Fine Art

Sea of Green:

2143 Westheimer Houston, TX 77098 713.521.7500

Collaborative works by DUAL & J. Paul Jackson 1.


DUAL + J. Paul Jackson Collaboration A Sea of Green Diptych, 2021 aerosol, acrylic, oil stick, inkjet on paper, on wooden panel 96 x 96 in

DUAL + J. Paul Jackson Collaboration Born on the Bayou , 2021 aerosol and acrylic on canvas 46 x 46 in

2143 Westheimer | Houston, TX 77098 | 713.521.7500 |



Foltz Fine Art 2143 Westheimer Houston, TX 77098 713.521.7500

DUAL + J. Paul Jackson Collaboration A Sea of Green Diptych, 2021 aerosol, acrylic, oil stick, inkjet on paper, on wooden panel 96 x 96 in $20,000.00 96x48" (each panel); 96x96" overall

2143 Westheimer | Houston, TX 77098 | 713.521.7500 |

Foltz Fine Art 2143 Westheimer Houston, TX 77098 713.521.7500

DUAL + J. Paul Jackson Collaboration Born on the Bayou , 2021 aerosol and acrylic on canvas 46 x 46 in $10,500.00

2143 Westheimer | Houston, TX 77098 | 713.521.7500 |

Foltz Fine Art

Sea of Green:

2143 Westheimer Houston, TX 77098 713.521.7500

Paintings by DUAL



DUAL Bird House, 2021 aerosol and acrylic on wood 9.25 x 8 x 8 in


DUAL Blue Dot, 2021 aerosol and acrylic on wood 48 x 23 in



DUAL Blue Dream, 2020 aerosol and latex on wood 25 x 15 in



DUAL Flowers for Mom, 2020 aerosol and latex on canvas 36 x 24 in


2143 Westheimer | Houston, TX 77098 | 713.521.7500 |


DUAL Greenhouse II - Diptych (L), 2020 acrylic and aerosol on canvas 27 x 26 in



DUAL Greenhouse II Diptych (R), 2020 acrylic and aerosol on canvas 27 x 26 in



DUAL King Kong Coleus, 2021 aerosol and acrylic on canvas 30 x 20 in



DUAL Lemon Lime, 2021 aerosol and acrylic on wood 47 x 24 in



DUAL Moses in the Cradle, 2021 aerosol on wood 47 x 32 in


2143 Westheimer | Houston, TX 77098 | 713.521.7500 |





DUAL Pink Mango, 2020 aerosol and latex on birch panel 10 x 10 in

DUAL Pipe Dream, 2019 aerosol on wood 10 x 10 in

DUAL Pipe Dream IV, 2019 aerosol on wood 14 x 14 in




DUAL Playin' Tennis with Mr. Nice Guy, 2019 aerosol and acrylic on canvas 20 x 16 in




DUAL Purple Power, 2020 aerosol and acrylic on wood panel 18 x 18 in


DUAL Purple Widow, 2020 acrylic and aerosol on panel 26 x 15.50 in


2143 Westheimer | Houston, TX 77098 | 713.521.7500 |


DUAL Quarantine at Sea, 2020 aerosol and acrylic on canvas 20 x 16 in



DUAL Rainbow Pie, 2021 aerosol and acrylic on wood 36.50 x 21.50 in




DUAL Rollin', 2019 aerosol on wood 12 x 12 in


DUAL Sunset Sherbet , 2020 aerosol and acrylic on canvas 20 x 16 in



DUAL Variegated Dracaena, 2021 aerosol on wood 48 x 35 in


2143 Westheimer | Houston, TX 77098 | 713.521.7500 |

Foltz Fine Art

Sea of Green:

Paintings by DUAL

DUAL Bird House, 2021 aerosol and acrylic on wood 9.25 x 8 x 8 in $850.00

2143 Westheimer | Houston, TX 77098 | 713.521.7500 |

2143 Westheimer Houston, TX 77098 713.521.7500

Foltz Fine Art 2143 Westheimer Houston, TX 77098 713.521.7500

DUAL Blue Dot, 2021 aerosol and acrylic on wood 48 x 23 in $4,600.00

2143 Westheimer | Houston, TX 77098 | 713.521.7500 |

Foltz Fine Art 2143 Westheimer Houston, TX 77098 713.521.7500

DUAL Blue Dream, 2020 aerosol and latex on wood 25 x 15 in $1,600.00

2143 Westheimer | Houston, TX 77098 | 713.521.7500 |

Foltz Fine Art 2143 Westheimer Houston, TX 77098 713.521.7500

DUAL Flowers for Mom, 2020 aerosol and latex on canvas 36 x 24 in $3,600.00

2143 Westheimer | Houston, TX 77098 | 713.521.7500 |

Foltz Fine Art 2143 Westheimer Houston, TX 77098 713.521.7500

DUAL Greenhouse II - Diptych (L), 2020 acrylic and aerosol on canvas 27 x 26 in $2,900.00

DUAL Greenhouse II Diptych (R), 2020 acrylic and aerosol on canvas 27 x 26 in $2,900.00

2143 Westheimer | Houston, TX 77098 | 713.521.7500 |

Foltz Fine Art 2143 Westheimer Houston, TX 77098 713.521.7500

DUAL King Kong Coleus, 2021 aerosol and acrylic on canvas 30 x 20 in $2,800.00

2143 Westheimer | Houston, TX 77098 | 713.521.7500 |

Foltz Fine Art 2143 Westheimer Houston, TX 77098 713.521.7500

DUAL Lemon Lime, 2021 aerosol and acrylic on wood 47 x 24 in $4,800.00

2143 Westheimer | Houston, TX 77098 | 713.521.7500 |

Foltz Fine Art 2143 Westheimer Houston, TX 77098 713.521.7500

DUAL Moses in the Cradle, 2021 aerosol on wood 47 x 32 in $6,000.00

2143 Westheimer | Houston, TX 77098 | 713.521.7500 |

Foltz Fine Art 2143 Westheimer Houston, TX 77098 713.521.7500

DUAL Pink Mango, 2020 aerosol and latex on birch panel 10 x 10 in $600.00

2143 Westheimer | Houston, TX 77098 | 713.521.7500 |

Foltz Fine Art 2143 Westheimer Houston, TX 77098 713.521.7500

DUAL Pipe Dream, 2019 aerosol on wood 10 x 10 in $600.00

2143 Westheimer | Houston, TX 77098 | 713.521.7500 |

Foltz Fine Art 2143 Westheimer Houston, TX 77098 713.521.7500

DUAL Pipe Dream IV, 2019 aerosol on wood 14 x 14 in $950.00

2143 Westheimer | Houston, TX 77098 | 713.521.7500 |

Foltz Fine Art 2143 Westheimer Houston, TX 77098 713.521.7500

DUAL Playin' Tennis with Mr. Nice Guy, 2019 aerosol and acrylic on canvas 20 x 16 in $1,500.00

2143 Westheimer | Houston, TX 77098 | 713.521.7500 |

Foltz Fine Art 2143 Westheimer Houston, TX 77098 713.521.7500

DUAL Purple Power, 2020 aerosol and acrylic on wood panel 18 x 18 in $1,200.00

2143 Westheimer | Houston, TX 77098 | 713.521.7500 |

Foltz Fine Art 2143 Westheimer Houston, TX 77098 713.521.7500

DUAL Purple Widow, 2020 acrylic and aerosol on panel 26 x 15.50 in $1,700.00

2143 Westheimer | Houston, TX 77098 | 713.521.7500 |

Foltz Fine Art 2143 Westheimer Houston, TX 77098 713.521.7500

DUAL Quarantine at Sea, 2020 aerosol and acrylic on canvas 20 x 16 in $1,500.00

2143 Westheimer | Houston, TX 77098 | 713.521.7500 |

Foltz Fine Art 2143 Westheimer Houston, TX 77098 713.521.7500

DUAL Rainbow Pie, 2021 aerosol and acrylic on wood 36.50 x 21.50 in $3,200.00

2143 Westheimer | Houston, TX 77098 | 713.521.7500 |

Foltz Fine Art 2143 Westheimer Houston, TX 77098 713.521.7500

DUAL Rollin', 2019 aerosol on wood 12 x 12 in $750.00

2143 Westheimer | Houston, TX 77098 | 713.521.7500 |

Foltz Fine Art 2143 Westheimer Houston, TX 77098 713.521.7500

DUAL Sunset Sherbet , 2020 aerosol and acrylic on canvas 20 x 16 in $1,500.00

2143 Westheimer | Houston, TX 77098 | 713.521.7500 |

Foltz Fine Art 2143 Westheimer Houston, TX 77098 713.521.7500

DUAL Variegated Dracaena, 2021 aerosol on wood 48 x 35 in $6,000.00

2143 Westheimer | Houston, TX 77098 | 713.521.7500 |

Foltz Fine Art

Sea of Green:

2143 Westheimer Houston, TX 77098 713.521.7500

Paintings by J. Paul Jackson



Jonathan Paul Jackson In the Garden of Eden #3, 2017 mixed media on wood panel 48.25 x 48.25 in


Jonathan Paul Jackson Untitled Flowers Num. 032, 2020 acrylic paint and inkjet on watercolor paper 67.50 x 41.50 in Framed 73.50 x 46.50 in




Jonathan Paul Jackson In the Garden of Eden #1, 2017 mixed media on paper 43 x 49 in Framed 49 x 56.50 in


Jonathan Paul Jackson In the Garden #42, 2021 acrylic and oil pastel on unstretched canvas 72 x 52 in


2143 Westheimer | Houston, TX 77098 | 713.521.7500 |


Jonathan Paul Jackson In the Garden#15, 2021 acrylic and oil pastel on canvas 68 x 50 in



Jonathan Paul Jackson Tall Gardens, 2021 acrylic and oil pastel on canvas 72.50 x 44 in



Jonathan Paul Jackson In the Garden #16, 2021 acrylic and oil pastel on unstretched canvas 73 x 68 in



Jonathan Paul Jackson West Texas Landscape #36, 2020 mixed media on wood blocks 35 x 35 in



Jonathan Paul Jackson In the Garden #18, 2021 acrylic and oil pastel on wood panel 48 x 38.50 in


2143 Westheimer | Houston, TX 77098 | 713.521.7500 |


Jonathan Paul Jackson Double Vision, Double Cactus No. 2, 2020 acrylic, oil pastel and gold leaf on canvas mounted to wood 43 x 48 in







Jonathan Paul Jackson In the Garden #14, 2021 acrylic and oil pastel on canvas 70 x 84 in


Jonathan Paul Jackson Desert Landscape #24, 2020 acrylic, oil pastel and collage on canvas 30 x 30 in Framed 31 x 31 in


Jonathan Paul Jackson Century Agave #6, 2021 acrylic and mixed media tapestry mounted to wood 50 x 56 in

Jonathan Paul Jackson Yucca Plant at Chinati Foundation #2, 2020 acrylic, oil pastel, inkjet on canvas mounted to ocotillo branch 64 x 45 in



Jonathan Paul Jackson Down in the Canyon #3, 2020 acrylic, oil pastel, inkjet on canvas mounted to driftwood 64 x 45 in


2143 Westheimer | Houston, TX 77098 | 713.521.7500 |

Foltz Fine Art

Sea of Green:

Paintings by J. Paul Jackson

Jonathan Paul Jackson In the Garden of Eden #3, 2017 mixed media on wood panel 48.25 x 48.25 in $3,500.00

2143 Westheimer | Houston, TX 77098 | 713.521.7500 |

2143 Westheimer Houston, TX 77098 713.521.7500

Foltz Fine Art 2143 Westheimer Houston, TX 77098 713.521.7500

Jonathan Paul Jackson Untitled Flowers Num. 032, 2020 acrylic paint and inkjet on watercolor paper 67.50 x 41.50 in Framed 73.50 x 46.50 in $4,500.00

2143 Westheimer | Houston, TX 77098 | 713.521.7500 |

Foltz Fine Art 2143 Westheimer Houston, TX 77098 713.521.7500

Jonathan Paul Jackson In the Garden of Eden #1, 2017 mixed media on paper 43 x 49 in Framed 49 x 56.50 in $2,800.00

2143 Westheimer | Houston, TX 77098 | 713.521.7500 |

Foltz Fine Art 2143 Westheimer Houston, TX 77098 713.521.7500

Jonathan Paul Jackson In the Garden #42, 2021 acrylic and oil pastel on unstretched canvas 72 x 52 in $3,200.00

2143 Westheimer | Houston, TX 77098 | 713.521.7500 |

Foltz Fine Art 2143 Westheimer Houston, TX 77098 713.521.7500

Jonathan Paul Jackson In the Garden#15, 2021 acrylic and oil pastel on canvas 68 x 50 in $3,200.00

2143 Westheimer | Houston, TX 77098 | 713.521.7500 |

Foltz Fine Art 2143 Westheimer Houston, TX 77098 713.521.7500

Jonathan Paul Jackson Tall Gardens, 2021 acrylic and oil pastel on canvas 72.50 x 44 in $3,000.00

2143 Westheimer | Houston, TX 77098 | 713.521.7500 |

Foltz Fine Art 2143 Westheimer Houston, TX 77098 713.521.7500

Jonathan Paul Jackson In the Garden #16, 2021 acrylic and oil pastel on unstretched canvas 73 x 68 in $3,600.00

2143 Westheimer | Houston, TX 77098 | 713.521.7500 |

Foltz Fine Art 2143 Westheimer Houston, TX 77098 713.521.7500

Jonathan Paul Jackson West Texas Landscape #36, 2020 mixed media on wood blocks 35 x 35 in $1,400.00

2143 Westheimer | Houston, TX 77098 | 713.521.7500 |

Foltz Fine Art 2143 Westheimer Houston, TX 77098 713.521.7500

Jonathan Paul Jackson In the Garden #18, 2021 acrylic and oil pastel on wood panel 48 x 38.50 in $1,800.00

2143 Westheimer | Houston, TX 77098 | 713.521.7500 |

Foltz Fine Art 2143 Westheimer Houston, TX 77098 713.521.7500

Jonathan Paul Jackson Double Vision, Double Cactus No. 2, 2020 acrylic, oil pastel and gold leaf on canvas mounted to wood 43 x 48 in $2,000.00 43x48" overall; 39x41" canvas

2143 Westheimer | Houston, TX 77098 | 713.521.7500 |

Foltz Fine Art 2143 Westheimer Houston, TX 77098 713.521.7500

Jonathan Paul Jackson In the Garden #14, 2021 acrylic and oil pastel on canvas 70 x 84 in $5,600.00

2143 Westheimer | Houston, TX 77098 | 713.521.7500 |

Foltz Fine Art 2143 Westheimer Houston, TX 77098 713.521.7500

Jonathan Paul Jackson Desert Landscape #24, 2020 acrylic, oil pastel and collage on canvas 30 x 30 in Framed 31 x 31 in $1,800.00

2143 Westheimer | Houston, TX 77098 | 713.521.7500 |

Foltz Fine Art 2143 Westheimer Houston, TX 77098 713.521.7500

Jonathan Paul Jackson Century Agave #6, 2021 acrylic and mixed media tapestry mounted to wood 50 x 56 in $2,800.00 50x56" overall; 47.5x36" canvas

2143 Westheimer | Houston, TX 77098 | 713.521.7500 |

Foltz Fine Art 2143 Westheimer Houston, TX 77098 713.521.7500

Jonathan Paul Jackson Yucca Plant at Chinati Foundation #2, 2020 acrylic, oil pastel, inkjet on canvas mounted to ocotillo branch 64 x 45 in $1,600.00

2143 Westheimer | Houston, TX 77098 | 713.521.7500 |

Foltz Fine Art 2143 Westheimer Houston, TX 77098 713.521.7500

Jonathan Paul Jackson Down in the Canyon #3, 2020 acrylic, oil pastel, inkjet on canvas mounted to driftwood 64 x 45 in $1,600.00 *view from the Window hike in Big Bend National Park

2143 Westheimer | Houston, TX 77098 | 713.521.7500 |

Foltz Fine Art

Sea of Green:

2143 Westheimer Houston, TX 77098 713.521.7500

Collages by DUAL



DUAL (Not So) Still Life, 2015 acrylic, aerosol, tape and varnish on linen 9 x 7.50 in Framed 14 x 12 in


DUAL Counting Stars in Your Backyard, 2016 acrylic, aerosol, tape and varnish on linen 8.50 x 5.25 in Framed 13.50 x 10.50 in



DUAL It's Toasted, 2015 acrylic, aerosol, tape and varnish on linen 8.50 x 5.50 in Framed 13.50 x 10.50 in



DUAL Moon Over Miami, 2016 acrylic, aerosol, tape and varnish on linen 8.50 x 5.50 in Framed 13.50 x 10.50 in


2143 Westheimer | Houston, TX 77098 | 713.521.7500 |


DUAL Moon Rocks, 2016 acrylic, aerosol, tape and varnish on linen 8.50 x 5.50 in Framed 13.50 x 10.50 in



DUAL Overgrown, 2017 acrylic, aerosol, tape and varnish on linen 8.50 x 5.50 in Framed 13.50 x 10.50 in



DUAL Pink Wall, 2017 acrylic, aerosol, tape and varnish on linen 8.50 x 5.50 in Framed 13.50 x 10.50 in



DUAL Purple Haze, 2017 acrylic, aerosol, tape and varnish on linen 8.50 x 5.50 in Framed 13.50 x 10.50 in


2143 Westheimer | Houston, TX 77098 | 713.521.7500 |


DUAL ROYGBV, 2015 acrylic, aerosol, tape and varnish on linen 8.50 x 5.25 in Framed 13.50 x 10.50 in



DUAL The Studio Tank, 2016 acrylic, aerosol, tape and varnish on linen 8.50 x 5.50 in Framed 13.50 x 10.50 in



DUAL Them New, Fresh, 2016 acrylic, aerosol, tape and varnish on linen 8.50 x 5.50 in Framed 13.50 x 10.50 in



DUAL Under the Weather, 2015 acrylic, aerosol, tape and varnish on linen 6.50 x 4.50 in Framed 11.25 x 9 in


2143 Westheimer | Houston, TX 77098 | 713.521.7500 |


DUAL Under the Weather, 2015 acrylic, aerosol, tape and varnish on linen 6.25 x 4.25 in Framed 11 x 9 in





DUAL Untitled , 2016 acrylic, aerosol, tape and varnish on linen 9 x 7.50 in Framed 14 x 12 in


DUAL Upside Down Sunset II, 2016 acrylic, aerosol, tape and varnish on linen 9 x 7.50 in Framed 14 x 12 in


DUAL Zig-Zag, 2016 acrylic, aerosol, tape and varnish on linen 8.50 x 5.50 in Framed 13.50 x 10.50 in


2143 Westheimer | Houston, TX 77098 | 713.521.7500 |

Foltz Fine Art

Sea of Green:

Collages by DUAL

DUAL (Not So) Still Life, 2015 acrylic, aerosol, tape and varnish on linen 9 x 7.50 in Framed 14 x 12 in $850.00

2143 Westheimer | Houston, TX 77098 | 713.521.7500 |

2143 Westheimer Houston, TX 77098 713.521.7500

Foltz Fine Art 2143 Westheimer Houston, TX 77098 713.521.7500

DUAL Counting Stars in Your Backyard, 2016 acrylic, aerosol, tape and varnish on linen 8.50 x 5.25 in Framed 13.50 x 10.50 in $750.00

2143 Westheimer | Houston, TX 77098 | 713.521.7500 |

Foltz Fine Art 2143 Westheimer Houston, TX 77098 713.521.7500

DUAL It's Toasted, 2015 acrylic, aerosol, tape and varnish on linen 8.50 x 5.50 in Framed 13.50 x 10.50 in $750.00

2143 Westheimer | Houston, TX 77098 | 713.521.7500 |

Foltz Fine Art 2143 Westheimer Houston, TX 77098 713.521.7500

DUAL Moon Over Miami, 2016 acrylic, aerosol, tape and varnish on linen 8.50 x 5.50 in Framed 13.50 x 10.50 in $750.00

2143 Westheimer | Houston, TX 77098 | 713.521.7500 |

Foltz Fine Art 2143 Westheimer Houston, TX 77098 713.521.7500

DUAL Moon Rocks, 2016 acrylic, aerosol, tape and varnish on linen 8.50 x 5.50 in Framed 13.50 x 10.50 in $750.00

2143 Westheimer | Houston, TX 77098 | 713.521.7500 |

Foltz Fine Art 2143 Westheimer Houston, TX 77098 713.521.7500

DUAL Overgrown, 2017 acrylic, aerosol, tape and varnish on linen 8.50 x 5.50 in Framed 13.50 x 10.50 in $750.00

2143 Westheimer | Houston, TX 77098 | 713.521.7500 |

Foltz Fine Art 2143 Westheimer Houston, TX 77098 713.521.7500

DUAL Pink Wall, 2017 acrylic, aerosol, tape and varnish on linen 8.50 x 5.50 in Framed 13.50 x 10.50 in $750.00

2143 Westheimer | Houston, TX 77098 | 713.521.7500 |

Foltz Fine Art 2143 Westheimer Houston, TX 77098 713.521.7500

DUAL Purple Haze, 2017 acrylic, aerosol, tape and varnish on linen 8.50 x 5.50 in Framed 13.50 x 10.50 in $750.00

2143 Westheimer | Houston, TX 77098 | 713.521.7500 |

Foltz Fine Art 2143 Westheimer Houston, TX 77098 713.521.7500

DUAL ROYGBV, 2015 acrylic, aerosol, tape and varnish on linen 8.50 x 5.25 in Framed 13.50 x 10.50 in $750.00

2143 Westheimer | Houston, TX 77098 | 713.521.7500 |

Foltz Fine Art 2143 Westheimer Houston, TX 77098 713.521.7500

DUAL The Studio Tank, 2016 acrylic, aerosol, tape and varnish on linen 8.50 x 5.50 in Framed 13.50 x 10.50 in $750.00

2143 Westheimer | Houston, TX 77098 | 713.521.7500 |

Foltz Fine Art 2143 Westheimer Houston, TX 77098 713.521.7500

DUAL Them New, Fresh, 2016 acrylic, aerosol, tape and varnish on linen 8.50 x 5.50 in Framed 13.50 x 10.50 in $750.00

2143 Westheimer | Houston, TX 77098 | 713.521.7500 |

Foltz Fine Art 2143 Westheimer Houston, TX 77098 713.521.7500

DUAL Under the Weather, 2015 acrylic, aerosol, tape and varnish on linen 6.50 x 4.50 in Framed 11.25 x 9 in $650.00

2143 Westheimer | Houston, TX 77098 | 713.521.7500 |

Foltz Fine Art 2143 Westheimer Houston, TX 77098 713.521.7500

DUAL Under the Weather, 2015 acrylic, aerosol, tape and varnish on linen 6.25 x 4.25 in Framed 11 x 9 in $650.00

2143 Westheimer | Houston, TX 77098 | 713.521.7500 |

Foltz Fine Art 2143 Westheimer Houston, TX 77098 713.521.7500

DUAL Untitled , 2016 acrylic, aerosol, tape and varnish on linen 9 x 7.50 in Framed 14 x 12 in $850.00

2143 Westheimer | Houston, TX 77098 | 713.521.7500 |

Foltz Fine Art 2143 Westheimer Houston, TX 77098 713.521.7500

DUAL Upside Down Sunset II, 2016 acrylic, aerosol, tape and varnish on linen 9 x 7.50 in Framed 14 x 12 in $850.00

2143 Westheimer | Houston, TX 77098 | 713.521.7500 |

Foltz Fine Art 2143 Westheimer Houston, TX 77098 713.521.7500

DUAL Zig-Zag, 2016 acrylic, aerosol, tape and varnish on linen 8.50 x 5.50 in Framed 13.50 x 10.50 in $750.00

2143 Westheimer | Houston, TX 77098 | 713.521.7500 |

Foltz Fine Art

Sea of Green:

2143 Westheimer Houston, TX 77098 713.521.7500

Small Works by J. Paul Jackson


Jonathan Paul Jackson Garden Detail #1, 2019 acrylic and oil pastel on canvas 14 x 11 in



Jonathan Paul Jackson Garden Detail 8, 2019 acrylic and oil pastel on canvas 14 x 11 in



Jonathan Paul Jackson Untitled Ocotillo #2 , 2020 acrylic, oil pastel and inkjet on paper 14 x 11 in Framed 15 x 12 in



Jonathan Paul Jackson Pink and Red Flowers, 2021 mixed media on hand-pressed paper 9 x 11 in

2143 Westheimer | Houston, TX 77098 | 713.521.7500 |



Jonathan Paul Jackson In the Garden Study #1, 2021 mixed media on hand-pressed paper 11 x 9 in



Jonathan Paul Jackson Red Flowers #3, Alt Version No. 7, 2021 mixed media on hand-made paper 16 x 11 in Framed 17 x 13 in



Jonathan Paul Jackson Pink Flower Variation, 2021 mixed media on hand-pressed paper 11.50 x 9.50 in Framed 17 x 13 in




Jonathan Paul Jackson Desert Double Vision, 2021 mixed media on paper 13.50 x 18 in Framed 17 x 21 in

Jonathan Paul Jackson In the Garden Study #20, 2021 mixed media on hand-made paper 12.50 x 10.25 in Framed 15 x 12 in

2143 Westheimer | Houston, TX 77098 | 713.521.7500 |




Jonathan Paul Jackson In the Garden Study #2, 2021 mixed media on hand-pressed paper 11 x 9 in



Jonathan Paul Jackson Agave Detail, 2021 mixed media on hand-pressed paper 12 x 10 in Framed 15 x 12 in



Jonathan Paul Jackson In the Garden Study #4, 2021 mixed media on hand-pressed paper 11 x 9 in



Jonathan Paul Jackson Yellow Flowers , 2021 mixed media on hand-pressed paper 17 x 13 in



Jonathan Paul Jackson Orange Leaves Study, 2021 mixed media on hand-pressed paper 17 x 13 in


2143 Westheimer | Houston, TX 77098 | 713.521.7500 |


Jonathan Paul Jackson In the Garden Study #17, 2021 mixed media on hand-made paper 13.50 x 10.50 in






Jonathan Paul Jackson West Texas Study 7, 2020 acrylic and oil pastel on paper 11 x 14 in Framed 12.50 x 15.50 in

Jonathan Paul Jackson Down in the Canyon #2, 2020 acrylic, oil pastel and inkjet on paper 14 x 11 in Framed 15 x 12 in

Jonathan Paul Jackson West Texas Landscape, 2021 mixed media on paper 14 x 18 in Framed 17.50 x 21.25 in




Jonathan Paul Jackson Orange Leaf #5, 2021 mixed media on hand-pressed paper 11 x 9 in


2143 Westheimer | Houston, TX 77098 | 713.521.7500 |


Jonathan Paul Jackson Red, Pink and Yellow Flowers #3, 2021 acrylic paint and inkjet on watercolor paper 12 x 9 in Framed 15 x 12 in



Jonathan Paul Jackson In the Garden Study #7, 2021 mixed media on hand-pressed paper 11 x 9 in



Jonathan Paul Jackson In the Garden # 6, 2021 mixed media on hand-pressed paper 11 x 9 in



Jonathan Paul Jackson Pink, Red and Yellow Flowers, 2021 mixed media on hand-pressed paper 11 x 9 in




Jonathan Paul Jackson Red Flowers Diptych, 2021 acrylic paint and inkjet on watercolor paper 11 x 18 in

Jonathan Paul Jackson More Flowers and Gold, 2021 mixed media on hand-pressed paper 9.50 x 12 in Framed 15 x 12 in

2143 Westheimer | Houston, TX 77098 | 713.521.7500 |





Jonathan Paul Jackson In the Garden Study #8, 2021 mixed media on hand-pressed paper 13.50 x 10.50 in Framed 15 x 12 in


Jonathan Paul Jackson In the Garden Study 3, 2021 mixed media on hand-pressed paper 11 x 9 in



Jonathan Paul Jackson In the Garden Study #4, 2021 mixed media on hand-pressed paper 11 x 9 in



Jonathan Paul Jackson In the Garden Study #5, 2021 mixed media on hand-pressed paper 11 x 9 in



Jonathan Paul Jackson In the Garden Study #9, 2021 mixed media on hand-pressed paper 13 x 17 in

2143 Westheimer | Houston, TX 77098 | 713.521.7500 |


Foltz Fine Art

Sea of Green:

Small Works by J. Paul Jackson

Jonathan Paul Jackson Garden Detail #1, 2019 acrylic and oil pastel on canvas 14 x 11 in $475.00

2143 Westheimer | Houston, TX 77098 | 713.521.7500 |

2143 Westheimer Houston, TX 77098 713.521.7500

Foltz Fine Art 2143 Westheimer Houston, TX 77098 713.521.7500

Jonathan Paul Jackson Garden Detail 8, 2019 acrylic and oil pastel on canvas 14 x 11 in $475.00

2143 Westheimer | Houston, TX 77098 | 713.521.7500 |

Foltz Fine Art 2143 Westheimer Houston, TX 77098 713.521.7500

Jonathan Paul Jackson Untitled Ocotillo #2 , 2020 acrylic, oil pastel and inkjet on paper 14 x 11 in Framed 15 x 12 in $225.00

2143 Westheimer | Houston, TX 77098 | 713.521.7500 |

Foltz Fine Art 2143 Westheimer Houston, TX 77098 713.521.7500

Jonathan Paul Jackson Pink and Red Flowers, 2021 mixed media on hand-pressed paper 9 x 11 in $425.00

2143 Westheimer | Houston, TX 77098 | 713.521.7500 |

Foltz Fine Art 2143 Westheimer Houston, TX 77098 713.521.7500

Jonathan Paul Jackson In the Garden Study #1, 2021 mixed media on hand-pressed paper 11 x 9 in $425.00

2143 Westheimer | Houston, TX 77098 | 713.521.7500 |

Foltz Fine Art 2143 Westheimer Houston, TX 77098 713.521.7500

Jonathan Paul Jackson Red Flowers #3, Alt Version No. 7, 2021 mixed media on hand-made paper 16 x 11 in Framed 17 x 13 in $475.00

2143 Westheimer | Houston, TX 77098 | 713.521.7500 |

Foltz Fine Art 2143 Westheimer Houston, TX 77098 713.521.7500

Jonathan Paul Jackson Pink Flower Variation, 2021 mixed media on hand-pressed paper 11.50 x 9.50 in Framed 17 x 13 in $475.00

2143 Westheimer | Houston, TX 77098 | 713.521.7500 |

Foltz Fine Art 2143 Westheimer Houston, TX 77098 713.521.7500

Jonathan Paul Jackson Desert Double Vision, 2021 mixed media on paper 13.50 x 18 in Framed 17 x 21 in $325.00

2143 Westheimer | Houston, TX 77098 | 713.521.7500 |

Foltz Fine Art 2143 Westheimer Houston, TX 77098 713.521.7500

Jonathan Paul Jackson In the Garden Study #20, 2021 mixed media on hand-made paper 12.50 x 10.25 in Framed 15 x 12 in $475.00

2143 Westheimer | Houston, TX 77098 | 713.521.7500 |

Foltz Fine Art 2143 Westheimer Houston, TX 77098 713.521.7500

Jonathan Paul Jackson In the Garden Study #2, 2021 mixed media on hand-pressed paper 11 x 9 in $425.00

2143 Westheimer | Houston, TX 77098 | 713.521.7500 |

Foltz Fine Art 2143 Westheimer Houston, TX 77098 713.521.7500

Jonathan Paul Jackson Agave Detail, 2021 mixed media on hand-pressed paper 12 x 10 in Framed 15 x 12 in $475.00

2143 Westheimer | Houston, TX 77098 | 713.521.7500 |

Foltz Fine Art 2143 Westheimer Houston, TX 77098 713.521.7500

Jonathan Paul Jackson In the Garden Study #4, 2021 mixed media on hand-pressed paper 11 x 9 in $425.00

2143 Westheimer | Houston, TX 77098 | 713.521.7500 |

Foltz Fine Art 2143 Westheimer Houston, TX 77098 713.521.7500

Jonathan Paul Jackson Yellow Flowers , 2021 mixed media on hand-pressed paper 17 x 13 in $525.00

2143 Westheimer | Houston, TX 77098 | 713.521.7500 |

Foltz Fine Art 2143 Westheimer Houston, TX 77098 713.521.7500

Jonathan Paul Jackson Orange Leaves Study, 2021 mixed media on hand-pressed paper 17 x 13 in $500.00

2143 Westheimer | Houston, TX 77098 | 713.521.7500 |

Foltz Fine Art 2143 Westheimer Houston, TX 77098 713.521.7500

Jonathan Paul Jackson In the Garden Study #17, 2021 mixed media on hand-made paper 13.50 x 10.50 in $575.00

2143 Westheimer | Houston, TX 77098 | 713.521.7500 |

Foltz Fine Art 2143 Westheimer Houston, TX 77098 713.521.7500

Jonathan Paul Jackson West Texas Study 7, 2020 acrylic and oil pastel on paper 11 x 14 in Framed 12.50 x 15.50 in $425.00

2143 Westheimer | Houston, TX 77098 | 713.521.7500 |

Foltz Fine Art 2143 Westheimer Houston, TX 77098 713.521.7500

Jonathan Paul Jackson Down in the Canyon #2, 2020 acrylic, oil pastel and inkjet on paper 14 x 11 in Framed 15 x 12 in $225.00

2143 Westheimer | Houston, TX 77098 | 713.521.7500 |

Foltz Fine Art 2143 Westheimer Houston, TX 77098 713.521.7500

Jonathan Paul Jackson West Texas Landscape, 2021 mixed media on paper 14 x 18 in Framed 17.50 x 21.25 in $525.00

2143 Westheimer | Houston, TX 77098 | 713.521.7500 |

Foltz Fine Art 2143 Westheimer Houston, TX 77098 713.521.7500

Jonathan Paul Jackson Orange Leaf #5, 2021 mixed media on hand-pressed paper 11 x 9 in $425.00

2143 Westheimer | Houston, TX 77098 | 713.521.7500 |

Foltz Fine Art 2143 Westheimer Houston, TX 77098 713.521.7500

Jonathan Paul Jackson Red, Pink and Yellow Flowers #3, 2021 acrylic paint and inkjet on watercolor paper 12 x 9 in Framed 15 x 12 in $225.00

2143 Westheimer | Houston, TX 77098 | 713.521.7500 |

Foltz Fine Art 2143 Westheimer Houston, TX 77098 713.521.7500

Jonathan Paul Jackson In the Garden Study #7, 2021 mixed media on hand-pressed paper 11 x 9 in $425.00

2143 Westheimer | Houston, TX 77098 | 713.521.7500 |

Foltz Fine Art 2143 Westheimer Houston, TX 77098 713.521.7500

Jonathan Paul Jackson In the Garden # 6, 2021 mixed media on hand-pressed paper 11 x 9 in $425.00

2143 Westheimer | Houston, TX 77098 | 713.521.7500 |

Foltz Fine Art 2143 Westheimer Houston, TX 77098 713.521.7500

Jonathan Paul Jackson Pink, Red and Yellow Flowers, 2021 mixed media on hand-pressed paper 11 x 9 in $425.00

2143 Westheimer | Houston, TX 77098 | 713.521.7500 |

Foltz Fine Art 2143 Westheimer Houston, TX 77098 713.521.7500

Jonathan Paul Jackson Red Flowers Diptych, 2021 acrylic paint and inkjet on watercolor paper 11 x 18 in $825.00 11x9" each; 11 x 18" overall diptych

2143 Westheimer | Houston, TX 77098 | 713.521.7500 |

Foltz Fine Art 2143 Westheimer Houston, TX 77098 713.521.7500

Jonathan Paul Jackson More Flowers and Gold, 2021 mixed media on hand-pressed paper 9.50 x 12 in Framed 15 x 12 in $475.00

2143 Westheimer | Houston, TX 77098 | 713.521.7500 |

Foltz Fine Art 2143 Westheimer Houston, TX 77098 713.521.7500

Jonathan Paul Jackson In the Garden Study #8, 2021 mixed media on hand-pressed paper 13.50 x 10.50 in Framed 15 x 12 in $475.00

2143 Westheimer | Houston, TX 77098 | 713.521.7500 |

Foltz Fine Art 2143 Westheimer Houston, TX 77098 713.521.7500

Jonathan Paul Jackson In the Garden Study 3, 2021 mixed media on hand-pressed paper 11 x 9 in $425.00

2143 Westheimer | Houston, TX 77098 | 713.521.7500 |

Foltz Fine Art 2143 Westheimer Houston, TX 77098 713.521.7500

Jonathan Paul Jackson In the Garden Study #4, 2021 mixed media on hand-pressed paper 11 x 9 in $425.00

2143 Westheimer | Houston, TX 77098 | 713.521.7500 |

Foltz Fine Art 2143 Westheimer Houston, TX 77098 713.521.7500

Jonathan Paul Jackson In the Garden Study #5, 2021 mixed media on hand-pressed paper 11 x 9 in $425.00

2143 Westheimer | Houston, TX 77098 | 713.521.7500 |

Foltz Fine Art 2143 Westheimer Houston, TX 77098 713.521.7500

Jonathan Paul Jackson In the Garden Study #9, 2021 mixed media on hand-pressed paper 13 x 17 in $525.00

2143 Westheimer | Houston, TX 77098 | 713.521.7500 |

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