The Texas Aesthetic IV

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William Montgomery, Empress of Silence, 2011

The Texas Aesthetic IV

Contemporary Texas Regionalism William Reaves Fine Art • May 20 - July 30, 2011

Contemporary Genius and Timeless Texas Imagery:

The Texas Aesthetic IV

Those of you familiar with our gallery forwards� to the twenty-first century and presents know the pleasure and pride that we take in con- 16 of the best artists painting in the state today in ducting exhibitions an effort to examine of historically sigtheir treatment of nificant Texas art as the Texas aesthetic! our means of tracing At William the majestic rise of Reaves Fine Art, we art within our state. work from the thesis Consumed as we that there are definare with this historiing qualities and atcal mission, we are tributes in true Texas elated to present painting, and that The Texas Aesthetic these qualities are IV, our annual exhireflected through43. Laura Lewis, A Thousand Shades of White, 2011 bition of contempoout generations of Texas art and artists. rary art, as yet another compelling chapter in our Whether representational or otherwise, we are of ongoing saga examining the course of Texas art. the opinion that the best of Lone Star art possess In this exhibition, William Reaves Fine Art “fast a uniquely Texas aesthetic, distinguished by sub-

ject, style, palette and expression. This exhibition works convey timelessness and a natural progresunderscores our point. sion of subject matter in Texas art. The 16 artists represented in These paintings also reveal a strong this year’s show are contemporary quality of composition and express painters of the Texas scene. Simithe painterly facility evident in the lar to their illustrious predecessors, current generation of Texas artists. these artists embrace the iconic Texas has always been blessed with character and down-home scenery more than its share of accomplished of our own great state. An overview painters conveying stunning imof the exhibition features their conagery of their home country. This tinued fascination with the flora and exhibition reminds us of that. fauna of the Texas landscape, their It is true that great Texas paintings attention to the translucent qualities transcend the period in which they and atmospheric effects of our Texas are produced. While the master light, as well as their affinity for the works of earlier artists such as Julian wildlife and natural habitat of the Onderdonk and Alexandre Hogue Lone Star state. In this sense, these now hold places of honor in museartists demonstrate their kinship ums and fine private collections of with historical Texas artists, and adTexas art, it is worth remembering 14. Keith Davis, Texas Barn Owl, 2011 vance traditional subject matter ofthat these revered objects were acfered by earlier Texas masters from quired initially by astute and admirJose Arpa to Samuel Ziegler. Collectively these ing collectors while the artists were living and

“contemporary�. Great paintings, therefore, are take home a painting or two- for the present and worth collecting as they become available. As posterity. descendents and heirs to the great legacy of Texas -Bill Reaves, masters, we believe that Sarah Beth Wilson, the contemporary artists and Leslie Thompson in this show also warrant the attention of serious collectors in their present era. Just as savvy buyers exhibited foresight to pursue master works of Onderdonk and Hogue early on, we believe that present-day collectors will be rewarded many fold through their support 30. Robert Harrison, Bluebonnets in the Hill Country, 2011 of Texas masters-in-themaking included herein, and that their works will likewise stand the test of time! So, enjoy the Texas Aesthetic IV, remember the legacy of painting in our great state and

The Texas Aesthetic IV Exhibition Checklist




1. Randy Bacon Carol 2010 2. Randy Bacon Higher Powers 2011 3. Randy Bacon Kilter 2011 4. Randy Bacon Marfa Dusk #2 2011 5. Margie Crisp Aransas I & II (15/20) 1995 6. Margie Crisp Daybreak I (3/4) 2002 7. Margie Crisp Narcissus (6/25) 2002 8. Margie Crisp Pond Cycle (8/50) 2002 9. Margie Crisp Texas Roadside Silhouettes 2008 10. Keith Davis Accordion Player 2011 11. Keith Davis Guitar Guy 2011 12. Keith Davis Self Portrait 2011 13. Keith Davis Singing Cowboy 2009 14. Keith Davis Texas Barn Owl 2011 15. Jon Flaming Night Pickers - Fayettville, TX 2011 16. Jon Flaming Self-Portrait at Abandoned 2011 Filling Station in Italy, Texas (with iPhone and Barking Dog)



oil/canvas oil/canvas oil/canvas oil/canvas handcolored linocut linocut lithograph color silkscreen with hand coloring linocut acrylic/wood acrylic/wood acrylic/wood oil/board acrylic/wood oil/canvas oil/canvas

22x24 22x24 36x24 15x30 12x9 (each) 15x35 15 1/2 x11 1/2 14x22


44 1/4 x113 34x25 1/2 x7 1/2 26x12x6 17 1/2 x13x5 1/2 41 1/2 x25 26x15x4 27x32 30x40



17. Jon Flaming 18. Jon Flaming 19. Jon Flaming 20. Pat Gabriel 21. Pat Gabriel 22. Pat Gabriel 23. Pat Gabriel 24. Pat Gabriel 25. Hunter George 26. Hunter George 27. Hunter George 28. Hunter George 29. Hunter George 30. Robert Harrison 31. Robert Harrison 32. Robert Harrison 33. Robert Harrison 34. Lee Jamison 35. Lee Jamison 36. Lee Jamison 37. Lee Jamison 38. Stanley Kaminski 39. Stanley Kaminski

Western Movie Number 1 Western Movie Number 2 Western Movie Number 3 Clearing in the Mechanical Forest Evening Path Purple Mountain Soft Evening (Texan’s Twilight) The Passage Dry Dock to Seadrift High Noon at the Ranch Luling Twin Sisters West Texas Sunset Bluebonnets in the Hill Country Cactus Field Prickly Pear Cactus in Bloom Spring Time Trail Capture of the Harriet Lane Destruction of the Westfield Evening Report Yellow Stone on the Trinity Guadalupe Bass & P51 Mustang Space City, No Strings Attached

Date 2011 2011 2011 2008 2009 2006 2010 2006 2003 2011 2010 2003 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2007 2011 2011 2011

Medium Size oil/canvas oil/canvas oil/canvas oil/canvas oil/canvas oil/canvas oil/canvas oil/canvas watercolor watercolor watercolor watercolor watercolor oil/canvas oil/canvas oil/board oil/canvas oil/canvas oil/canvas oil/canvas oil/canvas ink/paper ink/paper


20x24 24x36 24x36 35x70 15x43 25 1/2 x50 1/2 16 1/2 x21 1/4 15x34 1/2 9x11 14x11 15x13 6x9 6x15 3/4 36x48 12x16 16x20 30x40 18x24 9x12 15x30 12x9 5x7 7x5



40. Stanley Kaminski 41. Stanley Kaminski 42. Stanley Kaminski 43. Laura Lewis 44. Laura Lewis 45. Laura Lewis 46. William Montgomery 47. William Montgomery 48. William Montgomery 49. Noe Perez 50. Noe Perez 51. Noe Perez 52. Noe Perez 53. Noe Perez 54. Jeri Salter 55. Jeri Salter 56. Jeri Salter 57. Jeri Salter 58. Jeri Salter 59. Erik Sprohge 60. Erik Sprohge 61. Erik Sprohge 62. Erik Sprohge

Space City, Strings Attached (7/7) State Fish, State Bird Trailer Hitch Cowboys A Thousand Shades of White Night Work If You Can Get It Tractor Tracks Empress of Silence Empress of Silence, A.P. Sunset with Grackles A Prickly Arrangement Brush Country Cattle Trails Color in the Hills Morning Light, Big Bend On a Spring Day Home on the Open Plains Just a Summer Storm Passing Under Southern Pacific Red Roof Under a Heavy Sky Train Don’t stop Here Anymore Bubba’s Place Evening Walk Fleming’s Bait Stand Texas Bar B-Q

Date Medium 2011 2011 2011 2011 2009 2011 2011 2010 2010 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2010 2011 2009 2010 2011


linocut ink/paper ink/paper oil/canvas oil/panel oil/panel oil/canvas line etching/aquatint oil/canvas oil/canvas oil/canvas oil/canvas/panel oil/canvas/panel oil/canvas pastel/board pastel/board pastel/board pastel/board pastel/board watercolor watercolor watercolor watercolor


9x7 24x17 5x7 24x48 11x14 18x36 28x42 12x18 24x36 24x24 24x30 12x16 12x16 16x24 16x30 36x26 16x20 22x29 14x18 22x14 10 1/2 x14 1/2 7 1/2 x10 1/2 14x22



63. Debbie Stevens 64. Debbie Stevens 65. Debbie Stevens 66. Debbie Stevens 67. Debbie Stevens 68. William Young 69. William Young 70. William Young 71. William Young

Roseate Splendor 2 Sandy 19 Shallow Stroll Together Winter Oasis Masters of Time The Ambassadors The Art of Negotiation The Herald of Spring

Date Medium 2011 2011 2011 2009 2009 2010 2011 2006 2011

oil/canvas oil/birch panel oil/canvas oil/canvas oil/canvas acrylic/masonite acrylic/masonite acrylic/masonite acrylic/masonite



36x72 36x48 20x30 18x24 30x48 14x36 25x20 16x12 17x48

Randy Bacon Biographical Highlights • 1957, born in Abilene, Texas

Education/Art Instruction • 1976-77, University of Texas at Austin • 1980, BFA, Southern Methodist University, Dallas, Texas • 2003, summer fellowship at Vermont Studio Center • 2007, MFA, Texas Christian University, Ft. Worth, Texas

Selected Public Exhibitions and Collections

• 2007, A Sense of Place, The Grace Museum, Abilene • 2007, Hunting Art Prize Exhibition, Houston, Texas • 2009, A Cell of One’s Own, The Old Jail Art Center, Albany, Texas • 2010, Art of the Red River War: A Clash of Cultures on the Southern Plains, Panhandle-Plains Historical Museum, Canyon, Texas • The Grace Museum, Abilene, Texas • John and Bobbie Nau Collection of Texas Art

1. Randy Bacon Carol, 2010 oil/canvas 22x24 in.

2. Randy Bacon Higher Powers, 2011 oil/canvas 22x24 in.

3. Randy Bacon Kilter, 2011 oil/canvas 36x24 in.

4. Randy Bacon Marfa Dusk #2, 2011 oil/canvas 15x30 in.

Margie Crisp Biographical Highlights • Born New Orleans, Louisiana, currently lives in Elgin, Texas

Education/Art Instruction

• Southwestern Technical College, Sylva, North Carolina • 1991, The University of Texas at Austin, Austin, Texas, B.F.A

Selected Public Exhibitions and Collections

• 1997, Contemporary Views: Images of Land and Nature, Museum of the Big Bend, Alpine, Texas • 2002, People, Places & Things, Austin Museum of Art, Austin, Texas • The Austin Museum of Art, Austin, Texas • Art Museum of South Texas, Corpus Christi, Texas • Tyler Museum of Art, Tyler, Texas • The Grace Museum, Abilene, Texas

5. Margie Crisp Aransas I & II (15/20), 1995 hand-colored linocut 12x9 in. (each)

6. Margie Crisp Daybreak I (3/4), 2002 linocut 15x35 in.

7. Margie Crisp Narcissus (6/25), 2002 lithograph 15 1/2 x11 1/2 in.

8. Margie Crisp Pond Cycle (8/50), 2002 color silkscreen with handcoloring 14x22 in.

9. Margie Crisp Texas Roadside Silhouettes, 2008 linocut 44 1/4 x113 in.

Keith Davis Biographical Highlights • 1955, born in Levelland, Texas

Education/Art Instruction • Self Taught Artist • Levelland High School, Levelland, Texas • Attended South Plains Junior College, Levelland, Texas

Selected Public Exhibitions and Collections • Numerous private collections

10. Keith Davis Accordion Player, 2011 acrylic/wood 34x25 1/2 x7 1/2 in.

11. Keith Davis Guitar Guy, 2011 acrylic/wood 26x12x6 in.

12. Keith Davis Self Portrait, 2011 acrylic/wood 17 1/2 x13x5 1/2 in.

13. Keith Davis Singing Cowboy, 2009 oil/board 41 1/2 x25 in.

14. Keith Davis Texas Barn Owl, 2011 acrylic/wood 26x15x4 in.

Jon Flaming Biographical Highlights • 1962, Born in Wichita, Kansas • 1968, Family moved to Texas

Education/Art Instruction • 1985, BFA, Texas State University, San Marcos, Texas

Selected Public Exhibitions and Collections • 2007, Then and Now , Texas State University, San Marcos, Texas • 2008, Art in the Metroplex, Texas Christian University, Ft. Worth, Texas • 2010, Bobbie & John Nau collection of Texas Art (Drawing on the Past), The Grace Museum, Abilene, Texas • Tyler Museum of Art, Tyler, Texas • Budweiser Silver Eagle Collection, Houston, Texas • The Grace Museum, Abilene, Texas

15. Jon Flaming Night Pickers - Fayetteville, TX, 2011 oil/canvas 27x32 in.

16. Jon Flaming Self-Portait at Abandoned Filling Station in Italy, Texas (with iPhone & Barking Dog), 2011 oil/canvas 30x40 in.

17. Jon Flaming Western Movie Number 1, 2011 oil/canvas 20x24 in.

18. Jon Flaming Western Movie Number 2, 2011 oil/canvas 24x36 in.

19. Jon Flaming Western Movie Number 3, 2011 oil/canvas 24x36 in.

Pat Gabriel Biographical Highlights • 1960, born in Chicago, Illinois • 1966, moves to Fort Worth, Texas

Education/Art Instruction • Self Taught Artist

Selected Public Exhibitions and Collections • 2009, American Landscape: Urban/Rural, Artspace 111, Ft. Worth, Texas • 2009-2010, Preservation is the Art of the City®, Fort Worth Community Arts Center • 2010-2011, Hunting Art Prize, Gulf States Toyota Friedkin Corporate Campus, Houston, Texas • John and Bobbie Nau Collection of Texas Art

20. Pat Gabriel Clearing in the Mechanical Forest, 2008 oil/canvas 35x70 in.

21. Pat Gabriel Evening Path, 2009 oil/canvas 15x43 in.

22. Pat Gabriel Purple Mountain, 2006 oil/canvas 25 1/2 x50 1/2 in.

23. Pat Gabriel Soft Evening (Texas Twilight), 2010 oil/canvas 16 1/2 x21 1/4 in.

24. Pat Gabriel The Passage, 2006 oil/canvas 15x34 1/2 in.

Hunter George Biographical Highlights • 1932, born in Lynchburg, Virginia • 1952, Korean War Veteran, United States Air Force

Education/Art Instruction • 1959, BFA, Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, Virginia

Selected Public Exhibitions and Collections • Watercolor Art Society, Houston • The Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center, Austin, Tx • Texas Highways Magazine, Austin, Tx • Texas Oil Museum, Luling, Tx • Cultural Activities Center, Temple, Tx

25. Hunter George Dry Dock to Seadrift, 2003 watercolor 9x11 in.

26. Hunter George High Noon at the Ranch, 2011 watercolor 14x11 in.

27. Hunter George Luling, 2010 watercolor 15x13 in.

28. Hunter George Twin Sisters, 2003 watercolor 6x9 in.

29. Hunter George West Texas Sunset, 2011 watercolor 6x15 3/4 in.

Robert Harrison Biographical Highlights • 1949, born in San Antonio, Texas

Education/Art Instruction • Edison High School, San Antonio, Texas • San Antonio College, San Antonio, Texas

Selected Public Exhibitions and Collections • Robert Harrison at the Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center, Austin, Texas • Texas Ranger Hall of Fame, Waco, Texas • Buckhorn Museum, San Antonio, Texas

30. Robert Harrison Bluebonnets in the Hill Country, 2011 oil/canvas 36x48 in.

31. Robert Harrison Cactus Field, 2011 oil/canvas 12x16 in.

32. Robert Harrison Prickly Pear Cactus in Bloom, 2011 oil/board 16x20 in.

33. Robert Harrison Spring Time Trail, 2011 oil/canvas 30x40 in.

Lee Jamison Biographical Highlights • Resides in Dodge, Texas

Education/Art Instruction • 1977, A.A. Art Lon Morris College, Jacksonville, TX • 1979, B.A. Art Centenary College of Louisiana, Shreveport, LA

Selected Public Exhibitions and Collections • University of Texas- Texas Memorial Stadium, East Grandstand expansion, Austin, TX (1997) • Lon Morris College Millennium Mural, Jacksonville, TX (1999- 2000) • Bastrop County History Mural, Bastrop, Texas (2006) • Elgin Community Mural, Elgin, Texas (2007) • Mayborn Museum Complex Mammoth Mural, Baylor University, Waco, TX (2008)

34. Lee Jamison Capture of the Harriet Lane, 2011 oil/canvas 18x24 in.

35. Lee Jamison Destruction of the Westfield, 2011 oil/canvas 9x12 in.

36. Lee Jamison Evening Report, 2007 oil/canvas 15x30 in.

37. Lee Jamison Yellow Stone on the Trinity, 2011 oil/canvas 12x9 in.

Stanley Kaminski Biographical Highlights • 1969, Born in Omaha, Nebraska • 2000-present, Professor of Art, Houston Community College-NW, Town & Country Square Center

Education/Art Instruction • 1991, BFA, West Virginia University, Morgantown, West Virginia • 1994, MFA, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, Louisiana

Selected Public Exhibitions and Collections • 2007-11, Five x Seven Exhibition and Fund Raiser, Arthouse at the Jones Center, Austin, TX • The Artcar Museum, Houston, Texas • The University of North Texas Print Archive, Denton, Texas • The Jessie Brown Collection, Texas Lutheran University, Seguin, Texas • The Old Jail Art Center, Albany, Texas

38. Stanley Kaminski Guadalupe Bass & P51 Mustang, 2011 ink/paper 5x7 in.

39. Stanley Kaminski Space City, No String Attached, 2011 ink/paper 7x5 in.

40. Stanley Kaminski Space City, Strings Attached (7/7), 2011 linocut 9x7 in.

41. Stanley Kaminski State Fish, State Bird, 2011 ink/paper 24x17 in.

42. Stanley Kaminski Trailer Hitch Cowboys, 2011 ink/paper 5x7 in.

Laura Lewis Biographical Highlights • 1954, Born in Austin, Texas

Education/Art Instruction • 1978, BS, Southwest Texas State University, San Marcos, Texas

Selected Public Exhibitions and Collections • 2008, Lubbock Centennial Celebration: 50 years of Art, LHUCA, Lubbock, Texas • 2009, Using Rhythm and Movement to Create Harmonious Landscapes, by Jana Fowler, February issue of American Artist Magazine • 2010, Landscapes Re imagined, by Mary Lance, July issue of Texas Co-op Power Magazine: • John and Bobbie Nau Collection of Texas Art

43. Laura Lewis A Thousand Shades of White, 2011 oil/canvas 24x48 in.

44. Laura Lewis Night Work If You Can Get It, 2009 oil/panel 11x14 in.

45. Laura Lewis Tractor Tracks, 2011 oil/panel 18x36 in.

William Montgomery Biographical Highlights • 1953, Born in Tyler, Texas, currently lives in Elgin, Texas

Education/Art Instruction • 1972, TFAA Scholarship, Texas Fine Arts Association • 1973-74, University of New Mexico • 1974, Perugia Fine Arts Academy, Perugia, Italy • 1974-75, Kansas City Art Institute • 1975-77, University of New Mexico • 1996, Award of Merit, Southwest ’96, Museum of New Mexico, Santa Fe, New Mexico

Selected Public Exhibitions and Collections • Albritton Collection, Dallas, Texas • Art Center of Waco, Waco, Texas • Dallas Museum of Art, Dallas, Texas • Tyler Museum of Art, Tyler, Texas

46. William Montgomery Empress of Silence, 2011 oil/canvas 28x42 in.

47. William Montgomery Empress of Silence, A.P., 2010 line etching/aquatint 12x18 in.

48. William Montgomery Sunset with Grackles, 2010 oil/canvas 24x36 in.

Noe Perez Biographical Highlights • 1958, Born in Falfurrias, Texas

Education/Art Instruction • 1979, BSCE (Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering), A&I University in Kingsville, Kingsville, Texas

Selected Public Exhibitions and Collections • 2006-2008, Night of Artists, Briscoe Western Art Museum, San Antonio, Texas • 2008-2011, Salon International Show, Greenhouse Gallery, San Antonio, Texas • 2010, Texas Traditions, publication and show • John and Bobbie Nau Collection of Texas Art • University of Texas at San Antonio, San Antonio, TX • San Jacinto Title Co., Corpus Christi, Texas

49. Noe Perez A Prickly Arrangement, 2011 oil/canvas 24x24 in.

50. Noe Perez Brush Country Cattle Trails, 2011 oil/canvas 24x30 in.

51. Noe Perez Color in the Hills, 2011 oil/canvas/panel 12x16 in.

52. Noe Perez Morning Light, Big Bend, 2011 oil/canvas/panel 12x16 in.

53. Noe Perez On a Spring Day, 2011 oil/canvas 16x24 in.

jeri Salter Biographical Highlights • 1955, born in Richmond, Virginia and currently resides in Round Rock, Texas

Education/Art Instruction

• 1983-84, Attends Glassell Art School, Houston, Texas • 1994-95, Attends Collin County Community College, Plano, Texas

Selected Public Exhibitions and Collections • 2006, Lady Bird Johnson’s Wildflower Center Holiday Show • 2007-2009, Austin Museum of Art’s Laguna Gloria Holiday Show • 2008, 2009, “Texas Wild Bunch” Professional Artist’s Show, Kerrville, TX • Corporate Collection – BNSF Railroad, Sally King Curator, “Racing the Storm”

54. Jeri Salter Home on the Open Plains, 2011 pastel/board 16x30 in.

55. Jeri Salter Just a Summer Storm, 2011 pastel/board 36x26 in.

56. Jeri Salter Passing Under Southern Pacific, 2011 pastel/board 16x20 in.

57. Jeri Salter Red Roof Under a Heavy Sky, 2011 pastel/board 22x29 in.

58. Jeri Salter Train Don’t Stop Here Anymore, 2010 pastel/board 14x18 in.

Erik Sprohge Biographical Highlights • 1932, born Riga, Latvia • 1938, moves to Houston, Texas

Education/Art Instruction

• 1938-48, Museum School Children’s classes, Houston, Texas • 1948, studies under Robert Preusser and Lowell Collins at Houston Museum School of Art • 1949-54, B.S. in architecture, Rice Institute, Houston, Texas • 1981, studies under Philip Renteria at Glassell School of Art, Houston, Texas

Selected Public Exhibitions and Collections

• 1997, Lowell Collins Gallery, Houston • 2005, Rice Institute and The Visual Arts in Houston 1900-1960 • 2005, Lifetime Achievement Award as an Early Texas Artist, CASETA • 2006, Early Houston Artists in Houston Collections, The Heritage Society, Houston • 2002-06 & 2011, Participation in International show, WAS-H

59. Erik Sprohge Bubba’s Place, 2011 watercolor 22x14 in.

60. Erik Sprohge Evening Walk, 2009 watercolor 10 1/2 x14 1/2 in.

61. Erik Sprohge Fleming’s Bait Stand, 2010 watercolor 7 1/2 x10 1/2 in.

62. Erik Sprohge Texas Bar B-Q, 2011 watercolor 14x22 in.

Debbie Stevens Biographical Highlights • 1955, born in Stillwater, Oklahoma • 1968, moves to Texas

Education/Art Instruction • 2004, BFA University of Texas at San Antonio

Selected Public Exhibitions and Collections • 2004, 2006, 2008, 2010, 2011, The Salon International, Greenhouse Gallery, San Antonio, TX • 2005, 2007-2010, Annual National Juried Exhibition, Oil Painters of America • 2005, Central Regional, Oil Painters of America • 2005, 2008, Annual Show, International Guild of Realism • 2008, Western Regional, Oil Painters of America • 2010, Birds in Art, Leigh Yawkey Woodson Museum, Wausau, Wisconsin

63. Debbie Stevens Roseate Splendor 2, 2011 oil/canvas 36x72 in.

64. Debbie Stevens Sandy 19, 2011 oil/birch panel 36x48 in.

65. Debbie Stevens Shallow Stroll, 2011 oil/canvas 20x30 in.

66. Debbie Stevens Together, 2009 oil/canvas 18x24 in.

67. Debbie Stevens Winter Oasis, 2009 oil/canvas 30x48 in.

William Young Biographical Highlights • 1952, Born in Palestine, Texas

Education/Art Instruction • University of Dallas, Dallas, Texas • East Texas State University, Commerce, Texas • Stephen F. Austin University, Nacogdoches, Texas

Selected Public Exhibitions and Collections • 2005, Tyler Museum of Art, Tyler, TX • 2007, Texas Five , Museum for East Texas Culture, Palestine, TX • 2009, Dallas Nine Award, Dallas, TX • 2010, Invitational Western Art Show and Sale, Panhandle-Plains Historical Museum, Canyon, TX • 2010, Hunting Art Prize, Houston, TX

68. William Young Masters of Time, 2010 acrylic/masonite 14x36 in.

69. William Young The Ambassadors, 2011 acrylic/masonite 25x20 in.

70. William Young The Art of Negotiation, 2006 acrylic/masonite 16x12 in.

71. William Young The Herald of Spring, 2011 acrylic/masonite 17x48 in.

2313 Brun Street Houston, Texas 77019 713.521.7500

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