Map Group Catalogue

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ᵝ ᩁᨱᯕ⦝⦽░ᯙ᳦⧊Õ⇶ᔍᔍྕᗭ ᵝ ᩁᨱᯕ⦝ᨵḡ‫ܩ‬ᨕย


MAP GROUP, a company focused on customer satisfaction, is a fast-growing Architectural Engineering company both domestically and internationally. Leading the way with young intellectuals making up its diverse experience, unique philosophy, liberal spirit and ambitious goal, MAP GROUP seeks to become the best in the business. MAP GROUP supplies Total Design & Engineering Services starting from the planning phase, including urban planning, to the design and construction phases. Using more than 200 specialists in architectural, urban and MEP design, these experts carry out numerous projects encompassing Residential, Commercial, Business, Resort, and Industrial Design to build up the better community and sustainable environment. MAP GROUP will ensure that the desire of each customer’s heart will come true because of our dedicated team to each individual.

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VISION To create a new culture within the community that is influenced by architecture. To reflect on a culture’s art and philosophy through careful examination of its engineering. ⻱Õ⇶ᮥ ☖⦹ᩍ ᔩಽᬕ ྙ⪵ෝ ₞᳑⦹Ł ᖁࠥ ⻱ᱶၡ⦽ ᨵḡ‫ܩ‬ᨕย ʑჶᮥ ☖⦹ᩍ ᩩᚁŝ ℁⦺ᯕ ‫ݕ‬ʕ ᝁ}ֱ a⊹ ₞᳑

MISSION Designed to demonstrate humankind’s supreme intellectual and artistic masterpieces of the last century. MAP’s missions is to advance in current technology to become a global force. MAP GROUP, never ceasing in the challenge to build the best structures in the future through gradual research and development. ⻱ᯙඹ᮹ ✚⇽⦽ ḡᱢ‫܆‬ಆŝ ᩩᚁᱢ đŝྜྷᮥ ᯕᨕၼᦥ ⩥ᰍ᮹ ʑᚁᮥ ޵ᬒ ၽᱥ᜽⍽ ᖙĥᱢᯙ ᖅĥᙹᵡ ⪶ᅕ ⻱Йᵡ⦽ ᩑǍ}ၽŝ ࠥᱥᱶᝁᮝಽ ྕᰆ⦹ᩍ ↽ᖁ᮹ đŝྜྷ Ǎ⇶

FUTURE FOCUS In conjunction with massive production and higher-leveled engineering skills, MAP will be able to go global. In addition, a more client-oriented and effective service system will satisfy aesthetic, practical & environmental factors at the competitive cost. ⻱ᔾᔑᖒ ⨆ᔢŝ ޵ᇩᨕ ޵ ‫׳‬ᮡ ᙹᵡ᮹ ᨵḡ‫ܩ‬ᨕย ʑᚁᮥ ⇶ᱢ⦹ᩍ ᖙĥᱢᯙ ᖅĥ⫭ᔍಽ ၽࠬᬡ ⻱Ł~ ḡ⨆᮹ ⬉ᮉᱢᯙ ᕽእᜅ ᜽ᜅ▽ᮥ Ǎ⇶⦹ᩍ ၙᱢᯕŁ ᝅᬊᱢᯕ໑ ⊽⪹Ğᱢᯙ ᖅĥෝ aᰆ Ğᰢಆ ᯩ۵ aĊᮝಽ Ǎ⩥


Overseas Works Overseas Branches Overseas Co-Work Company

SEOUL(Head Office) MAP HANTERIN Architects & Engineers Co., Ltd. MAP Bldg. 103-5 Yangjae1-dong, Seocho-gu, Seoul, Korea T. 82.2.520.9300 F. 82.520.9390

MAP VIETNAM MAP HANTERIN VINA No 102 BLS Le Lai Street, Ben Thanh Ward, Dist1, HCMC, Vietnam T.08.3925.0118 F.08.3925.0141 MAP Thaison Architecture Design Corporation (JVC) No.3, 3 Thang 2 Street, Ward 11, Dist 10, HCMC, Vietnam T. 84.8.6290.6431~2 F. 84.8.6290.6440

MAP CHINA MAP CHINA HANTERIN Architects & Engineers Co.,Ltd. A 10F No.44 Guangzhou Road, Tanggu, Tianjin China T. 86.22.6630.9616 F.86.22.6630.9610

MAP USA MAP HANTERIN US Inc. 1515 Hogansville RD #177, Lagrange, GA 30241-1487 T.1.706.881.1065


MAP INDIA HTI ENGINEERING PVT., Ltd. No.3/206, Asthalakshmi Avenue, Parthasarathy Nagar, Manapakkam, Chennai - 600 116. Tamil Nadu - India T.044.2252.3743 F.044.4266.9765 MAP SAUDI ARABIA Saudi MAP Co., Ltd. (Under Establishment) T.966.56.277.8557


Korea Art A&E Co., Ltd.” established


Changed company name to “HANTERIN A&E Co., Ltd.


Established an A&E affiliate “China HANTEERIN A&E Corp.” in Tian Jin, China


Registered professional construction supervision business under reg. No. 5-321 Established architectural environment R&D Institute under reg. no. A&E 20041814


Established an A&E affiliate “HANTERIN India Pvt., Ltd.” in Chennai, India Opened CM business in China construction market


Acquired grade 1 certificate for high & low tension electric power design (Certificate no. Seoul E-3081) Registered off-shore construction business under reg. no. 314


Registered comprehensive construction supervision business underreg. no. Seoul S-1-342 China HANTERIN A&E corp. registered as a Tianjin branch of “Beijing Industrial Designing and Researching Institute” Established HANTERIN US Inc. Established an affiliate, MAP HANTERIN VINA Engineers Corp., in Vietnam


Renamed company name to “MAP HANTERIN A&E Co., Ltd.” Registered comprehensive engineering business under engineering act under reg. no. 06-000812 Established a JV company, MAP THAISON A&E Co. Acquired ISO 9001 certificate no. Q17587/08

2009 2010

Under Establishiment Saudi MAP Co., Ltd. In Saudi Arabia

2011 2012

The MAP and Seil Engineering signed a MOU

Relocaed to the New Office in Yangjae-dong, Seocho-gu, Seoul, Korea

Established the MAP Engineering Co.


Stategy Business1 Division Department

1 Department

2 Department

3 Department BIM Architecture

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Design & Engineering Division

1 Department

2 Department

3 Department


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Engineering Division

Process Department

Electrical Department

Piping Department

Instrument Department

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ᱥʑ ᖅĥ ᅙᇡ

႑š ᖅĥ ᅙᇡ

ĥᰆ ᖅĥ ᅙᇡ

CM Division

CM Department

CG Department

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Construction Supervision

Business & Administration Division



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Structure Department Ǎ᳑ 5FBN

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Personnel & General affairs Department

Management Support



STAFF Professional Engineer


Senior Engineer

Junior Engineer

Biz & Administrator








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Mechanical Department ʑĥ ᖅĥ ᅙᇡ




China (YanChen)





Kazakhstan USA

China Mexico India Vietnam


SERVICE Development & Planning

Urban Design & Master Plan

Design Services




Engineering Services


Construction Management Services Õᖅᔍᨦšญ

Post Occupancy Evaluation Services ᮁḡšญ


BIM Design

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Han, Il Ho



President & CEO

Jung, Hyung Moo

PROJECT HIGHLIGHT - Hyundai Motors Factory, Beijing, China - Hyundai Motors Factory, India - KIA Motors Factory, Georgia, USA - KIA Motors Factory, Yencheng, China - Hyundai & KIA Motors R&D Center, Korea - KIA Motors Factory, Seosan, Korea - KIA Motors Factory, Hwasung, Korea - SELETA Sewage Treatment Plant, Singapore - Hyundai Repairing Shipbuilding Factory, Mipo Korea - Daewoo Shipbuilding Factory, Sandung, China

Kim, Seung Wook

- BS/Architectural Engineering : Jeon Nam University - Hyundai Construction Co., Ltd - A-Group and Busung A&E Co., Ltd




Jung, Tae Ho

- MAB/Yeonsei University - Daewoo Construction Co., Ltd - Xian Express Korea Co., Ltd / CEO


Kim, Gye Young

- BS/Architectural Engineering : Inha University - Hyundai Construction Co., Ltd


- BS/Architectural Engineering : Yeonsei University - Hankuk A&E Co., Ltd - Hyundai E&C Co., Ltd - Hyundai Engineering Co., Ltd


Lee, Young Hyun Founder Architect

- BS/Architectural Engineering : Hanyang University - Department of Housing & Urban Development - Ministry of Construction & Transportation,Korea - Hyundai A&E Co., Ltd.


Park, Kwang Ho Design & Engineering Div. Dep. I / Managing Director

- BS/Architectural Engineering : Kyungbuk National University - Space Group of Korea - Dongbang Architects Assoc. - Hyundai E&C Co., Ltd j

Her, Rim Mu Design & Engineering Div. Dep. II / Managing Director

CM Div. Managing Director

- BS/Architectural Engineering : SKK University - Ssangyong Construction Co., Ltd - Landybell Construction Co., Ltd - G-Asset Pty., Ltd

Han, Sung Koo Strategy Business Div. Dep. III (BIM) / Managing Director

Business & Administration Div. Vice President

Strategy Business Div. Vice President



Design & Engineering Div. Vice President / Architect

- BS/Architectural Engineering : SKK University - Hyundai Construction Co., Ltd - Hyundai A&E Co., Ltd



- BS/Architectural Engineering : College of Bucheon Technology - Dongin-Whankyng A&E Co., Ltd - Wongjeong A&E Co., Ltd - Hyundai E&C Co., Ltd - Hyundai A&E Co., Ltd - Parsons Brinkerhoff Asia Limited - Hyundai Development Co., Ltd - Seohong Engineering Co., Ltd


Kim, Jin Koo Vice Chairman

- BS/Architectural Engineering : Yeonsei University - Hyundai E&C Co., Ltd. - Hyundai A&E Co., Ltd.




Song, Moon Jeon


Mechanical & Electrical Div. Managing Director / Professional Engineer - BS/Electrical Engineering : SKK University - Hyundai Construction Co., Ltd - SK Construction Co., Ltd - Hansan Engineering Co., Ltd l

Jeong, Hyeop


- BS/Architectural Engineering : SKK University - Hyundai Construction Co., Ltd - Hyundai A&E Co., Ltd

Jang, Won Hwan


Lee, Jeong Ho Design & Engineering Div. Vietnam Overseas Dep. / Director

- BS/Architectural Engineering : Donga University - Harwood A&E Co., Ltd - Dongwoo Architecture Co., Ltd - Garam Architecture Co., Ltd

- BS/Architectural Engineering : Inha University - Lucky development Co., Ltd - Samick Construction Co., Ltd


Kim, Bong Myung Design & Engineering Div. China Overseas Dep. / Director

CM Div. CM Dep. / Managing Director

Strategy Business Div. Dep. II / Managing Director - Master of Architecture : Syracuss University, NY, USA - BS / Architectural Engineering : Jeon Buk University - A.Epsten & Sons International Inc. Chicago, USA - Space Group


Sin, Jong Ho

- BS/Electrical Engineering : Young Nam University - Hyundai E&C Co., Ltd -Samsung Construction Co., Ltd -Samoo A&E Co., Ltd -President, Kwangsung Engineering Co., Ltd o

Moon, Jin Soo


Design & Engineering Div. Dep. / Managing Director

Strategy Business Div. Dep. I / Managing Director - BS/Architectural Engineering : Han Yang University - Seoinn Architecture Co., Ltd - Junglim Architecture Co., Ltd - JU Architecture Co., Ltd




Lee, Jong Han


Kim, Hyeon Gu Design & Engineering Div. India Overseas Dep. / Director

Design & Engineering Div. USA Overseas Dep. / Director

- BS/Architectural Engineering : Yeonsei University - Archiban Architecture Co., Ltd - AI Architecture Co., Ltd - Decodream Design - DST Architecture Co., Ltd - Donga Architecture Co., Ltd

- BS/Architectural Engineering : Korea University - Hyundai E&C Co., Ltd - Yoei A&E Co., Ltd - Woori Architects Assoc.







PUBLIC OFFICE & OFFICE Government-Contributed Research Institute Sejong-si j g Renting g Government office,, Sejong j g Government Offices 2-1 District,, The KOGAS Headquarters q Project, j , Rural Development p Administration 1 Area Relocation Project, j , Korea Coast Guard Academyy Construction Business,, Digital g Broadcasting g Contents Center,, Korean National Red Cross Relocation,, Relocation Project j on Language g g Studyy Office of Korea Armyy Signal g School,, The Republic p of Korea Special p Warfare Command The 3rd Special p Airborne troops p Facilities Relocation Construction,, Iksan Official Residence & Militaryy Facilities,, Air Force Wonju j & Chungju gj Armyy Life Facility, y Government Masan Regional g Congruence g Business Building, g Cheonan NongHyup, g, g y p p, Ulsan Buk-gu g Public Library, yy, Wonju j Cityy Hall,, Uisang-si g Public Office,, Ulsan Port Business Center,, Gangneung-City g g y Hall,, GIST College g & Institute for Renewable Energy, gy Hwagok-dong gy, g g Cultural and Welfare Center & Public Parking g lot,, Gyeongsangbuk-do y g g p provincial g government building g & Provincial Council Buildings, g , KEPCO-ENC New Headquarter q Building, g Sangam g DMC Landmark Tower,, Pangyo gy Silicon Park A-1-4-1Block,, Shinsa Beautiful Tower Medical Center MIXED-USE Inchoen Inter Cityy Project, j , Namyangju y gj Byulnae y PF,, Eunpyung py g Newtown Central Commercial Area,, Gwanggyo ggy Power Center PF, Sungnam g Pangyo gy Complex, p Paju j Unjung j g Complex, p International Design g Competition p for the Magok g Waterfront, HOSPITAL & EDUCATION Yangpyeong gpy g Rehabilitation Hospital, p Changwon g Gyeongsang y g g National Universityy Hospital, p , Pusan National Universityy Hospital_trauma p _ center,, Jinju j National Universityy Education Center,, Yongin g English-Village, g g , Inha Technical College g Management g House RESIDENTIAL Hwaseong g Dongtan g 2 New Town A14Block,, Treasure Island,, MT. Kumkang g Dormitoryy & The Main Building, g, Multifunctional Administrarive Cityy 'Urban Leaf' LEISURE Hwajinpo j p Hotel,, Muju j Gucheon-dong g Tourist Hotel,, Rolling g Hills,, MT. Kumkang g Okryukwan y Guest House,, Namhae Hansum Resort,, Morris Wood,, Sachun Fitness Center Additional Project, j , Alpensia p Resort Golf Club & Village, g , RETAIL & ETC Gimpo p International Airport p Remodeling, g Ansung g Truck Terminal Complex, p , Carrefour Haeundai Store Remodeling, g, g Sachun E-mart,, Ulsan Buk-Gu Social Welfare Facilityy OVERSEAS Housing g Complex p in Hochiminh,, Vietnam 'Dual Cityy 2011', Vietnam Sunrise Cityy Plot Central,, Hanoi SONG KIM,, Ho Chi Minh Cong g Hoa Apartment, p , SCTV Broadcasting g Station,, Vietnam,, Algeria g Oran Mixed Use,, Dalat Star Hills Hotel,, Vietnam Hochiminh Airport p Hotel,, Vietnam Hochiminh Twin Doves Golf Course & Resort Town, Kazahastan G4 Project, j Ghana Housing g PUBLIC OFFICE & OFFICE Government-Contributed Research Institute Sejong-si j g Renting g Government office, Sejong j g Government Offices 2-1 District, The KOGAS Headquarters q Project, j , Rural Development p Administration 1 Area Relocation Project, j , Korea Coast Guard Academyy Construction Business,, Digital g Broadcasting g Contents Center,, Korean National Red Cross Relocation, Relocation Project j on Language g g Studyy Office of Korea Armyy Signal g School,, The Republic p of Korea Special p Warfare Command The 3rd Special p Airborne troops p Facilities Relocation Construction,, Iksan Official Residence & Militaryy Facilities,, Air Force Wonju j & Chungju gj Armyy Life Facility, yy, Government Masan Regional g Congruence g Business Building, g g, Cheonan NongHyup, g y p p, Ulsan Buk-gu g Public Library, yy, Wonju j Cityy Hall,, Uisang-si g Public Office,, Ulsan Port Business Center,, Gangneung-City g g y Hall,, GIST College g & Institute for Renewable Energy, gy, Hwagok-dong g g Cultural and Welfare Center & Public Parking g lot,, Gyeongsangbuk-do y g g p provincial g government building g & Provincial Council Buildings, g , KEPCO-ENC New Headquarter q Building, g Sangam g, g DMC Landmark Tower,, Pangyo gy Silicon Park A-1-4-1Block,, Shinsa Beautiful Tower Medical Center MIXED-USE Inchoen Inter Cityy Project, j , Namyangju y gj Byulnae y PF, Eunpyung py g Newtown Central Commercial Area, Gwanggyo ggy Power Center PF, Sungnam g Pangyo gy Complex, p Paju j Unjung j g Complex, p International Design g Competition p for the Magok g Waterfront, HOSPITAL & EDUCATION Yangpyeong gpy g Rehabilitation Hospital, p , Changwon g Gyeongsang y g g National Universityy Hospital, p , Pusan National Universityy Hospital_trauma p _ center,, Jinju j National Universityy Education Center,, Yongin g English-Village, g g , Inha Technical College g Management g House RESIDENTIAL Hwaseong g Dongtan g 2 New Town A14Block,, Treasure Island,, MT. Kumkang g Dormitoryy & The Main Building, g g, Multifunctional Administrarive Cityy 'Urban Leaf' LEISURE Hwajinpo j p Hotel,, Muju j Gucheon-dong g Tourist Hotel,, Rolling g Hills,, MT. Kumkang g Okryukwan y Guest House,, Namhae Hansum Resort,, Morris Wood,, Sachun Fitness Center Additional Project, j , Alpensia p Resort Golf Club & Village, g , RETAIL & ETC Gimpo p International Airport p Remodeling, g Ansung g Truck Terminal Complex, p Carrefour Haeundai Store Remodeling, g Sachun E-mart, Ulsan Buk-Gu Social Welfare Facilityy OVERSEAS Housing g Complex p in Hochiminh, Vietnam 'Dual Cityy 2011', Vietnam Sunrise Cityy Plot Central,, Hanoi SONG KIM,, Ho Chi Minh Cong g Hoa Apartment, p , SCTV Broadcasting g Station,, Vietnam,, Algeria g Oran Mixed Use,, Dalat Star Hills Hotel,, Vietnam Hochiminh Airport p Hotel,, Vietnam Hochiminh Twin Doves Golf Course & Resort Town,, Kazahastan G4 Project, j , Ghana Housing g PUBLIC OFFICE & OFFICE Government-Contributed Research Institute Sejong-si j g Renting g Government office, Sejong j g Government Offices 2-1 District,, The KOGAS Headquarters q Project, j , Rural Development p Administration 1 Area Relocation Project, j , Korea Coast Guard Academyy Construction Business,, Digital g Broadcasting g Contents Center,, Korean National Red Cross Relocation,, Relocation Project j on Language g g Studyy Office of Korea Armyy Signal g School,, The Republic p of Korea Special p Warfare Command The 3rd Special p Airborne troops p Facilities Relocation Construction,, Iksan Official Residence & Militaryy Facilities,, Air Force Wonju j & Chungju gj Armyy Life Facility, yy, Government Masan Regional g Congruence g Business Building, g g, Cheonan NongHyup, g y p p, Ulsan Buk-gu g Public Library, yy, Wonju j Cityy Hall,, Uisang-si g Public Office,, Ulsan Port Business Center,, Gangneung-City g g y Hall,, GIST College g & Institute for Renewable Energy, gy, Hwagok-dong g g Cultural and Welfare Center & Public Parking g lot,, Gyeongsangbuk-do y g g provincial g p government building g & Provincial Council Buildings, g , KEPCO-ENC New Headquarter q Building, g, Sangam g DMC Landmark Tower,, Pangyo gy Silicon Park A-1-4-1Block,, Shinsa Beautiful Tower Medical Center MIXED-USE Inchoen Inter Cityy Project, j , Namyangju y gj Byulnae y PF,, Eunpyung py g Newtown Central Commercial Area,, Gwanggyo ggy Power Center PF,, Sungnam g Pangyo gy Complex, p , Paju j Unjung j g Complex, p , International Design g Competition p for the Magok g Waterfront,, HOSPITAL & EDUCATION Yangpyeong gpy g Rehabilitation Hospital, p , Changwon g Gyeongsang y g g National Universityy Hospital, p , Pusan National Universityy Hospital_trauma p _ center,, Jinju j National Universityy Education Center,, Yongin g English-Village, g g , Inha Technical College g Management g House RESIDENTIAL Hwaseong g Dongtan g 2 New Town A14Block,, Treasure Island,, MT. Kumkang g Dormitoryy & The Main Building, g, g Multifunctional Administrarive Cityy 'Urban Leaf' LEISURE Hwajinpo j p Hotel,, Muju j Gucheon-dong g Tourist Hotel,, Rolling g Hills,, MT. Kumkang g Okryukwan y Guest House,, Namhae Hansum Resort,, Morris Wood,, Sachun Fitness Center Additional Project, j Alpensia p Resort Golf Club & Village, g RETAIL & ETC Gimpo p International Airport p Remodeling, g Ansung g Truck Terminal Complex, p Carrefour Haeundai Store Remodeling, g Sachun E-mart, Ulsan Buk-Gu Social Welfare Facilityy OVERSEAS Housing g Complex p in Hochiminh,, Vietnam 'Dual Cityy 2011', Vietnam Sunrise Cityy Plot Central,, Hanoi SONG KIM,, Ho Chi Minh Cong g Hoa Apartment, p , SCTV Broadcasting g Station,, Vietnam,, Algeria g Oran Mixed Use,, Dalat Star Hills Hotel,, Vietnam Hochiminh Airport p Hotel,, Vietnam Hochiminh Twin Doves Golf Course & Resort Town,, Kazahastan G4 Project, j , Ghana Housing g PUBLIC OFFICE & OFFICE Government-Contributed Research Institute Sejong-si j g Renting g Government office,, Sejong j g Government Offices 2-1 District,, The KOGAS Headquarters q Project, j , Rural Development p Administration 1 Area Relocation Project, j , Korea Coast Guard Academyy Construction Business,, Digital g Broadcasting g Contents Center,, Korean National Red Cross Relocation,, Relocation Project j on Language g g Studyy Office of Korea Armyy Signal g School,, The Republic p of Korea Special p Warfare Command The 3rd Special p Airborne troops p Facilities Relocation Construction,, Iksan Official Residence & Militaryy Facilities,, Air Force Wonju j & Chungju gj Armyy Life Facility, yy, Government Masan Regional g Congruence g Business Building, g Cheonan NongHyup, g, g y p, p Ulsan Buk-gu g Public Library, y, y Wonju j Cityy Hall,, Uisang-si g Public Office,, Ulsan Port Business Center,, Gangneung-City g g y Hall,, GIST College g & Institute for Renewable Energy, gy, gy Hwagok-dong g g Cultural and Welfare Center & Public Parking g lot,, Gyeongsangbuk-do y g g p provincial g government building g & Provincial Council Buildings, g , KEPCO-ENC New Headquarter q Building, g g, Sangam g DMC Landmark Tower,, Pangyo gy Silicon Park A-14-1Block,, Shinsa Beautiful Tower Medical Center MIXED-USE Inchoen Inter Cityy Project, j , Namyangju y gj Byulnae y PF,, Eunpyung py g Newtown Central Commercial Area,, Gwanggyo ggy Power Center PF,, Sungnam g Pangyo gy Complex, p , Paju j Unjung j g Complex, p International Design g Competition p for the Magok g Waterfront, HOSPITAL & EDUCATION Yangpyeong gpy g Rehabilitation Hospital, p Changwon g Gyeongsang y g g National Universityy Hospital, p Pusan National Universityy Hospital_trauma p _ center,, Jinju j National Universityy Education Center,, Yongin g English-Village, g g , Inha Technical College g Management g House RESIDENTIAL Hwaseong g Dongtan g 2 New Town A14Block,, Treasure Island,, MT. Kumkang g Dormitoryy & The Main Building, g Multifunctional Administrarive Cityy 'Urban Leaf' LEISURE Hwajinpo g, j p Hotel,, Muju j Gucheon-dong g Tourist Hotel,, Rolling g Hills,, MT. Kumkang g Okryukwan y Guest House,, Namhae Hansum Resort, Morris Wood,, Sachun Fitness Center Additional Project, j , Alpensia p Resort Golf Club & Village, g , RETAIL & ETC Gimpo p International Airport p Remodeling, g g, Ansung g Truck Terminal Complex, p , Carrefour Haeundai Store Remodeling, g g, Sachun E-mart,, Ulsan Buk-Gu Social Welfare Facilityy OVERSEAS Housing g Complex p in Hochiminh,, Vietnam 'Dual Cityy 2011', Vietnam Sunrise Cityy Plot Central,, Hanoi SONG KIM,, Ho Chi Minh Cong g Hoa Apartment, p , SCTV Broadcasting g Station,, Vietnam,, Algeria g Oran Mixed Use,, Dalat Star Hills Hotel,, Vietnam Hochiminh Airport p Hotel,, Vietnam Hochiminh Twin Doves Golf Course & Resort Town,, Kazahastan G4 Project, j , Ghana Housing g PUBLIC OFFICE & OFFICE Government-Contributed Research Institute Sejong-si j g Renting g Government office,, Sejong j g Government Offices 2-1 District,, The KOGAS Headquarters q Project, j , Rural Development p Administration 1 Area Relocation Project, j , Korea Coast Guard Academyy Construction Business,, Digital g Broadcasting g Contents Center,, Korean National Red Cross Relocation,, Relocation Project j on Language g g Studyy Office of Korea Armyy Signal g School, The Republic p of Korea Special p Warfare Command The 3rd Special p Airborne troops p Facilities Relocation Construction,, Iksan Official Residence & Militaryy Facilities,, Air Force Wonju j & Chungju gj Armyy Life Facility, yy, Government Masan Regional g Congruence g Business Building, g Cheonan NongHyup, g, g y p, p Ulsan Buk-gu g Public Library, y, y Wonju j Cityy Hall,, Uisang-si g Public Office,, Ulsan Port Business Center,, Gangneung-City g g y Hall,, GIST College g & Institute for Renewable Energy, gy, Hwagok-dong g g Cultural and Welfare Center & Public Parking g lot,, Gyeongsangbuk-do y g g p provincial g government building g & Provincial Council Buildings, g , KEPCO-ENC New Headquarter q Building, g, Sangam g DMC Landmark Tower,, Pangyo gy Silicon Park A-1-4-1Block,, Shinsa Beautiful Tower Medical Center MIXED-USE Inchoen Inter Cityy Project, j , Namyangju y gj Byulnae y PF,, Eunpyung py g Newtown Central Commercial Area,, Gwanggyo ggy Power Center PF, Sungnam g Pangyo gy Complex, p Paju j Unjung j g Complex, p International Design g Competition p for the Magok g Waterfront, HOSPITAL & EDUCATION Yangpyeong gpy g Rehabilitation Hospital, p Changwon g Gyeongsang y g g National Universityy Hospital, p , Pusan National Universityy Hospital_trauma p _ center,, Jinju j National Universityy Education Center,, Yongin g English-Village, g g , Inha Technical College g Management g House RESIDENTIAL Hwaseong g Dongtan g 2 New Town A14Block,, Treasure Island,, MT. Kumkang g Dormitoryy & The Main Building, g g, Multifunctional Administrarive Cityy 'Urban Leaf' LEISURE Hwajinpo j p Hotel,, Muju j Gucheon-dong g Tourist Hotel,, Rolling g Hills,, MT. Kumkang g Okryukwan y Guest House,, Namhae Hansum Resort,, Morris Wood,, Sachun Fitness Center Additional Project, j , Alpensia p Resort Golf Club & Village, g , RETAIL & ETC Gimpo p International Airport p Remodeling, g Ansung g, g Truck Terminal Complex, p , Carrefour Haeundai Store Remodeling, g, g Sachun E-mart,, Ulsan Buk-Gu Social Welfare Facilityy OVERSEAS Housing g Complex p in Hochiminh,, Vietnam 'Dual Cityy 2011', Vietnam Sunrise Cityy Plot Central,, Hanoi SONG KIM, Ho Chi Minh Cong g Hoa Apartment, p , SCTV Broadcasting g Station,, Vietnam,, Algeria g Oran Mixed Use,, Dalat Star Hills Hotel,, Vietnam Hochiminh Airport p Hotel,, Vietnam Hochiminh Twin Doves Golf Course & Resort Town, Kazahastan G4 Project, j Ghana Housing g PUBLIC OFFICE & OFFICE Government-Contributed Research Institute Sejong-si j g Renting g Government office, Sejong j g Government Offices 2-1 District, The KOGAS Headquarters q Project, j Rural Development p Administration 1 Area Relocation Project, j , Korea Coast Guard Academyy Construction Business,, Digital g Broadcasting g Contents Center,, Korean National Red Cross Relocation,, Relocation Project j on Language g g Studyy Office of Korea Armyy Signal g School,, The Republic p of Korea Special p Warfare Command The 3rd Special p Airborne troops p Facilities Relocation Construction,, Iksan Official Residence & Militaryy Facilities,, Air Force Wonju j & Chungju gj Armyy Life Facility, y Government Masan Regional y, g Congruence g Business Building, g Cheonan NongHyup, g, g y p, p Ulsan Buk-gu g Public Library, yy, Wonju j Cityy Hall,, Uisang-si g Public Office,, Ulsan Port Business Center,, Gangneung-City g g y Hall,, GIST College g & Institute for Renewable Energy, gy gy, Hwagok-dong g g Cultural and Welfare Center & Public Parking g lot,, Gyeongsangbuk-do y g g provincial p government g building g & Provincial Council Buildings, g , KEPCO-ENC New Headquarter q Building, g Sangam g, g DMC Landmark Tower,, Pangyo gy Silicon Park A-1-4-1Block,, Shinsa Beautiful Tower Medical Center MIXED-USE Inchoen Inter Cityy Project, j , Namyangju y gj Byulnae y PF,, Eunpyung py g Newtown Central Commercial Area, Gwanggyo ggy Power Center PF, Sungnam g Pangyo gy Complex, p Paju j Unjung j g Complex, p International Design g Competition p for the Magok g Waterfront, HOSPITAL & EDUCATION Yangpyeong gpy g Rehabilitation Hospital, p Changwon g Gyeongsang y g g National Universityy Hospital, p , Pusan National Universityy Hospital_trauma p _ center,, Jinju j National Universityy Education Center,, Yongin g English-Village, g g , Inha Technical College g Management g House RESIDENTIAL Hwaseong g Dongtan g 2 New Town A14Block,, Treasure Island,, MT. Kumkang g Dormitoryy & The Main Building, g g, Multifunctional Administrarive Cityy 'Urban Leaf' LEISURE Hwajinpo j p Hotel,, Muju j Gucheon-dong g Tourist Hotel,, Rolling g Hills,, MT. Kumkang g Okryukwan y Guest House,, Namhae Hansum Resort,, Morris Wood,, Sachun Fitness Center Additional Project, j , Alpensia p Resort Golf Club & Village, g , RETAIL & ETC Gimpo p International Airport p Remodeling, g Ansung g Truck Terminal Complex, p Carrefour Haeundai Store Remodeling, g Sachun E-mart, Ulsan Buk-Gu Social Welfare Facilityy OVERSEAS Housing g Complex p in Hochiminh, Vietnam 'Dual Cityy 2011', Vietnam Sunrise Cityy Plot Central,, Hanoi SONG KIM,, Ho Chi Minh Cong g Hoa Apartment, p , SCTV Broadcasting g Station,, Vietnam,, Algeria g Oran Mixed Use,, Dalat Star Hills Hotel,, Vietnam Hochiminh Airport p Hotel,, Vietnam Hochiminh Twin Doves Golf Course & Resort Town, Kazahastan G4 Project, j Ghana Housing g PUBLIC OFFICE & OFFICE Government-Contributed Research Institute Sejong-si j g Renting g Government office, Sejong j g Government Offices 2-1 District, The KOGAS Headquarters q Project, j , Rural Development p Administration 1 Area Relocation Project, j , Korea Coast Guard Academyy Construction Business,, Digital g Broadcasting g Contents Center,, Korean National Red Cross Relocation,, Relocation Project j on Language g g Studyy Office of Korea Armyy Signal g School,, The Republic p of Korea Special p Warfare Command The 3rd Special p Airborne troops p Facilities Relocation Construction,, Iksan Official Residence & Militaryy Facilities,, Air Force Wonju j & Chungju gj Armyy Life Facility, y, Government Masan Regional g Congruence g Business Building, g, Cheonan NongHyup, g y p, Ulsan Buk-gu g Public Library, y, Wonju j Cityy Hall,, Uisang-si g Public Office,, Ulsan Port Business Center,, Gangneung-City g g y Hall,, GIST College g & Institute for Renewable Energy, gy, Hwagok-dong g g Cultural and Welfare Center & Public Parking g lot,, Gyeongsangbuk-do y g g p provincial government g building g & Provincial Council Buildings, g , KEPCO-ENC New Headquarter q Building, g g, Sangam g DMC Landmark Tower,, Pangyo gy Silicon Park A-1-4-1Block,, Shinsa Beautiful Tower Medical Center MIXED-USE Inchoen Inter Cityy Project, j Namyangju y gj Byulnae y PF, Eunpyung py g Newtown Central Commercial Area, Gwanggyo ggy Power Center PF, Sungnam g Pangyo gy Complex, p Paju j Unjung j g Complex, p International Design g Competition p for the Magok g Waterfront, HOSPITAL & EDUCATION Yangpyeong gpy g Rehabilitation Hospital, p , Changwon g Gyeongsang y g g National Universityy Hospital, p , Pusan National Universityy Hospital_trauma p _ center,, Jinju j National Universityy Education Center,, Yongin g Englishg Village, g , Inha Technical College g Management g House RESIDENTIAL Hwaseong g Dongtan g 2 New Town A14Block,, Treasure Island,, MT. Kumkang g Dormitoryy & The Main Building, g, g Multifunctional Administrarive Cityy 'Urban Leaf' LEISURE Hwajinpo j p Hotel,, Muju j Gucheon-dong g Tourist Hotel,, Rolling g Hills,, MT. Kumkang g Okryukwan y Guest House,, Namhae Hansum Resort,, Morris Wood,, Sachun Fitness Center Additional Project, j , Alpensia p Resort Golf Club & Village, g RETAIL & ETC Gimpo p International Airport p Remodeling, g Ansung g Truck Terminal Complex, p Carrefour Haeundai Store Remodeling, g Sachun E-mart, Ulsan Buk-Gu Social Welfare Facilityy OVERSEAS Housing g Complex p in Hochiminh,, Vietnam 'Dual Cityy 2011', Vietnam Sunrise Cityy Plot Central,, Hanoi SONG KIM,, Ho Chi Minh Cong g Hoa Apartment, p , SCTV Broadcasting g Station,, Vietnam,, Algeria g Oran Mixed Use,, Dalat Star Hills Hotel,, Vietnam Hochiminh Airport p Hotel,, Vietnam Hochiminh Twin Doves Golf Course & Resort Town,, Kazahastan G4 Project, j , Ghana Housing g PUBLIC OFFICE & OFFICE Government-Contributed Research Institute Sejong-si j g Renting g Government office,, Sejong j g Government Offices 2-1 District,, The KOGAS Headquarters q Project, j , Rural Development p Administration 1 Area Relocation Project, j , Korea Coast Guard Academyy Construction Business,, Digital g Broadcasting g Contents Center,, Korean National Red Cross Relocation,, Relocation Project j on Language g g Studyy Office of Korea Armyy Signal g School,, The Republic p of Korea Special p Warfare Command The 3rd Special p Airborne troops p Facilities Relocation Construction,, Iksan Official Residence & Militaryy Facilities,, Air Force Wonju j & Chungju gj Armyy Life Facility, yy, Government Masan Regional g Congruence g Business Building, g g, Cheonan NongHyup, g y p p, Ulsan Buk-gu g Public Library, y Wonju y, j Cityy Hall,, Uisang-si g Public Office,, Ulsan Port Business Center,, Gangneung-City g g y Hall,, GIST College g & Institute for Renewable Energy, gy gy, Hwagok-dong g g Cultural and Welfare Center & Public Parking g lot, Gyeongsangbuk-do y g g p provincial g government building g & Provincial Council Buildings, g KEPCO-ENC New Headquarter q Building, g Sangam g DMC Landmark Tower, Pangyo gy Silicon Park A-1-4-1Block, Shinsa Beautiful Tower Medical Center MIXED-USE Inchoen Inter Cityy Project, j , Namyangju y gj Byulnae y PF,, Eunpyung py g Newtown Central Commercial Area,, Gwanggyo ggy Power Center PF,, Sungnam g Pangyo gy Complex, p , Paju j Unjung j g Complex, p , International Design g Competition p for the Magok g Waterfront, HOSPITAL & EDUCATION Yangpyeong gpy g Rehabilitation Hospital, p Changwon g Gyeongsang y g g National Universityy Hospital, p Pusan National Universityy Hospital_trauma p center, Jinju j National Universityy Education Center,, Yongin g English-Village, g g , Inha Technical College g Management g House RESIDENTIAL Hwaseong g Dongtan g 2 New Town A14Block,, Treasure Island,, MT. Kumkang g Dormitoryy & The Main Building, g Multifunctional Administrarive Cityy 'Urban Leaf' LEISURE Hwajinpo g, j p Hotel,, Muju j Gucheon-dong g Tourist Hotel,, Rolling g Hills,, MT. Kumkang g Okryukwan y Guest House,, Namhae Hansum Resort,, Morris Wood,, Sachun Fitness Center Additional Project, j , Alpensia p Resort Golf Club & Village, g , RETAIL & ETC Gimpo p International Airport p Remodeling, g, Ansung g Truck Terminal Complex, p , Carrefour Haeundai Store Remodeling, g, Sachun E-mart,, Ulsan Buk-Gu Social Welfare Facilityy OVERSEAS Housing g Complex p in Hochiminh,, Vietnam 'Dual Cityy 2011', Vietnam Sunrise Cityy Plot Central,, Hanoi SONG KIM,, Ho Chi Minh Cong g Hoa Apartment, p , SCTV Broadcasting g Station,, Vietnam,, Algeria g Oran Mixed Use,, Dalat Star Hills Hotel,, Vietnam Hochiminh Airport p Hotel,, Vietnam Hochiminh Twin Doves Golf Course & Resort Town,, Kazahastan G4 Project, j , Ghana Housing g PUBLIC OFFICE & OFFICE Government-Contributed Research Institute Sejong-si j g Renting g Government office,, Sejong j g Government Offices 2-1 District,, The KOGAS Headquarters q Project, j , Rural Development p Administration 1 Area Relocation Project, j , Korea Coast Guard Academyy Construction Business,, Digital g Broadcasting g Contents Center,, Korean National Red Cross Relocation,, Relocation Project j on Language g g Studyy Office of Korea Armyy Signal g School,, The Republic p of Korea Special p Warfare Command The 3rd Special p Airborne troops p Facilities Relocation Construction,, Iksan Official Residence & Militaryy Facilities,, Air Force Wonju j & Chungju gj Armyy Life Facility, yy, Government Masan Regional g Congruence g Business Building, g Cheonan NongHyup, g, g y p, p Ulsan Buk-gu g Public Library, y Wonju y, j Cityy Hall,, Uisang-si g Public Office,, Ulsan Port Business Center,, Gangneung-City g g y Hall,, GIST College g & Institute for Renewable Energy, gy Hwagok-dong g g Cultural and Welfare Center & Public Parking g lot,, Gyeongsangbuk-do y g g p provincial g government building g & Provincial Council Buildings, g , KEPCO-ENC New Headquarter q Building, g Sangam g, g DMC Landmark Tower, Pangyo gy Silicon Park A-1-4-1Block,, Shinsa Beautiful Tower Medical Center MIXED-USE Inchoen Inter Cityy Project, j , Namyangju y gj Byulnae y PF,, Eunpyung py g Newtown Central Commercial Area,, Gwanggyo ggy Power Center PF,, Sungnam g Pangyo gy Complex, p Paju j Unjung j g Complex, p International Design g Competition p for the Magok g Waterfront, HOSPITAL & EDUCATION Yangpyeong gpy g Rehabilitation Hospital, p Changwon g Gyeongsang y g g National Universityy Hospital, p Pusan National Universityy Hospital_trauma p _ center,, Jinju j National Universityy Education Center,, Yongin g English-Village, g g , Inha Technical College g Management g House RESIDENTIAL Hwaseong g Dongtan g 2 New Town A14Block, Treasure Island,, MT. Kumkang g Dormitoryy & The Main Building, g, Multifunctional Administrarive Cityy 'Urban Leaf' LEISURE Hwajinpo j p Hotel,, Muju j Gucheon-dong g Tourist Hotel,, Rolling g Hills,, MT. Kumkang g Okryukwan y Guest House,, Namhae Hansum Resort,, Morris Wood,, Sachun Fitness Center Additional Project, j , Alpensia p Resort Golf Club & Village, g , RETAIL & ETC Gimpo p International Airport p Remodeling, g, Ansung g Truck Terminal Complex, p , Carrefour Haeundai Store Remodeling, g Sachun E-mart,, Ulsan Buk-Gu Social Welfare Facilityy OVERSEAS Housing g, g Complex p in Hochiminh,, Vietnam 'Dual Cityy 2011', Vietnam Sunrise Cityy Plot Central,, Hanoi SONG KIM,, Ho Chi Minh Cong g Hoa Apartment, p , SCTV Broadcasting g Station,, Vietnam,, Algeria g Oran Mixed Use,, Dalat Star Hills Hotel,, Vietnam Hochiminh Airport p Hotel,, Vietnam Hochiminh Twin Doves Golf Course & Resort Town,, Kazahastan G4 Project, j Ghana Housing g PUBLIC OFFICE & OFFICE Government-Contributed Research Institute Sejong-si j g Renting g Government office,, Sejong j g Government Offices 2-1 District,, The KOGAS Headquarters q Project, j , Rural Development p Administration 1 Area Relocation Project, j , Korea Coast Guard Academyy Construction Business,, Digital g Broadcasting g Contents Center,, Korean National Red Cross Relocation,, Relocation Project j on Language g g Studyy Office of Korea Armyy Signal g School,, The Republic p of Korea Special p Warfare Command The 3rd Special p Airborne troops p Facilities Relocation Construction,, Iksan Official Residence & Militaryy Facilities,, Air Force Wonju j & Chungju gj Armyy Life Facility, y Government Masan Regional y, g Congruence g Business Building, g Cheonan NongHyup, g, g y p, p Ulsan Buk-gu g Public Library, y Wonju y, j Cityy Hall,, Uisang-si g Public Office,, Ulsan Port Business Center,, Gangneung-City g g y Hall, GIST College g & Institute for Renewable Energy, gy Hwagok-dong gy, g g Cultural and Welfare Center & Public Parking g lot,, Gyeongsangbuk-do y g g provincial p government g building g & Provincial Council Buildings, g , KEPCO-ENC New Headquarter q Building, g, Sangam g DMC Landmark Tower,, Pangyo gy Silicon Park A-1-4-1Block,, Shinsa Beautiful Tower Medical Center MIXED-USE Inchoen Inter Cityy Project, j , Namyangju y gj Byulnae y PF,, Eunpyung py g Newtown Central Commercial Area, Gwanggyo ggy Power Center PF, Sungnam g Pangyo gy Complex, p Paju j Unjung j g Complex, p International Design g Competition p for the Magok g Waterfront, HOSPITAL & EDUCATION Yangpyeong gpy g Rehabilitation Hospital, p Changwon g Gyeongsang y g g National Universityy Hospital, p , Pusan National Universityy Hospital_trauma p _ center,, Jinju j National Universityy Education Center,, Yongin g English-Village, g g , Inha Technical College g Management g House RESIDENTIAL Hwaseong g Dongtan g 2 New Town A14Block,, Treasure Island,, MT. Kumkang g Dormitoryy & The Main Building, g, Multifunctional Administrarive Cityy 'Urban Leaf' LEISURE Hwajinpo j p Hotel,, Muju j Gucheon-dong g Tourist Hotel,, Rolling g Hills,, MT. Kumkang g Okryukwan y Guest House,, Namhae Hansum Resort,, Morris Wood,, Sachun Fitness Center Additional Project, j , Alpensia p Resort Golf Club & Village, g , RETAIL & ETC Gimpo p International Airport p Remodeling, g Ansung g Truck Terminal Complex, p , Carrefour Haeundai Store Remodeling, g, g Sachun E-mart,, Ulsan Buk-Gu Social Welfare Facilityy OVERSEAS Housing g Complex p in Hochiminh,, Vietnam 'Dual Cityy 2011', Vietnam Sunrise Cityy Plot Central,, Hanoi SONG KIM,, Ho Chi Minh Cong g Hoa Apartment, p , SCTV Broadcasting g Station,, Vietnam,, Algeria g Oran Mixed Use,, Dalat Star Hills Hotel,, Vietnam Hochiminh Airport p Hotel,, Vietnam Hochiminh Twin Doves Golf Course & Resort Town, Kazahastan G4 Project, j Ghana Housing g PUBLIC OFFICE & OFFICE Government-Contributed Research Institute Sejong-si j g Renting g Government office, Sejong j g Government Offices 2-1 District, The KOGAS Headquarters q Project, j , Rural Development p Administration 1 Area Relocation Project, j , Korea Coast Guard Academyy Construction Business,, Digital g Broadcasting g Contents Center,, Korean National Red Cross Relocation, Relocation Project j on Language g g Studyy Office of Korea Armyy Signal g School,, The Republic p of Korea Special p Warfare Command The 3rd Special p Airborne troops p Facilities Relocation Construction,, Iksan Official Residence & Militaryy Facilities,, Air Force Wonju j & Chungju gj Armyy Life Facility, yy, Government Masan Regional g Congruence g Business Building, g g, Cheonan NongHyup, g y p p, Ulsan Buk-gu g Public Library, yy, Wonju j Cityy Hall,, Uisang-si g Public Office,, Ulsan Port Business Center,, Gangneung-City g g y Hall,, GIST College g & Institute for Renewable Energy, gy, Hwagok-dong g g Cultural and Welfare Center & Public Parking g lot,, Gyeongsangbuk-do y g g p provincial g government building g & Provincial Council Buildings, g , KEPCO-ENC New Headquarter q Building, g Sangam g, g DMC Landmark Tower,, Pangyo gy Silicon Park A-1-4-1Block,, Shinsa Beautiful Tower Medical Center MIXED-USE Inchoen Inter Cityy Project, j , Namyangju y gj Byulnae y PF, Eunpyung py g Newtown Central Commercial Area, Gwanggyo ggy Power Center PF, Sungnam g Pangyo gy Complex, p Paju j Unjung j g Complex, p International Design g Competition p for the Magok g Waterfront, HOSPITAL & EDUCATION Yangpyeong gpy g Rehabilitation Hospital, p , Changwon g Gyeongsang y g g National Universityy Hospital, p , Pusan National Universityy Hospital_trauma p _ center,, Jinju j National Universityy Education Center,, Yongin g English-Village, g g , Inha Technical College g Management g House RESIDENTIAL Hwaseong g Dongtan g 2 New Town A14Block,, Treasure Island,, MT. Kumkang g Dormitoryy & The Main Building, g g, Multifunctional Administrarive Cityy 'Urban Leaf' LEISURE Hwajinpo Hotel, Muju Gucheon-dong Tourist Hotel, Rolling Hills, MT. Kumkang Okryukwan Guest House, Namhae Hansum Resort, Morris Wood, Sachun Fitness Center Additional Project, Alpensia Resort Golf Club

The Best or Nothing MAP GROUP


Public Office 1

Government-Contributed Research Institute Sejong - si Renting Government office 2 Sejong Government Offices 2-1 District 3 The KOGAS Headquarters 4 Rural Development Administration 1 Area Relocation 5 Korean National Police University 6 Korea Coast Guard Academy Construction Business 7 Digital Broadcasting Contents Center 8 Relocation on Korea Army Intelligence School Department of Language 9 The Republic of Korea Special Warfare Command The 3rd Special Airborne troops Facilities Relocation 10 Iksan Official Residence & Military Facilities 11 Air Force Wonju & Chungju Military Facilities 12 Masan Provincial joint office 13 Ulsan Buk-gu Public Library 14 Cheonan NH Public Office 15 Korean National Red Cross Relocation 16 Wonju City Hall 17 Uiwang-si Public Office 18 Ulsan Port Business Center 19 Gangneung City Hall 20 GIST College & Institute for Renewable Energy 21 Hwagok-dong Cultural and Welfare Center & Public Parking lot 22 Gyoha New Town Complex Community Center A1 Construction 23 Gyeongsangbuk-do provincial government Office & Provincial Council 24 KEPCO-ENC New Headquarter Center 25 Sangam DMC Landmark Tower 26 Pangyo Silicon Park A-1-2 Block 27 Pangyo Silicon Park A-1-4-1Block 28 Shinsa MI Tower Medical Center

This plan is to combine and relocate the twelve government-affiliated research organization that place in several area where is in Seoul and Gyeonggi-do into Sejong city. We design the building along by the geographical feature, and concentrate on the harmony between nature and artificial environment to improve the function of eco-friendly building. There are two concepts for the site plan, which are following the urban context and the flowing nature respectively. On these hypothetical directions, the ‘Platform’ that connect the 12-part of the research with each other in a body insert into four mass that stand for the identification of the government-funded research institute.

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⽋ ⽋ # ' 4$


This space is designed to be rich with features including an Eco Tube and Eco Box that engage with the meeting space in various ways, an Eco Deck that connects occupants to nature, and a Double Skin System for the actualization of energy-efficient buildings. It secures open space that will accommodate diverse events. The office will be reborn to motivate employees with its convenient 65% above-ground parking space, and maximized cultural space both inside and out.

ᨌŕž•Ĺ–eĹ? Ý…᧲⌚í อӚ۾ &DP 5VCF &DP #PY ᯹ኑĹ? ኑđग़۾ &DP %FDL ᨹՊḥ Š⏉ᎉ Õ⇜ŕž? á?…⊼Ꮌ ᭼⌽ %PVCMF 4LJO 4ZTUFNᎼ ŕ ĽáŻŚ ⌚ŕť‘ Ý…᧲⌽ áŻ•á„…âœ™ŕˇ? ᙚᏊ⌚۾ ᪅⼊ ᜅâ&#x;šáŻ•áœ…ŕˇ? ⪜á…•⌚áŠ? ⣎፾ಽᏕ Ĺ– eáŽ?ಽ ļ⍎⌚እÝ… Ḣᏹâ ™᎚ŕˇ? ᭼⌽ ḥᔢáľ?₉ á?…⊼Ĺ? ԕፙᇥ ŕž™⪾ Ĺ–e ɚ‍ ⪾ݥâ€Źá¨Śŕž•᎚፜ Š≉ŕˇ? ᭼⌽ ℉݉ 0GGJDFಽá•˝ Ă‘ŕĽŽÔ Ă¤áŻ•Ý…

The KOGAS Headquarters ⦽ǎaᜅŖᔍ ᅙᔍ ᝁᔍ᪆ Õพ Ŗ ᔍ ໦ ၽ ᵝ ⃹ ‫ ݡ‬ḡ ᭥ ⊹ ḡ ᩎ ḡ Ǎ ᬊ ࠥ

⦽ǎaᜅŖᔍ ᅙᔍ ᝁᔍ᪆ Õพ ,0("4 Ğᔢᇢࠥ ‫ݡ‬Ǎ᜽ ࠺Ǎ ᝁᕽ࠺ ᯝᬱ ᵡᵝÑḡᩎ ḡǍ݉᭥ĥ⫮Ǎᩎ ŖŖᨦྕ᜽ᖅ

‫ ݡ‬ḡ ໕ ᩑ ໕ Ƚ Ǎ ᵝ ₉ ‫ݡ‬

ᱢ ᱢ ༉ ᳑ ᙹ

⽋ ⽋ # ' ' 3$ 4$ ‫ݡ‬


This plan is to move the Rural Development Administration from Suwon to Jeonju city according to the Policy for Public sector relocation and construction of innovation city. The head office that place on the dominant ‘Entry Axis’ has significance with the traditional Korean paper window. In the central plaza, many activities such as art performance, recreation and plays can be held.

á…™ ļ⍎ጊᎥ Ĺ–Ĺ–Ę‘ĹĄ ḥႊᯕṼáœ˝â‚Śá¨ą ŕŚ‘ŕŻ? ⊼ ᙚᏹ ᎚ ‍׎‏ⅭḼ⯆ℎᎼ Ṽᇢ Ṽáľ?ಽ ᯕṼ⌚۾ á”?ᨌᯕ݅ á…™ â„Ž ኢ኎᎚ v⌽ Ḽᯌ⇜ᖠᔢᨹ ļ⍎ॽ á…™ĹĄŕ şáŽĄ ⌽ÇŽ ŠᎠ᎚ Ṽâ˜–ŕž™᧲Ꮌ ⊜ᔢ⪾⌽ ᯌŕť•áŽ?ಽ ᔢḜᖒᎼ aḥ ŕť‘ Ṽŕť• ᾲጺŲá°†ᨹᕽ۾ ŖኑĹ? ⎕᜞ ༒᎚ Ý…᧲⌽ ⪽ ŕ şáŻ• aâ€Ťŕ ĽâŚšÜ†â€Źŕ˛ž ႑⊚⌚እ݅

Rural Development Administration 1 Area Relocation тАл╫отАмтЕнс╕етпЖтДО с╕бсВКспХс▒есФНсиж ┼Ц╟Н ┼Ц сФН р╗ж сБ╜ с╡Э тГ╣ тАл ▌бтАмс╕б сне тК╣ с╕б сйО с╕б ╟Н смК рае

тАл╫отАмтЕнс╕етпЖтДО с╕бсВКспХс▒е сФНсиж ┼Ц╟Н тАл╫отАмтЕнс╕етпЖтДО сЩ╣сл╡тГ╣ с│СтАл▌НтАмтДО

с▒ерпЭсЗврае с▒ес╡ЭсЬ╜ р╕нсЦТра║ спЭсм▒ с▒есЗвтйвсЭБраесЬ╜╘Х с▒╜ с│ж с╕б╟Н▌Йсне─етло с╕б╟Н тАл╫отАмсижсФ╛р╗жтУХр▒НсЬЕтЦС

╞▒соВсйС╟НсЬ╜сЦЕ сижр╛ХсЬ╜сЦЕ

тАл ▌бтАмс╕б р╗Х сйС р╗Х ╚╜ ╟Н с╡Э тВЙ тАл▌бтАм

с▒в с▒в р╝Й с│С сЩ╣

т╜Л т╜Л # ' ' }ра║ ─ЮсКера║ 4$ 3$ тАл▌бтАм


Korean National Police University Ğₑ‫ ⦺ݡ‬ḡႊᯕᱥ ᝁ⇶ Ŗ ᔍ ໦ ၽ ᵝ ⃹ ‫ ݡ‬ḡ ᭥ ⊹ ḡ ᩎ ḡ Ǎ ᬊ ࠥ

Ğₑ‫ ⦺ݡ‬ḡႊᯕᱥ ᝁ⇶Ŗᔍ ᳑‫ݍ‬ℎ Ğₑ‫⦺ݡ‬Ʊ (4Õᖅ ∊ℎԉࠥ ᦥᔑ᜽ ᝁ₞໕ ⫊ᔑญ ᯝᬱ ⦺Ʊ᜽ᖅ ĥ⫮šญḡᩎ ƱᮂᩑǍ᜽ᖅ

‫ ݡ‬ḡ ໕ ᩑ ໕ Ƚ Ǎ ᵝ ₉ ‫ݡ‬

ᱢ ᱢ ༉ ᳑ ᙹ

⽋ ⽋ ' ' 3$ 4$ ‫ݡ‬


Korea Coast Guard Academy Construction Business ⧕᧲Ğₑ⦺Ʊ Õᖅᔍᨦ Ŗ ᔍ ໦ ၽ ᵝ ⃹ ‫ ݡ‬ḡ ᭥ ⊹ ᵝ ᫵ ᜽ ᖅ ᬊ ࠥ

⧕᧲Ğₑ⦺Ʊ Õᖅᔍᨦ ⧕᧲Ğₑ⦺Ʊ ᙹ᫵⃹ ᳑‫ݍ‬ℎ ᱥ௝ԉࠥ ᩍᙹ᜽ ᪅⃽࠺ ᔑ ჩḡ ᯝᬱ Ʊᮂ ၰ ḡᬱ᜽ᖅ ⬩ಉ᜽ᖅ ᪆᫙᜽ᖅ ƱᮂᩑǍ᜽ᖅ ᨦྕ᜽ᖅ

‫ ݡ‬ḡ ໕ ᩑ ໕ Ƚ Ǎ ᵝ ₉ ‫ݡ‬

ᱢ ᱢ ༉ ᳑ ᙹ

⽋ ⽋ # ' ' 3$ ‫ݡ‬


Digital Broadcasting Contents Center ॵḡ▙ႊᘂ ⎹▱⊁ ḡᬱᖝ░ Ŗ ၽ ‫ݡ‬ ḡ ᬊ ‫ݡ‬ ᩑ Ƚ Ǎ ᵝ

ᔍ ᵝ ḡ ᭥ ᩎ ḡ

໦ ⃹ ⊹ Ǎ ࠥ ḡ ໕ ᱢ ໕ ᱢ ༉ ᳑ ₉ ‫ᙹ ݡ‬

ॵḡ▙ႊᘂ ⎹▱⊁ ḡᬱᖝ░ ÕพŖᔍ ႊᘂ☖ᝁ᭥ᬱ⫭ ྙ⪵ℕᮂšŲᇡ ⦽ǎ⎹▱⊁ḥ⯆ᬱ

Ğʑࠥ Ł᧲᜽ ᰆ⧎࠺ ᗭᰍ ⦽ඹᬵऽ Ǎᩎ 0 ḡᩎ ᯝၹᔢᨦḡǍ ႊᘂ☖ᝁ᜽ᖅ ᨦྕ᜽ᖅ ❱ๅ ၰ ᩢᨦ᜽ᖅ ⽋ ⽋ # ' ' 3$ 43$ ‫ݡ‬

Relocation on Korea Army Intelligence School Department Of Language ᎂǑṜᅕ⌺ƹ ᨕ⌺⃚ ᯕṼá”?ᨌ Ĺ– á”? á ˝ áľ? ‍ ݥ‏ḥ á­Ľ áľ? ፾ áœ˝

໦ ⃚ ⊚ á–…

ᎂǑṜᅕ⌺ƹ ᨕ⌺⃚ ᯕṼá”?ᨌ áœ˝á–…Ĺ–á”? Ɋ⪙ᔑᨌ áľ?

ÄžĘ‘ŕ Ľ áŻ•âƒ˝áœ˝ ᰆ⪙ᏹᎎ ᯕ⍊ŕ¸? áŻ?ᏹ ǭ኎ ᨕ⌺âƒšáœ˝á–… ᅙℎ á ° Ćąá?… ᔞ⪽ť ኎á”?ĹĄ

ǭ኎ ኢáŤ™á™şá—­áœ˝á–… ኢፙᙺᗭ ᖙ‍ ݥ‏ᅖḥ⍭ť ʼn⼼ኑ᜖ᰆ

‍ ݥ‏ḥ ŕť• ኑ ŕť• Č˝ Ç?

Ṣ Ṣ ŕź‰ áł‘

⽋ ᨕ⌺âƒšá¸ĄáŠŽ ⽋ ኢፙᙺᗭḥ኎

⽋ ᨕ⌺âƒšá¸ĄáŠŽ ⽋ ኢፙᙺᗭḥ኎

# ' ' 3$

The Republic of Korea Special Warfare Command The 3rd Special Airborne troops Facilities Relocation âœšá™šáąĽ á”?ಚᇥ á ° áą˝ Ĺ–á™šâœšṼáŠ?݉ ᯕṼá”?ᨌ áœ˝á–…Ĺ–á”? Ĺ– á”? ໦ á ˝ áľ? ⃚ ‍ ݥ‏ḥ á­Ľ ⊚ ḥ ኎ ḥ Ç? Ꮚ ŕ Ľ

âœšá™šáąĽ á”?ಚᇥ áą˝ Ŗᙚ ✚ṼáŠ?݉ ᯕṼá”?ᨌ áœ˝á–…Ĺ–á”? ‍ݥ‏ŕ¸?Ă•á–… ÄžĘ‘ŕ Ľ áŻ•âƒ˝áœ˝ ชá°†ŕť• ĹĄŕ¸? ⍭ᨖŕ¸? áŻ?‍ ݥ‏ ĹĄŕ¸?ḥ኎ ‍׎‏ŕ¸?ḥ኎ ÇŽá‚Š Ç‘á”?áœ˝á–…

‍ ݥ‏ḥ ŕť• ኑ ŕť• Č˝ Ç? áľ? ₉ ‍ݥ‏

Ṣ Ṣ ŕź‰ áł‘ ᙚ

⽋ ⽋ # ' ' 3$ 4$ ‍ݥ‏

Iksan Official Residence & Military Facilities Ṽᇢ ᯖᔑ ĹĄá”? á ° á„˛áŠ˘áœ˝á–… Ĺ– á”? á ˝ áľ? ‍ ݥ‏ḥ á­Ľ áľ? ፾ áœ˝

໦ ⃚ ⊚ á–…

Ṽᇢ ᯖᔑ ĹĄá”? á ° á„˛áŠ˘áœ˝á–… á ?eâš?᯹áœ˝á–…á”?ᨌ Ɋ⪙ᔑᨌ áľ?

ṼŕŻ?á‡˘ŕ Ľ áŻ–á”‘áœ˝ Ɋชŕť• ŕ şĹ ŕ Ľŕ¸? á? Ꮚŕ¸? áŻ?‍ݥ‏ ĹĄá”? ᔞ⪽ť eᇥᙺᗭ

‍ ݥ‏ḥ ŕť• ኑ ŕť• Č˝ Ç? áľ? ₉ ‍ݥ‏

Ṣ Ṣ ŕź‰ áł‘ ᙚ

⽋ ⽋ ' 3$ ᄞ᜞Ç?áł‘ ‍ݥ‏


Air Force Wonju & Chungju Military Facilities ŖǑ ᬱᵝ šᔍ ∊ᵝ ᄲᩢ᜽ᖅ Ŗ ᔍ ໦ ၽ ᵝ ⃹ ‫ ݡ‬ḡ ᭥ ⊹ ḡ ᩎ ḡ Ǎ ᵝ ᫵ ᜽ ᖅ

ŖǑ ᬱᵝ ∊ᵝ šᔍ ၰ ᄲᩢ᜽ᖅ ၝe⚍ᯱ᜽ᖅᔍᨦ Łಅ}ၽ vᬱࠥ ᬱᵝ᜽ ᗭⅩ໕ ᮹šญ ᯝ‫ݡ‬ ᅕᱥšญḡᩎ Ǒᬊ ⧎Ŗʑḡ Ǎᩎ ŖǑ šᔍ ɝฑᔾ⪽᜽ᖅ

‫ ݡ‬ḡ ໕ ᩑ ໕ Ƚ Ǎ ᵝ ₉ ‫ݡ‬

ᱢ ᱢ ༉ ᳑ ᙹ

⽋ " ⽋ # ⽋ " ⽋ " ⽋ # ⽋ $

⽋ ᖙ‫ ⽋ ݡ‬ᖙ‫ ⽋ " ݡ‬ᖙ‫ ݡ‬# ⽋ ᖙ‫ ⽋ ݡ‬ᖙ‫ ݡ‬$

3$ ‫ ݡ " ݡ‬# ‫ ݡ‬$

Masan joint government office of 24,600㎥ total floor area is the fourth provincial joint office to be built. Six institutions are to move in; Masan Regional Maritime Affairs and Port Office, the Masan Customs, the National Masan Quarantine Station, the National Veterinary Research and Quarantine Service Masan Office, the National Plant Quarantine Service Masan Office, and Tong-young Korea Coast Guard Masan Office.

Ă•ŕž? áŠ‘ŕť•Ṣ อ ⽋ Č˝ŕź‰᎚ ḥá‚Š â§Šŕ şâ„Žá”?ಽ áą˝áľ?ŕ ĽáŞĄ Ųáľ?ŲáŠŽáœ˝ váŹąŕ Ľ vࡪ ‍ݥ‏Ç? ŲáŠŽáœ˝á¨ą ᯕᨕ ჊ᚙಽ Õพग़۾ ชᔑ ḥá‚Š â§Šŕ ş â„Ž á”?ᨹ۾ ชᔑḥႊ⧕᧲⧎อâ„ŽĹ? ชᔑᖙť ǎพชᔑå኎ᗭ ǎพᙚ᎚Ĺ?⌺ å኎ᏹ ชᔑá”?ŕž•á—­ ÇŽŕ¸žáœžŕž?å኎ᏹ ชᔑá”?ŕž•á—­ ☖ኢ⧕᧲Äžâ‚‘á•˝ ชᔑâ?­ ⇽ᗭ ༒ } ʑťᯕ ᯌáľ?⌚í ॽÝ…

Masan Provincial Joint Office ᱶᇡ ษᔑ ḡႊ ⧊࠺ℎᔍ Ŗ ᔍ ၽ ᵝ ‫ ݡ‬ḡ ᭥ ᵝ ᫵ ᜽

໦ ⃹ ⊹ ᖅ

ᱶᇡ ษᔑ ḡႊ ⧊࠺ℎᔍ ᝁ⇶Ŗᔍ ⧪ᱶᦩᱥᇡ Ğᔢԉࠥ ษᔑ᜽ ᝁ⡍࠺ ᯝᬱ ŖŖ ᨦྕ᜽ᖅ

‫ ݡ‬ḡ ໕ ᩑ ໕ Ƚ Ǎ ᵝ ₉ ‫ݡ‬

ᱢ ᱢ ༉ ᳑ ᙹ

⽋ ⽋ ' ᅙ࠺ ' ⧎อ᜽ᖅ࠺

3$ 4$ ‫ݡ‬


Ulsan Buk-gu Public Library ᬙᔑ ᇢǍ ŖŖ ࠥᕽš Ŗ ᔍ ໦ ၽ ᵝ ⃹ ‫ ݡ‬ḡ ᭥ ⊹ ḡ ᩎ ḡ Ǎ ᬊ ࠥ

ᬙᔑŲᩎ᜽ ᇢǍ ŖŖ ᵲᦺ ࠥᕽš ÕพŖᔍ ᬙᔑŲᩎ᜽ ᇢǍ ᬙᔑŲᩎ᜽ ᇢǍ ᩑᦵ࠺ ჩḡ ⪵ᅪ ɝฑŖᬱԕ ᱽ ᳦ ᯝၹᵝÑḡᩎ ƱᮂᩑǍ ၰ ᅖḡ᜽ᖅ ࠥᕽš

‫ ݡ‬ḡ ໕ ᩑ ໕ Ƚ Ǎ ᵝ ₉ ‫ݡ‬

ᱢ ᱢ ༉ ᳑ ᙹ

⽋ ⽋ # '_ ' 3$ 4$ ‫ݡ‬


Cheonan NH Public Office ⃽ᦩ ⇶ᔑ‫ ⩲׮‬᳦⧊ℎᔍ Ŗ ᔍ ໦ ၽ ᵝ ⃹ ‫ ݡ‬ḡ ᭥ ⊹ ḡ ᩎ ḡ Ǎ ᵝ ᫵ ᜽ ᖅ

⃽ᦩ ⇶ᔑ‫ ⩲׮‬᳦⧊ℎᔍ ᝁ⇶Ŗᔍ ⃽ᦩ ⇶ᔑ‫⩲׮‬ ∊ℎԉࠥ ⃽ᦩ᜽ ࠺ԉǍ ℎ‫ ࠺ݚ‬ ᔢᨦḡǍ ŁࠥḡǍ ษ✙ ₞Ł ᔍྕᝅ ᜾‫ݚ‬

‫ ݡ‬ḡ ໕ ᩑ ໕ Ƚ Ǎ ᵝ ₉ ‫ݡ‬

ᱢ ᱢ ༉ ᳑ ᙹ

⽋ ⽋ # ' ' 3$ ‫ݡ‬

Korean Red Cross in Wonju expresses the 'Ah-woo-rum', which signifies the unification of nature and human. It also projects the indepency of the 4 different organizations and represents the new image of the office. the motive of our design 'Ahwoo-rum'adopts the 'relief' and the 'community service' spirit of the Korean Red Cross and fills it with harmony and specific character.

‍ ⌽ݥ‏Ṣá?Ž᯹ } Ę‘ĹĄ á…™á”?áŻ?ᇥ ⊊ᧂťŕ¸?ᅙᇥ ⊊ᧂᙚ⊊ ኑÇ?ᏹ ƹᎂ ᏹ Ꮌ ☖⧊⌚áŠ? vᏹ ᏹáľ? ⊢á? á? ŕ Ľáœ˝ Ô•ᨹ á? â„Žá”?ŕˇ? áł‘á–’⌚۾ ⼼ಽṞ✙ ᯕ݅ ⊼á°? ࡙݅ ᰆᗭᨹ ᭼⊚⧕ ᯊ۾ b ʑť༅᎚ ŕ Śŕ¸žá–’Ꮌ ᇥáŠ?⧉Ĺ? ŕ ş áœ˝á¨ą ᔊಽᏕ â„Žá”?᎚ áŻ•á ™ḥŕˇ? ᔢḜ⪾⌚áŠ? ᯹ኑĹ? á”?௭ᯕ ⌚Ӛग़۾ ንฑ Ṣá?Ž᯹ŕˇ? ጼᏑࡼ áŽ?ಽ ⊜ᔢ⪾⧊݅ á–…ļ᎚ ŕź‰â?‘ቭᯙ ጼᏑࡼ Ꭵ Ṣá?Ž᯹á”? a Ç?⊼⌚۾ Ç?⪙ ᪥ á…Şá”? ᎚Ṝá? Ꮌ á”˘á¸śâŚšŕť‘ áł‘⪾᪥ }á–’Ꮌ ‍ݕ‏ŠᯊÝ…




Korean National Red Cross Relocation тАлтж╜▌бтАмс▒всЭОсп▒сФН с╕бсВКспХс▒е тДОсФН ┼Ц сФН р╗ж сБ╜ с╡Э тГ╣ тАл ▌бтАмс╕б сне тК╣ с╕б сйО с╕б ╟Н смК рае

тАлтж╜▌бтАмс▒всЭОсп▒сФН с╕бсВКспХс▒етДОсФН сЭБтЗ╢┼ЦсФН тАлтж╜▌бтАмс▒всЭОсп▒сФН vсм▒рае см▒с╡ЭсЬ╜ сБ╣┼Вра║ см▒с╡Э тйвсЭБраесЬ╜╘Х

с▒╜ с│ж с╕б╟Н▌Йсне─етлос╕б╟Н спХс▒е┼Ц┼ЦсмКс╕б

спЭсБ╣ сижр╛ХсЬ╜сЦЕ

тАл ▌бтАмс╕б р╗Х сйС р╗Х ╚╜ ╟Н с╡Э тВЙ тАл▌бтАм

с▒в с▒в р╝Й с│С сЩ╣

т╜Л т╜Л ' 3$ тАл▌бтАм



Wonju City Hall см▒с╡ЭсЬ╜тДОсФН ┼Ц сФН сБ╜ с╡Э тАл ▌бтАмс╕б сне с╡Э сл╡ сЬ╜

р╗ж тГ╣ тК╣ сЦЕ

см▒с╡Э сЬ╜тДОсФН см▒с╡ЭсЬ╜ vсм▒рае см▒с╡ЭсЬ╜ р╛ХсЭЕра║ ┼Ц┼Ц сижр╛ХсЬ╜сЦЕ

тАл ▌бтАмс╕б р╗Х сйС р╗Х ╚╜ ╟Н

с▒в с▒в р╝Й с│С

т╜Л т╜Л # ' ' 3$ 4$

Uiwang-si Public Office со╣ск╢сЬ╜ ┼ЦсмКтДОсФН ┼Ц сФН р╗ж сБ╜ с╡Э тГ╣ тАл ▌бтАмс╕б сне тК╣ с╕б сйО с╕б ╟Н с╡Э сл╡ сЬ╜ сЦЕ

со╣ск╢сЬ╜ ╘ХсЧ▒ра║ ┼ЦсмКтДОсФН сЭБтЗ╢┼ЦсФН со╣ск╢сЬ╜ ─Ю╩Срае со╣ск╢сЬ╜ ╘ХсЧ▒ра║ спЭсм▒ сФвсижс╕бсйО с╡ЭсБЭсЦЭтЦС тАл╫ЩтАмспЩсЕЦс╕б┼б раесХ╜┼б

тАл ▌бтАмс╕б р╗Х сйС р╗Х ╚╜ ╟Н с╡Э тВЙ тАл▌бтАм

с▒в с▒в р╝Й с│С сЩ╣

т╜Л т╜Л # ' ' 3$ тАл▌бтАм


Ulsan Port Business Center Ꮩᔑ ⧕Ꮥ⧎อ áŠĽáˇŠâ€ŤÜŠâ€Źáœ… á–?â–‘ Ĺ– á”? ໦ á ˝ áľ? ⃚ ‍ ݥ‏ḥ á­Ľ ⊚ ḥ ኎ ḥ Ç? Ꮚ ŕ Ľ

Ꮩᔑ ⧕Ꮥ⧎อ áŠĽáˇŠâ€ŤÜŠâ€Źáœ… á–?â–‘ ÕพŖá”? ᏙᔑŲáŠŽáœ˝ ᇢÇ? ᏙᔑŲáŠŽáœ˝ Ô‰Ç? ŕš…áŚľŕ ş áŻ?‍ݥ‏ ᾥĹ–ᨌḥ኎ ᨌŕž•áœ˝á–…

‍ ݥ‏ḥ ŕť• ኑ ŕť• Č˝ Ç? áľ? ₉ ‍ݥ‏

Ṣ Ṣ ŕź‰ áł‘ ᙚ

⽋ ⽋ # ' ' 3$ $PSF Ṽ݉ᄞ᜞Ç?áł‘ ‍ ݥ‏

The design possesses potential to develop into an environment friendly business center that utilizes the coast. Connection between different facilities and effective positioning was planned. A wide-ranged traffic network is secured thanks to the construction of the Ulsan Bridge. We look forward to it playing the role of the icon for Ulsan, thus leading to the creation of tourist effects. The design that visualizes a whale’s stomach, the open space of the main hall, and a continuous flow makes the best use of space. In addition, connection with the park creates an active outdoor space, achieving communication with inhabitants.

⧕ጊᎼ ⪽Ꮚ⌽ ⪚Ğ⊽⪾Ṣᯙ áŠĽáˇŠâ€ŤÜŠâ€Źáœ…á–?â–‘ಽᕽ᎚ áł‘á–’ a‍܆‏ᖒᎼ aḥŕť‘ Ý…᧲⌽ áœ˝á–…e᎚ ኑļ á ° ⏉ᎉṢ ႑⊚a áŻ•ŕľ‰á¨•á¸Ąŕ Ľŕ˛ž ⌚እÝ… Ꮩᔑ‍ݥ‏ƹ Ă•á–…ಽ ᯙ⌽ Ų኎Ṣ Ćąâ˜– พᎼ ⪜á…•⌚እáŽ?ŕť‘ ጼᯕ⎚áŽ?ಽ᎚ á–’á°†Ꮌ ☖⧕ ⊼á°? Ꮩᔑ ᨹ ᨧ۾ ḥ኎ ጼᯕ⎚áŽ?ಽ᎚ ťŲ⏉Ĺ? ₞⇽Ꮌ ʑ‍⌚ݥ‏Š᯹ ⌽Ý… Š௚᎚ á‚‘ŕˇ? ⊜á–’⪾⌽ ༾᯹ᯙĹ? ຾ᯙ⪥Ꮌ ᯕᏊ⌽ ንฑŖe ⪜á…• ኑᗎॽ ⎹ࡼáŽ?ಽ Ĺ–e ⪽Ꮚᖒᯕ Ꮡᙚ⌚í ļ⍎ग़ᨊÝ… ੱ⦽ Ĺ–ᏹĹ? ኑļ⌚áŠ? ṢÉšṢ ፙᇥŖeᎼ ⊜ ᖒ⧉áŽ?ಽá&#x;‰ áľ?á ?Ĺ?᎚ ᗭ☖Ꮌ ᯕྉŠ᯹ ⌚እÝ…

Gangneung City Hall vр╖ксЬ╜тДОсФН ┼Ц сФН сБ╜ с╡Э тАл ▌бтАмс╕б сне смК

р╗ж тГ╣ тК╣ рае

vр╖ксЬ╜тДОсФН vр╖ксЬ╜тДО vсм▒рае vр╖ксЬ╜ vр╖ктАл▌бтАмр▓╜ ┼Ц┼Ц сижр╛ХсЬ╜сЦЕ

тАл ▌бтАмс╕б р╗Х сйС р╗Х ╚╜ ╟Н

с▒в с▒в р╝Й с│С

т╜Л т╜Л # ' ' сЬ╜тДО сЕЩ┼б # ' ' со╣тлн тДОсФН



GIST College & Institute for Renewable Energy Ųáľ?Ĺ?⌺Ę‘áš ᏹ ⌺á”?Ĺ?áąś á ° á? á°?ᔞᨹՊḥ ኑÇ?á—­ Ĺ– á”? ໦ á ˝ áľ? ⃚ ‍ ݥ‏ḥ á­Ľ ⊚ ḥ ኎ ḥ Ç? áľ? ፾ áœ˝ á–…

Ųáľ? Ĺ?⌺Ę‘áš ᏹ ⌺á”?Ĺ?áąś á ° á? á°?ᔞᨹՊḥ ኑÇ?á—­ Ă•á–…Ĺ–á”? 5, Ųáľ?Ĺ?⌺Ę‘áš ᏹ Ųáľ?ŲáŠŽáœ˝ ᇢÇ? ℉݉Ĺ?Ę‘ಽ Ųáľ?Ĺ?⌺Ę‘áš ᏹÔ• ḥṜᇥḥ ŕ Ľáœ˝á¸ĄáŠŽ ᯹ኑ‍ך‏ḥḥ኎ ⌺ƹᏊḥ ʑᙺá”? ᙺᗭ

‍ ݥ‏ḥ ŕť• ኑ ŕť• Č˝ Ç? áľ? ₉ ‍ݥ‏

Ṣ Ṣ ŕź‰ áł‘ ᙚ

⽋ ⽋ # ' ' 3$ 4$ ‍ݥ‏


Hwagok-dong Cultural and Welfare Center & Public Parking lot тк╡┼Вра║ р╛Щтк╡сЕЦс╕бсЦЭтЦС сБ░ ┼ЦсмКс╡ЭтВЙс░Ж ┼Ц сФН р╗ж сБ╜ с╡Э тГ╣ тАл ▌бтАмс╕б сне тК╣ с╕б сйО с╕б ╟Н с╡Э сл╡ сЬ╜ сЦЕ тАл ▌бтАмс╕б р╗Х сйС р╗Х ╚╜ ╟Н с╡Э тВЙ тАл▌бтАм

с▒в с▒в р╝Й с│С сЩ╣

тк╡┼Вра║ р╛Щтк╡сЕЦс╕бсЦЭтЦС сБ░ ┼Цсйвс╡ЭтВЙс░Ж ├Хр╕Ю┼ЦсФН vсХ╜╟Н vсХ╜╟Н тк╡┼В ра║ сГйс╕б раесЬ╜с╕бсйО с▒╜ с│ж спЭсБ╣с╡Э├Сс╕бсйО ┼ЦтзОсЬ╜сЦЕсЕХткЩс╕б╟Н спЭсБ╣сБЩ┼бс╕б╟Н раесХ╜┼б ├ХvсЦЭтЦС тАл╫ЩтАмспЩсЕЦс╕бсЦЭтЦС сД▓см▒ с╡ЭтВЙс░Ж т╜Л т╜Л # ' ' 3$ 4$ тАл▌бтАм

Gyoha New Town Complex Community Center A1 Construction ╞▒тж╣ сЭБраесЬ╜ сЕЦтзК тНЕсАЕтАл тЭС▄йтАмсЦЭтЦС

┼Ц сФН р╗ж ╞▒тж╣ сЭБраесЬ╜ сЕЦтзК тНЕсАЕтАл тЭС▄йтАмсЦЭтЦС сБ╜ с╡Э тГ╣ тЭнс╡ЭсЬ╜ тАл ▌бтАмс╕б сне тК╣ ─Ю╩Срае тЭнс╡ЭсЬ╜ скбра║р╕Н с╡Э сл╡ сЬ╜ сЦЕ ┼Ц┼Ц сижр╛ХсЬ╜сЦЕ тАл ▌бтАмс╕б р╗Х с▒в т╜Л сйС р╗Х с▒в т╜Л ╚╜ р╝Й # ' ' ╟Н с│С 3$

Gyeongsangbuk-do Provincial Government Office & Provincial Council ─ЮсФвсЗврае раетДО сЕЩтДО сБ░ со╣тлнтДОсФН ┼Ц сФН сБ╜ с╡Э тАл ▌бтАмс╕б сне смК

р╗ж тГ╣ тК╣ рае

─ЮсФвсЗврае раетДО сЕЩтДО сБ░ со╣тлнтДОсФН ├Хр╕Ю┼ЦсФН ─ЮсФвсЗврае ─ЮсФвсЗврае ╩бтГ╜сЬ╜ ╘Йр╗Х смКс▒ер╕Н ┼Ц┼Ц сижр╛ХсЬ╜сЦЕ

тАл ▌бтАмс╕б р╗Х сйС р╗Х ╚╜ с╡Э тВЙ тАл▌бтАм

с▒в с▒в р╝Й сЩ╣

т╜Л т╜Л # ' ' тАл▌бтАм


KEPCO-ENC New Headquarter Center ⦽ǎᱥಆʑᚁ ᵝ ᝁᔍ᪆ Ŗ ၽ ‫ݡ‬ ḡ ᬊ ‫ݡ‬ ᩑ Ƚ Ǎ ᵝ

ᔍ ᵝ ḡ ᭥ ᩎ ḡ

໦ ⃹ ⊹ Ǎ ࠥ ḡ ໕ ᱢ ໕ ᱢ ༉ ᳑ ₉ ‫ᙹ ݡ‬

⦽ǎᱥಆʑᚁ ᵝ ᝁᔍ᪆ ÕพŖᔍ ⦽ǎᱥಆʑᚁ ᵝ

Ğᔢᇢࠥ ʡ⃽᜽ ԉ໕ ᬊᱥญ ᱽ ᳦ ḡǍ݉᭥ĥ⫮Ǎᩎ ᵡᵝÑḡᩎ ŖŖ ᨦྕ᜽ᖅ ⽋ ⽋ # ' ' ᅙš ' ʑᙺᔍ ⡍⧉ }࠺ 3$ 4$ ‫ݡ‬

Sangam DMC Landmark Tower сФвсж╡ %.$ рп╜рд╜р╕йтУН тФбсмн ┼Ц сФН сБ╜ с╡Э тАл ▌бтАмс╕б сне смК

р╗ж тГ╣ тК╣ рае

сФвсж╡ %.$ рп╜рд╜р╕йтУН тФбсмн 1' ".$ сХ╜смЩсЬ╜ р╕йтбН╟Н сФвсж╡ра║ %.$ с╕б╟Н╘Х ' ' #тЭ▒р╣ЕсйвсижсЬ╜сЦЕ сижр╛ХсЬ╜сЦЕ сЩ║сБ╢ сБ░ с╡Э├СсЬ╜сЦЕ

тАл ▌бтАмс╕б р╗Х сйС р╗Х ╚╜ ╟Н

с▒в с▒в р╝Й с│С

т╜Л т╜Л # ' ' 43$


The Seoul Land Mark Tower is a high-rise building to be constructed in the Sang-am DMC, composed of a total floor area of 724,675m² and reaching 133 stories (640m). It is supposed to be the second highest building in the world next to Dubai’s Burz Kalipa. Inside the building are residential complexes, offices, department stores, a large aquarium, musical theaters and on the 100th floor is a first-class hotel and serviced residence.

ᕽᏙ௽ऽชâ“?┥ᏭⲲ۾ ᔢጾ%.$ Ô•ᨹ ⊖ N áŠ‘ŕť•Ṣ อ â˝‹Č˝ŕź‰ಽ Õพग़۾ ⅊Š⊖ ᩭ঩áŽ?ಽ ḥӽ⧕ ᪼Ĺ–ॽ ጼ௎ᨹá ™ŕ¸?✙ 6"& ŕ˘ąá ľáŻ•᎚ ⲹᇥࡕᡊâ‹?ŕ¸?â?­â˛˛ Ý…ᎭáŽ?ಽ ‍׳‏Ꭵ Ă•ŕž?ಽ á–…ļग़ᨊÝ… Ă•ŕž? Ô• ᨹ۾ ጼâ?­âœ™᪥ ᨌŕž•áœ˝á–… á‚’⪾ṹ ‍ጼ①ጼ ⊜ݥ‏ŕ¸?Ꮵ စḥâ?? ṼᏊɚᰆ ༒ ᯕ ŕĽ…á¨•á•˝ŕť‘ ⊖ᨹ۾ ↽Šɪ ⪙▾Ĺ? á•˝áŠĽáœ…ऽ๊ḥޚáœ…ŕ Ľ ļ⍎ग़ᨕ ᯊÝ…

Pangyo Silicon Park A-1-2 Block ❱Ʊ ᝅญ⎹❭Ⓧ " ት౎ Ŗ ᔍ ໦ ‫ ݡ‬ḡ ᭥ ⊹ ḡ ᩎ ḡ Ǎ ᵝ ᫵ ᜽ ᖅ

❱Ʊ ᝅญ⎹❭Ⓧ " ⦥ḡ ᖅĥᬊᩎ Ğʑࠥ ᖒԉ᜽ ❱Ʊ ▭Ⓧ‫י‬႙ญ ԕ " ⦥ḡԕ ⦥ḡ ᵡᵝÑḡᩎ Ʊᮂ ၰ ᩑǍ᜽ᖅ

‫ ݡ‬ḡ ໕ ᩑ ໕ Ƚ Ǎ ᵝ ₉ ‫ݡ‬

ᱢ ᱢ ༉ ᳑ ᙹ

⽋ ⽋ # ' '_ ' 3$ ‫ݡ‬


Pangyo Silicon Park A-1-4-1Block ❱Ʊ ᝅญ⎹❭Ⓧ " ት౎ Ŗ ᔍ ໦ ‫ ݡ‬ḡ ᭥ ⊹ ḡ ᩎ ḡ Ǎ ᵝ ᫵ ᜽ ᖅ

❱Ʊ ᝅญ⎹❭Ⓧ " ⦥ḡ ᔍ᪆ ᝁ⇶Ŗᔍ Ğʑࠥ ᖒԉ᜽ ❱Ʊ ᝅญ⎹❭Ⓧ " ⦥ḡԕ " B ❱Ʊ┾ḡ}ၽḡǍԕ ✚ᄥĥ⫮Ǎᩎ " ƱᮂᩑǍ᜽ᖅ

‫ ݡ‬ḡ ໕ ᩑ ໕ Ƚ Ǎ ᵝ ₉ ‫ݡ‬

ᱢ ᱢ ༉ ᳑ ᙹ

⽋ ⽋ # ' ' 3$ 43$ ‫ݡ‬


Shinsa MI Tower Medical Center ᝁᔍ ၙ┡ᬭ Ŗ ᔍ ၽ ᵝ ‫ ݡ‬ḡ ᭥ ᵝ ᫵ ᜽

໦ ⃹ ⊹ ᖅ

ᝁᔍ ၙ┡ᬭ ີॵ⍍ ᖝ░ ᝁ⇶Ŗᔍ ᝁᖒÕᖅ ᕽᬙ vԉǍ ᝁᔍ࠺ ᨦྕ᜽ᖅ

‫ ݡ‬ḡ ໕ ᩑ ໕ Ƚ Ǎ

ᱢ ᱢ ༉ ᳑

⽋ ⽋ # ' ' 43$

PUBLIC OFFICE & OFFICE Government-Contributed Research Institute Sejong-si j g Renting g Government office,, Sejong j g Government Offices 2-1 District,, The KOGAS Headquarters q Project, j , Rural Development p Administration 1 Area Relocation Project, j , Korea Coast Guard Academyy Construction Business,, Digital g Broadcasting g Contents Center,, Korean National Red Cross Relocation,, Relocation Project j on Language g g Studyy Office of Korea Armyy Signal g School,, The Republic p of Korea Special p Warfare Command The 3rd Special p Airborne troops p Facilities Relocation Construction,, Iksan Official Residence & Militaryy Facilities,, Air Force Wonju j & Chungju gj Armyy Life Facility, y Government Masan Regional g Congruence g Business Building, g Cheonan NongHyup, g, g y p p, Ulsan Buk-gu g Public Library, yy, Wonju j Cityy Hall,, Uisang-si g Public Office,, Ulsan Port Business Center,, Gangneung-City g g y Hall,, GIST College g & Institute for Renewable Energy, gy Hwagok-dong gy, g g Cultural and Welfare Center & Public Parking g lot,, Gyeongsangbuk-do y g g p provincial g government building g & Provincial Council Buildings, g , KEPCO-ENC New Headquarter q Building, g Sangam g DMC Landmark Tower,, Pangyo gy Silicon Park A-1-4-1Block,, Shinsa Beautiful Tower Medical Center MIXED-USE Inchoen Inter Cityy Project, j , Namyangju y gj Byulnae y PF,, Eunpyung py g Newtown Central Commercial Area,, Gwanggyo ggy Power Center PF, Sungnam g Pangyo gy Complex, p Paju j Unjung j g Complex, p International Design g Competition p for the Magok g Waterfront, HOSPITAL & EDUCATION Yangpyeong gpy g Rehabilitation Hospital, p Changwon g Gyeongsang y g g National Universityy Hospital, p , Pusan National Universityy Hospital_trauma p _ center,, Jinju j National Universityy Education Center,, Yongin g English-Village, g g , Inha Technical College g Management g House RESIDENTIAL Hwaseong g Dongtan g 2 New Town A14Block,, Treasure Island,, MT. Kumkang g Dormitoryy & The Main Building, g, Multifunctional Administrarive Cityy 'Urban Leaf' LEISURE Hwajinpo j p Hotel,, Muju j Gucheon-dong g Tourist Hotel,, Rolling g Hills,, MT. Kumkang g Okryukwan y Guest House,, Namhae Hansum Resort,, Morris Wood,, Sachun Fitness Center Additional Project, j , Alpensia p Resort Golf Club & Village, g , RETAIL & ETC Gimpo p International Airport p Remodeling, g Ansung g Truck Terminal Complex, p , Carrefour Haeundai Store Remodeling, g, g Sachun E-mart,, Ulsan Buk-Gu Social Welfare Facilityy OVERSEAS Housing g Complex p in Hochiminh,, Vietnam 'Dual Cityy 2011', Vietnam Sunrise Cityy Plot Central,, Hanoi SONG KIM,, Ho Chi Minh Cong g Hoa Apartment, p , SCTV Broadcasting g Station,, Vietnam,, Algeria g Oran Mixed Use,, Dalat Star Hills Hotel,, Vietnam Hochiminh Airport p Hotel,, Vietnam Hochiminh Twin Doves Golf Course & Resort Town, Kazahastan G4 Project, j Ghana Housing g PUBLIC OFFICE & OFFICE Government-Contributed Research Institute Sejong-si j g Renting g Government office, Sejong j g Government Offices 2-1 District, The KOGAS Headquarters q Project, j , Rural Development p Administration 1 Area Relocation Project, j , Korea Coast Guard Academyy Construction Business,, Digital g Broadcasting g Contents Center,, Korean National Red Cross Relocation, Relocation Project j on Language g g Studyy Office of Korea Armyy Signal g School,, The Republic p of Korea Special p Warfare Command The 3rd Special p Airborne troops p Facilities Relocation Construction,, Iksan Official Residence & Militaryy Facilities,, Air Force Wonju j & Chungju gj Armyy Life Facility, yy, Government Masan Regional g Congruence g Business Building, g g, Cheonan NongHyup, g y p p, Ulsan Buk-gu g Public Library, yy, Wonju j Cityy Hall,, Uisang-si g Public Office,, Ulsan Port Business Center,, Gangneung-City g g y Hall,, GIST College g & Institute for Renewable Energy, gy, Hwagok-dong g g Cultural and Welfare Center & Public Parking g lot,, Gyeongsangbuk-do y g g p provincial g government building g & Provincial Council Buildings, g , KEPCO-ENC New Headquarter q Building, g Sangam g, g DMC Landmark Tower,, Pangyo gy Silicon Park A-1-4-1Block,, Shinsa Beautiful Tower Medical Center MIXED-USE Inchoen Inter Cityy Project, j , Namyangju y gj Byulnae y PF, Eunpyung py g Newtown Central Commercial Area, Gwanggyo ggy Power Center PF, Sungnam g Pangyo gy Complex, p Paju j Unjung j g Complex, p International Design g Competition p for the Magok g Waterfront, HOSPITAL & EDUCATION Yangpyeong gpy g Rehabilitation Hospital, p , Changwon g Gyeongsang y g g National Universityy Hospital, p , Pusan National Universityy Hospital_trauma p _ center,, Jinju j National Universityy Education Center,, Yongin g English-Village, g g , Inha Technical College g Management g House RESIDENTIAL Hwaseong g Dongtan g 2 New Town A14Block,, Treasure Island,, MT. Kumkang g Dormitoryy & The Main Building, g g, Multifunctional Administrarive Cityy 'Urban Leaf' LEISURE Hwajinpo j p Hotel,, Muju j Gucheon-dong g Tourist Hotel,, Rolling g Hills,, MT. Kumkang g Okryukwan y Guest House,, Namhae Hansum Resort,, Morris Wood,, Sachun Fitness Center Additional Project, j , Alpensia p Resort Golf Club & Village, g , RETAIL & ETC Gimpo p International Airport p Remodeling, g Ansung g Truck Terminal Complex, p Carrefour Haeundai Store Remodeling, g Sachun E-mart, Ulsan Buk-Gu Social Welfare Facilityy OVERSEAS Housing g Complex p in Hochiminh, Vietnam 'Dual Cityy 2011', Vietnam Sunrise Cityy Plot Central,, Hanoi SONG KIM,, Ho Chi Minh Cong g Hoa Apartment, p , SCTV Broadcasting g Station,, Vietnam,, Algeria g Oran Mixed Use,, Dalat Star Hills Hotel,, Vietnam Hochiminh Airport p Hotel,, Vietnam Hochiminh Twin Doves Golf Course & Resort Town,, Kazahastan G4 Project, j , Ghana Housing g PUBLIC OFFICE & OFFICE Government-Contributed Research Institute Sejong-si j g Renting g Government office, Sejong j g Government Offices 2-1 District,, The KOGAS Headquarters q Project, j , Rural Development p Administration 1 Area Relocation Project, j , Korea Coast Guard Academyy Construction Business,, Digital g Broadcasting g Contents Center,, Korean National Red Cross Relocation,, Relocation Project j on Language g g Studyy Office of Korea Armyy Signal g School,, The Republic p of Korea Special p Warfare Command The 3rd Special p Airborne troops p Facilities Relocation Construction,, Iksan Official Residence & Militaryy Facilities,, Air Force Wonju j & Chungju gj Armyy Life Facility, yy, Government Masan Regional g Congruence g Business Building, g g, Cheonan NongHyup, g y p p, Ulsan Buk-gu g Public Library, yy, Wonju j Cityy Hall,, Uisang-si g Public Office,, Ulsan Port Business Center,, Gangneung-City g g y Hall,, GIST College g & Institute for Renewable Energy, gy, Hwagok-dong g g Cultural and Welfare Center & Public Parking g lot,, Gyeongsangbuk-do y g g provincial g p government building g & Provincial Council Buildings, g , KEPCO-ENC New Headquarter q Building, g, Sangam g DMC Landmark Tower,, Pangyo gy Silicon Park A-1-4-1Block,, Shinsa Beautiful Tower Medical Center MIXED-USE Inchoen Inter Cityy Project, j , Namyangju y gj Byulnae y PF,, Eunpyung py g Newtown Central Commercial Area,, Gwanggyo ggy Power Center PF,, Sungnam g Pangyo gy Complex, p , Paju j Unjung j g Complex, p , International Design g Competition p for the Magok g Waterfront,, HOSPITAL & EDUCATION Yangpyeong gpy g Rehabilitation Hospital, p , Changwon g Gyeongsang y g g National Universityy Hospital, p , Pusan National Universityy Hospital_trauma p _ center,, Jinju j National Universityy Education Center,, Yongin g English-Village, g g , Inha Technical College g Management g House RESIDENTIAL Hwaseong g Dongtan g 2 New Town A14Block,, Treasure Island,, MT. Kumkang g Dormitoryy & The Main Building, g, g Multifunctional Administrarive Cityy 'Urban Leaf' LEISURE Hwajinpo j p Hotel,, Muju j Gucheon-dong g Tourist Hotel,, Rolling g Hills,, MT. Kumkang g Okryukwan y Guest House,, Namhae Hansum Resort,, Morris Wood,, Sachun Fitness Center Additional Project, j Alpensia p Resort Golf Club & Village, g RETAIL & ETC Gimpo p International Airport p Remodeling, g Ansung g Truck Terminal Complex, p Carrefour Haeundai Store Remodeling, g Sachun E-mart, Ulsan Buk-Gu Social Welfare Facilityy OVERSEAS Housing g Complex p in Hochiminh,, Vietnam 'Dual Cityy 2011', Vietnam Sunrise Cityy Plot Central,, Hanoi SONG KIM,, Ho Chi Minh Cong g Hoa Apartment, p , SCTV Broadcasting g Station,, Vietnam,, Algeria g Oran Mixed Use,, Dalat Star Hills Hotel,, Vietnam Hochiminh Airport p Hotel,, Vietnam Hochiminh Twin Doves Golf Course & Resort Town,, Kazahastan G4 Project, j , Ghana Housing g PUBLIC OFFICE & OFFICE Government-Contributed Research Institute Sejong-si j g Renting g Government office,, Sejong j g Government Offices 2-1 District,, The KOGAS Headquarters q Project, j , Rural Development p Administration 1 Area Relocation Project, j , Korea Coast Guard Academyy Construction Business,, Digital g Broadcasting g Contents Center,, Korean National Red Cross Relocation,, Relocation Project j on Language g g Studyy Office of Korea Armyy Signal g School,, The Republic p of Korea Special p Warfare Command The 3rd Special p Airborne troops p Facilities Relocation Construction,, Iksan Official Residence & Militaryy Facilities,, Air Force Wonju j & Chungju gj Armyy Life Facility, yy, Government Masan Regional g Congruence g Business Building, g Cheonan NongHyup, g, g y p, p Ulsan Buk-gu g Public Library, y, y Wonju j Cityy Hall,, Uisang-si g Public Office,, Ulsan Port Business Center,, Gangneung-City g g y Hall,, GIST College g & Institute for Renewable Energy, gy, gy Hwagok-dong g g Cultural and Welfare Center & Public Parking g lot,, Gyeongsangbuk-do y g g p provincial g government building g & Provincial Council Buildings, g , KEPCO-ENC New Headquarter q Building, g g, Sangam g DMC Landmark Tower,, Pangyo gy Silicon Park A-14-1Block,, Shinsa Beautiful Tower Medical Center MIXED-USE Inchoen Inter Cityy Project, j , Namyangju y gj Byulnae y PF,, Eunpyung py g Newtown Central Commercial Area,, Gwanggyo ggy Power Center PF,, Sungnam g Pangyo gy Complex, p , Paju j Unjung j g Complex, p International Design g Competition p for the Magok g Waterfront, HOSPITAL & EDUCATION Yangpyeong gpy g Rehabilitation Hospital, p Changwon g Gyeongsang y g g National Universityy Hospital, p Pusan National Universityy Hospital_trauma p _ center,, Jinju j National Universityy Education Center,, Yongin g English-Village, g g , Inha Technical College g Management g House RESIDENTIAL Hwaseong g Dongtan g 2 New Town A14Block,, Treasure Island,, MT. Kumkang g Dormitoryy & The Main Building, g Multifunctional Administrarive Cityy 'Urban Leaf' LEISURE Hwajinpo g, j p Hotel,, Muju j Gucheon-dong g Tourist Hotel,, Rolling g Hills,, MT. Kumkang g Okryukwan y Guest House,, Namhae Hansum Resort, Morris Wood,, Sachun Fitness Center Additional Project, j , Alpensia p Resort Golf Club & Village, g , RETAIL & ETC Gimpo p International Airport p Remodeling, g g, Ansung g Truck Terminal Complex, p , Carrefour Haeundai Store Remodeling, g g, Sachun E-mart,, Ulsan Buk-Gu Social Welfare Facilityy OVERSEAS Housing g Complex p in Hochiminh,, Vietnam 'Dual Cityy 2011', Vietnam Sunrise Cityy Plot Central,, Hanoi SONG KIM,, Ho Chi Minh Cong g Hoa Apartment, p , SCTV Broadcasting g Station,, Vietnam,, Algeria g Oran Mixed Use,, Dalat Star Hills Hotel,, Vietnam Hochiminh Airport p Hotel,, Vietnam Hochiminh Twin Doves Golf Course & Resort Town,, Kazahastan G4 Project, j , Ghana Housing g PUBLIC OFFICE & OFFICE Government-Contributed Research Institute Sejong-si j g Renting g Government office,, Sejong j g Government Offices 2-1 District,, The KOGAS Headquarters q Project, j , Rural Development p Administration 1 Area Relocation Project, j , Korea Coast Guard Academyy Construction Business,, Digital g Broadcasting g Contents Center,, Korean National Red Cross Relocation,, Relocation Project j on Language g g Studyy Office of Korea Armyy Signal g School, The Republic p of Korea Special p Warfare Command The 3rd Special p Airborne troops p Facilities Relocation Construction,, Iksan Official Residence & Militaryy Facilities,, Air Force Wonju j & Chungju gj Armyy Life Facility, yy, Government Masan Regional g Congruence g Business Building, g Cheonan NongHyup, g, g y p, p Ulsan Buk-gu g Public Library, y, y Wonju j Cityy Hall,, Uisang-si g Public Office,, Ulsan Port Business Center,, Gangneung-City g g y Hall,, GIST College g & Institute for Renewable Energy, gy, Hwagok-dong g g Cultural and Welfare Center & Public Parking g lot,, Gyeongsangbuk-do y g g p provincial g government building g & Provincial Council Buildings, g , KEPCO-ENC New Headquarter q Building, g, Sangam g DMC Landmark Tower,, Pangyo gy Silicon Park A-1-4-1Block,, Shinsa Beautiful Tower Medical Center MIXED-USE Inchoen Inter Cityy Project, j , Namyangju y gj Byulnae y PF,, Eunpyung py g Newtown Central Commercial Area,, Gwanggyo ggy Power Center PF, Sungnam g Pangyo gy Complex, p Paju j Unjung j g Complex, p International Design g Competition p for the Magok g Waterfront, HOSPITAL & EDUCATION Yangpyeong gpy g Rehabilitation Hospital, p Changwon g Gyeongsang y g g National Universityy Hospital, p , Pusan National Universityy Hospital_trauma p _ center,, Jinju j National Universityy Education Center,, Yongin g English-Village, g g , Inha Technical College g Management g House RESIDENTIAL Hwaseong g Dongtan g 2 New Town A14Block,, Treasure Island,, MT. Kumkang g Dormitoryy & The Main Building, g g, Multifunctional Administrarive Cityy 'Urban Leaf' LEISURE Hwajinpo j p Hotel,, Muju j Gucheon-dong g Tourist Hotel,, Rolling g Hills,, MT. Kumkang g Okryukwan y Guest House,, Namhae Hansum Resort,, Morris Wood,, Sachun Fitness Center Additional Project, j , Alpensia p Resort Golf Club & Village, g , RETAIL & ETC Gimpo p International Airport p Remodeling, g Ansung g, g Truck Terminal Complex, p , Carrefour Haeundai Store Remodeling, g, g Sachun E-mart,, Ulsan Buk-Gu Social Welfare Facilityy OVERSEAS Housing g Complex p in Hochiminh,, Vietnam 'Dual Cityy 2011', Vietnam Sunrise Cityy Plot Central,, Hanoi SONG KIM, Ho Chi Minh Cong g Hoa Apartment, p , SCTV Broadcasting g Station,, Vietnam,, Algeria g Oran Mixed Use,, Dalat Star Hills Hotel,, Vietnam Hochiminh Airport p Hotel,, Vietnam Hochiminh Twin Doves Golf Course & Resort Town, Kazahastan G4 Project, j Ghana Housing g PUBLIC OFFICE & OFFICE Government-Contributed Research Institute Sejong-si j g Renting g Government office, Sejong j g Government Offices 2-1 District, The KOGAS Headquarters q Project, j Rural Development p Administration 1 Area Relocation Project, j , Korea Coast Guard Academyy Construction Business,, Digital g Broadcasting g Contents Center,, Korean National Red Cross Relocation,, Relocation Project j on Language g g Studyy Office of Korea Armyy Signal g School,, The Republic p of Korea Special p Warfare Command The 3rd Special p Airborne troops p Facilities Relocation Construction,, Iksan Official Residence & Militaryy Facilities,, Air Force Wonju j & Chungju gj Armyy Life Facility, y Government Masan Regional y, g Congruence g Business Building, g Cheonan NongHyup, g, g y p, p Ulsan Buk-gu g Public Library, yy, Wonju j Cityy Hall,, Uisang-si g Public Office,, Ulsan Port Business Center,, Gangneung-City g g y Hall,, GIST College g & Institute for Renewable Energy, gy gy, Hwagok-dong g g Cultural and Welfare Center & Public Parking g lot,, Gyeongsangbuk-do y g g provincial p government g building g & Provincial Council Buildings, g , KEPCO-ENC New Headquarter q Building, g Sangam g, g DMC Landmark Tower,, Pangyo gy Silicon Park A-1-4-1Block,, Shinsa Beautiful Tower Medical Center MIXED-USE Inchoen Inter Cityy Project, j , Namyangju y gj Byulnae y PF,, Eunpyung py g Newtown Central Commercial Area, Gwanggyo ggy Power Center PF, Sungnam g Pangyo gy Complex, p Paju j Unjung j g Complex, p International Design g Competition p for the Magok g Waterfront, HOSPITAL & EDUCATION Yangpyeong gpy g Rehabilitation Hospital, p Changwon g Gyeongsang y g g National Universityy Hospital, p , Pusan National Universityy Hospital_trauma p _ center,, Jinju j National Universityy Education Center,, Yongin g English-Village, g g , Inha Technical College g Management g House RESIDENTIAL Hwaseong g Dongtan g 2 New Town A14Block,, Treasure Island,, MT. Kumkang g Dormitoryy & The Main Building, g g, Multifunctional Administrarive Cityy 'Urban Leaf' LEISURE Hwajinpo j p Hotel,, Muju j Gucheon-dong g Tourist Hotel,, Rolling g Hills,, MT. Kumkang g Okryukwan y Guest House,, Namhae Hansum Resort,, Morris Wood,, Sachun Fitness Center Additional Project, j , Alpensia p Resort Golf Club & Village, g , RETAIL & ETC Gimpo p International Airport p Remodeling, g Ansung g Truck Terminal Complex, p Carrefour Haeundai Store Remodeling, g Sachun E-mart, Ulsan Buk-Gu Social Welfare Facilityy OVERSEAS Housing g Complex p in Hochiminh, Vietnam 'Dual Cityy 2011', Vietnam Sunrise Cityy Plot Central,, Hanoi SONG KIM,, Ho Chi Minh Cong g Hoa Apartment, p , SCTV Broadcasting g Station,, Vietnam,, Algeria g Oran Mixed Use,, Dalat Star Hills Hotel,, Vietnam Hochiminh Airport p Hotel,, Vietnam Hochiminh Twin Doves Golf Course & Resort Town, Kazahastan G4 Project, j Ghana Housing g PUBLIC OFFICE & OFFICE Government-Contributed Research Institute Sejong-si j g Renting g Government office, Sejong j g Government Offices 2-1 District, The KOGAS Headquarters q Project, j , Rural Development p Administration 1 Area Relocation Project, j , Korea Coast Guard Academyy Construction Business,, Digital g Broadcasting g Contents Center,, Korean National Red Cross Relocation,, Relocation Project j on Language g g Studyy Office of Korea Armyy Signal g School,, The Republic p of Korea Special p Warfare Command The 3rd Special p Airborne troops p Facilities Relocation Construction,, Iksan Official Residence & Militaryy Facilities,, Air Force Wonju j & Chungju gj Armyy Life Facility, y, Government Masan Regional g Congruence g Business Building, g, Cheonan NongHyup, g y p, Ulsan Buk-gu g Public Library, y, Wonju j Cityy Hall,, Uisang-si g Public Office,, Ulsan Port Business Center,, Gangneung-City g g y Hall,, GIST College g & Institute for Renewable Energy, gy, Hwagok-dong g g Cultural and Welfare Center & Public Parking g lot,, Gyeongsangbuk-do y g g p provincial government g building g & Provincial Council Buildings, g , KEPCO-ENC New Headquarter q Building, g g, Sangam g DMC Landmark Tower,, Pangyo gy Silicon Park A-1-4-1Block,, Shinsa Beautiful Tower Medical Center MIXED-USE Inchoen Inter Cityy Project, j Namyangju y gj Byulnae y PF, Eunpyung py g Newtown Central Commercial Area, Gwanggyo ggy Power Center PF, Sungnam g Pangyo gy Complex, p Paju j Unjung j g Complex, p International Design g Competition p for the Magok g Waterfront, HOSPITAL & EDUCATION Yangpyeong gpy g Rehabilitation Hospital, p , Changwon g Gyeongsang y g g National Universityy Hospital, p , Pusan National Universityy Hospital_trauma p _ center,, Jinju j National Universityy Education Center,, Yongin g Englishg Village, g , Inha Technical College g Management g House RESIDENTIAL Hwaseong g Dongtan g 2 New Town A14Block,, Treasure Island,, MT. Kumkang g Dormitoryy & The Main Building, g, g Multifunctional Administrarive Cityy 'Urban Leaf' LEISURE Hwajinpo j p Hotel,, Muju j Gucheon-dong g Tourist Hotel,, Rolling g Hills,, MT. Kumkang g Okryukwan y Guest House,, Namhae Hansum Resort,, Morris Wood,, Sachun Fitness Center Additional Project, j , Alpensia p Resort Golf Club & Village, g RETAIL & ETC Gimpo p International Airport p Remodeling, g Ansung g Truck Terminal Complex, p Carrefour Haeundai Store Remodeling, g Sachun E-mart, Ulsan Buk-Gu Social Welfare Facilityy OVERSEAS Housing g Complex p in Hochiminh,, Vietnam 'Dual Cityy 2011', Vietnam Sunrise Cityy Plot Central,, Hanoi SONG KIM,, Ho Chi Minh Cong g Hoa Apartment, p , SCTV Broadcasting g Station,, Vietnam,, Algeria g Oran Mixed Use,, Dalat Star Hills Hotel,, Vietnam Hochiminh Airport p Hotel,, Vietnam Hochiminh Twin Doves Golf Course & Resort Town,, Kazahastan G4 Project, j , Ghana Housing g PUBLIC OFFICE & OFFICE Government-Contributed Research Institute Sejong-si j g Renting g Government office,, Sejong j g Government Offices 2-1 District,, The KOGAS Headquarters q Project, j , Rural Development p Administration 1 Area Relocation Project, j , Korea Coast Guard Academyy Construction Business,, Digital g Broadcasting g Contents Center,, Korean National Red Cross Relocation,, Relocation Project j on Language g g Studyy Office of Korea Armyy Signal g School,, The Republic p of Korea Special p Warfare Command The 3rd Special p Airborne troops p Facilities Relocation Construction,, Iksan Official Residence & Militaryy Facilities,, Air Force Wonju j & Chungju gj Armyy Life Facility, yy, Government Masan Regional g Congruence g Business Building, g g, Cheonan NongHyup, g y p p, Ulsan Buk-gu g Public Library, y Wonju y, j Cityy Hall,, Uisang-si g Public Office,, Ulsan Port Business Center,, Gangneung-City g g y Hall,, GIST College g & Institute for Renewable Energy, gy gy, Hwagok-dong g g Cultural and Welfare Center & Public Parking g lot, Gyeongsangbuk-do y g g p provincial g government building g & Provincial Council Buildings, g KEPCO-ENC New Headquarter q Building, g Sangam g DMC Landmark Tower, Pangyo gy Silicon Park A-1-4-1Block, Shinsa Beautiful Tower Medical Center MIXED-USE Inchoen Inter Cityy Project, j , Namyangju y gj Byulnae y PF,, Eunpyung py g Newtown Central Commercial Area,, Gwanggyo ggy Power Center PF,, Sungnam g Pangyo gy Complex, p , Paju j Unjung j g Complex, p , International Design g Competition p for the Magok g Waterfront, HOSPITAL & EDUCATION Yangpyeong gpy g Rehabilitation Hospital, p Changwon g Gyeongsang y g g National Universityy Hospital, p Pusan National Universityy Hospital_trauma p center, Jinju j National Universityy Education Center,, Yongin g English-Village, g g , Inha Technical College g Management g House RESIDENTIAL Hwaseong g Dongtan g 2 New Town A14Block,, Treasure Island,, MT. Kumkang g Dormitoryy & The Main Building, g Multifunctional Administrarive Cityy 'Urban Leaf' LEISURE Hwajinpo g, j p Hotel,, Muju j Gucheon-dong g Tourist Hotel,, Rolling g Hills,, MT. Kumkang g Okryukwan y Guest House,, Namhae Hansum Resort,, Morris Wood,, Sachun Fitness Center Additional Project, j , Alpensia p Resort Golf Club & Village, g , RETAIL & ETC Gimpo p International Airport p Remodeling, g, Ansung g Truck Terminal Complex, p , Carrefour Haeundai Store Remodeling, g, Sachun E-mart,, Ulsan Buk-Gu Social Welfare Facilityy OVERSEAS Housing g Complex p in Hochiminh,, Vietnam 'Dual Cityy 2011', Vietnam Sunrise Cityy Plot Central,, Hanoi SONG KIM,, Ho Chi Minh Cong g Hoa Apartment, p , SCTV Broadcasting g Station,, Vietnam,, Algeria g Oran Mixed Use,, Dalat Star Hills Hotel,, Vietnam Hochiminh Airport p Hotel,, Vietnam Hochiminh Twin Doves Golf Course & Resort Town,, Kazahastan G4 Project, j , Ghana Housing g PUBLIC OFFICE & OFFICE Government-Contributed Research Institute Sejong-si j g Renting g Government office,, Sejong j g Government Offices 2-1 District,, The KOGAS Headquarters q Project, j , Rural Development p Administration 1 Area Relocation Project, j , Korea Coast Guard Academyy Construction Business,, Digital g Broadcasting g Contents Center,, Korean National Red Cross Relocation,, Relocation Project j on Language g g Studyy Office of Korea Armyy Signal g School,, The Republic p of Korea Special p Warfare Command The 3rd Special p Airborne troops p Facilities Relocation Construction,, Iksan Official Residence & Militaryy Facilities,, Air Force Wonju j & Chungju gj Armyy Life Facility, yy, Government Masan Regional g Congruence g Business Building, g Cheonan NongHyup, g, g y p, p Ulsan Buk-gu g Public Library, y Wonju y, j Cityy Hall,, Uisang-si g Public Office,, Ulsan Port Business Center,, Gangneung-City g g y Hall,, GIST College g & Institute for Renewable Energy, gy Hwagok-dong g g Cultural and Welfare Center & Public Parking g lot,, Gyeongsangbuk-do y g g p provincial g government building g & Provincial Council Buildings, g , KEPCO-ENC New Headquarter q Building, g Sangam g, g DMC Landmark Tower, Pangyo gy Silicon Park A-1-4-1Block,, Shinsa Beautiful Tower Medical Center MIXED-USE Inchoen Inter Cityy Project, j , Namyangju y gj Byulnae y PF,, Eunpyung py g Newtown Central Commercial Area,, Gwanggyo ggy Power Center PF,, Sungnam g Pangyo gy Complex, p Paju j Unjung j g Complex, p International Design g Competition p for the Magok g Waterfront, HOSPITAL & EDUCATION Yangpyeong gpy g Rehabilitation Hospital, p Changwon g Gyeongsang y g g National Universityy Hospital, p Pusan National Universityy Hospital_trauma p _ center,, Jinju j National Universityy Education Center,, Yongin g English-Village, g g , Inha Technical College g Management g House RESIDENTIAL Hwaseong g Dongtan g 2 New Town A14Block, Treasure Island,, MT. Kumkang g Dormitoryy & The Main Building, g, Multifunctional Administrarive Cityy 'Urban Leaf' LEISURE Hwajinpo j p Hotel,, Muju j Gucheon-dong g Tourist Hotel,, Rolling g Hills,, MT. Kumkang g Okryukwan y Guest House,, Namhae Hansum Resort,, Morris Wood,, Sachun Fitness Center Additional Project, j , Alpensia p Resort Golf Club & Village, g , RETAIL & ETC Gimpo p International Airport p Remodeling, g, Ansung g Truck Terminal Complex, p , Carrefour Haeundai Store Remodeling, g Sachun E-mart,, Ulsan Buk-Gu Social Welfare Facilityy OVERSEAS Housing g, g Complex p in Hochiminh,, Vietnam 'Dual Cityy 2011', Vietnam Sunrise Cityy Plot Central,, Hanoi SONG KIM,, Ho Chi Minh Cong g Hoa Apartment, p , SCTV Broadcasting g Station,, Vietnam,, Algeria g Oran Mixed Use,, Dalat Star Hills Hotel,, Vietnam Hochiminh Airport p Hotel,, Vietnam Hochiminh Twin Doves Golf Course & Resort Town,, Kazahastan G4 Project, j Ghana Housing g PUBLIC OFFICE & OFFICE Government-Contributed Research Institute Sejong-si j g Renting g Government office,, Sejong j g Government Offices 2-1 District,, The KOGAS Headquarters q Project, j , Rural Development p Administration 1 Area Relocation Project, j , Korea Coast Guard Academyy Construction Business,, Digital g Broadcasting g Contents Center,, Korean National Red Cross Relocation,, Relocation Project j on Language g g Studyy Office of Korea Armyy Signal g School,, The Republic p of Korea Special p Warfare Command The 3rd Special p Airborne troops p Facilities Relocation Construction,, Iksan Official Residence & Militaryy Facilities,, Air Force Wonju j & Chungju gj Armyy Life Facility, y Government Masan Regional y, g Congruence g Business Building, g Cheonan NongHyup, g, g y p, p Ulsan Buk-gu g Public Library, y Wonju y, j Cityy Hall,, Uisang-si g Public Office,, Ulsan Port Business Center,, Gangneung-City g g y Hall, GIST College g & Institute for Renewable Energy, gy Hwagok-dong gy, g g Cultural and Welfare Center & Public Parking g lot,, Gyeongsangbuk-do y g g provincial p government g building g & Provincial Council Buildings, g , KEPCO-ENC New Headquarter q Building, g, Sangam g DMC Landmark Tower,, Pangyo gy Silicon Park A-1-4-1Block,, Shinsa Beautiful Tower Medical Center MIXED-USE Inchoen Inter Cityy Project, j , Namyangju y gj Byulnae y PF,, Eunpyung py g Newtown Central Commercial Area, Gwanggyo ggy Power Center PF, Sungnam g Pangyo gy Complex, p Paju j Unjung j g Complex, p International Design g Competition p for the Magok g Waterfront, HOSPITAL & EDUCATION Yangpyeong gpy g Rehabilitation Hospital, p Changwon g Gyeongsang y g g National Universityy Hospital, p , Pusan National Universityy Hospital_trauma p _ center,, Jinju j National Universityy Education Center,, Yongin g English-Village, g g , Inha Technical College g Management g House RESIDENTIAL Hwaseong g Dongtan g 2 New Town A14Block,, Treasure Island,, MT. Kumkang g Dormitoryy & The Main Building, g, Multifunctional Administrarive Cityy 'Urban Leaf' LEISURE Hwajinpo j p Hotel,, Muju j Gucheon-dong g Tourist Hotel,, Rolling g Hills,, MT. Kumkang g Okryukwan y Guest House,, Namhae Hansum Resort,, Morris Wood,, Sachun Fitness Center Additional Project, j , Alpensia p Resort Golf Club & Village, g , RETAIL & ETC Gimpo p International Airport p Remodeling, g Ansung g Truck Terminal Complex, p , Carrefour Haeundai Store Remodeling, g, g Sachun E-mart,, Ulsan Buk-Gu Social Welfare Facilityy OVERSEAS Housing g Complex p in Hochiminh,, Vietnam 'Dual Cityy 2011', Vietnam Sunrise Cityy Plot Central,, Hanoi SONG KIM,, Ho Chi Minh Cong g Hoa Apartment, p , SCTV Broadcasting g Station,, Vietnam,, Algeria g Oran Mixed Use,, Dalat Star Hills Hotel,, Vietnam Hochiminh Airport p Hotel,, Vietnam Hochiminh Twin Doves Golf Course & Resort Town, Kazahastan G4 Project, j Ghana Housing g PUBLIC OFFICE & OFFICE Government-Contributed Research Institute Sejong-si j g Renting g Government office, Sejong j g Government Offices 2-1 District, The KOGAS Headquarters q Project, j , Rural Development p Administration 1 Area Relocation Project, j , Korea Coast Guard Academyy Construction Business,, Digital g Broadcasting g Contents Center,, Korean National Red Cross Relocation, Relocation Project j on Language g g Studyy Office of Korea Armyy Signal g School,, The Republic p of Korea Special p Warfare Command The 3rd Special p Airborne troops p Facilities Relocation Construction,, Iksan Official Residence & Militaryy Facilities,, Air Force Wonju j & Chungju gj Armyy Life Facility, yy, Government Masan Regional g Congruence g Business Building, g g, Cheonan NongHyup, g y p p, Ulsan Buk-gu g Public Library, yy, Wonju j Cityy Hall,, Uisang-si g Public Office,, Ulsan Port Business Center,, Gangneung-City g g y Hall,, GIST College g & Institute for Renewable Energy, gy, Hwagok-dong g g Cultural and Welfare Center & Public Parking g lot,, Gyeongsangbuk-do y g g p provincial g government building g & Provincial Council Buildings, g , KEPCO-ENC New Headquarter q Building, g Sangam g, g DMC Landmark Tower,, Pangyo gy Silicon Park A-1-4-1Block,, Shinsa Beautiful Tower Medical Center MIXED-USE Inchoen Inter Cityy Project, j , Namyangju y gj Byulnae y PF, Eunpyung py g Newtown Central Commercial Area, Gwanggyo ggy Power Center PF, Sungnam g Pangyo gy Complex, p Paju j Unjung j g Complex, p International Design g Competition p for the Magok g Waterfront, HOSPITAL & EDUCATION Yangpyeong gpy g Rehabilitation Hospital, p , Changwon g Gyeongsang y g g National Universityy Hospital, p , Pusan National Universityy Hospital_trauma p _ center,, Jinju j National Universityy Education Center,, Yongin g English-Village, g g , Inha Technical College g Management g House RESIDENTIAL Hwaseong g Dongtan g 2 New Town A14Block,, Treasure Island,, MT. Kumkang g Dormitoryy & The Main Building, g g, Multifunctional Administrarive Cityy 'Urban Leaf' LEISURE Hwajinpo Hotel, Muju Gucheon-dong Tourist Hotel, Rolling Hills, MT. Kumkang Okryukwan Guest House, Namhae Hansum Resort, Morris Wood, Sachun Fitness Center Additional Project, Alpensia Resort Golf Club

Smart Design MAP GROUP


Mixed-Use 1

Inchoen Inter City Project 2


Namyangju Byulnae PF

Eunpyung Newtown Central Commercial Area Planning 4


Gwanggyo Power Center PF

Sungnam Pangyo Complex Planning 6


Paju Unjung Complex PF

International Design Competition for the Magok Waterfront

A population of 10,227 households - 27,000 people will make up a three-dimensional complex city in the target area of 294,711 pyeong. 61.4% of the total area is residential, and 38.6% is commercial. The development aims to connect the Yeongjong area, Cheongra area, and Seoul using above and underground space, as well as air space. It is the only multi complex city in Korea with the goal of creating a low-densityhigh-rise residential environment and high quality city.

â€ŤÝĄâ€Źá”˘ŕť•ṢᎥ อ â ŞáŽ?ಽ อ aÇ?᪥ ᯙÇ? อ âƒ˝ŕťŚáŽš ᯌℕᅖ⧊ ŕ Ľáœ˝ŕ˛˝ áł‘á–’ࢠäᯕ݅ aṜ᪅Ñŕ¸?ḥÇ?᎚ ĞᏑ Ṽâ„• ŕť•Ṣ᎚ Űľ áľ? Ă‘ḥ኎ Űľ ᔢᨌḥ኎áŽ?ಽ bb Ç?ᇼॽ݅ }á ˝áŽĄ ኢ᳌ḥÇ?᪥ â„ŽŕŻ? ḥÇ? á ° ᕽᏙᎼ ḥ⌚tḥᔢtĹ–ᾲĹ–eᎼ ⪽Ꮚ⧕ ኑđ⌚۾ ÇŽÔ• ᎠáŻ?⌽ ᯌ â„•á…–â§Šŕ Ľáœ˝ŕ˛˝ áąĄá Ą Š⊖᎚ áľ?Ă‘⪚ÄžĹ? Š⣊ÄŠ ŕ Ľáœ˝ ⊜á–’Ꮌ ༩⢽ಽ ⇾Ḽ ॽÝ…

Inchoen Inter City Project спЩтГ╜ aс▒╢скЕ├Ср╕Н раесЬ╜}сБ╜ сФНсиж ┼Ц сФН р╗ж спЩтГ╜ aс▒╢скЕ├Ср╕Н раесЬ╜}сБ╜ сФНсиж 1' тАл ▌бтАмс╕б сне тК╣ спЩтГ╜сЬ╜ сХ╜╟Н aс▒╢ра║ смК рае сЕЦтзКсЬ╜сЦЕ

тАл ▌бтАмс╕б р╗Х сйС р╗Х ╚╜ ╟Н

с▒в с▒в р╝Й с│С

т╜Л т╜Л # ' ' 3$

ARCHITECTURE M i x e d - U s e

The basic theme of Gwang-gyo City is a high quality city that harmonizes ecology, commerce, culture, luxury into an eco-friendly city. Gwang-gyo arranges a residential area that takes into consideration the direction and view, in pursuit of becoming an eco city through the LEED certificate. It also realizes an integrating plan of the undercurrent, park and river. It leaves open an active approach to the amusement park for connection with the surrounding area, and connects the flow of nature through and Eco Bridge.

ŲƹᔑĹ? ᏹâƒ˝áąĄá™šá¸Ąŕˇ? ‍ጼݕ‏ԙ ⊽⪚Ğ ŕ Ľáœ˝ŕ˛˝á•˝ ᔞ┽ ᔢᨌ ŕž™⪾ ໦⣩ᯕ ᨕᏑŕą?Ḽ Š⣊ÄŠ ŕ Ľáœ˝ŕˇ? Ę‘á…™ ▭ช ಽ ļ⍎ग़ᨊÝ… ⊽⪚Ğ Õ⇜ŕž? ᯙᡞᎼ ☖⌽ ↽Ꮡᙚ ༒ ɪ᎚ âŠ˝âŞšÄžŕ Ľáœ˝ŕˇ? ⇾Ç?⌚Š᯹ ᏹâƒ˝ Ꭰᏹḥ᎚ ⨆Ĺ? áł‘ พᎼ Šಅ⌚áŠ? áľ?Ă‘ŕˇ? ႑⊚⌚እŠᱡඹḡ Ĺ–ᏹ ᏹâƒ˝ ŕ¸?âƒ˝ ☖⧊ኑļļ⍎Ꮌ ☖⌚áŠ? á?…⊼⌚Š᯹ ⌚እÝ… áľ?á„Ą áœ˝á–…Ĺ?᎚ ኑļŕˇ? ᭼⧕ Ꭰᏹḥ᪥᎚ ṢÉšṢ ṲÉ?Ꮌ ንᨕ ‍ጚ״‏áŽ?ŕť‘ &DP #SJEHFಽ ኑļ⌚áŠ? ᯹ኑ᎚ ⎹ࡼᎼ ኑđ ⌚Š᯹ ⌚እÝ…

Namyangju Byulnae PF ╘Йсз▓с╡Э сДе╘Хс╕б╟Н 1' ┼Ц сФН р╗ж тАл ▌бтАмс╕б сне тК╣ с╕б сйО с╕б ╟Н смК рае

╘Йсз▓с╡Э сДе╘Х тФ╛с╕б}сБ╜с╕б╟Н 1' ─Ю╩Срае ╘Йсз▓с╡Э сДе╘Х тФ╛с╕б}сБ╜с╕б╟Н╘Х сФвсижсмКс╕б спЭсБ╣сФвсижс╕бсйО тФ╛с╕б}сБ╜с╕б╟Н сЕЦтзКсЬ╜сЦЕ

тАл ▌бтАмс╕б р╗Х с▒в т╜Л #MPDL сФвсижсмКс╕б т╜Л #MPDL сЕЦтзКсмКс╕б т╜Л #MPDL с╡ЭтВЙсмКс╕б сйС р╗Х с▒в т╜Л ╚╜ р╝Й ' ╟Н с│С 3$ 4$

ARCHITECTURE M i x e d - U s e

Eunpyung Newtown Central Commercial Area Planning собтак тАлтФб█ХтАмсмХ ─етло ┼Ц сФН сБ╜ с╡Э тАл ▌бтАмс╕б сне смК

р╗ж тГ╣ тК╣ рае

собтак тАлтФб█ХтАмсмХ раесЬ╜}сБ╜╟НсйО с╡▓сЭНсФвсижс╕б тШЦтзК}сБ╜ 4)┼ЦсФН сХ╜смЩсЬ╜ собтак╟Н с╕е┼б ╘Х слЩра║ сЕЦтзКсЬ╜сЦЕ

тАл ▌бтАмс╕б р╗Х сйС р╗Х ╚╜ ╟Н

с▒в с▒в р╝Й с│С

т╜Л т╜Л # ' ' 43$

ARCHITECTURE M i x e d - U s e

Gwanggyo Power Center PF ┼▓╞▒ тФ╛с╕б}сБ╜ сФНсижс╕б╟Н ╘Х тЭнсмнсЦЭтЦС ┼Ц сФН р╗ж тАл ▌бтАмс╕б сне тК╣ с╕б сйО с╕б ╟Н смК рае

┼▓╞▒ тФ╛с╕б}сБ╜ сФНсижс╕б╟Н ╘Х тЭнсмнсЦЭтЦС 1' ─Ю╩Срае ┼▓╞▒с╕б╟Н ╘ЙтКВ ╟Орае ткЩсЦБ спЭтАл▌бтАм спЭсБ╣сФвсижс╕бсйО тФ╛с╕б}сБ╜с╕б╟Н сЕЦтзКсЬ╜сЦЕ

тАл ▌бтАмс╕б р╗Х сйС р╗Х ╚╜ ╟Н

с▒в с▒в р╝Й с│С

т╜Л т╜Л # ' ' 43$

Sungnam Pangyo Complex Planning сЦТ╘Й тЭ▒╞▒ сЕЦтзК▌Йс╕б ─етло ┼Ц сФН р╗ж тАл ▌бтАмс╕б сне тК╣ с╕б сйО с╕б ╟Н смК рае

сЦТ╘Й тЭ▒╞▒ сЕЦтзК▌Йс╕б 1'─Ю╩Срае сЦТ╘ЙсЬ╜ тЭ▒т║Ш╞▒с╕б╟Н тЬЪсДе ─етло╟НсйО ╘Х сФвсижс╕бсйО ╔Эр╕СсФвсижс╕бсйО с╡▓сЭНсФвсижс╕бсйО с╡ЭсФвсЕЦтзК с╡▓сЭНсФвсиж с╡ЭтВЙс░Ж

тАл ▌бтАмс╕б р╗Х сйС р╗Х ╚╜ ╟Н

с▒в с▒в р╝Й с│С

т╜Л т╜Л с╡ЭсФвсЕЦтзК т╜Л с╡▓сЭНсФвсиж т╜Л тАл╫ЩтАмслЩс╡ЭтВЙс░Ж

' 3$ 4$

ARCHITECTURE M i x e d - U s e

Paju Unjung Complex PF тЭнс╡Э смХс▒╢ сЕЦтзК▌Йс╕б 1'

┼Ц сФН тАл ▌бтАмс╕б сне смК тАл ▌бтАмс╕б р╗Х

р╗ж тК╣ рае с▒в

тЭнс╡Э смХс▒╢ сЕЦтзК▌Йс╕б }сБ╜ 1'сФНсиж ─Ю╩Срае тЭнс╡ЭсЬ╜ смХс▒╢с╕б╟Н смХс▒╢сйО с╡ЭсДб сФвсижс╕бсйО ' 1 1 1 ┼Цра║с╡ЭтФ╛ сижр╛ХсЬ╜сЦЕ тЭ▒р╣ЕсЬ╜сЦЕ ╔Эр╕СсФ╛тк╜сЬ╜сЦЕ р╛Щтк╡сЬ╜сЦЕ т╜Л

сйС р╗Х ╚╜ ╟Н с╡Э тВЙ тАл▌бтАм

с▒в р╝Й с│С сЩ╣

т╜Л # ' ' 3$ тАл▌бтАм

International Design Competition for the Magok Waterfront р╕й┼В смнтЦСтеер│БтЬЩ

┼Ц сФН р╗ж р╕й┼В смнтЦСтеер│БтЬЩ ╟Ос▒╜тйесФвсЦЕ─е тАл ▌бтАмс╕б сне тК╣ сХ╜смЩсЬ╜ vсХ╜╟Н р╕й┼Вс╕б╟Н р╕й┼Вра║ aсз▓ра║ спЭтАл▌бтАм смК рае сФвсиж сижр╛ХсЬ╜сЦЕ ┼Цсм▒ сЩ╣сВКсЬ╜сЦЕ

тАл ▌бтАмс╕б р╗Х с▒в т╜Л -BOE "SFB т╜Л 8BUFS "SFB т╜Л

ARCHITECTURE M i x e d - U s e

This place which is the heart of Magok District, a high-tech industry research center district and only large scale undeveloped area in Seoul has a burden to play the role of a park in the city as well as an eco-park. To the south of Yang-chun Road, we focused on the city people and to the north, aimed to create an ecological park in which a variety of tree species exist. Also, the waterfront’s focal point of design is to interconnect water, the city, city people, and ecology. The waterfront focuses on the connection between it and the city. Technological aspects needed for the physical network using the road system was taken into deep consideration.

℉݉ᔑᨌኑÇ?ᾲá??ḥÇ?ᯙ ชĹ‚ḥÇ?᎚ á??á°†á‡ĄáŻ•ŕť‘ ᕽᏙ᎚ ᎠáŻ?⌽ â€ŤÝĄâ€ŹČ˝ŕź‰ á ™}á ˝á¸ĄáŻ™ ᯕŔᎥ ŕ Ľá??Ĺ–ᏹáŽ?ಽᕽ᎚ ኎⧠Ĺ? ᔞ┽ŖᏹáŽ?ಽᕽ᎚ ኎⧠Ꮌ ᙚ⧪⧕á§?⌚۾ ᨕಅᏥᯕ ᯊÝ… Ꮡ ŕ¸?Űľ ᧲âƒ˝Ę™Ꮌ Ę‘ᾥáŽ?ಽ ԉ៞áŽ?ಽ۾ ŕ Ľáœ˝á ?ᨹ âĄ?â?…ᜅŕˇ? ฿ ⇾ᨊŠᇢáŽ?ಽ۾ Ý…᧲⌽ ᙚ᳌༅ᯕ ⧉̚⌚۾ ᔞ┽Ŗᏹáł‘á–’ Ꮌ ༩⢽ಽ ⌚እÝ… ੱ⦽ Ꮽâ–‘⼼ೠâœ™Űľ ŕž?Ĺ? ŕ Ľáœ˝ ŕ Ľáœ˝á ? ᔞ┽ļ ༒᎚ ኑđᎼ á–…ļ᎚ â…ŠáąąáŽ?ಽ á”?ŠᯊÝ… Ꮽâ–‘⼼ೠ✙ Űľ ŕ Ľáœ˝áŞĄáŽš ኑđᖒᨹ áľ?༩⌚áŠ? ŕ Ľŕ˛˝ŕ¸žáŽĽ ᯕᏊ⌽ ŕž?ŕ¸?Ṣ Ö… ✙Ꮽâ“?ᨹ ⌼፾⌽ Ę‘áš Ṣ âŠ‚ŕť•Ꮌ á??ŕ Ľ ᯊí Šಅ⧊Ý…

PUBLIC OFFICE & OFFICE Government-Contributed Research Institute Sejong-si j g Renting g Government office, Sejong j g Government Offices 2-1 District, The KOGAS Headquarters q Project, j Rural Development p Administration 1 Area Relocation Project, j Korea Coast Guard Academyy Construction Business, Digital g Broadcasting g Contents Center, Korean National Red Cross Relocation, Relocation Project j on Language g g Studyy Office of Korea Armyy Signal g School, The Republic p of Korea Special p Warfare Command The 3rd Special p Airborne troops p Facilities Relocation Construction, Iksan Official Residence & Militaryy Facilities, Air Force Wonju j & Chungju gj Armyy Life Facility, y Government Masan Regional g Congruence g Business Building, g Cheonan NongHyup, g y p Ulsan Buk-gu g Public Library, y Wonju j Cityy Hall, Uisang-si g Public Office, Ulsan Port Business Center, Gangneung-City g g y Hall, GIST College g & Institute for Renewable Energy, gy Hwagok-dong g g Cultural and Welfare Center & Public Parking g lot, Gyeongsangbuk-do y g g p provincial g government building g & Provincial Council Buildings, g KEPCO-ENC New Headquarter q Building, g Sangam g DMC Landmark Tower, Pangyo gy Silicon Park A-1-4-1Block, Shinsa Beautiful Tower Medical Center MIXED-USE Inchoen Inter Cityy Project, j Namyangju y gj Byulnae y PF, Eunpyung py g Newtown Central Commercial Area, Gwanggyo ggy Power Center PF, Sungnam g Pangyo gy Complex, p Paju j Unjung j g Complex, p International Design g Competition p for the Magok g Waterfront, HOSPITAL & EDUCATION Yangpyeong gpy g Rehabilitation Hospital, p Changwon g Gyeongsang y g g National Universityy Hospital, p Pusan National Universityy Hospital_trauma p center, Jinju j National Universityy Education Center, Yongin g English-Village, g g Inha Technical College g Management g House RESIDENTIAL Hwaseong g Dongtan g 2 New Town A14Block, Treasure Island, MT. Kumkang g Dormitoryy & The Main Building, g Multifunctional Administrarive Cityy 'Urban Leaf' LEISURE Hwajinpo j p Hotel, Muju j Gucheon-dong g Tourist Hotel, Rolling g Hills, MT. Kumkang g Okryukwan y Guest House, Namhae Hansum Resort, Morris Wood, Sachun Fitness Center Additional Project, j Alpensia p Resort Golf Club & Village, g RETAIL & ETC Gimpo p International Airport p Remodeling, g Ansung g Truck Terminal Complex, p Carrefour Haeundai Store Remodeling, g Sachun E-mart, Ulsan Buk-Gu Social Welfare Facilityy OVERSEAS Housing g Complex p in Hochiminh, Vietnam 'Dual Cityy 2011', Vietnam Sunrise Cityy Plot Central, Hanoi SONG KIM, Ho Chi Minh Cong g Hoa Apartment, p SCTV Broadcasting g Station, Vietnam, Algeria g Oran Mixed Use, Dalat Star Hills Hotel, Vietnam Hochiminh Airport p Hotel, Vietnam Hochiminh Twin Doves Golf Course & Resort Town, Kazahastan G4 Project, j Ghana Housing g PUBLIC OFFICE & OFFICE Government-Contributed Research Institute Sejong-si j g Renting g Government office, Sejong j g Government Offices 2-1 District, The KOGAS Headquarters q Project, j Rural Development p Administration 1 Area Relocation Project, j Korea Coast Guard Academyy Construction Business, Digital g Broadcasting g Contents Center, Korean National Red Cross Relocation, Relocation Project j on Language g g Studyy Office of Korea Armyy Signal g School, The Republic p of Korea Special p Warfare Command The 3rd Special p Airborne troops p Facilities Relocation Construction, Iksan Official Residence & Militaryy Facilities, Air Force Wonju j & Chungju gj Armyy Life Facility, y Government Masan Regional g Congruence g Business Building, g Cheonan NongHyup, g y p Ulsan Buk-gu g Public Library, y Wonju j Cityy Hall, Uisang-si g Public Office, Ulsan Port Business Center, Gangneung-City g g y Hall, GIST College g & Institute for Renewable Energy, gy Hwagok-dong g g Cultural and Welfare Center & Public Parking g lot, Gyeongsangbuk-do y g g p provincial g government building g & Provincial Council Buildings, g KEPCO-ENC New Headquarter q Building, g Sangam g DMC Landmark Tower, Pangyo gy Silicon Park A-1-4-1Block, Shinsa Beautiful Tower Medical Center MIXED-USE Inchoen Inter Cityy Project, j Namyangju y gj Byulnae y PF, Eunpyung py g Newtown Central Commercial Area, Gwanggyo ggy Power Center PF, Sungnam g Pangyo gy Complex, p Paju j Unjung j g Complex, p International Design g Competition p for the Magok g Waterfront, HOSPITAL & EDUCATION Yangpyeong gpy g Rehabilitation Hospital, p Changwon g Gyeongsang y g g National Universityy Hospital, p Pusan National Universityy Hospital_trauma p center, Jinju j National Universityy Education Center, Yongin g English-Village, g g Inha Technical College g Management g House RESIDENTIAL Hwaseong g Dongtan g 2 New Town A14Block, Treasure Island, MT. Kumkang g Dormitoryy & The Main Building, g Multifunctional Administrarive Cityy 'Urban Leaf' LEISURE Hwajinpo j p Hotel, Muju j Gucheon-dong g Tourist Hotel, Rolling g Hills, MT. Kumkang g Okryukwan y Guest House, Namhae Hansum Resort, Morris Wood, Sachun Fitness Center Additional Project, j Alpensia p Resort Golf Club & Village, g RETAIL & ETC Gimpo p International Airport p Remodeling, g Ansung g Truck Terminal Complex, p Carrefour Haeundai Store Remodeling, g Sachun E-mart, Ulsan Buk-Gu Social Welfare Facilityy OVERSEAS Housing g Complex p in Hochiminh, Vietnam 'Dual Cityy 2011', Vietnam Sunrise Cityy Plot Central, Hanoi SONG KIM, Ho Chi Minh Cong g Hoa Apartment, p SCTV Broadcasting g Station, Vietnam, Algeria g Oran Mixed Use, Dalat Star Hills Hotel, Vietnam Hochiminh Airport p Hotel, Vietnam Hochiminh Twin Doves Golf Course & Resort Town, Kazahastan G4 Project, j Ghana Housing g PUBLIC OFFICE & OFFICE Government-Contributed Research Institute Sejong-si j g Renting g Government office, Sejong j g Government Offices 2-1 District, The KOGAS Headquarters q Project, j Rural Development p Administration 1 Area Relocation Project, j Korea Coast Guard Academyy Construction Business, Digital g Broadcasting g Contents Center, Korean National Red Cross Relocation, Relocation Project j on Language g g Studyy Office of Korea Armyy Signal g School, The Republic p of Korea Special p Warfare Command The 3rd Special p Airborne troops p Facilities Relocation Construction, Iksan Official Residence & Militaryy Facilities, Air Force Wonju j & Chungju gj Armyy Life Facility, y Government Masan Regional g Congruence g Business Building, g Cheonan NongHyup, g y p Ulsan Buk-gu g Public Library, y Wonju j Cityy Hall, Uisang-si g Public Office, Ulsan Port Business Center, Gangneung-City g g y Hall, GIST College g & Institute for Renewable Energy, gy Hwagok-dong g g Cultural and Welfare Center & Public Parking g lot, Gyeongsangbuk-do y g g provincial g p government building g & Provincial Council Buildings, g KEPCO-ENC New Headquarter q Building, g Sangam g DMC Landmark Tower, Pangyo gy Silicon Park A-1-4-1Block, Shinsa Beautiful Tower Medical Center MIXED-USE Inchoen Inter Cityy Project, j Namyangju y gj Byulnae y PF, Eunpyung py g Newtown Central Commercial Area, Gwanggyo ggy Power Center PF, Sungnam g Pangyo gy Complex, p Paju j Unjung j g Complex, p International Design g Competition p for the Magok g Waterfront, HOSPITAL & EDUCATION Yangpyeong gpy g Rehabilitation Hospital, p Changwon g Gyeongsang y g g National Universityy Hospital, p Pusan National Universityy Hospital_trauma p center, Jinju j National Universityy Education Center, Yongin g English-Village, g g Inha Technical College g Management g House RESIDENTIAL Hwaseong g Dongtan g 2 New Town A14Block, Treasure Island, MT. Kumkang g Dormitoryy & The Main Building, g Multifunctional Administrarive Cityy 'Urban Leaf' LEISURE Hwajinpo j p Hotel, Muju j Gucheon-dong g Tourist Hotel, Rolling g Hills, MT. Kumkang g Okryukwan y Guest House, Namhae Hansum Resort, Morris Wood, Sachun Fitness Center Additional Project, j Alpensia p Resort Golf Club & Village, g RETAIL & ETC Gimpo p International Airport p Remodeling, g Ansung g Truck Terminal Complex, p Carrefour Haeundai Store Remodeling, g Sachun E-mart, Ulsan Buk-Gu Social Welfare Facilityy OVERSEAS Housing g Complex p in Hochiminh, Vietnam 'Dual Cityy 2011', Vietnam Sunrise Cityy Plot Central, Hanoi SONG KIM, Ho Chi Minh Cong g Hoa Apartment, p SCTV Broadcasting g Station, Vietnam, Algeria g Oran Mixed Use, Dalat Star Hills Hotel, Vietnam Hochiminh Airport p Hotel, Vietnam Hochiminh Twin Doves Golf Course & Resort Town, Kazahastan G4 Project, j Ghana Housing g PUBLIC OFFICE & OFFICE Government-Contributed Research Institute Sejong-si j g Renting g Government office, Sejong j g Government Offices 2-1 District, The KOGAS Headquarters q Project, j Rural Development p Administration 1 Area Relocation Project, j Korea Coast Guard Academyy Construction Business, Digital g Broadcasting g Contents Center, Korean National Red Cross Relocation, Relocation Project j on Language g g Studyy Office of Korea Armyy Signal g School, The Republic p of Korea Special p Warfare Command The 3rd Special p Airborne troops p Facilities Relocation Construction, Iksan Official Residence & Militaryy Facilities, Air Force Wonju j & Chungju gj Armyy Life Facility, y Government Masan Regional g Congruence g Business Building, g Cheonan NongHyup, g y p Ulsan Buk-gu g Public Library, y Wonju j Cityy Hall, Uisang-si g Public Office, Ulsan Port Business Center, Gangneung-City g g y Hall, GIST College g & Institute for Renewable Energy, gy Hwagok-dong g g Cultural and Welfare Center & Public Parking g lot, Gyeongsangbuk-do y g g p provincial g government building g & Provincial Council Buildings, g KEPCO-ENC New Headquarter q Building, g Sangam g DMC Landmark Tower, Pangyo gy Silicon Park A-14-1Block, Shinsa Beautiful Tower Medical Center MIXED-USE Inchoen Inter Cityy Project, j Namyangju y gj Byulnae y PF, Eunpyung py g Newtown Central Commercial Area, Gwanggyo ggy Power Center PF, Sungnam g Pangyo gy Complex, p Paju j Unjung j g Complex, p International Design g Competition p for the Magok g Waterfront, HOSPITAL & EDUCATION Yangpyeong gpy g Rehabilitation Hospital, p Changwon g Gyeongsang y g g National Universityy Hospital, p Pusan National Universityy Hospital_trauma p center, Jinju j National Universityy Education Center, Yongin g English-Village, g g Inha Technical College g Management g House RESIDENTIAL Hwaseong g Dongtan g 2 New Town A14Block, Treasure Island, MT. Kumkang g Dormitoryy & The Main Building, g Multifunctional Administrarive Cityy 'Urban Leaf' LEISURE Hwajinpo j p Hotel, Muju j Gucheon-dong g Tourist Hotel, Rolling g Hills, MT. Kumkang g Okryukwan y Guest House, Namhae Hansum Resort, Morris Wood, Sachun Fitness Center Additional Project, j Alpensia p Resort Golf Club & Village, g RETAIL & ETC Gimpo p International Airport p Remodeling, g Ansung g Truck Terminal Complex, p Carrefour Haeundai Store Remodeling, g Sachun E-mart, Ulsan Buk-Gu Social Welfare Facilityy OVERSEAS Housing g Complex p in Hochiminh, Vietnam 'Dual Cityy 2011', Vietnam Sunrise Cityy Plot Central, Hanoi SONG KIM, Ho Chi Minh Cong g Hoa Apartment, p SCTV Broadcasting g Station, Vietnam, Algeria g Oran Mixed Use, Dalat Star Hills Hotel, Vietnam Hochiminh Airport p Hotel, Vietnam Hochiminh Twin Doves Golf Course & Resort Town, Kazahastan G4 Project, j Ghana Housing g PUBLIC OFFICE & OFFICE Government-Contributed Research Institute Sejong-si j g Renting g Government office, Sejong j g Government Offices 2-1 District, The KOGAS Headquarters q Project, j Rural Development p Administration 1 Area Relocation Project, j Korea Coast Guard Academyy Construction Business, Digital g Broadcasting g Contents Center, Korean National Red Cross Relocation, Relocation Project j on Language g g Studyy Office of Korea Armyy Signal g School, The Republic p of Korea Special p Warfare Command The 3rd Special p Airborne troops p Facilities Relocation Construction, Iksan Official Residence & Militaryy Facilities, Air Force Wonju j & Chungju gj Armyy Life Facility, y Government Masan Regional g Congruence g Business Building, g Cheonan NongHyup, g y p Ulsan Buk-gu g Public Library, y Wonju j Cityy Hall, Uisang-si g Public Office, Ulsan Port Business Center, Gangneung-City g g y Hall, GIST College g & Institute for Renewable Energy, gy Hwagok-dong g g Cultural and Welfare Center & Public Parking g lot, Gyeongsangbuk-do y g g p provincial g government building g & Provincial Council Buildings, g KEPCO-ENC New Headquarter q Building, g Sangam g DMC Landmark Tower, Pangyo gy Silicon Park A-1-4-1Block, Shinsa Beautiful Tower Medical Center MIXED-USE Inchoen Inter Cityy Project, j Namyangju y gj Byulnae y PF, Eunpyung py g Newtown Central Commercial Area, Gwanggyo ggy Power Center PF, Sungnam g Pangyo gy Complex, p Paju j Unjung j g Complex, p International Design g Competition p for the Magok g Waterfront, HOSPITAL & EDUCATION Yangpyeong gpy g Rehabilitation Hospital, p Changwon g Gyeongsang y g g National Universityy Hospital, p Pusan National Universityy Hospital_trauma p center, Jinju j National Universityy Education Center, Yongin g English-Village, g g Inha Technical College g Management g House RESIDENTIAL Hwaseong g Dongtan g 2 New Town A14Block, Treasure Island, MT. Kumkang g Dormitoryy & The Main Building, g Multifunctional Administrarive Cityy 'Urban Leaf' LEISURE Hwajinpo j p Hotel, Muju j Gucheon-dong g Tourist Hotel, Rolling g Hills, MT. Kumkang g Okryukwan y Guest House, Namhae Hansum Resort, Morris Wood, Sachun Fitness Center Additional Project, j Alpensia p Resort Golf Club & Village, g RETAIL & ETC Gimpo p International Airport p Remodeling, g Ansung g Truck Terminal Complex, p Carrefour Haeundai Store Remodeling, g Sachun E-mart, Ulsan Buk-Gu Social Welfare Facilityy OVERSEAS Housing g Complex p in Hochiminh, Vietnam 'Dual Cityy 2011', Vietnam Sunrise Cityy Plot Central, Hanoi SONG KIM, Ho Chi Minh Cong g Hoa Apartment, p SCTV Broadcasting g Station, Vietnam, Algeria g Oran Mixed Use, Dalat Star Hills Hotel, Vietnam Hochiminh Airport p Hotel, Vietnam Hochiminh Twin Doves Golf Course & Resort Town, Kazahastan G4 Project, j Ghana Housing g PUBLIC OFFICE & OFFICE Government-Contributed Research Institute Sejong-si j g Renting g Government office, Sejong j g Government Offices 2-1 District, The KOGAS Headquarters q Project, j Rural Development p Administration 1 Area Relocation Project, j Korea Coast Guard Academyy Construction Business, Digital g Broadcasting g Contents Center, Korean National Red Cross Relocation, Relocation Project j on Language g g Studyy Office of Korea Armyy Signal g School, The Republic p of Korea Special p Warfare Command The 3rd Special p Airborne troops p Facilities Relocation Construction, Iksan Official Residence & Militaryy Facilities, Air Force Wonju j & Chungju gj Armyy Life Facility, y Government Masan Regional g Congruence g Business Building, g Cheonan NongHyup, g y p Ulsan Buk-gu g Public Library, y Wonju j Cityy Hall, Uisang-si g Public Office, Ulsan Port Business Center, Gangneung-City g g y Hall, GIST College g & Institute for Renewable Energy, gy Hwagok-dong g g Cultural and Welfare Center & Public Parking g lot, Gyeongsangbuk-do y g g provincial p government g building g & Provincial Council Buildings, g KEPCO-ENC New Headquarter q Building, g Sangam g DMC Landmark Tower, Pangyo gy Silicon Park A-1-4-1Block, Shinsa Beautiful Tower Medical Center MIXED-USE Inchoen Inter Cityy Project, j Namyangju y gj Byulnae y PF, Eunpyung py g Newtown Central Commercial Area, Gwanggyo ggy Power Center PF, Sungnam g Pangyo gy Complex, p Paju j Unjung j g Complex, p International Design g Competition p for the Magok g Waterfront, HOSPITAL & EDUCATION Yangpyeong gpy g Rehabilitation Hospital, p Changwon g Gyeongsang y g g National Universityy Hospital, p Pusan National Universityy Hospital_trauma p center, Jinju j National Universityy Education Center, Yongin g English-Village, g g Inha Technical College g Management g House RESIDENTIAL Hwaseong g Dongtan g 2 New Town A14Block, Treasure Island, MT. Kumkang g Dormitoryy & The Main Building, g Multifunctional Administrarive Cityy 'Urban Leaf' LEISURE Hwajinpo j p Hotel, Muju j Gucheon-dong g Tourist Hotel, Rolling g Hills, MT. Kumkang g Okryukwan y Guest House, Namhae Hansum Resort, Morris Wood, Sachun Fitness Center Additional Project, j Alpensia p Resort Golf Club & Village, g RETAIL & ETC Gimpo p International Airport p Remodeling, g Ansung g Truck Terminal Complex, p Carrefour Haeundai Store Remodeling, g Sachun E-mart, Ulsan Buk-Gu Social Welfare Facilityy OVERSEAS Housing g Complex p in Hochiminh, Vietnam 'Dual Cityy 2011', Vietnam Sunrise Cityy Plot Central, Hanoi SONG KIM, Ho Chi Minh Cong g Hoa Apartment, p SCTV Broadcasting g Station, Vietnam, Algeria g Oran Mixed Use, Dalat Star Hills Hotel, Vietnam Hochiminh Airport p Hotel, Vietnam Hochiminh Twin Doves Golf Course & Resort Town, Kazahastan G4 Project, j Ghana Housing g PUBLIC OFFICE & OFFICE Government-Contributed Research Institute Sejong-si j g Renting g Government office, Sejong j g Government Offices 2-1 District, The KOGAS Headquarters q Project, j Rural Development p Administration 1 Area Relocation Project, j Korea Coast Guard Academyy Construction Business, Digital g Broadcasting g Contents Center, Korean National Red Cross Relocation, Relocation Project j on Language g g Studyy Office of Korea Armyy Signal g School, The Republic p of Korea Special p Warfare Command The 3rd Special p Airborne troops p Facilities Relocation Construction, Iksan Official Residence & Militaryy Facilities, Air Force Wonju j & Chungju gj Armyy Life Facility, y Government Masan Regional g Congruence g Business Building, g Cheonan NongHyup, g y p Ulsan Buk-gu g Public Library, y Wonju j Cityy Hall, Uisang-si g Public Office, Ulsan Port Business Center, Gangneung-City g g y Hall, GIST College g & Institute for Renewable Energy, gy Hwagok-dong g g Cultural and Welfare Center & Public Parking g lot, Gyeongsangbuk-do y g g p provincial government g building g & Provincial Council Buildings, g KEPCO-ENC New Headquarter q Building, g Sangam g DMC Landmark Tower, Pangyo gy Silicon Park A-1-4-1Block, Shinsa Beautiful Tower Medical Center MIXED-USE Inchoen Inter Cityy Project, j Namyangju y gj Byulnae y PF, Eunpyung py g Newtown Central Commercial Area, Gwanggyo ggy Power Center PF, Sungnam g Pangyo gy Complex, p Paju j Unjung j g Complex, p International Design g Competition p for the Magok g Waterfront, HOSPITAL & EDUCATION Yangpyeong gpy g Rehabilitation Hospital, p Changwon g Gyeongsang y g g National Universityy Hospital, p Pusan National Universityy Hospital_trauma p center, Jinju j National Universityy Education Center, Yongin g Englishg Village, g Inha Technical College g Management g House RESIDENTIAL Hwaseong g Dongtan g 2 New Town A14Block, Treasure Island, MT. Kumkang g Dormitoryy & The Main Building, g Multifunctional Administrarive Cityy 'Urban Leaf' LEISURE Hwajinpo j p Hotel, Muju j Gucheon-dong g Tourist Hotel, Rolling g Hills, MT. Kumkang g Okryukwan y Guest House, Namhae Hansum Resort, Morris Wood, Sachun Fitness Center Additional Project, j Alpensia p Resort Golf Club & Village, g RETAIL & ETC Gimpo p International Airport p Remodeling, g Ansung g Truck Terminal Complex, p Carrefour Haeundai Store Remodeling, g Sachun E-mart, Ulsan Buk-Gu Social Welfare Facilityy OVERSEAS Housing g Complex p in Hochiminh, Vietnam 'Dual Cityy 2011', Vietnam Sunrise Cityy Plot Central, Hanoi SONG KIM, Ho Chi Minh Cong g Hoa Apartment, p SCTV Broadcasting g Station, Vietnam, Algeria g Oran Mixed Use, Dalat Star Hills Hotel, Vietnam Hochiminh Airport p Hotel, Vietnam Hochiminh Twin Doves Golf Course & Resort Town, Kazahastan G4 Project, j Ghana Housing g PUBLIC OFFICE & OFFICE Government-Contributed Research Institute Sejong-si j g Renting g Government office, Sejong j g Government Offices 2-1 District, The KOGAS Headquarters q Project, j Rural Development p Administration 1 Area Relocation Project, j Korea Coast Guard Academyy Construction Business, Digital g Broadcasting g Contents Center, Korean National Red Cross Relocation, Relocation Project j on Language g g Studyy Office of Korea Armyy Signal g School, The Republic p of Korea Special p Warfare Command The 3rd Special p Airborne troops p Facilities Relocation Construction, Iksan Official Residence & Militaryy Facilities, Air Force Wonju j & Chungju gj Armyy Life Facility, y Government Masan Regional g Congruence g Business Building, g Cheonan NongHyup, g y p Ulsan Buk-gu g Public Library, y Wonju j Cityy Hall, Uisang-si g Public Office, Ulsan Port Business Center, Gangneung-City g g y Hall, GIST College g & Institute for Renewable Energy, gy Hwagok-dong g g Cultural and Welfare Center & Public Parking g lot, Gyeongsangbuk-do y g g p provincial g government building g & Provincial Council Buildings, g KEPCO-ENC New Headquarter q Building, g Sangam g DMC Landmark Tower, Pangyo gy Silicon Park A-1-4-1Block, Shinsa Beautiful Tower Medical Center MIXED-USE Inchoen Inter Cityy Project, j Namyangju y gj Byulnae y PF, Eunpyung py g Newtown Central Commercial Area, Gwanggyo ggy Power Center PF, Sungnam g Pangyo gy Complex, p Paju j Unjung j g Complex, p International Design g Competition p for the Magok g Waterfront, HOSPITAL & EDUCATION Yangpyeong gpy g Rehabilitation Hospital, p Changwon g Gyeongsang y g g National Universityy Hospital, p Pusan National Universityy Hospital_trauma p center, Jinju j National Universityy Education Center, Yongin g English-Village, g g Inha Technical College g Management g House RESIDENTIAL Hwaseong g Dongtan g 2 New Town A14Block, Treasure Island, MT. Kumkang g Dormitoryy & The Main Building, g Multifunctional Administrarive Cityy 'Urban Leaf' LEISURE Hwajinpo j p Hotel, Muju j Gucheon-dong g Tourist Hotel, Rolling g Hills, MT. Kumkang g Okryukwan y Guest House, Namhae Hansum Resort, Morris Wood, Sachun Fitness Center Additional Project, j Alpensia p Resort Golf Club & Village, g RETAIL & ETC Gimpo p International Airport p Remodeling, g Ansung g Truck Terminal Complex, p Carrefour Haeundai Store Remodeling, g Sachun E-mart, Ulsan Buk-Gu Social Welfare Facilityy OVERSEAS Housing g Complex p in Hochiminh, Vietnam 'Dual Cityy 2011', Vietnam Sunrise Cityy Plot Central, Hanoi SONG KIM, Ho Chi Minh Cong g Hoa Apartment, p SCTV Broadcasting g Station, Vietnam, Algeria g Oran Mixed Use, Dalat Star Hills Hotel, Vietnam Hochiminh Airport p Hotel, Vietnam Hochiminh Twin Doves Golf Course & Resort Town, Kazahastan G4 Project, j Ghana Housing g PUBLIC OFFICE & OFFICE Government-Contributed Research Institute Sejong-si j g Renting g Government office, Sejong j g Government Offices 2-1 District, The KOGAS Headquarters q Project, j Rural Development p Administration 1 Area Relocation Project, j Korea Coast Guard Academyy Construction Business, Digital g Broadcasting g Contents Center, Korean National Red Cross Relocation, Relocation Project j on Language g g Studyy Office of Korea Armyy Signal g School, The Republic p of Korea Special p Warfare Command The 3rd Special p Airborne troops p Facilities Relocation Construction, Iksan Official Residence & Militaryy Facilities, Air Force Wonju j & Chungju gj Armyy Life Facility, y Government Masan Regional g Congruence g Business Building, g Cheonan NongHyup, g y p Ulsan Buk-gu g Public Library, y Wonju j Cityy Hall, Uisang-si g Public Office, Ulsan Port Business Center, Gangneung-City g g y Hall, GIST College g & Institute for Renewable Energy, gy Hwagok-dong g g Cultural and Welfare Center & Public Parking g lot, Gyeongsangbuk-do y g g p provincial g government building g & Provincial Council Buildings, g KEPCO-ENC New Headquarter q Building, g Sangam g DMC Landmark Tower, Pangyo gy Silicon Park A-1-4-1Block, Shinsa Beautiful Tower Medical Center MIXED-USE Inchoen Inter Cityy Project, j Namyangju y gj Byulnae y PF, Eunpyung py g Newtown Central Commercial Area, Gwanggyo ggy Power Center PF, Sungnam g Pangyo gy Complex, p Paju j Unjung j g Complex, p International Design g Competition p for the Magok g Waterfront, HOSPITAL & EDUCATION Yangpyeong gpy g Rehabilitation Hospital, p Changwon g Gyeongsang y g g National Universityy Hospital, p Pusan National Universityy Hospital_trauma p center, Jinju j National Universityy Education Center, Yongin g English-Village, g g Inha Technical College g Management g House RESIDENTIAL Hwaseong g Dongtan g 2 New Town A14Block, Treasure Island, MT. Kumkang g Dormitoryy & The Main Building, g Multifunctional Administrarive Cityy 'Urban Leaf' LEISURE Hwajinpo j p Hotel, Muju j Gucheon-dong g Tourist Hotel, Rolling g Hills, MT. Kumkang g Okryukwan y Guest House, Namhae Hansum Resort, Morris Wood, Sachun Fitness Center Additional Project, j Alpensia p Resort Golf Club & Village, g RETAIL & ETC Gimpo p International Airport p Remodeling, g Ansung g Truck Terminal Complex, p Carrefour Haeundai Store Remodeling, g Sachun E-mart, Ulsan Buk-Gu Social Welfare Facilityy OVERSEAS Housing g Complex p in Hochiminh, Vietnam 'Dual Cityy 2011', Vietnam Sunrise Cityy Plot Central, Hanoi SONG KIM, Ho Chi Minh Cong g Hoa Apartment, p SCTV Broadcasting g Station, Vietnam, Algeria g Oran Mixed Use, Dalat Star Hills Hotel, Vietnam Hochiminh Airport p Hotel, Vietnam Hochiminh Twin Doves Golf Course & Resort Town, Kazahastan G4 Project, j Ghana Housing g PUBLIC OFFICE & OFFICE Government-Contributed Research Institute Sejong-si j g Renting g Government office, Sejong j g Government Offices 2-1 District, The KOGAS Headquarters q Project, j Rural Development p Administration 1 Area Relocation Project, j Korea Coast Guard Academyy Construction Business, Digital g Broadcasting g Contents Center, Korean National Red Cross Relocation, Relocation Project j on Language g g Studyy Office of Korea Armyy Signal g School, The Republic p of Korea Special p Warfare Command The 3rd Special p Airborne troops p Facilities Relocation Construction, Iksan Official Residence & Militaryy Facilities, Air Force Wonju j & Chungju gj Armyy Life Facility, y Government Masan Regional g Congruence g Business Building, g Cheonan NongHyup, g y p Ulsan Buk-gu g Public Library, y Wonju j Cityy Hall, Uisang-si g Public Office, Ulsan Port Business Center, Gangneung-City g g y Hall, GIST College g & Institute for Renewable Energy, gy Hwagok-dong g g Cultural and Welfare Center & Public Parking g lot, Gyeongsangbuk-do y g g provincial p g government building g & Provincial Council Buildings, g KEPCO-ENC New Headquarter q Building, g Sangam g DMC Landmark Tower, Pangyo gy Silicon Park A-1-4-1Block, Shinsa Beautiful Tower Medical Center MIXED-USE Inchoen Inter Cityy Project, j Namyangju y gj Byulnae y PF, Eunpyung py g Newtown Central Commercial Area, Gwanggyo ggy Power Center PF, Sungnam g Pangyo gy Complex, p Paju j Unjung j g Complex, p International Design g Competition p for the Magok g Waterfront, HOSPITAL & EDUCATION Yangpyeong gpy g Rehabilitation Hospital, p Changwon g Gyeongsang y g g National Universityy Hospital, p Pusan National Universityy Hospital_trauma p center, Jinju j National Universityy Education Center, Yongin g English-Village, g g Inha Technical College g Management g House RESIDENTIAL Hwaseong g Dongtan g 2 New Town A14Block, Treasure Island, MT. Kumkang g Dormitoryy & The Main Building, g Multifunctional Administrarive Cityy 'Urban Leaf' LEISURE Hwajinpo j p Hotel, Muju j Gucheon-dong g Tourist Hotel, Rolling g Hills, MT. Kumkang g Okryukwan y Guest House, Namhae Hansum Resort, Morris Wood, Sachun Fitness Center Additional Project, j Alpensia p Resort Golf Club & Village, g RETAIL & ETC Gimpo p International Airport p Remodeling, g Ansung g Truck Terminal Complex, p Carrefour Haeundai Store Remodeling, g Sachun E-mart, Ulsan Buk-Gu Social Welfare Facilityy OVERSEAS Housing g Complex p in Hochiminh, Vietnam 'Dual Cityy 2011', Vietnam Sunrise Cityy Plot Central, Hanoi SONG KIM, Ho Chi Minh Cong g Hoa Apartment, p SCTV Broadcasting g Station, Vietnam, Algeria g Oran Mixed Use, Dalat Star Hills Hotel, Vietnam Hochiminh Airport p Hotel, Vietnam Hochiminh Twin Doves Golf Course & Resort Town, Kazahastan G4 Project, j Ghana Housing g PUBLIC OFFICE & OFFICE Government-Contributed Research Institute Sejong-si j g Renting g Government office, Sejong j g Government Offices 2-1 District, The KOGAS Headquarters q Project, j Rural Development p Administration 1 Area Relocation Project, j Korea Coast Guard Academyy Construction Business, Digital g Broadcasting g Contents Center, Korean National Red Cross Relocation, Relocation Project j on Language g g Studyy Office of Korea Armyy Signal g School, The Republic p of Korea Special p Warfare Command The 3rd Special p Airborne troops p Facilities Relocation Construction, Iksan Official Residence & Militaryy Facilities, Air Force Wonju j & Chungju gj Armyy Life Facility, y Government Masan Regional g Congruence g Business Building, g Cheonan NongHyup, g y p Ulsan Buk-gu g Public Library, y Wonju j Cityy Hall, Uisang-si g Public Office, Ulsan Port Business Center, Gangneung-City g g y Hall, GIST College g & Institute for Renewable Energy, gy Hwagok-dong g g Cultural and Welfare Center & Public Parking g lot, Gyeongsangbuk-do y g g p provincial g government building g & Provincial Council Buildings, g KEPCO-ENC New Headquarter q Building, g Sangam g DMC Landmark Tower, Pangyo gy Silicon Park A-1-4-1Block, Shinsa Beautiful Tower Medical Center MIXED-USE Inchoen Inter Cityy Project, j Namyangju y gj Byulnae y PF, Eunpyung py g Newtown Central Commercial Area, Gwanggyo ggy Power Center PF, Sungnam g Pangyo gy Complex, p Paju j Unjung j g Complex, p International Design g Competition p for the Magok g Waterfront, HOSPITAL & EDUCATION Yangpyeong gpy g Rehabilitation Hospital, p Changwon g Gyeongsang y g g National Universityy Hospital, p Pusan National Universityy Hospital_trauma p center, Jinju j National Universityy Education Center, Yongin g English-Village, g g Inha Technical College g Management g House RESIDENTIAL Hwaseong g Dongtan g 2 New Town A14Block, Treasure Island, MT. Kumkang g Dormitoryy & The Main Building, g Multifunctional Administrarive Cityy 'Urban Leaf' LEISURE Hwajinpo Hotel, Muju Gucheon-dong Tourist Hotel, Rolling Hills, MT. Kumkang Okryukwan Guest House, Namhae Hansum Resort, Morris Wood, Sachun Fitness Center Additional Project, Alpensia Resort Golf Club

Design, for Life MAP GROUP


Hospital & Educational 1


Yangpyeong Rehabilitation Hospital

Changwon Gyeongsang National University Hospital 3

Pusan National University Hospital_trauma center 4

Jinju National University Education Center 5



Yongin English-Village

Ulsan University International Affairs & Education & Domitory

Inha Technical College Training Center

This building is the rehabilitation hospital for the people injured by a traffic accident. There are three concepts in the design process; ’Cheong(green)’, ‘Myung(Light)’, and ‘In(human)’. The design is streamlined in shape of building along by the geographical feature. The building has the broad elevation area as the use of sloped feature of contour in where the building place. It makes the indoor space to be better brightness. Energy-optimized envelope pursue economic benefits as a high eco-friendly facility.

᧲⠪ƹ☖á°?⪽ᄲᏹᎥ Ćąâ˜–á”?Ĺ á°?⪽ ⪚᯹༅Ꮌ á­Ľ ⌽ Ṽŕž™ ᄲᏹáŽ?ಽ â„Ž ໦ ᯙ ᯕŕŻ?Űľ ļ⍎}Öą Ꮌ á ľâ”śáŽ?ಽ Ę‘áł•ḥ⊜᎚ ⊜ᔢᎼ ŕŚ‘ŕŻ? ᯹áŠ‘áœ…ŕąžĂ­ Ꭰá– ⊜áŽ?ಽ ļ⍎⌚ŠÄžá”?ḥ⊜Ꮌ ⪽Ꮚ⌚áŠ? ፙʑ ᨹ ŕť•⌚۾ ᇥᇼᎼ ↽‍⪜ ⌽ݥ‏ᅕ⌚áŠ? á žáŽĄ ԕᇥ Ĺ– eᎼ ṽŖ⌚ŕť•á•˝ ṥᨹՊḥ ᗭኼ⊜ ፙâŚ?ಽ ↽Ṣ᎚ ᨹՊḥ ĞṽᖒᎼ ⇾Ç?⌽ ⊽⪚ĞṢ Ă•ŕž?ᯕ݅

Yangpyeong Rehabilitation Hospital сз▓так ╞▒тШЦ с░Нтк╜ сД▓см▒ ┼Ц сФН р╗ж сБ╜ с╡Э тГ╣ тАл ▌бтАмс╕б сне тК╣ с╕б сйО с╕б ╟Н смК рае

сз▓так╞▒тШЦс░Нтк╜сД▓см▒ ├Хр╕Ю┼ЦсФН ╞▒тШЦсжйс▒е┼Ц▌Й ─Ю╩Срае сз▓так╟С сз▓таксоо рае┼Вр╕Н спЭсм▒ с▒╜ с│ж с╕б╟Н▌Йсне─етло╟НсйО со╣р┤нсЬ╜сЦЕ с╡▓ сД▓см▒

тАл ▌бтАмс╕б р╗Х сйС р╗Х ╚╜ ╟Н с╡Э тВЙ тАл▌бтАм

с▒в с▒в р╝Й с│С сЩ╣

т╜Л т╜Л # ' ' 3$ тАл▌бтАм

ARCHITECTURE H o s p i t a l

Changwon Gyeongsang National University Hospital â‚žᏹ Ğᔢ‍⌺ݥ‏ƹ ᄲᏹ Ĺ– á”? á ˝ áľ? ‍ ݥ‏ḥ á­Ľ Ꮚ

໦ ⃚ ⊚ ŕ Ľ

â‚žᏹ Ğᔢ‍⌺ݥ‏ƹ ᄲᏹ ÕพŖá”? 5, Ğᔢ‍⌺ݥ‏ƹᄲᏹ á™šáŤľâƒš ᳑‍Ý?‏ℎ Äžá”˘Ô‰ŕ Ľ â‚žᏹáœ˝ ᖒᔑÇ? á”?áąśáŻąŕ ş áƒŠá¸Ą áŻ?ᏹ ᎚ഭáœ˝á–… ᾲ ᄲᏹ

‍ ݥ‏ḥ ŕť• ኑ ŕť• Č˝ Ç? áľ? ₉ áœ˝

Ṣ Ṣ ŕź‰ áł‘ á–…

⽋ ᎚ഭáœ˝á–… ⽋ á°†ಥ᜞ᰆ

⽋ ᎚ഭáœ˝á–… ⽋ á°†ಥ᜞ᰆ

# ' ' ᎚ഭáœ˝á–… # ' ' á°†ಥ᜞ᰆ 3$ 4$ ‍ ÝĄâ€ŹáŽšŕ´­áœ˝á–… ‍ ݥ‏ᰆಥ᜞ᰆ

ARCHITECTURE H o s p i t a l

Pusan National University Hospital_trauma center сЗбсФСтАлтж║▌бтАм╞▒сД▓см▒ слЩсФвсЦЭтЦС ┼Ц сБ╜ тАл▌бтАм с╕б смК тАл▌бтАм сйС ╚╜ ╟Н с╡Э

сФН с╡Э с╕б сне сйО с╕б

р╗ж тГ╣ тК╣ ╟Н рае с╕б р╗Х с▒в р╗Х с▒в р╝Й с│С тВЙ тАлсЩ╣ ▌бтАм

сЗбсФСтАлтж║▌бтАм╞▒ слЩсФвсЦЭтЦС ├Хр╕Ю┼ЦсФН 5, сЗбсФСтАлтж║▌бтАм╞▒сД▓см▒ сЗбсФС┼▓сйОсЬ╜ сХ╜╟Н ╟Н▐╢р▓╜ сЗбсФСтАлтж║▌бтАм╞▒сД▓см▒╘Х с╡бс╡Э├Сс╕бсйО тЖ╜с▒б┼Браес╕б╟Н раесЬ╜─етлосЬ╜сЦЕ со╣р┤нсЬ╜сЦЕ с│жтзКсД▓см▒ ╞▒соВсйС╟НсЬ╜сЦЕ ╔Эр╕СсФ╛тк╜сЬ╜сЦЕ т╜Л т╜Л # ' ' 3$ 3$ 43$ тАл▌бтАм

ARCHITECTURE E d u c a t i o n

Jinju National University Education Center ǎพḼáľ?ᔑᨌ‍⌺ݥ‏ƹ ᳌⧊ƹᎂť

Ĺ– á”? á ˝ áľ? ‍ ݥ‏ḥ á­Ľ Ꮚ

໦ ⃚ ⊚ ŕ Ľ

ǎพḼáľ?ᔑᨌ‍⌺ݥ‏ƹ ᳌⧊ƹᎂť á? ⇜Ŗá”? 5, á?ŽáŹŠĂ•á–… Äžá”˘Ô‰ŕ Ľ Ḽáľ?áœ˝ â‹ áŚľŕ ş áƒŠá¸Ą ƹᎂኑÇ?áœ˝á–…

‍ ݥ‏ḥ ŕť• ኑ ŕť• Č˝ Ç?

Ṣ Ṣ ŕź‰ áł‘

⽋ ⽋ # ' ' 3$ 4$ 43$

Its design focuses on the creative beauty of an original sculpture that symbolizes the past and future, energy efficient educating facilities that use a natural design technique, an open space in which the school can interact with the community, and sustainable high-tech education facilities that provide an ideal education environment. Particularly, the memorial hall will be the attraction of the city through the balance of its image of overlapped doors, LED lighting, and sense of volume magnificent view and the Nam River. This displays not only a variety of visual changes according to time and place, but a beautiful night scene as well.

ּ᎚ ኎á”?᪥ ּ᎚ á ™௚ŕˇ? ᔢḜ⌚۾ ŕ Śâ‚žṢ áł‘⊜á ™ ᯌâ„•⪾ॽ ‍ך‏ḥ᪥ ᯹ኑ⊜ á–…ÄĽĘ‘áƒśáŽĽ ṢᏊ⌽ ᨹՊḥ Ṋ᧞⊜ ƹᎂť ḥáŠŽŕž™⪾ ᪥ ⌺ƹa ᗭ☖⌚۾ ንฑ Ĺ–e ↽Ṣ᎚ ƹᎂ⪚ÄžᎼ ṽŖ⌚۾ ḥá—Ža ‍ ݉℉ ⌽Ü†â€ŹĆąáŽ‚áœ˝á–… ༒Ꮌ áľ?ጊṹáŽ?ಽ á–…ļॹÝ… ✚⯊ ḥ኎᎚ ໦á—­a ࢠ}Ćą áľ?ÖĽ Ę‘ֹťᎥ ĹĄŕž™᎚ ᾲâ„Šॽ áŻ•á ™ḥ᪥ -&% Ğť᳑໦ ᯌâ„•qᯕ Ô‰v᎚ ĞťĹ? áł‘⪾ŕˇ? ᯕྼ áœ˝eĹ? ᰆᗭᨹ ŕŚ‘ŕŻ? Ý…᧲⌽ áœ˝ bṢ ᄥ⪾ŕˇ? Ӛ┥Ô? á?ąŕ¸­ ጼ‍܊‏ŕŻ? ጼࡼ݅Ꮥ á§?Ğᯕ á°†ťᎼ â ?⊽݅

Yongin English-Village смКспЩ сйвсиХр╕йсое ┼Ц сФН сБ╜ с╡Э тАл ▌бтАмс╕б сне смК

р╗ж тГ╣ тК╣ рае

смКспЩ сйвсиХр╕йсое с│СсЦТ┼ЦсФН смКспЩсЬ╜ тж╜╟ОслЩтАл ▌бтАм ─Ю╩Срае смКспЩсЬ╜ тГ╣спЩ╟Н р╝Йтйер╗Х ск╢сФСр╕Н сФС ╞▒соВсЬ╜сЦЕ

тАл ▌бтАмс╕б р╗Х сйС р╗Х ╚╜ ╟Н

с▒в с▒в р╝Й с│С

т╜Л т╜Л # ' ' 3$ 4$

ARCHITECTURE E d u c a t i o n

Ulsan University International Affairs & Education & Domitory ᬙᔑ‫⦺ݡ‬Ʊ ǎᱽƱඹš ၰ ʑฑ⦺ᔍ

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Inha Technical College Training Center ᯙ⦹Ŗᨦᱥྙ‫ ⦺ݡ‬ʑⅩᝅ᜖š

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PUBLIC OFFICE & OFFICE Government-Contributed Research Institute Sejong-si j g Renting g Government office, Sejong j g Government Offices 2-1 District, The KOGAS Headquarters q Project, j Rural Development p Administration 1 Area Relocation Project, j Korea Coast Guard Academyy Construction Business, Digital g Broadcasting g Contents Center, Korean National Red Cross Relocation, Relocation Project j on Language g g Studyy Office of Korea Armyy Signal g School, The Republic p of Korea Special p Warfare Command The 3rd Special p Airborne troops p Facilities Relocation Construction, Iksan Official Residence & Militaryy Facilities, Air Force Wonju j & Chungju gj Armyy Life Facility, y Government Masan Regional g Congruence g Business Building, g Cheonan NongHyup, g y p Ulsan Buk-gu g Public Library, y Wonju j Cityy Hall, Uisang-si g Public Office, Ulsan Port Business Center, Gangneung-City g g y Hall, GIST College g & Institute for Renewable Energy, gy Hwagok-dong g g Cultural and Welfare Center & Public Parking g lot, Gyeongsangbuk-do y g g p provincial g government building g & Provincial Council Buildings, g KEPCO-ENC New Headquarter q Building, g Sangam g DMC Landmark Tower, Pangyo gy Silicon Park A-1-4-1Block, Shinsa Beautiful Tower Medical Center MIXED-USE Inchoen Inter Cityy Project, j Namyangju y gj Byulnae y PF, Eunpyung py g Newtown Central Commercial Area, Gwanggyo ggy Power Center PF, Sungnam g Pangyo gy Complex, p Paju j Unjung j g Complex, p International Design g Competition p for the Magok g Waterfront, HOSPITAL & EDUCATION Yangpyeong gpy g Rehabilitation Hospital, p Changwon g Gyeongsang y g g National Universityy Hospital, p Pusan National Universityy Hospital_trauma p center, Jinju j National Universityy Education Center, Yongin g English-Village, g g Inha Technical College g Management g House RESIDENTIAL Hwaseong g Dongtan g 2 New Town A14Block, Treasure Island, MT. Kumkang g Dormitoryy & The Main Building, g Multifunctional Administrarive Cityy 'Urban Leaf' LEISURE Hwajinpo j p Hotel, Muju j Gucheon-dong g Tourist Hotel, Rolling g Hills, MT. Kumkang g Okryukwan y Guest House, Namhae Hansum Resort, Morris Wood, Sachun Fitness Center Additional Project, j Alpensia p Resort Golf Club & Village, g RETAIL & ETC Gimpo p International Airport p Remodeling, g Ansung g Truck Terminal Complex, p Carrefour Haeundai Store Remodeling, g Sachun E-mart, Ulsan Buk-Gu Social Welfare Facilityy OVERSEAS Housing g Complex p in Hochiminh, Vietnam 'Dual Cityy 2011', Vietnam Sunrise Cityy Plot Central, Hanoi SONG KIM, Ho Chi Minh Cong g Hoa Apartment, p SCTV Broadcasting g Station, Vietnam, Algeria g Oran Mixed Use, Dalat Star Hills Hotel, Vietnam Hochiminh Airport p Hotel, Vietnam Hochiminh Twin Doves Golf Course & Resort Town, Kazahastan G4 Project, j Ghana Housing g PUBLIC OFFICE & OFFICE Government-Contributed Research Institute Sejong-si j g Renting g Government office, Sejong j g Government Offices 2-1 District, The KOGAS Headquarters q Project, j Rural Development p Administration 1 Area Relocation Project, j Korea Coast Guard Academyy Construction Business, Digital g Broadcasting g Contents Center, Korean National Red Cross Relocation, Relocation Project j on Language g g Studyy Office of Korea Armyy Signal g School, The Republic p of Korea Special p Warfare Command The 3rd Special p Airborne troops p Facilities Relocation Construction, Iksan Official Residence & Militaryy Facilities, Air Force Wonju j & Chungju gj Armyy Life Facility, y Government Masan Regional g Congruence g Business Building, g Cheonan NongHyup, g y p Ulsan Buk-gu g Public Library, y Wonju j Cityy Hall, Uisang-si g Public Office, Ulsan Port Business Center, Gangneung-City g g y Hall, GIST College g & Institute for Renewable Energy, gy Hwagok-dong g g Cultural and Welfare Center & Public Parking g lot, Gyeongsangbuk-do y g g p provincial g government building g & Provincial Council Buildings, g KEPCO-ENC New Headquarter q Building, g Sangam g DMC Landmark Tower, Pangyo gy Silicon Park A-1-4-1Block, Shinsa Beautiful Tower Medical Center MIXED-USE Inchoen Inter Cityy Project, j Namyangju y gj Byulnae y PF, Eunpyung py g Newtown Central Commercial Area, Gwanggyo ggy Power Center PF, Sungnam g Pangyo gy Complex, p Paju j Unjung j g Complex, p International Design g Competition p for the Magok g Waterfront, HOSPITAL & EDUCATION Yangpyeong gpy g Rehabilitation Hospital, p Changwon g Gyeongsang y g g National Universityy Hospital, p Pusan National Universityy Hospital_trauma p center, Jinju j National Universityy Education Center, Yongin g English-Village, g g Inha Technical College g Management g House RESIDENTIAL Hwaseong g Dongtan g 2 New Town A14Block, Treasure Island, MT. Kumkang g Dormitoryy & The Main Building, g Multifunctional Administrarive Cityy 'Urban Leaf' LEISURE Hwajinpo j p Hotel, Muju j Gucheon-dong g Tourist Hotel, Rolling g Hills, MT. Kumkang g Okryukwan y Guest House, Namhae Hansum Resort, Morris Wood, Sachun Fitness Center Additional Project, j Alpensia p Resort Golf Club & Village, g RETAIL & ETC Gimpo p International Airport p Remodeling, g Ansung g Truck Terminal Complex, p Carrefour Haeundai Store Remodeling, g Sachun E-mart, Ulsan Buk-Gu Social Welfare Facilityy OVERSEAS Housing g Complex p in Hochiminh, Vietnam 'Dual Cityy 2011', Vietnam Sunrise Cityy Plot Central, Hanoi SONG KIM, Ho Chi Minh Cong g Hoa Apartment, p SCTV Broadcasting g Station, Vietnam, Algeria g Oran Mixed Use, Dalat Star Hills Hotel, Vietnam Hochiminh Airport p Hotel, Vietnam Hochiminh Twin Doves Golf Course & Resort Town, Kazahastan G4 Project, j Ghana Housing g PUBLIC OFFICE & OFFICE Government-Contributed Research Institute Sejong-si j g Renting g Government office, Sejong j g Government Offices 2-1 District, The KOGAS Headquarters q Project, j Rural Development p Administration 1 Area Relocation Project, j Korea Coast Guard Academyy Construction Business, Digital g Broadcasting g Contents Center, Korean National Red Cross Relocation, Relocation Project j on Language g g Studyy Office of Korea Armyy Signal g School, The Republic p of Korea Special p Warfare Command The 3rd Special p Airborne troops p Facilities Relocation Construction, Iksan Official Residence & Militaryy Facilities, Air Force Wonju j & Chungju gj Armyy Life Facility, y Government Masan Regional g Congruence g Business Building, g Cheonan NongHyup, g y p Ulsan Buk-gu g Public Library, y Wonju j Cityy Hall, Uisang-si g Public Office, Ulsan Port Business Center, Gangneung-City g g y Hall, GIST College g & Institute for Renewable Energy, gy Hwagok-dong g g Cultural and Welfare Center & Public Parking g lot, Gyeongsangbuk-do y g g provincial g p government building g & Provincial Council Buildings, g KEPCO-ENC New Headquarter q Building, g Sangam g DMC Landmark Tower, Pangyo gy Silicon Park A-1-4-1Block, Shinsa Beautiful Tower Medical Center MIXED-USE Inchoen Inter Cityy Project, j Namyangju y gj Byulnae y PF, Eunpyung py g Newtown Central Commercial Area, Gwanggyo ggy Power Center PF, Sungnam g Pangyo gy Complex, p Paju j Unjung j g Complex, p International Design g Competition p for the Magok g Waterfront, HOSPITAL & EDUCATION Yangpyeong gpy g Rehabilitation Hospital, p Changwon g Gyeongsang y g g National Universityy Hospital, p Pusan National Universityy Hospital_trauma p center, Jinju j National Universityy Education Center, Yongin g English-Village, g g Inha Technical College g Management g House RESIDENTIAL Hwaseong g Dongtan g 2 New Town A14Block, Treasure Island, MT. Kumkang g Dormitoryy & The Main Building, g Multifunctional Administrarive Cityy 'Urban Leaf' LEISURE Hwajinpo j p Hotel, Muju j Gucheon-dong g Tourist Hotel, Rolling g Hills, MT. Kumkang g Okryukwan y Guest House, Namhae Hansum Resort, Morris Wood, Sachun Fitness Center Additional Project, j Alpensia p Resort Golf Club & Village, g RETAIL & ETC Gimpo p International Airport p Remodeling, g Ansung g Truck Terminal Complex, p Carrefour Haeundai Store Remodeling, g Sachun E-mart, Ulsan Buk-Gu Social Welfare Facilityy OVERSEAS Housing g Complex p in Hochiminh, Vietnam 'Dual Cityy 2011', Vietnam Sunrise Cityy Plot Central, Hanoi SONG KIM, Ho Chi Minh Cong g Hoa Apartment, p SCTV Broadcasting g Station, Vietnam, Algeria g Oran Mixed Use, Dalat Star Hills Hotel, Vietnam Hochiminh Airport p Hotel, Vietnam Hochiminh Twin Doves Golf Course & Resort Town, Kazahastan G4 Project, j Ghana Housing g PUBLIC OFFICE & OFFICE Government-Contributed Research Institute Sejong-si j g Renting g Government office, Sejong j g Government Offices 2-1 District, The KOGAS Headquarters q Project, j Rural Development p Administration 1 Area Relocation Project, j Korea Coast Guard Academyy Construction Business, Digital g Broadcasting g Contents Center, Korean National Red Cross Relocation, Relocation Project j on Language g g Studyy Office of Korea Armyy Signal g School, The Republic p of Korea Special p Warfare Command The 3rd Special p Airborne troops p Facilities Relocation Construction, Iksan Official Residence & Militaryy Facilities, Air Force Wonju j & Chungju gj Armyy Life Facility, y Government Masan Regional g Congruence g Business Building, g Cheonan NongHyup, g y p Ulsan Buk-gu g Public Library, y Wonju j Cityy Hall, Uisang-si g Public Office, Ulsan Port Business Center, Gangneung-City g g y Hall, GIST College g & Institute for Renewable Energy, gy Hwagok-dong g g Cultural and Welfare Center & Public Parking g lot, Gyeongsangbuk-do y g g p provincial g government building g & Provincial Council Buildings, g KEPCO-ENC New Headquarter q Building, g Sangam g DMC Landmark Tower, Pangyo gy Silicon Park A-14-1Block, Shinsa Beautiful Tower Medical Center MIXED-USE Inchoen Inter Cityy Project, j Namyangju y gj Byulnae y PF, Eunpyung py g Newtown Central Commercial Area, Gwanggyo ggy Power Center PF, Sungnam g Pangyo gy Complex, p Paju j Unjung j g Complex, p International Design g Competition p for the Magok g Waterfront, HOSPITAL & EDUCATION Yangpyeong gpy g Rehabilitation Hospital, p Changwon g Gyeongsang y g g National Universityy Hospital, p Pusan National Universityy Hospital_trauma p center, Jinju j National Universityy Education Center, Yongin g English-Village, g g Inha Technical College g Management g House RESIDENTIAL Hwaseong g Dongtan g 2 New Town A14Block, Treasure Island, MT. Kumkang g Dormitoryy & The Main Building, g Multifunctional Administrarive Cityy 'Urban Leaf' LEISURE Hwajinpo j p Hotel, Muju j Gucheon-dong g Tourist Hotel, Rolling g Hills, MT. Kumkang g Okryukwan y Guest House, Namhae Hansum Resort, Morris Wood, Sachun Fitness Center Additional Project, j Alpensia p Resort Golf Club & Village, g RETAIL & ETC Gimpo p International Airport p Remodeling, g Ansung g Truck Terminal Complex, p Carrefour Haeundai Store Remodeling, g Sachun E-mart, Ulsan Buk-Gu Social Welfare Facilityy OVERSEAS Housing g Complex p in Hochiminh, Vietnam 'Dual Cityy 2011', Vietnam Sunrise Cityy Plot Central, Hanoi SONG KIM, Ho Chi Minh Cong g Hoa Apartment, p SCTV Broadcasting g Station, Vietnam, Algeria g Oran Mixed Use, Dalat Star Hills Hotel, Vietnam Hochiminh Airport p Hotel, Vietnam Hochiminh Twin Doves Golf Course & Resort Town, Kazahastan G4 Project, j Ghana Housing g PUBLIC OFFICE & OFFICE Government-Contributed Research Institute Sejong-si j g Renting g Government office, Sejong j g Government Offices 2-1 District, The KOGAS Headquarters q Project, j Rural Development p Administration 1 Area Relocation Project, j Korea Coast Guard Academyy Construction Business, Digital g Broadcasting g Contents Center, Korean National Red Cross Relocation, Relocation Project j on Language g g Studyy Office of Korea Armyy Signal g School, The Republic p of Korea Special p Warfare Command The 3rd Special p Airborne troops p Facilities Relocation Construction, Iksan Official Residence & Militaryy Facilities, Air Force Wonju j & Chungju gj Armyy Life Facility, y Government Masan Regional g Congruence g Business Building, g Cheonan NongHyup, g y p Ulsan Buk-gu g Public Library, y Wonju j Cityy Hall, Uisang-si g Public Office, Ulsan Port Business Center, Gangneung-City g g y Hall, GIST College g & Institute for Renewable Energy, gy Hwagok-dong g g Cultural and Welfare Center & Public Parking g lot, Gyeongsangbuk-do y g g p provincial g government building g & Provincial Council Buildings, g KEPCO-ENC New Headquarter q Building, g Sangam g DMC Landmark Tower, Pangyo gy Silicon Park A-1-4-1Block, Shinsa Beautiful Tower Medical Center MIXED-USE Inchoen Inter Cityy Project, j Namyangju y gj Byulnae y PF, Eunpyung py g Newtown Central Commercial Area, Gwanggyo ggy Power Center PF, Sungnam g Pangyo gy Complex, p Paju j Unjung j g Complex, p International Design g Competition p for the Magok g Waterfront, HOSPITAL & EDUCATION Yangpyeong gpy g Rehabilitation Hospital, p Changwon g Gyeongsang y g g National Universityy Hospital, p Pusan National Universityy Hospital_trauma p center, Jinju j National Universityy Education Center, Yongin g English-Village, g g Inha Technical College g Management g House RESIDENTIAL Hwaseong g Dongtan g 2 New Town A14Block, Treasure Island, MT. Kumkang g Dormitoryy & The Main Building, g Multifunctional Administrarive Cityy 'Urban Leaf' LEISURE Hwajinpo j p Hotel, Muju j Gucheon-dong g Tourist Hotel, Rolling g Hills, MT. Kumkang g Okryukwan y Guest House, Namhae Hansum Resort, Morris Wood, Sachun Fitness Center Additional Project, j Alpensia p Resort Golf Club & Village, g RETAIL & ETC Gimpo p International Airport p Remodeling, g Ansung g Truck Terminal Complex, p Carrefour Haeundai Store Remodeling, g Sachun E-mart, Ulsan Buk-Gu Social Welfare Facilityy OVERSEAS Housing g Complex p in Hochiminh, Vietnam 'Dual Cityy 2011', Vietnam Sunrise Cityy Plot Central, Hanoi SONG KIM, Ho Chi Minh Cong g Hoa Apartment, p SCTV Broadcasting g Station, Vietnam, Algeria g Oran Mixed Use, Dalat Star Hills Hotel, Vietnam Hochiminh Airport p Hotel, Vietnam Hochiminh Twin Doves Golf Course & Resort Town, Kazahastan G4 Project, j Ghana Housing g PUBLIC OFFICE & OFFICE Government-Contributed Research Institute Sejong-si j g Renting g Government office, Sejong j g Government Offices 2-1 District, The KOGAS Headquarters q Project, j Rural Development p Administration 1 Area Relocation Project, j Korea Coast Guard Academyy Construction Business, Digital g Broadcasting g Contents Center, Korean National Red Cross Relocation, Relocation Project j on Language g g Studyy Office of Korea Armyy Signal g School, The Republic p of Korea Special p Warfare Command The 3rd Special p Airborne troops p Facilities Relocation Construction, Iksan Official Residence & Militaryy Facilities, Air Force Wonju j & Chungju gj Armyy Life Facility, y Government Masan Regional g Congruence g Business Building, g Cheonan NongHyup, g y p Ulsan Buk-gu g Public Library, y Wonju j Cityy Hall, Uisang-si g Public Office, Ulsan Port Business Center, Gangneung-City g g y Hall, GIST College g & Institute for Renewable Energy, gy Hwagok-dong g g Cultural and Welfare Center & Public Parking g lot, Gyeongsangbuk-do y g g provincial p government g building g & Provincial Council Buildings, g KEPCO-ENC New Headquarter q Building, g Sangam g DMC Landmark Tower, Pangyo gy Silicon Park A-1-4-1Block, Shinsa Beautiful Tower Medical Center MIXED-USE Inchoen Inter Cityy Project, j Namyangju y gj Byulnae y PF, Eunpyung py g Newtown Central Commercial Area, Gwanggyo ggy Power Center PF, Sungnam g Pangyo gy Complex, p Paju j Unjung j g Complex, p International Design g Competition p for the Magok g Waterfront, HOSPITAL & EDUCATION Yangpyeong gpy g Rehabilitation Hospital, p Changwon g Gyeongsang y g g National Universityy Hospital, p Pusan National Universityy Hospital_trauma p center, Jinju j National Universityy Education Center, Yongin g English-Village, g g Inha Technical College g Management g House RESIDENTIAL Hwaseong g Dongtan g 2 New Town A14Block, Treasure Island, MT. Kumkang g Dormitoryy & The Main Building, g Multifunctional Administrarive Cityy 'Urban Leaf' LEISURE Hwajinpo j p Hotel, Muju j Gucheon-dong g Tourist Hotel, Rolling g Hills, MT. Kumkang g Okryukwan y Guest House, Namhae Hansum Resort, Morris Wood, Sachun Fitness Center Additional Project, j Alpensia p Resort Golf Club & Village, g RETAIL & ETC Gimpo p International Airport p Remodeling, g Ansung g Truck Terminal Complex, p Carrefour Haeundai Store Remodeling, g Sachun E-mart, Ulsan Buk-Gu Social Welfare Facilityy OVERSEAS Housing g Complex p in Hochiminh, Vietnam 'Dual Cityy 2011', Vietnam Sunrise Cityy Plot Central, Hanoi SONG KIM, Ho Chi Minh Cong g Hoa Apartment, p SCTV Broadcasting g Station, Vietnam, Algeria g Oran Mixed Use, Dalat Star Hills Hotel, Vietnam Hochiminh Airport p Hotel, Vietnam Hochiminh Twin Doves Golf Course & Resort Town, Kazahastan G4 Project, j Ghana Housing g PUBLIC OFFICE & OFFICE Government-Contributed Research Institute Sejong-si j g Renting g Government office, Sejong j g Government Offices 2-1 District, The KOGAS Headquarters q Project, j Rural Development p Administration 1 Area Relocation Project, j Korea Coast Guard Academyy Construction Business, Digital g Broadcasting g Contents Center, Korean National Red Cross Relocation, Relocation Project j on Language g g Studyy Office of Korea Armyy Signal g School, The Republic p of Korea Special p Warfare Command The 3rd Special p Airborne troops p Facilities Relocation Construction, Iksan Official Residence & Militaryy Facilities, Air Force Wonju j & Chungju gj Armyy Life Facility, y Government Masan Regional g Congruence g Business Building, g Cheonan NongHyup, g y p Ulsan Buk-gu g Public Library, y Wonju j Cityy Hall, Uisang-si g Public Office, Ulsan Port Business Center, Gangneung-City g g y Hall, GIST College g & Institute for Renewable Energy, gy Hwagok-dong g g Cultural and Welfare Center & Public Parking g lot, Gyeongsangbuk-do y g g p provincial government g building g & Provincial Council Buildings, g KEPCO-ENC New Headquarter q Building, g Sangam g DMC Landmark Tower, Pangyo gy Silicon Park A-1-4-1Block, Shinsa Beautiful Tower Medical Center MIXED-USE Inchoen Inter Cityy Project, j Namyangju y gj Byulnae y PF, Eunpyung py g Newtown Central Commercial Area, Gwanggyo ggy Power Center PF, Sungnam g Pangyo gy Complex, p Paju j Unjung j g Complex, p International Design g Competition p for the Magok g Waterfront, HOSPITAL & EDUCATION Yangpyeong gpy g Rehabilitation Hospital, p Changwon g Gyeongsang y g g National Universityy Hospital, p Pusan National Universityy Hospital_trauma p center, Jinju j National Universityy Education Center, Yongin g Englishg Village, g Inha Technical College g Management g House RESIDENTIAL Hwaseong g Dongtan g 2 New Town A14Block, Treasure Island, MT. Kumkang g Dormitoryy & The Main Building, g Multifunctional Administrarive Cityy 'Urban Leaf' LEISURE Hwajinpo j p Hotel, Muju j Gucheon-dong g Tourist Hotel, Rolling g Hills, MT. Kumkang g Okryukwan y Guest House, Namhae Hansum Resort, Morris Wood, Sachun Fitness Center Additional Project, j Alpensia p Resort Golf Club & Village, g RETAIL & ETC Gimpo p International Airport p Remodeling, g Ansung g Truck Terminal Complex, p Carrefour Haeundai Store Remodeling, g Sachun E-mart, Ulsan Buk-Gu Social Welfare Facilityy OVERSEAS Housing g Complex p in Hochiminh, Vietnam 'Dual Cityy 2011', Vietnam Sunrise Cityy Plot Central, Hanoi SONG KIM, Ho Chi Minh Cong g Hoa Apartment, p SCTV Broadcasting g Station, Vietnam, Algeria g Oran Mixed Use, Dalat Star Hills Hotel, Vietnam Hochiminh Airport p Hotel, Vietnam Hochiminh Twin Doves Golf Course & Resort Town, Kazahastan G4 Project, j Ghana Housing g PUBLIC OFFICE & OFFICE Government-Contributed Research Institute Sejong-si j g Renting g Government office, Sejong j g Government Offices 2-1 District, The KOGAS Headquarters q Project, j Rural Development p Administration 1 Area Relocation Project, j Korea Coast Guard Academyy Construction Business, Digital g Broadcasting g Contents Center, Korean National Red Cross Relocation, Relocation Project j on Language g g Studyy Office of Korea Armyy Signal g School, The Republic p of Korea Special p Warfare Command The 3rd Special p Airborne troops p Facilities Relocation Construction, Iksan Official Residence & Militaryy Facilities, Air Force Wonju j & Chungju gj Armyy Life Facility, y Government Masan Regional g Congruence g Business Building, g Cheonan NongHyup, g y p Ulsan Buk-gu g Public Library, y Wonju j Cityy Hall, Uisang-si g Public Office, Ulsan Port Business Center, Gangneung-City g g y Hall, GIST College g & Institute for Renewable Energy, gy Hwagok-dong g g Cultural and Welfare Center & Public Parking g lot, Gyeongsangbuk-do y g g p provincial g government building g & Provincial Council Buildings, g KEPCO-ENC New Headquarter q Building, g Sangam g DMC Landmark Tower, Pangyo gy Silicon Park A-1-4-1Block, Shinsa Beautiful Tower Medical Center MIXED-USE Inchoen Inter Cityy Project, j Namyangju y gj Byulnae y PF, Eunpyung py g Newtown Central Commercial Area, Gwanggyo ggy Power Center PF, Sungnam g Pangyo gy Complex, p Paju j Unjung j g Complex, p International Design g Competition p for the Magok g Waterfront, HOSPITAL & EDUCATION Yangpyeong gpy g Rehabilitation Hospital, p Changwon g Gyeongsang y g g National Universityy Hospital, p Pusan National Universityy Hospital_trauma p center, Jinju j National Universityy Education Center, Yongin g English-Village, g g Inha Technical College g Management g House RESIDENTIAL Hwaseong g Dongtan g 2 New Town A14Block, Treasure Island, MT. Kumkang g Dormitoryy & The Main Building, g Multifunctional Administrarive Cityy 'Urban Leaf' LEISURE Hwajinpo j p Hotel, Muju j Gucheon-dong g Tourist Hotel, Rolling g Hills, MT. Kumkang g Okryukwan y Guest House, Namhae Hansum Resort, Morris Wood, Sachun Fitness Center Additional Project, j Alpensia p Resort Golf Club & Village, g RETAIL & ETC Gimpo p International Airport p Remodeling, g Ansung g Truck Terminal Complex, p Carrefour Haeundai Store Remodeling, g Sachun E-mart, Ulsan Buk-Gu Social Welfare Facilityy OVERSEAS Housing g Complex p in Hochiminh, Vietnam 'Dual Cityy 2011', Vietnam Sunrise Cityy Plot Central, Hanoi SONG KIM, Ho Chi Minh Cong g Hoa Apartment, p SCTV Broadcasting g Station, Vietnam, Algeria g Oran Mixed Use, Dalat Star Hills Hotel, Vietnam Hochiminh Airport p Hotel, Vietnam Hochiminh Twin Doves Golf Course & Resort Town, Kazahastan G4 Project, j Ghana Housing g PUBLIC OFFICE & OFFICE Government-Contributed Research Institute Sejong-si j g Renting g Government office, Sejong j g Government Offices 2-1 District, The KOGAS Headquarters q Project, j Rural Development p Administration 1 Area Relocation Project, j Korea Coast Guard Academyy Construction Business, Digital g Broadcasting g Contents Center, Korean National Red Cross Relocation, Relocation Project j on Language g g Studyy Office of Korea Armyy Signal g School, The Republic p of Korea Special p Warfare Command The 3rd Special p Airborne troops p Facilities Relocation Construction, Iksan Official Residence & Militaryy Facilities, Air Force Wonju j & Chungju gj Armyy Life Facility, y Government Masan Regional g Congruence g Business Building, g Cheonan NongHyup, g y p Ulsan Buk-gu g Public Library, y Wonju j Cityy Hall, Uisang-si g Public Office, Ulsan Port Business Center, Gangneung-City g g y Hall, GIST College g & Institute for Renewable Energy, gy Hwagok-dong g g Cultural and Welfare Center & Public Parking g lot, Gyeongsangbuk-do y g g p provincial g government building g & Provincial Council Buildings, g KEPCO-ENC New Headquarter q Building, g Sangam g DMC Landmark Tower, Pangyo gy Silicon Park A-1-4-1Block, Shinsa Beautiful Tower Medical Center MIXED-USE Inchoen Inter Cityy Project, j Namyangju y gj Byulnae y PF, Eunpyung py g Newtown Central Commercial Area, Gwanggyo ggy Power Center PF, Sungnam g Pangyo gy Complex, p Paju j Unjung j g Complex, p International Design g Competition p for the Magok g Waterfront, HOSPITAL & EDUCATION Yangpyeong gpy g Rehabilitation Hospital, p Changwon g Gyeongsang y g g National Universityy Hospital, p Pusan National Universityy Hospital_trauma p center, Jinju j National Universityy Education Center, Yongin g English-Village, g g Inha Technical College g Management g House RESIDENTIAL Hwaseong g Dongtan g 2 New Town A14Block, Treasure Island, MT. Kumkang g Dormitoryy & The Main Building, g Multifunctional Administrarive Cityy 'Urban Leaf' LEISURE Hwajinpo j p Hotel, Muju j Gucheon-dong g Tourist Hotel, Rolling g Hills, MT. Kumkang g Okryukwan y Guest House, Namhae Hansum Resort, Morris Wood, Sachun Fitness Center Additional Project, j Alpensia p Resort Golf Club & Village, g RETAIL & ETC Gimpo p International Airport p Remodeling, g Ansung g Truck Terminal Complex, p Carrefour Haeundai Store Remodeling, g Sachun E-mart, Ulsan Buk-Gu Social Welfare Facilityy OVERSEAS Housing g Complex p in Hochiminh, Vietnam 'Dual Cityy 2011', Vietnam Sunrise Cityy Plot Central, Hanoi SONG KIM, Ho Chi Minh Cong g Hoa Apartment, p SCTV Broadcasting g Station, Vietnam, Algeria g Oran Mixed Use, Dalat Star Hills Hotel, Vietnam Hochiminh Airport p Hotel, Vietnam Hochiminh Twin Doves Golf Course & Resort Town, Kazahastan G4 Project, j Ghana Housing g PUBLIC OFFICE & OFFICE Government-Contributed Research Institute Sejong-si j g Renting g Government office, Sejong j g Government Offices 2-1 District, The KOGAS Headquarters q Project, j Rural Development p Administration 1 Area Relocation Project, j Korea Coast Guard Academyy Construction Business, Digital g Broadcasting g Contents Center, Korean National Red Cross Relocation, Relocation Project j on Language g g Studyy Office of Korea Armyy Signal g School, The Republic p of Korea Special p Warfare Command The 3rd Special p Airborne troops p Facilities Relocation Construction, Iksan Official Residence & Militaryy Facilities, Air Force Wonju j & Chungju gj Armyy Life Facility, y Government Masan Regional g Congruence g Business Building, g Cheonan NongHyup, g y p Ulsan Buk-gu g Public Library, y Wonju j Cityy Hall, Uisang-si g Public Office, Ulsan Port Business Center, Gangneung-City g g y Hall, GIST College g & Institute for Renewable Energy, gy Hwagok-dong g g Cultural and Welfare Center & Public Parking g lot, Gyeongsangbuk-do y g g provincial p g government building g & Provincial Council Buildings, g KEPCO-ENC New Headquarter q Building, g Sangam g DMC Landmark Tower, Pangyo gy Silicon Park A-1-4-1Block, Shinsa Beautiful Tower Medical Center MIXED-USE Inchoen Inter Cityy Project, j Namyangju y gj Byulnae y PF, Eunpyung py g Newtown Central Commercial Area, Gwanggyo ggy Power Center PF, Sungnam g Pangyo gy Complex, p Paju j Unjung j g Complex, p International Design g Competition p for the Magok g Waterfront, HOSPITAL & EDUCATION Yangpyeong gpy g Rehabilitation Hospital, p Changwon g Gyeongsang y g g National Universityy Hospital, p Pusan National Universityy Hospital_trauma p center, Jinju j National Universityy Education Center, Yongin g English-Village, g g Inha Technical College g Management g House RESIDENTIAL Hwaseong g Dongtan g 2 New Town A14Block, Treasure Island, MT. Kumkang g Dormitoryy & The Main Building, g Multifunctional Administrarive Cityy 'Urban Leaf' LEISURE Hwajinpo j p Hotel, Muju j Gucheon-dong g Tourist Hotel, Rolling g Hills, MT. Kumkang g Okryukwan y Guest House, Namhae Hansum Resort, Morris Wood, Sachun Fitness Center Additional Project, j Alpensia p Resort Golf Club & Village, g RETAIL & ETC Gimpo p International Airport p Remodeling, g Ansung g Truck Terminal Complex, p Carrefour Haeundai Store Remodeling, g Sachun E-mart, Ulsan Buk-Gu Social Welfare Facilityy OVERSEAS Housing g Complex p in Hochiminh, Vietnam 'Dual Cityy 2011', Vietnam Sunrise Cityy Plot Central, Hanoi SONG KIM, Ho Chi Minh Cong g Hoa Apartment, p SCTV Broadcasting g Station, Vietnam, Algeria g Oran Mixed Use, Dalat Star Hills Hotel, Vietnam Hochiminh Airport p Hotel, Vietnam Hochiminh Twin Doves Golf Course & Resort Town, Kazahastan G4 Project, j Ghana Housing g PUBLIC OFFICE & OFFICE Government-Contributed Research Institute Sejong-si j g Renting g Government office, Sejong j g Government Offices 2-1 District, The KOGAS Headquarters q Project, j Rural Development p Administration 1 Area Relocation Project, j Korea Coast Guard Academyy Construction Business, Digital g Broadcasting g Contents Center, Korean National Red Cross Relocation, Relocation Project j on Language g g Studyy Office of Korea Armyy Signal g School, The Republic p of Korea Special p Warfare Command The 3rd Special p Airborne troops p Facilities Relocation Construction, Iksan Official Residence & Militaryy Facilities, Air Force Wonju j & Chungju gj Armyy Life Facility, y Government Masan Regional g Congruence g Business Building, g Cheonan NongHyup, g y p Ulsan Buk-gu g Public Library, y Wonju j Cityy Hall, Uisang-si g Public Office, Ulsan Port Business Center, Gangneung-City g g y Hall, GIST College g & Institute for Renewable Energy, gy Hwagok-dong g g Cultural and Welfare Center & Public Parking g lot, Gyeongsangbuk-do y g g p provincial g government building g & Provincial Council Buildings, g KEPCO-ENC New Headquarter q Building, g Sangam g DMC Landmark Tower, Pangyo gy Silicon Park A-1-4-1Block, Shinsa Beautiful Tower Medical Center MIXED-USE Inchoen Inter Cityy Project, j Namyangju y gj Byulnae y PF, Eunpyung py g Newtown Central Commercial Area, Gwanggyo ggy Power Center PF, Sungnam g Pangyo gy Complex, p Paju j Unjung j g Complex, p International Design g Competition p for the Magok g Waterfront, HOSPITAL & EDUCATION Yangpyeong gpy g Rehabilitation Hospital, p Changwon g Gyeongsang y g g National Universityy Hospital, p Pusan National Universityy Hospital_trauma p center, Jinju j National Universityy Education Center, Yongin g English-Village, g g Inha Technical College g Management g House RESIDENTIAL Hwaseong g Dongtan g 2 New Town A14Block, Treasure Island, MT. Kumkang g Dormitoryy & The Main Building, g Multifunctional Administrarive Cityy 'Urban Leaf' LEISURE Hwajinpo Hotel, Muju Gucheon-dong Tourist Hotel, Rolling Hills, MT. Kumkang Okryukwan Guest House, Namhae Hansum Resort, Morris Wood, Sachun Fitness Center Additional Project, Alpensia Resort Golf Club

The Ultimate Design MAP GROUP


Residential 1

Hwaseong Dongtan 2 New Town A 14Block 2


Namyangju Posco the# Apartments

Sang bong Remodeling Apartments 4

Asan Posco the# Apartments 5


Treasure Island

Multifunctional Administrarive City 'Urban Leaf'

Hwaseong Dongtan 2 New Town A14Block тк╡сЦТ ра║тФе ╩С сЭБраесЬ╜ " сЙ╡р▒О ┼Цра║с╡ЭтФ╛ ┼Ц сБ╜ тАл▌бтАм с╕б смК тАл▌бтАм сйС ╚╜ ╟Н с╡Э

сФН с╡Э с╕б сне сйО с╕б

р╗ж тГ╣ тК╣ ╟Н рае с╕б р╗Х с▒в р╗Х с▒в р╝Й с│С тВЙ тАлсЩ╣ ▌бтАм

тк╡сЦТра║тФе тФ╛с╕б}сБ╜с╕б╟Н " сЙ╡р▒О тбНсЬЕтО╡├ХсЦЕ ─Ю╩Срае тк╡сЦТсЬ╜ ра║тФе тФ╛с╕б}сБ╜сФНсижс╕б╟Н спЭсБ╣с╡Э├Сс╕бсйО ┼Цра║с╡ЭтФ╛ сжетЭнтЬЩ сБ░ сЗбтАл▌бтАмсЕЦр╕НсЬ╜сЦЕ т╜Л т╜Л # ' ' 3$ тАл▌бтАм


Namyangju Posco the # Apartments ԉ᧲ᵝ ᄥԕ ޵ ᕖ ⡍ᜅ⎵ ᦥ❭✙ Asan Posco the # Apartments

Ŗ ၽ ‫ݡ‬ ḡ ᬊ ‫ݡ‬ ᩑ Ƚ Ǎ ᵝ

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ᦥᔑ ޵ ᕖ ⡍ᜅ⎵ ᦥ❭✙ ᦥᔑ ⡍ᜅ⎵ UIF ∊ԉ ᦥᔑ᜽ ǭł࠺ ჩḡ ᳦ᯝၹᵝÑḡᩎ ᯝၹၙšḡǍ Ŗ࠺ᵝ┾ ᦥ❭✙ ᇡ‫ݡ‬᜽ᖅ

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ᱢ ᱢ ༉ ᳑ ᙹ

⽋ ⽋ # ' '_ ' 3$ ᄞ᜾Ǎ᳑ ‫ݡ‬

Sang bong Remodeling Apartments сФвсЕк ра║ с╡ЭтФ╛с░Н├ХтЗ╢сФНсиж

┼Ц сФН р╗ж тАл ▌бтАмс╕б сне тК╣ с╕б сйО с╕б ╟Н смК рае

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ARCHITECTURE ARCHITECTURE R Re es si di de en nt it ai al l

Asan Posco the # Apartments ᦥᔑ ޵ ᕖ ⡍ᜅ⎵ ᦥ❭✙

Ŗ ‫ݡ‬ ḡ ᬊ ‫ݡ‬ ᩑ Ƚ Ǎ ᵝ

ᔍ ໦ ᦥᔑ ⡍ᜅ⎵ UIF ḡ ᭥ ⊹ ∊ԉ ᦥᔑ᜽ ǭł࠺ ჩḡ ᩎ ḡ Ǎ ᳦ᯝၹᵝÑḡᩎ ᯝၹၙšḡǍ ࠥ Ŗ࠺ᵝ┾ ᦥ❭✙ ᇡ‫ݡ‬᜽ᖅ ḡ ໕ ᱢ ⽋ ໕ ᱢ ⽋ ༉ # ' '_ ' ᳑ 3$ ᄞ᜾Ǎ᳑ ₉ ‫ݡ ᙹ ݡ‬

Treasure Island тЬЩр▒йс▓Щ сжеспЭрп╜рд╜ ┼Ц сФН р╗ж сБ╜ с╡Э тГ╣ тАл ▌бтАмс╕б сне тК╣ с╕б сйО с╕б ╟Н смК рае

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с▒в с▒в р╝Й с│С сЩ╣

т╜Л т╜Л # ' ' 3$ тАл▌бтАм



Multifunctional Administrative City 'Urban Leaf' ⧪ᱶᵲᝍ ᅖ⧊ࠥ᜽ Ŗ࠺ ᵝ┾ḡ Ŗ ᔍ ၽ ᵝ ‫ ݡ‬ḡ ᭥ ᵝ ᫵ ᜽

໦ ⃹ ⊹ ᖅ

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‫ ݡ‬ḡ ໕ ᩑ ໕ Ƚ Ǎ ᵝ ₉ ‫ݡ‬

ᱢ ᱢ ༉ ᳑ ᙹ

⽋ ⽋ # ' ' 3$ ‫ݡ‬

PUBLIC OFFICE & OFFICE Government-Contributed Research Institute Sejong-si j g Renting g Government office, Sejong j g Government Offices 2-1 District, The KOGAS Headquarters q Project, j Rural Development p Administration 1 Area Relocation Project, j Korea Coast Guard Academyy Construction Business, Digital g Broadcasting g Contents Center, Korean National Red Cross Relocation, Relocation Project j on Language g g Studyy Office of Korea Armyy Signal g School, The Republic p of Korea Special p Warfare Command The 3rd Special p Airborne troops p Facilities Relocation Construction, Iksan Official Residence & Militaryy Facilities, Air Force Wonju j & Chungju gj Armyy Life Facility, y Government Masan Regional g Congruence g Business Building, g Cheonan NongHyup, g y p Ulsan Buk-gu g Public Library, y Wonju j Cityy Hall, Uisang-si g Public Office, Ulsan Port Business Center, Gangneung-City g g y Hall, GIST College g & Institute for Renewable Energy, gy Hwagok-dong g g Cultural and Welfare Center & Public Parking g lot, Gyeongsangbuk-do y g g p provincial g government building g & Provincial Council Buildings, g KEPCO-ENC New Headquarter q Building, g Sangam g DMC Landmark Tower, Pangyo gy Silicon Park A-1-4-1Block, Shinsa Beautiful Tower Medical Center MIXED-USE Inchoen Inter Cityy Project, j Namyangju y gj Byulnae y PF, Eunpyung py g Newtown Central Commercial Area, Gwanggyo ggy Power Center PF, Sungnam g Pangyo gy Complex, p Paju j Unjung j g Complex, p International Design g Competition p for the Magok g Waterfront, HOSPITAL & EDUCATION Yangpyeong gpy g Rehabilitation Hospital, p Changwon g Gyeongsang y g g National Universityy Hospital, p Pusan National Universityy Hospital_trauma p center, Jinju j National Universityy Education Center, Yongin g English-Village, g g Inha Technical College g Management g House RESIDENTIAL Hwaseong g Dongtan g 2 New Town A14Block, Treasure Island, MT. Kumkang g Dormitoryy & The Main Building, g Multifunctional Administrarive Cityy 'Urban Leaf' LEISURE Hwajinpo j p Hotel, Muju j Gucheon-dong g Tourist Hotel, Rolling g Hills, MT. Kumkang g Okryukwan y Guest House, Namhae Hansum Resort, Morris Wood, Sachun Fitness Center Additional Project, j Alpensia p Resort Golf Club & Village, g RETAIL & ETC Gimpo p International Airport p Remodeling, g Ansung g Truck Terminal Complex, p Carrefour Haeundai Store Remodeling, g Sachun E-mart, Ulsan Buk-Gu Social Welfare Facilityy OVERSEAS Housing g Complex p in Hochiminh, Vietnam 'Dual Cityy 2011', Vietnam Sunrise Cityy Plot Central, Hanoi SONG KIM, Ho Chi Minh Cong g Hoa Apartment, p SCTV Broadcasting g Station, Vietnam, Algeria g Oran Mixed Use, Dalat Star Hills Hotel, Vietnam Hochiminh Airport p Hotel, Vietnam Hochiminh Twin Doves Golf Course & Resort Town, Kazahastan G4 Project, j Ghana Housing g PUBLIC OFFICE & OFFICE Government-Contributed Research Institute Sejong-si j g Renting g Government office, Sejong j g Government Offices 2-1 District, The KOGAS Headquarters q Project, j Rural Development p Administration 1 Area Relocation Project, j Korea Coast Guard Academyy Construction Business, Digital g Broadcasting g Contents Center, Korean National Red Cross Relocation, Relocation Project j on Language g g Studyy Office of Korea Armyy Signal g School, The Republic p of Korea Special p Warfare Command The 3rd Special p Airborne troops p Facilities Relocation Construction, Iksan Official Residence & Militaryy Facilities, Air Force Wonju j & Chungju gj Armyy Life Facility, y Government Masan Regional g Congruence g Business Building, g Cheonan NongHyup, g y p Ulsan Buk-gu g Public Library, y Wonju j Cityy Hall, Uisang-si g Public Office, Ulsan Port Business Center, Gangneung-City g g y Hall, GIST College g & Institute for Renewable Energy, gy Hwagok-dong g g Cultural and Welfare Center & Public Parking g lot, Gyeongsangbuk-do y g g p provincial g government building g & Provincial Council Buildings, g KEPCO-ENC New Headquarter q Building, g Sangam g DMC Landmark Tower, Pangyo gy Silicon Park A-1-4-1Block, Shinsa Beautiful Tower Medical Center MIXED-USE Inchoen Inter Cityy Project, j Namyangju y gj Byulnae y PF, Eunpyung py g Newtown Central Commercial Area, Gwanggyo ggy Power Center PF, Sungnam g Pangyo gy Complex, p Paju j Unjung j g Complex, p International Design g Competition p for the Magok g Waterfront, HOSPITAL & EDUCATION Yangpyeong gpy g Rehabilitation Hospital, p Changwon g Gyeongsang y g g National Universityy Hospital, p Pusan National Universityy Hospital_trauma p center, Jinju j National Universityy Education Center, Yongin g English-Village, g g Inha Technical College g Management g House RESIDENTIAL Hwaseong g Dongtan g 2 New Town A14Block, Treasure Island, MT. Kumkang g Dormitoryy & The Main Building, g Multifunctional Administrarive Cityy 'Urban Leaf' LEISURE Hwajinpo j p Hotel, Muju j Gucheon-dong g Tourist Hotel, Rolling g Hills, MT. Kumkang g Okryukwan y Guest House, Namhae Hansum Resort, Morris Wood, Sachun Fitness Center Additional Project, j Alpensia p Resort Golf Club & Village, g RETAIL & ETC Gimpo p International Airport p Remodeling, g Ansung g Truck Terminal Complex, p Carrefour Haeundai Store Remodeling, g Sachun E-mart, Ulsan Buk-Gu Social Welfare Facilityy OVERSEAS Housing g Complex p in Hochiminh, Vietnam 'Dual Cityy 2011', Vietnam Sunrise Cityy Plot Central, Hanoi SONG KIM, Ho Chi Minh Cong g Hoa Apartment, p SCTV Broadcasting g Station, Vietnam, Algeria g Oran Mixed Use, Dalat Star Hills Hotel, Vietnam Hochiminh Airport p Hotel, Vietnam Hochiminh Twin Doves Golf Course & Resort Town, Kazahastan G4 Project, j Ghana Housing g PUBLIC OFFICE & OFFICE Government-Contributed Research Institute Sejong-si j g Renting g Government office, Sejong j g Government Offices 2-1 District, The KOGAS Headquarters q Project, j Rural Development p Administration 1 Area Relocation Project, j Korea Coast Guard Academyy Construction Business, Digital g Broadcasting g Contents Center, Korean National Red Cross Relocation, Relocation Project j on Language g g Studyy Office of Korea Armyy Signal g School, The Republic p of Korea Special p Warfare Command The 3rd Special p Airborne troops p Facilities Relocation Construction, Iksan Official Residence & Militaryy Facilities, Air Force Wonju j & Chungju gj Armyy Life Facility, y Government Masan Regional g Congruence g Business Building, g Cheonan NongHyup, g y p Ulsan Buk-gu g Public Library, y Wonju j Cityy Hall, Uisang-si g Public Office, Ulsan Port Business Center, Gangneung-City g g y Hall, GIST College g & Institute for Renewable Energy, gy Hwagok-dong g g Cultural and Welfare Center & Public Parking g lot, Gyeongsangbuk-do y g g provincial g p government building g & Provincial Council Buildings, g KEPCO-ENC New Headquarter q Building, g Sangam g DMC Landmark Tower, Pangyo gy Silicon Park A-1-4-1Block, Shinsa Beautiful Tower Medical Center MIXED-USE Inchoen Inter Cityy Project, j Namyangju y gj Byulnae y PF, Eunpyung py g Newtown Central Commercial Area, Gwanggyo ggy Power Center PF, Sungnam g Pangyo gy Complex, p Paju j Unjung j g Complex, p International Design g Competition p for the Magok g Waterfront, HOSPITAL & EDUCATION Yangpyeong gpy g Rehabilitation Hospital, p Changwon g Gyeongsang y g g National Universityy Hospital, p Pusan National Universityy Hospital_trauma p center, Jinju j National Universityy Education Center, Yongin g English-Village, g g Inha Technical College g Management g House RESIDENTIAL Hwaseong g Dongtan g 2 New Town A14Block, Treasure Island, MT. Kumkang g Dormitoryy & The Main Building, g Multifunctional Administrarive Cityy 'Urban Leaf' LEISURE Hwajinpo j p Hotel, Muju j Gucheon-dong g Tourist Hotel, Rolling g Hills, MT. Kumkang g Okryukwan y Guest House, Namhae Hansum Resort, Morris Wood, Sachun Fitness Center Additional Project, j Alpensia p Resort Golf Club & Village, g RETAIL & ETC Gimpo p International Airport p Remodeling, g Ansung g Truck Terminal Complex, p Carrefour Haeundai Store Remodeling, g Sachun E-mart, Ulsan Buk-Gu Social Welfare Facilityy OVERSEAS Housing g Complex p in Hochiminh, Vietnam 'Dual Cityy 2011', Vietnam Sunrise Cityy Plot Central, Hanoi SONG KIM, Ho Chi Minh Cong g Hoa Apartment, p SCTV Broadcasting g Station, Vietnam, Algeria g Oran Mixed Use, Dalat Star Hills Hotel, Vietnam Hochiminh Airport p Hotel, Vietnam Hochiminh Twin Doves Golf Course & Resort Town, Kazahastan G4 Project, j Ghana Housing g PUBLIC OFFICE & OFFICE Government-Contributed Research Institute Sejong-si j g Renting g Government office, Sejong j g Government Offices 2-1 District, The KOGAS Headquarters q Project, j Rural Development p Administration 1 Area Relocation Project, j Korea Coast Guard Academyy Construction Business, Digital g Broadcasting g Contents Center, Korean National Red Cross Relocation, Relocation Project j on Language g g Studyy Office of Korea Armyy Signal g School, The Republic p of Korea Special p Warfare Command The 3rd Special p Airborne troops p Facilities Relocation Construction, Iksan Official Residence & Militaryy Facilities, Air Force Wonju j & Chungju gj Armyy Life Facility, y Government Masan Regional g Congruence g Business Building, g Cheonan NongHyup, g y p Ulsan Buk-gu g Public Library, y Wonju j Cityy Hall, Uisang-si g Public Office, Ulsan Port Business Center, Gangneung-City g g y Hall, GIST College g & Institute for Renewable Energy, gy Hwagok-dong g g Cultural and Welfare Center & Public Parking g lot, Gyeongsangbuk-do y g g p provincial g government building g & Provincial Council Buildings, g KEPCO-ENC New Headquarter q Building, g Sangam g DMC Landmark Tower, Pangyo gy Silicon Park A-14-1Block, Shinsa Beautiful Tower Medical Center MIXED-USE Inchoen Inter Cityy Project, j Namyangju y gj Byulnae y PF, Eunpyung py g Newtown Central Commercial Area, Gwanggyo ggy Power Center PF, Sungnam g Pangyo gy Complex, p Paju j Unjung j g Complex, p International Design g Competition p for the Magok g Waterfront, HOSPITAL & EDUCATION Yangpyeong gpy g Rehabilitation Hospital, p Changwon g Gyeongsang y g g National Universityy Hospital, p Pusan National Universityy Hospital_trauma p center, Jinju j National Universityy Education Center, Yongin g English-Village, g g Inha Technical College g Management g House RESIDENTIAL Hwaseong g Dongtan g 2 New Town A14Block, Treasure Island, MT. Kumkang g Dormitoryy & The Main Building, g Multifunctional Administrarive Cityy 'Urban Leaf' LEISURE Hwajinpo j p Hotel, Muju j Gucheon-dong g Tourist Hotel, Rolling g Hills, MT. Kumkang g Okryukwan y Guest House, Namhae Hansum Resort, Morris Wood, Sachun Fitness Center Additional Project, j Alpensia p Resort Golf Club & Village, g RETAIL & ETC Gimpo p International Airport p Remodeling, g Ansung g Truck Terminal Complex, p Carrefour Haeundai Store Remodeling, g Sachun E-mart, Ulsan Buk-Gu Social Welfare Facilityy OVERSEAS Housing g Complex p in Hochiminh, Vietnam 'Dual Cityy 2011', Vietnam Sunrise Cityy Plot Central, Hanoi SONG KIM, Ho Chi Minh Cong g Hoa Apartment, p SCTV Broadcasting g Station, Vietnam, Algeria g Oran Mixed Use, Dalat Star Hills Hotel, Vietnam Hochiminh Airport p Hotel, Vietnam Hochiminh Twin Doves Golf Course & Resort Town, Kazahastan G4 Project, j Ghana Housing g PUBLIC OFFICE & OFFICE Government-Contributed Research Institute Sejong-si j g Renting g Government office, Sejong j g Government Offices 2-1 District, The KOGAS Headquarters q Project, j Rural Development p Administration 1 Area Relocation Project, j Korea Coast Guard Academyy Construction Business, Digital g Broadcasting g Contents Center, Korean National Red Cross Relocation, Relocation Project j on Language g g Studyy Office of Korea Armyy Signal g School, The Republic p of Korea Special p Warfare Command The 3rd Special p Airborne troops p Facilities Relocation Construction, Iksan Official Residence & Militaryy Facilities, Air Force Wonju j & Chungju gj Armyy Life Facility, y Government Masan Regional g Congruence g Business Building, g Cheonan NongHyup, g y p Ulsan Buk-gu g Public Library, y Wonju j Cityy Hall, Uisang-si g Public Office, Ulsan Port Business Center, Gangneung-City g g y Hall, GIST College g & Institute for Renewable Energy, gy Hwagok-dong g g Cultural and Welfare Center & Public Parking g lot, Gyeongsangbuk-do y g g p provincial g government building g & Provincial Council Buildings, g KEPCO-ENC New Headquarter q Building, g Sangam g DMC Landmark Tower, Pangyo gy Silicon Park A-1-4-1Block, Shinsa Beautiful Tower Medical Center MIXED-USE Inchoen Inter Cityy Project, j Namyangju y gj Byulnae y PF, Eunpyung py g Newtown Central Commercial Area, Gwanggyo ggy Power Center PF, Sungnam g Pangyo gy Complex, p Paju j Unjung j g Complex, p International Design g Competition p for the Magok g Waterfront, HOSPITAL & EDUCATION Yangpyeong gpy g Rehabilitation Hospital, p Changwon g Gyeongsang y g g National Universityy Hospital, p Pusan National Universityy Hospital_trauma p center, Jinju j National Universityy Education Center, Yongin g English-Village, g g Inha Technical College g Management g House RESIDENTIAL Hwaseong g Dongtan g 2 New Town A14Block, Treasure Island, MT. Kumkang g Dormitoryy & The Main Building, g Multifunctional Administrarive Cityy 'Urban Leaf' LEISURE Hwajinpo j p Hotel, Muju j Gucheon-dong g Tourist Hotel, Rolling g Hills, MT. Kumkang g Okryukwan y Guest House, Namhae Hansum Resort, Morris Wood, Sachun Fitness Center Additional Project, j Alpensia p Resort Golf Club & Village, g RETAIL & ETC Gimpo p International Airport p Remodeling, g Ansung g Truck Terminal Complex, p Carrefour Haeundai Store Remodeling, g Sachun E-mart, Ulsan Buk-Gu Social Welfare Facilityy OVERSEAS Housing g Complex p in Hochiminh, Vietnam 'Dual Cityy 2011', Vietnam Sunrise Cityy Plot Central, Hanoi SONG KIM, Ho Chi Minh Cong g Hoa Apartment, p SCTV Broadcasting g Station, Vietnam, Algeria g Oran Mixed Use, Dalat Star Hills Hotel, Vietnam Hochiminh Airport p Hotel, Vietnam Hochiminh Twin Doves Golf Course & Resort Town, Kazahastan G4 Project, j Ghana Housing g PUBLIC OFFICE & OFFICE Government-Contributed Research Institute Sejong-si j g Renting g Government office, Sejong j g Government Offices 2-1 District, The KOGAS Headquarters q Project, j Rural Development p Administration 1 Area Relocation Project, j Korea Coast Guard Academyy Construction Business, Digital g Broadcasting g Contents Center, Korean National Red Cross Relocation, Relocation Project j on Language g g Studyy Office of Korea Armyy Signal g School, The Republic p of Korea Special p Warfare Command The 3rd Special p Airborne troops p Facilities Relocation Construction, Iksan Official Residence & Militaryy Facilities, Air Force Wonju j & Chungju gj Armyy Life Facility, y Government Masan Regional g Congruence g Business Building, g Cheonan NongHyup, g y p Ulsan Buk-gu g Public Library, y Wonju j Cityy Hall, Uisang-si g Public Office, Ulsan Port Business Center, Gangneung-City g g y Hall, GIST College g & Institute for Renewable Energy, gy Hwagok-dong g g Cultural and Welfare Center & Public Parking g lot, Gyeongsangbuk-do y g g provincial p government g building g & Provincial Council Buildings, g KEPCO-ENC New Headquarter q Building, g Sangam g DMC Landmark Tower, Pangyo gy Silicon Park A-1-4-1Block, Shinsa Beautiful Tower Medical Center MIXED-USE Inchoen Inter Cityy Project, j Namyangju y gj Byulnae y PF, Eunpyung py g Newtown Central Commercial Area, Gwanggyo ggy Power Center PF, Sungnam g Pangyo gy Complex, p Paju j Unjung j g Complex, p International Design g Competition p for the Magok g Waterfront, HOSPITAL & EDUCATION Yangpyeong gpy g Rehabilitation Hospital, p Changwon g Gyeongsang y g g National Universityy Hospital, p Pusan National Universityy Hospital_trauma p center, Jinju j National Universityy Education Center, Yongin g English-Village, g g Inha Technical College g Management g House RESIDENTIAL Hwaseong g Dongtan g 2 New Town A14Block, Treasure Island, MT. Kumkang g Dormitoryy & The Main Building, g Multifunctional Administrarive Cityy 'Urban Leaf' LEISURE Hwajinpo j p Hotel, Muju j Gucheon-dong g Tourist Hotel, Rolling g Hills, MT. Kumkang g Okryukwan y Guest House, Namhae Hansum Resort, Morris Wood, Sachun Fitness Center Additional Project, j Alpensia p Resort Golf Club & Village, g RETAIL & ETC Gimpo p International Airport p Remodeling, g Ansung g Truck Terminal Complex, p Carrefour Haeundai Store Remodeling, g Sachun E-mart, Ulsan Buk-Gu Social Welfare Facilityy OVERSEAS Housing g Complex p in Hochiminh, Vietnam 'Dual Cityy 2011', Vietnam Sunrise Cityy Plot Central, Hanoi SONG KIM, Ho Chi Minh Cong g Hoa Apartment, p SCTV Broadcasting g Station, Vietnam, Algeria g Oran Mixed Use, Dalat Star Hills Hotel, Vietnam Hochiminh Airport p Hotel, Vietnam Hochiminh Twin Doves Golf Course & Resort Town, Kazahastan G4 Project, j Ghana Housing g PUBLIC OFFICE & OFFICE Government-Contributed Research Institute Sejong-si j g Renting g Government office, Sejong j g Government Offices 2-1 District, The KOGAS Headquarters q Project, j Rural Development p Administration 1 Area Relocation Project, j Korea Coast Guard Academyy Construction Business, Digital g Broadcasting g Contents Center, Korean National Red Cross Relocation, Relocation Project j on Language g g Studyy Office of Korea Armyy Signal g School, The Republic p of Korea Special p Warfare Command The 3rd Special p Airborne troops p Facilities Relocation Construction, Iksan Official Residence & Militaryy Facilities, Air Force Wonju j & Chungju gj Armyy Life Facility, y Government Masan Regional g Congruence g Business Building, g Cheonan NongHyup, g y p Ulsan Buk-gu g Public Library, y Wonju j Cityy Hall, Uisang-si g Public Office, Ulsan Port Business Center, Gangneung-City g g y Hall, GIST College g & Institute for Renewable Energy, gy Hwagok-dong g g Cultural and Welfare Center & Public Parking g lot, Gyeongsangbuk-do y g g p provincial government g building g & Provincial Council Buildings, g KEPCO-ENC New Headquarter q Building, g Sangam g DMC Landmark Tower, Pangyo gy Silicon Park A-1-4-1Block, Shinsa Beautiful Tower Medical Center MIXED-USE Inchoen Inter Cityy Project, j Namyangju y gj Byulnae y PF, Eunpyung py g Newtown Central Commercial Area, Gwanggyo ggy Power Center PF, Sungnam g Pangyo gy Complex, p Paju j Unjung j g Complex, p International Design g Competition p for the Magok g Waterfront, HOSPITAL & EDUCATION Yangpyeong gpy g Rehabilitation Hospital, p Changwon g Gyeongsang y g g National Universityy Hospital, p Pusan National Universityy Hospital_trauma p center, Jinju j National Universityy Education Center, Yongin g Englishg Village, g Inha Technical College g Management g House RESIDENTIAL Hwaseong g Dongtan g 2 New Town A14Block, Treasure Island, MT. Kumkang g Dormitoryy & The Main Building, g Multifunctional Administrarive Cityy 'Urban Leaf' LEISURE Hwajinpo j p Hotel, Muju j Gucheon-dong g Tourist Hotel, Rolling g Hills, MT. Kumkang g Okryukwan y Guest House, Namhae Hansum Resort, Morris Wood, Sachun Fitness Center Additional Project, j Alpensia p Resort Golf Club & Village, g RETAIL & ETC Gimpo p International Airport p Remodeling, g Ansung g Truck Terminal Complex, p Carrefour Haeundai Store Remodeling, g Sachun E-mart, Ulsan Buk-Gu Social Welfare Facilityy OVERSEAS Housing g Complex p in Hochiminh, Vietnam 'Dual Cityy 2011', Vietnam Sunrise Cityy Plot Central, Hanoi SONG KIM, Ho Chi Minh Cong g Hoa Apartment, p SCTV Broadcasting g Station, Vietnam, Algeria g Oran Mixed Use, Dalat Star Hills Hotel, Vietnam Hochiminh Airport p Hotel, Vietnam Hochiminh Twin Doves Golf Course & Resort Town, Kazahastan G4 Project, j Ghana Housing g PUBLIC OFFICE & OFFICE Government-Contributed Research Institute Sejong-si j g Renting g Government office, Sejong j g Government Offices 2-1 District, The KOGAS Headquarters q Project, j Rural Development p Administration 1 Area Relocation Project, j Korea Coast Guard Academyy Construction Business, Digital g Broadcasting g Contents Center, Korean National Red Cross Relocation, Relocation Project j on Language g g Studyy Office of Korea Armyy Signal g School, The Republic p of Korea Special p Warfare Command The 3rd Special p Airborne troops p Facilities Relocation Construction, Iksan Official Residence & Militaryy Facilities, Air Force Wonju j & Chungju gj Armyy Life Facility, y Government Masan Regional g Congruence g Business Building, g Cheonan NongHyup, g y p Ulsan Buk-gu g Public Library, y Wonju j Cityy Hall, Uisang-si g Public Office, Ulsan Port Business Center, Gangneung-City g g y Hall, GIST College g & Institute for Renewable Energy, gy Hwagok-dong g g Cultural and Welfare Center & Public Parking g lot, Gyeongsangbuk-do y g g p provincial g government building g & Provincial Council Buildings, g KEPCO-ENC New Headquarter q Building, g Sangam g DMC Landmark Tower, Pangyo gy Silicon Park A-1-4-1Block, Shinsa Beautiful Tower Medical Center MIXED-USE Inchoen Inter Cityy Project, j Namyangju y gj Byulnae y PF, Eunpyung py g Newtown Central Commercial Area, Gwanggyo ggy Power Center PF, Sungnam g Pangyo gy Complex, p Paju j Unjung j g Complex, p International Design g Competition p for the Magok g Waterfront, HOSPITAL & EDUCATION Yangpyeong gpy g Rehabilitation Hospital, p Changwon g Gyeongsang y g g National Universityy Hospital, p Pusan National Universityy Hospital_trauma p center, Jinju j National Universityy Education Center, Yongin g English-Village, g g Inha Technical College g Management g House RESIDENTIAL Hwaseong g Dongtan g 2 New Town A14Block, Treasure Island, MT. Kumkang g Dormitoryy & The Main Building, g Multifunctional Administrarive Cityy 'Urban Leaf' LEISURE Hwajinpo j p Hotel, Muju j Gucheon-dong g Tourist Hotel, Rolling g Hills, MT. Kumkang g Okryukwan y Guest House, Namhae Hansum Resort, Morris Wood, Sachun Fitness Center Additional Project, j Alpensia p Resort Golf Club & Village, g RETAIL & ETC Gimpo p International Airport p Remodeling, g Ansung g Truck Terminal Complex, p Carrefour Haeundai Store Remodeling, g Sachun E-mart, Ulsan Buk-Gu Social Welfare Facilityy OVERSEAS Housing g Complex p in Hochiminh, Vietnam 'Dual Cityy 2011', Vietnam Sunrise Cityy Plot Central, Hanoi SONG KIM, Ho Chi Minh Cong g Hoa Apartment, p SCTV Broadcasting g Station, Vietnam, Algeria g Oran Mixed Use, Dalat Star Hills Hotel, Vietnam Hochiminh Airport p Hotel, Vietnam Hochiminh Twin Doves Golf Course & Resort Town, Kazahastan G4 Project, j Ghana Housing g PUBLIC OFFICE & OFFICE Government-Contributed Research Institute Sejong-si j g Renting g Government office, Sejong j g Government Offices 2-1 District, The KOGAS Headquarters q Project, j Rural Development p Administration 1 Area Relocation Project, j Korea Coast Guard Academyy Construction Business, Digital g Broadcasting g Contents Center, Korean National Red Cross Relocation, Relocation Project j on Language g g Studyy Office of Korea Armyy Signal g School, The Republic p of Korea Special p Warfare Command The 3rd Special p Airborne troops p Facilities Relocation Construction, Iksan Official Residence & Militaryy Facilities, Air Force Wonju j & Chungju gj Armyy Life Facility, y Government Masan Regional g Congruence g Business Building, g Cheonan NongHyup, g y p Ulsan Buk-gu g Public Library, y Wonju j Cityy Hall, Uisang-si g Public Office, Ulsan Port Business Center, Gangneung-City g g y Hall, GIST College g & Institute for Renewable Energy, gy Hwagok-dong g g Cultural and Welfare Center & Public Parking g lot, Gyeongsangbuk-do y g g p provincial g government building g & Provincial Council Buildings, g KEPCO-ENC New Headquarter q Building, g Sangam g DMC Landmark Tower, Pangyo gy Silicon Park A-1-4-1Block, Shinsa Beautiful Tower Medical Center MIXED-USE Inchoen Inter Cityy Project, j Namyangju y gj Byulnae y PF, Eunpyung py g Newtown Central Commercial Area, Gwanggyo ggy Power Center PF, Sungnam g Pangyo gy Complex, p Paju j Unjung j g Complex, p International Design g Competition p for the Magok g Waterfront, HOSPITAL & EDUCATION Yangpyeong gpy g Rehabilitation Hospital, p Changwon g Gyeongsang y g g National Universityy Hospital, p Pusan National Universityy Hospital_trauma p center, Jinju j National Universityy Education Center, Yongin g English-Village, g g Inha Technical College g Management g House RESIDENTIAL Hwaseong g Dongtan g 2 New Town A14Block, Treasure Island, MT. Kumkang g Dormitoryy & The Main Building, g Multifunctional Administrarive Cityy 'Urban Leaf' LEISURE Hwajinpo j p Hotel, Muju j Gucheon-dong g Tourist Hotel, Rolling g Hills, MT. Kumkang g Okryukwan y Guest House, Namhae Hansum Resort, Morris Wood, Sachun Fitness Center Additional Project, j Alpensia p Resort Golf Club & Village, g RETAIL & ETC Gimpo p International Airport p Remodeling, g Ansung g Truck Terminal Complex, p Carrefour Haeundai Store Remodeling, g Sachun E-mart, Ulsan Buk-Gu Social Welfare Facilityy OVERSEAS Housing g Complex p in Hochiminh, Vietnam 'Dual Cityy 2011', Vietnam Sunrise Cityy Plot Central, Hanoi SONG KIM, Ho Chi Minh Cong g Hoa Apartment, p SCTV Broadcasting g Station, Vietnam, Algeria g Oran Mixed Use, Dalat Star Hills Hotel, Vietnam Hochiminh Airport p Hotel, Vietnam Hochiminh Twin Doves Golf Course & Resort Town, Kazahastan G4 Project, j Ghana Housing g PUBLIC OFFICE & OFFICE Government-Contributed Research Institute Sejong-si j g Renting g Government office, Sejong j g Government Offices 2-1 District, The KOGAS Headquarters q Project, j Rural Development p Administration 1 Area Relocation Project, j Korea Coast Guard Academyy Construction Business, Digital g Broadcasting g Contents Center, Korean National Red Cross Relocation, Relocation Project j on Language g g Studyy Office of Korea Armyy Signal g School, The Republic p of Korea Special p Warfare Command The 3rd Special p Airborne troops p Facilities Relocation Construction, Iksan Official Residence & Militaryy Facilities, Air Force Wonju j & Chungju gj Armyy Life Facility, y Government Masan Regional g Congruence g Business Building, g Cheonan NongHyup, g y p Ulsan Buk-gu g Public Library, y Wonju j Cityy Hall, Uisang-si g Public Office, Ulsan Port Business Center, Gangneung-City g g y Hall, GIST College g & Institute for Renewable Energy, gy Hwagok-dong g g Cultural and Welfare Center & Public Parking g lot, Gyeongsangbuk-do y g g provincial p g government building g & Provincial Council Buildings, g KEPCO-ENC New Headquarter q Building, g Sangam g DMC Landmark Tower, Pangyo gy Silicon Park A-1-4-1Block, Shinsa Beautiful Tower Medical Center MIXED-USE Inchoen Inter Cityy Project, j Namyangju y gj Byulnae y PF, Eunpyung py g Newtown Central Commercial Area, Gwanggyo ggy Power Center PF, Sungnam g Pangyo gy Complex, p Paju j Unjung j g Complex, p International Design g Competition p for the Magok g Waterfront, HOSPITAL & EDUCATION Yangpyeong gpy g Rehabilitation Hospital, p Changwon g Gyeongsang y g g National Universityy Hospital, p Pusan National Universityy Hospital_trauma p center, Jinju j National Universityy Education Center, Yongin g English-Village, g g Inha Technical College g Management g House RESIDENTIAL Hwaseong g Dongtan g 2 New Town A14Block, Treasure Island, MT. Kumkang g Dormitoryy & The Main Building, g Multifunctional Administrarive Cityy 'Urban Leaf' LEISURE Hwajinpo j p Hotel, Muju j Gucheon-dong g Tourist Hotel, Rolling g Hills, MT. Kumkang g Okryukwan y Guest House, Namhae Hansum Resort, Morris Wood, Sachun Fitness Center Additional Project, j Alpensia p Resort Golf Club & Village, g RETAIL & ETC Gimpo p International Airport p Remodeling, g Ansung g Truck Terminal Complex, p Carrefour Haeundai Store Remodeling, g Sachun E-mart, Ulsan Buk-Gu Social Welfare Facilityy OVERSEAS Housing g Complex p in Hochiminh, Vietnam 'Dual Cityy 2011', Vietnam Sunrise Cityy Plot Central, Hanoi SONG KIM, Ho Chi Minh Cong g Hoa Apartment, p SCTV Broadcasting g Station, Vietnam, Algeria g Oran Mixed Use, Dalat Star Hills Hotel, Vietnam Hochiminh Airport p Hotel, Vietnam Hochiminh Twin Doves Golf Course & Resort Town, Kazahastan G4 Project, j Ghana Housing g PUBLIC OFFICE & OFFICE Government-Contributed Research Institute Sejong-si j g Renting g Government office, Sejong j g Government Offices 2-1 District, The KOGAS Headquarters q Project, j Rural Development p Administration 1 Area Relocation Project, j Korea Coast Guard Academyy Construction Business, Digital g Broadcasting g Contents Center, Korean National Red Cross Relocation, Relocation Project j on Language g g Studyy Office of Korea Armyy Signal g School, The Republic p of Korea Special p Warfare Command The 3rd Special p Airborne troops p Facilities Relocation Construction, Iksan Official Residence & Militaryy Facilities, Air Force Wonju j & Chungju gj Armyy Life Facility, y Government Masan Regional g Congruence g Business Building, g Cheonan NongHyup, g y p Ulsan Buk-gu g Public Library, y Wonju j Cityy Hall, Uisang-si g Public Office, Ulsan Port Business Center, Gangneung-City g g y Hall, GIST College g & Institute for Renewable Energy, gy Hwagok-dong g g Cultural and Welfare Center & Public Parking g lot, Gyeongsangbuk-do y g g p provincial g government building g & Provincial Council Buildings, g KEPCO-ENC New Headquarter q Building, g Sangam g DMC Landmark Tower, Pangyo gy Silicon Park A-1-4-1Block, Shinsa Beautiful Tower Medical Center MIXED-USE Inchoen Inter Cityy Project, j Namyangju y gj Byulnae y PF, Eunpyung py g Newtown Central Commercial Area, Gwanggyo ggy Power Center PF, Sungnam g Pangyo gy Complex, p Paju j Unjung j g Complex, p International Design g Competition p for the Magok g Waterfront, HOSPITAL & EDUCATION Yangpyeong gpy g Rehabilitation Hospital, p Changwon g Gyeongsang y g g National Universityy Hospital, p Pusan National Universityy Hospital_trauma p center, Jinju j National Universityy Education Center, Yongin g English-Village, g g Inha Technical College g Management g House RESIDENTIAL Hwaseong g Dongtan g 2 New Town A14Block, Treasure Island, MT. Kumkang g Dormitoryy & The Main Building, g Multifunctional Administrarive Cityy 'Urban Leaf' LEISURE Hwajinpo Hotel, Muju Gucheon-dong Tourist Hotel, Rolling Hills, MT. Kumkang Okryukwan Guest House, Namhae Hansum Resort, Morris Wood, Sachun Fitness Center Additional Project, Alpensia Resort Golf Club

Design, Go Beyond MAP GROUP


Leisure 1

Rolling Hills



Hwajinpo Hotel

Muju Gucheon-dong Tourist Hotel 4

Namhae Hansum Resort 5


Morris Wood

Sachun Golf Resort


Alpensia Resort Golf Club & Village 8


MT. Kumkang Hotel

MT.Kumkang Okyukwan Guest House

Rolling Hills is an elegant and comfortable resting place and hotel It flows with the greens of its surroundings, yet produces a novel ambiance of space with its dominant white, touched with red and brown. The red and brown colors complete the refined hotel look within the cozy atmosphere of the resort.

ŕł…ย⯹áœ…Űľ ⣊Ċᯕ ᯊáŽ?ŕť•á•˝ŕ Ľ Ꮡጼ⌚ŠáŠ?ᎠಽᏕ âŽ•áœžâƒšáŻ•᯹ Ḳŕž•Ĺ– eáŽ?ಽ ኑ⇽ग़ᨊ݅ əฑ ÄĽâ˜–᎚ áœ˝áŹąâŚ˝ ᔪᎼ áľ?ᔪáŽ?ಽ ⌚Šᯊ۾ áľ?á„Ą ᎚ Ę‘á…™ â??ŕą?â„•ÄĽŕˇ? Ꭰḥ⌚ŕť•á•˝ŕ Ľ áľ?᳑ᔪᯙ ⪾áŻ•âœ™ â??ŕą?ᨹ ๊ऽ ቭŕŻ? Ꮥ â??ŕą?a aá ™ग़ᨕ ᔪ࡙݅ Ĺ–e ᇼ᭼ʑŕˇ? ኑ⇽⌽݅ ๊ऽ ቭŕŻ?Ꮥ â??ŕą? ಽ ᯙ⧕ ŕ¸?áł‘âœ™᎚ ጼ۲⌽ ᇼ᭼ʑ۾ ⣊ÄŠᯊ۾ Ḳŕž•Ĺ–e᎚ ŕź‰áœ–ŕ Ľ w⇽ ᙚ ᯊᨊÝ…

Rolling Hills р│Ер╕втп▒с╖й ┼Ц сФН сБ╜ с╡Э сне тАл ▌бтАмс╕б р╗Х

р╗ж тГ╣ тК╣ с▒в

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сйС ╚╜ ╟Н смК


с▒в р╝Й с│С рае

т╜Л # ' ' 3$ ткЩтЦ╡


Hwajinpo Hotel тк╡с╕етбН ткЩтЦ╡ ┼Ц сФН сБ╜ с╡Э тАл ▌бтАмс╕б сне смК

р╗ж тГ╣ тК╣ рае

тк╡с╕етбН ткЩтЦ╡ сЭБтЗ╢┼ЦсФН тйетАлсже▌бтАмсФС vсм▒рае ┼БсЦТ╟С тйе╘Хр╗Х тЕйраер╕Н ткЩтЦ╡

тАл ▌бтАмс╕б р╗Х сйС р╗Х ╚╜ ╟Н

с▒в с▒в р╝Й с│С

т╜Л т╜Л # ' ' 3$


Muju Gucheon-dong Tourist Hotel ྕᵝ Ǎ⃽࠺ šŲ⪙▵ ÕพŖᔍ Ŗ ᔍ ໦ ‫ ݡ‬ḡ ᭥ ⊹ ḡ ᩎ ḡ Ǎ ᬊ ࠥ

ྕᵝ Ǎ⃽࠺ šŲ⪙▵ ÕพŖᔍ ᱥ௝ᇢࠥ ྕᵝǑ ᖅ⃽໕ ᔝŖญ Ḳ݉᜽ᖅḡǍ šŲᙺၶḡŁ ↽ᱡŁࠥḡǍ šŲ ⪙▵

‫ ݡ‬ḡ ໕ ᩑ ໕ Ƚ Ǎ

ᱢ ᱢ ༉ ᳑

⽋ ⽋ # ' ' 3$

Namhae Hansum Resort ╘ЙтзХ тж╜сЦН р╕Нс│СтЬЩ ┼Ц сФН сБ╜ с╡Э тАл ▌бтАмс╕б сне смК

р╗ж тГ╣ тК╣ рае

╘ЙтзХтж╜сЦНр╕Нс│СтЬЩ с╡Э тж╜сЦН с▒ерпЭ╘Йрае ╘ЙтзХ╟С тВЮсЦБр╗Х с╕ера║р╕Н с░ЖтбНр╕йсое спЭсм▒ ┼ЙтеетО╡сЬЕ тУХр▒Ютж╣смСсЬЕ ткЩтЦ╡ сКнрпЭ тО╣раесБЩтАл▄йтАмсие

тАл ▌бтАмс╕б р╗Х с▒в сйС р╗Х с▒в ╚╜ р╝Й с╡Э тВЙ тАлсЩ╣ ▌бтАм ╟Н с│С

т╜Л т╜Л тУХр▒Ютж╣смСсЬЕ ра║ ткЩтЦ╡ ра║ сКнрпЭ сЦЩтАл раетО╣ ▌бтАмсЦЩтАлтж╣тЭС ▌бтАмсмСсЬЕ ра║ тАл▌бтАм 3$


Morris Wood ŕź‰ŕ¸?ᜅ Ꮡऽ

Ĺ– á”? ໦ ŕź‰ŕ¸?ᜅ Ꮡऽ ŕ şâŞ™áŻ™ áľ?┞݉ḥ á­Ľ ⊚ váŹąŕ Ľ ⠪₞Ǒ ŕ ĽáŚľŕť• ⏂ļŕ¸? ፙ ‍ ݥ‏ḥ ŕť• Ṣ ⽋

ኑ Č˝ Ç? Ꮚ


Ṣ ŕź‰ áł‘ ŕ Ľ

⽋ Ý‰ŕ Śáľ?┞ ᖙ‍ ݥ‏ťŕ¸?ŕ ş ŕ ş 3$ 54 áľ?┞

Morris Wood, located in Pyeongchang of Kangwon Province, boasts of its beautiful natural environment which is surrounded by forests and river. In correspondence to the client’s suggestion of ‘Classical Music’, fanciness was avoided and modernistic architecture and sense of place was taken into consideration. This design is developed with hopes of a structure assimilating to its surroundings.

Sachun Golf Resort сФНтГ╜тДХр▓Ж▌Йр▓Йс░Ж с╖╛сЦЕсп▓сиж ┼Ц сФН сБ╜ с╡Э тАл ▌бтАмс╕б сне смК

р╗ж тГ╣ тК╣ рае

сФНтГ╜тДХр▓Ж▌Йр▓Йс░Ж с╖╛сЦЕсп▓сиж тАлтж╜▌бтАмсБЭ╟О ┼Ц╟С ─ЮсФв╘Йрае сФНтГ╜сЬ╜ тЗ╢ра║р╗Х ╩Щтакр╕Н смХра║сЬ╜сЦЕ

тАл ▌бтАмс╕б р╗Х сйС р╗Х ╚╜ ╟Н

с▒в с▒в р╝Й с│С

т╜Л т╜Л ' тУХр▒Ютж╣смСсЬЕ ра║ ' ┼ЙтеесйСсЬЦс░Ж ра║ ╔Щ█╣с╕▓ ┼бр╕Нра║ 3$ 4$

Alpensia Resort Golf Club & Village сжнтЯ╜сЬ╜сже р╕Нс│СтЬЩ ┼Ц сФН сБ╜ с╡Э сне с╡Э сл╡ сЬ╜

р╗ж тГ╣ тК╣ сЦЕ

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MT. Kumkang Hotel ÉŠvᔑ ⪙▾ Ĺ– á”? á ˝ áľ? ‍ ݥ‏ḥ á­Ľ áľ? ፾ áœ˝

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MT. Kumkang Okryukwan Guest House скЖр╢╣┼б ┼Ц сФН сБ╜ с╡Э сне тАл ▌бтАмс╕б р╗Х

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PUBLIC OFFICE & OFFICE Government-Contributed Research Institute Sejong-si j g Renting g Government office, Sejong j g Government Offices 2-1 District, The KOGAS Headquarters q Project, j Rural Development p Administration 1 Area Relocation Project, j Korea Coast Guard Academyy Construction Business, Digital g Broadcasting g Contents Center, Korean National Red Cross Relocation, Relocation Project j on Language g g Studyy Office of Korea Armyy Signal g School, The Republic p of Korea Special p Warfare Command The 3rd Special p Airborne troops p Facilities Relocation Construction, Iksan Official Residence & Militaryy Facilities, Air Force Wonju j & Chungju gj Armyy Life Facility, y Government Masan Regional g Congruence g Business Building, g Cheonan NongHyup, g y p Ulsan Buk-gu g Public Library, y Wonju j Cityy Hall, Uisang-si g Public Office, Ulsan Port Business Center, Gangneung-City g g y Hall, GIST College g & Institute for Renewable Energy, gy Hwagok-dong g g Cultural and Welfare Center & Public Parking g lot, Gyeongsangbuk-do y g g p provincial g government building g & Provincial Council Buildings, g KEPCO-ENC New Headquarter q Building, g Sangam g DMC Landmark Tower, Pangyo gy Silicon Park A-1-4-1Block, Shinsa Beautiful Tower Medical Center MIXED-USE Inchoen Inter Cityy Project, j Namyangju y gj Byulnae y PF, Eunpyung py g Newtown Central Commercial Area, Gwanggyo ggy Power Center PF, Sungnam g Pangyo gy Complex, p Paju j Unjung j g Complex, p International Design g Competition p for the Magok g Waterfront, HOSPITAL & EDUCATION Yangpyeong gpy g Rehabilitation Hospital, p Changwon g Gyeongsang y g g National Universityy Hospital, p Pusan National Universityy Hospital_trauma p center, Jinju j National Universityy Education Center, Yongin g English-Village, g g Inha Technical College g Management g House RESIDENTIAL Hwaseong g Dongtan g 2 New Town A14Block, Treasure Island, MT. Kumkang g Dormitoryy & The Main Building, g Multifunctional Administrarive Cityy 'Urban Leaf' LEISURE Hwajinpo j p Hotel, Muju j Gucheon-dong g Tourist Hotel, Rolling g Hills, MT. Kumkang g Okryukwan y Guest House, Namhae Hansum Resort, Morris Wood, Sachun Fitness Center Additional Project, j Alpensia p Resort Golf Club & Village, g RETAIL & ETC Gimpo p International Airport p Remodeling, g Ansung g Truck Terminal Complex, p Carrefour Haeundai Store Remodeling, g Sachun E-mart, Ulsan Buk-Gu Social Welfare Facilityy OVERSEAS Housing g Complex p in Hochiminh, Vietnam 'Dual Cityy 2011', Vietnam Sunrise Cityy Plot Central, Hanoi SONG KIM, Ho Chi Minh Cong g Hoa Apartment, p SCTV Broadcasting g Station, Vietnam, Algeria g Oran Mixed Use, Dalat Star Hills Hotel, Vietnam Hochiminh Airport p Hotel, Vietnam Hochiminh Twin Doves Golf Course & Resort Town, Kazahastan G4 Project, j Ghana Housing g PUBLIC OFFICE & OFFICE Government-Contributed Research Institute Sejong-si j g Renting g Government office, Sejong j g Government Offices 2-1 District, The KOGAS Headquarters q Project, j Rural Development p Administration 1 Area Relocation Project, j Korea Coast Guard Academyy Construction Business, Digital g Broadcasting g Contents Center, Korean National Red Cross Relocation, Relocation Project j on Language g g Studyy Office of Korea Armyy Signal g School, The Republic p of Korea Special p Warfare Command The 3rd Special p Airborne troops p Facilities Relocation Construction, Iksan Official Residence & Militaryy Facilities, Air Force Wonju j & Chungju gj Armyy Life Facility, y Government Masan Regional g Congruence g Business Building, g Cheonan NongHyup, g y p Ulsan Buk-gu g Public Library, y Wonju j Cityy Hall, Uisang-si g Public Office, Ulsan Port Business Center, Gangneung-City g g y Hall, GIST College g & Institute for Renewable Energy, gy Hwagok-dong g g Cultural and Welfare Center & Public Parking g lot, Gyeongsangbuk-do y g g p provincial g government building g & Provincial Council Buildings, g KEPCO-ENC New Headquarter q Building, g Sangam g DMC Landmark Tower, Pangyo gy Silicon Park A-1-4-1Block, Shinsa Beautiful Tower Medical Center MIXED-USE Inchoen Inter Cityy Project, j Namyangju y gj Byulnae y PF, Eunpyung py g Newtown Central Commercial Area, Gwanggyo ggy Power Center PF, Sungnam g Pangyo gy Complex, p Paju j Unjung j g Complex, p International Design g Competition p for the Magok g Waterfront, HOSPITAL & EDUCATION Yangpyeong gpy g Rehabilitation Hospital, p Changwon g Gyeongsang y g g National Universityy Hospital, p Pusan National Universityy Hospital_trauma p center, Jinju j National Universityy Education Center, Yongin g English-Village, g g Inha Technical College g Management g House RESIDENTIAL Hwaseong g Dongtan g 2 New Town A14Block, Treasure Island, MT. Kumkang g Dormitoryy & The Main Building, g Multifunctional Administrarive Cityy 'Urban Leaf' LEISURE Hwajinpo j p Hotel, Muju j Gucheon-dong g Tourist Hotel, Rolling g Hills, MT. Kumkang g Okryukwan y Guest House, Namhae Hansum Resort, Morris Wood, Sachun Fitness Center Additional Project, j Alpensia p Resort Golf Club & Village, g RETAIL & ETC Gimpo p International Airport p Remodeling, g Ansung g Truck Terminal Complex, p Carrefour Haeundai Store Remodeling, g Sachun E-mart, Ulsan Buk-Gu Social Welfare Facilityy OVERSEAS Housing g Complex p in Hochiminh, Vietnam 'Dual Cityy 2011', Vietnam Sunrise Cityy Plot Central, Hanoi SONG KIM, Ho Chi Minh Cong g Hoa Apartment, p SCTV Broadcasting g Station, Vietnam, Algeria g Oran Mixed Use, Dalat Star Hills Hotel, Vietnam Hochiminh Airport p Hotel, Vietnam Hochiminh Twin Doves Golf Course & Resort Town, Kazahastan G4 Project, j Ghana Housing g PUBLIC OFFICE & OFFICE Government-Contributed Research Institute Sejong-si j g Renting g Government office, Sejong j g Government Offices 2-1 District, The KOGAS Headquarters q Project, j Rural Development p Administration 1 Area Relocation Project, j Korea Coast Guard Academyy Construction Business, Digital g Broadcasting g Contents Center, Korean National Red Cross Relocation, Relocation Project j on Language g g Studyy Office of Korea Armyy Signal g School, The Republic p of Korea Special p Warfare Command The 3rd Special p Airborne troops p Facilities Relocation Construction, Iksan Official Residence & Militaryy Facilities, Air Force Wonju j & Chungju gj Armyy Life Facility, y Government Masan Regional g Congruence g Business Building, g Cheonan NongHyup, g y p Ulsan Buk-gu g Public Library, y Wonju j Cityy Hall, Uisang-si g Public Office, Ulsan Port Business Center, Gangneung-City g g y Hall, GIST College g & Institute for Renewable Energy, gy Hwagok-dong g g Cultural and Welfare Center & Public Parking g lot, Gyeongsangbuk-do y g g provincial g p government building g & Provincial Council Buildings, g KEPCO-ENC New Headquarter q Building, g Sangam g DMC Landmark Tower, Pangyo gy Silicon Park A-1-4-1Block, Shinsa Beautiful Tower Medical Center MIXED-USE Inchoen Inter Cityy Project, j Namyangju y gj Byulnae y PF, Eunpyung py g Newtown Central Commercial Area, Gwanggyo ggy Power Center PF, Sungnam g Pangyo gy Complex, p Paju j Unjung j g Complex, p International Design g Competition p for the Magok g Waterfront, HOSPITAL & EDUCATION Yangpyeong gpy g Rehabilitation Hospital, p Changwon g Gyeongsang y g g National Universityy Hospital, p Pusan National Universityy Hospital_trauma p center, Jinju j National Universityy Education Center, Yongin g English-Village, g g Inha Technical College g Management g House RESIDENTIAL Hwaseong g Dongtan g 2 New Town A14Block, Treasure Island, MT. Kumkang g Dormitoryy & The Main Building, g Multifunctional Administrarive Cityy 'Urban Leaf' LEISURE Hwajinpo j p Hotel, Muju j Gucheon-dong g Tourist Hotel, Rolling g Hills, MT. Kumkang g Okryukwan y Guest House, Namhae Hansum Resort, Morris Wood, Sachun Fitness Center Additional Project, j Alpensia p Resort Golf Club & Village, g RETAIL & ETC Gimpo p International Airport p Remodeling, g Ansung g Truck Terminal Complex, p Carrefour Haeundai Store Remodeling, g Sachun E-mart, Ulsan Buk-Gu Social Welfare Facilityy OVERSEAS Housing g Complex p in Hochiminh, Vietnam 'Dual Cityy 2011', Vietnam Sunrise Cityy Plot Central, Hanoi SONG KIM, Ho Chi Minh Cong g Hoa Apartment, p SCTV Broadcasting g Station, Vietnam, Algeria g Oran Mixed Use, Dalat Star Hills Hotel, Vietnam Hochiminh Airport p Hotel, Vietnam Hochiminh Twin Doves Golf Course & Resort Town, Kazahastan G4 Project, j Ghana Housing g PUBLIC OFFICE & OFFICE Government-Contributed Research Institute Sejong-si j g Renting g Government office, Sejong j g Government Offices 2-1 District, The KOGAS Headquarters q Project, j Rural Development p Administration 1 Area Relocation Project, j Korea Coast Guard Academyy Construction Business, Digital g Broadcasting g Contents Center, Korean National Red Cross Relocation, Relocation Project j on Language g g Studyy Office of Korea Armyy Signal g School, The Republic p of Korea Special p Warfare Command The 3rd Special p Airborne troops p Facilities Relocation Construction, Iksan Official Residence & Militaryy Facilities, Air Force Wonju j & Chungju gj Armyy Life Facility, y Government Masan Regional g Congruence g Business Building, g Cheonan NongHyup, g y p Ulsan Buk-gu g Public Library, y Wonju j Cityy Hall, Uisang-si g Public Office, Ulsan Port Business Center, Gangneung-City g g y Hall, GIST College g & Institute for Renewable Energy, gy Hwagok-dong g g Cultural and Welfare Center & Public Parking g lot, Gyeongsangbuk-do y g g p provincial g government building g & Provincial Council Buildings, g KEPCO-ENC New Headquarter q Building, g Sangam g DMC Landmark Tower, Pangyo gy Silicon Park A-14-1Block, Shinsa Beautiful Tower Medical Center MIXED-USE Inchoen Inter Cityy Project, j Namyangju y gj Byulnae y PF, Eunpyung py g Newtown Central Commercial Area, Gwanggyo ggy Power Center PF, Sungnam g Pangyo gy Complex, p Paju j Unjung j g Complex, p International Design g Competition p for the Magok g Waterfront, HOSPITAL & EDUCATION Yangpyeong gpy g Rehabilitation Hospital, p Changwon g Gyeongsang y g g National Universityy Hospital, p Pusan National Universityy Hospital_trauma p center, Jinju j National Universityy Education Center, Yongin g English-Village, g g Inha Technical College g Management g House RESIDENTIAL Hwaseong g Dongtan g 2 New Town A14Block, Treasure Island, MT. Kumkang g Dormitoryy & The Main Building, g Multifunctional Administrarive Cityy 'Urban Leaf' LEISURE Hwajinpo j p Hotel, Muju j Gucheon-dong g Tourist Hotel, Rolling g Hills, MT. Kumkang g Okryukwan y Guest House, Namhae Hansum Resort, Morris Wood, Sachun Fitness Center Additional Project, j Alpensia p Resort Golf Club & Village, g RETAIL & ETC Gimpo p International Airport p Remodeling, g Ansung g Truck Terminal Complex, p Carrefour Haeundai Store Remodeling, g Sachun E-mart, Ulsan Buk-Gu Social Welfare Facilityy OVERSEAS Housing g Complex p in Hochiminh, Vietnam 'Dual Cityy 2011', Vietnam Sunrise Cityy Plot Central, Hanoi SONG KIM, Ho Chi Minh Cong g Hoa Apartment, p SCTV Broadcasting g Station, Vietnam, Algeria g Oran Mixed Use, Dalat Star Hills Hotel, Vietnam Hochiminh Airport p Hotel, Vietnam Hochiminh Twin Doves Golf Course & Resort Town, Kazahastan G4 Project, j Ghana Housing g PUBLIC OFFICE & OFFICE Government-Contributed Research Institute Sejong-si j g Renting g Government office, Sejong j g Government Offices 2-1 District, The KOGAS Headquarters q Project, j Rural Development p Administration 1 Area Relocation Project, j Korea Coast Guard Academyy Construction Business, Digital g Broadcasting g Contents Center, Korean National Red Cross Relocation, Relocation Project j on Language g g Studyy Office of Korea Armyy Signal g School, The Republic p of Korea Special p Warfare Command The 3rd Special p Airborne troops p Facilities Relocation Construction, Iksan Official Residence & Militaryy Facilities, Air Force Wonju j & Chungju gj Armyy Life Facility, y Government Masan Regional g Congruence g Business Building, g Cheonan NongHyup, g y p Ulsan Buk-gu g Public Library, y Wonju j Cityy Hall, Uisang-si g Public Office, Ulsan Port Business Center, Gangneung-City g g y Hall, GIST College g & Institute for Renewable Energy, gy Hwagok-dong g g Cultural and Welfare Center & Public Parking g lot, Gyeongsangbuk-do y g g p provincial g government building g & Provincial Council Buildings, g KEPCO-ENC New Headquarter q Building, g Sangam g DMC Landmark Tower, Pangyo gy Silicon Park A-1-4-1Block, Shinsa Beautiful Tower Medical Center MIXED-USE Inchoen Inter Cityy Project, j Namyangju y gj Byulnae y PF, Eunpyung py g Newtown Central Commercial Area, Gwanggyo ggy Power Center PF, Sungnam g Pangyo gy Complex, p Paju j Unjung j g Complex, p International Design g Competition p for the Magok g Waterfront, HOSPITAL & EDUCATION Yangpyeong gpy g Rehabilitation Hospital, p Changwon g Gyeongsang y g g National Universityy Hospital, p Pusan National Universityy Hospital_trauma p center, Jinju j National Universityy Education Center, Yongin g English-Village, g g Inha Technical College g Management g House RESIDENTIAL Hwaseong g Dongtan g 2 New Town A14Block, Treasure Island, MT. Kumkang g Dormitoryy & The Main Building, g Multifunctional Administrarive Cityy 'Urban Leaf' LEISURE Hwajinpo j p Hotel, Muju j Gucheon-dong g Tourist Hotel, Rolling g Hills, MT. Kumkang g Okryukwan y Guest House, Namhae Hansum Resort, Morris Wood, Sachun Fitness Center Additional Project, j Alpensia p Resort Golf Club & Village, g RETAIL & ETC Gimpo p International Airport p Remodeling, g Ansung g Truck Terminal Complex, p Carrefour Haeundai Store Remodeling, g Sachun E-mart, Ulsan Buk-Gu Social Welfare Facilityy OVERSEAS Housing g Complex p in Hochiminh, Vietnam 'Dual Cityy 2011', Vietnam Sunrise Cityy Plot Central, Hanoi SONG KIM, Ho Chi Minh Cong g Hoa Apartment, p SCTV Broadcasting g Station, Vietnam, Algeria g Oran Mixed Use, Dalat Star Hills Hotel, Vietnam Hochiminh Airport p Hotel, Vietnam Hochiminh Twin Doves Golf Course & Resort Town, Kazahastan G4 Project, j Ghana Housing g PUBLIC OFFICE & OFFICE Government-Contributed Research Institute Sejong-si j g Renting g Government office, Sejong j g Government Offices 2-1 District, The KOGAS Headquarters q Project, j Rural Development p Administration 1 Area Relocation Project, j Korea Coast Guard Academyy Construction Business, Digital g Broadcasting g Contents Center, Korean National Red Cross Relocation, Relocation Project j on Language g g Studyy Office of Korea Armyy Signal g School, The Republic p of Korea Special p Warfare Command The 3rd Special p Airborne troops p Facilities Relocation Construction, Iksan Official Residence & Militaryy Facilities, Air Force Wonju j & Chungju gj Armyy Life Facility, y Government Masan Regional g Congruence g Business Building, g Cheonan NongHyup, g y p Ulsan Buk-gu g Public Library, y Wonju j Cityy Hall, Uisang-si g Public Office, Ulsan Port Business Center, Gangneung-City g g y Hall, GIST College g & Institute for Renewable Energy, gy Hwagok-dong g g Cultural and Welfare Center & Public Parking g lot, Gyeongsangbuk-do y g g provincial p government g building g & Provincial Council Buildings, g KEPCO-ENC New Headquarter q Building, g Sangam g DMC Landmark Tower, Pangyo gy Silicon Park A-1-4-1Block, Shinsa Beautiful Tower Medical Center MIXED-USE Inchoen Inter Cityy Project, j Namyangju y gj Byulnae y PF, Eunpyung py g Newtown Central Commercial Area, Gwanggyo ggy Power Center PF, Sungnam g Pangyo gy Complex, p Paju j Unjung j g Complex, p International Design g Competition p for the Magok g Waterfront, HOSPITAL & EDUCATION Yangpyeong gpy g Rehabilitation Hospital, p Changwon g Gyeongsang y g g National Universityy Hospital, p Pusan National Universityy Hospital_trauma p center, Jinju j National Universityy Education Center, Yongin g English-Village, g g Inha Technical College g Management g House RESIDENTIAL Hwaseong g Dongtan g 2 New Town A14Block, Treasure Island, MT. Kumkang g Dormitoryy & The Main Building, g Multifunctional Administrarive Cityy 'Urban Leaf' LEISURE Hwajinpo j p Hotel, Muju j Gucheon-dong g Tourist Hotel, Rolling g Hills, MT. Kumkang g Okryukwan y Guest House, Namhae Hansum Resort, Morris Wood, Sachun Fitness Center Additional Project, j Alpensia p Resort Golf Club & Village, g RETAIL & ETC Gimpo p International Airport p Remodeling, g Ansung g Truck Terminal Complex, p Carrefour Haeundai Store Remodeling, g Sachun E-mart, Ulsan Buk-Gu Social Welfare Facilityy OVERSEAS Housing g Complex p in Hochiminh, Vietnam 'Dual Cityy 2011', Vietnam Sunrise Cityy Plot Central, Hanoi SONG KIM, Ho Chi Minh Cong g Hoa Apartment, p SCTV Broadcasting g Station, Vietnam, Algeria g Oran Mixed Use, Dalat Star Hills Hotel, Vietnam Hochiminh Airport p Hotel, Vietnam Hochiminh Twin Doves Golf Course & Resort Town, Kazahastan G4 Project, j Ghana Housing g PUBLIC OFFICE & OFFICE Government-Contributed Research Institute Sejong-si j g Renting g Government office, Sejong j g Government Offices 2-1 District, The KOGAS Headquarters q Project, j Rural Development p Administration 1 Area Relocation Project, j Korea Coast Guard Academyy Construction Business, Digital g Broadcasting g Contents Center, Korean National Red Cross Relocation, Relocation Project j on Language g g Studyy Office of Korea Armyy Signal g School, The Republic p of Korea Special p Warfare Command The 3rd Special p Airborne troops p Facilities Relocation Construction, Iksan Official Residence & Militaryy Facilities, Air Force Wonju j & Chungju gj Armyy Life Facility, y Government Masan Regional g Congruence g Business Building, g Cheonan NongHyup, g y p Ulsan Buk-gu g Public Library, y Wonju j Cityy Hall, Uisang-si g Public Office, Ulsan Port Business Center, Gangneung-City g g y Hall, GIST College g & Institute for Renewable Energy, gy Hwagok-dong g g Cultural and Welfare Center & Public Parking g lot, Gyeongsangbuk-do y g g p provincial government g building g & Provincial Council Buildings, g KEPCO-ENC New Headquarter q Building, g Sangam g DMC Landmark Tower, Pangyo gy Silicon Park A-1-4-1Block, Shinsa Beautiful Tower Medical Center MIXED-USE Inchoen Inter Cityy Project, j Namyangju y gj Byulnae y PF, Eunpyung py g Newtown Central Commercial Area, Gwanggyo ggy Power Center PF, Sungnam g Pangyo gy Complex, p Paju j Unjung j g Complex, p International Design g Competition p for the Magok g Waterfront, HOSPITAL & EDUCATION Yangpyeong gpy g Rehabilitation Hospital, p Changwon g Gyeongsang y g g National Universityy Hospital, p Pusan National Universityy Hospital_trauma p center, Jinju j National Universityy Education Center, Yongin g Englishg Village, g Inha Technical College g Management g House RESIDENTIAL Hwaseong g Dongtan g 2 New Town A14Block, Treasure Island, MT. Kumkang g Dormitoryy & The Main Building, g Multifunctional Administrarive Cityy 'Urban Leaf' LEISURE Hwajinpo j p Hotel, Muju j Gucheon-dong g Tourist Hotel, Rolling g Hills, MT. Kumkang g Okryukwan y Guest House, Namhae Hansum Resort, Morris Wood, Sachun Fitness Center Additional Project, j Alpensia p Resort Golf Club & Village, g RETAIL & ETC Gimpo p International Airport p Remodeling, g Ansung g Truck Terminal Complex, p Carrefour Haeundai Store Remodeling, g Sachun E-mart, Ulsan Buk-Gu Social Welfare Facilityy OVERSEAS Housing g Complex p in Hochiminh, Vietnam 'Dual Cityy 2011', Vietnam Sunrise Cityy Plot Central, Hanoi SONG KIM, Ho Chi Minh Cong g Hoa Apartment, p SCTV Broadcasting g Station, Vietnam, Algeria g Oran Mixed Use, Dalat Star Hills Hotel, Vietnam Hochiminh Airport p Hotel, Vietnam Hochiminh Twin Doves Golf Course & Resort Town, Kazahastan G4 Project, j Ghana Housing g PUBLIC OFFICE & OFFICE Government-Contributed Research Institute Sejong-si j g Renting g Government office, Sejong j g Government Offices 2-1 District, The KOGAS Headquarters q Project, j Rural Development p Administration 1 Area Relocation Project, j Korea Coast Guard Academyy Construction Business, Digital g Broadcasting g Contents Center, Korean National Red Cross Relocation, Relocation Project j on Language g g Studyy Office of Korea Armyy Signal g School, The Republic p of Korea Special p Warfare Command The 3rd Special p Airborne troops p Facilities Relocation Construction, Iksan Official Residence & Militaryy Facilities, Air Force Wonju j & Chungju gj Armyy Life Facility, y Government Masan Regional g Congruence g Business Building, g Cheonan NongHyup, g y p Ulsan Buk-gu g Public Library, y Wonju j Cityy Hall, Uisang-si g Public Office, Ulsan Port Business Center, Gangneung-City g g y Hall, GIST College g & Institute for Renewable Energy, gy Hwagok-dong g g Cultural and Welfare Center & Public Parking g lot, Gyeongsangbuk-do y g g p provincial g government building g & Provincial Council Buildings, g KEPCO-ENC New Headquarter q Building, g Sangam g DMC Landmark Tower, Pangyo gy Silicon Park A-1-4-1Block, Shinsa Beautiful Tower Medical Center MIXED-USE Inchoen Inter Cityy Project, j Namyangju y gj Byulnae y PF, Eunpyung py g Newtown Central Commercial Area, Gwanggyo ggy Power Center PF, Sungnam g Pangyo gy Complex, p Paju j Unjung j g Complex, p International Design g Competition p for the Magok g Waterfront, HOSPITAL & EDUCATION Yangpyeong gpy g Rehabilitation Hospital, p Changwon g Gyeongsang y g g National Universityy Hospital, p Pusan National Universityy Hospital_trauma p center, Jinju j National Universityy Education Center, Yongin g English-Village, g g Inha Technical College g Management g House RESIDENTIAL Hwaseong g Dongtan g 2 New Town A14Block, Treasure Island, MT. Kumkang g Dormitoryy & The Main Building, g Multifunctional Administrarive Cityy 'Urban Leaf' LEISURE Hwajinpo j p Hotel, Muju j Gucheon-dong g Tourist Hotel, Rolling g Hills, MT. Kumkang g Okryukwan y Guest House, Namhae Hansum Resort, Morris Wood, Sachun Fitness Center Additional Project, j Alpensia p Resort Golf Club & Village, g RETAIL & ETC Gimpo p International Airport p Remodeling, g Ansung g Truck Terminal Complex, p Carrefour Haeundai Store Remodeling, g Sachun E-mart, Ulsan Buk-Gu Social Welfare Facilityy OVERSEAS Housing g Complex p in Hochiminh, Vietnam 'Dual Cityy 2011', Vietnam Sunrise Cityy Plot Central, Hanoi SONG KIM, Ho Chi Minh Cong g Hoa Apartment, p SCTV Broadcasting g Station, Vietnam, Algeria g Oran Mixed Use, Dalat Star Hills Hotel, Vietnam Hochiminh Airport p Hotel, Vietnam Hochiminh Twin Doves Golf Course & Resort Town, Kazahastan G4 Project, j Ghana Housing g PUBLIC OFFICE & OFFICE Government-Contributed Research Institute Sejong-si j g Renting g Government office, Sejong j g Government Offices 2-1 District, The KOGAS Headquarters q Project, j Rural Development p Administration 1 Area Relocation Project, j Korea Coast Guard Academyy Construction Business, Digital g Broadcasting g Contents Center, Korean National Red Cross Relocation, Relocation Project j on Language g g Studyy Office of Korea Armyy Signal g School, The Republic p of Korea Special p Warfare Command The 3rd Special p Airborne troops p Facilities Relocation Construction, Iksan Official Residence & Militaryy Facilities, Air Force Wonju j & Chungju gj Armyy Life Facility, y Government Masan Regional g Congruence g Business Building, g Cheonan NongHyup, g y p Ulsan Buk-gu g Public Library, y Wonju j Cityy Hall, Uisang-si g Public Office, Ulsan Port Business Center, Gangneung-City g g y Hall, GIST College g & Institute for Renewable Energy, gy Hwagok-dong g g Cultural and Welfare Center & Public Parking g lot, Gyeongsangbuk-do y g g p provincial g government building g & Provincial Council Buildings, g KEPCO-ENC New Headquarter q Building, g Sangam g DMC Landmark Tower, Pangyo gy Silicon Park A-1-4-1Block, Shinsa Beautiful Tower Medical Center MIXED-USE Inchoen Inter Cityy Project, j Namyangju y gj Byulnae y PF, Eunpyung py g Newtown Central Commercial Area, Gwanggyo ggy Power Center PF, Sungnam g Pangyo gy Complex, p Paju j Unjung j g Complex, p International Design g Competition p for the Magok g Waterfront, HOSPITAL & EDUCATION Yangpyeong gpy g Rehabilitation Hospital, p Changwon g Gyeongsang y g g National Universityy Hospital, p Pusan National Universityy Hospital_trauma p center, Jinju j National Universityy Education Center, Yongin g English-Village, g g Inha Technical College g Management g House RESIDENTIAL Hwaseong g Dongtan g 2 New Town A14Block, Treasure Island, MT. Kumkang g Dormitoryy & The Main Building, g Multifunctional Administrarive Cityy 'Urban Leaf' LEISURE Hwajinpo j p Hotel, Muju j Gucheon-dong g Tourist Hotel, Rolling g Hills, MT. Kumkang g Okryukwan y Guest House, Namhae Hansum Resort, Morris Wood, Sachun Fitness Center Additional Project, j Alpensia p Resort Golf Club & Village, g RETAIL & ETC Gimpo p International Airport p Remodeling, g Ansung g Truck Terminal Complex, p Carrefour Haeundai Store Remodeling, g Sachun E-mart, Ulsan Buk-Gu Social Welfare Facilityy OVERSEAS Housing g Complex p in Hochiminh, Vietnam 'Dual Cityy 2011', Vietnam Sunrise Cityy Plot Central, Hanoi SONG KIM, Ho Chi Minh Cong g Hoa Apartment, p SCTV Broadcasting g Station, Vietnam, Algeria g Oran Mixed Use, Dalat Star Hills Hotel, Vietnam Hochiminh Airport p Hotel, Vietnam Hochiminh Twin Doves Golf Course & Resort Town, Kazahastan G4 Project, j Ghana Housing g PUBLIC OFFICE & OFFICE Government-Contributed Research Institute Sejong-si j g Renting g Government office, Sejong j g Government Offices 2-1 District, The KOGAS Headquarters q Project, j Rural Development p Administration 1 Area Relocation Project, j Korea Coast Guard Academyy Construction Business, Digital g Broadcasting g Contents Center, Korean National Red Cross Relocation, Relocation Project j on Language g g Studyy Office of Korea Armyy Signal g School, The Republic p of Korea Special p Warfare Command The 3rd Special p Airborne troops p Facilities Relocation Construction, Iksan Official Residence & Militaryy Facilities, Air Force Wonju j & Chungju gj Armyy Life Facility, y Government Masan Regional g Congruence g Business Building, g Cheonan NongHyup, g y p Ulsan Buk-gu g Public Library, y Wonju j Cityy Hall, Uisang-si g Public Office, Ulsan Port Business Center, Gangneung-City g g y Hall, GIST College g & Institute for Renewable Energy, gy Hwagok-dong g g Cultural and Welfare Center & Public Parking g lot, Gyeongsangbuk-do y g g provincial p g government building g & Provincial Council Buildings, g KEPCO-ENC New Headquarter q Building, g Sangam g DMC Landmark Tower, Pangyo gy Silicon Park A-1-4-1Block, Shinsa Beautiful Tower Medical Center MIXED-USE Inchoen Inter Cityy Project, j Namyangju y gj Byulnae y PF, Eunpyung py g Newtown Central Commercial Area, Gwanggyo ggy Power Center PF, Sungnam g Pangyo gy Complex, p Paju j Unjung j g Complex, p International Design g Competition p for the Magok g Waterfront, HOSPITAL & EDUCATION Yangpyeong gpy g Rehabilitation Hospital, p Changwon g Gyeongsang y g g National Universityy Hospital, p Pusan National Universityy Hospital_trauma p center, Jinju j National Universityy Education Center, Yongin g English-Village, g g Inha Technical College g Management g House RESIDENTIAL Hwaseong g Dongtan g 2 New Town A14Block, Treasure Island, MT. Kumkang g Dormitoryy & The Main Building, g Multifunctional Administrarive Cityy 'Urban Leaf' LEISURE Hwajinpo j p Hotel, Muju j Gucheon-dong g Tourist Hotel, Rolling g Hills, MT. Kumkang g Okryukwan y Guest House, Namhae Hansum Resort, Morris Wood, Sachun Fitness Center Additional Project, j Alpensia p Resort Golf Club & Village, g RETAIL & ETC Gimpo p International Airport p Remodeling, g Ansung g Truck Terminal Complex, p Carrefour Haeundai Store Remodeling, g Sachun E-mart, Ulsan Buk-Gu Social Welfare Facilityy OVERSEAS Housing g Complex p in Hochiminh, Vietnam 'Dual Cityy 2011', Vietnam Sunrise Cityy Plot Central, Hanoi SONG KIM, Ho Chi Minh Cong g Hoa Apartment, p SCTV Broadcasting g Station, Vietnam, Algeria g Oran Mixed Use, Dalat Star Hills Hotel, Vietnam Hochiminh Airport p Hotel, Vietnam Hochiminh Twin Doves Golf Course & Resort Town, Kazahastan G4 Project, j Ghana Housing g PUBLIC OFFICE & OFFICE Government-Contributed Research Institute Sejong-si j g Renting g Government office, Sejong j g Government Offices 2-1 District, The KOGAS Headquarters q Project, j Rural Development p Administration 1 Area Relocation Project, j Korea Coast Guard Academyy Construction Business, Digital g Broadcasting g Contents Center, Korean National Red Cross Relocation, Relocation Project j on Language g g Studyy Office of Korea Armyy Signal g School, The Republic p of Korea Special p Warfare Command The 3rd Special p Airborne troops p Facilities Relocation Construction, Iksan Official Residence & Militaryy Facilities, Air Force Wonju j & Chungju gj Armyy Life Facility, y Government Masan Regional g Congruence g Business Building, g Cheonan NongHyup, g y p Ulsan Buk-gu g Public Library, y Wonju j Cityy Hall, Uisang-si g Public Office, Ulsan Port Business Center, Gangneung-City g g y Hall, GIST College g & Institute for Renewable Energy, gy Hwagok-dong g g Cultural and Welfare Center & Public Parking g lot, Gyeongsangbuk-do y g g p provincial g government building g & Provincial Council Buildings, g KEPCO-ENC New Headquarter q Building, g Sangam g DMC Landmark Tower, Pangyo gy Silicon Park A-1-4-1Block, Shinsa Beautiful Tower Medical Center MIXED-USE Inchoen Inter Cityy Project, j Namyangju y gj Byulnae y PF, Eunpyung py g Newtown Central Commercial Area, Gwanggyo ggy Power Center PF, Sungnam g Pangyo gy Complex, p Paju j Unjung j g Complex, p International Design g Competition p for the Magok g Waterfront, HOSPITAL & EDUCATION Yangpyeong gpy g Rehabilitation Hospital, p Changwon g Gyeongsang y g g National Universityy Hospital, p Pusan National Universityy Hospital_trauma p center, Jinju j National Universityy Education Center, Yongin g English-Village, g g Inha Technical College g Management g House RESIDENTIAL Hwaseong g Dongtan g 2 New Town A14Block, Treasure Island, MT. Kumkang g Dormitoryy & The Main Building, g Multifunctional Administrarive Cityy 'Urban Leaf' LEISURE Hwajinpo Hotel, Muju Gucheon-dong Tourist Hotel, Rolling Hills, MT. Kumkang Okryukwan Guest House, Namhae Hansum Resort, Morris Wood, Sachun Fitness Center Additional Project, Alpensia Resort Golf Club

Design, Creating Identity MAP GROUP


Retail & Miscellaneous 1

Gimpo International Airport Remodeling 2


Logistics complex in Anseong

Carrefour Haeundai Store Remodeling 4



Sachun E-mart

Ulsan Buk-Gu Social Welfare Facility

Gangseo Linear Park Street Underground Public Parking Place

Gimpo International Airport Remodeling ĘĄâĄ?Ŗ⧎ ÇŽÔ•á– áŠ?~ â–‘á ™Őą Ĺ– á”? á ˝ áľ? á­Ľ ‍ ݥ‏ḥ ŕť•

໦ ⃚ ⊚ Ṣ

ĘĄâĄ?Ŗ⧎ ÇŽÔ•á– áŠ?~â–‘á ™Őą ŕ¸?ŕź‰ß™ย ⌽ǎŖ⧎Ŗá”? á•˝áŹ™áœ˝ vá•˝Ç? Ĺ–â§Žŕ ş ⽋

ኑ Č˝ Ç? Ꮚ


Ṣ ŕź‰ áł‘ ŕ Ľ

⽋ # ' ' 3$ 4$ áŹ•á™šáœ˝á–… Ĺ–â§Žáœ˝á–…

ARCHITECTURE R e t a i l & E T C

Logistics complex in Anseong ጊá–’ ŕž?ŕśšÝ‰ḥ Ĺ– á”? á ˝ áľ? ‍ ݥ‏ḥ á­Ľ Ꮚ

໦ ⃚ ⊚ ŕ Ľ

ጊá–’ŕž?ŕśšÝ‰ḥ á? ⇜Ŗá”? áľ? á? ᖙļ ÄžĘ‘ŕ Ľ ጊá–’áœ˝ Ĺ–ŕ ĽáŽŽ Ḽá”?ŕ¸?áŻ?ᏹ ŕž?ŕśšâ‚žŠḲá‚‘á˜‚áœ˝á–…

‍ ݥ‏ḥ ŕť• ኑ ŕť• Č˝ Ç?

Ṣ Ṣ ŕź‰ áł‘

⽋ ŕž?ŕśšÝ‰ḥ ⽋ ŕž?ŕśšáœ˝á–…

⽋ # ' ' 43$ 4$ 1&#

ARCHITECTURE R e t a i l & E T C

Carrefour Haeundai Store Remodeling ʭ෕⣙ ᇡᔑ ⧕ᬕ‫ݡ‬ᱱ ญ༉ߙย Ŗ ᔍ ၽ ᵝ ‫ ݡ‬ḡ ᭥ ᬊ Ǎ

໦ ⃹ ⊹ ࠥ ᳑

ʭ෕⣙ ᇡᔑ ⧕ᬕ‫ݡ‬ᱱ ญ༉ߙย ʭ෕⣙ ᇡᔑ᜽ ⧕ᬕ‫ݡ‬Ǎ ᔢᨦ᜽ᖅ 3$ 4$

Sachun E-mart ᔍ⃽ ᯕษ✙ Ŗ ᔍ ၽ ᵝ ‫ ݡ‬ḡ ᭥ ᬊ Ǎ

໦ ⃹ ⊹ ࠥ ᳑

ᔍ⃽᜽ ❱ๅ᜽ᖅ ᝁ⇶Ŗᔍ ᵝ ᝁᖙĥ Ğᔢԉࠥ ᔍ⃽᜽ ᳭ൂ࠺ ᫙ ⦥ḡ ❱ๅ᜽ᖅ 3$ 4$

Ulsan Buk-Gu Social Welfare Facility Ꮩᔑ ᇢÇ?â„Ž á…–ḥ⍭ť Ĺ– á”? á ˝ áľ? ‍ ݥ‏ḥ á­Ľ Ꮚ

໦ ⃚ ⊚ ŕ Ľ

Ꮩᔑ ᳌⧊ á…–ḥ⍭ť á? ⇜Ŗá”? ⊼â€ŤÝĄâ€ŹáŻąŕ şâ‚‰ ᏙᔑŲáŠŽáœ˝ ᇢÇ? áŠ‘áŚľŕ ş á…–ḥáœ˝á–…

‍ ݥ‏ḥ ŕť• ኑ ŕť• Č˝ Ç?

Ṣ Ṣ ŕź‰ áł‘

⽋ ⽋ # ' ' 3$ 43$

ARCHITECTURE R e t a i l & E T C

Gangseo Linear Park Street Underground Public Parking Place aಽĹ–ᏹĘ™ ḥ⌚Ĺ–ኢáľ?₉ᰆ Ĺ– á”? á ˝ áľ? ‍ ݥ‏ḥ á­Ľ Ꮚ

໦ ⃚ ⊚ ŕ Ľ

aಽĹ–ᏹĘ™ ḥ⌚Ĺ–ኢáľ?₉ᰆ vá•˝Ç?â„Ž á•˝áŹ™áœ˝ vá•˝Ç? ⪾Ĺ‚ŕ ş Ĺ–Ĺ–áľ?â‚‰áœ˝á–…

‍ ݥ‏ḥ ŕť• ኑ ŕť• Č˝ Ç?

Ṣ Ṣ ŕź‰ áł‘

⽋ ⽋ # ' ' 3$

PUBLIC OFFICE & OFFICE Government-Contributed Research Institute Sejong-si j g Renting g Government office, Sejong j g Government Offices 2-1 District, The KOGAS Headquarters q Project, j Rural Development p Administration 1 Area Relocation Project, j Korea Coast Guard Academyy Construction Business, Digital g Broadcasting g Contents Center, Korean National Red Cross Relocation, Relocation Project j on Language g g Studyy Office of Korea Armyy Signal g School, The Republic p of Korea Special p Warfare Command The 3rd Special p Airborne troops p Facilities Relocation Construction, Iksan Official Residence & Militaryy Facilities, Air Force Wonju j & Chungju gj Armyy Life Facility, y Government Masan Regional g Congruence g Business Building, g Cheonan NongHyup, g y p Ulsan Buk-gu g Public Library, y Wonju j Cityy Hall, Uisang-si g Public Office, Ulsan Port Business Center, Gangneung-City g g y Hall, GIST College g & Institute for Renewable Energy, gy Hwagok-dong g g Cultural and Welfare Center & Public Parking g lot, Gyeongsangbuk-do y g g p provincial g government building g & Provincial Council Buildings, g KEPCO-ENC New Headquarter q Building, g Sangam g DMC Landmark Tower, Pangyo gy Silicon Park A-1-4-1Block, Shinsa Beautiful Tower Medical Center MIXED-USE Inchoen Inter Cityy Project, j Namyangju y gj Byulnae y PF, Eunpyung py g Newtown Central Commercial Area, Gwanggyo ggy Power Center PF, Sungnam g Pangyo gy Complex, p Paju j Unjung j g Complex, p International Design g Competition p for the Magok g Waterfront, HOSPITAL & EDUCATION Yangpyeong gpy g Rehabilitation Hospital, p Changwon g Gyeongsang y g g National Universityy Hospital, p Pusan National Universityy Hospital_trauma p center, Jinju j National Universityy Education Center, Yongin g English-Village, g g Inha Technical College g Management g House RESIDENTIAL Hwaseong g Dongtan g 2 New Town A14Block, Treasure Island, MT. Kumkang g Dormitoryy & The Main Building, g Multifunctional Administrarive Cityy 'Urban Leaf' LEISURE Hwajinpo j p Hotel, Muju j Gucheon-dong g Tourist Hotel, Rolling g Hills, MT. Kumkang g Okryukwan y Guest House, Namhae Hansum Resort, Morris Wood, Sachun Fitness Center Additional Project, j Alpensia p Resort Golf Club & Village, g RETAIL & ETC Gimpo p International Airport p Remodeling, g Ansung g Truck Terminal Complex, p Carrefour Haeundai Store Remodeling, g Sachun E-mart, Ulsan Buk-Gu Social Welfare Facilityy OVERSEAS Housing g Complex p in Hochiminh, Vietnam 'Dual Cityy 2011', Vietnam Sunrise Cityy Plot Central, Hanoi SONG KIM, Ho Chi Minh Cong g Hoa Apartment, p SCTV Broadcasting g Station, Vietnam, Algeria g Oran Mixed Use, Dalat Star Hills Hotel, Vietnam Hochiminh Airport p Hotel, Vietnam Hochiminh Twin Doves Golf Course & Resort Town, Kazahastan G4 Project, j Ghana Housing g PUBLIC OFFICE & OFFICE Government-Contributed Research Institute Sejong-si j g Renting g Government office, Sejong j g Government Offices 2-1 District, The KOGAS Headquarters q Project, j Rural Development p Administration 1 Area Relocation Project, j Korea Coast Guard Academyy Construction Business, Digital g Broadcasting g Contents Center, Korean National Red Cross Relocation, Relocation Project j on Language g g Studyy Office of Korea Armyy Signal g School, The Republic p of Korea Special p Warfare Command The 3rd Special p Airborne troops p Facilities Relocation Construction, Iksan Official Residence & Militaryy Facilities, Air Force Wonju j & Chungju gj Armyy Life Facility, y Government Masan Regional g Congruence g Business Building, g Cheonan NongHyup, g y p Ulsan Buk-gu g Public Library, y Wonju j Cityy Hall, Uisang-si g Public Office, Ulsan Port Business Center, Gangneung-City g g y Hall, GIST College g & Institute for Renewable Energy, gy Hwagok-dong g g Cultural and Welfare Center & Public Parking g lot, Gyeongsangbuk-do y g g p provincial g government building g & Provincial Council Buildings, g KEPCO-ENC New Headquarter q Building, g Sangam g DMC Landmark Tower, Pangyo gy Silicon Park A-1-4-1Block, Shinsa Beautiful Tower Medical Center MIXED-USE Inchoen Inter Cityy Project, j Namyangju y gj Byulnae y PF, Eunpyung py g Newtown Central Commercial Area, Gwanggyo ggy Power Center PF, Sungnam g Pangyo gy Complex, p Paju j Unjung j g Complex, p International Design g Competition p for the Magok g Waterfront, HOSPITAL & EDUCATION Yangpyeong gpy g Rehabilitation Hospital, p Changwon g Gyeongsang y g g National Universityy Hospital, p Pusan National Universityy Hospital_trauma p center, Jinju j National Universityy Education Center, Yongin g English-Village, g g Inha Technical College g Management g House RESIDENTIAL Hwaseong g Dongtan g 2 New Town A14Block, Treasure Island, MT. Kumkang g Dormitoryy & The Main Building, g Multifunctional Administrarive Cityy 'Urban Leaf' LEISURE Hwajinpo j p Hotel, Muju j Gucheon-dong g Tourist Hotel, Rolling g Hills, MT. Kumkang g Okryukwan y Guest House, Namhae Hansum Resort, Morris Wood, Sachun Fitness Center Additional Project, j Alpensia p Resort Golf Club & Village, g RETAIL & ETC Gimpo p International Airport p Remodeling, g Ansung g Truck Terminal Complex, p Carrefour Haeundai Store Remodeling, g Sachun E-mart, Ulsan Buk-Gu Social Welfare Facilityy OVERSEAS Housing g Complex p in Hochiminh, Vietnam 'Dual Cityy 2011', Vietnam Sunrise Cityy Plot Central, Hanoi SONG KIM, Ho Chi Minh Cong g Hoa Apartment, p SCTV Broadcasting g Station, Vietnam, Algeria g Oran Mixed Use, Dalat Star Hills Hotel, Vietnam Hochiminh Airport p Hotel, Vietnam Hochiminh Twin Doves Golf Course & Resort Town, Kazahastan G4 Project, j Ghana Housing g PUBLIC OFFICE & OFFICE Government-Contributed Research Institute Sejong-si j g Renting g Government office, Sejong j g Government Offices 2-1 District, The KOGAS Headquarters q Project, j Rural Development p Administration 1 Area Relocation Project, j Korea Coast Guard Academyy Construction Business, Digital g Broadcasting g Contents Center, Korean National Red Cross Relocation, Relocation Project j on Language g g Studyy Office of Korea Armyy Signal g School, The Republic p of Korea Special p Warfare Command The 3rd Special p Airborne troops p Facilities Relocation Construction, Iksan Official Residence & Militaryy Facilities, Air Force Wonju j & Chungju gj Armyy Life Facility, y Government Masan Regional g Congruence g Business Building, g Cheonan NongHyup, g y p Ulsan Buk-gu g Public Library, y Wonju j Cityy Hall, Uisang-si g Public Office, Ulsan Port Business Center, Gangneung-City g g y Hall, GIST College g & Institute for Renewable Energy, gy Hwagok-dong g g Cultural and Welfare Center & Public Parking g lot, Gyeongsangbuk-do y g g provincial g p government building g & Provincial Council Buildings, g KEPCO-ENC New Headquarter q Building, g Sangam g DMC Landmark Tower, Pangyo gy Silicon Park A-1-4-1Block, Shinsa Beautiful Tower Medical Center MIXED-USE Inchoen Inter Cityy Project, j Namyangju y gj Byulnae y PF, Eunpyung py g Newtown Central Commercial Area, Gwanggyo ggy Power Center PF, Sungnam g Pangyo gy Complex, p Paju j Unjung j g Complex, p International Design g Competition p for the Magok g Waterfront, HOSPITAL & EDUCATION Yangpyeong gpy g Rehabilitation Hospital, p Changwon g Gyeongsang y g g National Universityy Hospital, p Pusan National Universityy Hospital_trauma p center, Jinju j National Universityy Education Center, Yongin g English-Village, g g Inha Technical College g Management g House RESIDENTIAL Hwaseong g Dongtan g 2 New Town A14Block, Treasure Island, MT. Kumkang g Dormitoryy & The Main Building, g Multifunctional Administrarive Cityy 'Urban Leaf' LEISURE Hwajinpo j p Hotel, Muju j Gucheon-dong g Tourist Hotel, Rolling g Hills, MT. Kumkang g Okryukwan y Guest House, Namhae Hansum Resort, Morris Wood, Sachun Fitness Center Additional Project, j Alpensia p Resort Golf Club & Village, g RETAIL & ETC Gimpo p International Airport p Remodeling, g Ansung g Truck Terminal Complex, p Carrefour Haeundai Store Remodeling, g Sachun E-mart, Ulsan Buk-Gu Social Welfare Facilityy OVERSEAS Housing g Complex p in Hochiminh, Vietnam 'Dual Cityy 2011', Vietnam Sunrise Cityy Plot Central, Hanoi SONG KIM, Ho Chi Minh Cong g Hoa Apartment, p SCTV Broadcasting g Station, Vietnam, Algeria g Oran Mixed Use, Dalat Star Hills Hotel, Vietnam Hochiminh Airport p Hotel, Vietnam Hochiminh Twin Doves Golf Course & Resort Town, Kazahastan G4 Project, j Ghana Housing g PUBLIC OFFICE & OFFICE Government-Contributed Research Institute Sejong-si j g Renting g Government office, Sejong j g Government Offices 2-1 District, The KOGAS Headquarters q Project, j Rural Development p Administration 1 Area Relocation Project, j Korea Coast Guard Academyy Construction Business, Digital g Broadcasting g Contents Center, Korean National Red Cross Relocation, Relocation Project j on Language g g Studyy Office of Korea Armyy Signal g School, The Republic p of Korea Special p Warfare Command The 3rd Special p Airborne troops p Facilities Relocation Construction, Iksan Official Residence & Militaryy Facilities, Air Force Wonju j & Chungju gj Armyy Life Facility, y Government Masan Regional g Congruence g Business Building, g Cheonan NongHyup, g y p Ulsan Buk-gu g Public Library, y Wonju j Cityy Hall, Uisang-si g Public Office, Ulsan Port Business Center, Gangneung-City g g y Hall, GIST College g & Institute for Renewable Energy, gy Hwagok-dong g g Cultural and Welfare Center & Public Parking g lot, Gyeongsangbuk-do y g g p provincial g government building g & Provincial Council Buildings, g KEPCO-ENC New Headquarter q Building, g Sangam g DMC Landmark Tower, Pangyo gy Silicon Park A-14-1Block, Shinsa Beautiful Tower Medical Center MIXED-USE Inchoen Inter Cityy Project, j Namyangju y gj Byulnae y PF, Eunpyung py g Newtown Central Commercial Area, Gwanggyo ggy Power Center PF, Sungnam g Pangyo gy Complex, p Paju j Unjung j g Complex, p International Design g Competition p for the Magok g Waterfront, HOSPITAL & EDUCATION Yangpyeong gpy g Rehabilitation Hospital, p Changwon g Gyeongsang y g g National Universityy Hospital, p Pusan National Universityy Hospital_trauma p center, Jinju j National Universityy Education Center, Yongin g English-Village, g g Inha Technical College g Management g House RESIDENTIAL Hwaseong g Dongtan g 2 New Town A14Block, Treasure Island, MT. Kumkang g Dormitoryy & The Main Building, g Multifunctional Administrarive Cityy 'Urban Leaf' LEISURE Hwajinpo j p Hotel, Muju j Gucheon-dong g Tourist Hotel, Rolling g Hills, MT. Kumkang g Okryukwan y Guest House, Namhae Hansum Resort, Morris Wood, Sachun Fitness Center Additional Project, j Alpensia p Resort Golf Club & Village, g RETAIL & ETC Gimpo p International Airport p Remodeling, g Ansung g Truck Terminal Complex, p Carrefour Haeundai Store Remodeling, g Sachun E-mart, Ulsan Buk-Gu Social Welfare Facilityy OVERSEAS Housing g Complex p in Hochiminh, Vietnam 'Dual Cityy 2011', Vietnam Sunrise Cityy Plot Central, Hanoi SONG KIM, Ho Chi Minh Cong g Hoa Apartment, p SCTV Broadcasting g Station, Vietnam, Algeria g Oran Mixed Use, Dalat Star Hills Hotel, Vietnam Hochiminh Airport p Hotel, Vietnam Hochiminh Twin Doves Golf Course & Resort Town, Kazahastan G4 Project, j Ghana Housing g PUBLIC OFFICE & OFFICE Government-Contributed Research Institute Sejong-si j g Renting g Government office, Sejong j g Government Offices 2-1 District, The KOGAS Headquarters q Project, j Rural Development p Administration 1 Area Relocation Project, j Korea Coast Guard Academyy Construction Business, Digital g Broadcasting g Contents Center, Korean National Red Cross Relocation, Relocation Project j on Language g g Studyy Office of Korea Armyy Signal g School, The Republic p of Korea Special p Warfare Command The 3rd Special p Airborne troops p Facilities Relocation Construction, Iksan Official Residence & Militaryy Facilities, Air Force Wonju j & Chungju gj Armyy Life Facility, y Government Masan Regional g Congruence g Business Building, g Cheonan NongHyup, g y p Ulsan Buk-gu g Public Library, y Wonju j Cityy Hall, Uisang-si g Public Office, Ulsan Port Business Center, Gangneung-City g g y Hall, GIST College g & Institute for Renewable Energy, gy Hwagok-dong g g Cultural and Welfare Center & Public Parking g lot, Gyeongsangbuk-do y g g p provincial g government building g & Provincial Council Buildings, g KEPCO-ENC New Headquarter q Building, g Sangam g DMC Landmark Tower, Pangyo gy Silicon Park A-1-4-1Block, Shinsa Beautiful Tower Medical Center MIXED-USE Inchoen Inter Cityy Project, j Namyangju y gj Byulnae y PF, Eunpyung py g Newtown Central Commercial Area, Gwanggyo ggy Power Center PF, Sungnam g Pangyo gy Complex, p Paju j Unjung j g Complex, p International Design g Competition p for the Magok g Waterfront, HOSPITAL & EDUCATION Yangpyeong gpy g Rehabilitation Hospital, p Changwon g Gyeongsang y g g National Universityy Hospital, p Pusan National Universityy Hospital_trauma p center, Jinju j National Universityy Education Center, Yongin g English-Village, g g Inha Technical College g Management g House RESIDENTIAL Hwaseong g Dongtan g 2 New Town A14Block, Treasure Island, MT. Kumkang g Dormitoryy & The Main Building, g Multifunctional Administrarive Cityy 'Urban Leaf' LEISURE Hwajinpo j p Hotel, Muju j Gucheon-dong g Tourist Hotel, Rolling g Hills, MT. Kumkang g Okryukwan y Guest House, Namhae Hansum Resort, Morris Wood, Sachun Fitness Center Additional Project, j Alpensia p Resort Golf Club & Village, g RETAIL & ETC Gimpo p International Airport p Remodeling, g Ansung g Truck Terminal Complex, p Carrefour Haeundai Store Remodeling, g Sachun E-mart, Ulsan Buk-Gu Social Welfare Facilityy OVERSEAS Housing g Complex p in Hochiminh, Vietnam 'Dual Cityy 2011', Vietnam Sunrise Cityy Plot Central, Hanoi SONG KIM, Ho Chi Minh Cong g Hoa Apartment, p SCTV Broadcasting g Station, Vietnam, Algeria g Oran Mixed Use, Dalat Star Hills Hotel, Vietnam Hochiminh Airport p Hotel, Vietnam Hochiminh Twin Doves Golf Course & Resort Town, Kazahastan G4 Project, j Ghana Housing g PUBLIC OFFICE & OFFICE Government-Contributed Research Institute Sejong-si j g Renting g Government office, Sejong j g Government Offices 2-1 District, The KOGAS Headquarters q Project, j Rural Development p Administration 1 Area Relocation Project, j Korea Coast Guard Academyy Construction Business, Digital g Broadcasting g Contents Center, Korean National Red Cross Relocation, Relocation Project j on Language g g Studyy Office of Korea Armyy Signal g School, The Republic p of Korea Special p Warfare Command The 3rd Special p Airborne troops p Facilities Relocation Construction, Iksan Official Residence & Militaryy Facilities, Air Force Wonju j & Chungju gj Armyy Life Facility, y Government Masan Regional g Congruence g Business Building, g Cheonan NongHyup, g y p Ulsan Buk-gu g Public Library, y Wonju j Cityy Hall, Uisang-si g Public Office, Ulsan Port Business Center, Gangneung-City g g y Hall, GIST College g & Institute for Renewable Energy, gy Hwagok-dong g g Cultural and Welfare Center & Public Parking g lot, Gyeongsangbuk-do y g g provincial p government g building g & Provincial Council Buildings, g KEPCO-ENC New Headquarter q Building, g Sangam g DMC Landmark Tower, Pangyo gy Silicon Park A-1-4-1Block, Shinsa Beautiful Tower Medical Center MIXED-USE Inchoen Inter Cityy Project, j Namyangju y gj Byulnae y PF, Eunpyung py g Newtown Central Commercial Area, Gwanggyo ggy Power Center PF, Sungnam g Pangyo gy Complex, p Paju j Unjung j g Complex, p International Design g Competition p for the Magok g Waterfront, HOSPITAL & EDUCATION Yangpyeong gpy g Rehabilitation Hospital, p Changwon g Gyeongsang y g g National Universityy Hospital, p Pusan National Universityy Hospital_trauma p center, Jinju j National Universityy Education Center, Yongin g English-Village, g g Inha Technical College g Management g House RESIDENTIAL Hwaseong g Dongtan g 2 New Town A14Block, Treasure Island, MT. Kumkang g Dormitoryy & The Main Building, g Multifunctional Administrarive Cityy 'Urban Leaf' LEISURE Hwajinpo j p Hotel, Muju j Gucheon-dong g Tourist Hotel, Rolling g Hills, MT. Kumkang g Okryukwan y Guest House, Namhae Hansum Resort, Morris Wood, Sachun Fitness Center Additional Project, j Alpensia p Resort Golf Club & Village, g RETAIL & ETC Gimpo p International Airport p Remodeling, g Ansung g Truck Terminal Complex, p Carrefour Haeundai Store Remodeling, g Sachun E-mart, Ulsan Buk-Gu Social Welfare Facilityy OVERSEAS Housing g Complex p in Hochiminh, Vietnam 'Dual Cityy 2011', Vietnam Sunrise Cityy Plot Central, Hanoi SONG KIM, Ho Chi Minh Cong g Hoa Apartment, p SCTV Broadcasting g Station, Vietnam, Algeria g Oran Mixed Use, Dalat Star Hills Hotel, Vietnam Hochiminh Airport p Hotel, Vietnam Hochiminh Twin Doves Golf Course & Resort Town, Kazahastan G4 Project, j Ghana Housing g PUBLIC OFFICE & OFFICE Government-Contributed Research Institute Sejong-si j g Renting g Government office, Sejong j g Government Offices 2-1 District, The KOGAS Headquarters q Project, j Rural Development p Administration 1 Area Relocation Project, j Korea Coast Guard Academyy Construction Business, Digital g Broadcasting g Contents Center, Korean National Red Cross Relocation, Relocation Project j on Language g g Studyy Office of Korea Armyy Signal g School, The Republic p of Korea Special p Warfare Command The 3rd Special p Airborne troops p Facilities Relocation Construction, Iksan Official Residence & Militaryy Facilities, Air Force Wonju j & Chungju gj Armyy Life Facility, y Government Masan Regional g Congruence g Business Building, g Cheonan NongHyup, g y p Ulsan Buk-gu g Public Library, y Wonju j Cityy Hall, Uisang-si g Public Office, Ulsan Port Business Center, Gangneung-City g g y Hall, GIST College g & Institute for Renewable Energy, gy Hwagok-dong g g Cultural and Welfare Center & Public Parking g lot, Gyeongsangbuk-do y g g p provincial government g building g & Provincial Council Buildings, g KEPCO-ENC New Headquarter q Building, g Sangam g DMC Landmark Tower, Pangyo gy Silicon Park A-1-4-1Block, Shinsa Beautiful Tower Medical Center MIXED-USE Inchoen Inter Cityy Project, j Namyangju y gj Byulnae y PF, Eunpyung py g Newtown Central Commercial Area, Gwanggyo ggy Power Center PF, Sungnam g Pangyo gy Complex, p Paju j Unjung j g Complex, p International Design g Competition p for the Magok g Waterfront, HOSPITAL & EDUCATION Yangpyeong gpy g Rehabilitation Hospital, p Changwon g Gyeongsang y g g National Universityy Hospital, p Pusan National Universityy Hospital_trauma p center, Jinju j National Universityy Education Center, Yongin g Englishg Village, g Inha Technical College g Management g House RESIDENTIAL Hwaseong g Dongtan g 2 New Town A14Block, Treasure Island, MT. Kumkang g Dormitoryy & The Main Building, g Multifunctional Administrarive Cityy 'Urban Leaf' LEISURE Hwajinpo j p Hotel, Muju j Gucheon-dong g Tourist Hotel, Rolling g Hills, MT. Kumkang g Okryukwan y Guest House, Namhae Hansum Resort, Morris Wood, Sachun Fitness Center Additional Project, j Alpensia p Resort Golf Club & Village, g RETAIL & ETC Gimpo p International Airport p Remodeling, g Ansung g Truck Terminal Complex, p Carrefour Haeundai Store Remodeling, g Sachun E-mart, Ulsan Buk-Gu Social Welfare Facilityy OVERSEAS Housing g Complex p in Hochiminh, Vietnam 'Dual Cityy 2011', Vietnam Sunrise Cityy Plot Central, Hanoi SONG KIM, Ho Chi Minh Cong g Hoa Apartment, p SCTV Broadcasting g Station, Vietnam, Algeria g Oran Mixed Use, Dalat Star Hills Hotel, Vietnam Hochiminh Airport p Hotel, Vietnam Hochiminh Twin Doves Golf Course & Resort Town, Kazahastan G4 Project, j Ghana Housing g PUBLIC OFFICE & OFFICE Government-Contributed Research Institute Sejong-si j g Renting g Government office, Sejong j g Government Offices 2-1 District, The KOGAS Headquarters q Project, j Rural Development p Administration 1 Area Relocation Project, j Korea Coast Guard Academyy Construction Business, Digital g Broadcasting g Contents Center, Korean National Red Cross Relocation, Relocation Project j on Language g g Studyy Office of Korea Armyy Signal g School, The Republic p of Korea Special p Warfare Command The 3rd Special p Airborne troops p Facilities Relocation Construction, Iksan Official Residence & Militaryy Facilities, Air Force Wonju j & Chungju gj Armyy Life Facility, y Government Masan Regional g Congruence g Business Building, g Cheonan NongHyup, g y p Ulsan Buk-gu g Public Library, y Wonju j Cityy Hall, Uisang-si g Public Office, Ulsan Port Business Center, Gangneung-City g g y Hall, GIST College g & Institute for Renewable Energy, gy Hwagok-dong g g Cultural and Welfare Center & Public Parking g lot, Gyeongsangbuk-do y g g p provincial g government building g & Provincial Council Buildings, g KEPCO-ENC New Headquarter q Building, g Sangam g DMC Landmark Tower, Pangyo gy Silicon Park A-1-4-1Block, Shinsa Beautiful Tower Medical Center MIXED-USE Inchoen Inter Cityy Project, j Namyangju y gj Byulnae y PF, Eunpyung py g Newtown Central Commercial Area, Gwanggyo ggy Power Center PF, Sungnam g Pangyo gy Complex, p Paju j Unjung j g Complex, p International Design g Competition p for the Magok g Waterfront, HOSPITAL & EDUCATION Yangpyeong gpy g Rehabilitation Hospital, p Changwon g Gyeongsang y g g National Universityy Hospital, p Pusan National Universityy Hospital_trauma p center, Jinju j National Universityy Education Center, Yongin g English-Village, g g Inha Technical College g Management g House RESIDENTIAL Hwaseong g Dongtan g 2 New Town A14Block, Treasure Island, MT. Kumkang g Dormitoryy & The Main Building, g Multifunctional Administrarive Cityy 'Urban Leaf' LEISURE Hwajinpo j p Hotel, Muju j Gucheon-dong g Tourist Hotel, Rolling g Hills, MT. Kumkang g Okryukwan y Guest House, Namhae Hansum Resort, Morris Wood, Sachun Fitness Center Additional Project, j Alpensia p Resort Golf Club & Village, g RETAIL & ETC Gimpo p International Airport p Remodeling, g Ansung g Truck Terminal Complex, p Carrefour Haeundai Store Remodeling, g Sachun E-mart, Ulsan Buk-Gu Social Welfare Facilityy OVERSEAS Housing g Complex p in Hochiminh, Vietnam 'Dual Cityy 2011', Vietnam Sunrise Cityy Plot Central, Hanoi SONG KIM, Ho Chi Minh Cong g Hoa Apartment, p SCTV Broadcasting g Station, Vietnam, Algeria g Oran Mixed Use, Dalat Star Hills Hotel, Vietnam Hochiminh Airport p Hotel, Vietnam Hochiminh Twin Doves Golf Course & Resort Town, Kazahastan G4 Project, j Ghana Housing g PUBLIC OFFICE & OFFICE Government-Contributed Research Institute Sejong-si j g Renting g Government office, Sejong j g Government Offices 2-1 District, The KOGAS Headquarters q Project, j Rural Development p Administration 1 Area Relocation Project, j Korea Coast Guard Academyy Construction Business, Digital g Broadcasting g Contents Center, Korean National Red Cross Relocation, Relocation Project j on Language g g Studyy Office of Korea Armyy Signal g School, The Republic p of Korea Special p Warfare Command The 3rd Special p Airborne troops p Facilities Relocation Construction, Iksan Official Residence & Militaryy Facilities, Air Force Wonju j & Chungju gj Armyy Life Facility, y Government Masan Regional g Congruence g Business Building, g Cheonan NongHyup, g y p Ulsan Buk-gu g Public Library, y Wonju j Cityy Hall, Uisang-si g Public Office, Ulsan Port Business Center, Gangneung-City g g y Hall, GIST College g & Institute for Renewable Energy, gy Hwagok-dong g g Cultural and Welfare Center & Public Parking g lot, Gyeongsangbuk-do y g g p provincial g government building g & Provincial Council Buildings, g KEPCO-ENC New Headquarter q Building, g Sangam g DMC Landmark Tower, Pangyo gy Silicon Park A-1-4-1Block, Shinsa Beautiful Tower Medical Center MIXED-USE Inchoen Inter Cityy Project, j Namyangju y gj Byulnae y PF, Eunpyung py g Newtown Central Commercial Area, Gwanggyo ggy Power Center PF, Sungnam g Pangyo gy Complex, p Paju j Unjung j g Complex, p International Design g Competition p for the Magok g Waterfront, HOSPITAL & EDUCATION Yangpyeong gpy g Rehabilitation Hospital, p Changwon g Gyeongsang y g g National Universityy Hospital, p Pusan National Universityy Hospital_trauma p center, Jinju j National Universityy Education Center, Yongin g English-Village, g g Inha Technical College g Management g House RESIDENTIAL Hwaseong g Dongtan g 2 New Town A14Block, Treasure Island, MT. Kumkang g Dormitoryy & The Main Building, g Multifunctional Administrarive Cityy 'Urban Leaf' LEISURE Hwajinpo j p Hotel, Muju j Gucheon-dong g Tourist Hotel, Rolling g Hills, MT. Kumkang g Okryukwan y Guest House, Namhae Hansum Resort, Morris Wood, Sachun Fitness Center Additional Project, j Alpensia p Resort Golf Club & Village, g RETAIL & ETC Gimpo p International Airport p Remodeling, g Ansung g Truck Terminal Complex, p Carrefour Haeundai Store Remodeling, g Sachun E-mart, Ulsan Buk-Gu Social Welfare Facilityy OVERSEAS Housing g Complex p in Hochiminh, Vietnam 'Dual Cityy 2011', Vietnam Sunrise Cityy Plot Central, Hanoi SONG KIM, Ho Chi Minh Cong g Hoa Apartment, p SCTV Broadcasting g Station, Vietnam, Algeria g Oran Mixed Use, Dalat Star Hills Hotel, Vietnam Hochiminh Airport p Hotel, Vietnam Hochiminh Twin Doves Golf Course & Resort Town, Kazahastan G4 Project, j Ghana Housing g PUBLIC OFFICE & OFFICE Government-Contributed Research Institute Sejong-si j g Renting g Government office, Sejong j g Government Offices 2-1 District, The KOGAS Headquarters q Project, j Rural Development p Administration 1 Area Relocation Project, j Korea Coast Guard Academyy Construction Business, Digital g Broadcasting g Contents Center, Korean National Red Cross Relocation, Relocation Project j on Language g g Studyy Office of Korea Armyy Signal g School, The Republic p of Korea Special p Warfare Command The 3rd Special p Airborne troops p Facilities Relocation Construction, Iksan Official Residence & Militaryy Facilities, Air Force Wonju j & Chungju gj Armyy Life Facility, y Government Masan Regional g Congruence g Business Building, g Cheonan NongHyup, g y p Ulsan Buk-gu g Public Library, y Wonju j Cityy Hall, Uisang-si g Public Office, Ulsan Port Business Center, Gangneung-City g g y Hall, GIST College g & Institute for Renewable Energy, gy Hwagok-dong g g Cultural and Welfare Center & Public Parking g lot, Gyeongsangbuk-do y g g provincial p g government building g & Provincial Council Buildings, g KEPCO-ENC New Headquarter q Building, g Sangam g DMC Landmark Tower, Pangyo gy Silicon Park A-1-4-1Block, Shinsa Beautiful Tower Medical Center MIXED-USE Inchoen Inter Cityy Project, j Namyangju y gj Byulnae y PF, Eunpyung py g Newtown Central Commercial Area, Gwanggyo ggy Power Center PF, Sungnam g Pangyo gy Complex, p Paju j Unjung j g Complex, p International Design g Competition p for the Magok g Waterfront, HOSPITAL & EDUCATION Yangpyeong gpy g Rehabilitation Hospital, p Changwon g Gyeongsang y g g National Universityy Hospital, p Pusan National Universityy Hospital_trauma p center, Jinju j National Universityy Education Center, Yongin g English-Village, g g Inha Technical College g Management g House RESIDENTIAL Hwaseong g Dongtan g 2 New Town A14Block, Treasure Island, MT. Kumkang g Dormitoryy & The Main Building, g Multifunctional Administrarive Cityy 'Urban Leaf' LEISURE Hwajinpo j p Hotel, Muju j Gucheon-dong g Tourist Hotel, Rolling g Hills, MT. Kumkang g Okryukwan y Guest House, Namhae Hansum Resort, Morris Wood, Sachun Fitness Center Additional Project, j Alpensia p Resort Golf Club & Village, g RETAIL & ETC Gimpo p International Airport p Remodeling, g Ansung g Truck Terminal Complex, p Carrefour Haeundai Store Remodeling, g Sachun E-mart, Ulsan Buk-Gu Social Welfare Facilityy OVERSEAS Housing g Complex p in Hochiminh, Vietnam 'Dual Cityy 2011', Vietnam Sunrise Cityy Plot Central, Hanoi SONG KIM, Ho Chi Minh Cong g Hoa Apartment, p SCTV Broadcasting g Station, Vietnam, Algeria g Oran Mixed Use, Dalat Star Hills Hotel, Vietnam Hochiminh Airport p Hotel, Vietnam Hochiminh Twin Doves Golf Course & Resort Town, Kazahastan G4 Project, j Ghana Housing g PUBLIC OFFICE & OFFICE Government-Contributed Research Institute Sejong-si j g Renting g Government office, Sejong j g Government Offices 2-1 District, The KOGAS Headquarters q Project, j Rural Development p Administration 1 Area Relocation Project, j Korea Coast Guard Academyy Construction Business, Digital g Broadcasting g Contents Center, Korean National Red Cross Relocation, Relocation Project j on Language g g Studyy Office of Korea Armyy Signal g School, The Republic p of Korea Special p Warfare Command The 3rd Special p Airborne troops p Facilities Relocation Construction, Iksan Official Residence & Militaryy Facilities, Air Force Wonju j & Chungju gj Armyy Life Facility, y Government Masan Regional g Congruence g Business Building, g Cheonan NongHyup, g y p Ulsan Buk-gu g Public Library, y Wonju j Cityy Hall, Uisang-si g Public Office, Ulsan Port Business Center, Gangneung-City g g y Hall, GIST College g & Institute for Renewable Energy, gy Hwagok-dong g g Cultural and Welfare Center & Public Parking g lot, Gyeongsangbuk-do y g g p provincial g government building g & Provincial Council Buildings, g KEPCO-ENC New Headquarter q Building, g Sangam g DMC Landmark Tower, Pangyo gy Silicon Park A-1-4-1Block, Shinsa Beautiful Tower Medical Center MIXED-USE Inchoen Inter Cityy Project, j Namyangju y gj Byulnae y PF, Eunpyung py g Newtown Central Commercial Area, Gwanggyo ggy Power Center PF, Sungnam g Pangyo gy Complex, p Paju j Unjung j g Complex, p International Design g Competition p for the Magok g Waterfront, HOSPITAL & EDUCATION Yangpyeong gpy g Rehabilitation Hospital, p Changwon g Gyeongsang y g g National Universityy Hospital, p Pusan National Universityy Hospital_trauma p center, Jinju j National Universityy Education Center, Yongin g English-Village, g g Inha Technical College g Management g House RESIDENTIAL Hwaseong g Dongtan g 2 New Town A14Block, Treasure Island, MT. Kumkang g Dormitoryy & The Main Building, g Multifunctional Administrarive Cityy 'Urban Leaf' LEISURE Hwajinpo Hotel, Muju Gucheon-dong Tourist Hotel, Rolling Hills, MT. Kumkang Okryukwan Guest House, Namhae Hansum Resort, Morris Wood, Sachun Fitness Center Additional Project, Alpensia Resort Golf Club

Passion in Design MAP GROUP


Overseas 1

Taizhou Residential Complex, China 2

Housing Complex in Hochiminh, Vietnam 'Dual City 2011'


Sunrise City Plot Central, Vietnam



Master Plan KIEN THIEN, Vietnam

SONG KIM Housing Complex in Hanoi, Vetnam 6

Cong Hoa Apartment Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam 7

SCTV Broadcasting Station, Vietnam


Airport Hotel in Hochiminh, Vietnam 9

Dalat Star Hills Hotel, Vietnam 10

Mixed Use in Oran, Algeria


Twin Doves Golf Course & Resort Town in Hochiminh, Vietnam 12


Phan Thiet Golf, Vietnam

Yancheng Korea Park International Cooperation Center, China 14


Kazahastan G4 Project

Ghana National Housing Project

Taizhou Residential Complex, China тФ╜с╡Э ┼Цра║с╡ЭтФ╛ ┼Ц сФН тАл ▌бтАмс╕б сне смК сйС р╗Х ╚╜ ╟Н

р╗ж тК╣ рае с▒в р╝Й с│С

тЦнс╡Э с╡ЭсФвсЕЦтзК сЭБтЗ╢┼ЦсФН с╡▓╟О тФ╜с╡ЭсЬ╜ 5BJ[IPV $JUZ $IJOB ┼Цра║с╡ЭтФ╛ сжетЭнтЬЩ

т╜Л # ' ' 3$

ARCHITECTURE O ve r s e a s

Housing Complex in Hochiminh, Vietnam 'Dual City 2011' ᄁ✙ԉ ा⋕ᯕ ᵝᔢᅖ⧊ Ŗ ᔍ ၽ ᵝ ‫ ݡ‬ḡ ᭥ ᵝ ₉ ‫ݡ‬

໦ ⃹ ⊹ ᙹ


‫ ݡ‬ḡ ໕ ᩑ ໕ Ƚ Ǎ

ᱢ ᱢ ༉ ᳑

⽋ ⽋ # ' ' 3$ 4$

ARCHITECTURE O ve r s e a s

Sunrise City Plot Central, Vietnam сДБтЬЩ╘Й сЦБрпЭспХс╖й сЬ╜тЭС тенр│Р сЦЭтЬЩр▒Х сЩ╣ тзк ╩С e сБ╜ с╡Э тГ╣ 1PTDP & $ сне тК╣ 5BO)VOH 8BSE тАл ▌бтАмс╕б р╗Х с▒в т╜Л сйС р╗Х с▒в т╜Л ╚╜ р╝Й # ' ' ╟Н с│С 43$ смК рае с╡ЭсФвсЕЦтзКсЬ╜сЦЕ

Master Plan KIEN THIEN, Vietnam сДБтЬЩ╘Й тФЕси╡тЭСси╡ р╕йсЬЕтЦСтенрп╜ сЩ╣ тзк ╩С e сБ╜ с╡Э тГ╣ тФбспХсЬЙ сне тК╣ #JOI $IBOI )PDIJ .JOI тАл ▌бтАмс╕б р╗Х с▒в т╜Л сйС р╗Х с▒в т╜Л ╚╜ р╝Й # ' ' ╟Н с│С 3$ смК рае сЕЦтзКсЬ╜сЦЕ

SONG KIM Housing Complex in Hanoi, Vietnam тж╣тАл╫ЩтАмспХ 40/( ,*. ┼Ц сФН сБ╜ с╡Э сне тАл ▌бтАмс╕б р╗Х сйС р╗Х ╚╜ ╟Н смК

р╗ж тГ╣ тК╣ с▒в с▒в р╝Й с│С рае

тж╣тАл╫ЩтАмспХ 40/( ,*. тФбспХсЬЙ сДБтЬЩ╘Й тж╣тАл╫ЩтАмспХ т╜Л т╜Л # ' ' 3$ с╡ЭсФвсЕЦтзК

Cong Hoa Apartment in Ho chi Minh, Vietnam сДБтЬЩ╘Й ╬вскб сжетЭнтЬЩ сЩ╣ тзк ╩С e сБ╜ с╡Э тГ╣ тАл ▌бтАмс╕б сне тК╣ смК рае

тФбспХсЬЙ сДБтЬЩ╘Й ткЩтК╣сБЭсЬ╜ сжетЭнтЬЩ р╕НтЦнспЭ

тАл ▌бтАмс╕б р╗Х сйС р╗Х ╚╜ ╟Н

с▒в с▒в р╝Й с│С

т╜Л т╜Л # ' ' 3$ 4$

ARCHITECTURE O ve r s e a s

SCTV Broadcasting Station, Vietnam ᄁ✙ԉ 4$57 ႊᘂǎ

Ŗ ᔍ ၽ ᵝ ᭥ ‫ ݡ‬ḡ ໕ ᩑ ໕ Ƚ Ǎ ᬊ

໦ ⃹ ⊹ ᱢ ᱢ ༉ ᳑ ࠥ

)PDIJNJOI 4$57 1SPKFDU .%" ᄁ✙ԉ ⪙⊹ၝ᜽ ⽋ ⽋ # ' ' 3$ 43$ ႊᘂǎ

Airport Hotel in Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam ᄠ✙ԉ ⪙⊚á ? Ŗ⧎⪙▾ Ĺ– á”? á ˝ áľ? ‍ ݥ‏ḥ á­Ľ Ꮚ

໦ ⃚ ⊚ ŕ Ľ

ᄠ✙ԉ ⪙⊚á ? Ŗ⧎⪙▾ â”ĄáŻ•áœ‰ ᄠ✙ԉ ⪙⊚á ? áœ˝ ⪙▾

‍ ݥ‏ḥ ŕť• ኑ ŕť• Č˝ Ç?

Ṣ Ṣ ŕź‰ áł‘

⽋ ⽋ # ' ' 43$

ARCHITECTURE O ve r s e a s

Dalat Star Hills Hotel, Vietnam ᄁ✙ԉ ݅௰ ᜅ┡⯱ ⪙▵ ⩥ᔢᖅĥ Ŗ ᔍ ၽ ᵝ ‫ ݡ‬ḡ ᭥ ᬊ

໦ ⃹ ⊹ ࠥ

ᄁ✙ԉ ݅௰ ᜅ┡⯱ ⪙▵ ⩥ᔢᖅĥ ┡ᯕᜉ ᄁ✙ԉ ݅௰᜽ ⪙▵

‫ ݡ‬ḡ ໕ ᩑ ໕ Ƚ Ǎ

ᱢ ᱢ ༉ ᳑

⽋ ⽋ # ' ' 3$

Mixed Use in Oran, Algeria сжнс▒╜р╕Н скЕрпб сЕЦтзК▌Йс╕б теер▓╜с▒╛тЬЩ сЩ╣ сБ╜ тАл▌бтАм смК тАл▌бтАм сйС ╚╜ ╟Н

Mixed Use in Oran, Algeria

тзк ╩С e с╡Э тГ╣ 5IF NBZPS PG 0SBO с╕б сне тК╣ 0SBO "MHFSJB рае сЕЦтзКсЬ╜сЦЕ с╕б р╗Х с▒в т╜Л сЩ╣ e р╗Х тзк с▒в╩С т╜Л сБ╜ с╡Э тГ╣ 5IF NBZPS PG 0SBO р╝Й # ' ' )FJHIU N

тАл ▌бтАмс╕б с│Ссне 43$ тК╣ 0SBO "MHFSJB смК рае сЕЦтзКсЬ╜сЦЕ

сжнс▒╜р╕Н скЕрпб сЕЦтзК▌Йс╕б теер▓╜с▒╛тЬЩ

тАл ▌бтАмс╕б р╗Х сйС р╗Х ╚╜ ╟Н

с▒в с▒в р╝Й с│С

т╜Л т╜Л # ' ' )FJHIU N


ARCHITECTURE O ve r s e a s

Twin Doves Golf Course & Resort Town in Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam сДБтЬЩ╘Й ткЩтК╣сБЭ тЬЩснйраесЙнс╖й ┼Йтее р╕Нс│СтЬЩ сЩ╣ тзк ╩С сБ╜ с╡Э сне тАл ▌бтАмс╕б р╗Х

e тГ╣ тК╣ с▒в


сйС ╚╜ ╟Н смК


с▒в р╝Й с│С рае

т╜Л ┼ЙтеетО╡сЬЕ ткб сКнрпЭ ткЩтЦ╡ тНЙсДЕсЦ╣сЦЭтЦС р║бтЭСтенр▒ксЬЕ ╟Ос▒╜тж║╞▒ реТ 3$ ткЩтЦ╡ р╕Нс│СтЬЩ

Phan Thiet Golf Club, Vietnam ᄁ✙ԉ ❱❑ᩄ ʼn⥥ ญ᳑✙ ᙹ ⧪ ʑ ၽ ᵝ ᭥ ‫ ݡ‬ḡ ໕

e ⃹ ⊹ ᱢ

ᄁ✙ԉ ❱❑ᩄ ʼn⥥ ญ᳑✙ ┡ᯕᜉ ᄁ✙ԉ ❱❑ᩄ ⽋

ᩑ ໕ Ƚ Ǎ ᵝ ᫵ ᜽

ᱢ ༉ ᳑ ᖅ

⽋ ʼn⥥ᰆ ⪡ 3$ ⓕ౞⦹ᬑᜅ šญ࠺ ክ௝

ARCHITECTURE O ve r s e a s

Yancheng Korea Park International Cooperation Center, China áŠ?ᖒĞṽʑᚠ}á ˝Ç? ⌽᯹Ĺ–ᨌÇ? á…–â§Šáœ˝á–… Ĺ– á”? á ˝ áľ? ‍ ݥ‏ḥ á­Ľ Ꮚ

໦ ⃚ ⊚ ŕ Ľ

áŠ?ᖒĞṽʑᚠ}á ˝Ç? ⌽᯹Ĺ–ᨌÇ? á…–â§Šáœ˝á–… }á ˝Ç? áŠ?á–’ á…–â§Šáœ˝á–…

‍ ݥ‏ḥ ŕť• ኑ ŕť• Č˝ Ç?

Ṣ Ṣ ŕź‰ áł‘

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Kazahstan G4 Project

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ARCHITECTURE O ve r s e a s

Industrial Plant Kia Motors Kwangju Dormitory Project Diamond Mountain Unification Trainging Center Diamond Mountain Hwajinpo Service Area Kia Motors Gwangju Plant Kia Motors Sohari Plant Kia Car Jeonju Remodeling Project Kia Motors Hwaseong Plant Kia Motors Car Daegu Service Center Daelim CNS Gunsan Plant Georgia Hyun-Dai Hysco Plant Hyun-Dai Mortors Asan Plant Audi Volks Wagen New PDI Center Project

Steel Corp. Hysco Yanchen Hyun-Dai Motors Ulsan Plant Hyun-Dai Motors Jeonju Plant China Tenjin Mando Plant China Iljo Hyun-dai Wia Plant China Iljo Hyun-dai Powertech Plant Hyun-Dai Dymos Seosan Plant Dai Steel Dangjin Plant Hyun-Dai Powertech Seosan Plant Thermal Power Desulfurization Plant DYK Technology Center LS Cable INDIA Kia Motors Automotive Manufacturing

Plant Georgia State, USA Hyndai-Kia R&D Center (Namyang Institute) Nexen Tire Second Plant in Chang-Nyung NIFCO Korea Palnt in Chunahn Dangjin Steel Lab Project Daejin Dmp Plant in Chunahn Daechang India Factory DYMOS in Dongtan Lotte Confectionery in India Factory Material Factory in Mexico Batech Dong-tan Plant Advanced Automotive Research Center, Seoul National Univ

Architectures Losistics Complex in Anseong Woong-Jin Coway Yoo-Gu Palnt Logistics Complex in Umsung Inoxs New Plant Project in Asan Valeo Project in India HMI R&D Center, Hyderabad, India Kumho Tires Georgia Project Hanjin Shipping Cargo Terminal Hyundai Mobis India Hyundai Transmission Intergration Lab Plant in Namyang Chung-ju Plant In Hwa-San

Ghana Takoradi T2 Expension project Hysco Steel India Factory HyunDai Metal Powder Plant Procjet IRPC Refinary Expension Project Korea WBP Plant in Sanchung Lotte Daesan Refinary SM Revamping Project Marafiq IWPP Project Oman Musandam Gas Plant Project Phase Water Supply Riyadh City-Wasia Project Ras Laffan IWPP Project TMG Package Project Venezuela RPLC Deep Conversion Project

Olympus Haedquarters Office , Yeoksam-dong 825-20 'the# First Tower', Gwongok-dong, Asan-si Reconstruction Apartment, Saengyeon-dong, Dongducheon-si Residential Mixed-Use, Songdo Incheon International City Development Project Incheon Chongna Multi-Complex Whaseong Dongtan Multi-Complex Residential Behi nd Steel mill, Vietnam Namhae Hansum Resort Residential Mixed-Use, Yongsan Changpyung Exhibition Hall, China Redevelopment Project, Seongbuk-gu

MAP GROUP 1979-2013

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book design ëĽ˜ěŠšě§„, ěœ¤ě§€ě˜ , ë°•ě •ě?€ project icon design ě–‘ě •ě•„ editor Ꚁ슚겸 book manager 돸ě?¸ě • english translator 돸ě§„ěˆ˜, ě?´ě›?형, ęš€ě†Œë‹´ producer & editor chief ęš€ě •ëĄ? printing & processing : ě• ë“œë°´ (02 2264 8494)


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