1 minute read
It’s good to know where you come from. At Nitto Kohki, we come from a line of engineers and businessmen dedicated to exceptional manufacturing execution. In our line of vacuum and pressure pumps, this is seen in the unique linear-piston design, where one moving part resolves to exceptional reliability, low vibration and noise, high energy efficiency, and long, consistent performance life (>10,000 hrs.) for a host of critical medical applications. It’s why the medical device industry has specied Nitto pumps for over sixty years— the quality in our DNA. Find out how you can use it to your advantage.
Ryan Ashdown rashdown@wtwhmedia.com 216.316.6691
Jami Brownlee jbrownlee@wtwhmedia.com
Mary Ann Cooke mcooke@wtwhmedia.com
Jim Dempsey jdempsey@wtwhmedia.com
Mike Francesconi mfrancesconi@wtwhmedia.com
Jim Powers jpowers@wtwhmedia.com
Courtney Nagle cseel@wtwhmedia.com

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Publisher Mike Emich memich@wtwhmedia.com

Scott McCafferty smccafferty@wtwhmedia.com
Marshall Matheson mmatheson@wtwhmedia.com
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