ongratulations to the Class of 2021, who celebrated with close family on Friday, May 28 in a spirited and sentimental ceremony on Foley Field, which was spectacularly transformed for the occasion. The ceremony included several moving student speeches and performances along with a poignant faculty speech by English Teacher Kara Nebel. The ceremony concluded with the presentation of department awards, the Director’s Award, the Shirley Windward Award, and the Windward’s 2021 Valedictorian announcement
Student Speakers Defining the Class of 2021 Nicholas Aaron Cohen You’ve Got a Friend Oliver Winfield Grynberg, Drew Mark Ikaika Lazo Mickelson, Riley Joseph Tanner Trust the Process Dominique-Michelle Duchemin The Climb Phoebe Rose Eskovitz & Alexandra Lily Reynolds High School is a TV Show Sam Siminou Lessons from Windward Corynn Marie Grayson Branche For Good Corynn Marie Grayson Branche & Isabella Grace Downey The Road That Has Been Windward Oliver Winfield Grynberg
08 - S E N I O R C E L E B R A T I O N S
W I N D W A R D M A G A Z I N E - 09