Trader's Shopper's Guide - 042624

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Classifieds Week of April 26, 2024 M A ke Tod A y A gre AT dA y! Cheyenne’s Smart Choice for Quick Cash! We Offer Quick and Affordable Loans 1000 up to Got You Down? Whether it’s Medical Bills, Automotive Expenses or Just an Unexpected Financial Burden... THRIFTY CASH 619 E. Lincolnway • 634-2081 Inflation Life is full of expensive surprises! THRIFTY CASH CAN HELP YOU! We Welcome both Individual and Small Business!

vision and matching retirement plan

Please apply in person with resume for application at Trader's, 2021 Warren Ave no phone calls please COME VISIT YOUR SHOOTING RANGE! I n d o o r a n d o u t d o o r shooting facilities Give it a shot! Try our 4-D Archery Cinema Hourly shooting memberships available Laramie County Shooting Sports Complex, 13802 Bullseye Blvd, just east of Cheyenne off the Archer Exit, Tues-Fri 10am-8pm, Sat 10am-6pm, Sun 10am-4pm, Mon closed www laramiecounty com 307-775-7484

WE ARE CURRENTLY SEEKING TEAM members to work along with a highly dedicated team of Postframe builders Work will include: Building high end barns garages shops and post frame homes

Excellent pay and Christian work environment

Email resume to jalon@ duramacks com or call 307-635-4333 or 307287-2762

Page 2 TRADER’S Week of April 26, 2024 ALONG OTHER LINES 2021 Warren Avenue, Cheyenne, WY 82001 634-8895 or Outside Cheyenne Phone Toll Free 1-800-634-8895 E-Mail - FAX - 634-8530 Trader’s Online - Serving Southeast Wyoming and Southwest Nebraska Since January 1973 Circulation (Audited) Over 17,500 Weekly Serving: Cheyenne, Laramie, Wheatland, Pine Bluffs, Torrington, WY. Also Kimball, Scottsbluff, Gering, NE. Publisher Patrick E. Rice Consultant (in spirit) C. Robert Johnigan General Manager Marc Stout Advertising Consultants Dawn Foster Annette Jones Graphic Design Susan Foley Ben Achatz Jeff Carter Our Community Susan Foley Ben Achatz Classifieds Brandon Maestas Vickie Sherwood Office Hours: Monday through Wednesday 8:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m. Thursday and Friday • 8:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m. Ad Deadline is Wednesday by 4:00 p.m. for Friday’s Edition. Community Profile Deadline is Tuesday by 12:00 Noon. All phone numbers in Trader’s with no area code can be prefixed with the Wyoming 307 area code. CLASSIFIED AD RATES: Walk-in Personal Prepaid: $4.00 min. (20 words). 10¢ per word thereafter. Phone-in Personal: $5.00 min. (20 words). 10¢ per word thereafter. Business: $5.00 min. (20 words). 10¢ per word thereafter. Trader’s Shopper’s Guide is published weekly by Trader’s Publishing. All rights reserved. No portion of Trader’s may be reproduced in whole or in part, in any media without the expressed written permission of the publisher. This includes, but is not limited to, the use of any text (regardless of length), chart, figure, table or image. All electronic-transmitted rights are reserved. Trader’s website pages may not be duplicated or reproduced without the expressed written consent of Trader’s Publishing, except in the form of brief excerpts or quotations for the purposes of personal review. The information published in Trader’s both print and web-based, is for the personal use of the reader and may not be incorporated into publications or databases without the written consent of Trader’s Publishing. Making copies of these pages or any portion for any purpose other than personal use is prohibited. Trader’s Shopper’s Guide reserves the right to reject or edit any advertisement. Trader’s is not financially responsible for typographic errors or omissions. Liability shall not exceed the portion of space attributable to the error. Trader’s must be notified within 7 days of publication. Credit is allowed for one insertion only. Copies are distributed FREE. Although Trader’s Publishing believes the information herein has been produced and processed from sources believed to be reliable, no warranty, expressed or implied, is made regarding accuracy, adequacy, completeness, legality, reliability or usefulness of any information. This disclaimer applies to both isolated and aggregate uses of the information. Trader’s Publishing provides this information on an “as is” basis. Trader’s Publishing shall not be liable in the event of incidental or consequential damages in connection with, or arising out of, the providing of the information offered. If you have questions regarding Trader’s Shopper’s Guide please contact Trader’s Publishing 2021 Warren Avenue, Cheyenne, Wyoming 82001 or phone (307) 634-8895, fax (307) 634-8530 or E-mail to Inside This Week’s Issue Along Other Lines 2-14, 16-23 Automotive Services 26 Critter Corner 20 Employment 19 Farm & Ranch 19 Garage Sale Guide 22 Home & Garden Directory 5 Lost, Found & Free 21 Lunch Menu 22 On The Road 24-28 On The Road Show & Sell 24 Our Community 18, 20 Outdoor Life 13 Outdoor Life Show & Sell 13 Personals 14 Professional Services 9-11 Puzzle Page 17 Puzzle Page Answers 21 Real Estate 14-15 Real Estate Open House Guide 15 Real Estate Rental Guide 14 Lar amie Coun ty Shooting Sports Complex 13802 Bullseye Blvd. • 775-7484 Just East of Cheyenne O the Archer Exit www.LaramieCoun HOURS OF OPERATION Tuesday-Friday: 10-8 Sat: 10-6 • Sun: 10-4 —Closed Monday “GIVE IT A SHOT!” OUR 4D ARCHERY TR AI NING CINE MA IS OPEN!! GE T READY FO R TU RK EY SE AS ON ! Use Yo ur Ow n Bows & Arrows Hou rl y Shooting & M emberships Availabl e Don’t Walk Away From Your Largest Investment Without Talking To Us. Are You Facing Foreclosure? We Are The Best At Helping People Help Themselves. Don’t Give Up! Call Us Today! Mary Honeycutt Sales Associate 307.631.2550 Tanya Stogsdill Sales Associate 307.214.5515 603 E. 17th Street Cheyenne, Wyoming H E LP WA NTE D ! FU LLTI M E P O SI TI O NS, b oth d a y a n d even i n g s h i fts , a p p ly i n p ers o n to Co o l R i ver Wi n e a n d S p i ri ts 52 2 5 Yellowsto n e R d LOCAL BEEF FOR SALE, NATURAL GRASS FED, quarters or halves, delivery in July and Oct call now to reserve yours, custom cut to your specifications, High Plains Beef, 307-287-1102, w w w h i g h p l a i n s b e efl l c c o m EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY Trader's Shopper's Guide is looking for a bright, outgoing, energetic and career-oriented person to assist current and new advertisers Paid training provided Weekly salary plus commission, paid health, dental,
BIG PAWS TREE SERVICE, OFFERING TREE and shrub trimming as well as removal stump grinding crane specializing in large tree removals, certified, licensed insured arborist free estimates, celebrati n g 1 2 y e a r s o f s e r v i n g C h ey e n n e 3 07- 6 3 10 078 , bigpawslawncare
omestic Auto and Motorhome Service Do you want better diesel performance? EGR system c lea n i n g , d i a g n o sti c s , injector cleaning, turbo upgrades, diesel engine repairs Alignments now available Dyno services for
light yard
REMODELING SPECIALISTS, CUSTOM decks, siding, pole barns, additions, bathrooms, ceramic, flooring, drywall, painting and doors 25 years experience with references, local, licensed and insured, free estimates Call 307-256-8576 CAPITAL LUMBER,
4471 D E N TA L I N S U R A N C E FROM PHYSICIANS Mutual Insurance Company Coverage for 400+ procedures Real dental insurance - not just a discount plan Get your free informat i o n k i t w i t h d et a i l s ! 1855-526-1060 www dent al50plus com/ads #6258 QUALITY USED GUNS FOR SALE , OBTAINED from local estate Ruger #1's, Ruger M77's, M1 Garands, 1903 A3 sniper rifles It s time to add to your collection Rocky Mountain Gun Trader 2470 Dell Range Blvd, 307-632-5133, Mon-Sat, 10am-6pm CONCRETE SPECIALIST INDUSTRIAL , commercial and residential concrete flatwork specialists Patios, driveways and sidewalks, decorative stamp, pole barn floors parking lots, concrete sealers before the winter, since 1999 307-256-3813 REPLACE YOUR ROOF WITH THE BEST looking and longest lasting material steel from Erie Metal Roofs! 3 styles and multiple colors available Guaranteed to last a lifetime! Limited time offer up to 50% off install and additional 10% off install for military, health and 1st responders 1-833-370-1234 WANTED! TRASHY OL' JUNKY DOUBLEWIDE 307-630-9320 PART-TIME WEEKLY Sat or Sun, minimum 4 hours, prefer 8am12pm Strong and organized individual to assist with landscape, cleaning, grocery shopping lining closets and cabinets, washing cars, etc, $25 per hour, must be reliable with references Call to schedule an interview, leave your name and phone number, 307-630-5466
SELF STORAGE: 5'X5', $30 5'X10', $45 10'x10', $75 10'x20', $105 All per month Open every day, military and pay ahead discounts security fencing and gates, lighting, camera and daily patrols A&A StorInns, 3559 Cleveland Ave, 307-634-7867, aa storinns@wyo2u com H A L L E R ' S R E PA I R , FO R E I G N A N D D
all cars and trucks! w w w h a l l e r s re p a i r c o m 521 W Lincolnway, 307778-8880
hauling will accept estimates
pay $10 an hour Text 303-906-7744
improvement needs 1222 Dunn Ave, C h ey e n n e, s t o re hours: Mon-Fri 7am-5pm, Sat 8am-12pm 307-634-

GRAND OPENING! SNOW Y RANGE FLEA M a r ket , M a y 4 , 9 a m6pm 1951 Snowy Range R o a d , L a ra m i e, D o o r p r i ze s , s t o rew i d e d i scounts, over 80 vendors

THRIFT STORE, 2112 SNYDER, open Tues-Sat, 1 0 a m5 p m , d o n at i o n s TuesSat 11am-4pm 25% off picture frames, paintings, furniture, lamps, ladies and men's shoes, kid's clothes and shoes, toys, games and puzzles $5 off $25 purchase before tax with coupon found in this issue plus see in store for other weekly sales and discounts Expires May 31, 2024, one per customer per day 307-514-0365

3D LAWN SERVICES: AERATING, POWER raking, mowing, and trimming, free estimates Call or text Don at 307-7014006

RAM WASTE SERVICE, RE SI D E NTI A L A ND commercial with 10-30 yard roll off containers, prompt and dependable, serving southeast Wyoming 1413 E Fox Farm Rd, 307-638-8500

2024 GRADUATION COINS, 1 OZ PURE silver, engravable for a personal message only $35

The Coin Shop, collectible coins, old currency, coin collections books and supplies, proof and mint sets, appraisals and more, buying and selling since 1982, find us behind the Eagles Lodge 510 W 16th St, 307-778-7196, TuesFri, 9am-5pm

W E S L E Y F I N A N C I A L GROUP, LLC Timeshare Cancellation Experts Over $50,000,000 in timeshare debt & fees cancelled in 2019 Get free info package & learn how to get rid of your timeshare! Free consultations Over 450 positive reviews 833-3081971

T R A D E R S R E C O MMENDS THAT YOU investigate companies that require you to s e n d money for your information or products a d v e r t i s e d i n t h i s p u b l i c a t i o n B e a w a re t h a t a n y t h i n g o t h e r t h a n "800," "866," "877," and "888" numbers including 900 numbers will be charged to your phone bill Seek information from the company before you invest your money You may contact the Attorney General's Office, Consumer Affairs at 123 Capitol Bldg, Cheyenne W Y 82002 307-777-7874 for more information


start up's Lawn landscape, repairs and maintenance, licensed and insured 23 years experience, quality trusted and deserved Call for an appointment, 307-214-7599

Week of April 26, 2024 TRADER’S Page 3 ALONG OTHER LINES Book by Michael Stewart Music and Lyrics by Jerry Herman Based on the Play The Matchmaker by Thornton Wilder Original Production Directed and Choreographed by Gower Champion Produced for the Broadway Stage by David Merrick and Champion Five, Inc. Mary Godfrey Playhouse 2706 E. Pershing Blvd Cheyenne, WY 82001 Adults - $31 Seniors (65+)/Military - $27 Students (13+) - $25 Children (12 & Under) - $21 Directed by Tenacity Bricher-Wade Dates May 3 - May 19 Order Tickets at (307) 638-6543 HELLO, DOLLY! is presented by arrangement with Concord Theatricals on behalf of Tams-Witmark LLC. B E S T P R I C E S ON I C E 20 lbs. $1.99 8 lbs. $.99 FREE w/ $10.00 purchase FREE w/ $20 00 purchase ICE Check out our Large Selection () 67 running feet w/ 9 cooler doors of ‘Ready To Drinks’! LINCOLNWAY PA WN Super Wyoming’s Largest & Busiest Pawn Shop! We Loan More & We Have 20,000 s.f. of bargains! We Ask You to Compare! Pawn shops are nothing but the oldest form of banking! We also guarantee everything we sell. We have grown to be Wyoming’s premier pawn shop & we are one of America’s largest pawn shops. We Ask You To Compare! 2825 E. Lincolnway 307-632-3820 Best Cigarette Prices in Cheyenne. (According to our Cigarette Rep.) Drive-Thru (Fast Food STYLE) Cheyenne’s Fastest Growing Liquor Store Lincolnway LiNCOLNWAY LIQUOR Lincoln way LIQUOR 2801 East Lincolnway 634-1502 DON’T START THE PARTY WITHOUT US! THANK YOU CHEYENNE FOR HELPING US GROW! A FUN NEIGHBORHOOD BAR You’ll Like Our Party Patio & Low Prices ! Refuel Refresh Relax T ST P BA 4% Credit on ALL Purchases +2% Discount with Cash R A K I N G , W E E D I N G , TREE TRIMMING, SNOW removal, window washing, gutter cleaning, painting, construction cleanup and general labor Bill Beggs, 307-637-1044 C I N DY U P H O L ST E RY, H O U S E H O L D f u r n i t u re, 20 years experience Call Frank Jr at 3 07- 6 3 43 9 1 5 M o n - Fri 9am-5pm Sat 9am-noon, S u n b y a p p o i n t m e n t o n l y, 1 1 0 3 M o n ro e Ave, C h ey e n n e COME JOIN OUR TEAM! WE HAVE A PART-TIME g ra p h i c d e s i g n p o s i t i o n o p e n We a re c u r re n t l y s e e k i n g a G ra p h i c D e s i g n e r t o wo r k a few days a week in our office If you are experienced with setting up files for pre-press, highly skilled with Adobe Creative Suite and have experience creating graphics, we are looking for you! Position a va i l a b l e Tu e s d a yThursday, hourly wage DOE, apply in person at Trader's, 2021 Warren Ave, bring a resume and allow time to fill out an application HOME BREAK-INS TAKE LESS THAN 60 seconds Don't wait! Protect your family, your home, your assets now for as little as $0 70 a day! Call 1-844591-7951 LINCOLNWAY LIQUOR Free ice with purchase, free slushee to 1st time visitors check us out and d o n t s t a r t t h e p a r t y w i t h o u t u s 2825B E Lincolnway, 307-634-1502 DOING CAR CARE RIGHT IS WHAT WE DO b e s t , f re e c h e c k e n g i n e l i g h t s c a n $ 4 4 9 5 f u l l s y n t h et i c o i l c h a n g e C a l l o r s c h e d u l e o n l i n e at m e i n e ke c o m , 1 62 7 D e l l R a n g e B l vd , C h eye n n e, W Y 8 2 0 0 9, 3 072 2 2-2 5 2 3 M e i n e ke,
i n g c
d o-
a r c a re r i g h t AVE MARIA

CHEYENNE'S LARGEST SE LECTI O N O F la n dscape supplies! Residential o r c o mmerc i a l, d eli very available Mountain Stone Landscape Supply, 1413 E Fox Fa r m R d , M o n - Fr i , 8a m- 4 : 30p m 307- 4 339515, www mountainstone landscapesupply com

NO APRIL CRIBBAGE TOURNAMENTS FOR AMVET Post 10 1820 Ridge Rd, 307-996-8709

BLUE PLASTIC TUBS FOR PLANTS OR ? about 24" tall $2 50 ea, 5 for $2 25 ea, in good shape 307-547-3430

FULL SIZE HEAD AND FOOTBOARD WITH frame, Ashley s, like new, paid $300 new, will sell for $100 307-365-0412

C U STO M A L U M I N U M LOADING RAMPS TO fit all of your light and medium duty needs Lengths from 4 -14 , widths 12 , 14 , 15", 18" and 20", weight rating 3000-8000lb per ramp For current prices and photos go to Frontieramps on Facebook Marketplace or call Hank at 406-253-8191, Cheyenne


PAINTING, INTERIOR AND EXTERIOR, drywall installation and finishing, d r y wa l l re p a i r s a n d texturing Call today for a free estimate, Superior Painting and Remodeling, 307-286-7482, licensed and insured

4TH ANNUAL JUMP INTO SUMMER CRAFT Fair, East Lincolnway Event Hall, 3839 E Lincolnway, May 4, 9am-3pm 40 Vendors Mother's Day Graduation and Father s Day are just around the corner

FREE REMOVAL OF ALL APPLIANCES within city limits, must be outside A+ Charlies Appliances, 415 W Lincolnway 307634-5145


Discover the ideal solution for anyone who struggles on the stairs, is concerned about a fall or wants to regain access to their entire h o me Ca ll A meri Gli d e to d a y ! 1 - 833- 399- 3595

FRESH FOODS, SWEET treats, homemade gifts and more! Second Saturday of the month, Jan 13 through May 11, 9am-2pm, 327 Main Street, South Gym, Burns, WY

S U N N Y DAYS H A N DYM A N , G E N E R A L c a rp e n t r y a n d ext e r i o r painting, free quotes, experienced and insured 307-365-9347

PIANO TUNING AND RESTORATIONS, 40+ years experience Cheyenne s quality music center, Niemann & Sons Music, 1609 Central Ave, 307-637-5222

DELL RANGE LIQUORS, COME CHECK OUT our better pricing! 3806 Dell Range Blvd #4 Sun-Sat 9am-10pm, 307-433-0979 Under new management!


Page 4 TRADER’S Week of April 26, 2024 ALONG OTHER LINES 2131 Mason Way  3301 E. Nationway 2 Cheyenne locations M - S 9am - 7pm Sunday 10am - 6pm SHOPPING & DONATIONS 7 DAYS A WEEK Donate today and make a difference 610 W. 15th St . • Mis t erBHVAC .com 0W 307-634-HVAC (4822) NOW is T he T ime to Take Ad vant age of Our Grea t Ser vice & Ins t alla t ion and FREE Es Bea t t he Hea t bef ore Summer! 12 SameMonths as CashW.A.C com EZSHED WE WILL MEET OR BE AT ANYONE’S WRITTEN PRIC E ON LIKE PRODUCTS. MAKE YOUR BE ST DEAL & MAKE EZ SHED YO UR LAST ST OP! Rent-To-Own, Purchase or Save Hundreds with our Ready-to-Assemble & Kit Sheds 2x 4 Co nstruction Includes Floor & Shingle s From This To This 634-EASY(3279) 2410 E. Lincolnway (Next To KFC) FINANCING AVAILABLE! MAY 18TH & 19TH, 2024 GEMS ~ CRYSTALS ~ FOSSILS Archer Complex – Building M/K CHEYENNE ROCK SHOW SAVE THE DATE! 307-632-7616 1807 E. Fox Farm Rd Cheyenne 720 Skyline Rd., Laramie • 307-742-5667 $399 50-Bag Pallets Delivery Available (Not Included in Price) Cash, Checks and Credit Cards Accepted (40 lb. bags) The Big Red Barn Art and Crafts Extravaganza Saturday, May 4th • 9 am-3 pm 7601 B elmont Avenue, Cheyenne, WY Mother’s Day and Father’s Day Handcrafted candles, vanilla, jellies, jewelry, leather goods, woodworking, refurbished furniture, purses, totes and much more We will have food available for lunch. Lovely gift basket ra e Proceeds donated to local charities Join us for a fun and relaxing time as you experience the gifted artisans with items for you and your home such as: C OW B OY RV, L I V I N G QUARTERS SERVICES, Spring A/C coil cleanings, RV furnaces and water heaters, air conditioners and refrigerators, slide-out and leveling issues Mobile RV repair! Shane Baker, owner, 307-365-7176 cowboyRVsvcs com, sha ne@cowboyRVsvcs com P RE PA RE FO R P OW E R O U TAG E S TO DAY wi th a Generac Home Standby Generator Act now to receive a FREE 5-Year warranty with qualifying purchase* Call 1-855-94861 76 to d a y to s c h ed ule a f ree q uote I t s n ot j ust
g en erato r I t's a p ower move WHAT'S AN OLIO? AN O LI O ACT I S A N ACT yo u do at the melodrama during the two intermissions If you want
to learn a skill
can audition with sign up for one of the olio workshops! For more information call 307-638-6543 or go to cheyennelittle
R E S U R FAC I N G , D I R T work prep building sites trash and debris removal, pen and barn cleaning, tree and post holes, snow plowing, asphalt patchwork, belly dump and contract hauling, residential, rural, c o m m e rc i a l , f re e e s t im at e s reasonable rates M&M Enterprises LLC, 307-631-9313 FRO M M A I NTE NA NC E TO M AJ O R R E PA I R S, your car deserves the best! We are your full service auto repair specialist! ARS 305 E Fox Farm Rd, 307635-2886 ARE YOU LOOKING FOR A PLACE TO BUY or rent? Check out Trader s Real Estate Open House Directory or the Rental Guide in this issue or online at www wyotraders com H AU L I N G , AVA I L A B L E O P T I O N S : F L AT B E D, step deck, live floor, side dump, lowboy Kauffman Contracting LLC, kauff mancontracting com, 307630-6435 SPECIALITY AUTO AUCTION INC, COLLECTOR cars, classic car auction, S at M a y 1 1 at 1 0 a m I sl a n d G ro ve R e g i o n a l Pa r k , 5 01 N 1 4 t h Ave, Greeley, CO Call now for priority placement and information 970-266-9561, specialtyautoauction com, memorabilia starts at 9am preview at 8am INDUSTRIAL STORAGE CONTAINERS FOR sale or rent, we deliver! Call for a free quote, 303-9291026 Denco Container LLC, dencocontainer com KNOX BOX, MOUNTED BOX FOR YOUR HOME that only Firefighters can open, used to store key to home for emergencies theftproof, like new, paid $250, first $125 cash OBO 307-631-8652 DELICIOUS COCKTAILS MADE EASY! CHECK out the 30-second bartender at dtsliquors com BUFFALO HERD FOR SALE , OVER 13,000 coins, 140lbs of 19131938 Buffalo Nickels 7 binders of 2x2 carded coins to include hundreds of uncirculated examples Large amount of Two Feather repunched mintmark and lamination defects Call for details, 307-631-9148 CA R P E T L AY E R N E E D E D, M U ST h a ve ex p e r i e n c e 3 07- 6 3 42 5 2 3 c a l l a ft e r 1 0 a m 70+ JOHN DEERE MODEL TRACTORS and Franklin Mint cars and memorabilia, original boxes, serious collectors only Call for appointment, 210-264-8441



A n d L a n d s c a p i n g L LC, with 7+ yrs of experience we are glad to offer lawn care, lawn maintenance, l a n d s c a p i n g , g a rd

c ko nwh eels n et 307- 637- 002 0 MALL OF ST VINCENT DE PAUL IS CHANGING its name to Ave Maria Thrift Store, gently used merchandise for the entire family, still at 2112 Snyder, open Tues-Sat, 1 0

ALONG OTHER LINES DELL RANGE LIQUORS 3806 Dell Range Blvd. #4 Sun.-Sat.: 9am-10pm (307) 433-0979 Come Check Out Our Better Pricing! Under New Management Prices Expire May 9, 2024 New Amsterdam Vodka $999 750 Ml. Exotico Reposado and Silver Tequila $1799 750 Ml. Revel Stoke Peanut Butter Whisky $1299 750 Ml. Crown Royal Regular, Apple, Peach and Vanilla $1999 750 Ml. Svedka Vodka $1499 1.75 Liter Robert Mondavi PS (Vint) All Types $899 750 Ml. Dreaming Tree All Types $1099 750 Ml. Freixenet Brut and Extra Dry $999 750 Ml Planning a Party or Wedding? Bulk Buy Discounts Available Bombay Dry Gin $2899 1.75 Liter José Cuervo Golden Margarita Regular and Strawberry $1799 1.75 Liter Alamos 750 Ml. Cabernet, Malbec, Red Blend $999 Malbec Seleccion $1499 Busch and Busch Light $21 99 30 Pack Cans Modelo $27 99 Suitcase Cans Sprinklers SPRINKLER TURN ONS & REPAIRS We service all types and all brand names Over 30 years experience References available Schedule Your Appt. Today!! Call or Text 631-5255 Your Headline SPACE AVAILABLE for your business Call Today! • 3 Month Program • Free Classified Ad • Affordable Rates • Good Results 634-8895 EVERGREEN LAWN & TREE CARE • Lawn Care Specialists • Tree Removal & Trimming • Disease & Insect Control for Trees & Shrubs Certified Arborists Licensed & Insured Schedule Your Deep Root Fertilizing = Healthier, Greener, Taller Trees 24 Hour Emergency Tree Service Nate 307-214-2875 Mitch 307-286-0320 Lawn and Tree (307) 632-6842 Locally Owned & Operated FLEA MARKET BART’s OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK MON.-SAT. 9-5 • SUNDAY 12-5 307-632-0004 415 W. LINCOLNWAY Antiques and Collectibles, Furniture, Mid-Century, Books, Comics, Vinyl Records, Pottery & Glassware, DVDs & VHS, Vintage Clothing, License Plates & a Whole Lot More! Cheyenne’s Oldest & Largest Flea Market! Wooden Cedar Chest $149 SEPTIC TANKS, SAND AND GREASE TRAPS, c e s s p o o l s , p o r t a b l e bathroom rentals Triple J Pumping 307-632-6476 DOES YOUR BUSINESS WORK WITH YARD care, shrubs and trees, power raking, aeration, sprinklers fences or decks or anything related to home improvement? If so, feature your business in Trader's upcoming Home and Garden section Call 307634-8865 for more information TICKETS ON SALE! CHEYENNE FRONTIER Days July 19-28 2024 at cfdrodeo com Concerts $72-$107, PRCA Rodeo $24-$51, PBR Bull Riding $25-$105, Carnival armbands $40 per session or $150 for all 10 days $5 discount on concert and $3 discount on rodeo tickets purchased before July 1, 2024 The CFD Ticket Office is the only authorized source of tickets for our event, tickets may be purchased online o r by phone CLIMB RIGHT TREE SPECIALIST, specializing in tree removal and trimming, certified Arborist and tree climbing specialist, licensed and insured Nathan Kemper, 307-3655505, 970-624-9493, jujitsu0131@gmail
e n s , s p r i n k l e r s , decorative fencing, and greenhouses Ca ll us to d a y fo r yo ur f ree esti mate Exc lus i ve I rri g reen i nstaller Give us a call at 307-287-4702 KEEP
E Lin
a m - 5 p m , d o n at i o n s Tues-Sat, 11am-4pm 50% off winter coats, plus see in store for other weekly sales and discounts Ave Maria is a non-profit PROFESSIONAL PROPERTY MANAGEMENT We are a full service Real Estate Company licensed in Wyoming, Colorado and Nebraska TD Real Estate, 1234rent com, 307-6349219 PAYING TOP DOLLAR FOR SCRAP METALS! Aluminum, steel, brass, copper, scrap iron, batteries, aluminum cans Large scales for big loads, convenient drive through, cash paid for your ferrous and non-ferrous metals Cheyenne Auto and Metal, 3001 S Greeley Hwy, please enter from Nation Rd, 307-634-5859 WINDOW AND SOLAR PANEL Professional cleaning services, exterior and interior, commercial or residential, licensed and insured Call or text Wyo Window Cleaning today for a free quote! 307-287-5872 N E E D F I R E WO O D ? B R I N G YO U R S AW. 3 07- 6 3 0 - 9 3 2 0
READY! BRING it in today for a complete inspection Bikes, E-bikes, disc golf,
apparel and accessories Rock
Wheels, cycle, ski and more! 900
c o lnwa y w
w ro

I T ' S S P R I N K L E R S E A S

Bohemian Metals, 314 W 17th St, 307-778-8782

M O N TC L A I R E STAT E SA L E , M AY 3 - 5 , 1 0 0 0

multiple vendors and crafters! Bring family and friends to enjoy this free event Contact Toni at S h i e r y 2 2 2 2 0 @ a o lc o m or 307-630-5557

Durable medical equipment

Walkers, shower chairs, visual aids, commodes, wheelchairs, recliner chair lifts, and other adaptive equipment.

Used cell phones and chargers

Gently used fur niture and housewares to outfit an unfur nished apar tment

Small table & chairs, chest of drawers, sofa, kitchenware.

No used mattresses, pillows, bedding


As a Bone Mar row Donor

Go to , do the health questionnaire, and receive cheek swabs by mail. Donors do not incur a cost for donating bone mar row

As an organ/eye/t issue Donor

Go to www.donatelifeWyoming .org and click on “Become a Donor ” Near ly 160 patients in Wyoming - and almost 120,000 nationwide - need a life-saving organ transplant.

Mo ntc la i r D r, Ch eyen n e, WY, Fri-Sat 9am-5pm, Sun 9am-2pm Tools clothing dishware, furniture, collectibles, DVDs, antiques, mid-century, jewelry, lawn tools and more THE BIG RED BARN ART AND CRAFTS Extravaganza: 7601 Belmont Ave, Sat, May 4, 9am-3pm Join us for a fun and relaxing time as you experience the gifted artisans with creations for you and your home including handcrafted candles, vanilla, jellies, jewelry, leather goods, woodworking, refurbished furniture purses totes and much more We will also have food available for lunch and a raffle for a gift basket with proceeds being donated to local charities

BIG D'S FENCING AND POLE BARNS, TIME to get ready for the summer, give us a call! All types of fencing and pole barns residential, ranch and commercial! Secure your property We offer Western rail wire and split rail Licensed and insured Dale Hill - Owner, serving Cheyenne for over 20 years! The Residential Specialist, free estimates Call Today, 307-274-5902

We are currently seeking team members to work along with a highly dedicated team of Postframe builders

Work will include: building high end barns, garages, shops and post frame homes.

Excellent pay and Christian work environment. Email Resume to or Call (307) 635-4333 or (307) 287-2762

of great character, compassion and strong values who are committed to family, fellowship and making the world a better place. Members are known for their loyalty, camaraderie and their steadfast support of each other and their communities in times of need.

May 9 Coats for Kids Wyoming: Provides new coats to children in need.

May 16 Wyoming Breast Cancer Initiative: Provide funds that support breast cancer services across Wyoming: with an ultimate intent to increase survival rate and decrease latestage diagnosis. Funds raised are granted to programs to increase awareness/education, fund early detection screenings, and provide support to survivors and their families. Funds raised in Wyoming, stay in Wyoming,

Page 6 TRADER’S Week of April 26, 2024 ALONG OTHER LINES
infor mation
financial contribution visit www.cheyennedayofgiving .org Questions? Call Day of Giving at 274-1044 THANKFUL Th sday SUPPORT YOUR COMMUNIT Y ONE CHARIT Y AT A TIME! FREE ADMISSION! 50/50 Ra e • Card Games • Live Auction A Chance To Win $$$$ Lincolnway Event Hall | 3839 E. Lincolnway Come Out Thursday & Support Your Community! DOORS OPEN AT 4PM • DRAWINGS AT 5PM LIVE AUCTION AT 6PM ALL MONEY RAISED GOES DIRECTLY TO TH E CHARIT Y! This ad provided by a grant from Trader’s Publishing THANKFUL Th sday SUPPORT YOUR COMMUNIT Y ONE CHARIT Y AT A TIME! FREE ADMISSION! 50/50 Ra e • Card Games • Live Auction A Chance To Win $$$$ Lincolnway Event Hall | 3839 E. Lincolnway Come Out Thursday & Support Your Community! DOORS OPEN AT 4PM • DRAWINGS AT 5PM LIVE AUCTION AT 6PM ALL MONEY RAISED GOES DIRECTLY TO TH E CHARIT Y! This ad provided by a grant from Trader’s Publishing May Calendar May
of men
Make a donation to our year-round effor ts. Mail donations to P O Box 192, Cheyenne, WY
For more
or to make a
2 Cheyenne Shrine Club: Shriners international
a brotherhood
Proceeds Benefit
Mountain Non-Profit Organization
Trucks, Vendors, Show & Shine, and 50/50 Raffles
521 W. Lincolnway Cheyenne WY 82001 may 11 th BRING YOUR DIESEL TO US! 2518 S Greeley H w y 3 07- 6 37- 4 0 0 0 www mrdieselshop com 2005 LOWE JOHN BOAT WITH 2012 Karavan trailer, includes extras, $1000 Call 307-214-0774 PROTECT YOUR VALUABLES, ORDER YOUR shed now Teton Structures, 307-214-0705 LANDSCAPING, MOWING, DRAINAGE problems excavating gravel hauling, post holes up to 36", acreage mowing, loader work, snow removal and cleanup, parking lot sweeping and cleaning, ro c k a n d g ra ve l , d a i r y m a n u re, t re e p l a n t i n g , b a c k h o e s m a l l d oze r wo r k , d e m o l i t i o n wo r k a va i l a b l e a n d c l e a n u p Hutchinson Construction I n c , L a n d s c a p i n g a n d Excavating, 307-631-1478 SPRING FLING CRAFT AND VENDOR SHOW, Apr 27, 2024, 9am-2pm, 327 S Main St Burns WY 82053 Plan to attend the 3rd annual Spring Fling Craft Show with
O N ! CA L L T H E name
you know, Green Again Sprinklers turn ons and repairs, all brands, all types, licens ed and insured Call or text today, 307-631-5255 WE BUY GOLD Gold jewelry gold s crap turn your unwanted gold into c ash
LAWN AND GARDEN Equipment Repair lawn and garden equipment s ervice and repair center headquarters specializing
Lawn mowers, generators, riding lawn mowers, keros ene heaters and other small engines fast turn-around no appointment needed! 3903 Cheyenne St Ste A , 307-635-5280 YOUR CLASS III NFA SPECIALISTS, silencers/ suppressors, fast approvals, come in and see us! We can also equip you with a short barreled rifle or assist in the purchase of a full auto rifle Rocky Mountain Gun Trader, 2470 Dell Range Blvd, 307-632-5133 H AV E YO U H E A R D ? TRADER'S SHOPPER'S Guide and Preview Real Estate Guide are for sale Please do not call our office We have engaged a premier publications broker to represent us Contact John Cribb at Cribb, Cope and Potts directly at 406-570-5595 or email him at johntho mas@cribb com In the meantime, rest assured that Trader s and Preview will still be available every week in stands area-wide and online at wyotraders com and wyopreview com T H E H E AT I N G A N D C O O L I N G C O M PA N Y y o u c a n c o u n t o n ! M i s t e r B ' s H e at i n g a n d C o o l i n g 6 1 0 W 1 5 t h S t 3 07- 6 3 4 - H VAC (4 8 2 2 ) MG PAINTING: INTERIOR, EXTERIOR, EPOXY floors, power wash, stain a n d la c q uer, texturi z i n g , d ry wa ll p atc h , la mi n ate and tile flooring Licensed a n d i n s ured wi th 1 0+ yea rs exp eri en c e 307365- 8964 OUR CUTE LITTLE SHOP IS OPEN FROM 9am-5pm, Mon-Fri, we do close early on some of the weekd a y s wh en we d o vendor events Located at The Ridge Road Plaza, 5113 Ridge Road # 1 2 , C h ey e n n e, W Y 82009 Touch of Love Creative Crafts, Lee Ann GrandPre, 307-823-3754 ARE YOU A W YOMING RESIDENT WHO HAS had cancer ? If so please consider sharing your patient experience with our research study Contact J s t e p h 3 5 @ u w y o e d u o r 307-766-6563 Dr Jennifer Stephens MA, PhD, RN HOUSE CLEANING, LOW ESTIMATES Call 307-433-7052 STANDARD GOLDENDOODLES Absolutely adorable and brilliant! 3 months old a n d re a d y fo r t h e i r forever homes, 3 males and 6 females left 307286-8541 N E E D E D : S O M E O N E TO R E PA I R , C L E A N a n d d et a i l R Vs , s o m e experience necessary Pleas e c all after 10am 307-634-2523



WILL REVEAL THE beauty of your hardwood floors or install LVT, 36 y e

o f ex p e r i e n c e serving SE Wyoming and beyond Call 307-214-1044 for a free local estimate W YOMING PROPERTY TAX REFUND questions? We have some answers if your household income is less than $110 000 and you own your house, see us today for details, over 75 years experience! USA Tax, open year round, MonThurs 9am-5pm and Fri 9am-12pm, 1805 Warren Ave, 307-514-5888, usa taxwyo

a rd s a n d c h ec ks D o o ley Oi l I n c , 1 807 E Fox Fa rm R d Ch eyen n e 307- 632761 6 o r 72 0 S ky li n e R d , L a ra mi e, 307-74 2- 5667

DON'T WALK AWAY FROM YOUR LARGEST investment without talki n g to us A re yo u fa c i n g foreclosure? We are the b est at h elp i n g p eo p le help themselves, don't give up! Call us today Mary Honeycutt, 307-631-2500, Tanya Stogsdill, 307-2145 51 5 , 6 0 3 E 1 7 t h S t, Kuz ma S uc c es s R ea lty

FLEA MARKET: ANTIQUES, collectibles and a whole lot more! Cheyenne s oldest and largest flea market! Open 7 days a week Mon-Sat 9am-5pm, Sun 12pm-5pm 307-6320004, 415 W Lincolnway LEGENDARY ROMERO ROOFING,

Additions, decks, sheds, basements, bathrooms, interiors kitchens 307249-3193


Paying top dollar for all coins currency gold and silver, we can come to you Call 307-630-9975

CUSTOM HANDRAILS, O R N A M E N TA L I R O N , security window guards commercial or residential, steel pipe and tube Welding Shop, 508 E 1st St 307-632-3294

BACA AND SON CONCRETE , SPECIALIZING in all types of flatwork pole barns, residential and commercial No job too small, 50 years experience, free estimates licensed and insured 307-4217214

ESTATE AUCTION, SAT, MAY 4, 2024, 10:00AM, 1154 Granito Dr, Laramie, WY We wil be selling items of the Robert Middleton Estate and others to the highest bidders all items will be sold as is Visit Westbrookandsons com for pictures and info Terms: Cash in full day of auction, checks accepted with positive ID and willingness to be fingerprinted, 6% sales tax added Inspection: 8:00am to sale time, day of auction only Removal: Day of auction after full settlement, no items to be removed until paid for in full In charge of auction: WASA, Westbrook and Sons Auctioneers, 815 S 3rd St, Laramie, WY 82070, 307-760-4572, westbrookandsons@gma il com

HILLSDALE HAY FARM: NEW HAY AVAILABLE, round bales, big square bales and small bales Please leave a message, 307-632-0134

2024 GRADUATION COINS, 1 OZ PURE silver, engravable for a personal message only $35

The Coin Shop, collectible coins, old currency, coin collections books and supplies, proof and mint sets, appraisals and more, buying and selling since 1982, find us behind the Eagles Lodge 510 W 16th St, 307-778-7196, TuesFri, 9am-5pm

YOU ARE CURRENTLY READING THE APRIL 26, 2024 issue of Trader's If you would like to advertise in the May 3, 2024 issue, please call 307-634-8895 before 4pm Wednesday


L I C E N S E P L AT E S , 1913-1976, top dollar paid, we ask you to compare Lincolnway Super Pawn 2825 E Lincolnway, 307632-3820

MULTI-DEALER SHOP WITH FUN AND affordable nostalgia on 2 floors! Antiques Central, LLC, 2311 Reed Ave, Tue-Sat, 10am-4pm, 307-638-6181 Follow us on Facebook!

DONATE TODAY AND MAKE A DIFFERENCE at Goodwill Wyoming Two Cheyenne locations, 2131 Mason Way and 3301 E Nationway, Mon-Sat 9am7pm, Sun 10am-6pm Shopping and donations 7 days a week

V E R N ' S C O N C R E T E : POLE BARNS, PATIOS, driveways sidewalks foundation repair, brick and block, stucco, some overlays and stamp Licensed and bonded, free estimates Commercial and residential! 307-421-0753

HORSE VACCINATION, WORMING AND Coggins Clinic, Apr 27, 12pm-4pm, no appointment needed, 45 Ranch Supply LLC, 204 S College Dr #B, Cheyenne 307-635-1216

THE MARINE CORPS LEAGUE , ED Herschler D et a c h m e n t i s l o o k i n g for a few good men and women Join today to help local Veterans Call today! 307-221-6302 or email jrvicecomdt mcl772 det@gmail com

NARROW WAY ENTERPRISES: IRRIGATION repair and maintenance, backflow testing and repair, lawn aeration, residential and commercial, licensed and insured, 20+ years experience in the industry Call 307920-2231, narrowwayen terprises@gmail com or find us on Facebook

NEED HELP SPRING CLEANING? CHECK OUT the ads in Trader s or put a request ad in for someone to help 307634-8895

Week of April 26, 2024 TRADER’S Page 7 ALONG OTHER LINES YOUR BEST STOP For Snacks, Drinks Groceries and Gas 8 Convenient Locations in Cheyenne • 4373 E. Lincolnway • 534 Vandehei • 2414 Dell Range Blvd. • 820 Randall Ave. • 5539 Yellowstone Rd. • 1922 E. Lincolnway • 3920 E. 12th St. • 1610 S. Greeley Hwy. NO Job Too Big or Small! 307- 634- ROOF (7663) $500 OFF Any TOTAL Roof Replacement of Proper ty Steel Seamless Gutters w/Roof Replacement Free Real Estate & Home Owner Inspec tions SAVE TIME & MONEY HAVING YOUR CL AIM PAPERWORK AVAILABLE!!! • 30+ Years Experience • • Licensed, Insured & Bonded • • Insurance Preferred Contrac tor • • Senior & Military Discounts • Too ALL TYPES OF ROOFING REPAIRED & INSTALLE D DT’S LIQUOR MART MON- SAT: 8AM-11PM • S UND AY : 10 AM -10P M TUSK ER BAR MON-T HUR S: 2PM-M IDNIGH T FR I & SAT: 2PM-2A M • S UND AY : 10 AM -10P M 3310 RIDGE RD. 63 4- 333 4 SPECIA LS GOOD ON MAY 5, 20 24 ONLY AS WELL AS ALL- DAY HAPPY HOUR PRICES ON EVERYTHING ! DT’S PACK AGE LIQUOR MON-TH UR S: 8AM-12 AM • FR I- SAT: 8AM-2A M SUND AY : 10 AM -10P M DT’S SPOR TS BA R MON-TH UR S: 2PM-M IDNIGH T FR I & SAT: 2PM-2A M • SUND AY : 10 AM -10P M 2121 E. LINCOL NWAY 632- 34 58 Modelo Bucket 6 Beers for $16 Margaritas $3 Well $6 Mon.-Fri.: 8am-4:30pm Mon.-Fri.: 8am-4:30p Mountain Stone — Landscape Supply Build Your Oasis! n St uppy LandscapeSupply We Have Cheyenne’s Largest Selection of Landscaping Rock & Supplies • Residential • Commercial • Delivery Available Mount on Landsca Ar ARTS CHEYENNE Mond 10 am -6 pm 2470 Dell Rang e Blvd. 632- 5133 QUALITY US ED GUNS FOR SALE OBTAINED FROM LO CAL ESTATE IT’S TI ME TO AD D TO YOUR COLLECTI ON Ruge r #1s, Ruge r M77s, M1 Garand s 1903 A3 Sniper Rifl es A S P H A LT WO R K ! C OW B OY A S P H A LT, s ea l c o ati n g , p atc h i n g , h ot rub b er c ra c k fi lli n g , parking lot and driveway ma i nten a n c e Ca ll Brya n Mason, 307-215-1933 DOWNSIZING 18” rototiller, dog kennels, kids pools, l0 cartons 1 70’ + , Lo c k ' n s e a l 8 m m g o l d e n a m b e r o a k l a m i n at e fl o o r i n g , d o l l y, Blue Wi llow d i s h es 307635- 4 641 PRIMO CONCRETE SERVICES: ALL TYPES
too large
o r c a ll
r i m o c o n c
Apr 26, 12pm-7pm and Sat, Apr 27, 9am-4pm, La Grange Memorial Building, 403 M Street, La Grange, W Y 8 2
r t i s t s s
i a l i s i n g
l r
s , v i n t a g e items decor
items, Alison's
cro greens, body care
Legos and much
For more
us at
pay later! Payment plan, no interest 25% off labor o n l y, 3 y e a r wa r ra n t y, serving Cheyenne, Laramie
Rawlins MaySept only, licensed and
text OLY
com PURCELL WOOD PELLETS, $399 FOR 50 bag pallets of 40lb bags D eli very a va i la b le, n ot i n c lud ed i n p ri c e We ta ke c a s h , c red i t c
OF flatwork, demo and tear outs, interior and exterior, stamps and color, no job
Licensed and insured Text
307-2 74 - 5390, p
ret e s e r v i c e s @ g ma i l c o m SPRING CRAFT FAIR
2 2 1 S h o p fo r M o t h e r ' s D a y, Fat h e r ' s D a y, G ra d u at i o n , B i r t hd a y s B a b y S h o we r s We d d i n g G i ft s ! Lo c a l a
p e c
i n : J ewe
y, b a
d g o o d s , l e at h e r g o o d
Pantry, mi-
information, contact
com BART'S
i n s u re d C a l l 3 07- 4 2 14 831 fo r d eta i ls , n o
a r s
H E A LT H W O R K S I S MORE THAN JUST A doctor's office! See our complete list of services a t w y h e a l t h w o r k s o r g Call HealthWorks at 307-
to schedule you appointment R I P C O N ST R U CT I O N L LC , S P E C I A L I Z I N G I N re s i d e n t i a l re m o d e l

his information brought to you as a public service of Trader’s Shopper’s Guide

Triumph High School News

Laramie County Community College News

Triumph STudenT

CapiTalizeS aT CiTy arT Show

East High School News

At the City Art Show Triumph High School student Danielle (Azriel) Spangler was awarded a $500 scholarship for a heart sculpture. Funds for this scholarship were donated by local Cheyenne businesses

Central High School News

Silver Sage Ceramics and Clay Paper Scissors Art Gallery. LCSD 1 and local businesses continue to show support for the arts and the

South High School News Public Schools Chronicle

annual City Art Show is another good example of students’ dedication to art as a part of their school experience. Triumph students along with students from the other high schools in Cheyenne and around the state took their artwork on the road for the 2024 High School Art Symposium in Casper April 17 –19 as well.

With the weather getting nicer, are you itching to do some spring cleaning? No doubt you’ll find some things you forgot you had and no longer need or want. Turn your “trash” into cash. Have a garage sale and advertise it in TRADER’S SHOPPER’S GUIDE.

Page 8 TRADER’S Week of April 26, 2024 ALONG OTHER LINES
This information brought to you in part as a public service by Trader’s Shopper’s Guide and HF Sinclair.
Brought to you in part by: HF Sinclair
Photo by Sara Willson
2021 Warren Avenue 634.8895 A $5 classified
in your pocket. 4th Annual Jump into
EAST LINCOLNWAY EVENT HALL 3839 E LINCOLNWAY MAY 4TH • 9-3 MOTHER’S DAY, GRADUATION AND FATHER’S DAY ARE JUST AROUND THE CORNER. 40 VENDORS C H E Y E N N E L I T T L E T H E AT R E P L AY E R S presents: Hello Dolly! May 3-19 at the Mary Godfrey Playhouse, 2706 E Pershing Blvd, Cheyenne, WY 82001 order tickets at 307-638-6543 or chey ennelittletheatre org S P R I N G C L E A N I N G ? LET US HELP YOU make some cash on unwanted items with an ad in Trader's Shopper's Guide $5 00 for 20 words 307634-8895 RETIRED, LOOKING FOR SUPPLEMENTAL income, doing yardwork, mowing lawns, snow removal rototilling Call 307-214-0701 ELITE AUTO UPHOLSTERY, SMALL REPAIRS to complete restoration on boat interiors, convertible tops motorcycle and ATV seats and more, handcrafted with pride a n d re a s o n a b l e rat e s t o o 4408 Woodhouse Rd, 307-634-8134 RETIRED TILEMAN, 2 WETSAWS, TILE Master XL Felker, can cut 2 tiles Tilematic target 10", Diamond blades 307632-9376 Jim FRED & IRENE'S CONCRETE Cisneros Concrete specializes in: Patios, driveways, garages, sidewalks, curbs Call Fred for all your concrete wo r k , 3 07-2 86 - 8 2 01 , 307-630-3498 D I R E CT V ST R E A MCA R R I E S T H E M O ST local MLB Games! Choice Package $89 99/mo for 12 mos Stream on 20 devices at once HBO Max included for 3 mos (w/Choice Package or higher ) No contract or hidden fees! Some restrictions apply Call IVS 1866-859-0405 R I S I N G FO R C E C O NC R E T E C o n t ra c t o r s best deal in town Affordable, stamped, decorative, colored all types of concrete and epoxy floor coatings, now offering Elite Crete Systems epoxy flooring and microfinishing! Business and residential f o u n d a t i o n s , l icens ed and insured Call Dan 307-220- 8565 BURIED IN TRASH? CLEAN OUT YOUR garage, shed, yard or remodel! Ram Waste Services, open to the public, take the hassle out of trash disposal solid waste transfer station, 1413 Fox Farm Rd, 307-632-3256 SA F E ST E P N O R T H A M E R I CA'S # 1 Wa l k- i n tub Comprehensive lifetime warranty Top-ofthe-line installation and service Now featuring our free shower package & $1600 off - limited time! Financing available 1-855-417-1306 MISTER B'S HEATING AND COOLING, CALL us for all your HVAC needs, 307-634-4822, 610 W 15th St GOT SPRING FEVER? CAN'T WAIT FOR THE Garage Sales to start? Do your spring cleaning and be ready to sell when the weather permits Call us to get your ad in, 307634-8895 R E N T TO OW N, PURCHASE OR SAVE hundreds with our ready to assemble and kit sheds, 2x4 construction includes floor and shingles, we will meet or beat anyone's w r i tt e n p r i c e o n l i ke p ro d u c t s F i n a n c i n g available EZ Shed, 2410 E Lincolnway w w w ezs h e d info com, 307-634-3279 E L I M I N AT E G U T T E R C L E A N I N G FO R E V E R ! LeafFilter, the most adva n c ed d eb ri s - b lo c ki n g gutter protection Schedule free LeafFilter estimate today 20% off Entire Purchase 10% Senior & Military Discounts Call 1833-610-1936 HONDA HRX 217 21" SELF PROPELLED lawn mower with bag and extra dethatching blade easy start, very nice unit, $400 307-632-2426 2 0 0 6 G E O R G E TOW N CLASS A 35' RV, 26,000 miles, like new, always garaged Ford V-10 2slideouts, $34,900 307631-4532 FIREWOOD FOR SALE , $260 PER CORD, small quantities available, no Sun sales 307-274-1073 Carpenter WANTED: 1980 AND OLDER MOTORCYCLES and 2 door cars, Call Steve Couch 308-2543779 Shop or 303-9078383 Cell, Sydney, NE
ad in
put money
Summer Craft Fair

washer and

Kenmore washer and dryer set, white Amana gas dryer 307-634-5145

MOBILEHELP AMERICA'S PREMIER MOBILE medical alert system Whether you're home or a wa y Fo r s a fety a n d peace of

inspection great deals available Serious inquires only, cash only, 307-4213151 leave voicemail AU TO I N S U R A N C E , SR2 2 , PAYM E NT p la n s available Call Hi Country Insurance, 307-632-0576, www hicountryinsurance com

AVE MARIA THRIFT STORE, 2112 SNYDER, open Tues-Sat 1 0 a m5 p m , d o n at i o n s TuesSat, 11am-4pm 25% off picture frames paintings furniture, lamps, ladies and men's shoes, kid's clothes and shoes, toys, games and puzzles $5 off $25 purchase before tax with coupon found in this issue, plus see in store for other weekly sales and discounts Expires May 31, 2024 one per customer per day 307-514-0365

H AV E YO U H E A R D ? TRADER'S SHOPPER'S Guide and Preview Real Estate Guide are for sale Please do not call our office We have engaged a premier publications broker to represent us Contact John Cribb at Cribb,

Page 10 TRADER’S Week of April 26, 2024 ALONG OTHER LINES PRO SERVICE PRO OF THE WEEK Septic Pumping Septic GO Gr een-Protect the Environment Portable Rest rooms Available WYOMING NATIVES Quality Service Reasonable Rates Licensed &Insured for septic installation and repairs WE ACCEPT VISA & MASTERCARD • Contaminated Water •RV Water Delivery and Sewer Pickup •Snake Lines With Camera Available W Licensed • Contaminated •R WASH WINDOWS WINDO DUST BLINDS TOUCH-UP PAINT CLEAN GUTTERS tt hE i PUMP SEPTIC CLEAN CLOSETS R F H HUPPAINT EANCLOSETS It ’s Time to Prepare for Summer... PRO SERVICE PRO OF THE WEEK Landscaping/Excavating Demolition Work Available HUTCHINSON CONSTRUCTION, INC LANDSCAPING & EXCAVATING 631-1478 • Parking Lot Cleaning • Landscaping • Excavating • Gravel Hauling • Post Holes (up to 36 ) • Parking Lot Sweeping • Acreage Mowing • Clean Up • Snow Removal • Drainage Problems • Loader Work • Dairy Manure • Tree Planting • Rock/Gravel • Back Hoe • Small Dozer Work • Mowing HUTCHINSON CONSTRUCTION, INC LANDSCAPING & EXCAVATING Demolition Work Available • Clean Up • Parking Lot Cleaning • Landscaping • Drainage Problems • Excavating • Gravel Hauling • Post Holes (up to 36˝) • Parking Lot Sweeping • Acreage Mowing • Loader Work • Dairy Manure • Tree Planting • Rock/Gravel • Back Hoe • Small Dozer Work • Mowing • Snow Removal 631-1478 PRO SERVICE PRO WEEK Hauling/Clean Up M& erprises LLC • Driveway Leveling /Resurfacing • Dirt Work, Prep Building Sites Post Holes • Trash/Debris Removal • Snow Plowing & Barn Cleaning • Contract Hauling/Belly Dump ASPHALT PATCHWORK!! — Reasonable Rates Residential/Rural/Commercial Estimates Call Mike • 631-9313 Enterprises LLC • Driveway Leveling /Resurfacing • Dirt Work, Prep Building Sites • Tree & Post Holes • Trash/Debris Removal • Snow Plowing • Pen & Barn Cleaning • Contract Hauling/Belly Dump ASPHALT PATCHWORK!! Re sidential/Rural/Commercial — Reasonable Rate s FREE Estimates 631-9313 M&M Garden Equipment 3903 CHEYENNE ST., STE A 307 6355280 LAW N & GARDEN EQUIPMENT SERV ICE & REPAIR CENTER HE ADQUARTERS Fast Turn-Around Specializing in: • Lawn Mowers • Riding Lawn Mowers • Generators • Kerosene Heater • Ot her Small Engines NO A PPOINTMENT NEEDED NESTSTE ers PRO SERVICE PRO OF THE WEEK Paint & Coatings ★ Interior ★ Exterior ★ Epoxy Floors ★ Power Wash ★ Stains & Lacquer ★ Texturing ★ Dr ywall Patch ★ Laminate & Tile Flooring ng Til Licensed & Insured & 10+ Years s Experience 307-365-8964 SERVICE WEEK Handyman Handyman Sunny Days Handyman General Carpentry and Exterior Painting Exterior Painting Experienced & Insured 307-365-9347 FREE Quotes! FREE Quotes! 7-365-9347 Experienced & Insured scottjohndickins PRO SERVICE PRO OF THE WEEK Professional Painting 307.275.4965 307.275.4965 Residential • Commercial • Contractor or Private Residential • Commercial • Contractor or Private RIVERA owner 25 years of experience RIVERA owner 25 years of experience g P Professional T R Fencing FREE Estimate Licensed & Insured (307) 365-0498 • Cedar • Chain Link • Vinyl • Livestock • Repair Corner Fence Corner to PRO SERVICE PRO OF THE WEEK Lawn Care Mon.-Fri. 7:30am -5pm • Irrigation Repair & Maintenance • Backflow Testing & Repair • Lawn Aeration Residential & Commercial Licensed & Insured 20+ Years Experience in the Irrigation Industry Call (307) 920-2231 Find us on Your Headline PRO SERVICE PRO OF THE WEEK SPACE AVAILABLE for your business Call Today! • 12-Week Program • Affordable Rates • Good Results 634-8895 SERVICE WEEK Hauling Kauf fman Contracting LLC 307-630-6435 Kauf AVAILABLE OPT IONS: • Flat B ed • Step Deck • Live Floor • Side Dump • Lowboy cting LL C Fencing • RESIDENTIAL • RANCH • COMMERCIAL Dale Hill - Owner Ser ving Cheyenne for Over 20 Year s Licensed & Insured The Residential Specialist FREE ESTIMATES BIG FENCING & POLE BARNS D‘S CALL TODAY! 307-274-5902 All Types Of Fencing & Pole Barns PRO SERVICE PRO OF THE WEEK Home Improvement s REMODELING SPECIALISTS Licensed Insured Local • 256-8576 REMODELING SPECIALISTS ★ Custom Decks ★ Siding ★ Pole Barns ★ Additions ★ Bathrooms ★ Ceramic ★ Flooring ★ Drywall ★ Painting Free Estimates 25 years experience with references Licensed & Insured Local 256-8576 ★ Siding ★ Pole Barns ★ Additions ★ Bathrooms ★ Drywall ★ Tile ★ Flooring ★ Painting ★ Friday, April 26 | 12 pm -6 pm Saturd ay, April 27 | 9 am -1 pm 1808 Hot Springs Ave. Cash or Check Only No Bills Over $20 Holy Trinity Catholic Church • Housewares • Collectables • Books • Vintage & Seasonal Items • Religious Items and Much More! Mon.-Fri.: 8AM-4:30PM Saturday: 8AM-2:30PM (Call for Winter Hours) Visit our Premier You-Pull-It Auto Parts Yard! E. Nation Rd. S. Greeley Hwy Drive Through Paying Top Dollar fo r Scrap Metals • Aluminum • Steel • Bras s • Coppe r • Scrap Iron • Batteries • Aluminium Cans: 40¢/lb * • 45¢/lb Over 100lbs* *Prices are subject to change without notice (Please Ent er Fr om Nation Rd.) • Large Scales for Big Loads • Co nve nient Drive Through C ash Paid For Your Ferrous & Non-Ferrous Metals Store Hours: Monday-Friday 7 to 5 Saturday 8 to Noon 59 1965-2024 Years 1222 Dunn Ave. Cheyenne, WY 82001 JACUZZI BATH REMODEL CAN INSTALL a n ew, c u s t o m b at h o r shower in as little as one day For a limited time, we are waving all installation costs! Additional terms apply, subject to change and vary by dealer Offer ends 6/30/24 Call 1-844-501-3208 P U R C E L L WO O D PELLETS, $399 FOR 50 bag pallets of 40lb bags D e l i ve r y a va i l a b l e n o t i n c l u d e d i n p r i c e We take c ash, credit c ards and checks Dooley Oil Inc, 1807 E Fox Farm Rd, Cheyenne, 307-632-7616 o r 7 2 0 S k y l i n e R d , L a ra m i e, 3 07-74 2- 5 6 67 GET DISH SATELLITE TV + INTERNET! FREE I n s t a l l , Fre e H D - DV R U p g ra d e 80 0 0 0 O nD emand Movies, Plus Limited Time Up To $600 in Gift Cards Call Today! 1-866-479-1516 BOHEMIAN METALS Cheyenne's only inhous e Master jewelry artisan, custom jewelry design and all repairs on gold and silver jewelry Bohemian Metals, 314 W 17th St , 307-214-4722 C H E Y E N N E L I T T L E T H E AT R E P L AY E R S presents: Hello Dolly! May 3-19 at the Mary Godfrey Playhouse, 2706 E Pershing Blvd, Cheyenne, WY 82001 order tickets at 307-638-6543 or chey ennelittletheatre org D I AG N O S E D W I T H LU N G CA N C E R & 6 5 + ? You may qualify for a substantial cash award No obligation! We've recovered millions Let us help! Call 24/7, 1-877707-5707 TWO WHITE SIDE BY SIDE REFRIGERATORS, w h i t e s t a n d - u p f re eze r, w h i
e s t f re eze
h i t e W h i r l p o o l e l e c t r i c d r y e r, w h i t e W h i r l p o o
t e
r, w
dryer set,
mind No long term contracts! Free broc h u re ! C a l l 1 - 8 8 8 - 4 893 9 3 6 BASEBALL CARDS FOR SALE , COMPLETE Topps sets, individual cards vintage and modern, most in near mint condition, priced on
Cope and Potts directly at 406-570-5595 or email him at johntho mas@cribb com In the meantime, rest assured that Trader's and Preview will still be available every week in stands area-wide and online at wyotraders com and wyopreview com THREE LONGHAIRED DACHSHUND MALE puppies ready to go 307631-1416 LARGER THAN NORMAL SIZE TWIN BED, massage, vibrating and adjustable mattress options, in perfect condition, $75 307-630-3424 B U R I E D I N T R AS H ? CLEAN OUT YOUR garage, shed, yard or remodel! Ram Waste Services open to the public, take the hassle out of trash disposal, s olid waste transfer station, 1413 Fox Farm Rd, 307-632-3256 JFK CB RADIO WITH ANTENNA , 40 channel with 40 upper and 40 lower adjustable power range, works good, $50 307-632-2426 MEDIUM PLASTIC DOG CRATE, $20 2-3 person backpack tent, $20 Tent for shortbed pickup $40 4 mesh stackable patio chairs, $10 each 3 metal plant s t a n d s $ 1 0 e a c h 2 large bug zappers, $15 each 2 antigravity recliner patio chairs, $25 each 307-630-7958 USED PREFORMED POND LINERS, 4 stages, approximately 500 gallons t o t a l w i t h p u m p, fi lt e r, heater, hos es and cords A p p rox i m at e m at e r i a l cost was $1,200, selling for $1350 Also plenty of h u g e g ra n i t e b o u l d e r s $150 each Call 307-635-7445, landline leave msg MISTER B'S HEATING AND COOLING, CALL us for all your HVAC needs, 307-634-4822, 610 W 15th St

small! Steel seamless gutters with roof replacement, free real estate and home owner inspections, 30+ years experience, licensed, insured and bonded, insurance preferred contractor, senior and military discounts! $500 off any total roof replacement of property with coupon found in this weeks issue of Trader's Save time and money having your claim p a p e r wo r k a va i l a b l e ! Homestead Roofing and Exteriors, 307-634-ROOF (7663)


Week of April 26, 2024 TRADER’S Page 11 ALONG OTHER LINES PRO SERVICE PRO OF THE WEEK Home Improvement REMODELING SPECIALISTS FREE Estimates Local • 256-8576 REMODELING SPECIALISTS ★ Custom Decks ★ Siding ★ Pole Barns ★ Additions ★ Bathrooms ★ Ceramic ★ Flooring ★ ★ Painting Free Estimates 25 years experience with references Licensed & Insured Local 256-8576 ★ Decks ★ Siding ★ Pole Barns ★ Additions ★ Bathrooms ★ Drywall ★ Tile ★ Flooring ★ Painting PRO SERVICE PRO OF THE WEEK Tree Specialist Climb • Tree Specialist • Clim b • Tree Specialist • • LICENSED & INSURED • • LICENSED & INSURED • Nathan Kemper Call for a FREE Estimate (307) 365-5505 (970) 624-9493 Nathan Kemper (307) 365-5505 (970) 624-9493 SPECIALIZING IN.. •Tree Removal and Trimming • Certified Arborist and Tree Climbing Specialist SPECIALIZING IN... •Tree Removal and Trimming • Certified Arborist and Tree Climbing Specialist PRO SERVICE PRO OF THE WEEK Tax Returns Mon.-Thurs. 9am-5pm Fri. 9am-Noon 1805 Warren Ave. 307-514-5888 See Us Today for Details! Over 75 Years Experience Open Year Round MON-THURS: 9am-5pm FRI: 9am-Noon 1805 Warren Ave. 307-514-5888• QUESTIONS ON WYOMING PROPERTY TAX REFUND? We Have Some Answers: If household income is less than $110 own y OPEN YEAR ROUND Questions on Wyoming Property Tax Refund? WE HAVE SOME ANSWERS: If household income is less than $110,000 and you own ur house! M, W, F, Sat: 9am-5pm T, Th, 9am-7pm 1805 Warren Ave. 307-514-5888 All Returns Insured! See Us Today for Details! Over 65 Years Experience Open Y Round day for Details! Years Experience M, W, F, SAT: 9AM-5PM T, TH: 9AM-7PM 1805 Warren Ave. 307-514-5888 • Payroll & Bookkeeping • Small Business • IRS Letters OPEN YEAR ROUND •Payroll & Bookkeeping •IRS Letters •Small Business PRO SERVICE PRO WEEK Waste Removal Celebrating 37 Years of Service 635- 0184 EEK 84 $ 5 of Fi t Bill 1st time customers only Please submit coupon with first bill payment. SANITATION Flyte Waste Remo Trash Removal Meeting All Your Waste Removal Needs with R eliable Service. We ekly Residential & Dumpster Trash Pick-up. SANITATION Flyte Residential & Commercial Weekly • Bi-Monthly • Monthl y “Ser vice Is The Only Thing We Sell” Reliable Timely Service g ell 37TYLF ESANITATION I CNth 1987 2024 ANN VERSARY g e -018 P 37TYLF ESANITATION I CNth 1987 2024 ANNIVERSARY 635-018 4 Roofing LICENSED & INSURE D Romero Roof NOW R OOFI NG Legendary PRO SERVICE PRO OF THE WEEK Tree Service • Certified • Licensed • Insured • Arborist FREE ESTIMATES 307- 631- 0078 SERVICES OFFERED • Tree/Shrub Trimming & Removal • Stump Grinding CRANE Specializing in Large Tree Removal atin of Serving Cheyenne • Certified • Licensed • Insured • Arborist Doug Thies RM-7763A SERVICES OFFERED • Tree/Shrub Trimming & Removal • Stump Grinding CRANE Specializing in Large Tree Removals Celebrating 11 Years ofCheyennServing e SERV RV C ICES E FREE ESTIMATES 307- 631- 0078 Owners Doug & Melanie Thies, • Certified • Licensed • Insured • Arborist Doug Thies RM-7763A FREE ESTIMATES 307- 631- 0078 Owners Doug & Melanie Thies, SERVICES OFFERED • Tree/Shrub Trimming & Removal • Stump Grinding CRANE Specializing in Large Tree Removals Celebrating 11 Years ofCheyennServing e PRO SERVICE PRO OF THE WEEK Waste Services RAM Waste Services Buried in Trash? Clean out your garage, sheds, yard or remodel! Open to the Public Take the Hassle out of trash disposal! Solid waste transfer station 1413 Fox Farm Rd (307)632-3256 1413 Fox Farm Rd. • (307)632-3256 RAM Waste Services 13 FF Rd (307) Buried in Trash? H Solid waste transfer station Clean out your garage, sheds, yard or remodel! Open to the Public Take the Hassle out of trash disposal! Roll-Off Dumpsters Prompt and Dependable Serving Southeast Wyoming 1413 E. Fox Farm Rd. 638-8500 Ram Waste Ser vices Residential & Commercial with 10 to 30 Yard Roll-Off Containers PRO SERVICE PRO OF THE WEEK Storage Containers Denco Container LLC Containers for Sale or Rent WE DELIVER Call for a FR EE Quote 303-929-1026 Denco Co ntainer LLC Industrial Storage Containers for Sale or Rent Call for a FR EE Quote 303-929-1026 LIVER Your Headline PRO SERVICE PRO OF THE WEEK SPACE AVAILABLE for your business Call Today! • 12-Week Program • Affordable Rates • Good Results 634-8895 SERVICE WEEK Septic Pumping Septic Pumping the Environment rooms Available WYOMING NATIVES Quality Service Reasonable Rates Licensed &Insured for septic installation and repairs WE ACCEPT VISA & MASTERCARD •Septic Tanks Cesspools •Sand & Grease Traps •Portable Restroom Rental • Contaminated Water •RV Water Delivery and Sewer Pickup •Snake Lines With Camera Available WYOMING NATIVES Quality Service Reasonable Rates Licensed &Insured for septic installation and repairs WE ACCEPT VISA & MASTERCARD •Septic Tanks Cesspools •Sand & Grease Traps •Portable Restroom Rental • Contaminated Water •RV Water Delivery and Sewer Pickup •Snake Lines With Camera Available TOUCH-UP PAINT CLEAN GUTTERS tt hE i PUMP SEPTIC HUPPAINT for Summer... SERVICE WEEK RV Repairs SERVICE WEEK RV Repairs (307) 365-7176 A/C Coil Cleanings Furnaces & Water Heaters Conditioners & Refrigerators & Leveling Issues Shane Baker Owner RVMobileRepair • Spring A/C Coil Cleanings • RV Furnaces & Water Heaters • Air Conditioners & Refrigerators • Slide-Out & Leveling Issues (307) 365-7176 Shane Baker Owner Mobile RV Repair (307) 365-7176 Shane Baker Owner (307) 365-7176 Shane Baker Owner Mobile RV Repair RVMobileRepair • Spring A/C Coil Cleanings • RV Furnaces & Water Heaters • Air Conditioners & Refrigerators • Slide-Out & Leveling Issues A/C Coil Cleanings Furnaces & Water Heaters Conditioners & Refrigerators & Leveling Issues ESTATE AUCTION SATURDAY MAY 4, 2024 - 10:00 AM 1154 GRANITO DRIVE - LARAMIE, WY WE WILL BE SELLING THE FOLLOWING ITEMS OF THE ROBERT MIDDLETON ESTATE AND OTHERS TO THE HIGHEST BIDDERS. ALL ITEM WILL BE SOLD “AS IS”. Living Room Furnishings (Couches, Love Seat, Easy Chairs, Rocking Chair, Entertainment Stand, End Tables, Benches, Lamps, Etc.) • Dining Room Furnishings (Table and Chairs, China Cabinet, Stools, Etc.) • Bedroom Furnishings (Beds, Dressers, Chests of Drawers, Night Stands, Etc.) • Office Furnishings (Desks, Book Cases, File Cabinets , Office Chairs, Etc.) • Grandfather Clock • Televisions • Electronics • Sewing Machine • Washer and Dryer • Freezer • Mirrors • Nice Selection of Artwork • Native American Weavings • Cradle Board • Baskets • Pots, Pans and Dishes • Small Collectibles • Linens • Shop Tools (Welder, Plumbing Tools, Etc.) • Mobility Cart • Wheel Chair • Knick Knacks • And More. Visit for pictures and info. TERMS: Cash in full day of auction. Checks accepted with ID and willingness to be fingerprinted. 6% sales tax added. INSPECTION: 8:00 AM to sale time, day of auction only. REMOVAL: Day of auction after full settlement. No items to be removed until paid for in full. IN CHARGE OF AUCTION: WASA (Westbrook and Sons Auctioneers) 815 S. 3rd St., Laramie, WY • 307-760-4572 MULTI-DEALER SHOP with Fun and A ordable Nostalgia on 2 Floors! Antiques Central, LLC Follow Us on 2311 Reed Ave. • 638-6181 Tuesday-Saturday • 10am-4pm 25% OFF Picture Frames & Paintings, Furniture, Lamps, Ladies & Men’s Shoes, Kid’s Clothes & Shoes, Toys, Games & Puzzles. 2112 Snyder Ave., Cheyenne • 307-514-0365 OPEN: Tuesday-Saturday 10am-5pm DAILY DISCOUNTS: Tuesday 10% OFF Senior Wednesday 10% OFF Military/Ve Saturday 10% OFF w/Student ID PLUS See In Store for Other W Sales & Discounts D onations: 11am-4pm Tues.-S s, Games & Puzzles. S: or Veteran nt ID Weekly -Sat t $25 Purchase before tax Cannot combine with any daily discount. MUST HAVE COUPON One per customer per day. Expires: 5/31/2024 Ave Maria hrift Store Cindy Upholstery 1103 Monroe Ave. • Cheyenne, WY Mo n.-Fri. 9a m- 5p m Sat. 9a m- Noon Sun. Appo intment Only Contact Frank Jr at: HO US EHOLD FU RN ITU RE 20 Years Experience 307- 634-3915 CHEYENNE ROCK SHOW, MAY 18-19, 2024, save the date! Gems, crystals, fossils at the Archer Complex Building M/K YOUR COUNTERTOP, CABINET AND design professionals L a mi n ate, solid surface, granite and quartz countertops, onyx shower kits cabinetry and c abinet door replacement , fabric ation to installation free estimates Ultimate In-Counters, Inc, 307-637-5204, ultimatein counters com PROFESSIONAL PAINTING WITH A personal touch Residential, commercial contractor or private, 25 years of experience Chris Rivera, owner, Wet Paint, 307275-4965 ALL TYPES OF ROOFING REPAIRED AND installed, no job too big or
i c d e s i g n p o s i t i o n o p e n
re c u r re n t l y s e e k i n g a G ra p h i c D e
i g n e r t o wo r k a few days a week in our office
we are looking for you! Position
va i l a b l e Tu e s d a yThursday, hourly wage DOE, apply in person at Trader's 2021 Warren Ave, bring a resume and allow time to fill out an application
DAYS HANDYMAN AND GENERAL carpentry 307-365-9347
H A N D S H OW E R UPDATES IN AS LITTLE as 1 day Affordable prices - No payments for 18 months! Lifetime warranty & professional installs Senior & military discounts available Call 1-877-543-9189
We a
are experienced with setting up files
pre-press highly
with Adobe Creative Suite and have experience
ating graphics,

Place your ad in Cheyenne’s Best Read Garage Sale Guide. For over 40 years Cheyenne’s avid “Garage Salers” have looked to Trader’s for the most complete and comprehensive garage sale listings in the area.

Page 12 TRADER’S Week of April 26, 2024 Turn Your Unwanted Items
GARAGE SALE ADS 2021 Warren Ave. 634-8895 IN PRINT
ONLINE! Special
Into CASH!!
Kit Includes: Your 20 Word Ad, Guide Listing, Sale Signs and Internet Posting!
MOST EFFECTIVE CLASSIFIEDS *When you prepay. For billing, please add $1.


LANDSCAPING, MOWING, DRAINAGE problems excavating gravel hauling, post holes up to 36", acreage mowing, loader work, snow removal and cleanup, parking lot sweeping and cleaning, ro c k a n d g ra ve l , d a i r y m a n u re, t re e p l a n t i n g , b a c k h o e s m a l l d oze r wo r k , d e m o l i t i o n wo r k a va i l a b l e

31' CLASS C MOTORHOME, FORD E450, Triton V10, 30,600 miles, h y d ra u l i c a u t o - l eve l i n g, on-demand water heater, e l e c t r i c a w n i n g , O n a n 4000w generator, sleeps a n d s eatb elts fo r 8 Ca ll o r text 307- 630- 5708

HORSE VACCINATION, WORMING AND Coggins Clinic, Apr 27, 12pm-4pm, no appointment needed, 45 Ranch Supply LLC, 204 S College Dr #B Cheyenne 307-635-1216

YOUR CLASS III NFA SPECIALISTS, silencers/ suppressors, fast approvals, come in and see us! We can also equip you with a short barreled rifle or assist in the purchase of a full auto rifle Rocky Mountain Gun Trader 2470 Dell Range Blvd, 307-632-5133 CLIMB RIGHT TREE SPECIALIST, specializing in tree removal and trimming, certified Arborist

h ey e n n e


MADE EASY! CHECK out the 30-second bartender at dtsliquors com

2 0 0 6 G E O R G E TOW N CLASS A 35' RV, 26,000 m i l e s l i ke n ew a l wa y s g a ra g e d , Fo rd V-1 0, 2slideouts, $34,900 307631-4532

WE ARE CURRENTLY SEEKING TEAM members to work along with a highly dedicated team of Postframe builders Work will include: Building high end barns, garages, shops and post frame homes

Excellent pay and Christian work environment

Email resume to jalon@ duramacks com or call 307-635-4333 or 307287-2762

ESTABLISHED SALON IN CHEYENNE IS looking for stylists with own clientele to rent booths Please stop by Enchanted Hair Salon, 1111 Logan Ave or call 307637-6763 for more info



When the rental is finished you own the building, stop throwing your money down the drain, keep your stuff right at home, convenient, yeah!

Free delivery to your own backyard within 30 miles of lot, quick and easy rent- to - own a p p li c ati o n Teton Structures, 4060 I80 Service Rd, Burns, just east of TA Truck Stop, sales lot and production facility Sales lots als o at 3016 S Greeley Hwy, Cheyenne and Yellowstone Rd Cheyenne Saddle Tramp, tetonstruc tures com 307-214-0705

WANT TO GET ORGANIZED AND GET something done this year ? Grab an issue of the Trader's and find what or who you need to do it! 2 0 2 1 Wa r re n Ave, C h ey e n n e

MONTCLAIR ESTATE SALE , MAY 3-5, 1000 Montclair Dr, Cheyenne, WY, Fri-Sat 9am-5pm, Sun 9am-2pm Tools Clothing dishware furniture collectibles, DVDs, antiques, mid-century, jewelry, lawn tools and more!

BECOME A PUBLISHED AUTHOR. WE WANT to read your book! Dorrance P ub li s h i n g trusted s i n c e 1 92 0 Co n s ultati o n , p rod u c t i o n , p ro m o t i o n & d i s t r i b u t i o n C a l l fo r f re e a u t h o r ' s g u i d e 187 7-7 2 9 - 4 9 9 8 o r

owner, 307-3657176 cowboyRVsvcs com, shane @ cowboyRVsvc s com

1999 BAYLINER, MODEL 1954 CAPRI FISH AND S k i 1 3 5 h p i n b o a rd / outboard, 12V Minn

Week of April 26, 2024 TRADER’S Page 13
tree climbing specialist, licensed and insured Nathan Kemper, 307-3655505, 970-624-9493, jujitsu0131@gmail com LOVE TO WATER SKI, FISH, GO TO THE LAKE and hang out? Need a boat and couldn't find one in this week's Traders? Put a I am looking for ad in for $5 Call 307- 6348895 to d a y ! KEEP YOUR BIKE TRAIL READY! BRING it in today for a complete inspection Bikes E-bikes disc golf, service, apparel and accessories Rock on Wheels, cycle, ski and more! 900 E Linc o lnwa y, 307- 637- 002 0, www rockonwheels net KIN'S REPAIR: LAWN AND GARDEN Equipment Repair, lawn and garden equipment s ervice and repair center headquarters specializing in: lawn mowers, generators riding lawn mowers, keros ene heaters and other small engines fast turn-around no appointment needed! 3903 Cheyenne St Ste A 307-635-5280 2005 LOWE JOHN BOAT WITH 2012 Karavan trailer, includes extras, $1000 Call
C O M E V I S I T YO U R S H O OT I N G R A NG E ! I n d o o r a n d o utd o o r shooting facilities Give it a shot! Try our 4-D Archery Cinema Hourly shooting memberships available Laramie County Shooting
13802 Bullseye Blvd, just east of Cheyenne off the Archer Exit, Tues-Fri 10am-8pm, S at 1 0a m- 6p m, S un 1 0a m- 4 p m Mo n c lo s ed www laramiecounty com, 307-775-7484 GUN SHOW JSTS Enterprises will be hosting a gun show in Guernsey, WY at the VFW Hall, June 8-9, Sat 9am-5pm Sun 9am-2pm general admission $5 Vendors please contact Shawn at 307-575-9428 or sls161f@icloud com FIND YOUR GUNS AT ROCKY MOUNTAIN GUN Trader 2470 Dell Range Blvd, Mon-Sat, 10am-6pm PATRIOT BLUE OX BRAKE SYSTEM MODEL BRK2012, $450 Wow Maxx 3 person towable, $40 Motor Guide 55 lb thrust electric trolling motor, $50 18 Poulon Pro gas chainsaw, $50 Older 20 ton MTD long splitter, $250 307-630-7958 RV CAMP SPOTS WITH WATER AND ELECTRIC, near lakes bike trails hiking and beautiful scenary, use of kayaks included 307-631-5319 QUALITY USED GUNS FOR SALE , OBTAINED from local estate Ruger #1's, Ruger M77's, M1 Garands 1903 A3 sniper rifles It's time to add to your collection Rocky Mountain Gun Trader, 2470 Dell Range Blvd 307-632-5133, Mon-Sat, 10am-6pm RESERVE YOUR SPACE TODAY IN THE Home and Garden Directory in the Trader s, 12 weeks at only $28 a week for any lawn or home improvement companies looking for new clients Call 307634-8895 today to claim your space FIND TRADER'S ONLINE, W YOTRADERS COM! ALL TYPES OF ROOFING REPAIRED AND installed, no job too big or small! Steel seamless gutters with roof replacement, free real estate and home owner inspections, 30+ years experience, licensed, insured and bonded, insurance preferred contractor senior and military discounts! $500 off any total roof replacement of property with coupon found in this weeks issue of Trader's Save time and money having your claim p a p e r wo r k a va i l a b l e ! Homestead Roofing and Exteriors 307-634-ROOF (7663) COWBOY RV, LIVING QUARTERS SERVICES, Spring A/C coil cleanings, RV furnaces and water heaters, air conditioners and refrigerators, slideout and leveling issues Mobile RV repair! Shane Baker,
Sports Complex,
Kota electric, excellent condition, many extras, $7500 OBO 307- 638 -72 73 BIG D'S FENCING AND POLE BARNS, TIME to get ready for the summer give us a call! All types of fencing and pole barns, residential ranch and commercial! Secure your p ro p e r t y We o ffe r Western rail wire and split rail Licensed and insured Dale Hill, owner, serving Cheyenne for over 20 years! Free estimates, The Residential Specialist Call today 307-274-5902 T WO GRUMMAN CANOES Aluminum, double ended, 16' long, they are old but in great shape, $900 each Call 307-630-8314 NORINCO MAK-90 AK47, 7 62X39MM, excellent condition has correct Chinese Type-56 buttstock and grip, instead of original thumbhole stock, comes with original sling, buttstock cleaning kit and one mag $1800 firm CMP service-grade M1 Garand, 30-06, has new stock from Boyds $1600 Call or text 307421-0382 OUTDOOR LIFE USED RV PARTS, BEEN SALVAGING A LONG time 307-630-9320 Open ursday Evenings 5pm-9pm • Premium Cocktails • Allocated Whiskies • Free Catered Food • Small, Intimate Setting with Limited Seating Take Time for TOP SHELF Brownie’s Bar 516 S. Greeley Highway (Located in Town & Country Supermarket Liquors) What’s An Olio?? An olio is an act you do at the melodrama during the two intermissions. If you want to learn a skill you can audition with, sign up for one of the following olio workshops! Juggling with Dan Jaspersen: 4 Sessions • Sunday 4/21, Sunday 4/28, Sunday 5/12, Sunday 5/19 (April sessions at The Mary Godfrey Playhouse, May sessions at The Historic Atlas Theatre!) ($5.00 materials fee) MC, Sheriff and Card Girl with Rory Mack: 1 Session Saturday 4/27 Atlas Theatre Funny Stuff with Rory Mack: 1 Session Saturday 5/18 Atlas Theatre All sessions start at 3:00pm and must have at least 5 participants For More Information go to, or call 638-6543 900 E. LINCOLNWAY • 307- 637- 0020 WWW.ROCKONWHEELS.NET • BIKE S • E- BIKE S • DISC GOLF • SERVIC E • AP PA RE L & ACCESSORIE S KEEP YOUR BIKE TRAIL READY! BringItIn TodayFor A Complete Inspection! CYCLE, SKI, & MORE ! in a picture ad 1999 Bayliner Capri Model 1954, fish and ski, 135hp inboard/outboard, 12V Minn Kota electric, excellent condition, many extras. $7,500 OBO (307) 638-7273 • Ron BIG PAWS TREE SERVICE , OFFERING TREE and shrub trimming as well as removal stump grinding crane specializing in large tree removals, certified, licensed insured arborist free estimates, celebrati n g 1 2 y e a r s o f s e r v i n g Cheyenne 307-6310078, bigpawslawncare @gmail com SELF STORAGE: 5'X5', $30 5'X10', $45 10'x10', $75 10'x20' $105 All per month Open every day, military and pay ahead discounts, security fencing and gates, lighting, camera and daily patrols A&A StorInns, 3559 Cleveland Ave, 307-634-7867, aa storinns@wyo2u com DOING CAR CARE RIGHT IS WHAT WE DO best! Save on service, $10 off $100 $25 off $250 and $50 off $500, plus $39 95 synthetic blend oil changes Call or schedule online at meineke com, 1627 Dell Range Blvd, Cheyenne W Y 82009 307-222-2523 Meineke, doing c ar c are right RECONDITIONED
634-5145 QUALITY USED GUNS FOR SALE , OBTAINED from local estate Ruger #1's Ruger M77's M1 Garands, 1903 A3 sniper rifles It's time to add to your collection Rocky Mountain Gun Trader, 2470 Dell Range Blvd, 307-632-5133, Mon-Sat, 10am-6pm
I N DY U P H O L ST E RY, H O U S E H O L D f u r n i t u re, 20 years
3 9 1 5 , M o n - Fri 9am-5pm, Sat 9am-noon, S u n b y a p p o i n t m e n t o n l y, 1 1 0 3 M o n ro e Ave, C
APPLIANCES WASHER and dryer sets, as well as refrigerators washers dryers, dishwashers and ranges, 90 day warranty, delivery available excellent sales and service, come check out our store A+ Charlie's Appliances, 415 W Lincolnway, 307-
Frank Jr at 3 07- 6 3 4 -
SAND AND GREASE TRAPS, c e s s p o o l s , p o r t a b l e bathroom
Triple J
Pumping, 307-632-6476 WANTED VINTAGE NATIVE AMERICAN Sterling turquoise jewelry c a s h p a i d B o h e m i a n M et a l s , 3 1 4 W 1 7 t h S t , 3 07-2 1 4 - 47 2 2
d s
v i s i t
o r ra n c e i n
c o m /a
a n d c l e a n u p Hutchinson Construction I n c , L a n d s c a p i n g a n d Excavating, 307-631-1478
weed control, seeding, aeration and mosquito
LI O ACT I S A N ACT yo u do at the melodrama during the two intermissions If you want to learn a skill you can audition with, sign up for one of the olio workshops! For more information call 307-638-6543 or go to cheyennelittle theatre org R I P C O N ST R U CT I O N L LC , S P E C I A L I Z I N G I N re s i d e n t i a l re m o d e l Additions decks sheds basements, bathrooms, interiors, kitchens 307249-3193 RAM WASTE SERVICE, R E S I D E N T I A L A N D commercial with 10-30 yard roll off containers prompt and dependable, serving southeast Wyoming 1413 E Fox Farm Rd, 307-638-8500 P U R C E L L WO O D PELLETS, $399 FOR 50 bag pallets of 40lb bags D eli very a va i la b le, n ot i n c lud ed i n p ri c e We ta ke c a s h , c red i t c a rd s a n d c h ec ks D o o ley Oi l I n c 1 807 E Fox Fa rm R d , Ch eyen n e, 307- 632761 6 o r 72 0 S ky li n e R d , L a ra mi e, 307-74 2- 5667 E XCAVAT I O N : SEPTIC SYSTEMS, BASEMENTS, driveways, drainage issues, retaining walls, gravel hauling Kauffman Contracting L LC, ka u ff m a n c o n t ra c t i n g c o m , 307-630-6435 T H E M A R I N E C O R P S L E AG U E , E D H e r s c h l e r D et a c h m e n t i s l o o k i n g for a few good men and women Join today to help local Veterans Call today! 307-221-6302 or email jrvicecomdt mcl772 det@gmail com LOCAL BEEF FOR SALE, NATURAL GRASS FED, quarters or halves, delivery in July and Oct, call now to reserve yours, custom cut to your specifications High Plains Beef, 307-287-1102, w w w h i g h p l a i n s b e efl l c c o m H E A LT H W O R K S I S MORE THAN JUST A doctor s office! See our complete list of services a t w y h e a l t h w o r k s o r g Call HealthWorks at 307635-3618 to schedule you appointment
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free quote Ask about our first application special! 1-833-606-6777 WHAT'S AN

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OPEN HOUSE: 244 ROCKING H DRIVE , Sat, 1 2 p m -2 p m $7 7 9 0 0 0 C a ra Vre d e n b u rg , 3 0764 0- 5007 ER A Fro nti er R ea lty

MG PAINTING: INTERIOR, EXTERIOR, EPOXY floors power wash stain and lacquer, texturizing, drywall patch, laminate and tile flooring Licensed and insured with 10+ years ex p e r i e n c e 3 07- 3 6 589 6 4

YOUR COUNTERTOP, CABINET AND design professionals L a mi n ate, solid surface granite and quartz countertops, onyx shower kits, cabinetry and c abinet door replacement , fabric ation to installation, free estimates Ultimate In-Counters, Inc, 307-637-5204 ultimatein counters com

AG I N G R O O F ? N E W H O M E OW N E R ? G OT storm damage? You need a local expert provider that p ro u d l y s t a n d s b e h i n d their work Fast free estimate Financing available C a l l 1 - 8 8 8 - 878 -9 0 9 1

GARAGE DOORS AND OPENERS, BROKEN springs, sales, service and installation Where experience makes a difference, we re the garage door pros Locally owned since 1978 Doors & More 307632-6842

LEGENDARY ROMERO ROOFING, ROOF NOW, pay later! Payment plan no interest, 25% off labor o n l y, 3 y e a r wa r ra n t y, serving Cheyenne Laramie and Rawlins, MaySept only, licensed and i n s u re d C a l l 3 07- 4 2 14 831 fo r d eta i ls , n o text

COUNTRY LAND AND HOMES, CUSTOM BUILT modulars 888-321-1537 www CountryLandHome com

PRIMO CONCRETE SERVICES: ALL TYPES OF flatwork, demo and tear outs, interior and exterior, stamps and color no job too large or small! L ic e n s e d a n d i n s u re d Text o r c a l l 3 07-2 745 3 9 0, primoconcreteser vices@gmail com


When the rental is finished you own the building, stop throwing your money down the drain, keep your stuff right at home, convenient, yeah! Free delivery to your own backyard, within 30 miles of lot, quick and easy rent- to - own a p p li c ati o n Teton Structures, 4060 I80 Service Rd Burns just e a s t o f TA Tr u c k S t o p, sales lot and production facility Sales lots also at 3016 S Greeley Hwy, Cheyenne and Yellowstone Rd at our Chey-

Page 14 TRADER’S Week of April 26, 2024 ALONG OTHER LINES REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE RENTALS AVAILABLE THIS WEEK 2709 Reed Ave. #3, 1 ba .............................. $750 ............... 307-634-9219 401-1/2 E. 26th St. ......................................................1 br, 1 ba ................................ $700 ............... 307-635-0338 3312 Bent Ave. 1 br, 1 ba $750 307-632-9305 206 E. Pershing Blvd. #2 1 br, 1 ba $925 307-634-9219 808 E. 18th #3 1 br, 1 ba $950 307-635-0338 1417 W. A St., Torrington 2 br, 1 ba $700 307-634-9219 2210 Seymour Ave. 2 br, 1 ba $750 307-220-6809 2833 E. A St., Torrington 2 br, 1 ba $800 307-634-9219 513 E. 24th St. 2 br, 1 ba $850 307-630-1070 1200 Talbot Ct. 2 br, 1 ba $1,200 307-630-9903 1425 E. P, Torrington 2 br, 2 ba $750 307-634-9219 1560 Westview Ct. #C, Laramie 2 br, 2 ba $1,100 307-742-6321 120 SC 2, Henry, NE 3 br, 1 ba $800 307-634-9219 206 E. Pershing Blvd. #1 3 br, 1 ba $1,500 307-634-9219 373 N. Buchanan #C, West Laramie 3 br, 2 ba $1,100 970-571-0290 373 N. Buchanan #D, West Laramie 3 br, 2 ba $1,100 970-571-0290 218 Country West Rd. #1 3 br, 2 ba $1,300 307-634-9219 3800 Gregg Way 3 br, 2 ba $1,400 307-634-9219 3812 Gregg Way #D 3 br, 2 ba $1,400 307-634-9219 2114 Rollins Ave. 1-car garage $200 307-630-9992 Address Bedrooms Rent Contact Preview REAL ESTATE GUIDE Southeast Wyoming’s Leader in Real Estate Information. Mobile Optimized for Phone & Tablets! Rental Directory Sponsored by: ApArtment for r ent pattison Ave. Apartments 1 Bedroom, No Smoking $649/mo. plus e lectric 307-633-8323 c heyenne h ousing Authority CENTURY 21® Bell Real Estate 307-632-BELL 2103 Warren Ave. Cheyenne, Wyoming Each office is independently owned and operated SATURDAY, APRIL 27 OPEN HOUSES 7209 Hawthorne Dr. • $508,000 Step into this stylish quad-level residence nestled in the coveted Western Hills area. This home features 5 bedrooms, 4 bathrooms and 2 cozy fireplaces. With several upgrades and a meticulously designed layout, there is plenty of room for the entire family or friends alike. You will enjoy an eat-in kitchen, separate dining area, two living rooms, bonus room, an enclosed sunroom providing a space to relax and unwind year-round and a spacious Trex deck perfect for outdoor gatherings. Did we mention the backyard with two utility sheds, one of which is being used for a kid’s club house? Along with its charming brick exterior, a convenient 2-car attached garage, and ample natural light, this property offers comfort, sophistication, and curb appeal. Don’t miss the opportunity to make this exquisite property your forever home. Schedule a showing today and prepare to be captivated by all that this Western Hills gem has to offer. Listed by Tracy Wilson 307-630-8686 Hosted by Gary Gonzalez 307-640-0855 OPEN 10:00 am-11:30 am OPEN 12:30 pm-2:00 pm 4041 Farthing Rd. • $595,000 Looking for new construction complete and ready to move in, this one is for you! Over 1900 sq feet of main floor living area, split ranch style home with the open floor plan concept. 11 foot vaulted ceilings with lots of windows to bring in the natural light. High end finishes with this new construction to include granite counter tops, stainless appliances, gas range, large center island and dining area. Bedrooms are all large enough for queen size beds or larger. Basement is framed and plumbed for a 3rd bathroom. Included in this price is central air, tank less hot water heater, gas fireplace oversized 3 car garage and front landscaping. Smart home starter pack with Audio, security cameras, smart thermostat and ring door bell. Builder will entertain buyer incentives such as closing costs, rate buy down and or price reduction. Listed by Dana Diekroeger 307-421-7593 • Hosted by Gary Gonzalez 307-640-0855 OPEN 12:30 pm-2:30 pm 4841 King Arthur Way • $398,000 Welcome to your dream home! This stunning 2-story residence sits on a corner lot and features 3 bedrooms, 2 full baths, and 2 half baths. Enjoy the convenience of a 2-car garage, RV parking on the side of the house, and a fenced backyard, there is even a bubble cut out in the backyard fence for your furry friends! The main level features the living room with an electric fireplace and brick surround, a half bath, a functional kitchen that includes an eat-in area, perfect for casual dining, while a separate formal dining area offers a touch of elegance for special occasions. The upper level houses all 3 bedrooms and 2 full baths, providing a homey feel flooded with natural light throughout. The primary bedroom suite features a full bath, walk-in closet, and 2 additional closets for ample storage space! The basement has a 2nd living room and flex space and an additional half bath. Don’t miss out on this incredible property that combines comfort, style, and practicality! Listed/hosted by Asha Bean 307-286-0269 THIS PUBLICATION WILL NOT knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of the law Our readers are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised in this publication are available on an equal opportunity basis To complain of discrimination, call HUD toll free at 800-669-9777 The toll free number for the hearing impaired is 800927-92 75 PREVIEW REAL ESTATE G U I D E AT w y o p re
ew c o m
ING WITH A personal touch Residential commercial, contractor or private, 25 years of experience Chris Rivera, owner Wet Paint 307275-4965 REMODELING SPECIALISTS, CUSTOM decks, siding, pole barns, additions, bathrooms, ceramic, flooring drywall painting and doors, 25 years experience with references local licensed and insured, free estimates Call 307-256-8576 BACKWOODS LAWN And Landscaping LLC, with 7+ yrs of experience, we are glad to offer lawn care, lawn maintenance, l a n d s c a p i n g , g a rd e n s , s p r i n k l e r s , d e c o rat i ve fe n c i n g a n
v i
enne Saddle Tramp sales lot teton structures com 307-2140705 PROTECT YOUR VALUABLES, ORDER YOUR shed now Teton Structures, 307-214-0705 NARROW WAY ENTERPRISES: IRRIGATION repair and maintenance backflow testing and repair, lawn aeration, residential and commercial, licensed and insured, 20+ years experience in the industry Call 307920-2231, narrowwayen terprises@gmail com or find us on Facebook S U N N Y DAYS H A N DYM A N , G E N E R A L c a rp e n t r y a n d ext e r i o r painting free quotes experienced and insured 307-365-9347 DOES YOUR BUSINESS WORK WITH YARD care, shrubs and trees power raking, aeration, sprinklers, fences, decks, or anything related to home improvement? If so, feature your business in Trader s upcoming Home and Garden s e c t i o n C a l l 3 07- 6 3 48895 for more information COWBOY RV, LIVING QUARTERS SERVICES, Spring A/C coil cleanings, RV furnaces and water heaters, air conditioners and refrigerators, slideout and leveling issues Mobile RV repair! Shane Baker, owner, 307-3657176 cowboyRVsvcs com, shane @ cowboyRVsvc s com 1ST CHOICE LAWN SERVICES SPRING start up's Lawn landscape, repairs and maintenance, licensed and insured 23 years experience, quality trusted and deserved Call for an appointment, 307-214-7599 Do n’t need a full-t ime bookkeeper on staff? CALL US TO DAY! We are your trusted source for full-ser vice bookkeeping and tax preparation. Refere nces Available YOUR OFFICE OR MINE ACCOUNTING Text or Call Laurie 307. 214.9183 YourOf OVER 20 YEARS EXPERIENCE IN CHEYENNE! SAVE TIME, MONEY AND HEADACHES Personals AS O F N OV 2 02 3 T R AV I S BA R TOW H AS b e e n s e p e rat e d f ro m To n d ra B a r t o w GINA MIA B, CALL RON B, 307-630-5807, please PLAINS HIGH NATURAL GRASS FED QUARTERS OR HALVES m LOCAL BEEF FOR SALE 307-287-1102 Deliver y in July & October Call Now To Reserve Yours Custom Cut To Your Specifications 2005 LOWE JOHN BOAT WITH 2012 Karavan trailer, includes extras, $1000 Call 307-214-0774 NO APRIL CRIBBAGE TOURNAMENTS FOR AMVET Post 10 1820 Ridge Rd, 307-996-8709 NEED A PLACE TO CALL HOME? CHECK out the Rental Guide in this issue SPRING CRAFT FAIR TWO DAY EVENT! FRI, Apr 26 12pm-7pm and Sat, Apr 27, 9am-4pm, La Grange Memorial Building, 403 M Street, La Grange, W Y 8 2 2 2 1 S h o p fo r M o t h e r ' s D a y, Fat h e r ' s D a y, G ra d u at i o n , B i r t hd a y s , B a b y S h o we r s , We d d i n g G i ft s ! Lo c a l a r t i s t s s p e c i a l i z i n g i n : J ewe l r y, b a ke d g o o d s , l e at h e r g o o d s , v i n t a g e items, decor, crocheted items, Alison's Pantry, micro greens, body care products, Legos and much more! For more information, contact us at peggy oedekoven@gmail com T H E H E AT I N G A N D C O O L I N G C O M PA N Y you can count on! Mister B's Heating and Cooling, 610 W 15th St 307-634HVAC(4822) PIANO TUNING AND RESTORATIONS, 40+ years experience Cheyenne s quality music center, Niemann & Sons Music, 1609 Central Ave, 307-637-5222 H AV E YO U H E A R D ? TRADER'S SHOPPER'S Guide and Preview Real Estate Guide are for sale Please do not call our office We have engaged a premier publications broker to represent us Contact John Cribb at Cribb, Cope and Potts directly at 406-570-5595 or email him at johntho mas@cribb com In the meantime, rest assured that Trader's and Preview will still be available every week in stands area-wide and online at wyotraders com and wyopreview com AVE MARIA THRIFT STORE, 2112 SNYDER, open Tues-Sat 1 0 a m5 p m , d o n at i o n s TuesSat, 11am-4pm 25% off picture frames, paintings, furniture, lamps, ladies and men's shoes, kid's clothes and shoes, toys, games and puzzles $5 off $25 purchase before tax with coupon found in this issue, plus see in store for other weekly sales and discounts Expires May 31, 2024, one per customer per day 307-514-0365 V E R N ' S C O N C R E T E : POLE BARNS, PATIOS, driveways, sidewalks, foundation repair brick and block, stucco, some overlays and stamp Licensed and bonded, free estimates Commercial and residential! 307-421-0753 A S P H A LT WO R K ! C OW B OY A S P H A LT, s ea l c o ati n g , p atc h i n g , h ot rub b er c ra c k fi lli n g , parking lot and driveway ma i nten a n c e Ca ll Brya n Mason, 307-215-1933

373 N BUCHANAN #D, WEST LARAMIE , 3 bedroom, 2 bath, 1 cat ok, plus electric, $1100 970-5710290

THREE BEDROOM, 1 5 BATH DUPLEX, LEASE $1700, no pets 720-2344539


BILE HOME, FOR RENT, nice yard, no pets, background check required $1000 monthly, available now 307-637-3739

HOUSE FOR RENT: AVAILABLE MAY 2, IN A semi-rural setting 3 bedroom, 1 5 bath,

BACA AND SON CONCRETE , SPECIALIZING in all types of flatwork, pole barns, residential and commercial No job too small 50 years experience free estimates, licensed and insured 307-421-7214

SEPTIC TANKS, SAND AND GREASE TRAPS, c e s s p o o l s , p o r t a b l e bathroom rentals Triple J Pumping, 307-632-6476

EZ SHED RENT TO OWN OR PURCHASE Stop in today, 2410 E Lincolnway

3615 MONROE AVE , CHEYENNE 82001, for sale by owner, raised ranch, upstairs: 2 bedroom and full bath, living room and kitchen, downstairs: 3/4 bath, 2 bedroom, 2 non-egress windows, washer and dryer, new appliances and some furniture included, $295,000 307-223-6333 or 307514-4358, please no texts

E XCAVAT I O N : SEPTIC SYSTEMS, BASEMENTS, driveways drainage issues retaining walls, gravel hauling Kauffman Contracting L LC, ka u ff m a n c o n t ra c t i n g c o m 307-630-6435


BATH, BASEMENT APT, close to base 1200 Talbot Ct, off street parking, unfurnished, no pets, no smoking, $1200 monthly, rent includes utilities and $1200 deposit 307-6309903


BATH, OVER-SIZED 1 car garage, updated kitchen and bathrooms, main floor laundry, addition added with office and or playroom and craftroom Very good condition, no pets or smoking, $1800 mo nth ly Wi lli a m Lewi s , Co ld well Ba n ker Th e Property Exchange, 307640-5205


BATH, GARDEN LEVEL apartment with a garage, $1100 rent, $1100 damage, no pets, no smoking, application and referen c es req ui red water s ewer, g a rb a g e a n d h eat i n c lud ed , ten a nt p a y s electric available 5/01/24 Call Rosie at 307-630-9791

NICE MOBILE HOMES FOR RENT, 2, 3, OR 4 bedrooms, no smoking, no pets 307-634-6637

373 N BUCHANAN #C, WEST LARAMIE , 3 bedroom 2 bath no pets plus electric, $1100 monthly 970-571-0290

H O U S E /A PA R T M E N T FOR RENT, 2210 Seymour Ave, close to hospital, 2 bedroom, full kitchen, large living room, washer and dryer, new carpet, new paint, you pay lights and gas no pets $750 monthly, $750 deposit 307-220-6809

Week of April 26, 2024 TRADER’S Page 15 REAL ESTATE Ser ving Cheyenne, Laramie & Torrington, Wyoming Ever ything Under One Roof TD REAL ESTATE HOMES FOR SALE AVAILABLE RENTALS 218 Country West Rd. #1 • Cheyenne 3 Bd., 2 Ba., Available 5/17 $1,300 3812 Gregg Way #D • Cheyenne 3 Bd., 2 Ba., Available 5/31 $1,400 2709 Reed Ave. #3 • Cheyenne Studio, 1 Ba., Available Now. $750 206 E. Pershing Blvd. #1 • Cheyenne 3 Bd., 1 Ba., Available 6/1. $1,500 206 E. Pershing Blvd. #2 • Cheyenne 1 Bd., 1 Ba., Available 6/1. $925 3800 Gregg Way • Cheyenne 3 Bd., 2 Ba., Available 5/24 $1,400 1560 Westview Ct. #C • Laramie 2 Bd., 2 Ba., Available 7/15. $1,100 1425 E. P St. • Torrington 2 Bd., 2 Ba., Available 5/1. $750 1417 W. A St. • Torrington 2 Bd., 1 Ba., Available 6/1. $700 2833 E. A St. • Torrington 2 Bd., 1 Ba., Available 5/20 $800 120 SC 2 • Henry, NE 3 Bd., 1 Ba., Available 5/15. $800 RENTAL S! (307) 635-0338 2103 Warren Ave. • Cheyenne, WY 82001 CENTURY 21® Bell Real Estate ApArtments 401-1/2 E. 26th St. 1 Bd., 1 Ba., No Pets, Plus Gas and Electric, Available Now $700 808 E. 18th #3 1 Bd., 1 Ba., Garage Optional, Pets Okay, Plus $100 Heat, Plus Gas and Electric, Available Now $950 Check With Us For Upcoming Rentals Too New To Be Advertised. OPEN HOUSES Weekend Of April 26-29 Open House Directory Sponsored by: THERE’S MORE THAN OPEN HOUSES! CHECK OUT WYOPREVIEW.COM, AL TAT E GUIDE OP U HOU Preview Century 21 Bell 7209 Hawthorne Dr. - $508,000 Sat 10-11:30 4841 King Arthur Way - $398,000 Sat. 12:30-2 4041 Farthing Rd. - $595,000 Sat. 12:30-2:30 Coldwell Banker TPE 4934 Carla Dr. - $608,000 Fri. 3-4 322 E. 26th St. - $530,000 Fri. 4-6 1301 Medley Lp. - $390,000 Fri. 5-6 7502 Max Ct. - $579,900 Sat. 10:30-11:30 1817 Converse Ave. - $325,000 Sat. 10:30-12:30 5400 Potomac St. - $380,000 Sat. 11-1 322 E. 26th St. - $530,000 Sat. 11-2 845 Sterling Dr. - $680,000 Sat. 12-1:30 1696 Nita Ct. - $730,000 Sat. 12-1:30 3947 Dixon Dr. - $675,000 Sat. 12-3 217 Ave. C - $480,000 Sat. 1-2:30 1295 Bentley Rd. - $684,900 Sat. 1-3 4934 Carla Dr. - $608,000 Sat. 2-3:30 845 Sterling Dr. - $680,000 Sun. 12-1 3947 Dixon Dr. - $675,000 Sun. 12-3 1817 Converse Ave. - $325,000 Sun. 12:30-2:30 322 E. 26th St. - $530,000 Sun. 12:30-3 5802 Indigo Dr. - $599,000 Sun. 1-2 3947 Dixon Dr. - $675,000 Mon. 12-3 ERA Frontier Realty 244 Rocking H Dr. - $779,000 Sat. 12-2 Keller Williams Frontier Realty 821 E. 17th St. - $855,000 Sun. 1-3 #1 Properties 420 W. College Dr. - $78,000 Sat. 9-10:30 6966 Wild Bill Ct. - $360,000 Sat. 10-11:30 1006 E. Carlson St. - $362,900 Sat. 10-11:30 4115 Red Feather Trl. - $620,000 Sat. 10-11:30 7316 Dorsey Rd. - $685,000 Sat. 10-12 1326 Concerto Ln. - $475,000 Sat. 11-12:30 3507 Thomas Rd. - $589,900 Sat. 11-12:30 5821 Calumet Dr. - $497,000 Sat. 11-12:30 4080 Saddleback Ln. - $528,900 Sat. 11-1 4084 Saddleback Ln. - $498,900 Sat. 11-1 2900 Carey Ave. - $899,900 Sat. 11:30-1 4110 E. 12th St. - $335,000 Sat. 12-1:30 3632 Red Feather Trl. - $535,000 Sat. 12-1:30 5802 Mica Bluff - $689,900 Sat. 12:30-2:30 5124 Topaz Dr. - $659,900 Sat. 1-5 5116 Topaz Dr. - $609,900 Sat. 1-5 7219 Legacy Pkwy. - $720,000 Sat. 2-3:30 1006 E. Carlson St. - $362,900 Sun. 10:30-12 1755 E. Mule Trl. - $479,900 Sun. 12-2 4080 Saddleback Ln. - $528,900 Sun. 12-2 4084 Saddleback Ln. - $498,900 Sun. 12-2 7219 Legacy Pkwy. - $720,000 Sun. 1-2:30 5124 Topaz Dr. - $659,900 Sun. 1-5 5116 Topaz Dr. - $609,900 Sun. 1-5 1930 E. Riding Club Rd. - $780,000 Sun. 2:30-4 RE/MAX Capitol Properties 5412 Carmel Dr. - $649,000 Sat. 11-12:30 5220 Hickory Pl. - $340,000 Sat. 12-1:30 1616 Maple Ct. - $499,900 Sat. 1-2 IRC MODULAR / BASEMENT READY PEARL APPLIANCE PACKAGE SIENNA MAPLE FLAT PANEL CABINETS 25OZ CARPET BEDROOMS & LIVING ROOM LX LINOLEUM BATH, KIT, UTL AND NOOK GLAMOUR MASTER BATH SOLID CORE INTERIOR DOORS STAINED WOOD WIND OW AND DOOR JAMBS STAINED WOOD INTERIOR PACKAGE TWIN PEAK DORMERS W/BUMPOUT WINDOWS PEARL CRANEBOARD LAP SIDING 5/12 ROOF PITCH-40LB PSF ROOF LOAD R-21 WAL L AND R-50 CEILING INSULATION 8’ FLAT CEILING THROUGHOUT ORANGE PEEL DRYWALL FINISH THROUGHOUT MANY MORE FEATURES! SHOWHOME SALE- SAVE OVER $37,000 Commodore Hazelnut show home priced at $204,900 including delivery and installation within 50 miles of Fort Collins. Open house hours Wed-Sat 10am to 4pm Shown by appt Mon-Tues Come down today and take a look before it’s gone. Country Land and Homes LLC 1701 East Mulberry Street Fort Collins CO 80524 888-321-1537 CHEYENNE HOUSING AUTHORIT Y OPPORTUNITY Cheyenne Housing Author it y is accepting applic ations for Public Housing units in Laramie, WY. Rent based on income. Apply online at Questions, call (307) 633-8323 CHEYENNE'S LARGEST SELECTION OF landscape supplies! Residential o r c o m m e rc i a l d e l i ve r y available Mountain Stone Landscape Supply, 1413 E Fox Fa r m R d , M o n - Fr i , 8 a m - 4 : 3 0 p m , 3 07- 4 3 39515, www mountainstone landscapesupply com PAINTING, INTERIOR AND EXTERIOR, drywall installation and finishing, d r y wa l l re p a i r s a n d texturing Call today for a free estimate, Superior Painting and Remodeling 307-286-7482, licensed and insured T D R E A L E STAT E , E V E RY T H I N G U N D E R o n e ro o f Ava i l a b l e re n ta l s at 3 07- 6 3 4 -92 1 9 SUNNY DAYS HANDYMAN AND GENERAL carpentry 307-365-9347 LOOKING FOR A NEW HOME? PREVIEW Real Estate Guide, published every month for more than 30 years and available free at more than 70 locations or online at w w w w y o p re v i e w c o m Read the leading real estate magazine in southeast Wyoming 307-634-8895 CALL FOR A FREE ESTIMATE, SUPERIOR Painting and Remodeling 307-286-7482 NEED A PLACE TO CALL HOME? CHECK out the Rental Guide in this issue
PROPERTY MANAGEMENT, TD Real Estate, 307-6349219, 1234rent com FO R A LL YO U R H O M E I M P ROVE M E NTS: Ca pi ta l Lumb er Co, 1 2 2 2 Dunn Ave 307-634-4471
ranch style home, included is an oversized 2-car attached garage, on an almost half acre lot, in Cul-de-sac, owner occupied, quiet neighborhood fireplace in living room, large master bedroom, eat-in kitchen, no smoking, pet negotiable, 1 year lease, $1595 monthly plus deposit and utilities 307-220-3087 HOUSE FOR RENT: 3 BEDROOMS, 1 BATH, single car garage, double covered patio fenced yard, new windows and carpet, no pets, close to Capitol Theater, available now, call for showing, 307-632-7071 ONE BEDROOM BASEMENT APARTMENT FOR rent, 3312 Bent Ave, $750 monthly, includes all utitlites $500 deposit with first months rent, no pets 307-632-9305 ONE BEDROOM, 1 BATH, $800 MONTHLY, $600 deposit Two bedro o m , 1 b at h , $ 1 1 0 0 monthly, $700 deposit, furnished 307-631-8940 Kevin
Page 16 TRADER’S Week of April 26, 2024 516 South Greeley Hwy. Cheyenne • 632-8735 • Gift CertifiCates available • shop WyominG’s larGest for best priCe, seleCtion & servi *Prices good through May 2, 2024 larGest Whiskey seleCtion in WyominG! red taG sales on hundreds of items throuGhout the store! Pepsi Products $9 99 24 Pack of 12 oz. Cans tito’s Handmade Vodka $ 30 99 1.75 Liter J.P. Wisers Select Canadian Whisky $ 3499 750 Ml. mike’s hard beverages All Available Varieties $16 49 12 Pack of 12 oz. Bottles or Cans dos equis Amber or Lager $15 99 12 Pack of 12 oz. Bottles or Cans Michelob Ultra $1499 12 Pack of 12 oz. Bottles or Cans bud light Seltzers All Available Varieties $15 99 12 Pack of 12 oz. Cans White Claw Seltzers All Available Varieties $15 99 12 Pack of 12 oz. Cans barefoot All Available Varieties $1799 California • 3 Liters punto final reserva Cabernet Franc or Malbec $19 99 Argentina • 750 Ml. Chi Chi’s Ready to Drink Cocktails All Available Varieties $ 9 99 1.75 Liter shop WyominG’s larGest for the best priCe, seleCtion & serviCe Hacienda de arinziano 2011, Chardonnay or Rosé $14 99 Spain • 750 Ml. barefoot seltzers All Available Varieties $5 99 California • 4 x 355 Ml. Meiers flavored Wines All Available Varieties 25% off California • 1.5 Liter or 750 Ml. Gallo family vineyards All Available Varieties $3 99 California • 750 Ml. redwood Creek Pinot Noir or Cabernet Sauvignon $9 99 California • 1.5 Liter seven falls Chardonnay or Merlot $9 99 California • 750 Ml. Santa margherita Chianti Classico or Pinot Grigio $2199 Italy • 750 Ml. Crown royal Hand Select Canadian Whisky $ 49 99 750 Ml. Casamigos Blanco Tequila $ 4199 750 Ml. don Julio private Cask Reposado Tequila $ 59 99 750 Ml. Super buy! Whiskey smith’s All Available Varieties $ 2199 750 Ml. Captain morgan Private Stock $ 2199 750 Ml. sugarland Moonshine All Available Varieties $ 2199 750 Ml. svedka Vodka $1499 1.75 Liter Sailor Jerry Spiced Rum $ 2199 1.75 Liter twisted tea Sweet Tea Whiskey $14 99 750 Ml. pine bluffs distilling Rye Whiskey $45 99 750 Ml. lord Calvert Canadian Whisky $14 99 1.75 Liter breckenridge brewing Avalanche Amber or Variety Pack $16 99 15 Pack of 12 oz. Cans Cazadores Blanco Tequila $ 2499 750 Ml. licor 43 Cuarenta Y Tres Liqueur $ 22 99 750 Ml. Camarena Tequila Silver or Reposado $ 36 99 1.75 Liter tanqueray Dry Gin $ 3799 1.75 Liter ezra brooks 99 Kentucky Straight Bourbon Whiskey $ 36 99 1.75 Liter Pendleton Canadian Whisky $ 40 99 1.75 Liter bud, bud light, miller lite or Coors light $25 99 24 Pack of 16 oz. Cans decoy Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot or Pinot Noir $2199 Chardonnay or Sauvignon Blanc $1799 California • 750 Ml. Carnivor Bourbon Barrel Cabernet Sauvignon $12 99 Cabernet Sauvignon or Zinfandel $10 99 California • 750 Ml. bud or bud light $10 99 12 Pack of 12 oz. Bottles or Cans super suits Carlo rossi Burgundy, Chianti, Moscato Sangria, Paisano, Rhine, Sangria or Sweet Rosé $1599 California • 4 Liter st. brendan’s Irish Cream Liqueur $1449 750 Ml. oyster bay Pinot Noir - 91 Pts IWC $13 49 Sauvignon Blanc, Chardonnay, Rosé or Pinot Gris $10 99 New Zealand • 750 Ml. 19 Crimes Cali Rosé, Cali Red or Martha’s Chard $1199 SE Australia • 750 Ml. Super buy! Super buy! modelo especial, negra modelo or Pacifico $16 99 12 Pack of 12 oz. Bottles or Cans blue moon brewing All Available Varieties $15 99 12 Pack of 12 oz. Bottles or Cans Chilcas Chardonnay, Cinsault, Pais or Pinot Noir $12 59 Chile • 750 Ml. Corona, Corona light, Corona familiar or Corona Premier $16 99 12 Pack of 12 oz. Bottles or Cans Store pick! Store pick! top shelf Super buy! Super buy! Super buy! Super buy! Super buy! Super buy! Super buy! Super buy! Super buy!

Word of the Week - S is for Saker

The SAKER is a species of falcon found in Europe – and is the national bird of Hungary. It is a MIGRATORY bird, and is the second fastest bird in level flight after the SWIFT. LANNER falcons and SAKERS can interbreed. GYRFALCONS and SAKERS can also interbreed. The SAKER is used in FALCONRY – hunting using falcons. They are trained using SEELING –having their eyes temporarily sewn shut as an aid to training. The birds wear JESSES – straps around their legs. The name for the straps is JESS, and it’s a verb, so JESSING describes this practice. Word of the Week Provided by Barbara Peterson

Week of April 26, 2024 TRADER’S Page 17 Book by Michael Stewart Music and Lyrics by Jerry Herman Based on the Play The Matchmaker by Thornton Wilder Original Production Directed and Choreographed by Gower Champion Produced for the Broadway Stage by David Merrick and Champion Five, Inc. Mary Godfrey Playhouse 2706 E. Pershing Blvd Cheyenne, WY 82001 Adults - $31 Seniors (65+)/Military - $27 Students (13+) - $25 Children (12 & Under) - $21 Directed by Tenacity Bricher-Wade Dates May 3 - May 19 Buy Tickets Here Order Tickets at (307) 638-6543 HELLO, DOLLY! is presented by arrangement with Concord Theatricals on behalf of Tams-Witmark LLC. THANKFUL Th sday SUPPORT YO UR COMMUNIT Y ONE CHAR IT Y AT A TIME! FREE AD MISSION! 50/50 Ra e • Card Games • Live Auctio n A Chance To Win $$$$ Lincolnway Event Hall | 3839 E. Lincolnway Come Out Thursday & Support Your Community! DOORS OPEN AT 4PM • DRAWINGS AT 5PM LIVE AUCTION AT 6PM ALL MONEY RAISED GO ES DIR ECTLY TO TH E CHARIT Y! This ad provided by a grant from Trader’s Publishing May 2 Cheyenne Shrine Club Shriners International is a brotherhood of men of great character, compassion and strong values who are committed to family, fellowship and making the world a better place. Members are known for their loyalty, camaraderie and their steadfast support of each other and their communities in times of need. May 9 Coats for Kids Wyoming Provides new coats to children in need.
for answers.
Medium. See page 21
Scrabble Club. “Please join
every Tuesday afternoon
the Laramie County Library.” We
to Laramie! • 5 Days a Week •
C&D Courier Service Charlie & Dixie Pierce 307-630-8484 or 307-630-4843 Brand Bar - Tues-Sat • 3pm-11pm Limited Menu • Package Liquor Available Thurs - 1/2 Price Appetizers T-Bone Tuesdays Reservations Always Appreciated OPEN TUES.-THURS 4PM-9PM • FRI.-SAT 4PM-10PM 634-3684 1700 Little Bear Rd. Cheyenne’s Original Steak House! Tues-Thurs • 4pm-9pm Fri-Sat • 4pm-10pm 1 9 4 7 8 5 4 3 1 2 4 1 5 7 2 9 9 1 6 7 9 1 5 8 2 1 9 5 8 3 Puzzle 1 (Medium, difficulty rating 0.48) Generated by on Wed Apr 3 21:34:11 2024 GMT. Enjoy! Let Us: Pack it. Ship it. • UPS Shipping & Receiving Outlet • US Mail • Fed Ex • Mail Box Rentals • Mail Forwarding • Custom Packaging • New & Used Boxes • Moving Supplies O ce Hours: Mon. – Sat. • 8:30 am – 6 pm 1903 S. Greeley Hwy. • 635-9335 Fax 635-9129 Let Us Box It Up American Storage & Postal Service Mail Box • US Mail • UPS • Fed Ex • Copies • Fax • Notary • Packing 634-8895 Place Your Dining & Entertainment Message Here! Do n’t need a f ull-t i me bookkeeper on staff? CALL US TO DAY! We are your trusted source for full-ser vice bookkeeping and tax preparation. Refere nces Available YOUR OFFICE OR MINE ACCOUNTING Text or Call Laurie 307. 214.9183 YourOf Over 20 Years Experience in Cheyenne ! SAVE TIME, MONEY AND HEADACHES Mail Box • US Mail • UPS • Fed Ex • Copies • Fax • Notary • Packing 5 x 10 — $65 per month 10 x 10 — $105 per month 10 x 15 — $115 per month 12 x 20 has electric — $145 per month 12 x 30 has electric — $225 per month 12 x 42 has electric — $260 per month 12 x 42 shop unit — $310 per month plus heat & phone FREE Truck with Move-In! 1903 S. Greeley Hwy. 635-9335 • Fax 635-9129 O ce Hours: Monday–Saturday 8:30 am – 6 pm Military Discount Available American Storage & Postal Service
Peterson is the President of the
Call for Estimate

Trader’s Office Hours

Trader’s office hours are 8:00am-4:00pm, Monday-Wednesday and 8:00am-3:00pm Thursday and Friday. If you would like to place an ad outside these hours you may phone in your ad to 307-6348895 and leave your ad, contact name and phone number on our voicemail or place your ad online at The deadline for classified advertising is 4:00pm Wednesday.

Free Chair Exercise Class

Grace United Methodist Church, 2950 Spruce, will host a free chair exercise class on Tuesdays at 10:00am. Please call 307-634-7472 for information.

Widows and Widowers

The Widows and Widowers group would like to welcome new members who are needing to move on after the loss of their life partner. Get out of the house and form new friendships at their once a week Tuesday meetings, held in the public library at 2200 Pioneer Avenue. Meeting starts at 12:30pm. Group lunch twice weekly, once after Tuesday meeting and 2:00pm lunch on Sundays. Sharing, learning, fun and laughter. Once a month meeting days are insights shared by professionals on need to know issues. Local group outings, tours and lectures. It’s a good thing to have camaraderie, socialization and friendship in life. Call Vicki at 307-631-9990 for information on the Tuesday you prefer to start.

Camera Club Meetings

The Cheyenne Camera Club meets the first and third Thursdays each month from September through May at 6:00pm at the Highlands Presbyterian Church at 2390 Pattison Avenue. The public is welcome to attend. Coffee break meetings are held the second and fourth Wednesdays of each month in the Dazbog Coffee at 3911 East Pershing Boulevard at 9:00am. Call Judy at 307-634-0357 or go to


Aluminum steel brass copper, aluminum cans, s c ra p i ro n , b att e r i e s

Large scales for big loads, convenient drive through, cash paid for your ferrous a n d n o n - ferro us meta ls Cheyenne Auto and Metal, 3 0 01 S G re e l ey H w y please enter from Nation Rd, 307-634-5859

TOPS Club Meeting



Days July 19-28 2024 at cfdrodeo com Concerts $72-$107, PRCA Rodeo $24-$51, PBR Bull Riding $25-$105, Carnival armbands $40 per session or $150 for all 10 days $5 discount on concert and $3 discount on rodeo tickets purchased before July 1, 2024 The CFD Ticket Office is the only authorized source of tickets for our event, tickets may be purchased online o r by phone

FIREWOOD FOR SALE , UNCERTAIN ECONOMY with gas prices rising,get a load of wood now so it'll be seasoned for this coming fall 14' dump trailer loads of rounds, various sizes ready to split, mixed woods: Cottonwood, Ash, Aspen, Maple, Poplar, Locust and Pine $225 for in town delivery per dump trailer, $250 out of town When processed equals 3 cords 307-823-3332

BART'S FLEA MARKET: ANTIQUES, collectibles and a whole lot more! Cheyenne's oldest and largest indoor flea market! Open 7 days a week Mon-Sat 9am-5pm, Sun 12pm-5pm 307-632-0004, 415 W Lincolnway WOULD YOU LIKE TO HAVE THE DIGITAL version of Trader s Shopper's Guide delivered to your inbox every Friday mo rn i n g ? I f s o, s en d yo ur ema

TOPS #WY 002 (Take Off Pounds Sensibly) meets each Tuesday afternoon at 4:00pm in the basement of Faith United Methodist Church, 522 East 6th Street. Join them for fellowship and weight loss motivation. For more information, please contact or check out the national website online at

Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation Banquet

The Southeast Wyoming Chapter #100 of Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation will hold their annual banquet on Friday, April 26. Doors open at 5:00pm at the Cheyenne Ice and Events Center, 1530 West Lincolnway. For more information or tickets, go to or call Paula Klaus-Crozier at 970200-3003.

Holy Trinity Annual Garage Sale

Holy Trinity will hold its annual garage sale on April 26-27, Friday noon to 6:00pm and Saturday 9:00am-1:00pm at 1808 Hot Springs Avenue. Come and check out the great variety of gently used housewares, collectibles, linens, seasonal, vintage items and more. They accept cash and checks. No bills over $20, please.

Safe Kids Day

Cheyenne Regional Medical Center and the Cheyenne Family YMCA are teaming up with several other local health and safety groups to offer the 27th annual Safe Kids Day at the YMCA, 1426 East Lincolnway, Saturday, April 27,10:00am2:00pm. Safe Kids Day is free and open to the public. More than 20 exhibits focusing on children’s health and safety will be offered. For more information, call 307-432-2679.

The Big Red Barn Art and Crafts Extravaganza

Join the Big Red Barn for a fun and relaxing time as you experience the gifted local artisans with creations for you and your home including handcrafted candles, vanilla, jellies, jewelry, leather goods, woodworking, refurbished furniture, purses, totes and much more on May 4, 9:00am-3:00pm at 7601 Belmont Avenue. Food will be available for lunch and a raffle for a gift basket with proceeds being donated to local charities.

Child Passenger Safety

Safe Kids Laramie County will start having monthly car seat inspections April 27 in Pine Bluffs from 10:00am-1:00pm. Child passenger safety checks on the fourth Thursday of each month at the inspection station located at the Pine Bluffs Community Center, 708 Lawson Street will stress the importance of using the appropriate seat for the child’s height, weight and age as well as the correct fit for the child and the vehicle. For information call Victoria Ingerle at 307-432-2679

Cheyenne Cruise Night

The April 27 Cruise night is dedicated to Cael Henderson, a local athlete who has qualified to attend Qualifications for the USA Grappling World Team Tournaments in Dallas on May 4 and 5. Trials are being held in Los Angeles on June 22. If Cael wins the Trials, he will join Team USA for the 2024 United World Wrestling (UWW) Grappling World Championship in Kazakhstan. This is an enormous opportunity for a young athlete to represent Cheyenne and the United States on a world stage.

Homeschoolers Spring Craft Fair

The Homeschoolers Spring Craft Fair will be held Saturday, April 27, 10:00am-1:00pm at Calvary Chapel, 9209 Ridge Road. There will be Mother’s Day gifts, jewelry, baked goods and other food as well as Cheyenne grown seeds and needlework.

Stars of Tomorrow Talent Show

The Kiwanis Club of Cheyenne presents its 70th annual Stars of Tomorrow event, showcasing the music and dance talent of Laramie County Youth. The show is set for 2:00pm on April 28 at Cheyenne Central High School, 5500 Education Drive. Doors for the event open at 1:30pm.

Dog Foster Homes Needed

you just provide the love! Contact Black Dog Animal

Page 18 TRADER’S Week of April 26, 2024 ALONG OTHER LINES
new foster dog,
Rescue for more information at 307-514-4024 or C OMMUNIT Y OUR WW W.W YOTRADERS.COM Continued on Page: 20 Let Us: Pack it. Ship it. • UPS Shipping & Receiving Outlet • US Mail • Fed Ex • Mail Box Rentals • Mail Forwarding • Custom Packaging • New & Used Boxes • Moving Supplies O ce Hours: Monday – Saturday 8:30 am – 6 pm 1903 S. Greeley Hwy. • 635-9335 Fax 635-9129 Let Us Box It Up American Storage & Postal Service Mail Box • US Mail • UPS • Fed Ex Copies • Fax • Notary • Packing We Deliver to Laramie! • 5 Days a Week • Call for Estimate C&D Courier Service Charlie & Dixie Pierce 307-630-8484 or 307-630-4843 TOGETHER, WE CAN DELIVER.© GET MEALS • VOLUNTEER • DONATE (307 ) 635-554 2 MEALSONWHEELSOFCHEYENNE .COM K9s 4 Mobility is looking for volunteers to raise & train puppies who have the potential to become Assistance Dogs for persons who are blind or physically disabled. Some puppies are 8 weeks of age while those from the rescue or shelter may be between 8 months to 1 year Training involves basic obedience, house manners & socialization in public situations. Visit or email Please contact Michelle at 307-222-9597 for more information MULTI-DEALER SHOP WITH FUN AND affordable nostalgia on 2 floors! Antiques Central, LLC, 2311 Reed Ave, Tue-Sat, 10am-4pm, 307-638-6181 Follow us on Facebook! H AU L I N G , AVA I L A B L E O P T I O N S : F L AT B E D, step deck, live floor, side dump, lowboy Kauffman Contracting LLC, kauff mancontracting com, 307630-6435 I F YO U H AV E LO ST, FO U N D O R N E E D TO g i v e s o m e t h i n g a w a y, a d v e r t i s e i t F R E E i n Tra d er's , 307- 634 - 8895 by 4 : 00p m o n Wed n esd a y s THE BIG RED BARN ART AND CRAFTS Extravaganza: 7601 Belmont Ave Sat, May 4, 9am-3pm Join us for a fun and relaxing time as
the gifted
and your home
and much
We will
Looking for a hiking buddy but don’t have time for a full time dog?
show them what real love feels
Black Dog Animal Rescue provides
you experience
artisans with creations
including handcraft-
candles, vanilla, jellies, jewelry
goods woodworking, refurbished furniture, purses, totes
food available for
and a raffle for a gift basket with proceeds being donated to local charities
you to read at your convenience Thank you fo r re a d i n g Tra d e r ' s Shopper's Guide YOUR CLASS III NFA SPECIALISTS, silencers/ suppressors, fast approvals come in and see us! We can also equip you with a short barreled rifle or assist in the purchase of a full auto rifle Rocky Mountain Gun Trader, 2470 Dell Range Blvd, 307-632-5133 DOES YOUR BUSINESS WORK WITH YARD care, shrubs and trees, power raking aeration sprinklers fences, decks or anything related to home improvement? If so feature your business in Trader's upcoming Home and Garden section Call 307-6348865 for more information
i l a d d res s to Arts@wyotraders com and enter "Free Subscription" in the email subject line Starting the
have a direct link to the
issue with
page-flip technology for

10 per word thereafter, deadlines are Wednesdays, 4:00pm

C a l l Tra d e r ' s 3 07- 6 3 48895 You may be billed o r us e Vi s a , Ma sterCa rd o r D i s c over Cheyenne's b est c la s s i fi ed s ! SPECIALITY

DON'T WALK AWAY FROM YOUR LARGEST investment without talki n g to us A re yo u fa c i n g foreclosure? We are the b est at h elp i n g p eo p le help themselves don't give up! Call us today, Mary Honeycutt, 307-631-2500, Tanya Stogsdill 307-2145 51 5 6 0 3 E 1 7 t h S t, Kuz ma S uc c es s R ea lty OLY SAYS PRAIRIE OAK WILL REVEAL THE beauty of your hardwood floors or install LVT 36 y e a r s o f ex p e r i e n c e serving SE Wyoming and beyond Call 307-214-1044 for a free local estimate

or Call (307) 635-4333 or (307) 287-2762


a va i l a b l e ! Homestead Roofing and Exteriors, 307-634-ROOF (7663)

CONCRETE SPECIALIST INDUSTRIAL , commercial and residential concrete flatwork specialists Patios, driveways and sidewalks, decorative stamp, pole barn floors parking lots, concrete sealers before the winter, since 1999 307-256-3813

HILLSDALE HAY FARM: NEW HAY AVAILABLE, round bales, big square bales and small bales Please leave a message, 307-632-0134

DOING CAR CARE RIGHT IS WHAT WE DO best! Save on service, $10 off $100 $25 off $250 and $50 off $500, plus $39 95 synthetic blend oil changes Call or schedule online at meineke com, 1627 Dell Range Blvd, Cheyenne, WY 82009, 307-222-2523 Meineke doing car care right

c t o r 1 8 4 5 N C o l l e g e Ave, Ft Collins, CO, 970482-4803, legacytracto rs com

in July and Oct, call now to reserve yours, custom cut to your specifications, High Plains Beef, 307-287-1102, w w w h i g h p l a i n s b e efl l c c o m


Week of April 26, 2024 TRADER’S Page 19 ALONG OTHER LINES FARM AND RANCH Hillsdale Hay Farm Please Leave A Message (307) 632- 0134 New Hay Available Roun d, Big Square and Sm all Bales C O M E V I S I T YO U R S H O OT I N G R A N G E ! L a ra m i e C o u n t y S h o o t , 1 3 80 2 B u l l s ey e R d HORSE VACCINATION, WORMING AND Coggins clinic, Apr 27, 12pm-4pm, no appointment needed, 45 Ranch Supply LLC, 204 S College Dr #B, Cheyenne 307-635-1216 CLIMB RIGHT TREE SPECIALIST, specializing in tree removal and trimming, certified Arborist and tree climbing specialist, licensed and insured Nathan Kemper, 307-3655505, 970-624-9493, jujitsu0131@gmail com BACA AND SON CONCRETE , SPECIALIZING in all types of flatwork, pole barns, residential and commercial No job too small, 50 years experience, free estimates, licensed and insured 307-421-7214 FIRST CUTTING HORSE HAY, 60% GRASS, 40% alfalfa, barn stored, 6570lb bales, baled dry, no mold s ome stems $9 per bale Sanchez Farm, 307-246-3445 H AU L I N G , AVA I L A B L E O P T I O N S : F L AT B E D, step deck, live floor, side dump, lowboy Kauffman Contracting LLC kauff mancontracting com, 307630-6435 ESTATE AUCTION, SAT, MAY 4, 2024, 10:00AM, 1154 Granito Dr, Laramie, WY We wil be selling items of the Robert Middleton Estate and others to the highest bidders, all items will be sold as is Visit Westbrookandsons com for pictures and info Terms: Cash in full day of auction, checks accepted w i t h p o s i t i ve I D a n d w i l l i n g n e s s t o b e fi n g e rprinted, 6% sales tax added Inspection: 8:00am to sale time, day of auction only Removal: Day of auction after full settlement, no items to be removed until paid for in full In charge of auction: WASA, Westbrook and Sons Auctioneers 815 S 3rd St, Laramie, WY 82070, 307-760-4572, westbrookandsons@gma il com SP RI NG TO OTH H A RROW WA NTE D, lo o ki n g fo r o ld p ull b eh i n d , n o 3- p o i nt 307- 631 -7390 ALL TYPES OF ROOFING REPAIRED AND installed, no job too big or small! Steel seamless gutters with roof replacement, free real estate and home owner inspections, 30+ years experience, licensed insured and bonded, insurance preferred contractor, senior and military discounts! $500 off any total roof replacement of property with coupon found in this weeks issue of Trader's Save time and money having your claim p a p e r wo r k
prep building sites, trash and debris removal, pen and barn cleaning, tree and post holes snow plowing, asphalt patchwork, belly dump and contract hauling residential rural c o m m e rc i a l , f re e e s t im at e s , reasonable rates M&M
Enterprises LLC, 307-631-9313
R PAC K AG E , $ 3 4 ,6 3 0 Tra c t o r l o a d e r b u c ket a n d 1 i m p l e m e n t K i o t i C K 2 62 0 H S E Le g a c y Tra
BLUE PLASTIC TUBS FOR PLANTS OR ? about 24" tall $2 50 ea, 5 for $2 25 ea, in good shape 307-547-3430 CA B B E D T R AC TO
K's Trailer Parts & Service, LLC, 4194 W 5th St, 307-632-0600 CHEYENNE ROCK SHOW, MAY 18-19, 2024 save the date! Gems, crystals, fossils at the Archer Complex Building M/K DOING CAR CARE RIGHT IS WHAT WE DO b e s t , f re e c h e c k e n g i n e l i g h t s c a n , $ 4 4 9 5 f u l l s y n t h et i c o i l c h a n g e C a l l o r s c h e d u l e o n l i n e at m e i n e ke c o m 1 62 7 D e l l R a n g e B l vd , C h eye n n e, W Y 8 2 0 0 9, 3 072 2 2-2 5 2 3 M e i n e ke d oi n g c a r c a re r i g h t LOCAL BEEF FOR SALE, NATURAL GRASS FED, quarters or halves, delivery
NEW 2022 W W RUNABOUT GOOSENECK stock trailer, 6x24, 7K axles full access door $12,500
FREE FLAT FIX WITH THIS ad! Good for a plug or $10 off repairs Locally, family and Veteran owned Good through May 31 2024 We sell new and used tires! 501 S Greeley Hwy, 307369-6171 H O RSE H AY, SM A LL BA LE S, BA LE D D RY, stored inside, all grass or mixed grass and alfalfa, $8 per bale, near Burns 307-214-8005 NARROW WAY ENTERPRISES: IRRIGATION repair and maintenance, backflow testing and repair, lawn aeration, residential and commercial, licensed and insured, 20+ years experience in the industry Call 307920-2231, narrowwayen terprises@gmail com or find us on Facebook J O H N D E E R E X 3 5 0 MOWER, 2CYL hydrostatic drive cruise control 48 cut, 1 year old, only 7 hours used, too big for my yard, $4000, new ones $5000 307-634-6649 WE'VE GOT TRAILERS! FULL SERVICE facility with over 30 years of c o m b i n e d ex p e r i e n c e We service all types of trailers K's Trailer Parts and Service, LLC, 4194 W 5th St 307-632-0600 K ' s Tra i l e r Pa r t s c o m NEED TO RENT 10-12" 3-P OINT PLOW FOR 2 days, will pick up Cheyenne, 307-421-7550 WE ARE CURRENTLY SEEKING TEAM members to work along with a highly dedicated team of Postframe builders Work will include: Building high end barns, garages, shops and post frame homes Excellent pay and Christian work environment Email resume to jalon@ duramacks com or call 307-635-4333 or 307287-2762 4194 W. 5th St. • 307-632-0600 K’s TRAILER PARTS & SERVICE,LLC NEW 2022 WW RUN-ABOUT GOOSENECK STOCK TRAILER #NW324184 6x24, 7k Axles, Full Access Door $12,500 TRAILER PARTS & SERVICE WELDING SHOP & MFG. LLC 508 E. 1st St. • 632-3294 • Axles • Springs • Tires • Wheels • LED Lights • Fenders • Jacks • Hitches B&W, Reese & Custom JOHN DEERE 3 BOTTOM PLOW $400 One single walk behind plow, $50 307-630-5807 FOUR JOHN DEERE 'G' REAR WHEEL weights $200 Two Farmall M rear wheel weights, $200 Two front wheels for JD 'G', $75 Two rear rims for Farmall 'M', $200 307630-5807 Come Join Our Team! 2021 Warren Ave. Bring a resume and allow time to fill out an application. C ome Join Our Team! 2021 Warren Ave. Bring a resume and allow time to fill out an application. We have a part-time graphic design position open. We are currently seeking a graphic designer to work a few days a week in our o ce. If you are experienced with setting up files for pre-press, highly skilled with Adobe Creative Suite and have experience creating graphics, we are looking for you! Position available Tuesday-Thursday. Hourly wage D.O.E. Apply in person at: We have a full-time graphic design position open. We are currently seeking a highly motivated individual to work in a fast-paced o ce. If you are experienced with Adobe Creative Suite and have experience creating graphics, we are looking for you! This is a long-term career opportunity. Position available Monday-Friday. Salary D.O.E. We o er paid vacation, health benefits and retirement. Apply in person at: We are currently seeking team members to work along with a highly dedicated team of Postframe builders . Work will include: building high end barns, garages, shops and post frame homes. Excellent pay and Christian work environment. Email Resume to
VOLUNTEER AT MEALS ON WHEELS! Mealson wheelscheyenne com COME JOIN OUR TEAM! WE HAVE A PART-TIME g ra p h i c d e s i g n p o s i t i o n o p e n We a re c u r re n t l y s e e k i n g a G ra p h i c D e s i g n e r t o wo r k a few days a week in our office If you are experienced with setting up files for pre-press, highly skilled with Adobe Creative Suite and have experience creating graphics, we are looking for you! Position a va i l a b l e Tu e s d a yThursday, hourly wage DOE, apply in person at Trader's 2021 Warren Ave, bring a resume and allow time to fill out an application H E LP WA NTE D ! FU LLTI M E P O SI TI O NS, b oth d a y a n d even i n g s h i fts , a p p ly i n p ers o n to Co o l R i ver Wi n e a n d S p i ri ts , 52 2 5 Yellowsto n e R d WE ARE CURRENTLY SEEKING TEAM members to work along with a highly dedicated team of Postframe builders Work will include: Building high end barns, garages, shops and post frame homes Excellent pay and Christian work environment Email resume to jalon@ duramacks com or call 307-635-4333 or 307287-2762 HIRING EVENING CLERK A ND M A I NTE NA NC E , starting $15-$16 per hour S a n d s Motel, c a ll 307634 -7 7 71 o r 303- 5644 047 ESTABLISHED SALON IN CHEYENNE IS looking for stylists with own clientele to rent booths Please stop by Enchanted Hair Salon, 1111 Logan Ave or call 307637-6763 for more info CA RE TA K E R NE E D E D : O NLI NE TR A I NI NG req ui red , b a c kg ro un d check through and paid for by DFS required, parttime, 16-25 hours, hours may vary weekly, $13 67 hour, morning gym trips sometimes required must have car with insurance E-mail re s u m e t o jd blackpanther47@ gmail com, 307-634-5932 EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY Trader's Shopper's Guide is looking for a bright, outgoing, energetic and career-oriented person to assist current and new advertisers Paid training provided Weekly salary plus commission, paid health dental vision and matching retirement plan Please apply in person with resume for application at Trader s, 2021 Warren Ave no phone calls please EMPLOYMENT & BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY BIG SKY ENERGY EQUIPMENT INC In KImball, NE seeks a Shop Labor and Pump Hand for full-time employment, Mon-Fri, health insurance and 401k savings plan available after 90 days Apply in person at 3948 Road 34 North, Kimball, NE, 307-2353883 ADVERTISING SALES REPRESENTATIVE EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY 2021 Warren Ave. No phone calls please. Trader’s Shopper’s Guide is looking for a bright, outgoing, energetic and career-oriented person to assist current and new advertisers. Paid training provided. Weekly salary plus commission, paid health, dental, vision and matching retirement plan Please apply in person with resumé for application C U STO M A L U M I N U M LOADING RAMPS TO fit all of your light and medium duty needs Lengths from 4 -14 , widths 12 , 14 , 15", 18" and 20", weight rating 3000-8000lb per ramp For current prices and photos go to Frontieramps on Facebook Marketplace or call Hank at 406-253-8191, Cheyenne CHEYENNE'S LARGEST SELECTION OF landscape supplies! Residential o r c o mmerc i a l d eli very available Mountain Stone Landscape Supply, 1413 E Fox Fa r m R d , M o n - Fr i , 8 a m - 4 : 3 0 p m , 3 07- 4 3 39515, www mountainstone lands c apesupply com PHONE IN YOUR AD ONLY $5 FOR THE first 20 words and $0
AUTO AUCTION INC, COLLECTOR cars, classic car auction, S at M a y 1 1 at 1 0 a m I sl a n d G ro ve R e g i o n a l Pa r k , 5 01 N 1 4 t h Ave, Greeley CO Call now for priority placement and information 970-266-9561, specialtyautoauction com memorabilia starts at 9am, preview at 8am

winter coats, plus see in store for other weekly sales and discounts Ave Maria is a non-profit

LO O K I NG FO R SO M E TH I NG s p ec i fi c? If you did not find what you're looking for, place a 'wanted' ad for those items

Only $5 for 20 words, $010 per word after 20 Trader's Shopper's Guide, 2021 Warren Ave 3076 3 4 - 8 89 5 C h ey e n n e s best classifieds

St. Joseph’s Deep Fried Taco Sale

Non-Profits Invited To Fridays on the Plaza

Cheyenne Presents is inviting non-profit organizations to participate in Fridays on the Plaza this season to help shine a spotlight on the mission and meaningful work non-profits do in the local community. Participating organizations will have the opportunity to set up a table to distribute information and swag to Fridays on the Plaza attendees and receive an on-stage acknowledgement of their organization. Non-profit organizations interested in participating are encouraged to apply early, as requests will be accepted on a first-come, firstserved basis. Contact to apply and request the application form, deadline is Tuesday, April 30

Historic Paintings for Highway Marker Signs

A dedication of signage telling some of the history of events that happened from the Wyoming state line to the Fort Laramie Military Post will be held at the Lingle Turn-Out 1.5 miles east of Lingle on May 2, 2pm. Well known artist, Barbara Schaffner of Wheatland, was commissioned to create five original paintings depicting historical events that took place in the 1800s throughout that area. Barb honors archaeologist George Zeimens for whom she feels this project would not have happened without his expertise and knowledge. Everyone is invited to attend the dedication of the signs. A reception will follow at the Lingle Community Center, 233 Main Street in Lingle, hosted by both the Goshen and Platte County Historical Societies.

Blue Grass Jam Session at the Library

There will be a Blue Grass Jam Session in the Willow Room at the Laramie County Library, 2200 Pioneer Avenue, Saturday, May 3, from 1:00pm3:00pm. Musicians and listeners are all welcome. Call or text Jerry at 307-369-3904 for information.

Celebrate the 25th Annual Deep Fried Taco Sale on Friday, May 3, by eating taco plates prepared by the women of St. Joseph’s CCW. To celebrate with your whole office and have a large order delivered, order by 5pm on Thursday, May 2 at StJoesTacos@ or text your order to 307-640-7735. Pick up orders can be submitted by text or call to 307-640-7735 or online at StJoesTacos@outlook. com. Stop by and enjoy them on May 3 in the Parish Hall at 608 Evans from 11:30am-6:30pm. Call Nancy at 307-640-7735 for information.

Greenway Spring Cleanup

The Greater Cheyenne Greenway Spring Cleanup effort is scheduled for three weekends this year, May 4 through May 19. If anything has changed with contact information, Greenway segment preference, or if volunteers are unable to continue with the program, contact Jeanie Shrednik, Greenway and Parks Planner, at 307-638-4379 or by email at Participants should contact Greenway staff when their segment is complete and Greenway crews will pick up the filled bags from the side of the path. For information on the Greater Cheyenne Greenway and to view a Greenway map, visit www.cheyennecity. org/greenway

Public Comment Period Open for CDBG Funds

The Housing and Community Development Office for the City of Cheyenne has started its annual public comment period for the office’s Annual Action Plan, which sets the goals the office has for the next year. It administers Federal Community Development Block Grant Funds. Several organizations are expected to receive funding, which are all tied to issues like housing and homelessness. The City’s Annual Action Plan is part of a larger fiveyear plan the City is required to create and follow to receive CDBG funds. The Fiscal Year 2024 plan and other plans are available online at www.chey Another public hearing on the funds will be held at City Council’s Finance Committee meeting on May 6. Public comment will also be accepted through an online survey at https:// until May 6. Questions about CDBG program should be directed to

6 37- 62 0 6, o r e m a i l : a n i m a l c o n t ro l @ c h ey e n n e c i t y o rg


Public Input Requested for Parks and Recreation

The City of Cheyenne is updating its Parks and Recreation Master Plan and residents can take a survey to participate in the process which includes questions ranging from how residents use existing parks and what amenities they would like to see in the future. The link for the survey is available at from now until May 10. The Parks and Recreation Master Plan will guide the city’s efforts in parks, open space, recreational amenities, and trails, including the Greenway over the next 10 years.

Cheyenne Audubon 50th Anniversary Celebration

Cheyenne Audubon invites everyone to help celebrate their 50th anniversary on May 11 with dinner at Laramie County Community College, 1400 East College Drive, at 5:00pm. “From the Grass Up” is the title of the talk to be given by guest speaker Chris Madson. Door prizes include a guided birding trip to Rocky Mountain National Park and a pair of binoculars, model C.1, built and donated by Lander Wyoming’s Maven Outdoor Equipment Company. The day will start with two local free field trips, details to be announced soon. For more information about Cheyenne Audubon, see

Spring into Green 5K Run and Walk

The 15th Annual “Spring into Green” 5K Run and Walk is set for Saturday, June 15, at Mylar Park, 5117 Seminoe Road. For information visit

Page 20 TRADER’S Week of April 26, 2024 ALONG OTHER LINES
C OMMUNIT Y OUR WW W.W YOTRADERS.COM Preview review REAL ESTATE GUIDE Preview review REAL ESTATE GUIDE Preview REAL ESTATE GUIDE Southeast Wyoming’s Leader in Real Estate Information. 307.634.8895 CRITTER CORNER TWO YEAR OLD MALE GERMAN SHEPHERD, has been nuetered has obedience training, not good with livestock, $500 307-631-2219 THREE LONGHAIRED DACHSHUND MALE puppies, ready to go 307631-1416 HORSE VACCINATION, WORMING AND Coggins clinic Apr 27 12pm-4pm no appointment needed, 45 Ranch Supply LLC, 204 S College Dr #B, Cheyenne 307-635-1216 SHELTIE PUPPY, SABLE AND WHITE female, ready soon, registered, current on vaccinations, 307-631-2896 I F YO U ' V E LO ST O R FO U N D A N A N I M A L , p l e a s e c o n t a c t T h e Cheyenne Animal Shelter, 800 Southwest Dr, 307632-6655, or check the website: cheyenneanimal shelter org/animals/lostand-found/ Aft e r hours or an emergency, call Animal Control at 307-
O K I NG for a hiking buddy, but don't have time for a full time dog? Try fostering and show them what real love feels like! We provide everything you need for your new foster dog, you just provide the love! Contact Black Dog Animal Rescue for more information, 307-514-4024, bdar@bdar org STANDARD GOLDENDOODLES Absolutely adorable and brilliant, 3 months old and ready for their forever homes, 3 males and 6 females left 307286-8541 GOLDEN/COCKER/MINI P O O D LE P U P S, O R Mini Golden Retrievers, vet checked micro chipped shots, perfect family companions, $500 307-2692824 See Representative for full warranty details. *One coupon per household. No obligation estimate valid for year. 1Subject to credit approval. Call for details AR #0366920922, CA #1035795, CT #HIC.0649905, FL #CBC056678, IA #C127230, ID #RCE-51604, LA #559544, MA #176447, MD #MHIC148329, MI # 2102212986, #262000022, #262000403, #2106212946, MN #IR731804, MT #226192, ND 47304, NE #50145-22, NJ #13VH09953900, NM #408693, NV #86990, NY #H-19114, H-52229, OR #218294, PA #PA069383, RI #GC-41354, TN #7656, UT #10783658-5501, VA #2705169445, WA #LEAFFNW822JZ, WV #WV056912 2010%% OFF OFF Your Entire Purchase*Seniors + Military ++ We o er financing that fits your budget!1 1-855-595-2102 CALL TODAY FOR A FREE INSPECTION! AHEPA Cheyenne Cowboy Chapter #211 JUNE 14, 2024 AIRPORT GOLF COURSE CHEYENNE, WYOMING SCHOLARSHIP GOLF TOURNAMENT SEND YOUR TEAM OR INDIVIDUAL INFO WITH ENTRY FEE TO: 17th Annual WIN A NEW 2024 Subaru!! HOLE-IN-ONE PRIZE DONATED BY HALLADAY MOTORS Win Other Great Hole Prizes Too! BREAKFAST AT 7:30 A.M. SHOT GUN START: 8:30 A.M. AWARDS LUNCHEON AFTER GOLF $150PERPERSON GREEN FEES, CART & MEALS AHEPA Golf Tournament P.O. BOX 2156 CHEYENNE, WY 82003 Questions: Nick Bellack: 330-962-5001 -or- Hole Sponsorships Available! I T ' S S P R I N K L E R S E A S O N ! CA L L T H E name you know, Green Again Sprinklers turn ons and repairs, all brands, all types, licens ed and insured Call or text today, 307-631-5255 SPRING FLING CRAFT AND VENDOR SHOW, Apr 27, 2024, 9am-2pm, 327 S Main St, Burns, WY 82053 Plan to attend the 3rd annual Spring Fling Craft Show with multiple vendors and crafters! Bring family and friends to enjoy this free event Contact Toni at Shiery22220@aol com or 307-630-5557 4 T H A N N UA L J U M P INTO SUMMER CRAFT Fair, East Lincolnway Event Hall, 3839 E Lincolnway, May 4, 9am-3pm 40 Vendors, Mother's Day, Graduation and Father s Day are just around the corner MALL OF ST VINCENT DE PAUL IS CHANGING its name to Ave Maria Thrift Store, gently us ed merchandis e for the entire family is still at 2112 Snyder open Tues - Sat 1 0 a m - 5 p m , d o n at i o n s Tues-Sat, 11am-4pm 50% off
INDUSTRIAL STORAGE CONTAINERS FOR sale or rent, we deliver! Call for a free quote, 303-9291026 Denco Container LLC, dencocontainer com DELL RANGE LIQUORS, COME CHECK OUT our better pricing! 3806 Dell Range Blvd #4, Sun-Sat, 9am-10pm 307-433-0979 Under new management!
M a
r ket M a y 4 9 a m6pm 1951 Snowy Range R o a d , L a ra m i e, D o o r p r i ze s , s t o rew i d e d i scounts, over 80 vendors


Sat or Sun, minimum 4 hours, prefer 8am12pm Strong and organized individual to assist with landscape cleaning, grocery shopping, lining closets and cabinets, washing cars, etc, $25 per hour, must be reliable with references Call to schedule an interview, leave your name and phone number, 307-630-5466


ING WITH A personal touch Residential, commercial contractor or private, 25 years of experience Chris Rivera, owner, Wet Paint, 307275-4965

ARE YOU A W YOMING RESIDENT WHO HAS had cancer ? If so please consider sharing your patient experience with our research study Contact J s t e p h 3 5 @ u w y o e d u o r 307-766-6563 Dr Jennifer Stephens MA PhD RN

KNOX BOX, MOUNTED BOX FOR YOUR HOME that only Firefighters can open, used to store key to home for emergencies, theftproof like new paid $250, first $125 cash OBO 307-631-8652

W YOMING PROPERTY TAX REFUND questions? We have some answers If your household income is less than $110,000 and you own your house, see us today for details, over 75 years experience! USA Tax, open year round, MonThurs 9am-5pm and Fri 9am-12pm, 1805 Warren Ave, 307-514-5888, u s a t a x w y o c o m


Garage Sale, 1808 Hot Springs Ave, Fri, Apr 26, 12pm-6pm, Sat, Apr 27, 9am-1pm Housewares collectables, books, vintage and seasonal items, religious items and much more! Cash or checks only, no bills over $20

Week of April 26, 2024 TRADER’S Page 21 ALONG OTHER LINES ~ CHEYENNE ~ 632-8735 | 634-3474 5 16 S. GREELEY HW Y. Wide Variety of Cra ft Beers TC SUPERMARKETLIQUORS. CO M Large st Whiskey Selection in the Area O C SC S R O U Q I L T E ETLI RS 8 DELICIOUS FLAVORS! K R A M R E P UP S C T U SUPERMA SUPERMARK RK RKE D Premium Frozen Cocktails To Go! WEEKLY DEADLINE IS 4: 00PM WEDNESDAY Thank You for Supporting Your Locally Owned Publication OFFICE HOURS: 8:00AM TO 4:00PM • MON. — WED. 8:00AM TO 3:00PM • THURS. & FRI. If you would like to place an ad outside these hours, you may phone in your ad by calling 307.634.8895 and leaving your ad, contact name and phone number on our voicemail. You may also place your ad online at Sudoku Answers! Puzzle 1 (Medium, difficulty rating 0.48) 1 2 6 8 9 5 7 3 4 7 8 3 2 4 1 6 9 5 9 5 4 7 6 3 1 2 8 4 1 9 6 5 7 3 8 2 6 7 2 4 3 8 9 5 1 8 3 5 9 1 2 4 6 7 3 9 1 5 2 4 8 7 6 2 4 8 3 7 6 5 1 9 5 6 7 1 8 9 2 4 3 Generated by LOST, FOUND and FREE Check us out on Facebook for more event information! All Pet Adoptions Include: • Spay/Neuter • One FREE Vet Visit 800 Southwest Drive 632-6655 Shelter Open • Noon-5:30pm Mon.-Sat. Sponsored by Just Call 634-4471 LUMBER COMPANY 1222 Dunn Avenue • Cheyenne STORE HOURS: Monday-Friday: 7am-5pm After Hours Lost & Found Hotline at 307-214-5779 Tux A sweet and tender loving boy who cannot wait to be someone’s special adventure companion. Despite being a bit shy at first, this cutie has some great energy and warms up quickly to new human friends! Tux has successfully lived with other dogs and would love to join a home with fellow canines to show him the way. Graffiti A sweet boy looking for love and treats! Gra ti is an adventurer at heart and loves to share his exploration with other pets and kiddos (after a slow introduction). This handsome tuxedo cat loves to play and will quickly show just how much he loves to love. Be ready for plenty of nose boops! Cheyenne Animal Shelter Dog Jog 5K May 18, 2024 Mark your calendars, lace up your running shoes, and leash up your pups... the Cheyenne Animal Shelter’s Dog Jog 5k is BACK and better than ever! Join the pack and run for a cause on May 18th, 2024. This dog-friendly 5k welcomes runners and walkers of all ages (even in dog years!) to raise funds for the pets and programs of the Cheyenne Animal Shelter. For information on sponsorship opportunities, contact Kayla at or call 307-222-6352. Register with your pup by visiting FREE: TROY-BILT LAWN MOWER WITH NEW bag, gas powered, works well 307-221-3257
REMOVAL OF ALL APPLIANCES WITHIN city limits must be outside
to give away ? Advertise it FREE in Trader s, 307634-8895 by 4pm on Wednesdays FREE: BOXES FOR PACKING, WE HAVE them almost every week Golden Dragon Grocery 307-634-1686 FREE: TWO 4'X6' AND TWO 2'X6' READY-TOinstall windows you pick up 307-256-3394 F R E E : T WO 5 0 L B BAGS OF SCHLUTER All Set mortar for tiles, $110 value free if you can use them 307-996-7993 I F YO U ' V E LO ST O R FO U N D A N A N I M A L , p l e a s e c o n t a c t T h e Cheyenne Animal Shelter, 800 Southwest Dr, 307-
or check the website: cheyenneanimal shelter org/animals/lostand-found/ If it is after hours or an emergency, call Animal Control at 307- 6 37- 62 0 6 o r e m a i l animalcontrol@cheyenne city org YOUR BEST STOP For Snacks, Drinks Groceries and Gas 8 Convenient Locations in Cheyenne • 4373 E. Lincolnway • 534 Vandehei • 2414 Dell Range Blvd. • 820 Randall Ave. • 5539 Yellowstone Rd. • 1922 E. Lincolnway • 3920 E.
YOU LOST OR FOUND SOMETHING? Do you have something
12th St.
DONATE TODAY AND MAKE A DIFFERENCE at Goodwill Wyoming Two Cheyenne locations, 2131 Mason Way and 3301 E Nationway, Mon-Sat 9am7pm, Sun 10am-6pm Shopping and donations 7 days a week BURNS STAR
FRESH FOODS, SWEET treats, homemade gifts and more! Second Saturday of the month, Jan 13
May 11
327 Main Street, South Gym, Burns, WY PHONE IN YOUR AD ONLY $5 FOR THE first 20 words and $0 10 per word thereafter deadlines are Wednesdays, 4:00pm Call Trader's, 307-6348895 You may be billed or use Visa, MasterCard or Discover Cheyenne s best classifieds!
• 1610 S. Greeley Hwy.


Garage sale: Rototiller, outside chairs, misc items, downsizing too much to list 95n

1901 CENTRAL AVE , FRI-? 9AM-? INSIDE estate sale: Ethan Allen furniture, paintings, Bone china, silver flatware and more! 424-303-3146 call for information 4c


Indoor Garage sale: Holiday decor, shoes, knick knacks women's clothing, furniture and more 6c

With a lot of thought and introspective deliberation, the owners of Trader’s and Preview have decided that it is time for new stewardship that can provide a vision and leadership to take these publications into the future. The entire company is now “FOR SALE”.

We have engaged a premiere publications broker to represent us and explore potential buyers. Please contact John Cribb directly. (Do not call our office)

John Thomas Cribb

901 Garfield Street

Helena, MT 59601


A HUGE “Thank You” to all our dedicated readers and advertisers who have supported us over the last 45 years. WE ARE FOREVER GRATEFUL.

In the meantime, rest assured that your treasured Trader’s Shopper’s Guide will still be available every week. Preview Real Estate Guide will continue featuring the most up-to-date real estate information every month.

lectibles, DVDs, antiques, mid-century, jewelry, lawn tools and more



600 E Allison Rd, Sat, 9 a m -2 p m H o u s e h o l d items, woodworking tools, craft items and misc stuff Sale will be inside enter through back door 5s

1808 HOT SPRINGS AVE, FRI 12PM-6PM, Sat 9am-1pm Holy Trinity Catholic Church Annual Garage Sale: Housewares collectables, books, vintage and seasonal items, religious items and much more! Cash or checks only, no bills over $20 2c

12 16 WEATHERBY DR, FRI-SAT, MAY 3-4, 8am3pm Moving a n d c o mmun i ty s a le: Craftsman 30 gallon air compressor, John Deere riding mower, near new rototiller, power tools, hand tools, antiques, piano, furniture, beds dressers kitchenwares, washer and dryer, sewing machine, fabric, quilting patterns and lots of misc items 92s

contact Law Enforcement authorities immediately! Callers will remain anonymous and may be eligible for a cash reward.

The Wyoming Fugitive Task Force 307-637-6525

Warrant confirmed as of 4/22/24 Timothy Lari more Probation Revocation Original Charge: Child EndangeringInvolving Methamphetamine AGE:

Page 22 TRADER’S Week of April 26, 2024 ALONG OTHER LINES School Lunch Menus — Week of April 29-May 3 Senior Citizen Lunch Menu — Week of April 29-May 5 Must be 60 or over Served at 2101 Thomes Avenue Monday, April 29 Tuesday, April 30 Wednesday, May 1 Thursday, May 2 Friday, May 3 ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOLS Chicken Nuggets Bean and Cheese Burrito Seasoned Green Beans Turkey Sandwich on Whole Wheat Bread Choice of Fruit Homemade Chicken Chili Pepperoni Pizza Pocket Steamed Corn Tomato Bites Turkey Sandwich on Whole Wheat Bread Breakfast for Lunch: Cinnamon Pancakes French Toast Sticks Sausage Hash Browns Baby Carrots Pizza Rippers: Cheese or Pepperoni Fresh Veggie Patch Turkey Sandwich on Whole Wheat Bread Choice of Fruit Soft Tacos Shredded Chicken or Pork Carnitas Refried Beans Lettuce and Tomatoes Raspberry Churro Egg Salad Sandwich Chips Macaroni Salad Tropical Fruit Garden Salad BBQ Chicken White Rice California Vegetable Blend Pears Garden Salad Lasagna Spinach Garlic Bread Peaches Garden Salad Tater Tot Casserole Green Beans Melon Cookie Garden Salad Bread Salisbury Steak Mashed Potatoes Corn Pineapple Garden Salad Bread Hamburger Onion Tomato Lettuce Cheese Macaroni Salad Hot Pork Sandwich Mashed Potatoes Gravy Corn Tropical Fruit Garden Salad Monday, April 29 Tuesday, April 30 Wednesday, May 1 Thursday, May 2 Friday, May 3 Saturday, May 4 Sunday, May 5 Chicken Tenders Original or Spicy Seasoned Green Beans All Beef Cheeseburger Assorted Salads Cheese Pizza Homemade Chicken Chili Steamed Corn Tomato Bites Apple Crisp Deli Sandwiches Pepperoni Pizza Breakfast for Lunch: Pancakes or French Toast Sausage Hash Browns Baby Carrots Quesadillas Fresh Veggie Patch Chicken Patty on a Bun Salad Shakers Deli Wraps Cheese Pizza Taco Bar Refried Beans Taco Toppings Raspberry Churro Cheddar Baked Potato Pepperoni Pizza SILENT WITNESS MOST WANTED If the individual pictured above is sighted, DO NOT APPROACH AND/OR ATTEMPT TO APPREHEND! Anyone with information about this or any other crime is asked to call “Silent Witness”at 638-TIPS. Or
56 SEX: Male RACE: White HEIGHT: 6’0” EYE COLOR: Hazel HAIR COLOR: Brown GARAGE SALE GUIDE (C) Between Dell Range, Campstool, Ridge Rd and I-25 (E) East of Ridge Road (N) North of Dell Range (S) South of 15th St and Campstool (W) West of I-25 (NE) North of Dell Range and East of Ridge Road (NW) North of Central Avenue and Ridge Road (SE) South of I-80 and East of Ridge Road (SW) South of I-80 and West of I-25 Friday-Saturday, April 26-27 2811 E. 13th St. • inside C 8-2 3222 Locust Dr. C 9-5:30 1808 Hot Springs Ave. C 12-6/9-1 231 Palm Springs Ave. N 8-2 7600 Hazer Ct. NE 8-2 1216 Weatherby Dr. S 8-3 Friday-?, April 26-? 1901 Central Ave. • inside C 9-? Saturday, April 27 665 Snake River Ave. S 7-1 600 W. Allison Rd. S 9-2 Saturday-Sunday, April 27-28 3456 Foxcroft Rd. • inside C 10-3 Saturday, May 4 7211 Astronaut Dr. N 9-3 Be a Kind Garage Seller. Remove Your Garage Sale Signs.
Call today and receive a FREE SHOWER PACKAGE PLUS $1600 OFF With purchase of a new Safe Step Walk-In Tub. Not applicable with any previous walk-in tub purchase. Offer available while supplies last. No cash value. Must present offer at time of purchase. CSLB 1082165 NSCB 0082999 0083445 1-855-417-1306 SPECIALOFFER MOVING SALE 665 Snake River Ave, Sat, 7am-1pm Household decor, furniture, kids furniture, toys, clothing, adult clothes lots of great outdoor items, trampoline, fire pit, also an SRT4 for sale 5s 3222 LOCUST DR, FRISAT, 9AM-5:30PM Ga rage sale: Household items, to o ls , f urn i ture, c loth es, m i s c m u c h m o re 2 c 7600 HAZER CT, FRISAT, 8AM-2PM 4-family garage sale: Furniture toys, teacher, outdoors, kitchen, a few tools and more! 2ne 231 PALM SPRINGS AVE, FRI-SAT, 8AM-2PM Garage sale: Furniture hous ehold items, recumbent stationary bike, rugs books and more 2n MONTCLAIR ESTATE SA L E , M AY 3 - 5 , 1 0 0 0 Mo ntc la i r D r, Ch eyen n e, WY Fri-Sat 9am-5pm Sun 9am-2pm Tools, Clothing, d i s hwa re, f urn i ture, c o l-
I F YO U H AVE LO ST, FO U ND O R NE E D TO g i ve s o meth i n g a wa y, a d verti s e i t F R EE i n Tra d er's , 307- 634 - 8895 by 4 : 00p m o n Wed n esd a y s
2811 E 13TH ST,
Annual i n s i d e s a l e : Fu r n i t u re, baby items,
more, proceeds to help build church in Paraguay 2c
Week of April 26, 2024 TRADER’S Page 23 Items in $ 5 Classified Ad • 20 words • 7 days • Print & Online TheArea’s PREMIERE ClassifiedAds! 20 21 Warren Av enue 634.8895 | wy otraders . com

parking lot and driveway ma i nten a n c e Ca ll Brya n Mason, 307-215-1933

ANDERS AUTO GLASS, WINDSHIELDS, door glasses, quarter glasses, back glasses 307-5140901 AndersAutoGlass com

GARAGE DOORS AND OPENERS, BROKEN springs, sales, service and installation Where experience makes a difference we're the garage door pros Locally owned since 1978, Doors & More, 307632-6842

DONATE YOUR CAR TO VETERANS TODAY! Help and Support our Veterans Fast - FREE pick up 100% tax deductible Call 1-800-245-0398

2 0 0 6 G E O R G E TOW N CLASS A 35' RV, 26,000 miles, like new, always garaged Ford V-10

501 S Greeley Hwy, 307369-6171


190,000 miles, runs great, has new tires and brakes, needs a few things, $2000 OBO 307-2144877


b e s t f

Page 24 TRADER’S Week of April 26, 2024 ON THE ROAD 2007 Layton Model 150 LTD Unique rear entry, exceptional condition, tires excellent, bearings packed, weighs 2,970 lbs. Asking $7,800 (307) 287-0617 2008 Honda Goldwing 23,000 miles, caliente red, can’t ride anymore due to health, will service before sale. $10,500 Text or Call (325) 450-9965 1993 Fleetwood Bounder 36’, 52k miles, garage kept, like new. $10,000 Swanny’s Window Tint 212 W. 5th St. • (307) 221-0687 Travel Trailer 2011 Monaco Super Sport by R-Vision. $20,000 (307) 214-3383 after 3pm for appt. Have a veHicle for sale? call (307) 634-8895 Show & Sell 2019 Jayco 17’ Camp Trailer One slide, rear bath, loaded, like new, only used 4 times. $13,000 OBO (307) 631-8505 Where Car Buyers Shop First! • Full Color • 7 Day Exposure • Ads Grouped on One Page • Picture of Your Car, Truck, RV, Motorcycle or Boat • Full Color Photo • FREE Classified Ad • FREE Internet Listing • FREE Signs • 20 Word DescriptionOnly$25 Lee’s RV & Auto sALes Open 7 Days a Week 2215 S. Greeley Hwy. Cheyenne (307) 634-2523 H Many More to Choose From H H Spring Time SavingS H 2003 Wildcat by Forest River 1 Large Slide, Awning, A/C, Furnace, Nice! Model 29BHS $11,500 2002 Hillcrest Alpenlite Limited 2 Slides, A/C, Furnace, Awning, Excellent Condition! Model 32RK $12,500 2015 Keystone Sprinter Campfire Edition 1 Slide, Bunks, A/C, Furnace, Awning, Nice! Model 29BHS $13,500 2000 Kiwi by Jayco A/C, Furnace, Awning. Model 17A $7,500 is the time for your trailer’s spring check up! • General Maintenance • Pack Axles & Bearings • Replace Worn Parts NEED A HITCH? BEAT THE UPCOMING SEASONAL RUSH! Welding Shop & Mfg. LLC 508 East 1st Street • 632-3294 ANY SIZE TRAILER: • Boat • Horse • ATV • Utility NOW Quality Auto Repair You Can TRUST! • Mufflers • Exhaust • Auto Repair Auto & Exhaust 6526 U.S. 30 Service Road 637-8955 AUTO REPAIR MR. DIE SEL and 2518 S. GREELEY HWY. • 637-4000 Mon.-Fri.: 7:30-5:30 • Sat.: By Appt. • Rebuilt Engines • T ransmissions • Service & Repairs • Edge T uners in Stock Since ‘88 4408 Woodhouse Rd. • 307- 634-8134 • Boat Interiors • Conver tible Tops • Motorcyc le & AT V Seats • Handcraf ted with Pride • Reasonable Rates Small Repa irs To Complete Restoration American Storage & Postal Service Mail Box • US Mail • UPS • Fed Ex Copies • Fax • Notary • Packing 5 x 10 — $65 per month 10 x 10 — $105 per month 10 x 15 — $115 per month 12 x 20 has electric — $145 per month 12 x 30 has electric — $225 per month 12 x 42 has electric — $260 per month 12 x 42 shop unit — $310 per month Plus heat & phone FREE Truck with Move-In! 1903 S. Greeley Hwy. 635-9335 • Fax 635-9129 O ce Hours: Monday–Saturday 8:30 am – 6 pm Military Discount Available WE BUY CARS, RUNNING OR NOT Cheyenne Auto and Metal 307-6345859 S P R I N G I S H E R E ! ALONG WITH CAMPING season! Beat the rush and get your trailer ready to roll, now is a great time to make sure you are ready for fun in the sun call K's Trailer Parts and Service at 307-632-0600 to schedule your trailer ELITE AUTO UPHOLSTERY, SMALL REPAIRS to complete restoration on boat interiors, convertible tops, motorcycle and ATV seats and more, handcrafted with pride a n d re a s o n a b l e rat e s t o o 4408 Woodhouse Rd 307-634-8134 AU TO M OT I V E A N D LIGHT DUTY DIESEL 4x4, s p ec i a li z i n g i n c la s s i c d i es el a n d g a s en g i n e rep la c ements Ja s p er Engine's 3 year nationwide warranty and Napa Auto Service Center 2 year, 24k n a t i o n w i d e w a r ra n t y Locally owned, Four Mile Garage 10500 E Four Mile Rd, 307-256-9224 Open: Mon-Fri 7am-5:30pm, www fourmilegarage
fourmilegarage@gmail com
open, stock, dump
utility trailers
service all
St, 307-632-0600, ks t ra i l e r p a r t s c o m CHEYENNE AUTO & METAL, WE BUY CARS and trucks, running or not! Organized inventory over 900 vehicles 3001 S Greeley Hwy, 307-6345859 A S P H A LT WO R K ! C OW B OY A S P H A LT, s ea l c o ati n g , p atc h i n g , h ot rub b er c ra c k fi lli n g ,
for sale we also
types of
K s Trailer, 4194 W 5th
2slideouts, $34,900 307631-4532 THE TIRE SPOT, FREE FLAT FIX WITH THIS ad! Good for a plug or $10 off repairs Locally, family and Veteran owned Good through May 31, 2024 We sell new and used tires!
re e c h e c k e n g i n e l i g h t s c a n , $ 4 4 9 5 f u l l s y n t h et i c o i l c h a n g e C a l l o r s c h e d u l e o n l i n e at m e i n e ke c o m , 1 62 7 D e l l R a n g e B l vd , C h eye n n e, W Y 8 2 0 0 9, 3 072 2 2-2 5 2 3 M e i n e ke d oi n g c a r c a re r i g h t FRO M M A I NTE NA NC E TO M AJ O R R E PA I R S, your car deserves the best! We are your full service auto repair specialist! ARS, 305 E Fox Farm Rd, 307635-2886 1 9 9 3 F L E E T WO O D BOUNDER, 36', 52,000 miles, garage kept, like new $10 000 Swanny's Window Tint, 212 W 5th St, 307-221-0687 K I A O F C H E Y E N N E FO R YO U R N E XT N E W o r p re - o w n e d ve h i c l e, exc e p t i o n a l c a re a n d c u s t o m e r s e r v i c e K i a o f C h ey e n n e, 2 9 9 9 N at i o n wa y, 3 07-7 75 - 01 2 3 , K i a o fc h ey e n n e c o m 2020 BSR-250 RAVEN, ON ROAD/OFF ROAD, 1 50 mi les Ho n d a Tra i l90, 1 970 ra re b i ke, 4h i g h , 4 - low s p eed , 3,1 54 mi les , $1 500 ea c h 307632-9376 2019 JAYCO 17' CAMP TRAILER, ONE SLIDE, rear bath, loaded, like new, only used 4 times, $13,000 OBO 307-6318505 W E D O AU TO PAW N LOANS! WE LOAN more, compare our rates and terms Lincolnway Super Pawn, 2825 E Lincolnway, 307-632-3820 SELL YOUR VEHICLE NOW! PLACE A 20 word ad in this week's Trader's for only $5 that includes both print and online version, plus complimentary For Sale signs 2001 JEEP WRANGLER SAHARA , good condition, $7950, rag top and hard top, a/c, loaded 307-220-4661 SPECIALITY AUTO AUCTION INC, COLLECTOR cars, classic car auction, Sat May 11 at 10am Island Grove Regional Park, 501 N 14th Ave, Greeley CO Call now for priority placement and information 970-266-9561, specialtyautoauction com, memorabilia starts at 9am, preview at 8am
Page 26 TRADER’S Week of April 26, 2024 ON THE ROAD SERVICE WEEK Auto Parts Auto Parts YOU PULL-IT AUTO PARTS SELF-SERVICE • Organized Inventory • Over 900 Vehicles Cheyenne’s Premier Used $$ We Buy $$ Cars & Trucks Running or Not! M-F: 8am-4:30pm Sat: 8am-3:00pm CHEYENNE AUTO & METAL 3001 S. Greeley Hwy. 307-634-5859 METALS RECYCLING CENTER • Large Scales for Big Loads • Convenient Drive Thru Top Dollar for Scrap Metals • Aluminum • Steel • Brass • Copper • Scrap Iron • Batteries • Aluminum Cans M-F: 8am-4:00pm Sat: 8am-2:30pm CHEYENNE AUTO & METAL 3001 S. Greeley Hwy. 307-634-5859 Cheyenne’s Premier 3001 S. Greeley Hwy. 307-634-5859 Scales for Big Loads enient Drive Thru for Scrap Metals Aluminum • Steel • Brass Scrap Iron • Batteries Aluminum Cans Scrap Recycling Hours: Mon.-Fri.: 8AM-4:00PM Saturday: 8AM-2:30PM PRO SERVICE PRO OF THE WEEK Auto Repair Specia lizing in Ga s an d D iesel En gine Replacements JA SPER ENGINES 3 Ye ar Nati onwide Wa rranty NA PA AU TO SE RV ICE CE NTER 2 Ye ar 24k Nati onwide Wa rranty FO URMI LEGA RAGE @G MAIL .COM WW W. FO URMI LEGA RAGE .COM Au tomotive & Li gh t Duty Diesel 4x4 307-256- 9224 Locally Owned Mon- Fri: 7-5:30 10500 E. Fo ur Mi le Rd . SPECIALIZI NG IN CLASSICS Specializing in Gas an d Diesel Engine Replacements Locally Owned Mon- Fri: 7-5:30 WW W. FO URMI LEGA RAGE .COM • FO URMI LEGA RAGE@G MAIL .COM Au tomotive & Li ght Duty Diesel 4x4 SPECIALIZING IN CLASSICS 10500 E. Four Mile Rd. • (307) 256-9224 Auto Body • Free Estimates • Major Collision Repair • Paintless Dent Repair • All Makes & Models • Insurance Work Welcome Committed to Customer Satisfaction Since 1944 1608 Maxwell • Cheyenne, WY 634-1511 • 1-888-HALLADAY PRO SERVICE PRO OF THE WEEK Custom Ramps Aluminum Loading Ramps to Fit All of Your Light & Medium Duty Needs • LENGTHS: FROM 4’-14’ • WIDTHS: 12”, 14”, 15”, 18 ” & 20” • WEIGHT RATING: 3000 LB-8000 LB PER RAMP ALUMINUM LOADING RAMPS TO FIT ALL OF YOUR LIGHT & MEDIUM DUTY NEEDS • LENGTHS: FROM 4’-14’ • WIDTHS: 12”, 14”, 15”, 18” & 20” • WEIGHT RATING: 3000 LB-8000 LB PER RAMP For Current Prices & Photos: go to Frontieramps on Facebook Marketplace or call Hank at 406-253-8191 (CHEYENNE AREA) For Current Prices & Photos: go to Frontieramps on Facebook Marketplace or call Hank at 406-253-8191 CHEYENNE AREA Auto Glass ANDERS AUTO GLASS TH ROWBACK THURSDAY $99 Auto Glass w/Tips For Labor Last Thursday Of Every Month • Windshields • Door Glasses • Quarter Glasses • Back Glasses 307-514-0901 ANDERS AUTO GLASS TH ROWBACK THURSDAY $99 Auto Glass w/Tips For Labor Last Thursday Of Every Month Call To Schedule Your Appointment! • Windshields • Door Glasses • Quarter Glasses • Back Glasses Call To Schedule Your Appointment! PRO SERVICE PRO OF THE WEEK Radiator LARAMIE RADIATOR WORKS LARAMIE RADIATOR WORKS 307-632-2136 Service Since 1947 801 W. 19th • Cheyenne Hablamos Español RADIATOR SERVICE & REPAIR • American, Foreign, Commercial • Heater Cores & Gas Trucks Cleaned & Repaired Now Cleaning Diesel Particulate Filters For Semis & Light Trucks LARAMIE RADIATOR WORKS LARAMIE RADIATOR WORKS Hablamos Español • Service Since 1947 801 W. 19th Cheyenne 307-632-2136 Now Cleaning Diesel Particulate Filters For Semis & Light Trucks Keep Your Classic Car Classic! Rebuild the Original! • Used Auto Parts • American, Foreign & Commercial • Heater Cores & Gas Tanks Cleaned & Repaired • New & Used Radiators • Plastic & Aluminum • Radiator Repairs • Charged Air Coolers Keep Your Classic Car Classic! Rebuild The Original! NOW OFFERING: USED AUTO PARTS Engine, Transmissions & Au to Parts For Cars & Light Trucks PRO SERVICE PRO OF THE WEEK Auto Repair Specia lizing in Ga s an d D iesel En gine Replacements JA SPER ENGINES 3 Ye ar Nati onwide Wa rranty NA PA AU TO SE RV ICE CE NTER 2 Ye ar 24k Nati onwide Wa rranty FO URMI LEGA RAGE @G MAIL .COM WW W. FO URMI LEGA RAGE .COM Au tomotive & Li gh t Duty Diesel 4x4 307-256- 9224 Locally Owned Mon- Fri: 7-5:30 10500 E. Fo ur Mi le Rd . SPECIALIZI NG IN CLASSICS Specializing in Gas an d Diesel Engine Replacements Locally Owned Mon- Fri: 7-5:30 WW W. FO URMI LEGA RAGE .COM • FO URMI LEGA RAGE@G MAIL .COM Au tomotive & Li ght Duty Diesel 4x4 SPECIALIZING IN CLASSICS 10500 E. Four Mile Rd. • (307) 256-9224 PRO SERVICE PRO OF THE WEEK Trailer Service 4194 W. 5th St Cheyenne, WY 82007 632-0600 YOU TOW IT BUT WE KEEP IT ROLLING! K’S TRAILER PARTS & SERVICE,LLC Your Diamond C, Delco, WW & Cargo Express Dealer! Monday-Friday • 7:30am -5:0 0pm Mon.-Fri 7:30am -5pm 419 4 W. 5th St. • 3 07-632-0 60 0 • SE RV ICING AL L TY PES OF TR AI LE RS! Does Your Business Offer Professional Services? Call Today! 634-8895 • 12-Week Program • Affordable Rates • Proven Performance Call Now for Priority Placement and Information: (970) 266-9561 Specialt yAutoAuc ISLAND GROVE REGIONAL PARK 501 N. 14th Ave. • Greeley, CO Saturday, May 11th • 10 a.m. • Spor ts Cars • Classic Cars • 50’s, 60’s, 70’s • Streetrods • Muscle Cars • Collector Cars • Ever yday Drivers & More • General Admission $10 Memorabilia Starts at 9am Preview 8am Going On ce, Going Twice, SOLD ! Monday-Friday: 8AM-5PM • Saturday: 8AM-3PM • Call for Winter Hours BRING US YOUR SCRAP METALS - WE PAY TOP DOLLAR! • Organized Inve ntory • Over 900 Ve hicle s Cheyenne’s Premier Used $$ WE BUY $$ CARS & TRUCKS RUNNING OR NOT! “Wanted: Dead or Alive - Cars & Trucks” Monday-Friday 8am-5pm 307-632-0309 7508 Tate Rd. Cheyenne, Wy QUALITY USED PARTS COME FIND A DEAL ON A USED VEHICLE today! Squirreley s Autos, 2606 E Lincolnway, 3 07- 51 4 -1 1 41 Pat BRING YOUR DIESEL TO US! 2518 S Greeley H w y, 3 07- 6 37- 4 0 0 0, www mrdieselshop com WE BUY CARS, RUNNING OR NOT Cheyenne Auto and Metal 307-6345859 E -T R AC K AC C E S S O RI E S , D - R I N G S A N D T I E d own s i n sto c k Weld i n g S h o p, 5 08 E 1 s t S t , 3 07- 6 3 2- 3 2 9 4 5TH WHEEL HITCH, REESE TUBE SLIDER, fits standard rails, good for short bed pickup, excellent 307-286-4696 DELICIOUS COCKTAILS MADE EASY! CHECK out the 30-second bartender at dtsliquors com 2006 JEEP WRANGLER, 61,000 MILES, HARD top, handyman, shovel, roof rack, axe, chains, winch and tow bar with extra bumper and hood, $14,900 307-631-4532 FOUR BF GOODRICH TIRES Mud and snow, white wall letters, like new, 265/R17, with lug nuts and caps, aluminum slotted wheels, fits Nissan Titan or some Toyotas, $500 Leave message at 307-514-5269 1990 CHEVY 1500, NEW TRANSMISSION, 350 engine, working 4WD, minimal rust, asking $3500 or reasonable offer Call 307640-0086 SPRING MOTORCYCLE SWAP MEET, SAT, APR 27th 10am-3pm Motorcycle items only, bring your own table and set up rain or shine space is limited so sign up today, www highcountrycheyenn e com/events High Country Harley Davidson, 3320 E Lincolnway, Cheyenne, WY, 307-638-8307 2008 ELECTRA-GLIDE, 57,000 MILES, $9500 1996 Harley Chopper rigid frame, $4000 1995 S t a rc ra ft 1 9 c a m p e r, $ 1 5 0 0 F S B O, 3 07- 6 3 14 0 2 5 l e a ve m e s s a g e 4-SPEED 197 7 FORD PU, TRANSMISSION only, truck was rolled, $450 Radiator for same t r u c k , $ 5 0 3 07- 6 3 05 807

CHEYENNE AUTO & METAL, WE BUY CARS and trucks, running or not! Organized inventory,

IS WHAT WE DO best! Save on service, $10 off $100, $25 off $250 and $50 off $500, plus $39 95 synthetic blend oil changes Call or schedule online at meineke com, 1627 Dell Range Blvd Cheyenne, W Y 82009, 307-222-2523 Meineke, doing c ar c are right

W E L D I N G S U P P L I E S AND GASES available at Welding Shop and Manufacturing LLC 508 E 1st St, 307-632-3294

ANDERS AUTO GLASS, WINDSHIELDS, quarter glass es, door glass es, back glass es 307-5140901, AndersAutoGlass com

Week of April 26, 2024 TRADER’S Page 27 ON THE ROAD Where Readers Are Buyers Your ad will reach thousands through print, and thousands more on our website! Call in your ad today! 634.8895 2021 Warren Avenue 634.8895 Sell Your Stu 2030 Westland Rd . 30 7- 63 4-15 11 –C HE YE NNE –Benefits of Buying Subaru Certified Vehicles • Factory-backed 7-year/100,000-mile powertrain coverage, $0 deductible • Additional coverage available. • 152-Point inspection. • 24/7 Roadside Assistance. • $500 Owner Loyalty Coupon • CARFAX® Vehicle History Report. • SiriusXM ® 3-Month Trial Subscription • One-year Trial Subscription to STARLINK™ Safety Plus Package with Automatic Collision Notification SALE HOURS : Mon.-Sat . 8:30am- 6pm 307.634.1511 SUBARU PRE-OWNED Rates as low as 4.49% on certified pre-owned units through Subaru Finance with approved credit. Picture may not represent actual vehicle 2024 Subaru Outback Limited XT Stk. #S227260A • VIN #4S4BTGND4R3160961 SAVE $2,000 Now $38,995 2022 Subaru Forester Premium Stk. #S468517A • VIN #JF2SKADC7NH433516 SAVE $6,000 Now $27,995 2023 Subaru Crosstrek Limited Stk. #S320418A • VIN #JF2GTHNC2PH231163 SAVE $3,000 Now $31,999 2023 Subaru Ascent Limited Stk. #S411668A • VIN #4S4WMARD2P3417991 SAVE $4,000 Now $39,995 2024 Subaru Ascent Limited Stk. #S403280A • VIN #4S4WMARD3R3401480 SAVE $5,000 Now $41,995 2023 Subaru Outback Premium Stk. #S134714 • VIN #4S4BTAFC0P3134714 SAVE $4,000 Now $30,995 2023 Subaru Outback Premium Stk. #S207088 • VIN #4S4BTADC1P3207088 SAVE $6,000 Now $27,995 for CL EA N, QUALIT Y, US ED VEHICL ES $$ WE CA SH $$ Call 632-2722 NEED MONEY FAST? LOOKING FOR STEEL OR ALUMINUM? WE cut to size, come check us out Welding Shop, 508 E 1st St 307-632-3294 NO NEED TO GO OUT OF TOWN FOR THAT trailer purchase when you can purchase your trailer and have it serviced locally! K s Trailer Parts & Service located at 4194 W 5th St is your local Diamond C, Delco and Cargo Express dealer K's has a variety of new and used flatbed trailers, dump trailers and enclosed trailers t o m e et y o u r h a u l i n g needs, plus K's services all types of trailers Stop by K s Trailer Parts & Service at 4194 W 5th St and view our selection of trailers or call for an appointment 307-632-0600 G OT A H A N K E R I N G FOR A NEWER, BIGGER, better car, bike or SUV and unable to find it in this week's Traders? Place a 20-word 'wanted' ad with us at 2021 Warren Ave, Cheyenne, for $5 307634-8895 DOING CAR CARE RIGHT
S Greeley
A L L E R ' S R E PA I R , FO R E I G N A N D D omestic Auto and Motorhome
Do you
diesel performance? EGR system c lea n i n g , d i a g n o sti c s , injector cleaning, turbo upgrades, diesel engine repairs Alignments now available Dyno services for all cars and trucks! w w w h a l l e r s re p a i r c o m , 521 W Lincolnway, 307778-8880 1990 CHEVY 1500, NEW TRANSMISSION, 350 engine, working 4WD, minimal rust asking $3500 or reasonable offer Call 307640-0086 AU TO M OT I V E A N D LIGHT DUTY DIESEL 4x4, s p e c i a l i z i n g i n c l a s s i c d i e s e l a n d g a s e n g i n e replacements Ja s p er Engine's 3 year nationwide warranty and Napa Auto S e r v i c e C e n t e r 2 y e a r, 24k nationwide warranty Locally owned, Four Mile Garage, 10500 E Four Mile Rd, 307-256-9224 Open: M o n - Fr i 7 a m - 5 : 3 0 p m , www fourmilegarage com, fourmilegarage@gmail com YOU WORKED HARD FOR THAT TAX REFUND plus it is time to get out and enjoy Wyoming! Why not reward yourself with that new enclosed or flatbed trailer you have been wanting? K's Trailer Parts & Service has a full inventory from open to enclosed in a variety of sizes Stop by at 4194 W 5th St for a private viewing or call 307-632-0600 for an appointment 2 0 0 6 G E O R G E TOW N CLASS A 35' RV, 26,000 m i l e s , l i ke n ew, a l wa y s g a ra g e d , Fo rd V-1 0, 2slideouts $34 900 307631-4532 PARTY LIKE IT'S 1999 WITH $99 PER HOUR labor, savings of $50 an hour, schedule your service Free pickup and del i ve r y a va i l a b l e O ffe r valid through April 30, 2024 Contact a service associate for complete details Must be purchased at High Country Harley Davidson, 3320 E L i n c o l n wa y, C h ey e n n e, WY cannot be combined with any other offer or discount, restrictions apply w w w h i g h c o u n t r y cheyenne com 307-6388307 K I A O F C H E Y E N N E FO R YO U R N E XT N E W o r p re - o w n e d ve h i c l e, exc e p t i o n a l c a re a n d c u s t o m e r s e r v i c e K i a o f C h ey e n n e 2 9 9 9 N at i o n wa y, 3 07-7 75 - 01 2 3 , K i a o fc h ey e n n e c o m
over 900 vehicles 3001
5859 H
want better
Page 28 TRADER’S Week of April 26, 2024 ALL CREDIT APPLICATIONS WILL BE ACCEPTED! We’re Offering Major League Savings on These Fine Vehicles See Our Entire Inventory at 1919 WESTLA ND RD. 307-634-1924 2142 W. LINCOLNWAY 307-634-2540 WE BU Y CARS FO R CA SH!! PROU D RETAILER OF PR EMIUM CAR CARE & DETAILING PRODUCTS 2020 ToyoTA Tundr A LIMITE d • Double Cab • 4x4 Was $41,613 #CT4133A $ 38,977 Now Save $2636! 2013 BMW 135 is • AWD Was $20,864 #P12565A $ 17,997 Now WOW! 2021 hondA c I v I c spor T • Hatchback • FWD Was $28,107 #CT4160B $ 24,167 Now Save $3940! 2022 c h E vro LET T r A x L s • AWD Was $23,313 #CT4158A $ 20,382 2022 ToyoTA rAv4 L IMITE d • Hybrid • AWD Was $43,614 #THT4094 $ 39,297 Now Now Save $2931! Save $4317! Offers valid through 5/2/2024. Picture may not represent actual vehicle. 2018 Mazda cx-9 • Grand Touring Was $26,814 #P12576 $ 24,214 Now Save $2600! 2020 c h E vro LET T r A x Was $21,731 • AWD #TCT4101A $ 18,997 Now 2020 c h E vro LET sILv E r A do 1500 LT • Trail Boss Was $45,318 • Crew Cab • 4x4 #TCT4099A $ 42,798 Now Save $2520! WOW! 2019 ToyoTA hI gh LA nd E r x LE • AWD Was $34,314 #CT4204A $ 31,837 Now 2020 nI ssA n Mur A no s L • AWD Was $28,116 #CT4137A $ 24,993 Now Save $3123! 2018 c h E vro LET TA ho E L s • 4x4 Was $33,649 #THT4076B $ 29,997 Now Save $3652! 2022 hyundai Kona sEL • AWD Was $25,816 a #CT4208A $ 23,997 Now Save $2477!

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