NXT BLD goes virtual From 8-14 October 2020, we’ll be hosting our first virtual conference, taking place entirely online in daily 90 minute sessions. Our line up of speakers is unparalleled, tickets completely free, and the event fully interactive with a live Q&A
s 2020 continues to do its flows. The vocal group of architectural ing to building fabrication. worst, NXT BLD (Next practices, who wrote that infamous letter to Elif Erdine, director of Emergent Build), AEC Magazine’s and Autodesk’s CEO, will be discussing what Technologies at the AA, has done some Lenovo’s conference on they’d like to see — and what the industry fascinating research into computational future AEC technology will needs — from future design technologies. design, robotic assisted fabrication and not be suppressed any longer. While the Mollie Claypool is an architecture theo- construction, all of which made her a natuphysical event has been put back to 16 June rist, critic and educator at the Bartlett. Her ral choice for NXT BLD. 2021, for obvious reasons, we will put on recently released book, Robotic Building: Mark Taylor, senior digital construction our first virtual variant starting 8 October Architecture in the Age of Automation manager at Royal BAM Group has been 2020, running 9, 12, 13, 14 October. caught our attention and we are thrilled to involved in developing new technologies NXT BLD Virtual will be broken up into have her speak. for on and offsite construction. Mark will 90 minute instalments to run in the afterNate Miller is founder of Proving look at how technologies like 3D printed noon (UK BST) over the five days. Ground, assisting some of the biggest concrete are expanding Royal BAM’s Each session will start with three 20 firms with their tricksiest data and compu- capabilities. Meanwhile, Alexander Türk minute presentations of Aeditive will also followed by 30 minutes share new developof live Q&A with the The vocal group of architectural practices, who wrote ments in construction speakers. It’s free to 3D printing. that infamous letter to Autodesk’s CEO, will be register and you’ll also Fo s t e r + P a r t n e r s ’ discussing what they’d like to see — and what the get to view the content Fernando Garcia online afterwards. Blanco will join Elena industry needs — from future design technologies For those unfamiliar Casini of Most with NXT BLD we Architecture to give a bring together a mix of researchers, prac- tation problems. We asked Nate to look at fascinating insight into how humans and titioners and technologists to give a series the future of conceptual design tools. robots will interact in buildings of the of talks on future technologies, innovative Alex Coulombe of Agile Lens will be future — a future where robots build, projects and updates on the state of looking at the development of VR and its maintain and learn, and coexist with research from around the globe. use in architectural design, through a real humans in a natural environment. world project over a number of years, as Ken Pimentel is AEC Industry Manager Conference lineup the technology matured and the quality at Epic Games. Through Unreal Engine the This year we have an incredible lineup of improved dramatically. company is pioneering high poly, real-time speakers from across the globe. Bruce Bell of Facit Homes, the first rendering for architectural visualisation We’ve very excited to welcome the Open bespoke design to digital fabrication resi- and Ken will look at what’s coming next. Letter to Autodesk group who will be dis- dential practice, has spent the last year Andrew Rink of Nvidia will share the latcussing the future of Digital Design work- looking at what new technologies are com- est on Omniverse, an exciting new plat-
Mollie Claypool Automated Architecture
Nate Miller Proving Ground
Bruce Bell Facit Homes
Fernando Garcia Blanco Foster+Partners
Elif Erdine Architectural Association
Mark Taylor Royal BAM Group
Robots in construction
The future of conceptual tools
The future of digital fabrication
Skyscrapers of the future
Parametrics and materials
3D printed concrete / digital fab
September / October 2020
18/09/2020 18:39