Portfolio marketing unit 3

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Colegio El Sagrado Coraz贸n de Jes煤s High School Miss Ana Lucia P茅rez

Marketing Unit III Ma. Ximena Letona Gir贸n 5th Bilingual Key # 4


COURSE: Marketing English II TEACHER: Ana Lucia Perez Garcia UNIT: Third Academic Unit (June 9 - August 14) GRADE: 5th Bilingual/ 5th Accounting UNIT COMPETENCE: Creates business and marketing-related documents in a variety of contexts applying vocabulary, grammatical structures and topics seen throughout the unit. ACHIEVEMENT INDICATORS Creates project assigned by teacher to demonstrate application of information seen throughout the unit in oral and written form following rubric guidelines and the ability to work in groups. Organizes documents and proofread written assignments in a chronological order in the digital portfolio to assess comprehension and easily access information upon request. Applies vocabulary, mechanics, and punctuation following guidelines in a variety of contexts.




1. Project (Cooperative Work) Takeovers, Mergers, and Buyouts Glogster Edu, Prezi, etc.

August 8


2. Digital Portfolio Pictionary, Investigations, and Writings uploaded to Issuu

Throughout the Unit August 11-13


June 13 July 18 July 1

/100 /100 /100

3. Topic Review   


Bonds (Case Study: Investing in Funds) Stocks and Shares (Reading and Vocabulary) Takeovers, Mergers, and Buyouts (Reading and Vocabulary Application)


Demonstrates understanding of vocabulary and distinguishes among bonds, stocks, and shares in direct questionings presented in the test. Explains the reason for using, definition, types, etc. of bonds, stocks and shares through an Expository Essay.

1. 

Unit Three Partial Test (Theory): Bonds, Stocks, and Shares (Theory and Vocabulary)

2. 

Demonstrates understanding of vocabulary related to topic of takeovers, mergers, and buyouts in direct questionings presented in the test. Analyses the case study provided and uses previous knowledge to develop an action plan to improve market share and competition using appropriate grammatical structures and vocabulary related to the topic.

3. 

Unit Three Partial Test (Practical): Analysis and Comparison (Similarities and Differences) Bonds, Stocks, and Shares – Expository Essay Unit Three Final Test (Theory): Takeovers, Mergers, and Buyouts (Theory and Vocabulary)

4. 

Unit Three Final Test (Practical): Case Study Analysis (Company Competition Restriction)



July 18


July 18


August 8


August 8


SCORING: All evaluations, tests, and activities will be graded over 100 points each. Final grades will be obtained from the average of all the activities, tests and evaluations done throughout the unit. Partial and Final Unit Tests are worth a total of 200 points (Theory and Practical Application elements

Bonds ………………………………………………………………………………………………...2 Reading about Bonds……………………………………………………………………….3 How to profit from Bonds…………………………………………………………………..4 Pictionary # 1………………………………………………………………………………...5 Pictionary # 2………………………………………………………………………………...7 Readings……………………………………………………………………………………..8 Stock & Shares……………………………………………………………………………………..10 Financial New Report………………………………………………………………………11 Vocabulary ……………………………………………………………………………….....12 Job descriptions and Job satisfaction…………………………………………………………….13 Abbreviations Stands……………………………………………………………………...14 Vocabulary…………………………………………………………………………………..15 Pictionary …………………………………………………………………………………...16 The management accountant……………………………………………………………..18 A human resources manager Pictionary…………………………………………………19 Letters of Enquiry and Applications……………………………………………………………….21 Pictionary……………………………………………………………………………………22 Advice on Job Application…………………………………………………………………23 Partial test…………………………………………………………………………………..25 Essay ……………………………………………………………………………………….26


Companies finance most of their activities by way of internally generated cash flows. If they need to raise more money to expand their operations they can either issue new shares-selling them to their existing owners or on the stock market (equity finance) – or borrow money (debt finance) , usually by issuing bonds. Companies generally use an investment bank to issue their bonds, and to find buyers, which are often institutional investors like insurance companies, mutual funds and pension funds.

Bondholders get back their original investment (or “principal”) on a fixed maturity date, and receive interest payments (the “cupon”) at regular intervals (six-monthly or annually) until then. Most bonds have fixed interest rates. For investors, bonds are generally safer than stock or shares, because if an insolvent or bankrupt company sells its assets, bondholders are among the creditors who might get some of their money back. On the other hand, in the medium or long term, shares generally pay a higher return than bonds. For companies, the advantage of debt financing over equity financing is that bond interest is tax deductible: companies deduct their interest payments from their profits before paying tax, while dividends paid to shareholders come from already-taxed profits. But debt increases a company’s financial risk: bond interest has to be paid, even in a year without any profits to deduct it from, and the principal has to be repaid when the debt matures, whereas companies are not obliged to pay dividends or repay share capital.

If tax revenue is insufficient, governments also issue bonds to raise money, and these are considered to be a risk-free investment. In the US there are Treasury notes (with a maturity of two to ten years) and Treasury notes (with a maturity of ten to 30 years), while in Britain government bonds are known as gilt-edged stock or just gilts. Bonds are saleable instruments that can be traded on the secondary bond market. Banks and brokerage companies act as market makers, quoting bid and offer prices for bonds with a very small spread or difference between them. The price of bonds varies inversely with interest rates. If interest rates rise, so that new borrowers have to pay a higher rate, existing bonds paying a higher interest rate than the market rate increase in value. Consequently the yield of a bond – how much income it gives – depends on its purchase price as well as its cupon.

How to profit from bonds

Pictionary # 1 Word Cash Flow



The money a company receives minus the money it spends during a certain period.

Every month our cash flow increases and decreases, it is not stable.


Part ownership of a company in the form of stocks or shares.

Every associate with us have an equity part of a share.

Mutual Funds

Funds operated by investment companies that invest people’s money in various assets.

The mutual funds are high.

Pension Funds

Funds that invest money that will be paid to people after they retire from work.

This pension funds will be used in the necessary time, when some of them go.


The amount of capital making up a bond or other loan.

The principal of our loan is $25,000.


The length of time for The maturity of this which a bond is bond is 10 years. issued (until it is repaid)


The amount of interest that a bond pays.

The cupon of our bond is 12% a year.



Insolvent or Bankrupt

Unable to pay debts

For bad investment our company was in bankrupt.


People or institutions to whom money is owed.

We have new creditors in the company-


Payments by companies to their shareholders.

The dividends will receive their money soon-

Market Makers

Businesses that buy and sell securities

The market makers will increase our securities.


The price at which a buyer is prepared to buy a security at a particular time.

The bid is around $10,000

Offer /offer price

The price at which a seller is prepared to sell a security at a particular time.

The offer is 25% less than it costs.


The rate of income an investor receives from a security.

The yield would be of 8%.

Pictionary # 2 Word




Rose quickly

Our capital soared in the last three weeks.


To revive or stimulate something

We will kickstart the company with a better inversion.


A standard used when comparing other things

Recession Depression Slump

A period when the economy is contracting

The benchmark in our sales and the sales of the other company is really extended. His company was in recession.


An improvement or increase in prices


Failing to repay a loan It would not be good to default in our loan.

To go bust

Going bankrupt

Our products suffer a rally in the last four months.

Taylor’s Company go bankrupt last week.


RUSH TO BUY GOVERNMENT BONDS: UK Government Bonds soared for a second day yesterday after the bank of England unveiled plans to buy billions of pounds of assets to kickstart the economy. Fund managers and speculators rushed to buy government bonds, known as gilts, driving up prices. Benchmark 10-year gilt prices saw their biggest one-day jump in 17 years yesterday.

The central bank will create new Money to buy 75Bn of assets mainly gilts, at a series of auctions over the next three months. Another 75Bn could follow. Many economists believe the unprecedented measures should be enough eventually to lift the economy out of its worst slump since the 1930s.

John Wraith of RBC Capital Markets expects the rally in the gilt market to continue for some time. “A lot of people will now want to own gilts on the assumption that prices will keep on rising,’ He said The Guardian.

CORPORATE BONDS: THE ONLY “HOT” STORY IN TOWN Good news is thin on the ground for investors. Only brave hearts would look at getting back into the stock market at the moment, as it is still unclear whether we are headed for a worldwide recession or depression.

So any area of investment that promises growth is going to spark more than a Little interest. And it’s the unglamorous world of corporate bonds that is catching the attention of those in the know. These bonds, it seems, are the one potentially “Hot” investment 2009.

They represent the opportunity of a generation, offering both capital growth and relatively high income.’ Says Meera Patel, Senior analyst at independent financial adviser Hargreaves Lansdown. With the world economy speeding downwards, companies that were once thought ultrasafe are now being forced to offer higher returns to investors. The Independent

WHY HIGH-YIELD BONDS ARE ONLY FOR THE BRAVE Patrick McCullagh, Head of European and UK credit research at Schroder’s, expects high-yield bonds to be offering more attractive opportunities than the investment-grade corporate bonds that are currently in favor.

High-yield bonds are investments in the debt of companies that are deemed – by a ratings agency such as Standard & Poor’s – to have a greater chance of defaulting on their loans.

The lower a company’s rating, the more likely they are to go bust, but the more investors will be paid for accepting that increased risk. It means that fund managers who choose wisely can make decent money from this area. The Independent

Stock & Shares

A financial News report Risen


The Dow-Jones


The S&P 500




Shares in Germany


Shares in France


Shares in Britain


Shares in Japan



Shares in Australia


The dollar against the euro


The dollar against the pound


The dollar against the yen






Vocabulary # 3

Job Descriptions and Job Satisfaction

Abbreviations Stands




Chief Executive Officer

Chief Informtion Officer

Personal Assistant


Director R&D


Human Resources Manager

Research and Development

Public Relations Officer

Vocabulary Word



Finance Manager

The auditor, member of management team. Monitors financial performance and supervise budgets.

I as a finance manager monitor my company’s financial performance.

Human Resources Manager

In charge of the development and training of the managers. Responsible of the recruitment of new staff.

A human resources manager make sure others are doing their jobs well.

Chief Executive Officer

He supervise and know about what’s going on in all the different parts of the company. Represents the company.

As a chief executive officer represents the company.

Chief Information Officer

In charge of computer systems and information technology.

The new chief information officer affect all parts of our organization.

Director of Research and Development

Build up project teams, provide resources and meeting targets, working with budgets and meeting deadlines.

The old Director of research and development have a big project in mind.

Personal Assistant

Involved in every aspect of the work, setting up meetings, organizing travels and dealing with correspondence.

Danny is a very good personal assistant, she is always better than the expected.

Marketing Consultant

Give advice on how to market and develop.

Marketing consultant write articles about some recipes.

Pictionary # 3 Word




How well parts of the company are doing

The performance of of Albany’s Company is going very well


Put new products on sale

Our marketing is of shampoos.


Finding new staff for the company.

For the new store we will need to recruit people.


Person who looks after financial records

The new accountant is very efficient.


Reducing, making easier.

Going to Japan will make easing the sale of the new products.


Project team

Groups of people who work together on a project.

For this new activity they will be in a project team.


Objectives which a company or team decides it wants to reach.

The targets of this month is to reach more than 5% of the sales of the last month sales.


Money which is reserved for a particular activity.

This budget is for any accident of the employees.

Meeting deadlines

Doing things within the correct time.

The next meeting deadline is to go for a meeting in the new restaurant.

The management Accountant

Pictionary Human Resources Manager Word Challenging

Meaning Difficult and demanding

Sentence Challenging time will come all at any moment.


Dismissing someone from their job.

We are firing some staff at the moment.


Employee who takes your money at a supermarket.

We’ll contract Danny as a new cashier.

Customer service

Giving customers good treatment. Our customer service is the best in the country.

Selling point

Something which attracts customers.

Our selling point is the food.


Part-time job

Job which is only for part of the working week.

The boy will take part-time job so he can studies at weekends.


Person who makes sure a job is done properly.

The supervisor is always pendent of his subordinates.

Pull the wool over someone’s eyes

Trick or device someone.

Never forget, pull the wool over someone’s eyes.

Letters of enquiry and applications

Pictionary word



Working in-house

Inside the company

Helen like to work inhouse all the time.


Pleasant additional things

If they do their work well, they will receive some bonuses.

Nine-to five laid of person

Person who likes work that begins that begins at nine o’clock in the morning and finishes at five, Monday to Friday

His work is nine-to five laid of person, he can go and studies at the university.

standing over


He’ll be standing over, it is what he does the best.


Take over

Start doing a job that another person did before

The new accountant will take over Ramirez’s work.

Loads of

Lots of

There are leads of people trying to find a good work in a prestige company like us.


Places where public events happen

The venues for this week is the Central Park and The National Park.

Entry level

The lowest level of an organization

You should begin in the entry level and then grow and develop your skills.

Advice on job Application

Partial Test

Essay During the unit as every unit, I learned many different new thing. I realized how many different things are involved in just one class that is marketing. How the government, the interest is involved with it, and that in every company is a risky moment or challenge. The teacher is always putting in practice everything of the book that make us more efficient and responsible. I learned the differences about when to use the word shares and stocks. I also learned when to use the bonds and which different facts are involved on it. Every job is different, and I learned it in the unit of job description and job satisfaction, each person is different and have different skills that explode in the company to make it grow and successful. I appreciate the teacher to always support us and help us understanding the new subjects of this unit, I hope this new unit come full of new interesting themes like the ones we learned on unit 3.

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