Portfolio unit ii ximena letona

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Unit II Focus on Grammar 5 Ma. Ximena Letona Gir贸n 6th BIL Key #4

Learning Process

Modals to Express Degrees of Necessity

Vocabulary Gracious • To be polite, kind, and pleasant. • She was gracious during the meeting with the President.

Pointer • Is a suggestion, tip, or piece of advice.

Chuckle • To laugh quietly. • She was in class, so she has to chuckle.

Perplexed • To be confused, puzzled, or troubled. • After the accident, Alan was perplexed.

Praise • When something or someone is to express admiration. • I praise God for everything.

Decline • Something is to refuse it. • I decline the job application because of my health..

Have someone over • To invite a person or persons to your home. • I will have someone over tonight.

Rectify • To improve or fix a situation. • David rectify what he did in the party of Tania.

Grammar Presentation Obligation (Necessity) You

Must Have to Have got to




Had to




must not can’t are not allowed to




weren’t allowed to



Advice You

had better should ought to




had better not shouldn’t




Should have ought to have




shouldn’t have



Expectation You

are supposed to are to


a gift.


are not supposed to are not to




were supposed to were to


a gift.


were not supposed to Were not to




No Obligation (No Necessity)


could might




could have might have




don’t have to




don’t have to



Grammar Notes 1 Modals are auxliary verbs. The modals are can, could, may, might, shall, should, will, would, must, ought to, and had better. Each modal has only one form for all persons.

-We could make a chocolate cake. -You should call her. -She shall take a shower right now.

Use simple modals (modal + base form) to show degrees of necessity in the present and the future.

-Daniel could do it better. -Peter should be doing his homework right now. -Tere will dance in the presentation.

Use perfect modals (modal + have + past participle) to show degrees of necessity in the past.

-We should have built the pyramid again. -The policy could thought the criminal was anyone of us. --The sun should shone as in winter.

Modals show speaker’s attitudes toward the actions they are describing. Modals are used to talk about obligations, advice, expectations, and suggestions.

-You should eat that. -You could bring her tomorrow. -They should won the first place.

2 Some modal-like expressions have meanings equivalent to or similar to meanings of modals. Must= have to, have got to Should= ought to May= be allowed to

-She must/ have to/have got to go to the school on Friday. -We should/ought to bring her water. -They may/ are allowed to visit grandpha on Saturday.

3 Use must, have to, and have got to to show strong necessity. They are similar in meaning. USAGE NOTES MUST: in formal English to show a very strong obligation that can’t be escaped.

-You must eat the vegetables. --Perla must not forget her dentist appointment. --Dulio must go to work tomorrow.

HAVE TO: in all forms and situations, formal and informal.

-Diana have to go to church on Sundays. --Pablo have to won the exam. --Alex have to take care of the horse.

HAVE GOT TO: in conversation and informal writing. Rarely used in the negative. Use don’t have to instead.

-We have got to get dancing. -Denniss have got to eat dinner with her. -Pedro have got to paint the wall.

Use will have to to show future necessity.

-We’ll have to make new friends in the neighborhood. -Patty will have to do homework on Friday to go out on Saturday. -He will have to check out the new list.

BE CAREFUL! Use had to + base form to show past necessity. Don’t use must have + past participle. 4 Use must not to say that it is necessary not to do something (that it is prohibited)

-Sara must not drink alcohol. -Estephan must not smoke in front of his wife. -Carlos must not loose any subject this year.

4 Use don’t / doesn’t have to + base form to say that something is not necessary.

In the past, use didn’t have to + base form to say that something was not necessary.

-You don’t have to write her every day. -She doesn’t have to bring flowers every morning. -Pedro don’t have to stay with Cara tonight. -You didn’t have to wash the dishes. -Patric didn’t have to clean up my bedroom. -Dayna didn’t have to prove anything.

BE CAREFUL! Although must and have to have similar meanings, must not and don’t have to have very different meaning. 5 Use should or ought to to offer advice. They mean “it would be a good idea if…” or “it’s the right thing to do” and are basically the same in most situations. We normally use should, not ought to, in questions and negatives.

-You should put it together. -You should bring your son to the birthday party tomorrow. -You should call your mother when you arrive Florida.

Use should have/ought to have + past participle to express advice about past situations. Should have and ought to have suggest that the action did not happen. Shouldn’t have and ought not to have suggest that it did.

-You should have/ought to have won the first place. -Tania should have/ ought to have spoken more in the presentation. -Donei shouldn’t/ ought not to have told my mother about the new baby.

NOTE: We sometimes use shall in questions to ask for advice or direction. In this meaning, shall is used only with I or we. When it is used with we, it is often followed by a sentence with let’s. In this meaning, shall is similar to should.

-Shall we buy this drink? Yes, let’s but it. -Shall we go there? Yes, let’s go. -Shall we dance all night? Yes, let’s do that.

6 Had better is like should and ought to but stronger.

Use had better to give warning that something bad or negative will happen if advice isn’t followed.

7 Use be supposed to to show an expectation. Use it only in the present and the past. In the past, the affirmative suggests that the action didn’t happen. The negative suggests that the action did happen.

-You had better practice for the math exam. -We had better return home tomorrow. -We had better quit eat like this. -Hadn’t you better avoid getting together with those troublemakers? -Hadn’t you better avoid sleeping late at night? -Hadn’t you better avoid going party every Friday? -She is supposed to bring the cake for the party. -You was supposed to stay at home tonight. -We weren’t supposed to bring food for the dinner.

You can use be to + base form in more formal English to express a strong expectation.

-The customers are to enjoy the show. --They are to ask any question at the end of the meeting. --The kids are not to paint on the walls.

8 Use could or might + base form to make polite, not-too strong suggestions about the present or future.

-You could /might bring her some flowers. -Luis could/might talk to her parents. -Inés could/might keep the secret.

Use could have / might have + past participle to make polite suggestions about a past opportunity. In this meaning, might have and could have mean that the action didn’t happen.

-Danniss could have/might have bring her some chocolates. -She could have /might have taken the exam on Friday. -He could have/might have keep in secret the surprise.

Modals to Express Degrees of Certainty




• possible • Other potential myths are the Egyptians.

• Members of an allmale religious group. • There are steal existing some monks.



• companions • Our contenders were from Australia.

• Likely candidates. • Cristobal Colon and cohorts visited America around 1487.


Stems from

• Human-made objects. • We have some Egypt artifacts in the museum.

• Originates with • The theory stems from the story of Cleopatra.



• Religious residences • I visited a monastery here in Guatemala.

• Remains of an explosion • Those garbage could be from the volcanic debris.

Grammar Presentation Speculations about the Present It

must has (got) to




can’t/couldn’t must not




may/might could




may not might not



Speculations about the Past It

must have had to have




may have might have could have




can’t have couldn’t have must not have




may not have might not have



Speculation about the Future We

should ought to


it soon.


may might Could


it soon.


may not might not


it soon.

Grammar Notes 1 We use modals and modal-like expressions to express different degrees of certainty. With these modals we speculate based on logic and facts.

Remember that we use modals with progressive as well as simple forms.

-His version of the story must be true. --The excuse might be true. -The story must be false.

-She may be planning another party for next weekend. -The President must be looking for the responsible of the rob. -We could be doing homework.

When we want to state a fact we are absolutely– 100% -- sure of, we don’t use modals. 2 Use must / have to / have got to + base form when you are speculating about the present and are almost certain.

-The young lady must/have to/have got to tell something to the audience.

To make a negative speculation, use can’t/ couldn’t + base form.

-That old story can’t be true, I have proves about the real one.

-Maria’s theory have to/must/have got to mean something for the investigation. Use must not´+ base form when you are slightly less certain.

-It must not be correct to sit down in the middle of the street.

NOTE: We normally don’t contract must not in this meaning of must.

-It must not be true. -Could it be true?

In questions, use could/couldn’t + base form.

3 Use may / might / could + base form when you are speculating about the present and are less certain.

Use may not/might not + base form in the negative.

-Tania may/might / could leave the class right now. -Pedro may/might/could know the answer soon. -We may/might/could let Frida do it.

-We may not leave Stela alone tonight. -They might not call Perla today. -I may not leave any bad memory in his life.

BE CAREFUL! We usually do not contract might not, and we never contract MAY NOT. In questions, use could/might + base form

4 Use must have / had to have + past participle when you are speculating about the past and are almost certain.

--Could that be true? -Might it be real? -Could that be not useful? -They must have stolen the old picture of the Museum. We must have been polar bears in other life. -They had to have spent all day in the Zoo.

In the negative, use can’t have / couldn’t have + past participle to suggest impossibility.

-That couldn’t have been true. -They couldn’t have call just for make a joke. -That can’t be possible.

Use must not have + past participle when you are slightly less certain.

-She must not have danced with Patric in the Party. -They must not have gone to the breakfast in Hotel Inn. -He must not have hurt during the expedition.

In questions, use can have / could have + past participle.

5 When you are speculating about the past and are less certain (about 50%), use may have/ might have / could have + past participle.

-I may have to wake up at 7:00 a.m. to pick her in the airport at 11:00 a.m. -You might have to kept listening those type of stories. -They could have said it was not a surprise.

BE CAREFUL! Could have + past participle has two meaning.

-She could have shown in the salon. I am not sure. (possibility) -She could have shown but she didn’t. (a missed opportunity)

In the negative, use may not have / might not have + past participle.

She may not have sat near Melany is. -Paula might not have told Eddy the true. -Dulio may not have drawn animals on his paints.

In questions, use might have / could have + past participle.

-Might we have hit the ground? -Could she have been in the same place as us? -Might she have said a prayer for him?

6 Use should / ought to + base form when you are almost certain about a future action or event.

-If we continue supporting him, he should be the champion. -The proposal should be finished on time. -I ought to be early at home. My mother will punish me.

7 Use may/might/could + base form when you are less certain about a future action or event.

-We may leave the house now. -She might know the answer for the math test. -I might never be home early.

In the negative, use may/might + not / never + base form

Documents (Readings Comprehensions, Essays)

Reading Comprehension #1

Reading Comprehension #2

Reading Comprehension #3

Pictionary • a card game, basically for two players, in which points for certain combinations of cards are scored on a small pegboard • We like to play cribbage.

• Person who distributes or offers merchandise. • My father is a good merchant, he sells everything.



• a hat tying under the chin and framing the face. • I bought a new bonnet to combine with my new dress.

• To make silence • My mom always say us “hush, hush” in important meetings.



• Person that steals things to others. • Robbers should will be in jai for eternal life.

• Something you assume • You speculation about Fredy was certain.



• Dinner made at home • I made supper every Wednesday.

• physically or mentally exhausted • I am weary after every exam.



Essay 1 (Thesis)

Write a short essay about a memorable trip you have taken. The trip you describe can be positive or negative, but provide plenty of supporting details. Use past time structures as appropriate, including the simple past, past perfect, and future in the past. Proofread your essay carefully to make sure that you have no sentence fragments. Introduction: I went to Puerto Barrios, Izabal for New Year Holiday of 2010. Idea 1: I went with my family and meet new members of it. Met new familiars The estate “Gran Camino” Idea 2: I visited new places, all natural and that form part of our country. Livingston Castillo San Felipe Las Escobas Protected areas Idea 3: I enjoy tasting new seafood dishes. Shrimp Tapado Seafood Conclusion: Memorable Time with family Guatemala’s places. Thesis: The trip of Puerto Barrios was a good memorable trip because I spend good time with my family, and I met new places with them. Also I ate delicious seafood dishes.

Proofread A Trip to Puerto Barrios


On December of 2010, I had the opportunity to go to Puerto Barrios, Izabal. This was a memorable trip, because I went with my family; my father, my sister and my grandmother. I really wanted to spend New Year in another place, and there’s no better place than on the coast. I enjoy eating seafood in different cool places. It was a long ride from the capital city to Puerto Barrios, approximately four or five hours. We arrived to my uncle’s house, Miguel, around 3:00 p.m. He lives with his wife Karla, his daughter Victoria and his mother Mirtala. They gave us a warm welcome. Victoria was a six year old girl, full of energy and imagination, it was nice to meet her and play with her. The estate was called “Gran Camino”. It has two big gardens, one in the front and another in the back, in the middle of it there was a one-floor house. It was really homely, and with an old aspect. The first day, before arriving to my uncle’s house, we went to Quiriguá. It was nice to see this place which has history about our ancestors. Then, we went to my uncle’s house, were we rested. Then, the second day we went to Livingston. This place is very attractive; one thing that caught my attention was the people. They were really enthusiastic, and they danced very well. Whenever they heard music or a rhythm they started to dance. The next day we went to “Castillo San Felipe”, it was interesting to know more about our history and to pass through the places where the events actually happened. On the fourth day, we went to the path “Las Escobas”, in Santo Tomas de Castilla, where there are water sources with a great variety of wildlife. The other days of the trip we went to other protected areas of the place, enjoying the view and the weather. Every department and culture had different gastronomy, and I really loved to taste new dishes, meeting new places was a paradise for me. In Livingston I ate delicious shrimp in garlic sauce. I tasted the famous “tapado”, which is a garifuna soup of seafood. I really love seafood, so those days I was able to taste different new dishes. For breakfast, we used to eat in my uncle’s house, so it was nice to eat home food and share with them a little time. In conclusion, this trip will be one that I will always remember, first because it was with my family, and I enjoy spending time with my father, which is something I usually don’t do. It is important to know our Guatemala, because sometimes we focus in visiting other countries and we don’t realize how beautiful the place we live in is. Also, knowing our country includes the gastronomy, and with it the different cultures there are around us. How they act, how they live and the different traditions they have.

Writing two Humans in the Ocean By: Ximena Letona The ocean covers 71% of the surface of the Earth, so it is logical that there is a variety of animals, plants, fish and creatures. Many people have seen many different kind of them, and there had been many studies and discovers of life in the ocean. A creature that has always got my attention and that I think could exist is the mermaid. The mermaid is a combination of a fish and a human, instead of having legs it has a fish tale and the chest, face and arms is like a human. The legend of the mermaids comes from many years ago, in the Middle East, when Decreto offended Venus, the goddess of love, made him fall in love with a shepherd. Love between women and he makes born a girl, Seminaris, but the punishment of Venus was that this love finished after Seminaris was born. Decreto, decided to go to the sea and was there when the gods decided to turn her into siren to prevent her death. Then this legend continue during the pirates time, where they share their stories about creatures that sing to them with awesome voices and then the mermaids caught them for their prison. In the other side, in Egypt there is a cave with paints in which there is visible people with fishtail. It could be a relation with the other cultures. There might be many other stories about them, but some of them had been lost during the years. According to NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration) there have never found any evidence of the existence of these aquatic creatures; but years before Animal Planet made a documentary about these creatures, and it make many people to believe in the existence of them, but it the documentary was totally of fiction. In my opinion I think there could be a possibility of their existence. Science is improving every day with looking for new things, so we should never lose the idea of learning of it. People must have to be open mind to any new discover about the world.

Listening Grades

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