ximena letona unit 1, Digital Portfolio

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TEACHER: Ana Lucia Perez Garcia First Academic Unit (January 12- March 13) GRADE: 6th Accounting

6th Bilingual /

UNIT COMPETENCE: Creates business-related documents in a variety of contexts applying vocabulary, grammatical structures, and topics seen throughout the unit while following American Business Guidelines in form and format.


Differentiates the usage of verb tenses and various grammatical elements in review worksheets.


1.     

Grammar: Present tenses Past tenses Future tenses Verb tense application General Review

2. Portfolio (Digital) Organizes documents and proofread written assignments in a chronological order following Pictionary, Summary, and Business rubric, teacher instructions, and editing techniques Letter examples and templates in the digital portfolio to maintain information uploaded to Issuu **Rubric provided which can be readily accessed upon request.



Jan 26 - 30 Feb 9 – 13 Feb 16-20 Feb 23- 27 March 2 -5

/100 /100 /100 /100 /100

Throughout the Unit March 11


Throughout the Unit

/100 /100 /100 /100

Throughout the Unit

/100 /100

Communicates effectively in oral form using appropriate vocabulary, grammatical elements, pronunciation, and fluency.


Produces writings that contain appropriate vocabulary, spelling, organization, content, and coherence..


Retains and extracts information when listening and is able to answer questions related to information extracted upon request.


Listening (2)

Throughout the Unit

/100 /100


Reading (1 online / 3 extensive Throughout the reading book) Unit

/100 /100 /100

3.   

Unit One Final Test (Theory): Grammatical Elements Vocabulary Listening and Reading Comprehension

Answers a test integrating acquired knowledge and critical thinking on the situation presented.

Speaking (4)

Writing (2)

March 12 /100

Present Time

Digital World Word




Funny, enjoyable.

My uncle Tom is an amusing person, he always makes me laugh.


Criminal, make illegal.

Desafortunately his cousin is an outlaw.


Displaying a readout in numerical digits.

Now everything is in digitally world..


A criminal, someone who is hiding to avoid being captures

Pedro is an outlawing, he is trying to change but it’s very difficult.


Capable to of housing harm.:injury or damage.

Some people of the jail is very harmful, even do you know them.



Description Sentence

Contemplati ng

Thinking about with attention

I am contemplating the sunset.


Short description

You can now more about she in her profile

Do without

Continue to I can do without live minus your help.


Is likely

Pablo tends to buy bad food in the store.






With electronic devices

Now everything is in digitally world..



The store is open 24/7.

telecommut e

work from home

She telecommute three tays a week.

Staying on top of


My uncle is managing very well our business.


Grammar Presentation Present Time In general or Now Simple Present

Present Progressive Be + Base Form + -ing

Today we dance as we have never did before.

Pedro is looking ifor a new dance partner.

From a Time in the Past Until Now Present Perfect

Present Perfect Progressive

Have + past Participle

Have been + Base Form + -ing

We have had this house for 10 years.

He’s been waiting his girlfriend for the last two hours.

Action and Non-Action Verbs Action Verbs

Most Non-Action Verbs

Simple Form

Progressive Form

Simple Form

They normally eat breakfast at 7:00 a.m.

Today they’re eating at 8:00 a.m.

My father knows I am leaving tomorrow. They want to watch the movie.

Action and Non-Action Verbs

Some Non-Action Verbs Simple Present (Stative Use)

Progressive Form(Active Use)

I have a new puppy, it’s beautiful.

I’m having problems with the new girl.

They know they can do it.

I’m thinking about the movie.

Our aunt is a great friend.

It’s being difficult to understand her.

Action Verbs + Adverb She sings badly. He’s dancing constantly.

Some Non-Action Verbs + Adjective (stative Use)

+ Adverb (Active Use)

Your nice looks beautiful.

Pedro smelled badly.

Eddy feels proud of his son.

Tania felt the bruise gently

The ice-cream tastes bad.

Daniel taste the spagethy carefully.

Grammar Notes 1



Use the simple present to show actions, events, or states that are true in general or happen habitually.

-We seep late on Saturdays. - I always study hard for the exams. - Danna goes to voleyBall practice every Monday after her English course.

We also use the simple present to narrate events in sequence.


Use the Present Progressive to show actions or events in progress at the moment (not finished). BE CAREFUL! We generally don’t use the progressive with non-action verbs.


The Present perfect and the present perfect progressive connect the past with the present. Use them to show actions and states that began in the past and continue until now. They are often used with for + a length of time and since + a starting point. Use the rpesent perfect, not the present perfect progressive, to describe completed actions with a connection to the present.

-My mom is cooking a delicious chocolate cake. - Pedro is riding his bike since he receive it. - Paulina is dancing if there was no tomorrow. -Dennis has changed a lot since she moved to Canada. -I’ve seen this movie many times. - Alex has painted this car many times.

Note 4 Action Verbs (also called active) describe actions. Use simple verb forms (without-ing) to describe all of an action – the action in general. Use progressive verb forms (with-ing) to describe part of an action—in progress at a specific time. 5 Non-action verbs (also called stative) describe states such as appearance (seem), emotions (love), mental states (know), perceptions (hear), possession (own), and wants (need). We most often use non-action verbs in the simple form and not in the progressive. Some non-action verbs can be used to describe either states or actions. When they are used to describe actions, they usually have different meanings.

6 We normally use adverbs with action verbs.

Example -I drink 8 glasses of water everyday. -John talks at inappropriate times. - Right now she is performing his new dance.

-Juan loves Elena, more than he loves his best friend Eddy. -I hear a voice at midnight. - He knows his wife very well.

- We have a new play station. - She is a disgusting person. -She sings badly.

We normally use the verbs look , sound, feel, smell, and taste to show states, in which case they are used with adjectives, not adverbs.

-You look really excited for the concert.

BE CAREFUL! The sense verbs are sometimes used to show actions, in which case they are used with adverbs.

- I don’t look well the things that are far away.

Exercise 5: Editing

Exercise 10: Writing

Exercise 10 corrected

Past Time

Internet Marriage Word





Tech had pondered to go to Canada this holidays.

Tie the knot


Ariana tie the knot with Fred.

Out of the blue

At random

Their wedding was out of the blue, unforgettable.

Came up with

Originated, produced

This tradition in the wed came up with the idea of his grand grandmother.





Turned in


Deniss and Pablo talked when she turned in her application.


In the end

The new partner ultimately had been going to the church.

Turned out Had a particular result

Their wedding turned out exactly as they expected.


Grammar Presentation Past Time General or Specific (Definite) Simple Past

Past Progressive Was/Were + Base Form + -ing

Debora wanted a new lipstick. She was looking for his necklace.

She obtained what she wants

Not Specific (Indefinite)

Present Perfect Has / Have + Past Participle We have not sent the homework of today. They have chosen the date for Brittany's Party this month.

Habitual or Repeated Used to + Base Form

Would + Base Form

I used to be a veterinarian.

I would ate breakfast in Mariano’s House every Sunday.

Before a Time in the Past Past Perfect

Past Perfect Progressive

Had + Past Participle

Had been+ Base Form + -ing

He had met her before the party.

She was looking for his necklace.

After a To,e om the Past But Before Now (“Future in the Past�)

Was / Were going to + Base Form

Would + Base Form

She knew she was going to get lost in the forest.

Peter knew when the presentation of the band would be.

Grammar Notes Note



Use the Simple past to express an action, event, or state occurring at a general or specific time in the past

-Renzo ran the 10K. --Eduardo took his wife to a wonderfull place. - He ate a big piece of cake.


Use the Past progressive to express an action that was in progress (not finished) at a time in the past.

-Isabel was crying because of her broke up with her boyfriend.. - Rudy was laughing out loud. - Pablo was dancing in the wediding as no body was watching him.


Use the Present Perfect to express an action, event, or state occurring at an indefinite time in the past

-Daniel has never considered to get married.

BE CAREFUL! Don’t use the present perfect with a past-time expression.

-I have already had a breakfast.

Note: The simple past is the definite - She has never attended past. The present perfect is the indefinite to much customers in the past. store. Remember that the present perfect also connects the past and the present.

Note 4 Use used to + base form to show a habitual action, event, or state that was true in the past but is no longer true. You can also use would + base form to express actions or events that occurred regularly during a period in the past.

BE CARFUL! Used to and would are similar in meaning when they express past actions. However, only used to can show past location, state being, or possession 5 Use the past perfect to show an action, event, or state of being that happened before a certain time in the past. Use the past perfect with the simple past to show which of two past actions, events, or states happened first. The past perfect is usually used when we talk about the first event second. The past perfect is not often used in sentences with before or after. The simple past is generally used to describe both events.

Example -Karishka used to play basketball every Sunday after the music lessons. - MY friends and I would to go out for lunch at a british restaurant. - My weekends used to be full of peace.

- I had finished my homework at 5:00. -- She has met Evans in the party last night. - They had prepared a beautiful presentation for Taylor’s birthday.

Note 6 Use the past perfect progressive to express an action that was in progress before another past event.

Example -She had been dancing when she started college. - Jane had been browsing the internet when she felt tired. - He had been playing with his friends for two hours.

7 Use was / were going to / would + base form to describe an action, event, or state that was planned or expected in the past (before now). Sentences with was / were going to / would are sometimes called future in the past.

-He knew where the classes woud be. -I was going to dance in the auditions of last week. - I was going to visit my aunt’s new house in Bolivia in 1999.

Exercise 12: Writing

Corrections of Exercise 12

Unit Test

Comprehensions and Exercises

Exercise Lab. 1-2

Reading Comprehension # 1

Reading Comprehension # 2

Reading Comprehension # 3

Reading Comprehension #4

Vocabulary Benefactor • It is a person that gives money to beneficiate an institution or a person, to help him.

Magistrate • It is the person who judges the bad acts of a person in a court and who decides what punishment this person would receive.

Handkerchief • Piece of cloth that people use for clean their hands, face or nose.

Mob • Too much people.

Solitary Confinement • It is to take a way a person from others as a punishment.

Gruel • A drink or thin porridge, made by boiling meal, esp oatmeal, in water or milk.

Parish • It is a church

Beadle • It is a police officer, it is the person who controls.

Orphan • It is a child that don’t have a mother neither a father.

Workhouse • The place where some workers can live after working.

Apprentice • Person who helps and leans to do something.

Undertaker • People who buried people

Unit 1

Ximena Letona G. 6th BIL #4

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