Sostenible progress
the new barce ona
Nombre de la empresa
Calle, 14 CPThe Localidad Provincia País (trabajo) bicycle project
The new Barcelona
Index Introduction
The transport
Urban terrestrial transport number of inhabitants/car in europe:
3 3
Graphic analysis
Cars without oil?
What is the problem then?
The 2035 The population The 2035’s streets
The solution The future’s transport
6 6 7 9 15
The new Barcelona
Introduction The transport Nowadays, public transport is more than a simple pleasure, it is a necessity. The simple need of saving some time or even travelling a certain distance in a very short period of time, led humans use its inherents capabilities to solve this important problem. This is why cars were made! And this useful wheeled structures were quickly developed and industrialised, making the life of lots of people around the world much more easier. But now, we know all the negative effects of cars on the planet's atmoshpere, and cars are now losing the importance they previously had, leaving an empty corridor for plenty of other alternatives, some of which we will explain later. What we want to propose you is an innovative modern urban organisation system that, at the same time, saves space and does not contaminate at all. A new method according to the needs and lacks of new societis, attributes and characteristics, that are stadistically deductible. Nowadays society needs to use to its reasoning capabilities in order to solve the new problem that is coming up again. What you will see now is a real alternative to the excesive consume of petrol, gasoil and other polluting fuel types, solving at the same time, the huge space problem which is visible at first glance in a city like the one we have taken as a reference, BARCELONA.
aerial transport Terrestrial transport Which we are going to develop in this project.
maritimal transport
The new Barcelona
Urban terrestrial transport
The most important and used way to move around in Barcelona is the Metro or bus service. Barcelona has to it's costumers' disposition a huge net of public transports which covers almost all the metropolitan area. However, a big percentage of the population still uses the car. 1 car for each 2 inhabitants. There are 1,621,537 inhabitants in Barcelona, so we have 0.5 · 1,621,537 = 810,769 cars in all the Barcelona's metropolitan area. More than 46,745,807 inhabitants live in Spain, so there are like 23,372,904 cars, and an average consume of 1,4 billions of liters each day. Knowing this data... the first question that comes to our minds is: For how long can this last? When will we run out of petrol?
number of inhabitants/car in europe:
2/1 Petrol’s estimated production grafic
The new Barcelona
Graphic analysis At first glance we can see a peak of production around the 2005 but, in that poing, the production starts decreasing. At the moment, it is still decreasing, and the 2010 is only the beggining of a very steep slope. A decrease we will not be able to recover; each day will be more difficult to extract petrol and the society will need to get to a solution. Estimations state that around the 2080 the petrol reserve will have decreased to 1/3 of the actual stock, and that in the 2100 this reserves will be non-existant.
In this project we don't want to go that far, we will center our solution in the year 2035, a moment in which the production of petrol will be reduced to a half and in which we are going to lead to a CRISIS moment.
Cars without oil? If the society is still working on it, probably a solution will have already been found... electric cars maybe? This is, indeed, one of the most powerful solutions of the market due to its non-dependance to the fossil energy in order to achieve movement and, so, they don't contaminate. Nowadays, cheap models are beggining to appear in the world market such as Renault Clio II at a price of 15 thousands euros, or Nissan Leaf for less than 20 thousands euros.
What is the problem then? There doesn't seem to be anyone, does it? Well, we think THERE IS a problem. Let's go to the 2035 to see it.
The new Barcelona
The new Barcelona
The 2035
The population The study made by the Statistical National Institute (INE) in the 2004 stated that the Spanish population will be of 50 millions of habitants in the 2035; but actually, experts are now talking of figures of about 60 million and of a raise of the 40% in the population density in the big cities. This would get the city of Barcelona to have about 25,000hab/km2, 10,000 more than nowadays. We would not have affordable pieces of land and the public transport massification would get very real. Following the exponential growth which characterizes the evolved countries in our world (even taking into account the actual estabilization due to the economic crisis) we consider that the proportion of 1 car for each 2 inhabitants has not decreased. People would be still having cars (even non-polluting ones) but... would it be enough space for all them?
The new Barcelona
The 2035’s streets
If the proportion keeps equal, streets will be as the photo above, moving across the city would be impossible unless we use public transport, which will be sure too overcrouded. Which is the solution then?
40% population growth.
The new Barcelona
The new Barcelona
The solution
The new Barcelona
The new Barcelona
The new Barcelona
The new Barcelona
The new Barcelona
The new Barcelona
CMteam The future’s transport The bycicle project
The new Barcelona
What you have just seen is the perfect solution to the multiple problems that the urban society has to expect for the 2035, in just about 10 squared meters of surface and 13 meters deep. Just with this space we can install a station able of provide full mobility to 400 people. Bicing stations will disappear in 1034 due to their inviability; and bicycles will flow with security and speed. Electric bicycles will provide the transport that cars will not be able to provide anymore, and all this in a reduced space.
Design explanation Model types 13,5 m 400bicycles 27
m 800bicycles
40,5 m 1200bicycles
radius: 14m
Thanks to the depth of the station we can store lots and lots of bicycles without blocking the streets.
The new Barcelona
Accessible interface
The cabin from where the costumer can pickup his bicycle, is of only 10m2, but models of even 4 exits can be done in the case of huge storages. Multitouch screen
It shows info about the transit, the bicycles state, daily news, etc.
In order to experience the same service with the present “Bicing” system, stations should be kilometrical.
The new Barcelona
Interior floors
Each flor has enough space to hold 40 bicycles. They are disposed in a radial shape and they are linked to the center's lift by modern railways. None human interaction is needed in order to have this structure working, other than mantainance. The mecanism moves the desired bicycle to the nearest available railway and this one to the lift.
The new Barcelona
Inmediat access
This system is designed in order that every bicycle can get to the lift in a very quick an clean way. This action is taken in the minimum amount of time: the bicycle could cover 10 floors in less than a minute.
The new Barcelona
80% rental bicycles 20% private bicycles
Double function
The biggest part of the storage is used by rental bicycles with a very similar system as the “Bicing” one, but it would be some space left for the private property bicycles of our costumers.
The new Barcelona
Electric bicycles
Electric bicycles will provide more speed and, therefore, more mobility to our costumers, spreading sport at the same time. Not requiring so much effort, people of all ages could use them without problems, avoiding overcrowded zones of the street. The bicycles will be equipped with a GPS system that, together with the cycle path sensors, will tell the driver the exact position of him and the best routes to take.
The new Barcelona
Cycle paths implementation
All the actual bicing stations would be substituted by the new versions; and the cycle pahts routes would be remade. _ Zones with the standart cycle paths _ Zones with the main cycle paths _ Zones with the secondary cycle paths
The bicycle project
The new Barcelona
Our cycle paths are designed thinking on the security; every hundred meters we can find an emergency switch for any problem you could have, they are covered with position and GPS sensors that would show the route in the bicycle's screen. There are also walls fully covered with sensors, that will help the drivers in their trip.
Sensor covered walls Helping the riders on their way. Emergency button.
Resistant walls. Designed for endure any car impact, making the route safer.
The new Barcelona
The new Barcelona
Conclusion La seguretat
In our opinion, as we now are facing a period full of quick technologic changes, a pretty high demografic raise of the population and many pollution problems. A moment in a not-so-far future in which we will need to find solutions will arrive soon, and one of them is the one we hast just showed to you. We have proved it is a VIABLE alternative in all the ways in which it will have to be applied in the future.
The new Barcelona
Bibliography Liters consumption/ day Foregin Policy: International fuel prices The energy bulletin
2 Eurostat data
3 Renault clio III price announced
4 “Instituto Nacional de Estadística” 2004
4 2015 2019