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Gambier West Gambier
Red, Black & White Blue & Red
reason she is playing in defence this year with too many incredible intercepts to count!! Best oncourtthisweekwasawardedtoAvaReidfor her fast work in and around the goal ring and also Libby Buck for pushing exceeding all expectationsontasksthatweregiventoher
15/Under As - First quarter wasn’t a great start tothegamewewereallabitlost.Goalieshadit tough against Gracie Dalton but they found their feet and off they went. A change in the middle 1/2 time helped the mid court moving LaratoCandEllatoWA. MaggyplayedWDand nevergaveupwithhercontesting.Mikaylaand Alice worked well again in defence. You have both jelled really well together and you both nevergiveup!
Game day awards went to Ella and Mikayla this weekend
17/Under - Another win on the board for the Under 17’s girls We started strong with pressure all over the court. Imogen and Lucy started in the goals with both girls shooting well, with support around the circle from Halle and Charlotte Charlotte maintained her intensity through all 4 quarters in the Centre position, her fitness gave us the advantage. Halle’s at WA had a great game, her passes into the goalies was fast keeping the WD for South onhertoes.
I was very impressed with Alex in our WD position, she attacked every ball that came her way, getting plenty of interceptions and touchesthroughoutthegame. Our defence duo in Macy and Ellie are getting stronger every game. Ellie’s ability to read the ball and Macy’s height made it hard for the South goalies and they put the pressure on all game. Aleisha slotted into the GA spot after half time carrying on where Lucy left off She worked well with Immy extending our lead. At thefinalwhistlethescorewasWest56toSouth 31. Well done once again to all my girls. Game day awards – Imogen McGregor and Macy Pearson.
C Grade - A tough game for the girls, walking away with our first loss of the season, West 35 to South 56 A well fought out game but unfortunately South was the stronger team for theday
New things to work on before we face the Millicent saints and good things to highlight andexpandon.Gamedayvoucherstoourfirstyear senior players Zarah Sudgen and Annabel Judd.
B Grade - We started the game quite strong with some great full court pressure. The whole quarteritwasgoalforgoalandwewereevenat half time. In the second quarter we saw a defendercomeoffwithaninjurywhichsawthe teamalittleunsettledwhichresultedintheball being rushed down the court and passes not making their target and that saw South capitalised and get out to a 12 goal lead at half time. With positional changes at half time saw the shift in game and we were playing goal for goalagainandweclawedbackthescorelineto be down by 10 goals. The last quarter we saw a lot of fight and determination from the girls and they all gave their best but South came away with the went 41 – 51. Game day awards wenttoBrookeandKristy
A Reserve - Together we worked hard all day
We did the little things to create opportunities for each other Great to see the ideas from trainings popping into our games Our transitions into attack were beautiful to watch. A big effort from Tahlia today being strong under the ring in not 1 but 2 games playing for the A grade girls today to! Lucy coming into the gamedidsuchanamazingjobwasveryexciting to see. Madi worked tirelessly all day and was able to get so many touches and very valuable rebounds.Welldoneteam!
A Grade - A slow start to the game finding our way in attack but we found our grove and had some lovely passages of play Tahlia was a target all day and was fed beautifully by Mik and Tara all day!! Great to see our strength on display with our A Res squad stepping up seamlesslywhichIlovetosee!!Thanksagainto Anna, Gracie and Lucy for benching for us today!!