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Football & Netball will look a lot different in season 2024 with our current Western Border clubs being split intodifferent leagues
East 4.4 6.4 9.5 11.8 (74)
North 3.0 7.5 9.9 15.13 (103)
Best - East: R. Lillecrapp, N. Lock, J. Byrne, C. Slape, J. Mee, M. Rumbelow; North: S. Stafford, S. Zeitz, M. Baron, C. Ortlepp, T. de Wit, J. Jenner.
Goals - No goal scorers recorded.
West 5.3 11.6 12.13 15.17 (107)
Best - West: A. Stone, T. Davis, M. Minuzzo, K. Giddings, B. Newton, D. McElroy; South: R. Jones, H. Winterfield, T. Saffin, B. Whicker, E. Marks, A. Harknesss.
Goals - West: T. Davis 3, L. Winterfield 3, D McElroy 2, C. Wagstaffe 2, M. Minuzzo 2, J Williams, B. Newton, B. Ousey; South: R. Jones, B. Kain, S. Mctaggart.
Cast-Sand 1.1 4.3 4.4 7.8 (50)
Millicent 3.3 7.8 11.13 18.16 (124)
Best - Casterton Sandford: M. Krieger, M. Killey, N. Schembri, H. McCrae, D. Ayton, D. Cleary; Millicent: J. Werchon, C. Gallio, T. Lang, K. Bradley, M. Rupcic, S. Willis.
Goals - Casterton Sandford: H. McCrae 3, A. McCrae, J. Co er, T. Foster, M. Krieger; Millicent: S. Willis 3, J. Carger 3, J. Werchon 3, J. Cushion 2, C. Gallio, K. Varcoe, J. Verbena, F Bradley, M. Rupcic, J. Todd, C. Williams.
Millicent 4.4 9.7 14.10 20.13 (133)
Best - Casterton Sandford: T. Searle, J. Smith, J. Parsons, H. Carlin, F. Bright, R. Jolly; Millicent: A. Fuller, M. Reilly, N. Robbins, B. Werchon, B. Tilley, D. Shanks.
Goals - Casterton Sandford: J. Parsons, C. Zippel, K. Humphries; Millicent: M. Reilly 5, S. Duldig 4, T. Chant 3, J. Peters 3, A. Fuller, A. Schultz, B. Tilley, B. Werchon, W. Oconnor.
East 6.4 9.4 11.7 12.9 (81)
Best - East: C. Li le, L. Hicks, B. Gaffney, T Gilbert, A. Dethmore, B. Rees; North: T. Fle , Z. Clark, J. Turner, B. No le-Jus ce, S. Bu erfield, J. Paues.
Goals - East: C. Li le 4, F. Scanlon 3, L. Cooper 2, L. Hicks, T. Gilbert, J. Thomas; North: T Young 2, J. Turner, Z. Young.
Best - West: B. Say, J. Carson, D. Royals, R. Rutkowski, J. Coombe, M. Kipping; South: H. Snell, L. Pearce-Raisin, L. Gray, M. Broome, J. Sims, F. Calderwood.
Goals - West: J. Coombe 3, N. Lewis, J. Baggio, B. Cook, R. Rutkowski; South: E. Fisher 4, H. Fisher, H. Snell, C. Denney-Allen.
Best - West: B. Winterfield, B. Cowling, Z. Hopgood, M. Byfieldt, Charlie Stephenson; South: J. Sims, H. Mitchell, K. Bannon, F Lawson, H. Wright, L. Ray.
Goals - West: N. Davey, B. Winterfield; South: A. Urquhart 4, H. Keding 3, L. Ray 3, H. Mitchell 2, N. Forbes 2, H. Wright 2, F. Lawson 2, H. Fisher, J. Sims, K. Bannon.
Best - East: W. Ellis, K. McCracken, W. Von Stanke, T. Wilke, C. McLean; North: D. Ilsley, S. Doody, R. Kinyabugma, A. Allen, R. McLaughlin, C. McLaughlin.
Goals - East: T. Wilke, J. Picken; North: S. Doody 7, R. McLaughlin 3, C. McLaughlin 2, M. Baron, T. Hamilton, B. Braithwaite, D. Ilsley, Z. Young.
Best - Casterton Sandford: B. Mckinnon, S. Pa on, E. Geary, J. Rhook, O. Foster; Millicent: C. Damhuis, C. Todd, D. Sigston, T. Lawlor, M. Hunt, C. Hateley
Goals - Casterton Sandford: J. Rhook, O Foster, B. Mckinnon, O. Mutch, E. Geary; Millicent: C. Hateley 4, J. Werchon 2, Z. Ash, C. Damhuis.
Best - East: E. Clark, J. Saunders, B. Telford, C. Gifford, R. Grigg, S. Brooks; North: S. Baron, E. Kulimushi, M. Rogers, K. Roulstone, C. Waters, E. Brook.
Goals - East: R. Grigg, CJ Ligairi, S. Dickson, A. Kanahs; North: E. Kulimushi 4, S. Baron 3, E. Brooks, M. Rogers.
Best - West: J. Sugden, J. Burchell, J. Flier, X. Hunter, H. Aitchison; South: J. Vause, J Hagge , M. Ropi ni, B. Jennings, L. Moss, H. Bailey
Goals - West: J. Coe; South: M. Ropi ni 4, J Vause 3, C. McGregor, A. Nunn.
Best - Casterton Sandford: H. Simson, B. Rhook, N. Robbins, J. Lykke; Millicent: R. Lindner, H. Damhuis, O. Nicholls, L. Easterby, K. Kenny, L. Douglas.
Best - East: T. Tilley, B. Dempsey, R. Angelino, B. Versteegh, J. Mee, T. Grigg; North: A. Dally, C. Turner, A. Bruce, S. Baron, J. Driver.
Goals - East: B. Dempsey, R. Grigg, R. Mitchell, J. Picken, T. Tilley, R. Angelino; North: A. Dally
S. Crispino, I. Phu .
Best - West: H. Croker, T. Hammond, T. Stutley, B. Noble, S. Fraser; South: J. Walmsley, H. Ellis, L. Cameron, J. Bartle , M. Hopgood, L. Sigley
Goals - West: O. Feetom 2, W. Johnston, G. Jones; South: K. Maxwell 2, M. Ropi ni 2, I. Bouchier, L. Sigley, C. Medhurst.
Goals - Casterton Sandford: No goal scorers recorded; Millicent: O. Nicholls 4, R. Lindner 3, L. Tunkin 2, K. Kenny 2, A. Robbins 2, C. Gibson 2, W. Jennings, L. Douglas, M. Tarrant, L. Easterby
Clubs are encouraged to submit ar cles regarding social events plus player and club milestone informa on for inclusion in the Western Border Football & Netball Budget. To assist the publisher please note that the preferred format for ar cles is as a Word document and any photographs should be supplied as a JPEG file to ensure the best quality reproduc on.
All ar cles are required by 12 noon each Monday and should be emailed to
MONDAY 8.00am - 10.00am
This week marks the 100th A Grade game for our everreliable captain Swifty Saffin. Swifty’s strong contest and run and carry and booming left foot has been a mainstay in the back line for years Congrats mate, hopefully we seemanymore.
At West last week seeing the BBQshedforthefirsttimeand was a great place to watch the footy from particularly the junior games with the boys in the 14’s, 16’s and 18’s continuing their good form thisyear
The 14’s really move the ball well and best players were Josh Vause, Josh Haggett, Mason Ropitini, Brodie Jennings, Lachlan Moss and HughBaileywithmultiplegoal scorers Ropitini with four and Vausewiththree.
Congratulations to Will Attiwill and Noah and Jace Maxwell for playing their first gamesfortheGlenelg16’slast week and this gave a few d i f f e r e n t p l a y e r s a n opportunity to step up. It was a tough contest and the boys got up in a hard fought contest. Best Players were Jack Walmsley, Harry Ellis, Lachie Cameron, Jodie Bartlett, Merlin Hopgood and Lewis Sigley with multiple goals to Kobi Maxwell and MasonRopitini.
TheUnder18’shadagoodwin with Gus Urquhart sneaking
forward for four goals and Huddy Keding and Lachie Ray with three. Best players were Jed Sims who is putting togetheragreatseason,Harry Mitchell, Kobe Bannon, Fletcher Lawson, Harry Wright.
The Ressies put in a great effort and were just nutted late in the last quarter to go down by four points. Best Players were Henry Snell, Lloyd Pearce- Raisin, Luke Gray, Mitchell Broome, Jed SimsandGusCalderwoodand it was great to Have Elliott Fisherbackkickingfourgoals.
The Senior boys went down but continue to play long periods of good footy Best Players to Rex Jones who continues to impress, Hugh Winterfield and Swifty Saffin down back, Bryce Whicker, E l m o M a r k s a n d A l ex Harkness and goals to Jones, Kain amd Sam McTaggart for hisfirstSeniorgoal.
Get into the club for awards and teas starting at six on Saturday night. Thanks to our M a j o r S p o n s o r s M G Plasterers, Mick Ryan Painting, Lennons on Lake Terrace, Australian Gas N e t w o r k s a n d D y c e r Constructions.
Make sure you get your 100 clubticketsfornextweekback at the club after the East game.
With the findings of the working group all over social media. The topic of conversation last week at thefootywasmoreindepth with everyone having different opinions with that inmindwestillhavefootyto play and a beautiful day it was to host rivals north it startedinu14s.
Theboysmustbeenofbeen asleep still giving a 6 goal to 1 headstart at half time to out score them by a goal in the2ndhalfbestplayers
E Clark, J Saunders, B Telford, C Gifford, R Grigg andSBrooks
U16shavebeenplayingwell under par all year but finally played a consistent 4 quarter effort and got there 1st win for the year best players
T Tilley, B Dempsey, R Angelino, B Versteegh, J MeeandTGrigg.
U18s played a very strong teambutnevergaveupbest players
W Ellis, K McCracken, W Von Stanke, T Wilke, C McClean
B grade had a good win and a few guys showed some glimpses of what this team iscapableofbestplayers
C Little, L Hicks, B Gaffney, T Gilbert, A Dethmore and BRees.
TheAGradewasafastgame with a few errors by either side in a close affair for 3 quarters before north kicked away in the last quarter with us not on the winners list yet for season 2023 the first win is not far away with improvement everyweek.
This week we go down the highway and take on South goodluckteams.
9 Lochie Thiele
Cayde Watson
Coach: Jason Dunn
Team Manager:
1 Cody Williams
3 Dom McDonald 4 Talan Daltan
21 Trae Wilke
22 Ethan Humphies
5 Kyan Chi leborough
6 Elijah Stra ord
8 Ky McCracken
9 Angus Clarke 10 Sam Couldrey
11 Kobe Wagener
12 Kaelen Mee
14 Fionn Graney
15 Campbell McLean
17 Nick Bignell
19 Will Ellis 20 Vinnie Ke le
Coach: Kevin Schutz
Team Manager:
Mason Andersen
Ryan Angelino
Jarrod Carey
Charlie Clark
Brock Dempsey
Isaac Dwyer
Noah Gollan
Toby Grigg
Riley Lawrence
Lachlan Legray
Cruz McCracken
Angus McKinnon
Jarvi Mee
Riley Mitchell
Andison Penyman
Jaiden Picken
James McGregor Team
Coach: Grant Spooner
Team Manager:
William Rentsch
Banjo Sampson
Corey Smith
Solomon Telford
Tex Tilley
Brodie Versteegh
Lee McTaggart 70 Je A will
Lachlan Moss
Alex Nunn
Josh Vause
Harrison Xanthopoulos
Emme Best
Sco Brooks
Flynn Chi leborough
Samuel Dickson
Xavier Farmilo
Angelo Ferraro
Chayse Gifford
Rhys Grigg
Ryan Hayden
Alex Kanahs
Joel Rentsch
Jackson Saunders
Noah Spooner
William Vincent
Skye Virtanen
Taj Wilson
South Gambier South Gambier
Red & White
Coach: Mark Phillips
Coach: Nat Anderson
William Anderson
Kyan A will
Oscar Benjamin
Paddy Bouchier
Flynn Clarke
Zachary Cu ng
Mitchell Dening
Benjamin Ellis
Elijah Finnegan
Alexander Hill
Imogen Hopes
Blake Janeway
Jackson Janeway
Jackson Jones
Beau Maxwell
Samuel Miller
Coach: Ma hew White
Braith Allison
Je Beever
Cooper Bignell
William Clark
Tom Croser
Hallam Davey
Max Greene
Noah Griffin
Coach: Nick Bignell
Vaughan Hunter
Brayden Legray
Nash Neilson
Mitchell O'Brien
Lennox Telfird
Isaac Thami
Harley Walker
Taj White
Thomas Pedler
Sebas an Radlmair
Connor Ruwoldt
Liam Salmon
Beau Vivian
Nate Wakefield
Zach Angelino
Chase Buckingham
Blake Cooper
Elijah Dickson
Will Hosking
Parker Lamont
William leitch
Connor Lynn
Tyler Mariano
Tahj Pitkin
Louis Prosperi-Porta
William Richardson
Bentley Ward
Coach: Mark Paech
Kobi Hay
Hadley Bryant
Tate Anderson
Essie Hill
Jack Mitchinson Chase Noonan
Levi Tull
Fletcher Walker Riley Watson
Samuel Andersen
Asher Anderson
Campbell Best
Hudson Farmilo
Sebas an Grubb
Na on Hedwards
Des ney Bums
Summer Burns
Hudson Cook
Harty Blackwell Parker Davis
Hudson O'Connell Rowan Patzel
Casey Peterse
Jack Rees
Coaches: Chris Patzel & Mark Winterfield 9 Harry Earl 8 Lukas Yeates 108 Hudson Walker 1 Tyler Kilsby 92 Fletcher Wilson
Charlie Winterfield
Oliver Clarke
Tyler Cox
Harrison Cram
Judd Creek
Baden Dihm
Memphis Howard-Love
Blake Humphries
Kade Jakutavicius
Manx Keenan
Coach: Nick Anderson
Dominic Albanese
Oscar Ferguson
Cody O'Brien
109 Lauchlan Abbo 15 Tate Ashby Oliver Howes 97 Hunter Livingston
Coach: Daniel Miller
99 Breianna Hopes 107 Charlie Holmes 106 Chase A will
Coach: Jonathon Kilsby 91 Maddox Doidge 110 Xavier Mugavin William Dening Alex Miller
Storm Altschwager Maton Finck
Billy Angelina
Braxton Bowyer
Nicholas Brooks
Van Byron
Archie Cook
Jenson Davey
Coach: Cole Hedwards
Nathan Barnes
Zade Kurzman
Nate Lucchini
Nash Moelder
Lucas Murray
Flynn Turner
Logan White
Brayse Gifford
Taj Jensen
Ted Kerr
Tyler McPherson
Nate Moloney
Logan Murray
Rayan Singh
Ryder Wilson
Senior Coach: Ben Hardy
Assistant Coaches: Jordan Holli & Kevin Bryan
Reserves Coach: Tim Young Assistant Coach: Thomas Young
2 Nick McInerney (Sc)
3 Brad Adams
5 Sam Zeitz
7 Ciaran Buckley
9 Mitch Kelton
10 Josh Jenner
11 Ma hew Chapman (Rc)
12 Cam Ortlepp
13 Jake Schutz (Svc)
14 Aidan Cur s
15 Jay Turner
Sam Shepherd
17 Hamish Telford (Svc)
Under 12E - Another great team effort on Saturday Great to see the kids sharing the footy andgettingtheirteammatesinvolved.
Awards for round 4 went to Flynn Moyle, Sam Copping, Max Young, Layken Kenny, Kurtis Lorigan.BenJohnson-Coach
Under 12D - Round four for the U12 D’s was approached with much anticipation. Players were well rested from a bye week and this game we witnessed the release of caged tigers hungry for the football. Welcoming back Oliver Liddle, he showed why he is a threat to the opposition in his ability to glide through packs, connect with handballs and marking some rippers!
FirstquarterwewitnessedthebrillianceofRyanDavisonshowinghowtocarry,andlockthe footballintheforwardzonewhilstFlynnBuckleyusedhisagilitytopickupthefootball,run, andlinkpassageofplay(strangelysimilartraitstoMarcusBontempelli).
PlayerscontinuedtoshowsignsofgrowthanddevelopmentandoneinparticularwasBrax Edwards. His contribution was seen in each quarter with his outstanding tackles and continuedefforttomovethefootballintherightdirection.
Overall,theteamhadmultiplecontributorsandprovidedanexcitinggameoffootball. Awardwinnersfortheround–MitchellLovekin,JimmyCrozier,BeauWhelan,RyanDavison andOliverLiddle.JoeyRenko-Coach
Under 12C - This week we played at McDonald Park, in glorious conditions. We couldn’t have asked for better weather for this time of the year Nearly had to break out the sunscreenbecausetheweatherwassogood.
The boys came up against a very determined East Gambier, who displayed some great skill and tenacity at the ball, they got the jump on our boys, and this was a little unexpected for the boys. The East side were very physical, which resulted in a few clashes that shook the confidenceofourboys.
To their credit our boys gathered their composure and began playing the North Gambier brand of football, one of respect to our opposition and the game. They never gave up and executedtheskillsthatwesetouttoachieveforthegame,theyweretoexecuteatleastfive shepherds and five hand balls to our teammates to advantage. I was really proud of how theyrespondedtowhatwasaverydifficultmatch.
ThankstoU12Dthathelpeduswithnumbersonceagain.Withoutthese4-5 boysstepping up each week we wouldn’t be able to field a team. Thanks also to the parents for allowing
ThebetterplayersforthedaywereRyleyJudd,LincolnSawley,PrestonBadger,FinnRoscow andWillGannon.
Thanks to all our sponsors for their continued support with allowing us to give out the awardseachandeveryweek.DannyVinko-Coach
Under12B-WehadabeautifulsunnymorningforourgameagainstEastandtheteamwas switched on and ready from the get go, putting on a great display of team orientated football with the whole team looking to bring each other in the game and help each other outwhenevertheycould.
It was great to see the team really starting to get some link up passages of play happening from marks or free kicks which is somethingwe've been working hard on, so it was great to seesomereward.
BestplayersonthedaywereJarrahDurbidge,BanksStephen,CooperStephen,LeviHunter, JackDavisonandWillMullens.StacyMullens-Coach
Under 12A - The conditions were fantastic on Saturday for the first hit out against East Gambier With Mother’s Day on Sunday this was the motivation to match the effort our Mums, Nan’s, Grandma’s and Step-Mum’s put in all day, every week keeping us dressed, fed,clean,organisedandactuallyattrainingandatthegame.Anddelivertheteamdid!
The contribution from the entire team this week was evident, our normal ball magnets were at their best with Eddie, Ronny and Kane putting in solid performances. In addition to these guys we had our girls, Jenni, Moonshine and new player Eliza Herring getting their handsontheballshowingthattheirgamesweredevelopingwell.Thehighlightplayersand award winners this week put on an impressive display of both individual effort and improvement in their own right. BOG went to Jobe Lynagh, Jacob Cox for courage and determination, Henry Montgomery for great ball use when he had possession, Owen Flowers for skill development and captain for the day Hardie Stafford for excellent play readingandleadership.
Theteambeltedouttheclubsonginthesunshineandrightfullyheldtheirheadshigh,itwas anoutstandingeffortandresultforthehardworkputinbyall.AbigthankyoutoCreekyand Fruitfortheirumpiringandasalwaystothemanyothervolunteersthatmakeitpossiblefor ustoplayouramazinggame.HopealltheMumshadagreatMother’sdaytoo.
AdrianFlowers-AssistantCoach/TeamManagerYellow & Black
Whatadifferenceaweekcan make in football. This week we had some long awaited information out of the SANFL, great weather and an improved performance by theseniorfootballers.
There is a bit to play out before we can be sure of whatishappeningin2024,so my advice is we concentrate on what we can control, whichatpresent,isthisyear!
With all football teams, including U12s playing at East, the busiest place was the driveway Credit to East, who had both ovals looking a picture, helped by the sun shining!
Theseniorshaveafewforced changes this week, giving another opportunity for a debutant in Trae Hamilton, whodidnotlookoutofplace. We also welcomed back Toby de Wit from Pioneers duty and he turned it on with 5 goals In a pretty even contest, we stuck to our task and came home strong. Best players were, Sam Stafford (6 goals), Sam Zeitz, Mackye Baron, Cam Ortlepp, de Wit and Josh Jenner. Unlike the previous couple of weeks, there were others unlucky nottogetanaward.
Coach Young had plenty of changes in the ressies, which unfortunately was reflected in the ½ time score. The boys got it together in the 2nd half to break even with some scoreboard action, so there was some reward for effort. Butters put on a bit of a show running down the wing a co u p l e o f t i m e s , b u t unfortunately he was going so fast he missed his boot a couple of times – keep taking it on and it will come, they say. Best players were Tom Flett, Zach Clark, Jay Turner, BradleyNottle-Justice,Shaun
The U18s are travelling nicely under coach Bryan. This week the highlight (nearly of the whole day) was Seb Doody with 7 goals. Seb was a bit stiff Deacon Ilsley had heaps of it to be named best, followed by Seb, Richie Kinyabugma, Angus Allen, Reece and Chad McLaughlin, who are both travelling better than Carltons twin towersatpresent.
Our only loss for the day came in the U16s who had a frustrating day Coach Zeitz knows he has a talented bunch to work with and I am sure he will work on the positives this week Aaron Dally had the ball on a string, and he was joined with other award winners in Cooper Turner,AlexanderBruce,Sam BaronandJacksonDriver
There was a ding dong battle in the U14s, with the tiger cubs holding out a fast finishing East and coming out on top. Best players were Sam Baron, Esaie Kulimushi, M a s o n R o g e r s , K o b e Roulstone, Charles Waters andEthanBrook.
This week we host Casterton Sandford, in dare I say it, an 8 point game in the seniors Who knows how many more times we will play them at Vansittart Park, so let’s make itmemorable.
Rosters are now out. Please make sure you check and fulfilyourresponsibilities.
Memberships can still be purchased. Please reach out to Mardi or Andrew Whan or head to Team App and purchase from the NGFC Store.
Thank you to our major sponsors in Stuckey Electrical ContractorsandKFC.
Welcome to another round of football Cat fans and this week we are in Tigerland, Vansittart Park, North Gambier, get yourself some chipsandgravywhileitshot and sit back and watch the bigCatsfly
Last weekend wasn't a positive one for the Cats on the winners board but by crikey the Cat fans were in attendance, the sun was shining, the tucker was hot, the beverages were cold, and so many people decked out in the blue and white with a touch of red. I'm sure a few of the people that gathered at Island Park had c o m e h o m e f o r t h e weekend to see mum for Mothers day , but it was still nice to see them at the footy
The Seniors were down a few players but had a real crack against a very well rehearsed Millicent team in the first half, but the Saints 19 scoring shots to the Cats 8 in the second half showed why Millicent are in the box seattogobacktoback.
The better players for the Cats were Michael Krieger, Matt Killey, Nick Schembri, Hamish McCrae, Dylan AytonandDiarmidCleary
The Cats Reserves had a really good first quarter but were unable to get the chocolates at the end of the day, the real positive from this game was the many players who showed that they are capable of making the jump up into the Senior sideif needed.
Better players were Thomas Searle, Jarrad Smith, Jarvis Parsons, Hamish Carlin, Fletcher Bright and Rhys Jolly.
It was a game of two halves
for the Under 16 Cats, unfortunatly the first half was better than the second and it was the young Saints who came out on top. I'm confident that Coach Snake will have his Cats turn the result around next time theyplay.
Better players were Bay McKinnon, Samuel Patton, Elwood Geary, Jedd Rhook andOliverFoster.
The Under 14's were a bit short staffed but the game wasabletogoaheadthanks to a couple of young Saints givingusahand.
Better players were Harry Simpson, Billy Rhook, Nathan Robbins and Jett Lykke.
Well Cat Fans if you have read this far and you still haven't got your chips and gravy you may have missed out, now get your beeping hand ready and your vocal cordsintuneaswecheeron our Mighty Cats, CARN CATS!
Thank-you to all our valued s p o n s o r s i n c l u d i n g Boonaroo, Nutrien Ag Solutions, Bendigo Bank, and Casterton Secondary College
Upcoming Events : 1st of July Comedy night by the o n e a n d o n l y Et h a n Hocking, he gives good banter but his brother playedforEssendon.
Big shout out to Hamish Reilly, another dependable and reliable stalwart, on reaching 150 games. Nodoubt,hiscloseknitfamilywill be there (in vocal earnest) cheeringhimon.
Sponsors Day this week against the Roos, so get there for what shouldbe2crackinggames-both clubs undefeated so far this seasoninSeniorsandReserves.
The road trip to Island Park saw the Rezzies having a big win over the Cats. Plenty of multiple goal kicking targets up forward with Mitch Reilly having 5 majors, Digga with 4, Coach Consistent Josh Peters with 3 and the enigmatic Tom Chant also with 3. Aus Fuller continued his good form being named best on ahead of Dredgie. Blake Werchon had a good one and continues putting solid 2 game efforts each week. The lads that back up a second game each week will be benefitting from the experience of Nat Robbins, Brad Tilley and others. Scruff Shanks was also namedinthebest.
The Seniors continued their winning form Across the 4 quarters, the best passages were thosecreatedfromquickhandsin
closeandsharingtheballaround. There was plenty of congested stoppages with no shortage of players scrapping to get the ball outforateammate’sbenefit. For the most part of the game this created space on the far side of theovalfordeliveryoutinfrontof ourrunningplayers.
Multiples of 3 goals each to Josh Werchon (Best on for his run, carry and ball usage); Sam Willis (elusive for defenders) and Jacob “Skillshot” Carger (took 2 bounces speeding into open goal and with precision nailed the woodwork!). 2 goals to Jaxon Cushion and singles to 7 players, including Clint Gallio who seemed to be everywhere and named second best. Ty Lang worked hard applying spoils and racked up possessions also. Kade Varcoe and Micah Rupcic were also recognised in the best players for their rugged and stoic effortsinthecongestion.
Our U16's and U14's got back on thewinnerslist,andaselectionof our 12A's and 12C's combined to take on Casterton's 12 B's on the back oval. Some exciting footy again played across our junior grades. Make an effort to get out earlytoseethefutureofourclub.
VWhat a huge week with all the football news makes for excitingtimesahead.
I am very excited and looking forward to the change. Please I ask not to read to much into the travel factor particularly if you are a Junior parent. Your kids wont be travelling much I need you to trust me on that, but I do want you to stick with us through this period.
I am mindful that it was big news but you will do more travelling if you went to any mid se club and I have the km's breakdown to prove it. So sit tight and stick with us and we will have a meeting soon to discuss so keep an eye on the FB post later this weektoannouncedates.
As for football its exciting in the senior grade today for us to tackle the top side in Millicent both the seniors
and Ressie's are excited and looking forward to the challenge and opportunity tolearnandgrow
With the Junior grades it is again another great challenge for us to keep improving and learn from our games played and keep getting better. Special shout out to all our wonderful volunteers and supporters for getting around the new BBQ shed with cooking, serving, eating and drinking. Great to see it so fulltheday
Love the super snags in the secondbestBBQshedinthe WBFL.
Coach: Rowan Fox
Team Manager:
2 Finn Kennesley
26 Noah Pezzimen
Coach: Nat Robbins
Team Manager: Megan Werchon
47 Cruz Gibson
51 Asha Gysbers
55 Mitchell Tarrant
59 Louis Easterby
10 Ari Robbins
30 Isabelle wilson
42 Liam Millard
4 Max Byfieldt
29 Blake Overmaat-Pohlner
30 Harry Opperman
31 Tom Smith
7 Henry James 8 Sam Medhurst
12 Joe Judd
14 Nate Davey 15 Rylan Burchell 17 Brooklyn Winterfield
5 Rafael Rigopoulis 13 Charlie Carson 18 Zac Hopgood 22 Levi Loring 23 Anton Circelli 24 Brad Cowling
3 Charlie Stephenson 25 Bryce Cowland
Coach: Andrew Pearson
1 Brodie Szopory
2 Rhys Newton
5 William Johnston
6 Seth Fraser
7 Gabriel Jones
11 Harvey Croker
12 Silas Bowden
13 Bailey Noble
14 Reece Barre
16 Toby Stutley
17 Liam Johnson
18 Jacob Sim
20 Ben Harfull
21 Ethan McKenny 23 Owen Feetom
34 Talon Johnson
37 Mee Ree Htoo
43 Koan Vanderheyden
51 Jayden Prior 69 Joel Day 58 Soe Nay Bell
70 Addison Noble
24 Tate Hammond (vc)
eam selec on will occur over the coming weeks with games to be played vs KNTFL & MID SE teams on Saturday June 10th at the Bordertown Football Club. ew
has only two flags from almost 60 years in the Western Border with the most recent comingin1990.
Meanwhile, the other league will have 14 clubs.
It will comprise the other four Western Border clubs (Millicent, South Gambier, West Gambier and North Gambier) and all tenKowreeNaracoorteTatiaraclubs(Keith, Bordertown, Kingston, Naracoorte, Lucindale, Penola, Border Districts, Mundulla,KybyboliteandPadthaway).
arty comprises Tony Irvine Ben Mules, Adam Merrett, eter Allen, Stephen Day, Tony Elletson and Bob
Country Football Shawn orking Group and its subad been focused on ermining the best structure for football t, unanimously agreeing erenceforthefollowing:
titionsintheregion,with of the Western Border FootballLeague.
Four Clubs moving to the current Kowree NaracoorteTatiaraFootballLeague(KNTFL) tocreateastrong14-teamcompetition. Two Clubs (Casterton and East Gambier) to move to the current Mid South Eastern FootballLeague
Establishment of a separate junior football structure for the youngest age groups (under 8s – under 11s) to help increase juniorparticipation.
Team selec on will occur over the coming weeks with games to be played vs KNTFL & MID SE teams on Saturday June 10th at the Bordertown Football Club.
Coach Ben Hardy will conduct 3 further Training Sessions prior to Gameday as below Selec on – Wednesday 24th of May 5.30pm at East Gambier Football Club
Selec on - Wednesday 31st of May 5.30pm at East Gambier Football Club
Final squad - (Time & Loca on to be Confirmed)
Mr Ford said that after reviewing several structure alternatives, the Working Group agreed that a two-competition model would achieve the best possible balance in competition size, evenness, proximity for participants, junior participation and pathways.
He said an important aspect in developing the new structure would be to find ways to introduce a more flexible junior structure which prioritises participation, creates inclusive environments, establishes stronger pathways through to senior club level and importantly ensures future sustainabilityintheregion.
“Ultimately, there was a need to provide a structure which would ensure stability and sustainability for clubs in the longer-term, as well as to complement an overall regionalfootystrategy,”MrFordsaid.
ThrillerputsSouthintofirstfinalin19years(1970) SOUTH Gambier supporters held their breath as Coleraine big man John Vickery took his kick about 30 metres from goal with less than a minute left on theclock.
Vickery had already kicked three goals and had just climbedhighoverthebackofDemons’fullbackJohn Broadbent to pull in the mark of the match. It was a screamer and the local football world virtually stoppedasVickerywalkedbacktotakehiskick.
As the time clock ticked down, it was well into timeon,lessthanaminuteremainedinthe1970Western Border Football League preliminary final with South leadingbyfourpointsasVickery madehisapproach. A goal would put Coleraine into the grand final for a re-match with Hamilton. His kick looked true off the boot and it was heading towards the big sticks. As it did the jaws of every South supporter dropped, knowingtheirseasonwasheadingforacruelend. But, as it neared its target the ball started to veer slightly and slammed into the goal post for a behind. South’shopeswerestillalive.
South coach Garry Sims took the kick-in and sent a huge torpedo punt straight down the ground where his brother Darryl gathered the ball off the pack in the centre of the ground and on the run kicked a behindtopushtheleadbacktofourpoints.
CleverlyGarrySimsmovedhimselfdowntheground and marked the Coleraine long kick-in as the siren sounded to send South into its first grand final in 19 years.
Their last was in 1951 when they won a premiership intheSouthEastandBorderFootballLeague. The match was one of the best for the season between two teams who played fast, run-on football.
Coleraine had come off a defeat by Hamilton in the second semifinalwhileSouth had won the first semi final.
South dominated the first half but survived a late charge and were almost over-run by a fast finishing Maroons.
In the opening term Darryl Sims in the centre, rovers Peter Whitehead and Barry Smith had worked well with ruckman Max Deckert to put South four points upatquartertime.
At full forward Brian Norman’s fast leading and sure marking was giving Coleraine’s Barry Kaine a hard timewhileJeffArthurwasontopofRonJenkinsonat centrehalfforward.
South’s second quarter proved to be its best for the game and with winners in most key positions the Demonspiledon5.3totakeagoodleadathalftime.
Gordon Walker had been in great touch across half back and with Sims controlling aerial duels and having the better of Geoff Shrive, South looked impressivewhentheywentintothelongbreak.
It was a more determined
Coleraine outfit which reemerged after half time and slowly they started to pullbackthe21-pointlead.
Up forward Graham Harriott was giving the South defence a difficult time while Vickery’s high marking resultedinacoupleofgoals.
InthethirdtermGarrySimsneededtobeathisbest, turning back Coleraine time and again with some telling marks at centre half back and Deckert did some telling things around the ground to match Vickeryintheruck.
South swapped Norman and Arthur to get more run at centre half forward which worked well but at the other end of the ground Graham Harriott was causing concern with his sound marking and ground play
As the final terms got under way rover Vern Spencer was now in control around the packs he kicked his fourth goal for the game while Harriott and Vickery eachnotchedtheirthirdasColerainestormedhome.
Coleraine coach Col Saddington played an inspirational game as ruck rover and his bulk in the packs helped Spencer and the Coleraine little men gettheballaway
In defence, Garry Sims showed great leadership in that final term and pulled in some telling marks just when it appeared Coleraine were about to steal the lead.
In the centre Darryl Sims had a great tussle with Laurie Kaine and while they played wide of each other Kaine’s long kicking into attack kept Coleraine in the game in the first half while Darryl Sims accuratepassinghelpedArthurandNormantothree goalseach.
Kaine was particularly damaging in the final term whereheoftenkickeddeepintoattack.
South’s Max Deckert did some damage when resting in attack and also picked up three goals from strong marks.
HewasSouth’sbestruckmanandthefastestbigman on the field and used that to good effect when restinginattack.
On one occasion he grabbed the ball from a centre bounce, weaved around two opponents and then sprinted downfield with team-mates shepherding him as he bounced the ball twice before slamming it throughthemiddleforavitalgoal.
Spencertoppedoffagreateffortwithfourgoalsand wasColeraine’smostdamagingplayerwhileHarriott andVickeryhelpedthemselvestothreeeach.
Had Vickery not hit the post in time-on Coleraine wouldhavewontheirwayintothegrandfinal.
However,Southhungontowin13.14(92),Coleraine 13.10(88).
One name that would stand out for some years was teenage ruckman John Cunneen who was in his debutyear
He gave Vickery great support and his marking
around the ground ear-marked him as a future championandthatisthewayitturnedout.
Cunneen would go on to play more than 300 league games with Coleraine and Portland and was a top inter-leagueplayer
Rover Vern Spencer was again Coleraine’s best and his work with Saddington was very effective while LaurieKaineandVickeryamongotherswhokeptthe Maroonsinthegame.
South coach Garry Sims was the difference, particularly in the second half when the Demons were under enormous pressure, while rovers Peter Whitehead and Barry Smith were damaging around theground.
Dale Hillyer was South’s best defender closely followedbyJohnBroadbent.
Sims took eight marks and had 23 kicks for the day while Barry Smith picked up 20 kicks and Peter Whitehead17.
What was interesting was that Coleraine’s ruckmen John Vickery and young John Cunneen had more than matched Hamilton’s star Geoff Cayzer the previous week in the second semi final and they appeared to have the artillery to match Hamilton’s bigmenhadtheymadethefinal.
Nowthequestionbeingaskedmostwaswhetherthe South ruckmen – David Walker, Steve Rothall and Max Deckert and ruck rover Russel Matthews would be able to dampen Cayzer’s influence in the grand finalthefollowingweek.
It would be the battle which would decide the premiership.
Inthemeantimethe“mightyweeDemon”songrang out loud and long after South’s amazing and thrilling preliminaryfinalvictory
•PHOTO:Coleraine’sJohnVickerysoarsaboveSouth defender John Broadbent to pull in this amazing mark. Vickery then went back to try to kick the winning goal only to hit the post. One of the great marksoftheWBFLprelimfinal
North Gambier 54 (M. Renko, B. Walters) d East Gambier 31 (E. Cole, A. Beveridge)
Millicent 94 (T. Sanderson, L. Duldig) d Casterton Sandford 20 (M Cleary, M, Pa on)
West Gambier 69 (T. Bryant, L. McGregor) d South Gambier 43 (G. Dalton, E. Bouchier)
North Gambier 67 (A. Pitson, A. O’Shaughnessy) d East Gambier 30 (B. Hicks, L. Murray)
Millicent 65 (N. Facey) d Casterton Sandford 54 (P. Murrell, S. Fidler)
West Gambier 60 (G. Petersen, C. Ransom) d South Gambier 45 (J. O’Neil, C. Muller)
East Gambier 41 (S. James, N. Smith) d North Gambier 37 (B. Lush, K. Dyson)
Casterton Sandford 50 (T. Cleary, K. Harvey) d Millicent 34 (J. Lovino, M. Fleming)
South Gambier 51 (K. McIntyre-Clark, M. Glynn) d West Gambier 41 (E. Gillies, M. Dalton)
East Gambier 54 (B. Jean, G. Ferguson) d North Gambier 32 (H. Fox, T. Flemming)
Millicent 51 (L. Goodfellow, E. Bonde) d Casterton Sandford 14 (E. Mutch, M. Mutch)
South Gambier 56 (J. Jennings, B. Winterfield) d West Gambier 35 (A. Koch, E. Sutherland)
17 & UNDER
North Gambier 55 (L. Roulstone, S. Mobbs) d East Gambier 26 (I. Dwyer, A. Beveridge)
Millicent 50 (K. Lindner, L. Van Eeden) d Casterton Sandford 42 (C. Hulm, M. Pa on)
West Gambier 56 (L. Simpson, M. Pearson) d South Gambier 31 (S. Wight, M. Walmsley)
15 & UNDER A
North Gambier 72 (M. Human, R. Mitchell) d East Gambier 8 (J. O’Dea, S. Clark)
Millicent 79 (P. Paul, K. Dunn) d Casterton Sandford 7 (O. Nolte, A. Luers)
West Gambier 45 (L. Pearson, M. Pearson) d South Gambier 30 (G. Dalton, S. Grassi)
15 & UNDER B
Millicent 18 (T. Grosser, J. Hibberd) d Casterton Sandford 3 (C. Gorman, N. Cornish)
West Gambier 58 (A. Reid, L. Buck) d South Gambier 8 (L. Sneath, K. A will)
13 & UNDER A
North Gambier 45 (G. Collins, J. Baron) d East Gambier 16 (I. Mee, M. Li le)
Millicent 42 (A. Thomson, L. Crowe) d Casterton Sandford 13 (M. Robbins, A. Murphy)
West Gambier 27 (E. McKenny, C. Hunter) d South Gambier 18 (T. Sims, E. Merchant)
13 & UNDER B
East Gambier 30 (I. Nelson, T. Olsen) d North Gambier 16 (P. Lucas, A. Schloithe)
Casterton Sandford 22 (Y. Grigg, R. Gorman) d Millicent 17 (P. Johnson, B. Madden)
West Gambier 19 (H. Jackson, M. Thomas) d South Gambier 13 (E. McCracken, L. Dening)
11 & UNDER
East Gambier 22 (A. Perry, S. Creek) d North Gambier 11 (F. Wakefield, S. Yeates)
Millicent 18 d Casterton Sandford 6
South Gambier 18 (L. Howard, W. Bowering) d West Gambier 12 (E. Parham, A. Stubbings)
The Cats hosted the Saints at the weekend and started with another new look – partly to try some new combina ons and partly tocoverinjuryandplayerunavailability
It was a new look defensive combina on with Meg Smith taking on the unenviable task of trying to limit the influence of Tabatha Sanderson, with Madalene Cleary out the front to take on playmaker Demi Verbena.
It turned out to be a tough ou ng for the experience had working duo as Millicent put on a clinic in every area of the court ensuring they had a lion’s share of possession and were able to carve their way through the court to score a stunning 94goals.
Young Saints defenders Por a McRae and Lauren Van Eeden were able to make life tough for the new look shoo ng combina on of coach Dani Russell and Chelsey Galpin, with Chloe Foster moving to the a acking wing and Madeline Pa on takingthecentrebib.
The pressure applied by Lisa Duldig and Lillie Paul on the Cats feeders was relentless and helped McRae and Van Eeden create the turnover ball and then with ball in hand, Millicent moved the ball with speed and precision through Paul and DaisyTunkintofindtheirshootersinspace.
The Millicent shooters ne ed those 95 goalsfrom114opportuni es.
The Cats just had no answers to the polished Saints and in the first three quarters were only able to generate 22 scoring opportuni es although the last quarter with Ivy Lane and Galpin in the shoo ng circle, they ne ed a perfect 10 from 10 as a combina on, doubling the outputfromthepreviousthreequarters.
Pa on was also a shining light with her hard running in centre and willingness to keep presen ng as an op on for her under pressure team mates, while Cleary also ba led hard to stem the flow, while also
helping bring the ball through the mid court.
A er a ght opening quarter where South Gambier was able to match it with the reigning premiers, the Roos started to take control, forcing the young Demons into enough errors to work their way to a 26 goalvictory
Missing star shooter Sarah Ri er, who rolled her ankle during the week at training, West called on Tahlia Earl and she didnotdisappointwithherstrengthonthe holdandaccuratefinishing.
HavingplayedmanyseasonsalongsideLisa McGregor, the makeshi combina on didn’t miss a beat, despite some good pressure from Demons defenders Mykaela Thiele and Ellie Bouchier, with McGregor upping her output on the scoreboard as wellinabestoncourtperformance. The ba le through the middle between Tara Bryant and Sophie Wight was one for the ages as both used their speed and athle cism to great effect and both were keyfeederfortheirrespec vesides.
In the end it was a game of supply with West genera ng 94 scoring opportuni es to South’s 63, and while the shoo ng combina on of Gracie Dalton and Alyssa Duncan con nued to show promise, there is s ll some work to do in terms of connec on with the mid court and ensuring they can generate more and easierscoringchances.
Of course when the likes of Zoe Malseed, Amy Cram and Jade Ri er are applying the relentless pressure for which the Roos are known, it was always going to be a tough ask.
It started as an arm wrestle when East Gambier hosted North Gambier at the weekend and for the most part it was an even contest, with the excep on of a
Tigers won the quarter 15-4 to set up what turnedouttobea23goalvictory.
Leading by only two at the first break, the Tigers clearly regrouped at the quarter me huddle, to just sharpen up some of their errors with ball in hand and inaccuracyintheshoo ngcircle.
ThefirstquarterwasthefirstinAGradefor young Bulldogs goaler Ambah Beveridge andsheshowedgreatcomposuretonetsix from eight, making the most of the opportunity an ankle injury to Casey Horriganthepreviousweekhadprovided. The connec on between Brianna Walters, Mel Renko and the North shoo ng combina on of Grace Po s and Macey Griffith was on song in the second and the Tigers goalers rewarded their team, conver ng 15 from 16 to set up that impressive13goalhalf mebuffer.
A erstrugglingtoscoreinthesecond,East added Sarah Allen to the mix in the shoo ng circle, to play alongside Beveridge, and while she did not miss an a empt, the issue for the Bulldogs was supply so while they stayed in touch with the Tigers in the second half, North was abletoslightlyextenditslead.
Beveridgefinishedthegameasshestarted – with confidence – ne ng nine from 11, as she showed she can make her mark in the top grade, while new recruit Eliza Cole was solid on the defensive wing, ge ng some important touches as well as providing good drive through the mid court.
Renko and Walters were best for the Tigers, while Po s was again a strong target and Griffith con nues to up her outputasascoringop on.
South Gambier is back on its home court for the first me in a month and will host East Gambier in what looms as a ght contest as the two teams fight for a secondwinin2023.
Both sides have seen significant changes from their 2022 line-ups and are s ll looking to se le into combina ons, with injury and player absence also making buildingthatchemistryevenharder.
Gracie Dalton has se led well into her first season of A Grade and her ba le with seasoned defender Morgan Amy willbeakeymatchup.
As will Bo Creek’s ba le with Alyssa Duncan, who has become the key playmakerfortheDemons.
Creek loves to hunt the intercept but will also be mindful of not giving Duncan too much space to use her skills to find Daltoninspace.
The centre match up also looms large with Sophie Wight and Chloe Perryman going toe to toe in a ba le of two hard runners who never shy away from the physicalcontest.
Casey Horrigan is under an injury cloud but there is shoo ng depth with Sarah Allen, Renee Henke and Ambah Beveridge, who was impressive in her A Gradedebutlastround.
The moving Bulldogs goal circle will need to work over me to find a way through the defensive combina on of Ellie Bouchier and Mykaela Thiele and accuracy will be key as Bouchier and Thiele should own the rebounding contests.
The Demons to prevail in a ght contest.
The 2022 grand finalists are set to face off at McLaughlin Park in what loomsasaninteres ngclash.
Reigning premiers West are coming off a strong victory over South, while Millicent ne ed 94 goals in a comprehensivevictoryatIslandPark.
Every match up is pivotal in what loomsasthematchoftheround.
West circle defenders Amy Cram and Jade Ri er deny opponents me and spaceandtheywillneedtobeattheir besttodenyscoringopportuni esfor Demi Verbena and Tabatha Sanderson.
Verbenadoesamountainofworkout front and can nail long range shots,
Attheotherendtheyoungdefensiveduo of Lauren Van Eeden and Por a McRae havejustasbigataskastheylooktolimit theinfluenceofLisaMcGregorandSarah Ri er – if her ankle has recovered a er a trainingmishaplastweek.
The premiership shoo ng duo have a great understanding and they are accurate finishers so much will come down to the pressure on the feeders and lastweekendMillicentnailedthatpartof the game with relentless pressure from the mid court of Daisy Tunkin, Lillie Paul andLisaDuldig.
And they will need to be that relentless again as Tara Bryant is having a stellar season and Mikaela Horrigan is an under the radar player who rarely makes a mistakewithballinhand.
BryantandZoeMalseedwillneedtodoa similar ght checking job on Paul and Tunkin to assist their own circle defenders by denying easy access to the circlefortheyoungSaintsmidcourters.
West to take the points in a high quality armwrestle.
North Gambier has been in good form in 2023 despite significant personnel changes and it will make for a tough day attheofficeforCastertonSandford.
The Cats have been ba ling injury and player unavailability and it has made it
tough to se le into anyrhythm.
Madalene Cleary has been a shining light for the Cats and will probably need to be the mainstay in defence as the Cats look to limit the scoring of Grace Po s and MaceyGriffith.
At the other end, the Cats have some talented young shooters to run through the circle with Ivy Lane, Chloe Foster and the returning Chelsey Galpin all capable oftes ngdefenderswiththeirwell med moves.
They will need to be pa ent as the Tigers defensive line-up of Noni McConnell, Mikaila Pi , Lauran Norman and Mel Renko are ght checking and don’t allow anyeasyball.
CatscentreMadelinePa oniscomingoff her best game in A Grade and her hard running will be important in the ba le withRenko,whileLibbyAltorferandDani Russell will need to bring leadership to themidcourt.
And they will need to work hard defensively given the form of Brianna Walters on the a acking wing for the Tigers.
North will get the job done but the Cats will con nue to improve as theyn spend more metogetheroncourt.