MSE Budget Grand Final 2024

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KONGORONG football netball club

Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls.

A very warm welcome to you all as we gather at Kongorong for what promises to be an unforgeable day of excitement and athlecism at the football and netball grand finals! Today, we celebrate the culminaon of an incredible season, where dedicaon, skill, and teamwork have led the teams to this very moment.

To the amazing football and netball playerscongratulaons on reaching the grand finals! Your hard work, determinaon, and unwavering spirit have brought you here, and we can't wait to see you showcase your talents on the field and courts. This is your me to shine, and the supporters are all

cheering for you every step of the way

To the fans, families, and friends who've supported these teams throughout the season - thank you for your enthusiasm and dedicaon. Your cheers, encouragement, and unwavering support have been the driving force behind every match. Today is not just a celebraon of sport but also a tribute to the incredible football and netball communies that have come together to make these finals possible.

Let's make the most of this thrilling day! Enjoy the incredible matches, soak in the electric atmosphere, and let's create some lasng memories together. Remember, whether you're a player or a supporter,

today is about celebrang sportsmanship, passion, and the joy of being part of something truly special.

Here's to an amazing grand final day - let the games begin!

Amanda Sealey President - Kongorong Sportsmen's Club

Things to note:

Cash out available from the inside bar aer 10am.

Tickets will be sold from BBQ shed for all BBQ and booth consumables. Please get your ckets before heading to get a steak/sausage/chicken steak or a beer/spirit.

Servicing the South East & Limestone Coast region and proud supporters of the Mid-SE Football & Netball League

230 Jubilee Highway West Mount Gambier, SA5290

Phone (08) 8714 7200

FOOTBALL schedule

A GRADE – 2:00pm


Umpires: Bre Watson, Adam Gilbert, Ma Cockrum

Boundary: Noah Cockrum, George Wimshurst, Toby McKinnon, Axel Page

Goals: Dave Gilbert, Wayne Batchelor

Reserve Umpire: Chris Brooks


Umpires: Tim Biggins, Barry Nilsson, Sco Chuck

Boundary: Chad Cockrum, Nicholas Lile, Preston Lydeamore, Jackson Bald

Goals: Ted Peacock, Tom Egan

Reserve Umpire: Malcolm Pasfield

SENIOR COLTS – 10:30am


Umpires: Nick McBride, Chris Brooks, Adam Maidment

Boundary: Noah Cockrum, George Wimshurst, Toby McKinnon, Jacob Gordon

Goals: Dave Gilbert, Gordon Brown

Reserve Umpire: Malcolm Pasfield



Umpires: Nathan Chapple, Dave Hurley

Boundary: Chad Cockrum, Nicholas Lile, Preston Lydeamore, Tony Elletson

Goals: Rob Ransom, Ted Peacock

Reserve Umpire: Barry Nilsson

neTBALL schedule



Dues by: Port MacDonnell



Dues by: Nangwarry



Dues by: Mount Burr



Dues by: Tantanoola

17 & UNDER - 11:30AM, COURT 1


Dues by: Port MacDonnell

15 & UNDER - 9:45AM, COURT 1


Dues by: Kongorong

13 & UNDER - 11:15AM, COURT 2


Dues by: Robe


It is with pleasure that I present my Grand Final report to you as President of the Mid South Eastern Football League (MSEFL).

All roads lead to Kongorong for the 2024 Mid South Eastern Football League (MSEFL) Grand Final and on behalf of the Mid South Eastern Football League I extend a warm welcome to you as we seek an excing finish to 2024 in all grades of Netball and Football aer a sensaonal season with some close contests having already been played in the finals series.

Thank you to Nangwarry (1st Semi), Hatherleigh (2nd Semi), & Kalangadoo (Preliminary Final) for showcasing your club facilies and for being excellent hosts in the three finals and I am certain today once again at Kongorong will be no excepon.

Despite another challenging year, the oval surface is in great condion and all other maers will be taken care of under the leadership of Kongorong Football Club President Amanda Sealey

I thank all of the League's member clubs for your efforts and achievements on and off the field this year as well as the work that you do in your communies as leaders. People in our communies are reliant on the social and sporng opportunies that are provided by the Football and Netball Clubs. Our communies are faced with many challenges in today's world and our sporng clubs need to connue to be the hub of the community providing opportunies and social interacon for everyone. We must always strive for connuous improvement to ensure the long term viability and sustainability of the League and all member clubs. It is fantasc to see the obvious pride and joy in the support that goes for each club from their communies and the people in it and I'm sure we'll see plenty of club colours and vocal support today in all football and netball contests.

One of the many high points of any season is always the interleague compeon. I thank all the clubs and players for their connued support. The League parcipated in the SE zone carnival against the newly formed LCFNL in the Seniors & against the LCFNL & KNTFL in the U15's & U17's on the June long weekend, which was hosted by the LCFNL at South Gambier. I take this opportunity to thank Senior Coach Clint Gallio, Under 17 Coach Jed Telfer, Under 15 Coach Mahew Fox and their players and support staff for their efforts. Interleague football showcases our League and provides a pathway and opportunity for our players. Our U15 side played well on the day to win both matches to win the shield. From the Senior Carnival the MSEFL had five players Patrick Chay & Mitch Pulmer (Hatherleigh), Sam Wallis (Mount Burr), Tye McManus (Kalangadoo) and Dylan Childs (Glencoe) chosen in the SE Zone team to play in the SA Country Championships at Victor Harbor, where they all performed admirably. The side finished the Carnival in fih place aer a couple of close losses on Friday night and Saturday. Clint Gallio was an assistant coach and Sam Benne was our trainer and Ma Ballantyne carried the drinks..

As in previous years, imbalances on the scoreboard and lack of numbers have been issues in our underage compeons. It is pleasing to see clubs connue to work towards providing the playing opportunies starng at Auskick and the Under 11's as this is crical to sustaining our junior numbers in later years. Thanks also to Heath Sims, SANFL Game Development Coordinator – South East for all the support you provide at this level. I connue to urge all clubs to work with schools and Auskick programs to provide that pathway for your next MSEFL club footballers.

Thanks to our Match Review Officers and Tribunal Commissioners that have been needed to adjudicate on a couple of occasions throughout the season and thanks for your commitment and assistance.

Neil Webber, our Umpires Director once again had another challenging year with many injuries and unavailability's, however good support and cooperaon from clubs ensured that all posions were filled each week. The League sll needs to gain new umpires to ensure that we connue to have adequate numbers and to keep the umpiring panel

strong. I encourage any newly rered player or any person (male or female) that may be interested in becoming an umpire to come forward – training and assistance is provided and it is a great way to sll be involved in the game that we all love. Our Umpire Scholarship is available to encourage and reward new central umpires and we hope that it will provide a pathway to bolster our ageing umpire panel. The League would love to hear from those that have just rered as footballers and even our younger males and females that have a love of the game and would like to be involved.

It has been a good season for the netballers and we are delighted with their successes and we are keen to connue to build on and strengthen the relaonship again next season. Thanks Sara to you and your team on a job well done.

It is pleasing that the netball and football relaonships are connuing to get beer at Club and League level, but there will always be ways to improve and strengthen those bonds. Both sports rely on each other being successful to ensure a vibrant and sustainable compeon in all grades.

All outlets of the Media (print, radio & web sites) have promoted the MSEFL very well, however I believe we all need to connue to provide good stories to the media so that we get beer coverage of our League.

Xpress Signs have once again published the Budget this season online culminang in this week's superb Grand Final Budget publicaon, which is a collector's item for all MSEFL enthusiasts and clubs.

We acknowledge the generous sponsorship provided by our partners and sponsors of the Family League –All of our season sponsors have been promoted in the Budget during the year and include the following: South East Property Sales & Management, Belgravia Sports Apparel, Victor Sports, Mahews Petroleum, Sherrin, Thomas Foods Internaonal, Marjadah Rams, Total Tools, I & D Traffic Management, Culberra Lake Self Storage, Glenelg Football Club, Somerset Hotel Motel, Klas Bilt, In2 Trophies Monogramming & Workwear, Collins Court Butchers, Troy Bell, Nick McBride, Willow Financial Services, Icon Signs, & DiGiorgio Family Wines.

So, where possible please consider our sponsors when you need anything, and then thank them for their support of our league.

The presentaons for Seniors and Juniors was once again a combined affair with our netball partners held at the Millicent War Memorial Civic and Arts Centre. The day ran smoothly and we will connue to consult with clubs to seek ideas for any suggested improvements. Thank you to the Tantanoola Football / Netball Club for catering to the aendees superbly

Congratulaons to Mail Medal winner Robe's Henry Lawrie, Reserves Carthew Medal winner Glencoe's Jason Bates, Senior Colts Malseed Medal winner Mount Burr's Sam Hunt and Junior Colts Mansell Medal winner Hatherleigh's Will Dower and all other trophy winners.

Please remember, as clubs, to look aer your volunteers and as supporters, to assist and volunteer your me / skills wherever possible to make your Club more successful and to share the workload. It really does help your club commiees to know that they can rely on some jobs being handled – so well done to all volunteers that have assisted each club and in turn assisted the League in becoming stronger. The League and all clubs can become much beer with more 'Givers'' and less 'Takers''.

Thanks to all those people that have assisted me as President, especially all of the Senior Board Dennis Muhovics, Trevor Ling, Jo Michelmore, Jo Dean, Rochelle Monaghan & Naomi Mitchell along with the Junior Execuve headed up by Kevin Dinnison with assistance from Gary Wilson, Dylan Clough and Tamara Ploenges and Umpires Director Neil Webber All have worked well as a team and I hope we have delivered the needs and requirements of Clubs. The Board has been willing to share the heavy administrave workload and I especially thank my wife, Naomi Mitchell, in her role as League Secretary I urge all clubs that are not currently represented to

consider nominang a delegate to the Execuve. There is a requirement for someone with the following skill sets; liaising with the media with reports, IT skills, diplomacy, level headedness and to occasionally think outside of the square in looking at opportunies and soluons to the many issues that seem to raise their heads during every season. Thank you to friends and family that assisted in any way that you did. Thank you to all clubs that made me and all Board members welcome throughout the year. To those that provided any feedback on how the Board can be of beer assistance to Clubs, thank you.

As always, there will be secons of the Constuon / Bylaws, which need to be reviewed, and I urge all clubs to submit any suggested amendments to the Board for consideraon.

We appreciate the support of Murray South East Regional Director and Community Football Board director Sco Duncan, SANFL SE Football Operaons Co-ordinator Michael Mourbey, staff at the Community Football Board, and SANFL South East Regional Game Development Officer Heath Sims. Our relaonship with the Glenelg Football Club connues to evolve and the opportunity for our young footballers at U18 & U16 levels has seen good numbers of footballers regularly travelling to be involved at the next level. This creates wonderful opportunies for them to connue their football journey

Our final crowds have so far have been excellent and shows that the interest in the MSEFL is the equal of any compeon in this region. The mix of mulple clubs involved in football and netball final contests has helped to increase crowd numbers and add to the atmosphere at the ground.

Our football and netball region connues to face a number of challenges to our stable environment. From my perspecve, our League and clubs need to ensure that we stay united and are abreast of these outside pressures to make sure that we connue to be in the best posion possible going forward. Change at any level presents us with opportunies and threats, so it is challenging mes ahead for all Clubs and the League. We must ensure that we connue to work together, connue to focus on our core objecves in our clubs and League which include Facilies, Junior Development, Volunteers, Financial Stability, Risk Management and Community Ties, strive for connuous improvement, and connue to meet our market place, offer opportunies for our volunteers and youth in order for all of us to remain viable, sustainable and relevant to our communies well into the future. We sll find ourselves in a situaon where we are sll faced with uncertainty and the very real prospect of change that will impact our clubs and League. We must make sure that our voices are heard and that any change ensures the long term sustainability of all our clubs and our League is maintained and enhanced.

Finally, a big thank you to all partners and family of the Board to allow them the me necessary for meeng their obligaons to our clubs at various mes throughout the year with meengs etc. Special thanks to my family, all have put up with a lot throughout the year and your support is much appreciated for all that I'm involved in.

Remember that not everyone can win on the field, but we must all be winners off the field.

There will be some great netball and football contests in every grade today where seven of our nine clubs are represented and I hope that all players and supporters have some special memories of 'that one day in September'.

Be kind to each other and I hope that you have a great Grand Final Day and a safe trip home.

Peter Mitchell

Mid South Eastern Football League President

Welcome to the Kongorong Football and Netball Club and the Mid South Eastern Football and Netball Leagues 2024 Grand Final Day.

Another year has flown by, and as they seem to go quicker every season, we find ourselves at yet another highly ancipated Grand Final. But before we look ahead to today's acon, I would like to take a moment to publicly acknowledge the outstanding efforts of the Port MacDonnell Football and Netball Clubs and their dedicated team of volunteers in hosng the 2023 Grand Final. Last year's season decider was blessed with a stunning day—perhaps a lile too warm for those out on the field—but perfect for the spectators. The event was well catered for, the crowd was respecul and well-behaved, and to top it off, we recorded the highest gate takings in our history

To all the teams compeng in this year's Grand Final—congratulaons! You've shown through your skill, determinaon, and teamwork that you are the most deserving teams to play in today's deciders. While only one team will walk away with the ulmate premiership prize, simply making it to the Grand Final is an achievement in itself. Enjoy every moment of it, and remember that this is a day you'll never forget.

A special congratulaons goes to all of our award winners from the season. A Grade Mail Medallist Henry Lawrie from Robe, Reserves Carthew Medal winner Jason Bates from Glencoe, U17.5 Malseed Medallist Sam Hunt from Mt Burr, and Junior Colts Mansell Medallist Will Dower from Hatherleigh—your outstanding performances throughout the season have earned you well-deserved recognion.

Thank you and well done to the Tantanoola Football and Netball Clubs for their superb catering at our awards presentaon. The quality of the food and service was second to none, and it's a testament to the value that all our clubs place on supporng each other and stepping up when the me comes.

Thank you as well to Nangwarry, Hatherleigh, and Kalangadoo for hosng our finals so far this season. With the removal of the neutral ground clause for A Grade matches, clubs now have certainty around hosng finals, regardless of who is playing. This change has allowed for beer planning and the finals so far have been managed superbly—well done to all involved.

To Amanda Sealey, Jacqui Doloughan and the enre Kongorong Football and Netball Clubs, thank you for your organisaon and coordinaon of todays season finale. I am 100% certain that the day will be a huge success for both your club and the league as a whole.

Our interleague journey this year was a mixed bag with the Seniors being outclassed by the newly formed LCFNL. It is quite disheartening that in my me as League Secretary, we have yet to secure the overall win at Senior level. I firmly believe we are not far behind the LCFNL or the KNTFL in terms of talent, but we need full player availability and commitment to take that next step. On the posive side, our underage teams showed tremendous promise, with 30-40 players compeng for spots on both the U15 and U17.5 sides. Thank

you to coaches Ma Fox and Chris McLay (U15) and Jed Telfer and Tye McManus (U17.5) for taking on these roles and doing an exceponal job. The U15s were outstanding, winning both games and securing the tle for the first me in many years, while the U17.5s were outclassed in their first match against the LCFNL and then narrowly lost to the KNTFL by just 7 points.

From the interleague games, a Team of the Carnival was selected, with the MSEFL making a strong impression, especially in the U15s, where we dominated selecons with 10 players named. Congratulaons to Kallan Price and Tighe Hurley (Glencoe), Ryan Lucas (Kongorong), Tayte Virtanen, Jaggar Geary, and Rhys Grigg (Nangwarry), as well as Je Lewis, Harry Carroll, Kane Gilbert, and Zane Lewis (Port MacDonnell) on their selecon. A special menon to Harry Carroll, who was named both overall Player of the Carnival and MSEFL Player of the Carnival.

In the U17.5 compeon, the MSEFL Player of the Carnival was the excing Elwood Geary from Nangwarry. Elwood, along with Charlie Bevan, Tyler Richardson, and Jackson Dean (Mt Burr), Kai Gilmore (Port MacDonnell), and Bradyn Hateley (Tantanoola), also earned welldeserved spots in the Team of the Carnival.

Following their performances, the U15s had the opportunity to represent Regional Glenelg at the SANFL U15 Intrastate Championships held during the July school holidays. This year, the MSEFL was well-represented by the following players: Tighe Hurley and Kallan Price (Glencoe), Ned Fitzgerald (Hatherleigh), Ryan Lucas (Kongorong), Declan Richardson (Mt Burr), Rhys Grigg and Tayte Virtanen (Nangwarry), and Je Lewis, Kane Gilbert, and Harry Carroll (Port MacDonnell).

Both the Limestone Coast Carnival and the Intrastate Championships provide vital pathways for our most talented players to pursue their football dreams and take the next step in their sporng careers.

To those selected in the Senior South East Zone Team for the SA Country Championships at Victor Harbor—Dylan Childs (Glencoe), Paddy Chay & Mitch Pulmer (Hatherleigh), Tye McManus (Kalangadoo), Sam Wallis (Mt Burr), and officials Clint Gallio, Sam Benne, Peter Mitchell, and Ma Ballantyne—well done on represenng our league. Despite not geng the results we hoped for in the minor rounds, finishing 5th with a win over Northern showed the character and resilience of our Zone.

A big thank you to the Junior League Execuve—Kevin "KD" Dinnison, Dylan Clough, Tug Wilson, and Tamara Ploenges. We've had a producve year, working well together with a shared focus on the broader success of the league. Your dedicaon and commitment have been invaluable, and it's been a pleasure working with you all.

To our Senior Board—Peter, Dennis, Trevor, Joanne, and Jo—thank you for your dedicaon to the league. It's been a privilege to work alongside such passionate individuals, all focused on the connued success of our clubs and the league as a whole. A special thanks to Rochelle Monaghan, our new Assistant Secretary, whose contribuons this year have been invaluable. Rochelle, your support and willingness to step in when needed has been a huge relief, and I look forward to working with

you next year

Our league's unique relaonship between football and netball is one of its great strengths. Thank you to Sara and the Netball Execuve for your commitment to fostering this relaonship. I'm proud of the example we've set for clubs to follow and the connued growth of this partnership at league level.

Finally, I would like to extend my thanks to Michael Mourbey and Sco Duncan for your me and ongoing support of football in our zone. Your experse and commitment to the South East are truly appreciated.

Looking ahead to 2025, it appears that our league's structure will remain unchanged—a decision welcomed by many across the South East. While we may face challenges and changes in the future, for now, we are confident that our League is strong, united, and focused on connuing to build on the tradions and successes we've established over many years.

To my close and extended family and friends, I cannot begin to express just how grateful I am for your unwavering support, endless paence, and the advice—solicited or not—that you so generously offer. You have all been my constant source of strength, and Dad and I wouldn't be able to do what we do without each and every one of you by our side. Your help behind the scenes, whether it's lending a hand or simply being there, makes all the difference. I'm incredibly proud of the caring, thoughul, and occasionally outspoken individuals you've grown into, and I feel truly blessed to call you my family

As we watch and parcipate in today's matches, please be mindful and respecul of those around us. Be assured that all parcipants are trying their very best to assist their team to win and the negave and unhelpful commentary from the sidelines will do lile in achieving the objecve. I am also yet to see an umpire change his decision because of the advice being offered from the boundary line. Please remember that umpires are doing a job so that we can play our great game, no umpires – no game.

And to all the players, parcipang in a grand final is not just another game—it's the culminaon of an incredible journey, a memory that will stay with you for the rest of your life. Regardless of the outcome, win or lose, this experience is something to cherish. You've earned the right to be here, and that alone is an achievement worth celebrang. So, play with heart, play with passion, and make the most of this unique atmosphere that has been created just for you. This is your moment, and we eagerly look forward to watching you give it your all on this special day, creang memories that will last a lifeme.

“The only place success comes before work is in the diconary”

Secretary Mid South Eastern Football League


The Mid South Eastern Junior Football League has again had a very successful season with the highlight being the Under 15 Interleague side defeang both the LCFNL and KNTFL to win the shield for the first me in many years.

Our local compeon started with both the Kalangadoo U17.5 and Mt Burr U14 sides struggling for numbers to field their sides. For Kalangadoo, their numbers remained small for the enre season and all teams they played against helped and along with players from the bye team each week, ensured that a official game for points could be played. All clubs are to be congratulated in their efforts to support Kalangadoo. Mt Burr also started the season requiring assistance from other clubs to help them field an U14 side, but as the season progressed the Burr built their numbers up to require lile or no help which is a real credit to them.

The Interleague teams were superbly coached by Ma Fox and Chris McLay in U15's and Jed Telfer and Tye McManus in the U17.5. The U17.5 were easily beaten by a very well skilled LCFNL side who were simply too good. The second match against the KNTFL was very compeve with our side narrowly beaten. The U15's scored two very good wins against the LCFNL and the KNTFL to secure the U15 shield. Well done to Ma Fox and Chris McLay and their team on an outstanding carnival. Also thank you to the clubs that hosted our training nights and all players who made the interleague squads.

Another highlight of the year was the well aended MSEFL Junior Medal Count. Congratulaons to Will Dower (Hatherleigh) and Sam Hunt (Mt Burr) on their MSEFL Best & Fairest Awards in the U14 & U17.5 compeons. Also congratulaons to Ma Fox for his Junior Football League Coach of the Year Award for the second year, a well deserved and popular win. A difficult decision with the league being blessed with having many fine coaches at Junior level.

A big thank you to all volunteers who helped at interleague matches and all local club games during the season. Your efforts as trainers, goal umpires, mekeepers, runners, waterboys and team managers is greatly appreciated by all clubs and the League. To all parents, family and friends who made sure players turned out at local club and interleague training your support is invaluable.

Thanks to the Junior Execuves, Dylan Clough, Tamara Ploenges, Tug Wilson and Naomi Mitchell, who worked very well together throughout the season and all club Junior Delegates. Thanks to Dylan for organising the Junior Interleague coaches for 2024. Finally a special menon to Naomi Mitchell for all her hard work behind the scenes for both our won compeon and interleague sides which takes countless hours. Your efforts are greatly appreciated.

Good luck to all Junior sides in today's Grand Finals and lets see two evenly contested matches.

Kevin Dinnison

Phone: 08 8725 7060 Mobile: 0419 801 592 | Email:

umpire director’s REPORT

Welcome, everyone, to the 2024 Mid South Eastern Football League Grand Final!

I am sure Amanda and her hard working group of volunteers have worked relessly to have the Kongorong football oval and surrounds in p top condion in readiness for a bumper day of football and netball.

This season, once again, we had to rely on the support of all clubs to provide umpires, as our panel connues to face challenges with numbers. Those who stepped up to umpire for their respecve clubs should be incredibly proud - not just for helping out, but for the professionalism and commitment they brought to what is a demanding role. Many have shown tremendous improvement over the season, and I truly hope you will all return in 2025. I also encourage you to talk to your clubmates about geng involved in umpiring next season.

With our current shortage of umpires, we urgently need more people to step forward. Without a stronger panel, the quality of football in our league across all grades will be affected. We've all agreed to maintain our league's identy, which I fully support, but we cannot ignore the issue of dwindling umpire numbers. This is a serious challenge for our league in the coming years, and we must address it together 174 Jubilee Highway, Mount Gambier

Servicing the Limestone Coast region of the beautiful South East

- George Street, Millicent Shop , Railway Terrace, Beachport


Fiona: , Melissa: , Deon:

To all our umpires, your dedicaon and commitment throughout the season cannot be faulted. Your passion for umpiring is evident in the way you've conducted yourselves, and you should all be proud of your efforts.

Selecng appointments for the finals has been no easy task, and today's appointments were even tougher to decide. Congratulaons to those umpires selected todayyou've earnt your spot through hard work and excellent performances. For those who missed out, please know that these decisions were incredibly difficult.

I'd also like to extend my hearelt thanks to all the club execuves for their unwavering support of both myself and our umpires. Your backing, along with the fantasc assistance provided by club trainers, has been fantasc.

A special thanks to my assistant, May Cockrum, for your tremendous support throughout the year. Your willingness to help in every possible way has been crucial, and I look forward to seeing you take on this role in the near future.

To our boundary and goal umpires, your efforts throughout the finals have been outstanding, and you've been tremendous ambassadors for your clubs.

Finally, I want to acknowledge my other assistant, Kaththank you for your connued support, especially with the challenges of balancing shi work and umpiring. I'm grateful for your understanding and always being there for me.

Good luck to all the teams compeng today!

Regards, Neil

preliminary FINAL RESULTS


Best - Robe: J. Duon, G. Duon, T. Wachtel, J. Bryant, S. Bates, B. Dinning; Kalangadoo: R. Hein, J. Pra, J. Casey, M. Fatchen, T. McManus, N. Von Stanke-Dowie.

Goals - Robe: S. Bates 5, J. Duon 3, J. Bryant, H. Smith 2, N. Brown, B. Dinning, K. Dunn, M. Robertson, S. Thomson, K. Woodward 1; Kalangadoo: L. Jones 2, D. Bromley, C. Genle 1.


Best - Hatherleigh: J. Faulkner, J. Marino, B. Lindner, E. Leopold, J. Telford; Kalangadoo: B. Male, K. McKenna, N. Reeves, T. Jerome, D. Jeffree.

Goals - Hatherleigh: J. Altschwager 4, B. Lindner, J. Marino 2, T. Atkinson, T. Bell, J. Gilbertson, T. Merre, J. Telford 1; Kalangadoo: N. Reeves 2.


Best - Mount Burr: J. Dean, T. Richardson, D. Sigston, C. Bevan, M. Hunt, F. Woolston; Nangwarry: R. Grigg, B. Mckinnon, T Virtanen, T. Grigg, R. Edwards, B. Moy

Goals - Mount Burr: C. Hateley 3, J. Dean, S. Hunt, C. Montuori, D. Richardson, T. Richardson 1; Nangwarry: E. Geary 3, C. Borman 2, J. Crawford, R. Edwards, J. Geary, R. Grigg, T. Grigg, B. Moy 1.


Best - Port MacDonnell: Z. Howard, T. Manning, M. Lewis, B. Gilmore, B. Lasle, H. Gray; Kalangadoo: A. Reeves, L. McCann, M. Monaghan, W. Cary, P. Lydeamore, F. Mules.

Goals - Port MacDonnell: G. Carroll, T. Howard, M. Lewis, M. Wilson 1; Kalangadoo: A. Lee, P. Lydeamore, L. McCann 1.

A GRADE - MAIL MEDAL: Best & Fairest winner Henry Lawrie (Robe)23 votes, pictured with MSEFL President Peter Mitchell.
A GRADE - WALKER MEDAL: Best & Fairest Runner Up winners Dylan Ridley (Mt Burr) and Tye McManus (Kalangadoo, absent) - 19 votes.
A GRADE: Runner Up Best & Fairest - Sarah Edwards (Glencoe); Best & Fairest - Ebony McDiarmid (Kalangadoo). Photographed with MSENA President Sara Gray

a grade grand final preview


WITH the grand finals of the Mid South East Football League (MSEFL) geng underway today, the eyes of the league hierarchy will anxiously be looking southwards to see if Mother Nature sends heavy showers onto the Kongorong Oval.

This grand final is worthy of a $30,000 gate and our league will be banking on big numbers from the KNT and Limestone Coast leagues coming to us today as they had their grand finals a week ago.

West Gambier went top with half of the winning team either coming from the Mid SE or improving their footy in the Mid SE. The Roos had three players each from Kalangadoo and Port MacDonnell, two from Tantanoola and one from Hatherleigh

The Kongorong Oval is usually a very good playing surface and there are ample undercover viewing areas alongside the clubrooms and changerooms.

The odds are stacked heavily in Hatherleigh's favour.

The Eagles were comprehensive victors over the Roosters in the second semi-final, won both their minor games against Robe, have a nearly full list available to play, there is a spread of scoring opons, the side is fresh and fit and it has the best on-ball division and defence in the compeon.

It just remains to be seen if a place will be found in the 22 for ex-Tantanoola skipper and Millicent coach Lyndon (Winnie) Smith who has been baling injury

I am inclined to think that Smith will be recalled given his versality, talent and experience.

There remains an opmisc mood at the seaside but the challenges should not be underesmated.

Like their opponents, the Roosters have some selecon dilemmas of their own.

Should Jed Jarre be recalled aer sing out the preliminary final on account of suspension?

Jarre had received his third yellow card in 2024 in the second semi and that triggered an automac one match penalty

How do you cope with two of your best players being below 100% fitness?

Should you keep Zac Deane on the last line of defence for the full 120 minutes and play coach Nathan Brown in a permanent forward pocket for a similar period?

As the team prepares for its third tough game in as many weeks, do you have light or moderate training runs this week or watch movaonal films indoors while eang bean sprouts and drinking Coke Zero?

This all sounds like a gloomy picture for Robe supporters but there are plenty of signs that today's match will be an absolute crackerjack contest.

To be quite sure, the seasiders were terrific in defeang reigning premiers Kalangadoo on their home ground the preliminary final last Saturday

Mail Medallist Henry Lawrie, the Duons and Sam Bates (five goals) were unstoppable.

plan for Hatherleigh coach Tom Hutchesson.

First quarter goals are essenal in any grand final and the Eagles should go on the aack from the opening bounce.

Sam Waring must be used in the ruck with Darcy Bateman in aack.

The half forward line must be kept free for him with perhaps only Louis Brown and Bradley Mitchell used as crumbing forwards.

The two other regular Hatherleigh forwards must therefore be played up the ground.

Hutchesson has to realise that Brown has well drilled his team to have mulple players at the fall of the ball and on the edge of the packs.

Does he aempt to thwart the effecve Robe running game if the Roosters get the use of a three-goal breeze in the first term?

There is a simple soluon and that is to implement Plan B. As with any major round encounter, the mind games could have an impact on proceedings.

Neither side has ever defended a premiership but Hatherleigh has won grand finals on this ground in 2005 and 2013.

Official records from this era are not online but I esmate only two players from the 2013 A Grade grand final will grace the playing arena today.

According to my non-official records, Hatherleigh had Brad Wight and Gerard McGrath on the oval 11 years ago.

The seasiders will be looking for a fair dose of luck in the 2024 season decider as there was none to be had for them in the second semi-final loss.

The condions suited Hatherleigh and the match was played on their home ground.

Hatherleigh should go fully defensive, stack the back lines with number one ruckman Bateman and others and push the ball into the wide, deep and dead pockets.

There are simply too many “ifs” about the chances of the Roosters.

A Robe victory cannot be ruled out but Hatherleigh's fast, running game, ght defence and spread of goal kickers will earn the club its sixth flag.

PREDICTIONS (wet or dry): Hatherleigh to win.



League trophy winner Paddy Chay leads effecvely, is quick over the first 15 metres and will outmark every other player in the league in one-on-one contests. I

grand final previews

v Junior Colts Senior Colts Reserves

CAN Robe complete the perfect season?

This queson will be answered today when Robe and Hatherleigh face off in the Reserves Grand Final at Kongorong

Robe and Hatherleigh have been the standout teams of the 2024 season, with Robe finishing as undefeated minor premiers. In their previous meengs, Robe has had the edge, winning by 22 points in Round 9, 54 points in Round 17, and securing a 42-point victory in the second semi-final to advance to today's decider

In that semi-final, the contest was ght unl halime, with Robe holding a narrow 3point lead. But aer the break, Robe shied into another gear, holding Hatherleigh scoreless in the third quarter and pulling away to a comfortable win

This season, Robe has finally shrugged off the injury woes that have plagued them in previous years, and both their senior and reserves teams have benefited from a fullstrength lineup

Both sides possess the forward firepower to post a winning score. Hatherleigh's Tom Bell finished as the League Reserves leading goal kicker with 65 goals, closely followed by teammate Tim Merre with 52

On the other side, Robe's Jaryd Dawson has been prolific, kicking 42 goals in just 11 games. Aer missing me since Round 14, Dawson showed no signs of rust in their last oung, slong 7 goals

The strength of both teams lies in their evenness across the ground. Robe's midfield, led by Tom Miller, Bailey Walker, and Flynn Peel, will be key to generang scoring opportunies.

Defensively, the return of Jimmy Wasson has been a boost, with his strong rebound from centre-half-back seng up numerous forward entries in their recent match against Hatherleigh

For Hatherleigh to reverse their fortunes, they will need a complete team effort. While Robe has managed to restrict Bell and Merre to no more than two goals each in their three encounters this season, Hatherleigh will need other contributors, such as Bailey Walker, Jimmy Telford, and Jack Altschwager, to step up and add scoreboard pressure

Both teams are at full strength, with no qualificaon issues given both senior sides are also compeng, allowing for an excing contest

While Robe is the obvious favourite, we've seen undefeated teams falter at the final hurdle before, so nothing is guaranteed. One thing is certain though – we're in for a high-quality game leading into the main event

BOTH Glencoe and Nangwarry arrive at today's decider aer toppling the previously undefeated minor premiers, Mt Burr. With each team claiming a win over the other during the minor rounds, today's contest promises to be an evenly matched affair

Glencoe's lineup features several standout players, with Digby Richards-Fennell driving their midfield. Max Whitehead adds versality, rotang between on-ball and the wing, while Tighe Hurley anchors the defence at centre-half-back. Lachlan Brierley is another key player, making an impact across the wing, on-ball, and forward lines. Jed Sinkunas will use his pace on the wing to deliver plenty of forward 50 entries, giving forwards Brodie Pfitzner and Daniel Ferguson every chance to hit the scoreboard. Sam Haase, with his natural ability to read the play and capitalise on ground-level opportunies, poses a significant threat to Nangwarry's defence. Young Hamish Gordon was outstanding in the second semi-final, providing crucial rebound across the backline in their victory over Mt Burr

Nangwarry's forward line is spearheaded by Elwood Geary, a strong marking target at centre-half-forward. His bale with Glencoe's Tighe Hurley will be a game-defining contest. In the midfield, Tayte Virtanen will be essenal, with Archer Virtanen offering addional strength and versality across both ends of the ground. Jaggar Geary, the youngest player on Nangwarry's list, has impressed by holding down key defensive posions, while Rhys Grigg and versale big man Toby Grigg will contribute across the ground. Nangwarry's main goal kickers, Calais Borman and Bo Sampson, will be key in their forward thrusts, while Harry Hicks adds speed and drive from half-back.

In their most recent encounter in Round 16, Glencoe overcame Nangwarry by 22 points in a hard-fought contest, with both teams appearing at full strength. This match provided a glimpse into the evenness between the two sides, both of which have shown consistent form throughout the season.

A key factor for both Glencoe and Nangwarry this year has been the integraon of players into their respecve A Grade teams, allowing these younger talents to gain valuable experience at a higher level. This exposure has not only boosted their development but also given them a taste of the intensity and skill required at senior level, which they'll undoubtedly carry into today's decider. Picking a winner in this evenly matched contest is a tough call. Weather condions could play a significant role, as Nangwarry took control of their semi-final by ulising a strong wind advantage early on and seng up their win from the get go. Both teams are coming off impressive team victories, making this a thrilling bale to determine the 2024 Senior Colt Premiership.

IN today's opening match, the young Hatherleigh Eagles will take on an improving Port MacDonnell Demons in what promises to be a thrilling contest. Port MacDonnell are no strangers to this stage, having finished as runners-up in 2023. They know the intensity of finals football and what it takes to claim the coveted AJ Medhurst Trophy.

Both clubs boast strong playing numbers, which has been a hallmark of their junior programs. This season, both teams have regularly listed 23-26 players each week, a testament to their depth and talent. While having such a large squad is a posive, it can also present a challenge in managing rotaons over the 4 x 12-minute quarters. Fortunately, both teams are guided by excellent coaches in Sean McGrath for Hatherleigh and Ma Fox for Port MacDonnell. Both will undoubtedly have a strategy in place to effecvely manage player rotaons.

Heading into today's game, the key queson is, how will Port MacDonnell restrict the influence of 2024 Mansell Medallist, Will Dower? Dower's ability to win contested possessions, find space, and either score or set up teammates has been a hallmark of his standout season. Alongside him, teammates Patrick McGrath, Reef Chambers, Paddy Fitzgerald, and Tom Atkinson all possess the skills to connually deliver the ball to their forward targets. Port MacDonnell's defence will need to be at its best to withstand the pressure.

Coach Ma Fox faces a taccal dilemma. Should he priorise liming Hatherleigh's scoring opportunies by placing his key players in defence, or should he play an aggressive, aacking style of football? With the final outcome dependent on pung a score on the board, it's likely Fox will sck to his brand of aacking footy. He'll rely on players like Taj Manning, Zachary Howard, Hudson Gray, Gracie Carroll, Tyler Neale, and Tyron Howard to not only restrict Hatherleigh's swi ball movement but also rebound quickly and create scoring opportunies.

In their most recent encounter just a few weeks ago, Hatherleigh got off to a lightningfast start, kicking 4.2 to Port MacDonnell's 0.0 in the first quarter. If not for this early lapse, the game would have been much closer, as Port MacDonnell matched Hatherleigh in the following three quarters, scoring 3.0 to Hatherleigh's 4.4.

Hatherleigh's depth and numbers will put Port MacDonnell to the test, forcing them to run hard all day. However, if Port MacDonnell can dictate the tempo and get Hatherleigh chasing, we could see a very different outcome. Either way, the stage is set for a fantasc opening game to kick off the Mid South Eastern Football League's Grand Final day



(L-R): Ayden Reid, Jack Marino, Patrick Chay, Max Telfer, Jase Bateman, Lewis Walker, Louis Brown, Je Faulkner. Middle: Kelcey McIntyre (Trainer), Deon Howell (Team Manager), Joe Rayson, Mitch Pulmer, Gerard McGrath, Sam Waring, Cameron Slape, Jack Gray, Josh Hales (Runner), Jack Wight (Water Boy), Sam Benne (Trainer). Front: Sam Telfer, Sam Gray, Will Chay, David Coghlan (Bench Coach), Tom Hutchesson (Coach), Jed Telfer, Hudson Nowak, Brad Mitchell.

Gerard McGrath: Reliable key defender who uses the footy well off our half back.

5. Jack Skeer: Smart on our fwd/wing and is dangerous when gets a shot on goal.

6. Tom Hutchesson: Mid/fwd who bales through week to week.

7. Will Chay: Onballer specialist hard nut and consistent performer week in week out.

8. Brad Mitchell: Plays an important role in mid/fwd line and hits the scoreboard on the regular

9. Jed Telfer: Solid mid/fwd who has had lots of injury troubles but will look to have a big finals series.

11. Jase Bateman: Great runner and ball user off our half back, sets up a lot of footy from his run.

13. Max Telfer: Another reliable defender who shows up and does his thing for team every week.

14. Mikey Telford: Skilled onballer who finds plenty of the football and uses the ball well.

16. Lewy Walker: Quick nippy mid/fwd who gives us lots of energy around the footy

17. Sam Telfer: Small forward who on his day can hit the scoreboard quickly.

18. Cameron Slape: Great lockdown defender rarely gets beaten in the air.

19. Jack Gray: Had an unbelievable year lock down defender, rarely gets beaten in a 1v1.

20. Brad Wight: Really good read of the football and is an excellent chop off mark in our defence.

21. Mitch Pulmer: Reads the footy really well and chops off a lot of football across our half back line.

23. Hudson Nowak: Good young talent coming up from the senior colts, has a bright future ahead.

25. Darcy Bateman: Started off season really well for us down forward going, to be a big part for us in finals.

26. Louis Brown: Cray lile le footer who pops up on the scoreboard week in week out.

27. Lyndon Smith: Hard at the footy, gives us a good contest all day.

28. Sam Gray: Been riddled with injuries this season but finding some good form down back at right me of the year

42. Paddy Chay: Goal kicking machine had a great year up forward, dangerous when ball is in the air, hard to stop.

55. Ayden Reid: Had his break out season for us on the wing and has not missed a game for us this year

60. Je Faulkner: Had a break out year and has made the wing his own this season.

24. Sam Waring: Big ruckman who gives us first use and covers the ground well.




Bryant, Seb Moore, Hamish Smith, Patrick Mahews, Brodie Foulds, Tyler Thomson, Ella Mackey (Trainer). Front: Lily FalknerHunt (Team Manager), Jack Sneath (Vice-Captain), Jordan Pet, Henry Lawrie (Captain), Nathan Brown (Coach), Jason Pet (Assistant Coach), Zac Deane, Kane Dunn, Kaden Woodward,

12. Joel Bryant: Rangey le footer, marks and hits the ground running.

2. Henry Lawrie: As captain the Juice Box leads the way, contribung all-day.

3. Sam Thompson: One of our young wingers, covers a lot of ground.


Egan Regnier: Great user of the ball. Yappy lile half-backer.

9. Jordan Pet: Solid backman, who runs in straight lines.

10. Kane Dunn: Tough as they come, no fuss and gets the job done.

11. Nathan Brown: Coach Brown, just playing into some good form. Proven finals contributor and big game player.

14. Tom Williams: Once Willo gets the crazy eyes, Look out!

16. Ben Dinning: Dynamic on-baller, who knows where to go and impact.

20. Kaden Woodward: Courageous onballer, gets lots of it.

22. George Duon: The Gecko, takes on anyone in front of him, and leaves them in his wake.

23. Brodie Foulds: Enigmac swingman, who contributes all over.

25. Patrick Mathews: Jack in a box pressure forward, puts the heat and wins contests.

24. Jed Jarre: When he's on, he's on!

27. Jesse Robertson: Robbo the velvet sledgehammer, lockdown defender.

28. Sam Bates: Bouncy forward, is very aware of where the goals are, and usually finds them.

31. Tyler Thomson: Big defender, does every job asked.

32. Max Robertson: The young gun that will find the ball and run all-day

34. Seb Moore: First-year senior player, who has tackled the ruck and uses his voice when needed.

37. Nathan Gibbons: Talented youngster, level-headed and good decision-maker.

39. Jack Sneath: King Jack, the most reliable kick in the league.

52. James Duon: Classy on-baller, and can turn a game in a maer of minutes.

Back (L-R): Flynn Peel, George Duon, Max Robertson, Jesse Robertson, Jed Jarre, Nathan Gibbons, James Francisco, Egan Regnier, Benjamin Dinning, Anton Noles (Trainer). Middle: Debra Mackey (President), Tom Williams, Sam Thomson, Tom Wachtel, Joel
Sam Bates. Absent: Ma Bryant (Assistant Coach), James Duon.
1. Tom Wachtel: Our number 1 ruck and running man.
4. Hamish Smith: Big Hammer!
the big fella's hot he's red hot!
5. Zac Deane: Reads the play well from CHB. Plays tall.




Bennet, Jordan Hentscke, Anton Noles

Middle: Adam Brooks


Tom Kurray, William Ellis, James Fransisco, Zac Donnelly, Brodie Dening, Bram Whilesea, Roly Day (Assistant Coach), Ella Mackey (Trainer). Front: Jayden Campbell, Jaryd Dawson, Christopher Burdon (Co-Captain), Antony Kokiousis (Coach), Sam Huebner (Co-Captain), Jordan Aston, Kane Cross, Flynn Peel. Absent: Lachie Hentschke, Aaron Clarke.

4. Jaryd Dawson: Experienced campaigner having a great year, watch out for him at either end of the ground.

7. Bailey Walker: He is a huge weapon when he is going hard. Great to watch when he is flying.

8. Flynn Peel: Baby of the team, don't let his youth fool you, he has the brain of a veteran. Not afraid to get down and dirty Not sure if his voice is broken, watch out for the peel squeal.

13. Sam Huebner (c): Skip! A great leader on the field. Can play short and tall. Loves to get up the ground but also loves to kick a goal.

15. Thomas Miller: #1 ruckman in the league. Good in the air and on the ground. Loves to bring other players into the game.

17. Jed Regnier: Gives the team a spark, great leader with his talk and direcon. A real general across half back.

18. Jayden Campbell: Much improved player, versale in all posions. Gives 100% all game and loves a 1 on 1 contest.


Can play any posion on the field.

26. Oliver Benne: A racehorse with a huge work rate. Good hands and excellent delivery. Loves to kick a goal.

28. William Langdon: Mid-year recruit, tough and hard at the footy

30. Bram Whilesea: Hard as a cats head. In and under but with pace to burn. May Rowell in a Rooster jumper

35. Christopher Burdon (c): Good achievement becoming skipper this year Versale player can play either end of the ground. Watch out for his golden locks.

36. Kane Cross: Been one of the best in the league for a number of years. Always using his head.

37. Aaron Clarke: Dangerous forward. Look out for those big hands.

38. William Ellis: New to town, fied into team really well. Gives us opons in the ruck and down back.

43. Jordan Aston: Mr FIFO, versale, speedy and a good decision maker. Has the wind between his feet.

46. James Francisco: The godfather of the

side, experienced, another one of our on field leaders. Great team man with a cool head.

47. Jim Wasson: Coming back aer a long absence. Having a great year at CHB, he is the wall!

48. Connor Stokie: Creave forward with exceponal hands and an accurate kick to follow

50. Thomas Kurray: Breaking lines out the centre, most versale player on the field.

54. Oliver Hagge: Pacey half back, can break lines with his dangerous kick. Loves to fly high.

55. Baden Ling: Great club man, does anything to get the job done.

56. Brodie Dening: Back at Robe this year, hunts the ball like he's hunng a fox. Great asset to our backline.

57. Zack Donnelly: Another one of our elderly gentleman, his voice is impeccable with on field leadership for the younger guys. Will do anything for the team.

59. Lachlan Hentschke: Mercurial forward, can do anything on his day. Life is like a box of chocolates.

Back (L-R):
Brooks (Assistant Coach), Baden Ling, William Langdon, Tom Miller, James Wasson, Bailey Walker, Conner Stokie, Ollie
Mackey (Trainer), Oliver Hagge, Jed Regnier,
19. Jordan Hentschke: Smooth mover, talented player with a calm



(L-R): James Telford, Harvey Jones, Tom Gray, Finley McColl, Tyson Atkinson, Jacob Lang, Lachie Lang, Je Faulkner, Jase Faulkner. Middle: Kelcey McIntyre (Trainer), Jack Marino, Bailey Linder, Riley Shanks, Jack Altschwager, Ethan Leopold, Sid Reeves, Eli Keen, Cameron Atkinson, Jack Kain (Runner). Front: Bre Watson, Tom Pegler, Tom Bell, Josh Wight, James Thorn (Coach), Joe Rayson, James Gilbertson, Tim Merre, Nick Waring (Team Manager).

1. Bailey Lindner: Long le peg, loves to sneak forward to kick a goal.

2. Jason Faulkner: Can play either end, on ball, great leader.

4. Tom Bell: League leading goal kicker, work horse, tackles hard.

9. Dylan Vanderhorst: Tough as they come, sets the tone early

10. Tim Merre: Reliable forward with a dead accurate kick.

11. Bre Watson: Mr reliable, gives his all, brings his team mates into the game.

12. Joey Rayson (c): Runs all day and gathers plenty of the pill.

15. Jack Marino: Classy half back, good by foot, can do run with role.

18. Cameron Slape: Loves a one on one and is rarely beaten.

20. Josh Wight (c): Great leader down back or up forward, gives his all.

22. Tom Pegler: Pinball, fit as a fiddle, crashes in.

23. Eli Kneen: Part of the younger brigade, good lock down defender.

24. Ethan Leopold: Has had a great year in the ruck, gives his all week in week out.

26. James Gilbertson: Been around the traps a while now, great user of the ball, mid forward.

28. Jack Sullivan: Smart with the football in hand, can get wound up, sets the tone early.

31. James Telford: Lile in and under onballer, tough, lays big tackles and can hit the scoreboard.

32. Jack Altschwager: Mr September, great set of mits, rarely misses set shots.

37. Cameron Atkinson: Reliable defender, big tank can ruck also.

39. Finnley McColl: New to the club this year, has sloed in well down back. Takes a good mark.

40. Riley Shanks: Good young fella, bales all day down back, takes the game on.

41. Sid Reeves: Work horse in the ruck, runs all day, can play forward.

44. Tyson Atkinson: First year seniors, skilful, quick, forward or mid.

46. Lachie Lang: Lockdown defender, straight lines, tough and reliable.

54. Tom Gray: Smallest member of the side but will tackle the biggest on the field, gives his all.


grand final senior colts 10:30aM


has more than impressed.

2. Kade Mulraney: Injury has riddled his season but has come back firing since returning and looking to make up for missed me.


Price (c): Leader of this team who competes harder than anyone and plays for his team, an inside midfielder who loves the rough stuff.

4. Tyler Rothall: Good runner who is a ulity and can shut down opponents with his aack on the ball and leg speed.

5. Sam Haase: Arguably best small forward in the compeon, top 10 goal kicker in the league in his first season, watch out for him.

11. Daniel Ferguson: One of our young talls up forward who is classy and rarely misses has skills on both sides of his body and is a team player

13. Declan Mutch: Defender who plays with heart and puts his heart into everything, developing into a great defender, reliable all day every day

18. Blake Gosden: Glencoe thoroughbred who is a well-liked team mate who is improving every week and will be keen to make a difference given the chance.

20. Patrick Lang-Smith: One of our fiest players who competes in the air and on the ground, has scky hands when the ball is above his head.

21. Riley Ferguson: Ulity who can make an impact wherever he is put, has missed a few games but is a good young talent who rallies around the team.

22. Tighe Hurley: Arguably the best defender in the comp with a compeve nature and athlecism people dream of could be the difference in a close contest.

25. Leslie Jagger: Our fiest player on the field who has second and third efforts that coaches dream of, can shut down anyone he plays on.

26. Lachy Brierley: Past senior colts runner up B&F who has played some footy for Glenelg this season, has impressed when available in the midfield and is playing some good footy at the right me of the year

28. Hamish Gordon: Junior colt who is a generaon talent, when available he plays his role and brings his team mates into the game, one of the best kicks you will see.

29. Brodie Pfitzner (vc): Quietly spoken off the field but on the field is another story, loves kicking a goal and firing his team up and has one of the best pairs of hands in the league.

30. Izac Richards: New to the club, a young tall ruckman who gives his all when on the field.

31. Maxan Whitehead: New experienced head to our lineup, one of the most skilled players in the compeon, although not the tallest he is as tough as they come has had a stellar first season for us.

8. Connor Tweedle: Developing defender who reads the ball very well, straight line runner who competes all day

23. Shane Longhurst: Last year of colts and is connually growing and is loving winning games with all his team mates.

24. Kaleb Price (vc): Been thrown into a different posion this year and has been a brick wall for us in defence, uses his strength when given the chance. Loves a goal too.

38. Tyrone Siebert-Norman: Our number one ruckman who scares his opposion, is fast when he wants to be and has improved his skills a lot this year

68. Jaxon Hewle: First year colt who does his all for the team and always contributes when he can, loves playing with his team.

Back (L-R): Adam Price (President), Connor Tweddle, Shane Longhurst, Kade Mulraney, Tyler Rothall, Leslie Jagger, Lachlan Brierley, Jed Sinkunas, Mark Fennell (Team Manager). Middle: Bailey Dale, Tyrone Siebert-Norman, Tighe Hurley, Patrick Langsmith, Thomas Richards, Daniel Ferguson, Izak Richards, Riley Ferguson, Declan Mutch. Front: Maxan Whitehead, Jaxon Hewle, Brodie Pfitzner (Vice Captain), Digby Richards-Fennell (Captain), William Maloney (Coach), Kallan Price (Captain), Kaleb Price (Vice Captain), Blake Gosden, Samual Haase. Absent: Erica Hurley (Head Trainer), Jodie Price (Trainer), Sharna Medhurst (Trainer).
9. Bailey Dale: A forward's nightmare has played his best football late in the season. A close checking defender
7. Digby Richards-Fennell (c): Experienced strong bodied player who is fast and strong in the contest will lead the team from the front.
1. Jed Sinkunas: Speedy wingman who has elite skills and decision making in his first season out of Junior Colts he
6. Tom Richards: Young tall who competes hard and has played in a number of posion and has an accurate kick.

grand final senior colts 10:30aM


Vesa Virtanen

Taj Bell, Toby

Jack Norman, Jaggar

Rhys Grigg, Jordan Dinnison, Aidan Mills (Trainer). Middle: Bo Sampson, Tayte Virtanen, Riley Edwards, Alexander Lynch, Harry Hicks (Vice Captain), Wya Balshaw, Benne Moy, Deklan Gartside, Steve Virtanen (Team Manager), Hannah Coon (Trainer). Front: Craig Hicks (Coach), Cooper Harris, Archer Virtanen, Bay McKinnon (Captain), Noah Virtanen (Captain), Elwood Geary (Vice Captain), Joel Crawford, Shane Grigg (Coach).

1. Jaggar Geary: Been very impressive holding down a key defensive posion for our youngest player. Huge future.

2. Joel Crawford: A dangerous small forward who loves kicking a goal. And the loudest voice on the field.

3. Harry Hicks: Highly skilled midfielder and exceponal running half back, plays beyond his years and extremely compeve.

4. Calais Borman: High marking midforward. Exceponal runner and a dangerous le foot. Can break a game open.

5. Riley Edwards: A super compeve defensive mid who gives his all every week. The perfect team player

6. Elwood Geary: Very classy goal kicking tall forward, can play any posion and exceponal leader.

7. Rhys Grigg: Highly rated young mid who can play inside and out with clean hands and high pressure.

loves the contest and has improved decision making over the season.

9. Tayte Virtanen: Highly skilled mid playing well beyond his age and is capable of anything.

10. Archer Virtanen: Powerful midfielder who can also play both ends and has a dangerous le foot. Organises on field very well.

11. Cooper Harris: Neat le footer that can play both ends of the ground equally as well.

12. Deklan Gartside: Goal kicking small forward who can kick a miracle goal at any moment.

13. Benne Moy: Hard running mid/defender who is an excellent one on one competor.

15. Noah Virtanen (c): Uses his footy smarts through the middle and fwd.

16. Bay McKinnon (c): Hard as nails inside mid who is just as explosive on the outside with exceponal speed. Absolute ball magnet who you can't help but follow

17. Alex Lynch: Tough defender who is very good one on one and provides a steady head down back.

18. Jordan Edwards: Boom age player with great compeve spirit, runs and tackles all day

20. Jordan Dinnison: Versale defensive player who can fill a role at either end. Skills are improving out of sight this year in his best season to date

21. Taj Bell: Versale player who can run all day and fill many roles on the ground.

22. Toby Grigg: Tough and versale big man that gives everything and leads his younger teammates by example.

24. Jack Norman: Very strong ruckman who is new to the game and improving every week and a vital role player

47. Oliver Capewell: Key defender with excellent speed and ancipaon who has been a huge improver over the season.

49. Bo Sampson: Very smart forward with exceponal hands and skills. Excellent kick for goal.

Back (L-R): Ben Geary,
Grigg, Calais Borman,
Geary, Oliver Capewell,
8. Wya Balshaw: Tough defender who

grand final junior colts 9:15aM


(L-R): James Mahews, Harris McGrath, Paddy Fitzgerald, Mazi Hales, Leni Clifford, Billy Bowering, Kobe Skeer, Henry Bowering, Reef Chambers, Alex Sutherland. Middle: Caroline Dower (Trainer), Joel Chambers, Blake Koehne, Arlan Bateman, Leo Skeer, Patrick McGrath, Caine Ballantyne, Sam Uola (Team Manager), Peter Andre (Team Manager). Front: Balin Thomas, Tait Gregec, Sam Lang, Sean McGrath (Coach), Will Dower (Captain), Thomas Atkinson (Vice Captain), Fred Andre, Thomas Lowe.

Caine Ballantyne: The raging bull of the team, he competes hard physically up forward and oen in the ruck.

26. Leni Clifford: Provided a focal point all year at full forward. Competes well and brings other into the game.

27. Mazi Hales: Solid and consistent player at half back. He stops his man and supports the other backmen to do their job.

28. Joel Chambers: Big strong first year player who plays up forward and can hit the scoreboard.

29. Patrick Freebairn: Solid at fullback all year. Good in the air and aacks the ball in straight lines to win the contest.

31. Arlan Bateman: Passionate team man who loves being part of it. Plays at both ends of the ground and can do a job when required.

Patrick McGrath: Rucked hard all year, is strong in the air, clean at ground level and has a penetrang kick.

39. Will Dower: Captain of the team who has explosive speed, clean skills and hits the scoreboard.

40. Kobe Skeer: A quiet achiever who gets in the right spot to find the footy up forward.

41. Tomas Atkinson: Vice captain who reads the play well, posions himself well around the ground and is tough at the contest.

45. Harris McGrath: Played up forward and down back. Has good pace and is a great tackler who never lets them get away

46. Thomas Lowe: Athlec half forward and wing man who leads well to find the footy and hit the scoreboard.

47. Reef Chambers: Quick and clean with the ball through the mid field and is dangerous around the goals.

49. Henry Bowering: Classy midfielder with the ball in hand and a fierce competor who loves to tackle.

50. Patrick Fitzgerald: Strong in the air at half back and rarely beaten, also provides plenty of rebound.

51. Blayke Koehne: Talented first year player with good hands and clean skills who plays up forward.

52. Billy Bowering: An ulmate competor at half back who hates being beaten. Is quick and clean to provide rebound.

53. Leo Skeer: Missed a lot of footy with injury this year but is a tall player who competes well and plays his role.

54. Tait Grgec: A lile ger around the ball, loves to tackle but gets plenty of touches in the midfield and up forward.

55. Sam Lang: A lile tough nut who doesn't get beaten down back. Loves to get his chances up forward to score a goal.

56. Fred Andre: Speedy wing man who can run all day and is clean with the ball with good skills.

57. Balin Thomas: Loves to be involved and get up the ground on the wing. Has good skills and gets in good posions.

59. James Mahews: Quiet achiever who is great at geng front and centre and has clean hands either at half back or on the wing.

60. Alex Sutherland: Has been solid down back all year but has switched up forward and has importantly hit the scoreboard in big games.


grand final junior colts 9:15aM


Middle: Ben Wilson (Assistant Coach), Mahew Fox (Coach), Riley Virgo, Tyler Mckenna, Blake Lasle, Gracie Carroll, Harry Kerr, Beau Gilmore, Maison Byrne, Lauren Lewis (Team Manager), Tracey Livingstone (Trainer), Nik Grosvenor (Trainer). Front: Hudson Gray, Charlie Lasle, Zachary Howard, Oliver Fox (Vice Captain), Taj Manning (Captain), Tyler Neale (Vice Captain), Jagger Macdonald, William Walkom, Charlie Carroll.

14. Oliver Fox (vc): Smooth le footer who uses the ball well through the midfield.

37. Brock Lewis: Tough as nails defender who loves nothing more than laying a tackle.

2. Tyron Howard: Silky half forward with exceponal foot skills.

3. Charlie Carroll: Hard at it half back and midfielder that will run all day.

7. Maison Byrne: Great reader of the play with great skills both hand and foot.

8. Kade Gilmore: Tough, hard at it half back/midfielder who is outstanding at reading the play.

9. Riley Virgo: First year player improving across half back and wing.

10. Tyler Neale (vc): Quick half forward/mid that loves kicking a goal.

12. Gracie Carroll: Super versale player that can play any posion on the ground.

Charlie Lasle: Slippery forward with a sense for goals.

15. Blake Lasle: Solid as a rock defender who has a great aack on the footy.

16. Beau Gilmore: Reliable player who can play both ends of the ground.

17. Tyler McKenna: New player to AFL this year and always learning the game.

19. William Walkom: Quiet achiever who never takes a backward step in a contest.

26. Mitch Lewis: First year player with great skills both forward and back.

31. Jaxon Hulse: Le footer who's shown massive improvement throughout the year.

33. Hudson Gray: Super forward target this year with amazing goal kicking with his le boot.

36. Zach Howard: Outstanding small midfielder with unbelievable speed.

38. Jagger Macdonald: Skillful wingman with pace and tenacity and a drive to succeed.

39. Declan Kain: Ever reliable back who connues to aack the footy to win his posion.

40. Jace Smith: Quiet kid who's shown huge improvement from the beginning of the season.

49. Max Wilson: Ley who is finding some touch at the right me of year especially around goals.

51. Bohdi Johnston: Big key forward who has a presence bringing teammates into the game.

55. Cody Vandapeer: Had a serious injury when finding confidence. Looking forward to seeing his return.

58. Harry Kerr: Tall, played many posions on the ground. Developing well.

Back (L-R): Max Wilson, Mitch Lewis, Cody Vandepeer, Tyron Howard, Kade Gilmore, Declan Kain, Jace Smith, Brock Lewis, Jaxon Hulse.
Absent: Bohdi Johnston.
1. Taj Manning (c): Captain who leads from the front with an ability to play any role.
2020 Hatherleigh* 2019 Robe
2020 Kongorong* 2019 Mt Burr
2024 H. Lawrie, Robe
2023 J. Woodall, Pt Mac
2022 T Sullivan, Pt Mac
2021 J. Ferguson-Lane, Hatherleigh 2020 DNP
1937 M. Beckman, Tantanoola
1936 M. Beckman, Tantanoola
2024 J. Bates, Glencoe
2023 E. Bowman, Hatherleigh
2022 C. Mules, Kalangadoo
2021 J. Gregory Mt Burr
2024 W Dower, Hatherleigh 2023 K. Price, Glencoe 2022 L. Brierley Glencoe 2021 O. Fitzgerald, Hatherleigh 2020 Not awarded
2024 S. Hunt, Mount Burr
2023 C. Kelly, Tantanoola
2022 M. Cooper, Kongorong 2021 E. Bowman, Hath & C. Kelly Tant
Not awarded

2024 P Chay, Hatherleigh.........................61

2023 J. Gregory, Mt Burr..........................65

2022 M. Krieger, Kalangadoo....................84

2021 M. Krieger Kalangadoo....................70

2020 DNP

2024 T Bell, Hatherleigh...........................65

2023 H. Jones, Hatherleigh.......................40

2022 S. Agnew, Kalangadoo................... 108

2021 J. Mullan, Kongorong.......................41

2020 DNP

2024 C. Hateley Mount Burr 71

2023 C. Kelly, Tantanoola..........................78

2022 H. Jones, Hatherleigh.......................91

2021 W Maloney, Glencoe........................58

2020 Not awarded


1960 Jack Dwyer (dec), Glencoe

1964 Stewart Nash (dec), Tarpeena

1964 Fred Carthew (dec), Tantanoola

1964 A “Fred” Basheer (dec), Kalangadoo

1965 Malcolm Morrison (dec), Tarpeena

1966 Jack Drewitt (dec), Mt Burr

1974 Lin Wright (dec), Tantanoola

1985 Keith Sneath, Tantanoola

1985 George Considine (dec), Tantanoola

1985 Allen Jenkin (dec), Kongorong

1987 Wilf Sprengel, Robe

1988 Peter Ey, Tantanoola, Glencoe, K’doo

1989 Patrick Kennedy (dec), Glencoe

2005 Dave Gilbert

2005 Barry White

2005 Ben Young

2008 Denis Matthews

2008 Kevin Nobes

2010 Neil Webber

2014 Barry Nilsson


2015 Michael Pink, Tantanoola

2016 Brian Chant, Tantanoola

2016 Clarrie Squire, Mt Burr, Kalangadoo

1996 Greg Kennedy, Glen, Mt Burr, Robe, K’doo

1996 Peter Ey, Tantanoola, Glencoe, K’doo

1996 Warren Peek, Mt Burr

1996 Brian Baker, Mt Burr, Kalangadoo

1996 Leith Cutting, Port MacDonnell

1996 John McLaren, Robe

1996 Ian Chapman, Tantanoola

1996 Graham Lawson, Tantanoola

1996 John Barber, Tantanoola

1996 Peter Schutz, Tantanoola

1996 Leigh O'Connor, Tantanoola

1996 David Fensom, Tantanoola

1996 Ken Mansell, Tarpeena, Nangwarry

1996 Dennis Mansell, Tarpeena, Nangwarry

2024 H. Gordon, Glencoe.........................41

2023 T Richards, Glencoe........................54

2022 D. Ferguson, Glencoe C. Bevan, Mt Burr............................50

2021 T Richardson, Kongorong.................51

2020 Not awarded

2015 Scott Bevan, Mt Burr

2015 Adam Wiese, Hatherleigh, Mt Burr

2015 Mat Faulkner, Hatherleigh

2016 Legh Jenkin, Kongorong

2017 Will Whitty, Tantanoola, Mt Burr

2018 Chris Mules, Kalangadoo

2018 Dale Bowering, Mt Burr

2019 Trent Hawke, Glencoe

2021 Ben Dinnison, Nangwarry

2021 John Simkin, Kongorong

2022 Nathan Muhovics, Mt Burr

2024 Peter Guyett, Mt Burr

2024 Braydn Reilly, Tantanoola

2002 Kevin Dinnison, Nangwarry

2003 Peter Savage, Kalangadoo

2004 Doug Agnew, Glencoe

2006 Gary Nilsson, Hatherleigh

2006 Mike Petersen (dec), Robe

2007 Dennis Muhovics, Glencoe

2008 Barry Kuhl, Kongorong

2011 Glen Johnson, Tantanoola

2017 Peter Mitchell, Glencoe

2017 Naomi Mitchell, Glencoe

2022 JL “Fred” Smith, Hatherleigh

2000 Rob Dycer, Glencoe COACH / PLAYER

2007 Phil Muhovics (dec), Glencoe, Robe, Nang

2007 Phil Scanlon (dec), Glencoe, Hath, Nang

2007 Robert Halliday, Hath, Mt Burr, K’doo

2015 Craig Skeer, Hatherleigh


1965 Phonse Guerin (dec)

1965 Les Teakle (dec)

1969 Kevin Hately

1996 Stan Jones (dec), Glencoe

1996 Max Guerin (dec), Glencoe

1996 Bryce Agnew (dec), Glencoe

1996 Jock Agnew (dec), Glencoe

1996 Jim Jones (dec), Glencoe

1996 Jerry Phelan (dec), Glencoe

1996 Max Matthews (dec), Glencoe K’doo

1996 Allan Schultz (dec), Glencoe

1996 Brian Agars, Glencoe

1996 Max Childs, Glencoe

1996 Arthur Medhurst (dec), Glencoe

1996 Peter Mitchell Snr, Glencoe

1996 Reg Jones, Glencoe, Kalangadoo

1996 Bob Maloney, Glencoe

1996 Peter Medhurst, Glencoe

1996 John Bronca, Glencoe

1996 Graeme Gosden, Glencoe

1996 Greg Muhovics, Glen, Mt Burr, Robe, Nang

1996 Garry Clifford (dec), Hatherleigh

1996 Barry Walker (dec), Hatherleigh, Mt Burr

1996 Graeme Loveday, Hatherleigh, Robe

1996 Nigel Brooks (dec), Hatherleigh

1996 Mick Agnew, Kalangadoo

1996 Brian Rogers, Kalangadoo

1996 Peter Mansell (dec), Tarpeena, Nang

1996 Lee Pearson, Tarpeena

1996 Garry Pitt, Tarpeena

1996 Robert Thompson, Tarpeena

1996 Allan Pitt, Tarpeena, Kalangadoo

1996 Joe Campbell, Tarpeena

1997 John Neshoda, Nangwarry

1997 Percy Badenoch, Glencoe, Tantanoola

1997 David Wallis, Mt Burr

1998 Trevor Fenn, Nangwarry

1998 Shane Ploenges, Nangwarry, Tarpeena

1999 Loyz Neshoda, Nangwarry

2000 Steven Clements, Robe

2001 Michael Timms, Nang, Robe, Port Mac

2003 Justin MacGregor, Hatherleigh

2003 Barry Stark, Port MacDonnell

2005 Bill Wells, Mt Burr

2006 Chris Fenn, Nangwarry

2006 Peter Lang, Kalangadoo

2007 Dion Dinnison, Nangwarry

2007 David Sapiatzer, Hatherleigh

2011 Shannon Smith, Port MacDonnell

2014 Brian Casey, Kalangadoo

2014 Michael Jones, Glencoe, Kong, K’doo


2001 Jo Dean, Mt Burr

2005 Ian 'Ned' Walker (dec), Tantanoola

2005 Brian McCallum, Tantanoola

2007 JL “Fred” Smith, Hatherleigh

2010 Peter Walter, Port MacDonnell

2019 Maurie Puiatti, Mt Burr

2019 Andrew Rohrlach, Umpire

2019 Lu McInnes, Mt Burr


1975 A “Fred” Basheer (dec), Kalangadoo

1985 Wilf Sprengel, Robe

1996 Keith Sneath, Tantanoola

2011 Kevin Dinnison, Nangwarry

2012 Dennis Muhovics, Glencoe

2013 Ben Young, Glencoe, Umpires

2014 Jo Dean, Mt Burr

2016 Rob Dycer, Glencoe

2018 Peter Ey, Tantanoola, Glencoe, K’doo

2019 Glen Johnson, Tantanoola

2020 Naomi Mitchell, Glencoe

2022 Peter Mitchell, Glencoe

2023 Neil Webber, Tantanoola, Umpires

2023 Mitch Lowe, Kalangadoo

2022 Tye McManus, Kalangadoo



2019 Ethan Maney, Kalangadoo

2023 Jacob Simmonds, Kalangadoo

2022 Chris Mules, Kalangadoo

2021 Todd Watson, Hatherleigh

2020 DNP

2019 Joe Rayson, Hatherleigh

2023 Max Robertson, Robe

2022 Joel Smith, Hatherleigh

2021 Ethan Cornish, Robe

2020 Brayden Leicester, Kongorong

2019 Tom Vanderhorst, Mt Burr

2023 Kallan Price, Glencoe

2022 Declan Richardson, Kongorong

2021 Tyler Richardson, Kongorong

2020 Zak Bowering, Hatherleigh

2019 Oliver Haggett, Robe



Zacc Cocks, Glencoe 2024 Dylan Childs, Glencoe



McGrath, Hatherleigh

mseNA president’s report

On behalf of Mid South East Netball, I want to thank you for making this season one of the most memorable yet. The dedicaon of everyone involved—players, coaches, officials, volunteers, and supporters—has truly shone through and made this season one of our best.

To the 81 teams from 9 clubs who have been part of this season—what an incredible effort! Whether you will be crowned champions or faced challenges, each of you has contributed to making our sporng community vibrant, compeve, and united. It's not just the trophies and medals that define us; it's the hard work, determinaon, and sportsmanship that each club and team has displayed that make us proud.

A special thank you to the volunteers and officials, whose reless work behind the scenes oen goes unnoced but is absolutely essenal.

Once again we took 4 sides to Adelaide for the SA Country Championships with our senior side taking out the B grade tle and our Junior sides showing fantasc growth over the weekend. But just as important, we witnessed spirit of camaraderie and mutual respect that defines this associaon. Thank you to Coaches Leah Ousey (with Sarah Faulkner ex Mid SE player as support over the weekend), Lisa Sco, Narelle Lewis & Leah Puia and Team Managers Sam Nele, Kirrily McPherson and Staci Faulkner for giving up your weekend to support our players.

This season hasn't been without its challenges on and off the court, whether they were logiscal hurdles, compeve pressures, or other setbacks. But through it all, we've seen

resilience. Each challenge was met with the collecve strength of our sporng community, showing us that we're not just building beer athletes, but also building stronger people.

Congratulaons to our best and fairest award winners:

13 & Under - Malda Peacock

15 & Under - Bailee Lewis

17 & Under - Shayden Russell

B Reserve - Amie Brant

B Grade - Jamie Ryan

A Reserve - Melissa Russell

A Grade - Ebony McDiarmid

Junior Consistency - Lucy Egan & Malda Peacock

Consistency - Melissa Russell

Champion Club & Goal ThrowingKalangadoo Netball Club

I would also like to extend our deepest thanks to the sponsors, local communies, and supporters who have stood by us throughout the season. Your belief in our associaon and the support you provide is invaluable. Whether you've cheered from the sidelines, contributed financially, or supported in any other way, you have helped fuel the success of our season.


MSENA Sponsors

OG Roberts, South East Property Sales & Management, O'Brien Electrical, Mid SE Football, Somerset Hotel, Culberra Lake Self Storage, Frank Brenan Consulng, In2Trophies, Key2Sale, KCA, Total Tools, 3MP.

So, as we close out this season, let's take a moment to reflect on everything

we've accomplished together. The friendships formed, the lessons learned, and the victories - both big and small - are what make our associaon special. Let's celebrate the end of this chapter and look forward to what we can achieve in the next. Rest, recharge, and come back next season with even more energy and passion.

Good luck to all teams compeng today, play hard, play fair and have fun. To the players, teams, volunteers, officials, families, and supporters. You make Mid South East Netball Associaon the incredible community that it is.

As we take a well-deserved break, I'm excited to think about what lies ahead. The future of Mid South East Netball looks bright. We are already planning for next season, and there are plenty of opportunies for connued growthwhether it's through youth development programs or increasing parcipaon. We will connue working together to raise the bar even higher for the future of our sport.

Thank you as always to my fabulous execuve Jacqui Cocks, Bec Scanlon, Leah Puia, Kim Ross, Cassie Dinnison, Krissy Berry and Georgia Gray. The work you do for our associaon is exemplary and does not go unnoced.

To my family who support me in represenng the MSENA a huge thank you!

See you around the courts in 2025.


preliminary final results


Kalangadoo 43 (M. Peacock, A. Grosvenor) defeated Mount Burr 37 (E. Lowndes, W. Gardiner)


Port MacDonnell (B. Lewis, C. Fulham) defeated Glencoe 30 (V. Thorne, R. Buckley)


Kalangadoo 45 (S. Russell, G. Genle) lost to Hatherleigh 47 (C. Bellinger, K. Nele)


Hatherleigh 43 (S. Barlow, K. Jones) defeated Kalangadoo 40 (G. Box, M. Wilkinson)

Hatherleigh 41 (M. Jolly, O. Slaery) defeated Tantanoola 34 (I. Marshall, L. Fensom)


Hatherleigh 32 (M. Redman, A. Wight) lost to Port MacDonnell 36 (B. Lewis, M. Moore)

Kalangadoo 52 (L. Munro, E. McDiarmid) defeated Tantanoola 45 (B. Poulish, J. Walker)



13 & UNDER

Hatherleigh v Kalangadoo

Hatherleigh and Kalangadoo go head to head in the MSENA 13 & Under Grand Final. Kalangadoo's Ebony Reeves and Malda Peacock are able to shoot with accuracy and Hatherleigh's Chloe David and Paige Walters will need to work overme to shut down any shoong opportunies. Eagles Alirah Bowman and Arabella Hassell are able to feed into their goalies, Mollie O'Connor and Livvi Faulkner, with ease, however they will be pressured from outside the circle by Zara Cole and Emily Simon. The hands over pressure of Magpies Te Kani Clarke and Milla Lennon will force errors in Hatherleigh's aack line & worked back down the court to their goalies, however the Eagles will work overme to regain possession of the ball. Both teams have fought hard to make it to the big dance and aer a well-matched game the Eagles will come away as Premiers.

15 & UNDER

Kalangadoo v Port MacDonnell

Kalangadoo and Port MacDonnell will bale it out in the 15 & Under Grand Final at Kongorong this weekend. Kalangadoo's strong goalie combinaon of Kiersten Cole and Lucy Egan are both accurate and work well together Demons' defenders Layla McPherson and Chelsea Fulham will use their strength over the ball to put the pressure on for Kalangadoo's goalies and combine well with Lillian Pengill to work the ball back down the court. Down the other end of the court Molly Peacock and Zoe Wurst from Kalangadoo will work hard in the defensive end creang lots of turnovers, with Ella Cooper backing them up around the circle. Port MacDonnell's Isla Fulham will need to work overme to curb the influence of Ava Prosperi-Porta through the midcourt. The Demons will fight hard to come away with the win this weekend, however the Pies won't go down easily.

17 & UNDER

Mount Burr v Hatherleigh

The 17 & Under Grand Final sees Mount Burr and Hatherleigh meet for the first me in the finals series. Mount Burr's strong defensive line up of Macy Burns, Tilly Gamble and Sara Smith will work relessly to create turnovers and intercepts for Mount Burr, sending the ball down to Ashlee Dean and Sarah Sigston in the goal circle. Hatherleigh's goalies Chloe Bellinger and Kalli Nele are determined, calm and controlled in

the goal circle and work well under pressure. Down the other end of the court Eagles Niah Faulkner, Hannah Bellinger and Bella Gysbers will put the pressure on Mount Burr's aack line, forcing errors and creang turnovers for their team. Hatherleigh's Deni Brown and Mount Burr's Abbey Falng will bale it out down the court, working hard for their respecve teams. Mount Burr's strong ouit will come away with the win when the final whistle blows, but not without a bale from Hatherleigh.


Port MacDonnell v Hatherleigh

Port MacDonnell and Hatherleigh will bale it out to go home as the B Reserve Premiers. Hatherleigh goalies Melita Thwaites and Sylvie Barlow are both able to shoot throughout the circle and are a focal point in their team, however they will be well defended by Port MacDonnell's Bridie McPherson and Jenni Taylor. Eagles Ellen Clarke and Ella Major use their height and ability to read the ball to get hands to balls and create turnovers, working the ball back down the court to their goalies. Port MacDonnell's Paige Cawthrone and Hatherleigh's Keely Jones will have a ght tussle down the court, both driving hard through the centre for their teams. Demons Ainsley Mann and Amber Moulden move well in the circle and shoot with accuracy, being fed well from outside the circle by Deanne Spencer Hatherleigh will be fighng to secure their tle as back-to-back B Reserve Premiers, however the undefeated Demons will likely come away with the win.


Kalangadoo v Hatherleigh

Kalangadoo meet Hatherleigh in the B grade grand final. The Pies came out on top in the second semi by 2 goals and the Eagles will be looking to reverse that result. Marnie Jolly at GK for the Eagles and Gina Gogel at GS for the Pies had a great tussle the last me these sides met and who finishes on top in this duel will have a big part of the game's outcome. Hatherleigh's Ali McClelland and Kalangadoo's Jamie Ryan are 2 tough competors with neither giving an inch through the mid court and these 2 will have a significant impact on the game. Hatherleigh GS Olivia Slaery works hard in the circle and with Eliza Burton they form a formidable combinaon in goals, the Magpie defenders Emma Mules & Emily Mulraney will need to be on top of their

game to limit opportunies. The team that seles first will gain the win.


Kalangadoo v Port MacDonnell

Port Mac have come from 3rd winning convincingly in the first semi and a gutsy win against Hatherleigh in the preliminary. Kalangadoo's strong defensive line up of Sam Crute, Shanae Neale and Reanna Weatherall are a formidable force, one that is hard for any team to get through. However, Port MacDonnell's Kelli von Stanke, Brooke Williams and Narelle Lewis combine well together, with von Stanke and Williams shoong with accuracy, and being supported and fed well by Lewis from outside the circle. Kalangadoo's motherdaughter duo of Melissa and Shayden Russell are strong goalies who work hard and fight for every ball, converng whenever possible. Port MacDonnell have strength in their defensive circle, with defenders Shannon Scheidl and Lara Wilson fighng hard to force errors and create intercepts for the Demons. If past games are anything to go by, the Magpies will finish the day with the flag, however Port MacDonnell will make them earn every goal.

A GRADE Glencoe v Kalangadoo

Kalangadoo came out on top in a hardfought game advancing to the Grand Final and a rematch with Glencoe. Jenna Paproth and Chantelle Cocks have been in great touch in the goals circle and Kalangadoo's defence of Lara Munro and Georgia Duncan will need to get on top early and limit their opportunies. Jayde Peacock and Donna Jaeschke always have a great tussle in the Mid Court and this week will be no excepon. Both are experienced finals campaigners and will ensure that the path into goals is a smooth one. Jane Auld at WA for the Pies is always cool under pressure of which Alice Tentye will apply plenty of. While on the other wing Ash Pfitzner and youngster Georgia Genle will bale hard for the full for quarters. There's a ton of experience in Kalangadoo's goal circle with Associaon Best & Fairest Ebony McDiarmid having a stellar season, Glencoe's Caitlyn Hentschke has her matched in height and the contest between the 2 will be crical in the outcome of the game. Sarah Edwards at GD for the Murphies was runner up to McDiarmid in the best & fairest and will ensure Abbey Duncan earns every shot. Glencoe have more depth across the court and will come out on top in what will be a great game of country netball.

glencoe kalangadoo

Back (L-R): Laura Childs, Sarah Edwards (Coach), Caitlin Hentschke, Chantelle Cocks, Jenna Paproth, Jasmine Rokov Front: Makayla Maney, Alice Tentye, Donna Jaeschke, Ashlea Pfitzner

Pictured (L-R): Judy Hill (Manager), Ebony McDiarmid, Jane Auld, Abbey Duncan (Coach), Jayde Peacock (Captain), Lara Munro, Lauren Kain, Georgia Genle, Kirsty Egan (Assistant Coach), Georgia Duncan.

Chantelle Cocks - GS: A dominant goalie who has the versality to get the beer of any defender. Can ably switch from a strong hold to ulising her speed to open up the front space. Has a brilliant reach and is difficult to out rebound. A focal point of our goal circle who is accurate at the post.

Jenna Paproth - GA: A smart netballer and experienced finals player who always steps up in the big moments. Reads the space well to provide a constant avenue to the post and is damaging on the front cut. Someone you can rely on to win a contested ball and then convert on the scoreboard.

Ashlea Pfitzner - WA: The engine room of our aack line. An illusive mover who can get free from any defender. Provides a consistent opon down court and is unstoppable once she reaches circle edge. Feeds expertly into the goal circle being capable of finding her team in the smallest of gaps.

Donna Jaeschke (Captain) - C: The leader of our side and the ulmate teammate. Will go above and beyond for her team. A hardworking midcourter who makes herself available for every second pass if required. A clinical feeder from any range who won't shy away from pung her body on the line.

Alice Tentye - WD: A versale midcourter who can cover all three posions with ease. Has the ability to shut down her opponent with her ght checking defence and the speed to come off for the intercept. A reliable opon driving down court with a constant supporve voice.

Sarah Edwards (Coach) - GD: An athlec defender with the ability to create turnover ball when her side needs it. Has an unassuming reach and speed to burn. Reads the play well and isn't afraid to have a fly for intercepts. Drives strongly from defence to link with the aacking end.

Caitlin Hentschke - GK: The backbone of our defensive end. A selfless player who pushes herself to give her all in every contest. Her strength causes headaches for goalers wanng avenue to post. Has an incredible aerial presence to pick off any high feeds and is rarely out rebounded.

Mckayla Maney - Midcourt: An up and coming 17 & Under player. Can move seamlessly between the midcourt posions to provide relentless defensive pressure or ulise her speed and confidence to go for any drive. An excing prospect for Glencoe's future.

Zoe Mulraney - Midcourt/Goals: A quiet achiever who goes about her role with no fuss. Can swing from midcourt to the goal circle at ease. A smart aacking play maker who has the ability to be damaging in the ring. Has the confidence to release the ball to post.

Ebony McDiarmid - GS: Our ever reliable goalie who is a focal point of the team who always makes good posion to allow ease of her teammates to find her in the circle. She has a good range in the circle and is incredibly accurate.

Abbey Duncan - GA: Hard working and effecve play maker in the Kalangadoo aack line. Abbey provides strong drives into the circle with her speed and agility

Jane Auld - WA: Versale mid court player who could play all 3 posions in the middle. Her work ethic, agility and speed are her strengths and an her ability to drive onto the circles edge and and feed the goalies seamlessly makes her an asset to the team.

Jayde Peacock - C: A consistently hard working aacker in the mid court, a leader on the court and an exceponal feeder into the circle. Her work rate all over the court allows her to not only be available in aack, but also defensively she has the ability to take intercepts and create turnovers which can be game changing.

Georgia Genle - WD: A young, agile defensive player and an integral part of our team. She is a determined and relentless defender who applies connuous pressure on her opponent. Her high work ethic and ability to read the play allows her to create turnovers and work it down the court to link up with the aack line. She has developed throughout the year becoming a tough and relentless opponent for anyone to stand.

Lara Munro: A solid defender who shows tenacity and determinaon. She takes strong intercepts and rebounds with her long reach and adds height and agility into our defensive circle, allowing her to play a pivotal role in the team. Her ability to read the play and create turnovers can make a genuine difference to the outcome.

Georgia Duncan - GK: A strong defender and a formidable presence in the circle. Known for her blocking and posioning she provides a strong last line of defence for the team. Her ability to remain composed and controlled are key assets to her defensive role.

Melissa Russell: Determined and reliable player who’s leadership, accuracy and experience is invaluable and an absolute asset to the teams depth in the goal circle if required.

Shanae Neale: A versale defender who when required is able to apply relentless pressure and maximise every opportunity

Sophie Wightson: A dynamic and quick aacker who when needed uses her agility and smarts in the aack line.


Lauren Kain (Coach), Shanae Neale, Maya Anderson, Ellie Xanthopoulos, Shayden Russell, Reanna Weatherall, Melissa Russell (Captain), Sophie Wrightson, Sam Crute, Georgia Duncan, Lucy Egan, Anthea Paerson, Josie Flanagan (Manager).

port macdonnell

Pictured (L-R):
Back (L-R): Kelli Vonstanke (Coach), Layla McPherson, Bailee Lewis, Lara Wilson, Kirby Carrison, Isabelle Sneath, Belinda O’Dine (Assistant Coach). Front: Brooke Williams, Jess Lynch, Narelle Lewis (Captain), Shannon Scheidl, Bree Ridding, Michelle Moore (Captain).
Back (L-R): Thea Clough (Coach), Di Loveday (Team Manager), Georgia Gray, Olivia Slaery, Marnie Jolly (Captain), Maddie Nunan, Alison McClelland, Raelene Smith (Scorer), Nat Chambers (Team Manager). Front: Karen Bowman (Coach), Sarah Beare, Eliza Burton, Ellie Cook.
Pictured (L-R): Zoe Rout (Coach), Samantha Mulraney, Lucy Williams, Jamie Ryan, Rebecca White, Sarah Williams, Gina Gogel, Rhianna May, Emma Mules. Inset: Emily Mulraney

hatherleigh port macdonnell

Back (L-R): Fiona Cram (Captain), Amber Moulden, Ainsley Mann, Lilly Day, Bridie McPherson (Captain), Eboni Smith, Briodie Wilson (Team Manager). Front: Ruby Moody, Salem Moody, Deanne Spencer, Jenni Taylor (Coach), Paige Cawthorne.
Back (L-R): Nicole Thomas (Coach), Demi Jones, Ellen Clarke, Fiona Jackman, Amy Haines (Coach). Front: Maddie Copping, Melita Twaites, Grace Chay (Captain), Keely Jones.
Back (L-R): Lisa Sco (Coach), Sara Smith, Macy Burns, Ashlee Dean, Tilley Gamble, Jaimie Lucas. Front: Kaylah Wilson, Lola Schultz, Sarah Sigston, Abbey Faulng, Olivia Holland. Absent: Olivia Dean (Team Manager).
Back (L-R): Amber Chester, Chloe Gysbers, Shanae Piper, Chloe Bellinger, Bella Gysbers. Front: Deni Brown, Niah Faulkner, KerriLee Bromley (Coach), Kalli Nele, Hannah Bellinger

grand FINAL 15&under 9:45aM - court 1

kalangadoo port macdonnell

1st qtr 2nd qtr 3rd qtr 4th qtr

grand FINAL 13&under 11:15aM - court 2

Back (L-R): Emily Taylor (Coach), Ivy Wilson, Chelsea Fulham, Isla Fulham, private player, Mia Spehr, Megan Hein (Coach). Front: private player, Layla McPherson (Captain), Bailee Lewis (Captain), Kasey McLean.
Pictured (L-R): Kirsty Egan (Coach), Emmity McElroy, Molly Peacock, Lucy Egan, Zoe Wurst, Kiersten Cole, Ava ProsperiPorta, Ella Cooper, Lexie Grosvenor. Absent: Malda Peacock, Te Kani Clark (Reserve).
Pictured (L-R): Georgia Duncan (Coach), Emily Simon, Te Kani Clark, Jorja McLaughlin (Captain), Malda Peacock (Captain), Zara Cole, Milla Lennon, Ashley Grosvenor, Harper Griffiths, Ebony Reeves, Chandalin Crouch (Coach).
Back (L-R): Karen Bowman (Coach), Leyla Marshall, Kaia Green, Mollie O'Connor, Hazel Hamilton, Paige Walters. Front: Chloe David, Alirah Bowman, Livvi Faulkner (Captain), Arabella Hassell.

2019 Glencoe

2020 DNP

2021 Kalangadoo

2022 Kalangadoo 2023 Hatherleigh

2019 Port MacDonnell

2020 DNP

2021 Kalangadoo

2022 Kalangadoo 2023 Robe

2019 Hatherleigh

2020 Not awarded*

2021 Mount Burr

2022 Kalangadoo 2023 Kalangadoo

2019 Kalangadoo

2020 DNP

2021 Kalangadoo

2022 Glencoe

2023 Kalangadoo

2019 Kalangadoo

2020 DNP

2021 Glencoe

2022 Glencoe 2023 Kalangadoo

2019 Kalangadoo

2020 Not awarded* 2021 Hatherleigh 2022 Mount Burr 2023 Mount Burr

2019 Hatherleigh

2020 Not awarded*

2021 Kalangadoo

2022 Port MacDonnell 2023 Kalangadoo

2021 H Clark (Mt Burr)

2022 L. Schultz (Mt Burr)

2023 A. Duncan (K’doo)

2024 E. McDiarmid (K’doo)

2021 E McDiarmid (K’doo)

2022 K Ross (Robe)

2023 C Manning (Pt Mac)

2024 M Russell (K’doo)

2021 C Watson (Glencoe)

2022 S Gibbs (Hath) G Gogel (K’doo)

2023 D Ingley (K’doo)

2024 J Ryan (K’doo)

2021 R May (K’doo) (K’doo)

2022 J Greenwood (K’doo)

2023 E Burton (Hath)

2024 A Brant (Kong) (K’doo)

2022 T Rowe (Tant)

2023 E Easterby (Mt Burr)

2024 S Russell (K’doo)

2021 C Peacock (K’doo)

2022 C Peacock (K’doo)

2023 B Lewis (Pt Mac)

2024 B Lewis (Pt Mac)

2021 K Nettle (Hath)

2022 B Lewis (Pt Mac)

2023 M Peacock (K’doo)

2024 M Peacock (K’doo)


13 & UNDER

Kalangadoo 43 def Mount Burr 37

A wet start to the game with both teams showing paence in aack. Both teams taking high percentage shots and converng with accuracy. Ebony Reeves was a focal point in Kalangadoo's goal circle, with Zara Cole feeding with precision. Mount Burr's Poppy Mackenzie and Sophie Smith shared the load in the goal circle. Mount Burr had a small lead at quarter me. In the second, Kalangadoo's defensive pressure of Ashley Grosvenor, Tekani Clark and Jorja McLaughlin worked overme, giving their goalies opportunies to convert. Wren Gardiner and Alice Smith worked hard in Mount Burrs aack to get the ball to their goalies safely, however it was Kalangadoo by 6 at the quarter me break. The third quarter saw a ght tussle between teams, with momentum swinging throughout the quarter. Mount Burr's Emily Lowndes and Isabelle Ballantyne took some mely intercepts, which brought their team back into the game, with Kalangadoo leading by just 4 coming into the last. Under pressure, Kalangadoo was able to compose their team in the last, with Malda Peacock leading from the front, securing a 6-goal victory by the final whistle.

Best players - Kalangadoo: Malda Peacock & Ashley Grosvenor; Mount Burr: Emily Lowndes & Wren Gardiner

15 & UNDER

Port MacDonnell 50 def Glencoe 30

A great first half by both teams coming out strong with the score going goal for goal. Bailee Lewis for the Bay shot with accuracy only missing 5 goals in the first half despite the defensive pressure from the Murphies Isabella Brierley. During the 3rd quarter Port Mac found their rhythm going into the final quarter with a 10-goal lead. Defensive pressure from Port Mac's Chelsea Fulham and Layla McPherson caused many turnovers. Violet Thorne's speed and accuracy was integral for the Glencoe side. Final score was 50-30 Port MacDonnell.

Best players - Port MacDonnell: Bailee Lewis & Chelsea Fulham; Glencoe: Violet Thorne & Ruby Buckley

17 & UNDER

Kalangadoo 45 def by Hatherleigh 47

What was built to be a ght game did not disappoint! With both teams applying defensive pressure all over the court and goalies rewarding each end. Niah Faulkner for the Eagles and Shayden Russell for the Pies put up a fight for their respecve teams one end and Kalangadoo's Eleanor Xanthapoulos and Hatherleigh's Chloe Bellinger having a ght tussle the other Coming into to the second half Hatherleigh held the lead by 2 and both teams came out fighng for the win. Hatherleigh managed to get the upper hand and kick it to a 5-goal lead whilst to Kalangadoo's credit they kept fighng to bring it back to a 2-goal game. Georgia Genle was solid in the defence for

the Magpies and helped her side to rally early to even the scores but to Hatherleigh's credit through Deni Brown and Kalli Nele they regained the lead and were steady through the mid court to run out a 2 goal win.

Best players - Kalangadoo: Shayden Russell & Georgia Genle; Hatherleigh: Kalli Nele & Chloe Bellinger


Hatherleigh 43 def Kalangadoo 40

Kalangadoo came out incredibly strong in the first quarter, scoring the first five goals before Hatherleigh got on the board the Eagles fought hard to get back in the quarter, ending the first quarter five goals down. Hatherleigh came out firing in the second quarter, with Keely Jones creang a number of turnovers, and Melita Thwaites and Sylvie Barlow had their eyes in and were hing their goals – leaving the score even at half me. Kalangadoo weren't willing to give up and came out firing in the third quarter. Their goalies shoong accurately, and their defence was strong. They came out on top by one at three quarter me, but Hatherleigh wasn't done yet taking a 1 goal lead into the last. The fourth quarter was goal for goal, Kalangadoo held out, turning over some crucial centre passes and geng an early quarter lead. Hatherleigh's defence was too much for Kalangadoo, and in the last few minutes really took the game with late intercepts from Nicole Thomas and Ella Major that led to Hatherleigh winning by three goals.

Best players - Hatherleigh: Keely Jones & Sylvie Barlow; Kalangadoo: Gemma Box & Madi Wilkinson.


Hatherleigh 41 def Tantanoola 34

Hatherleigh came out firing with Olivia Slaery shoong with accuracy and holding strong under the post. Indianna Marshall's height in GK for the Tigers meant any loose passes were picked off, similarly Marnie Jolly's reach caused headaches for the Tantanoola goalies. At the first break Hatherleigh had a handy 9 goal lead. To Tantanoola's credit they outscored Hatherleigh in the second and third quarters, with Lauren Fensom and Hijisa Hales geng the Tigers back within reach. Danni Vanderheul ran hard, through the midcourt, providing plenty of drive and voice. Erin Dawe at GD for the Tigers ensuring Ellie Cook work hard, applying great defensive pressure and geng plenty of intercepts. the frustraon was evident from all players at mes as easy errors were made. It was a thrilling last quarter, with only a couple of goals in it. But the Hatherleigh goalies stayed cool under the pressure and Hatherleigh were able to extend their lead and win by 7 goals sending them to the Grand Final.

Best players - Hatherleigh: Marnie Jolly & Olivia Slaery; Tantanoola: Indianna Marshall & Lauren Fensom.


Hatherleigh 32 def by Port MacDonnell 36

In a thrilling preliminary final showdown, Port Mac secured a hard-fought victory over Hatherleigh. Both teams displayed exceponal skill and determinaon, keeping the crowd on edge throughout the game. Hatherleigh started strong, with sharp shoong through Abbey Wight and Imogen Nowak and ght defence, pushing Port Mac to dig deep. However, Port Mac found their rhythm in the second quarter, capitalising on turnovers and showcasing slick passing in the goal circle, despite the best efforts of Maddie Redman at GD for the Eagles. Port Mac moved Bailee Lewis to GA at the start of the 3rd and Bree Ridding to WD, where they both had an immediate impact. Eliza Mewe came on at GA for the Eagles replacing Nowak and she supported Wight well in the circle. In the final minutes, Hatherleigh lied its defensive pressure through GD Maddie Redman, however Port Mac's composed midcourt play and accurate shoong gave them the edge. Port Mac's defensive end stood tall in the closing stages, prevenng Hatherleigh from closing the gap. Both teams should be proud of their efforts in what was a compeve and gripping final. Port Mac celebrated their well-deserved win, capping off a fantasc season with the 36-32 victory.

& Abby Wight.

A GRADE Kalangadoo 52 def Tantanoola 45

In what was set to be a ght contest Kalangadoo started strongly with accurate shoong through Ebony McDiarmid and Abbey Duncan. Tantanoola applied plenty of defensive pressure throughout the court, but despite their best efforts Kalangadoo held a 4 goal at the first break. The wind was causing issues with the goalies, however McDiarmid connued to shoot accurately as did Emma Gould for the Tigers. Small errors from the Pies allowed the Tigers back into the game and they capitalised on some wellmed intercepts from Bella Poulish to keep the quarter even and go into the 3rd down by 4. Tantanoola got a couple of turnovers early and Jami Walker capitalised shoong 9 from 10 for this quarter. Errors started to creep in to the Pies aack line and the Tigers were able to bridge the gap to 2. Kalangadoo started the quarter with paence and gained 2 turnovers early. However, Poulish connued to read the ball well and gained some mely intercepts. The ball went from end to end with great defensive work by both sides. Lara Munro for Kalangadoo was pivotal in defence. Kalangadoo seled in the last and outscored Tantanoola by 5 and came away with a hard fought 7 goal win. 52/45

Best players - Kalangadoo: Ebony McDiarmid & Lara Munro; Tantanoola: Bella Poulish & Jami Walker.

Best players - Port MacDonnell: Bailee Lewis & Michelle Moore; Hatherleigh: Maddie Redman

president’s report


Season 2024 has come and nearly gone, I wish the Senior Colts and A Grade Netball teams the best of luck in the Grand Final. A great achievement of dedicaon and commitment, enjoy the occasion.

I would like to thank all our sponsors for their valued support of our club and to Chris, Shane and all the staff at Dycer Construcons who were our Major Sponsor this year, your connued support is very much appreciated.

The Seniors were led by new coach Reece Duncan, while the year may not have quite panned out like we had hoped. The injecon of new ideas and enthusiasm has been welcomed by the playing group. Some new opportunies given to players has seen them develop their game and reignited their spark. We have an excing crop of youth at the club beit playing Seniors already or coming through in the next year or two and I see this as my most important role to provide a club with a great culture and facilies that these kids want to be around. Congratulaons to our Captain Dylan Childs for winning the Most Valuable Player voted by his peers.

Ben Hentschke coached the Reserves for the second year and aer a disappoinng year ion 2023 players rallied behind Ben and played off in the first semi. A great achievement from where we were. Thank you to Dane Paproth who helped Ben throughout the year, I look forward to seeing the reserves remain compeve adding depth to our senior list. Congratulaons to Jason Bates who took home the Carthew Medal, Jason had a great season seng up play and delivering with pin point precision to our forwards.

Will Maloney has dedicated a great amount of me to coaching the Senior Colt team. A job that was never going to be easy with an abundance of numbers. Senior Colts can be a difficult job with

many distracons for you fellows with school, work and social commitments but by enlarge these kids have all stayed on task. The effort had been fantasc, hopefully the reward will be too.

Mahew Haase coached the Junior Colts, a challenging task with the large cohort that went up aer last year. Fortunately, with a couple of great addions we were compeve in just about every game. We tended to have one quiet quarter where we couldn't hold the opposion but competed very well for the remaining three. We were not far out of the finals and with a few inclusions over summer I think we can get back there next year. Congratulaons to Hamish Gordon who won the leading goal kicker trophy Bo Manser and Dion Evans ran the U11's program and Auskick. These guys were new to their coaching roles but executed them very well. Most importantly the kids enjoyed themselves and developed skills along the way. The Under 11's compeon in its current format is great for the MSE allowing flexibility and all clubs cooperate and share players to even the games which is great. Dion's Auskickers who travelled to Adelaide for the half me game had a ball and made great memories.

We connue to have a great relaonship with the Netball club, Ange and her commiee support us as we support them. A relaonship envied by other clubs.

To our countless volunteers, you support keeps our club funconing, whether it is Ben with his facilies, Sam running the canteen, our cooking teams, changeroom cleaners, Sunday morning oval cleaners, BBQ cookers you are all invaluable and are the reason we are a club where people enjoy coming too.

Donna and Jenny, thank you for your contribuons to our clubs with the organizaon and management of our Sponsorship program. A

job that involves me and I know you both have heavy schedules already, thank you.

To my commiee, thank you for supporng me in the President's role. Obviously, there is a lot that happens behind the scenes that many don't see nor appreciate. Thankyou parcularly to Anne as Secretary, Peter as Treasurer, Andrew as Past President and Craig as chief advisor. Jenny, Will, David, Ma, Jack, Zacc, Mahew you all have dedicated me and enthusiasm into the Commiee team, and its with this drive that connual improvements keep happening. Whilst not on the commiee, Sarah has been our chief Social Events coordinator along with Jack. The events have been great and well aended, thankyou Sarah and Jack.

I look forward to seeing you all in 2025.

Adam Price - President

Back (L-R): Harry Opperman, Isaac Mulraney, Jack Miller, Tighe Hurley, Will Maloney, Sam Giersch, Kaleb Price, Kallan Price. Middle: Adam Price (President), Connor Fielding, Nick Herring, Aiden Hurley, Brodie Pfitzner, Alex Hentschke, Henry Smith, Boyd Millhouse, Jack Edmonds, Andrew Peacock (Team Manager), Declan Hurley. Front: Fletcher Lawson, Dylan Pfitzner, Dylan Childs (Captain), Reece Duncan (Coach), Patrick Mitchell, Mahew Cordy, Tory Weaver, Jake Sinkunas (Mascor: Absent: Zacc Cocks, Brodie Glynn, Mahew Jaeschke (Runner), Luke Rothall (Runner), Jodie Price (Trainer), Erica Hurley (Head Trainer), Sharna Medhurst (Trainer).


Back (L-R): Ayden Reid, Jack Marino, Patrick Chay, Max Telfer, Jase Bateman, Lewis Walker, Louis Brown, Je Faulkner. Middle: Kelcey McIntyre (Trainer), Deon Howell (Team Manager), Joe Rayson, Mitch Pulmer, Gerard McGrath, Sam Waring, Cameron Slape, Jack Gray, Josh Hales (Runner), Jack Wight (Water Boy), Sam Benne (Trainer). Front: Sam Telfer, Sam Gray, Will Chay, David Coghlan (Bench Coach), Tom Hutchesson (Coach), Jed Telfer, Hudson Nowak, Brad Mitchell.

Well here we go again! Another week of no sleep, nausea and stressing about a result I can't influence in any way! The players keep telling me I have to trust them to get the job done so here I am trusng you all now to get it done.

It's been an outstanding year at Hatherleigh so far with the club winning Champion Club again which is a credit to all the players, coaches and helpers each week that get the teams on the field

Tom Hutchesson in his first year as coach has done a fantasc job and has the A grade into the grand final which is reward for the effort all the players and coaches have put in since late last year when this started. Good luck to A grade.

James Thorn has the B grade in their sixth grand final in a row and they have a great chance against the so far undefeated Robe team. You only have to beat them once and hopefully today is that day! Good luck.

Paddy Chay and the senior colts missed the finals but Paddy certainly had them playing some great footy and has set

them up to become great footballers in the future. Paddy leaves us next year as he's signed with South Adelaide and we're all very excited for him and I personally can't wait to watch his career evolve. Good luck Paddy from everyone at Hatherleigh.

Sean McGrath has his junior colts playing outstanding football and hopefully they will get the win in today's grand final. Sean will coach again next which is excing for the juniors and the club. Good luck

Jacob Lang and Josh Wight coached our under 11's and Auskick programs and did a fantasc job. Seeing the enthusiasm, excitement and love for football the lile eagles have each week makes me happy to know our great club will be around for long me yet.

Thanks to all the team managers, runners, waterboys and parents that do their rostered jobs each week as it makes it easier when we all help

Thanks to Sam and all her trainers as we are truly blessed at Hatherleigh to have the best trainers around. You all do a fantasc job. Thanks to the Sport

and Rec, Ladies Commiee and the Netball Club for all your help each week in trying to make our club the great place it is.

Thanks also to our fantasc sponsors, as without you we couldn't operate and the way you all help out each year is really amazing. Thanks again.

Good luck to all the Hatherleigh netball teams compleng the grand final.

Thanks to Ange for leng me do my role and your connued support is greatly appreciated. Lastly to all the supporters-what an amazing group of people you are. The way you follow our players around the league and support in any weather is very humbling and something I'm very proud of.

It's no secret I've had a tough six weeks since the passing of Dale and I know a lot of you would be hurng as well but the way you all, both supporters and players have reached out to myself, the family and each other is amazing and something that's very special. Please look aer yourselves.

Go Eagles!

kalangadoo magpies

Back (L-R): Troy Wilkinson (Team manager), Barry Mcreanor (Trainer), Tyson Scholz (Trainer), Reece Carlson (President), Mathew Fatchen, Tyler Jones, Jack Meyer, James Pra, Rob Hein, Jack Casey, Jusn Bromley, Dylan Bromley, Sco Agnew, Ben Mules, Connor Genle, Axel Page, Mitch Lowe (Assistant Coach). Front: Emily Raines (Trainer), Jayk Norman, Brad Auld, Tom Schumacher, Lachy Jones, Sam McManus (Captain), Alex Lyon (Coach), Tye McManus (Vice Captain), Michael Krieger, Ethan Maney, Nate Von Stanke-Dowie, Peter Savage (Time Keeper), Nick Pra (Assistant Coach), Frank Mules (Water), Isaac Lindner (Water).

2024 has once again proven to be a unique year. We were faced with many challenges along the journey

I would like to thank all our sponsors, it is now more important than ever we as a club acknowledge your valued sponsorship and support. Without all your valued contribuons over the past 12 months we would not be funconing on and off the field with the success we currently are experiencing. Thank you for all you do, I look forward to working together in the future.

Special thanks to our five major sponsors - The Kalangadoo Hotel, MG Plasterers, Steeline, Skookum, and Plantaon Treated Timber

I would like to congratulate Jayde and the netballers, and the respecve teams for the connued success of the Kalangadoo Netball Club. 5 teams in the grand final is a phenomenal effort. You are the epitome of success and great culture.

To Bulljaw, Moorey, Benny Who, Brooksy, Shiney and everyone else who helped at Benny’s Hill well done

and thank you for an outstanding year. Once again Benny’s Hill proved popular amongst supporters of all clubs

Well done to our coaching staff this year, Boxy with the under 11s, Macca with Under 14s and making a Preliminary Final, Auldy with the Ressies who also made the Preliminary Final and Al for the Seniors who also made a Preliminary Final. We have had a very successful season on the field and I cannot thank you enough for your efforts

Thank you to the commiee for all of the support you have given me across the season. As I stated before we are a diverse, inclusive and forward-thinking football club and that culture is driven from the members who generously donate their me to help make the Kalangadoo Football Club an enjoyable place for everyone to be apart of.

Boxy as Vice President thank you for the shoulder to lean on. You are such a great leader and so enjoyable to

work with, Chris as our other Vice President, thanks for being you, a great leader, when a job needs doing or people need moving you are the man to get things done, Trudi it’s been a learning curve for both of us this season, thank you for being treasurer, a huge job, I look forward to working together in the future and connuing to make us financially viable with you, Jane thanks for being an efficient, concise and organised secretary, another crical role for our club, Andre, Aidan, Ben, Tommy, Jonny, Troy, Phig, Benny and Darren thank you for your countless hours of volunteering and support, without you we would not be able to funcon with the levels of success we are experiencing.

In closing thank you to the Kalangadoo community, our members, supporters, volunteers and families. Thank you for choosing Kalangadoo. You are the fabric of our club, you are what makes Kalangadoo such a great place to be a part of.

president’s report kongorong hawks

Campbell Graney, Darcy Hunt, Blake Telford, Marty Von Stanke. Middle: Mahew Roscow (Assistant Coach), Daniel Hann, Toby McKinnon, Tyrone Rayner, Sjaakie Duivenvoorde, Jobe Janeway, Jack Wilson, Ryan Lucas, Joel Maconachie, Cameron Sandercock (Coach). Front: Mahew Lucas (Runner), Corben O’Dea, Jacob Arthurson, Will Vickery, Charlie Schultz, Ethan Norman, Bodhi Pannenburg, Mandy Stephens (Trainer), Bradley Long.

To our supporters, sponsors, players, volunteers, and friends.

As I reflect on the past season, I am filled with immense gratude and pride for everything we have achieved together. It has been a remarkable journey, and I am honoured to have had the opportunity to lead this incredible football community

To our supporters:

Your unwavering passion and dedicaon have been the heartbeat of our club. From the stands to social media, your cheers and encouragement have fuelled our drive to be beer. You are more than just fans; you are an integral part of our football family. Thank you for standing by us, for believing in our vision, and for making every game day a memorable experience.

To our sponsors:

Your generous support has been instrumental in our growth and success. The resources and opportunies you provide have allowed us to not only develop our infrastructure and nurture our young talent, but build on the foundaons we put down. We are deeply grateful for your commitment and partnership. Your investment goes beyond financial support; it helps build a strong, vibrant community around our


To our players:

Your hard work, dedicaon, and talent have been nothing short of inspiring. While some may judge from the scoreboard each week, that has not been our focus this past season, and the growth you've shown is testament to the overall vision, and the plan for the years ahead. From our lilest auskickers, through to the Reserves and Seniors your teamwork, perseverance, and sportsmanship make us all proud. Thank you for pushing the boundaries, for represenng our club with such pride, and for making us believe that anything is possible.

To our volunteers:

Your selfless dedicaon and countless hours of service are the backbone of our operaons. Whether you're helping at game day, managing the grounds, or a team, or lending a hand in countless other ways, your efforts do not go unnoced. We are incredibly fortunate to have such a dedicated team of volunteers who are always ready to step up and support our club. Thank you for your enthusiasm, hard work, and unwavering support.

To our football staff and coaches:

Your leadership and experse are the pillars upon which we build from on a daily basis. From strategic planning to day-to-day operaons, your contribuons have been crucial in guiding our teams to strive for success. Your commitment to developing talent and fostering a posive environment is deeply appreciated.

Thank you for your vision, your guidance, and for always striving for excellence. As we farewell Cam Sandercock from the senior coaching ranks, we welcome with excitement and ancipaon Ma Roscow

As we look ahead to the future, let us carry forward the spirit of unity and determinaon that has defined this season. Together, we have achieved so much, and together, we will connue to grow and reach new milestones.

Thank you to everyone, once again, for being an essenal part of our journey

Your support, passion, and hard work make everything possible. Our vision is to create a united and inclusive desnaon club that promotes success, commitment, and high standards. We strive to provide a safe environment for all members and visitors. We've made some great inroads so far, so here's to celebrang our achievements and to an even brighter future ahead.

Back (L-R): Elliot Modra, Ryan Vickery, Brodie Von Stanke-Dowie, Will Von Stanke,

president’s report

mount burr mozzies

As the 2024 season concludes, it's a good me to reflect on a year filled with outstanding achievements and memorable moments I'd like to extend my sincere thanks to the dedicated volunteers who generously gave their me throughout the football season, ensuring our club and teams succeed on and off the field each week


We were fortunate to be awarded nearly $15,000 from the SANFL Football Facilies Fund The funds will contribute to the purchase and installaon of a fully automated oval irrigaon system, which has made Hendo a very happy man! No more dragging around massive hoses and wheeling a heavy sprinkler into place, this will ensure our prisne oval will be watered all year round with minimal effort

Our first home game was round 2 and we hosted Kalangadoo under our superb lights for a night match The crowd numbers and atmosphere were akin to a minor final, and most importantly we retained the Bo Memorial Shield in a nailbing finish A band performing post-game was a welcome touch to round out a successful night Round 9 also saw us retain the Ian McInness Memorial Shield against Glencoe, and it's always great to see Kami McInnes smiling at the end of the game

For interleague representaon, Dylan Ridley, Sam and Josh Wallis represented the MSE along with Clint Gallio as coach of the senior squad Sam was selected for the SA Country Champs team, with Clint selected as assistant coach In the junior interleague Sam Hunt, Max Hunt, Tyler Richardson, Jackson Dean, and Charlie Bevan represented MSE in the U17 team, with Tyler, Jackson, and Charlie being selected for the U17 Team of the SE Zone Carnival Well done to all the lads for connually pushing to play that higher level of representave football

Congratulaons to all of this season's trophy winners at the league presentaons, including Dylan Ridley (A Grade R/Up B&F), Josh Wallis (Joint A Grade Best Backman), Sam Hunt (Senior Colts R/Up B&F and Player of the Year), and Cambell Hateley (Senior Colts Leading Goal Kicker) Also a massive congratulaons to Peter Guye Jnr on being bestowed with Life Membership to the league, thoroughly deserved

to Stacey Lowndes on her inaugural year as netball club president and we wish 17 and under netballers all the best in the grand final

Taylor Allen and Brady Sharp headed up the lile tackers, and it was really pleasing to see so many young kids having fun with a footy

The Auskick program was really popular with 25 registraons, and numbers for the Under 11 matches were sll quite good with many of the older kids scking around to parcipate once the Auskick program was completed We look forward to having plenty of numbers for a formal Under 11s team next year Thanks to Taylor and Brady, also Sam and Nicole Croser, Shane and Simone Westerman and all the other parents that assisted, contributed and supported in any way to ensure the kids were safe and having fun


Coach Frazer Johnston took the reins again for his second year and was also supported by returning team manager Kim Gardiner Starng the season with 10 players it was looking a lile dire but numbers increased as the year went on to the point where we ended up having 16 registered players by the final round The boys and girls baled hard each week, and it was really appreciated when other clubs lent us players, either from the opposion team or when their club had a bye With plenty of young ones only a year or two away from playing junior colts, numbers are looking good for the foreseeable future Thanks to Frazer, Kim and all the parents that assisted these guys and the team in any way during the season

Senior Colts

Senior Colts and was supported by new team manager 'Slug' Hunt Some handy new players have come out to the club this year and they've seled in well The boys had a cracking season finishing minor premiers and did the club immensely proud by making the Preliminary Final, but unfortunately their finals campaign wasn't desned to go any further Many of our senior colts have garnered a lot of A Grade experience this year, so those boys moving on to senior football next year will be well equipped to start matching it early Thanks to Darren, 'Slug' and all the parents that assisted these guys and the team in any way during the season


Rob Francis' third year at the helm of the Ressies, with Henry Lowndes again supporng as team manager, has seen nearly every kind of result you can get, except a finals berth The lads have shown improvement year-on-year but progress stalled a lile this year which saw the boys fall short of their potenal and expectaons With the depth across the senior squad potenally improving next year, it can hopefully spur on the Reserves to push for a finals spot next year Thanks to Rob Henry Ken Clark (goal umpire), Wayne Busbridge (me keeper) and all other volunteers that helped in any way throughout the season

A Grade

The return of Clint Gallio to the club was the chaer for the enre off-season, and the end result was definitely a case of 'missed it by that much ' Three losses with a combined total of around 30 points could have seen us sing in the top two if they were wins It was genuinely disheartening to miss out on finals by a few percentage points, but this could be the fuel for the fire for Clint and the boys next year With a concerted effort to build on the squad we have, 2025 will be the season to watch out for the Burr Thanks to Doc Gregory and Aaron Gregory who shared the team manager's role this year, and to Bill Chapman and Michael Wallis who shared the me keeper dues most weeks A big thank you to anyone else that assisted the team throughout the season

Other Notable Match Day Menons

Supplying club central umpires each week is unfortunately a reality we will have to accept as a club and league moving forward As such, I'd like to thank those that stepped up when asked, including George Wimshurst (junior colts), Jack Francis (junior colts), Rob Francis (junior colts), David Wallis (senior colts and reserves), Dale Bowering (senior colts and reserves), Tim Lile (senior colts), and Chris Sco (trial match) The need for club umpires will connue next year, and I hope we can get a couple extra new faces just to help lighten the load, it's something that just has to be done

A huge thank you to our dedicated trainers, Paul Terry, Cat Terry, and newcomer Sarah Hunt, who kept our players in top shape Paul and Cat have just chalked up 10 years service to the club and we sincerely appreciate all that you have done for us Unfortunately all good things must come to an end with Paul and Cat announcing they will be stepping down, but we are in good hands with Sarah already planning for season 2025 Thank you trainers!

The introducon of rosters for all grades to fill mulple roles on match day ran quite smoothly By sharing the load amongst players, parents, and supporters, we ensured that every role was filled each week The saying "many hands make light work" truly came to life, and we're keen to refine this system even further next year If you filled a spot on a roster during the season, thank you If you filled a spot mulple mes, an especially hearelt thank you, we'll try to ensure a few more new faces are included next year to spread the load

A special shout-out goes to the Wallis family and Peter Muhovics for providing the trailer load of wood for the gate raffle each home game, it is most appreciated for this important fundraiser Thanks to Bill Pietersma and Jusn Muhovics for their diligent work as gate aendants each home game, no maer the weather

McElroy, Anne Hughes and veteran chip fryer Peter Muhovics all performing like a well-oiled machine The addional rostered help from the netball club was especially appreciated, so thank you to those that helped out when required

The Can Hill BBQ was at mes the hoest kitchen in the house with peak meat cravings aer the Ressies finished, so special thanks to the Gardiners Tony, Robyn and Adam, Jusn and Briony Muhovics, Peter Guye Snr and Dale Brant for keeping the troops fed No doubt they were all thankful for the efforts of Hendo, Trevor Schultz and Jusn providing ice cold refreshments from the bar next door, thank you guys for keeping the stock watered during the day

Thanks to Phil Busbridge for chopping wood for Can Hill and keeping the fire stoked, and special thank you to Drew and Shaz Redden for providing the ice throughout the season for the beers and the sore bodies, much appreciated

Off The Field

A massive thank you to Ali Lile for running the kitchen each Thursday and Saturday night, the value and quality of the spread that is provided cannot be beat Special thanks to the regular kitchen helpers Robyn Gardiner, Sue Pollard, Soupy and Sharon Hyland and Callie Brant

Thank you to our Bar Manager Dale Brant for doing a fantasc job all year round, not only ensuring the fridges are stocked and cold, but the surrounding facilies and amenies are clean and ready for each event Our Bar Roster crew gave up their Friday and Saturday nights and Sunday aernoons to keep the drinks flowing, thanks to Maurie Puia, David and Michael Wallis, Chris Sco, Peter Henderson, Adam and Robyn Gardiner, Trevor Schultz, Dale and Amy Brant, Jusn Muhovics, Phillip Marshall, Jay Watson and Peter Guye Jnr and Snr

The evergreen Hendo kept the oval in immaculate condion, and the gardens he has established around the clubrooms and Can Hill are really looking beauful, thanks Hendo The efforts of the Sunday morning cleanup crew are also much appreciated, thank you to Dale Brant, Phillip Marshall and Craig Alcock for undertaking this unseen but most important task aer each home game

Thank you to the Social Commiee comprising of Bri Scanlon, Sam Wallis, and Zali Burns for the great job you did with organising the events held throughout the year Thank you also to Lily Francis for holding the junior event it sounds like it was a winner with the kids

A special menon to Jeremy 'Froggy' Peters for his contribuons for player milestones and significant club events, your informaon on player stats and club history is invaluable

Finally a huge thank you to my commiee for this season: Peter Guye Jnr, Phillip Marshall, Dale Brant, Ali Lile, Carol Bevan and Chris Sco, along with the execuve of Maurie Puia (Treasurer), Amy Brant (Secretary) and Adam Gardiner (Vice President) The work put in behind the scenes is what keeps the club cking along, and the variety of roles you undertake to ensure things get done is greatly appreciated Special menons to Chris and Maurie for running the memberships and monthly member draws, Dale for the weekly meat raffle and to Adam for his wealth of knowledge and experience on many club processes and procedures

In Conclusion

Just a reminder that the senior presentaons will be held on Friday, September 27, with the Junior Presentaons on Sunday, September 29 The club's AGM is scheduled for November, and we're looking forward to a bigger year filled with success on the field and the formulaon of a roadmap for further infrastructure projects offfield We'd love to see as many members and supporters there as possible, your input is vital to the running of our club Further details will be available closer to the date

Thank you to everyone who made this season possible, if I have forgoen anybody my sincere apologies, but please know that your contribuons to our club are truly appreciated I look forward to seeing you all in season 2025 Carn the Mozzies!

Our canteen was in good hands with Jay Watson Sue Pollard Anne
Darren Dean stepped back into a coaching role with Mt Burr for the
Mini Mozzies and Auskick
Back (L-R): Aaron Gregory (Team Manager), Darren Dean (Assistant Coach), Geordie Whennan, Jackson Dean, Jake Whiy, Sam Wallis, Josh Murphy, Brodie Gregory, Josh Wallis, Jack Muhovics, Charlie Bevan, Paul Terry (Trainer), Cat Terry (Trainer). Middle: Nathan Muhovics, Will Bowering, Liam Whiy, Callum Sparkes, Dylan Sigston, Sam Hunt. Front: Brodie Hennink, Bailey Poulish, Brady Sharp, Jack Gregory (Vice Captain), Clint Gallio (Coach), Dylan Ridley (Captain), Tyler Richardson, Peter Guye, Josh Fiebig. Photo courtesy Sonya Francis Photography


Inset le: Blake Neshoda, Marcus Thomson. Inset right: Jake McKeon, Dylan Podobnik. Back (L-R): Thomas Vanderhorst. George McWaters, Brodie Parsons, Johnathan Mills, Lennox Lewis, Jack Pudney, Elwood Geary, Brodie Arundell, Aaron Hill, Calais Borman, Tristan Michelmore, Aidan Mills. Middle: Hannah Coon, Logan Gibbs, Nick Albrecht, Isaac Raymond, Sco Brooksby, Jarrad Neshoda, Andy Hyland, Bay McKinnon Shane Ploenges. Front: Jayden Moore, Josh Weedon, Noah Virtanen, Joel Virtanen, Shane Raymond, Harry Hicks, Ty Dinnison, Archer Virtanen.

Welcome to Grand Final day 2024 as yet another season comes to an end. Firstly to all teams both Football and Netball best of luck in your pursuit of the ulmate glory a premiership to celebrate your hard work and sacrifices throughout the year

I would like to thank all of our loyal sponsors both new and ongoing for your support throughout season 2024. Sponsors are essenal to allow clubs to survive and to connue to prosper. I encourage all of our supporters to support our sponsors at every opportunity to give back to those who give to us.

2024 was a season like no other that we have experienced. We had high expectaons of further progression in our development as a playing group and fronted some prey tough games early on and we accepted the challenge and showed plenty of promise. We were then thrown a big curve ball which rocked the playing group and the greater club to the core and one that we hope no others get to experience. The resilience of the players shone through and with everyone throwing their support behind each other we moved forward. This highlighted the programs that Celeste and Taz have put in place and that have been embraced by all, this really helped many get through this rough period. Pods you won't be forgoen by this group mate, forever respected.

Craig Lock stepped in and ran an Auskick program this year and we thank you for taking on this role and giving the opportunity to start our future footballers footy careers. We look forward to seeing the parcipants progress their footy in the years to come.

Vesa and Jason looked aer our group of U11s, this enthusiasc bunch of kids played some prey good footy and really improved as the year progressed. We look forward to seeing this bunch move through the ranks in the years to come as they connue their footy careers with us providing the next generaon.

Marcus Thompson once again took on the role of Junior Colts coach. We had a number of new faces join us this year which gave plenty of expectaon for an improved season ahead. It took a few weeks for the team to start to gel, but as the year progressed they began to play some great footy and with a bit of luck could have easily been playing finals footy Plenty of posives to take out of this season so well

Aer a couple of years of trying to get Craig Hicks and Shane Grigg to come back out to the club and take on a junior coaching role they finally succumbed and took on the Senior Colts. With a group of extra numbers coming out to join our group from last year it looked very promising for the year ahead. This group definitely didn't disappoint and provided plenty of highlights throughout the year. At the me of wring they had progressed through to a preliminary final and hopefully are running out today trying to grab the ulmate prize and if they aren't they should be very proud of their efforts this season. 8 players from this team experienced A Grade football this year which garners well for the coming years and makes the struggles and perseverance of the last few years very worthwhile. We thank those who have stuck with us over the tough mes, I hope you get some rewards for your loyalty.

The Reserves were put into the hands of Donny to help improve on their efforts of last year and take the next step towards finals. Unfortunately due to a number of circumstances this wasn't to be case and we will need to put these aspiraons on the backburner unl 2025. The foundaons are definitely there for some connued progress. If we can build with a few numbers and commitment out on the track we can definitely take the necessary steps, so get behind Donny and let's show what we are capable of

Taz once again stepped into the Senior coaches role and as we would expect did a power of work over the summer months to build on our previous season and put us in the best posion to build into connued improvement in season 2024. Whilst we may not have climbed the ladder too far but there were definite posive steps taken in very trying circumstances and we connued to gain further respect from our opposion clubs. We showed plenty of signs throughout the year to show that we are slowly building towards some excing mes. There have been plenty of opportunies for our juniors to step up and show that they are capable of taking us forward. Taz has set the foundaons of which we are extremely grateful for, and he has now passed the baton over to George to connue our forward steps and connued build.

Our Trainers Aidan and Hannah have done an outstanding job for us throughout the year in keeping our players out on the track, thankyou both for your efforts. We did however unfortunately suffer a few season ending injuries we hope you guys recover and are able to return stronger for season 2025.

We have had a great influx of new players and supporters into our club this year and fortunately we have gained some quality people joining our great club. Hopefully you have enjoyed your year with us and like many before you have seen that we are a great club with plenty to offer and we will see you with us for many years to come.

Off field we have as always had some great highlights and this year stepped up to a new level once again. This isn't possible without the me and effort of numerous people. I would like to thank everyone who assisted in anyway throughout the season, Bar Staff, Meals, Booth, BBQ, Canteen Gates, Raffles Scoreboard, Game day support and Funcon Coordinators. I would also like to acknowledge the support of the Netballers throughout the year once again you have shown your support of the club which is greatly appreciated as we connued to build the posive vibes throughout the year

To our hard working commiee we may have been around for a while but we connue to evolve and move forward with the mes and take on the challenges that connue to emerge. Another step forward and I look forward to your connued support as we connue to build our club and connue to show our resilience and perseverance.

On a personal note I would like to express my gratude for all the support I have received throughout the year, I was rocked to begin the year

The footy season came along at a perfect me to help get me through a very tough period and I'm extremely grateful to all who reached out and offered support in anyway

Once again I thank our loyal supporters and sponsors both new and long term and hope that you connue your journey with us.

Catch you all in 2025 and thanks for your hospitality throughout season 2024.


Back (L-R): Kyall McClean, Riley Morgan, Chrisan Howle, Nathan Bell, Liam Boomley, Jake Schleter, Alex Ridding, Ethan Gladman, Je Aard. Middle: Bob Bowd (Team Manager), Mathew Patzel (Assistant Coach), Casey Wilson, Rory Narass, Jake Turner, Will Macdonald, Lachlan Ray, Nathan Brotherton, Luke Richards, Michael Wilke (Goal Umpire), Andy McGregor (Time Keeper), Aaron Harding, Cathie Williams (President). Front: Jack Primer (Runner), Parick Robinson, Blake Lynch, Colby Munro, Tim Sullivan (Captain), Josh Woodall (Senior Coach), Ned Wilke (Vice Captain), Mat Stark, Zack Williams, Harry Carroll, Tracey Livingston (Trainer).

Welcome to grand final day 2024. Best of luck to all football and netball teams compeng today. A fantasc achievement to make it this far. To our Junior Colts, Under 15's, B Reserve and A Reserve teams, all the best!

Thank you to our Netball Club and Colts Commiee for all their support this year.

To Mondo and Brooke for running Auskick this year, thank you. It was hecc at mes with 24 kids running around but the club will benefit from this in the future. Also thank you to the parents, and Zane & Lincoln for helping out.

Our Under 11 side was coached by Jai Pitson with 25 players each Thursday night, this will help the club grow going forward. Thank you Jai & Mark Carrison and to the umpires each week.

Mahew Fox coached Junior Colts with 28 players which is not an easy task. But a job well done. All the best in the grand final today. Congratulaons to Ma being awarded the Junior Coach of the Year

Steve Lewis and Ned Wilke coached Senior Colts and made it to the 1st semi final. A number of players had their first experience of A Grade (6) which is a posive for the club and to watch their development grow.

Ben McGregor and Kyall McClean took on the job of coaching B Grade, thank you, it's a challenge with players coming and going each week. Great to see the senior colts stepping up.

Josh Woodall in his second year of coaching the A Grade making it to the 1st semi finals. Hopefully we can connue with the playing group and go one step further next year

To our trainers Tracy, Nik & Vicki who do a great job week aer week geng the players out on the track for training and game day.

Ben and Mondo for looking aer the football operaons which takes a lot of me, your experience has been of great value to the club.

To our team managers, me keepers, goal umpires, boundary umpires and club umpires you make my job a lot easier each week. Our volunteers who give up their me to help in the canteen, BBQ, gate raffle, soup and the funcons we host. We are very lucky to have a great group of volunteers.

Gordon & Deb Lewis for your sponsorship drive and your donaon of wood for the gate raffle. Phil and Wendy Lewis with the cale scheme and the agisng of stock and all the families who volunteer to have them on their property

Darren Williams and Adam Lewis for your work with the 100 Club and major raffle, which are important to our club to generate much needed revenue. Mick Sullivan and Jacky Taylor each week in the viewing area on home games. Jeff Feast and Gary Boyle for the upkeep of the oval surrounds, John Caroll each home game for line marking the field, Kyall McLean for organising the

canteen and raffle roster.

To all the commiee members for your hard work and volunteering to make everything run smoothly. Colleen and her band of helpers in the kitchen all day and teas on Saturday night. Margie McGregor for organising the Anglers week.

We as a club, thank you everyone for volunteering.

MSE Medal winners

Ma Fox - Junior Coach of the Year

Bailee Lewis - Under 15 Best & Fairest McKenzie Millard - B Grade Joint Runner Up

Football Club - Runner Up Club of the Year

Team of the Year - Will Macdonald, Colby Munro, Tim Sullivan, Ned Wilke

Well done to all recipients and to all coaches and team players who made this achievable.

If I have missed anyone I apologise. Thank you.

Thank you to my family for understanding (somemes) that I enjoy my role as President and am not always available.

Also a big thank you to our wonderful sponsors and supporters, your connued support to the Port MacDonnell Football Club is very much valued and appreciated.

Best of luck to everyone today Go Demons!

Cathie Williams - President

president’s report


(L-R): Flynn Peel, George Duon, Max Robertson, Jesse Robertson, Jed Jarre, Nathan Gibbons, James Francisco, Egan Regnier, Benjamin Dinning, Anton Noles (Trainer). Middle: Debra Mackey (President), Tom Williams, Sam Thomson, Tom Wachtel, Joel Bryant, Seb Moore, Hamish Smith, Patrick Mahews, Brodie Foulds, Tyler Thomson, Ella Mackey (Trainer). Front: Lily Falkner-Hunt (Team Manager), Jack Sneath (ViceCaptain), Jordan Pet, Henry Lawrie (Captain), Nathan Brown (Coach), Jason Pet (Assistant Coach), Zac Deane, Kane Dunn, Kaden Woodward, Sam Bates. Absent: Ma Bryant (Assistant Coach), James Duon.

Good luck to everyone playing today! Premierships are such a rare thing to achieve –requiring everything to go right plus a sprinkle of magic – we wish you all well.

A special congratulaons to our senior football sides who have both made it today, we have everything crossed for you. Retenon of our junior players as they move into senior football and some great recruitment has certainly provided some much-needed depth and we look forward to connuing our growth in the years to come.

Congratulaons to the MidSE Football League on another solid year of football. Not without its stress and puzzles we have all stuck together again and will watch with interest how the SANFL manages the situaon moving forward.

To our members, players, volunteers and sponsors thank you for a great year of football. Your commitment to the Robe Football Club and each other is the fabric of our family and why we connue to not only survive but strive.

We have enjoyed another dynamic year of infrastructure improvement within the club, compleng the erecon of our new booth and BBQ. This encourages our supporters to get out of their cars and come together around the big fire, the hillside seng providing great viewing and an amphitheatre effect across the ground.

Again, we owe our execuve and commiee members our thanks for their reless efforts and volunteer hours. Special thanks to Jason Pet, Breanna Ferguson, Deb Sweetman, Roger Sweetman, Geoff Prest, Jim Thring, Roly

Day, Antony Kokiousis, Jacob Nicholson and Jack Sneath. Thanks also to Adrian and Kylie Johns and the Junior Commiee for their commitment and passion. 2025 will see a significant change in commiee as we say goodbye to two of our long-me members. Roger and Deb Sweetman are moving back to the city and they take with them a decade of knowledge and a CEO's crical thinking brain which will be sorely missed. We wish them well but know they will stay in touch and will take a lile piece of red and white with them. Outside of our immediate commiee we would also like to thank the team leaders in each area. Geoff Prest for the bar, Jim Thring for Dads Army, Scoy Robo for the gate, Acon Fenton for the grounds and game day set up, Brad Nunan and Bernie Kufuss for the booth and Karla Hondow for the canteen and kitchen. Apart from stay in touch, we did not have to worry about anything in these areas and every single one of these volunteers put in hours and hours of their own me for the beerment of the club. Special thanks also to Fiona Boundy for her thousands of photos throughout the season – not just the great camera work but hours upon hours of eding and uploading me.

Thank you to our recruing team who have worked relessly through the year to improve the depth and commitment of our senior players. On a personal level I would also like to thank my training team – Ella Mackey and Anton Noles for doing such a great job. Tuesday and Thursday evenings plus all day Saturday as volunteers is a huge commitment, the players and myself would be lost without


We would also like to congratulate Ash Wachtel in her first year as President of the Robe Netball Club. It's a massive job and we thank her for her willingness to work with us as we connue to bring the two clubs closer together. To her commiee, coaches, leaders and players well done on your year and we look forward to our connual partnership in 2025.

Lastly, I'd like to thank all of those who I have leaned on over the last five years. It has been a roller coaster ride that kicked me in the arse in my first year with COVID and everything that came with it and ended with both senior sides in the Grand Final. I'd like to thank those of you who have broadened my football knowledge, challenged my thinking, put your hands up to help and lent me your shoulder to steady myself. I won't name every single one of you as the list would be too long but one I will single out is my husband Richard. He has listened and offered advice and encouragement without judgement for five years and I couldn't have done this job without him on my side.

There will be significant change at the Robe Football Club in 2025 however we have used this past year to hand over and prepare for that change and we know that this next chapter will be even more successful than the last.

Congratulaons everyone on another successful season. Travel well.

Best regards and signing out.



Trowbridge, Zac Walker. Middle: Darcy Pink, Shaughn King, Jack Cytrowski, James MacDonald, Corey Baker, Braydn Reilly, James Batchelor, James Braun, Zane Walker, Cameron Saint. Front: Shae Reilly (Trainer), Chloe McCallum (Trainer), Jason Dawe (Assistant Coach), Troy Ha (Captain), Jack Dawe (Coach), Brandon Pis (Captain), Ma Cytrowski (President), Josh Rowe (Team Manager), Ellis Cushion (Runner).

In the blink of an eye season 2024 is over We have seen some great upgrades to our facilies with the assistance from some grants - new goal posts which look great, new line marker, new boundary umpire and runners top and an upgrade to our computer and printer in the club. Massive thanks to Krise Rowe for her me and effort in securing these grants.

To put teams on the park each week we could not do it without our valued sponsors. To the long serving and new sponsors thanks for your support and we hope to see you all onboard in 2025. Jules has done a great job looking aer all the sponsors with help from Kath Reilly and I thank you for all your hard work you have put in.

Special thanks to the execuve group of Tim Scanlon, Kylie Serle and Krise Rowe for your support during the year you all take on a massive workload and your efforts don't go unnoced. To the general commiee thanks for all your support and ideas throughout the year. The reason we have commiees is to get different ideas and come up with different plans and we are lucky to have such a good crew Hiijsa and the netball commiee - we enjoy working closely with such a great group and thanks for all your help over the year,

we wish your teams the best in the finals. Thank you to Kylie who has led the Thursday night teas with her helpers and to the team leaders and volunteers that gave up their valuable me to assist on Thursday nights and game days, there have been some busy mes.

To Neil and the grounds commiee thanks for your help in geng the oval and surrounds in p top condion all year round. The cleaning team of Carmel and Cheryl you have done a great job cleaning up aer games and funcons. Thanks Carmel for all the behind the scenes work you do at our club we could not do without you.

The wood spling guru in Josh Bromley who has provided all the wood for our club this year thanks for your efforts and to Wayne for looking aer the gate each week thanks for your ongoing support.

The Social Commiee team held some great funcons at the club this year and a lot of hard work goes into organising these, the club is lucky to have such a good team to get this done. Look forward to seeing what is in store for 2025.

To H for making sure the fridges are stocked and the cool room loaded you have the most important job in the club

cheers for your help.

Krise and Emma have done a fantasc job keeping everyone in the loop with our social media sites with Krise also geng the budget notes through each week. Thanks girls.

To the football coaches in Jack, H, Ellis, Jordan, Marc and Alec thanks for your commitment to your roles. To all your support staff in bench coaches, team managers, mekeepers, goal umpires, boundary and water boys a lot of work goes into geng our teams onto the field and thanks to all them volunteers.

The training group of Chloe M, Shae, Cam, and the fill ins Clowny and Chloe B thanks for your help in geng both the football and netball teams on the park each game.

To the recruing commiee thanks for your commitment and drive during the year, we look forward to building our list in 2025 and climbing up the ladder.

To anyone else I have missed thanks for your help in season 2024. We look forward to what season 2025 will bring next year and we hope to see you all back at our great club.

Go Tigers!

Back (L-R): Braydn Hateley, Jake Bevan, Ethan Bowman, Alec Roberts, Jordan Ha, Cade Kelly, Hamish Thomson, Brayden Rowe, Aaron

2024 A grade netball teams

glencoe kongorong





Pictured (L-R): Judy Hill (Manager), Ebony McDiarmid, Jane Auld, Abbey Duncan (Coach), Jayde Peacock (Captain), Lara Munro, Lauren Kain, Georgia Genle, Kirsty Egan (Assistant Coach), Georgia Duncan.
Back (L-R): Chrystal Lock (Coach), Alice Circelli, Lacey Neale, Sherridan Sakkers, Scarle Black, Michelle Richardson (Assistant Coach). Front: Taysha Marshall, Ebony Wurst, Kayla Gray, Jemma Glynn, Maddi Stephens.
Back (L-R): Maddie Pulmer, Elly Redden, Chelsea Owen, Demi Vanderhorst, Keston Green (Coach), Tegan Telfer. Front: Niah Faulkner, Lara MacGregor, Bree Harris, Kalli Nele, Erin Watson.
Back (L-R): Laura Childs, Sarah Edwards (Coach), Caitlin Hentschke, Chantelle Cocks, Jenna Paproth, Jasmine Rokov. Front: Makayla Maney, Alice Tentye, Donna Jaeschke, Ashlea Pfitzner
Back (L-R): Ebony Lawson, Jasmin McKinnon, Zara Von Stanke. Front: Rahni Janeway, Emily Lightbody, Rach Perry, Tilah Buckingham. Inset: Evie Sealey
Back (L-R): Danika Shepherd, Olivia Dean, Madi Hagge (Coach), Ashlee Dean, Macy Burns, Tam Hagge (Coach). Front: Chloe Newton, Laura Schultz (Captain), Megan Thiele, Ella Easterby, Abbey Falng.
Back (L-R): Leah Ousey (Coach), Kate Bromley, Emma Gould, Bella Poulish, Kate Varcoe, Maryanne Walker (Team Manager). Front: Molly Cushion, Jami Walker (Captain), Shelby Ryan, Casey Walker.
Back (L-R): Jane Gould (Assistant Coach), Emillie Gould, Ashlee Hunt, Alannah Jennings, Halle Carter (Team Manager). Front: Annie Hunter (Coach), Lucy Perkins, Demi Carter, Sophie Bates, Sarah Laurie, Absent: Kimberley Ausn.
Back (L-R): Alana Berkefeld (Captain), Emily Thompson, Kori Collins, Megan Hein, Narelle Lewis (Coach). Front: Cody Manning, Sophie Lewis, Alysha Coon, Kate Faint.

250senior games

fiona jackman

hatherleigh netball club

A massive round of applause for Fiona (Fee) Jackman, who has reached the remarkable achievement of 250 senior games for Hatherleigh Netball Club this Saturday!

Fee has served her team and club in many ways over the years and will be playing in the B Reserve Grand Final against Port MacDonnell in the hope of achieving back-toback premiership glory

Fee began her senior netball journey in 1996, before taking a brief hiatus to focus on her family. She later joined the Millicent associaon while raising her children, before making a triumphant return to Hatherleigh in 2010. Since then, she has become a mainstay in the B squad, awarded the club’s B Reserve Best & Fairest in 2016 and the Most Valuable Player in 2022.

Fee connues to be a dominant force on the court and is known for her reless defence, unwavering dedicaon to her team and her powerful voice on the court, generally, the last line of defence, her fierce determinaon and strong drives down the court are the backbone of many a victory – the ulmate success being the B Reserve premiership in 2023.

Fee has been an integral part of the club, connually sharing her knowledge and experience over a journey that has seen her play 23 B Grade and 227 B Reserve games and has contributed her me as a commiee member over several seasons.

Congratulaons on reaching 250 senior games Fee and hopefully the win to top off this incredible achievement.

neTball hatherleigh

17 & Under: A hard fought game has gained us a spot in the GF. A determined effort from all girls saw us stand tall and repel a tenacious K’Doo team, our defensive efforts were outstanding and enabled us to keep the scoreboard cking over. Chloe and Kalli created space in the circle taking high percentage shots. Deni was ever reliable all over the court and didn’t waste a ball. Amber connues to step up and make good decisions on circle edge. Chloe G and Bella kept defensive pressure on the K’Doo aack line, while Niah and Hannah played hard clean circle D, giving us plenty of drive into aack. A fantasc team effort! Thanks to Luca and Sylvie for sing bench, Ange for scoring and once again the Hatherleigh faithful, we appreciate your support. Best players Chloe B and Kalli Nele.

B Reserve: The B Res girls had a nerve-wracking start to the game, as Kalangadoo came out strong with six quick goals. However, the girls began to sele in the second half of the first quarter, with Keely Jones and Nic Thomas working hard to secure key turnovers. By quarter me, Kalangadoo led by five goals. In the second quarter, Amy Haines found her rhythm, chasing down every loose ball and making every centre pass count. Melita Thwaites and the newly minted Sylvie Barlow worked phenomenally well together in the circle, and by halime, the scores were ed. The third quarter was a ght contest, with both teams trading goals, as Kalangadoo refused to back down. Fiona Jackman entered the game, keeping the momentum alive, but by the end of the quarter, the girls were down by one. Ellen Clarke and Ella Major were unstoppable in defence, connually geng the ball out of Kalangadoo’s end and into Nic’s hands, allowing her to feed it to Melita and Sylvie me aer me. In an exhilarang final few minutes, the girls surged ahead and finished with a three-goal victory. Maddie Copping and Demi Jones were the biggest team players, and their contribuon to the team didn’t go unnoced. Shout out to Grace Chay and Sara Gray for the sideline support, and a big thank you to our PC Linda and scorer Zoe! An incredible effort by everyone - off to the grand final we go!

B Grade: It was a high-stakes, do-ordie encounter with a spot in the grand final on the line. We came out firing and the early stages of the game saw our aacking duo, Liv and Ellie, in fine form. Ellie’s swi movement into the goal circle and Liv’s strong hold and accurate shoong helped us to establish an early lead. This was supported by the defensive efforts of Marni and George as well as the down the court pressure from Ali, Kaz and Sarah to

give us more of the ball. Despite this strong start, Tantanoola was relentless, throwing everything they had at us. We knew it was going to be a challenge with Eliza and Maddie sidelined, but we certainly made it difficult for ourselves too. We know that anything can happen in finals netball and that was certainly the case. There was no queson of each players high work rate and maybe it was the nerves and stress - it was certainly a high pressure game - we just didn’t seem to have our A game on display. There were some passages of absolute brilliance where the movement from the centre circle into the goal circle was like clock work, but there were also mes where we made it far too hard on ourselves and inadvertently gave Tant more opportunies to keep them in the game. Defensively, Marni’s long reach again proved crucial, while at the other end Liv’s strength and posioning was instrumental. Earning both a spot on the best players list. Special thanks to Keely, who stepped up late in the game due to injury, and best wishes to Eliza and Maddie for a speedy recovery. We look forward to having you both back on the court this week. Thanks also to Fi and Ellen for sing bench. The support from the B Res team has been invaluable this year. Huge thanks as always to Nat, as PC, for keeping player sugar levels up and managing the sideline first aid - keeping players limber - and Raels as our ever reliable scorer. Let’s have a thorough recovery and a strong training session on Thursday to refine our basics. We’ve earned our place in the grand final. Let’s seize the grand final opportunity with the determinaon and spirit that has defined our season. We’ve got this!

A Reserve: We headed into the weekend’s game with a posive mindset, knowing that we’d overcome so many challenges this season. Unfortunately, the result didn’t go our way, and we went down 36 to 32 against Port Mac. However, I couldn’t be prouder of how far we've come and how everyone played. With injuries, sickness, and players away at different mes this year, the team has constantly adapted and stepped up, even when playing out of posion. Millie Smith and Manny Redman worked relessly in the defensive end, pung heaps of pressure on their opponents and pulling off some crucial intercepts. Rosie Nele and Lucy Corman drove hard onto the circle, while Deni Brown ran out a really tough game in the centre, feeding the ball beaufully to our goalies. The goalies did an excellent job with their ming, holding, and leading at the right moments, and they were very accurate with their shots. Everyone gave 100% and le it all on the court. A huge well done to everyone for their effort and heart.

club notes club contacts, presidents&secretaries

mount burr


Major sponsors for 2024 seasonGold: MAC Suzuki, ACM Plumbing; Silver: Klas Bilt, Lowndes Abrasive Blasng, Enchanted Beauty, Sonya Francis Photography, Jens Hotel; Bronze: SE Property, J&M Shanks, TDH Partners, Nutrien Laura and Vicki Hair, Carapace. Also thank you to the many player award sponsors.

As our 2024 season comes to the final game of the season I would like to take this opportunity to congratulate all our teams that made finals, and a special menon to our 17 and under team that are playing today with the hope that they can come away with the grand final flag.

A huge thanks to all of our coaches and team managers for the season, the commiee for their support and reless work to make our netball club run as smoothly as possible week in week out.

On behalf of the Mount Burr Netball Club I would like to send out a huge thank you to our sponsors for their valued and appreciated support of our netball club. We feel very fortunate to have so many wonderful business, sporng community

members, patrons, and life members that show their support in many ways each season.

All the best to our 17s who are playing today in the Grand final.

I look forward to what the 2025 season has instore for the Mount Burr Netball Club

Thank you.

Stacey Lowndes - MBNC President

13 & Under: Bad luck girls, it wasn't our day. Well done giving all and kept your heads up all game. We only played 3 quarters and we can't do that in the finals. We did have some great passages of play throughout the game. I'm so proud of all of you and were a great bunch of girls to coach this year, and we can’t let 1 game get us down aer having a successful season. Your dedicaon to me and to the team, and especially to each other, was why we had a great season. A big thanks to Dawn as team manager, for your wonderful support to me and the girls. Another big thanks to all our supporve parents. Good luck to Lisa and the 17's today


PO Box 100, Glencoe SA 291

Phone: 8739 4304

President: Adam Price

Secretary: Anne Childs


PO Box 279, Millicent SA 5280

Phone: 8735 9062

President: Deon Chester Secretary: Sarah Cavanagh


C/- Post Office, Kalangadoo SA 5278 Phone: 8739 3272

President: Reece Carlson

Secretary: Jane Featherstonhaugh


PO Box 3502, Mount Gambier SA 5290 Phone: 8738 9319

President: Amanda Sealey

Secretary: Jacqui Doloughan

mount burr

PO Box 1122, Millicent SA 5280 Phone: 8734 8330

President: Clint Bowering

Secretary: Amy Brant


PO Box 45, Nangwarry SA 5277 Phone: 8739 7366

President: Shane Ploenges

Secretary: Tamara Ploenges

port macdonnell

PO Box 215, Port MacDonnell SA 5291 Phone: 8738 2075

President: Cathie Williams

Secretary: Hayley Goodwin


PO Box 217, Robe SA 5276 Phone: 8768 2127

President: Debra Mackey

Secretary: Brianna Ferguson


PO Box 1803, Tantanoola SA 5280 Phone: 8734 4237

President: Ma Cytrowski

Secretary: Krise Rowe

2024 football&netball league officials


President .......................................................................... Peter Mitchell

Secretary ........................................................................ Naomi Mitchell

Assistant Secretary ................................................. Rochelle Monaghan

Vice President ............................................................. Dennis Muhovics

Execuve Members .............. Trevor Ling, Joanne Michelmore, Jo Dean

Umpires Director ................................................................ Neil Webber

Regional Director .............................................................. Sco Duncan

Football Operaons Coordinator South East ............. Michael Mourbey

Game Development Officer ................................................. Heath Sims


President ........................................................................ Kevin Dinnison

Secretary ........................................................................ Naomi Mitchell

Execuve Members ....... Gary Wilson, Dylan Clough, Tamara Ploenges


President ................................................................................. Sara Gray

Vice President ..................................................................... Jacqui Cocks

Assistant Secretary ................................................................... Kim Ross

Secretary ...................................................................... Rebecca Scanlon

Treasurer ............................................................................. Leah Puia

Records Officer ................................................................. Krisne Berry

Execuve Member ........................................................ Cassie Dinnison

Publicity Officer ................................................................. Georgia Gray



Football Presidents & Secretaries since 1946 (not official)

MSEFL Presidents:

G. McDonald 1946-47, MacLeish Durant 1948, R.R. Robinson 1949, Ed Canute 1950, Ivor Bateman 1951-52, Stuart Nash 1953-57, A.R. "Fred" Basheer OAM 1958-1963, Malcolm Morrison 1964-66, Lin Wright 1967-73, Alistair Pegler 1974-76, George Considine 1977-79, Allen Jenkin 1980-81, Keith Sneath 1982-84, Peter Ey 1985-87, Wilf Sprengel 1988, Mostyn Telford 1989, Keith Sneath 1990-96, Rob Dycer 1997-2000, Dennis Muhovics 2001-2008, Peter Mitchell Jnr 2009 - Current.

MSEFL Secretaries:

M.H. "Mel" Bell and R.C. "Bob" Neale 1946-54, Fred Carthew 1955-65, WJ. "Bill" Schuller 1966-71, Wilf Sprengel 1972-87, Jim Maney 1988-92, J.L. "Fred" Smith 1993, Jo Dean 1994-2001, Clarrie Squire 2002-04, Chris Paproth 2005-08, Naomi Mitchell 2009-22, Michael Houston 2023, Naomi Mitchell 2024 - Current.


Round 1 - 13th April 2024

Kongorong 19 lt. Mount Burr 87

Glencoe 94 lt. Hatherleigh 108

Tantanoola 40 lt. Robe 96

Port MacDonnell 106 d. Kalangadoo 77

Nangwarry bye

Round 2 - 20th April 2024

Robe 116 d. Glencoe 63

Hatherleigh 132 d. Kongorong 40

Mount Burr 58 d. Kalangadoo 50

Port MacDonnell 136 d. Nangwarry 58

Tantanoola bye

Round 3 - 27th April 2024

Kalangadoo 84 lt. Hatherleigh 136

Kongorong 18 lt. Robe 108

Nangwarry 40 lt. Mount Burr 119

Glencoe 88 d. Tantanoola 71

Port MacDonnell bye

Round 4 - 4th May 2024

Robe 100 d. Kalangadoo 40

Hatherleigh 150 d. Nangwarry 37

Mount Burr 94 d. Port MacDonnell 85

Tantanoola 95 lt. Kongorong 96

Glencoe bye

Round 5 - 11th May 2024

Kalangadoo 133 d. Tantanoola 71

Kongorong 43 lt. Glencoe 120

Nangwarry 39 lt. Robe 171

Port MacDonnell 69 lt. Hatherleigh 125

Mount Burr bye

Round 6 - 18th May 2024

Robe 121 d. Port MacDonnell 44

Hatherleigh 139 d. Mount Burr 36

Glencoe 50 lt. Kalangadoo 118

Tantanoola 110 d. Nangwarry 87

Kongorong bye

Round 7 - 25th May 2024

Kalangadoo 124 d. Kongorong 37

Mount Burr 44 lt. Robe 136

Nangwarry 36 lt. Glencoe 128

Port MacDonnell 139 d. Tantanoola 65

Hatherleigh bye

Round 8 - 1st June 2024

Robe 67 lt. Hatherleigh 80

Kongorong 36 lt. Nangwarry 46

Glencoe 88 lt. Port MacDonnell 126

Tantanoola 50 lt. Mount Burr 101

Kalangadoo bye

8th June - South East Zone Carnival

Round 9 - 15th June 2024

Hatherleigh 199 d. Tantanoola 75

Mount Burr 140 d. Glencoe 68

Nangwarry 24 lt. Kalangadoo 135

Port MacDonnell 193 d. Kongorong 60

Robe bye

Round 10 - 22nd June 2024

Mount Burr 120 d. Kongorong 48

Hatherleigh 181 d. Glencoe 61

Robe 144 d. Tantanoola 27

Kalangadoo 176 d. Port MacDonnell 89

Nangwarry bye

Round 11 - 29th June 2024

Glencoe 47 lt. Robe 104

Kongorong 13 lt. Hatherleigh 160

Kalangadoo 69 d. Mount Burr 54

Nangwarry 39 lt. Port MacDonnell 140

Tantanoola bye

Round 12 - 6th July 2024

Hatherleigh 108 d. Kalangadoo 67

Robe 168 d. Kongorong 19

Mount Burr 157 d. Nangwarry 44

Tantanoola 75 d. Glencoe 52

Port MacDonnell bye

13th July - SA Country Championships

Round 13 - 20th July 2024

Kalangadoo 38 lt. Robe 100

Nangwarry 53 lt. Hatherleigh 139

Port MacDonnell 62 d. Mount Burr 49

Kongorong 51 lt. Tantanoola 117

Glencoe bye

Round 14 - 27th July 2024

Tantanoola 42 lt. Kalangadoo 77

Glencoe 129 d. Kongorong 46

Robe 87 lt. Nangwarry 19

Hatherleigh 64 lt. Port MacDonnell 76

Mount Burr bye

Round 15 - 3rd August 2024

Port MacDonnell 74 d. Robe 60

Mount Burr 31 lt. Hatherleigh 111

Kalangadoo 140 d. Glencoe 83

Nangwarry 88 d. Tantanoola 57

Kongorong bye

Round 16 - 10th August 2024

Kongorong 48 lt. Kalangadoo 133

Robe 62 d. Mount Burr 53

Glencoe 79 d. Nangwarry 59

Tantanoola 64 lt. Port MacDonnell 87

Hatherleigh bye

Round 17 - 17th August 2024

Hatherleigh 112 d. Robe 76

Nangwarry 71 lt. Kongorong 75

Port MacDonnell 114 d. Glencoe 64

Mount Burr 77 d. Tantanoola 60

Kalangadoo bye

Round 18 - 24th August 2024

Tantanoola 13 lt. Hatherleigh 173

Glencoe 52 lt. Mount Burr 106

Kalangadoo 113 d. Nangwarry 31

Kongorong 36 lt. Port MacDonnell 161

Robe bye


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