Hello,andwelcometothe2024LimestoneCoast Football & Netball League, LCFNL, Grand Final, hereatCasterton.
Congratula ons to the Casterton Sandford Football Club for hos ng the grand final and I hope that the day is a huge success, for both football and netball. All the best to Millicent and West Gambier playing off in the football grand final and for North Gambier and West Gambier in the netball. Further, all the best to all other teams represen ng their clubs, in their respec vegrandfinals.
Asweareallawaretheintroduc onoftheLCFNL came about because of a review between the old Western Boarder League Execu ve and the South Australian Na onal Football League. The new name and brand change has been well accepted by all involved. The exci ng news is that Penola Football & Netball Club will be joining our league in 2025 making our compe on a 7-team comp The league execu vesandtheclubsarereallyexcitedabout Penola coming into the league next year and we lookforwardtothe2025season.
A big thanks to the Board of Management of the
Bendigo Bank for being part of this exci ng change and for their con nuing support of the new league. The naming rights of the league shows our con nuing support and commitment tothisgreatbankingins tu onintheLimestone Coast. To all the other sponsors who commi ed tosuppor ngourleague,thankyouandwehope to have you on board for many years going forward.
Itisalsoimportanttothankandintroducetoyou thenewboardmembersoftheLCFNL,whohave worked hard in this inaugural year to con nue and maintain the governance of the league. David Shipway AM, David Chant, Nick Zema, Tanya Coxon, Adam Salmon, Michael Summers, Di Gould, Adrian Flowers and Hayley Dunn. We should thank and acknowledge these individuals, for the work so far and their commitment to the League going forward. I am sureweareingoodhands.
One of the most important decisions was to make sure that the transi on from the Western Board League, WBFL to the new LCFNL, was seamless and con nued the history of the WBFL into the LCFNL. One decision the board adopted was to con nue and acknowledge the history of
the WBFL into the LCFNL. We will con nue to honour and acknowledge the names of Brian Hennessy and Mick Ryan when presen ng their awards Life members will con nue to be acknowledged as an important part of the Leaguegoingforward.
Congratula ons to joint Brian Hennessy Medallists, Harry Tunkin, Millicent FNC and to Emerson Marks, South Gambi
Congratula ons to Sarah Ri er, West Gambier FNC on winning the A Grade Netball Best and Fairest. Finally, I hope you all have a great day at theCastertonSandfordFootballNetballClub,for a great day of ac on in the Grand Finals of all grades. All the best to you all. See you next year along with everyone from Penola, suppor ng Penola Football & Netball Club in the Limestone Coast Football & Netball League. Have a great daysuppor ngyourteam.
Coach), Michael
Lawry Bradley, Daron McElroy
Jesse Pfitzner
LewisLean,BlakeOvermaat-Pohlner,CallumWagstaffe,BrooklynWinterfieldAbsent: James Aldridge, Joe Ferguson-Lane (Asst Coach),ToddMcPartlan,HarveyCroker
Front Row L-R: Jed Haines, Luke Ferguson, Kaden Thomas, Clay Reilly (vc), Dylan Shanks (c),Ma Withers, Fergus Calderwood, CraigGysbers(Coach)
Ilsley(c),PeterCollins(Coach),IowaniColeman(c),Jon Collins(c),InthaPhu FrontRowL-R:JamesButler,JacksonDriver,TaitSmith, MitchellChapman,ElmerBuckland,CooperTurner,SebDoody.Absent:NoahGlidden,EsaieKulimushi,CraigTurner(Runner)
WelcomeallLCFNLandinpar cularMFNCsupporterstothe biggestdayonthecalendarfor2024.
With 10 out of a possible 13 of our teams in the GF again this year and the opportuni eswehavetotakePremiershipcupshome,Iwouldliketowishallofour GrandFinalathletesandtheirfamiliesalltheverybestofluck!
Work hard, respect your opponents and yourselves, play fair and above all, enjoy everymoment!Celebrateyoursuccesswhatevertheresult.
Totheotherclubsintheleague,thanksforastable,compe veandgreatfirstyear as the Limestone Coast Football Netball League. While some onlookers may not have seen or understood all the changes, we are now in posi on to lock in posi ve waysforwardtobenefitusall.
I would very much like to thank the new and expanded execu ve of the LCFNL, led by chair Kurt Slaven. With stability and shared goals in mind, and an eye on the future, we are very fortunate to be in the posi on we find ourselves now With somemoreinnova onanddrivetocomeIamconfidentwewillflourish.
Toallthedirectors,bothfootyandnetball,Thanksforalltheeffortsyouhavemade andwillcon nuetoaswebuildabiggerbrandinto2025.
Special men on to Interim chair from late in 2023 and early 2024, Sco Duncan. Without his stewardship we would have found it more challenging to gain the trac ontoa ractthenewboardandgetupandrunning.
To our league naming rights partner BENDIGO BANK and the board, along with Emma Horrigan and her team. Thank you for sharing the vision of both the past league and recognising the future of the LCFNL with us... It is great to have the backingofleadingbusinessestohelpusdothebestwecanonandoffthefield.
To all other MFNC and LCFNL sponsors, thanks for the contribu ons you make to sportinourregiongenerallyandtheassistanceyouprovideeachyear
To my commi ees and volunteers, Thanks again for another year of hard work, laughs and making the Millicent Football Netball Club a great place to be involved inatalllevels.
We are certainly excited to be welcoming Penola into the new compe on next year, and look forward to opportuni es to grow further as we lock in new and collabora veideastodrivethebestcompe onwecangoingforward.
BestofluckandthankyoutoFozandtheCSFNConhos ngtoday,Iamsureintrue fashionthey’llmakesurethedayistopnotch!!
GoodLucktoallteamscompe ngtoday
Welcome all families, sponsors and supporters to the first LimestoneCoastFootballandNetballLeagueGrandFinalDay
We have a lot to look forward to with our Under 14.5 black and Under 17.5 footballers earning the right to play off and having strong representa on with the followingnetballteamsplayingUnder15A&B,Under17,CGrade,AReserveandA grade.
ThankstotheLCFNLExecu veandthe6other(soontobe7,maybe8??)Presidents for all your efforts in making the refreshed and new league a success in 2023. We must persist with our enthusiasm and passion to con nue to maximize par cipa on, development and focus on being a stable and resilient league for yearstocome.
Good luck to our Michael Blanck and his Under 14.5 team who come up against a talented Millicent side. The combined Under 14.5 coaches have le no stone unturnedtokeepge ngthebestoutofthissuccessgroup.
Peter Collins has led the Under 17.5 with experience and professionalism. His squadputthemselvesinagreatspotandknowswhatneedstobedonetoachieve theul matereward.
Our seniors and reserves finished a lot earlier than we hoped, but I know that will drivethesquadtocomebackpreparedandhungryoncepreseasonstarts.
Congratula ons to Fiona Young, our Senior female coach, who has been announced as the Female community coach of the year This is just deserts for Fi, she is an outstanding ambassador for women’s football not just at North Gambier butinthegreaterarea.HerpassiontoseeotherssucceedanddevelopisoneofFi’s greatest assets.Fi is determined to getbe er every day, she is always learning and going over and above to be the best Coach and leader that a female program can have.
Lastly, thank you to the football commi ee, volunteers, team mangers, umpires and anyone else that helped during 2024. To our extremely LOYAL and long-term sponsors par cularly Stuckey Electrical Contractors, KFC and Fasta Pasta thank you.
ItsbeenagreatfirstseasonoftheLCFNLandwelookforwardto havingPenolaintheleaguenextyear
The development of players through the junior grades having two teamshas beengreat to see.Although nevereasywithlowernumbers some weeks it’s a been more beneficial having kids ge ng to play full games and get more opportuni es.Itsalwaysgoodtoseealloftheclubsworkingtogethertogetasmanykids ontheparkaspossibleeachweek.
It was great to see this flow through to our Senior team running out with fourteen players first year out of 18’s and below in one game and former South juniors Oscar Adams,JakeWalkerandToddReidmakingthereSANFLleaguedebutsforGlenelg.
The under 14’s had a really consistent year and coached by James McGregor and Adam Salmon played some really solid football throughout the season playing off in the elimina on final. Nick Patzel and Luke Bentley took charge of the 17.5’s and the games between the two teams were exci ng to watch, with a lot of the boys playing Senior Footyalsomakingachallengingyear WelldonetoLukesSouthRedformakingtheGrand finaltoday
PeterDuncanandChrisWilliamshavedoneagreatjobwiththeSeniors&Reserves,The Ressie’s boys have played theirway into todays Grand Finalwith some great team footy TheSeniorsfellshortgoingdownlastweekbuthavetakenastepforwardthisyearwitha youngandexci ngteamandarelookingforwardtonestyear
None of this happens with a lot of helpers on game day with assistants, managers, runners, scoreboard a endants and me keepers thankyou to everyone who helped out.
Specialmen ontoourtrainersGavinRiddle,Sco WhickerandShaunLockwoodahuge amountofhoursareputinontrainingnightsandgamedays.
Congratula ons to Elmo Marks for taking out the league B&F capping off a fantas c personal season for himself, also to Taylor Saffin being named Backman of the year and PeterDuncanbeingcoachoftheyear Wehadsixrepresenta vesintheteamoftheyear with Elmo, Taylor Saffin, Mason Hein, Mitch Sims and Rex Jones in the team with Peter DuncanascoachandJaceMaxwellwinningtheUnder17.5’sgoalkicking.
Thanks to our major sponsors MG Plasterers, Mick Ryan Pain ng, Lennons on Lake Terrace, Dycer Construc ons and Australian Gas Networks your con nued support is invaluable.
The club has worked hard to be successful on and off the court, while maintaining its commitmenttobeinginclusiveandfunandIthinkwehaveachievedthatperfectblend.
Tohavesevenofournineteamsinfinalsin2024hasbeenahugeachievementbyallour coaches and players and the ra of volunteers that have given their me to either do specialist coaching or the match day du es of scoring, ming and everything else that takesthepressureoffcoaches,allowingthemtojustworryaboutplayerdevelopment.
Wehavebloodednewcoaches,welcomednewplayersandtheirfamiliesandhavehada strong season on the fundraising front so we can do our best to limit the costs for being part of our club and also improve our facili es and other aspects of being part of the SouthGambierNetballClub.
Our home game soup stall has been a huge success and visi ng clubs appreciate our hospitality and we are so grateful to the Masterchefs that whip up a soup and love the compe venatureofthosecooks–alwayscheckingwhosesoupsellsoutfirst!! Our drinks and nibbles with visi ng clubs has again been a feature of the season – we love being combatants on the court but developing friendships off the court and what be erwaythanovercamembert,dipandsomebubbles.
I am also proud of our individual award winners – Mel Harvey, Krys e Reid & Courtney Sims–weareblessedtohavesuchtalentaspartoftheDemonsfamily
To the teams that have made the last day of the season – I will be there cheering louder than anyone and our en re club is behind you, looking to help carry you to the ul mate prize.
Tothosethatdidn’t–successismeasuredwithmanymetricsandmanyofourteamsand individualplayersshowedincredibleimprovementandthatisallwecanask.
Tomycommi eeandallthevolunteersthathavehelpedensuretheclubrunssmoothly –Ithankyou–notthatIneedanyhelp…..butyoumakemelookgood.
Hi all, and welcome to the Grand final Day in the new Limestone Coast Football Netball League. What a year it hasbeen.It’sacredittoeveryclub,officialandsupporter asitsbeenaverycompe vegreatyear
Our club has taken tremendous strides this year especially in the junior ranks with fielding 2 sides in both 14s and 17.5s. The results might not have reflected that but as I said at the start of the year the development and exposurewillbegreatandtheimprovementinplayershasbeenastronomical with a lot more opportuni es. Congratula ons to the Junior grades coaches and the teams of volunteers that kept them running each week and ge ng aroundallovertheplace.
Congratula ons to Harvey Croker for taking big strides towards achieving his dream and represen ng himself and the club playing for SA in the AFL under 16sna onalchampionships.
Daron McElroy and Jordan Coombe coaching the seniors and reserves this year done a great job taking them to the prelim final and Grand Final respec vely Coomba has had to use a massive list of players due to injuries and has rallied the boys well every week to be compe ve in every game. Daron has been cruelledbyinjury but has been posi ve and growingwith the supportofhisrighthandman,Dylan(pickles)Gillies.Theyhavehadadifficult me with injuries and availability of players but have stayed focussed on the end goal. Congratula ons to them on a great year and be great to finish it of withawin.
FootballclubsrequiregreattrainersandAnthonyBullandRaHarearethebest in the business. The work these two have put in covering most games is enormous and at every training and recovery The go above and beyond and constantlyworkingtohelpanyone,many mesyouseethemcrossinggrassto pick up the opposi on players. They are just truly great people and great Wes es.
Thankyoutoallourtremendoussponsorsforgivingallourplayersachanceto take the field in every match from match day awards through to our major sponsorsinMGPlasterers,QuickmixConcrete&HudsonPlumbing.
Congratula ons toallintoday’sgrand finalsacross both Netballand Football. AHugecongratula onsandgoodlucktoour3Westsidesplayingtoday,13B& AGradeNetballandSeniorFootballside.
Finally, to all the great West People and supporters get on board and make some noise for the 3 teams today and let them know how much we love this club.
Firstly,onbehalfofourtownandclub,welcometoIslandParkfor the inaugural Bendigo Bank Limestone Coast Football Netball League Grand Final and thankyou to Kurt Slaven and his LCFNL board for the work youhaveputintodevelopingournewleagueandgivingustheopportunitytohost today'sGrandfinal.
2024 started off full of full of an cipa on for the Cats with the signing of Jarrod O'Brien as senior coach and the return of local legend Callum Currie to the club as assistant coach. We were fortunate to have virtually our en re playing list re commit to the club, bar Ma Killey who moved with his family to Queensland through an employment opportunity and also added 3 more quality recruits in Ed Pritchard,HaroldPritchardandMa Mutchtoourlist.
Unfortunately,despitehavingahandful of good wins,thereweretoo manygames where we worked hard to put ourselves into a winning posi on, then failed to maintain the intensity and structures needed to achieve those victory's. We can assure Cats fans that we are already working intensely, ge ng all players signed and pu ng the processes in place, both on and off the field to ensure that we harness the full poten al of our list to see us achieve success under the reappointedJarrodO'Brienin2025.
Much like our A grade side, our reserves led by Jus n Carlin and Mason Hunter, were a chance of making finals right up un l round 13, but again squandered opportuni esthatcostthemdearlyatthebusinessendoftheseason.
Although at junior level, we were not fortunate enough to make finals, a huge amountofcreditmustgotoourjuniorfootball&netballcoachesforthegrowthin par cipa onwehadinalljuniorgrades.Asaclubitissocri caltohavethisgrowth in junior numbers to ensure a strong future moving forward. Another posi ve was to see Archie Lane, Josh Jones, Ollie Foster and Jedd Rhook all get the opportunity to play senior footy and acquit themselves well. Special congratula ons goes to JeddonbeingselectedtoplaywithGlenelgonanumberofoccasions.
Off field has been a massive year for our 70 plus volunteers that make every Saturday happen and our commi ee who manage the club and those volunteers. Director of netball Tori Broomby, myself and the club are extremely fortunate and proud of the fact that we are so unified as a football netball club. This has been further highlighted by the crea on of our 5 year strategic plan that the club will launch on September the 20th. A huge thanks goes to Peter Kelly and Phil Clohesy for the invaluable assistance they have given in helping us create this document andtemplateforourclubsfuture.
Good luck to all teams today in your quest for premiership success and may we all look forward to an exci ng 2025 for our league when we welcome in the Penola FootballNetballclub.
Welcome to Island park and good luck to all teams playing today for the inaugural Limestone Coast Football Netball League premierships. We are very proud of our facili es and thank all of our wonderful Club volunteers for their hard work and supportinensuringthedayrunssmoothly.
From Net-Set-Go to A grade we have had over80 netballers represen ng the blue, whiteandredin2024.Alongwithourwonderfulreturningplayersthisyearwehad severalexci ngnewnetballershi ngthecourtsacrossallgradeswhichwelookto buildevenfurtherinseason2025.Ourteamshaveshowngreatdevelopmentover the year highlighted our 15B side progressing to play in the preliminary final and our A grade team, lead by coach Jodie Humphies, achieving success on the scoreboard breaking a four year drought. We had some personal success from Marlee Robbins and Ylana Grigg represen ng LCFNL at inter league and Ylana Grigg, Makayla Rees and Caeleigh Humphries being selected to play for Glenelg regionattheVictorianStateTitlescompe on.
Of course our games aren’t possible without our umpires every week. We are grateful and proud of all of our 20 umpires over the year both developing and experienced.
I would like to recognise all of our wonderful players, coaches, umpires and volunteers making each game possible, we appreciated your dedica on and support.
Together with the Shane and the football department we are excited for what the futureholdersaroundIslandParkforbothnetballandfootballonandoffthecourt andfield.
We hope everyone has a res ul and safe off season and look forward to seeing everyoneinLCFNLseason2025andwelcomingPenolaFootballNetballClub.
In what has been the first season of the Limestone CoastFootball&NetballLeague,Iwouldliketothank the board and especially Michael Summers and Mike Mourbey for answering any ques ons and making the transi on as smoothaspossible.
Congratula ons to all league medal winners especially Noah Gollan winning the 17.5 league best and fairest. Best of luck to all the sides playinginthegrandfinalenjoytheday
Next I would like to thank all our volunteers coaches and support staff whomakeourclubwhatitisandstrivingtomakeussuccessful.
Thankyou to our major sponsors SE Pine, Bio Gro, Creek Livestock, Carlin &GazzardRAM,RayWhiteMountGambierandAustralianGasNetworks. Alsoallourothersponsorssopleasesupportthemwherepossible.
BestofluckAngusClarkeintheupcomingAFLdra hopefullyallyourhard workpaysoff.
InfinishinglookingforwardtonextseasonwithJakealreadyworkinghard for us to improve in 2025 and with Penola joining next season there is alreadyalotofexcitementintheair
L-R: Coach: Maelee Dalton, Phoebe Bonney-Dawson, Isla Stuckey, Eliza Parham,KelseyMcKinnon,AggieThomas,FrankieDavey,AylaStubbings, MackennaPovey&MollyThomas
WestGambierentersthe 202413&UnderBgrand final having defeated their opponent Millicent twicecomfortably
But the last time they met–Round12–itwasa low scoring two goal win for Millicent and the Saintsareonaroll.
Both sides have key playersthatwillnodoubt shapethefinalresult.
West, who advanced with a strong win over
minor premiers South Gambier in the 2nd semi final, have the likes of Frankie Davey and Phoebe Bonney-Dawson in goals where Davey uses her height to great advantage and BonneyDawson is accurate from longrange.
D efen s ively Ag gie Thomas, who enjoyed a top five finish in the league medal count in this grade and Molly Thomas, had a great 2nd semi final, working hard o v e r t h e s h o t ,
rebounding strongly and taking some critical interceptions.
Through the middle, MackennaPoveyandIsla Stuckey looms large in themidcourt,whileEliza Parham gives coach Maelee Dalton flexibility, using the youngster in goalsorthemidcourt.
Raven Johnson, who finished runner up in the league medal count, will be pivotal for Millicent andsheiscomingofftwo strong finals this season
already, winning the ball back timeand timeagain for her team, while the shooting combination of Brydie and Kirra Madden f o r M i l l i c e n t w a s d o m i n a n t i n t h e preliminary final and will be full of confidence h e a d i n g i n t o t h i s weekend.
Olivia Hales is also a key player, as are Lia Joyce and Zarla Thomson, and it looms as a nailbiting contest with the Roos getting the job done –just.
Millicententersthe2024 13 & Under A grand final undefeated and will be looking to maintain that record when they take on South Gambier this weekend.
Recentlycrownedleague best & fairest Indiana Coghlanloomslarge.She is a smart player who is composedinoffenceand tenacious in defence and she dominated the 2nd semifinal.
So did league runner up Lola Ferguson, who
intercepted any ball sent cross court, as well as rebounding strongly and the circle defender will be another of the player who has a big say in the finalresult.
Lacey Sunderland will also be a key with her hardrunningwhileLottie Matthews is always creative with ball in hand.
Zara Cole and Tegan Sims will be key in the mid court for the Demons, with Elsie Merchant
coming off a strong
Annalie Peucker and LucyNoonanwillneedto work overtime in the defensive circle, doing their best to stay in play and make life tough for theSaintsfrontline.
Safe to say the Demons would have to be at their best to knock off the Saints and they will certainly need to get off to a better start than they did in the 2nd semi final, when they let the
a comfortable buffer that theycouldneverreelin.
M i l l i c e n t s h o u l d maintain their perfect 2024 record with the premiership.
Front(L-R):OliveThorne,AmarlieThomson,Scarle Zalme,IndiCoghlan
Millicent has dominated this season in the 15 & Under B grade and n o t h i n g t h a t h a s happened in the 2024 final series suggests they won’t cap off their s e a s o n w i t h t h e premiership.
The Lillie Paul coached l i n e - u p h a s n o weaknesses.
Lola Ferguson and Audrey Galambos are a t o u g h d e f e n s i v e combination, Scarlett Zalme and Olive Thorne
bring speed to the mid court and Lindy Van
Eeden and Amarlie Thomson are a strong shooting combination t h a t h a v e p l a y e d together for a couple of seasons and have a great understanding and finish accurately
North will rely on league best & fairest lacey Hunter, who is a star at the shooting end of the court, and has formed a strong partnership with Carey Grivell, while league runner up Ava
Halloran will lead the defensive end for the Tigers with Amelie Adams her partner in crime and coming off a strongpreliminaryfinal.
Jenna Baron, Lacey Allen and Grace Collins will needtoworkovertimein the mid court to look after the ball and find a way through the tough Saintsdefence.
Millicent also has some strong 13 & Under players that can be brought into the line-up if required and that superior depth will see the Saints complete the perfectseason.
Back (L-R): Georgia Nulty, Mia Griffith, Mischa Human (captain), Lila Pearson,MonjaHuman(coach)
Front(L-R) RaineDarmaani,WinnieZadow,JennaBaron,LaceyHunter
The 15 & Under A grand final looms as one of the tightest, highest quality contest of the day with both Millicent and North Gambier chock full of talent.
Oneofthekeymatchups will be State team mates Mischa Human (North) a n d E m i l y D e nto n (Millicent) – Human so strong at the post and accurate on the finish and Denton an athletic defenderwhoisstrongin theair
And Jeda Hibberd’s battle with North goal attack Lila Pearson will also shape the final outcome.
At the other end of the court, Kalani Dunn is the focal point with her ability to hold strongly or get on the move, while the speed of Tahnee Grosser out the front is critical and the Saints goal attack is an accurate finisher
The battle between Grosser and the tight
Back(L-R)MayaTarrant(AssistantCoach),JeddaHibberd,EmilyDenton, Kalani Dunn, Asha Gysbers, Por a McRae (coach), Hayley Dunn (team manager)
checking Winnie Zadow will go a long way to deciding the final result, while Millicent will be keen to make sure Raine Darimaani, who is so impressive in the air, doesn’t get a look at too manyloosefeeds.
The mid courts will see L u c y C ro w e , A s h a Gysbers and league best & fairest Bell Coghlan and that is a quality combination, meaning the likes of Jenna Baron, lacey Hunter and Mia Griffith will need to not
just attack strongly but beonsongdefensively
Itwasa10goalwintothe Saints in the 2nd semi final and while the margin might be tighter, Millicent look set to securethetitle.
(L-R): Noni McConnell & baby McConnell
Ruby Mitchell, Macey Griffith (captain), Stella Mobbs, Ava Collins, Kelsie Anderson, Liz Beames(manageress)
When it comes to quality contests, the 17 & Under finalwillbeoneofthebest of the day as undefeated North Gambier take on Millicent – the Saints gettingcloserandcloserto the Tigers with each outing.
The 2nd semi final was a tight contest for the first two and a half quarters before the Tigers were able to set up a small buffer and run out 11 goal winners but the Saints saw enough to know they are wellinthecontest.
One of the most exciting match ups on the day will be league best & fairest Macey Griffith taking on star Saints defender Edie Easterbyandwhoevergets on top ion that battle will go a long way to deciding thefinalresult.
Griffith combines with both Elodie Adam and Stella Mobbs and it was the move of Mobbs to shooterthatsawthegame turn in the second half a fortnight ago but neither will get any easy ball with Mackinlee Alcock being one of those defenders whocontestseverything.
The speed of ball from the s u p e r q u i c k S a i n t s frontline will certainly challenge the North defensive unit as Poppy Venn, Piper Paul and Mylee Lynch will move the ball quickly to open up space and good shooting opportunities.
Accuracy will be a key for the Millicent shooters, given Mobbs, Kelsie Anderson and Ava Collins w i l l d o m i n a t e t h e reboundingduels.
Another critical match up will be Mia Gysbers on league runner up Maggie Collins.
Collinsisthekeyfeederfor the Tigers but Gysbers is a no-nonsense plyer who sticks to the task and thrives on being given a defensivetask.
It looms as a goal-for-goal contest with North just gettingovertheline.
Front (L-R): Krys e Reid, Kaitlyn Horrigan, Ella Egan, Misty Dalton (Coach),JadeJennings
So u th Gamb ier h as progressed through 2024 without dropping a game andtheyweredominantin the2ndsemifinalbuttheir grand final opponent, North Gambier, is the teamthathavepushedthe Demonsallyear
league best & fairest Krystie Reid will be pivotal and her battle with Milly Allen will be one of the key contestsontheday
mid court but can go into the shooting circle if required.
thanthe2ndsemifinalbut the Demons should secure thewin.
Tigers goal shooter Jess
D e m p s t e r h a d a n outstanding preliminary final and she is not afraid of the long shot, while joint league runner up Sarah Brown is a key in the
Misty Dalton has returned to the defensive circle on the back of the injury to Kaitlyn Tucker and got the job done in the 2nd semi final. The shooting combination of Ella Egan and Sam Raedel is all class and they have developed a great understanding in the South shooting circle, and they get plenty of quality ball from the likes of Brooke Winterfield and Kaitlyn Horrigan, while
Defensively, North has the likes of Tara Fleming, Kahlia Egan and Rebecca
J o h n s o n w h o l o v e disrupting opposition offensive lines, while the Tigers mid court has the composure and work rate of Keeley Quinn, the experience and strength in theairofDebEdwardsand Kirrily Krammins brings versatilitytotheNorthmid court.
Expect a tighter contest
Back (L-R) Kim McIntyre-Clarke (Coach), Kim Saffin, Emma Sturges, VeronikaDuncan
Front(L-R)HannahWitherow,MillaWalmsley,MelissaHarvey(Captain), ChelseaDunn,EllaJolley
The B Grade grand final sees South Gambier taking on Millicent with the current head-tohead in 2024 being two winsapiece.
The 2nd semi final saw a real arm wrestle in the first half and then it was only a few turnovers in each of the third and fourth quarters that saw South set up the narrow buffer and hold on to win.
Harvey and runner up Krystal Coghlan would well line up on each other and that will be a battle for the ages if it comes to fruition, with Coghlan also having spent a fair bit of this season in the goal attack bibaswell.
Saints coach Michelle Fleming will take on Kim Saffin who is strong on the hold and creative with her feeding, while at the other end of the court, Chelsea Dunn and Kim McIntyre-Clarke will
be looking to limit the supply to Bek Millowick andNicoleDomaschenz.
The mid court battle also looms large with South’s Hannah Witherow and Milla Walmsley teaming with young talent Ruby Milich and Ella Jolley to take on Tiarna Verbena and Nicola Batten, who a r e e x p e r i e n c e d campaigners who run hardallday.
Getting the in the 2nd semi final will have
m e confidence into the Demons line-up and secureanarrowvictory
Front(L-R):AlyciaPitson,ElodieAdam,AmandaO’Shaughnessy,NatFox, MaggieCollins
The A Reserve grand final between North Gambier and Millicent is another of the games that is expected tobearealarmwrestle.
Allfourgamesin2024have been hard fought and close.North won Round 5 by two, Millicent won Round 10 by nine, North won Round 15 by six and the second semi final by eight.
North has Alycia Pitson controlling the attack end, combining with youngster Lila Pearson in goals, with league runner up Mikaila
Pitt also often taking a role in the shooting circle, with Amanda O’Shaughnessy, Cara Nulty and Maggie Collins rounding out a qualitymidcourt.
In the defensive circle, Grace Potts anchors the back third, using her height togreateffect,withNatFox and Ruby Mitchell taking the roles out front, using their speed onto the ball and ability to read the play tocreateturnoverball.
That defensive line will be taking on Abby Denton and Mylee Lynch – Denton
bringing the smarts and long range accuracy, and Lynch using her speed on the drive to great effect, while the Saints mid court, led by back-to-back league best & fairest Jackie Sunderland, includes Piper Paul and Poppy Venn, with AlanaCraiglockingdownat wing defence and always making life tough for her opponent.
Defensively, Georgia Clarke brings athleticism, Alice Pratt brings the tenacity and Emily Denton can dominate the air and they will need to be at their best
to restrict the Tigers scoringability.
The Saints also often make use of juniors Bell Coghlan and Kalani Dunn so they have some tricks up their sleeveifrequired.
Much will come down to the accuracy of the feeding and shooting with the Tigers just having the edge inthefinalwashup.
Back (L-R) Lauran Norman, Ava Collins, Stella Mobbs, Mischa Human, KellyLockwood,LizBeames(manageress)
Front (L-R) Brianna Walters, Mel Renko (captain), Kaitlin Egan (coach), MaceyGriffith
If the 2nd semi final was anything to go by, the A Grade grand final looms as an epic content.
North Gambier and West Gambier are set to go head to head again after the Tigers won that match a fortnight ago by onegoal.
In that match, both sides held sway at different times and runs of four and five goals were not unusual.
Both sides would have been disappointedthatwhentheygot that five or six goal buffer that they couldn’t consolidate and will be looking for a more consistent performance in the titledecider
Newly awarded league best & fairest Sarah Ritter, who was the 2022 best on court, is obviously a key and her battle with Stella Mobbswillbematchdefining.
Thentwoyounggunshavehada couple of really great finals battles over the past couple of seasons and whoever ends up on top in this contest will go a long way to deciding the final result.
Of course Ritter’s ability to dominate happens in no small part to the precise delivery of Lisa McGregor, Jess Holmes and Tara Bryant and that means the Tigers defence will need to be relentlesswithitspressure.
That task falls to Mel Renko, Lauran Norman, Ava Collins and
Kaitlin Egan and they cannot afford for the West mid courters to have too much time and space.
It was an intriguing battle in the 2ndsemifinalandloomsasakey match up again with Brianna Walters on North’s attacking wing up against Chelsea Tremelling.
Tremelling has been a revelation in her first full season of A Grade and her ability to get deflections and interceptions to win the ball back has been uncanny all season, while Walters is all class and she worked through a tough first half in the 2nd semi to be the key link player in North’s victory
Macey Griffith, who earned her
first Team of the Year nod this season, is the architect of the North frontline and her battle withWestdefenderAmyCramis another of those match ups that will be pivotal in the final wash up.
Griffith is always composed, creative with ball in hand and an accurate finisher and whether she combines with Kelly Lockwood, Mischa Human or even Mobbs, she is a key to this grandfinal.
Human was impressive when entering the clash in the 2nd semi final and no doubt, whoever West keeper Mikaela Horriganhastotakeon,theywill needtoplaythefrontpositionas Horrigan loves nothing more thantheballintheair
We might have had the same six par cipa ng clubs to go with our new name and brand but it has been a promising start tothisnewadventureandwecannotwaitto welcome Penola and subsequently other clubsas we look to build a vibrant and, most importantly,sustainable,newcompe on.
We unveiled our new look at the 2024 SA Country Championships and thankfully we s ll brought the Western Border success with three teams winning tles and another team losing at the quarter final to the eventualchampions.
The17&Underteam,undertheguidanceof Michelle Skeer, went through undefeated in Division1,asdidtheDonnaDentoncoached 15 & Under team, also in the top division, while Jackie Sunderland made an impressive debut as a representa ve coach, guiding the 13 & under development team totheDivision3 tle.
Larnka Foran’s 13 & Under Championship team lost in the final to the eventual
champions, while first me coach Lillie Paul did an excep onal job with the 15 & Under Developmentteam.
Ournewplayinguniformsandapparelmade a splash and we look forward to only being stronger in 2025 when Penola, who have a proud history of represen ng the KNTNA, areaddedtoourrepresenta vemix.
On a domes c front we saw some great results, none more so than Casterton Sandford breaking through in A Grade for a handful of wins, a er three seasons in the wilderness, and that kind of improvement canonlybenefitourcompe on.
While we have s ll had some grades dominated by one or two clubs, there has also been some really ght compe ons andgrandfinaldayloomsasacrackeracross allninegrades.
We introduced an 11 & Under Carnival to coincidewiththeUnder12Footballcarnival and it was a fun day and early feedback suggest it will be a permanent fixture on the
I want to thank all the volunteers at every clubbecausewithoutthemourcompe on just doesn’t exist – the coaches, umpires, scorers, mers, canteen a endants, scoreboard operators, primary carers, gate a endants, players, parents and everyone inbetween.
Thanks also to the hard working netball opera onsexecu vewhoarealotlikeducks – look unruffled on the surface but are paddlingfuriouslyunderneath.
Bestoflucktoeveryonecompe ngtoday.
Our clubs have also embraced Net Set Go programs with great numbers but we certainly know that umpire and coach developmentwillneedtobeaprioritygoing forward so we can con nue to be a premier compe on and con nue to a ract not just newplayersbutnewclubs. Bringon2025.
- West Gambier - B&F
Egan - North Gambier - R/Up B&F
B-Grade Medalists
Melissa Harvey - South Gambier - B&F
Krystal Coghlan - Millicent - R/Up
C-Grade Medalists
Krystie Reid - South Gambier - B&F
Sarah Brown - North Gambier - R/Up
Eryn Caruso - East Gambier - R/Up -Absent
& Under Medalists
Griffith - North Gambier - B&F
Collins - North Gambier - R/Up