XS10 Magazine - Dec 2020

Page 34

ALEXIS BERENT Acting with a Purpose When did you first get involved in acting? I started doing community theatre while I was in elementary school and have been acting ever since. I became interested in film while in high school and began taking video classes where I could create my own short films. This led to my love of filmmaking and is why I ma jored in film studies in college. I acted in quite a few short films during my college career but I have been pursuing bigger projects since graduating this past spring. What or Who inspired you to pursue a career as an actor? From a very young age I had the performing bug. I always loved music classes and putting on little concerts and shows with my friends. My school would take us on field trips to local plays and that led to my curiosity with acting. Acting was very therapeutic and helped me express my emotions in a way that I felt comfortable. As I grew older, acting became one of my main outlets.


You have been acting since you were young. Would you share 1 of your favorite stories of being on set? My best friend Talona and I produced a few short films during our college career and some of my best memories were on those sets. The last thing we worked on was a project for one of her classes, she

wrote and directed a comedy. The character she wrote for me was very air-headed and she gave me a lot of room to improvise while filming. It was really fun to have so much freedom with a character, I usually play more serious parts so I’m not used to being so silly on camera. It was a lot of fun, there is nothing better than getting to work with people you care about. What has been your ideal character, so far? And why? My favorite character I have ever portrayed was Agnes in the play, The Shadow Box. This is an extremely emotion packed show and I often cried either during or after every performance. I love dramatic roles, I feel like those are what I do best. How has your acting evolved since you first became involved in the film industry? I’ve been acting for most of my life, but it has always been more of a hobby consisting of theatre and indie films. A few months ago I made the decision to pursue acting full time and I have zero regrets. I moved from Michigan to New Mexico because the film industry is thriving here and over the past two months I’ve had a lot of auditions and worked on multiple feature films. I’ve very quickly gone from living in a small city working on short

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