XS10 Magazine - Dec 2020

Page 6

CAMILLA SUSSER Role Playing & Fashion When did you first get involved in acting? Modeling? In early 2001, which was a crazy year to make a career change and when I look back, I think about what a terrible and tragic year that was for all of us, however it was a transformative one for me because I realized that I no longer wanted to pursue a corporate career, rather I wanted to put all of my attention and focus on acting and modeling. What or Who inspired you to pursue acting and modeling as a career? I think I always knew I wanted to act. I used to put on plays for my relatives or sometimes just my cat in my living room, basement and backyard with my younger sister and best friends. I was heavily drawn to the costume element of the performances, to the aesthetics of it all if you will. I was always so dramatic. Fashion and costumes have been something of a hobby for me since I can remember. What films/tv shows have you been involved in? Do you prefer feature films or TV? I was most recently a guest star on ID Channel’s final season(there were nine seasons total) long running “Homicide Hunter”. It was a meaty role, and I had quite a bit of dialogue with the lead, so that was very exciting. I have done various indie feature


Photo by Patrick Baldonado Designer Gino Velardi

films and am slated to begin filming a SAG project called Skyler in New Mexico once the Pandemic subsides. I have also performed in web series, danced in music videos, and acted and modeled for many commercial productions. I have done national commercial spots for Animal Planet, Food Network, Hewlett Packard, and Vehix.com. I love any and all genres that allow me to stretch in my craft, and to try on characters that I wouldn’t necessarily have thought I could connect to. But almost always, I find a dormant part of of me, story-wise that does indeed connect to the material and truly just wants to come out and play! What notable fashion shows have you been involved in? I performed and walked in 2019’s Denver Fall Fashion Week last November. I helped close out the Week 1 Finale show, and that was truly remarkable and unforgettable. I also danced and walked for an amazing Designer in fall of 2018, Sherry’s Angels, out of Denver, sporting giant red angel wings and lots of tulle. It was quite a feat to walk and then later do pirouettes wearing those! Do you represent any brands? I work as a makeup and skin care education specialist for Josie Maran Cosmetics currently, and this compliments my other work really well, as you can imagine!

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