XS10 Magazine - September 2021

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FOUNDER Michael Neely CEO Rasheed J. Neely EDITORS Aidem Media Group design&print B & S Designs Digital Marketing GRAPHICS design&print

CONTRIBUTING WRITERS Michael Neely David R. Navarro Misty White Addison Coleman Sherry Nelson Bruce Glasgow Eileen Shapiro Jimmy Star

COPYRIGHTS XS10 Magazine is sole property of AidemMediaGroup/AMGmusic.Net. Which is owned by Michael Neely and any articles and pictures are sole property of XS10 Magazine and any likeness. XS10 Magazine has been copyrighting since 2012.

ADVERTISING & PROMOTIONS Aidem Media Group B & S Designs - Digital Marketing Cat Peterson


Letter from The Editor

Dear Reader, It is an absolute pleasure to welcome you to XS10 Magazine as we start our 8th year of publication. This year brings about changes, as our founder and visionary, Michael Neely of XS10 Magazine being the Editor-in-Chief. While the core of Xs10Magazine is the same, Staff and I are not—with this, you may see Xs10magazine change a little. We will be centering each individual print magazine around a theme: Tradition (issue seven), Identity (issue eight), Resistance (issue nine), and finally Metamorphosis (issue ten). We hope you will still be loyal readers and will welcome the changes to come; and are so thankful you are here reading now. Xs10Magazine is a hybrid, sexy, urban lifestyle and consumer magazine. We present a unique blend of entertainment news from around the globe. Xs10Magazine embodies a unique combination of edgy articles that feature a wide coverage of Music, Film and Fashion: A-list celebrities, promising newcomers, sports figures, new technologies, fashion, politics, sex, health, and travel. The origin and intentionality behind our name, Xs10Magazine, is simple: “Xs10” means you have too work twice as hard to get to where you need to be and view or perspective. We are glade in sharing the views, perspectives, and stories of People around the world. Our mission is to bring the Entertainment community thoughtful and engaging commentary on political and social issues, to our readers . As a publication, we do not advocate for any specific political ideology, but we have set standards regarding the posting of harmful and denigrating pieces as it relates to minority groups. We see our platform as a sacred space of people voices, and thus, view that it is our responsibility to highlight the diversity on Xs10magazine and to use our platform as a space of learning and education and diversity. Our intention is to host a platform for writers to share their political opinions, faith stories, and creative works. That is why we exist. The freedom of speech, however, does not mean the freedom of hate speech. We would like to be as transparent as possible. For this reason, we gladly welcome any comments and critiques you may have as a reader. Letters to the editor are also highly encouraged and will be considered for publication on our website or in print. I am elated to be furthering the mission of Xs10 and to hear your stories. Cheers, Michael Neely, Founder & Editor-in-Chief AMG Entertainment Network




Page 21 // Cover Feature Table of Contents Page 4 J.C Quinn Page 8 Christina Beale Page 12 IamSnap Page 14 Toggo Ultrarock Page 18 Keona Ciera


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Hip Hop Influencer & Entrepreneur Page 24 P-Coat Page 26 GoKoo Page 28 Deborah Driggs

Page 33 Robert Crayton Page 36 T-Huny Page 39 DJ Unreal Page 41 Lioness Roars

PROMOTING POSITIVITY + EDUCATION + DIVERSITY We are a multi-media entertainment corporation consisting of a streaming television network with 3 channels which are located on Vimeo, Roku TV, which is international, and Amazon Fire TV, 2 digital magazines and a streaming radio station at present. We consistently strive to promote positivity, education, and diversity across all our entertainment platforms. Our television channels are AMG Entertainment Network™ Conversations, where we sit down with the movers and shakers of todays’ entertainment, business, and technology industries, AMG Entertainment Network™ Music, showcasing music videos of all genres by independent artists, and AMG Entertainment Network™ Films, offering a wide variety of filmed content from independent filmmakers. Our magazines are, Xs10 Magazine™ which is a hybrid lifestyle and consumer magazine presenting a unique blend of entertainment news from around the globe with exclusive articles that cover a variety of topics including music, film, fashion, technology, sports, health, and travel from A-list celebrities, promising newcomers, and sports figures. The Orange Magazine™ that introduces influencers, “The Fruit of The Industry” in music. Our focus is to share the stories of many of todays’ up and coming artists from around the world in an engaging way. Our radio station is Dagrahynd Radio™, playing an extremely diverse range of genres that span decades of great music from indie and major artists, special guest interviews, and much more. AMG Music™ consists of an independent record label, digital distribution services, and marketing & promotion services to suit all your musical content needs and budget. Contact us for packages and pricing at: www.amgentertainmentnetwork.com

J.C QUINN Latin Urban Vibes When did you first get into music? Please explain. I suppose I first got into music around age eight. My mother would drag my two sisters and me to church every weekend. I would always fall asleep during service but when it came down to praise time I would sing my butt off and I’d shake the tambourine like no other. At the age of ten, I got my first real taste of music when I met my long-time friend Will. Will introduced me to ACDC, The Beatles, Led Zeppelin, and a few others. At 13, I found an interest in alternative, pop-punk, and singer-songwriter music and began teaching myself how to read guitar tabs and chords. I wrote my first song in 2010 on an acoustic guitar that I was gifted to me for my fourteenth birthday. Music has been an outlet for my thoughts, my prayers, and my manifestations. Who or What inspired you to pursue a career in music? I was first inspired by a family friend who achieved success in the music scene here in Denver. Through this connection, I was able to experience the “backstage life” for the first time. This was cool because I


met musicians like the Flobots, Air Dubai, and got to be on the stage for Rise Against at the 2011 Not So Silent Night at the 1st Bank Center. How has your music evolved since you first started in the music industry? When I first started I was posting videos of cover songs on YouTube with friends. We only did cover songs for a bit while I was figuring out how to play guitar and how to write songs. Once I had learned to write and compose, I wanted people to collaborate with so I started an alternative, pop-punk band called A Casual Vacancy. After high school, I learned how to operate a loop pedal. I played shows alone and sometimes as a duo with a friend, we went as J-Walker. We covered songs by Michael Jackson, Prince, Bruno Mars, and other popular artists. In 2018 I went solo and began working on my first self-produced, self-recorded album. That album, which was not finished, was Alternative singer-songwriter-themed. That uncompleted project was the stepping stone for the album I’m releasing in 2021, “White Rum & Lemonade”, this album consisting of R&B, alternative rap, and Latin urban records.

If you were forced to choose only one, which emotion, more than any other, drives you to stay in this tough industry? Is it joy, anger, desire, passion, or pride, and why? Definitely passion. It’s always exciting making new records and making new connections, but it is even cooler when you see people jamming out to your songs and being touched by your lyrics or the story and meaning behind them. The response from the audience is a driving force that makes me want to keep doing it and keep making people feel and forget for a little while. The freedom as an artist to evolve and try new genres is liberating; I’ve always admired artist that step out of their comfort zone and try new ideas and sounds. Which ingredient do you think makes you special and unique as a performing artist in an industry overflowing with new faces and ideas? I think being bilingual has and will continue to drive my music forward. Latin urban music continues to grow in and out of the United States thanks to the likes of Justin Bieber and others who have accepted and used Latin-influenced music in their catalogs. A handful of my songs contain lyrics in English as well as in Spanish. I also think my ability to sing, rap, and produce; I don’t have to outsource if I don’t want to. I can make my own beat and get myself a feature in Spanish if I want. For me, it’s all about independence and individuality. That’s what’s slowing down some artists, in my opinion, they depend on too many people to get their work done.

someone who went to school for music from watching videos on how the music business works and such. If you could change anything about the music industry, what would it be? I’d probably change the award shows part of it. The Weeknd stated in the past that award shows are corrupt, and they need to be more transparent on how artists are nominated. I’m not on that level yet, but it would be nice once I get there for the artists to be correctly recognized and given equal opportunities. I’m sure you have shared the stage with many talented artists. Please share 1 or 2 of your favorite stories with us. I think the best stories come after the show ends and we all gather for a drink or go out for a bite. You can feel the energy and the pride that each of us carries and it is beautiful to see and feel. We all hype each other up and give notes and it’s magic. It’s all love.

What are the 5 albums that have helped make you the person you are today? And why? I wouldn’t say any particular album made me who I am but they did impact how I made and looked at music. Chaos and the

What has been your biggest challenge as a performing artist? Have you been able to overcome that challenge? If so, how? Man. I sometimes forget my lyrics. I’ve written so many songs throughout the years that sometimes I just space out. It’s something I’ve been working on lately as things start to open back up and events start up again. It’s funny, in an interview with Jay-Z, he confesses he used to forget his lyrics and it reminded me that things at the beginning can be rough but they will get better with time and practice. A common phrase in the industry is, “you must suffer for your art.” Do you agree with this statement? If so, how have you suffered for your art? Yeah, I suppose this is true. Every artist goes through a different struggle. Whether it be financial, mental, health, or lack of inspiration. For me, it’s been all of them, not all at once but at separate times. The late nights and early mornings get to you after a while. It’s all worth it though because you get to share with the world your story or a story that inspired you. How do you feel the internet has impacted the music business? It’s probably disrupted the industry quite a bit. A lot more artists went DIY thanks to how easily information is available. I think I’ve learned just as much as


Calm by James Bay is one of my favorite albums. It has so much emotion and I love every lyric of the album. James Bay is definitely in the top 5 writers/composers in my book. Swimming by Mac Miller I’ve always adored. His work on this album is astounding; I loved his singing. I loved My Dear Melancholy by The Weeknd. This album is dark, like all of his work is, but this had a sad post-breakup emotional mood that I couldn’t get away from for a while. Purple Rain by Prince is a classic! Such a great album and legendary artist. El Último Tour del Mundo by Bad Bunny is great because it’s in Spanish and I’ve been working on my Spanish writing. That album is pure fire, every track on that album slaps.

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What is the best advice you have received? I haven’t been advised much but there is a quote that I like from a book by DIY artist RUSS called “It’s All in Your head”. He writes, “you must work in the dark for your light to shine. Take it day by day. This is a race, yes, but not against anyone or anything else except your own doubt.” It’s fitting for me as sometimes I doubt the quality of my work. You really have to trust the process and push through the doubt and the fear that creeps up telling you it’s not gonna work or that it can’t be done. How did COVID-19 affect you and your music career? Covid was the reset that I needed as an artist and as a person in general. I found myself in the studio a lot more; Being alone and isolated made me more creative in many ways. I wrote some of my best songs during that period of confusion, chaos, and self-realization. As far as gigs and shows go, I didn’t have anything booked that year so it didn’t impact me financially. What’s next for you? New music? Album baby!! I have an album’s worth of music ready to be distributed and enjoyed. I’m still working on the cover art and all the logistics behind it but I hope to have it out before the year ends. Perhaps a single by the end of August. How can fans-to-be gain access to your music and follow your career? Follow me on Instagram at @jcquinn.music You can also find me on Facebook @jcquinn.music and Twitter @elvatoquinn Stream my music on Spotify, Apple Music/iTunes, SoundCloud, and Deezer. Subscribe to my YouTube channel to see what I’m up to!


Pre-Save Bailey Elora’s new single, “DRUNK RN”. https://distrokid.com/hyperfollow/baileyelora/drunk-rn-feat-broth3r Available everywhere music is heard on September 10th!

Bailey Elora https://linktr.ee/baileyelora Photo of Bailey Elora by Ricky Zastrow @coloradophotoworks

CHRISTINA BEALE Perseverance Michael Neely caught up with author, Christina Beale. Tell us a little bit about yourself? Just to tell you a little about myself, I am the youngest of six siblings, four girls, and two boys. I was raised in a small town called Lancaster, VA where I lived most of my life until 2011, then relocating to a different area. I’m also a mother of two, and Lupus survivor of 17 years. I enjoy reading, meditation, and music to relax to me. I do have a passion of helping others, which has been installed in me since I was a young kid. I’m social, very outgoing and enjoy spending time with my family. What made you get started as writer? Every obstacle that I’ve encountered made that I would never the see the light of the next day (literally). Everyday I was faced with something new. Ten years ago, I had a awful flare up from Lupus that caused most of my body resorting a change in my life, only to be surviving by a machine was very life changing. So, after experiencing and surviving three near death experiences, still here willing to breath and to live, I knew then that I needed to get my story for someone somewhere that’s needs a boost of encouragement.


What is the first book that made you cry? The one book that made me cry is I have to say my very own book. As I was writing and telling the story, I realized I how truly blessed I am to still be here having to deal with some much in child and adult years. Flashbacks from struggling to breath to b eing in a abusive relationship. I look back and see how far I’ve come. What is the name of your first book? and how did you come up with that name? The name of my book is: “Dying to Live, A Survivor’s Story. I chose this title being all the tragic events that took place in my life whether if it was health, financial hardship, relationship issues, even with mental could not bare it all I was determined I was going to survive and push through the hard times. Alot of times I was on overload with so much sadness, and stress, even that thing called depression, and still I remain strong, kept my faith in GOD, and spoke positively in my life everyday. I’m a firm believer of speaking things into existence so I spoke that positively in my life. So the title of my book best describes the story. Does writing energize or exhaust you? Writing for me gives me a boost of energy. I get so excited it’s like a drilling rush, because in my mind I know what

want to write but my pen just be writing. My thoughts are moving faster than I’m writing, that’s excitement for me. I’m eager to get the story out to the readers, especially with this book, because I knew that it would reach a lot of people, not only to touch the heart but help the reader cope with whatever they may be enduring at that time. The feedback that I get from the book is great, so that also plays a part getting my books to readers. If it make sense to say feedback gives me the energy as well. The more feedback I get, the more I drive to writing more. What are common traps for aspiring writers? In my opinion, readers don’t spend enough time researching the story. Setting some time aside and researching your book and getting the appropriate and accurate information for the book help better structure it. Getting a feel for the story, by digging deep into the, what’s going to appeal to the readers. When writing, sometimes writers will confine in self. In most cases, I do believe the writer has to beyond themselves, let the readers grasp the emotions of the book. Does a big ego help or hurt writers? Again, I seem to think this could truly go both ways. If the writer has a big ego it can be seen sometimes in the story which could possibly turn a reader away depending on what the reader is interested in. Some readers like big ego, it could give them the motivation to one day to write a book. For me having self confidence in self is a big one and this why I chose to write, and my readers were appealed to that because it gave them hope, it inspired them, and motivated them and this is what I want for my readers.

fundamental to me. Helps me to calm and relax, it’s like unwinding from a hard day of work! Reading is one of my hobbies that I like to do when I do have some spare time. I enjoy reading different types of books, some actions, mystery books, even some love story books. Most of these books I do read have caught my interest and before I know it start off reading thinking that I’m just going to read a couple of pages, which turns out to most of the book. I’ve only had a select few of books that was not so great, wast horrible but just didn’t peak my interest. Did you ever consider writing under a pseudonym? Not at all, this book is very personal for me so I needed to grasp in to a title that symbolizes my story. It took some time to come up with this title, it needed to strong and bold, so that when the readers look at the title, the reader would automatically think that this will be a great book. Personally I think the title of a book says alot about a book. So I needed something that would really stand out to my audience, have them on the edge of their seats just by looking at the title of the book. Do you try more to be original or to deliver to readers what they want? I want my readers to be able to say that my book not good but great. I write to deliver the readers what they want in the same sense as if I was telling the story myself. I do know readers not like to be bored. Their interest needs to be peak throughout the whole book, I like to them say,”when’s the next

What is your writing Kryptonite? What would be my Kryptonite is, there is a part in my book that once upon a time was a serious weakness for me. Knowing that when I was writing I knew that chapter of my life I was about to write about had my heartbeat racing. I felt weak in my stomach, often times, I paused into writing thinking if I wanted to continue because I knew I had to discuss this topic. My thoughts were definitely getting the best of me at that time and honestly they were winning. Then I had to remember what I just went through and defeated that so I knew I could do this. So I brace myself said a little prayer and continue to write. As I finished up that chapter in the book, every single flashback that had transpired during that time can to mind. I had to block that out or else I wouldn’t proceed through. I did it, I overcame the fear not being able to speak in that subject for so long. I felt a sense of relief like a breath of fresh air. It didn’t matter once I released everything. Have you ever gotten reader’s block? I’ve experienced reader’s block once before. Maybe because I was forcing myself to read although it didn’t seem to peaked my interest. That hardly happens to me for the most part most books I have read have been quite interesting. Reading is very


book coming,” when I hear those words, instantly I knew I had the readers interest, or they will say “can’t wait for the next one. Do you think someone could be a writer if they don’t feel emotions strongly? To write is to have a passion, if a someone doesn’t have a passion for then it will not work. Being a writer takes time dedication, alot of hours in a day to set aside for writing, brainstorming ideas and most importantly you have to a passion for it. If the writer is lacking either of these things it may not be for them. Not to say that they can’t but from my own personal experience, it definitely took time, dedication and patience. I recall that time when I first started writing my book I took at least tow to three hours a day writing, I put the pen down one time and finding myself not picking it up for two days. This is why dedication is so important because you can get lost in doing others things and forget about writing. What other authors are you friends with, and how do they help you become a better writer? When I first started, I had difficulty brainstorming and putting my words together, just couldn’t get the concept to come together. One particular day I was introduced to this amazing young lady who in fact is a author herself. We exchange numbers and she said to call her and she would help guide me through putting my book together. So so many times was frustrated, didn’t know the beginning from the end on how to publish a book. Do you want each book to stand on its own, or are you trying to build a body of work with connections between each book? I prefer for my book to stand on its own, reason is because this is a different reading. Once reading it, it’s filled with different type of emotions. Powerful story it is, when finished reading it, I can guarantee that the reader went through a roller coaster of emotions. I want to the reader to remember the book, so that way if it’s been quite sometime that he or she should read it and one random day if they would come across a ton of books, my book would recognize. If you could tell your younger writing self anything, what would it be? If there is anything that I would tell my younger self in regards to writing, it would be better prepared and making sure my time is invested in researching your material. To set standards for the book and allow yourself to set goals, for instance setting a specific date you would like your book to be published. How did publishing your first book change your process of writing? The purpose of this book is help seek comfort, to


motivate, and give encouraging words to anyone who may be enduring something drastic right now that they feel like he/she should throw the towel in. Also I’m a firm believer in GOD and all he has done for me, everything that is stated in this book is through the grace of GOD and truthfully, he allowed me to be here to share my story. Another thing I learned to practice is speaking positive words into my life. Speaking things into existence is really, when you speak great things and positive words, it changes your way of thinking about things. Also helping my readers keep going, have in faith everything regardless of the struggle. This has been my motivation tool when I was writing my book. What was the best money you ever spent as a writer? The best money I’ve spent since my advance is investing in more writing materials to become a better and more successful writer. I’ve purchased plenty of notepads, and pens, writing, brainstorming, to purchasing more notebooks, being up late night writing, marking out what I wrote, to ripping papers out of notebooks because I couldn’t get get it right the first four or five times. But what I’ve learned is that I will not get it right on the first maybe the fist six times, to be successful, there’s going to be alot of ripping out the papers in the notebook to get to where you need to be. Putting in the work I should say. Even if it’s costing late nights. That led me to some book signings for events even donating books to agency’s, and purchasing more books. And donated to different places. What was an early experience where you learned that language had power? At a very young age, before my mother’s death, I remember her saying to me: “if I could make at least one person smile or being helpful or speaking positive words to people, then I’ve done a good deed for the day.” From just being a little to now I’ve been taught that language is really important, a person language always tell how a person represents themselves. Language is very powerful. What are the most important magazines for writers to subscribe to? I would say writers should read magazines that consist if current events, I do believe that every writer should be aware of what’s going on in today’s world. Even if we don’t write about it, we should often times be aware of what’s around us. We should read magazines regarding our health, it’s important to install good information regarding health. Often time we find ourselves writing throughout the night and not realizing realizing the body is exhausted, so we could always is the health as a tool to get information. Reading magazines about financial investments and so forth are reliable as well. A lot of good resources to take when profiting your monies too. For the most part, most books I have read have been.

IAMSNAP Heart & Soul in Music IamSnap is a Billboard Charting and top 10 U.S. iTunes Charting recording artist, songwriter and Actor from Australia. What made you want to become a musician? A combination of things, from my love of music to losing two of my children in an ugly custody battle. What style - genre of music do you perform? Hip-hop, Rap and Pop. What accomplishments do you see yourself achieving in the next five to 10 years? It the next 5 to 10 years I would like to have collaborated with people like Sia and alike and to have gold or platinum plaques on my wall. And like most I want to be able to buy a home for my family. Do you have any hobbies or interests outside of music? Writing, screen writing/directing, acting.


What strengths do you have that you believe make you a great musician? I write real music, with meaning, from my heart and soul. I write music people can relate to and I can take someone through a journey of even their own life. Do you have any weaknesses that you’re actively working to improve on? Anxiety and depression. Which instrument is your favorite to play and why? I don’t play instruments. Pen is my instrument. What is it about music that makes you feel passionate? That it is a true piece of me. Its also my outlet and I am free to express my feelings. Describe your favorite and least favorite part about being a musician. My favourite part about being a musician is the thrill I get, the adrenaline, when I finish writing a new song! The least favourite part is trying to rise above the noise of the music industry. What do you like most about playing music? I like it because it keeps me focused. http://www.iamsnapmusic.com/


TOGGO ULTRAROCK Creepy Wonderwall Eileen Shapiro caught up with Norwegian-American rocker, Toggo Ultrarock. Toggo Ultrarock Releases “Creepy Wonderwall” Norwegian-American rocker Toggo Ultrarock recently released his new single “Creepy Wonderwall” world-wide. His emotionally charged Oasis cover is a dark and haunting version of the original with the kind of sincere and unique vocal delivery that only Toggo can conjure. Toggo was happy to share questions and answers regarding his new single as well as his life and career. Toggo’s goal in his own words is “ To leave the world irrecoverably inspired by his music and persona”, and he’s well on his way to accomplishing that...


What has been people’s reaction to “Creepy Wonderwall?” I’ve released other songs before obviously, but I have never gotten a reaction like the one I’m getting for this. What inspired you to do a cover, because I know that you are a really great songwriter? Don’t get me wrong, I already have another fully produced single, ready to go. But a while back, my old guitarist Johnny Santoro, who is also a great producer, played me the demo of this track and I said “oh my God you’ve got to be kidding me, we have to do this live!” So Johnny produced the tracks and we started doing it live. People went nuts every time we played it, so I knew there was something special there. That’s why I had to release it before anything else.

What do you hope people will take away with them from your version of the song? My goal with songs is always to transport the listener somewhere else than where they are. With Creepy Wonderwall, I get a lot of teary reactions, people choking up from listening to it, due to how emotional it is, and the symphonic soundscape. That makes me feel like I did my job well. I feel like you put a lot of emotion into it.... I mean all of your songs you do with passion and emotion, but I feel like there was just a little extra something in this song. There was. I was going through some heavy stuff with my girlfriend at the time, and I really channeled it to that song, just pure, raw emotion, and people always pick up on that; when it’s authentic. Incidentally the same girl is actually the girl on the cover. During this pandemic a lot of artists got a lot more creative, because there was nothing else to do but focus on creativity. How was it for you? Same thing. It hasn’t really given me a choice. Everyone were just bottled up at home. So I have been super creative, not just with my music but with my business and with everything. Why has there been such a long time between releasing “Cannonball” which was so awesome, and this song? That’s a good question. Honestly, I’ve been in a dark period of...I don’t know what to call it. Depression definitely hits me here and there, and this was a big one. I wasn’t able to pull myself out of this until a few months ago. You are such a great musician....it’s almost like you’re afraid to become famous...I mean you’re already a superstar.... Thanks. Not on a conscious level but subconsciously I think there has been some fear of success because I have managed to sabotage myself in my career a few times in the past. The good thing is, I finally came out of that. Between moving here and starting a new life, I am blossoming again in a big way. I am more active and productive than I have been my whole life. Will you be touring in support of this single? What I am focused on first of all is promoting Creepy Wonderwall and getting it out there online as much as I possibly can, instead of going the opposite route. You know I’ve done that before where you struggle on an indie tour and there’s three people that show up because nobody knows you. Since promotion is what I do, I’m going to work hard at it and try and build up way more of a buzz before I go to the touring route.


So, if you could help me ask you any question on the planet what would you want me to ask you? That’s easy - “Toggo, I’m going to give you $1 million - where and when would you like me to drop it off?” (laughs). You know, I kind of got a head start living the rock star lifestyle, without actually being a well-known rock star yet. I live in the house of my dreams, I own the kind of cars I dreamed of when I was a kid, and I enjoy the kind of lifestyle most people dream of. And I got there by being extremely stubborn; by never giving up. To anyone else struggling with anything, especially as a musical artist, the advice I would give is, be courageous, and don’t ever, ever, ever give up. Or sell out. I can say that with confidence because I feel like I did sell out out for a lot of years, trying to make my songs extra radio friendly. Look at some the most successful bands of all time - the Beatles, Guns N’ Roses, Zeppelin, Metallica, Nirvana, and so on. What they all had in common was that they didn’t give a flying fuck about radio hits. They just went with what was in their hearts. Most of them were convinced that it really wasn’t going to work on a large scale.

I just saw this special with Paul McCartney on Hulu, where he was talking about one the biggest hits The Beatles ever had. When they wrote it, they were convinced it wouldn’t go anywhere…because they wrote it for themselves – not to try to create a hit. Yet, it became a monster world-wide hit. When you come from that kind of authenticity, and have a lot of talent at the same time, that’s when the world starts opening for you. What does your new single mean to you personally? Like I was saying earlier, I was in a bad spot romantically when I was recording it, hurting really bad. I just pulled everything painful inside of me out onto the track. The funny thing is until you brought this up I completely forgot that I had done that. Then, I go over in my mind how emotional this song is, and I think oh shit... I was a ball of emotions when I recorded that and that’s how the emotion found its way in there. I think also that that’s why it has such an impact on people. Well then, you must be in pain a lot of the time.... Haha, not exactly. But I do tend to write my best songs when I’m struggling with something, especially the romantic area. And that area has been a bit of a mess for me the past 7 years, and thank God for that I suppose as a lot of great songs have come out of it. Stream “Creepy Wonderwall” on Spotify here: https://open.spotify.com/album/0C2pSfJCURl0HIKTfboaIS?si=8TGfmcmFQEOl0QHUnsS09A&dl_ branch=1 Download “Creepy Wonderwall” on Apple Music here: https://music.apple.com/us/album/creepy-wonderwall-single/1572775325 Follow Toggo Ultrarock on the web. Website: http://toggoultrarock.com/ Instagram: https://instagram.com/toggoultrarock YouTube: https://youtube.com/toggoultrarock Facebook: https://facebook.com/toggoultrarock


KEONA CIERA Making Moves What is your stage name and how did you come up with it? My stage name is Keona Ciera, which is actually my first and middle name. I decided to use my real name because it’s different and unique. What first got you into music? Growing up not knowing I have this talent until my aunt inspired me to sing gospel after swim practice. Who inspired you to make music? My dad inspired me the most, I was his number one fan and wanted to be just like him. In my eyes he was the best singer ever and still is. Describe your style of music you perform? I would say I don’t really have a style because I’m open to any genre of music. I done tried it all but more to come. How would you describe the music that you typically create? Most of my music is what I really go through in real life. The hurt, the pain, and even the happy moments.


What is your creative process like? Once my soul connects to the beat the words come flowing afterwards.

Who would you most like to collaborate with? Chris Brown, Jhene Aiko, and Giveon. If you could go open a show for any artist who would it be? Jhene Aiko What is one message you would give to your fans? No matter what always go after your dreams because you only have one life to live so be great and let God lead the way. What is the most useless talent you have? Drawing/painting Do you sing or rap in the shower? What songs? I sing in the shower and it mainly be songs I come up with randomly. How has Covid-19 impacted your music career? It definitely slowed down the performance part, but it gives me more time to write and record. What would you be doing right now, if it wasn’t for your music career? I would be doing makeup only because I’m really good at it. Where have you performed? Midwest Explosion bike show, Reminisce, City Night live tv and more. What are your favourite and least favourite venues? My favorite venue is at concerts and my least favorite is a bar. Do you have any upcoming shows? I have Rnb night at reminisce and Sawyer Pointe within the next few months located in Cincinnati. How do you feel the Internet has impacted the music business? The internet is doing great for me because it allows my music to be heard anywhere in the world What is your favourite song to perform? My favorite song to perform is my song called “Diamonds”. Which famous musicians do you admire? I absolutely admire Queen Naija because she reminds me so much of me. Do you have social media? Yes, my name is Keona Ciera on every social media app to find me.


We caught up with...

Gramzunkut Hip Hop Influencer & Entreprenuer 21

Conversation with Hip Hop Influencer & Entreprenuer, Gramzunkut by Michael Neely. What first got you into music? I’m a original Bronx b-boy. I grew up in this thing we call rap now Cardboard boxes for breakdancing, graffiti trains, block parties with real turntables etc it’s more than music it’s really a lifestyle the fashion etc I was born into hip hop. How did you come up with your stage name? Gramzunkut came from kelo being such a common name I had to flip it & bounce it and kelo came from being young with leadership skills. What’s the name of your first single? My 1st single was can’t lie about (wanna dig you) in 2017 it still go hard so does the video. Ya’ll need to go and check for that.

Who inspired you to make music? My music is inspired by me my trails my tribulations it’s all very personal for me but I am a fan of many artist from every category but I am my own inspiration. How would you describe the music that you typically create? Very realistic and motivating str8 Ryder music extremely uplifting an emotional, energetic sometimes ignorant. What is your creative process like? I lived so much experienced a lot I just need the right beat to express myself also some flowers some drink & a cool environment. Who would you most like to collaborate with? Mary j Blige If you could go open a show for any artist who would it be? Wu Tang What is one message you would give to your fans? Stay on your path and don’t get caught up in someone else’s story, be your own and play the long game of life, not just fame and riches, find your happiness, life is short, enjoy your’s to the fullest. What is the most useless talent you have? Is there a such thing as useless talent your talents should be utilized in some expect of your life the worst action in life is wasted talent. Do you sing in the shower? What songs? Yes, everything from Slick Rick to the Temptations. What would you be doing right now, if it wasn’t for your music career? More so entertainment industry than just music but Maybe teacher / working with youth or animals like pet shop or zoo best scenario or dead or locked obviously. Where have you performed? What are your favorite and least favorite venues? I’ve touched some stages in some good venues like Webster theater, S.OB.’s, Stage48, Rolling Loud, but I like night clubs where it’s a vibe everybody on-tilt drink smoke etc I don’t like spaces wit no ac !!! No sweat boxes. Do you have any upcoming shows? Just doing appearances here and there and touching some events like Rolling Loud and Smoke Champs. Also been focused on my Dippin Doenutz #dippindoenutz 420 lifestyle brand & Selfmade Leathers #selfmadeleathers which is high quality custom leather apparel.


P-COAT Loyalty & Legacy TiJay Staar’s Conversation w/ RECORDING ARTIST AND PRODUCER: P-Coat. I must admit, this next story brings me great pleasure to share!! I have grown up with some truly gifted and amazing people! We have stayed connected, through good times and bad! Gigs, no gigs, and pause and prep stages. We have gathered what we had been given, fought to maintain and earned, and created something worthy of sharing!! I have recently had the pleasure of linking with long time kinfolk and fellow Artist/Producer, P- Coat, from Vallejo, Ca. We met back in Junior High, went throughbHigh School and beyond! Over the years, we have done small collabs, a small reminder to each, that we are still around! A small little project away! LOL! But, this conversation/interview shows me that we are closer than we think! And I am glad to support him and continue to watch his passion push him forward! So, with this convo, I caught him preparing before a power packed show with Mystikal and The Infamous Kaboo!


Maintaining sanity, during the pandemic was definitely a test. How’d you do it? I stayed aggressively busy, building the Brand of BFA

(Brothers from Another) with fellow artists I have been working with for years. Music projects from our collective, plus my own, has been the focus. Layout your newer projects: I have been workin on numerous singles and collaborations with: Ice Meez, Infamous Kaboo, and a host of others. My work that I have released is on ALL digital platforms. How does “OG” status drive people to grab your new stuff? Well, T. With us being in the game for so long, me, almost 20 years, it has been a blessing and a curse, so to speak! Keeping a track record of quality music, exploring your talents, and giving the fanbase what they want, are ways of relevence. I try to follow the steps, artists like E-40 uses to stay relevant. Such as, adapting and working with up and coming artists. What have you take from.the beginning of.your career, until now? What I have takenis the learning process of capturing the persona of me being an artist. Not a gimmick but, as in an entertainer. S olidarity and the mindset of staying creative also.

Even with all the work that you have accomplished, what has been an obstacle? Mannnnn...... WRITER’S BLOCK!!!! I’m often in conflict with not wanting sound repetitious, during my writing process. It’s a slippery slope. I eventually get through it and try to make something fire for the masses! Has following your dream been worth it? Why or why not? Yes! I would honestly say: FOLLOW YOUR DREAMS!! IT’s not always an easy road. Hard work persistence pay off! Research ways to put your music out. Get a quality mixer and masterer on your projects and LASTLY, invest in self! THAT IS HOW YOU BUILD YOUR WORTH!! Has your motivation and approach to projects changed with the platforms that can now accompany music releases? All the technology has most def made things easier, as for as getting music out. But, I still have a process. I still apply person to person, getting out to clubs and venues to promote projects. I enjoy rubbing elbows with fellow artists and Djs. This keeps the human element to marketing and advertising. It lets people know you are tangible. How do you feel women can achieve success and be respected in a mostly male.dominated industry? Yo!!! I feel the industry is wide open for female artists

of any genre of music! The only advice I have is: GO FOR ALL YOU WANT!!! Hone your craft and stay true to yourself. What will be a manifestation of your success and balance? Just persistence, the willingness to evolve, and the love never fades in what I do as an artist and a mentor. When it’s all said and done, what would be your greatest accomplishment? To leave a legacy of dope music and direction for artists! To make a blueprint, or general plan to combat a lot that most don’t talk about to make it. Some industry moves are made to break you. You must have direction, determination and belief in what you are doing! Also, the HOPE of my music! That the goal of impacting lives is met and always remembered! With that being read and said? Feel free to contact and follow P-Coat @: FB: P-Coat IG: theofficialpcoat Years ago, we did a song called: OCCUPY https://youtube.be/MKX4Fjzp20 Also, check P-Coat out on YOUTUBE.


GOKOO Focused on the Future How would you describe yourself in three words, and why? ENERGETIC, authentic, hilarious. What do you spend your free time doing? Spend as much time as I can with my kids, hooping; in the gym. What is your favorite movie/tv series? He Got Game! Undisputed & Shameless. Sometimes I’m Shannon Sharpe. Sometimes I’m a Gallagher. lol What is your favorite trait about yourself, and why? What is your least favorite? My energy. Ppl feed off of it from college ball to the stage. Least favorite would have to be my heart. I give more than I get sometimes. Do you tend to overthink? Why do you think you overthink? Yes. I just wanna be on point; can never be too prepared.


Are you an introvert or an extrovert? Extrovert fa show. Natural leader.

Do you like to be around big crowds of people, or do you like small groups? I just adapt to my surroundings. There’s a time for all things.

Do you like small towns, or big cities, and why? Big cities I just wanna expand my brand and sound. Feel good music and energy fa show. What makes you feel the most at peace? Being with my children. Holding my daughter is like a Gatorade on a summer Day. It’s just right. What do you do when you feel disrespected? Are you confrontational or just let it go? I don’t put myself in situations to be disrespected. When I am disrespected, it’s from people whose opinions don’t really matter so. What do you think determines happiness? What makes you happy? There’s no definite answer for that’s I feel like your happiness is defined by the person. For some ppl it’s money; for some it’s just waking up in the morning. Taking care of my people makes me happy. Not always monetary just being ME to the people that really care. What scares you the most about the world? How would you combat or fix it? Telling. Ppl these days will literally shoot at you and tell on you too. That’s a frightening fucking concept . Legal money! That’s what I chase. That’s how I combat snitches abd their relevance in my life. Does adventure excite you? I feel like every day is an adventure. We all get the same 24 hours. Definitely excited to elevate, create you know? Do you fear change? Not at all. Change can be good. Change can be bad. I fear sitting stagnant. What are three things that excite you about life? 1-Opportunity-every day you wake up there is one. We all get the same 24. 2-Children- They’re the future abd have so much potential and time to embark on their journey. 3-Music. Music is my life. Couldn’t live without it. What are things that make you nervous? Performing. I’m super confident in everything I do. But there’s always nerves. I like them. Just makes me eager to execute at a high level. Do you feel understood? Or do you feel that people misunderstand and jump to conclusions about you? If so, how? I feel like I’m an open book, but some people will always misunderstand me, my approach abd what I represent based off their own pre conceived notions. What kind of friend do you try to be? A damn good one. Try to be as solid as possible because I know genuine friends are rare.

What is your favorite song, album, artist, genre of music? Why is it your favorite? Favorite song is Toxiq by myself. It’s on all ma jor platforms. Download that TODAY. Fav album would have to be one of Drake’s idk. Favorite artist-Drake. I’d say R&B is my favorite genre though. Just a vibe for me. What song would you say you can relate to the most or you can identify with the most? Tupac. All Eyes On Me. I feel like I’m always ready for a big moment. There’s ways somebody watching.


DEBORAH DRIGGS Be Inspired and Live Your Best Life Interview by Sherry Nelson “Never stop Learning and Growing ~ Stay Focused and Discipled and Let Your Heart not your ego Guide you toward Greatness”


Her life in photos is like a kaleidoscope of beauty and intrigue using the transformative elements of an ever evolving combination of self-improvement and adaptation. Focused, disciplined, fiercely independent, Deborah Driggs is the woman our youth can look up to and be inspired by. Aesthetically pleasing with her gorgeous mane of chocolate brown hair and eclipsing emerald-green eyes, it is her drive, ambition, and refusal to accept defeat without a challenge, that shows young people, male and female, that anything and everything is possible if you are willing to see life as an exciting adventure. “If you fail … fail forward! Turn a failure into a lesson”, because when you earn your goal, it’s value becomes so much more rewarding.

Deborah Driggs’ life so far, has the universal appeal of athleticism, beauty, and business acumen, tied together by her infectious smile and inviting personality. In today’s world of uncertainty and distancing, it is important to put a spotlight on what is good and positive to incentivize us to keep moving forward and experience as much as we possibly can. Deborah is an important element in a world that seems full of barriers – physically and emotionally. Not one to be told, “stay there” or “think this way”, no – she is ambitious and continues to pursue life as she always has – with the mindset of champion. She is an accomplished model and actress, a member of the Screen Actors Guild, and a successful author, Radio/Podcast host and Moderator, an Advocate for Social Change and a power business women in Real Estate and Insurance. With these many accomplishments to date, how can one possibly define a woman who seemingly has done it all? Perhaps a step-by-step guide looking into a snapshoot of her life may help uncover the mystique of the divine Deborah Driggs.

Step 1: Find Your Goal American made, Deborah hails from Oakland, California where at an early age, like most young children do, she looked to success stories for inspiration. Her first impressionable influence - America’s 1970’s sweetheart, Olympic Ice Skating Champion Dorothy Hamill. Dorothy Hamill was the epitome of grace and, she was the all-American girl! I wanted to do what she did to win gold. At the time stories were being broadcast about various sports figures who never gave up no matter what, and I became obsessed with that mindset. I was also influenced by Sports figures. Growing up figure skating I would watch all the competitions and look forward to the Olympics. Dorothy Hamill was a huge influence. My coaches had a huge influence on my life. They pushed me to be more and work harder. With her goal established, at 4am each day before school Deborah laced up her ice skates and would practice with vigor mastering the various technical aspects of the sport. The structure and discipline of ice skating was an environment Deborah thrived in. If she fell she did not get pity or comfort, instead, she learned to get up again and again because what good was she on the ground seeking empathy? In life we all fall down, but like all Olympic champions we must get up, dust off, and adjust what went wrong, then practice until we get it right. Step 2: Life will have its Ups and Downs – Take them Head On – There is a Life Lesson to Be Learned Soon thereafter, sadly as so many young people have experienced, her family unit broke, her parents divorced and money became tight so Deborah held off her Olympic dream to help where she could, working various jobs to help her mother with financial obligations. Growing up almost overnight as a result, Deborah does not play the “blame game” or wallow in frustration, anger, or sink into a victim mentality, she adapted and saw this as a character-building steppingstone and recognized what truly mattered, love. In a poignant tribute to her mother each year on December 13, Deborah’s Birthday, she salutes that special lady who sacrificed herself to give life and all the opportunities thereafter to her daughter.

Step 3: Life is Ever Evolving and So Are You! One of Deborah’s great philosophy’s is “you are the director of your life!” With that sense of enthusiasm and a natural drive to entertain to make people smile, Deborah says she was influenced a lot by comedic television, so just like her curiosity of Dorothy Hamill she “would watch every I Love Lucy episode because I wanted to do that type of comedy. I was addicted to getting attention anyway I could - running around in go-go boots, singing these boots are made for walking, putting on shows for my babysitters and anyone who would watch. I wanted to be a performer! Hands down attention was my first addiction”.

I share my Birth-day with my mom! I grew up poor but wealthy with experience! One great thing I now realize is I never really knew we were poor! I was a happy kid! I have a lot of happy childhood memories! … My mom was 18 when she was pregnant with me!!! And, she chose to keep me!!! I feel very lucky to have a mom who chose the hard path of having a baby at 18 (in the 1960’s). It is easy to focus on what was wrong with our childhood, it takes work to choose what was a blessing and I choose the feeling of being Blessed with the Life my mother gave me!


Born to entertain, Deborah replaced her ice skates for cheer shoes as a Saddleback College Cheerleader and shortly thereafter was making headlines for her talent and creativity in choreography beating out more than 800 dancers to became a Pro Squad L.A. Express cheerleader her first year trying out. When I won my spot on the cheer squad at 19, that propelled me into the spotlight. I was on a tour doing morning shows, radio and various guest appearances. I thrived in front of a large crowd. There is nothing like performing and hearing people yelling your name and cheering you on! Step 4: Get out of your Comfort Zone This opportunity went beyond the borders of California, and soon the 20 year old she was enroute to Japan performing and breakdancing and hip hop to enthusiastic crowds. The magnetism and energy of Deborah at these events landed her commercial work in Osaka, Japan making $800/day dancing in a poodle skirt from the 1950’s. It is important to note that once again this opportunity was not purely by happenstance, Deborah was keen to learn some of the Japanese language so she could communicate better, proving once again the mindset of a champion separating her from a one dimensional beauty to a multi-faceted woman evolving her reputation to fit better within her current environment. “If you say you could never do that. Then guess what? It’s not going to happen”. Taking a gamble and leaving the comfort of home to travel abroad opened up Deborah’s world to even greater possibilities because of her focus and commitment to excel as a cheerleader and dancer. Now she could add to her resume and portfolio model and actress and soon she was the face for iconic International brands Ocean Pacific, Body Glove, Victory Swimsuit, and Fedco. And then the #1 Magazine in the World wanted Deborah for their platform. Playboy entered my life by accident. I was already working as an actress doing commercials and I was doing print work. So when I got the call to go audition for Playboy I was Shocked. I was going in to be seen for a new book called The Lingerie Book and it was for the cover. I went to the famous Playboy building on Sunset and did a few Polaroids and left. I did not think it went that well. I got a call the end of the day that they were interested in shooting me for a centerfold. I said I think there has been a mistake! Me? LOL I did not see myself as a Playboy Centerfold. Hugh Hefner’s lineage of Playboy models has always centered around the “girl next door” image, and at that time they were receiving more than a thousand applications a day from beautiful girls hoping to get their chance to be a Playboy model too.


Once the camera caught that sparkle in Deborah’s eye and the level of sophistication captured in her screenshots, Playboy had bigger plans making her Playboy Channel’s first VJ on its hit show “Hot Rocks” and putting her in back-to-back issues of the magazine as Miss March in 1990, then as its Covergirl in April 1990. Never one to shy away from a new challenge, Deborah chose the less “safe” path and did what millions of women could only dream of doing and because of that bold step she has now solidified her place in American History as a Playboy Covergirl, Playmate and VJ! Step 5: Get Curious “Getting curious is by far one of the hardest things to do … It can annoy me when someone tries to give

me advice or tells me how something should be because I know people will see what they want to see … and they usually do it in a way that is judging.” This leap of faith opened up even more avenues and opportunities. She was approached by other magazines to be on their cover, she was riding in the very popular L.A. Based K-Rock’s helicopter doing guest spots reporting on the weather and traffic, she performed on the Bob Hope Special in Acapulco, and appeared as a guest on Oprah Winfrey’s Valentine’s Day Special. Looking back on her memories with Playboy, being at the Mansion, and her relationship with founder Mr. Hugh Hefner, Deborah only has fond memories. Hef was amazing, quietly funny, extremely wickedly smart, that is what made him so attractive to me was his genius. He was happy and living the dream life he created. He was the King of the Mansion and loved having the girls around him a lot. Hef changed everything with his magazine, he was ahead of the times with his great interviews and the lifestyle he provided for men. He showed me you can have it all. The Playmate was really just the icing on a brilliant magazine. Step 6: Connections – Reinvention - Perserverance Deborah could see beyond the instant gratification Playboy offered her as one of its models, scrolling through her social media she has a whose who of friends from Sir Richard Branson to Van Jones to Tony Robbins and later in life she would capitalize on these connections to build a strong foundation in a variety of business ventures. “Being in proximity of really like minded people will always set you apart, the people you spend most of your time with will greatly influence your life. I learned this as I went through life, I was attracted to different types of people.” Deborah is a woman who craves knowledge, so the caliber and diversity of minds she was able to connect with continued to open up her horizons emotionally and encouraged her mentally just as her past skating, cheerleading, and dance coaches did for her physically. In 2003, she stepped away from Hollywood to raise a family in Utah with her husband Olympic Gold Medal Champion Mitch Gaylord. She connected with a talent agent there and kept her foot in the door of entertainment, while also stepping into Real Estate during the booming housing market at the time. Once Deborah passed the difficult exams to attain her Real Estate Licence, like a driven and focused athlete wanting to be trained by the best, she pursued ambitiously to work with the top Real Estate Agent in Park City, Utah. Deborah was establishing a reputation as an intelligent, driven, and very persistent woman in business. Then the 2008 United States Housing collapse happened, and Deborah reinvented herself again in the Print Procurement

From Top Left: Mich Gaylord, Sir Richard Branson, Tony Robbins, Boy George

Industry though soon that too, was fleeting because print was on its way out and digital media was on its way in. Yet again Deborah reinvented herself on the advice of a friend who said she would be a natural in sales because she was such a magnetic ‘people person’. Soon Deborah was hitting the books again in her desire for more knowledge and took the Life Insurance course. She received her license and in 2011 catapulted to the Top 5% in the USA for Life Insurance Sales. Life Insurance has really educated me a lot on growing wealth and using it as a hedge in your portfolio. It is as Forbes Magazine says “the last great tax shelter in America” People would ask me what do you do I would in the beginning say “I sell Life Insurance” now I say “I prepare people for unexpected life events” - Big difference. My business last year was affected when the insurance companies would not insure anyone 60 and over, so as a result we took a hit because they got scared with all the hype about this virus affecting older people. Step 7: Always Look Ahead to the Future The global pandemic, Covid-19 affected Deborah’s Insurance business dramatically, but instead of saying “why is this happening to me … Again?!” she continues to reinvent herself. Currently and with great pride she has joined forces with Sir Richard Branson and Virgin Unite with the goal of making the world a better place. She is also Co-host on the very popular “Roger the Wild Child Show”, she writes a weekly motivational blog called ‘Deb’s Den’, and, she is self-publishing 2 very insightful and creative books she has written.


So how can you live your best life? If you resonate with Deborah Driggs then be the champion in your world, be the architect of your destiny. Whether you want to be a model or attend a prestigious University or if you are going into a job interview, then be prepared. Know your goal, practice your skill set whether that is getting in the best shape of your life or acquiring as much knowledge as you can about the field you are applying for. In life you only get one chance to make a first impression so be bold, be confident and focused so that you make it to the podium, hopefully wearing that gold medal in this life that you too have been Blessed with. To learn more about Deborah Driggs and to get access to her upcoming book and motivational blog please go to: www.deborahdriggs.com Social Media: Instagram/Facebook/Twitter @deborahdriggs Books: Aging Gracefully is a Full Time Job Hot Pink: A Girl’s Guide to Primping, Passion, and Pubic fashion Podcast: www.rogerthewildchildshow.com


ROBERT CRAYTON Looking Forward Michael Neely caught up with the actor riveter Robert Crayton During his down time …. How did you get involved in Acting? I literally got into it by finding something on the internet. How long have you been an actor? From where did you get started? I’ve been an actor for about 13 years now and I’m from NY but got into into it while I was in the South. As an actor you appeared in more than 88 films you have been credit with how does that feel with such an amazing accomplishment? I’ve actually been in over 100 films or projects but some are not appearing on IMDB properly for some reason, and as far as accomplishments I feel I’m honestly just scratching the surface. How many plays have you done so far? I performed several when I was child but haven’t done any in my adult life as an entertainer.

Are you working on any current projects? Yes, currently I’m working on an HBO Max series called the Staircase. What kind of roles have you performed throughout your career? Are you satisfied with them? I performed a diverse array of roles throughout my career and at first I was not satisfied with them on some level as I felt at the beginning I did not get to showcase my range as an actor!! How different is it to act in a movie and to act in a theater play? It is very different as theater performances have to be bigger in nuance and gesture as to reach the back of the theater while big motion and gestures in film come across as unrealistic or over the top, so smaller is better in film!!! Tell me about an area in which you would like to improve as an actor? I would say I would to improve in conveying fear or vulnerability which is not really a part of my everyday life!!!

In how many films have you performed up till now? Well over 100 films.


How do you think film stars handle their popularity? Some handle it well some crumble beneath its weight!!! Do you think that you have the potential to carry a film on your shoulders? Yes, I do?? What has been your biggest achievement in the field of acting? My biggest achievement is progress without stagnation!! Mention about any special recognition or award that you have received for your acting skills? I have not received many award there have been a few but I believe that comes with time and paying your dues the biggest reward is the itself Which do you prefer, theater acting or movie acting? Movie acting as I find theater to be more time consuming for less reward at times!! Do you ever think that you could have done a bit better in any particular role? Not really in my roles so much as they represent evolution and everyday in life is a learning opportunity I feel more that way about some auditions I’ve had which I did not book!!! I’m usually commended about my performances in which I believe my style to be unique. Which has been your favorite character that you have performed? I would say Attila on Wutang and Warren Sapp on Young Rock as I felt very free and was allowed to explore and create what the character was like!!! What are your strong points as an actor? I am aggressive about the work and have the utmost confidence in my ability!!! What have you learned from the directors that you have worked with throughout your career? That you are as only as strong as every link in the chain to make a cohesive product. I used to compete in scenes with other actors!!! What have you learned from your senior actors? Approach, patience and not to speak until I feel the character needs to speak... What are your educational qualifications? I have no formal training towards acting it comes naturally to me!!!! From where have you learned acting? I was exposed to acting and performing from my mother.


Do you think that you have matured as an actor? Yes, and I continue to grow as a performer each opportunity!!!

What kind of roles do you prefer? The Villian is more free in his approach to his objectives or Anti-hero. What is the hardest part of being a celebrity? Is watching how the people around change due to your change in status and not bring to be viewed as a regular person anymore. Give me a few tips to be a successful actor? Let your imagination soar dream as you did as a child never let life and circumstance rule your thought and perspective of where you can be. What are some of the difficulties of the acting business? For most it living reality before you can get to living dream as role for most people do not happen or come about as readily as mine I feel very blessed to be where I am. Is it true that you have to change yourself in order to be accepted into the entertainment business? No, that is absolutely false you have to be comfortablewith who you are to be in the entertainment business and flourish as No one can do you better than you can!!! How long is the average amount of time before an actor actually gets a job? I can’t really say it varies but mine was immediate but I was also coming from being a rapper so it was easier I guess!!!! What kind of things should an aspiring actor be involved in to prepare themselves for this field of work? There is actually nothing in particular as experience is key all things are relative actually acting is about you so the only that can hold you back is you!!

Once they get started acting is it hard to find your genre of acting? No, I belive people already know what they like as a consumer from shows that they watch and are actually experts to some level maybe not consciously about the things they enjoy so they should pursue that genre which would give them a leg up in a sense!!!! Is it hard even after you get one job to keep getting roles in other things? No, I did not find it to be I believe each booking is a doorway to the next in fact I know people who I started with at the same time that turned down a booking that I did not and have not worked since 2008, and I feel it is because the shunned a doorway to opportunity. As an actor you played many parts like - Warren Sapp on: @nbcyoungrock Yes, I’ve played a few roles that were similar, which is why I believe many things are relative in life!!

Is it true the saying “if you set your mind to it you can do it”? Absolutely my success in acting with no formal training and just telling my mother when I a child I’m going to be on TV is a testament to that!!!! Is it a career path that you would recommend? Yes but you have to gracious and anxious to fail before you succeed!!! For how many years have you been in the field of acting? 13 years What are your weak points when it comes to acting? Being Vulnerable What is your best quality as an actor? Absolute Fearlessness!!!

Attila on @wutangonhulu did you have to get deep into playing this part? Yes and no, I had to choose to become what I believe I would have been without opportunity or feeling like your back is against wall. The role was more or less a depiction of Natural selection the strongest survive concept!!! Nick Kovac on @ballershbo what was your motivation in getting this part and playing it so well? It was a man who had many people who depended on him to provide could be expectation, dedication, Family, loved ones, children you can plug in anything most people have has some type of reason to act. Peachy on @marvelantman how was it to be a part of an iconic series like Marvel Comic Ant Man? I felt truly blessed, as I was an avid comic collector as a kid so it felt like childhood bucketlist!!!!!! So, you have a few post productions under your belt. Can you tell a little bit about them? I have quite a few Young Rock was filmed in Australia which is a Beautiful place to be and my first time there!!!! Is it more difficult to get involved in Broadway than on screen acting? I actually think they are about the same level of difficulty. What is a good age to begin to pursue your acting career? Asap, nothing ventured nothing gained you never want to live with regret of what could have been. What is some advice that you would give to someone aspiring to become an actor? That No is a denial, it’s a Layaway to a yes.


T-HUNY Next Level Hello there Ms. T-Huny, tell us about yourself? Hello everyone, I’m T-Huny, a mom of four beautiful children, an entrepreneur and music artist. I stand on a foundation of Faith and love. Other things I like to do are graphic design and poetry. Tell us how you became a inspirational rapper? My life has been a roller coaster, but during those tough times I began to really grasp the concept and realization in the magnitude of God and His power. He has gotten me through a lot and I owe everything to Him. After having my children and going through tough times, I decided to create more music geared towards inspiring people and motivating people. I find that we need more emcees and music artists to express their artistry in a way that others will be uplifted from it.


T-Huny what would the world look like if you realized your vision – who would benefit, and who would suffer? That’s a great question! If the world could look through the lenses I wear, they would feel more peace and love. That’s what I like to give off, that type of energy. Of course everyone has their moments and days, for no one is perfect, but we would do as instructed by God and simply love one another more. Who would suffer? Well, I’d hope no one, but in actuality those who do not desire to be loved or give off love, are internally suffering already.

Who else has been down your road before you? I’ve been down many roads but can speak on those that have been in domestic violence relationships. Advocating to spread awareness is a big mission for me now. Sometimes people don’t understand the signs or red flags as they are labeled. Sometimes, those red flags are normal because you’ve grown up under them as a child. Some people don’t understand the magnitude of danger they are in until they are out of it. So, by speaking openly about abuse in all forms, hopefully this will help save lives or another person from silently suffering.

What motivates you to do what you do? My four children are my motivation. I have three sons and a daughter. Raising them on my own can be challenging when it comes to energy lol but they inspire me, they are my number one fans and they encourage me with constant hope and love. I always hear “I love you mommy”, when I really need it and that makes me feel so uplifted, and motivated to give them my all. So, yes they are definitely my motivation!

What do you spend most of your time doing? A lot of my time goes into being a single mom and running my businesses. As I continue to build my brands, such as T-Huny.com, StarMusicRadio.com and DopeBlackFashion.com, I’m learning how to manage time better so that I don’t get overwhelmed.

Where does your passion come from? My passion comes from Christ. His suffering so that we can live is bigger than most can comprehend. I feel that through music I can express and discuss situations that people deal with everyday, and that will allow others to feel that they are not suffering in silence. A lot of my music comes from personal experiences and I like to share those because if my music can help, even just one person, then it serves its purpose. More recently I’ve become an advocate for domestic violence, and will be releasing an album entitled “Life on Paper”. This will talk about some of my personal experiences and how I’ve overcome them.

When are you most fully yourself? I am most fully myself when I am surrounded by loved ones, because it gives me a sense of peace. What one word best sums up you and your vision? Ardency. What and who inspires you with awe? Young people that have maturity and a good attitude with obedience and love, inspires me to continue doing what I am doing, so that I may inspire their peers who lack the same drive.

What and whom do you love best? Well, God is my first love and my desire is to please Him. Next, my children are my everything and my love for them extends far more than words can ever begin to describe. Then my close family, friends and supporters give me constant strength. And music, music saved my life. What are you most afraid of? Getting your way or not getting your way? Wow, another great question! I’m not afraid of either to be honest. I’ve learned to deal with both and take them as they come. You can’t make everyone happy and everyone won’t like you. But if I get my way then the fear could be that others would be unhappy if they disagree and if I don’t get my way, then the fear could be that I wouldn’t be happy. But, it’s really circumstantial and you have to learn how to take whatever is thrown at you and benefit from both the wins and the losses. If you keep your head high regardless and pull a positive from every negative, then you’ll always be a winner!


DJ UNREAL No Limits What drew you to the music industry? I always loved music. I was influenced by music at a young age and used to put together mix-tapes on my boombox ,Im a 80’s baby. I started DJ-ing as soon as I got out the military and the story continues.

Please discuss how you interact with and respond to fans as a DJ. I love fans. They are the reason I keep going. I keep in touch and will always show love.

Who are you inspired by? I am inspired by Tiesto, Kid Kapri, Calvin Harris, Red Alert, Steve Aoki. Its a mixture of EDM and Hip Hop DJ’s. Please explain your creative process. What’s an average day like for you? I like to start my day with a workout listening to music old and new. I also produce my own tracks so I try to work on my beats or produced work as well. Is there a hidden meaning in any of your music? Not at all. I love music and in return I like to give back by putting out or playing good music. Do you collaborate with others? What is that process? Yes, I do and have collaborated with other producers and artists. I like the collaborating process because it gives me a chance to not only work with other artists but also learn from those artists.


What is your favorite part about this line of work? Your least favorite? Why? Good Question. I love the creative process of being a DJ/Producer. There is no regiment and no right or wrong way to doing music. Its a matter of taste in my opinion. I dont have a least favorite, but I don’t like requests, because I want the crowd to enjoy themselves and one persons song is usually not the best choice for the event/party. Have you ever dealt with performance anxiety? I’m usually a little nervous before events but I also learn to breathe and destress my mind. Tell me about your favorite performance venues. I would love to perform at Tomorrowland, Governors Island, and club LIV. Those are just a few places I’ve been that I would love to perform at. What advice would you have for someone wanting to follow in your footsteps? Keep Pushing. Don’t give up and it may not happen when you want it to happen but with determination you can achieve your dreams. I want to say thank you to everyone that has helped in the process and for this interview. Lets make it happen 2021!!! Follow DJ Unreal at: https://www.dbnrpro.com


LIONESS ROARS Keep’n it Real Tell us a little bit about yourself. Lioness Roars is a peoples person that likes to socialize I can brighten up a dark room and make people around me feel relaxed and welcome, not to toot my horn but hey I have a smile that will touch your soul. Where are you originally from? I was born and raised in Trenton, NJ. How did you get involved with hip hop the year you started? I first heard hip hop in 1979 as a little girl the song “These Are The Breaks “ by Kurtis Blow took my ears and foot movement to a whole other level that I started writing my own music and named myself, Lady C.


How did you come up with the name Lioness Roars? Explain. Lioness Roars was born in 2005 through a spiritual vision I gotta give all my praise to my Almighty God for showing me my inner spirit, strength and purpose for my life. As a Female Leader. Why did you choose that name and not something else? I didn’t choose the names Lioness Roars. God gave it to me in my visions doing a stand still moment in my life. It’s a Higher Calling I was gifted with this name. What is Wine Glasses Up? Explain. Wine Glasses Up also came to me in a spiritual vision. My way of explaining it is Psalms 23 When The Cup Spill Over. I like to see people enjoying life “Fellowshiping” with a beautiful wine glasses appreciating their lives with a substance of their choosing mainly just feeling good about theirselves and everyday they awake to give praise. Why do you say testimony and not interviews,what would be the difference? I use testimony because that’s what my Almighty God put on my heart to have his children tell their life testimonies while their alive who else can tell your testimony better then the original person. Where do you see your career going in the next few years,or where would you like to see it expand? Hopefully I won’t have to wait a few more yrs. I been putting in lots of work out here hoping to someday soon be notice by a Great Producer of a Syndicated Radio or TV show. I wanna expand worldwide wherever the opportunity present and lines up with my purpose. After your near death experience, what made you change your life for the better? I stop wearing my heart on my sleeve and research anyone that comes in my space. I’ve encounter so many fraudulent people that I had no choice but to protect myself while pushing myself to a higher level in this business. How did an iconic legend like Kurtis Blow inspire you? Kurtis Blow inspired me at the age of 7 yrs.old his music and talent had this shining hold on me to be a rapper not the break dancing I stayed away from that but his lyrics along made me feel like I can do that too, Write Music and Rock The Crowds. Do you have social media or a website? Yes, my social media sites are: Lioness Roars Wine Glasses Up Radio Show on FaceBook, and Wine Glasses Up on Instagram.


Perla Cordero @perla.model

Photographer: Donte Toussaint @dtouphotography Location: Albuquerque, New Mexico

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