Yaadi Culture, Fimi Style Magazine

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Volume 2 Issue 5

MAY 2013

Are we all equally blessed? A PONDERING STUDENT …. For all the Lost Children


Yaadi Culture, Fimi Style

Yaadi Culture, Fimi Styleja

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Table of


Features 3

“From a Bird’s view”


Save our Children

5 Are we all equally blessed? 11 A PONDERING STUDENT 12 Doctaz Advice 17 Jamaican Proverbs & Meanings 20 The Fraternity of Roosters tribute

Editor-in-Chief &


Layout and Design : Adrian Duncan

Contributors: Dillon Thomas

Deidre Douglas

Lynford Harris

Yaadi Culture, Fimi Style


“From a Bird’s view “

You Are Four: For all the Lost Children - An Old Chinese Proverb 1. He who knows and knows not that he knows. He is asleep... wake him. 2. He who knows not and knows not that he knows not. He is a fool... shun him 3. He who knows not and knows that he knows not. He is a child... teach him. 4. He who knows and knows that he knows. He is a king... follow him.

Deidre D. Douglas

Author unknown

May is

Child’s Month, and just when we think there is nothing worse to face us in this year of all kinds of crises, schools are in danger, teachers are in danger and most importantly,

children are in danger. But why is it that the children are those in most danger you may ask. Is any life more valuable than any? In this case, that is not the case. The fact is, if many children had the choice they would not go to school. Not because they do not want to learn, but simply because, kids learn differently, they have contrasting interests and also, formal school systems like ours, with European style teaching, in this millennium, century and decade is facetious for the most part. I would like to go out on a leafless limb here and say, the uninventive methods have caused me to believe it’s as if we don’t know how to teach nor learn. It was Plutarch who said, “The mind is not a vessel to be filled, but a fire to be kindled”. Fires can be dangerous when out of control, but beautiful, useful and necessary when contained.

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Save our ...



By Lynford Harris

is happening in this world? Where people die everyday. I know there’s no

guarantee on life. But can’t we be allowed to live it ; even if for just a while? We laugh, we cry, we live each day as it comes. It doesn’t matter who you are, death comes for all so the question remains, where can we run? Gated communities, on a military base? People are being murdered in seemingly every place. Not even the kids are safe anymore, saw on the news 18/20 children were recently shot, By a man who’s mom worked at the school nonetheless.

Facts you should know :

My take

on the

matter is he must have been on ‘crack’ I hate to think of the world we live in, of the future it holds for all. I hate to think that my future children who won’t even be safe behind a stone wall. Yaadi Culture, Fimi Styleja

Pimento is indigenous to Jamaica. It was found growing in Jamaica by early Spanish explorers who were quite impressed with the taste and aroma of the berries and the leaves. Pimento trees were later discovered in Cuba and were presumed to have been taken there by migratory birds which had eaten the berries. Attempts to introduce pimento to other parts of the world gave trees that failed to produce fruit and so were largely abandoned. Jamaica remains the largest producer of pimento, although it is also grown in Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Brazil and the Leeward Islands


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Are we all equally blessed?

By Adrian St. p. duncan


we hear of our people living in improvised environment and are not understanding the reasons why this is so. Living without the

basic amenities; Clothing, proper shelter and most importantly FOOD. Can this be attributed to the lack of education or resources to foster change? Jamaicans Jamaicans,, as we know ourselves, are resourceful people, people who will find a way despite the situations we are placed in; even if it is to substitute one of the basic necessities just to survive, just to foster continuity of life. Some would and have been saying that we are “blessed to be in such a beautiful island filled with beautiful beaches and warm sunshine” but are we all equally blessed? I was recently awarded the opportunity of an overnight stay in one of Jamaica’s most volatile inner inner--city communities; Tel Aviv in Southside Kingston. This opportunity opened my eyes further to the harsh realities of this and numerous other Jamaican inner city communities across the island living in sub sub--standard levels. What some of us refer to as “basic amenities” were referred to as privileges to these and numerous other citizens of Jamaica. The fact is we are not all blessed in the same way or in equal portions. Throughout my visit it was clear that education was not a priority for numerous residents and not something that is constantly on their minds as they simply could not afford to buy adequate clothing for themselves let alone their children. CONTD ON page 9 @YaadiCulture

Yaadi Culture, Fimi Style


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“From a Bird’s view “ Deidre D. Douglas Theorists Jean Piaget and Lev Vygotsky are always being summoned in understanding the development of the brain in terms of thinking and learning. Piaget had his genetic epistemology theory based children’s process in learning on biology, and thus chronologically he divided up a person’s life into four stages and determined what one would learn at what point. These four stages are: sensorimotor at 0 to 2 years, pre pre--operational at 2 to 7 years, concrete operational at 7 to 11 years, and formal operational at 11 years onwards. Basically this theory even when viewed from several perspectives, stated in black and white how mentally and thus intellectually developed a child is generally expected to be at a certain age or stage. Generally some, if not most, teaching techniques are adapted from this theory, although I believe that, the theory is good, but way to one one--tracked for this explorative, expressive and explosive generation.


approached the learning and development issue from a

socio socio--cultural stand point. This meant that for Vygotsky learning preceded development and also social interactions were of intricate importance to an individual’s cognitive development. Basically humans depend on social interactions and culture to learn and certain aspects of one’s development cannot be understood outside of the culture. Therefore, human’s cognition is shaped by culture. There are also four sections to this theory which directly affect development of an individual but they are in no chronological order. @YaadiCulture

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Deidre D. Douglas

These are

“From a Bird’s view “ the Ontogenetic (lifetime), Micro Micro--genetic (brief period), Phylo Phylo--genetic (evolutionary), and

Sociohistorical (cultural) developments. From what I have learnt about this theory, today’s average academic system needs a bit of Vygotsky intervention. And don’t be fooled that this is some psychology mumbo jumbo bedtime reading material. These are food for thought FYI. We live in a society where parents are just making it by and children are less supervised; where one invests into sending the child to school to be a teacher’s “problem” for most of their waking hours each week, for many weeks of the year. My mother told me that my grandmother and her brothers went to trade school after elementary age. Thus my granny who I was born to meet as a seamstress, who made me many lovely dresses, and other garments, who taught me how to embroidery, hem and even use a sewing machine, had been sewing from about 13 years old. Sure there were other means of income then and employment competition was never this bad or even close, but they asked the 13 year old, what she wanted to do, where her interests laid and then they provided an avenue for her to develop this interest into a skill which became a career for many years, and a pastime ritual in her later days in life. On the scene are HEART, and other skills training agencies, SDC along with other social development organizations. Are these institutions getting the kind of support and recognition they deserve? That question I will allow each of you, my dearest readers to address, dwell on and honestly answer.

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Amaica land we love……. A true Jamaican understands and

appreciate these words. To

make it a bit clearer, Jamaicans,

home and abroad, will

always tell you “no weh nuh betta

dan yaad”….Despite the

circumstances placed in, Jamaicans

are always and will always

be appreciative of their native land;

even when they are

fighting to go overseas . Placed in

those situations fosters the

realization that indeed “no weh nuh betta dan yaad”. Political Independence was born out of a feeling of nationalism **whispers* whispers* “we did jus tired a dis whole slavery thing yah man man”. ”. It cannot be denied that our country and people have succeeded in developing our own identity and captivating ,worldly appreciative culture, with popular music and sports rocketing ahead of the way. It should however be outlined that, Jamaicans have been excelling competitively across the globe in other areas including Academia, Medicine, Law and several other disciplines . I firmly believe that although there have been and still continues to exists the presence of hardships in our daily lives, Jamaica possess the exponential ability to be an economically and socially prosperous country with equality as well as unity in the distribution of the nation’s wealth thus fostering prosperity for Jamaica and all Jamaicans. Yaadi Culture, Fimi Styleja


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Are we all equally blessed? By Adrian St. p. duncan


they could not afford to pay the fees to send their children to school or even give them money to attend on a regular

basis. It was clearly evident as the streets were flooded with young children running up and down with nothing to do but play for the entire day and rest their tired little bodies in the nights after a long day of playing. My next observatory fact, was the reality that there existed so many child child--parents in this and numerous other inner inner--city communities across the island; young girls becoming pregnant at a very tender age or already having had a few children. Robbed of their childhood and youthful experiences they are forced to grow up at a tender age, forced to face the harsh realities of their environs. Having to listen to the constant cries of their babies as they have nothing to eat or having to watch them walk half naked for the entire day as there is a limited availability of clothing to wear.

By the

break of night fall, I was advised “not to be surprised by the

“fireworks” outside as this is a regular occurrence at this time”. It daunted on me, is this the blessed living that we are always hearing about? Contd on pg. 15

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Yaadi Culture, Fimi Style Magazine

would like to salute all Jamaican TEACHERS... Thank you for the tremendous work you have been doing over the years.


Yaadi Culture, Fimi Style


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A PONDERING STUDENT …. By Dillon Thomas Daily we ask ourselves numerous questions; are we able to cover our tuition fees? When I am finished, will I get a job that will be able to pay for the years of schooling? Searching tirelessly for months, possibly years and finally you are successful in securing a job. You continue to question yourself; is this this job able to cover my bills while continuing to maintain a ‘decent’ standard of living/lifestyle that you have adopted while at University or College. Though grateful for the opportunity, your first move after knowing your annual salary is to calculate your expenses just to see if it is feasible enough to cover your; student loans; repayment of parents; bank loans, in addition to your other lifestyle expenses. It is a common belief that holding a University/College degree graduates are placed higher in their respective fields and recognized as an “educated” or “learned” man or woman. One who is now able to foster certain types of discussions and seen as somewhat of an authority on certain topics/subject content, able to impart knowledge.

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Hepatitis B (HBV) Hepatitis B is a vaccine -preventable blood borne infection. It is a serious viral disease that infects the liver. While the hepatitis B virus (HBV) doesn’t directly damage the liver, it is the body’s immune response to the virus that results in liver injury. Among adults with acute hepatitis B less than 2% fail to clear the virus within six months after infection and develop chronic Hepatitis B infection. To offer a comparison, about 80% of infected newborns and as many as 20% of children under the age of 5 develop persistent infection. Patients with acute hepatitis B must be followed carefully to identify those who have recovered spontaneously and those in whom chronic infection may require specific antiviral drug treatment. Treatment is reserved for those patients in whom viral levels are increased above a specific level and liver enzymes elevations are present. Other patients, for example, so so--called inactive carriers with low levels of virus and normal liver enzymes are not currently treated.




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born to infected mothers should receive hepatitis B immune globulin and the

hepatitis B vaccine within 12 hours of birth to help prevent infection. Two additional doses of vaccine should be administered at 1 and then at 66--12 months of age. There is increasing evidence that for pregnant women with high levels of HBV, treatment with an oral antiviral at the end of the second or beginning of the third trimester until delivery will reduce the risk that the immunized baby will be infected. People who develop acute hepatitis B are generally not treated with antiviral drugs because the disease often resolves on its own. Infected newborns are most likely to progress to chronic hepatitis B, but by young adulthood, most people with acute infection recover spontaneously Severe acute hepatitis B can be treated with an oral antiviral drug but available data on effectiveness are conflicting and those with acute liver failure are candidates for liver transplantation.


the treatment of chronic hepatitis B two oral drugs – tenofovir and entecavir – and an injected drug, pegylated interferon are available and considered first

-line options. Older drugs, such as lamivudine, telbivudine, and adefovir, are no longer favored. These treatments suppress HBV and improve outcomes. However, treatment is not a cure and small amounts of HBV may persist in the liver for decades. CONTD FR PAGE 6

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A TRIBUTE to mothers Because you believed... My development was never a smooth one, but knowing that you are always there encouraging and cheering me on made the weight seem lighter and worth it all in the end. You’ve believed in me since before I was born, you had the template of my life already designed in your head and helped me to fill in the blanks as I grew. No matter the nature of the conversation; you always lend a listening ear and comforting words of advice. A caregiver, nurturer, educator, nurse, pharmacist and cheerleader are just synonyms describing you: THE PERFECT MOTHER!!!! My ultimate goal in life is to make you proud while ensuring your continued happiness. Not everyone is blessed with a parent, but I am eternally grateful that I am awarded the privilege to call you MOTHER and boastfully PROUD to be called your son.


Yaadi Culture, Fimi Style Magazine


Yaadi Culture, Fimi Style


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Are we all equally blessed? By Adrian St. P. Duncan

Is this

even living at all when a few miles up the road there are people living in 3, 4, and 5 storey buildings fully

equipped with air conditioning units and fully furnished with the latest gadgets and phones as well as comfortable chairs and sofas. Their children are the blessed ones as they are awarded the opportunity to attend prep schools, high schools and then given the privilege of matriculating to a tertiary level institution while living a comfortable lifestyle with more than abundant food to eat, proper clothing to wear and access to enough money to do whatever it is that their hearts desire. Numerous times we are unappreciative of the countless blessings bestowed unto us, not taking into consideration that there are numerous individuals who would love to have half of what we have or would love to be able to come home to a beautiful house and a warm meal on a daily basis. Gratitude must be given continually for life and good health. Persons with less are observed to be more appreciative than those with more. Understanding what they have and what is needed; persons from these inner inner--city communities are easily appreciative and acceptant of their ways of lives, however, would gladly change it if presented with such an opportunity. Contd on next page


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Are we all equally blessed? By Adrian duncan

This visit

has allowed me to further understand that I myself along with countless other Jamaicans, locally and overseas,

are blessed beyond measure. We are able to purchase and maintain expensive cell phone and foster lifestyles that are constantly being dreamed of by the less less--fortunate citizens in our society. Therefore, the next time you are about to complain about what you WANT and cannot buy or complain about WANTING more; take a few minutes to remember that there are those persons who are constantly praying for an opportunity to have HALF the education that you possess or HALF as BLESSED and FORTUNATE as you are.


yourself and see if what you are yearning for

is a NEED NEED,, necessity, or just a mere WANT. Try to help others, who are less fortunate, what is small to you will most definitely be great to someone without.


Contd from page 15

Yaadi Culture, Fimi Style

YAADI CULTURE, FIMI STYLE MAGAZINE Jamaican Proverbs & Meanings Proverbs play an important role in Jamaica’s history and have been a part of our oral and folk cultures for quite some time. As in other parts of the world, proverbs in Jamaica are used as a means of passing on lessons about life and to influence the behavior of others. They therefore serve an educational function as well as a social one, adding spice and variety to everyday conversations. Here we go

No put yuhsef ina barrel wen matches box caan hol you


Don’t pretend to be more important than you actually are

Peppa bu'n hot, but ih good fi curry.


Everything has its usefulness, it just might not be visible from the first look. Rakstone a riva battam noh know' sun hot.

Meaning If you are in a sheltered situation, you don't know what hardship is or how it feels.

As amusing and cool as they usually are, they seek to inject the notion of respect and patience among each other.

Many of Jamaica’s proverbs reflect the combination of African and English cultures that merged within the Jamaican colonial space. The majority however, are very much home home--grown, “Made “Made--in in--Jamaica” gems that reflects the wit and wisdom of our people, as well as the colorful uniqueness that is our “Jamaican Talk.”

Yaadi Culture, Fimi Styleja



It is with this in mind that we aspire for the best; the best houses, clothing, cars accessories etc. Moreover, they try their best to be in a relationship with someone who is as educated as they are or even more; one who can facilitate similar goals and lifestyles as themselves. In addition, they try to ‘multiply’ as having children from educated loins makes it better for the child in the not so far future.

Will it

all work out in the end, you might sometimes ask yourself. Sitting at your desk continually working for a promotion, you work hard for the

development of your firm/company/organization. Working at all hours for this purpose; sometimes not taking any lunch breaks, working so hard you even neglect your own social development reducing yourself to having no social life. But why do we do this? Is it just for the monetary attachments to these promotions or is it just to make our names within our respective disciplines? But if we are working continuously without having much interaction with the outside world, are we just working for WORK? What are you working for?


“From a Bird’s view “ Contd from page 6

It so

Deidre D. Douglas

happened that several years ago, while I was in about the eighth grade, schools, especially secondary, were experiencing a rise in violence and thus, new

security measures were taken and a lot more security guards found a day job, which was way less boring and far more interactive than even manning gates at a business centre in New Kingston. This was as a result of principals, school boards and the education ministry agreeing that they needed to clamp down on the number of weapons that were circulating around their school grounds on a daily basis. The end result for many rural area schools was that the students were deterred, they refrained from transporting weapons and drugs to schools due to frequent and random checks and thus there was great decline in drug use and violence in the schools, but not necessarily in the school children. The reality is that just like having sex; young people will experiment with dangerous items, with or without proper guidance and counselling. My suggestion, break down the current system, enrol them into multiple programs, expose them to more than the monotony of Reading, Writing and Arithmetic and tell me in a few years how you are feeling about the change. I can’t sit still for a 3 hour school day; I can just imagine how kids feel being caged in all day, from 8:00 to 3:00.


needs to be more socially enriched programs that will fortify the skills and pique the interests of our young

generation. Now is the time to make a living, and provide jobs for others out of one’s interests, talents and skills. We need more programs to groom this. Afford entrepreneurial and marketing courses to be taught straight off the bat. Intertwine these concepts into the minds while they are just about concrete operational, which means that when they start to think on their own, the arguments posed will be less about the regular western world infused gibberish and at least sometimes about how they will make an enterprise of their dreams. I as always, have pressing questions: Why can’t there be a school for sports for footballers or cricketers, knowing how much we love these sports, and knowing how many corner leagues are played weekly?

Yaadi Culture, Fimi Styleja

Contd on page 22


History History of of the the Fraternity Fraternity a remarkable one for the Great Tayloria (Taylor Hall). It The year 1953 was was the year that gave birth to Block ‘C’; a block that would become known for its inextinguishable sense of pride. Vacua Vacua,, as the block was originally called, would in time, become The Roost Roost,:,: Home of Roosters - The Cocks of Taylor Hall., UWI, Mona. Much would have been said about the block, however, we represent not just a block, but rather, a true Fraternity - a brotherhood, and as the Fraternity of Roosters, we have made for ourselves a history of pride, distinction, and quite frankly, swagger like no other. Derek Walcott OCC (poet, playwright, writer, visual artist, and the Caribbean’s first Nobel Prize winner) is just one of the many notable Roosters.


a legacy of leadership, the Fraternity of Roosters has, particularly in recent years, produced many Hall Chairmen.

These include Chester “Duppy” Anderson (2004 (2004--05), Rudolph “Vulcan” Rowe (2005 (2005-06), Omar “Melanin” Ryan (2007 (2007--2008), Ralston “Samsung” Dickson (2008 (2008--09), Duane “Door” McIntosh (2010 (2010--2011) , Chris Chris--Anthony “Asphault” Salter. (2012 - 13) & presently , Travis “Starvin Marvin” Atkinson (2013 (2013--14). Additionally, one thing remains true about the Fraternity of Roosters: while others simply read history, we make it it... ...we it;; and that too, is a part of the history of this Fraternity. ...we write it A shift was made in the operations of the block approximately four (4) years ago with a renewed emphasis on brotherhood and leadership. It is this distinction that earned us the title of “Noble Cocks”... Cocks”...it it is our incomparable and unrelenting pride that grants us the label “Cocks of Taylor Hall,” but no one could be so disillusioned as to believe that our accolades simply fell into our laps. It is for this reason that there is yet another truth about the Fraternity of Roosters: “Like every good cock, we go hard hard!” !”

YAADI CULTURE, FIMI STYLE MAGAZINE Yaadi Culture, Fimi Style salutes

The Fraternity of Roosters Molding Molding dedicated, dedicated, intellectually intellectually driven, driven, ambitious ambitious aspiring aspiring leaders leaders of of tomorrow tomorrow

Indomitable Indomitable ....Champions ....Champions ....One ....One Roost..... Roost.....

We salute you and commend you on your fostering of development for the Caribbean youth‌.60 years & beyond. Yaadi Culture, Fimi Styleja


“From a Bird’s view “


Deidre D. Douglas

don’t we have more times allotted to clubs and societies in primary and prep prep--school curriculum, in that time of a child’s life where they should have

the time to invest in finding interests and identifying talents? Why there aren’t special education programs for the gifted as there are such for slow learners? Why can’t a school day be two uninterrupted slots of 4 hours (shifts) to accommodate those like me that may not be able to process certain information until after lunch, or may be up so early that I fall asleep by noon?

P a g e


1 9

forces? The discipline is lax, resources are relative and the interests of those placed in the

is the school system for? Do we even realise that this regime we call school is

worse than camp and training school for armed

classroom are at times on their own safety, their pay check and whoever is on their BBM BBM.. I still remember my basic school teachers and they still remember me. Not only because I was the littlest, feistiest thing to step through those gates, but because of the mark they left on my life. When I entered the first grade, I already knew some if not all my talents and capabilities at that time. And I have been blessed to have the kind of support to nurture these and the others that developed over time. Let us train up the children the way they should grow, not the way we were, so that when they get older they will have an appreciation for the efforts because of the men and women they discover in themselves. I also have a number of teachers from older school life, a few university professors and tutors, and numerous family members, and friends who have left permanent footprints in my life. Everything I do, to this day, has an inkling of what started over twenty years ago, when I was truly bright eyed.


“From a Bird’s view “


concern is, really, with my plans to become

even much busier than I am now, will

I be

comfortable playing hypocrite and placing my children in the same system I am totally against right now? We live in this country of great economical constraints, a country filled with talented people and potential, with plans as pregnant as my very first dog Kelly with her six pups. Are we going to get to that place anytime soon where schools can shave off what is predominantly unnecessary for this generation and the next, and add programs that make more sense? And more than all, can we wait for that ship to dock? Maybe we will, hopefully it will be in time for my children or maybe I will have to make the first brave steps and build an institution of my own. The children are the future; we should really open our eyes and focus on the direction the world is heading. If we want to always play catch up in development then we can always pay respects and show duty to tradition, and thus traditionally stay behind. Or we can invest in the only true assets we have left, our future inventors, managers, business people, innovators and leaders, and change the game before the sands fall through our fingers. Until next time, please bear in mind that not everyone can be like Mark Twain who said, “I have never let my schooling interfere with my education”. God bless.

Yaadi Culture, Fimi Styleja

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