Yaadi Culture, Fimi Style Magazine - August /September 2015 Issue

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Yaadi Culture, Fimi Style Magazine


Summer break is the best break ever. You doing school work etc. get months off, the weather is fine, and you have tons of time and energy to plan numerous activities and trips to the beach and the country with your family and friends.






wonderful time of year. The trees filled with ripe sweet, and sour, fruits, the grass is

very green, lush and always welcoming for

When the word summer is uttered, it a picnic, the beach seductively whispering brings various thoughts to individual’s your name and the list continues. minds; for the adult, it brings them back to days of fun and laughter. For the child, it brings to mind days away from school playing and having fun with friends and families and sleeping for prolonged periods without feeling guilty about not

Layout & Design Contributors:

Despite the fun and games, summer is not as favorable for all and this issue will explore aspects of the Jamaican summer as well as postulate changes for future summers to come.

Adrian St. P. Duncan

Deidre D. Douglas

Editor - in– Chief

Senior Associate Editor

Adrian St. P. Duncan

Deidre Douglas

Georgette McGlashen-Miller

Ann-Marie Scott

Vanessa Williams



Never Forget “Never forget to be happy or appreciative, regardless of the situation you find yourself in. Never forget to smile, sometimes you have to be your own and only inspiration and a smile can uplift your spirit even on the lowest and darkest days� .-Dasouda Just last month I had the pleasure of celebrating another year of life, and I had all these plans but alas, I sobered up and had pleasant yet mellow Wednesday. I took the time to reflect on how far I have come since I met me. There were days when I could not foresee getting to this point and days when I thought I should be greater than this, but alas, where I am is where I am to be. The important aspects of my life take precedence in my mind whenever I get the time to slow down, and so these are the memories that pop up at these times. While growing up I use to say a poem by Gwendolyn Brooks, called Andre

I had a dream last night. I dreamed I had to pick a Mother out. I had to choose a Father too. At first, I wondered what to do, There were so many there, it seemed, Short and tall and thin and stout. But just before I sprang awake, I knew what parents I would take. And this surprised and made me glad; They were the ones I always had! I can only imagine how many seemingly adorable children have at least once thought that they would have chosen differently if they had had a choice. I know I have. But I have come to a level of maturity where I can proudly say, I got the right ones. Twenty something years have passed since my mommy first had to be strolling around three children and a bunch of nieces and nephews, and it was maybe at that time that the seeds started to be planted in my mind about what kind of life I wanted. And so without any external influence except the fact that it is now summer, I started remembering the fantasies of my childhood, when all I wanted was to one day become above all, as great a mother and wife as I believed my mother to be. 5

Yaadi Culture, Fimi Styleja




that I am older and





renewed respect for her and reverence at the kind of woman she truly is. I now wish to be brave enough to become half as great. My father was, is and will always be dearest to my heart, even on his worst days. I will admit that this may be because he is my only father and I am his only daughter. We have a bond that is cosmic and spiritual and I love him this world over. He is such a great influence in my behaviour, character and choices; sometimes I have to pinch myself at the realisation of how similar we get at times. They say nature trumps nurture, and in reflecting I wonder who could have parent me, as my current self except these parents. Who could have “siblinged” me like my brothers? Who would have been able to love me more or tolerate me longer? I regress to God had a

educated, well nurtured, well socialized, well


cultured. I hope I never forget to give thanks. t is always a joy to remember the times of innocence when we thought only simply and purely. When we ran around in the sun or played in the rain or

stayed at the beach all day. The times when we enjoyed sitting under fruit trees and basking in their bounties; When we had plenty of nothings to do and all the time in the world to dream and live inside our heads. I do hope we never forget. The days are speeding away and we are all caught up in our separate lives, I hope we take the time out of our busy schedules to create and log the memories of today, so that tomorrow we will have stories of our own to share with our own. Let us take a few moments to write on the walls of our minds and hearts, or those of others so that we won’t live empty lives. Let us take note of our thoughts and actions in order to better versions of ourselves, actively pursuing newness and improvement each day .

master plan, and I am just a pawn in the whole scheme of things. But happily so, because I was raised well; well loved, well @YaadiCulture

6 Yaadi Culture, Fimi Style


our eyes, hearts and minds wide open, we

Let whole

have the power and opportunity to change us not only aim for greatness the game big time. So whether it is matters but for completeness, to be of the heart, mind, body or soul, be bold, be



physically, strong and never forget where you have

emotionally, psychologically and spiritually. The onus is on us to take charge of our lives, I

been, and where you set out to get to. One love

have learnt. In looking back we can move “As soon as you stop making everyone else forward, and make strides to goals once

responsible for your happiness, the

thought unattainable. Whatever the necessary

happier you’ll be.” ― Nina Guilbeau

steps are to be taken, it is high time we do us instead of waiting on someone else to set things into

motion. Even without doing

anything but staying alive, time goes by, moment by moment, day by day. And so it is in my mind very obvious, that whether we are bad or good, stable or unstable, influential or influenced, victims or victors in this life, life does go on. My advice is therefore, set goals and never forget them, regardless of the obstacles that will present themselves at different points. There will be blind spots and curve balls but when we enter situations with

7 Yaadi Culture, Fimi Styleja



@YaadiCulture Yaadi Culture, Fimi Styleja



Continued on Page 35

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In rural Clarendon, the long, hot summer months used to mean books, Vacation Bible School, high

paradise, especially when the mosquitoes started

dives in Suttons River, football afternoons,

feeding. To us home air-conditioners units were

dominoes and war games. Our times are safer—

rare; only about 10% of homes had them (around

and waaay more fun.

80% of modern homes are climate-controlled).

Of all the seasons, summer seems to evoke the

When it got hot, you turned on a fan. When it got

most childhood memories, probably because of its

real hot, you prayed for a thunderstorm.

singular status as the Season of No School! Ah,

People prayed a lot more back then, at least

the freedom to cavort beyond the reach of

publicly, perhaps in part because it was still legal.

scolding teachers and paddle-wielding assistant

At my public school in Chapelton, Clarendon, we

principals, to pursue the idle arts of cloud-gazing,

started each day with the Lord's Prayer, and heads

star-counting, making firefly lanterns and perhaps

bowed prior to most sporting events, cook outs and


any other occasion where food was consumed.





cheerleader (or, more likely, her less-glamorous

Also unlike today, we didn't watch much television


during summer break. There were only two


s we grow older, we are naturally

channels, and TV played a far-distant fiddle to the

inclined to compare summers then


with summers now. To no one's

enlightenment: books, “ball ground”, “river cook

surprise, many of us, from the

out”. We might be out of school, but we had



summer reading lists, which these days don't seem

middle-age distemper, find that summers aren't

to be as rigorous. A National Education Association

what they used to be. Let us count a few of the

newsletter noted a couple of years ago that


middle-school students in the Arlington Central

First off, most of us born in the '80s spent

School District outside New York City in America

summers in the raw, sweltering bosom of Mother

were required to read at least one book during the

Nature, which, with all due respect, wasn't exactly

summer. One whole book.








10 @YaadiCulture




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is something that we need to do in order to get our children

back to where they originally were; summer days. I recall (dimly) reading 40 books one summer—some

assigned and

some part of a local library program. This wasn't our only bookish experience. For many children in our neck of the woods, Vacation Bible School was a requirement besides dispensing cookies, watermelon and Kool-Aid, these programs focused young minds on talking snakes, parting seas and Jezebel's dangerous allure. We still sang "Onward Christian Soldiers," which was excellent preparation for many an afternoon's chief activity: playing war with toy guns. Contemporary gunophobes will gasp, but guns were as common as iPhones are today. Most boys I knew had at least one toy rifle, pistol or submachine gun (preferably, one of each). As we grew older we got BB-rifles, which were used

older we got BB-rifles, which were used (one cringes to recall) to reduce the local bird population and harass mongoose and other creatures further down the Great Chain of Being (we were all devout speciesists). The larger fact is that, by today's standards, most parents of that era deserved to do time at Fort Augustus & at Horizon Correctional facility. What sinners they were! They sent us outside without sunscreen, let us ride bikes without helmets and jump on trampolines without "safety barriers," and smiled as we vied with our siblings for the premier spot in the family sedan: the ledge underneath the back window, where you could stretch out and take a nap. This isn't to say that they didn't run a tight ship. When we got out of line we were "corrected" with the help of leather belts or expertly wielded hairbrushes (known in some households as "Officer Porcupine" “Doctor Feel good” or some other name that fits the belt). 11

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Continued 12

because our parents had been through the Great


Depression and World War II, which made postwar

that can foster

life seem relatively placid. Accidents happened, but

one is to channel our experiences into

they were accepted as part of life.


Still, for all our nostalgia, we have accepted some

and grandchildren. Teach your child about

of the changes that make modern summers so

your past and allow them to be appreciative of

different from summers past. Should the sun

what they have today. Take them into the sun

suddenly blink off, for example, we might

more often and on camping trips and outdoor

acknowledge this as a significant setback for our

activities; less internet, more Saturdays at the

species—but a giant leap forward in the battle

park. Believe me this will be good for all


parties involved as well as help to foster better


back then, fixating on possible death and injury would be seen as neurotic.












yesteryears’ are gone and the summers of today are

here to stay; at least a while. The only thing livelihood of that era in this opportunities for our children

communications and relationships with and between parents and children.





What Is Zika Virus? Zika virus is a member of the Flaviviridae family and is transmitted to humans by mosquitoes. It is related to other pathogenic vector borne flaviviruses including

dengue, West-Nile and

Japanese encephalitis viruses but produces a comparatively mild disease in humans. In 2007, Zika virus caused an outbreak on the island of Yap in the Pacific. This was the first documented transmission outside of its traditional endemic areas in Africa and Asia, and Zika virus is considered an emerging infectious disease with the potential to spread to new areas where the Aedes mosquito vector is present.

Transmission modes Zika virus is transmitted to humans mainly by certain species of Aedes mosquitoes. Some of these species bite during the day as well as in the late afternoon/evening -

Clinical Presentations The main clinical symptoms in patients are fever, conjunctivitis, transient arthritis/arthralgia (mainly in the smaller joints of the hands and feet) and maculo-papular rash (that often starts on the face and then spreads throughout the body). In general the disease symptoms are mild and short-lasting (2-7 days). There is no evidence that Zika infection affects pregnant women or their babies.

Reservoir The virus reservoirs are presumably monkeys.


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Diagnosis Zika virus can be identified by RT-PCR in acutely ill patients and from day 5 post onset of fever by serology (detection of specific IgM

For newborn children under three

months, repellents are not recommended; instead, insecticide-treated bed nets should be used.

antibodies). Serological cross-reactions with closely related flaviviruses are possible


Prevention To reduce the risk of contracting Zika virus

Symptomatic only (non-steroid anti-

infection - as for the other mosquito-borne

inflammatories, non-salicylic analgetics);

infections - travelers should minimize the

no vaccine or preventive drug is available

exposure to mosquito bites by taking the following preventive measures: 



anti -mosquito


(insecticide-treated bed nets, coils, smudge pots, spray, repellents) and wearing long sleeves and

More information, visit:

clothes with long legs, especially during the


hours of highest mosquito activity (morning and


late afternoon). Mosquito repellent based on a


30% DEET concentration is recommended;


Before using repellents, pregnant women and

children under the age of 12 years should consult a physician or pharmacist; 15 @YaadiCulture

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was a

Skuul Uova Dangki Ton Uova School Over Donkey Turn Over {School is out of Session}

wonderful refrain on the lips of

children, especially at primary school level, at the end of the day. As soon as the bell rang for the end of the school day, I can distinctly remember my friends and I chanting ‘skuul uova, dangki ton uova!’ Skuul uova, dangki ton uova’. It was accompanied by various histrionics and

bodily poses of excitement

and grandeur. Then we would run off through the school gate, to the bus stop or begin


uddenly, this old saying doesn’t bring excitement to me anymore. I am feeling uncomfortable as I begin




proposition, the comparison, and the allusion of who the ‘dangki’ represents. Firstly, the donkey is an animal associated with hard work and is usually referred to as a ‘beast of burden’, a hint of stubbornness and receives occasional beatings to go perform beyond the norm. Immediately my options of persons of whom the donkey metaphor symbolized got clear. The donkey could not be the teacher and therefore has to be the student. Now it was

walking towards home.

clear; the donkey is me and my friends ad all

Now it is Summer and school is about to be

the children at school. What a horrible

out of session for a whole two months. I’m

realization – ‘skuul uova, dangki ton uova’.

almost tempted to say, ‘di dangki ton uova so tel im luk ded’, translated, ‘the donkey has turned over until he appears dead’. The donkey is sleeping, lol. I have never really given any thought to this proverb until now and I am realizing that my subconscious has already attached a meaning to the word ‘donkey and

Let me explain my understanding as to why this is horrible. The adage is describing our children’s interaction with education in a very negative light. Education is represented as hard work, a burden, a heavy load; and the children are the beasts of this burden.

the duration of his rest period (ton uova) in 16

relation to school’. @YaadiCulture

Yaadi Culture, Fimi Style


Who, at intervals may be beaten to comply

I am not sure where these ideas of

with the work that is administered to them.

comparing out children to animals in a

Who could have come up with this negative

negative way began, but my suggestion is

connotation? Could this be one reason that our

to stop; discontinue.

children respond to education in this manner?

I would also suggest that learning is not an

Because it is seen as no fun – is often used as

institutional activity that occurs only at

punitive. For example, how many times have

schools. But learning is a fun and

you heard ‘go tek yu buk!’, used in a

continuous life long experience. While

manipulative way to keep a child quiet and in

education may be institutionalized and

line with good discipline?

commercialized, it should not be seen as a

Further, this implies that fun exists outside of school and outside of education. During the break from school, there will be no form of learning activity occurring. This explains to my mind, the unwillingness on the part of many students to complete homework assignment etcetera, because ‘skuul uova’. In a well-known children’s story of Pinocchio, similar comparison is made with education and children.

tool to demoralize and dehumanize our children or ourselves.

In this

sense, school is never over and there are No

donkeys in school or out of school. No donkeys




Mr. Donkey is in the pasture enjoying grass, or may be today he is helping to sell coconuts in the market, or who knows, probably sitting in the shade with his

The story tells us that, little boys who do not

family, being happy that he is a donkey and

go to school and went off to have fun instead,

not a boy.

resulted in them being turned into donkeys and thrown in the sea.

Until next time, Waak Gud and Tek Kier and memba, Oudi and Tengki no Brok No Skwier.



There are a lot of historical facts that people are unaware of when it comes to Jamaica and its people. Here are a few, let see how much you actually know about before this. On his second voyage to the New World in 1494, the tip of the Blue Mountains in Jamaica was the first land sighted by Christopher Columbus.. 

Jamaica was the first commercial producer of bananas in

the Western Hemisphere. 

Jamaica also was the first island in the Caribbean to produce rum on a commercial basis.

The Manchester Golf Club in Jamaica , established in 1868, is the oldest in the western

hemisphere. 

Apart from the United States, Jamaica has won the most world and Olympic medals.

Jamaica has more multiple (two or more) live births than anywhere else in the world.

Jamaica was the first country to impose economic sanctions against the apartheid regime of

South Africa. 

Jamaica was the first Caribbean island to enact legislation, "The Motion Picture Industry

(Encouragement) Act" to promote the making of films. 

Jamaica is the first country to sign a Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria

grant agreement. 

Jamaica was the first tropical country to enter the IOC Winter Olympics. The bobsleigh

team's efforts inspired the film ‘Cool Runnings’. 

Jamaica was the first colony England acquired by conquest. This was in the year 1655

when the Spanish were driven from the island. 

We have the second largest butterfly in the world (The Giant Swallowtail).

18 Another of the interesting facts on Jamaica is that it was the first British colonial territory to

establish a postal service (in 1688).



permeate many aspects of Jamaican life. Not surprisingly, the cultural influence most often cited is African. What may be

unrecognized, however, is that the area with the strongest retention is death, including burial practices. Most of these beliefs are born out of fear of the unknown; fear of what happens after death and how it can affect the living.


Some old, something new, something borrowed, something blue

This familiar rhyme is usually executed on the wedding day. The bride is generally to wear one of each. Something old signifies the bride's past, preferably from the family, something new gives way to a fresh beginning, something borrowed an item loaned from someone already happily married with hopes that their joy will somehow rub off on the new couple. Something blue speaks to the color which means fidelity and love.

The groom avoiding seeing the bride before the ceremony 

This tradition stems from arranged marriages. They believed that if the couple saw each other before the ceremony, they will not want to go through with the wedding. Today, the tradition continues with the groom being kept out of the loop when it comes to knowing what the bride will look like on her big day or actually seeing her in her wedding dress before she walks down the aisle. It is argued that bad luck will haunt the marriage if this happens. Yaadi Culture, Fimi Styleja



The temperature has risen significantly, the rains are few and far in between, the air is quite still and humid; summer is upon us. For college graduate, this is a season of those of us who have been unfortunate enough trepidation, uncertainty, excitement and to have fully ‘adulted’, there are additional misgiving all bundled in one. It can seem like indictors to judge this. Co-workers seem to a huge mountain barren of chances and care less about their work output as they count prospects for the future or it can seem like a down the days to vacation; parents are leveled paradise, ripe with opportunities. It is anxiously trying to figure out what to do with always dependent on the individual’s their off-springs for this period; while others ability to assess and decide on the prospects are busy attending numerous graduations and that each endeavour holds and the feasibility award ceremonies (evidenced by the copious of pursuit or abandon as a result. amount of Facebook photo uploads & posts) and don’t forget school transfers and making preparations for ‘September mawning’.


reality is that summer is




represents both the end

of the old as well as the beginning of the new; a new chapter, a new journey. Of course this depends heavily on which angle of the spectrum one is viewing, as well as, the personal outlook of the individual. For the

20 Yaadi Culture, Fimi Styleja




such, it is always

where olds are ended and new is started.

imperative for in-

This is by no means limited to the par-

dividuals to main-

ticular time of the year, but more so the

tain an open mind

season of change within oneself.

and a clear vision as it relates to actualities of

Life is a process; it is ever evolving and

life. Despite the seemingly conflicting nature


of life, and the fact that it sometimes toss over-

evaluation. Be always mindful that

whelming occurrences all at once; it is always

failure to cast out the old will prevent

important to assess every step before deciding

there being space to accommodate the

on the next. Life is short and fleeting, hopes

new. Make each season matter and

and dreams are just that. It requires concerted

embrace the changes that life has to offer.

effort, dedication and strategizing to translate

That is, after all, the only contestant of

to a plan and then, onwards into


action. It




becomes necessary sometimes to create a summer period within one’s life where olds are



22 Yaadi Culture, Fimi Styleja

23 Continued

23 Yaadi Culture, Fimi Styleja


“Thank God it is now summer and school is finally finished!” I recently heard a child say. This statement, I am sure, is echoed by many students in the past and will in the future. This is the time of year when children have lots of time

Psalm 78:4 Psalms 119:11 2 Timothy 2:15

on their hands and parents go bananas just to find meaningful and fun activities to keep them pre-occupied. The ever so regular ‘are we there yet’ or ‘I’m bored’ statements haunts parents their children to engage in this summer a; daily during this long break from school. With Vacation Bible School, affectionately called the advent of the internet coupled with a myriad VBS. VBS began in New York, U.S.A. durof smart phones and technologically driven ing the 1890s as a way to keep children off devices, outdoor activities seem to be not so the streets. It was expanded largely by the enticing to the modern child. Some parents may effort of Robert G. Boville who started a not seem to be phased by this, as with the VBS National Committee in 1907. VBS increasing violence in society, especially against quickly became a worldwide missionary tool children, they would rather their child stay used by many churches to bring children to indoors, than risk losing them in entirely. It has Christ. Indeed, Matthew 28:19 NKJV been largely accepted that children who engaged commissions us to “Go therefore and make in outdoor and social activities are healthier disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in both in mind and body; becoming positively the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit”. contributing adults to society. There is an activity that all parents should allow Yaadi Culture, Fimi Styleja




is usually one standards and ethical principles that will teach to two weeks of them spiritual acceptance and foster a more bible

based grounded experience as well as lead them to

teachings in a creatively fun way, which Christ.

It taps into the child’s creative side,

keeps children actively engaged and allowing them to explore talents they never interested. Some of the activities are role thought they had while learning important life lesplaying, arts and crafts, bible lessons, sons. In this day and age where what is good and games and music. It was and still is an what is bad is seen as relative, it is great to know outreach program, to not just the kids of that there are still persons blazing the trail to the church, but also for kids who would not ensure that the lessons Christ taught, while on usually attend church. I am sure many earth, remains paramount to living a full and Jamaican adults can testify to their meaningful life. So this summer, I implore you to experience at VBS as a child and how it the find the nearest VBS, which is usually at your has influenced their lives through the local church, and allow your children to attend. It years. It surely has and continues to impact is one of the best things you can do for your child mine. I use to look forward to the arts and as we should tell “the generation to come the crafts simply because whatever I was able praises of the Lord. And his strength and his to make I got to take home along with the wonderful works that He has done� Psalm 78:4 remaining art materials. How can I forget NKJV. Do have a blessed summer. the snacks which were a treat to look forward to? VBS is always a good option for your children. It will open their minds to moral

Yaadi Culture, Fimi Styleja







Name: Guava Binomial (scientific name): Psidium guajava


Countries of Origin: Mexico, Central America, and northern South America Distribution: North America, South America, Central America, the Caribbean, India, China, Indonesia, Pakistan, Thailand, Kenya are some of the regions and countries in which guava can be found growing International Culinary Uses: 

Entire fruit is edible and may be eaten when green or ripe.

Juice is used in beverages of all sorts

In punches and sauces of all sorts

Edible dried fruits also used for baking and other dishes

Seasoned with salt and pepper, cayenne powder and eaten as a treat

Fragrances used candles and cosmetic products

Food flavours and Guava seed oil

Guava stick used for meat smoking in Hawaii and barbeque in the United States

Cuba and Mexico use the leaves in barbeque

Notable Characteristics: 

Guava seed oil rich in Linoleic acid which is essential in one’s diet for skin and hair health.

Holds ~9% sugar

Rich in dietary fibre and vitamin C

Low in sodium

The seeds in the central pulp vary in size and hardness based on the species





The summer is back! And what a summer it is idea. The skeptic may argue that in this heating up to be. Flowers are in full bloom, all modern world where climate change caused fruits are ripe, cool breeze chasing the rain primarily by pollution, the ever increasing away, the days are longer and the night skies crime rates and man’s insatiable greed does are so clear you just want to reach out and not and will not allow such an environment touch it. Yup! This is the time of the year when as a so called endless summer. vacation shouts your name in the most melodic Yes, a place with such splendor exists. tunes and the beach constantly sends you Christ’s second coming will herald the new invitations with no guest limitations. A time beginning the earth is so desperately in need when school is out, all studies are over and of. The Bible outlines this endless summer so work still a nagging load. Swimwear takes its clearly and concisely in the book of place at the top drawer or always on the bed Revelation at chapter 21:23-25. Again, the ready and waiting, drinks always ice cold, skeptic few may question how can any man friends are never too far and outdoor fires made statements, written so long ago, be becomes a weekly affair. Hmmm, yes! These statements of fact? They think that there is no are a few things that summer evokes.

real prophecy. Though a logical reasoning,

Though summertime can be all these things one has to only look at the prophecies of the and much more, Did you ever stop to consider bible and examine them to determine whether what it would be like to have a permanent this book can be relied upon as well as summer? Yes, all year round. Where the breeze manifestations in one’s own life. For these is so cool air conditioners become redundant, purposes, only one example will be cited and fruits so fresh and sweet your taste buds directions to some others provided. That palance like carnival zombies. No work, no example is one of the famous places o form of misery just fellowship and happiness, f antiquity – Tyre. wouldn’t that be wonderful? I am sold on that


Two and half centuries later, Alexander the


Great marched swiftly to attack new Tyre in 332 For two thousand years, Tyre

grew in

B.C. which was built on an island. The city he

importance until she was mistress of the sea

came to take had a mile of water running

while Babylon was of the land. She was the

separating him and it. He speedily took the

most renowned & important commercial centre

walls, towers, timbers, ruined houses and pal-

of the world. All persons of statue and precious

aces of ancient Tyre, and with them built a solid

items visited Tyre; the beautiful, the rich, the

causeway to the island city. So great was

learned, the precious stones of Aram, the spited

demand for material that the very dust was

horses of Armenia, the beautiful ivories of

scraped from the site and laid in the sea1. To this

Damascus, the fine linen of Egypt, the flocks of

present day Tyre is still laid in ruins and is now

Arabia, the perfumes of Sheba, the slaves of

only a place where fishermen stop to spread

Javan. In short, at that time, Tyre was the New

their nets for drying.

York of Asia.

Tyre has remained in utter ruins as proof to

Ships from large and small nations anchored in

skeptics that bible prophecies are real and adds

her harbors and their passengers bartered in her

greatly to the factuality of the bible. Hence, we

streets. While Tyre was in the height of her

can safely say if the bible points to us having a

glory and power, along came Ezekiel, who

new earth. An earth where there is no need for

prophesied in about 590 B.C. that ‘they shall

the moon nor the sun for God’s glory will

destroy the walls of Tyrus and break down her

illuminate everywhere, believe it? An endless

towers: I will scrape her dust from her, and

summer friends! To think all one must do is

make her like the top of a rock. It shall be a

adhere to Christ’s.

place for spreading of nets in the midst of the

Finally, when you sip on your pina coladas and

sea: for I have spoken it saith the Lord

daiquiris this summer, splash in the pool or dip

God…..thou shalt be built no more…’ Ezekiel

in the sea, jerk some chicken or make a burger,

26: 4-14. This came to light sooner than they

remember the summer to come and work to get

thought as soon after Nebuchadnezzar besieged

there for the alternative is nothing less than

Tyre and after thirteen years, he destroyed it.

eternal misery.











“It’s been now a year and five months and I’m in a committed relationship with that handsome man! And I’m in my happiest I've been in a long, long time.” Tina Knowles, on overcoming divorce and moving on.

the little time it takes. A summer fling is

Experiencing any form of loss has its effects

experiences before heading back to the real

based on the personality of the individual and

world. We take vacations and we meet people

the attachment or relationship that person had

we won’t or don’t plan on seeing again after our

with whatever or whomever has been lost. A

two weeks of fun and adventure and a bit too

breakup, whether married or not is just as

much sun or nightlife. And theoretically that is

traumatizing, causing heartache and stress for

the advice I am giving, have a summer fling but

many individuals. Some have had the need to

not a promiscuous escapade, just an escape to

take time from their usual lives for an

trying new things and even being someone else

extended period, such as a vacation while

for a short minute.

usually the method used to find some new

others just had a good cry, a weekend of binging and were as good as new by Monday.

Firstly mull over things a little.

The truth is just as the fact with this one, we

In order to come to grips with reality we must

all take loss differently. Sometimes however,

first accept what is. So whether it was your

we may need a bit of a booster in moving on.

decision or that of the other party, it is high time


ow some may get the wrong gist based on the title of this read, but beg that you all

one sits and have a good introspection, reminisce, maybe cry and then tell yourself out loud, there is no undoing what has been done.

continue as it may be worth 36


This is like spring cleaning your emotions; you dig up the good and the bad, and decide in the moment how to dispose of them. It is good to note that it is generally a normal human

The active phase comes next.

reaction to keep some things, but for the most

This is when you do whatever is necessary to

part we all need to let it go. Something

survive the intangible pain that seems to be

noteworthy is that some folks will take a

piercing you all over. It may be getting rid of

longer time than others to finally get it over

all the mementos of the relationship now


recently past or hanging out with friends or “Loin des yeux, loin du coeur”

French idiom for “out of sight, out of mind”, and sometimes this is the best strategy. Stay away from the temptations and the reminders of how good you were together. Keeping your distance is the best advice if you want to heal and move on. It isn’t a time for the blame game, neither self or otherwise, it is just time to let it all go. A person who was bad in your relationship together may be good with

expressing your feelings through writing or even taking on a physical activity such as hiking or going to the gym. It may also mean putting things into place to deter you from reverting to what may just be by now a bad habit and not necessarily a relationship. This is inclusive of deleting photos and maybe even blocking a particular person from all your social media and any other form of memory triggers from your now new life.

someone else. It may have just been a case of compatibility or clash of personalities, so when it is over accept it and stay away. This is where the cleansing should really be effective, not passing this stage is detrimental. 37


This is when the fun and the fling will come. Wine and dine yourself. Dress well and don’t consider anything that is good, too good for you. Enjoy the down time with fun and laughter. Get out, stay in, either way, whatever the tempo of the fun, ensure it’s clean and makes you happy. The method is in finding joy in other areas of your life, staying active and letting go of the negative which over time poisons not only the mind but the body also. Pamper yourself; you may need it more than you think.

vulnerable you may be and how fresh your wounds are, so even if not physical these tender and sensitive areas should be tended to with care. Be open and honest first with yourself and then with the people in your life, especially the one you are currently dating and those you call confidants. It may take a few months or even longer, but in time things will get better. A breakup is punishment enough; you

When that new relationship comes along


whatever we do. Always be mindful of how

he operative mode should be moderately.




tendency to get excited either

need not punish yourself through it.

“When we are in love, we are convinced nobody else will do. But as time goes, others do, and often do, much much better.” ― Coco J. Ginger

positively or negatively which

then affects the speed at which we take things and how much head versus heart we place into 38












KNOW YOUR RIGHTS Consumer Rights & Responsibilities RESPONSIBILITIES

RIGHTS The Right to Safety and protection from

The Responsibility to be aware of the

hazardous goods or services.

quality and safety of goods and services







before purchasing.

protected against fraudulent, deceitful or

The Responsibility to gather all the

misleading information and to have access to

information and facts available about a

accurate information and facts needed to make

product or service as well as to keep abreast of

informed choices and decisions.

changes and innovations in the marketplace.

The Right to Choose and have access to

The Responsibility to Think

a variety of products and services at fair and

Independently and make choices about well

competitive prices.

considered needs and wants.

The Right to be Heard and to express and

The Responsibility to Speak Out, to

represent consumer interests in the making of

inform manufacturers and governments of

economic and political decisions.

needs and wants.

The Right to Redress and to be compensated

The Responsibility to Complain and


inform business and other consumers of dis-


shoddy goods


unsatisfactory services.

satisfaction with a product or service in a fair

The Right to Consumer Education and to

and honest manner.

become a skilled and informed consumer

The Responsibility to be an Ethical

capable of functioning effectively in the

Consumer and to be fair by not engaging in


dishonest practices which cost all

The Right to a Healthy Environment that

consumers money.

will enhance the quality of life and provide

The Responsibility to Respect the

protection from environmental problems for

Environment and avoid waste, littering and

present and future generations.

contribution to pollution. 44






As an adult in Jamaica, summer has taken on a whole new expectation. Since a child, I was taught that in order for one to develop, one must first acknowledge one’s mistakes and then one must learn from them. Unfortunately, the Jamaican Government continues to do the same thing year after year and expecting a different outcome. Let me put it into perspective for you

I all.




the the

water and then, like

moths to a flame, when the liquid gold trickles from the heavens we surge into water parks, rivers and beaches as though it is the last time

was born and, for the most part, raised in the rural part of the country and we are not as

privileged as most as it

relates to getting the precious

commodity on a regular basis; water. For most persons originally from the rural areas, water shortage is something that we have experienced on numerous occasions. To rectify this, our parents always kept drums, barrels, buckets and even bottles filled with water for various purposes during this “off” period; these were normally stored in the kitchen and bathroom. Since I was a child, for the most part, there has been



constant water shortage and lock-offs

island wide during the summer period; June – August. It can be said that this can be attributed to the limited rainfall and the drought Jamaica normally experience during this time of the year.

we will ever see it. Now my problem stems from the fact that for years successive government have proposed alternative solutions to alleviate this plight that the Jamaican people face. Last year, the honorable minister outlined that this will never happen again as we are exploring alternative wells and water catchment areas. To date, one year later, we have not seen those words turn to actions and by extension; those promises are still simply just promises to a naïve population. We are currently still experiencing water shortage and constant “lock-offs” without an alternative solution nor are we getting a constant supply provided through trucking, thought this quite expensive. 47


This brings one to ponder; did you not anticipate

Well, again I ask, how long will we sit and take

this catastrophe? What happened to the alterna-

these empty promises that politicians run on

tive water supply promised since the “devil was

from election to election? It is time we start

a boi�? As citizens, how long will we continue

holding people accountable. It is high time those

to let this happen? Then, of course, the reality is

presently in power, start to perform better or

never as good as the promise: whether it's rain,

GET OUT so that we can have better

lack of water for household and personal use,


rain, or rain, the Jamaican government never

that will create policies that will help with the

quite delivers as we thought they might, when

further development of the Jamaican citizenry.

we were young, naive, and optimistic. No doubt

Until then summers will remain, for me, a hot,

this struggle will be long and tiresome one.

tormented waterless period.

We need good representatives

Shorter showers, limited water for cooking, washing dishes and clothes and the list continues.












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