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Yaadi Culture, Fimi Style Magazine
Lent is a time when many Christians
What makes good mothers? It is a pertinent
prepare for Easter by observing a period
offasting, repentance, moderation and
spiritual discipline. The purpose is to set
words. Mothers comprise of a bundle of
aside time for reflection on Jesus Christ -
emotions that sometimes defy reason. So
his suffering and his sacrifice, his life,
this goes out to all the mothers who have
death, burial and resurrection. Lent is the
kept awake all night with their sick
Christian season of preparation before
toddlers in their arms, constantly uttering
Easter. In Western Christianity, Ash
those compassionate words, "It's OK
Wednesday marks the first day, or the start
honey, Mommy's here."
of the season of Lent, which begins 40
Ha v e
answer within
cannot a
M o t he r ' s
be few
Da y!
daysprior to Easter . Mothers
Good mothers are. Have you ever wondered what goes on to make a good mother? Get to know about what lies in the heart of
Adrian St. P. Duncan
an ideal mother.
Editor - in– Chief
Deidre D. Douglas
Layout & Design Contributors:
Adrian St. P. Duncan
Deidre Douglas
Jerdaine Sterling Adrian St. Patrick
Keh Keh Campbell CiCi_Deluxe
article started as some-
routine. The early afternoon theme was, “Who is
more scared of commitment, men or women?” I
I was
about what my friends,
some associates and I have given up over the
background noise became the object of my
years during Lent, but now it’s about
attention while I tried ardently to focus on my
something more. It began when someone said
many tasks. A number of callers got a chance to
she suggested giving up her long-term
air live, their views and experiences and for the
relationship for Lent, then her boyfriend
most part I was even more fascinated as to how
agreed and stuff got real, really quickly. I
well they expressed themselves on such a
therefore want to talk about resilience. When
personal topic. This episode is therefore the base
it comes down to working for what or who
of my article.
one wants, there is always the factor of how much it means to the person or how badly he or she wants it. Now as a bird with a whole lot of air time I get to get a whiff of what gets broadcasted on a daily, nightly or weekly basis. I love the dynamics of human interaction, because for me, no two are the same. And so the circle of life begins and ends with what people want and how much of it, or how badly they, you, we, I want “it”.
hrough the back and forth came the realization that if there was to be a vote poll, the views were 5050, based on the callers. However
what got to me were some key points made, by a few of these said callers. Firstly after many men called in and said that women were the culprits, finally a man called in a disagreed with his fellow males. He said that based on his daily experience, it was the men who were likely to
A few days ago I was in-tuned to a radio
fall off the wagon even if they tried initially to
programme I just happened to come up on
hop on.
while searching for something to play in my ears while I pass the time about my daily 5 Yaadi Culture, Fimi Styleja
oyalty is not just about being
what they are looking at and it being in-line
home by a certain time or not
with what they want. Guys have friends who
loan them their keys, to house and car. Some
person, it’s where we allow our
even borrow/lend clothes, just like some
minds and bodies to go. The o so wise
females do. The whole game of keeping up
appearances is immeasurable and both sexes are
sincerity as first principles”, which means let
guilty one way or the other. “Anything is better
those be the pillars upon which we build
than lies and deceit” Leo Tolstoy.
ourselves. One female caller said she was not sure who was the ultimate culprit but expectations that came about from initial impressions made can cause major problems and lead to persons giving up posts or running for the hills after reality strikes. For me, I tend to agree. Whether you are a man looking for a
My final participant of choice was a female giving reason as to why men are afraid to commit. In her “expert” opinion, it is less about what else is out there and available and more about a man’s fear of giving in to someone he cannot completely vouch for, all day, every day.
natural browning with clean skin and long flowing hair, or you are a female in search of an established man, you can be fooled by other parties. With all that is readily available to us these
globalization to helping a friend out. And with the different brands of hair and makeup and how skilled persons are at techniques these days, I can safely say, looks can be deceiving. But it’s not only a warning for men of women. There are also women being deceived as to 6 @YaadiCulture
Yaadi Culture, Fimi Style
Truth be told, self preservation is innate for the majority of us so just as how we sacrifice our hands to break a fall, so do some persons avoid committing due to the frailty of their hearts. The fact is, and many of us females already know that men love hard, which is why jealousy plays such a big role in relationships where a man truly loves a woman. It is also the reason why some men have the
mine, who happens to be young and married with kids, once told me that he prefers to marry someone he respects and who is on the same philosophical scope as he, than to fall in love and marry someone who he will worry is going to eventually break his heart. The word “paranoia” was screaming in my ears when he said this, but who am I to judge.
tendency to be controlling. Even those who
We know ourselves and inklings of our capabili-
step out on their assumingly faithful woman
ties, so we in fact know what we can take, and
in what dosage. Heartbreaks aren’t for the
handle the same situation, or even
the thought of the roles being reversed.
fainthearted, and as I always say, “Practice
makes perfect, but I can take so much and no
my question is do we really want to be in relationships
more”. Be wise when you invest, whatever the investment is. One love
or is it that we have evolved so far that we are comfortable with just coexisting or and passing time? Or is there hope for investing of our entire beings into the
relationships we
become parts of? The heart wants what it wants, but what are we willing to do, how far are we willing to go, and what shall we sacrifice for the heart? A good male friend of 7 Yaadi Culture, Fimi Styleja
@YaadiCulture Yaadi Culture, Fimi Styleja
Continued on Page 35
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Page 10
higher claim, your children. Times such as these words such as the “ultimate sacrifice” seem so final and definite. Have you ever stopped to think about Sac-ri-fice
those around us and the continued sacrifices that
v. the surrender or destruction of something
they have given for their young ones in a bid to
prized or desirable for the sake of something
foster a greater good and better lifestyle for their
considered as having higher or more pressing
children and ultimately, themselves.
Every mother makes sacrifices. If you are not
making sacrifices as a mother, you are most likely d o in g
some t h i n g
wr o n g .
also full of sacrifice. Who knew? Maybe they
But at what point are you sacrificing too much?
relished in and had great hope for all that is added
At what point do you begin losing yourself?
to life when kids enter the picture. But did they
Let us put it into perspective.
expect the sacrifice? And, who knew how many
Can you imagine the strength and determination of
times and how much our moms sacrificed for
a poor single mother of six who is only employed
each us? Around every corner of a mom’s life,
occasionally and must provide clothing,
sacrifice exists and is worth it. Sacrifice goes
shelter and find money to pay for educationally
w i t h o u t
s a y i n g .
empowering opportunities for these children. Well,
To say you made sacrifices as a mother sound
there are numerous Jamaican mothers who are
endearing, as a matter of fact, it sounds
going above and beyond the call of duty and giving
admirable; and sometimes it is. If we are holding
up more than simply telephones, internet use or
true to the definition when
even meat for lent, but in fact, are sacrificing their
discussing the
sacrifice of motherhood, it means “to surrender
own development to foster that for their child(ren).
something prized, your independence and self, for the sake of something considered as having a
10 @YaadiCulture
Page 11
they raise us better than they had been, and
they give and keep trying to give better than a mother, in 2015, they ever had. They never wish bad for their walking 8 miles kids even in their wildest dreams.
to and from work on a daily basis, so that always try showing right path and being she can save the fare to pay for school for motivator. Parents give up all for kids; forgive her son who is in high school and about to all mistakes made by kids. There is no way to take his CXC’s.
repay what they done for kids, all we can do is
Now picture her saving all her minimum try giving what they need and it is just time, wage pay, every single week so that she love and respect. can pay for extra lessons for her children and so that she can provide for her children and buy books to nurture their intellect. Believe it or not, at times mothers are able to see the template of our lives before we even take the first step or utter the first word. In addition to this, they work tirelessly to see that we fall into place as our years progress. Despite your differences, never disrespect your mother, don’t ignore and underestimate their sacrifices. They give us life, 11 Yaadi Culture, Fimi Style
What Is Cerebral Palsy? Cerebral palsy (CP) is a broad term used to describe a group of chronic "palsies" -disorders that impair control of movement due to damage to the developing brain. CP usually develops by age 2 or 3 and is a nonprogressive brain disorder, meaning the brain damage does not continue to worsen throughout life. However, the symptoms due to thebrain damage often change over time -- sometimes getting better and sometimes getting worse. CP is one of the most common causes of chronic childhood disability.
What Causes Cerebral Palsy? Congenital cerebral palsy results from brain injury during a baby's development in the womb. It is present at birth, although it may not be detected for months. It is responsible for CP in about 70% of the children who have it. An additional 20% are diagnosed with congenital cerebral palsy due to a brain injury during the birthing process. In most cases, the cause of congenital cerebral palsy is unknown. Some possible causes are:
Infections during pregnancy that may damage a fetus' developingnervous system. These include rubella (German measles), cytomegalovirus (a herpes-type virus), and toxoplasmosis (an infection caused by a parasite that can be carried in cat feces or inadequately cooked meat).
Severe jaundice in the infant. Jaundice is caused by excessive bilirubin in the blood. Normally, bilirubin is filtered out by the liver. But often, newborns' livers need a few days to start doing this effectively, so it's not uncommon for infants to have jaundice for a few days after birth
Rh incompatibility between mother and infant. In this blood condition, the mother's body produces antibodies that destroy the fetus's blood cells. This, in turn, leads to a form of jaundice in thenewborn and may cause brain damage.
The physical and metabolic trauma of being born. This can precipitate brain damage in a fetus whose health has been threatened during development. 14
Page 15
What Causes Cerebral Palsy? According to the United Cerebral Palsy
A low birth weight (less than 2,500 grams,
Association, about 10% of children with CP in
or 5 lbs. 7.5 oz.) and premature birth (born
the U.S. acquire the disorder after birth. It
less than 37 weeks into pregnancy).
results from brain damage in the first few months or years of life. CP often follows infections of the brain, such as bacterial meningitis or viralencephalitis, or it may be the result of a head injury. Some risk factors that increase the possibility
Being a twin or part of a multiple birth.
malformation, such as an abnormally small head (microcephaly). Seizures shortly after birth.
that a child will later be diagnosed with CP include:
Cerebral Palsy Prevention
Breech births (with the feet, knees, or buttocks coming out first).
Vascular or respiratory problems in the infant
during birth. Physical birth defects such as faulty spinal bone
Here are some tips for healthy habits before
formation, groin hernias, or an abnormally small
and during pregnancy.
jaw bone. Receiving a low Apgar score 10 to 20 minutes after delivery. An Apgar test is used to
Eat nutritious foods.
make a basic, immediate determination of
Don't smoke.
a newborn's physical health. For the test, the
Avoid exposure to harmful substances.
infant's heart rate, breathing, muscle tone,
See your doctor regularly.
reflexes, and color are evaluated and given a score from 0 (low) to 2 (normal). 15 @YaadiCulture
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Page 16
And it will help us to stay out of trouble in the
“Rules are meant to be
event that we get caught not following the
broken”? Well, we’ve
rules. But what happens as we get older and
all broken some sort of rule(s) in our lifetime
start to realize that rules aren’t exactly the
and we’ve either regretted it or had the thrill of
most fun thing in the world?
our lives. Normally, we’re raised to be honest,
people; for example, by not showing up to an
appointment in time, someone may be forcing
jumping into situations that they should have
someone else to wait. By following the rules
avoided. Rules are made to tell us how to act,
it helps to live a balanced life and at the same
how to dress, how to speak, what to say and
time may be helping someone else live a
most of it is so that we can fit in with what is
balanced life as well. By following the rules of
seen as “normal civilization”.
polite and to follow instructions. These are just basic morals that are instilled in us at an early age. Following the rules is a good thing and when people follow the rules it helps other
eople try to get you to live according to their rules, and the temptation to give in can be hard to resist. Certain individuals
become so influenced that they end up
your country, school, organization, culture or religion, you will fit in and be accepted in the group. You will benefit by having a good or positive character.
16 @YaadiCulture
Yaadi Culture, Fimi Style
By: CiCi_Deluxe
ut here’s a bit of positive reinforcement, following the rules all the time won’t
leave you any space to mess up and learn something new. Sometimes it’s good to not do what you’re told because that’s how we learn and grow. We have to be able to look back at a situation and think, “I wouldn’t have known this if I had done what I was told…”
nd the truth is if you obey all the rules you miss all the fun that happens in life. “People tell you
certain way. Mothers tell you how to think. Schools tell you how to think, TV, Religion and then at a certain point, if you're lucky, you realize you can make up your own mind. Nobody sets the rules but you. You can design your own life.” - Carrie-Anne Moss 17
Jamaica’s First Enslaved People Once Jamaica was “discovered” by Spain in 1494, the Arawaks, who had inhabited the island for centuries, were quickly subjected to brutality and slavery, becoming the first enslaved people on the island.
Kidnapped Africans Arrive
The first enslaved Africans brought to Jamaica came in 1534 when Pedro Mazuelo, one of the early Spanish colonizers, brought 30 Africans from the Canary Islands.
Genocide in Jamaica
The first census conducted by the Spanish in 1611 recorded 558 enslaved Africans and 107 free Africans. However, only 74 Arawak natives remained. The rest of the 60,000 people living on the island before Columbus arrived 117 years earlier had been wiped out by the violence, disease and forced labor unleashed by the Spanish invaders.
Britain Brings Sweet Misery After the British forces invaded in 1655, they
introduced the cultivation of sugar cane to the island, which drastically increased their desire to enslave Africans for free labor. The island became one of Britain’s most profitable colonies. From the mid-1700s until the abolition of slavery in Jamaica in the 1830s, Jamaica accounted for 42 percent of sugar imported into Britain.
permeate many aspects of Jamaican life. Not surprisingly, the cultural influence most often
cited is African. What may be unrecognized, however, is that the area with the strongest retention is death, including burial practices. Most of these beliefs are born out of fear of the unknown; fear of what happens after death and how it can affect the living.
To dream of seeing your Teeth fall out in you dream, is indicative of Death
To dream of Rotting Teeth, tells of someone who is sick and dying
To dream someone who is sick come and tell you they are fine indicates that they will die.
To Dream of an Old House, you will hear of a death .
To dream of Flying shows that you will succeed in life
and Prosper
Cat dreams, denotes Ill luck, if you don’t succeed in
killing it or driving away! They also show signs of Witches
If you dream of poop, it is sure money, you will see
If a bird poops on you, money, money, money
See Bees in your dream, money 19 Yaadi Culture, Fimi Styleja
20 Yaadi Culture, Fimi Styleja
Jamaican Men
MUST... haves...
22 Yaadi Culture, Fimi Styleja
By: CI-CI Deluxe Continued
23 Yaadi Culture, Fimi Styleja
What is Lent? Why is it so widely practiced by
The True
“Christians” of this world? Is it because the Bible commands it? Did Christ or any of His
apostles observe Lent? What about the first
of Lent
century Church? What does the Bible teach about Lent? Unlike New Year’s, Christmas, Halloween, St. Valentine’s Day and other pagan holidays that are celebrated by the secular, non-religious
world, the Lenten season is observed by People who observe Lent may be religious, dedicated religious believers. From Ash Wednesday to Easter, many solemnly
sincerely wrong.
mark their foreheads with ash, “fasting” (or Let’s examine Lent, its practices and abstaining from certain foods or physical customs, its historic and religious origins, pleasures) for 40 days. This is done to and its true meaning from the Bible’s supposedly imitate Jesus Christ’s 40-day fast in perspective, not from the “traditions of the wilderness (Matt. 4:1-2). Some give up men” (Mark 7:7-9). smoking. Others give up chewing gum. Still others give up over-eating or cursing. People vow to give up anything, as long as it prepares them for Easter.
Yaadi Culture, Fimi Styleja
amining Lent’s Purpose According the
“the real aim of Lent is, above all else, to prepare men for the celebration of the death and Resurrection of Christ, the better the preparation the more effective the celebration will be. One can effectively relive the mystery only with purified mind and heart. The purpose of Lent is to
Sunday”—holidays deeply rooted in ancient paganism. They were instituted by mainstream Christianity in order to counterfeit and replace the Passover season. Passover and the Days of Unleavened Bread were observed by Christ, the original
Church—including Gentiles. God commands His people to observe them today (I Cor. 5:7-8).
econd, the Bible says that we are purified—cleansed, set apart and made pure in God’s sight—by the shed blood of Jesus Christ (Heb. 9:11-
provide that purification by weaning men 14, 22; 13:12). This, along with faith (Acts 15:9) from
through and humbly submitting to and obeying God
self-denial and prayer, by creating in them (James 4:7-10) through His truth and prayer (John the desire to do God’s will and to make His 17:17; I Tim. 4:5), makes us clean before God. kingdom come by making it come first of No amount of fasting, abstaining from physical all in their hearts.” First, understand that the “celebration of
pleasures or any other form of self-denial can purify us.
the death and Resurrection of Christ” to which the preceding quote refers is so-called “Good Friday” and “Easter
Yaadi Culture, Fimi Styleja
hristians all over the world are
important element of their religion, Lent. For many, the
start of Lent signals the beginning of 40 days of prayer, self-denial and confession that culminates on Easter. An article in The Real Truth Magazine states that during the Lenten
Wednesday to Easter, observers abstain
smoking or nail biting while others abstain from chocolate, ice cream or even meat.
promise to help “heal the environment” by walking to work for 40 days instead of driving or use Lent as a time to give to others without being recognized for their good works.
n o t have a
from certain foods or physical pleasures. problem with persons placing emphasis on these Some vow to give up bad habits such as religious practices or beliefs especially when they are supported biblically as is the case with Lent. However, my concern is some individuals are using these practices as a means of “following the crowd” or just to maintain a tradition. Conversely, commemorating these practices or events go much deeper. As a result, I haven’t taken the traditional route of giving up anything specific for Lent but I am using the period to continuously reflect on the sacrifices that God made for me through his son Jesus Christ and how I can improve my overall relationship with him and reciprocate with more sacrifice and devotion. 26
with scant regard because we did not create ourselves and through Jesus’ crucifixion and resurrection, we are able to have life and have it more abundantly. Hence, let us not treat Lent or any other religious practice or belief as how some
would commemorate the bacchanal n many occasions, some of us are guilty of just copying others in doing
season, Jazz and Blues Festival, Chug It or any other social or
recreational activity or
whatever is trending or
the norm, instead of being involved in something where you have a logical reason for doing it. We should be reminded that our spiritual lives should not be treated 27
Name: Jackfruit Binomial (scientific name): Artocarpus heterophyllus Countries of Origin: South and Southeast Asia
Distribution: For Asia it is found in India, Bangladesh, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Cambodia, Vietnam, Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, and the Philippines. Jackfruit is also found across Africa (e.g., in Cameroon, Uganda, Tanzania, Madagascar, São Tomé and Príncipe, Ethiopia, and Mauritius), as well as throughout Brazil, west-central Mexico, and in Caribbean nations such as Jamaica. Jackfruit is the national fruit of Bangladesh. International Culinary Uses:
-halo in the Philippines -cream in Naturals stores in India -dried into jackfruit chips called Kripik nangka
Thailand and Vietnam
background and presence. Notable Characteristics:
Altruism :- unselfishly concerned for or devoted to the welfare of others
on initially learning the meaning of the meaning
intellectual, financial, well you get the
of the word, I thought to
point; she ensured that they were taken care
myself; “how can one
of holistically.
give selflessly to others without looking for
anything in return”? Well, years later, I would
females, she saw the need for assistance in
be doing this without even
the lives of these children and she bridged
recognizing that I was giving without any ex-
the gap and nurtured their development. Let
pected returns. See, I was exposed to this for
me first state that I was poor and grew up
years, but, could not readily affix a name to it,
poor. My mother was not rich nor was she
at that time, as I wasn’t sure of what it was
well off; financially, but she was a
called so I dubbed it the “Ms. Charm”.
millionaire when it comes to kindness and
I’ve seen, for years, my mother raising other
enthused about sharing her home and
people’s children; caring for them, nurturing
whatever she had with someone in need. I
them as she would her and did her biological
ones. In her eyes, there was nothing too great
Jamaican women, as they polish the
or small for her to do for her children, she
washed, cooked. Cleaned up after them and
allowing for the emission of a much
for them, and yes, gave them money to attend
school and ensure that their academic, social,
educationally empowered light to shine.
“lampshades” spiritually
Do not get it twisted, this is a hectic and tiresome and very very challenging one and we all know how hard it is to raise children in this society. Now imagine doing it because you out of sheer love while being entrenched in
belief saying, that every child deserves the privilege of being loved, cared for and appreciated.
It is the basis for how we
interact with the outside world and our view point of it
If we give of ourselves for the greater good,
numerous ladies in my community take this
the tunnel vision for our country, the
mantle and bring it to the finish line, I have
assisting in the molding of the future
learnt that “if live is not lived for others, it is
generation, I guarantee that Jamaica will be
not worth living”. We must still foster that
“the place of choice to live, work, do
communal spirit of assisting our brothers and
business and raise families”.
sisters of society. It also brought to live the phrase ‘teamwork mek the dream work”. If we all pool together and provide our own “Ms. Charm” in our own right, then this country will be a much better one going forward……Don’t you think?
adopted mother recently explained her
Lent is a well-known and celebrated season within Christianity leading up to Easter. Ash Wednesday usually marks the first day or the
was seen as a time of recommitment,
start of the season of lent, which begins 40
reflection and repentance and by definition
days prior to Easter.
that is what it still means. However, we
t is a time when Christians prepare for Easter by observing a period of fasting, repentance, moderation as
have taken the crucial elements from this and are now blindsiding the true meaning of lent.
well as discipline. Discipline is the
most crucial part of lent as most people choose an item, activity, type of food etc. to renounce during this time. Jamaica holds a population that is mostly Christian based and so, the season of lent is usually observed. For example: In a Christian home, lent is usually recognized by everyone i.e. parents and children alike. A child might choose to give up their cell phone, the internet or maybe watching TV on a regular basis. Unfortunately, these days children aren’t the only ones that have to be weaned from modern technology. At one point in time Lent
Personally, I do not observe lent even though I live in a Christian home and hold Christian morals. The simple fact is that I do not wish to ridicule or condemn Christianity or any reparticipate in something that is being forced ligion for that matter. Participating in Lent on me. As someone who is not baptized and or any Christian celebration is a choice and committed to Christianity I do not feel as if I I feel that if an individual does not wish to should be required to give up a particular take part in that, they should be left with activity or item during this time if I do not their decision. wish to.
I stated before, I do live in a Christian home but the practices were not obligatory. I
was taught to accept or to respect and never to
“Always remember, we all have our own opinions and beliefs. We have different ways in dealing with life and to survive without hurting each other is what acceptance is all about.� – Dedinsky
KNOW YOUR RIGHTS What Are My Rights & Responsibilities In Respect Of Driving A Motor Vehicle?
What Are My Rights In Respect Of Seizing A Motor Vehicle?
It is your responsibility to register the vehicle you own and to operate within the limits of your license You must have a valid certificate of fitness and the vehicle must be licensed and insured. You can continue to use your vehicle on the roads within one month of the expiry of the licence. But you should not use your vehicle on the road if the vehicles’ certificate of fitness or insurance coverage has expired. You should always travel with your driver’s license when operating a motor vehicle If you are unable to produce your driver’s license but can satisfy the officer requesting your license as to
As a member of the Police Force you have the right to seize any motor vehicle or trailer used on the public road which: Is not registered or not licenses or the vehicle’s licence expired more than a month ago Is being operated in contravention of its licence Has a Registration Plate which is hidden or not easily distinguishable The vehicle is a PPV or CMC
your identity, then you will be required operating without Road Licence or to produce the licence at a Police Station Carriers Licence. within five days.
What Should I Do When Driving & Asked By The Police To Stop? The law states that you must stop when requested by a police officer in uniform (Section 56-58 Road Traffic Act). Show restraint and remain calm, even if you believe the police have stopped you unnecessarily. You will be guilty of an offence: If you do not stop If, as a passenger, you prevent or intimidate the driver from stopping If you escape, or attempt to escape, from the vehicle when the police has asked the driver to stop If the police officer behaves in an
unprofessional manner, write down or try to remember his/her badge number,
What Are My Rights & Responsibilities When My Premises Are Being Searched? You have the right to see and read the search warrant or written directive from the police officer requesting the search. Otherwise a search is illegal and must not be conducted unless you give permission. The police may only search your premises without a warrant while in pursuit of a felon or when the police have reason to believe that an offence is being committed on your premises, or is about to be committed.
name, vehicle registration plate or other A Force Order now requires a duplicate search warrant to be given to you before the
identifying marks, should you need to search. make a complaint. You must remain in the presence of the offi-
cers conducting the search at all times. After you have seen the search warrant, refusing entry may make you appear guilty when you have nothing to hide. The police may use force if, after they have shown a warrant, you refuse entry. 43
you ever held a child, too young to walk on its own or
taught one something they beautiful island, I use to daydream about having a never knew, or watched a child discover his or her brood of sons and one daughter just to keep my ability to do something for the first time and see the company and so I would be like my mother, always breathtaking look of discovery or accomplishment on busy taking care of her family. But one day my that face? Have you ever laughed just by the sound of reality changed and so did my dreams. And all it glee that comes from a child having fun? Have you took was one day. Ignorance is truly a blissful state ever had the opportunity to just hush and soothe a of mind. We can create any reality once there are crying child? Have you ever just cried because of the no external claws of truths and facts around to pick words, actions or existence of a child? Maybe one day out what makes sense and what doesn't. But the you will. moment we know, there are only a few ways to "un One day it dawned on me, I am a mom, even if I have -know" and most of these do not paint beautiful never given birth to a child. You parent just by how pictures for the later on. Forgetting is harder than you interact with children. The privilege was knowing, once you already know. bestowed upon me several years ago and with time I have grown into the role. So I get to dress bruises and address disputes. I get to clarify confusion and educate the unlearned. While at the same moments in time I have learnt where to restrain myself and let them be, when to allow nature her fair chance, and where to lose my cool and be momzilla. Yes, I heard childbirth is an experience second to none that changes a woman's life in several ways. I hope to one day experience this and then describe to others as several of my friends and family members have so willingly describe to me. One day.
oday our babies are in serious danger. Our
is not sex, pregnancy or
even rebellion. It is death. This year
alone they have been falling like raindrops on a good
headless, pregnant teen killed while getting ready for school, teenage boys killed execution style in peaceful housing scheme, teen shot in crossfire between gunman and police. These are just the first random four incidents that came to my mind. One day they were here, then gone. I hope we are noting
A few years ago while I was yet naive to the reality of how much that can happen in one day. the forms of cruelty that walk the streets of our
ow are we going to sleep in our ther hold on for dear life or get with the times. One beds wherever these beds may be day even with all the disguise we can afford, it will located, knowing that we saw, heard become obvious that we can't keep up with the kids or even suspected something and anymore. I have decided to instead of allowing an-
did nothing, and that passive behavior ends up to cost other stage of my life to waltz past me while I cling someone's baby his or her life? I know how hard it is to one I should let go of, I will live in the present. to deal with teenagers because although I always pre- And with this comes the responsibility of trying to tended to have completely skipped that part of my protect those who are on the come up. They are life, I had my difficult days. Like any other stage of only a few steps behind. And one day I would love growth, teenage is delicate and those transitioning to see them make it to where I am now at, looking need protection. One day you just start to feel differ- out for those behind them. ent and that can be a major challenge without any ex- Nelson Mandel said, "I am the captain of my soul". ternal to combat. So instead of preys and predators, I believe life should have purpose and direction, so the dynamism of the relationship between teens and I urge us to care a little more for those who will adults should be the facilitated and the facilitators, have to watch out for our well-being when we bestudents and guides.
come too vulnerable to do same. Remember once a
I am aware of the shift in the system, and it is way man, twice a child, so whether we want to or not, worse than when my granny use to tell me, "when I as we climb the hill of life, after the peak, there is was a girl, it was not like this". As a twenty some- no place but down. One day we will need someone thing young woman, I am the one with those words to take care of us again, so care for them now. One turning over in my head and I fear uttering them. But love. one day we all get hit with the reality that the ways of childhood are drifting from our grasp and we can ei-
“Mama you deserve a pot of gold, you are the
while ensuring that their basic necessities are
driving force ina me life…” these words are
catered for. Now picture yourself working
very powerful and resounded with me to this
double grave yard shifts so that you can make
day. Over the years, I’ve come to realize that
the extra buck for field trips, Jamaica Day
real mothers are as rare as a four leaf clover.
apparel and various other school and
The group Boyz to Men penned a song “you
intellectually driven activities promulgated by
taught me everything and everything you’ve
the school.
given me, I always keep it inside; you are the
Since lately, I have had opportunities to look
driving force in my life…” These songs
at the other side of the situation; from the
essentially are speaking to the constant
perspective of the person making the
sacrifices of mothers in the Jamaican society.
sacrifices. Putting someone’s needs before
Nurturing, caring for and ensuring that
yours is never an easy task and believe me,
children are catered for intellectually, socially
you will at times question your choices and
and economically.
reasoning for what you are doing and the
he bible teaches us that the
sacrifices you are making.
ultimate sacrifice is to give
Despite the challenges and constant hardships
everything you have to save
that parents are constantly sacrificing for their
someone or something that you
children and they are truly enjoying the ex-
hold most dear. It further requires that you
periences and would not change a minute at
give yourself, in order to provide them
it. Someone once said “mothers are gifts from
sanctuary, like Christ did to wash away your
God; our guardian and guiding angels on this
sins. Now imagine giving away your last dol-
earth that are charged with nurturing and
lar so that your child can attend Saturday
development years, teaching us how to be
classes or even saving your lunch money so
good, decent upstanding citizens who will
that you can buy a pair of shoes for your child,
contribute to the nation building and our country’s development.
Do not get me wrong, there are a number of mothers, present, in our society who are in need of educational opportunities to develop proper parenting skills and maternal instincts needed to properly take care of your child (ren). So‌. For those who show up at work with milk "That's my child!!" stains on their dress and diapers in their For all the mothers who read "Goodnight, handbags.
Moon" twice a night for a year, and then
For those mothers who cannot restrain tears read it again. "Just one more time." from trickling down their cheeks when they hold their babies for the first time in their
the mothers who taught their children to tie the
arms; and for the mothers who give birth to shoelaces even before they started going to babies they'll never see.
school. For the mothers who incontinently
For the mothers who gave homes to babies turn their heads when they hear the word "Mom", even though they know that their and gifted them a family. For the mothers who yell at their kids who
kids are nowhere around.
clamour for ice cream before dinner. For the mothers who defy all odds just to THANK YOU AND HAPPY MOTHERS’ DAY watch her kid perform and repeat to t