Yaadi Culture, Fimi Style Magazine
We are now in the "New Year', 2017. Usually at this time of year many people make new year resolutions. They are hoping for a fresh start - a New beginning.
beginnings can happen in any moment. All it takes is a
shift in thought. Yet we tend to make an event the impetus for a new beginning . It is poised to be a good year as this year marks the beginning of the fifth year of the YCFSM
s you all get back into the swing of research
after all the holiday fes-
tivities, keep in mind that the Magazine is always looking for articles
that appeal to a wide range of people. Welcome to what is sure to be a tremendous year for the YCFSM Magazine!
Magazine, and what an incredible journey we
Read, research, and write‌
have had. From needing to solely solicit articles to be published in the first few issues to having
submissions and giving a fresh new and well deserved look to the magazine. As the holidays and end of the year festivities
Adrian St. P. Duncan Editor - in– Chief
Deidre D. Douglas Senior Associate Editor
have just passed, I hope everyone is refreshed and ready to hit the ground running.
Layout & Design Contributors:
Adrian St. P. Duncan
Deidre Douglas
Cover Photo
Jerdaine Sterling
Georgette Mcglashan-Miller
The fresh Start Effect By: Adrian St. Patrick P.g.
Ole Time people did say By: Georgette McGlashan-Miller
Jamaican... Facts you should know
New Beginnings
Jamaican Superstitions By: Adrian St. Patrick
Jerdaine sterling P.g.
16 Starting‌..over By: Deidre Douglas P.g.
18 3
Yaadi Culture, Fimi Styleja
@YaadiCulture Yaadi Culture, Fimi Styleja
Continued on Page 35
Yaadi Culture, Fimi Style
What Is Typhoid Fever?? Typhoid fever is an acute illness associated with fever caused by the
by Salmonella paratyphi, a related bacterium that usually causes a
less severe illness. The bacteria are deposited in water or food by a human carrier and are then spread to other people in the area.
How Do People Get Typhoid Fever?
Typhoid fever is contracted by drinking or eating the bacteria in contaminated food or water. People with acute illness can contaminate the surrounding water supply through
stool, which contains a high concentration of the bacteria. Contamination of the water
supply can, in turn, taint the food supply. The bacteria can survive for weeks in water
or dried sewage.
About 3%-5% of people become carriers of the bacteria after the acute illness. Others
suffer a very mild illness that goes unrecognized. These people may become long-term
carriers of the bacteria, even though they have no symptoms, and be the source of new outbreaks of typhoid fever for many years.
d How Is Typhoid Fever Diagnosed?
the ingestion of contaminated food or water, the Salmonella bacteria in-
vade the small intestine and enter the bloodstream temporarily. The bacteria are carried by white blood cells in the liver, spleen, and bone marrow, where
they multiply and re-enter the bloodstream. People develop symptoms, including fever, at this point. Bacteria invade the gallbladder, biliary system, and the lymphatic tissue of the bowel. 6
Page 7
hat Are the Symptoms of Typhoid Fever?
Typhoid fever is treated with antibiotics which kill
the Salmonella bacteria. Prior to the use of incubation period is usually 1-2 weeks, and the duration of the illness is about 3-4 weeks. Symptoms include:
antibiotics, the fatality rate was 20%. Death occurred from overwhelming infection, pneumonia, intestinal bleeding, or intestinal perforation. With antibiotics and supportive care, mortality has been reduced to
Poor appetite
Generalized aches and pains
Fever as high as 104 degrees
1%-2%. With appropriate antibiotic therapy, there is
usually improvement within one to two days and recovery within seven to 10 days.
Chest congestion develops in many people, and abdominal pain and
discomfort are common. The fever becomes constant. Improvement
effects, chloramphenicol has been replaced by other
occurs in the third and fourth week in those without complications.
effective antibiotics. The choice of antibiotics is
About 10% of people have recurrent symptoms after feeling better
guided by identifying the geographic region where
for one to two weeks.
the infection was contracted (certain strains from
everal antibiotics are effective for the treatment
Chloramphenicol was the original drug of
choice for many years. Because of rare serious side
South America show a significant resistance to some antibiotics.) If relapses occur, patients are retreated with antibiotics.
7 @YaadiCulture
Yaadi Culture, Fimi Style
new beginning may be motioned by a significant occasion like a birthday or a temporal landmark like the first of the
month. Changing seasons can also provide a clean slate. Conducting my own personal review is one way I'm surfing the motivation brought about by the fresh
Another way I am challenging myself to grow
start effect. With less than four months gone in the
my in career right now is with the 30/30 rule.
year, I sat down to take stock of my progress and
Each day I devote 30 minutes to focusing on
guide my priorities heading into mid - 2017. In my
something that is 30 days away or more.
It is helping me make substantial improvement
questions including:
on long-term goals without interfering with what
What's working best in my business right now? What key actions or projects do I want to double down on? Is there anything I need to say no (or yes) to in order to make that happen? What do I still want to achieve this year that I have not started?
I have to get done today.
drive the 30/30 rule to help you achieve your work goals this sum-
mer. Pick an aspiration and break it down into small steps. For example, could you spend 30 minutes each day rewriting your resume to prep for a career transition? How about 30 minutes a day working on your side hustle?
Page 9
It feels entrepreneur. I can help you
like turning over a new leaf; like a step
further developing as an
believe a strong individual brand accomplish your career aspirations,
but know that it can be quite nerve-wracking to speak up and be seen. While I'm all for working hard and doing great work, sometimes you have to boldly step out there for the world to recognize your
I am reminded of one
of my favourite that
inspires me every time, even in the face of self-doubt: “The question isn’t who is going to let me. It’s who is going to stop me” from A yn Rand.
9 @YaadiCulture
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It may be as simple as leaving home each mornThe year 2017 has begun and there are several
ing and asking for guidance, or in your weekly trip to the market or store you ask for re-
versions of influences to direct our focus. Some will
straint in your spending and influence your
last a few days or even weeks but very few will last
any substantial length of time. This isn’t because we didn’t mean our resolve from the get-go, but more that
If you make prayer a habit, then it does not become another task on the list of things to be done
as time progressed throughout the weeks as we drifted
second nature. So when big things happen,
further away from The New Year’s Resolution day,
there is no hesitation to find the right way to
our focus also drifted.
approach God. Scriptures:
So for this quarter we will focus on Our Focus. Our attention span, with time, wears down especially if initially we did not have strong resolve or tenacity to
Pray without ceasing. 1 Thessalonians 5:17 Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path. Psalm 119:105
go on. But who better to ask for help than the Most High?
Regardless of the project, no matter how
Wait on God- Sometimes it may feel or seem as if our deadlines that we give ourselves are not
smaller or great the fete. We can trust in the Lord for
being met: be married by age x, have a baby
His ways are not our ways and neither are His timing
by age y, cop a third degree by z time. All
based on any biological clock. Here are some tips to keep us in line: Put God first- Make it a habit consult with God regardless of the significance of what you are about to embark on.
these are based on earthly influences, and yes we all have goals and we may be pressed thinking of where we are in comparison to others, such as old classmates, relatives or friends. However nothing happens before its time and if God is the Master, we can breathe easily. 10
Yaadi Culture, Fimi Style
Scriptures: But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him. Hebrews 11:6
For the foolishness of God is wiser than human wisdom, and the weakness
they that wait upon the
of God is stronger than human
Lord shall renew their
strength. Brothers and sisters, think
of what you were when you were
mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not
called. Not many of you were wise
be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint (Isaiah
by human standards; not many
were influential; not many were of
Trust God- We do not have all the answers, and
noble birth. 1 Corinthians 1: 25-26
sometimes we are led in states of anxiety just
There are days when we do not know, but that
because we do not know what will happen
does not mean we should worry. Matthew 6: 25-34
next. The only answer is God sees all, He
shows us that God makes provisions for even the
knows all and He is the Maker, the Giver and
flowers in the field. We will stay centred by
the Taker. He has brought us this far, just take
keeping God at the centre of every aspect of our
a glimpse back at what the past was like, He
lives and making it a lifestyle to treat people right,
can and has done wonders in so many
that way we are less likely to forget about treating
instances, even recalling them all is next to
ourselves right also. God bless.
Do not be anxious about anything, but in every
Scriptures: Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he
Proverbs 3:5-6
situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. Philippians 4: 6-7
is filled with lots of start overs and sometimes we are forced to call it quits or throw in the
towels. At other times, we give up on our most prized dreams. Then still, at other times our friends and those closest to us will pronounce
our dreams and efforts as dead. But in the words of an old Jamaican proverb we can take
says to us, as long as there is life there is
heart and be hopeful. We no ded, no kaal it
dopi – What is not dead, don’t call it a ghost. Usually this is said about a person or situation that previously or currently is thought of as being hopeless, lost, given over to death; but somehow is restored, renewed, refreshed and given new life. A dopi – for those who do not know, in Jamaica is the name given to the spirit of a dead person. After the person has died, his/her spirit returns to the home or shows itself to the family or friend, usually trying to deliver a message or make contact with the living. However, for those who are brave enough, the spirit is reminded that he/ she is dead and no longer with the living and is therefore not welcomed anymore. But what this proverb challenges us to do with our seemingly dead situation is to test for signs of life before we turn our backs and treat them as
anuary is usually the month to effect resolutions or to put new plans in place to achieve a set goal. But might I suggest to you that in
moving forward, you step back a little and
reassess some of the previously set goals to test their life status and viability. Does any of them have a pulse? Maybe you have a passion that you had poured so much into but the results have not manifested as yet. What about that business idea you had an actually started, but you got discouraged because your family and friends did not support you.
Remember that passion you have, that project that could make a difference, that thing you always wanted to do. But for some reason you put it aside. You filed it away.
spirits of a life that once was but is no more. It
12 Yaadi Culture, Fimi Styleja
You paused…you thought it was dead but it
This is where you breathe new life into
keeps coming up in your mind, in your con-
yourself, through inspiration, creativity
sciousness. And it doesn’t bring a stench. The
and motivation.
thought of it even gives you new life. There is
With that said. Begin anew; do not let an-
nothing to resolve about it. It is clear, you
yone kill your dream. Do not turn your
connect, it is alive and well in your being. It’s
goal into a dopi.
not ded it’s not a dopi. Start looking at that again. Give yourself the opportunity to begin, by continuing; to begin by
finishing something you’ve started. Look at the same situation with fresh eyes. See a new perspective.
oing this doesn’t not mean that it will be easy. The same naysayers may be present
to remind you of all the potholes you fell in the last time and why it didn’t work and that it still will not work. This is where the new
perspective comes in. This is where you create a new mindset, strategies, reasons that you must continue. This is where the belief in yourself and achieving your goal is more important than someone else’s opinion of either.
“Creng Creng” :- Jamaicans, in old days, used to hang meat over the fire to preserve it. During the process, a mesh wire is used to hang the meat over the fire and the smoke from the fire preserves the meat. This is the preferred means of preservation as in yesteryear there was not a proliferation of refrigerators.
“Broom Bush” :- Jamaicans used to cut a bush that was commonly used, along with placing a stick on one end, for sweeping.
“Wattle and Daub” :- a method of constructing walls in which vertical wooden stakes, or wattles,
are woven with horizontal twigs and branches, and then daubed with clay or mud. This method is one of the oldest known for making a weatherproof structure.
“Bottle Torch” : - The preferred method of lighting is
the use of a kerosene bottle torch. This consists of a rum bottle full of kerosene with a tightly wound piece of burlap serving as a wick.
To the
world, Jamaicans are seen as a laid back group of people who are not easily bothered, but Jamaicans are arguably among the most
superstitious people on the planet.
If while you’re driving and a mongoose turns back from crossing the road, then you’re going to crash in the future.
If a bird uses your hair to build its nest, it is a bad sign that means you will soon go mad
If a woman beats a man or a boy with her dirty underwear he
will be ‘wukliss’ and get turned down in life.
Your left eye ‘ah jump’ is an omen that something bad is about to happen, while a ‘jumping’ right eye means someone whom you haven’t seen in a while will reappear soon.
15 Yaadi Culture, Fimi Styleja
the commencement of a new year, individuals across the globe have been busy making resolutions and
plans for the next 12 months ahead. It is very intriguing hearing some of the resolutions as men and women of
2nd Timothy 3: 12 declar es that “But evil men
different races, creed, nationalities and religions prepare
and seducers shall wax worse and worse,
to tackle the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead.
ceiving, and being deceived” while St. Matthew
From a
personal stand point, with all that is happening
24: 4-7 declares that “And Jesus answered and
around the globe, the signs of the time are becoming
said unto them, Take heed that no man deceive
more and more glaring that the word of God is fulfilling
you. For many shall come in my name, saying, I
and the coming of the Lord is near. In light of this, I have
am Christ; and shall deceive many. And ye shall
decided to strategically prepare myself for such an
hear of wars and rumours of wars: see that ye be
occurrence. While I am currently a child of God, there is
not troubled: for all these things must come to
tremendous room for improvement in my spiritual walk
pass, but the end is not yet. For nation shall rise
with him and I have earmarked 2017 as the year of new
against nation, and kingdom against kingdom:
and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes,
aforementioned and other similar crises have plunged
The importance of being a good ambassador for Christ cannot be overemphasized and as a result, I want to positively impact more lives by imparting knowledge that will edify and empower individuals to maximize their potential and most importantly, to acknowledge God as the author and finisher of their faith. In closing, 2017 will be a year of new beginning for me as with the help of the Most High God, I intend
owever, I view this as an opportune
to explore “uncharted territory� spiritually and oth-
time for the body of Christ to stand
er wise, as I intend to develop a greater purpose on
up and be counted and go to the
earth while being more productive in areas that I
highways and the by ways to save the lost,
have underperformed in previous years.
hopeless and dying. I have decided that this year will be a year of greater evangelism and outreach where I increase the number of persons I interact with and
most importantly, to spread the news that Jesus saves, keeps and satisfies. Furthermore, while I have always been a cheerful giver and has consistently lend a helping hand to those in need; I intend to dou-
DEIDRE DOUGLAS “Hard is trying to rebuild yourself, piece by piece, with no instruction book, and no clue as to where all the important bits are supposed to go.” ― Nick Hornby, A Long Way Down
I was
wanted or desired the presence of some persons in sitting on my bed,
my immediate space or personal life. I had to
staring at the glitter
de-junk, de-clutter and rearrange my personal life,
in my ceiling when it
because it was obvious above everything else, there
dawned on me one chilly December evening. I was in a state of emotional wreckage, all my hopes and dreams had been either influenced by or planned around someone who later disappointed me or even worse, hurt me. And we all know what they say about when you have tried everything… try Jesus. So I did what I maybe knew but neglected to acknowledge from the beginning, I went into my secret place and I had a real man and woman talk with my creator.
was too much garbage being juggled in my life. Bad habits die hard, and I had a few. I couldn’t say no, I couldn’t drop a project in the middle of execution and I couldn’t go to bed in the middle of a movie. This means that, not only did I have too much doing all the time, I also had a ton of things doing that I was not pleased about carrying out, and I was not getting enough me time, nor sleep. I didn’t exercise enough, eat right nor get
It wasn’t easy, laying it all out there. It wasn’t pretty,
enough rest. I was basically running myself in a
neither cute, I gutted myself and left it all there
ditch and it all started with me trying to fill my
because I was tired of carrying around all that junk. I
woes, and make myself feel relevant by becoming
had to identify all the contents of my life that I was
accessible to others all the time. And all this time,
no longer, some never, comfortable with. And on top
that cloud of unhappiness hung heavily over my
of all that, I had to frankly state that I no longer
head. 18
The first thing I found out was that I was both stressed and bored. Why, one might ask. This was because, for one, I was overworked, stretched thin. Then I was uninspired. Nothing meant much nor gave me the satisfaction which I craved. I was doing for others because I was resourceful, not because I was happy to help, but more because I needed to be doing
Like with anything else in our lives, we assign val-
something. The biggest question I had to ask myself
ue. I first had to identify what I was worth and al-
was not “how did I get here?” but rather, “how will I
so what everything in my life meant to me. I also
get out of this pit?” And it came to me little by little,
recognized that I needed help so I sought assis-
step by step and frankly is still progressing today.
tance and support. This included having someone
How did I do it?
to hold me accountable for any behaviour I had
I took some time in retrospection and I recognised my state, not only where I was, but also acknowledging that I did not want to be there, or doing that. I accepted the challenge of change, knowing full well it would be hard work. I then dropped some folks and behaviours. It was time and I knew many of these were unhealthy keeping so I said goodbye.
deemed toxic to the life I now desired. My promises both to myself and to those I value have been
clear, concise and realistic. The real fact is that any restart is hard, but the power belongs to me and I have had to embrace that reality during some weak and challenging moments. Yet in the end, I am reminded daily that the choice is mine to push forward. I live boldly and not in fear. So each step I take I am appreciative of the growth during this journey, knowing well that if I trust God, work at
it and accept that I am human, I can make it, one day at a time. Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid. John 14: 27 19
Over the years I have grown to love food. There I times when food has brought me next to tears and at the brink of ecstasy, I kid you not. This forum will take one ingredients and give a few dishes it
Chewy Ginger Cookies – A snack that does no wrong INGREDIENTS
is used to make. We will try to provide an idea of
¾ cup butter, softened
preparation and appropriateness of dish. Food can
2 cup brown sugar
be real fun, bon appetit!
1 egg ¼ cup molasses
Jamaican Ginger Beer – A drink for all seasons (Serves 6-8)
2 tsp. baking soda 2½ cups flour
½ tsp. ground cinnamon
1 pound ginger
1 tsp. ground ginger
8 tablespoons of brown sugar
1 tsp. ground cloves
2 1/2 quart water
½ tsp. salt
3 oz Lime Juice
Extra sugar for coating (optional)
METHOD 1. Wash the ginger root thoroughly to remove ALL dirt and sediments that may be stuck on the outer portion of the skin.
Preheat oven to 350°F (200°C).
2. Grate ginger or grind in blender.
Cream the butter and the sugar.
3. Bring the water to a boil and pour it on the grated ginger and let it sit for a day (24 hours).
Add the egg and stir in the molasses.
4. Strain the mixture through a sieve in a mixing bowl. 5. Add sugar & mix (add more or less sugar based on your taste) Best served with crushed ice
Combine the baking soda, flour, spices and salt in a separate bowl. Combine the wet and dry mixtures. Shape into small (2.5 cm/1 inch diameter) balls and roll in granulated sugar. Place on greased cookie sheet. Do not flatten balls. Bake for about 11 minutes. One way to tell they are done is when the cookies are cracked but the dough inside the cracks doesn't look quite finished. Beyond that they will be too done.