Yaadi Culture, Fimi Style
Yaadi Culture, Fimi Styleja
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Yaadi Culture, Fimi Style Magazine
dependent upon circumstances. He should
desire to achieve
move ahead facing all the odds and
something in life. A person
without any
difficulties that hinder his progress. He
without rudder.
should have the firm determination to
Having an ambition needs continuous ef-
achieve his aim. His will-power and
forts towards achieving it. One
determination will carry him forward.
achieve anything if one just day dreams
Obstacles in his way will not lead him
and does nothing to turn this dream into a
An ideal person always tries to achieve his
A strong will-power and determination
goal. Aspiring for great things in life is
will carry a person forward against all
human tendency. The youth of today wants
obstacles. Different people have different
to scale the greater heights of success but it
ambitions. Some aim to become teachers,
was taught by our forefathers that, if we
dream for the stars, we will at least reach
ambition is like a boat
engineers etc. Some try to amass wealth
the moon.
and some run after the name and fame.
This issue of the YCFSM focuses on
There are others who aim to serve
“AMBITION” and speaks specifically to
humanity. One should have a noble aim in
the ambitions of ourselves and our people;
life and strive hard honestly, sincerely and
how ambitious are we as a people, are we
with dedication to achieve it.
still inspired for greatness or have we
A person with an ambition should not be
changed our aspirations over time.
Adrian St. P. Duncan Layout & Design Contributors:
Editor - in– Chief Adrian St. P. Duncan Dillon Thomas
Deidre Douglas
Teisha Dawkins
Lynford Harris
Georgette McGlashen Hugh Miller
Vanessa Williams
From a Bird’s view Deidre D. Douglas
The Newness of Back to School How serious does the society take the implications of September “Isn't it nice to think that tomorrow is a new day with no mistakes in it yet?” ― L.M. Montgomery
For some,
the new school
year has already
Stress of
spending is on the rise, with the hike of oil
commenced and yes it comes with all the
prices, the new fare rates and the ever pre-
fandangle of new beginnings. There is the
sent wage freeze. Just a few Sundays ago a
best behaviour and the uncertainty that
friend of mine who is the mother of two
accompanies being in a new environment.
was explaining how she has hit the sixty
Some bask in being
grand ($60,000) mark even with
afforded the chance of
some second hand books, not
starting afresh while
spoiling her kids with name
some tremble with fear
brand this and that, plus getting
of finding themselves
some supplies in the summer
lost in the
rigors of
barrel. No envy here. Another
new school. How much
parent who had to ship her
influence does this time of the year have
daughter off to college was basking in the
on society though? The fact is many just
joy of being a proud mother but was quite
can’t wait for “September Morning” as
prompt to point out that she will worry
there will be a full display of new things.
about every cent spent for the next few
Some parents have broken their backs,
years until her child is out of the woods.
bending this happen.
backwards to make Continues on next Page Yaadi Culture, Fimi Styleja
From a Bird’s view
Page 6
So there
are new people
retain their new shoes shine for an
to get to
entire week, some even longer.
know, sometimes new environments to
The psychology that is implicated in
become accustomed to and even more
starting anything especially for the first
importantly new
time gives a sense of
attitudes to turn
novelty. This is the reason
And why, one
countries like ours where
these behaviours
come into play?
effect on the psyche than
newness of the
January as a time to start.
word beginning.
People return to school
To start a new school year especially in
from a long summer holiday in different
Jamaica where some still believe it is all
conditions, as this was not a couple weeks
for a show, there are new supplies and for
of festivities but an extended few months
an entire month students and even
of resting or working or exploring or a
teachers smell like “new”. The khakis are
combination of any of the few. So limits
still stiff and glossy, the tunics are still
are set or erased more readily after summer
pleated and immaculate, and the shoes
Continues on next Page Yaadi Culture, Fimi Styleja
From a Bird’s view Cont’d
Deidre D. Douglas
our January. Let us not approach it as time running out due to the impending year end, but as an opportunity to right some wrongs
There are
many new and old goals
attempted in September just like January. The only difference is there is less time to accomplish it before the year ends and one
for this year. And as my basic school teacher would say, “If at first you don’t succeed, try, and try, and try again”. Until next time, try to start at something that will in turn make you proud eventually.
may have faced the reality of their current situation for a longer period. So attempting to ace term exams, and to lose weight before Christmas, are only two of the many attempts at resolutions made as September approaches. The fact is for school aged or those directly influenced or affected by the school aged, September is
Yaadi Culture, Fimi Style
Yaadi Culture, Fimi Styleja
JAMAICAN Facts you should know : WILD JAMAICAN IGUANA The Jamaican Iguana (Cyclura collei) is native to the island of
Jamaica and is the island’s largest
land animal, reaching a body length of 150 cm or more. It is on the world endangered species list as the adult population is thought to be below 200. It was once thought to have been common in Jamaica around the seventeenth century, around drier parts of the south coast. They declined dramatically during the second half of the 19th century, probably due to the introduction of the Indian Mongoose (Herpestes Javanicus [auropunctatus]) in 1872, changing land use patterns, and human population growth. They currently survive only in the Hellshire Hills area, a rugged limestone area. Jamaican Iguanas were thought to be extinct in the 1940s after they disappeared from the Goat Islands, two small islands off the
Jamaican coast, but during the 1990s they were
found in their
present habitat.
Jamaican Iguanas are green with bluish shading and dark olive-green lines on the shoulder. The female iguanas often appear reddish-brown because of digging in the red dirt to build nests. The worst threats to the Jamaican Iguana are from predators such as mongooses, cats, stray dogs and wild pigs. Another threat is from burning the forest for charcoal production.
9 Yaadi Culture, Fimi Style
Page 10
by Adrian Duncan
Consider a man who aspires to make a great deal of money. By placing a great deal of emphasis on this particular aim in life, this man is likely to create a lifestyle for himself in which he works long hours, to chose a profession based more on its pay and status than on its inner rewards, and to make decisions that maximize his own personal material gain when confronted with certain quandaries.
that aspirations are a useful way to understand
Such experiences and decisions, in turn,
“the good life,” because such values and goals
have ramifications for his own personal
influence the kinds of experiences individuals
quality of life and for the well-being of
have and the decisions they make in life.
those around the man. Over the last few years, my colleagues and I have been scientifically studying aspirations such as the desire for wealth as a way of understanding whether the different values and goals that people hold relate in systematic ways to their own quality of life, as well as to the well-being of others. As hinted at above, we believe
experiences and decisions, in
well-being and happiness. In addition, we find values, goals and aspirations useful and interesting to study because they are influenced by the manifold messages people receive from others in the
social surround about what
particular pathways might lead towards a specific conception of “the good life.”
Continues on next Page
10 @YaadiCulture
Page 11
Aspirations Aspiration
by Adrian Duncan
key Continued
success. It is used by numerous persons as
their motivational factor when they are
Intrinsic goals are those that are
trying to change their status quo; poor to
inherently satisfying to pursue because they
rich, uneducated to educated, jobless
tend, on average, to be congruent with
nature to be gainfully employed. When I
was younger, I would continually hear my
common by all people. There are three main
mother say “Aim for the skies and if you
intrinsic goals that we have studied. Personal
don’t reach them then you’ll fall on the
growth goals concern strivings to more deeply
understand one’s own self and to
pursue one’s own interests and
callings. Affiliation goals involve
being closely connected to family
phrase for
feeling goals are primarily about
my moti-
trying to improve the state of the
vational; my key ingredient that I used to
broader world through activism. As most
readers likely recognize, these three intrinsic
determination, hard-work and continued
goals have traditionally been encouraged by
perseverance so that I can enjoy a cool
various philosophical and religious traditions
drink of success
as important pursuits that are purported to
bring happiness.
11 Continues on next Page Yaadi Culture, Fimi Style
by Adrian Duncan
As I sit here pondering, I can see flashes of my childhood and the numerous times I was told that I must continue to work hard in order for me to fulfill my dreams. In addition to this I remember my mother’s mother
“boi yu betta have
ambition, else yu nah go reach noweh”. This has been riveted into
better on for
tomorrow. As a child I had
numerous, some lost along the way, but I have never lost sight of my be
told me “you were born to be
television and seeing numerous successful individuals revealing their path to success; outlining their aspirations and sacrifices which later became their dreams and reality. Oh how I was
marveled by their success and how they from
“ambition” has molded
field. My mother continually
rooms of our houses today. I
innovator, a leader in my desired
on our walls in the sitting
me into the man I am today and an even
used to hold the flat screens
finally, their
ultimate goal; to foster change
my head deeper than rivets
beginnings following their dreams to get to where they wanted to by simply possessing
great”, and even today those words continue to echo in my ears. It is evident, I am on the brink of greatness and this can only be attributed to the inspirations/ambitions I possessed as a child and the warrior spirit that is in me
helping to pave my path of
success. I will not lose sight of my vision as one day I will wake up and realize that it is no longer a dream but I’ve made it my reality
‘good ambition” as my aunt would say. Continues on next Page Yaadi Culture, Fimi Styleja
Aspirations by Adrian Duncan Continued
Let us pause
for a minute and family members. Moving from and assess community to community to dance at events/
individuals with inspirations and how they parties on a nightly basis he became the talk made it into a reality. *Close your eyes of the town. With the rhythmic movements and imagine with me* a figurine vendor, of his hands and feet, the innovation and born and raised in the rough inner-city dynamism in his movements, he chiseled a community of Waterhouse. Peddling his name for himself in the country. His crafts on a daily basis, he dreamt of sometimes seemingly choreographed styles making it big; he often times would hum and movements took him to places overseas and sing tunes as he walks up and down in that he dreamt of since he was a child. His the hot sun hunting for a sale. Yearning to first thrust into the limelight came after he change his present situation, he wrote and conceptualized and made public the “worl’ voiced his first hit song and to his surprise dance” and the “bogle dance”. he not only changed his situation but is Affectionately known to his family and now one of the greatest dancehall deejay of friends as Gerald Levy, Bogle became an all time; you guessed it, I’m talking about international dancer and a renowned Rodney “bounty killer” Pryce. His choreographer simply by following his aspirations/ambitions has allowed him to dreams and performing numerous acrobatic be one of the most inspirational, focused movements on a regular basis; moves such as and
the the “Bogle” “World dance” “Tatty” and
entertainment fraternity.
before his untimely death; ‘Wacky dip”
Another noteworthy individual started “Willy Bounce”. dancing and gyrating daily for his friends Continues on next Page @YaadiCulture
Yaadi Culture, Fimi Style
Aspirations Continued
by Adrian Duncan
that extends to other species and involves
accomplished success beyond his wildest
future generations yet to be born. As such, “a
dreams; this has opened doors not just for
good life” must also take into consideration
himself but numerous youths with similar
how our actions affect the broader ecology, on
aspirations, namely: John Hype, Ding
which the well-being of redwood trees,
Dong, Sadiki, Sample Six and Black
whooping cranes, Siberian tigers and our great
Blingaz and many more.
-great grandchildren ultimately depends.
There are numerous other similar success stories to these and just as relatable. These stories prove that once you aspire for something, work hard enough and is focused and determined; you will succeed. It is not going to be an easy road but once you keep your eyes on the prize and you work continuously for it then it will be worth it in the end. Never think that your aspirations are not attainable or too trivial, simply keep your eyes on the prize; you will get it soon enough. “Just don’t give up”. Maximizing the well-being of one’s self and of other people in one’s social surround, in my mind, is still not a complete definition of “a good life.” We humans are part of a broader living world
My hope is
that this article suggests to law- makers a variety
of ways that they could modify the legal system to enhance individuals’ opportunities to attain “the good life.” I hope I have made clear that many features of contemporary, consumeristic, hyper-capitalistic society stand in the way of this worthy aim, and that what is necessary is to fashion a culture which does a better job of encouraging and providing opportunities for individuals to pursue the intrinsic aspirations which research shows facilitate personal happiness, social justice, and ecological sustainability. “Success is not reached overnight, it not something you accidentally stumble on, it is acquired through hard-work and determination” Adrian St. P. Duncan 14
Page 15
DOCTAZ ADVICE Peyronie's Disease Peyronie's disease is caused by scar tissue, called plaque, which forms along the length of the penis in the corpora cavernosa. This plaque is not visible, and depending on the severity of the condition, the plaque can cause the penis to bend, making sexual intercourse difficult and occasionally painful.
What Causes Peyronie's Disease? The cause of Peyronie's disease is unclear.
Who Gets Peyronie's Disease?
Many researchers believe the plaque of
One study found that Peyronie's dis-
Peyronie's disease can develop following
ease occurs in 1% of men, according
trauma (hitting or bending) that causes
to the National Institutes of Health.
localized bleeding inside the penis. The
Although the disease occurs mostly in
injury or trauma may not be noticeable.
middle-aged men, younger and older
Other cases, which develop over time,
men can get it. In some cases, men
may be genetically linked or inherited
who are related tend to develop
(passed on from parents to children
Peyronie's disease, suggesting the dis-
through genes). The disorder could be
ease may be genetically linked.
caused by a combination of both factors. Continues on next Page @YaadiCulture
Yaadi Culture, Fimi Style
Page 16
DOCTAZ ADVICE Symptoms Symptoms may develop slowly or appear overnight. When the penis is soft, no problem can be seen. But, in severe cases, the hardened plaque (which is benign, or noncancerous) reduces flexibility, causing pain and forcing the penis to bend or arc during erection. In most cases, the
How Is Peyronie's Disease Diagnosed?
pain decreases over time, but the
First your doctor will talk to you and ask
bend in the penis can remain a
about any circumstances, such as injury,
problem. Occasionally, milder forms
that may have occurred prior to
of the disease will resolve
symptoms appearing. Your doctor can
spontaneously without causing
feel the hardened tissue caused by the
significant pain or permanent
disease during an exam, although
bending. Overall, Peyronie's disease
sometimes it is necessary to do the exam
will resolve on its own between
with the penis erect. In some cases where
5%-19% of the time.
the doctor's exam does not confirm
Some men with Peyronie's disease
Peyronie's disease, or in cases where the
develop scar tissue elsewhere in the
condition develops rapidly, your doctor
body, such as on the hand or foot.
may perform a biopsy. A biopsy involves removing tissue from the affected area for exam in a lab. 16
Yaadi Culture, Fimi Style
18 @YaadiCulture
Gospel t a e B Lord,
help me to remember that you are most
interested in an obedient heart. Change me
when I think you are obligated to me because of my religious acts of worship or service. Give me a pure unquestionable heart
that will serve you without
embarrassment or shame. Have thine own way with me, Lord. Though art the Potter, I am the clay; mold me and make me after thy will, while I am waiting, yielded and still. God has a purpose for your life, so what you have to do is follow Him , believing that He will keep directing you. *Broken things can become blessed things if you let
God do the mending*
This month’s text is taken from:Read:
Jeremiah 7: 1 - 11 2 Chronicles 34 – 35 Jeremiah 18: 1 - 10
Always go to the Lord in prayer, he will direct your path 19 Yaadi Culture, Fimi Style
Continues on next page 20
Continues on next page @YaadiCulture
Yaadi Culture, Fimi Style
22 Yaadi Culture, Fimi Styleja
Dillion Thomas
super stitions
1 The most popular one that I can remember is that a pregnant woman should never ignore her cravings. For example if a pregnant woman were to crave an orange and she ignored the craving, then the baby would be born with a mark in the shape of an orange on some part of his/her body. (hence the birthmarks that some of us have)
2 If a woman drinks plenty of milk during her pregnancy, then the baby would be born If a woman drinks plenty of milk during her pregnancy, then the baby would be born light in complexion
After the baby is born and the umbilical cord ('navel string") falls off, it should never touch the ground. You also have up to a year to bury the cord and it should be buried under a coconut tree.
A new mother should not bathe or wash her hair for three months after giving birth, as her pores are believed to be open and susceptible to colds."
Yaadi Culture, Fimi Styleja
Yaadi Culture, Fimi Styleja
Yaadi Culture, Fimi Styleja
Hugh Miller’s
Fiwi Sports... Fimi pree
Ambition In Sports Speeds Up Development Hello
hope you all are doing Jamaica
well. and
sports have come a long way and certainly have a long way to go. I simply typed ‘define ambition’ into Google and the first definition clearly helps me to further explain the title of this article. The search reads ‘A strong desire to do or to achieve something,
determination and hard work’. As I speed up to the term development that I know can mean so many things, for our purpose development means nation building. A 2010 Grace
Kennedy Foundation Lecture by
has generated amongst Jamaicans a sense of pride when our teams do well on the local and international stage. Sport gives members of the Diaspora community a focus on which to hang their nationalistic caps and to positively reinforce their Jamaican identity. The international exposure the country gains from the performance of our sports men and women and the benefits that spring from that are difficult to quantify’. agree that music Many would and sports has allowed the man from the inner most of the earth to know of Jamaica. These talents certainly are difficult to quantify as we may argue for the
Delano Franklyn reminds us that;
most part that the
‘For nearly 100 years sport in
Jamaica has been an important
greater as he /she is
component of nation building. Sport
talent/gift. .
Yaadi Culture, Fimi Styleja
Continues on next Page
Hugh Miller’s
Sports... Fimi pree
And so what if they are the greater
out discipline. It bonds classes, races and communities in shared pride. They vanquish
gainer, the ambition it takes for athletes to
racism’s claim that certain races have
be able to beat the world or even arrive on
greater ability than others. They match
the world stage is no easy feat. Please let’s
nation’s talent for talent regardless of size
not go there, where we begin to say it’s
and resources, and show that human
easy for them because… I remember Tesfa
determination levels the playing field. Sports
Latty from St. Georges beating Bolt at
have the importance of investing in people
Boys Champs 2001 in the 200m. There and
and confirm what Jamaicans have been
then I thought Tesfa was one to look out
saying all along, its people are its greatest
for, but his drive was not track
although he was so good. And not
to mention all the talented school
talented a nation is, without the
mates we all had who just was not
carefully designed infrastructure,
determined or wanted to work hard
marketing, promotion and simply
enough to help Jamaica’s development
making use of these resources development
through sports. But some did the work,
from George Headley to Usain Bolt and by
is the case. Franklyn, 2010 points out that it
just doing the work; they encourage many
is the combined synergies of the state, the
to strive for the best which in turn develops
private sector and the voluntary sector which
our country. For we all know the greatest
have been the greatest asset in using sport as
resource for any country. As expressed by
one of the principal drivers of nation build-
Robert Buddan, (2008):
ing. Athlete can do well but our laws and
“It takes a people to build a nation. Sport is important for physical and mental
never speed up, sadly for Jamaica that
policies must be in place to protect them and speed up our development.
development, for national pride and selfesteem. Sport develops talent and brings ‘Bolt to Jamaica, the land of Bob Marley’ Franklyn, 2010.
Words of encouragement
By: Lynford Harris
brothers, two different minds, as the saying goes.
Ambition is the difference that separated them both. They both got the same opportunities, even came from the same home. Yet they both turned out so different, like a
He dreamed of living like a drug lord, having
leprechaun and a gnome.
fast cash and pretty girls.
Derek was the patient type, went to college
Talking like he was scarface "one day I'll rule
got a good job.
the world".
But patience wasn't one of Johns virtues so
Their ambition decided their choices, Derek
he decided to loot and rob.
got the perfect life, the job, the kids, the
This wasn't for a lack of opportunities, John
finished high school so he was no
fool. But working a 9-5 wasn't his thing he would say, while dressing 'hype' and acting cool.
home. John's future held only two outcomes, Prison or here lies John on his grave stone. Don’t try to act cool or behave like a fool,
I implore you to stay in school.
30 Yaadi Culture, Fimi Styleja
Yaadi Culture, Fimi Styleja
Ole Time People did say…. Georgette McGlashen Uol Taim Piipl Yuuz Tu Se
I do
know of
one person that does not want to be
“Ef Yu Waahn Gud, Yu Nuoz Afi Ron”, translated ‘If You Want Good, Your Nose Will Have To Run’.
successful, that does not want to be healthy, that does not want good relationships and want to have everything that makes them comfortable.
wanting does not and cannot produce results, without working for it. What is it that
have-nots? What makes some people more successful than others? What gives some persons that extra edge over others? Jim Rohn motivational speaker suggests that ‘to
But what is it in us that would cause us to want more than the normal, more than the average? Why would we want our nose(s) to run?” The answer; AMBITION. Ambition is the ardent desire for rank fame or power, the desire
preferment. It is ambition and not potential that drives one to success. Because after all, we all have potential and we all are capable of doing something.
get what other people do not have, you need to do what other people do not do’. Closer to home, Uol Taim Piipl Yuuz to Se,
Yaadi Culture, Fimi Styleja
Continues on next Page
Ole Time People did say…. Georgette McGlashen Uol Taim Piipl Yuuz Tu Se
“Ef Yu Waahn Gu
staying late a couple evenings and making a few more calls. Yes, you must be willing to
good, Yu Nuoz Afi Ron” is usually
get wet by rain and walk bare feet even. You
offered as a form of encouragement to
must embrace the process and get the cold
cope in a difficult situation, such as a
and let your nose run. Why? Because in the
competitive job, a testing relationship,
end, you will get your good; you will see the
or hard training for example. It is that
worth of your work and you will guard it
sobering reminder that success, great
with great appreciation and gratitude.
success, good success, does not come easy. With ambition, whatever your goal is, it must be worthy of fighting for. The dreams you have must be something good. Your vision should worth the inconvenience of staying up late and getting up early; reading that extra book and writing the
Also you would have endured that process and would have become a stronger person, that if you were to do it again – maybe your nose will not run and you would have become immune by then. Until next time Waak Gud An Tek Kier and remember Oudi an Tengki No Brok No Skwier!
extra line; doing 5 more pushups and 10 more abdominals;
Yaadi Culture, Fimi Styleja
A Word to the Wise with ..... Deidre Douglas AN EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW WITH Yaadi Culture, Fimi Style Magazine is all about treading new and interesting waters and as such we have established an avenue so those who have can share their experience and expertise with those who wish to. Hi guys, this month we are speaking to a young and vibrant lady who knows a few things about “Treading New Waters” which is where we want to get to in this month’s interview. She is no stranger to Yaad although she now resides overseas. With little more to say, here is our interview with the ever so lovely Toni Longmore.
Q Hey Toni, thanks for agreeing to do this interview. This month’s magazine theme is all about
Ambition and our interview is regarding “Treading New Waters”. While brainstorming for an interviewee, you popped up in my head because I recalled you taking on culinary arts (the kitchen) after graduating from university. Tell us about that game change; what did you actually study in university?
studied Language, Communication and Society at the University of the A IWest Indies.
Was Culinary Arts a total 180 degrees of change for you or had you prior exposure or experience?
think that it was definitely 180 degrees for me. I went from Linguistics to A ICulinary Management. I always loved to cook and had a very strong passion for it. I had a lot of encouragement from friends and family, which ultimately led me to pursue my passion.
For you, how important are others in your life to your choices and the steps you have made in changing your path (if you have)?
A I care for my family a great deal and at the end of the day I do respect their
thoughts and opinions and at the end of the day I know that they will always help to steer me in the right direction. 36
Continues on next Page
Toni Longmore Q
Our article has quite the young and youthful audience, therefore, what is your advice to those who believe they have to stick to one job, career or field for life?
You know what I think my advice would be, make sure you do what you love. I think that is where you will gain fulfilment and satisfaction. There is a saying: "If you do what you love, you will never have to work a day in your life." I think this is so true. I have an aunt who actually went to medical school in her 30s, and is now an established doctor in Florida. I think most often times we feel that by the time we are done high school we should have it all figured out and we should know what we want to do with our lives, however that is not always the case. I would encourage those who are unsure of their career path to seek career counselling and try to figure out what you love and what makes you happy. Whatever we choose in life we should also have a passion for it.
What is your philosophy about goals?
think my philosophy for goals A Iwould be, don’t procrastinate.
Q What do you enjoy most about your life as is? A I love to cook and I love to see the
smiles on people's faces when they have had a good meal. To me If i can make people happy by giving them a good meal. I think my job is done.
for agreeing to do this interview Q Thanks Toni, you are a gem.
No problem
Values of our young women in a changing Jamaican environment
By Teisha Dawkins
acts and the ones doing it hiding from public GONE ARE THE DAYS… Jamaican society today is to be
view and lying about doing same. Now,
If the compared to what it was a few
everywhere you go females are on par with
decades ago, we will see major changes in
concerned. Whether it is marijuana or
the way women dress, our drinking and
cigarettes, we are smoking it just as much
smoking habits, and in ambition driven
as- if not more than- our male counterparts.
females. The way women dress
where drinking
Male dependency and chasing the “good” life instead of worthwhile goals
The mode of dress for females has changed
The society today is all about living big, fast
significantly over the years. Gone are the
money, partying and especially for women-
days of modest-dress, as females seem to
looking “clean” every day. It is all about the
be revealing as much skin as possible. You
hype, making sure everything “tun up til eh
may just be walking on the street and see
buk”. It is all about partying, we pay to attend
females in ‘clothes’, word being used
the hot parties, enter the hottest clubs and
lightly, barely covering their breasts and
drink up a storm and get ‘drunk til wi cant
buttocks. Even beach-wear is offering less
even talk’ according to PopCaan. We women
coverage (yes, such a thing is possible),
tend to depend on men to get whatever we
barely covering areas that the public
need instead of working. It is not merely being
should not be available for public viewing.
a house-wife and expecting the husband to act
Female drinking & smoking
as the head of the household and take care of
Females today are drinking and smoking and are making no secret of it. Gone are
the family’s financial needs while we cater to the children and house.
the days of few females undertaking such Continues on next Page 38
Values of our young women in a changing Jamaican environment
By Teisha Dawkins
OUR DIMINISHING VALUES Gone are the days when men actually go out to work and come home to a clean house and home-cooked meal. Majority of
today do not want to hold down a nine-to-five job,
some do not even want to work, period. It is
the women who depend on men financially
all about finding ways to get that money now!
are not married, do not take care of
In doing so, do we lose our morality? A friend
household chores and have no children for
once said “if you are doing nothing illegal or
these men. We sit at home doing nothing,
immoral, then you have nothing to worry
with bills coming around every month like
about’, but what do we consider moral? Do we
clockwork and depend solely on men to
even have morals/ self-imposed boundaries we
pay these bills for us. We want our hair and
live by? Is illegality our cut-off point? How
nails to get done, we start scrolling through
far will we go and what will we do to ensure
our phone books. What happened to
that we are all the rage?
working for what we want? We want our bills paid we start calling up “boo”. Some of us do not even want to go to school anymore. So we party, we go out, we are always “clean and fresh”. How long do we do this for? Then what?
Continues on next Page 39
Values of our young women in a changing Jamaican environment
By Teisha Dawkins
Adam and Eve realized the existence of nakedness a lifetime ago therefore we as humans are not oblivious to it. The messages we are trying to send by publicly
displaying our butt cheeks and everything else but our nipples is not a positive one. We are also telling our children and
siduously to achieve that goal. We spend time
younger siblings that this way of dressing
is appropriate and acceptable. One of the
capture the attention of these rich men. It is as
reasons for entering public places so
if we no longer have ambitious aims we work
scantily dressed is because some females
towards in our life, chasing fast money, bling
are always on the prowl. The aims for most
and men instead of working towards education
young females today seem to be ‘find a
and career. The time and effort put into this
rich man to take care of me’ and they work
task could be spent working towards more
rewarding and satisfactory goals. We cannot lose our
education, ladies. It is ours
forever so let us put our wit, intelligence and intellect to more productive use.
*Disclaimer* The views expressed in this article are those of the author and not necessarily those of the Yaadi Culture, Fimi Style Magazine. 40
My My ambitions ambitions in in life life ... ...
By Adrian St. P. Duncan
are important because
faced with ambition they will in the end be
getting a good grade
a happy, productive, respected, upstanding
can be the reason one gets
accepted into
a top university or is offered a prestigious
and successful individual in your chosen field.
job. However, grades are not the only thing
Aimless life is certainly a sin. Many
that can lead one into being successful in
people have no definite aim in life. They
life. Ambition is what is most important. It
are like the travelers going ahead without
is often times
any destination. Such people lead an
encouraged that one needs
to have a thirst for
being adventurous,
aimless life and what they do in life, is
follow your dreams and no
largely a matter of chance, determined by
matter what, always, believe in yourself.
the circumstances in which they happen to
This ‘thirst’ is ambition. If one is smart but
live. One should have a definite
has no ambition and passion for what they
of life. The individuals in society who
are doing, it is possible for them to become
want success in life, first of all, establish
lazy and disinterested in their career.
and aim for their target. They keep before
Individuals are advised to never give up
them their circumstances, their virtues,
establish and
talents and their ability
they are
or the host of troubles
whatever they desire.
being Continues on next Page
My My ambitions ambitions inin life life ... ...
people have different ambitions in life. Some
aim at wealth, power, fame, at education
everybody should try their best to make this beautiful island a better place.
and knowledge and some wish to become
Additionally, I aspire for servitude to my
leaders of the country to gain honour.
There are others who are
down-trodden and the
mainly led by a spirit of adventure.
beautiful country. It
people today is to go to foreign countries. Their
has been my passion
aim in life is to earn a lot
to help those who are
of money in a short
in dire need, it is clear
period of time. I am a human being and I too have ambition of my own. My ambition in life is not wealth, power or high social status. I am too modest a young man to aim at these things.
that I have a tall task ahead of me.
Servitude, humility and
sincerity will be my motto. I shall not chase riches and will always try my best to help the poor and needy.
My ambition is simple; I wish to serve my country with the best of my talent. I love
By Adrian St. P. Duncan
my country and I really believe that
What is the nation’s ambition? The summer period is drawing to a close and at the end of summer, the beginning of the new school year beckons. As I stood within the large tent at The University of the West Indies this past week, I have witnessed a steady stream of fresh faced, bright eyed, bushy tailed young people enter the campus for their orientation programme.
individuals who are actively seeking employment but have been unable to secure one. This inability may be for a variety of reasons but certainly from my point of view, not for lack of trying and applying
span she had sent out over 60 applications. The
reality is that having spent
within a two months time-
into greatness, they were journey
eyes. They were stepping resume
was privy to a conversation
within the souls of their
organizations/ministries. In recent times, I
expectant light shone from
By: V. L. Williams
years to acquire an
degree from one of the most
tertiary institutions in the
region and
Recent data from the Statistical Institute of
having spent millions of
Jamaica (STATIN) indicates that the
individuals are then faced with the task of
unemployment rate in Jamaica is at 16.3%,
while youth unemployment is over 30 %.
hundreds of hours to seek employment;
The reality of these statistics is that, of the
which now seems to be an illusion for
approximated that 2,889,187 people in
young people in this country rather than an
Jamaica, there are approximately 215,550
thousands of dollars and
Continues on next Page 47
What is the nation’s ambition?
By: V. L. Williams Continued
So while
there a r e
thousands of young persons
about to start out on their
tertiary path to
removed or is
there are hundreds of other
ambition of a
young people who are sitting at home rife
students graduating university each year,
nation with hundreds of
brilliant, young
Hundreds of young brilliant minds who
but still
have once had that bright expectant light
warfare? Where is the ambition for growth,
shining from within, having graduated
development, and making use of the
from University are now sitting with
available human resources?
dreams of grandeur, plans to empower and improve their
families and communities,
but with no
prospects for employment.
Such a reality is cause for one to question the ambition of the nation, of the leaders and of the organizational
culture that
exists within this country. Jamaica is a country fighting an economic war but has hundreds of individuals employed to the public sector with minimal qualifications; numerous persons holding posts with
unable to step out of economic
The battle
Jamaican context appears to be one between the presence of will power and the inability to grasp opportunities. The will power
authority to instigate much needed job analyses and reclassifications and ensure that the posts occupied within the public sector are necessary and functional.
minimal duties; such posts that could have 48
Continues on next Page
What is the nation’s ambition? Also,
By: V. L. Williams
occupying the posts are qualified and competent. Such moves would definitely speak to the organizational ambition of the institutions considering that the presence and input of qualified and competent individuals would undoubtedly create much more productive, effective and efficient entities and agencies.
ambition of the leaders ought to propel them into
being harsh decision makers; the kind of ambitious individuals who will seek to ensure that the best of the qualified cohort are employed and not ‘the cousin of a
opportunities for some of the thousands who are leaving universities every year and
unemployment percentage in the country, therefore signifying the bold ambition of the nation and its individuals.
friend who visited their neighbor’. The ambition of such individuals should drive them to create employment along the lines of merit and not within the lines of nepotism.