Yaadi Culture, Fimi Style Magazine December 2014

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Welcome to

Yaadi Culture, Fimi Style Magazine



o all of us Christmas means

with joys and sorrows. We will leave them


all for now. They'll be with us tomorrow.




receiving. In this happy vision we see the Prince of

Peace, greatest giver of all times. With





semi-officially upon us, tradition dictates that consumers flood shopping malls and online marketplaces to buy everything in sight. At the same time, politically motivated busybodies stop at nothing to distract






From last Christmas Day to this one, it's been quite a ride. Thank you for taking it with us on these pages. Together, we have raised issues, debated policy, questioned, answered





editorials, columns and letters. In an industry that is changing more rapidly now than ever, we are honored to have a place in the daily routine of our readers.

references to Jesus . Today, we pause. As many of us gather around trees and across dinner tables on this holiday, we will undoubtedly shake our heads about the news of the day, about

Adrian St. P. Duncan

a parish in an uproar, about our nation's

Editor - in– Chief

economic woes and about a year packed

Deidre D. Douglas Senior Associate Editor

Layout & Design Contributors:

Adrian St. P. Duncan

Deidre Douglas

Photos: 4D Productions DatGirl Shadz

Jerdaine Sterling

Hugh Miller

Georgette McGlashan- Miller




hen a chapter ends, one of


Russian invasion of Ukraine (February)


Now I would never pretend to be a political

happen, we either move

enthusiast or even remotely close, but even if

on to the next or we stay

you lived under a rock, or crash landed on a

stuck in that completed chapter. Now that the

remote island, it is very likely that you have

once prospectively bright year 2014 has

gotten a glimpse of the Ukrainians and their

gotten old, it is time we prepare ourselves to

very prominent international situation. Crimea

face another bouncing baby year, which we

in a few days in February became one of the

will for now call “baby ‘15”. Baby ‘15 is still

most talked about places in the world, and sad to

a few weeks away, but just as how 2014 has

say, many of us knew little or nothing of its

breezed down to the 11th hour so rapidly, this

existence before the Russian stealth invasion or

is likely how swiftly baby ‘15 is creeping up

what some prefer to refer to as “military

on us. There are lots to be grateful for, lots to

intervention”. Pro-Russians demonstrations led

talk about, and lots to

to armed conflicts

reflect on. Now,

between themselves and

traditionally in my family we make a list of

Ukrainian government troops, and before we

the 10 most memorable events for our family

could state the cardinal points of “Donbass”,

each year, most of these are funny and this


year’s list is getting longer by the day, I am



still at a loss as to which will make the



final “top 10” cut. So as to spread the good


cheer, for you my literary family, my


audience, and my muse, I shall share a bit


of what I saw from this bird’s eye view for

on its way.



the year 2014. 5 Yaadi Culture, Fimi Styleja



World Cup (June 12-July13) What can I say about Brasilia 2014? It was an amazing event. Talented athletes from all over the world converged in one beautiful country and literally with the help of the fans, “shelled down Brazil”. Who would have guessed about some of the teams that brought their A-game and weren’t we all surprised at some of the quarter and semi-finals performances? The host nation was quite a host but gave a major FAIL in its game against the ultimate champions Germany (Deutschland) when the psyche of the Brazilian people was completely annihilated by a 7-1 loss. It could be equated to a natural disaster, such as an unplanned flood, earthquake or tsunami, what happened that evening in Belo Horizonte on July 8, 2014. Many are still trying to wake up from that nightmare. Congratulations to a very consistent Germany.

haemorrhagic fever, is a severe, often fatal illness in humans. It is spread, human to human by body fluids. Early supportive care with rehydration, symptomatic treatment improves survival. There is as yet no licensed treatment proven to neutralise the virus but a range of blood, immunological and drug therapies are under development. There are currently no licensed






candidates are undergoing evaluation. Chikungunya is a viral disease transmitted to humans by infected mosquitoes. It causes fever and severe joint pain. Other symptoms include muscle pain, headache, nausea, fatigue and rash. The disease shares some clinical signs with dengue, and can be misdiagnosed in areas where dengue is common. There is no cure for the disease. Treatment is focused on relieving the symptoms. The proximity of mosquito breeding sites to human habitation is a significant risk factor for chikungunya. Chikungunya occurs in Africa, Asia and the Indian subcontinent.

Ebola and Chikungunya

Human infections in Africa have been at

I will leave my wit, gimmicks and cynicism

relatively low levels for a number of years, but

for less serious matters. According to World

in 1999-2000 there was a large outbreak in the

Health Organization, WHO, Ebola virus

Democratic Republic of the Congo, and in 2007

disease (EVD), formerly known as Ebola

there was an outbreak in Gabon. 6


Yaadi Culture, Fimi Style


ISIS (November) Death of Roger Clarke (August 12)










seeing we have got-

self-proclaimed jihadist rebel group prevalent in

ten to news or events

Egypt, Libya, Syria and Iraq. They have taken

which directly affect us locally, from the

“control” of territories in these regions, and re-

highest to the lowest, I will now refer to this

sponsibilities for many incidents that can be

piece of news. Our beloved Minister of

viewed as inhumane and abusive such as

Agriculture said his final farewell to us this

ethnic cleansing, rape, slavery and other war

year. Sure so did other entertainers and

crimes. The EU and UN along with many major

influential people, but how many were both?

countries independently have categorized this

The Honourable Roger Clarke was an

group as a terrorist organization. In the first

inspiration of how not to be too serious about

seven days of November there were just less

life while being dedicated and genuine in all


his doings. He was a man with a great big

responsibility for. Many of these people were

heart and even those who never met him saw it

either from the same tribes or ex-military

from miles and miles away. Whichever side of

personnel. Therefore ISIS can claim sole

the fence one lies (orange or green), even if on

responsibility for American and Canadian

the borderline or not playing at all, Roger

airstrikes in Syria. ISIS has been rattling the

Clarke at one point in made you laugh, smile

feathers of the rest of the world with its threats

or shake you darn head, just because he could.

and actions simultaneously, and some places

May his memories continue to be great dinner

(governments) are by no means taking these

party openers, because August 12, 2014







should not be the last day people remarked, “Aaah boy, only Roger could be so confident”. Continued on page 42


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@YaadiCulture Yaadi Culture, Fimi Styleja



Continued on Page 35

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Spirituality as




philanthropy, favored by all because she always assisting and

had some intelligent questions as

well as insightful points to share. I first saw her; really saw her, in the middle of the busy street on the eve of December 26 th near the big white clock. She was walking down the road, in that pants that accentuates her curves with every step she took, closer and closer towards me. I remember having a strange feeling of dejá-vu as if I had lived this before - I, secretly glancing Suddenly, she raised her eyes straight towards me and I found myself suspended in an space beyond flooded





gorgeous too - petite, slim, with a sporty and intellectual air at the same time and that kind of slightly melancholic look that made her absolutely irresistible to anyone that came into contact with her. She was alluring, with an addictive personality and quite a good public speaker when she chose to; otherwise, she was rather quiet and seemed to have

at her, she, pretending not to notice me.


And, on top of all of that, she was drop dead


familiarity, awkwardness and a “something” I couldn’t quite name - a thrill, a longing, an impulse to get lost in her beautiful big, brown eyes. After a few moments, which seemed a lifetime, she gave me the most heart-melting smile ever and said … “hi, I am Amelia, you are?” I replied trying to seem sure of myself, even slightly indifferent: “Hi. I’m Adrian.” It was hard not to notice Amelia after our

an air of mystery about her, even of slight sadness. The girls secretly envied her because she was so reserved, smart and beautiful, so innocent, such a beautiful and kind spirit. My love was a secret even to myself at the time. I was having a wonderful relationship with my then girlfriend, my first love - good, honest, funny, a future something. We were relishing the joy of being together again and I wouldn’t have dreamed that I could ever find room in my heart for another woman. Not even for Amelia, about whom I was telling myself, with the naivety of the beginner in the art of self-deceit, was a smart girl with whom I’d like to be friends with.

meeting in the busy Christmas streets under than old. She was the brilliant medical student, a walking encyclopedia for her profession, great

10 @YaadiCulture


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together in my tiny studio, in a building where 80% y blessed state of denial was

of tenants were students or working professionals. If

nearly shattered when, about

our “loudness” in the middle of the night ever both-



ered our neighbors, remains a mystery to me. There

meeting in the busy streets, I

were few things that could bother the two of us then ;



invited Amelia to go out with me. She swallowed the “no” that had formed in her throat and was threateningly slipping towards the tip of her tongue and with a gleam of pain in her eyes; she explained that she had recently broke up with her boyfriend of two years. There was an Island Grill near so we decided to sit and have a drink while we catch up. We chatted for hours without realizing and while chatting all I could do was admire your angelic magnificence. A year later, the flame of adolescent love had burnt out and my relationship finally reached its natural end. Suddenly Amelia, who, in the meantime, had had a few relationships herself, reappeared in my life. I don’t even know how we got to chat on Messenger - yes, I too have trouble believing there was life before Facebook (Joking) Countless were the nights when we were chilling, chatting, watching tv and chatting

we bonded , a bond we later discovered was not easy to break Our minds were dancing together in long talks about anything, nothing and everything. We studied together. We read together. We dreamt together. The bookworm I had always been had found its mate and the woman she was hoping to become had found her man. Our minds, bodies and hearts vibrated in unison. The feeling of dejá-vu from the road visited me again and again that year. Such a love could not be other than predestined, could not be from here and now, but from long ago. A thought about us and fate kept coming to my mind. I had no idea then just how big a role fate was playing in our story. She was approaching the end of her University years and was already planning for the future. We had high ambitions. However, it all went to the wind when school ended and she moved back home and started her career. I messaged, as I did every day to hear her at least one minute, and she didn’t answer. I called again, again and again. 11

Yaadi Culture, Fimi Style



I finally embraced my mission - to open gates for I called frenetically, tens and tens of times, a

others gates towards themselves. I do this every

whole afternoon. The panic was hot lava flowing

single day, in the office, in the mentorship office, in

through me and burning me from the inside out. I


was overcome with a feeling of catastrophe, a

From Amelia, I learnt that all people have a story, but

feeling of the end of the world. I felt I was

few choose to share it, because that would make them







happening, that I was in some kind of nightmare

I kept my story secret and I know many others with

and I could not wake up. I was trying to tell

equally dramatic tales, which they kept, locked in the

myself I was absurd, maybe she left somewhere

prisons of their souls for years, maybe hoping that

without a phone, there were hundreds of sensible

sometime they will forget. Now I understand that we

reasons why she couldn’t answer. Reason stood

can’t erase the past, we can’t deny it. But we can

no chance in the face of the feeling of gloom, of

honor it and learn from it to consciously build a

disaster that was slowly, implacably creeping into

different future.

my field of conscience.; the lingering feeling like

Also from Amelia, I learnt that when you want to run

a hole has been left in my heart.

away from suffering by numbing yourself, keeping


I had reached all my goals.

yourself busy lest you have time to think, you end up

Everyone around me was

losing the most important thing in the world; Love.

happy and proud; I felt

Despite all that has happened , my accomplishments


and moments of triumph, I still have that hole in my

The love for Amelia and the terrible suffering of

heart that only Amelia can fill. Even today still feel

losing her love were the crucible in which I

the same way for Amelia as that day we met under

transformed into what I am today, into what I had

the big white clock in December.

the potential to be all along. It took me years to understand that she was the catalyst of a metamorphosis - from child into adult, from boy into man, from sleepwalker into conscious

Look out for part 2 in the next issue. 12


Many of us

who live or grew up in Jamaican







Services," the gathering of the faithful in church on New Year's Eve. The service usually begins anywhere from 7 p.m. to 10 p.m. and ends at midnight with the entrance of the New Year. Some folks come to church first, before going out to celebrate. For others, church The Watchnight service has long been established as the largest Christian New Year celebration in London and is by no means church as usual.








Like many others, I always assumed that Watch Night was a fairly standard Christian religious service — made a bit more Afro centric because that's what happens when elements of Christianity become linked

With some 12,000 people eagerly looking


forward to the New Year, careful planning

predominately some Christian churches did not

ensures that Watchnight is definitely an

include Watch Night services on their calendars, but

event to remember.

focused instead on Christmas Eve programs. In fact,

"Watchnight is a time of great celebration when we gather together to thank God for the blessings and mercy we have received throughout the year. As we stand at the end of one year and look to the horizon of the New Year, we recognize the need to







there were instances where clergy in mainline denominations wondered aloud about the propriety of linking religious services with a secular holiday like N e w

Y e a r ' s

E v e .

However, there is a reason for the importance of New Year's





speak the Word of God and see it manifest in our lives. Watchnight is a major evangelistic event where we seek to bring as many people as we can into an intimate relationship with our Lord Jesus Christ."




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Christmas Disease (Hemophilia B) Christmas disease — also called

A person is born with Christmas disease, although it

hemophilia B or factor IX hemophilia

may not be diagnosed until later in life. In about two-

— is a rare genetic disorder in which

thirds of cases, Christmas disease is inherited. The

your blood does not clot properly. If

other one-third of cases is caused by spontaneous gene

you have Christmas disease, your

mutations that occur for unknown reasons during fetal


development. The disease is almost always exclusive





blood-clotting factor IX, which leads

to males.

to prolonged or spontaneousbleeding.

The disease has nothing to do with the Christmas

The less factor IX your body produces,

holiday; it was named for Stephen Christmas, who was

the worse your symptoms are. Without

the first person diagnosed with the condition in 1952.

treatment, Christmas disease can be

Christmas disease is the second most common form of



How Is Christmas Disease Inherited? The gene responsible for Christmas disease is carried on the X chromosome. Females have two X chromosomes and males have one X and one Y chromosome. If a male inherits the faulty gene on his X chromosome, he could develop Christmas disease. If a female inherits the faulty gene on one of her X chromosomes, she will be a carrier for Christmas disease and may pass the defective gene on to her children. 15 @YaadiCulture

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What Are the Symptoms of Christmas Disease? Severe cases of Christmas disease are usually diagnosed before the patient is 1 year old.

The following symptoms are usually only

Mild cases may not be diagnosed until a child

present in severe cases of Christmas disease:

reaches his or her toddler years (or sometimes

even later). In all cases, diagnosis usually


happens after abnormal bleeding from an

spontaneous bleeding for no apparent reason

unexplained bleeding in the skull after

injury or surgery. Events that may lead your doctor to suspect Christmas disease include: prolonged bleeding during circumcision 





procedures or tooth extractions 

Disease Treated? There is no cure for Christmas disease. There

prolonged bleeding from cuts or other

wounds 

How Is Christmas

are, however, treatments for the condition. Regular treatment is essential for managing the

unexplained, excessive bruising


symptoms of Christmas disease.



prolonged nosebleeds 

unexplained blood in the urine or feces







gastrointestinal or urinary tract internal bleeding that pools in the joints, causing pain and swelling 16 @YaadiCulture

Yaadi Culture, Fimi Style




Anancy and Jamaican culture OVER THE years the spider trickster figure Anancy has suffered the stigma of being pointed to as representative of all that is wrong with Jamaican society when in fact historically he represents much to be proud of. Anancy's place in Jamaican culture lies in the research of scholars, in the telling of tales from generation to generation, in popular theatre, in song and dance and in popular dialect where the word "anancy" can be used instead of "ginnal" to mean someone who is slightly devious or uses wit to outsmart others. Anancy exists in Jamaica as "Ananse," "Anansi" and "Anancy," . The connection between Anancy tales and social history is perhaps best illustrated by looking more closely at one tale, "My Fada's Bes Ridin' Horse," collected in Africa and then in Jamaica some 50 years apart. Collecting the telling of a tale on video, audiocassette or in writing, with or without photographs, can never equal the actual experience of participating in a storytelling session. There can never be a substitute for actually hearing a tale told and experiencing the art and drama involved. The interaction between storyteller and audience differs each time - an experience, which sadly, due largely to increasing Americanization of Jamaican culture, is becoming increasingly rare. The tale is also found in West and South Africa as "The Elephant and the Frog," among the Yoruba in Nigeria as "The Tortoise and the Elephant" and among the Hausa in Northern Nigeria and the Gold Coast as "The Mallam (learned man), the Spider and the Hyena." All share the same plot in which the trickster transforms an animal bigger than himself into his riding horse. Each deals directly with the trickster's desire to resolve a personal conflict - the desire for greater admiration through the achievement of personal satisfaction based on the manipulation of others - but contains different elements that speak to the society in which it was collected. 18





permeate many aspects of Jamaican life. Not surprisingly, the cultural influence most often

cited is African. What may be unrecognized, however, is that the area with the strongest retention is death, including burial practices. Most of these beliefs are born out of fear of the unknown; fear of what happens after death and how it can affect the living.


Jamaica Folk Customs and Beliefs, omens of death include: the unusual crying of animals, birds or insects; the crowing of a cock inside the house. Similarly, the sudden occurrence and abrupt end of a rain shower on a clear day and a loud knock on the door or roof for no apparent reason are taken to mean death is imminent. If two people say the same thing at the same time, it means they will die together. If you add to a house or cut down an old tree, you must kill a goat or a chicken and shed the blood to prevent the death of someone in the house.

Burials 


Either one man or an odd number of men should dig the grave.

After the digger makes the first dig, he should drink some rum. 

The grave must be dug east to west and the body placed to face the

sun.  When filling the grave, the diggers must stand with their backs to the grave and throw dirt in

backwards through their legs to prevent the ghost from following them home.  A calabash tree should be planted at the head and foot of the grave. 20 Yaadi Culture, Fimi Styleja





rismos a Kom Mi waahn Mi Laama is a very popular carol and saying around the Christmas sea-

Pretty, pretty gal, me wan me deggeday,

son that as a child, always es-

Not a frock to me back…….

caped my understanding. Never mind Santa and

Not a hat to me head……

the reindeers, never mind the elves, never mind From all analysis, I concluded that a lama has walking cane candy stick being hung on a tree, to be a reward, a gift, a metaphor for a but what on earth was a lama? And what did a material desire. Then another word appeared deggeday, that only a Jamaican could coin or lama have to do with Christmas? By the time I started my research, I learnt that there was actually an animal by the name, llama, that originated in North America but by the end of the Ice Age ended up in South America. The llama resembles the sheep/goat family but is really a relative to the camel. How this was related to Christmas in Jamaica or anywhere in the world was still very puzzling to me.

understand. One writer from the Jamaica Journal defined lama to be presents, while this new word deggeday meant finery. Now the lama was making sense to me. The lama and the deggeday are very much in keeping with Jamaican cultural response to every season of festivities, public holidays and rites of passage celebrations. Jamaican love to celebrate, love to get gifts and most of all

I then decided to take a look at some of the lyrics love to dress up. of the carol Christmas a Come. Christmas a come, me wan me lama, Christmas a come, me wan me lama,… Not a shoe to me foot, me wan me lama, Not a shoe to me foot, me wan me lama, Pretty, pretty gal, me wan me deggeday, 22 Yaadi Culture, Fimi Styleja



Unfortunately, this is not the real meaning of Christmas. If anything, that lama should represent a lamp. The light of the Christ child that Christmas celebrates; that’s the Christ in Christmas. And if anything deggeday should be the garments of love, peace and joy that we all try to clothes ourselves with this season. Then maybe our gift giving and receiving may become significant. Then Christmas can come. Til Neks Taim Waak Gud and memba Oudi and Tengki No Brok No Skwier.



As w




holidays were

celebrated by drinking, sexual

Christmas season, millions of

indulgence, singing naked in the streets (a precursor

Christians across the world are

of modern caroling), etc. As a Christian, I try my

preparing to celebrate the birth of Jesus

best not to indulge in debates about the birth of

Christ, but many are also prepared to feasts with

Christ and the whole notion of Christmas. The most

family and other loved ones. For many, it is about

important thing to me is summed up in St John 3 vs

giving and having a “merry” time. The birth of Jesus

16. “For God so loved the world that he gave his

Christ always brings heated discussion among

only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him

believers as well as non-believers. Several Christians

should not

are of the view that Jesus was born on December 25th

should be noted that I do not have a problem with

and for this fact, the elaborate celebrations. On the

persons eating and being merry with family and

other hand, there are others who not only disagree that

friends during the Christmas season. Nevertheless,

Jesus was not born

on December 25th, but also

my major bone of contention is that some Christians

celebrate Christmas in January. This is especially the

only give during Christmas while others do not share

case among orthodox Christians in Ethiopia. Time

with others even in the season of giving and

and date (2014) supports this by outlining that “Many

celebrating the life of Christ. We are all cognizant of

Orthodox Christians annually celebrate Christmas Day

the fact that the world is plagued with an uneven

on or near January 7 to remember Jesus Christ’s birth.

distribution of wealth. As a result, individuals have

This date works to the Julian calendar that pre-dates

contrasting capacities to survive.

not only







but have everlasting life”. It


observed”. Interestingly, there are some schools of thought that strongly argue that Christmas is a pagan holiday. As Stephen Nissenbaum, professor of history at the University of Massachussetts, Amherst, writes, “In return for ensuring massive observance of the anniversary of the Savior’s birth by assigning it to this resonant date, the Church for its part tacitly agreed to allow the holiday to be celebrated more or less the way it had always been.”

The earliest Christmas 24

Yaadi Culture, Fimi Styleja



Personally, since I was a child, I have always observed the fact that some Christians use Christmas to “show off” on their less fortunate brethren as well as other

done by . Christians as it relates to giving to the less

brothers and sisters in the wider society. Some provide

fortunate. Remember, Jesus tells us that when we

eloquent testimonies at church on how they are blessed

give, we shall receive.

and how

I implore those Christians who neglect persons who

God has been good to them. Yet, they will prepare

are in need to remember that being selfish is not

dinner on Christmas with up to three different meats,

Christ-like and Christmas is not about being boastful

salads, rice and peas, sorrel and I could go on and on.

and avaricious while watching others suffer. It

Selfishly, they stuff themselves, families, friends and

should also be noted that persons can have their in-

even the dogs and when they are through, the leftovers,

dividual projects instead of waiting on the church to

sometimes end up in the thrash while “Sister Jane” or

feed the less fortunate or donate clothing. Salvation

“Brother Tom” goes to bed with a cup of sugar and

is a very deep

water along with half dozen tough crackers not by

Christians overlook, will be addressed by the creator

choice but by their unfortunate economic deprivation. I

so going

know many churches have feeding programmes during

Christmas with our loved ones, but remember the

the festive season while others have throughout the year.

less fortunate.

concept and the things that many

forward let us not just be “merry” at

However, I am of the opinion that a lot more can be

25 Yaadi Culture, Fimi Styleja


It's that time of year again. December has come and with it all the joys of Christmas. But what is the real meaning of Christmas? Is it the gifts under the tree, the lights in the windows, the cards in the mail, turkey dinners with family and friends, snow in the yard, stockings hanging in the living room, and shouts of "Merry Christmas" to those who pass us in the streets? Is this really Christmas?

It can be a time of healing and renewed strength. You see, Christmas is when we celebrate the birth of the Christ child.

For many people, Christmas is a time of God sent His Son, Jesus, into the world to sorrow. They don't have the extra money to buy be born. His birth brought great joy to the presents for their children, family, and friends. world. Shepherds, wise men, and angels Many are saddened at Christmastime when all shared in the excitement of knowing they think of their loved ones who will not be about this great event. They knew this able to come home for various reasons. Turkey was no ordinary baby. The prophets had dinners may be only a wish and not a reality told of His coming hundreds of years for some.

before. The star stopped over Bethlehem

Yet, Christmas can be a season of great joy. It just to mark the way for those who were is a time of God showing His great love for us. looking for this special child.

Yaadi Culture, Fimi Styleja



But the angel said to them, "Do not be afraid. I

Luke 2: 4-19 says: "So Joseph also went up from the town of Nazareth in Galilee to Judea, to Bethlehem the town of David, because he belonged

bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people. Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is Christ the Lord.

to the house and line of David.

This will be a sign to you: You will find a baby

He went there to register with

wrapped in cloths and lying in a manger."

Mary, who was pledged to be

Suddenly a great company of the heavenly host



appeared with the angel, praising God and saying,

expecting a child. While they

"Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace

were there, the time came for











the baby to be born, and she gave birth to her firstborn, a son.

When the angels had left them and gone into

She wrapped him in cloths and

heaven, the shepherds said to one another, "Let's

placed him in a manger, because

go to Bethlehem and see this thing that has

there was no room for them in

happened, which the Lord has told us about." So

the inn.

they hurried off and found Mary and Joseph, and the baby, who was lying in the manger. When

And there were shepherds living out in the they had seen him, they spread the word fields nearby, keeping watch over their concerning what had been told them about this flocks at night. An angel of the Lord child, and all who heard it were amazed at what appeared to them, and the glory of the Lord the shepherds said to them. But Mary treasured up shone around them, and they were terrified. all these things and pondered them in her heart." Yaadi Culture, Fimi Styleja







Proven Benefits of Avocado


Avocado is Incredibly Nutritious What we refer to as “avocado” is the fruit of the avocado tree, called Persea americana (1). This fruit is prized for its high nutrient value and is added to all sorts of dishes due to its good flavor and rich texture. It is the main ingredient in guacamole.

They Contain More Potassium Than Bananas Potassium is a nutrient that most people aren’t getting enough of (4). This nutrient helps maintain electrical gradients in the body’s cells and serves various important functions.

Avocado is Loaded With Heart-Healthy Monounsaturated Fatty Acids Again, avocado is a high fat food. In fact, 77% of the calories in it are from fat, making it one of the fattiest plant foods in existence. But they don’t just contain any fat. The majority of the fat in avocado is oleic acid.

Avocados Are Loaded With Fiber Fiber is another nutrient found in relatively large amounts in avocado. Fiber is indigestible plant matter that can contribute to weight loss, reduce blood sugar spikes and is strongly linked to a lower risk of many diseases 30












The true blues still dominating school boy

Do not get me wrong, but, there is a big fire

football. Jamaica College (JC) having won the

among the rural schools that seems not to get as

first Manning Cup title in 1909 and the most

much attention. Declaring my biases, as I too

recent title in 2014 (Super Cup) shows that the

am not so up to date with what happens in the

level of football played by these boys is

less industrialized settling on our island.



Nevertheless, the DaCosta Cup which represents

College completed a historic triple by winning

the star school boy ballers from the rural side

all the Under-19 schoolboy football competi-

started much later than the urban event Manning

tions on offer during a single season. In 2014

Cup. In 1950, Munro took the first title and also

Jamaica College is on the verge to be known as

has won the most Dacosta Cups. However, in


recent times schools like St. Elizabeth Technical




school boy football Kings. ut what is it really that drives

(STETHS), Clarendon College, Glenmuir and

these all boys schools to be so

Rusea’s among others have come to the front

dominant in sports? Well I could

and won the Cup numerous times. St. Elizabeth

not tell you, at least not here, but

Technical, however, has got the best drink of the

whatever the mixture might be, they are surely

wine standing as the defending champions.

enjoying the benefits of their time together. Like most of the all boys schools, Jamaica College boasts strong supportive past students who work tirelessly to ensure that work is burning in the field.



As we

drink up all the

Usain Bolt has been missing in action, so too

‘nice nis’ for the up-

has Yohan Blake; but keep your eyes open as

coming festive sea-

2015 is a World Championship year.

son we can look back on some of the sporting excitement that took place for 2014; we

Saved the best for last the biggest thing in sports

saw Kingston College running away with their

for 2014 was … FIFA World Cup and what a

eleventh 11th

hold on the TVJ’s School

world cup it was; the only thing left to say is 7-1

Challenge Quiz with ‘everybody’ being upset


with Campion for handing them the Trophy. The

Jah Know

year got better as Calabar High continued their winning streak with their third 3rd consecutive win while breaking the 300 points barrier. On the other, Edwin Allen High took the girls title for the 2nd time, and if you are not so in touch with the rural parts of Jamaica Edwin Allen is not an all girl’s school, ‘right Editor in Chief’? Jamaica College seems like they will be closing the year on a high with the football titles, let’s see who will challenge that.



As a child, the advent of December meant no school for a few weeks and going to the country – Portland – to see my relatives, but I was only interested in reuniting with three of my cousins, who were the same age as I was,

was not from a rich family, my mother did

and to whom I could relate to about anything.

her best for us to enjoy the season.

At school, for the festive season, we would

When I finally reached the “country”, I

practice various Christmas songs – “The

would “ramp” till me caan move, nyam till

Virgin Mary had a baby boy and they said that

me buss and share stories-duppy or some

it name was Jesus” and the likes. We would

other superstitious tale- with my cousins, all

tirelessly rehearse plays or musical items for

the while meeting and greeting our relatives.

our annual Christmas concert. Who can forget

Then we would put up decorations, after

their “pixie” and the often times useless gifts

following our grandfather to “bush” to cut

they bought or received from the classmate

our Christmas tree. We tried as best as

whose name you withdrew from the pixie



ornaments. Portland is positively the coldest





I would go

parish in the latter part of the year and it was

down to the

not uncommon for fog to cover the houses

c o u n t r y,

and surrounding areas. A fleece blanket was



a must if you wanted actual sleep. I would

eldest child meant assisting my mother with

awaken to the scent of real hot chocolate-the

the Christmas cleaning. Pretty curtains and

kind my great grandma made herself- roast

sheets that were hiding in the barrel all year

breadfruit, fry dumplings, ackee and saltfish.

long would make their celebrity appearance.

The memories make me swell with pride,

The stringing of lights-which was my

beaming from ear to ear.


favourite until the light bill came. While I 38



s an adult, I treasured my childhood


experiences and to this day I still





Christmas don’t be late” with Alvin & the Chipmunks. I remember the smell of cloves, spices, cakes baking and hot chocolate, and my mouth

watered and for a moment the

alluring scent floats across my nose. It is practically impossible to forget the sorrel, fruit cake, potato salad, gungo rice & peas, roast chicken, curry goat, fry fish, roast beef and last but by no means least, “haffi present pon the table” Christmas ham. I am more than grateful for the experiences I had as a child and pity the children nowadays who do not get to go to or have opportunities to go rural areas of our beautiful country, not just for Christmas but for all holidays. They are truly missing out on priceless fun. Unfortunately,

When the festive season rolls in, I think “well, who do I have to give a gift to”, instead of, “thank you Lord for Jesus”. While I still think about family, I think about the parties I will attend more. Of course, I think about the food and while my palate has grown more sophisticated since childhood, no expensive wine can compete with mama sorrel. The festive season now means paid leave from work, squeezing in a day or two-if I can-with relatives and friends. It also now means that I am more grateful for making it through the year, while rough around the edges, in one piece. The festive season reminds me of God’s grace, his mercy, his comforting

presence and the

ultimate sacrifice he made when he chose to gave


world His Son.

as you grow older, your priorities change. 39






Obama’s loss to the Republicans (November 2)

things worldwide, just like American

This mid-term US election results seemed to have presidents are known to be always doing. surprised very few. This bird for one had not a clue. Good luck Barack, good luck Democrats, This was also the least supported elections in over good luck USA. 70 years. President Barack Obama seems to have

Missing planes and sinking ferries (July 17

lost his initial popularity with the Americans,

and April 16)

whether they are Black, White, Asians or of any other race or creed. And the results gave a resounding declaration of this. Lucky for Obama, this is his last term, so he only has to help his party regain popularity while attending to a million other things worldwide, just like American presidents are known to be always doing. Good luck Barack, good luck Democrats, good luck USA. Obama’s loss to the Republicans (November 2)

Just as the East Asian Tsunami and the Haitian Earthquake, this bird woke up to this news one blessed summer morning. It was hard to accept the details and even harder when even after so many months there is no closure. To all 283 passengers and 15 crew members of Flight MH17/ MAS17, to all the families who still pine away with grief, my heart goes out to you.

This mid-term US election results seemed to have And maybe even more sadly is the South surprised very few. This bird for one had not a Korean MV Sewol Ferry which capsized in clue. This was also the least supported elections in the waters 1.5 kilometres off land in the over 70 years. President Barack Obama seems to South Jeolla Province. 304 passengers have lost his initial popularity with the Americans, aboard and rescue divers were confirmed whether they are Black, White, Asians or of any dead. These were mostly students of other race or creed. And the results gave a


resounding declaration of this. Lucky for Obama,

High school.

this is his last term, so he only has to help his party regain popularity while attending to a million other Continued from Page 42



had taken keen interest in the case. The Police High Command was quick to deny any of the

Outameni NHT saga The year is not over and thus there is more drama lurking in the shadows to be experienced both locally and internationally. It seems that the functions of the National Housing Trust have been misconstrued and thus again tax payers of every walk of life and even some non-tax payers have been






annoyance at them. We can only hope it was worth the attention or will be in the end. And hopefully that is the last political “drama” for this now tired year.

members of the Constabulary Force being involved




Commission of Investigations) later charged three officers. Is it over, maybe for us, not directly affected, but for those loved ones, it is another day on a dark journey. The Quest for Glory Now to end on a more pleasantly sobering topic, I turn your attention to sports once more. And not the sad note of Phillip Hughes, 25 year old Australian cricketer who died after being struck

Mario Dean (August 5-6)

to the head by a ball in a domestic match. Nor

31 year old Mario Dean was allegedly beaten and will we mention or focus on how West Indies stabbed by fellow inmates over the use of a bunk cricketers went to India and found a more bed at the Barnett Street lock-up in Montego Bay, inventive and expensive way to embarrass us by St. James. It has been reported that the cell mates protesting and further withdrawing from the well were not being properly facilitated even though at scheduled and contracted series against host least one substance abuser and one psychologically nation, India. Let us congratulate our Reggae challenged individual were among the lot. It is said Boyz for their very successful acquiring of the that Dean was beaten for approximately 30 Caribbean Cup and moving up in the FIFA minutes. And sure, many questions have arisen in rankings. And to school boy stars, Jamaica the minds of sober thinking and even not-so-sober College, Clarendon College and St. George’s thinking individuals in our society and outside. So College for claiming the titles thus far for this much so that US pathologist Dr. Michael Baden school year. Continued on Page4344



But as

a semi fan of such a beautiful



must add that these

boys have what it takes to be taken seriously and thus should be given “national”


before they run away to some foreign land and start representing the country that takes advantage of their skills and talents. Give them the chance, hone in on their talents and develop them into Jamaican Messi, Ronaldo, Schweinsteiger, Van Persie, Brahimi, Drogba, Rooney, Neymar, and my list is endless. Someone needs to open their eyes to football just as how the light bulb went off that caused the MVP and Racers track clubs were born. In only a few weeks, God’s willing; we will ring in a new year. A month is only four weeks, but we have 365 days in a year. Let us make each one count positively.

One love




Driver's Licence What is a Driver's Licence?

Who needs a Driver's Licence?

A driver's license is a permit which allows you

Anyone who operates a motor vehicle in

to operate a motor vehicle legally. The vehicle

Jamaica needs a driver's license

you bring to your driver's test will determine the type of license you will receive. There are three basic types: 1. Motorcycle Licence: A person holding a motorcycle licence is allowed to (only) operate a motorcycle. 2. Private Licence: Private licenses come in

How do I apply for a New Driver's Licence? a. After completing the driving test the client will enquire at Collectorate for Certificate of Competence forwarded by the Examination Depot b. The client will pay the relevant fee at the

two classifications: automatic only and

cashier and procure a receipt.

automatic and standard. A person holding a

c. The Officer will have the applicant fill

private license is allowed to drive a car,

out the renewal form and may ask him to do

pick-up truck, van, sport-utility vehicle or

a reading test.

any other automobile.

d. If the applicant satisfies the above

General Licence - A person holding a general

requirements he/she will then be

license is allowed to drive trucks, public pas-

photographed and the license issued.

senger vehicles, and commercial vehicles.

e. If the applicant does not satisfy the

However, please note that a person cannot

requirements he/she is referred to the

drive a public passenger vehicle unless such

Supervisor/Manager or Collector who will

information is stipulated on the license.

advise him/her. 45


What should I do if I lose my Driver's Licence? a. Report the matter to the police b. Obtain the relevant letter from the Police c. Take this letter to the: Island Traffic Authority 1 1/2 Manhattan Road, Kingston 5

e. Taxpayer Registration

along with two (2) passport size photographs.

f. Where vehicle is imported by an

d. The Island Traffic authority will prepare a

individual – a copy of the import license

statement to the Collector of Taxes indicating

is required.

whether or not there is any Judicial Endorsement (official entry by court) on the

What do I need to renew my


motor vehicle license?

e. Visit the Tax Office where original Licence was issued and apply for a substitute f. Pay required fee.

a. Expired Motor Vehicle Registration Certificate b. Certificate of fitness

What documents do I need to register and license a new vehicle? a. Certificate of Fitness

c. Certificate of Insurance d. Taxpayer Registration Number e. Road Licence to be presented for CC & PP

b. Certificate of Insurance c. Invoice from Motor Car Dealer/Customs Entry Document d. Identification, eg. National ID, Passport or Driver's Licence 46



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