Yaadi Culture, Fimi Style Magazine December 2013

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Yaadi Culture, Fimi Style

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Yaadi Culture, Fimi Style Magazine


United we stand, divided we fall. This adage has been with us since generations. As





ever-shrinking world, unity becomes even more necessary. Only when we unite in spirit, can we truly cope with the challenges we face. This issue of the Magazine focuses on “UNITY” for the festive season. Varying perspectives on this theme will


articulated throughout this issue. Helen Keller‎ outlined‎ that‎ “alone‎ we‎ can‎ do‎ so‎ little;‎ together‎ we‎ can‎ do‎ so‎ much”‎ and‎ YCFSM Magazine decided to ensure that the power of UNITY was showcased as we need more unity among all Jamaicans both now and in the coming years. The nice thing about teamwork is that you always have others on your side.

We reminded daily that we are all equal in the fact that we are all different. We are all the same in the fact that we will never be the same. We are united by the reality that all colours and all cultures are distinct & individual. We are harmonious in the reality that we are all held to this earth by the same gravity. We don't share blood, but we share the air that keeps us alive. In the words of our very own Robert Nesta Marley,‎ “One‎ love,‎ one‎ heart‎ .‎ .‎ . Let’s‎get‎together‎and‎feel‎all‎right” . Have a MERRY CHRISTMAS and a HAPPY NEW YEAR from Yaadi Culture, Fimi Style Magazine

Adrian St. P. Duncan Editor - in– Chief Layout & Design Contributors:

Adrian St. P. Duncan Dillon Thomas

Deidre Douglas Georgette McGlashen Hugh Miller Christal Miller

Jerdaine Sterling

Teisha Dawkins



From a Bird’s view Find the Hero in You “Heroes are made by the paths they choose, not the powers they are graced with.” Brodi Ashton, Everneath

Deidre D Douglas

comfortable‎ in‎ each‎ other’s‎ companies.‎ If‎ one needed help with homework, or class


work, there was another to lean on. We

you‎ don’t‎ have‎ to‎ be‎ afraid‎ of‎ what‎ you‎ are.‎

shared lunch, not only when one spent all his


or her money in the morning on balloons,

and the sorrow that you know, will melt

sweets or elastic bands for a later date with

away”‎ Mariah‎ Carey,‎ Hero.‎ There‎ is‎ always‎

our favorite Chinese Skip. No. We shared to

talk of nature versus nurture, and what each

explore, to have a piece of everything we felt

human being is capable of based on his or her

for on that particular day. And fair trade was

status in life. This status may be physical,

no robbery.

financial, physiological or psychological. The premise is we are all predisposed by one way or another to become something or another. The






individuals, are you and I predestined to

I‎ wonder‎ when‎ did‎ so‎ many‎ of‎ society’s‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎ former children become such self absorbed adults. Selfishness is a word which tastes so bitter, even when uttered and so many of us scoff at being referred to as such

dabble in or become? When I was a child, my friends and I would interact in such an advanced form, it is now called networking. Our group grew by association and some sort of hand picking was the tool utilized. At that time we were just friends, because we did the same things, enjoyed

the same goofiness

and were Yaadi Culture, Fimi Styleja



From a Bird’s view



we are who and what we

Deidre D. Douglas

have become. We forget

our manners, the same ones some of us

member. Sit with them awhile, old people

would have been smacked silly for as

always have stories that are worth listening to.

children. We forget to smile, although the

At the end of it, you would have wasted time

grim look we wear requires way more

well spent, and you both may sleep better that

muscles and energy.


We forget to share our blessings, with those who are walking the hard line in life. We simply have forgotten how to be human. Either that, or humans have evolved into something inhumane. It is not fair to let fear rob us of our selves, nor to allow the cares of life to drag us through the mud. Why should one work every weekday from 7 to 4, and at the end of the month, the only songs you

There are many roads to tread in becoming a hero especially in this festive season, and the world is gasping for a breath of fresh air. So take‎on‎a‎task‎that‎will‎help‎make‎somebody’s‎ life, even for a day, worth going on. Treats are easy to plan, if done in groups. Invite someone home for dinner one Sunday evening, you can never tell what a meal with company does for someone‎who‎doesn’t‎usually‎have‎that‎much.‎

can‎ sing‎ are‎ Morgan’s‎ Heritage’s‎ “Nothing‎ to‎ Smile‎ Bout”‎ and‎ Agent‎ Sasco’s‎ “Same‎ Ting‎ Again”.‎ We‎ have‎ to‎ find something to live for, other than the weekend. We need to have external purposes in life, even if there is some underlined selfishness to it. Take care of an old person, even if it is a family


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From a Bird’s view Cont’d‎

So while you spruce up the yard, string the lights, decorate the tree and buy that ham leg, remember there are those who are only aware of‎the‎season‎but‎won’t‎really‎experience‎it,‎in‎ any‎ of‎ its‎ fine‎ glory.‎ And‎ for‎ some,‎ it‎ isn’t‎

on the hope, and ambitions we foster somewhere in our minds and hearts. While forging onward, bring someone along, however you are able to. One love

about‎the‎money,‎as‎money‎can’t‎buy‎love‎or‎ kindness or genuine company. As the dollar continues to slide all over the highways and by-ways‎ of‎ Jamaica,‎ let’s‎ not‎ forget the reason we all love Christmas season this much. It is immortalized because deep down we know the true meaning and reason for the season. Low maintenance does not mean‎ boring‎ either,‎ so‎ let’s‎ all‎ live‎ a‎ little,‎ maybe‎a‎week‎or‎so.‎Let’s‎drive‎a‎bit‎slower,‎ consume a little less, share a bit more, and see where the road takes us as this year crawls out behind the falling curtains. Another year, maybe you have gained, maybe you have lost, for certain, it is time that is now in the past. Now all we can do is push forward, banking

Yaadi Culture, Fimi Styleja




Yaadi Culture, Fimi Styleja



JAMAICAN Facts you should know :

Logistics hubs A Logistics Centre is the hub of a specific area where all the activities relating to transport, logistics and goods distribution – both for national and international transit – are carried out, on a commercial basis, by various operators. A logistics‎hub‎represents‎the‎next‎stage‎in‎the‎expansion‎of‎a‎country’s‎airport,‎seaport,‎ and industrial infrastructure. Logistics hubs are often seen as engines behind economic development of regions, because logistics hubs attract a variety of economic activities. In‎today’s‎society,‎the‎strategies‎of‎many‎multinational‎companies‎have‎changed‎from‎ focusing on market development to focusing on logistics efficiency and costs, to a focus on both market development as logistics efficiency and costs, i.e. the creation of competitive advantage. The combined focus of logistics efficiency and market expansion, driven by customer requirements – the core of supply chain strategies of most Multi-national corporations –leads to central coordination, but not necessarily central distribution Purposes of ports A port area serves as a location for value added logistics activities. In most ports, logistics activities generate more employment than terminal activities. Furthermore, growth opportunities in terms of employment and value added are more substantial in logistics than in transport and terminal operations.

These two industries have

consistently become less labour-intensive over the last three decades. Thus, the economic importance of a port is largely determined by its success in attracting additional economic activities. Activities in logistics are in most ports the most attractive growth options for ports. 9 Yaadi Culture, Fimi Style


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The Unification of the Jamaican People

by Adrian Duncan

aspect of our Unity isdaya pertinent to day living. As the

The Unification of Jamaica and the Jamaican

Christmas season is fast approaching, we

prosperous nation with a long-lasting and bright

will see even more

unification of our

future for all Jamaicans, which is a common

people. This is the time of year that most of

dream of all Jamaica people; both locally and in

us look forward to, for various reasons;

the Diaspora. Ideally, what is required is

some as it is vacation time from work,

corporation from all stakeholders; public and

school or simply because this is the time of

private sector entities, including all well

year that we are furnished with lavished

thinking Jamaicans. This unification process

gifts from family and friends.

should foster a consensus of democracy,







approaching and there are numerous

people is meant to bring about a strong and

freedom and equal prosperity so that together we can build a new and united Jamaica. *Think about this for a minute*

factors that are to be considered. Christmas Day, Boxing Day and New

Year’s‎ Eve‎ are‎ holidays‎ that‎ have‎ been‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎ entrenched in our culture for a number of years.






significant aspect of human history for centuries. With so many activities planned, what have unificationists in Jamaica done to celebrate these holidays? With varying traditions blended as a result of being a part of a multi-racial, multi-religious and multi-cultural




season promises to be an exceptional one. 10 @YaadiCulture

Continued Page 11 11

A consultative organization for unification

Tessanne Chin for continuing to dominate the

established with all political parties, in

popular‎ American‎ show‎ “The‎ Voice”‎ and‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎

accordance with the will of the people,

continues to etch the Jamaican map into the

while adhering to the goals of democracy,

hearts of many Jamaican well-wishers. Before

economic freedom, social justice and

Tessanne, a number of us were completely

nationalization of the armed forces, jointly

oblivious‎ to‎this‎show,‎ now‎ it’s‎ as‎if‎ we‎were‎

discussing the grand task of unification

watching it for years. Essentially, this shows

and mapping out a constitutional system

that we are united when we are watching our

to establish a democratic, free and

brothers and sisters compete but cant once

equitably. Believe it or not, Jamaica and

there is no competition. Unity is the best



medicine to heal our wounds, no doubt about

unified. We are unified through sports and

it. We all to step up and swallow our prides

other activities that foster national pride.

and try to focus on our common issues than

Participation in the Olympics and various

our differences, our country is too small to

track meets saw hundreds of thousands of

entertain our division. As a people, we need to

Jamaicans, from all

of life,

call on all leaders, intellects, elites and youths

converging in Half Way Tree, Downtown

to lead us to full democracy and peace. Politics

and many other places that big screens

should not about bickering and name-calling

were erected just to watch our athletes

but should be about the skills of seeking a

compete against the world. In numerous

common ground and making the most out of it.

workplaces, you could find a television set

It is all about commitment and integrity; it is

or‎ a‎ radio‎ with‎ a‎ number‎ of‎ employees’‎

about looking at the future and having a vision.

eyes and ears glued to it just to be up to


date as to the happening of the races and

lives better. Do our politicians have those?

see the Jamaican flag hoisted above all

Judging by the recent Jamaica Labour Party


(JLP) leadership race are you adamant that the




Do I need to mention the numerous con-

people are pivotal in their minds?

versations, Facebook posts, tweets and congratulatory



to 11

Yaadi Culture, Fimi Style


The Unification of the Jamaican People by Adrian Duncan

How will we accomplish this? Unity is the key, whether we are talking


about a sporting team or we are talking about‎a‎country’s‎unification,‎it‎is‎essential‎ the overall vision and success of our country. that everyone is moving in the same

This also involves meaningful conversations

direction. When a country comes together,

and results positively when you weed out the

they are able to succeed together. I

negativity that sabotages and still continues

understand that agendas, egos, politics,

to interfere with our fine country.

power struggle, negativity, complaining,

In one word, unity means ONENESS or

poor leadership, mismanagement, energy

even TOGATHERNESS. When there is

vampires, and lack of vision, focus and

oneness there is likely to be more strength in

purpose all prevent a country from uniting

opinion, strength in action and, not to men-

and performing at the highest level.

tion, strength in character. This is all that

Unity happens when leaders are committed

unity is about.

to and engage in the process of building a

Unite Jamaica, Let us all unite!!

united, winning team. It requires focus, time and energy. Unity occurs when citizens care more about the vision, purpose and health of the country than they do their own agenda. Changing the mindset is essential. Unity further happens when each Jamaican can clearly see how their personal vision and effort contributes to

Yaadi Culture, Fimi Styleja





Yaadi Culture, Fimi Style





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Herpesviridae By: Christal O. Miller Herpes is an infection that is caused by a herpes simplex virus (HSV). Oral herpes causes cold sores around the mouth or face. Genital herpes affects the genitals, buttocks or anal area. Genital herpes is a sexually transmitted disease (STD). It affects the genitals, buttocks or anal area. Other herpes infections can affect the eyes, skin, or other parts of the body. The virus can be dangerous in newborn babies or in people with weak immune systems. There are two types of HSV: 

HSV type 1 most commonly causes cold

sores. It can also cause genital herpes. 

HSV type 2 is the usual cause of genital

Many people who get the virus that causes herpes never see or feel anything. If signs (what you see) or symptoms (what you feel) occur, a person may experience:

herpes, but it also can infect the mouth.

Tingling, itching, or burning: Before the

HSV spreads direct contact. Some people

blisters appear, the skin may tingle, itch, or

have no symptoms. Others get sores near

burn for a day or so.

the area where the virus has entered the

Sores: One or more painful, fluid-filled

body. They turn into blisters, become itchy

blisters may appear. Blisters break open and

and painful, and then heal.

often ooze fluid and form a crust, before

Most people have outbreaks several times a year. Over time, you get them less often. Medicines to help your body fight the virus can help lessen symptoms and decrease

healing. The first time sores appear, they will show up between 2 and 20 days after a person has contact with an infected person. The sores can last from 7 to 10 days.



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 blisters form on the face

or on the tongue. Although these are the most common places to find oral herpes, the sores can appear anywhere on the skin.  Genital herpes (HSV-2): Sores

typically occur on the penis, vagina, buttocks, or anus. Women can have sores

 An eye infection (herpes

inside the vagina. Like oral herpes, these

keratitis). Sometimes the herpes

sores can appear anywhere on the skin.

simplex virus can spread to one or

 Flu-like symptoms. Fever, muscle

aches, or swollen lymph nodes (glands) in the neck (oral herpes) or groin (genital herpes) are possible.

both eyes. If this happens, you can have pain, light sensitivity, discharge, and a gritty feeling in the eye. Without prompt treatment, scarring of the eye may result.

 Problems urinating. People (most

Scarring can lead to cloudy vision

often women) with genital herpes may have

and even loss of vision. If you

trouble urinating or have a burning feeling

develop signs and symptoms of herpes simplex, you can expect to


have these for as long as listed below:

During an outbreak, a dermatologist often can diagnose herpes simplex by looking

 Oral (mouth) herpes: 2 to 3 weeks

at the sores. To confirm that a patient has

Genital herpes: 2 to 6 weeks (the first

herpes simplex, a dermatologist may take


a swab from a sore and send this swab to a laboratory. 16 @YaadiCulture

Yaadi Culture, Fimi Style


DOCTAZ ADVICE Outcome Herpes simplex: treatment and

The first (primary) outbreak of herpes

outcome There is no cure for herpes simplex. The

simplex is often the worst. Not all first

good news is that sores often clear without

mild that a person does not notice. When

treatment. Many people choose to treat her-

the first outbreak of genital herpes is mild

pes simplex because treatment can relieve

and another outbreak happens years later,

symptoms and shorten an outbreak.

the person can mistake it for a first out-

Most people are treated with an antiviral


medicine. An antiviral cream or ointment

Some people have 1 outbreak. For others,

can relieve the burning, itching, or tingling.

the virus becomes active again. When

An antiviral medicine that is oral (pills) or

they have another outbreak, it is called a

intravenous (shot) can shorten an outbreak

recurrence. These tend to be more com-

of herpes.

mon during the first year of infection.

Prescription antiviral medicines approved

Over time, the outbreaks tend to become

for the treatment of both types of herpes

less frequent and milder. This is because

simplex include:

the body makes antibodies (defenses) to

ď‚Ş Acyclovir

the virus.

ď‚Ş Famciclovir

Valacyclovir Taken daily, these medicines can lessen the severity and frequency of outbreaks. They also can help prevent infected people from spreading the virus.

outbreaks are severe, though. Some are so

Serious complications rarely occur in healthy people with herpes simplex. They occur most often in unborn babies, newborns, and people who have a long-term illness or weak immune system. If you have cancer or HIV/AIDS, or you had an organ transplant, seek medical help right away if you have signs or symptoms of a herpes infection. 17

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Unity among Jamaicans By Dillon Thomas Let us peep into different spheres of our existence and we can adjudge the truth of this statement. Let us first discuss the smallest unit of our society the family. If all members of a family go on divergent roads, the very semblance of a family disappears. A family indicates oneness, they live together, they work together they

This has become the motto of the society at large. This has lead to the loosening of the ties of the society and this is the cause of the growth of so many social evils.

When there is

no strong bond in


segments of a society, it is bound to break into

enjoy together they share their woes

factions, and thus lose its strength, both moral

together, and this is the basic strength of

and social. From the society, let us move on to

the unit, each member pumping in vigor

the position of the country. This is the saddest

and confidence in all others, all this on the

side of our appearance, a complete lack of unity

simple basis of being one. When we lose

in the country, thereby the creeping in of evils

this oneness, as of today we break the

in the very fabric of the system.

family, i.e. the very edifice of our

The country is, to day seen crumbling under its


weight of separationism, each state is desirous


this smallest unit, we go to the bigger horizon of

society. Where is our society today? It is broken into fragments and each segment

of a new younger cousin, so instead of getting together, we are continuously moving on the path of disintegration and thus weakening our system.

i.e. an individual family just looking after itself, as if we sternly believe in the adage, "everyone‎for‎‎himself,‎and‎God‎for‎all.”

18 Yaadi Culture, Fimi Style @YaadiCulture

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us consider and understand

It is good to say Unity is Strength but “Action‎

that, unity is the password

speak‎ louder‎ than‎ words”.

Therefore ask

which heals all bruises big and small. It is

yourself: When was the last time I help a

this that helps us enjoy few happy

fellow Jamaican? When was the last time you

moments of life. In the good moments of a

made a difference in your family or in your

marriage, in the sad moments of sickness

community? If you can answer that question as

and death, it is the unity of the well

honestly as you possibly can, I salute you.

wishers that makes the pleasure great and despair less. This is the unique power of unity. A lone individual or community can achieve nothing and neither can they enjoy the fruits of any achievement. The secret power of unity is strength, which is built up by mutual trust and faith and love for each other, and the oneness of a single well formulated goal. Therefore, in order to make any significant achievement, the most necessary ingredient is unity. Your targets must be good, thus, success is assured if you have a united consolidated group to work up to the goal.

19 @YaadiCulture

Yaadi Culture, Fimi Style




Gospel eat B The Bible teaches and shows us that no one is immune from suffering and sickness. Are you experiencing a sickness or illness in your life that seems impossible to overcome? God reminds us though that his strength is made perfect in our weakness. I encourage you today to surrender your health to God with an open heart and seek His direction in your prayers. I pray you will be comforted and lifted up by these scripture verses on sickness: 

Psalm 103:2

Proverbs 17:22

James 5:14-15

2 Corinthians 12:9-10

John 14:1-3

This month’s text is taken from:Read:

Psalm 23:4 1 Cor. 13: 8 –13


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22 Yaadi Culture, Fimi Styleja





Jamaican super stitions


Dillion Thomas

Many of these Jamaican customs are widespread. But some are carried out only in some parts of the island, and some are far removed from the upper echelons of society. Many of them are rooted in our African ancestry, but the background and logic to them may not be clear to us in modern times. Some of them are slowly dying, but deserve to be remembered.


When someone dies, there are rituals which are sometimes performed in the person's home. The furniture in the deceased's room is rearranged and the mattress turned over. This is to ensure that the person's spirit (duppy) will not recognize the room, and therefore won't want to stay there. If a person dies at home, someone may sweep behind the body as it is being carried out of the house, so that the spirit will leave along with the body.



Before a grave is dug, it is necessary for the diggers to have white rum on hand to pour a libation to the earth spirits before ground is broken.


Children are told never to point at graves, as this will cause your fingers to fall off, or other bad things to happen. If you forget, your only hope is to bite each finger really hard. (I'm grateful my fingers didn't scar easily.)

Yaadi Culture, Fimi Styleja









Hugh Miller’s

Fiwi Sports... Fimi pree

Unite Through Sports

Sports have done a lot to facilitate unity across the world. Specifically Football

‘The‎ Manning‎ Cup’‎ for‎ the‎ urban‎ areas‎

(Soccer), has continuously tried to bridge

and‎ ‘The‎ DaCosta‎ Cup’‎ for‎ the‎ rural‎‎‎‎

the gap of racism one of the most popular

competitions that started as far back as

divide‎ among‎ mankind‎ ‘Say‎ No‎ to‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎ 1909 and 1950 respectively. Most people Racism’.‎ According‎ to‎ an‎ online‎ article‎‎‎‎‎spend the majority of their educational entitled‎‘How‎sports‎can‎promote‎unity‎and‎ life in high school and so become attached peace’,‎ sports,‎ whether‎ live,‎ competitive,‎ to

their alma-maters. So, you


recreational or league-based allows people

understand when conflicts arrive from

to escape the reality of life, responsibilities,

disagreement between past students and

errands and mundane tasks for a few

supporter of these schools. Although

minutes, couple of hours or for a few

many could argue that sports might



indeed be a sweetener to divide and cause

tournament might be. It allows politically

war. It is safe to say that when mankind is

tense situations, cultural differences and


inequality to be put aside for the sake of a

differences, it creates the opportunity for

world tournament that unites over sports

sports to act as that binding agent.









such as the FIFA World Cup, FIBA, the Olympic Games, French Open Tennis or NBA Playoffs.


Jamaica, we are just about concluding our annual under-19

high‎ school‎ boy’s‎ football‎ competition.‎‎ Yaadi Culture, Fimi Styleja



Hugh Miller’s


Sports... Fimi pree


times our Jamaican school

neighbors from Red Hills Road Calabar High

children fight for pride and

recently‎ started‎ ‘WAGGA‎ Cup’‎ ‎ football‎

respect for their schools. The athletes

competition in honor of a KC past student

themselves are not the ones who are at

who coached Calabar High to become

odds besides from their competitive spirit

Manning cup Champions in 2005. In change

during play. It is

of community, many Jamaican inner-cities

the fans and sup-

a r e




normally at each


other ’s‎



Therefore the ath-


letes know they






l i k e





Athletes are

Shelly-Ann Frazer Pryce and other sports

the ones being watched leaving them with

personalities with charities host popular six-a

the liability to set positive examples for all




community road races. These activities are



using sports to unite people.




contributed to reduce physical rivalry between




Kingston College (KC) and their north





usually geared towards creating a holistic environment; develop social and professional relationships while encouraging Health and wellness.

street neighbours Saint Georges College annually battles for what they call the ROPA‎ Cup‎ (Football).‎ KC’s‎ farther‎ 29



in all, I want to congratulate leg, we encourage all the players to keep the Jamaica College (JC) and Saint UNITY towards building an unstoppable

Elizabeth Technical High (S.T.E.T.H.S) for Jamaican‎team,‎‘One‎Jamaica’.‎ winning the urban area Manning Cup and What‎ is‎ your‎ take?‎ Who‎ reign‎ as‎ Jamaica’s‎ rural area DaCosta Cup respectively. And top school boy football team? as they battle for the all island trophy with JC 3 point and 3 goals ahead from the fight

30 Yaadi Culture, Fimi Styleja


Yaadi Culture, Fimi Styleja



Ole Time People did say…. Georgette McGlashen Shuo Mi Yu Kompini An A Tell Yu Uu Yu Iz – Show Me Your

Company and I tell you who you are.


can two Besides the obvious physical differences, I w a l k knew I had my own opinions about many

together,‎ unless‎ they‎ agree‎ to‎ do‎ so?”‎ This‎ is‎ things and made different decisions from taken from the Bible in the book of Amos 3 what my friends made. However, in 2007 verse 3. At a glance it seems as though a researchers from Harvard and the University question is being asked; maybe rhetoric, but of California found that behaviors and social when closely inspected, one sees that this is a norms among friends can lead to lifestyle statement. There is a saying that I would hear similarities such as obesity; resulting from from my mother, whenever she was trying to over-eating, low or high self-esteem based on guide




unsuitable comparison on the group – which becomes

companions.‎ ‘Show‎ me‎ your‎ company,‎ and‎ I‎ the standard measurement of self and tell‎you‎who‎you‎are”,‎“Shuo mi yu kompini an influence on decision making based on group mi tel yu uu yu iz”. Simply put whoever and consensus and approval, and even physical however your friends are; the persons you enjoy spending most of your time with; the people you agree with and like what you have in common with them; that personality; that character is who you really are – deep down, shallow up, right on the surface, any side of you. As a teenager I immediately had objections to this notion of being exactly like my friends. attributes, especially among same gender. Yaadi Culture, Fimi Styleja



Ole Time People did say…. Georgette McGlashen Cont’d


course there are times when our friends will do things that we do





not approve of or would not do ourselves.

counselors. The more compatible individuals are,

However, if we are still in their presence

the more positive the relationship is to last.

or present when the act is being done, legally we are being an accomplice. Also if we do not take any drastic measures to remove ourselves from their actions and behaviors, we are supporting what we allow and constantly encouraging it to occur. This suggests that being ourselves is not merely about appearances and one off actions, but largely about consistent practices over a period of time, that become so natural and ordinary, they become norms – they become self. What




In closing Motivational speaker Les Brown has a saying,‎ that‎ ‘if‎ you‎ see‎ 9‎ broke‎ people‎ walking‎ around and decide to befriend them, it is certain that‎you‎will‎make‎10”.‎Les‎Brown‎believes‎that‎ the possibility of becoming the 10th is because of the attitudes and characteristics of the group that will eventually rub off. He states that it acts like a

‘mind‎ virus’.‎ Before‎ you‎ know‎ it,‎ you‎ have‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎ unified yourself, your thoughts and your action with the group. So, mother was right. Birds of a feather, do flock together. And ever so often you see them going


either East or West. Shuo Mi Yu Kompini An A Tel

simultaneously does is dispel the theory

Yu Uu Yu Iz. It is not judgmental, it is practical, it

that opposite attracts. This is only true

is science, it is a fact. Until next time Waak Gud,

with magnets. As humans we are

an memba Oudi an

attracted to and by our similarities. As a

Tengki No brok no

matter of fact Clinical Psychologist and


Sexologist Dr. Karen Carpenter advises serious couples looking to get married to do a personality test to determine their compatibility on several levels. This is Yaadi Culture, Fimi Styleja



Almost Christmas

by Deidre Douglas

It is Christmas Or almost The nights have gotten longer And definitely cold There is evidence Everywhere People pruning and painting

Time’s‎really‎a‎leaving Let us show love, be merry And enjoy the joyous season.

Newness in the atmosphere It is time to spend the big bucks Just to see it evaporate away Where we laugh at our cares And care for a day It is just about Christmas

Joyeux Noël ¡Feliz Navidad Krismasi Feliz Natal Bon Nadal Merry Christmas to you and you and you











By Teisha Dawkins Unite To Succeed

“United‎ We‎ Stand,‎ Divided‎ We‎ Fall”‎ unity‎ means togetherness hence this quote needs no in-depth





interpreted literally. When we as a people come together, we stand; we succeed; we Unite To Achieve Unity




achieve; and we conquer. When we are togetherness

divided we fall; we fail; we are defeated and

(H.A.C.A), and when there is oneness there

there is no-one to help us back up. It can be

is likely to be more strength in opinion, more

seen in the simplest of tasks that when you

strength in action, and more strength in

have help, the workload is easier and the tasks

character. This is necessary in all aspects of

gets accomplished easier when persons work

life and does not just apply to individuals. It

together towards a common goal. It is seen in

should also apply to organizations, countries

everyday life, it is seen in objects and

and their leaders. At the end of the day

organizations and it is seen in war.

everyone within a country are supposed to

There is no vehicle that functions with only

be working for its betterment, so if everyone

one part, all parts represent an individual that

wants to achieve the same goal why not do it

has different traits and functions that unite and

together? The national motto of a few

perform these functions for the car to move

countries‎ is‎ “Unity‎ Makes‎ Strength”.‎ All‎ efficiently. Similar parts can be seen within a countries as well as individuals and successful organization: within an organizations should adopt this motto. They organization, there are members of a team, should not just adopt it because it looks good

different persons with different roles and

on parchment paper and because it is a good

responsibilities but all team members work

read, but they should live by it.

together, and organizational objectives are achieved through a coordinated effort 38


YAADI CULTURE, FIMI STYLE MAGAZINE In almost every sport activity, this can be seen through teamwork. Football matches cannot be won without the players uniting to play the game. Have you ever seen a

man‎stands‎alone”,‎which‎is‎telling‎us‎that‎ we cannot set out to achieve greatness on our own and succeed.

one-man army? There is teamwork as

Unite To Build Strength

everyone works toward one common goal -


winning the war. Persons will always have their differences in society but it is up to us to put those differences aside and unite for a cause. According to Gordon (2005) unity is the key. Whether we are talking about a sports team, work team, school team, health care team, or church team, it is essential that everyone moves in the right direction with a shared vision, focus, purpose and direction. When a team comes together they are able to succeed‎ together.‎ “No‎ man‎ is‎ an‎ island,‎ no‎

victory”‎– Publilius Syrus. An example of what unity can achieve was seen in a story read recently in which a father passed around a bundle of sticks to his sons and told them to break them. When they tried to break the bundle they failed but






individually, they broke with ease. In my opinion, strength is not in numbers. There could have been a million sticks present, they can be broken if done individually but once they are together they cannot be broken. Therefore, when people are bundled or united they are hard to be broken or conquered. The boys were being taught that unity is strength.

“Unity‎is‎strength…‎when‎there‎is‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎ teamwork and collaboration, wonderful things‎can‎be‎achieved.”‎– Mattie Stepanek





Unity: A key ingredient in the development of our society By Jerdaine Sterling

aspire to lift each other to higher levels of achievement. Furthermore, when crime and violence is decreased, several windows and The Merriam Webster online dictionary (2013) defines unity as continuity without deviation or change (as in purpose or action). The direction goes on to describe the term as a condition of oneness. One may argue that the development of society is greatly dependent on unity among members. There is a popular saying among many that

doors are unlocked as the environment will become more investor friendly and with investments, comes employment opportunities which will boost growth and development. Additionally, when unity is present in a society, there are fewer dependents on agents of the state such as police and social workers to address disputes and disagreements.

saying. In any country, institution, team or


organization where individuals are not on

key sectors such as politics and religion, the

one accord, then failure will result. It can be

holistic development of the society can be en-

argued that behind every success story

hanced in many ways. In many countries

involving more than one individual, the

across the globe, thousands of people die an-

importance of unity is always brought to the

nually in the name of politics and religion. If


unity is practiced in these important aspects of

“unity‎ is‎ strength”‎ and‎ I‎ concur‎ with‎ that‎

When a society unites, productivity is increased and this impacts tremendously on the overall quality of life in many ways. For example, crime will be reduced as citizens

unity is present in the society, especially among leaders in

life, our global village would be better off. Imagine a society where persons can join hands






affiliation or who or where you worship.







and success among students which would

a p p e a r

in-turn result in a society that is more

unrealistic to many, it would be a welcomed

equipped to tackle the

phenomenon in world that has been

globalization. This would also aid in poverty

woefully short on unity in most if not all



environment that is united, less persons

From a Biblical standpoint, Ephesians 4:3 (NIV)‎ reminds‎ us‎ of‎ the‎ following‎ “Make‎




demands of more

would fall in that vulnerable

educated unfortunate


every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit

In closing, it is evident that the development

through‎ the‎ bond‎ of‎ peace.”‎ If‎ our‎ political‎

of society needs united citizens joining hands

leaders should unite in

and hearts together while

making decisions in the

laying a solid foundation

best interest of citizens,

for a brighter future.


According to








Pastor of


demonstrations could be avoided and our


children in particular could grow and play

peace and joy when people in a group work

freely without the fear.

together in unity. Generally, groups and

A vital area on society is education as it is vital determinant towards whether society fails






having students,

government and other stakeholders unite,

relationships begin with unity. However, over time, inevitable forces work to sow seeds of division into a group. Unity is something that must actively be maintained, whether in a relationship or in a group.

would result in higher levels of achievement






Joining Hands – A symbol of Unity by Adrian Duncan

In the

words of famous Jamaican song,‎ “Let’s‎ join‎ hands‎

across‎ Jamaica‎ for‎ righteousness”.‎ The‎ song‎ further‎ states‎ that‎ we‎ should‎ “join‎ hands‎ and‎ hearts together and make Jamaica, a land of love”.‎ These‎ powerful‎ words‎ have‎ helped‎ to‎ form‎ a‎ movement‎ powered‎ by‎ Christian’s‎‎‎ principles of righteousness and positivity. The

influential words outlines to all that each member is aiming for one goal, the holistic development of the Fraternity and by extension all Roosters. With similar tunnel -vision, the unity has fostered a collective approach which can be adopted by Jamaicans across the globe.

joining/holding of hands can be seen as a symbol of unity, a symbol of oneness, a symbol of comfort and trust. The holding of hands further represents rapport, respect, concern and is some cases, romantic feelings. This is also a sign of unity, one that shows the coming together of different individuals for one goal.

Unity as defined by the Oxford

Online‎ Dictionaries‎ is‎ “the‎ state‎ of‎ being‎ united‎ or‎ joined‎ as‎ a‎ whole”.‎ The‎ Dictionary‎ further‎explains‎unity‎as‎the‎“state‎of‎forming‎ a‎complete‎and‎harmonious‎whole”.‎ The motto of the Fraternity of Roosters, Taylor Hall, has been the driving force for unison on the block as well in numerous public and private‎ sector‎ organizations.‎ “ONE‎ ROOST,‎ ONE‎ PURPOSE,‎ ONE‎ MISSION”‎ these‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎ 44



A famous quote by J. K. Rowling stresses the power of unity. The quote states that “we‎are‎only‎as‎strong‎as‎we‎are‎united,‎as‎ weak‎ as‎ we‎ are‎ divided”.‎ Emphasizing‎ the‎ power of a united force, J. K. Rowling unwittingly outlines that as long as we are united, we are strong enough to conquer whatever adversities or challenges coming our way. Unity as we know it is a social concept that implies that individuals should leave their personal goals for the sake of a

neighbors close and caring for one another. In‎ the‎ words‎ of‎ the‎ three‎ musketeers;‎ “one‎ for‎all‎and‎all‎for‎one”,‎they‎portrayed‎they‎ could






collectively, the value of one. Gwendolyn Brooks‎ expressed‎that‎ “we‎ are‎ each‎ other’s‎ harvest;‎ we‎ are‎ each‎ other’s‎ business;‎ we‎ are‎ each‎ other’s‎ magnitude‎ and‎ bond”.‎ Let‎ us try to live united for the development and betterment of this our beautiful island and its innovative people.

common objective. One does not have to or need to give up on who they are or what they want but they simply have to show that by uniting with others of a similar goal is more important than personal fulfillment. We as Jamaicans need to be a more united force and not just conditionally. A united stand given to the similar and popular belief of battling evil and promoting good, united so as to not have the negative elements of our society conquer

our streets


brainwash our children. This united feeling of togetherness is what we need to keep





“enuh”,‎ this‎ is‎ what our love is –

a sacred pattern of unbroken unity sewn

flawlessly invisible inside all images, thoughts, smells and sounds. If every Jamaican helps to hold up the sky, then one

No man is an island, no man stands alone….each‎man‎is‎my‎brother,‎each‎ man is my friend. Each person you meet is an aspect of yourself, clamoring for love.

When success is uniform, the celebration is universal--- Isrealmore Ayivor

person does not become tired. David‎ Fontana‎ asks‎ that‎ we‎ all‎ “consider‎

Have a blessed and merry Christmas.

our own place in the universal oneness of which we are apart, from which we rise and to‎which‎we‎all‎will‎eventually‎return”.‎As‎ long as our ideas are the same, we will never be apart. Think on these things as the festive season is fast approaching:






Rights of a Jamaican Citizen including women and children. In fact,




enslavement can be seen as the earliest




commitment to human rights. The point that stands out for me, amid Jamaica now has its equivalent of Canada's

all the back-slapping by the politicians and

Bill of Rights or the United Kingdom's

commentators, is the fact that though it took

Human Rights Act 1998. This happened when

18 years, our people are still in the dark as

both Houses of Parliament passed the Charter

to what exactly this seminal piece of



legislation confers on them, and how it will

(Constitutional Amendment) Act 2011, which

change, if at all, the relationship between

now awaits the royal assent of the governor

citizen and government.






Content of the charter is reason for us to celebrate, as there was collective agreement

that our Constitution, constructed for the early 20th century, does not, in its pre-amended form, reflect development in international human-rights law. This does not mean that Jamaica and its judiciary are strangers to the concept of human rights, as Jamaica is a signatory




The act opens with a clear statement of declaratory obligation on the part of the State to "promote universal respect for, and observance of, human rights and freedoms", but in my view, the seminal provision is to be found in Section 13 (2)(b), which prohibits both Parliament and an organ of the State from taking any action which abrogates, abridges or infringes the rights

instruments which seek to promote and guarantee




groups, 48



The charter retains those rights and freedoms which were contained in the old Chapter III

exception of Cuba) states, despite the

such as:

progressive rhetoric, have been willing to pass





Right to life, liberty and the security of the person.

socio-economic rights.

Freedom of thought, conscience, belief and observance of religious and political doctrines.

Accordingly, among the 'new' rights which

Freedom of expression.

Freedom of peaceful assembly and association.

the charter recognizes are the following: 

Freedom of discrimination, on the grounds of social class, religion.

Entitlement of every child (who is a

Freedom of movement.

Jamaican citizen) to publicly funded

Due process of law.

education from pre-primary to primary

Protection from search of the person, respect for private and family life, privacy of home and of communication.


Freedom from discrimination on the grounds of race, color, gender, place of origin and political interference. Protection of property rights.

While retaining the foregoing rights, the

The right of every child to protection by the State.

The right to enjoy a healthy and productive environment free from the threat of injury or damage from environmental abuse and degradation of the ecological heritage.

progressive nature of this chapter is to be found in the fact that it recognizes new rights, and when compared with its equivalent in other liberal states, it goes even further by recognizing socio-economic rights. For this, the Jamaican Government and the Opposition must be commended, as Caribbean (with the 49



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