Welcome to
Yaadi Culture, Fimi Style Magazine
This month’s issue of the magazine focuses
and facilitate a change in culture as it
achievements, the accomplishments of
relates to accomplishments of our people.
individuals and companies that have been
Remember...........nothing in your situation
making strides for their won development
will change if you do not have the zeal to
do it yourself.
development for others. Additionally, we will be outlining the stories of numerous Jamaicans that have, despite their challenges, excelled in their respective fields; sometimes, excelling in more than one field. This aim at helping to encourage others by
Adrian St. P. Duncan
using the success stories of others. In so
Editor - in– Chief
doing, we would like to spark discussions
Deidre D. Douglas Senior Associate Editor
Layout & Design Contributors:
Adrian St. P. Duncan Dillon Thomas
OB Photography
Teisha Dawkins Georgette McGlashen Hugh Miller Christal Miller
Rosa-Lee Wood
The Definition of You
“Who am I? I am undefined. Where am I going? Everywhere, some place, some seemingly random place in life. I am going to the future; my journey is taken one day at a time. We may walk together, we may be on the same road, but this doesn’t mean at the end we are going to end up together.” Dasouda
going about the business of
shattering our self esteems. Just as expected though,
this has an easier remedy than that which is
opportunity on several occasions to set foot into the
necessary for fixing our self worth, or our view on
lives of some phenomenal people. And the one thing I
how we value ourselves and what we deserve.
find most outstanding about them all is how they view themselves. It seems that not only the persons who have gotten so great that they have started to refer to themselves in the third person tense, are great. We have gems and diamonds walking around in seemingly common bodies, everywhere.
How we esteem or regard ourselves positively will have effects on all aspects of our lives. Our Self Confidence is one of those to be affected by our Self Esteem. Self Confidence is situational, however and is one’s overall view of his or her capabilities. We function based on our beliefs, our confidence, our
The way persons view themselves affects the effort
faith in the outcome, the end result. Whether it is our
they put out and what they put their efforts
jobs, our families, our love lives, our ambitions,
h t t p : / /
every part of our lives are little projects which make
onlinecounsellingcollege.tumblr.com/ how much we
up the big picture we consider our complete lives
believe we should have the things we value is how
and we approach each with levels of confidence
much value we place on ourselves and this is Self
based on what we see in ourselves, how we see our-
Worth. Of course there is always the factor of Nature
selves going through and getting to where we want
versus Nurture when divulging into the why and how
in each case.
A c c o r d i n g
t o
we value ourselves the way we do. Self worth, while it may grow with time, is basically
constant or
consistent. The same article gives the contrast of Self Esteem which is quite fragile in comparison. An event or episode usually has the power of uplifting or Yaadi Culture, Fimi Styleja
Maya Angelou,
always knew she was strong but her perception of her
her sweet
strength was revisited as she grew and healed, and this
soul, had to rise above emotional scars and
turned her into actress, singer, dancer, poet and author.
wounds to then hold her post as a world changer
Where one starts or how many little setbacks one faces
in the eyes and hearts of millions. She went
can make or break the individual. Ian Boyne and his
through the divorce of her parents, being
Profile team have had and continue to obtain success
uprooted and relocated, sexual assault and rape,
stories from the bellies of society and from lives that
the murder of the assailant, and over four years
started or have gone through great pain, sadness and
of being mute due to the impact of this death all
disappointment. The big questions usually include
by the time, she was thirteen years old. The
where we want to get to. Take it or leave it, our
phenomenal woman went from that state to
approach to our situations is a person choice but may
becoming a genius with words and her distinct
have been influenced heavily by the psychology and
voice lives on even after her passing, belting out
more specifically the cognitive development of each of
the words “Still I Rise� and so much more. She
us. So we are defined by a wealth of factors and how each individual manipulates what has happened, what has been learnt and experienced, to get to where we want to, physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually.
One love
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Yaadi Culture, Fimi Styleja
many persons will understand your dreams. In fact, most persons will
definitely not understand why an entrepreneur would
something for themselves and their families. We see
prefer starting their own business as opposed to sticking
where many persons study hard, lose sleep in order
with the security of working for an already established
to get enough studying done, and yet still ending up
business, company or organisation. Being an entrepreneur
with a failing grade for the final exam paper. It is not
means being courageous, it means learning to stand alone,
because they were not adequately
it means pressing on even when the journey seems
maybe, it was just not their destiny to pass. I believe
impossible. In Jamaica we say, “if you want good, you
that God has a plan for everything.
nose haffi run.� This is a saying, I am sure, many, if not
In cases like these, we often see where the student,
all, entrepreneurs can relate to. All it is saying is that one
who has failed, is pushed into another direction. For
will face challenges on their way to achieving anything.
example, she failed medicine but look at her now,
DREAM : Dreaming is fun. We all use to play Dolly
the top psychiatrist in the country, one of the best in
House as children and the world we created during those
the world! There are also cases where many persons
games were worlds we hope to create for ourselves as
believe that if you fail something you cannot
adults. Can I tell you how far from my Dolly House
continue to pursue your dreams. I am here to tell you
dreams I am at the moment! But I am still working
that they are WRONG. You can achieve anything
towards those goals. Entrepreneurs are dreamers, who
you want to achieve. Case in point, Richie Drenz,
become creators by bringing their dreams to life. It is not
an easy process to start a business, especially in Jamaica
Jamaican best selling author, was never
that offers little to no help in the form of start-up capital,
at passing English no matter the effort. I said it
but it is possible, and so I urge you not to be daunted by
before, but let me reinforce, Richie Drenz now has
the challenges that will arise. But continue dreaming and
two novels that are best sellers on the Jamaican
start the creation process. You must go forward in confi-
market. Let me use Shakira, the singer, as a second
dence by BELIEVING in you and your dream. Research
example. Her music teacher told her she could never
is a necessity and if you have a dream that you wish to
be a professional singer, because she sounded like a
bring to life, you must
research and gain as much
prepared, but
Jamaican fashion designer and now one of successful
knowledge about that area. BELIEVE: Keeping a positive frame of mind is never an easy task, especially, when trying to accomplish 8
@YaadiCulture Yaadi Culture, Fimi Styleja
Hmmmm, I need not say anything here, you all know
I chose to share these words with
her songs, if even one. She flunked music class and is
you in a bid to motivate those who
now one of the world’s top artistes. Failures are a part
have dreams and are fearful at
of life, but whatever it is that we want to achieve we
pursui ng
can do it if we only believe. Failures are obstacles put
entrepreneur is not for the faint or
in our way to create
weak- hearted. You will have bad
challenges to strengthen us.
t h em .
B ei ng
From these challenges what we get is experience.
days, very bad days and even
worst days, but if you learn from
something that you have worked mind-numbingly for.
all your mistakes that you will
You must have the patience to work towards your
make. Discipline is also important.
goals. Achieving anything will take patience. Usain
Many persons are of the belief that being an entrepreneur
Bolt, remember after his massive explosion as a
means that you have more free time; far from it. Work is
Junior? Remember how long he was absent from the
never done for you. You work 24/7s until you get it right
lime light due to injury? Remember how he came
and after you get it right, you work 24/7s to keep that ship
back like a hurricane? And now, he is the fastest man
afloat. Businesses don’t operate on their own. It is like a
on planet earth! Being in business is quite like
garden; tend it well to avoid those parasitic weeds to kill the
athletics; you must train and train and train until you
beautiful daisies.
get it right. You must nurse your injuries, fall back a few times, but each time you rise, be sure to rise higher than you were before the injury. To achieve something means sticking to it. Fighting the good fight through sunshine or storm. Many persons lack this drive and so they end up failing and not rising. They allow persons to tell them how much they will be unsuccessful and how much their dream cannot work, and they believe these persons. The dream killers. But I urge you to read up on some successful
REBEL NOTE Not everybody will see your dream, in fact, most will try to talk you out of doing it. You will be tempted to doubt yourself. But allow me to suggest this. Never adopt the doubt of others. Pursue your dreams. Because those who lack vision, will forever doubt the dream chaser.
entrepreneurs and they will all tell you the same story. “I was told I would never succeed.” But who laughs last, laughs loudest. 9 Yaadi Culture, Fimi Style
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not made certain choices and decisions; what would my
is a school of thought that believes that it is “not where
you are from but where you are headed”. Moreover, I subscribe to that principle and use another
movements, decisions, and paths on the premise that “the only person able to hamper my development is me”. I always look at life from the tunnel vision perspective and adamantly believe that your destiny is only hampered by our inability to press forward or continue trying. Often times we see a friend or family member excelling in their chosen field or everything is just seemingly going according to their plan but we do not think of the sacrifices that person took to reach where he/she is or headed; we might not even are willing to make such sacrifices ourselves. Taking it a step further, we often look at that person and wonder why we are not in their position, or even better and we begin to compare ourselves to them matching our qualities and educational attainment. Recently,
accomplishment and
I was smiling at my
development and attainment over the past few
life be like today if I had stuck to the path laid out by others for me. At times when I am feeling “unaccomplished” I would walk pass this wall, to remind myself of where I am coming from and where I need to get to. My wall of accomplishments is actually a section of my house, a wall, dedicated to all my certificates, awards, articles written and published in local tabloids and international magazines (scholarly and opinionated) as well as plaques and trophies won and given for special recognitions.
my development was not an easy one. A typical Jamaican
story of a young man raise in improvised surroundings, who is not satisfied with his present state and decided to change that through educational attainment, social awareness and for the betterment of self, family and community. With the inclusion of the Almighty and his continued guidance and protect, I was able to attain a proper education and matriculate to the premier University of the Caribbean where I was able to further my education and foster intellectual and social growth in a bid to make myself more marketable and place myself in a position where I can be of assistance to my family and friends.
years. I felt pleased with my accomplishments but wondered what it would have been like if I had
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I remember when I was much younger, I was not able to procure most of the things that have today. My mother was not able to provide for us as we hoped but we stuck to the plan that we had in our heads and we were determined to change our situation . We had numerous set backs; water damaged all our furniture and school books and other items , fire destroyed our house, mere weeks before examination and that was not enough to slow me down or deter
you down or slow you down while driving on your journey.
me from my task at hand; my own
I use those individuals as motivational factors; persons
to prove wrong. Know this, there will always be some
were trying times and if it was not for the grace of the
Almighty and his continued guidance, maybe I would have given up on my dreams and fall along the wayside like a lot of my past classmate, community members
jealous, bad-minded, progress hating individual who will try to hamper your development. The onus is on you to push them to the side and let them have a comfortable seat from which they can see your ascend, where they can watch your progress and see your ultimate success.
of friends. It was pretty hard, but the fact that I had was on a mission made my path more meaningful. On that note, it should be outlined that despite the odds that you are facing, you are your own detriment as haters and “nay-sayers� are only there to try to tear
11 Yaadi Culture, Fimi Style
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Age-related macular degeneration What is age-related macular degeneration?
Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is a disease that blurs the sharp, central visionyou need for “straight-ahead� activities such as reading, sewing, and driving. AMD affects the macula, the part of the eye that allows you to see fine detail. AMD causes no pain. In some cases, AMD advances so
Where is the macula?
slowly that people notice little change
The macula is a small, highly sensitive area
in their visual acuity. In others, the
located in the center of the retina, the
disease progresses faster and may lead
light-sensitive tissue at the back of the eye.
to a loss of vision in both eyes. AMD
The retina instantly converts light, or an
is a leading cause of vision loss in
image, into electrical impulses. The retina then
Americans 60 years of age and older.
sends these impulses, or nerve signals, to the brain where they are interpreted as an image.
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Dry AMD has three stages, all of which may occur in one or both eyes:
Where is the macula? The macula is a small, highly sensitive area located in the center of the retina, the
Early AMD. People with early AMD
light-sensitive tissue at the back of the eye.
have either several small drusen or a
The retina instantly converts light, or an
few medium-sized drusen. At this
image, into electrical impulses. The retina then
stage, there are no symptoms and no
sends these impulses, or nerve signals, to the
vision loss.
brain where they are interpreted as an image.
What is dry AMD?
Intermediate AMD. People with
Dry AMD occurs when the light-sensitive cells in the macula slows down , gradually blurring central vision in the affected eye. As dry AMD gets worse, you may see a blurred spot in the center of your vision. Overtime, as less of the macula functions, central vision in the affected
intermediate AMD have either many medium-sized drusen or one or more large drusen. Some people see a blurred spot in the center of their vision. More light may be needed for reading and other tasks.
eye can be lost gradually.
Advanced Dry AMD. In addition to drusen,
The most common symptom of dry AMD is
people with advanced dry AMD have a
slightly blurred
breakdown of light-sensitive cells and sup-
difficulty recognizing faces.
porting tissue in the central retinal area. This breakdown can cause a blurred spot in the center of your vision. 18
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Half way through the fall before Christmas
break, my Principal realized that that I was not
privileged we are seems to haunt us
training and I started to run out of excuses about
everywhere we go. To an ordinary person
going home and she decided that I was too
it is the easy way out, we are privileged,
talented and with my talent high schools would
we get what we want when we want, but
try their best to solicit me in order for me to
the truth remains that majority of those
compete for them. I went on to attend the Edwin
person outside of being an athlete would
Allen high school, primary school was nothing
not survive being a student athlete. From
compare to the amount of subjects I will be
the age of 8, I started competing competi-
tively; I have been wired to make
I went on to attend the Edwin Allen high school,
sacrifices, create balance, make priorities
primary school was nothing compare to the
and chose which life I need for myself.
amount of subjects I will be taking. I was placed
When I was in grade 6, my final year in
in grade 7-7, I was not pleased I was angry and
primary school, I decided that I need to
I decide not to do track and my mom agreed I
focus on my GSAT so I quit running. I
shouldn’t either but my coach Mr. Dyke was so
lost my passion for the sport because it
persistent that I started playing hide and seek
was no longer something I enjoyed doing.
until he start visiting me every lunch time trying
Since I was good at it from a tender age
to convince me that I was wasting my talent by
and I was growing up too fast, the
not joining the track team. January of my
responsibilities were amendable and the
seventh grade year I joined the team, my first
stalks were becoming higher.
day of practice I showed up and trained like I
was training all season and went to my first track meet that same week and from then I never stopped.
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Going through high school, doing track and balancing school work was not easy and will not be easy. I went through high school and college excelling as a student athlete. The work load was overwhelming, having to travel every weekend to compete, keeping up with assignments, falling asleep in class and even falling behind when we missed classes for a meet
I am not saying that procrastination is good but
means we have to do extra work. The
"desperate times call for desperate measures". Leaving
main elements that kept me successful
for meets days at a time means happy face for not being
and driven are self-discipline, time
in class listening to the boring lectures but the amount of
management and focus/motivation.
catching is torture. For example, there were nights
The most important of those three
before the meet I had to stay up and do my online
elements is time management. I
quizzes and even write papers that are past due, but I
cannot stress how important and of
also had to ensure that I rested properly to compete the
the essence it is for any student athlete
next day. Time not spent well is time wasted. As a
to succeed. It is not the easiest thing
student athlete time is a crucial benefactor in everything
to do and sometimes we are so tired
we do. It means showing up on time for practice, for
from practice and going to classes and
class and most important for your race.
tutoring that when we get home all we want to do is lay in our bed and rest. I am not perfect with time management but when I do fall off, procrastination becomes my best friend. 21 @YaadiCulture
Yaadi Culture, Fimi Style
-discipline is a crucial aspect
pertinent as time management. Staying
activities and passion for the sport (track
focus and motivated is and has being a
and field) and to excel academically. It
challenge not only for me but for any
forces me to be the person I am today and
student athlete. The distractions are surreal
who I want to become in the future. I have
and the temptations to drop everything and
been running track ever since I was a little
do what we want are an everyday
girl and my love and abilities has presented
challenge. We succumb to many subjective
me with numerous opportunities including
obstacles where motivation is concern but
the prospect for higher education. I eat and
we eventually find what works best for us;
sleep track, even today I cannot get out of
the habit of waking up early, eating three
motivational speeches like Muhammed Ali,
meals a day, staying away from the
Eric Thomas (TGIM) and music. The drive
unhealthy stuff and always showing up for
that we have to excel is our deepest and
training. My desire to be better may be my
most driving motivation. Our Families are
biggest flaw but having ambition and
the corner stone to all of this, they are the
striving for the best in doing something you
ones who believe in us even when we do
love beats it all. Self-discipline is waking
not believe in ourselves, they are the ones
up in the morning for a 6 am workout and
who walked us to the finish line when we
still possesses the courage to go to school
are not strong enough to do it, they are the
at 8 am and repeat the same process twice a
one who whisper never give up, make us
day. The sacrifices we have made and have
proud. Every fight we fight it is to make
to make determine whether we fail or
someone we love proud, either our parents,
succeed and for many including myself
grandparents, step-parents, brothers or
failure was not an option.
sister or our coaches, whomever, they are
our sources of motivation.
“Thou Shall Not Covet Dy Neighbor’s Wife!” My wife and I recently moved to a new town because my company relocated. The relocation was an alternative to downsizing. Therefore my company opted to save tax dollars by changing cities. Prior to moving, I kept my marriage and private life “under wraps”. No one had met my wife, Selena until we moved to our present location. But, since the company paid to relocate us, it feels as if it has given people a free pass to invade our private lives. We are trying to get acclimated to the environment, but recent events have made it very difficult. “Yu Granpickney is no debil” Cheerio Hevryone! Ow iz uno hall copin wid de Holiday rush? Lorks, me hiz hall chrimassed out because me a go a Hengland soon fi see likkle Precious mi granbebe. Me tink sey me a go need fi get wan separate Jet Liner fi bring de sinthing dem to Hingrid an ar fambly…….Hoops! mi sey fambly…Yes mi dears, Ms. Hingrid she haf wan new bwoyfren name Hans from Sveden…Drama, drama an more drama, but dat is far anedder time. What a Bam Bam wid de TSAS!" Frens, fambly an distinguished peoples, ow iz uno hall doin dem ya dawg dayz ere? Tings haad hall ova de wul fi hevrywan, an it nuh sim like anyting a get betta.Owever, iz nat de inflaccion dat gat peoples dung, iz de presant sitiation of de way odder uman beins is treatin dem fello citizens. Me sey, me get bout a dozen letta de odder day 'bout de way de peple dem feel wen dem a travel.
have infused the many aspects of Jamaican life. They have belief about everything from good luck, horse racing,
death, birth and even those that make you laugh or cry. Jamaica is well recognized as one of the most religious countries in the world, it is no wonder they are called a superstitious group of people. Here are some of the common superstitions in Jamaica.
A baby born with a caul (the inner membrane enclosing a fetus which may be found on the baby's head at birth) will be able to see duppies (spirit of the dead) without being harmed by them.
Black bat (moth) – if a black bat (moth) or moth lingers around a
particular person, it means that one of his or her relatives has died, and the ‘duppy’ has come back in the form of the insect to inform them.
Wednesday is the luckiest day to get married and the best times on that
day are 8:00 a.m., noon and 4:00 p.m.. Sunday at 4:00 p.m. is also a lucky day and time to get married.
Saying goodbye to the dead – In order for the spirit of the dead to not return and haunt any family member, they must all say goodbye to the
corpse, and every child must be lifted and passed over the coffin while its name is said. No tears are to fall on the body, or the ghost will return to haunt the mourner. The body should also not be kissed or the teeth of the kisser will rot. Yaadi Culture, Fimi Styleja
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29 Yaadi Culture, Fimi Styleja
trunk to 15 ft (4.5 m) in circumference and a pyramidal or cylindrical crown Tree flowers in early summer, bearing fruit three months afterward. Date of Arrival to Jamaica: 1793
Name: Otaheite Apple Binomial (Scientific) Name: Syzygium
Some Other Facts: Pear shaped fruit with red skin and
white flesh. Typically, they contain
Other Jamaican Names: Malay (Rose) Apple,
a single large seed. However, they
coco plum, Ethiopian Apple
may occasionally be seedless.
Place(s) of Origin: Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand, Vietnam Uses: jellies, pickles, wine, juices, sauces, fillings (especially for pastries) Notable Characteristics of the plant:
High water content - of 100g weight, approximately 90g is moisture. A good source of vitamin C, a powerful antioxidant and a good source of calcium, thiamine and riboflavin.
Completely tropical tree, damaged by frigid climate Fast-growing tree, reaching 40 to 60 ft (12-18 m) in height, and has an erect Yaadi Culture, Fimi Styleja
Name: Custard Apple Binomial (Scientific) Name: Annona Reticulata Other Names: Wild Sweetsop, Bull’s Heart Place(s) of Origin: Central America & West Indies Uses: fruit Notable Characteristics of the plant: Fruit 3 ½ to 6 ½ inches in diameter Fruit skin, thin or thick, may be smooth with fingerprint-like markings or covered with rounded
Date of Arrival to Jamaica: native Some Other Facts: Tree needs tropical climate Seeds, leaves and young fruits are insecticidal Flowers never fully open
protuberances Can be symmetrically heart-shaped, lopsided or irregular Tree height ranges from 15-35ft
Yaadi Culture, Fimi Styleja
c h a ll e ng e s
fa c e d
dust myself off and continue on my path to excellence.
challenges, motivational challenges, time
Lack of motivation often results in a lot of
frame with class and the journey home and
other things, like procrastination, poor task/
time management and low productivity.
education. One of the biggest challenges I
However the connection I have with my
faced in achieving my educational goals was
financial challenge; I am unable to purchase
motivate myself as they all played their part
some of the educational materials that were
in motivating me to reach this far; I must say
they have been very supportive and they also
effectively function in classes. Presently am
gave me strong words of encouragement that
still bugged by this problem, however I am
keeps me pushing forward. The last time I
determine to press on with my career as I am
went home was June 2012 when the
persuaded to because with God the impossible
University brought my ticket to take part in
will always become possible.
the Jamaica Olympic Trials. If it wasn’t for
So with my determination and assistance from
the trails I would not have been able to see
the University I am presently attending, I was
my family back home. It is very hard being
able to reach thus far and with God’s help I
alone in the states without any families or
know I can go even further. Another challenge
relatives close by, as all my family members
I face with in achieving my goal is the lack
that reside in the states are living in New
of motivation. It's not always easy to motivate
York. My team mates are the ones that give
yourself to keep pushing forward. Sometimes
me encouragement, when I am feeling down
the work is so hard that I get stuck and often
and home sick.
times consider giving up. But when I look back
expectations and the tunnel-vision, I get up,
Another challenge I faced was walking home from school at nights because my apartment shuttle stop running at 7pm and classes end at 9pm. With each challenge I faced, it helped me to become stronger and
have to on numerous occasions battle to stay
more focused because I know I am one step
afloat and keep abreast with my educational
closer to accomplishing my dream. I know
goals while performing at my best. However
this will not last forever. I am a strong
I was able to set up a daily timetable that
minded person and I refuse to let my
helped me effectively manage my time.
challenges stop me from achieving my goals. In addition I had to walk to and from work when school is out as my apartment
times I found it very difficult to keep up, but
shuttle does not run on holidays (Christmas/
because I refused to give up, I had to keep
Summer) and it is approximately a 45
pushing. So I can safely say dedication has
minute walk on one leg of the journey.
been the main factor that has been the main
ingredient for helping me to overcome this
balancing my
and other challenges.
education has proven to also be a challenge in itself as I 37
We take for granted the Lord Almighty and His guidance and continued help throughout our struggles. It is funny how we quickly shout out his name in the face of adversities but forget to shout His name just as loud when we are rejoicing having stepped over milestones upon milestones.
The Bible tells us that in “ALL�
things, we must give thanks and the Lord must be glorified. Furthermore, the Lord also expects that we will be appreciative of His help in our time of need and turmoil as well as in our moments of triumph.
By so
doing we are submitting and acknowledging that whatever tasks or
accomplishments could have not been possible without His inclusion. Taking us through the thick forestry
Do you remember when you really needed that break through? You looked left, you looked right and there was no one to help you except when you called on the name of His Majesty. That moment when you fell on your knees and you whole-heartedly asked the Lord Jesus Christ to intervene in your life and act on your behalf and you BELIEVED, like the Centurion, that is its done in the name of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior then the Lord will help you. As a matter of fact, your first cry should have been to the Lord as He clearly outlined that He will there for us always and that He will continually provide for our needs.
terrain of life, the Lord will shield us from all dangers and harm that is in our path and navigate us away from
Please don't only remember the Lord in times of turmoil
the road of destruction.
but glorify Him in your moments of triumph.
Jamaica Values and Attitudes Program
The application form is designed to determine the applicants’
suitability for
programme. One primary factor is financial need
The Jamaica Values and Attitudes (JAMVAT)
and the second is the existence of resources to
programme provides assistance to tertiary students
satisfy the portion of the tuition payment that the
who qualify for admission but are financially
grant will not cover. Consequently, the applicants
challenged to cover their tuition cost. Each year there
must provide personal data, a recent photo,
are reportedly 4,100 such students. Access to this
employment details, student status details, the
programme provides the opportunity for students to
nature of current financial assistance, the amount of
participate in the development of the nation’s social
current savings, household details, the nature of
capital through their contribution of 200 hours of
current financial assistance, the mount of current
savings, household details, listing of household
undertakes 30% of the student’s tuition cost, not
members and the particulars of two referees. The
exceeding $350, 000 per annum.
form must be signed by the applicant, witnessed
The objective of the programme is two-fold. JAMVAT
awareness of his/her civic responsibility while
and dated. If the applicant is under eighteen years old, the application must be co-signed by the parent of guardian.
simultaneously encouraging the positive values and
Application packages may be downloaded from the
attitudes necessary for community development and
Mini st r y
nation building.
www.moe.gov.jm . Tertiary institutions have
Educati on’s
webs it e
Liaison Officers who can assist students in completing and submitting application forms.
Application Process Applications are accepted between April and May of the programme year and are received through each participating school’s JAMVAT Liaison or may
Completed forms are returned to JAMVAT with the assistance of the National Youth Service Regional Field Officers (CSO) located each parish or through TARA courier service.
be submitted at the nearest National Youth Service office.
The approval process is approximately six (6) weeks after the close of application after which time the approval list is published in batches and made
Voluntary Service
available on the website. Incomplete applications are routinely disregarded therefore the onus is on each
Once a prospective participant has properly
student to ensure that the application is accurate and
verified that he/she has been awarded provisional
complete. Copies of the approval list as well as
acceptance to the programme, he/she may access
programme updates may be accessed at any of the
the Start- up Package also available on-line. This
following locations
package contains all the relevant materials for
students to initiate and complete voluntary service at an approved location. Participants are required to contact the JAMVAT office to confirm their
(b) The office of JAMVAT liaisons at each school
approval or the eligibility of the selected placement
(for information on liaison aides contact the Student
site. Failure to do so may
Affairs or Guidance & Counseling Department
JAMVAT benefits should the site
at the tertiary institution). (c) National Youth Service offices island-wide.
result in loss of selected be
deemed inappropriate
Agreement) The participant is required to sign, date and have witnessed the formal agreement regarding their
agreement details the programme requirements and benefits.
s t i p u l a t e s conditions
r e l e a s e , suspension,
t he
gri ev an ce
procedures available