Yaadi Culture, Fimi Style Magazine January 2014

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Welcome to

Yaadi Culture, Fimi Style Magazine


Never use your failures of yesterday as an excuse of not trying again today. We may not always be able to undo damages, but we can always make a new start. Change is inevitable as at some point in our life we all must go through it. Various persons experience change in different ways than others, similarly, some persons change in ways that other don't.

There are numerous agents of change present in our society and are constantly facilitating various types of change in our lives. Let us take a look at the present state of Jamaica’s economy and compare it to yesteryear; change is inevitable. Change is both a good and a bad thing and this issue of the Magazine outlines various aspects from different vantage points.

Adrian St. P. Duncan Editor - in– Chief Layout & Design Contributors:

Adrian St. P. Duncan Dillon Thomas

Deidre Douglas Georgette McGlashen Hugh Miller Christal Miller

Aneisha Smith



From a Bird’s view A new step forward

Deidre D Douglas

"It always seems impossible until it's done." — Nelson Mandela

beats those who fail except those who dare to

Dear Diary, last night I went to sleep young,

try. In the beginning according to the good

but then I woke up this morning and it was the

book, the Bible, the world was created in a

year 2014. Where did it all go? The time to

week just by the utterance, no physical

live and laugh and enjoy the pleasures of the

activity. No, I’m not saying our words can be

time granted to us in the world. Really, it just

as miraculous, what I’m getting at is that we

flew over many of our heads, but nonetheless,

should start by speaking things into being.

we are still here, and where there is life, hope

Quitting is easy, so is saying “I can’t”, but

also abides.

the day you start telling yourself everyday

It is a new year, and as per usual, there is talk of






membership; some will attempt a new or

that you will, you can and you must, is the day you singlehandedly start changing your own life right before your very eyes.

reattempt an old diet. Some will start going

Sure there are challenges, there will always

home earlier and staying in a few more nights

be challenges. But as the great Charlie

than the norm. Some will try to establish new

Chaplain said, “Nothing is permanent in this


wicked world, not even our troubles”, so take






counterparts. Some will shop

heart in knowing that the game we are

less. Some will save more.

playing is Beating the

Some will last until spring,

Odds, and the most

some until June, dear the old

powerful tool needed is

fowl to say from experience,

your mind.

some won’t last out the week. But nothing

Yaadi Culture, Fimi Styleja



From a Bird’s view



it, or leave it, if you never

Deidre D. Douglas

try, you will never move, no

matter how close the destination is. And

faith in yourself is also vital in making the

every Jamaican should know that “Faith

changes necessary to get to where you want to

without works is death” so not acting on

go. Not long ago I learnt that the makers of

your beliefs does the same job as not be-

some of my favorite apparel were once immi-

lieving at all.

grants in the US. They went from Asia to

It will take some of us all our lives to

America with youthfulness and a dream, not

attain some of what we desire, but we

even a dollar. But the couple worked hard,

must start somewhere. J.K. Rowling was a

they stuck to their principles and today Do

secretary when she conceived started to

Won Chang and wife, Jin Sook Chang, still

construct her Harry Potter saga and it took

provide me with the type of pants that make

her what some of us folks would call

me think “I’m going to be Forever 21”.

forever to see herself through. In her seven year drought, her mother died, she got divorced and became dirt poor. This is however, what real dreamers do, they start and they endure and then they watch their dreams become real and tangible, and then they find something else to dream about.

What is your talent? How will it make you comfortable in the future? The Bible tells of the master who gave his servants one, two and five talents, based on what he knew each could handle. Then


left them to

Not everyone who can now afford to


vacation for a month at some exclusive


destinations around the world won the lottery or was born into money. Being patient for the right things and having @YaadiCulture

Yaadi Culture, Fimi Style



From a Bird’s view

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Upon his return, he asked for updates and


found that some had invested what he gave

Some folks are of the impression that when

them to create more, while another had hidden

one is young, it is the time for fun. But fun

the one received as to return it to him when he

comes in all kinds of packages and sizes.

came back. The lesson of the story isn’t just a

There is always wisdom in moderation,

biblical one, but for the young, the inexperi-

whatever the activity may be. Where the

enced and even the naïve. Take whatever you

means of having fun will come from when

have and use it to make the life you have

you squander away all your brain cells on

worth looking back at in the future.

night life and all your money on living for


may say they have no talent, or

now, is a big question. And how will you

that the talent they have is not

progress and keep having this or any other

marketable, I even know hats off brilliant peo-

fun when you live nowhere, have no income

ple who believe they will only have time to

and cannot afford to learn new tricks, after

work for someone else. I was told you can’t

maturing into an old broke dog?

cut off pieces of your brain and sell to the

The choices we make in life all reap results,

highest bidder. But Mark Zuckerberg sat on

some better than others. Simple things like

losses for over six years while people warmed

feeling fulfilled and happy can make much

up to Facebook, partially his brainchild. These

difference so let’s take a stand and start the

days there are only a few persons who do not

New Year on the right footing.

use the medium for one reason or the other. And Zuckerberg’s net worth of 24.5 billion, twice what it was in 2012, is proof that he has made some good choices before the ripe old age of 30. Thus another advice is start while the gears in your brain can still turn even while you are asleep. Yaadi Culture, Fimi Styleja



From a Bird’s view Cont’d


choices we make in life all reap results, some better than others.

Simple things like feeling fulfilled and happy can make much difference so let’s take a stand and start the New Year on the right footing. Read a book, a chapter or even a paragraph

mind and body can feed on substantial fruit. You after all are what you eat, so consume positive and uplifting material in order to generate






One love

every now and then as to not lose your mind in the great abyss of stupidity. Surround yourself with some positive energy so your


Yaadi Culture, Fimi Styleja



Many of our Jamaican food and fruit crops have been found to be of a very high nutritional value, surely a reason why we produce the best in the world in so many different fields. Our atheletes superiority has been attributed to Yam by some experts.

Our "Starchy" foods, such as the breadfruit, yam or sweet potato, may be starchy but, are much higher in fibre and other nutrients than the potato ... what we call an Irish Potato in Jamaica.

They contain "good" unsaturated fats, or short chain saturated fats, which are good for your health, in addition to having many other nutrients and health benefits.

Raw Cocoa ... Cocoa that has not gone through the dutching pocess ... is now being promoted all over the world as the miracle food to cure/prevent everything, and is being sold at fancy prices. Raw cocoa has been found in every Jamaican country market for as long as the markets have been there. Sor-

Many of our fruits, like the West Indian Cherry and the Guava, are extremely high in Vitamin C, fibre and other nutrients. Our Soursop ... known Our Jamaican food and our Jamaican diet has been thought of as being full of fat and starch ... as "Guanabana" in Spanish speaking countires, and therefore unhealthy. But many of these sup- and "Graviola" in Brazil ... is reported to be posedly "fatty foods" such as Coconut, Avocado, 10,000 times more effective than chemotherapy in and our Jamaican national fruit, the Ackee, are of treating cancer. Surely this can not be pure fiction. plant origin.

They are cholesterol free, and their benefits are now being promoted throughout the Natural Health World. Cold pressed coconut oil is now supposed to be the "BEST" oil for you to use, even better than olive oil.

rel, a member of the Hibiscus family, from which we make our popular Christmas drink ... albeit with a touch of Jamaica Rum added ... is full of nutrients.food.html#sthash.f75WjNGl.dpuf

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A change for the better by Adrian Duncan


possesses wealth


a re-

sources and great potential to be a colossal competitor on the global scene as it relates to




education of the people, supported by an iron-clad legal and legislative system that fosters










development. Heightened by a robust infrastructural must


restructuring, keen


Jamaica to


implementation and development of more ICT-driven





educational development for the people as well as avenues that will foster greater innovation and provide income through well needed jobs. Starting this process, we must first change o u r outlook

on access to education. The Rev. Ronnie Thwaites,




announced the launch of an online platform that will






development. These online portals for learning provide students with access to up-to-date course content, examination questions and information for pre and post examination preparations. This implementation signaled that the government plans to foster a greater nation by empowering its younger citizens so that they can be better citizens in the future and are able to make more informed decisions for the continued improvement for themselves, their countrymen and the country.


as a people need to step up and do our part to enhance

this vision. The further development and implementation of this and other initiatives aimed at fostering educational, social and economical growth will be of benefit to the holistic development of the nation in the years to come.

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A change for the better


As further stated by the Education With all of this, we are setting the stage for a Minister, the private sector in addition to society that is fully educated and one that can other entities in our society must play lead to lower levels of poverty. Assessing their part in helping with the further countries such as Germany, China and development of these initiatives through Singapore with poverty levels exceptionally the careful

acquisition and deployment low poverty levels, helps to formulate a

of infrastructure and resources to those in framework for the Jamaican society. We can do society that are more deserving of these.

a lot better; Jamaicans are dynamic people and

The implementation of a rural are determined to the end especially when they internet infrastructural development put their minds to accomplishing things. Using the these as precedents, the Jamaican government government and private sector can look should put under the microscope proper into. The utilization of ICT’s will further measures for sustainable economic and program





aid our students in the GSAT and CSEC legislative development for phase of their lives. Using tablets, laptops development of our country.



and smart phones for educational purposes presents the students with a matchless opportunity to learn using platforms already familiar to them. Pre-loading and installing useful course content and other scholarly materials on these gadgets equips

the students









educational growth and development.

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A change for the better by Adrian Duncan Continued

crime free environment; one in which both sides of government and the people agree on issues that are for our development. The key ingredients for an ideal society includes: a good health system, an educated population, Additionally,





manage the spending and accountability of

a stable economy and the proper and workable infrastructural development plan.

the government. Fostering the effective and efficient allocation of funds to the most desiring sectors should be our priority. We are familiar with expressions “bird can fly pon one wing” and “one hand caan clap”, these expressions outline to us that we cannot do things on our own. If we need holistic development in our society then there must be a collective hands-on approach for a economically stable and

Yaadi Culture, Fimi Styleja





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Chlamydia By: Christal O. Miller Chlamydia is a sexually transmitted infection in humans caused by the Chlamydia


bacterium Chlamydia trachomatis. a





human genital and eye disease. Chlamydia infection is one of the most common sexually transmitted infections worldwide; it is estimated that millions of individuals are infected with Chlamydia across the world.

In men, chlamydia shows symptoms of infectious

Signs and symptoms



the urethra) in about 50% of cases.



Chlamydial infection of the neck of the womb (cervicitis) is a sexually transmitted infection which is asymptomatic for about 50-70% of women infected with the disease. The infection can be passed through vaginal, anal, or oral sex. Of those who have an asymptomatic infection that is not detected by their doctor, approximately half will develop pelvic inflammatory disease (PID), a generic term for infection of







Symptoms that may occur include: a

painful or burning sensation when urinating, an unusual discharge from the penis, swollen or tender testicles, or fever. Discharge, or the purulent exudate, is generally less viscous and lighter in color than forgonorrhea. If left untreated, it is possible for chlamydia in men






causing epididymitis, which in rare cases can cause sterility if not treated within 6 to 8 weeks.

orovaries. 15 @YaadiCulture

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DOCTAZ ADVICE Diagnosis Treatment

The diagnosis of genital chlamydial infections evolved rapidly from the 1990s through

C. trachomatis infection can be

2006.Nucleic acid amplification tests (NAAT),

effectively cured

such as polymerase chain reaction (PCR),

with antibiotics once it is detected.

transcription mediated amplification (TMA),

Current guidelines recommends

and the DNA strand displacement amplifica-


tion(SDA) now are the mainstays. NAAT for

cin,doxycycline, erythromycin,

chlamydia may be performed on swab

or ofloxacin. Agents recommended

specimenssampled from the cervix (women) or

for pregnant women include

urethra (men), on self-collected vaginal swabs,

erythromycin or amoxicillin.

or on voided urine.[19] NAAT has been a



An option for treating partners of




patients (index cases) diagnosed with

approximately 99%, regardless of sampling

chlamydia or gonorrhea is patient-

from a cervical swab or by urine specimen.

delivered partner therapy (PDT or




have 90%

In women seeking an STI clinic and a urine

PDPT), which is the clinical practice

test is negative, a subsequent cervical swab

of treating the sex partners of index

has been estimated to be positive in approxi-

cases by providing prescriptions or

mately 2% of the time.[20]

medications to the patient to take to


his/her partner without the health At present, the NAATs have regulatory

care provider first examining the

approval only for testing urogenital specimens,


although rapidly evolving research indicates that they may give reliable results on rectal specimens. 16 @YaadiCulture

Yaadi Culture, Fimi Style



The starved chlamydiae enter a persistent

Screening For sexually active women who are not pregnant, screening is recommended in those under 25 and others at risk of [16]


Risk factors include a history

of chlamydial or other sexually transmitted infection, new or multiple sexual partners, and








growth state wherein they stop cell division and become morphologically aberrant by increasing in size. Persistent organisms remain viable as they are capable of returning to a normal growth state once conditions in the host cell improve



screening women with age or other risk Recent

factors is recommended.




revealed that Chlamydia likely shares


a common ancestorwith cyanobacteria, the

Chlamydiae have the ability to establish long-term associations with host cells. When an infected host cell is starved for various nutrients such as amino acids (for example, tryptophan), iron, or vitamins, this





for Chlamydiae since the organism is dependent on the host cell for these nutrients. Long-term cohort studies indicate that approximately 50% of those infected clear within a year, 80% within two years, and 90% within three years.

the the



endosymbiont chloroplasts






hence, Chlamydia retains unusual plantl











both genetically andphysiologically. In p a r t i c u l a r,




diaminopimelate aminotransferase, which is related to lysine production in plants, is also linked with the construction of chlamydia's cell wall. The genetic encoding for the enzymes is remarkably similar in plants, cyanobacteria, and Chlamydia, demonstrating a close common ancestry.







20 Yaadi Culture, Fimi Styleja




Part of Jamaican folklore, these beliefs and practices form a network of customs which have survived over time through oral retelling. An interesting mixture of logic and blind faith, they are passed on from generation to generation often accepted without question. It is difficult to trace the origins of these beliefs as they, like many other aspects of Jamaican life, were creolized,

reflecting an amalgamation of the

belief structures of the different groups who have come to call this island home.


A baby born with a caul (the inner membrane enclosing a fetus which may be found on the baby's head at birth) will be able to see duppies (spirit of the dead) without being harmed by them.

A new mother is not to bathe or wash her hair for the first three


months after delivery as her pores are believed to be open and she is very susceptible to colds.


Children before they are able to talk understand the language of animals.


A baby boy who resembles his mother will be lucky and so will a baby girl who resembles her father

Yaadi Culture, Fimi Styleja









Hugh Miller’s

Fiwi Sports... Fimi pree New Year, New Goals setting goals and sticking to them. Athletes





specific times of the year to start preparation for the new season. You could almost say each year is a new beginning with brighter expectations. Wonder how many goals Messi plans to score this year or how fast Bolt is planning to run. Are Happy new year to all and I do hope you

you saying they just have to wait and see?

have made some health and wellness

Well I don’t think so, I am certain they

resolution. Each year close to the end we

have targets and their eyes are set on

all try to set goals, whether it be about

specific numbers and times respectively.

health, wealth, education or relationship.

They do this by doing what if not all most

Contrary to popular belief many set these

of us do is set goals and stick to them.

goals and do achieve them. If your response to that statement is a positive one that is excellent, however, if you can say that almost everyone you know never follow through to reaching their goal, then you need to change you network of friends.

Everything Yaadi Culture, Fimi Styleja

Setting and sticking to your goals is no easy task, however, men have done it and what men have done men will continue to do. Therefore, whatever goal you have for this new beginning of your life, whether it is sporting or otherwise.

in life and sports is about

planning, 26


Hugh Miller’s


Sports... Fimi pree


According to Brian Tracy here are some 5

set a 10 or 20-year goal, and then break it

useful tips you can use to set the year right:

down, year by year, so that you know how

The Goal-Setting Process 1. Decide exactly what you want in every key area of your life. Start off by Idealizing. Imagine that there are no limitations on what you can be, have

much you have to save and invest each year. If for some reason you don’t achieve your goal by the deadline, simply set a new deadline. There are no unreasonable goals, only unreasonable deadlines. 4. Identify the obstacles that you will have

or do.

to overcome to achieve your goal. 2. Write it down.

Why aren’t you already at your goal?

Your goals must be in writing. They must

The Theory of Constraints –

be clear, specific, detailed and measurable.

There is always one limiting factor or

You must write out your goals as if you

constraint that sets the speed at which you

were placing an order for your goal to be

achieve your goal.

manufactured in a factory at a great

What is it for you? The 80/20 Rule applies to

distance. Make your description clear and

constraints. Fully 80% of the reasons that are

detailed in every sense.

holding you back from achieving your goal

Only 3% of adults have written goals,

are inside yourself. They are the lack of a

and everyone else works for them.

skill, a quality or a body of knowledge.

3. Set a deadline.

Only 20% of the reasons you are not achiev-

Your subconscious mind uses deadlines as

ing your goal are on the outside. Always start

“forcing systems” to drive you, consciously

with yourself.

and unconsciously toward achieving your goal on schedule. If your goal is big enough, set sub-deadlines. If you want to achieve financial independence, you may 27


5. Identify the knowledge, information

would have the greatest positive impact on

and skills you will need to achieve your

your life?”


What one skill, if you developed and did it

Especially, identify the skills that you will consistently, in an excellent fashion, would have to develop to be in the top 10% of help you the most to achieve your most imyour field.

portant goal? Whatever the skills, write it down, make a plan and work on it every sin-

Greatest Discovery: Your weakest key gle day. skill sets the height of your income and Follow me next month for more Tracy talks your success. You can make more progress about up to 14. by going to work on the one skill that is holding you back more than any other.

Have a prosperous New Year by setting those GOALS…

Key Question: “What one skill, if you developed and did it in an excellent fashion,

28 Yaadi Culture, Fimi Styleja


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Ole Time People did say…. Georgette McGlashen

New Beginnings I



New management of a problem. This in itself

Beginnings. I believe it is never too late to start is a new beginning. It represents a new over. Traditionally, resolutions are the “go to perspective, a new decision to respond in response” for the ending of the year and many a specific way, an attitude of confidence people get caught in this flow. However, some or just the faith to trust that the problem persons deprive themselves by not even trying will be solved – which is absolutely to improve themselves and not make any reso- different from throwing arms up in lution. ‘We gaan bad a daay kyaan kom gud a defeat. nait’, this is translated as ‘what has gone bad in the day cannot become good by night time or in the night’. This is a Jamaican saying that many persons use as an excuse not to even try and create solutions to problems that they have; which sometimes may include starting over. But a very important point to make right here is, that at the center of anyone’s problem, is the person themselves.


that in mind, the solution to many



personal problems lies with a self-change, a personal choice to develop a skill, trait or attitude that will result in a solution or

Yaadi Culture, Fimi Styleja



Ole Time People did say…. Georgette McGlashen Cont’d However, some new beginnings involve




very active solutions. For example weight


loss is among the top ten resolutions

should be renewed as often as possible.

made every year but only 7% of persons

Anything that is good, that leads to good

achieve this goal. This is because

results in our lives should always deserve

resolution like any other decision requires

more than one try, and doing it until it is

discipline and action. This discipline will

done right. So, ‘We gaan bad a die kyaan

not be achieved by constant reminders or

kom gud a nait’ should not be an excuse

whipping by a coach or being ran into a

until we have tried changing ourselves if

guilt trip. It is a deep desire and mental

the situation is unchanged.

determination that says, what you want is

So until next time Waak gud and tek Kier

more important than what you feel and

and remember Oudi and tengki no brok no

that the long term result of achieving





your goal will be worth it. You have to do something. You have to put desires in to action.


achievement of a goal in itself may be the start of a new

beginning. I resolve that living a healthier

Yaadi Culture, Fimi Styleja



Start afresh

by Lynford Harris

As we go through each day facing broken promises and surviving amidst all these threats. We should all remember to be thankful with each and every breath. Not everyone we knew made it, because not everyone can survive the trials and tribulations that are associated with this life So as you go to sleep each night with hope in your heart for a brand new day, look forward to new beginnings because that's the promise of a brand new day. New beginnings... A new way of looking at your life; new dreams, time to make the changes to take you out of your strife. So like a phoenix you should rise and welcome each day anew. Stand up, embrace this new beginning and maybe. Just maybe with this new beginning you will be the star of the show.







B+ Positive


By Aneisha Smith.

happened to bump into an old friend

going to fix things, how can you make it right,

recently; we had not seen each other

when along comes New Years Day and hands

since graduating high school a couple years

you a brand new book filled with blank pages

earlier. I asked how life was treating her and

so that you can put your own words on them,

she proceeded to tell me of all the

to rewrite your story, essentially, a chance to

misfortunes that had befallen her; she had no

fix it, a chance to make it a great book.

source of employment, rent was high, the government and taxes, she didn’t know how her son would attend school the following year, there was no hope for mankind and she went and on. Listening to this young woman’s story, depressed me I could not wait to get away from her and the hopeless conversation as my positivity for her and words of hope just fell on deaf ears.


a realistic resolution and stick to it, if your goal is

to lose weight, get a picture of your ideal weight and stick it unto your mental and physical walls so each morning you are awake you get motivated by its mere sight. The next thing you should do is to write a diet plan and try to exercise regularly. You can start by bringing your own healthy lunch to work and

On January 1, 2014 everyone got a

ask your friends to help you not to deviate

clean slate, a chance to begin anew, to make

from your predetermined goal. Most people

right all the things they got wrong in 2013.

abandon their resolutions before six months of

New years day is very much

the year is out; do not be one of

like getting the opportunity

them. If you stick to your guide-

of a lifetime, you find you

lines you will be happier by the

had a book before that you

end of the year and will realise in

messed up terribly and you

the end that it was all worth it.

wonder how can you are





not bring the previous

world of depression. Cancel every curse and

mess along with you

negative word; chase away the negative

into the New Year! Leave the dead weight

committee out of your head. Knowing that

behind. Carrying the mess over will be like

life can be short sometimes you need to stop

walking around with a noose around your

analyzing the past and start planning for the

neck waiting to be hanged. With that said,

future, laugh when you can and let go off

anything that happened in the past


what you cannot change. Have a positive

be changed, undone or forgotten, however,

outlook on life; declare to the universe that

try to learn a lesson from it and move on.

prosperity and happiness is your birthright.

Everything that happens in your life will end with some sort of morale, take the morale


way you start 2014 can affect your whole year;

and run with it and try not to make the same

begin with a great attitude,

mistakes twice. There can be no sustainable

mind and gratitude that you made it alive.


Take this quote and make it one of your






calmness of

guidelines for this new year " do not start

Do not be like my previous classmate

your day with the broken pieces of yesterday,

and walk around with a bunch of negativity

everyday is a fresh start, everyday is a new

swirling around in your head. Some of you

beginning. Every morning we wake up it is

may have lost sources of employment,

the first day of our new life" Happy new year

friends or even family members, that does

make the most of it.

not give you the right to walk around in a






Change Change means means all all hands hands on on deck deck

by Adrian Dun-

Change is inevitable; however it comes Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela. We will in numerous forms. Change as define by the always remember the dedication and Oxford Dictionaries is an “act or process sacrifices he and his family made. Not through which something becomes different”. willing to accept their status in society and Simply stated Change is a new or refreshingly disgruntled by the way in which the black different experience. Mahatma Gandhi once people of Africa was being treated by their said that we should be the change that we wish Government they changed their situations to see in the world, similarly, Leo Tolstoy by first changing their outlook on life. If reinforces by saying everyone thinks of we as Jamaicans should take a page from changing the world, but no one thinks of famous humanitarians’ books, then we changing themselves. Change will not come if would have a different outlook on life and we wait for some other person or if we wait lobby for a better Jamaica. Imagine the for some other time, essentially, we are the tireless works of Martin Luther King, the ones we've been waiting for and we are the African-American clergyman and activist change that we seek.


us take a moment and reflect on the year that was. Near the closing of

the year we celebrated the life of the anti-apartheid






Movement. Like Mandela and Gandhi, King advocated non-violent methods to advance civil rights in the US and around the world.

revolutionary, politician, philanthropist and first black President


South Africa; 38




the commonalities

much talked about, Jamaica Emergency

of these individuals

Employment Program (JEEP), the vehicle

revealed that they first placed the livelihood

for social and economic mobilization comes

and holistic development of their fellow

into being and has been receiving marvelous

countrymen above their own lives. They


spent their lives advocating and fighting for

employment across a wide spectrum of

the freedom and independence for citizens of


their country and citizens worldwide. It

manufacturing industries. Additionally, in an

daunted on me, we are always quick to point

attempt to further transform the education

fingers on who is doing and who isn’t doing.

sector, the Prime Minister proposed an

Let me ask you this, have you done anything

Audio Visual Intervention Scheme (AVIS)

to foster change in yourself, and by extension

designed to reduce the cost of education.

the community you live in? If you change

Almost 2 and a half years ago, Education

yourself you will change your world. If you

Minister, Rev. Ronnie Thwaites, proposed a

change how you think then you will change

plan to use the broadcast media to present

how you feel and what actions you take. And

information from the curricula for students

so the world around you will change. Not

to listen to and to watch, thereby saving

only because you are now viewing your

some book costs; we have seen this

environment through new lenses of thoughts

becoming a reality.

through especially

its for

creation skilled

of and

and emotions but also because the change within can allow you to take action in ways you wouldn’t have – or maybe even have thought about – while stuck in your old thought patterns. The Government in doing their part to facilitate change for a number of Jamaicans through various programs, including, the 39



As it relates to the health sector, the government has opened numerous facilities across






commitment, of both the Government and the Ministry of Health, to improve primary health care throughout the country. The Government remains steadfast with plans to effect significant changes to the country’s health care sector, as it strives to create a first world system. With the belief that the provision of quality and affordable health care services and improvement in access can help us to achieve our national development objectives as outlined in

low-income area together in a rare show of unity and pride which is integral for any project to be successful; holistic acceptance while







Vision 2030.


goal, the effort has brought residents of this



Let us be fair and acknowledge that the

is the “Zinc

Government has been putting measures in





placed in an effort to make life better for the


Jamaican people. The government has

communities located in the inner-city has

recognized that there is a job emergency; a

been identified and included in this

production emergency; and an emergency of

meaningful project. In an effort to change

living standards and upward social mobility

the status quo of these communities as well

and it working assiduously to fix these

as providing employment through the JEEP






u n d e r w a y.


programme, person were employed to “tear-down” zinc fencings and replace them

Seet deh, dem a do fi dem part, wah bout yu’?

with concrete structures. Achieving their 40





Stop Child abuse in Jamaica

1. A total of 25,023 reports were made to

the OCR during the period 2007 - 2011.

It shouldn't hurt to be a kid....

2. Statistics on the number of reports repre-

Child abuse is physical -- shaking, hitting, beating, burning, or biting a child.

sent children who were alleged victims of physical abuse, sexual abuse, emo-

Child abuse is emotional -- constantly blaming or putting down a child; excessive yelling, shaming.

tional abuse, neglect, trafficking or child labour. They also include children who were reported to exhibit behavioural

Child abuse is sexual -- incest, any forced sexual activity, exposure to sexual stimulation not appropriate for the child's age.

problems or who were otherwise in need of care and protection. 3. Unless otherwise stated, figures shown

Child abuse is neglect -- a pattern of failure to provide for the child's physical needs, such as food, clothing, shelter, and medical care; a pattern of failure to provide for the child's emotional needs, such as affection, attention, and supervision.

below reflect original reports made about a particular child and do not include subsequent reports made to the OCR regarding the same, or any other incident of abuse pertaining to the same child.

MORE than 8,000 cases of child abuse were

Reports of incidents that are received by the

reported between January and


OCR are regarded as allegations; investiga-

gust this year, according to the Office of the

tions by the relevant agencies may either

Children's Advocate (OCA) which also re-

confirm an incident as reported or indicate

vealed that it is contacted every 30 minutes


with an allegation of ill-treatment.




According to the Office of the Children's Registry 8,030 cases of abuse ranged from physical, to sexual, to emotional, with neglect and missing children being high on the list.

If there is reasonable cause to suspect that

What are the Consequences of Child

an offence has been or is being committed,


the family members are to act in the best

In an abusive environment, children are often expected to behave as if they are

interest of the child and immediately report it to the relevant authorities

much older than they are. Children are often "punished" for behavior they are too young to control. Abusive parents do not know they have to teach the behavior they want the child to have. Punishing unwanted behavior is not enough. Parents and caretakers often abuse children in response to their own anger and unhappiness. It may have no relationship to what the child is doing at the time. Abused children believe that they have no value. believe that they cannot affect the world around them with good behavior. feel angry and/or depressed.




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