March 2012
Inside this issue:
Special points of interest: Pree Dem Feature Ole time people did say… A we say sports Tech—Tycoon
ICT in the Jamaican Society
ICT and its inclusion in the Jamaican Education System
ICT through mobile telephony facilitating Agricultural Developments
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ICT and the Jamaican Society by Adrian Duncan
The impact of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) has been very pervasive in developed and developing countries especially Caribbean countries. Respective heads of Governments have implemented and executed ICT policies and Strategic Plans for social, economic, political and well as intellectual and technological development. These they make simpler and easier to achieve by establishing and realizing sectored achievement plans. The realization and proper utilization as such a plan will undoubtedly give Jamaica’s economy a ‘push start’ towards development and sustainability. Furthermore, this realization will pave the way for the creation and establishment of new technologically driven jobs, E-Jobs, but citizens will need the training (knowledge), access and infrastructure to make this into a reality. The results for this roll out will be astounding. Take for example; the Agriculture Sector.
With the inclusion of ICT there can be a stabilization of the market, increase in profits thus ultimately facilitating improvements in the country’s economy. Simply put, the establishment of a closed user group (CUG) designed for farmers and agricultural agencies can allow for there to be a mobile network that each farmer, once registered, is automatically included in the group. This group attached to a Telecommunications Service Provider, will authorize the
Let us as Jamaicans join hands and ‘set di ting” right, so that our children’s future can be astonishingly bright.
issuing of cell phones to farmers so that they can receive text messages and Short Messaging Services (SMS) about proper planting techniques, climate changes, pesticides and fertilizers available, availability and proper usage as well as can allow for there to be a standardization of crop prices on a parish level and ultimately, islandwide. Additionally, the consumers can subscribe to a similar network that disseminates information about crop availability, pricing as well as the best deals available to consumers. The inclusion of ICT in the operations of the country can be of further benefit to other sectors such as the Health, Education and help aid with proper Governance and citizen participation. Jamaica, so far for the past three years has been the recorded leader in the Caribbean as it relates to the implementation of E-government online facilities deployment.
Front Cover: The Yaadi Culture Fimi Style Development team brightens young faces
VOLUME 1, ISSUE 1 Government agencies presently online are; The National Land Agency (NLA), Management Institute for National Development (MIND), Jamaica Customs and Registrar General’s Department as well as the Office of the Registrar of Companies. And these agencies results are proof that we as a country can utilize ICT for other sectors developments. In the health sector, this can prove to be an asset as there can be the facilitation of more distant consultation by doctors with patients that are in remote locations who are unable to pay fare go into major cities to health-centers for face to face consultations. This can increase the amount of consultations done on a yearly basis as well as reduce the clutter in our hospitals on a daily basis. The Education sector is another area that can greatly benefit from this inclusion as there needs to be proper instructions given to citizens on how to manipulate and use this technology for their advantage. Educating the mass on how to make use of this technology can further yield higher achieve-
Page 3 ment scores and a more intellectually empowered and knowledge driven society. Distance education can further facilitate a more empowered society driven through ICT’s involvement in the creative process. More online courses means more enrolment, which means cheaper cost and ultimately more educated citizens in the country to help participating through e-governmental avenues and thus aid in the decision making processes of the country as well as foster a higher literacy rate for the Island. But, if policies are not in place and adhered to as the infrastructure, access and knowledge isn’t available to citizens then their participation can never be a realization. Phillip Paulwell experimented with ICT 11 years ago, Christopher Tufton for months have been endorsing this move along with Patrick Casserly. Let us as Jamaicans join hands and ‘set di ting” right, so that our children’s future can be astonishingly bright.
ICTs and its inclusion in the Jamaica Education System by A. Duncan
ICTs is an acronym for Information and Communications Technologies and can be defined as a diverse set of technological tools and resources used to communicate, and to create, disseminate, store and manage information,. These technologies include computers, the internet, broadcasting technologies (radio and television) as well as telephony. Furthermore, ICTs are technical systems that accept, manipulate and process information and facilitate communication between at least two parties. Cont’d on pg 7
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YAADI CULTURE, FIMI STYLE ICT through mobile telephony can facilitate Agricultural development in Jamaica by Adrian Duncan
Farmers using their I-Pad
“Agriculture is an important sector in the Jamaican economy; within the rural communities it is a source of income for farmers, vendors of ground produce and it provides food to the wider Jamaican society.”
Agriculture is an important sector in the Jamaican economy; within the rural communities it is a source of income for farmers, vendors of ground produce and it provides food to the wider Jamaican society. The sector faces major challenges of increasing production in the harsh reality of dwindling natural resources necessary for said production. The growing demand for agricultural products, however, also offers opportunities for producers to sustain and improve their livelihoods. Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) play an important role in addressing these challenges and uplifting the livelihood of the rural poor, this will be done through Research on crops, diseases which affect them, how to fix problems, subscribing to and communicating with other farmers in developed countries, latest development in agriculture, marketing of products, collecting orders online, keeping in touch with clients, distance education etc. The usage of Information and Communications Technologies (ICT) is widespread and has yielded astounding results in numerous developed countries around the world in regards to development. ICT is now impacting developing countries and are using it as a vehicle in transporting goods and services for development. The deployment and usage of ICT in Jamaica’s agricultural sector development in today’s information and technologically driven society. Numerous African, European and Asian countries are using their technology for their all sectors and economy. Ghana, India and Niger are specific examples of countries that have/are still using this technology for social, economic and technological development as well as facilitating a more interactive society. In the Jamaican society today mobile communication have had a profound impact on individuals; especially those in the rural and inner city communities. The mobility, ease of use, flexibility in deployment and relatively low cost of this wireless technology has proven beneficial to persons with low levels of income and literacy.
The agricultural sector is confronted with the major challenge of increasing production to feed a growing and increasingly prosperous population in a situation of decreasing availability of natural resources. Factors of particular concern are water shortages, declining soil fertility, effects of climate change and rapid decrease of fertile agricultural lands due to urbanization. However, the growing demand, including for higher quality products, also offers opportunities for improving the livelihoods of rural communities. An important use of mobile phones by the heads of government can be for the access to market information.
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ICT through mobile telephony can facilitate Agricultural development in Jamaica
This can be done through the careful establishment of networks between farmers, the Ministry and Agricultural agencies. Through the facilitation by a telecommunications service provider, this platform can allow consumers to sign up for Short Messaging Services (SMS) alerts
for commodities and markets of their choice and receive instant alerts for offers to buy and sell when anyone else on the network has submitted an offer. Networks like these can form the basis on which the stabilization of the Jamaican Agricultural Market can be done as using these networks these networks allow for easier stabilization of the prices of commodities reducing disparities on the parish level and ultimately, on a National Level. Cont’d on pg. 10.
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Feature: From a Bird’s view Peeping through a window, from way up in this nest, lots are observed, for a very long time. Night owl and early bird, I am both. I may not know all, but these two eyes see a lot. They get to observe interactions and inter-relations, love and hate, peace and war, and so much more, all without fleeing the coop. Now schools are definitely not what they were back in the days, and frankly “the days” still seem like yesterday. Drinks box Baseball and Chinese Skip have, along with other popular activities, been replaced by Facebook and Twitter (not that this bird isn’t an avid Tweeter). But there are so many now hiding behind the confines of a computer screen and a closed door; it's as if they don’t hold face to face conversations anymore, only facebook to facebook. And every time there is an upgrade for Blackberry, IPhone or any other of these other smart phones/ android cadgets, it cannot leave the manufacturers grasp fast enough before, dare I chirp, a kid has one. It was never like this, back in the day. It’s not the advances in technology that has ruffled my feathers, more like the imbalance in how those advances have been immersed into the lives of the little ones. Where is the family time? For some that only exist in their “Gimme 5” time, or via pinging. It’s almost an atrocity to witness five people sitting at the kitchen table, all engrossed in their respective phone lives, they each forgetting to hold hands, say prayers and enjoy a peaceful dinner where they each make some comment about the meal or
their day just ended. I nearly lost my wings, just by that sight. Take a scenario of how everyone learnt she was breaking up with her boyfriend, at the same time the poor fellow did. Thanks to facebook. Or how Miss L, the English teacher, fell down a flight of stairs, and she thought only a few witnessed it, so she would be the topic of lunch time suss maybe until the weekend, but to her dismay, her niece overseas watched it via a Youtube link that very day. It isn’t just that they have the means of sharing information; it’s also their moral and ethical fibers and what the society now finds worthy for the entire world to know. Gone are the days of observation and interest, these are the days of “likes” and “reshare”. Not to peck on anyone, and no one individual or even industry can be blamed. But if as a man thinketh so is he, then many have been reduced to people’s business. The internet is as big as the world, many times over, but how much of the time spent online is for gathering information that will elevate minds and character. As for this brood, there is no secret that everything has a purpose, and in moderation, could help to make well rounded and informed people and even societies. So while there has been liberation and advancements, the
“Jamaica, the place of choice to live, work, raise families and do business”
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Ole Time People did say…by Georgette McGlashen wa is the core marker that distinguishes Cassidy-JLU Writing a Jamaican from every other nationality system which is a standardized writing on the face of the earth. Uol Taim Piipl Yuuz Tu Se or Old system modified by Time People Used To Say is a column that the Jamaican Language Unit, will show the uses of Patwa or Jamaicans Jamaican, in the forms of proverbs, old which is a phonetic the world over are known for their way of writing wives tales, stories, songs, poems and Reggae and Dancehall music. This little much more. It seeks to make a Jamaican, to show Island in the sun has managed to make a comparison between the saying then what Patwa looks like name for itself internationally, solely when written. and now. It will also show how the upon the artistic and creative nature language has changed and keeps on Until then Waak Gud, that is innate to its people; its greatest changing as a result of globalisation Tek Kier and rememresource. In the most remote of places, and technology, and how this consequently changes the meaning of a ber Oudi an Tengki No you will hear a Bob Marley ‘One Love’ Brok No Skwier. saying. The column will also use the song and more intriguingly, you will hear someone singing along. In 2008 at the Beijing Olympics Usain Bolt expanded the brand Jamaica name and inFacts you should know: cluded dancehall artiste Elephant Man’s ‘Gully Creepa’ song and dance to the world. However, the important thing to Jamaica's climate is tropical, note is the vehicle that carries the supporting diverse ecosystems with a message. This is the Jamaican Language wealth of plants and animals. also known as Patwa. Many new plants were introduced in Like many other Caribbean creoles, the Spanish rule including Patwa came out of a need for sugarcane, bananas, and citrus trees. communication among African slaves on English plantations. The contact between Africans from different tribes, and English and other colonisers engendered this language, which consequently, has influences from the different languages. Patwa is the first or home language of the majority of the Jamaican population. Patwa is the rhythm with which the people speak and make music. It is the intimate language used among friends and family. It is the coded language used among strangers. Pat-
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YAADI CULTURE, FIMI STYLE ICTs and its inclusion in the Jamaica Education System
Simply put, ICTs are more than computers and informatics as they do not operate as isolated systems but as an integral part of a network. Moreover, ICTs is more than broadcasting technologies as it does not only disseminate information but it also facilitates interactive communication. The application of ICT in education could have miraculous national, regional and even international effects in the context of alternatives to overcome current inequalities. For Caribbean countries, ICTs have the potential for increasing access to as well as improving the relevance and quality of education. ICTs can greatly facilitate the acquisition and absorption of knowledge, offering Jamaicans and other Caribbean Nationals unprecedented opportunities, both formally and informally, to previously underserved constituencies, scattered and rural populations. Groups traditionally excluded from education due to cultural or social reasons such as girls and women, persons with disabilities and the elderly as well as for reason of cost or simply because of time constraints are unable to enroll on campus. A key defining feature of ICTs is the ability to transcend time and space. ICTs make possible asynchronous learning. Online Material, for example, may be accessed 24/7. Additionally, certain types of ICTs such as teleconferencing technologies, enable instruction to be received simultaneously by multiple, geographically dispersed learners; synchronous learning. Moreover, teachers and students no longer need to rely solely on printed books and materials in physical media housed in libraries (and available in limited quantity) for educational needs. With the World Wide Web and the Internet, a plethora of information and learning material on all disciplines and in varying formats can be accessed anywhere at any time and by unlimited number of persons.
This is appreciably important for Jamaica’s schools that have limited and sometimes outdated library resources. ICTs can further facilitate access to mentors, experts, resources, professionals, business leaders as well as persons of the same caliber who are not physically in Jamaica but all over the world. Additionally, this improves the quality of Jamaican citizens’ lives through providing proper education. Furthermore, training is a crucial issue, especially now at a time of expansion. ICTs can embrace the quality of Jamaicans’ education in several ways; by increasing learner motivation and engagement by facilitating the acquisition of basic skills and by enhancing teacher training. At the University of the West Indies, Mona Campus, Dr. Sherene JamesWilliamson, Lecturer in the Department of Geography and Geology is in the process of writing proposals so that she can integrate and use ICTs in her lessons and daily museum activities. With the use of Petroledge, Counter ledge, Grainledge among other software, she intends to take advantage of this technology for her students’ educational development. Petroledge is a knowledge system software that manages reservoir petrographic information. It is her intention to use this advance technology for the capturing, codifying, storing and sharing of detailed petrographic descriptions of clastic and carbonate reservoir rocks based on a high level of geologic ontology.
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ICTs and its inclusion in the Jamaica Education System ICTs and its inclusion in the Jamaica Education System Cont’d from pg. 2 With Counter ledge she intends to use the software for the quantifying, storing, processing and sharing of detailed descriptions of all kinds of compositional this section analysis. This software further quantifies constituents and features in a thin section. The use of these and other software in education can foster a more centralized storage that allows for easy back up as well as organization and control of all documented data and further integrates artificial intelligence and relational database technology for students data description and evaluation. Knowledge based activities have become increasingly important and pervasive worldwide. ICTs are the foundation for this knowledge world. It allows economies to acquire and share ideas, expertise, services and technologies locally, regionally and internationally. ICTs can create and sustain new opportunities for economic development. Accelerate knowledge transfer and technological diffusion so as to amplify the competitive advantage of fast-learning economies. ICTs have a profound economic impact at all levels of individuals, firms and communities. Citizens in Jamaica and across the world use ICTs components and their services for the acquisition of knowledge and skills so that they can increase growth and development via job creation using ICTs. In several countries across the globe, an increasing number of individuals are building up academic networks through ICT enabled, peer to peer web based groups that facilitate educational integration and drive development. Why is Jamaica not maximizing this avenue to stimulate growth and development?
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YAADI CULTURE, FIMI STYLE ICT through mobile telephony can facilitate Agricultural development in Jamaica by Adrian Duncan
Access to markets information through mobile telephony will allow for there to be faster response to market demands and helps in the increasing of profits. Furthermore, this gives the opportunity for consumers to purchase potatoes, tomatoes and onions without the inclusion of a middleman thereby greatly reducing transaction costs between the buyer and the sellers. Additionally, this inclusion can help in the creation of more Information and Communications Technologies and Agricultural driven jobs for Jamaican citizens in the agricultural products manufacturing sector; thought they might not be directly involved in the farming aspect; for example, the creation of jobs, especially for female, in the manufacturing and resale of skin care and natural herbal products. Increasing the efficiency, productivity and sustainability of small scale farms is an area where ICT can make a significant contribution. Farming involves risks and uncertainties, with farmers facing many threats from poor soils, drought, erosion and pests. Key improvements stem from information about pest and disease control, especially early warning systems, new varieties, new ways to optimize production and regulations for quality control. Awareness of up-to-date market information on prices for commodities, inputs and consumer trends can improve farmers’ livelihoods substantially and have a dramatic impact on their negotiating position. Such information is instrumental in making decisions about future crops and commodities and about the best time and place to sell and buy goods. Similar to producers in Burkina Faso who have launched a program for the facilitation
of female agricultural development, Jamaica can use this channel for the agricultural sector’s development. In order to provide consumers with regular access to useful information and improve the marketing and sales of their products, the association set up telecentres in villages equipped with cell phones, Global Positioning Systems (GPS) and computers with high speed internet connection. These telecentres, managed by trained rural women helps the association to run its businesses more effectively. In addition to this, the organization maintains a website that offers its members timely information about events where they can promote and/or sell their products information; example, promoting the farmers markets and their locations to a wider audience thus attracting more consumer turnouts. Utilizing this technology and the establishment of the telecentres has allowed for orders to increase by over 65% in 2005 thus allowing members to double their profits (now imagine if this technology is being used here in Jamaica).
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ICTs and its inclusion in the Jamaica Education System Cont’d from pg. 2 ICT through mobile telephony can facilitate Agricultural development in Jamaica by Adrian Duncan
Additionally, simple websites to match offer and demand of agricultural produce can be a start to more complex agricultural trade systems. These sites can even evolve from local selling/ buying websites and price-information systems, to systems offering marketing and trading functions. Typically, price information will be collected at the main regional markets and stored in a central database. The information will be published on a website, accessible to farmers via information centers. To reach a wider audience, information will also be broadcasted via radio, TV or mobile phone, thereby creating a ‘level playing field’ between Jamaican producers and traders in a region. Jamaica can successfully implement and effectively execute several programs and services for agricultural success. Using a common portal that links multimedia to personal computers by satellites, providing training for hosts in addition to giving computers to farmers for the accessing of information such as local weather forecasts, crop price listings in local markets and the latest sowing techniques. Collectively, these improvements will result in productivity gains for the farmers and the sector. The sustainability of these systems requires
attention, with an important role for the private sector and organized producer groups. Realizing these opportunities further requires compliance with more stringent quality standards and regulations for the production and handling of agricultural produce. New approaches and technical innovations will be required to cope with these challenges and to enhance the livelihoods of the rural population. The role of ICT to enhance food security and support rural livelihoods is increasingly recognized worldwide but is it fully endorsed Islandwide?
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A we say Sports…. by Ramshia McKenzie Track and Field has been one of the most essential instruments for upward mobility within the Jamaican society. It also provides students of poor socio-economy background with an opportunity to acquire University education, which would not have been possible given the financial incapacity. Presently, Track and Field can be deemed as the flag ship sporting event of Jamaica as it has helped propelled our image on the international scene immensely. Track and field is not only a sport, but also a reflection of the enigmatic character of Jamaicans, we are a small island but our people portrays and character that’s far outweighs our limited geographic space, we are able to compete and conquer the more developed nations, who are privy to a wealth of resources, we are able to rise above and beyond our economic constrains and strife for success. As Jamaicans we are a proud people, we believe in Jamaica, however, contingencies such as crime and violence tent to smear our image in a negative light. With the upsurge in violence in our society, Track and Field seemed to reinforce the value consensus and to some extent resuscitate the pride of Jamaican people, while serving as an “The allegory of Jamaica rise to prominence in Track and Field began in 1940’s with greats such as Arthur Wint; First Jamaica Gold Medallist and Herbert Mckenley. Jamaica stunned the world then and we continue to be formidable opponents, revered by all.”
inspiration to the future generations. In is imperative to note that most of the prominent athletes such as Usain Bolt, Asafa Powell, Yohan Blake, Veronica Campbell and Shelly-Ann Frazer-Pryce to name a few; all came from relatively poor socio-economic back ground and it is through the medium of sports (Track and Field) that they are able to mobilize and ascend within the social structure. This therefore empowers the athlete to contribute to communal development through various charities as well as fostering youth development and extensively towards nation building. The Economic benefits of Track and Field are just as substantial as the social. Jamaica’s Economy stand to gain substantially from the international media coverage brought on the country by its athletes, which, allows the country to perpetuate its brand to the international community, not only as a tourist destination but also as the home of the world fastest athletes, to succinctly put it “the sprint capital of the world” . Athletes from various countries have made Jamaica their training base and with the proliferation of Jamaican Track and Field clubs that have made their mark on the international scene such as MVP, RACERS and HPTC to name a few. Jamaica is poised to yet again create history in London 2012. The allegory of Jamaica’s rise to prominence in Track and Field began in 1940’s with greats such as Arthur Wint (First Jamaica Gold Medallist) and Herbert Mckenley. Jamaica stunned the world then and we continue to be formidable opponents, revered by all. Furthermore, Track and Field serves, various functionalities with respect Jamaica’s society, which includes but are no means limited to Social, Political and Economic development. Track and Field is indeed imperative to our society, its benefits are immense and it will forever hold its place in our culture and the Black, Green and Gold will continue to shine brightly within the sporting arena.
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Pree Dem... Alman “Pootix” Davidson From a tender age, ‘Ali’ as he is affectionately called has been a passionate, loyal, humble, hardworking and determined young man . His attributes further developed after joining the football team at his former high school; Morant Bay High School, where he learned to be a team player and expound on his leadership attributes as he was the “rock of Gibraltar” , the driving force behind their numerous victories. Upon leaving high school he was forced to grow up at a tender age and face the harsh realities of growing up in the rural area of Jamaica. He got a girl pregnant (his wife today) and they were deemed failures by numerous detractors, both within their families and outsiders looking in. Brushing off the dirt as they rose from their blunder, their drive and determination allowed them to over come this obstacle. Like numerous young Jamaicans , Ali went to the National Youth Service for help and was sent to a camp for a month before being sent to the public library in his parish to work. With the love, determination, drive, passion, confidence and love for his children, wife, family and friends boosted him to the level that he is today. Today, Mr. Davidson is a registered nurse at the University Hospital of the Wets Indies; a Bachelor of Sciences degree holder; a proud father and husband, my Fraternity of Roosters brother and lifelong friend. Big up yourself MUCHO! We salute a young Jamaican Father, Husband and Patriot! Yaadi Culture, Fimi Style Dec 28th, 2011
These individuals are making strides for Jamaica’s development ….Uno fi PREE DEM !!!
. Additionally: We salute you on your bold and responsible step my friend. Congratulations on the wedding and I know that you will take good care of Patrice and you will both be happy together.
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The Charity Buzz... The Yaadi Culture, Fimi Style Charity Organization is a not for profit organization that is comprised of volunteers who work together towards a positive goal; Jamaican educational and intellectual upliftment. The Yaadi Culture, Fimi Style Charity Organization provides help and support to children, encouraging educational and intellectual development so as to alleviate themselves from their present socio-economic state. The Yaadi Culture, Fimi Style Charity Organization encourages people to get involved with their community and reach their fullest potential. We are a non-profit organization, since December 2011 we have dedicated our time and energy to helping disadvantaged children in Jamaica to enhance their lives through education. With support from sponsors, parents and well wishers we have already helped hundreds of children in Kingston, , St. Thomas and Clarendon, with food, clothing, medicine, education and ultimately homes. With support from sponsor parents around the island, we hope we will help many thousands of children in the years to come. As a children’s charity, The Yaadi Culture, Fimi Style Charity Organization measure ourselves by the joy we see on all of the faces we help. At The Yaadi Culture, Fimi Style Charity Organization, we're more than a charity. More than an NGO. We're a mobilized force of University graduates and caring hearts that provide safe, effective motivational talks and educationally uplifting tools for children born in unfavorable environments. That's where we come in as a Jamaican charity providing much needed educational favors. Since 2011, The Yaadi Culture, Fimi Style Charity Organization — through the help of dedicated l volunteers — has been trying to provide more than 20,000 hours of motivational talks and over 20,000 free charity drives for children and young adults born with in unfavorable environments. Aspiring to be one of the most prominent children’s charities in the island and with a presence in over 4 parishes, we are able to heal children’s smiles and bring hope for a better future. Thanks to the generosity and spirit of volunteerism shown by our supporters, we want to help thousands of children per year. With your help, how many lives can we change tomorrow? Adrian Duncan Founder, CEO and Chief Development Officer
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Tech - Tycoon... Jamaica, mobile telephones and Health development by Adrian Duncan The mobile phone market is exclusively important in numerous developing countries including Jamaica, where it is growing exponentially. This tool is and will continue to be used by numerous countries as a “leap frogging” tool. This growth has been driven primarily by wireless technologies as well as the liberalization of the telecommunications market which enables a faster and less costly technological roll out. The development potential for Jamaica utilizing this wireless platform is enormous as mobile telephones have evolved from simple voice services and text messaging to a more sophisticated broadband bandwidth intelligent system that enables a diverse range of applications in locations where conventional services were once unavailable. Mobile phones can improve the effectiveness and reach of Jamaican health programs. In numerous countries across the globe, health care is one of the largest public budgetary expenses. Jamaica is no different but could benefit from the improvements to the sector for the average individual due to the inclusion of technologies in the day to day happening so the sector can be further developed. With this inclusion, Jamaica can benefit tremendously from numerous health information systems that allows for the tracking of service delivery, establishing accountability as well as manage patients for a more effective health outcome which ultimately results in an effective and efficient sector.
Doctors utilizing ICT’s
Whether this great potential to stimulate growth and competitiveness is realized will depend on the Governments understanding of the opportunities involved and ensure that there The implementation and installment of appropriate programs the mobile can be used as an interface that allows for drug inventory management and patient are supportive measures in place monitoring programs facilitation. Countries such as India, Peru and Rwanda are through regulatory and deploying similar systems through Voxiva’s HeatlhNet Systems. For Jamaica’s health development, there can be the utilization of the mobile telephone by doctors policy reform as well as strategic investments to ensure that their patients are taking their medications on time as well as it and public-private notifies the health professionals if/when a patient does not take their medication. partnerships. Realizing Moreover, there can be more distant consultation through video the benefits of ICTs conferencing between Jamaican doctors and patients in remote locations who are further requires unable to pay the high transportation costs to visit the health centers in major towns development of new and cities. This can improve the sector effectively and efficiently as it will reduce content, services and the amount of persons that are visiting the hospitals for minor injuries and ailments applications as well as on a yearly basis and reduce the clutter and mayhem that hospitals and other increased human medical staff/professionals encounter on a daily basis. It can further reduce medical capacity to adopt the errors and enable faster diagnosis and treatment. technology for it economic value. ICTs are significant technological development, providing users with fast, always on access to new services, applications, content and opportunities.
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Jamaica land of wood, water and panoramic beaches‌.
You and your family should...
...book a flight soon.
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Jamaica, ICT’s and Connectivity …...how far will it take us?
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The Yaadi Culture, Fimi Style etarian Café/Restaurant
The Yaadi Culture, Fimi Style Vegetarian Café/Restaurant will be offering vegetarians an enjoyable dining experience, but also for attracting non-vegetarian audiences to sample delicious cuisine. We boast of cool and casual dining, matched with quick service and a complete range of vegetarian meals and starters. We offer home delivery, takeaway and outdoor catering. We have on staff a strong production team staff and we are open morning to night. The Yaadi Culture, Fimi Style Vegetarian Café/Restaurant is going to be a new healthy, organic restaurant chain inspired by the increasing health conscious attitudes of Jamaicans. The Yaadi Culture, Fimi Style Vegetarian Café/Restaurant utilizes the freshest organic produce and lean cuts of meat to provide customers with meals of high nutritional value inspired by cultures across the island. Every meal will be freshly prepared for customers, meeting the individual dietary needs and preferences of each one. The location offers a relaxing atmosphere for customers to enjoy their meal, also providing the option of takeout, delivery, and even catering for special events. The restaurant not only cares about its customer’s health, but also that of the environment. The building will be LEED certified, commonly known as “green,” using sustainable, resource efficient models of renovation and operation. Green buildings are designed to reduce the overall impact of the built environment on human health and the natural environment by: efficiently using energy, water, and other resources; protecting occupant health and improving employee productivity; and reducing waste, pollution and environmental degradation. The Yaadi Culture, Fimi Style Vegetarian Café/Restaurant will make use of alternate energy to run operations and decrease the location’s carbon footprint. Alternate energy sources include, and are not limited to wind and solar energy. Additionally, we at The Yaadi Culture, Fimi Style Vegetarian Café/Restaurant will be serving Vegan and Vegetarian Meals. These meals will be prepared daily and will include specials like - Rice, Vegetables, Breaded Vegetables, and Soy Meat. In addition, there will be the preparation of Burgers - Soy Chicken & Soy Fish Burgers. Furthermore, The Yaadi Culture, Fimi Style Vegetarian Café/Restaurant teams will use Whole Wheat Bread baked on the premises and will provide Wraps, Cakes, Cookies and Many other vegetarian/vegan food items and deserts. Everything will be prepared on the premises. We at The Yaadi Culture, Fimi Style Vegetarian Café/Restaurant are promoting vegetarianism because it is the healthy alternative to proper eating. Your system will feel much lighter than if you eat meat. Adrian Duncan Founder and CEO
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Tech - Tycoon...contd Jamaica, mobile telephones and Health development by Adrian Duncan ICTs have become obligatory to most health workers, as the volume and complexity of knowledge and information have outshone the ability of health professionals to function optimally without the support of information management tools. In the area of health research, for example, the volume of new information is enough to stretch even ICT-assisted decision-making systems. E-Health systems can improve Jamaican citizens’ access to information, thus increasing awareness of what is known in the health sciences, while selective dissemination by electronic means can facilitate targeting of information on those who either request it or are most likely to use it. The most effective way of building the know–do bridge, however, is to provide just-in-time, high quality, relevant information to health professionals and, increasingly, to laypersons. Developments in ICT have ushered in an era of profound opportunity and potential for Jamaica’s advancement in health and health care, and e-Health systems today constitute a third major pillar on which the health sector is built. At the level of individual practice, ICT systems can support the mind's limited capacity to sift through large quantities of health facts and identify those items that bear directly on a given situation. There is a general Jamaican tendency to imagine that e-Health systems or things technologically advanced are tools exclusively for the industrialized world, believe me this is far from the truth, as there are evidences of numerous telehealth projects in developing countries and investment in such systems for Jamaica and Jamaicans represents money well spent, both for immediate benefits and for future gains. ICTs in the health sector deserve a central role in Jamaica’s national development strategies. “Mek we sawt out” the thing properly nuh…….
‘A life is not live unless it is lived for others’
Yaadi Culture, Fimi Style Magazine is a socially endorsed magazine that tackles social, economical, political and technical issues affecting the country. Yaadi Culture, Fimi Style will through, scholastic research, aid in the sparking of debates, implementation of policies as well as help to foster developmental changes in the Jamaican Diaspora. Yaadi Culture, Fimi Style Magazine will be analyzing issues, from a pin to an anchor, in all fields of development; Technology, Governance, Policy Making, Librarianship, Sports, Entertainment, Telecommunications as well as politics, Science and Religion. The chief audience for the Yaadi Culture, Fimi Style will be movers and shakers, the average "Joe" and "Jane" of the Jamaican Society as well as the intellectually empowered students of the Jamaican Diaspora. Furthermore, the Yaadi Culture, Fimi Style Magazine will be aiding in the fight for ICT's to be integrated within the Jamaican Society and will be utilizing the services of its Website, Face Book Fan page, Twitter Account, LinkedIn, BlackBerry Messenger and Blog for the dissemination of on time information to its valued readers. ©
Flat C31, Gerald Lalor Flats University of the West Indies
http:// yaadiculturefimistyleja. webs.com/