Yachts Croatia No. 63 ENG & CRO

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Goran Ivanišević Joaquin Phoenix










Yachting SUVs



Future Normal T E S T S 00720

SRPANJ / JULY 2020 • Broj 63 • Godina 12

50 KN 13 KM 750 DIN 6,5 EUR

Custom Line 106 • Sirena 88 • Sunseeker 74 Predator Azimut Atlantis 45 • Ribco 33 • Saxdor 200



CZECH REPUBLIC RS YACHTS S.R.O. +420 724 700 330



SLOVENIJA BP NAVTIKA D.O.O. +386 51 442 222



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The Sunseeker Adriatic Group – Importer for Croatia, Montenegro, Serbia, Albania, Slovenia, Bosnia and Herzegovina Sunseeker Croatia +385 91 314 30 16 Grand Hotel Le Meridian, Lav, Grljevacka 2A, 21312 Podstrana

Sunseeker 76Y - Adriatic - YachtsCroatia_466x275_DPS.indd 1

Sunseeker Monteregro +382 67 019 773 Porto Montenegro, Obala bb, Tivat 85320

P er f or m a n c e , s t y l e a n d spac e . The Sunseeker 76 Yacht

Adriatic Group SEEK MOR E

03/07/2020 11:04

Doživite pustolovinu iz prve ruke. Novi GLA. Doživite sve značajke koje ga čine neprikosnovenim pratiocem Vašeg raznolikog života. Moderan dizajn, visoka tehnologija i funkcionalnost: kao što su dinamične proporcije i 20˝ AMG kotači od lakog metala. Osmišljen za sve Vaše pustolovine.

AZIMUT 78 _ Carbon-Tech O F F I C I A L D E A L E R C R O AT I A - S E R B I A

Exterior Design _ Alberto Mancini Interior Design _ Achille Salvagni Architetti

AZIMUT YACHTS OFFICIAL DEALER CROATIA - SERBIA: Navis Marine d.o.o. | Exclusive Distributor for Croatia & Serbia Head Office Zagreb | Trg žrtava fašizma 5, 10000 Zagreb - Croatia | P +385 1 4635 261 | M +385 98 278 275 | Coast Office Zadar | D-Marine Dalmacija, Bibinje - Sukošan 1, 23206 Sukošan - Croatia | M +385 98 316 662 | Coast Office Split | Marina Lav, Grljevacka 2A, 21312 Podstrana - Croatia | M +385 91 43 43 423 | | |

A brand of AZIMUT BENETTI Group

SX112 : The sea on board. The shipyard expands the SX line with a new 34-meter flagship. The challenge continues, developing new contents and habitat scenarios, with external lines by Zuccon International Project and interiors by Piero Lissoni.

Sanlorenzo South Central Europe d.o.o. Zagreb, Croatia +385 99 357 1727



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Discounts shall be granted for all new Berthing Contracts concluded until 31.12.2020, as follows: •

Annual Contract - 10% discount

Biennial Contract - 20% discount

Triennial Contract - 30 % discount

When concluding a multi-annual Berthing Contract payment yment shall s be made annually, based on the price determined by the current rrent price list, and in th the event of an early termination of the Contract shall be immediately ct by the User, the discount granted sha cancelled.


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Stara poslovica kaže da onaj tko u mladosti nije ljevičar - nema srca, ali i da tko u starosti nije desničar - nema pameti. Ja bih kazao kako u situaciji s globalnom pandemijom treba imati i srca i pameti, te puno strpljenja i razumijevanja za druge, da bismo mogli živjeti i poslovati u novim okolnostima, a možda treba imati i ponešto što nije pristojno napisati. Trenutačne okolnosti uzrokovane koronavirusom prilika su za nas, ali i mnoge druge da pomognemo onima kojima je pomoć potrebna. Nama su poslovno pomogli mnogi, te posebno želim zahvaliti brojnim prijateljima i partnerima koji su nas kao pojedinci i tvrtke podržali i pokazali nam lijepo ljudsko lice. Mi smo s naše strane (nakon što smo preskočili svibanjsko izdanje) uložili poseban trud u ovaj broj Yachtsa, želeći skrenuti pažnju na lijepe i vrijedne stvari koje nam uljepšavaju život i slobodne trenutke, uz priloge koji se bave ženskim temama (hvala, Dubravka) i najvećim jahtama današnjice. Nadamo se da ćete ovaj broj Yachtsa proučavati u izolaciji, daleko od kopna, okruženi svojim najmilijima... Želimo vam lijepo ljeto i ovim putem vas pozivam da pregledate i našu redizajniranu internetsku stranicu.


If you aren’t a liberal when you’re young, you have no heart, but if you aren’t a middle-aged conservative, you have no head, they say. Well, the corona virus pandemic requires us all to have both heart and mind, plenty of patience and understanding for others to get through this and adapt to the new normal – as well to have something we’re too polite to say that we can describe as boldness. In the same time, the current situation gives us all plenty of opportunity to help those in need. We received a lot of help from our friends and partners to realize this issue, both individuals and companies showed us the nicer face of humanity. The result is here, after skipping the May issue, our magazine returns in July with an accent on all the good things in life and how we can spend our precious free time, on what makes the ladies happy (thank you, Dubravka) and on the yachts of a bit larger scale. We hope you’ll enjoy reading this issue in ‘isolation’ somewhere far away from land, surrounded by nothing but the sea and your nearest and dearest. Have a great summer – and please check redesigned website of our magazine.


Darko Šupuk


Goran ,YDQLĞHYLÉ Joaquin Phoenix






Glavni urednik Editor in Chief T




Yachting SUVs




Future Normal T E S T S 00720

SRPANJ / JULY 2020 • Broj 63 • Godina 12

50 KN 13 KM 750 DIN 6,5 EUR

Custom Line 106 • Sirena 88 • Sunseeker 74 Predator Azimut Atlantis 45 • Ribco 33 • Saxdor 200






SHARP & SMART Tech & Style


YACHTS ON WHEELS BMW M8 Gran Coup , Mercedes E-Class, Limited Edition

DESIGN Argola Textile Yacht Design


FASHION Summer Swimsuits, For New Living Rules


STYLE Perfect Match


DESIGN Outdoor Decor


PERFECT ESCAPE Ikador Experience, Maslina Resort




FINANCE Doing Good Every Day


CULTURE Beethoven Anniversary Year


INTERVIEW Goran Ivanišević


WATCHES Mus e Atelier Audemars Piguet 50 Years of Tudor Space Odyssey


PORTRAIT Joaquin Phoenix






HOTELS Lešić Dimitri Palace Falkensteiner Punta Skala














PROJECTS Crossover Yachts


SAILING Zadar Archipelago Split Archipelago


YACHTS ECO Eco Yachting




YACHTING ACCESSORIES The Adventure is Calling


COOLINADRIATICA Gastronomic Adventures






INTERVIEW Andrew Winch Peter H rzeler Matty Zadnikar




BUSINESS Alberto Galassi, Massimo Perotti


TESTS Custom Line 106, Sirena 88, Sunseeker Predator 74, Azimut Atlantis 45, Ribco 33, Saxdor 200


SHIPYARD Iskra Shipyard


DESIGN Artisan




GASTRONOMY Restaurant 360


CHARTER Booking Manager Summit


MARINAS Porto Montenegro



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X95 i X80: luksuzni morski SUV


Hot Lab paket uređenja za 32XP Numarine 32XP je toliko popularan da se novi primjerci grade bez prestanka. U protekle tri godine isporučena su tri primjerka, a dva nova već se grade. Još će privlačniji biti s novim paketom opreme, koji potpisuje studio Hot Lab. Zamišljen kao potpuni custom, Numarine 32XP je savršen primjer svoje klase: jahta tek nešto lakša od 300 tona, s čeličnim trupom i nadgrađem od stakloplastike GRP koja nudi unutrašnjost iznenađujuće prostranosti i praktičnog, jedinstvenog rasporeda elemenata, te vanjski prostor uređen i opremljen prema željama naručitelja.

Princess X95 je prvi model u novoj seriji X-Class i odlikuje se velikim, prilagodljivim prostorima koji se mogu oblikovati na više načina kako bi se udovoljilo željama naručitelja. Uspon na gornju palubu otkriva jedinstven element – potpuno zatvoreni i klimatizirani Sky Lounge. Spremnik goriva zapremine 13.400 litara pruža dovoljno razloga za dulje istraživanje, a dva motora MAN V12-1900 KS jamče najveću brzinu od 24 čvora, te autonomiju od 2000 nautičkih milja pri brzini krstarenja od 10 čvorova. Nadahnut inovativnim konceptom X95, sestrinski brod X80 ima super-fly palubu s vanjskim prostorom velikodušnih dimenzija i inovativnim odvajanjem unutrašnjih prostorija i palube. Na toj se palubi nalaze zatvoreno upravljačko mjesto i skylounge, do kojega se dolazi unutarnjim stubištem s glavne palube. Zamišljen kao jahta otvorenog koncepta, ali uz velik broj prostorija definirane namjene, model X80 ima vrlo prostranu glavnu palubu zamišljenu kao životni prostor. Na istoj palubi može biti izvedena i vlasnička paluba, a u tom slučaju ona ima i privatno sunčalište. Ova luksuzna jahta rezultat je suradnje kuće Princess i legendarnog Pininfarina Design Housea.

X95 And X80: Luxury SUVs At Sea The X95 is the first model in the new Princess X-Class Princess range to be defined by large, customizable spaces that can be designed in many ways to meet proprietary navigation requirements. Climbing the upper deck will reveal another unique experience: the fully enclosed and air-conditioned Sky Lounge. A 13.400-liter fuel tank will give enough reason for longer exploration, and a twin MAN V12-1900 hp is estimated to be sufficient for a top speed of 24 knots with a range of 2000 nautical miles at 10 knots. Following the innovative X95 design concept, the X80 sister ship has a ‘super flybridge’ with generous outdoor space and innovative separation of interior areas and decks. Featuring an enclosed bridge and Skylounge on the upper deck, accessible via an internal staircase from the main deck. Designed as an ‘open-concept’ yacht, whilst retaining a host of distinct spaces, X80 includes a large main deck dedicated to living space with optional main deck master stateroom with private Owner’s sundeck. This luxury yacht is the result of a collaboration between Princess and the legendary Pininfarina Design House.

Hot Lab Decoration Package The 32XP is one of the most successful compact expedition vessels on the market with three units delivered over the last three years and two more under construction. The Hot Lab decoration package for the Numarine 32XP is homey, surprising, entertaining. The package for the 32XP is 100% custom. The 32XP is a perfect example of a compact explorer yacht, while being just under the limit of 300 GT category. She offers incredible volumes of internal living spaces on board, with her steel hull and GRP superstructure allowed to create unique layouts internally and customized external spaces.





Predstavljen crossover SX112


Novi GTM 90 i GTT 160 Dynamiq GTM 90 je plod suradnje s njemačkim Klassenom, specijaliziranim za tuning automobila. Dynamiq je jahtu projektirao u suradnji s dugogodišnjim suradnicima iz studija Van Oossanen Naval Architects, a temelj projekta je superefikasan trup od aluminija. Najveća brzina Dynamiqa GTM 90 iznosi više od 30 čvorova (uz motore Volvo IPS 1350), a brzina krstarenja iznosi čak 17 čvorova, uz autonomiju od 800 milja. Nova jahta GTT 160 namijenjena je aktivnim vlasnicima (heliodrom), a nudi poluotvorenu glavnu palubu sa gimnastičkom dvoranom, kuhinjom i luksuznom vlasničkom kabinom. Dugačka 49,5 metara, ova jahta građena je isključivo od aluminija i ostvaruje najveću brzinu od 17 čvorova.

GTM 90 and GTT 160 Dynamiq GTM 90 was developed with Klassen, the exclusive car tuner from Germany. The hull lines were developed with long-term partner Van Oossanen Naval Architects, who created a super-efficient, all-aluminium hull that can achieve a top speed of 30kn+ with three Volvo IPS-1350 pods, and a range of 800nm when cruising at 17 knots. The new GTT 160 yacht is aimed at active owners (helideck) with an open-air lifestyle. With transatlantic range and a top speed of 17 kn, the 49,5-metre GTT 160 is the most exciting proposal in the 50-metre segment today.

Brodogradilište Sanlorenzo svojoj SX liniji dodaje 34-metarski model SX112, najveći dosad u kategoriji crossover. Model je djelo istog tandema koji je oblikovao ranije jahte te linije: Bernarda Zuccona, potpisnika vanjskih linija, i Piera Lissonija, koji je dizajnirao unutrašnjost broda. Navalnu arhitekturu odradio je Luca Santella. Posebno su zanimljiva rješenja krmenog dijela, koji je izveden kao ‘beach club’ i uključuje nekoliko sklopivih terasa. Glavna paluba je organizirana kao otvoreni prostor, a primijenjen je isti inovativan koncept uveden na modelu SX88. Smještanjem upravljačkog mjesta na gornju palubu, glavna paluba je cijelom površinom oslobođena za izvedbu cjelina namijenjenih opuštanju i objedovanju. Tri palube povezuje unutarnje zavojito stubište, koje je na razini glavne ugrađeno u ovalnu strukturu. SX112 pokreću motori Volvo IPS 1350S – čak četiri, snage po 1000 KS – koju ovu jahtu mogu potjerati najvećom brzinom od 23 čvora i dati joj brzinu krstarenja od 20 čvorova. S ciljem što ekonomičnije potrošnje goriva iz spremnika zapremine 18.000 litara, moguća je i plovidba u stilu pravog crossovera – brzinom od 12 čvorova.

Unveils SX112 Crossover Yacht The Sanlorenzo shipyard expands the SX line with a new 34-meter flagship of the innovative SX crossover line, the first in the world of yachting. The project design has again been assigned to Bernardo Zuccon for the external lines, and Piero Lissoni for the interiors. The focal point of the project is the new stern zone which represents the yacht’s most iconic area, a choice that brings new possibilities of design and use by the architect Luca Santella. The new model has a spacious internal beach area that is directly connected to the outside, thanks to the retractable terraces. The main deck has been organized as an open space, an innovative solution introduced by Sanlorenzo for the first time on the SX88. Thanks to the wheelhouse placed on the flying bridge, freeing up the bow zone of the living area on the main deck, a single continuous space has been created for the living and dining areas. The internal helical staircase extends through three levels to connect the decks, and at the height of the main deck it is enclosed in a transparent oval volume. The SX112 is equipped with 4 x Volvo IPS3 1350S - 1000 HP, allowing the maximum speed of 23kn, while cruising speed is around 20kn. With the fuel tank of 18.000 l and economical speed of 12 kn, SX112 will have a great cruising range in a true crossover style.

A B S O L U T E YA C H T S . C O M



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Yachtualno CUSTOM LINE

‘Mala’ Navetta s čak tri palube Najnovija Navetta 30 Custom Line najmanja je u seriji, ali istodobno i dragulj u kruni grupe Ferretti. Njezine prilično klasične linije odlikuju se bezvremenskom elegancijom po kojoj je lako prepoznatljiva kao dio serije Custom Line, ali u mnogo detalja mala Navetta 30 je revolucionarna. Ovaj projekt odbacio je mnogo ustaljenih rješenja – za početak, jahta ove duljine najčešće nema tri palube. Trup građen prema potpuno novom konceptu temelj je modela, projektiran za izdržljivost i snagu, a tu robusnost ublažava obilna primjena stakla i na trupu i na nadgrađu. Dizajn Navette 30 omogućava izvedbu prostrane unutrašnjosti, ali joj daje i sposobnost za postizanje velike brzine uz nisku potrošnju goriva. Navetta 30 može biti opremljena motorima MAN od po 800, 1000 ili 1200 KS, a već i s najslabijim motorima postiže brzinu krstarenja od 10 čvorova (uz autonomiju od 2500 milja) i najveću brzinu od 14 čvorova.

‘Baby’ Navetta With Three Decks The latest Navetta 30 Custom Line project is the smallest yacht in the Navetta line, but it is already clear that this is a new gem in the Ferretti Group’s crown. Although somewhat classic and timelessly attractive exterior lines are a signature of Custom Line yachts, the new Navetta 30 is in many ways a revolution of style. This project breaks through all the frames and postulates, because to begin with, its three decks are unprecedented for a yacht of this length, and yet the large outer glass walls on the hull and superstructure make it discreet. In order to lay good and load-bearing foundations for the whole concept, a brand new hull was created. Designed not only to accommodate very large spaces, but also to provide top performance and reduce power consumption, the Navetta 30 comes with three versions of MAN’s 800, 1000 and 1200 hp units. Preliminary data for the weakest engine predicts that with 10 knots Navetta will have autonomy of 2500 nm while the top speed would be 14 knots.


Za čišće oceane PlanetCare razvio je niz filtera za mikrovlakna za perilice rublja na brodovima, koji omogućavaju da bez napora zaustavite 90 posto vlakana iz pranja da ne završe u moru. Pouzdani su, učinkoviti i dobri za more, a testirala ih je Švedska agencija za zaštitu okoliša i jedini su filteri koji su dobili certifikat Ocean Clean Wash. Filter ima male dimenzije i može se upotrijebiti sa strojevima različitih veličina. Osim zaustavljanja vlakana, zamjenjive filter kartuše mogu se reciklirati zahvaljujući jedinstvenoj shemi povrata i ponovne upotrebe.

For Cleaner Oceans PlanetCare developed a range of microfiber filters for washing machines that allow you to effortlessly stop 90 % of fibers from your laundry, so they do not end up in the sea. Relaible, efficient, and friendly for the ocean you love. PlanetCare filters have been tested by the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency and are the only filters that received a Ocean Clean Wash Label. The filter has a small footprint and can deal with machines of different sizes. In addition to stopping fibers the replaceable filter cartridges are refurbished (and the waste recycled!) in their unique return-and-reuse scheme.

MENNYACHT GROUP Ph. +385.91.1772.636


Gradi se CC98 CC98 je četvrta Horizon jahta izgrađena za vjernog vlasnika i avanturističkog jahtaša. Novi CC98 odlikuje se jedinstvenim vanjskim profilom, s velikim prozorima i prostranom unutrašnjošću unutar 7,16 m širine trupa. U prostranoj unutrašnjosti gosti će biti smješteni u pet prostranih kabina, uključujući i vlasničku postavljenu u cijeloj širini trupa. Kako bi se omogućilo dugo i učinkovito krstarenje, odabrani su MTU motori serije 10V 2000 sa ZF mjenjačkim kutijama i litijionskom baterijama za napajanje električnih uređaja, poput klima-uređaja i drugih uređaja. Kapacitet tankova goriva također je značajno povećan na 24.600 l.


CC98 In Production A CC98 is in production as fourth Horizon vessel for the experienced owner and an adventurous yachtsman. This new CC98 will boast a unique exterior profile, with expansive windows and a spacious interior within a 7,16 m beam. Within the spacious interior, guests will be accommodated in five staterooms including a full-beam, on-deck master suite. To accommodate long-range and efficient cruising MTU engines 10V 2000 series have been chosen with the ZF trailing gearboxes, and lithium-ion battery to offset the house functions such as air conditioning and general electricity. The fuel capacity has also substantially increased to 24.600 l.

Porinuta 88 Folgore Riva 88 Folgore prvi je model porinut u vrijeme pandemije i na neki način proslava neprekinute aktivnosti svih brodogradilišta Ferretti. Dizajn eksterijera razvijen prema novoj filozofiju brenda odlikuje se linijama i elementima nadahnutim automobilskim svijetom, spajajući luksuz i sportski osjećaj. Riva 88 Folgore nudi krmu izvedenu prema sasvim novom konceptu, s vratima garaže koja se otvaraju i mogu se postaviti na dva načina – paralelno s vodenom linijom, kako bi se iskoristila beach club terasa površine 6 četvornih metara, ili uronjena, kako bi se omogućilo spuštanje i dizanje tendera. Kokpit Folgore 88 je vrlo prostran – čak 22 četvorna metra – i ima sasvim dovoljno mjesta za sofu sa stolom, ali i bar s mramornom plohom koju je moguće podići za lakše kretanje. Još jedan zanimljiv element je stakleni krov na nadgrađu, koji se otvara i može se nagnuti prema krmi i pramcu da propusti svježi morski zrak tijekom plovidbe ili na sidru. Kao i sva remek-djela Rive iz nedavne povijesti brenda, 88 Folgore je rezultat suradnje Officina Italiana Designa i odbora za strategiju proizvoda i odjela za inženjering grupe Ferretti.

88 Folgore Launched Riva 88 Folgore, the first launch of a new Riva model at the time of COVID-19 celebrates the non-stop activity of all Ferretti shipyards. The new exterior design philosophy displays lines and elements inspired by the automotive world, combining luxury and sportiness. Riva 88 Folgore offers the owner a completely reconceived stern concept, with the garage door that swings open and can be positioned in two ways: parallel to the waterline, to take advantage of a 6m2 beach club, and immersed, to allow the launch and landing of the tender. The cockpit is a large space of 22 m2 that features a huge sofa area with table and also a bar unit with electrically opening marble top. Another interesting element of style is the glass hardtop located on the superstructure, which opens up and can be tilted toward both the stern and bow, to let in fresh air during navigation or when at anchor. Like all the Riva masterpieces of recent history, the 88 Folgore is the result of the collaboration between Officina Italiana Design, the Product Strategy Committee and the Ferretti Group Engineering Department.




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MENNYACHT GROUP Ph. +385.91.1772.636 -


18/06/2020 14:37:56




Uz primjenu NASA-ine tehnologije


Sirena 58 Coupé Model Sirena 58 Coupé razvijen je kao odgovor kuće na zahtjeve tržišta za modelom tipa express. Nadgrađe i trup potpisuje dizajnerski studio German Frers, a trup je poseban zbog nekoliko elemenata, ponajprije modernog dizajna pramca i relativno male visine nad vodenom linijom. Pri brzini od 10 čvorova ovaj brzi istisninski trup jamči autonomiju veću od 850 milja, a najveća brzina jahte nadilazi 26 čvorova. Nova Sirena 58 Coupé ima nizak gaz i sjajno se snalazi u plitkim obalnim vodama. Paluba je izvedena u jednom preglednom potezu od kokpita do upravljačkog mjesta, a prostran salon osvijetljen je prirodnim svjetlom s preglednošću u doslovno svim smjerovima.

The Sirena 58 Coupé is the direct result of Sirena’s response to customers who have expressed a preference for an ‘express’ style yacht. The hull and superstructure design is credited to German Frers and features a contemporary plumb-bow design, modest freeboard, and a fast-displacement hull that provides for substantial vessel range (exceeding 850 miles) at lower speeds of 10 knots, while still capable of top speeds in excess of 26 knots. Highlights of the new 58 Coupé are lower air draft for ease in navigating coastal waters and low-clearance bridges, single-level unified deck from the aft cockpit forward to the helm and all of that with Category A vessel capabilities.

Predvodnik u svemu čega se prihvati, kuća Azimut Yachts je prvo brodogradilište koje je odabralo sustav s potpisom NASA-e. Patentirani sustav za obnavljanje i pročišćavanje zraka MMVS (Marine Mechanical Ventilation System) na jahtama s potpisom Azimut bit će korišten u verziji prilagođenoj za jahte, a prvi model na kojem će biti ugrađen bit će Magellano 25 Metri. Azimut Yachts namjerava ugraditi MMVS na mnoge nove modele, a za njih će ga izrađivati talijanska kuća BCool Engineering, specijalizirana za proizvodnju i marketing brodskih proizvoda za toplinsku udobnost i energiju. MMVS je zamišljen kao centralizirani sustav razdijeljen na dvije palube, koji vrši potpunu izmjenu zraka svakih sat vremena, zbog čega je zrak u unutrašnjosti jahte uvijek na odabranoj temperaturi, a usto se vrši i kontinuirano pročišćavanje sigurnom, učinkovitom i sveobuhvatnom metodom čišćenja vodova za klimatizaciju, površina i tehničkih komponenti poput ventilatorskih zavojnica. Krajnji rezultat je svjež, čist, pročišćen zrak, na konstantno održavanoj temperaturi. Sustav se temelji na tehnologiji PCO (fotokatalitička oksidacija), što znači da sustav oponaša i reproducira proces koji se odvija u prirodi, iskorištavajući kombinirano djelovanje zraka proizvedenih posebnom UV-svjetiljkom i katalitičkom strukturom, bez utjecaja na snagu i potrošnju goriva jahte.

NASA Technology Onboard Living up to its role as forerunner, Azimut Yachts is the first shipyard to choose a system patented by Nasa to renew and sanitize the air on board its yachts. Called MMVS (Marine Mechanical Ventilation System), the system will be fitted to new models produced by Azimut Yachts, starting with the new Magellano 25 Metri. Azimut Yachts will introduce MMVS on many of the Shipyard’s new yachts. Produced by Italian company BCool Engineering, which specialises in the production and marketing of onboard thermal comfort and power products, MMVS is a centralised system split across the two decks, ensuring a complete change of air every hour. The air inside the boat is therefore always at the chosen temperature, as well as being continuously purified by safe, effective and comprehensive sanitization of the air conditioning ducts, surfaces and technical components like the fan coils. The end result is fresh, clean, sanitized air, at a constant conditioned temperature, for guests to breathe on board. Based on PCO (Photocatalytic Oxidation) technology, the system imitates and reproduces the process that takes place in nature, exploiting the combined action of the rays produced by a special UV lamp and a catalytic structure, without affecting the yacht’s power and consumption.


GT370S s izvanbrodskim motorom Kuća Invictus Yacht najavljuje verziju svog popularnog modela GT370S s izvanbrodskim motorom, nakon modela GT280S, predstavljenog prošle godine u Cannesu. Novi GT370S pokreću dva izvanbrodska motora Yamaha 425 XTO, te ima prostranu i ugodnu unutrašnjost s dvije velike kabine koje rasporedom elemenata i uređenjem mogu biti prilagođene potrebama vlasnika. Velika kabina na krmi ima dva kreveta dovoljno prostrana za dvoje odraslih, a kabina na pramcu može biti opremljena kao spavaća ili kao salon. Sve osobine novog modela ukazuju na to da talijanska kuća itekako ozbiljno planira osvojiti američko tržište.

GT370S Outboard Version Invictus Yacht is announcing the new outboard version GT370S, the successor of GT280S, presented at the Cannes 2019. The first Invictus GT370S is equipped with two Yamaha 425 XTO engines. Interiors are spacious and welcoming, with two large rooms below deck that can be configured to suit the end user’s needs. The large stern cabin has two beds that can be turned into one bed big enough to accommodate two adults. The bow cabin can be furnished with a third bed or with a large side sofa.


Ferretti 500: revolucija stila Vodeći svjetski graditelj luksuznih modela Ferretti najavljuje revoluciju stila s modelom Ferretti Yachts 500, temeljenim na konceptu ‘Just like home’, koji život na moru vidi kao savršen spoj stila i udobnosti. Revolucija u dizajnu počinje u strateškom segmentu jahti od 50 metara, a val inovacija proći će kroz cijeli katalog Ferrettija, pa će zahvatiti i najveće modele svih kategorija. Novi model je izvana prelijep, a iznutra nevjerojatno udoban, a bit će ponuđen u dvije izvedbe – Classic, u neutralnoj kromatskoj shemi, i Contemporary, u bojama nadahnutim mediteranskom paletom. Novi Ferretti Yachts 500 rezultat je suradnje odjela za strateški razvoj proizvoda i odjela za projektiranje grupe Ferretti sa studiom Filipa Salvettija, koji je odradio dizajn vanjskih linija. Interijer je dizajnirao studio Ideaeitalia, čiji su dizajneri nadahnuće potražili u estetici i proizvodima ponajboljih talijanskih brendova. Uređenjem dominiraju i proizvodi talijanskih tvrtki specijaliziranih za interijere – Graniti Fiandre, Galassia i OML doprinijeli su uređenju kupaonica na novom modelu, kuća Colombo osmislila je kvake, Cadorin parkete, Pellini rolete, a Paffoni slavine.

Ferretti 500: Complete Style Revolution The world’s leading luxury boat brand Ferretti, announces a complete style revolution with the new Ferretti Yachts 500, based on the ‘Just Like Home’ philosophy, which expresses life at sea as the perfect combination of style and comfort. The design revolution starts from the strategic 50-meter segment, but will roll through all available vessels, including the new flagships of the fleet. Beautiful on the outside, incredibly comfortable on the inside, this yacht is available in two versions – Classic, in traditional, subdued natural hues, and Contemporary, inspired by the Mediterranean color palette. The new Ferretti Yachts 500 was designed by the Product Strategy Committee and the Engineering Department of the Ferretti Group, and the Filip Salvetti naval architecture studio, who were in charge of exteriors. The brand new interior of the model was designed by Ideaeitalia, who found inspiration in premium Italian brands – whose products were also used for furnishing; such as Graniti Fiandre, Galassia and OML bathrooms, Colombo handles, Cadorin parquets, Pellini Venetian blinds and Paffoni faucets.




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m2atelier za najnoviju BlackCat30

Dvotrupci na solarni pogon

Kuća BlackCat Superyachts na svojem najnovijem projektu, BlackCat 30, predstavlja suradnju sa studiom m2atelier, s kojim su već surađivali na projektima od 50 i 35 metara. Ovaj brend specijaliziran za luksuzne i superbrze katamarane djeluje tek od 2016., ali iza njega stoje australski šampion jedriličar Mitch Booth i jedan od najuspješnijih dizajnera superjahti na svijetu, Malcolm McKeon, pa brendu ne nedostaje iskustva. Novi katamaran dugačak je 30,4 metra (100 stopa), a njegov dizajn odgovara na velik broj trenutnih želja svjetske klijentele. Otmjen, vrhunske izrade, spreman na impresivne performanse, BlackCat 30 je impresivna višetrupna jahta koja će sigurno postati uzor mnogima. Ovo je treći model brenda, koji se prije tri godine predstavio s impresivnim BlackCat 50m, najvećom jahtom od karbona građenom u jednom komadu, a svega deset mjeseci kasnije predstavio je i manju verziju od 35 metara.

Interior Design By m2atelier BlackCat Superyachts is introducing the m2atelier interior design for the latest BlackCat30. The architectural firm m2atelier has already collaborated with the BlackCat team on the previous projects of 50 m and 35 m. The high-performance luxury superyacht catamarans brand was launched in 2016 by champion Australian yachtsman Mitch Booth together with Malcolm McKeon, one of the world’s most successful superyacht designers. The 30,4 metre (100ft) design has been created following many requests from customers from all over the world and it is the latest addition to the portfolio of the next generation of sleek, state-of-the-art and high-performance multihull superyachts. BlackCat’s impressive 50 metre model - the largest single structure carbon fibre yacht in the world - was the first design introduced three years ago and it was followed by a more compact 35 m model 10 months later.


Austrijski brodograditelj Silent Yachts trenutno gradi osam katamarana na pogon električnom strujom iz solarnih panela. U raznim fazama izgradnje tako su jedan primjerak modela Silent 55, četiri primjerka modela Silent 60 i tri Silent 80, koji je sa svoja 24 metra duljine najveći u katalogu kuće. Dosad je njegova kuća prodala 25 dvotrupaca na pogon strujom iz solarnih panela, duljine 55 do 80 stopa, a najveća potražnja vlada za modelom Silent 60, kojeg je prodano osam primjeraka. Prva dva bit će isporučena do kraja ove godine.

Eight Solar Electric Catamarans The Austrian company has eight solar-electric catamarans under construction at shipyards, including one Silent 55, four Silent 60 and three Silent 80, the 24-meter flagship model of the entire range. All together Silent Yachts has sold 25 solar-electric catamarans to date ranging from 55 to 80 feet in length, including eight units of the new Silent 60, which has become the bestselling model of the shipyard. The first two Silent 60 will be delivered to their owners before the end of the year.



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Yachtualno SUNREEF

Novi 60 i 100 Power Serija luksuznih modela Sunreef koja ubraja 70, 80 i 100 Power dobiva prinovu s modelom 60. Impresivna širina modela 60 omogućava izvedbu prostranog poluotvorenog salona koji se skladno spaja s blagovaonicom na otvorenom, izvedenom u kokpitu na krmi. Ugodna i sposobna za vrlo dugačku plovidbu bez zaustavljanja, ova jahta je dostupna i s električnim pogonom koji energiju dobiva iz sunca, u verziji Eco. Prvi primjerak Sunreef Power 60 bit će porinut već ovoga ljeta. Poljsko brodogradilište nedavno je dobilo i narudžbu za gradnju jednog primjerka modela Sunreef 100, luksuzne motorne višetrupne jahte s oceanskom autonomijom. Dugačka 29 metara i široka 13,5 metara, ta jahta ima custom interijere, blagovaonice na otvorenome, bazen, prostor za fitness i golemi salon na glavnoj palubi iz kojeg se uživa u panoramskom pogledu. Ovaj primjerak Sunreef Power 100 imat će hidraulički pokretanu krmenu platformu, kao i garažu za dva velika jet skija i nekoliko manjih vodenih igračaka.

New 60 and 100 Power The state-of-the-art model 60 belongs to the shipyard’s new range of luxury multihulls alongside the 70, 80 and 100 Power. Thanks to her impressive beam, this model boasts a vast, semi-open salon merging seamlessly with the alfresco lounging space of the stern cockpit, and it offers a unique combination of performance and autonomy for long offshore cruises in ultimate comfort. The model is also offered in Eco version with electric propulsion a cuttingedge solar power system. The first 60 Sunreef Power is due for launch in Summer 2020. The Polish shipyard has been commissioned to build the 100 Sunreef Power – a luxury motoryacht belonging to Sunreef Yachts’ new power range. The transatlantic 100-footer boasts a 13,5m beam providing for nearly 500m2 of living space to enjoy. The yacht’s bespoke interiors and alfresco lounging spaces include a spa-pool, a fitness area and an immense main deck lounge with panoramic views. The 100 Sunreef Power will be fitted with a hydraulic aft platform and a garage for two large jet skis and a selection of water toys.


Solaris 111: prva superjahta kuće Uz vjernost trupu Soto Acebala, gradnju u suradnji s Performance Boatsom u Forliju, te eksterijer i interijer od MYT-a, Solaris Yachts je kreirao svoju prvu superjahtu - spektakularnu Solaris 111. Porinuće ove prekrasne jedrilice od gotovo 34 metara najavljeno je za drugu polovicu 2020. Dok čekamo da 111-ica zaplovi, već ovoga ljeta možemo uživati u istraživanju jadranske obale na jednoj od trenutno dostupnih jedrilica Solaris. Merk & Merk, službeni posrednik Solaris Yachtsa, pomoći će vam u izboru. Kontakt:

Solaris 111: The First Superyacht


Loyal to Soto Acebal’s hull, built in collaboration with Performance Boats in Forli, exterior and interior from MYT, Solaris Yachts have created their first superyacht ever, the spectacular Solaris 111. The launch of this beautiful almost 34 m sailboat has been announced for the second half of 2020. While we are waiting for the 111 to set sails, we can already enjoy exploring the Adriatic coast this summer on one of the currently available Solaris yachts. Merk & Merk, the official Solaris Yachts dealer, will help you choose. Contact:


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Porinut najveći model GT6, najveći model kuće Elan, je Grand Tourer nove generacije koji krasi izvanredan balans brzine i snage, komfora i luksuza, okretnosti i preciznosti. Jedra potpisuje kuća Humphreys, a dizajn studio F.A. Porsche, pa je jasno da je GT6 uistinu jedinstven model, a da ni ne spominjemo koliko je luksuzan i udoban. Vlasnik na raspolaganju ima raskošan apartman s king-size krevetom i velikim prozorima. Kuhinja je izvedena točno iznad kobilice, na dijelu na koji valjanje i poskakivanje na valovima utječe najmanje. Raspored prostorija ostavljen je na raspolaganje vlasnicima – svatko može odabrati točno ono što odgovara njegovu stilu plovidbe.

New Flagship GT6


Elan GT6 is a next-generation Grand Tourer that delivers the perfect balance of speed and power, comfort and luxury, good handling and precise control. Sailplan by Humphreys are optimised for short-handed, medium-range cruising. Studio F. A. Porsche’s iconic design creates a uniquely stylish, luxurious and practical living space inside the GT6. A lavish owner’s suite with a king-size island double bed makes best use of the forepeak and big through-hull windows in every cabin. The galley is forward, right on top of the keel where the yacht’s motion at sea is most comfortable. A wide range of layout options and configurations are available to tailor the rest of the accommodation to best suit customers' style of sailing.

Dufour 61: novi ponos flote Razvijen na jednostavnoj ideji instinktivnog jedrenja, novi Dufour 61 je uzbudljiv i efikasan brod koji spaja luksuz, jednostavnost, komfor i performanse. Dostupan je u dvije verzije, koje se međusobno razlikuju po rasporedu kuhinje, a u svakoj izvedbi ima prostran salon preplavljen prirodnom svjetlošću. U verziji s kuhinjom na pramcu ona je povezana sa salonom, smještena na lijevoj strani i dulja je nego što je široka, a opremljena je gotovo na razini profesionalne kuhinje. U toj verziji Dufour 61 ima vrlo prostran salon. Vlasnička kabina je raskošna i prostrana, izolirana od buke i pogleda i nudi opuštajuć ugođaj. Osim prostora za spavanje, ima veliku garderobu, a na cijelom modelu ima dovoljno spremišnog prostora. Konstrukcija i raspored prostorija doprinose robusnosti, a sigurnost je naglašena i na vanjskim dijelovima palube, jer je ograda integrirana u trup. Velika okna i prozori jamče obilje prirodne svjetlosti, a i prepoznatljivo su obilježje nove Dufourove serije. Model 61 obiluje dizajnerskim inovacijama, redom podređenim komforu i praktičnosti korištenja svih dijelova palube, poput mekanog krovića koji štiti kokpit od jarkog sunca.

Dufour 61: New Pride of the Fleet Developed to provide simple instinctive sailing, exciting and efficient, new Dufour 61 combines luxury and simplicity and comfort with performance. It offers two different galley layouts, while maintaining spacious living space and enjoying plenty of natural day light. The layout with forward galley interconnects the different living spaces and the longitudinal port galley integrates very smart fittings and gives the feeling of being in a chef’s kitchen. This layout creates room for a large warm salon. The master cabin, as spacious as it is luxurious, offers privileged private space for relaxation. Future owners will appreciate the large wardrobe and numerous cupboards for infinite possibilities of storage. The construction and layout of the deck guarantee the boat’s robustness and safety on board, so the bulwark is directly integrated in the boat’s hull. Large windows and portholes provide natural light and the signature of the new Dufour line. The Dufour 61’s design and layout offer great circulation on deck thanks to its cockpit and bimini top specially designed for this purpose.



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Prvi Pirelli 42 s izvanbrodskim motorima



Dva nova modela Technohull Explorer 40 najnoviji je u nizu revolucionarnih modela temeljenih na jednostavnom konceptu stabilnosti i sigurnosti ove kuće. Patentirani trup Dynamstream s tri stepenice i dubokim V-profilom jamac je efikasnosti i stabilnosti, ali i omogućava postizanje glisiranja već pri 14 čvorova. Trupu, koji je djelo projektanata i inženjera same kuće, za vrhunske performanse idealno pašu dva motora Mercury 450, a moguća je i ugradnja unutarnjih motora Volvo V6-440 od 880 KS. Prikladan i za ne pretjerano iskusne pilote, manji i sportskiji model 38GS može biti opremljen motorima snage do 1350 KS.

Two New Models The Explorer 40 is the latest of Technohull’s mould-breaking boats, combining exhilarating speed with extreme stability and safety at sea, because of its patented Dynastream hull, with three distinct ventilated steps. It’s extreme efficiency allows the hull developed by in-house naval engineering team, to plane at just 14 mph. A pair of Mercury 450 motors is ideal for peak performance. There is also an option to go inboard with two of Volvo’s new V6-440 packing 880 HP, but it can easily handle up to 1350 HP. The hull of the even sportier 38GS has super stable handling even at extreme pace, and the boat can easily handle up to 1350 HP.

TecnoRib predstavlja prva dva gumenjaka Pirelli 42 s izvanbrodskim motorima, koji bi trebali biti isporučeni prilično brzo, uz još dva primjerka istog modela koja idu na australsko tržište. Kao službeni korisnik licencije za gumene brodice marke Pirelli, TecnoRib je nastavio poslovanje punom brzinom, s obzirom na nadolazeće ljeto u kojem bi se gumenjaci mogli pokazati kao idealan izbor za bezbrižan i odgovoran odmor. Pirelli 42 walk-around je premijerno predstavljen na sajmu u Düsseldorfu. Verzija pokretana s tri motora Mercury od po 300 KS predstavljena je polovinom svibnja, dok je verzija s dva motora s 450 KS Racing predstavljena krajem svibnja. U idućih nekoliko tjedana bit će isporučena i dva primjerka modela duljine 13 metara koje je dizajnirao Ted Mannerfelt. Prvi je opremljen parom motora od po 400 KS, dok će drugi imati tri motora od po 300 KS. Posebnost izvanbrodske verzije je otvoreni raspored palube na krmi, koja nema sunčalište, ali se odlikuje agresivnim sportskim stilom.

The First Pirelli 42 With Outboard Engines TecnoRib introduced the first two Pirelli 42 inflatable boats with outboard engines. Delivery is expected shortly, together with two more of the same model intended for the Australian market. As the official licensee of Pirelli brand inflatables, TecnoRib has resumed its business at full speed, in view of an arriving summer in which inflatable boats could prove the ideal vehicles for serene and responsible holidays. The Pirelli 42 walk-around was introduced for the first time worldwide at the beginning of the year at the Düsseldorf Boat Show. The version with triple 300 HP Mercury propulsion was launched on 14 May, while the version with two 450 HP Racing engines was launched at the end of May. Two more 13-metre units designed by Ted Mannerfelt will also be delivered in the coming weeks. The first mounts a pair of 400 HP engines, while the second will have a triple 300 HP engine. A special feature of the outboard version is the open deck layout at the stern, which offers a more sporty and aggressive design at the expense of an area with a sun deck.


Posebna ljetna ponuda Kako se sezona primiče svom vrhuncu, hrvatska čarter tvrtka Yacht In idealan je izbor za organizaciju ljetovanja na luksuznoj jahti. Uz posebne popuste od 10 do 15 posto na čartere u trajanju od minimalno sedam dana, ljeto 2020. pruža vam pravu priliku da rezervirate opuštajući i siguran 'socijalno distancirani' odmor. Yacht In raspolaže flotom motornih jahti prestižnih brodograditelja, među kojima su i Ferretti, Sunseeker, Prestige Yachts i Ribco. Sve jahte dostupne su s profesionalnom posadom koja jamči vrhunsku uslugu i nezaboravno iskustvo na Jadranu. Za rezervacije obratite se njihovu čarter odjelu na


Luksuz na moru Sunreef Yachts katamarani objedinjuju umjetnost življenja na moru s naprednom tehnologijom. Ovo ljeto zaplovite iz Splita na Sunreefu 50 Solitaire i Sunreefu 60 Vulpino, te doživite novu dimenziju luksuza na moru. Nakon izazovnog transfera oba plovila iz brodogradilišta u Gdansku, još se jednom pokazalo da su Sunreef Yachts katamarani dizajnirani za duge plovidbe u ultimativnom komforu. Svaki od katamarana je jedinstven sa suvremenim pristupom dizajnu plovila, u čijem se prostoru želi dati smisao kroz osnovne elemente sunca, sjene, mora i pogleda. Obratite se s povjerenjem osoblju Ocean Sailing Housea, isprobajte katamarane s posadom Sunreef 50 i Sunreef 60, te ostvarite svoje snove o beskrajnim mogućnostima uživanja na moru u intimnosti vlastita plovila. Bilo da ljetujete s prijateljima ili tražite idealnu opciju za vaš obiteljski odmor, privatnost koju nude ova luksuzna i tehnološki napredna plovila ostavit će vas bez daha.

Luxury at Sea Sunreef Yachts multi-hulls combine the art of living at sea with advanced technology. This summer, go for a cruise from Split on a Sunreef 50 Solitaire or Sunreef 60 Vulpino, and see what it’s like to live the life of luxury at sea. The brand new units recently made an arduous journey from Gdansk and are now ready to take you on a long cruise in full luxury. Every unit is unique, but all offer what we all expect from a multi-hull; the view, the space, plenty of sunshine and some shade to rest in. Ocean Sailing House expert crew is waiting to take you on a test cruise of Sunreef 50 and Sunreef 60. Whether you’re planning a vacation with friends or family, the privacy guaranteed by these technologically advanced multi-hulls is absolute, as are other features and possibilities that will make sure all your cruising dreams come true this summer.


Charter Summer Specials As the season gets underway, Croatian yachting company Yacht In is perfect for organizing exceptional yacht charters across its luxury fleet. With special deals of 10 to 15% off charters of seven days or more, summer 2020 presents the perfect opportunity to book a relaxing and safe ‘social distancing’ vacation. Yacht In’s fleet includes prestige models from Ferretti, Sunseeker, Prestige Yachts and Ribco. All yachts come with a professional crew, offering first-class personalized service. To book your summer yacht charter at a reduced rate, contact their charter department at





Financiranje plovila u vrijeme pandemije

Yacht Financing in Times of a Pandemic

Raiffeisen Leasing je odobravao rok počeka na tri mjeseca uz mogućnost produljenja na dodatna tri mjeseca svojim klijentima koji su se zbog pandemije COVID-19 našli u nepovoljnoj financijskoj situaciji te nisu bili u mogućnosti podmirivati preuzete leasing obveze. ‘Kako bi naši klijenti što lakše premostili novonastalu situaciju i uspješno nastavili s radom u preostalim mjesecima turističke sezone, tu smo da im omogućimo optimalnu uslugu i najbolje rješenje u skladu s njihovim potrebama i mogućnostima. Sukladno Dodatnim preporukama HANFA-e, pripremili smo i nove modele restrukturiranja za naše osobito pogođene klijente. Oni se posebno razmatraju sukladno zahtjevima pojedinačnih korisnika te uključuju i mogućnost odgode plaćanja kamata za vrijeme trajanja počeka’, poručuju iz Raiffeisen Leasinga. Ovisno o razvoju gospodarske situacije i samoj potražnji, u Raiffeisen Leasingu će nastaviti s poticanjem ulaganja u čarter djelatnost za turističku sezonu 2021. i to kroz financiranje raznih plovila – od jedrilica, katamarana, motornih brodova, glisera pa do gumenjaka i plovila s izvanbrodskim motorima. Dugogodišnjom kvalitetnom suradnjom s mnogim proizvođačima, uvoznicima i dobavljačima plovila, stekli su veliko iskustvo i poznavanje tržišta što bitno pomaže bržoj i učinkovitijoj realizaciji leasing zahtjeva njihovih klijenata. Osim postojećim klijentima, financiranje plovila osiguravat će i svim novim klijentima već prisutnim na tržištu, kao i onima koji prvi put kreću u ovaj poslovni pothvat. Treba istaknuti da će u Raiffeisen Leasingu i nadalje nuditi niz različitih modela i ročnosti financiranja plovila uz individualni pristup svakom klijentu. Stoga preporučujemo da se svi zainteresirani jave stručnjacima društva, na lokacijama u Zagrebu, Varaždinu, Puli, Rijeci, Splitu, Dubrovniku, Osijeku i Slavonskom Brodu te na svim lokacijama poslovnih centara Raiffeisen banke za pravne osobe diljem Hrvatske.

Raiffeisen Leasing granted a grace period of three months with the possibility of extension for an additional three months to clients who found themselves in an unfavorable financial situation as result of the COVID-19 pandemic and were unable to meet their lease obligations. ‘In order for our clients to get through this new situation as painlessly as possible and continue working in the remaining months of the tourist season, we are here to provide them with optimal service and best solutions for their needs. In accordance with HANFA’s additional recommendations, we have also designed new restructuring models for our particularly affected clients. Such cases are considered in a highly individualized manner, according to the clients’ needs and options, with a possibility of deferring the payment on interest during the grace period’, says Raiffeisen Leasing. Depending on the development of the economic situation and the demand, Raiffeisen Leasing will continue to encourage investment in charter activities for the 2021 tourist season by offering financing of various vessels – sailboats, multi-hulls, motorboats, speedboats, as well as RIBS and boats with outboard engines. In cooperation with many manufacturers, importers and suppliers of vessels for numerous years, Raiffeisen has gained tremendous experience and market know-how which allows for a more efficient and faster realization of clients' leasing needs. In addition to existing clients, Raiffeisen offers financing services to all clients already active in the market, as well as those embarking on this business venture for the first time. Finally, Raiffeisen Leasing will continue to offer a range of different models and terms of yacht financing, with an individual approach to each client. For more information, contact their experts in Zagreb, Varaždin, Pula, Rijeka, Split, Dubrovnik, Osijek and Slavonski Brod, or visit all Raiffeisen Bank’s business center locations throughout Croatia.




Cloud based

Costs Fast check-in / check-out Improved safety and reliability



Crew list

Day plan

Manage your vessel(s) and fleet organization






Food menu




Yachtualno OTP LEASING

Kvalitetna usluga i u doba korone OTP Leasing d.d. je, kao društveno odgovorna kompanija, za svoje klijente iz nautičkog sektora pogođene pandemijom COVID-19 omogućilo moratorij u trajanju do čak 12 mjeseci. Odobrenju moratorija na postojeće ugovore u čarter poslovanju pristupilo se individualno i uz maksimalno pojednostavljenje procesa odobrenja. Međutim, moratorij nije jedina mjera pomoći s kojom su izišli u susret svojim partnerima. Prilagodili su se i zahtjevima klijenata po pitanju osiguranja plovila u skladu s uvjetima poslovanja u vrijeme pandemije. Riječ je o uštedama za partnera čija realizacija može biti vjetar u jedra koji će njihovo poslovanje pokrenuti naprijed. U lošim vremenima neki će tražiti opravdanja za neuspjeh, a neki će spremno reagirati i okrenuti situaciju u svoju korist. Trenuci su to kada se najbolji izdvajaju i dokazuju da se liderske pozicije na tržištu zaslužuju ne samo poslovnim rezultatom, već i uspješnom poslovnom filozofijom koja stoji iza tog rezultata. Stoga se OTP Leasing d.d. uz individualan pristup i u doba korone trudi svojim klijentima omogućiti maksimalnu kvalitetu usluge, te pobjedničkim vodama ploviti do zajedničkog cilja.

Top Quality Service Despite the Pandemic As a socially responsible company, OTP Leasing d.d. offer their clients from the yachting sector affected by the COVID-19 pandemic a grace period on payment of up to 12 months. The approval for the grace period on existing contracts in charter is based on individual approach, and the process designed with utmost simplicity. This is not the only measure of assistance OTP Leasing offer their partners, as the company has also adapted to the clients’ needs – as well as pandemic-influenced business conditions – by changing terms of yacht insurance contracts to reflect the situation at hand. Savings created by new contract terms can give the much needed push to many of their clients, and help them move their business forward. In difficult times like these, some companies look for excuses for failure, and some show their readiness to react and turn the situation in their favor – these are the times when the best business entities stand out and prove they deserve their leading position not only due to results and profits, but implementing a smart business philosophy. OTP Leasing d.d. pride on their individual approach, and even in the age of uncertainty induced by the pandemic aim to provide their clients with top quality service, and to sail smoothly toward our common goals.


Pet dana nautike 22. Međunarodni nautički sajam Biograd Boat Show, u organizaciji Ilirije d.d., svoje ovogodišnje izdanje prilagodit će novim okolnostima. Kako bi se poštovale epidemiološke mjere održavanja distance, najveći sajam plovila u srednjoj Europi održat će se jedan dan duže, odnosno sveukupno pet dana, i to u razdoblju od 21. do 25. 10. 2020. u Marini Kornati, u Biogradu na Moru. Kako bi zadovoljila međunarodne i nacionalne zdravstvene i sigurnosne kriterije, Ilirija d.d. vrlo pažljivo prati trenutno stanje i priprema se za uvođenje mjera namijenjenih sigurnosti izlagača i posjetitelja.

One Day Longer


The 22nd international nautical fair - Biograd Boat Show - organised by Ilirija Inc., will be adjusted to the new circumstances. In order to ensure adherence to the epidemiological measures regarding social distancing, this year the top nautical event in Central Europe will last one day longer, giving you the opportunity to enjoy it for five days from 21 to 25 October 2020 in Marina Kornati, Biograd na Moru. In order to meet the international and national health and safety standards Ilirija Inc. is monitoring the current situation very carefully and is preparing for the implementation of public health measures, which will ensure the safety of the exhibitors and visitors.



CUSTOM MADE LUXURY awnings - upholstery - covers sunshades - leather accessories - sails - Argola Sea Bag


Skuteri nove generacije Morski skuteri iAqua mogu se koristiti za plovidbu površinom i ronjenje do dubine od 40 metara. Pokreće ih moćna baterija koja se lako ponovno puni brzim punjačem. Težina modela kreće se od 29 do 36 kg, jer su izrađeni u kompozitu s konstrukcijskim dijelovima od aluminija otpornog na koroziju. Trenutno su dostupna tri temeljna modela: Seadart fun, Seadart Max – top-model serije – i Seadart Pro, izveden u karbonu. Ekskluzivni distributer na Jadranu, za principala iAqua Europe, je MennYacht, na čijoj stranici možete od Thomasa Rohrera dobiti potpunu listu specifikacija, podatke o paleti boja i priboru.

The Next Generation of Sea Scooters The iAqua sea scooter can be used on top and under water up to 40 m depth. It is battery (accumulator) driven and can be recharged with a fast charger. The scooters weigh approx. 29 - 36 kg, because they are built from composite material that is supported by marine-grade aluminium parts. There are three basic models, the Seadart fun, Seadart Max, that comes with higher specs and attractive features, and the top of the line, Seadart Pro, with a hull from genuine carbon. The exclusive distributor for the new iAqua Europe line in the Adriatic region is MennYacht. For detailed list of specifications, colours selection and official iAqua accessories please contact Thomas Rohrer at thomas@


Lako dostupna i sigurna Marina Punat, najveća marina sjevernog Jadrana, s više od 1300 brodova, smještena je u prirodno zaštićenoj uvali. Najstarija je, jedna od najnagrađivanijih, ali i najinovativnija marina u Hrvatskoj s digitaliziranim uslugama. Vlasnici brodova imaju uvid u dnevne aktivnosti mornara putem mobilne aplikacije Marina Punat App, u tjedne fotografije svog plovila, meteo-podatke i stanje računa u marini. Za sigurnost broda na vezu u ponudi je sustav Sense4Boat senzorike za detekciju prodora vode, dima ili rizične temperature - u slučaju alarma, ovaj inovativan sustav uzbunjuje ne samo vlasnika plovila, već istovremeno i marinu! Senzori koji prate stanje baterija na brodu omogućuju uslugu priključenja plovila na struju u slučaju pada napona. Sva očitanja senzora te informacije o kritičnim stanjima su dostupne kroz besplatnu aplikaciju Sense4Boat. Gosti na stalnom vezu u Marini Punat uživaju brojne pogodnosti kroz Marina Club karticu. Marina raspolaže i dostatnim brojem tranzitnih vezova, a članovi klubova ADAC, YCA, DMYV, ÖAMTC, MSVÖ, SBV, DSV, Art Marine Marinas ili Tramseurope Marinas ostvaruju popust na usluge dnevnog veza i dizalice. Marina Punat je baza za čak 150 motornih brodova i jedrilica za najam. Prostrano parkiralište za automobile, moderne i nove sanitarije, dobra opskrba u nautičkim i prehrambenim trgovinama, pouzdan servis za popravak i održavanje brodova, motora i opreme, hotel s wellnessom i bazenom, fitness, bungalovi te odlična gastronomska ponuda razlog su više za posjet ovoj marini u Puntu.

Easily Accessible and Safe The largest marina in northern Adriatic counts more than 1300 vessels in a naturally protected cove. The oldest marina in all Adriatic, it is recipient of numerous excellence awards, and currently the most innovative marina in Croatia, offering a number of digital services. Marina Punat App allows owners to control crew and staff performance, take weekly photos of their yacht, obtain latest weather updates and access marina computers. Safety in the marina is guaranteed by Sense4Boat system that in case water, smoke or risky temperature is detected notifies the owner and the marina at the same time. Battery sensors allow immediate access to energy supply in case of yacht system crash, and all the system data and info can be accessed for free via app Sense4Boat. Permanent berth holders enjoy many extras through the Marina Club card. The marina has a large number of transit berths, and members of ADAC, YCA, DMYV, ÖAMTC, MSVÖ, SBV, DSV, Art Marine Marinas and Transeurope Marinas enjoy discount on day berths and travelift. Marina Punat has a fleet of 150 motor boats and sailboats available for charter. The spacious parking lot, modern and new sanitation facilities, shops providing food and equipment supplies, quality maintenance and repair shops, a hotel with spa and pool facilities, bungalows for rent and diverse dining options make Marina Punat an exciting place for a visit.



MARINA PUNAT — THE L ARGEST MARINA OF NORTHERN ADRIATIC A favorite destination and home port of many boaters PROACTIVE BOAT CARE



Safety of vessels is our main focus

Maritime experience with all benefits of an apartment

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SENSE4BOAT SENSOR SYSTEM First in the world — alerts the boat owner and the marina of risky or noncompliant conditions on the boat


Ljetne igre za članove posade


Tri zvjezdice za Double Moon Double Moon je nova jedrilica Solaris 55 što su je zajedno dizajnirali talijanski Solaris Yachts i švicarska urarska manufaktura IWC Schaffhausen. Njezina snaga te čiste i elegantne linije u skladu su s duhom kolekcije Portuguiser, prvih ručnih satova s funkcijama i preciznošću navigacijskih instrumenata. Specijalno za Solaris IWC je izradio četiri luksuzno polirana instrumenta u stilu kolekcije: sat, barometar, higrometar i termometar. Orlebar Brown izradio je presvlake, ručnike i jastuke za kabinu jedrilice.

Three Stars for Double Moon Double Moon is a new special customised sailing yacht jointly designed by Italian Solaris Yachts and Swiss manufacture IWC Schaffhausen. Her strength, clean and elegant lines perfectly matches the nautical universe of Portuguiser watch family, the first wrist watches from Schaffhausen developed with the precision of a marine chronometer. Specially for Solaris IWC designed styled clock and weather station, consisting of four luxury-finished instruments: a clock, a barometer, a hygrometer and a thermometer. Orlebar Brown has furnished the cabin with textiles, seat cushions and towels.

Porto Montenegro ljetne igre za članove posade atraktivno je osmišljen sportsko-zabavni događaj organiziran 4. srpnja u nautičkom naselju Porto Montenegro. Događaj je bio namijenjen svim članovima posade marine Porto Montenegro i njihovim prijateljima, te ljudima koji se bave jahting industrijom na Jadranu i Mediteranu. Sportske igre i aktivnosti u marini, među kojima su jedrenje na J70 jedrilicama i dekatlon – kroke, streličarstvo, odbojka, boćanje, SUP boarding, i drugi, samo su neki od sadržaja ovog turnira, a svi sudionici uživali su u sjajnom gastro-iskustvu na obali i zabavi u Blue Roomu. ‘Posada je bila oduševljena našim zimskim edicijama, i onda smo odlučili organizirati i ljetnu etapu’, istaknula je Jovana Živković, marketing menadžer marine.

Crew Summer Games Porto Montenegro Crew Summer is an attractive summer sport event, held this year on July 4 in the resort. The event was open to all members of the Porto Montenegro marina crews, as well as their friends and families, and guests from the Adriatic yachting industry. The tournament saw competition in various sports – a J70 race, decathlon, croquet, archery, volleyball, bocce, stand-uppaddling and other – foodie events and parties at the Blue Room club. ‘The crews enjoyed the winter edition of this event, so we thought why not give them a chance to repeat it all in summer’, said Ms. Jovana Živković, marina marketing manager.


Vodeći sigurnosni standardi za putnike

Leading Passenger Safety Standards

Nakon što je postao prva zrakoplovna kompanija koja na licu mjesta provodi brze testove na COVID-19 za putnike, Emirates nastavlja postavljati sigurnosne i higijenske standarde s nedavno predstavljenim višestrukim mjerama za zaposlenike i putnike na svakom koraku putovanja. Kompanija je uvela podjelu besplatnih higijenskih setova svakom putniku prilikom prijave u Međunarodnoj zračnoj luci Dubai te na letovima prema Dubaiju. Setovi uključuju maske, rukavice, antibakterijske maramice i sredstvo za dezinfekciju ruku. Putnici koji prolaze kroz Međunarodnu zračnu luku Dubai prilikom iskrcaja proći će provjeru toplinskim skenerom, a prije ukrcavanja na povezani let bit će im predani higijenski setovi. Svi članovi kabinskog osoblja u zrakoplovu u potpunosti su odjeveni u osobnu zaštitnu opremu (PPE - Personal Protective Equipment). Emirates je prilagodio uslugu koja se fokusira na smanjenje rizika od kontakata i infekcije. Emiratesove kabine opremljene su naprednim zračnim filtrima HEPA koji uklanjaju 99,97 posto virusa. Nakon putovanja i po slijetanju u Dubai, svaki zrakoplov prolazi kroz unaprijeđene metode čišćenja i dezinfekcije kako bi se osigurala sigurnost i ispravna razina dezinfekcije.

After becoming the first airline to conduct rapid on-site COVID-19 tests for passengers, Emirates continues to set safety and hygiene standards both in the air and on the ground with recently introduced multiple measures for employees and passengers, to be implemented at every step of the journey. The company has begun distribution of free hygiene kits to every passenger when checking in at Dubai International Airport, as well as on all flights to Dubai. The sets include masks, gloves, antibacterial wipes and hand sanitizer. Travelers just passing through Dubai International Airport for a layover will have their temperature taken with a scanner at disembarking, and will be provided with additional hygiene kits before boarding the connected flight. All cabin crew members on board the aircraft are clothed head-to-toe in Personal Protective Equipment (PPE). Emirates has adapted their in-flight service, that now focuses on reducing the risk of contact and infection. Their cabins are equipped with advanced HEPA air filters that remove 99,97 percent of viruses and dust, allergens and microbes from the air, to ensure a healthier and safer environment during flight. After landing in Dubai, each aircraft undergoes advanced cleaning and disinfection methods to ensure safety and the correct level of disinfection.



Odmor u art-deco stilu


Mjesto gdje se isprepleću povijest, strast i hrana Restoran ZOI smjestio se na splitskoj Rivi, na južnom zidu Dioklecijanove palače, kod lokacije nekadašnjih Carevih odaja. Carev triklinij (blagovaonica) nekada se nalazio upravo pored restorana, što ovom mjestu daje posebnu povijesnu energiju za uživanje u sofisticiranim jelima, vinu, filozofskim raspravama i veselju. Mala drvena vrata, uvijek širom otvorena, vode kroz impozantni unutarnji prostor do terase, koja će vas ostaviti bez daha svojim jedinstvenim pogledom na Rivu, Dioklecijanov zid i palme. Glavni chef restorana je Igor Kurtanjek, koji svojim umjetničkim darom za okuse spaja jela nadahnuta Mediteranom i njegovom bogatom povijesti pa ona, uz obilje lokalnih namirnica, postaju prava rapsodija na tanjuru. Od samog otvaranja 2017. godine do danas restoranu su dodijeljena uzastopna priznanja, uključujući Michelinovu preporuku i Gault & Millau. Doživite djelić bogate splitske povijesti i vrhunske mediteranske kuhinje u jedinstvenom ambijentu ZOI restorana i iznenadite svoja čula.

Where History Meets Passion and Food Restaurant ZOI is located at the south wall of Diocletian’s palace, on Split Promenade – right where the emperor’s personal lodgings used to be. As a matter of fact, the emperor’s triclinium, personal dining room, used to be on the same exact spot where the restaurant is today, which gives the restaurant a special historical vibe, perfect for enjoying fine food and wine, as well as philosophical discussions. Enter the restaurant through its small wooden door and after a short walk, step into a breathtaking space with views of the promenade, the palace walls and serene palm trees. Chef Igor Kurtanjek is an artist whose palette combines finest Mediterranean ingredients old and new into plated masterpieces. Opened in 2017, the restaurant has been awarded several prestigious awards, and is in recommended section of the Michelin guide, as well as in the Gault & Millau guide. Step into history and dive into Mediterranean flavors in the unique ZOI, and give a pleasant surprise to all your senses.


Brown Beach House je boutique hotel dizajniran za odmor u ležernoj raskoši i nalazi se u neposrednoj blizini Trogira. Brown Beach House raspolaže s 44 moderne sobe i apartmana, od kojih svaki ima istaknute detalje. Personalizirani pristup gostima u hotelu znači potpuni mir i odmor. Hotel nudi potpunu relaksaciju u svom Spa centru gdje je korištenje bazena, saune, jacuzzija i teretane potpuno besplatno za sve goste hotela. Hotelski restoran Cartina gostima nudi kvalitetu, kreativnost i urbani mediteranski štih. Hotel raspolaže s tri jedinstvena prostora za poslovne i privatne evente tijekom cijele godine. Svi gosti hotela imaju potpuno besplatan parking, neograničeni WiFi te korištenje bicikala za istraživanje svega što ova destinacija ima za ponuditi.

Art-Deco Vacations Brown Beach House is a boutique hotel near Trogir,designed for a holiday in casual luxury. It has 44 modern rooms and suites, each of them with unique, distinctive design details. Service is highly personalized and offers serenity and quiet. Relaxation facilities like, pools, saunas, jacuzzis, and gyms are complementary. Cartina restaurant lures with quality and an urban Mediterranean flair. The hotel has three spaces for business and private events, available around the year. Parking, Wi-Fi and the use of bicycles are free to explore all that the surroundings have to offer.




Visoka razina usluge D-Marin marine, smještene u samom srcu jadranske obale, postale su jedne od omiljenih polazišnih točaka za uživanje u jedrenju na Jadranu. Kao i sve D-Marin marine, Portonovi marina nudi klijentima sve što je potrebno za siguran i ugodan boravak. Ova moderna marina ima 238 vezova za plovila do 120 metara, a u sklopu marine se nalazi granični prijelaz, garaža, a uskoro s radom počinje i benzinska pumpa koja će nuditi duty-free gorivo. Svojim klijentima D-Marin Portonovi nudi priliku da istraže mrežu D-Marin marina u Hrvatskoj, Grčkoj i Turskoj koristeći kampanju ‘Happy Berth Days’, koja obuhvaća sedam besplatnih dana boravka u svakoj marini i popust od 40 posto nakon isteka besplatnog boravka. Valja istaknuti i kampanju ‘Bring your friend’ koja vlasnicima plovila do 12 m omogućuje značajne pogodnosti ako odaberu ovu luku kao svoju matičnu. D-Marin je oduvijek bio usmjeren na pružanje šire ponude, sadržaja i iskustava, a uz to kontinuirano promiče nautički turizam i jedriličarski sport.

High Level of Service D-Marin marinas, spread across the very heart of the Adriatic coast, have become popular destinations for those embarking on an Adriatic cruise. Like all D-Marin marinas, marina Portonovi offers everything guests might need. This modern marina has 238 berths for vessels up to 120 meters in length,including a customs office and border crossing, a garage and a soon to be opened gas station with a duty-free refueling option. D-Marin Portonovi is part of the D-Marin network of marinas in Turkey, Greece and Croatia, and part of their promotional event Happy Berth Days - 7 days free of charge in every marina within the network, and 40% off after that, as well as the event Bring Your Friend, aimed at yachts up to 12 m, who enjoy significant advantages for choosing Portonovi as their port of call. D-Marin has been dedicated to offering a complete array of services and it is active in promoting yachting tourism.

Yachts Tech

SHARP&SMART RAZER TOMAHAWK N1 Gaming računalo Razer Tomahawk N1 ima aluminijsko tijelo s obje strane uokvireno kaljenim staklom, koje dopušta pogled u nutrinu gdje je okomito postavljena GPU, s otvorom za ventilaciju za uvijek optimalnu temperaturu. The gaming PC Razer Tomahawk N1’s all-aluminum body is flanked by tempered glass on both sides, highlighting the vertically mounted GPU in all its glory, with an open vent design at the top to maintain cooling performance.

MONTBLANC MEISTERSTÜCK CALLIGRAPHY Serija Meisterstück Calligraphy odaje počast zlatnom dobu kaligrafije i iluminacije, slavi ljepotu jezika i ističe važnost širenja kulture pisanom riječi. With the Meisterstück Calligraphy edition, Montblanc pays tribute to the golden age of calligraphy and illumination, celebrating the beauty of language and the importance of culture transmitted by writing.

BANG & OLUFSEN Posebno izdanje bežičnog zvučnika Beoplay A9 izvedeno je u crnoj i zlatnoj boji, pa se lijepo uklapa u svaki prostor i stil uređenja, ali se ističe i estetikom i sposobnošću reprodukcije zvuka.


Special edition Beoplay A9 wireless speaker in mirror black and golden tone blends in beautifully and stands out strikingly, precision room-filling sound for whatever interior style you want.

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Yachts Style

SHARP&SMART CK EVERYONE Nadahnut autentičnim ljudima mladog duha, neobuzdanima i neopterećenima rodnim normama i definicijama, CK Everyone odvažan je novi miris za svaku generaciju koji odiše čistom svježinom i sadrži 79 posto sastojaka prirodnog porijekla. CK Everyone is a bold new fragrance for every generation, inspired by the authentic and youthful-minded. A clean and genderless fragrance has 79 % of naturally derived ingredients.

ADIDAS X IVY PARK U kolekciji Adidas x Ivy Park ističu se elementi narančaste, boje trule višnje i boje pijeska, a kako to izgleda, najbolje se vidi na autorici kolekcije – samoj Beyoncé. Each piece in capsule collection of Adidas x Ivy Park rendered in a vivid color palette of solar orange, maroon and ecru is showcased by the creative visionary behind the collaboration: Beyoncé herself.

DIOR BMX Prepoznatljiv Diorov motiv Oblique ponavlja se na okviru BMX bicikla u metaliziranoj boji, na bijelom sjedalu sa srebrnim logom i kromiranom retrovizoru SP Rocket. The signature Dior Oblique motif features on the frame of an exceptional BMX bike with a pearlized metal finish, a white saddle with silver logo and a SP Rocket mirror chrome finish.



KO M I Š KA P O G AČ A Modern interpretation of one of the oldest Croatian recipes

L E Š I Ć D I M I T R I PA L A C E K O R Č U L A I S L A N D - C R O AT I A Opening hours: 08.00-00.00 I Reservations: 00385 20 60 17 26 I E Don Pavla Poše 1-6, 20260 Korčula - Croatia I M 00385 91 36 26 222 I

Yachts on Wheels

BMW M8 GRAN COUPÉ FIRST EDITION Jedan od 400 One in 400

Yachts on Wheels

Gotovo hipnotizirajući pogled zadržava se na jedinstvenoj BMW Individual Aurora Diamond Green metalik boji, s akcentima u zlatnoj bronci i na felgama sa zlatno-brončanim oblogom, koji podvlače njegov upečatljiv izgled sa svjetlima žute boje izvedenima u LED tehnologiji Aurora Diamond Green metallic color, golden accents, bronze rims and yellow LEDs for the BMW Iconic Laserlights emphasize the striking look of the BMW M8 Gran Coupé First Edition Limitirana serija BMW M8 Gran Coupé, koji još od premijernog predstavljanja u Los Angelesu s nestrpljenjem iščekuju mnogi, napokon je stigla u Hrvatsku! Kao ponosni predstavnik limitirane edicije, u svijetu ograničene na samo 400 komada, svojim jedinstvenim izgledom i ekskluzivnim performansama glavna je atrakcija zagrebačkog Tomić & Co. salona. Ekskluzivan BMW M8 Gran Coupé First Edition model je zadivljujuće snage, vrhunski upravljane dinamike te luksuznog izgleda koji ostavlja bez daha i očarava u isti tren. Apsolutno je remek-djelo – savršena kombinacija luksuza i sportske elegancije, svakako zadivljujuća i ekstravagantna pojava s koje je nevjerojatno teško odvratiti pogled. Gotovo hipnotizirajući pogled zadržava se na jedinstvenoj BMW Individual Aurora Diamond Green metalik boji, s akcentima u zlatnoj bronci i na felgama sa zlatno-brončanim oblogom, koji podvlače njegov upečatljiv izgled sa svjetlima žute boje izvedenima u LED tehnologiji. Glavni elementi njegova jedinstvenog dizajna su dinamično rastegnuta silueta, izrazito oblikovan stražnji kraj i M-karakteristike dizajnirane za realizaciju izuzetne sportske nadmoćnosti. Ekskluzivni dojam neprestano se nastavlja u unutrašnjosti s osvijetljenim pragovima vrata s M8 značkama i elegantnom oznakom ‘First Edition’ na središnjoj konzoli. Kako njegov 4,4-litreni V8 motor s M TwinPower Turbo tehnologijom isporučuje 460 kW / 625 KS, zbog iznimnih sportskih performansi svakom vozaču pružit će nezaboravno i intenzivno iskustvo. Naime, sestrinski modeli BMW M8 Gran Coupé i BMW M8 Competition Gran Coupé utjelovljuju neviđenu simbiozu sofisticiranosti i atletike te zajedno označavaju početak nove klase luksuznih sportskih automobila koji savršeno kombiniraju moderni luksuz i strast za utrkama. Kontakt informacije za dostupnost modela potražite na

BMW M8 Gran Coupé First Edition has finally arrived to Croatia. The long-awaited limited edition model, one of only four hundred, that debuted in Los Angeles is now the star of the Zagreb Tomić & Co. salon. The exclusive BMW M8 Gran Coupé First Edition impresses with power, driving dynamics and luxury that will take your breath away. This absolute work of automotive art is the perfect combination of lavish design and uncompromising sporty elegance, impressive and extravagant enough to turn heads. Aurora Diamond Green metallic special color finish, accents in luxurious gold bronze like rims, and the unique BMW Iconic Laserlights in yellow make the model a sight to behold. The most recognizable elements of style are the elongated silhouette and the painstakingly designed rear end, while the inexhaustible potential of an M automobile meets passionate flamboyance of BMW‘s luxury class to embody a combination of performance, comfort and efficiency at the highest level. The interior design of the BMW M8 Gran Coupé First Edition embodies the same elegance and style seen on its exterior. The journey inside leads past the gold-bronzed door sills with MS badges and the elegant First Edition logo on the central console. The BMW M8 Gran Coupé First Edition’s M TwinPower Turbo 8-cylinder petrol engine draws its impressive power from 4.4 litres of displacement, bringing the potential of the most powerful engine in BMW M’s history to the road, all in the service of outstanding driving experiences and typical BMW M driving pleasure. Sister models BMW M8 Gran Coupé and BMW M8 Competition Gran Coupé embody a combination of performance, comfort and efficiency at the highest level. Contact for more information.


Yachts on Wheels

Inteligencija je uzbudljiva Intelligence Is Exciting

MERCEDES E-CLASS Deseta generacija klasika iz Stuttgarta postavlja stilske trendove čistim i elegantnim dizajnom, mnoštvom tehnoloških inovacija, ekskluzivnom i visokokvalitetnom unutrašnjošću te sjajnim motorima The tenth generation of classics from Stuttgart sets style trends with clean and elegant design, a multitude of technological innovations, an exclusive and high-quality interior and great engines

Yachts on Wheels

S više od 14 milijuna isporučenih limuzinskih i karavanskih izvedbi od 1946., E-klasa je najbolje prodavani model u povijesti marke Mercedes-Benz. Deseta generacija E-klase postavila je stilske trendove 2016. godine svojim čistim, ali emocionalno privlačnim dizajnom te ekskluzivnom i visokokvalitetnom unutrašnjošću. Karakteristično za ovaj model je i mnoštvo inovacija, kao u području sustava pomoći u vožnji. Ova emocionalno privlačna i u isto vrijeme inteligentna kombinacija ekstremno je uspješna: do danas je više od 1,2 milijuna kupaca iz cijelog svijeta kupilo trenutačnu generaciju E-klase. Automobilska inteligencija sada postaje uzbudljiva i dinamična: Mercedes je pokazao temeljito obnovljene sve inačice E-klase (limuzina, karavan, All-Terrain, Coupé i Cabriolet). Nova E-klasa opremljena je najnovijom generacijom MBUX multimedijskog sustava (Mercedes-Benz User Experience). Serijski uključuje dva velika 10,25-inčna/26 cm zaslona, koji su za ‘widescreen’ izgled poslagani jedan pored drugoga. Opcijski su dostupna dva 12,3-inčna/31,2 cm zaslona. Informacije na ploči s instrumentima i medijskom zaslonu lako su čitljive na velikim zaslonima visoke razlučivosti. Emotivna prezentacija s brilijantom grafikom ističe sveobuhvatnost intuitivne kontrolne strukture. S obnavljanjem E-klase elektrifikacija pogona doživjela je još jedan veliki korak naprijed. Sedam modela dostupno je kao plug-in hibridi (dizel i benzin, limuzina i karavan, sa stražnjim i pogonom na sve kotače). Ponuda vrlo učinkovitih i snažnih benzinskih motora niskih emisija kreće se u rasponu snaga od 115 do 270 kW, dok kod dizelskih modela taj raspon iznosi od 118 do 243 kW. Vrh ponude rezerviran je za AMG modele E53 i E63.

With more than 14 million sedans and station wagons delivered since 1946, the E-Class is the best-selling model in the history of the Mercedes-Benz brand. The tenth generation of the EClass set the style trends of 2016, with its clean yet emotionally appealing design and exclusive and high-quality interiors. The main feature of this model is the multitude of innovations, primarily those related to driving assistance systems. This emotionally appealing and at the same time intelligent combination is extremely successful: to date, more than 1.2 million customers from all over the world have bought the current generation of the E-Class. Automotive intelligence is now becoming more exciting and dynamic: Mercedes has shown a thorough overhaul of all versions of the E-Class (sedan, station wagon, All-Terrain, Coupé and Cabriolet). The new E-Class is equipped with the latest generation of the MBUX multimedia system (Mercedes-Benz User Experience). The standard includes two large 10.25-inch / 26 cm screens, which are stacked side by side for a widescreen look. Two 12.3-inch / 31.2 cm screens are available as an option. The information on the instrument panel and media screen is easy to read on large high-resolution screens. The emotional presentation with brilliant graphics emphasizes the comprehensiveness of the intuitive control structure. With the renewal of the E-Class, the electrification of the drive has experienced another big step forward. Seven models are available as plug-in hybrids (diesel and petrol, sedan and station wagon, with rearwheel drive and all-wheel drive). The range of highly efficient and powerful low-emission gas engines ranges from 115 to 270 kW, while diesel models range from 118 to 243 kW. The top of the range is reserved for the AMG E53 and E63.


Yachts on Wheels

Kolekcionarski primjerci Collectors’ Pieces

Limited Edition Predstavljamo posebne i rijetke modele Audija, Bentleyja, BMW-a, Mercedesa i Rolls-Roycea Meet some of the special and rare models of Audi, BMW, Mercedes and Rolls-Royce Text Hrvoje Bulešić Photos BMW, Rolls-Royce, Mercedes, Bentley & Audi

Rijetki i limitirani modeli automobila stvoreni su da golicaju maštu i raspiruju snove. Često inženjeri i dizajneri - vezani proizvodnim smjernicama, proračunima i propisima – nemaju vremena za kreaciju. Ovaj tekst posvećen je upravo automobilima koji su napravljeni kada su kreativci ‘pušteni s lanca’.

Rare and limited car models are designed to tickle imagination and ignite dreams. Bound by production guidelines, calculations and regulations, engineers and designers often do not have time to stretch their creative wings. Meet the cars designed when the creative departments broke through their chains.

Audi R8 V10 Decennium

Audi R8 V10 Decennium

Audijev supersportski model R8 već je poseban sam po sebi, a kada se u jednadžbu doda njegova limitirana izvedba, onda govorimo o pravom kolekcionarskom primjerku. Punim imenom nazvan Audi R8 V10 Decennium lani je napravljen u 222 primjerka. Razlog ovakve posebne proslave je deseta godišnjica jednog od najkarizmatičnijih motora u svijetu autoindustrije. Riječ je o moćnom V10 koji u ovom modelu razvija punih 620 konjskih snaga. Slavljenik je obojan u mat Daytona sivu boju, nazvanu po slavnoj trkaćoj stazi u SAD-u, a aluminijski naplaci i pokrov moćnog motora kao kontrast imaju brončanu mat boju. Već čekamo ‘ve-deset’ iduću obljetnicu.

Audi’s supersport model R8 is special even without all the extras – but when you add extraordinary performance to the mix, you get a true collector’s item. The beast that is Audi R8 V10 Decennium was created last year, and produced in 222 units. The reason for this extraordinary celebration is the tenth anniversary of one of the most charismatic engines in the automotive world. Decennium is powered by the mighty V10 and develops 620-hp. The anniversary model is painted matte, in Daytona gray - named after the legendary US racetrack, while the aluminum rims and the powerful engine cover share the contrasting with the matte bronze color. We’re already giddy for V10’s next birthday.

Yachts on Wheels

Bentley Continental GT Convertible Equestrian Edition

Bentley Continental GT Convertible Equestrian Edition

Britanska tradicija konjičkog sporta i proizvodnja vrhunskih automobila na sjajan su način spojene u ovom ručno izrađenom Bentleyju. Kao inspiracija za ovaj kabriolet poslužio je jedan od najprestižnijih konjičkih evenata - Cheltenham Festival. Umjetnici iz Mullinera obojili su elegantni Continental GT u posebnu nijansu zelene boje nazvane Spruce, a kožna sedla, pardon, sjedala krase izvezeni motivi sa siluetom konja i jahača.

BMW M2 by Futura 2000 Bavarski premium proizvođač još od 1975. godine dokazuje kako se umjetnost sjajno slaže s vrhunskim automobilima. U sklopu projekta BMW Art Car gostovali su David Hockney, Jenny Holzer, Roy Lichtenstein, Robert Rauschenberg, Frank Stella i Andy Warhol. Novo umjetničko djelo na kotačima napravljeno je u suradnji s jednim od vodećih svjetskih grafiti umjetnika. Leonard Hilton McGurr, poznatiji kao Futura 2000, ručno je obojio tri primjerka modela M2 iz kojih izvire buntovništvo New Yorka i ulične scene koji dodatno naglašavaju odlučan karakter BMW-a iz M-serije.

Mercedes-AMG G 63 Cigarette Edition i Maybach GLS 600 Iz Stuttgarta predstavljamo dva SUV-a koje su inspirirali brzi brodovi i luksuz. AMG G 63 Cigarette Edition napravljen je u čast američkog proizvođača superbrzih glisera s kojim Mercedes surađuje dugi niz godina. Legendarni G-Wagen izgleda sjajno u crnoj boji sa zlatnim detaljima, a njegov interijer u kombinaciji tamno-plave i bež isti je kao i na brodu. Maybach GLS 600 sasvim je drukčiji automobil. Nazvan S-klasom među SUV-ovima trenutačno predstavlja sam vrh ponude kod Mercedesa.

Rolls-Royce Falcon Wraith Rolls-Royce Bespoke Design poseban je odjel unutar britanske luksuzne marke koji klijentima ispunjava čak i one želje koje tek možda misle zaželjeti. Jedinstveni primjerak Wraitha inspiriran je najbržom pticom na svijetu – sivim sokolom. Plava boja simbolizira nebo na kojem sokoli slobodno lete, dok krov automobila s unutarnje strane krasi izvezena slika ptice u letu za koju je potrebno mjesec dana rada. Posebni detalji na karoseriji i između stražnjih sjedala su motivi krila.

Rolls-Royce Phantom


Rolls-Royce Falcon Wraith

The fine British equestrian tradition meets premium automotive creations in this hand-made Bentley. One of the most prestigious equestrian events, the Cheltenham Festival, served as the inspiration for this convertible. The fine artists of Mulliner painted the elegant Continental GT in a special shade of green named Spruce, and the leather saddles… sorry, seats are adorned with embroidered silhouettes of horses and riders.

BMW M2 by Futura 2000 The Bavarian manufacturer extraordinaire has since 1975 been trying to convince the world that top art and top cars make great playmates. The BMW Art Car project features the works of David Hockney, Jenny Holzer, Roy Lichtenstein, Robert Rauschenberg, Frank Stella and Andy Warhol. The new wheeled work of art was created in collaboration with one of the world’s most famous graffiti artists: Leonard Hilton McGurr, better known as Futura 2000, hand-painted three units of the M2 with motifs of urban rebellion and New York life – perfect match for the resolutely designed BMW M-Series.

Mercedes-AMG G 63 Cigarette Edition and Maybach GLS 600 The Stuttgart maker found inspiration for their two new SUVs in fast boats and luxury. Model AMG G 63 Cigarette Edition was created to honor American manufacturer of super-fast speedboats Cigarette, with whom Mercedes has been cooperating for many years. The legendary G-Wagen looks great in black with gold details, and its interior in dark blue and beige reflects the interior design of the boat it honors. Maybach GLS 600 is something completely different – dubbed the S-Class of the SUV, it currently represents the very pinnacle of the Mercedes catalog.

Rolls-Royce Falcon Wraith Rolls-Royce Bespoke Design is a special department within the British luxury brand, existing with one mission alone: to fulfill every wish a customer makes, and then move on to those they haven’t even though of yet. The fantastic creature that is Wraith was inspired by the fastest bird in the world – the gray falcon. The blue color of the chassis represents the sky, where falcons fly freely, while the roof of the car is on the inside adorned with an embroidered image of a falcon mid-flight that takes a month to create. The chassis and the interior between the rear seats are decorated with wings.

Bentley Continental GT Convertible Equestrian Edition

Ovi automobili izrađeni su u malom broju primjeraka i često završavaju kod kolekcionara Part of limited edition series, these models usually end up in the hands of collectors

Mercedes Maybach GLS 600

Mercedes-AMG G 63 Cigarette Edition

BMW M2 by Futura 2000

Audi R8 V10 Decennium


Yachts Cooltura

Krizni stožer Yachtsa Yachts Crisis HQ Vrhunski znanstvenici Ivan Đikić, Igor Štagljar i Miroslav Radman te uspješni poslovni ljudi Branko Roglić i Emil Tedeschi iznijeli su nam svoje viđenje o pandemiji koronavirusa te ponudili neka razmišljanja o budućnosti We discussed the corona virus pandemic and its consequences with scientists Ivan Đikić, Igor Štagljar and Miroslav Radman, and business leaders Branko Roglić and Emil Tedeschi Edited by Hrvoje Bulešić Photos & Archive

U samo nekoliko mjeseci pred našim je očima nestao svijet koji smo poznavali. Pandemija koronavirusa duboko je promijenila ljudski rod, naša iskustva, životne navike… Upravo zbog silnih pitanja koja muče čitavu civilizaciju, za ljetni broj Yachtsa osnovali smo krizni korona-stožer u kojem su gostovali vrhunski znanstvenici - Ivan Đikić, Igor Štagljar i Miroslav Radman, te uspješni poslovni ljudi Branko Roglić i Emil Tedeschi. Premda je pandemija koronavirusa zaustavila čitav svijet, na površinu su isplivale neke pozitivne stvari i neke nove vrijednosti u društvu. Profesor Ivan Đikić smatra kako je u trenutku pandemije ljudski rod pokazao solidarnost i zajedništvo u kriznom djelovanju, stručnost ispred politikantstva, zdravlje kao ljudsko dobro, a ne ekonomsko pitanje te svjesnost o katastrofičnim razmjerima naših učinaka na prirodu. Predsjednik Uprave Atlantic grupe Emil Tedeschi ističe da je pojava koronavirusa, uz šok i strah zbog visoke zaraznosti i velikog broja umrlih u najvećim žarištima, izazvala i jednu ozbiljnu količinu humanog optimizma i solidarnosti globalno, no zanos je, nažalost, dosta brzo splasnuo nakon relativnog umirivanja pandemije. Profesor Miroslav Radman kao pozitivno navodi naše ‘prizemljenje’ izazvano strahom, ali isto tako upozorava na činjenicu

In just a few months, the world we knew dissipated. The corona virus pandemic turned humanity upside down, along with our collective and personal experiences and lifestyle. The many questions whirling in our minds prompted us to form corona virus crisis headquarters of a kind, a panel starring top scientists of the moment – Ivan Đikić, Igor Štagljar and Miroslav Radman – and business leaders Branko Roglić and Emil Tedeschi. Although the pandemic threw a wrench in life on the planet, it did have some accidental positive consequences, spurred some positive trends and pushed the society into rethinking values. Professor Ivan Đikić stresses the solidarity and unity in fighting the pandemic, putting scientific opinion ahead of politics, health as a human right, not an economic issue, and increased awareness of the catastrophic strain we have put on the environment. CEO of Atlantic Grupa, Emil Tedeschi, also stresses global optimism and solidarity in the face of shocking infection and death numbers, even if they were short-lived and waned soon after the worst of the pandemic was over. Professor Miroslav Radman sees positive development in the fact that humanity responded to the pandemic with sober shock, but warns that historically speaking, sobering moments like plagues or world wars have not had a lasting influence on the



kako je i u prošlosti bilo sličnih ‘COVID’ momenata poput kuge ili svjetskih ratova koji nisu opametili ljudski rod. Branko Roglić izdvojio je nekoliko pozitivnih stvari vezanih uz pandemiju. Prva je digitalizacija, potom obitelji, koje su konačno dva mjeseca bile zajedno, te činjenica kako čovjek mora shvatiti da je malen u usporedi s moćnom prirodom. U svakodnevni govor su praktički preko noći ušli izrazi poput izolacije ili socijalne distance, a naši sugovornici pojasnili su nam svoje definicije ‘korona-rječnika’. Profesor Radman smatra da se radi o ukidanju suživota, druženja, zajedništva ili, prozaičnije rečeno, socijalizacije. Osim možda za pustinjaka ili mudraca, društvena izolacija je kastracija senzualnosti i intelekta. S druge strane, profesor Đikić kaže kako mu je od socijalne, draži pojam fizičke distance. Ljudi trebaju razgovore, psihički i socijalni kontakt, koje su tijekom mjera izolacije održavali preko društvenih mreža i interneta te ostali međusobno povezani. Za profesora Štagljara ‘novo normalno’ znači da sastanke održava preko ‘Zooma’, većinom radi od kuće, a čak kada i ode u laboratorij, sa suradnicima priča na fizičkoj distanci. Van ne ide bez maske i rukavica, izbjegava gužve i ne ide nikome u posjete. Na kraju, pola u šali, a pola u zbilji zaključuje: ‘Vidite i sami, moj život je postao prilično dosadan.’ Svjetska gospodarska kriza je krenula, gdje se tu nalazi Hrvatska i kako naši sugovornici gledaju na moguću recesiju? ‘Hrvatska može i treba smanjiti ovisnost o turizmu, mnoge države kojima je turizam strateška, ali nikako dominantna gospodarska grana, u tome mogu biti neka vrsta putokaza. Čitav niz poduzeća u IT sektoru uspio je razviti poslovanje i zaposliti dosta ljudi samo na vlastite mišiće, ili sustavu usprkos. Takve prilike sustav treba prepoznati i podržati stvaranjem jasnog i jednostavnog regulatornog okvira i poticajnog okruženja’, podvukao je Emil Tedeschi, a Branko Roglić se nadovezao: ‘Oživljavanje malih seoskih gospodarstava i prodaja njihovih proizvoda preko interneta je vrlo zanimljiva pojava koja me veseli. Moramo razvijati poljoprivredu, drvnu industriju, IT industriju, marikulturu i ostale grane, ali turizam je izvoz. Bez tih 9 milijardi kuna koje donosi turizam, naš uvozno-izvozni disbalans ubrzo postaje problem.’ Profesor Đikić želio je poslati pozitivnu poruku kako trebamo nastaviti s normalnim životom, prilagoditi svoje aktivnosti potrebama društva i brige o prirodi, te s pouzdanjem, a ne strahom gledati na izazove koji su ispred nas. Profesor Štagljar upozorava da se moramo dobro pripremiti za drugi val ako ga bude i čekati znanost da nas izbavi iz zla, a profesor Radman ponudio je zanimljiva razmišljanja o boljem društvu. ‘Ponajprije postići izvrsnost u svemu, a potom solidarnost (društva prema pojedincu i obrnuto). Čuvati sebe i društvo od humanih parazita i grabežljivaca te društvenih ‘metastaza’ koje su opasnije od oskudice’, rekao je za kraj hrvatski biolog.

collective mind. Branko Roglić sees several positive trends brought on by the pandemic: digitalization, increase in family time, and realization of how small the humanity is before the mighty nature. We have asked our panelists to comment on some new terms we have all been forced to learn; among them the ever-present social distancing. According to prof. Radman, social distancing equals death of togetherness, cohabitation and socialization, stressing that – with rare exceptions of extreme introverts or hermits – isolation imposes the danger of castrating our intellect and senses. Prof. Đikić, on the other hand, prefers the term physical distancing to social distancing, adding that people still need to talk to others, to have social and psychological contact to others even if they are not in the same room, and have been doing so ever since isolation measures were imposed, through Internet and social networks. For prof. Štagljar, the new normal means Zoom conferences, working from home and visiting the lab rarely – and even then maintaining social distancing. He never leaves the house without a mask and gloves, avoids crowds and doesn’t visit. ‘My life has become pretty boring,’ he says, only half joking. The world has entered an economic crisis, and possibly recession. We asked our panelists what they predict for the economy of Croatia and the world. ‘Croatia can and should decrease their dependence on tourism,’, said Emil Tedeschi, ‘taking inspiration from the many countries that have developed tourism that adds to their GDP, but isn’t its dominant contributor. Many IT companies have successfully developed their businesses and employ large number of people with nothing but their skills, and often despite the system. The system should learn how to recognize such potential and support it by designing simple and efficient regulations and encouraging environment.’ ‘Reviving small farms and making it possible for them to distribute their products online is an interesting side-effect of the pandemic, and one I was happy to see’, adds Branko Roglić. ‘We must invest in development of farming, wood industry, IT, mariculture, as well as tourism. Without the 9 billion kn that pour into the economy from tourism alone, our import-export imbalance could become a serious problem.’ Prof. Đikić was adamant in ending on a positive note, insisting we should lead normal lives with some modifications, adapting our activity to the needs of society, caring for the environment, and facing the challenges ahead with determination instead of fear. Prof. Štagljar warned of the second wave and stressed the importance of meeting it well prepared, while we wait for science to take care of the problems, and prof. Radman offered his ideas on how to improve society in general. ‘First and foremost, we must reach for excellence in everything we do, and then pay closer attention to solidarity, on individual and societal scale. We must protect ourselves and our society from human parasites and predators, as well as societal metastases, which pose a threat bigger than scarcity’, concluded the biologist.

Pandemija koronavirusa potaknula je neke pozitivne stvari i stvorila nove vrijednosti u društvu The corona virus pandemic spurred some positive trends and pushed the society into rethinking values

Integralne odgovore naših sugovornika pročitajte na našoj web-stranici Read complete answers of our panelists on our website


PBZ Card

ÄŒinim dobro svaki dan Doing Every Text Ida Vickota Photo


Neka pomaganje drugima bude dio i vaše svakodnevice! Zbog brojnih dnevnih obaveza ponekad nam je teško odvojiti vrijeme i pomoći drugima iako bismo to željeli. Visa kartica sa srcem idealan je način da pomaganje drugima bude dio naše svakodnevice. Ova će kartica pružiti zadovoljstvo kupnje, a istodobno i pomoći djeci i mladima diljem zemlje. Putem Visa kartice sa srcem, pod motom ‘Činim dobro svaki dan’, PBZ grupa pomaže projekte za dobrobit djece i mladih donirajući za svaku kupnju kod koje je pri plaćanju korištena ova kartica 1 kunu, bez dodatnog troška za korisnike kartice. Za projekt ‘Činim dobro svaki dan’ PBZ grupa je do sada prikupila 19 milijuna kuna te realizirala 40 donacija za opremanje dječjih bolnica, pedijatrijskih odjela te domova socijalne skrbi kako bi unaprijedila zdravstvenu i socijalnu skrb djece i mladih u Hrvatskoj. Ako želite da dobra djela postanu i dio vaše svakodnevice, postanite korisnik Visa kartice sa srcem ili donirajte online na

Make helping others be a part of your everyday life! Our busy everyday lives make it difficult to help others as often as we want to. Visa Card with a Heart makes helping easy – just as it makes shopping easy. Launched under motto ‘Doing Good Every Day’, the card allows PBZ Group to support projects aimed at helping children and youth by donating 1 kuna for every purchase made with the card, without any additional cost for the card user. The project has already allowed PBZ Group to raise 19 million kuna and donate them to 40 causes, from pediatric hospitals or pediatric wings of hospitals, to state-owned social services projects that help children and young adults in Croatia. All those interested in the card can register online, or just donate at


Ludwig van Beethoven VeliÄ?anstveni virtuoz 82


Njemačkog su skladatelja još za života smatrali legendom jer je dovodio u pitanje granice umjetničkog radikalizma, skladajući izvan zadanih okvira i pritom oduševljavajući mase. Njegova glazba i danas izaziva snažne emocije kod slušatelja diljem svijeta The German composer became legend even before his death. His music radically moved the limits of art, tore through boundaries and touched hearts and souls of masses even in his time – and still elicits strong emotions in everyone listening to it today

Malo je umjetnika koji su postigli međunarodnu reputaciju koja može nadmašiti Ludwiga van Beethovena, sjajnog skladatelja i virtuoznog glazbenika, čija se 250. godišnjica rođenja obilježava upravo ove godine. Beethovena su još za života smatrali legendom jer je dovodio u pitanje granice umjetničkog radikalizma, skladajući izvan zadanih okvira i pritom oduševljavajući mase, a njegova glazba i danas izaziva snažne emocije kod slušatelja diljem svijeta. Beethoven se rodio 1770. godine u Bonnu i odrastao je u glazbenoj obitelji. Njegov je djed bio crkveni pjevač u dvorskoj kapeli, kao i otac, učitelj glazbe, koji je Beethovenu davao prve glazbene lekcije. Prvi javni nastup imao je kao sedmogodišnjak u Kölnu, a navodno je svoju prvu plaću primio s 13 godina. Do tada je već posvetio tri klavirske sonate – Kürfürstensonaten, nadbiskupu Maximilianu Friedrichu. To je bila velika čast s obzirom na to da je nadbiskup prihvatio posvetu, što je Beethovenu pomoglo da se istakne na glazbenoj There aren’t many artists more famous than Ludwig van Beethoven, virtuoso extraordinaire, whose 250th birthday we celebrate this year. Considered legend even during his lifetime, Beethoven tore through boundaries of artistic expression, radically moved the limits of art and touched the souls and hearts of masses. To this day, his music has moving power and still elicits strong emotions. Born 1770 in Bonn, Beethoven grew up surrounded by music: his paternal grandfather was a professional church singer and court musician, and his father was a music teacher. Little Ludwig had his first public appearance at the age of seven, in Cologne, and his first paid concert at the tender age of thirteen. By then he had already dedicated three sonatas for piano to archbishop Maximilian Friedrich – the so-called Kürfürstensonaten – who gracefully accepted, which was a great honor for

Text Beethoven Jubiläums / Christine Siegert & Christian Lorenz: Essays on the Main Themes of BTHVN2020 Photos Sonja Werner, Michael Sondermann & Austrian National Library


sceni svoga rodnog grada. Njegovi su nastupi impresionirali slušatelje, ali i novinare koji su bili oduševljeni ‘veličanstvenom virtuoznošću’ mladog glazbenika, njegovim ‘neiscrpnim bogatstvom ideja’ i ‘osebujnim načinom izražavanja’. Iako je bio uspješan pijanist, Beethoven je otišao u Beč kod Josepha Haydna kako bi usavršio svoje vještine. I dok je Haydn napisao više od sto simfonija, Mozart preko četrdeset, Beethoven ih nije skladao više od devet. Međutim, njegova su djela nastala u skladu s njegovim umjetničkim ugledom i velikim očekivanjima njegove publike. On je bio jedna od prvih globalnih ‘megazvijezda’ čija su djela od neprocjenjive važnosti za povijest glazbe i današnji im se izvođači iznova vraćaju. Beethoven je imao i ogroman utjecaj na generacije glazbenika koje su uslijedile nakon njega. Primjerice, Schubert i Schumann preuzeli su njegovu ideju o ciklusu pjesama, a Schumann i Mendelssohn simfonijsku koncepciju. To je učinio i Brahms, iako je u početku Beethovenova ostavština za njega predstavljala teret kazavši kako bi uvijek čuo ‘snažno marširanje iza sebe’. Liszta je nadahnuo za stvaranje bezbrojnih aranžmana, dok je Wagner Devetu simfoniju nazvao pretečom svog sveobuhvatnog umjetničkog djela - Gesamtkunstwerk. Može se kazati i da je Beethoven pomno pratio politička previranja svog vremena i otvoreno simpatizirao ideale Francuske revolucije: slobodu, jednakost i bratstvo. U svojim je ranim djelima Beethoven slijedio humanističke ideale prosvjetiteljstva, a možda je najvažnije njegovo djelo u tom pogledu Deveta Beethoven and helped him put his foot in the door of the musical scene of his native city. Beethoven’s concerts impressed audiences and journalists alike, and he was showered with compliments, ranging from ‘virtuoso most magnificent’ and ‘endlessly inspired’ to ‘uniquely expressive’, and the young artist was invited to hone his skills with Joseph Haydn in Vienna. Unlike his teacher Haydn, who composed more than one hundred symphonies, or the great Mozart who composed over forty, Beethoven was not as prolific – but the nine symphonies he composed were absolute pinnacle of musical art, as by then was expected by his audiences and the public. He was one of the first mega-stars of music, whose compositions influenced contemporaries as well as hundreds of artists after his death: many greats like Schubert and Schumann adopted Beethoven’s song cycle, he inspired Mendelsohn’s symphony concept, and influenced Brahms, who later claimed Beethoven’s legacy was a burden at first, who compared it to ‘constantly hearing such a giant marching’ behind him. Beethoven inspired the way Liszt arranged his compositions, and Wagner stated himself that Beethoven’s Symphony No.9 to be inspiration for his life’s work, his Gesamtkunstwerk. Beethoven had a keen interest in politics of his time and was an avid supporter of the ideals of French revolution – liberty, equality, fraternity. His early works

Beethovenovi spomenici, Münsterplatz, Bonn Beethoven’s statues, Münsterplatz, Bonn

Cooltura U povodu proslave 250. obljetnice rođenja ovoga velikog skladatelja, Austrijska nacionalna knjižnica pripremila je posebnu izložbu pod nazivom ‘Beethoven. World of the Man and Spark of the Gods’

The Austrian National Library in Vienna celebrates Beethoven’s 250th birthday with the exhibition ‘Beethoven. World of the Man and Spark of the Gods’

Instrumenti iz Beethovenove rodne kuće / The instruments from his birth home

simfonija i ‘Oda radosti’. Pjesmu je napisao njemački pjesnik Friedrich Schiller slaveći ideal bratstva i ujedinjenosti čovječanstva, dok je Beethovenova interpretacija pjesme otvorenija i uključuje kršćanstvo i antiku, ali i opće dobro. Beethoven je također volio prirodu. Za njega je ona bila mjesto odmora, ali i nadahnuća. Posebno mu je teško padao gubitak sluha koji je utjecao na njegov doživljaj prirode. O tome je pisao svojoj braći u Heiligenstadtovu testamentu: ‘Zamislite moje poniženje kad bi netko pored mene čuo flautu u daljini, a ja ne bih čuo ništa. Ili kad bi netko čuo pastira kako pjeva, a ja ne bih čuo ništa.’ Na svojim dugim šetnjama prirodom nosio je malu knjižicu u koju je zapisivao glazbu, a upravo je ljubav prema prirodi bila od ključne važnosti za njegovo stvaralaštvo. To najviše dolazi do izražaja u Šestoj, ili Pastoralnoj simfoniji, u kojoj skladatelj prikazuje jedan dan na selu, s naglaskom na dio kod potoka gdje vrlo lijepo dočarava pjev ptica. Jedinstveni glazbeni opus ovog kreativnog vizionara i radikalnog umjetnika, kao i njegove utopije o slobodi i bratstvu, i danas su jednako aktualne i možda bi nam upravo sada, više nego ikad, ideali slobode, mira i solidarnosti trebali biti na prvome mjestu.

follow humanist principles of the Age of Enlightenment, which is perhaps most obvious in Symphony No. 9 and its final movement, Ode to Joy, based in part on Friedrich Schiller’s poem and celebrating the ideals of unity, fraternity, Christianity and Antiquity. Beethoven found inspiration in nature, as well. Loss of hearing impacted him as heavily as can be expected, and he mourned it in letters to his brothers. ‘Imagine my humiliation when someone near me hears a flute and I don’t, when someone hears a shepherd sing, and I hear nothing’, he wrote. On many of his long walks in nature he carried a notebook to write down music whispered to him by the nature, and composed an entire symphony to celebrate it: Symphony No. 6, Pastoral Symphony, which he described as ‘more an expression of feeling than painting’, paints a day in the countryside, with an especially vivid musical description of a burbling stream and birdsong. The unique musical legacy of this creative visionary and radical artist, as well as his vision of liberty and fraternity of all mankind remain influential and important to this day – perhaps more than ever in this age when the ideals of freedom, peace and solidarity are what mankind needs the most.


Musée Atelier Audemars Piguet

U srce sata po staklenoj spirali Glass Spiral Into the Heart of Time

Text Dubravka Tomeković Aralica Photos Iwan Baan & Musée Atelier Audemars Piguet

Jedinstveni muzej posvećen povijesti, sadašnjosti i budućnosti urarstva, spoj tradicije i avangarde Audemars Pigueta, otvoren je u Le Brassusu, u švicarskim Alpama Musée Atelier Audemars Piguet is a unique institution bringing together the tradition and the avantgarde that is Audemars Piguet. The museum in Le Brassus, in the Swiss Alps, is a keeper of the manufacturer’s history, present and future


Stakleni paviljon spiralnog oblika ispod tamnog neba posutog zvijezdama izgleda poput svemirskog broda spuštenog na golemu zelenu livadu koja se spaja s gustom borovom šumom. No to avangardno zdanje površine 2500 četvornih metara nenametljivo se uklapa u zadivljujuću prirodu švicarskih planina Jura i Vallee de Joux, kolijevku urarske industrije, gdje se u Le Brassusu nalazi i manufaktura Audemars Piguet. Mjestašce šezdesetak kilometara udaljeno od Ženeve ima tek nešto više od 1300 stanovnika: većinom su to farmeri i vinogradari ili, pak, u manufakturi Audemars Piguet izrađuju luksuzne satove. Njihov novi ponos Musée Atelier Audemars Piguet izranja iz zemlje poput mosta i povezuje dva svijeta: staru dvokatnicu u kojoj su Jules Louis Audemars i Edward Auguste Piguet 1875. pokrenuli svoj, rekli bismo danas - startup, i muzej koji posjetiteljima nudi jedinstven pogled na povijest švicarske doline satova i na remek-djela kojima su skromni urari osvojili svijet. U središtu spirale izložbeni je prostor od 900 četvornih metara, a u njemu dva specijalizirana atelijera: prvi - Grande Complication - posvećen je zahtjevnim primjercima satova čija izrada traje i do osam mjeseci, a pojedini su sastavljeni od 650 komponenti. Središnje mjesto na izložbi pripada džepnom satu 1899 Universelle, najkompliciranijem ikada izrađenom u Audemars Piguetu, sastavljenom od 1158 komponenti, a ima čak 21 funkciju. U drugom atelijeru nazvanom Metiers d’Art nastaju kreacije visokog draguljarstva, obrađene posebnim tehnikama graviranja i optočene dragim kamenjem. Na 300 izloženih satova, među kojima je puno unikata, objedinjene su sve vještine vrhunskih urara i draguljara, na kojima počiva prošlost, sadašnjost i budućnost Audemars Pigueta. Posjetitelji mogu online rezervirati ulaznicu za obilazak muzeja otvorenog krajem lipnja te kroz staklene pregrade gledati urare kako sklapaju mehanizme. ‘Puno je disciplina u urarstvu pomoću kojih se postiže maksimalni učinak s minimalnom količinom materijala. Poput arhitekture, i urarstvo je umjetnost i znanost prožimanja metala i minerala s energijom i pokretom, njihovo oživljavanje u formi prikazivanja vremena’, sinergiju arhitekture i urarstva objašnjava Bjarke Ingles, danski arhitekt čiji je biro BIG izradio idejni projekt Musée Ateliera. BIG djeluje već petnaest godina, imaju urede u Kopenhagenu, New Yorku, Barceloni i Londonu, a projektirali su i Googleovu zgradu u North Bayshoreu. Muzej u Le

The glass pavilion spiraling under the dark night sky sprinkled with stars looks like a spaceship that landed on the grassy green expanse, just outside the dense pine wood. You’d be shocked to see how well the avantgarde building blends in with the bucolic surroundings of the Swiss Jura and Vallée de Joux, the cradle of Swiss watchmaking, and the home – in the village of Le Brassus – the atelier Audemars Piguet. Nestled in the valley some sixty kilometers from Geneva, Le Brassus is home to just over 1300 people – most of them farmers, vintners, or, as fate would have it, luxury watch makers. Their newest point of pride, the Musée Atelier Audemars Piguet, rises from the ground like a bridge between the old and the new – the two very old two-story houses in which Jules Louis Audemars and Edward Auguste Piguet opened what today would be dubbed a clock-making start-up in 1875. The very new museum allows visitors to peek into the peculiar history of the Swiss clock valley and admire the masterpieces created by modest artisans who conquered the world. The heart of the spiral houses the 900 square meters of exhibition space, divided into two ateliers. The first, Grande Complication, is dedicated solely to the very demanding – complicated – watches whose fabrication takes up to eight months, some of them counting as many as 650 parts. The star of this pavilion is the 1989 Universelle pocket watch, the most complicated watch Audemars Piguet have ever made, with 1158 components and 21 functions. The other atelier, Metiers d’Art, is the place where precious stones meet precious watches. The 300 models on permanent exhibition, many of them unique, have been crafted using the many skills master watchmakers learn during a lifetime – the skills that have crafted the past, present and future of Audemars Piguet. Visitors can reserve tours online and observe the masters as their work, through glass. ‘In watchmaking, a lot of the disciplines are what you could call getting the maximum amount of impact with a minimum amount of material. Watchmaking like architecture is the art and science of imbuing metals and minerals with energy, movement, intelligence and measure to bring them to life in the form of telling time’, says Ingels, the Danish architect whose studio BIG designed the Musée Atelier Audemars Piguet. In their fifteen years of activity, BIG has opened offices in Kopenhagen, New York, Barcelona and London, and designed a building for Google’s North Bayshore campus. For the museum in Le Brassus, they cooperated with Swiss architects at CCHE, award winning studio renowned for



Cooltura Brassusu nastao je u suradnji sa švicarskim uredom CCHE, nagrađivanim za projekte održivog razvoja i društveno odgovorne arhitekture. Po istim principima energijske učinkovitosti i kvalitete gradnje BIG i CCHE za Audemars Piguet grade i vrhunski Hotel des Horlogers, površine 7000 četvornih metara, a otvaranje je predviđeno za ljeto 2021. Ingelsova vizija muzeja prilično je odudarala od švicarske arhitekture u planinama Jura. ‘Švicarska su pravila gradnje, blago rečeno, stroga. Rečeno mi je da svi krovovi moraju imati kut s obje strane’, otkrio je na predstavljanju muzeja, izgrađenog, posve suprotno, u formi opruge sata, koja ga je i nadahnula za oblik muzeja. Zidovi spiralnog paviljona izrađeni su od zakrivljenog stakla debljine 12 centimetara, a ukupno 108 staklenih panela nosači su čeličnog krova težine 470 tona. Mreža od mesinga postavljena duž vanjske površine ne ometa pogled na prirodu, ali regulira svjetlo i temperaturu u muzeju. Dodatni re-

sustainable projects and socially responsible architecture. BIG and CCHE are working on another project for Audemars Piguet, adhering to the same principles of efficiency, sustainability and quality: the luxury Hotel des Horlogers should stretch across 7000 square meters, and be opened in summer 2021. Ingels says his vision very much differed from the Swiss architecture in the Jura mountains. ‘Swiss building rules, to say the least, are very strict. I was told a building here must resemble other buildings, meaning to have a double sided angled roof’, he revealed at the preview of the project, built in the form of a watch spring, his obvious inspiration. The walls of the glass pavilion have a thickness of 12cm, enough to support the 470-tonne steel structure. The brass mesh that stretches around the outer wall doesn’t stand in the way of the view, but regulates the levels of light and heat in the museum. The roof provides additional temperature regulation, as it has water absorption

1899 Universelle

Bjarke Ingels

Opruga sata nadahnula je arhitekta Ingelsa za oblik muzeja površine 2500 četvornih metara The museum of 2500 square meters was built in a form of watch spring that inspired architect Ingels

gulator topline je i krov koji upija vodu, zimi pokriven snijegom, a ljeti travom. Za razliku od staklene spirale s kojom je povezano, povijesno zdanje manufakture spoj je drva i kamena. Upravo na najvišem, drugom katu, gdje dopire i najviše prirodnog svjetla, gospoda Audemars i Piguet postavili su prije 145 godina svoju radionicu. Projekt njezina renoviranja spojio je mnoge lokalne majstore, koji su u suradnji s Odjelom za očuvanje nasljeđa kompanije obnavljali zdanje izgrađeno 1868. Zahvaljujući stolarskim majstorima, spašena je sva drvenarija, pa se u temeljito preuređenim prostorima sada nalaze arhiva, Heritage Department, Zaklada Audemars Piguet te restauratorski atelier, a u njemu specijalizirani urari popravljaju i dotjeruju antikne primjerke satova. Zaklada Audemars Piguet osobito je angažirana u obnavljanju biorazličitosti, očuvanju šuma i zaštite okoliša u Švicarskoj i u svijetu, a tome u čast u atriju muzeja posadit će stablo merale (Amelanchier rotundifolia) te će ga nakon dvije godine presaditi u prirodu kao dio projekta lokalne zajednice. Zakladu vodi Jasmine Audemars, predsjednica odbora direktora Audemars Pigueta i kći Jacquesa-Louisa koji je 1992. i osnovao Zakladu. Dostojno povijesnog trenutka otvaranja muzeja, iskazala se i manufaktura: kreirali su novu verziju iznimno rijetkog ručnog kronografa iz 1943. i nazvali ga (Re)master01. Svega 307 primjeraka tog vintage modela izrađeno je između tridesetih i pedesetih godina prošlog stoljeća, a ovo reizdanje - limitirana edicija od 500 primjeraka - evocira sve atribute originala.

abilities, is covered in snow in winter, and grass during summer. Unlike the modern glass spiral, the old, historical building is sturdy and solid, made in wood and stone. Gentlemen Audemars and Piguet set up their manufacture on the top floor of that building, as it abounded in light. The restoration of that building erected in 1868 brought together many local craftsmen, who consulted the Audemars Piguet Heritage Department. Their joint efforts allowed all original woodwork to be restored, and the building now houses the archive of the Heritage Department, the Audemars Piguet Foundation and the restoration atelier, where highly specialized watchmakers repair and restore antique watches. The Audemars Piguet Foundation is dedicated to preservation and restoration of biodiversity, protection of woodlands and protection of environment in Switzerland and abroad. The foundation is planning to plant a tree, snowy mespilus (Amelancher rotundifolia) in the heart of the glass atrium of the museum as a symbol of their work, and after two years transplant outdoors, as part of a local preservation project. Head of the foundation is Ms. Jasmine Audemars, chairwoman of the board of directors of Audemars Piguet and daughter of Jacques-Louis Piguet, who set up the foundation in 1992. The manufacture is honoring the opening of the museum in their specific way, with creation of the new version of the 1943 chronograph, made only in 307 units. The (Re)master01 will be part of the limited edition series counting 500 units and will in every aspect evoke its lustrous predecessor.


50 godina kronografa Tudor

Prije 50 godina Tudor je predstavio svoj prvi kronograf - Oysterdate. Danas su Tudorovi kronografi cijenjeni u urarskoj industriji i vjerna su pratnja raznih uzbudljivih avantura svojih vlasnika. Doznajte kako su se razvijali u posljednjih pet desetljeća

Text Niko Vučković Photos Tudor

Fifty years ago, Tudor launched its first chronograph, Oysterdate. Today, Tudor’s chronographs are valued in the watchmaking industry and are a faithful partner to the various exciting adventures of their owners. Find out how they have evolved over the last five decades

SERIJA 7000 ILI ‘HOMEPLATE’ Predstavljen 1970. godine, Tudorov kronograf nosio je naziv Oysterdate te je odmah postao povezan s mehaničkim sportskim satovima. Opremljen je mehaničkim kalibrom Valjoux 7734 s ručnim navijanjem i kronografskim mehanizmom. Njegovo kućište bilo je proporcionalno, a dizajn oštar i muževan. Dizajn brojčanika bio je neobičan budući da su na prve tri reference dolazili u dvije verzije, sivoj i crnoj. Također, njihovi brojčanici bili su neobično oslikani svjetlećim oznakama sati petokrakog oblika, što im je donijelo nadimak ‘Homeplate’, koji se odnosio na bazu na bejzbolskom terenu.

Tudor Homeplate

SERIJA 7100 ILI ‘MONTE-CARLO’ Druga generacija kronografa Tudor predstavljena je 1971. godine i u katalogu brenda nalazila se do 1977. godine. Među ljubiteljima satova nazvana je Tudor ‘Monte-Carlo’, zahvaljujući brojčanicima u stilu ruletskog kotača. Kronografi serije 7100 zadržali su isto kućište poput njihovih prethodnika, kao i duh njihovih brojčanika, ali se mehanizam promijenio. U ovoj kolekciji predstavljena je nova kombinacija boja, Tudorova karakteristična plava, s plavim i sivim brojčanikom i dvije vrste odgovarajućeg plavog okvira. SAMONAVIJAJUĆI KRONOGRAFI ‘BIG BLOCK’ (SERIJE 9400 I 79100) Tudor je 1976. godine predstavio novu obitelj satova koji su donijeli malu revoluciju za brend. Novi modeli Prince Oysterdate bili su prvi kronografi Tudor opremljeni samonavijajućim mehanizmom. Kućište je zadržalo karakteristične značajke prethodnika, ali je bilo deblje zbog rotora samonavijajućeg mehanizma, stekavši nadimak ‘Big Block’ (Veliki blok) u kolekcionarskim krugovima. Naziv ‘Big Block’ zadržao se do 1989. godine, kada je predstavljena sljedeća serija 79100 koja je doživjela minimalne izmjene. Tudor Monte-Carlo

SERIES 7000 OR ‘HOMEPLATE’ Introduced in 1970, The Tudor chronograph was named the Oysterdate, and immediately became associated with mechanical sports watches. It was powered by a robust mechanical Valjoux 7734 calibre with manual winding and cam chronograph mechanism. Its case was generously proportioned and its design sharp and masculine. The dial design was unusual since the first two versions came in two versions, grey and black. They also featured unusual painted luminous hour markers in a pentagonal shape, earning them the nickname ‘Homeplate’ in reference to the home plate on a baseball field. SERIES 7100 OR ‘MONTE-CARLO’ The second generation of Tudor chronographs was launched in 1971 and featured in the brand’s catalogue until 1977. Dubbed the Tudor ‘MonteCarlo’ among enthusiasts thanks to their roulette wheel-style dials, the 7100 series chronographs retained the same case as their predecessors as well as the spirit of their dial, but the movement changed. A new colour combination was introduced in this series, Tudor’s signature blue, with a blue and grey dial and two types of matching blue bezel. SELF-WINDING OR ‘BIG BLOCK’ CHRONOGRAPH (SERIES 9400 AND 79100) In 1976, Tudor presented a new product family that represented a small revolution for the brand. These new Prince Oysterdate watches were the first Tudor chronographs to be equipped with self-winding movements. While the case retained the general lines of the previous families, it was made thicker to accommodate the rotor of the self-winding movement, earning it the nickname ‘Big Block’ in collectors’ circles. The name ‘Big Block’ endured when the following 79100 series was introduced in 1989, which underwent only minimal modifications.

Tudor Big Block

Tudor Safir

KRONOGRAF ‘SAFIR’ (SERIJA 79200) U 1995. godini, s predstavljanjem serije ref. 79200, estetika Prince Oysterdate kronografa suptilno je, ali ipak značajno dorađena. Kućište je postalo profinjenije i zaobljenije zadržavajući svoju prepoznatljivu siluetu. U sljedećim godinama nekoliko značajnih promjena obilježilo je dizajn četvrte generacije, uključujući predstavljanje safirnog kristala – po kojem je kolekcija i dobila nadimak - kao i konfiguracije od zlata i čelika i kožni remen. Njegov mehanizam ostao je Valjoux kalibar 7750 u značajno poboljšanoj verziji, osobito s estetskog stajališta. POVRATAK SERIJE ‘HOMEPLATE’ U 2010. godini, kako bi obilježio 40. obljetnicu prvog kronografa Tudor, brend je predstavio Heritage Chrono. Ovaj sat odlikuje se modernim dizajnom istovremeno zadržavajući karakteristične estetske elemente čuvenog modela ref. 7033 (prototip iz 1970. s gradacijskim rotirajućim prstenom), spajajući ih s brojnim suptilnim, jedinstvenim detaljima kao što su sjajno polirani kutevi ‘lugsa’, polirani štitnici navijajuće krunice i nazubljeni rotirajući prsten i potiskivači kronografa. U 2013. godini predstavljena je nova verzija ovog modela, Heritage Chrono Blue, s naglašenim plavim brojčanikom. Osim boje, ovaj novi model imao je i brojčanik inspiriran drugom generacijom kronografa Tudor, predstavljenom 1971. godine i nazvanom ‘Monte-Carlo’. Mehanizam koji je pokretao ove modele bio je kalibar 2892 s dodatnim kronografskim mehanizmom, prihvaćajući princip brojača minuta s 45-minutnim gradacijama i datumom na 6 sati.

Tudor Black Bay Chrono

FASTRIDER I USAVRŠAVANJE KERAMIKE Tudor je 2013. godine iznenadio svijet urarstva predstavljanjem modela Fastrider Black Shield, atraktivnog, sportskog mat crnog kronografa koji je odskakao od tradicionalne estetike brenda. Njegovo visoko tehnološko keramičko kućište odražavalo je njegovu tehnološku snagu i performanse. Prvotno dostupan u crnoj verziji s crvenim oznakama sati ili crnoj s oznakama sati u brončanoj boji, Fastrider Black Shield bio je dostupan i u verziji s visokim kontrastom, crni s bijelim oznakama sati. Samonavijajući mehanički mehanizam bio je kalibar 7753 s cam kronografskim sustavom i datumom na 4.30. Remen novog modela dolazi u matiranoj crnoj koži s bijelim šavovima ili na crnoj gumenoj narukvici. MANUFAKTURNI KALIBAR ZA KRONOGRAF BLACK BAY Od 1970. godine, kada je predstavljen prvi Tudorov kronograf Oysterdate, brend je proizvodio satove koji su usko povezani sa svijetom motosporta. U 2017. godini, Black Bay Chrono odvažno je spojio vodeno nasljeđe Black Bay obitelji s funkcijama kronografa koji je vladao trkaćim stazama. Rezultat je bio Black Bay Chrono, kronograf vrhunskih performansi i jedinstvenog dizajna. U godini kad je predstavljen, osvojio je nagradu za najbolji sat ispod 8.000 švicarskih franaka na Grand Prix d’Horlogerie u Ženevi. Zahvaljujući 70-satnoj rezervnoj snazi i silikonskoj balansnoj opruzi, kao i certifikatu Službenog švicarskog instituta za ispitivanje kronometara, manufakturni kronografski kalibar MT5813, koji pokreće model Heritage Black Bay Chrono, mehanizam je visokih performansi. PREPOZNATLJIVI KRONOGRAF U ‘STEEL & GOLD’ VERZIJI Na sajmu Baselworld 2019, Tudor je predstavio novo elegantno izdanje prepoznatljivog modela Black Bay Chrono. Novi Black Bay Chrono nosi ime S&G, koji označava ‘Steel & Gold’, odnosno ‘čelik i zlato’ predstavljajući materijale u kojima dolazi. S 41 mm kućištem ističe se i po crnom brojčaniku i istaknutim podbrojčanicima u zlatnoj boji. Ovaj zanimljivi kronograf dolazi na narukvici u čeliku i zlatu te kožnom remenu u smeđoj boji.


Watches ‘SAPPHIRE’ CHRONOGRAPH (79200 SERIES) In 1995, with the introduction of the 79200 series of references, the aesthetics of the Prince Oysterdate chronograph were subtly yet significantly updated. The case became more refined and rounded keeping its highly recognisable silhouette. Several notable developments marked the design of this fourth generation over the next few years, including the introduction of a sapphire crystal – hence its nickname among collectors – as well as gold and steel configurations, and a leather strap. Its movement remained the Valjoux calibre 7750 in a substantially improved version, particularly from an aesthetic point of view. THE RETURN OF THE ‘HOMEPLATE’ In 2010, to mark the 40th anniversary of the first Tudor chronograph, the brand launched the Heritage Chrono. This watch featured a modern design, while adopting the main aesthetic elements of the famous reference 7033 (a prototype from 1970 with hourly graduated rotating bezel), blending them with numerous subtle, unique details such as the bevelled, polished angles of the horns, the polished protective shoulder of the winding crown, and the knurling on the rotating bezel and pushers. In 2013, a new version of this model was launched, the Heritage Chrono Blue, with a blue-accented dial. In addition to its colour, this new model also featured a dial inspired by the second generation of Tudor chronographs launched in 1971 dubbed the ‘Monte-Carlo’. The movement behind these models was a calibre 2892 with additional chronograph mechanism, adopting the principle of the minute counter with 45-minute graduations and the date at 6 o’clock. FASTRIDER AND MASTERING CERAMIC In 2013, Tudor surprised the watchmaking world with the launch of the Fastrider Black Shield, a resolutely sporty matt black chronograph that broke away from the brand’s traditional aesthetics. Its monobloc high-tech ceramic case reflected its technological prowess and performance. Initially offered in a black configuration with red hour markers or black with bronzecoloured hour markers, the Fastrider Black Shield was also made available in a high-contrast format, black with white hour markers. Its self-winding mechanical movement was the calibre 7753 with cam chronograph system and the date at 4.30. The model’s strap came in either matt black leather with white topstitching or black rubber.

Tudor Black Bay Chrono S&G

Tudor Heritage Chrono

Tudor Fastrider Blackshield

A MANUFACTURE CALIBRE FOR THE BLACK BAY CHRONOGRAPH Since the presentation of its first chronograph, the Oysterdate, in 1970, Tudor has continued to produce watches that are closely tied to the world of motorsports. In 2017, the Black Bay Chrono boldly combined the aquatic heritage of the Black Bay family with the chronograph’s timekeeping function that ruled the racetrack. The result was the Black Bay Chrono, a chronograph with superior performance and a unique design. The year it launched, it won the prize for best watch under 8,000 Swiss francs at the Grand Prix d’Horlogerie de Genève. Boasting a 70-hour power reserve and silicon balance spring, and officially certified by the Swiss Official Chronometer Testing Institute, the Manufacture calibre chronograph MT5813, which drives the Heritage Black Bay Chrono was a high-performance movement. RECOGNIZABLE CHRONOGRAPH IN STEEL & GOLD VERSION At Baselworld 2019 watch fair, Tudor presented a new elegant edition of the recognizable Black Bay Chrono model. The new Black Bay Chrono is called S&G, which stands for ‘Steel & Gold’, representing the materials in which the model comes. With a 41 mm case, this watch also stands out with its black dial and prominent gold subdials. This interesting chronograph comes on a bracelet in steel and gold, and a brown leather strap.

Istražite kolekciju Tudor u butiku Mamić 1970, u Ulici Frane Petrića 7 u Zagrebu, koji je ponosan član međunarodne mreže Tudorovih zastupnika. Explore the Tudor collection at the Mamić 1970 boutique at 7 Frane Petrića Street in Zagreb, which is a proud member of the international network of Tudor retailers.


Odiseja u svemiru Putovanje između zemlje i neba, materije i prostora Travelling between earth and sky, between matter and space



LOUIS MOINET Mars Jedinstvena kreacija radionice Louis Moinet posvećena je jednoj izvanrednoj svemirskoj avanturi: svaki od 12 primjeraka, u kućištu od ružičastog zlata, i dodatnih 60, u nehrđajućem čeliku, nosi na poziciji 3 sata djelić Marsova meteorita... Dakako, na podlozi koja prikazuje Marsovu površinu s njezinim legendarnim vulkanima. Kolekcionari upućeni u astronomiju lako će prepoznati Olympus u sredini, Ascraeus između 1 i 2 sata, Pavonis između 4 i 5, te Arsiju između 5 i 6 sati. Marsov krajolik znalački je izveden u bronci, s pažljivo ugraviranim vulkanima. Na stražnjoj strani, na osnovi jednakoj brojčaniku u bakru je izveden koncentrični krater Clous de Paris. Kako bi izuzetnost ovog modela bila potpuna, neki su dijelovi izvedeni trodimenzionalno, što stvara zaista jedinstven dojam. This unique creation by Louis Moinet enshrines an extraordinary spaceborne adventure. The collection (comprising 12 pieces in rose gold and 60 in steel) features a genuine Mars meteorite fragment in a capsule at the three o’clock position, amid a dial that faithfully reproduces the surface of Mars, complete with its legendary volcanoes. Collectors who are also astronomy buffs will have no difficulty in recognising Olympus Mons in the centre, Ascraeus Mons between 1 and 2 o’clock, Pavonis Mons between 4 and 5 o’clock, and Arsia Mons between 5 and 6 o’clock. To create this Martian landscape, the brass dial has undergone expert craftsmanship, with each crater reproduced individually. The Mars piece features three different sets of openwork giving the timepiece a uniquely three-dimensional aspect.

GREUBEL FORSEY GMT Sport Novi model urarske radionice Greubel Forsey ima kućište od titanija, čime se GMT čvrsto pozicionira u sportsku selekciju zasebne kategorije. Osnovni kružni oblik kućišta modificiran je lukovima na uglovima, materijal je satiniran, a safirni kristal promjera 45 mm omogućuje savršen uvid u detalje posve novog mehanizma s nakošenim pokretačkim dijelom, koji uključuje Tourbillon 24 Secondes s prikazom vremena na trodimenzionalnom globusu. Rotirajuća Zemlja prikazana sa sjevernog pola okrene se, u smjeru suprotnom kazaljkama, jednom u 24 sata. Okružena je prstenom od safirnog kristala s podjelom na 24 sata, pa omogućuje očitavanje lokalnog vremena na svim geografskim duljinama, uz informaciju o tome odgovara li vrijeme danu ili noći. Na poleđini kućišta vanjski i središnji prsten nose oznake za ljetno i zimsko vrijeme u 24 grada u važnijim naseljenijim vremenskim zonama. The completely new and original titanium case, firmly positions this new GMT in a ‘sports’ league of its own. A totally new case form, perfectly round from above, while revealing the accentuated arched and ovoid shape from other angles. The sweeping satinfinished bezel follows this unique case shape. The curved profile of the 45 mm diameter case and ovoid sapphire crystal provide the perfect showcase for an entirely new movement architecture with an arched bridge and inclined gear train. The terrestrial rotating globe – seen from above the North Pole – performs each complete anticlockwise turn on its axis in 24 hours. It’s surrounded by a sapphire crystal ring with 24-hour divisions; where the wearer can read local time for all longitudes, including the day/night indicator. On the caseback side outer and central rings complete the sapphire cities disc to give UTC Universal and Summer Time for 24 cities.


ROLEX Cellini Moonphase Prvi sat Rolex kolekcije Cellini koji dolazi s astronomskom funkcijom, Cellini Moonphase, prikazuje vrijeme na tradicionalan način i dolazi s ekskluzivnim prikazom Mjesečeva ciklusa. Cellini Moonphase ima 39 mm kućište u 18-karatnom zlatu Everose te brojčanik u bijeloj boji s plavim emajliranim diskom na 6 sati koji prikazuje puni i mladi Mjesec, prvi je prikazan apliciranim meteoritom, a drugi srebrnim prstenom. Mjesečeva se faza očitava putem indikatora postavljenog na 12 sati na podbrojčaniku, dok se puni i mladi Mjesec okreću kroz lunarni ciklus. Cellini Moonphase također prikazuje datum oko opsega brojčanika, putem središnje kazaljke s polumjesecom na vrhu. Model pokreće samonavijajući mehanički mehanizam koji je proizveo Rolex, čiji je patentirani modul Mjesečevih mijena astronomski točan 122 godine. Ovaj izniman primjerak sata Rolex dolazi na smeđoj aligator kožnoj narukvici, jedinoj narukvici kolekcije Cellini koja dolazi s elegantnom preklopnom kopčom Crownclasp u 18-karatnom zlatu Everose. Istražite čaroban svijet Rolex satova u butiku Mamić 1970 u centru Zagreba, u Ulici Frane Petrića 7.


The first watch in the Cellini collection to include an astronomical function, the Cellini Moonphase indicates the time in the traditional way and features an exclusive display of the lunar cycle. The Cellini Moonphase has a 39 mm case in 18 ct Everose gold, and a white lacquer dial with a blue enamelled disc at 6 o’clock showing the full moon and the new moon, the former depicted by a meteorite applique and the latter by a silver ring. The moonphase is read via the indicator set at 12 o’clock on the subdial, as the full moon and new moon rotate through the lunar cycle. The Cellini Moonphase also displays the date around the circumference of the dial, via a centre hand with a crescent moon at its tip. This model is driven by a self-winding mechanical movement entirely manufactured by Rolex, whose patented moonphase module is astronomically accurate for 122 years. This distinctive Rolex timepiece is fitted on a brown alligator leather strap, the only strap in the Cellini collection to be offered with an elegant concealed folding Crownclasp, also in 18 ct Everose gold. Discover the magical world of Rolex watches at the Mamic 1970 boutique in the centre of Zagreb in the 7 Frane Petrica Street.


HERMÈS Arceau L’heure de la lune Arceau L’heure de la lune nudi jedinstven pogled na Zemljin prirodni satelit, uz simultani prikaz njegovih mijena na sjevernoj i južnoj polutki. Dva pokretna brojača okreću se na brojčaniku od meteorita, otkrivajući Mjesec od sedefa pokretan mehanizmom s potpisom Hermès, uloženim u kućište od bijeloga zlata ili platine. Inkrustacije od meteorita na sedefastoj osnovi tvore svemir s Mjesečevim polutkama, što se sve stapa u tehničko i estetsko savršenstvo bez premca, nadasve lako za očitavanje. Ovo djelo visokog urarskog umijeća bit će dostupno u limitiranoj ediciji, opremljeno remenom od aligatorove kože u crnoj ili zelenoj boji.

GIRARD-PERREGAUX Bridges Cosmos Modelom Cosmos urarska kuća Girard-Perregaux vibrira na zasebnoj valnoj duljini. Opremljen tourbillonom, kartom neba i pokazateljima svjetskog vremena, Cosmos se sastoji od mehaničkih dijelova u pomalo paradoksalnim kombinacijama, tako da otkiva dijelove noćnog neba i blista crnim svjetlom. Sati i minute očitavaju se na ekranu položenom na 12 sati, tourbillon se vrti pod velikim titanijskim mostom na 6 sati, na 3 sata globus pokazuje dan i noć, dok je prikaz neba pozicioniran na 9 sati. Cijeli prizor vidljiv je kroz nijansiran safirni kristal, tako da se na dnevnom svjetlu ne vidi ništa, dok u mraku čestice svjetlucave hidrokeramike omogućuju promatranje slike za slikom noćnoga neba. Kućište ovog modela promjera 47 mm priča je za sebe: izrađeno je od titanija, s kupolasto oblikovanim staklom nadahnutim krovovima zvjezdarnica. Model pokreće posve novi kalibar GP09320 s ručnim navijanjem. Within the galaxy of Girard-Perregaux, Cosmos vibrates on a separate wavelength. With tourbillon, sky chart and world time complications, composed of mechanical particles and poetic paradoxes, this watch reveals the hidden portions of the night sky and glows with a black light. Offset hours and minutes appear at 12 o’clock, while a tourbillon spins beneath a large black titanium bridge at 6 o’clock. At 3 o’clock, a terrestrial globe serves as a day/night indicator, while a sky chart takes its place at 9 o’clock. The entire scene is staged against a tinted sapphire crystal glass. Invisible in broad daylight, and dotted with luminescent hydroceramic particles, it offers a time lapse view of the sky by night. The Cosmos case with its 47 mm diameter is a world in itself. Carved from beadblasted titanium, it delimits its universe. Its sapphire crystal is a glassbox, a curved chimney type glass acting like an astronomical telescope. Beneath this non deforming lens beats a brand new movement that has emerged from the interstellar void to put Cosmos into orbit: manual winding Calibre GP09320.

The new Arceau L’heure de la lune watch offers a unique vision of Earth’s satellite with the simultaneous display of moon phases in both northern and southern hemispheres. Two mobile counters gravitate on a lunar, Martian or Black Sahara meteorite dial, revealing mother-of-pearl moons in step with an exclusive module, coupled with a Manufacture Hermès movement. Framed by a white gold or platinum case, the mechanics adopt a light, barely-there role. Meteorite inlaid with mother-of-pearl form a cosmos in which satellite dials float above hemispherical moons. These mischievous displays have swapped cardinal points, with the south above and the north below. A topsy-turvy direction inviting observers to lose their bearings, with their head in the stars. Within this space-time, metal, stars and rock seamlessly merge the watch exterior with the movement to form an unprecedented technical and aesthetic display of simple and graphic readability. The double moon here eclipses a traditional aperture-type display, instead covering the entire surface of the dial. This Haute Horlogerie timepiece is issued in limited editions, and fitted with a matt alligator strap in black or green.


OMEGA Speedmaster Apollo 11 Omega Speedmaster upisao se u povijest urarstva 21. srpnja 1969. godine, kad ga je Buzz Aldrin nosio pri silasku iz kapsule Eagle na Mjesečevu površinu. U tom trenutku, ovaj sat postao je prvi nošen na Zemljinu prirodnom satelitu, a danas njegov pionirski duh opstaje u imenu novog urarskog materijala 18K Moonshine Gold, Mjesečevo zlato. Riječ je o patentiranoj leguri za nijansu bljeđoj nego obično žuto zlato i otpornijoj na gubitak sjaja. Od te su legure izvedene oznake brojeva na okviru stakla od crne keramike, dok je kućište modela Speedmaster Apollo 11 promjera 42 mm izrađeno od nehrđajućeg čelika. Brojčanik je podijeljen u dva dijela – središnji sivi i vanjski crni, na kojem su ispisane oznake za satove i minute. Na oznaci za 9 sati laserski je ugraviran lik Buzza Aldrina na Mjesecu, a na poleđini kućišta laserski je ugraviran otisak astronautove čizme u Mjesečevoj prašini.


The Speedmaster made watchmaking history on the 21st of July 1969. Buzz Aldrin was wearing an Omega Speedmaster when he climbed down from the Eagle to reach the lunar surface. At that second, his timepiece became the first watch worn on the moon. Today its pioneering spirit still remains through the use of a new material known as 18K Moonshine gold. This exclusive patent-pending alloy is a paler hue than traditional yellow gold and offers high resistance to fading over time. Speedmaster Apollo 11 has a 42 mm case in stainless steel and a polished bezel made from 18K Moonshine gold. The bezel ring itself is polished black ceramic with a radiant Omega Ceragold tachymeter scale. On the 9 o’clock subdial of this new Limited Edition, Omega has laser-engraved the image of Buzz on an 18K Moonshine Gold plate. Featured on the caseback is an image of an astronaut’s footprint, which has been laser-engraved onto a black-coated plate with a moon-surface texture.


Photo by Luštica Bay

Special Feature

Misteriji oka IVE DEKARIS; MODA za nova pravila življenja; SPA budućnosti Eyesight misteries by IVA DEKARIS; FASHION for the new living rules; SPA of the future



Medicinska direktorica Specijalne bolnice za oftalmologiju Svjetlost i predsjednica Europskog udruženja očnih banaka govori o najsuvremenijim kirurškim metodama spašavanja vida i budućnosti zdravstvenog turizma nakon pandemije

We talked to the medical director of the Svjetlost Eye Clinic and president of the European Eye Bank Association about latest surgical methods of eyesight correction and the post-pandemic future of health tourism Text Dubravka Tomeković Aralica Photos Damil Kalogjera & Iva Dekaris archive


evjerojatna je lakoća s kojom prof. dr. sc Iva Dekaris govori o kompliciranim operacijama spašavanja vida. U 25 godina kirurškog rada, preciznom rukom, golemim znanjem i vidom bez dioptrija, izvela ih je više od 20.000 - od utrazvučnih operacija mrene, transplantacija rožnice pa do ugradnje multifokalnih leća. Usavršavala se na prestižnim svjetskim sveučilištima, objavila više od 300 stručnih i znanstvenih radova, od čega pedesetak u renomiranim medicinskim časopisima i među vodećim je svjetskim autoritetima za kirurgiju oka. Smirena, zadovoljna, realizirana profesionalno i privatno, dobro se nosi s izazovima pred kojim se našla Klinika Svjetlost, vodeća regionalna bolnica za oftalmologiju. Kako je biti medicinska direktorica Specijalne bolnice za oftalmologiju u vrijeme pandemije koronavirusa? Naša Klinika stalno je otvorena. Ambulantno zbrinjavamo hitne oftalmološke slučajeve, ali i izvodimo hitne operacije poput odljepljenja retine, koje se za vrijeme posebnog režima ne obavljaju u državnim bolnicama. Kao medicinska direktorica moram stalno pratiti stavove stručnijih od mene, kolega infektologa i epidemiologa, te sukladno njihovim odlukama brinuti se o zaštiti medicinskih djelatnika i bolesnika koji nam dolaze. Naravno da je opseg posla značajno manji nego u ‘normalno’ doba, a privatna smo ustanova koja se financira

Professor Iva Dekaris, PhD, talks about complicated eyesight restoring surgery as casually as she was talking about the weather. In her twenty-five years of practice, she has performed more than 20.000 surgeries – ultrasound cataract surgeries, cornea transplants, multifocal lens implants – all with the same steady hand, bottomless knowledge and unwavering eye. Professor Dekaris has perfected her craft at some of the most prestigious academic institutions in the world, published over 300 scientific papers and is considered to be one of the most skilled ophthalmologists in the world. Calm and composed, fulfilled professionally and privately, Dekaris can at her helm at Svjetlost Eye Clinic handle anything life throws at her – even unexpected situations arising from a global pandemic. What’s it like to be a medical director of an eye clinic amid the corona virus pandemic? We have been working without any breaks. Our day clinic has been taking care of ocular emergencies and performing emergency surgeries, like retina detachment surgeries, which at the time are not performed in public hospitals due to the pandemic. My job as the medical director is to take into consideration all information presented by my expert colleagues from the fields of infectious diseases and epidemiology, and to create protocols for our clinic in respect to the safety of our medical personnel and our patients. Of course, we aren’t performing as many surgeries as usually. We are a private clinic, with no other financing than our earnings, so being open and working is good for both our staff and our patients. We haven’t had to let anyone go, which means a lot to all our employees in this precarious moment. Which procedures are the most complicated and why? High-risk cornea transplants are technically demanding, and post-operative therapy is highly personalized, which means the physician has to monitor the patient over a long period of time. But that’s the beauty of my work: there is very little routine, and you have to keep perfecting your skills and adding to your knowledge. When I was little, my father used to say, ‘The more you learn, the more you understand how little you know.’ How much has ophthalmology changed since you started your specialization? If someone had told me then how far we would come, I’d hardly believe them. Ophthalmology has changed drastically. When I was starting out, most surgeons performed classical cataract surgery, without the use of ultrasound. That surgery left a long scar on the eye, the organ healed much more slowly,

possibility for complications were many and ultimately, the results were less satisfying. During my residency in the University Hospital Sveti Duh, professor Nikica Gabrić, PhD acquired the very first ultrasound device for cataract surgery, so I was in right place at the right time. Cornea transplants were also still performed the old-fashioned way, without checking the quality of the donor tissue in eye banks. Back then it was just a dream to reach the skill and quality level of renowned world clinics, but these days our clinic welcomes international patients from many more advanced countries, who come for our skill and expertise. It’s wonderful to know that a small country like Croatia is known for quality, and that our clinic uses more advanced lenses and equipment than most European and American eye clinics. You will be president of the European Eye Bank Association until 2022. None of your colleagues have been selected for that duty twice in a row. What makes you special? My colleagues on the EEBA administrative council often compliment me on several things: I am always the first to give my opinion on administrative processes, the fastest to answer e-mails and the first to openly declare my thoughts on any professional questions. Ever since 1995, I have participated in the work of the EEBA; publishing scientific papers, as well as giving my suggestions on reorganization of the association. As a surgeon I make decisions fairly quickly and

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isključivo od svog rada. No postupamo dobro, i za bolesnike i za osoblje. Kod nas nitko nije dobio otkaz, što u ova krizna vremena zaposlenicima mnogo znači. Koje su očne operacije najkompliciranije i zašto? Visoko rizične transplantacije rožnice, često kombinirane s drugim bolestima oka, čiji je zahvat tehnički zahtjevan, a postoperacijska terapija vrlo individualizirana, tako da liječnik treba pažljivo i dugotrajno pratiti bolesnika. U tome i jest ljepota moga posla: malo toga je rutina, te ga bez stalnog stručnog i znanstvenog usavršavanja ne možeš dobro raditi. Pamtim riječi oca koji mi je kao maloj govorio: ‘Što više u životu znaš i naučiš, to si više svjestan koliko još toga ne znaš.’ Koliko su se promijenila postignuća u oftalmologiji u odnosu na vrijeme vaše specijalizacije? Da mi je netko tada govorio koliko ćemo napredovati, teško bih mu povjerovala. No oftalmologija se drastično promijenila. Kada sam počela raditi, većina kirurga još je operirala mrenu na klasičan način, bez ultrazvuka. Bolesnik je imao dugačak rez na oku, vid se sporije oporavljao, komplikacija je bilo više, a krajnji vidni rezultat slabiji nego danas. Baš u vrijeme moje specijalizacije u bolnici Sveti Duh, prof. Nikica Gabrić je nabavio prvi ultrazvučni aparat za operacije mrene, čime je u Hrvatskoj započela njezina nova era, a ja sam bila na pravom mjestu da uz njega učim taj zahvat. I transplantacija rožnice radila se na zastarjeli način, bez provjere kvalitete donorskog tkiva u očnim bankama. Tada je možda izgledalo nedostižno, no danas k nama u Svjetlost dolaze bolesnici iz mnogo razvijenijih zemalja svijeta radi kvalitete kirurgije






U wetlabu s učenicama koje uče operacije mrene (1), za vrijeme kongresa u Japanu (2), na planinarenju s kćerkom (3) In the wetlab with students practicing cataract surgery techniques (1), During a congress in Japan (2), Hiking with her daughter (3)

oka koju pružamo. Prekrasan je osjećaj da mala Hrvatska može biti svjetski poznati centar za operacije oka i koristiti naprednije oblike leća i opreme nego većina europskih ili američkih očnih centara. Do 2022. predsjednica ste Europskog udruženja očnih banaka - EEBA. Nikoga do sada nisu na tu funkciju birali dva puta za redom. Zašto vas jesu? Jedan od najčešćih komentara mojih suradnika u Upravnom vijeću EEBA-e jest da uvijek prva kažem svoje mišljenje o načinu upravljanja i stručnim upitima, te da najbrže odgovaram na mailove. Još od 1995. stručnim i znanstvenim radovima te prijedlozima o reorganizaciji sudjelujem u radu EEBA-a. Kako sam po struci kirurg, odluke donosim relativno brzo, bez suvišnih nekonstruktivnih rasprava, i kada treba potegnuti i puno raditi, nemam problem. Prije preuzimanja funkcije predsjednice prvo sam bila član Upravnog vijeća EEBA-e, i zalagala se da odluke donosimo brže nego što je to običaj u Europi, te da našu organizaciju umrežimo s drugima kako bismo ukazali na važnost očnog bankarstva u oftalmološkom svijetu. Promovirala sam spoj znanstvenog i kliničkog rada unutar udruge koja je nekad bila podijeljena na ‘liječnike praktičare’ i ‘znanstvenike’, a oni zapravo trebaju disati i raditi skupa za bo-

without unnecessary discussions, and am used to working long hours. Before becoming president, I was on the EEBA Administrative Council, where I always tried to speed things up, to connect our association with other eye health-related organizations with goal of promoting the importance of eye banks in the world of ophthalmology. I worked on promoting the idea of combining scientific and practical work within the association, which has since its foundation been divided between scientifically-oriented doctors and practitioners, who in reality should be working together closely, to be able to better tend to patients. I guess my approach appealed to many in the EEBA, so they selected me for the position twice. You have a good idea of how well equipped eye clinics are abroad and in Croatia. Is there anything your foreign colleagues envy you for, or anything they have that makes you want to trade places with them? The very first reaction we inevitably notice when foreign colleagues visit Svjetlost is shock. They can barely believe they are in Croatia, as they are all seem to believe clinics on this high level only exist in western Europe, for example, Germany, or the USA. Our equipment and our medical staff really are on an exceptionally high level. I

ljitak pacijenata. Taj se pristup mnogima u EEBA-i svidio te su me valjda zato dvaput birali za predsjednicu. Imate dobar uvid u stručnost i opremljenost očnih klinika u inozemstvu i kod nas. Na čemu vam zavide strani kolege, a u čemu biste se mijenjali s njima? Strani kolege kada dođu u Kliniku Svjetlost prvo ne mogu vjerovati da su u Hrvatskoj. Postoji uvjerenje da ovakva kvaliteta Klinike pripada samo bogatom Zapadu, tipa Njemačke ili Amerike. I ne varaju se! Jer mi imamo najmoderniju opremu i visokoobrazovani kadar kakav se rijetko sreće u svijetu. Mislim da nam zavide na brzini kojom uvodimo nove metode operacija i liječenja u svakodnevnu kliničku praksu, a pritom smo još i obrazovna ustanova koja provodi znanstveni rad. Rijetka je to kombinacija. Nema baš puno toga gdje bih se mijenjala sa stranim kolegama, osim možda u odnosu društva prema privatnicima, jer kao zemlja proklamiramo privatno vlasništvo, ali nam još uvijek brojni ljudi iz državnih službi nisu skloni. Primjerice, nisam mogla prijaviti svoj znanstveni projekt u Hrvatskoj jer radim u privatnoj ustanovi, iako smo registrirana znanstvena ustanova. To mi se u nekoj drugoj zemlji Europe ili u Americi ne bi moglo dogoditi. Usavršavali ste se u inozemstvu. Jeste li poželjeli ostati raditi vani? U mladosti sam bila sigurna da ću živjeti negdje na zapadu. No, nakon duljeg samostalnog boravka u inozemstvu - godinu dana u Parizu, godinu u Bostonu i po nekoliko mjeseci u Njemačkoj i Nizozemskoj - shvatila sam da u biti čovjek ima samo jedan dom, a to je tamo gdje su ti obitelj i prijatelji. Poslovno, vidjela sam više izazova za povratak u Hrvatsku, da pacijentima prenesem znanja stečena vani, te da probam unaprijediti naš zdravstveni sustav. Vani sam bila samo jedan mali kotačić u već dobro razvijenom zdravstvenom i znanstvenom svijetu; pravo zadovoljstvo ipak je unaprijediti to u našoj zemlji. I nisam požalila zbog odluke o povratku! Kakav ste mentor mlađim kolegama i možete li ih svojim vodstvom motivirati da ostanu u Hrvatskoj? Trudim se motivirati ih da se, osim strukom, bave i znanošću. Tako su brojni mladi kolege, uz specijalizaciju oftalmologije, sa mnom izradili i doktorat znanosti. Inače, to mi je jedan od najdražih dijelova posla, jer kada sam s mlađima od sebe, zavaravam se da se i sama pomlađujem. Posebno sam ponosna na njih jer im je puno teže izraditi dobar znanstveni rad nego mladim liječnicima u inozemstvu. Gdje bismo stigli kada bi svi mladi samo otišli. U Svjetlosti radi puno liječnica. Možemo li to tumačiti da vlasnik klinike prof. Nikica Gabrić ima više povjerenja u žene ili u medicini postoje ‘ženske’ specijalizacije? Ne mislim da prof. Gabrić ima više povjerenja u žene, niti vjerujem u tezu da u životu možeš gajiti više povjerenja u određeni spol. Ljudske karakteristike važne za naš posao kao što su znanje, radišnost, manualna spretnost, dobar odnos prema bolesniku te sposobnost za timski rad, jednako su raspoređene među ženama i muškarcima. Međutim, značajno raste broj žena koje završavaju medicinski fakultet, pa tako pri zapošljavanju novih liječnika, osobu s karakteristikama koje sam spomenula lakše nađemo među ženama.

think they also envy the pace at which we introduce new procedures and methods into everyday practice, and the fact that we are a university clinic working on scientific research. That is indeed rare. As far as trading places with any of them, I don’t think I have anything to wish for, except for maybe the way society in general treats them and values their work. For example, as a doctor working in a private clinic I was not allowed to register my scientific project, even though our clinic is registered as a research facility. That kind of discrimination would be unthinkable in other European countries or in the States. After completing your studies abroad, what made you return to Croatia? When I was younger, I was certain I would build my career abroad, maybe in Paris or the United States. But after living on my own abroad for a longer period of time – one year in Paris, one year in Boston, several months in Germany and in the Netherlands – I have realized home really is where the heart is, where your family and friends are. I also saw a greater challenge in returning to work in Croatia, using the skills I learned abroad in treating patients here, as well as trying to improve Croatian healthcare system. Abroad, I was a cog in a well-oiled machine of healthcare and scientific research, but here I can work on improving those same sectors. I have never regretted coming back! What are you like as a mentor? Can your guidance motivate your younger colleagues to stay in Croatia? I do my best to motivate them to do scientific work in addition to their medical practice. Many of my younger colleagues have been inspired to add scientific degrees to their medical specialization. Mentoring is among my favorite facets of my job: working with all those young people makes me feel younger – or so I like to think. I am especially proud of them, as they have a much rougher time working on quality scientific papers than their colleagues in other countries. Let’s hope they all choose to stay, because without young doctors, we’ll be lost. You have many female colleagues in Svjetlost – does that mean the owner, Professor Nikica Gabrić, PhD, MD trusts female doctors more, or are there really specializations that appeal to women more? I don’t think Professor Gabrić trusts female doctors more, nor do I believe that in general you can set a rule about trusting either gender more. There are certain character traits and qualities indispensable for being a doctor – being knowledgeable, hard-working, skilled with your hands, capable of team work and good bedside manners – and they are equally distributed among men and women. That said, as the number of women graduating from medical school is growing, so is the number of female doctors in clinics, as all those traits seem to more often come together in women. What damage will the pandemic inflict on health tourism, an important segment for both Croatia and Svjetlost Eye Clinic?

Prekrasan je osjećaj da mala Hrvatska može biti svjetski poznati centar za operacije oka i koristiti naprednije oblike leća i opreme nego većina europskih ili američkih očnih centara It’s wonderful to know that a small country like Croatia is known for quality, and that our clinic uses more advanced lenses and equipment than most European and American eye clinics

‘Što više u životu znaš i naučiš, to si više svjestan koliko još toga ne znaš’



‘The more you learn, the more you understand how little you know’

Koliko će pandemija koronavirusa utjecati na domaći zdravstveni turizam, u kojemu Svjetlost prilično participira? Koronavirus zablokirao je zdravstveni turizam. Oko 30 posto bolesnika na operacije nam je dolazilo iz inozemstva. No nisam pesimistična, ako cijela situacija ne potraje predugo, svi naši potencijalni klijenti će se vratiti nakon krize. Trebat će samo raditi znatno više da nadoknadimo izgubljeno, no na to smo svi spremni. Kako izgleda vaša svakodnevica izvan klinike, što vas najbolje opušta? Briga za dom i obitelj, po tome se ne razlikujem od drugih žena. Srećom, živim u kući s vrtom pa imam svoju malu oazu usred Zagreba. Opušta me druženje s prijateljima koje imam još od srednje škole, puno tišine, obitelj i priroda oko mene. Za odmor biram naše prelijepo more - otok Vis ili planine Gorskog kotara i Austrije. Treba mi pokoja dobra knjiga, i tenisice ili planinarske cipele za obilaženje prirode. Daleka putovanja više nisu moj prvi izbor, to sam obožavala kad sam bila mlađa, sada su mi naša Hrvatska i Europa dovoljne. Možda ponovno odem u Japan, tamo mi se stvarno svidjelo. Tko kontrolira vaš vid. Kome biste povjerili da vam operacijski skine dioptrije? Vid rijetko kontroliram i tada to učini netko od mojih kolega s Odjela za rožnicu, nikoga ne preferiram. Dioptriju nemam, te je za sada još ne trebam skidati, a kada dođe vrijeme, voljela bih da to učini netko od mojih učenika. Jer pravi je mentor i profesor onaj koji iza sebe ostavi barem jednog mladog kolegu koji struku poznaje bolje od svog učitelja.

The corona virus has temporarily stopped all health tourism. Usually, around 30 percent of our patients are foreigners. Still, I am not a pessimist and believe that should the crisis be resolved soon, all our potential clients will come back. We will have to be ready to work much more to compensate for losses, but I have no doubt we will be. What does your life look like outside work? What relaxing hobbies do you most enjoy? My home and my family, like any other woman. I am lucky to live in a house with a garden, a little oasis in downtown Zagreb. I find joy in spending time with friends, some of whom I have known since high school; in spending time with my family, in quiet and nature. I spend vacations on our beautiful Adriatic, on the isle of Vis or in Gorski Kotar, or in Austria. All I need are a few good books, a pair of sneakers and a pair of hiking shoes to wander around and that’s all. Faraway holidays are no longer my first choice, even though they were when I was younger. These days I prefer Croatia and Europe. Still, I might go back to visit Japan, a country I liked a lot. Who is your eye doctor? Who would you trust to correct your eyesight? I rarely go for check-ups and when I do, it’s usually to any of my colleagues at the cornea department. I have no favorites. I still have no need for eyesight correction, but when the time comes, I’d like to be operated on by one of my students. The surest sign you have been a good mentor and good teacher is leaving behind at least one young colleague that has become better than you.

One&Only & Portonovi

Chenot Espace Revolucionarni pristup zdravom življenju A Revolutionary Approach to Wellbeing



Text Niko Vučković Photos One&Only Portonovi


dilično smješten u bokokotorskom zaljevu, One&Only Portonovi resort bit će jedinstvena wellness destinacija na jadranskoj obali nakon što otvori svoja vrata u listopadu. Slijedeći ekskluzivno globalno partnerstvo s brendom Chenot, vodećim stručnjacima na području zdravlja i wellnessa, One&Only Portonovi postat će prvi resort koji će ponuditi Chenot Espace - transformativno putovanje ka detoksikaciji i obnovi organizma, zasnovano na renomiranoj Chenot metodi koja podrazumijeva prilagođene programe i pionirske tretmane osmišljene kako bi poboljšali vitalnost i optimizirali zdravlje tijekom cijele godine. Napredni dijagnostički testovi koje je Chenot osmislio omogućit će gostima da razumiju procese starenja u svom organizmu, te da postave nove puteve za poboljšanje performansi i općeg blagostanja. Nakon početne faze konzultacija, gosti će dobiti personalizirani program koji uključuje preporuke o prehrani, detoks menije, fitness program, ciljane spa tretmane, aktivnosti za oslobađanje od stresa i drugo. Ovi programi osmišljeni su tako da stimuliraju eliminaciju toksina iz tijela pokrećući regenerativne procese, što za rezultat ima povećane nivoe energije i vitalnosti. U tom smjeru, Chenotov inovativni pristup kombinira principe tradicionalnog kineskog liječenja s najnovijim znanstvenim dostignućima u medicini i najsuvremenijom dijagnostičkom tehnologijom. Chenot Espace spa imat će najsuvremeniju opremu i 28 soba za tretmane, a prostirat će se na površini od 4000 četvornih metara. U ponudi će biti niz ciljanih tretmana, od neuro-akustičnih tretmana duboke relaksacije, akupunkture i ozonske terapije, do intravenske terapije hranjivim materijama i hidro-colon tretmana koje će izvoditi visoko stručno osoblje. Chenot Espace će posjedovati i opremu za hidroterapiju i krioterapiju, saunu, parnu sobu, zatvoreni bazen i prostore za opuštanje, a ljubiteljima vježbanja u prirodi One&Only Portonovi ponudit će satove joge na otvorenom, s fascinantnim pogledom na zaljev.

One&Only Portonovi, a sheltered idyll on the picturesque shores of Boka Bay in Montenegro, is set to become the ultimate wellness destination on the Adriatic Coast when it opens its doors in October. Following an exclusive global partnership with leading health and wellness expert brand Chenot, the resort will be the first One&Only to offer Chenot Espace, a transformative journey of detoxing and resetting the body based on the renowned Chenot Method, with tailored programmes and pioneering treatments scientifically designed to enhance guests’ vitality and optimum health, all year round. Advanced diagnostic tests pioneered by Chenot will allow guests to understand what is ageing their bodies, and how to set new pathways to positively improve performance and wellbeing. Following this initial stage of consultation, guests will receive a personalised programme, involving nutritional recommendations, detox menus, fitness schedules, targeted spa treatments, stress relieving activities and more, all designed to stimulate the body to eliminate toxins, trigger repairing and regenerative actions, resulting in increased energy levels and vitality. To support this, Chenot’s innovative approach combines the principles of traditional Chinese healing with the latest scientific advances in medicine and state-of-the-art diagnostic technology. Chenot Espace will cover an expanse of 4,000 m2 and will feature state-of-the-art facilities and 28 treatment rooms. There will be an array of targeted treatments curated by expert practitioners, from neuro-acoustic deep relaxation treatments, acupuncture and ozone therapy to intravenous nutrient therapy and hydro-colon treatments. Chenot Espace will feature hydrotherapy and cryotherapy facilities, sauna, steam room, indoor pool and relaxation areas, ensuring guests leave feeling fully recharged. For guests seeking a mindful exercise, the resort will offer yoga classes surrounded by the magnificent vistas of Boka Bay, and beautiful pools will be sprinkled throughout the resort.



New luxury resort in the Adriatic, One&Only Portonovi, partners with Chenot to offer lavish treatments and wellness for body and soul


Novi luksuzni resort na Jadranu One&Only Portonovi gostima će nuditi vrhunske tretmane i sveobuhvatni wellness zahvaljujući partnerstvu s brendom Chenot

Ženska ruka Female Touch U svijetu uređenja luksuznih brodova pripadnice ljepšeg spola podarit će onaj završni estetski detalj



There’s nothing like the female touch to polish the interior style of a luxury yacht to perfection


ve smo barem jedanput (pa makar i u šali) čule poznatu izreku: ‘Žena na brodu je nesreća!’ Nema veze što su za ovo vjerovanje zaslužni pomorci koji nisu znali kako bi na dugim prekooceanskim plovidbama disciplinirali svoje mornare jer su žene bile uzrok svađa, ljubomore... pa su se dosjetili proglasiti žene na brodu predznakom velikih nesreća. No, je li to zaista tako? Danas, u svijetu modernih, luksuznih brodova, teško je zamisliti brod na kojem nije vidljiv ženski utjecaj. Kao i u domu, tako i u uređenju interijera i eksterijera broda, žena je ta koja će mu podariti onaj završni detalj estetike. Prava adresa gdje će se ostvariti sve vaše želje je Argola, jedan od vodećih hrvatskih proizvođača tekstilne industrije u opremanju jahti. Kazali su nam da na svakoj jahti, kad je riječ o uređenju, caruje žena. Svojim dugogodišnjim iskustvom, znanjem i vještinama, kao i iznimno kvalitetnim dizajnerskim materijalima, Argola je postala prepoznata u custom-made proizvodnji tendi, pokrivala, jastuka, kao i dodataka za opremanje interijera i eksterijera jahti. Svojim klijentima ispunjavaju sve želje današnje moderne nautike. Luksuz, elegancija, moderno i kvalitetno - riječi su kojima se mogu opisati materijali u ponudi Argole. Prate sve modne trendove i zahtjeve, a uz to pronalaze i najsuvremenija rješenja kako bi vaš boravak na plovilu bio užitak za sva osjetila.

You know what they say – it’s bad luck to have women on board. The reason for this superstition aside (men fighting over women on long-haul navigation is clearly, the woman’s fault, of course!), the truth is it’s still alive and kicking, even in this day and age. Well, we beg to differ. The world of luxury super yachts would be significantly less stylish without women and their expert touch. It’s the female eye and mind that can turn any yacht, like any house, into a home, by selecting just the right style for an interior, and then finding just the right pieces to create that style. Argola, company with years of experience in working on stylish interiors of luxury yachts, proves that the female touch is the best you can give to your yacht. High-quality design fabrics that are in the heart of their success can be turned into anything a yacht needs – awnings and covers, decorative cushions and other details that make a yacht a home. Equally skilled in decorating yachts of any style, from traditional to modern, the fabric masters of Argola meet their clients’ needs in every aspect, from style to quality. Always a step ahead of yachting fashion trends, they design solutions that make a stay aboard a yacht an unforgettable experience and a pleasure for all senses.

Text Frida Lalić Photos Argola

Argola Textile Yacht Design

Argola Sea Bag Collection 20. Ecology truly matters at Argola, and mindfully hand-crafted production has been one of the tenets of their business since 2011, when the first marine bag collection was launched. The recently launched collection, Collection 20., offers pieces that will faithfully and stylishly accompany you on your travels or just daily rounds.


Budući da u proizvodnji posebnu pozornost posvećuju ekološkom aspektu, 2011. godine lansirana je prva kolekcija ručno rađenih torbi. Od tada do danas izišle su tri kolekcije, a zadnja - Collection 20., upravo je ugledala svjetla dana i idealan je odabir za putovanje ili obavljanje svakodnevnih zadataka.


Argola Sea Bag Collection 20.


Text Frida Lalić Photos Calzedonia


Nova kolekcija kupaćih kostima Calzedonia spaja sportsku eleganciju, retro chic i glamur, a krojevi izrađeni od vrhunskih materijala atraktivan su izbor za različite generacije i građe tijela The latest Calzedonia beachwear collection finds inspiration in sporty, retro and pure glamorous chic. Top quality fabrics and attractive cuts guarantee the perfect swimsuit for every type of body

There aren’t many types of garments that can accentuate what you want to show off or hide what you’d rather not show like a good swimsuit. Finding just the right one, that will boost your self-confidence and turn the beach into your private catwalk can be very stressful. Luckily, the new Calzedonia beachwear collection takes the stress out of shopping, offering enough colors, patterns, cuts and styles to please everybody. We’d all love to choose a swimsuit according to our taste alone, but most of us must take into account the cut as well, because the cut can make all the difference. Skinny ladies can be fearless when it comes to prints, colors and details, and should choose a cut that gives their body more definition. Petite ladies can wear almost anything, especially suits made in rippled or crinkled fabric, with large details like metal rings or bow. Pear-shaped body will look best in a one-piece with padded cups, preferably with decorative details like bows to attract the eye and swerve attention from the lower to the upper body. Curvy women will look their best in one-piece suits, preferably in one color, and with a well-defined waist – a belted suit will give their body an hourglass figure. They should avoid large prints, that can accentuate the waist. Tall ladies should go for a bikini with a high cut bottoms, to make their long legs look even longer, and a top with removable straps, to cut the long torso in two. Calzedonia summer 2020 collection offers many patterns, cuts and colors, for every beach body. Find this and more at and get ready for summer head to toe.




ijetki su komadi odjeće koji tako dobro ističu tjelesne atribute, ali i skrivaju njihove nedostatke kao što to pod zrakama sunca i kapljicama vode čini kupaći kostim. Kupnja onoga u kojemu ćete se na plaži kretati s najviše samopouzdanja može biti jako stresna. Srećom, nova kolekcija kupaćih kostima Calzedonia puna je boja, uzoraka, krojeva i stilova, pa je potraga za onim pravim tim lakša. Ukusi su, dakako, različiti i svaka će žena izabrati kupaći kostim koji joj se najviše sviđa, no svejedno treba voditi računa koji će kroj i uzorak najbolje pristajati građi njezina tijela. Mršavice bez straha mogu eksperimentirati s printevima, uzorcima i ukrasima, zbog kojih će se tijelo u jednodijelnim i u dvodijelnim kostimima oskudnijeg kroja doimati isklesanije. Tijelu sitne građe pristajat će gotovo svaki kroj i uzorak, osobito modeli od rebrastih tkanina i s naglašenim detaljima, poput metalnih ringova i mašni. Kruškolikom tijelu bolje će pristajati jednodijelni model s podstavljenim košaricama, poželjno obogaćenim kakvim ukrasom, a i veća mašna oko vrata skrenut će pažnju s pozamašnog donjeg na sitniji gornji dio tijela. Raskošnim oblinama i krupnijem tijelu laskat će jednodijelni i jednobojni kostimi s naglašenim strukom, zbog čega će figura poprimiti oblik pješčanog sata. Svakako treba izbjegavati krupni print jer u njemu će trbuščić izgledati još veći. Visoke žene trebaju birati dvodijelni kostim s visoko izrezanim gaćicama, jer se u takvom modelu torzo doima kraćim, a noge dužima. Poželjno je da se naramenice na grudnjaku lako skidaju, da gornji dio izgleda poput bandane. U novoj kolekciji Calzedonia kupaćih kostima lako je pronaći kroj, boju i materijal za svaki stas, a web-stranica otkriva i druge ljetne artikle ove modne kuće.


AOB brand Rajf za kosu Headband Jacquemus Šešir od rafije Rafia hat

Balmain Body / Hooded bodysuit

each Romance

Nanis Zlatna ogrlica Ivy Gold and diamond necklace Ivyy

Max M ax Mara Kupaći Kup Ku p kostim od likre Lycra Lycr Ly cr Body Suit Car Cartier Zlatni prsten s amazonitom Amazonite ring

Calzedonia Kupaći Kup Ku p kostim Swimsuit Sw wim Freywille Narukvica Diva Diva bracelet



Giovani Ferraris Naušnice Miriade Miriade Earrings

Roxanne Assoulin Naušnice Earings

Xenia Design Pamučne hlače Cotton C ott tto trousers

AOB brand A Ceker C Rafia bag R Armani Svilena suknja Silky skirt

Dior Rumenilo / Blush Backstage Rosy Glow

Sisley Ruž / lipstick Orange Acapulco

Ferragamo Torbica Gancino Gancino bag Tracey Neuls Kožnate tenisice Black suede sneakers

Clergerie Sandale Platform sandals

O.P.I Verde Nice To Meet You Lak za nokte Nail lacquer

Jo Malone London Parfem Silver Birch & Lavander Silver Birch & Lavander parfume Longchamp Kožnata torbica Pliage Pliage Plia Pl iage g leather ge lea eath ther er bbag ag

Chanel Sunčane naočale Sunglasses Belle Ēpoque Concept Store / Aurelie Bidermann Narukvica Croisette Croisette Manchette


hirt Dress

Max Mara Haljina od popelina Poplin dress

Armani Naušnice od pleksiglasaa Pendant earrings in plexiglass

Tudor Sat Black Bay Stainless steel watch Black Bay Dior Haljina od svile i kanvasa Silk and canvas shirt dress

Escentric Molecules Parfem Molecule 05 Molecule 05 perfume Bottega Veneta Pamučna haljina Shirt cotton dress Dior Addict Stellar Gloss za usne / Lip gloss 765 Freywille Svileni šal Silky scarf Dior Lak za nokte L Nail polish Dior Glitz 538 Lancel Lanc La nc Kožnata torbica Kožn Ko žn to torb rbic rb icaa ic / Leather Lea bag bag Premier Flirt Prem Pr em Flir irrt

Valentino V Va lent le ntin nt inoo in Kožnata natikača Leather mule

Dior Espadrille Granville Granville espadrillas

Furla Kožnataa torbica t rbbic to icaa Ribbon R bb Ri bbon on n Leather bag bag Ribbon Ribb Ri bbon bb Dolce&Gabbana Natikače / Mules

Roberto Coin Dijamantni prsten Diamond ring Princess Flower Xenia Design Pamučna haljina Cotton dress

Dolce & Gabbana Svilena haljina Silky S ilky dress


ne Shoulder

Nanis Amarcord zlatni prsten s dijamantima Amarcord gold and diamond ring

Messika Joaillerie Zlatni prsten Amazone Golden ring Amazone

Chopard sat Sova od dijamanata i safira Owl diamond and sapphires watch

Sutra Naušnice od rubina i opala Rubies and opal earrings

Saint Laurent Haljina Dress


Piaget Sat /Watch Limelight Gala Precious Rose Gold


Sisley Balzam za usne Marron Photo lip delight Marron The Merchant of Venice Parfem Rosa Moceniga Rosa Moceniga edp Naj Oleari Lak za nokte Floral Breath Nail polish Floral Breath Bottega Veneta Kožnata sandala Leather sandal Leat Le athe at herr sa he sand ndal nd al

Dolce & Gabbana na Torbica / Handbag bagg ba

Yves Saint Laurent Ruž / Lipstick Ruuge Volupte, 106 Plum Ruban

Prada rad ada a Kožnata sandala ožžnatta sa sand ndal ala la Leather Le eeat athe aat her sandal he

Dries D Drie Dr rie iess van Note Noten en Torbica Torb To rbbi / Handbag dba bagg Gucci ccii Tenisice isi sice c ce Sneakers aker ak es er

Jimm Jimmy Jimm mmy Choo Sandale s kristalima ma Satin sandals

Kaftan Studio Dugačka haljina Long dress

Text Ida Vickota Photos Optika Anda

Savršen par Perfect f Match Velike ili male, okrugle ili mačkaste, retro ili mikro – naočale su najbolji saveznik za ljeto iz snova Big or small, round or cat-eyed, retro or micro – sunglasses are your best partner for a summer of your dreams S naočalama je baš kao i sa sladoledom, nikada se ne možemo odlučiti samo za jedan okus. Velike ili male, okrugle ili mačkaste, retro ili mikro, jedno je sigurno – naočale su najbolji saveznik za dugačke i vruće ljetne dane pred nama. Ovog ljeta ne postoji jedan trend koji će se nositi. Oni su raznovrsni i slojeviti, a mi izdvajamo modele među kojima će svatko pronaći nešto za sebe. Tu su, prije svega, šarmantni okrugli okviri koji su idealni za romantične ljetne kombinacije, a avijatičarke nas vraćaju u sedamdesete, mačkasti okviri u pedesete, dok ostali retro okviri, koji se trenutno nose sa svilenim maramama u kosi, neodoljivo podsjećaju na šezdesete godine prošlog stoljeća. Pogledajte vruće modele sunčanih naočala iz ljetne kolekcije Optike Anda i pokušajte im odoljeti! Sunglasses are a bit like ice cream – it’s simply too hard to decide on just one flavor. Big or small, round or cateyed, retro or micro – they come in all shapes and sizes, and they are our best partner on our way to a perfect summer. This summer is all about you, not about trends – for they are many and varied. Here are our choices representing all the trends – charming round frames ideal for romantic summer outfits and activities, aviator sunglasses to give you that cool seventies vibe, cat-eye frames ideal for pun up beauties and retro frames, perfect for pairing with a silk scarf and taking your spirit back to the sixties. Optika Anda has a frame for every face – the hardest thing about them is choosing just one!



Outdoor Decor Predstavljamo pažljivo dizajnirane komade namještaja koji će vanjskim prostorima udahnuti jedinstvenu osobnost Smartly designed pieces that will give unique character to outdoor spaces Edited by Ivana Nedoklan Photos Archive

TRIBÙ ELIO Elio, naziv izveden iz imena grčkoga boga sunca Heliosa, namještaj je za vrt ili terasu namijenjen uživanju u osobitom trenutku: zalasku sunca. Oblikovan je kao stilizirana školjka od tikovine i ručno tkanog platna koje stvara ugodu toplog intimnog skrovišta. Koloristički dojam upotpunjen je posebno za Elio izrađenom užadi živih boja.


Elio, referring to the Greek sun god Helios, aims to capture a moment in time: a sunset. It is characterized by a softly rounded silhouette that creates a cocoon effect. The chair is framed by natural teak which supports the seating shell. The handwoven seats create a warm, intimate shelter; enhanced by the sophisticated colours of the woven Tricord rope.


ETHIMO RAFAEL Kolekcija Rafael osmišljena je kako bi ekskluzivnim vanjskim prostorima udahnula jedinstvenu osobnost, upijajući raznolike prirodne oblike, uz očuvanje njihovih životnih utjecaja. Besprijekorno obrađena tikovina, mramor i vulkansko kamenje kombinirani su s profinjenim spektrom boja prema dizajnerskim rješenjima Paole Navone. Created to bring alive the most exclusive outdoor spaces with their own unique personality, Rafael collection ‘absorbs’ the changing, multi-faceted shapes of nature and preserves its vital influences. Fine artisan crafting of teak, marble and lava stone in fact combines with the sophisticated range of textile colours, designed by Paola Navone, that enhance the padded furniture.

MANUTTI FLEX Kolekcija Flex proizvođača Manutti sastoji se od modularno sklopivih dijelova koji koncepcijom nadmašuju tradicionalni dizajn kompleta za opuštanje na otvorenom. Aluminijski okviri lijepo se stapaju s drvenim, ručno obrađenim dijelovima u prirodnoj boji tikovine, ili obojenim crnim bajcom. In addition to the mood lines, as an ode to individual expression, Manutti launched a modular furniture collection with the very fitting name Flex. This range goes beyond the traditional concept of an outdoor sofa. It has a light and elegant aluminium frame that flows seamlessly into the handmade wooden elements. The choice between the natural and black-stained teak options means that Flex will work in any setting.



COCO WOLF LARGO Nova kolekcija kuće Coco Wolf nosi ime Largo i izrađuje se ručno u Velikoj Britaniji. Largo zrači minimalističkom elegancijom, a prepoznatljivost temelji na elementu koji podržava naslon, izrađenom od tikovine Iroko i dostupnom u čak jedanaest različitih završnih obrada. Kolekcija sadrži naslonjače, sofe, barski stolac i stolac za blagovaonicu, koje je moguće rasporediti u mnogo maštovitih kombinacija i uklopiti u bilo koji prostor. Coco Wolf creates an inspiring collection of upholstered outdoor furniture handcrafted in the UK. Largo Collection radiates minimalist elegance with a signature look that is based around utilising slender spindle back around the seat, beautifully hand-finished from Iroko teak wood that comes in 11 different finishes. The collection is made up of various pieces of lounge furniture: armchairs, sofas, barstool and dining chair giving the possibility to create a combination of arrangements to suit any outdoor setting.

KETTAL MOLO Molo se odlikuje minimalističkim dizajnom, dok su elementi kompleta velikih dimenzija obilježeni naglašenim dekorativnim elementima u raznim kombinacijama materijala, boja i pažljivo probranih detalja. Geometrija sjedala i ležaja temelji se na pravokutnim modularno izvedenim dijelovima, koji se mogu postaviti u bilo koji položaj. Molo has aesthetically minimalistic design with intentionally oversized pieces. The decorative elements have conscientiously not been emphasised in order to give centre stage to the various combinations of fabric, colours and carefully selected details. Sofa’s orthogonal geometry is based on a rectangular modularity design, which means it can be easily adapted to suit any situation and optimise the space in which it sits.



ROYAL BOTANIA MOZAIX Svaki proizvod belgijske kuće Royal Botania odlikuje se vrhunskom estetikom, ergonomskim oblikom i kvalitetnom mehanikom. Dodamo li toj sintezi savršenu završnu obradu i smisao za detalje, dobit ćemo široki asortiman karizmatičnih proizvoda, među kojima nam je zapeo za oko novi lounge Mozaix, koji ponosno podupire ugled brenda Royal Botania.

Each Royal Botania design, focusses on three key elements; aesthetics, ergonomics and engineering. Blending these ingredients together, while fine-tuning the balance, is the basic recipe. The eye for details and the exquisite finish come as complementary toppings. The result is a wide range of charismatic products, rich in variety, known as the Royal Botania collection from which stands out the new Mozaix lounge.


Text Darko Šupuk & Hrvoje Bulešić Photos Darko Šupuk, Mateo Ostojić & Ikador

Opera luksuznog odmora The Opera of Luxury Vacations

Ikador Experience Ikador je jedini svjetski hotel koji ima Riva Lounge i Riva Privee, a namijenjen je gostima koji žele pravi hedonistički odmor, vrhunsku uslugu i jedinstveno iskustvo, za koje vam je na raspolaganju Aquariva Super kojom možete obići najljepše kutke Kvarnera The only hotel in the world with a Riva Lounge and a Riva Privee opens doors to everyone looking for true hedonism, impeccable service and unique experiences – for example, taking a cruise of the northern Adriatic on an Aquariva Super

Perfect Escape

Opatijska rivijera ima poseban status na hrvatskoj obali. Arhitektura, atmosfera, brojni vrhunski restorani i hoteli zaslužni su za status ‘kraljice luksuznog turizma’ još od 1844. godine, kada je uživala status jednog od dva lječilišta Austro-Ugarske Monarhije. Europska aristokracija, glumci, nobelovci, književnici i kompozitori dugi su niz godina ovdje provodili nezaboravne trenutke. A upravo je u Iki, na najljepšem dijelu rivijere, tek nekoliko koraka od vile u kojoj je slavni skladatelj Giacomo Puccini crpio inspiraciju gledajući u beskrajno modro ‘platno’ Kvarnerskog zaljeva i obližnje otoke, smješten luksuzni boutique hotel Ikador, namijenjen onima koji žele pravi hedonistički odmor i potpuno opuštanje u elegantnom prostoru, beskompromisnoj raskoši i vrhunskoj usluzi. Prilikom otvaranja već smo pisali o ovom sjajnom zdanju, a ove godine smo provjerili kako izgleda najbolje što gosti Ikadora mogu uživati, a to je plovidba Kvarnerom na palubi, u najmanju ruku, sjajne Aquariva Super. Prije toga vrijedi ponoviti da Ikador ima devet luksuznih soba i sedam suiteova, među kojima je i predsjednički suite, a kako ističe direktor Vedran Tršić, hotel je Opatijsku rivijeru otvorio sasvim novim gostima. ‘Ikador je od samih početaka orijentiran na personaliziranu uslugu. Naša definicija luksuza leži upravo u tom individualnom pristupu za koji se brinu svi djelatnici hotela, a najviše naš Maestro, koji za svakog gosta kroji ‘tailor made’ iskustvo. Naš hotel je ekskluzivan partner s legendarnim brendom Riva i kao jedini u svijetu ima Riva Lounge i Riva Privee (privatni chef’s table u sklopu restorana Nobilion), a tu je i naša Riva Aquariva koja gostima pruža ‘bijeg’ na iskonski čiste i neistražene dijelove obližnjih otoka u pravom Dolcevita stilu. Isto tako, nautičari koji su vlasnici Rive ili bilo kojeg drugog brenda iz grupacije Ferretti imaju posebne pogodnosti. Naša publika je ovdje doživjela jako lijepa iskustva i postala pravi ambasador hotela, ali i cijele destinacije. O našem pristupu gostu i luksuzu govori i činjenica da smo našem Ikalia SPA centru posvetili cijeli treći kat’, istaknuo je Vedran Tršić. U sklopu hotela nalazi se restoran Nobilion koji nudi opuštenu fine dining kulturu, do koje zahvaljujući malom pontonu ispred hotela možete i doploviti. Mladi i perspektivni chef kuhinje Dino Knežević koristi

The Opatija Riviera is simply a cut above. The architecture, the atmosphere, the endless row of luxury hotels and restaurants have all worked together to elevate the city and its surroundings to a level no other city on the Croatian coast can reach. Ever since 1844, when the first luxury hotel opened in Opatija, the city has been welcoming European nobility, acting elite and intellectual elite, like Nobel prize winners, writers and composers. One of the two spa resorts in the Austria-Hungary, Opatija served as inspiration to famous composer Giacomo Puccini, who spent endless days gazing at the blue sea of Kvarner. Just a few steps further from the villa so loved by the great composer lies Ikador Luxury Boutique Hotel & Spa, a hedonist’s paradise with elegant spaces, uncompromising luxury and top quality service. We have already written about this palatial hotel, but this year we have decided to check it out ourselves and enjoy everything it offers, including a cruise on a splendid Aquariva Super. Ikador Luxury Boutique Hotel & Spa has nine rooms and seven suites, one of which is presidential. Hotel director Vedran Tršić says that the hotel brought a very specific type of client to Opatija. ‘Ever since the beginning, Ikador has been oriented on highly personalized service, because that’s what our definition of luxury is: the individual approach to every client. Our staff is dedicated to creating a tailor-made experience for every guest. We are the exclusive partner of the legendary sailing brand Riva and the only hotel in the world with a Riva Lounge and a Riva Privee (private chef’s table in the restaurant Nobilion). Another detail that sets us apart is the offer of a truly unique experience: an escape into the unknown on a Riva Aquariva Super Dolcevita-style, like in Italian movies. Our guests who happen to be owners of a Riva or any other Ferretti Group model enjoy additional privileges. Our guests leave with their hearts full of beautiful new experiences, and have become true ambassadors of our hotel and Opatija as a whole. Our whole third floor is taken up by the Ikalia Spa, which says a lot about our orientation’, says Mr. Tršić. Restaurant Nobilion is a place of fine cuisine and relaxing atmosphere, accessible from the sea and served by a small private dock. Rising star of Croatian cui-

Perfect Escape

Na palubi Aquarive možete doživjeti pravo luksuzno iskustvo, kako zbog broda, tako i zbog sjajnog okruženja Ikadora Exploring beautiful surroundings of Ikador on board Aquariva you will experience breathtaking moments


Luxury hotels

vrhunske lokalne namirnice i pomno njeguje okuse izvornog Mediterana, a mogućnost da kuha samo za vas gosti često koriste te se nerijetko zajedno s njim upute i na riječku tržnicu. Važno je naglasiti da je hotel Ikador, osim što je član asocijacije ‘Leading Hotels of the World’, postao i ekskluzivan član čuvenog Möet & Chandon Privilege Cluba, jedinog takvog hotela u Hrvatskoj i drugog u svijetu, pa će gosti od sada imati priliku uživati u rijetkim i probranim etiketama iz grupacije Möet Hennessy. U sklopu hotela nalazi se i Edgar Cigar bar koji gostima Nobiliona nudi i impresivnu selekciju svjetski poznatih cigara i cigarilosa, koju će vam iskusan tim znati spariti s najfinijom čokoladom i vrhunskim destilatima, poput konjaka Hennessy Paradis i Richard. Da se poslužimo Puccinijevom terminologijom, Ikador je prava opera luksuznog odmora. Mi smo svoju pažnju posvetili ‘najslađem’ detalju koji krasi Ikador, a to je mogućnost da po Kvarneru zaplovite sjajnom Aquarivom. U društvu hotelskog skipera koji nam je pričao o iskustvima s gostima koji uživaju na brodu, prvo smo zaplovili uz Opatijsku rivijeru, što je najkraći izlet koji se nudi gostima, a ‘đir’ do Voloskog i nazad traje oko sat vremena. Potom smo se zaputili na sjeverne obale Cresa gdje smo pokraj rta Tarej uživali u fotografiranju u zelenoj lagunici karipskog karaktera, a prema riječima skipera, gosti najviše uživaju u posjetima ‘divljim’ uvalama dostupnim samo brodom. Cres je za to idealan, u slučaju dužeg izleta zaputit će se do južnih obala ovog otoka posjećujući osamljene uvalice ili čuvenu plažu podno Lubenica, a gosti za objed najčešće biraju Valun poznat po vrsnoj gastro-ponudi. Veliki raspon dostupnih odredišta određuju i performanse luksuznog brodića koji bez problema dostiže putnih 30 čvorova, uz maksimalnu brzinu od 40 čvorova. Uvijek je simpatično kada malena Riva ‘prešalta’ brzinu te se propeleri zavrte značajno brže prilikom prelaska iz deplasmanskog režima u glisiranje. Na brodu vam je dostupna i tenda za zaštitu od sunca, maleni WC u potpalublju i lijepo sunčalište na krmi, pa vam za uživanje u moru na tom remek-djelu talijanske brodogradnje neće ništa nedostajati. U Ikadoru kažu kako mijenjaju iskustvo destinacije, a mi bismo zaključili kako su pronašli pravu formulu za kombiniranje najboljeg što nudi kopneni i morski turizam protkan luksuzom gdje god da se okrenete.

sine, young chef Dino Knežević uses divine local ingredients to create authentic Mediterranean dishes. Many guests opt for the private chef service, often accompanying chef Dino to the local farmer’s market to look for ingredients themselves. In addition to being member of the Leading Hotels of the World, Ikador is the only Croatian (and only second worldwide) member of the exclusive Möet & Chandon Privilege Club, allowing guests to enjoy an exclusive selection of products by the Möet Hennessy. Guests of restaurant Nobilion can also enjoy fine cigars and cigarillos by selected international brands in the Edgar Cigar Bar, where experienced staff is always ready to suggest the ideal pairing of chocolate and liquors (for example, Hennessy Paradis and Richard cognacs) to complement the selected cigar. Ikador is a grand opera of luxury tourism, as Puccini would surely say if he saw it. During our stay, we just had to experience the cruise on the magnificent Aquariva. The hotel skipper shared some anecdotes as we took a short cruise alongside coast – the shortest cruise takes you just to the town and back, and the longest to the fishing town of Volosko – and then turned the bow toward northern shores of Cres, more specifically to cape Tarej, famous for a turquoise-colored lagoon. The skipper informed us that most guests preferred trips to unexplored coves, and we must say Cres is ideal for such tastes. Southern shore of the island is dotted with small, intimate coves, and is the place of the locally famous Lubenice beach. The skipper’s suggestion for an impromptu lunch on the island is restaurant Valun, known for wide selection of regional dishes. The fast day cruiser had not trouble reaching 30 knots of speed during our trip – and that’s just her cruise speed, with top speed reaching 40 knots. Speeding up on the cute little Aquariva is always fun, as the boat is reminiscent of a sports car switching into a higher gear. The hotel-owned Aquariva is equipped with a bimini top, has a small bathroom and a lovely sunbed on the bow, and is truly ideal for a relaxing day at sea. Ikador Luxury Boutique Hotel & Spa aims at offering truly unique, fresh experiences, and we believe them: they seem to have found the right combination of coastal and nautical tourism, gilded with sparks of luxury in every detail.

Maslina Resort

Promišljeni luksuz

Resort Maslina, privlačno skrovište s pet zvjezdica u poviješću bogatom okolišu i nedirnutoj prirodi, s bogatom kulturnom i kulinarskom tradicijom, izvrstan je doprinos profinjenom turizmu na otoku Hvaru A chic hideaway enveloped in rich history, untouched nature, culinary arts, and cultural heritage, Maslina Resort brings mindful luxury to Hvar island


Text Ida Vickota Photos Maslina Resort

Perfect Escape

Maslina je luksuzan turistički kompleks s pet zvjezdica smješten u blizini Staroga Grada na otoku Hvaru, jednog od najstarijih naselja na istočnom Jadranu. U prekrasnom istoimenom zaljevu, okružen maslinicima i terasastim vinogradima, ovaj resort izgrađen je uz borovu šumu površine dva hektara, na samoj obali Jadranskog mora. Gostima su na raspolaganju 50 soba, tri vile, wellness, kao i prostorije za obiteljsko druženje i gastronomske užitke. Tvrtka Paradox Hospitality, koja upravlja Maslinom, razvila je posebnu filozofiju pažljivo promišljenog luksuza, koja se ne odražava samo na usluzi, nego i na arhitekturi koja slijedi viziju sklada s prirodom. Kreatori ovog resorta zadržali su stoga divlje sredozemno raslinje, šumu alepskog bora, stare masline i grmlje mirisnih cvjetova, te odabrali materijale sukladnih boja, prirodne i iz lokalnih izvora. Nenametljiva arhitektura rasula se krajolikom u obliku raštrkanih paviljona ukrašenih pročeljima u drvu, koja se ugodno uklapaju u otočni ugođaj. Brački kamen, egzotično drvo iroko, brušeni mjed i terakota u raznim tonovima u skladnom su odnosu s bojama u prirodi, dok interijeri izrađeni po mjeri i pažljivo probrani antikvitetni predmeti upotpunjuju ugodan i lijepo dizajniran ambijent. Wellness je ključna ideologija resorta, a odražava se u svakom detalju, uključujući organska dobra lokalnog porijekla. Pharomatiq Spa obuhvaća sobu za fitness, salon za uljepšavanje i područje za

Maslina is a luxury, five-star resort on the Croatian island of Hvar, located near Stari Grad, one of the oldest towns in the Eastern Adriatic. Situated in the stunning Maslinica Bay, Maslina is surrounded by olive groves and terraced vineyards and stretches across two hectares of lush pine forest overlooking the crystalline Adriatic Sea. Boasting 50 rooms and three villas, Maslina Resort holds wellness, family, culinary arts, cultural heritage, and authenticity at its core. Paradox Hospitality, the management group behind Maslina, developed the resort’s Mindful Luxury philosophy, evident not only in its service but throughout the design of its facilities. Paradox Hospitality envisioned a space that fosters a sense of wellbeing and a connection to nature and community. Thus, native and local species are used to maintain the landscape language already in place, where wild Mediterranean vegetation thrives thanks to thick Aleppo pines, mature olive trees, and fragrant herb bushes. The low-intrusive architecture floats on the landscape like scattered pavilions, decorated with a ventilated wooden facade that blends in with the island environment. Local Brač Island stone, exotic Iroko wood, brushed brass and tones of terracotta are harmonized with the natural color scheme, while custom-made interiors and carefully handpicked vintage pieces complete a space that is intimate, comfortable, and delicately designed with the guest in mind. Wellness is the crux of Maslina Resort and is highlighted in every detail, including the organic and locally-

Perfect Escape

opuštanje s termalnim kupalištem i finskom saunom, parnom kupelji za terapiju aromama, tursku kupelj i bazen s hladnom vodom. Specijalitet ovih toplica je program prehrane za obnovu kože temeljen na organski uzgojenoj lokalnoj hrani i vrsnim uljima. Sezonski programi tretmana kombinacija su zapadnjačkih i istočnjačkih načina masaže, fitnessa i posebno osmišljenih postupaka, pri čemu treba imati na umu da je Hvaru još 1868. godine priznat status klimatskog lječilišta. Kuhinja u resortu Maslina uvažava lokalne proizvođače i pridržava se sezonske ponude, a gostima su na raspolaganju i veganska i vegetarijanska jela te obroci bez glutena. Dok se doručak poslužuje u restoranu u sredozemnom stilu, objedovati se može i uz bazen, bilo kada tijekom dana, što vrijedi i za posluživanje napitaka, odnosno vina i žestokih pića, te piva, slastica i kave. Uzduž obalne šetnice gosti također mogu uživati u poslasticama i piću od izlaska do zalaska sunca; Wine and Culture Club otvoren je cijeli dan, a stručno osoblje potrudit će se da njihov doživljaj otoka bude cjelovit. To je mjesto gdje će saznati sve o dugoj povijesti hvarskog vinogradarstva i vinarstva, dakako uz kušanje nagrađenih sorti s vrlo dugačke vinske liste.

produced amenities and wide-ranging facilities. The Pharomatiq Spa showcases a modern fitness room, beauty salon, and relaxation areas as well as a dedicated Aqua Thermal area with a Finnish sauna, aromatherapy steam bath, Turkish Hammam, and cold plunge pools. Pharomatiq specializes in restorative experiences with a gardento-skin inspired menu that uses home-grown, organic herbs and locally-sourced essential oils. Furthermore, its seasonal à-la-carte treatments and immersion programs combine western and eastern massage techniques, fitness, and mindfulness practices. The island of Hvar is also a health sanitarium and has been recognized as a destination for recovery and wellbeing since 1868. Supporting the Mindful Luxury philosophy, Maslina’s culinary focus embraces the UNESCO-protected Mediterranean Diet but adds a contemporary edge. The cuisine respects local ingredients, honors producers, and recognizes seasonality, with vegan, vegetarian and glutenfree dishes created for guests upon request. The Mediterranean-inspired restaurant is open for breakfast and dinner, with a poolside menu offered to guests during the day. Along the coastal promenade of Maslina Resort is A•Bay, a laid-back beachside hangout where you can eat, drink and swim from sunrise to sunset. Maslina also boasts a Wine & Culture Club, where expert concierge helps guests create bespoke experiences on the island. The Club is also a hub for those who want to learn about the long history of winemaking on Hvar, completed with an extensive wine list abounding in award-winning local and international labels.

Uz spektakularan pogled na Jadransko more i obližnje otoke, restorani i barovi resorta Maslina nude sjajno ozračje za uživanje u mediteranskoj kuhinji sa suvremenim inovacijama With a spectacular view onto the Adriatic Sea and islands, the restaurants and bars at Maslina Resort present the perfect wine and dine atmosphere for guests to enjoy traditional Mediterranean-inspired cuisine with a contemporary twist

Luxury hotels


Game Set Match

Goran Ivanišević Od male ulice na splitskim Firulama do osvajanja Wimbledona, primanja u tenisku Kuću slavnih i treniranja Novaka Đokovića From a small street in the Split’s Firule neighborhood to winning Wimbledon, induction into the tennis hall of fame and coaching Novak Đoković Text Hrvoje Bulešić Photos Boris Kačan & ATP Umag


Gdje ste bili 9. srpnja 2001. godine? Većina ljudi u Hrvatskoj na ovo će vam pitanje spremno odgovoriti: Gledali smo Gorana. Jedan običan ponedjeljak se točno u četiri sata i 10 minuta popodne pretvorio u holivudski blockbuster. Hrvatski tenisač s pozivnicom kao prvi i jedini u povijesti osvojio je najveći i najvažniji svjetski turnir. Četvrta meč-lopta bila je sretna. Australac Patrick Rafter je forehand nakon drugog servisa zapucao u mrežu. Gem, set, meč – Goran Ivanišević. Konačan rezultat Ivanišević – Rafter 3-2 (6–3, 3–6, 6–3, 2–6, 9–7). Čak je i tradicionalno rezervirani reporter BBC-ja s olakšanjem izustio: ‘At last, he did it’ (konačno je uspio, op.a). Četvrta sreća u četvrtom finalu u All England Clubu i ulazak u sportsku vječnost. Devetnaest godina kasnije Goran Ivanišević primljen je kao prvi Hrvat u tenisku Kuću slavnih. Zbog pandemije koronavirusa formalna je svečanost odgođena za 2021. Ni to nije prošlo lagano, kao što ništa s Goranom nije prolazilo lagano tijekom karijere. No, možda je zato i slađe. A sada vas prepuštamo Goranu i priči o jednoj fascinantnoj sportskoj karijeri. Grand Slam pobjednik, osvajač Davis Cupa i član Kuće slavnih. Što vas je tenis naučio u životu? Naučija me da je sve moguće. Kada dite iz Splita u putovanju koje traje 40 godina dođe od male ulice na Firulama do Hall of Famea, onda sva dica moraju znat da mogu napravit sve što žele. Jest da je ta ulica u Splitu posebna, da je to jedini teniski klub na svitu koji je dao 4 top 10 igrača, ali svejedno je moja priča dokaz svim klincima da mogu napraviti puno u životu ako rade naporno. Najteži i najsretniji trenutak karijere, i zašto? Najsretniji znaju svi, to je tako, taj Wimbledon i naslov 2001. mi je definirao karijeru i odredio kao čovika. Teških trenutaka je bilo puno, možda je jedan od težih bio i onaj već opjevani poraz u kvalifikacijama Australian Opena te 2001., kada sam mislija da je tu priči kraj. Ali eto, stvari su se, fala Bogu, odvile drukčije. Imate li tremu uoči primanja u Kuću slavnih? Jeste li pripremili govor? Zna san ja da to ne može normalno kad san ja u pitanju. Morat ću čekati iduću godinu, ali nema veze, bitno je da san ja izabran, a iduće godine ćemo se Conchita Martinez i ja priključiti klasi 2021. pa će biti još zabavnije. Govor sam imao pripremljen u glavi, recimo nekih 85-90 posto, ali sad ćemo ga preraditi. Što ste najmanje voljeli raditi u igračkoj karijeri? Putovanja su me definitivno ubijala, to mi je znala biti muka. Nisan s avionima baš na ti, a putujen koliko putujen i dandanas... Trenirat mi nikad nije bija problem. Ljudi ne razumiju koliko sam ja radio, često su govorili o meni samo kao o igraču koji ima dobar servis i mislili su valjda da je to sve šta znan i da mi je to ne’ko poklonija. E pa istina je skroz drukčija, stvarno san bija radnik. Goran igrač i Goran trener. Je li to ista osoba ili dvije različite? Uh, to je dobro pitanje. Valjda su iste osobe, jer u sebi dok ga gledan proživljavan iste one stvari koje san proživljava kao igrač. E sad, reakcije naravno da ne smiju bit iste, ali osjećaji su dosta slični. Izjavili ste da Đokovića može trenirati samo netko s ovih prostora. Zašto? Ma ima san puno iskustva s trenerima u životu, a sada već iman i dosta iskustva kao trener. Samo će Balkanac u potpunosti razumit Balkanca. Neki put, koliko god dobro govoriš jezike, teško je ono pravo razumit. Kada on zabeštima, kako će neko ko nije s ovih prostora pravo razumit šta to znači? Naravno, u Novakovu slučaju, tu je Marian Vajda koji je isto tako Slaven (Slovak, op. a.) i toliko je dugo s njim da je i on već pobalkančen, ha-ha. Može li se igrača poput Novaka naučiti novim stvarima? Možda zvuči nevjerojatno, ali svakako može. Fascinirala me ta Novakova želja za učenjem, on svaki dan želi napredovati i pomicati svoje granice. Perfekcionist je,

Where were you on July 9, 2001? Most Croats will know exactly where they were: watching Goran. One regular summer Monday exploded at 4:10pm, when the Croatian player, who needed a wild-card invitation to even play, won the Wimbledon singles title - and became the only player in history to do so. The fourth match ball turned out to be the one. Australian Patrick Rafter’s forehand ended up in the net after his second serve, and voila: Ivanišević – Rafter 3-2 (6–3, 3–6, 6–3, 2–6, 9–7). Even the traditionally reserved BBC commentator sighed in relief. ‘At last, he did it’, he said. Nineteen years later, Goran Ivanišević became the first Croatian player to be inducted into the International Tennis Hall of Fame. Due to the corona virus pandemic, the ceremony was postponed for 2021 – just like everything else in Goran’s career, the ultimate honor just couldn’t go without a glitch. Does that make all his accomplishments sweeter? Perhaps. What does the Wimbledon winner, Grand Slam winner, Davis Cup winner and inductee into the tennis hall of fame think about that and his fascinating career today? What did you learn about life because of sport? That everything is possible. When your life journey takes you, over 40 years, from a small house in Split’s Firule neighborhood, to Hall of Fame, it shows every kid they can do whatever they set their mind to. My street may be special, and the Firule tennis club might have created four top ten players, but my life story is still proof that so much is possible in life if you work hard enough. What were the happiest and the most difficult moments in your career? The happiest is obvious, the 2001 Wimbledon title. It defined my career, as well as me as a person. As for difficult moments, I have had many. Perhaps the most difficult among them was the loss at the 2001 Australian Open, during the qualification stage. That day, I thought my career might be over. Thank God, things went into a different direction. You’re about to be inducted into the Hall of Fame. Are you nervous? Have you prepared you speech yet? I just knew things wouldn’t go smoothly. I guess I’ll have to wait until next year, but never mind the delay: what’s important is that I’m being honored. Next year Conchita Martinez and I will join the class of 2021, it’ll be just as fun. As for my speech, it’s 85-90% ready, but now it’ll have to be revised a little. What was your least favorite part of your playing career? Traveling was rough on me, I hated it. I’m not crazy about airplanes, and I had to travel a lot. I still do. The part I never had any issues with was the practice itself. People don’t seem to understand how much practice actually was behind my play; they say, ‘Oh, he’s got a great serve, but that’s all he’s got’, as if all the other aspects of the game just came naturally to me. Well, the truth is quite the opposite: I had to work hard, and I really did. Goran the player vs. Goran the coach. Are they the same person? Two completely different persons? Oof, that’s a good question. I guess they are the same person, because when I’m looking at Novak play, I go through the same emotions as I did when I was playing. The reaction to those emotions might be different, but the emotions are the same. You once said Novak Đoković can only be properly coached by someone from around here. What made you say that? I’ve had a lot of experience with coaches, and now I have a lot of experience as a coach. The thing is, people from the Balkans are best understood by other people from the Balkans. Sometimes it’s hard to literally understand us, no matter how well you might speak our languages. How can anyone from anywhere but the Balkans really understand what Novak’s curses mean, for example? Of course, Mar-


‘Sampras... eh Sampras... Kako bi mi karijera izgledala da ga nije bilo, to nikad neću znati’ ‘Sampras… Oof, Sampras. Who knows what my career would look like if I wasn’t playing against him’

valjda kao i svi genijalci ovog svita. Njemu je najvažnije da sve što radi, radi na vrhunskoj razini i zato uvijek ima novih detalja i novih momenata u kojima mu se može pomoći. Koliko vam je vremena potrebno da razvijete ‘kemiju’ s igračem i jeste li imali slučajeva kada tu kemiju nije bilo moguće razviti? Kemija je nešto što se dogodi ili se ne dogodi, po mojem mišljenju. Imao sam slučajeva kada sam se s igračima, ali i s trenerima kao igrač, povezao u pet minuta, ali imao sam i obrnutih slučajeva, kada sam s nekim igračem u godinu dana razminija pet riči, a treniram ga... S Novakom je to bilo lako, ali mislin da je tu bilo bitno i to da se znamo dugo godina, da smo se uvik poštivali i meni je on uvik bija drag, a valjda ni ja njemu nisan bija loš kad me pozva u tim, ha-ha. Koji vam dio najteže pada u trenerskom poslu? Neman nešto posebno, tenis mi je takav gušt, a rad s najboljim na svitu velika privilegija, da ne gledan na bilo koji dio posla kao nešto šta mi pada teško. Ljubičić i Federer su dobitna kombinacija. Čini nam se kako je ovo neka nova verzija Federera - Roger 2.0, otkako je Ljubo dio tima? Roger je trenutno najuspješniji tenisač u povijesti, a Ljubo mu je pomogao da i dalje napreduje i radi fantastične stvari u godinama kada je jako teško igrati na toj razini. Ova pauza zbog korone je svima poremetila planove i treba vidjeti koliko će ona utjecati na Rogera te kako će i operacija koljena utjecati. Svakako je sjajna stvar što smo i Ljubo i ja u timovima dvojice ponajboljih tenisača svih vremena. Na dočeku s Wimbledona odjenuli ste Draženov dres. Postoji li još neki sportaš kojem ste se divili? Dražen je bija nešto posebno, on je svima nama bija inspiracija i uzor. Obožavan sport i gledan ga puno, ne samo tenis, posebno volin balun, pogledat dobru košarku... Bilo bi nepravedno isticati nekoga, ali ako moran jedno ime, onda je to John McEnroe. Čovik je bija sve ono šta san ja tija bit ka dite: livak, karizmatičan, igra je fantastičan tenis. Igrali ste protiv mnogih velikih igrača. Gdje je tu Novak Đoković? Po meni je Novak već sad najveći tenisač svih vremena, to nemam razloga ne reći. Naravno da nisan skroz objektivan, ali puno je razloga zašto to mislin. On je jedini u stanju osvojit kalendarski Grand Slam, a kada je zdrav i u formi, vjerujem da ga nitko ne može pobijedit. Nadan se da će do kraja karijere srušit sve rekorde da ga i ljudi kao takvog prihvate, ali priča o najvećima ikada je više ka neko natjecanje u popularnosti, teško je tu dobit objektivnu sliku. Koju biste osobinu uzeli od Novaka u svojoj igračkoj karijeri? Tehnički i igrački, svakako bekhend. Tajming, sigurnost... Ma sve je tu savršeno! Ima tu još detalja, mentalno je čudo kada je pravi, ali bekhend je nešto na čemu mu najviše zavidim. Vaša ljestvica top 5 najboljih igrača svih vremena i zašto? Uh, preteško pitanje! Ako moran, Novak je broj 1 iz razloga koje san objasnija. Nadal je broj dva, Federer broj 3, Sampras broj 4 i na peto mjesto guran McEnroea zbog osobnih razloga. Ova trojica gore su čudo i nema tu puno priče zašto su najbolji ikada, a Sampras... eh Sampras... Kako bi mi karijera izgledala da ga nije bilo, to nikad neću znati. Čudo od igrača! Najbolji zabavljači u tenisu nekada i sada? Čini se kako danas u tenisu nedo-


ian Vajda is Slavic (Slovakian), so he understands Novak a lot, and sometimes it feels like he’s one of us, as well (laughter). Can a player like Đoković even be taught something new? As unbelievable as it may sound, yes. I was fascinated by his drive to learn, to push his limits, to improve his game. He’s a perfectionist, but I guess so are all the extremely successful people in the world. It matters to him that when he does something, he does it on a top level, so there’s always some detail to work on, something to tweak. How long does it take for you as a coach to develop chemistry with a player? Have there been cases where you just couldn’t get on the same page with a player? In my opinion, chemistry either happens, or it doesn’t. There have been cases when, both as a player and a coach, I felt an instant connection with someone, and there were cases when I barely spoke with a player even after being his coach for a year… With Novak, it’s easy. We’ve known each other for years, we’ve always felt mutual respect, and I’ve always liked him. I guess he doesn’t hate me either, seeing how he invited me to join his team (laughter). What’s the hardest part of coaching? There’s nothing especially hard about coaching. I love tennis, and working with the best player in the world is a privilege, so no, there’re no hard parts in coaching. Ljubičić and Federer have also instantly connected. Since Ljubo joined his team, we seem to be witnessing Federer 2.0? Roger is the most successful tennis player in history, and Ljubo has helped him to stay great and work magic on the court at an age when most players find it hard to stay on top of their game. The corona virus messed with everybody’s plans, so it remains to be seen how the break will affect Roger, and also how fast and well he will recover from his knee surgery. It’s definitely great to see Ljubo and me on teams of two of the most successful tennis players of all times. You wore Dražen’s jersey on your Wimbledon homecoming parade. Are there any other athletes that have inspired you? Dražen was special; he was an inspiration, a role model to us all. I love sports and I watch a lot of it, not only tennis. I love football and basketball, too. It seems unfair to just single out one athlete as an influence, but if I had to, I’d say John McEnroe. That guy was everything I wanted to be as a kid: a leftie, charismatic and a fantastic player. You have played against many great players. How would you rank Đoković? There’s no mincing words about it: Novak Đoković is the greatest tennis player of all times. Of course, there’s something to be said about my objectivity here, but I can back my opinion with so many arguments. When he’s healthy and fit, he’s the only one who can win the calendar Grand Slam, and he’s unbeatable. I hope he’ll break all the records by the time his career is over, and that he’ll be recognized as the greatest, as well. These days more than ever, being called the greatest more than anything means you’re the most popular, so it’s hard to tell who really deserves the title. What would you borrow from Novak if you were still playing? His backhand, definitely. The technique, the timing, the assuredness… It’s simply perfect! There’s more to him to admire, for example his mentality is unbelievably sturdy, but if I could only pick one thing, then it’s the backhand.


staje humora (kao i u ostalim sportovima), a sportaši kao da su ukočeni da ne kažu nešto krivo… Slažen se, danas je to sve nešto umiveno. Iako, promjene se naziru, ova mlađa garda donosi i nešto te drskosti i bezobrazluka. Svi pričaju o Kyrgiosu, ali ima ih još koji se dosta za…aju na terenu i izvan njega. Nekad su to bili svakako McEnroe, Connors, Bahrami je i danas smišan da mu se smijen iako svaki put znan šta će uradit... Koji je vaš kandidat za broj 1 nakon što se jednog dana oproste Novak, Roger i Rafa? Dominic Thiem. Sad je čak i treći na svijetu, ubacija se ispred Federera, ali ne ističen ga zbog toga. Mislin da bi, da nema ove trojice, već bija broj 1. Ima sve šta mu treba da to postigne. Baš san mu reka nakon finala u Australiji, malo mi ga je bilo i ža. Ja najbolje znan kako je gubit Grand Slam finala i čekat da ti se otvori, ali uvjeren san da će se njemu otvorit. Yachts je revija koja se bavi i morem i brodovima. Kakvu su ulogu brodovi odigrali u vašem životu? Obožavan brod, sigurno ne bi moga živit bez mora i tog osjećaja koji brod nudi. Poseban je to gušt za nas ljude s mora, na to smo navikli od malena. Imate li neko mjesto na Jadranu koje je baš po vašem guštu i zašto? Ima jedno posebno mjesto na Korčuli kod mog dragog prijatelja, ali to je sve šta ću otkrit, čuvan to misto za sebe, ha-ha. Your top five players of all times? Oh, that’s a difficult question. If I really had to rank them, Novak for number one, for all the reasons I already stated. Number two, Nadal. Number three, Federer, Sampras four, McEnroe five, as my personal favorite. My top three choices speak for themselves, and Sampras… Oof, Sampras. Who knows what my career would look like if I wasn’t playing against him. He was a marvel! Most fun players of all times? Tennis, like many other sports, seems to have lost the fun side. Most players seem scared of saying something wrong most of the time… I agree with you. Sports have become very sterile. Still, things are changing a little, there are several young players with some zest and bite to them. Kyrgios is the bad boy of the moment, but there are others whose antics on and off the court are pure entertainment. Again McEnroe, Connors, and Bahrami… As many times as I have seen his tricks, he’s still fun to watch. Who’s your tip for number one after Novak, Roger and Rafa retire? Dominic Thiem. Even now he’s number three; he squeezed above Federer, but that’s not why I chose him. If it wasn’t for the three you’ve mentioned, he’d already be number one. He has everything a number one needs. After his loss in the finals of the Australian Open, I told him how sorry I was that he lost. I know better than many what it’s like to lose in the final of a Grand Slam, and to have to wait for the next opportunity, but I’m sure he’ll get that opportunity. Our magazine is all about sea and sailing. Are you as passionate about boats as we are? I love boats. I could not live without sailing, that’s for sure; without that feeling sailing gives. Those of us raised by the sea know what I mean, it’s in our blood. Is there a secret spot in the Adriatic you’re particularly fond of and why? There is, on the island of Korčula, with a dear friend of mine – but that’s all I’m going to say. That’s a secret I’ll keep to myself (laughter).


Čovjek iza glumačke maske Man Behind the Mask

Joaquin Phoenix Po mišljenjima mnogih kolega i tutora, Joaquin je jedan od rijetkih glumaca koji svoj etički i radni etos stavlja ispred svega te, unatoč velikom talentu, ostaje jednostavna i ljubazna osoba In the eyes of many colleagues and peers, Joaquin Phoenix is a uniquely talented actor, but more importantly, a pure and kind human being Text Filip Bubalo Photos Nick Agro, Valerie Durant, Richard Harbaugh / ©A.M.P.A.S. &

Osvajanje Oscara, pa čak i nominacija za ovu najprestižniju nagradu, san je svakog glumca, pa ipak kada je s pozornice odjeknulo njegovo ime, na licu Joaquina Phoenixa nije se razvukao niti osmijeh. Od odrastanja, biranja uloga, pa do životnog etosa, Joaquin je, prije svega, čovjek s misijom pa onda tek slavni glumac. U samom govoru po primitku svog prvog Oscara nakon četvrte nominacije za ulogu Jokera, s kojim je Joaquin na savršen način uhvatio zeitgeist našeg vremena, glumac je iskazao skromnost, ali iskoristio priliku da se obrati cijelom svijetu, kao da je na neki način predvidio što će u mjesecima koji će doći zahvatiti cijeli planet, i kojem će razumijevanje i potpora biti od presudne važnosti. ‘Mislim da smo postali veoma rastavljeni od prirode i naš egocentrični svjetonazor vodi nas i daje za pravo da pljačkamo resurse planeta bez ikakve kazne. Najveći dar koji smo mi (slavni glumci) dobili jest da budemo glas onih koje se ne čuje. Pa kad govorimo o neravnopravnosti spolova, rasizmu, pravima domorodaca ili životinja, tada govorimo o borbi protiv nepravde’, kazao je držeći Oscara u ruci i osvojio golemi pljesak, ali i brojne pozitivne reakcije u danima poslije dodjele. Nevjerojatan put od srednjeg djeteta, dvoje po svemu neobičnih roditelja, ujedno i pripadnika jedne zloglasne sekte, Joaquin - pravim imenom Rafael Bottom, rodio se zapravo u Portoriku, jer se obitelj Bottom često selila, pa su svoj novi početak u Los Angelesu označili i promjenom prezimena u Phoenix (ptica simbol uskrsnuća). Već s osam godina Joaquin je odigrao svoju prvu ulogu, zahvaljujući agentu koji je zastupao i uveo u svijet filma svih petero djece Phoenix, mlađe Liberty i Summer, te stariju sestru Rain i brata Rivera, koji će mu postati ne samo njegov najveći uzor nego i, u to vrijeme, jedan od predvodnika nove generacije holivudskih zvijezda. No, nakon nekoliko televizijskih filmova, Joaquin je s novim preseljenjem pa razvodom roditelja, te nedostatkom adekvatnih uloga, nestao iz svijeta fil-

Winning an Oscar – or even being nominated for this most prestigious award – is every actor’s dream. And yet, when the announcer called Joaquin Phoenix’s name that evening, his face didn’t even stretch into the expected polite smile. Phoenix is a man on a mission, not just an actor – so says every step he’s made in life, from the unusual upbringing, to careful selection of his roles, or carving out his personal moral code. Accepting his Oscar – for ‘Joker’, after previously having been nominated three times, he won the award for the role that perfectly embodies the zeitgeist – he displayed modesty and used the attention to address issues close to his heart. In a speech that now seems to predict the predicament that descended upon the world mere months later, Phoenix called on humanity to muster up understanding and support for all life. ‘But I think the greatest gift that it’s given me, and many people in (this industry) is the opportunity to use our voice for the voiceless. I’ve been thinking about some of the distressing issues that we’ve been facing collectively. ...I think, whether we’re talking about gender inequality or racism or queer rights or indigenous rights or animal rights, we’re talking about the fight against injustice. ...I think we’ve become very disconnected from the natural world. Many of us are guilty of an egocentric world view, and we believe that we’re the center of the universe. We go into the natural world and we plunder it for its resources’, he mused, holding the golden statuette. The speech earned him a roaring applause and reverberated in media for days. This middle child of two unique individuals, members of the notorious cult The Children of God, was born Joaquin Raphael Bottom, in Puerto Rico. The Bottom family moved around often, and upon their move to Los Angeles marked the new beginning with a name change: Phoenix was chosen for the obvious symbolic value, rebirth. As his four siblings – younger sisters Liberty and



ma. Nakon tragične smrti svoga brata Rivera, Joaquin se okrenuo glumi kao svojevrsnoj terapiji, te izišao iz bratove sjene, i s pažljivo odabranim ulogama ponio titulu, i to potpuno zaslužno, najvećeg glumca svoje generacije. ‘Ne, ne želim razgovarati o Riveru. O tome nemam što reći da bih htio da bude javno’, kazao je jednom prilikom, a stav prema medijima i titulu ‘nemogućeg’ sugovornika u intervjuima formirao je i zadržao sve do danas. Često birajući emocionalno nabijene uloge traumatiziranih antijunaka, od prve suradnje s Gusom van Santom u filmu ‘To Die For’, preko uloge rimskog cara pa i samog Isusa, do jedne od najzahtjevnijih uloga u Hollywoodu i najvećeg filmskog zlikovca – Jokera, po mišljenjima mnogih kolega i tutora, Joaquin je jedan od rijetkih glumaca koji svoj etički i radni etos stavlja ispred svega te, unatoč velikom talentu, ostaje jednostavna i ljubazna osoba. Specifičan odgoj u kojem se od rođenja prakticira veganstvo Joaquin njeguje i danas, pa je poznato da na setovima čak i u ‘Gladiatoru’ nije htio nositi odjeću životinjskog porijekla. Nakon suradnje s Van Santom, uslijedio je niz filmova koji, iako nisu prošli bajno na kino blagajnama, skrenuli su pažnju na zvijezdu u usponu, a zahvaljujući odličnim kritikama i otvorili suradnju s najvećim redateljskim imenima, poput Olivera Stonea u filmu ‘U-turn’ i Joela Schumachera u izvrsnom trileru ‘8mm’. No, na prijelazu stoljeća, pod redateljskom palicom Ridleyja Scotta, zbio se onaj zvjezdani trenutak, kada je briljirao u ulozi cara Komoda, i to nasuprot Russellu Croweu, a koja mu je donijela i prvu oscarovsku nominaciju, a potom širom otvorila vrata Hollywooda. Pet godina kasnije, Joaquin je dokazao kako ne samo da može glumiti kultnu osobu, country legendu Johnnyja Casha, koji ga je inače sam izabrao da ga interpretira, već da može i otpjevati cijeli album s glazbom iz filma ‘Walk The Line’. Premda mu je taj album donio i Grammyja, te godine Joaquin se prijavio u kliniku za odvikavanje od alkohola. ‘Ne znam zašto se uvijek igram tih momaka koji imaju malo mogućnosti za iskupljenje. Zlikovci su puno zabavniji’, pokušao je objasniti jednom prilikom svoj odabir uloga. Najavivši 2008. godine da se povlači iz svijeta glume, te okrećući se karijeri repera s nekoliko bizarnih pojavljivanja, mnogi su mediji dugo vremena spekulirali o tome što se događa s glumcem u usponu. Cijela priča zapravo je režirana obmana njegova prijatelja i režisera novog uratka Caseyja Afflecka, otkrivena 2010. na premijeri filma ‘I am still here’. No, po mnogima uistinu zvjezdani status stekao je 2012. u filmu P.T. Andersona ‘The Master’, gdje tumači izmučenog ratnog veterana koji spas pronalazi u vođi kulta, liku temeljenom na osnivaču Scijentološke crkve, a kojeg je tumačio sjajni Philip Seymour Hoffman. U sljedećem filmu ‘Her’ Joaquin se opet izvrsno snašao u ulozi usamljenog pisca koji se zaljubi u svoj operativni sustav, konceptnom redateljskom ostvarenju Spike Jonzea, koji je za taj film kao scenarist osvojio i Oscara. Garth Davies režirao je s njim ‘Mary Magdalene’ (na snimanju filma upoznao je svoju suprugu Rooney Maru), a koji ga je možda i najbolje ‘pročitao’: ‘Raditi s Joaquinom je poput rada s prekrasnom divljom životinjom, gdje mu trebate pružiti prostor da bude slobodan, tako da njegov nastup može slobodno lutati: sirov, neistražen i uistinu prirodan.’ Sve je, čini se, vodilo konačnom trijumfu Joaquina u ulozi Jokera, kao finalu svih

Summer, older sister Rain and brother River (personal idol and one of the most talented young actors of his own generation) – Joaquin caught the acting bug early in life and entered the movie world at the age of eight. A new move, parents’ divorce and uninteresting role offers put a temporary halt to his budding career, but a family tragedy brought him back to acting. After River tragically died, Joaquin says to have found therapeutic value in acting. Always very picky about roles, he soon crafted himself into one of the finest actors of the era, ultimately leaving his older brother’s shadow. ‘No, I don’t want to talk about River. I have nothing to say about it that I would want to be public’, he said once in an interview, one part of the acting profession he still sabotages, given an opportunity. Difficult to interview, but a pleasure to work with, in the eyes of many colleagues and peers he is a uniquely talented actor, but more importantly, a pure and kind human being. Vegan since birth, kind to all life, Phoenix refuses to wear real leather even for a role – he famously wore vegan leather in ‘Gladiator’. That careful role selection he’s known for often leads to roles of emotionally charged, traumatized anti-heroes: Jimmy Emmet in Gus van Sant’s ‘To Die For’, Commodus in Ridley Scott’s ‘Gladiator’, Jesus Christ in Garth Davis’ ‘Mary Magdalene’ and Hollywood’s greatest villain, Joker, in Todd Phillips’ ‘Joker’. After working with van Sant, Phoenix starred in several movies that didn’t do too well at the box office, but delighted critics and shone spotlight on Phoenix’s performance – earning him attention of the greats like Oliver Stone, who cast him in ‘U Turn’, and Joel Schumacher, for ‘8 mm’. At the turn of the century, Phoenix got his first Oscar nomination, for his nothing short of brilliant performance in Ridley Scott’s ‘Gladiator’, starring Russell Crowe. Five years later, Phoenix played a living legend in ‘Walk the Line’, almost disappearing into the role of the country great Johnny Cash: not only did he receive the seal of approval from Cash himself, but sang all the songs on the soundtrack, for which he won a Grammy. Showered in awards, he still checked into rehab for alcohol abuse that same year. ‘I don’t know why I always get to play these guys who have few redeeming features. But don’t knock it. Villains are much more fun’, he says, trying to explain his choice of roles. In 2008, he announced retirement from acting, saying he would pursue a career in hip-hop… which turned out to be for another role, in the 2010 mockumentary ‘I’m Still Here’, directed by his friend Casey Affleck. The role of a war veteran struggling to find his place in the post-war society in Paul Thomas Anderson’s cult classic ‘The Master’ (along the late great Philip Seymour Hoffman) earned him plenty accolades, as did the role of a lonely writer falling for his artificially intelligent virtual assistant in ‘Her’ by Spike Jonze. Jonze won an Oscar for best original screenplay. Garth Davis, who directed Phoenix in ‘Mary Magdalene’ (starring, among others, Phoenix’s now fiancée, Rooney Mara), has a deep and unique take on the actor: ‘Working with Joaquin is like working with this beautiful wild animal, where you have to give him the space to be free, so his performance can roam freely: raw, uncontrived and truly natural’, he says. Even the Oscar for the role of Joker, king of all difficult, maladjusted weirdo roles, didn’t change Joaquin Phoenix’s humble and honest true nature. ‘I have

Pravi zvjezdani status stekao je u filmu ‘The Master’, redatelja P.T. Andersona He reached true superstar level in ‘The Master’ by P.T. Anderson

neprilagođenih likova koje je tako vjerno dosad tumačio, a za koje je s pravom zaslužio najveće glumačko priznanje. ‘Bio sam nitkov cijeli život, sebičan, težak za suradnju i nezahvalan, ali mnogi su mi dali drugu priliku i mislim da smo najbolji kada podupiremo jedni druge, kada pomažemo jedni drugima da rastemo i vodimo se do iskupljenja. Ljubav prema filmu dala mi je nevjerojatan život i ne znam gdje bih bio bez toga’, zaključio je Joaquin. been a scoundrel all my life, I’ve been selfish. I’ve been cruel at times, hard to work with, and I’m grateful that so many of you in this room have given me a second chance. I think that’s when we’re at our best: when we support each other. Not when we cancel each other out for our past mistakes, but when we help each other to grow. When we educate each other; when we guide each other to redemption. (the love of film)… has given me the most extraordinary life. I don’t know where I’d be without it.’

Phoenixov govor na dodjeli Oscara jedan je od najupečatljivijih Phoenix’s Oscar acceptance speech echoed around the world


Tourism for good Potrošači danas sve više teže otkrivanju autentičnosti destinacija, a jedinstvena iskustva omogućavaju im da svojim boravkom pridonesu očuvanju te razvoju kulturnog naslijeđa Travellers are increasingly striving to discover the authenticity of destinations, and unique experiences across Croatia allow them to contribute to the preservation and development of cultural heritage through their stay

*Sva iskustva dostupna su od 1. srpnja. All experiences are available from 1st of July.

Text Niko Vučković Photos Boris Krstinić, Tomislav Koran, Branka Šafar & Hrvatski fotosavez


Yachts Recommends

S više od tisuću otoka, brojnim plažama, čistim morem, bogatom kulturnom te gastronomskom ponudom, Hrvatska je danas jedna od najatraktivnijih destinacija na Mediteranu. Bogatstvo zelenila Slavonije i Like, fjaka na Jadranu za vrijeme najvrućih ljetnih dana, skrivene ulice Gornjeg grada glavnog grada… samo su neke od fotografija koje turisti pronalaze kada u popularne tražilice upišu pojam Hrvatska. Prepoznajući trendove, prateći potrebe i interese putnika te korisnika, globalna iskustvena stranica Priceless Cities ( kreira iskustva koja ne samo da pružaju ekskluzivne doživljaje, već omogućuju putnicima da na putovanju učine nešto dobro za lokalnu zajednicu. Upravo zbog toga, Priceless Croatia ove godine je među prvima u svijetu uvela jedinstvena ‘tourism for good’ iskustva koja omogućavaju turistima da iskuse jedinstven način života malih lokalnih zajednica diljem Hrvatske. ‘Tourism for good’ zasniva se na edukaciji gostiju o jedinstvenim karakteristikama same lokacije te se ne odnosi samo na promociju povijesnog ili kulturnog naslijeđa, već donosi i jedinstven uvid u lokalne specifičnosti te karakteristike lokacije, s naglaskom na podršku lokalnih organizacija te institucija koje svojim djelovanjem pridonose razvoju ekonomske, geografske, biološke te kulturne raznolikosti određenog područja. Upravo takva ponuda omogućuje korisnicima da svoj boravak te posjet nekoj od lokacija oplemene dodatnom vrijednošću, poput volontiranja u nekoj od lokalnih nevladinih organizacija, jedinstvenim uvidom u agroturističku ili geoturističku ponudu, sudjelovanjem u aktivnostima koje za cilj imaju održavanje mora, očuvanje baštine ili prirodne raznolikosti biljnog i životinjskog svijeta. S rendžerima Parka prirode Lonjsko polje iskoristite radni dan u čišćenju parka ili promatrajte veličanstvene rode prije odlaska na jug. Edukacijom o suhozidima na Učkoj okušajte se u radionici koja ima za cilj očuvanje UNESCO-ove zaštićene baštine. U pravom smislu riječi, Priceless Croatia omogućuje kupnju lokalnih proizvoda koji pridonose razvoju obrta te manufaktura u malim zajednicama; osigurava nezaboravna iskustva koja će gosti stjecati prilikom istraživanja lokalnih specifičnosti neke destinacije, s naglaskom na konzumaciju proizvoda koji su karakteristični za neko geografsko podneblje; pruža priliku da turisti iz prve ruke kroz vlastito iskustvo pridonesu održavanju te očuvanju ‘sense of place’ Hrvatske kao turističke destinacije. Posjetite i otkrijte Hrvatsku na poseban način!

With over thousand islands, numerous beaches, clean sea, varied cultural and culinary offer, Croatia is today one of the most appealing Mediterranean destinations. The lush greenery of Slavonia and Lika, the fjaka in the Adriatic during the hottest summer days, the hidden streets of the Upper Town of the capital...These are just some of the images that tourists come across when typing the term Croatia into popular search engines. Recognizing global trends, tracking the needs and interests of travellers, global Mastercard platform Priceless Cities ( brings travellers experiences that aren’t just exclusive, but provide an opportunity to look & feel the unique way of life in a small, local communities across Croatia. Priceless Croatia is among the first in the world to pioneer the development of a unique, completely new experience category this year. The Tourism for good category gives the guests the opportunity to participate in the conservation and development of geographical, cultural, and biological heritage by visiting and staying in one of the unique destinations in Croatia. That provides tourists with the opportunity to participate in the conservation and development of geographical, cultural, and biological heritage by visiting and staying in one of the unique destinations in Croatia. Learning new skills and participating in activities aimed at preserving Croatian heritage or natural diversity and wildlife are just some of the options available in the Tourism for good category. In order to create lasting memories of the experiences, travellers will have the opportunity to participate in the educational program of building a drystone wall in the abandoned village of Petrebišča on the slopes of Učka. Enjoy the role of a local ranger in the most famous Croatian nature park Lonjsko polje, participate in the construction of a stork nest that will help preserve these unique wetland birds. By participating in education on drystone wall construction at Učka, you can try your hand at workshops designed to preserve UNESCO heritage. In the true sense of the word, by developing this new category, Priceless Croatia enables the purchase of local products that contribute to the development of small businesses and handicraft manufacturers in small communities, provides unforgettable experiences of exploring unique local features of a destination for travellers, with an emphasis on consuming products that are characteristic of the geographical area, and provides an opportunity for tourists to contribute first-hand, through their own experience, to maintaining and preserving the sense of place of Croatia as a tourist destination. Visit and discover Croatia in a unique way!

ANA ROŠ Ambasadorica doline Soče


Hrana u Hiši Franko je avangardna, isključivo od lokalnih namirnica malih proizvođača, mikrosezonska, vrlo jedinstvena u okusima i kreativnoj formi slaganja jela. Jednostavno senzacionalna. Zbog čega je dobila dvije Michelinove zvjezdice The food at Hiša Franko is avantgarde, made from locally sourced ingredients from small farms, micro-seasonal, unique in flavors and creatively presented. In a word, sensational. Oh, and gilded by two Michelin stars Text Hrvoje Petrić Photos Benjamin Schmuck, Suzan Gabrijan & Archive of Soča Valley Tourist Board

Put ka Kobaridu, pogotovo onaj s planinske strane od Tolmina, neopisivo podsjeća na prigušenu, mračnu, a istovremeno predivnu atmosferu iz knjige Trygve Gulbranssena ‘I vječno pjevaju šume’. Dok se moje misli povijaju po strmim serpentinama kao jutarnja izmaglica nad Starim Selom, mjedena zvona ‘klepetuše’ na sretnim i debelim kravama signaliziraju nam da smo u gornjem Posočju i da će se tirkizno-zelena Soča svaki tren rastvoriti pred nama. Rijetke soške pastrve skrite međ’ potočnim pastrvama, lipljanima, klenovima i mrenama klize nizvodno bez imalo gasa. Paralelno usporavamo nedaleko od Napoleonova mosta i stižemo na naše ‘sretno mjesto’. Znate li da je u Hiši Franko za vrijeme Prvog svjetskog rata boravio i oporavljao se od ranjavanja Ernest Hemingway i, kako kažu, napisao ovdje svoju megauspješnicu ‘Zbogom oružje’? Usporedbe radi, ovo je tek trivijalna trica pored priče o Hiši Franko. A ona započinje godinama prije Ane i Valtera, no, recimo da je to trenutak kada je Valterov otac Franko odlučio prepustiti sinu vođenje restorana i poći u zasluženu mirovinu. Završivši studij diplomacije u Trstu, Ana se odriče karijere u Bruxellesu, te uz pomoć Valterove majke Joži slaže svoje prve tanjure u restoranu. No, nije tako bilo isprva. Godina 1972. otkucavala je svoje zadnje sate kada je Ana Roš rođena. Njezini roditelji bili su ugledni članovi društva, otac cijenjeni doktor, a majka novinarka slovenskog Dela. Ana, koja je fluentno govorila pet stranih jezika, u njihovim je očekivanjima trebala zasjati na diplomatskoj sceni. Njezina odluka da se preseli u Staro Selo, to pitoreskno seoce zbijeno među strmim planinskim goletima i na ulazu u kobariško polje, nije odavalo ni tračak perspektivne budućnosti koju je ova izuzetno talentirana djevojka do tada smiono gradila. Bila je članica Jugoslovenske juniorske skijaške reprezentacije, profesionalno se bavila klasičnim i suvremenim plesom, koječime, ali ne i ugostiteljstvom. Započevši život u Starom Selom i radeći uz Valtera i njegove roditelje u Hiši Franko, u početku je služila u servisu, čistila stolove, no nije kuhala. Kako kaže, znala je jedino pripremiti tjesteninu. Valterova majka naučila ju je spravljati neka bazična jela, i tako, 2002. godine, tri godine kako je već bila u Hiši Franko, odlučila je preuzeti kuhinju. Franko i Joži sanjali su mirovinu i zasluženi odmor. Valter Kramar je maestralan ugostitelj. Maître d’, sommelier, čovjek za sve. Čak i ako ignoriramo činjenicu da je odrastao u restoranu i što je taj svijet tekao njegovim venama, lucidna ljubav za ugostiteljstvom je bila van tih pojmova. No, Ana je tek trebala pronaći svoju ulogu. Kako je jedna kuharski neobrazovana osoba, bez ijednog dana staža u kakvom drugom restoranu, mogla u 15 godina zasjati na tronu kao najbolja kuharica na svijetu? Spletom upornosti, mukotrpnog rada, vizije, ambicioznosti, talenta i promatranja. Promatrajući one najveće i upijajući njihove misli, stvorila je vlastiti kuharski identitet i koncept koji je toliko autorski upravo zbog toga jer ga nije ni od koga imala preuzeti, kopirati ili naučiti. Moji prvi odlasci u Hišu Franko bili su upravo tada, na Aninim počecima, i maglovito se prisjećam tih pašti, rostbeefa, jedno-

Walking toward Kobarid, you might feel like you’re walking through Trygve Gulbranssen’s ‘Beyond Sing the Woods’ come alive. As my thoughts glide through this subdued, dark, mesmerizingly beautiful nature, snaking up steep serpentines like morning mist above Staro Selo, brass bells on happy, plump, well fed cows signal our arrival to Posočje. Just a few more steps and the green turquoise of river Soča will split the scene in two. Fish glide downstream – rare Soča trouts lost in swarms of brown trouts, chubs, graylings and barbels – effortlessly, carried by the stream. As we slow down near Napoleon bridge, our hearts speed up: we’re almost there. Hiša Franko counts more than one claim to fame – Ernest Hemingway stayed there while recovering from a gunshot wound during World War I, and possibly even wrote ‘A Farewell to Arms’ – but the latest is the one that matters. The culinary story of the restaurant begins years before Ana and Valter stepped on the scene, but the chapter that matters the most opens with Valter’s father Franko stepping down and giving the keys to the kitchen to his son. Valter’s wife Ana studied diplomacy in Trieste, promptly traded her oneway ticket to a Bruxelles diplomacy job for plating dishes in the restaurant. What prompted such a sharp turn in direction? Ana Roš was born on the last day of 1972, in a well-off, respected family: her father was a doctor, her mother a reporter for Slovenian Delo. Fluent in five languages, Ana was set to take her place in the diplomatic spotlight after following a straight path to success, and polishing her CV as member of the national ski team and professionally trained ballet dancer. To say that her move to a quaint village squeezed in between steep gray mountains to plate food in a restaurant was a detour is an understatement. The talented wondergirl seemingly chose a path that lead nowhere. Working with Valter and his parents at Hiša Franko, Ana started out as lowly kitchen help, serving and bussing tables – but not cooking. The only food she knew how to cook back then, she admits, was pasta. Valter’s mother taught her how to prepare a couple of basic dishes, and three years after her move to Hiša Franko, Ana suddenly found herself at the helm. Franko and his wife Joži had been eyeing retirement for a while – and deservedly so. Valter is a one-man show, a majestic maitre d’, a sommelier, a food genius. Sure, he grew up in a restaurant, cooking was in his blood, but his love for all things food went above and beyond call of duty. Ana had a big apron to fill. So how did a young woman with no formal culinary training, without a single day of experience in a restaurant other than her new family’s climbed to the top of culinary world in mere 15 years? With determination, hard work, vision, ambition, observation skills and talent, that’s how. Observing great chefs in their element, soaking in their advice like a sponge and combining the collected, Ana forged her culinary identity – so unique, so bespoke that it cannot be learned, taught or copied. I first visited Hiša Franko when Ana was still in her early chef days; the days of pastas, roast beef, simple dishes


U brdima iznad rijeke Soče nalazi se Hiša Franko, naše ‘sretno mjesto’ In the hills above Soča river lies our happy place, Hiša Franko


stavne kuhinje i velikih snova koje su Valter i Ana snili. Pratio sam ih sve ovo vrijeme, tako i dandanas osjećam to mjesto svojim sretnim. Nevjerojatno je bilo promatrati rast, napredak iz menija u meni. U jednom trenutku, čini mi se oko 2012.-2013. godine, hrana je postala sve kompleksnija, namirnice nevjerojatne i Anina drskost da iskorači izvan granica slovenske gastronomije dobila je ubrzanje supernove. Kako su uživali putujući i obilazeći renomirane restorane diljem svijeta, tako su uvidjeli da ne čini jedna lastavica proljeće, već cijelo jato. Odnosno, Ana je oduvijek gradila snažan tim oko sebe. Rasplamsala bi i najmanju žeravu ako bi nanjušila prikrivenu strast za kreativnošću. Hiša Franko je bila rasadnik talenata i škola koju je svatko želio proći. Sjećam se Vladke Cencič, njezine sous chefice. Nakon nje, dvije je godine to bila i američka Korejka Emily Walden Harris. Bio je tu i naš Bernard Korak, sin poznatog vinara Velimira s Plešivice. Zatim Michael Knight i konačno Leonardo Fonseca, Kolumbijac koji je nakon rada u Nomi, Kokkerietu i El Chatu pronašao svoje mjesto pod suncem Kobarida. U razdoblju od 2012. do 2015. Ana je s timom krenula na gostovanja po najznačajnijim gastro-događajima u svijetu, od New Yorka do Cook it Raw u Poljskoj, Gelinaz! i mnogim drugima, sve dok 2015. godine nije stigao e-mail od Netflixa. Željeli su snimiti epizodu o njoj i Hiši Franko u svom ultrapopularnom Chef’s tableu. Ana je ispočetka ignorirala tu ponudu, no onda je ipak odlučila otvoriti vrata svoga doma, Hiše Franko, i dopustiti vrlo intimno snimanje njezina i Valterova života. Te su 43 minute filma izmijenile njihove živote nepovratno. Ne postoji država na svi-

and big dreams. I have been following Ana and Valter’s rise ever since, and Hiša Franko is to this day the place where my heart and stomach feel at home. The changes to the menu were so fast and complete they seemed to whirl by. Around 2012 or 2013, something magical happened: the food became more complex, the ingredients absurdly creative, Ana went supernova, rose to the skies and left Slovenian cuisine far behind. Traveling around the world to find inspiration and learn from most celebrated restaurants, the cooking couple realized the core of the business must be a good team. At that time, Ana turned into a conductor, flushing out even a smidgen of talent in a young cook, adding fuel to that creative fire, and Hiša Franko became a talent nursery, the most elite cooking school in all land. Their yearbooks are written with names of today’s top chefs – Ana’s sous chef Vladka Cenčić, American Korean chef Emily Walden Harris, Croatian Bernard Korak (son of famous winemaker Velimir Korak from Plešivica), Michael Knight and Leonardo Fonseca, Colombian who breezed through Noma, Kokkeriet and El Chato to finally settle in Kobarid. From 2012 to 2015 Ana and her team toured the most important cooking festivals and events, from New York to Cook It Raw to Gelinaz! and so on, until in 2015, they received an e-mail: Netflix wanted to film Ana for an episode of their popular Chef’s Table series. At first, Ana was reluctant, but then she decided to open the doors of her home, Hiša Franko to cameras and the crew for a very intimate portrait of her and Valter’s life. Those 43 minutes changed their lives. There probably aren’t


Ani i njezinu suprugu Valteru život su izmijenile 43 minute filma ultrapopularnog Chef’s tablea koji je Netflix 2015. snimio u Starom Selu kod Kobarida jetu iz koje bar netko nije posegnuo za avionskim kartama i uputio se u njima dotad nepoznatu majušnu Sloveniju. Dvije godine kasnije prestižna restoranska lista The World’s 50 Best dodjeljuje joj titulu World’s Best Female Chef, a Hiša Franko ulazi ujedno na listu najboljih restorana svijeta, i to na 69. mjesto. Samo te je godine Ana imala više od 150 avionskih letova, napravila više od 500 intervjua s medijima, poput CNN-a, BBC-ja, Forbesa, šireći poruku o Sloveniji kao novoj svjetskoj gastro-destinaciji. Zvuči ironično, jer ostavljajući karijeru diplomatkinje, 20 godina kasnije ona vrši upravo tu ulogu, i to ne samo na europskoj, već svjetskoj razini. A Valter, topli duh Kobarida, već je i ranije postao ambasador prirodnih vina i svoju ljubav prema njima proširio također izvan granica Slovenije. Znali smo maziti i punim plućima udisati opijajuće mirise odležanih sireva u sirnoj kleti koju godinama njeguje u sklopu restorana. Otvorio je i zarazno primamljivu ‘gostilnu’, Hišu Polonka u samom centru Kobarida, koja je svakodnevno dupkom puna, s dobrom domaćom hranom, prirodnim vinima i craft pivom Feo, koje proizvodi s partnerima u selu. Velika nagrada za sve što su Ana i Valter napravili u Hiši Franko stigla je i od Michelina, koji je restoranu odmah dodijelio dvije zvjezdice. ‘Dolazak many countries in the world from where at least one foodie didn’t launch into the culinary adventure of their life spurred by what they saw on that episode. Two years later, Ana was crowned by The World’s 50 Best as the World’s Best Female Chef and Hiša Franko was listed as one of the best restaurants in the world – as number 69. That year alone, Ana flew more than 150 times and gave more than 500 interviews – to the likes of CNN, BBC and Forbes – spreading the word about the new gastro heaven that was Slovenia. Ironically, she had her go at diplomacy, after all. Valter, an embodiment of the warm spirit of Kobarid, had by then built a lustrous sommelier career, preaching about Slovenian wines far beyond national borders; created a cheese laboratory that lured with scents and aromas like witches’ cabin in the woods; and opened an addictively attractive Hiša Polonka in the heart of Kobarid, a place where locals and visitors can enjoy simple homemade cuisine, local wines and craft beer from his brewery, Feo. Their efforts were anything but in vain, but the crowning moment came with Michelin inspectors. Hiša Franko was gilded with two stars. ‘That visit and the resulting

The 2015 Netflix’s episode of Chef’s Table filmed in Staro Selo outside Kobarid kicked Ana and her husband Valter’s life into a higher orbit

Coolinadriatica Michelinovih inspektora i izlazak vodiča u Sloveniji od iznimne je važnosti za nas, i to što je već u prvom izdanju dodijeljeno toliko zvjezdica samo je još jedan dokaz da je naša gastronomija uzrasla na visok nivo iako nismo izrazito turistička zemlja. Tim više, mnogi su restorani okrenuti domaćim gostima, lokalnim i sezonskim namirnicama, i cijenom vrlo prihvatljivi, što ponekad nije lako, no i dalje su svojim kreativnim pristupom nacionalnoj kuhinji uspjeli zadovoljiti i najviše standarde Michelinovih inspektora. Uvjerena sam da Slovenija ima još puno toga za pokazati, mi smo jedna od najčišćih, najzelenijih, ekološki vrlo svjesnih država, te uzgajamo fantastične namirnice koje se gotovo nigdje drugdje ne mogu kušati. Zbog tako bliske povezanosti s prirodom, tradicijom sakupljanja samoniklog bilja i plodova, vrtlarenjem, lovom, brojnim malim proizvođačima hrane, naši kuhari svakodnevno lako pronalaze inspiraciju za svoja jela i tim kvalitetnim namirnicama daju novo ruho. Sljedeće godine očekujem zvjezdice onima koji su ove godine ostali razočarani i vjerujem da ih to neće pokolebati, već samo osnažiti da još odlučnije krenu naprijed i uvjere inspektore da apsolutno zaslužuju svoje zvjezdice’, kazala nam je Ana Roš odmah nakon dodjele. A kakva je hrana u Hiši Franko, pitate se? Avangardna, isključivo od lokalnih namirnica malih proizvođača, mikrosezonska, vrlo jedinstvena u okusima i kreativnoj formi slaganja jela. Jednostavno senzacionalna. Može li punk biti sofisticiran? Ovdje može. Nakon gotovo dvije godine rada na svojoj prvoj knjizi, kuharica ‘Sunce i kiša’ u izdanju Phaidona, ovog je proljeća izišla u prodaju. ‘Sunce i kiša’ simboliziraju životni ciklus u dolini Soče, a ne u izmjenama sezone. Ana je napisala većinu tekstova sama, a preostali dio slovenska gastro-novinarka Kaja Sajovic. Fantastične fotografije Suzan Gabrijan aktivno

Michelin Guide for Slovenia were unbelievably important, especially since we immediately were awarded two stars. In a small country with no organized tourism efforts, that’s an achievement’, said Ana Roš at the time. ‘Many Slovenian restaurants are oriented on domestic guests, local and seasonal ingredients, and their prices are affordable, which sometimes is not an easy combination, and yet, their creative take on Slovenian national cuisine was enough for refined palates of Michelin inspectors. I am convinced that Slovenia has a lot more to show. We are one of the cleanest, greenest countries, ecology has long been our thing and we grow some unique ingredients you really won’t find anywhere else. Their close connection with nature, the local traditions of foraging for herbs and other ingredients, gardening and hunting, as well as presence of many small farms and food producers make it easy for our chefs to find daily inspiration, to give well known ingredients new taste and identity. I expect that restaurants that were not awarded Michelin stars this year will get them next year, and I hope that this temporary setback will not really set them back, but invigorate them, inspire them to push forward and create menus that will erase any trace of doubt from the minds of Michelin inspectors.’ But what about the food, you ask. What is the food at Hiša Franko really like? Avantgarde, made from locally sourced ingredients from small farms, microseasonal, unique in flavors and creatively presented. In a word, sensational. Is there such thing as sophisticated punk? There is, at least here. After two years of hard (literary) work, Ana has published her first cookbook, with Phaedon, this spring: Sun & Rain. Named for the life cycle dictated by the river Soča, and not for seasons as one might think at first, the cookbook is mostly Ana’s brain-

U jednom trenutku, hrana je u Hiši Franko postala kompleksnija, a Anina drskost da iskorači izvan granica slovenske gastronomije dobila je ubrzanje supernove At one point, something magical happened: the food became more complex and Ana went supernova rose to the skies and left Slovenian cuisine far behind

Perfect Escape Knjiga ‘Kiša i sunce’ govori o malim ljudima, sirarima, pastirima, skupljačima bilja, lovcima, medarima, ljetima provedenim u Istri, o svim članovima restoranskog tima – jednostavno govori o strasti Ana’s book, Sun & Rain, tells the story of cheese makers, shepherds, herb foragers, hunters, bee keepers, her summers in Istria, her kitchen team – simply, about all her passions

komentiraju tu rubnu normalnost života jednog restorana. Kao Ana i Kaja, i Suzan priča svoju priču, interpretirajući ju snažno kroz fotografije. Po dikciji knjige ‘Sunce i kiša’, Anin je životni put raskrižje žanrova, nimalo trivijalan, rekli bismo kao estetski realizam u gastronomiji. Od tmurnih, kišnih boja zime i blata do osunčanih jutara s obrisima rijeke Soče. U svako doba ona biva jedna od snažnih, angažiranih žena, koje inteligentno upotrebljavaju svoju kreativnost, hrabro promovirajući svoj kraj, tradiciju, svaku kravu, gljivu i pastrvu jednakim žarom. Trebalo je ponešto godina da čekajući sebe ispuni poziv diplomacije i to kao ambasadorica doline Soče. Njezina knjiga govori o malim ljudima, sirarima, pastirima, skupljačima bilja, lovcima, medarima, ljetima provedenim u Istri, o svim članovima restoranskog tima poimence s velikom pažnjom i zahvalnošću. I na prvom mjestu o njezinoj obitelji. 250 stranica čistog užitka, recepata, avantura, fotografija, isječaka iz nevjerojatnog života jedne kuće, doma, Hiše Franko. Za vas koji ste već posjetili restoran bit će uzbudljivo saznati pozadinu mnogih jela, a za sve ostale iskren poziv da ih upoznate prvom prilikom.

child, with some help from prominent Slovenian food reporter Kaja Sajovic. Fantastic photos by Suzan Gabrijan provide vivid commentary of that offkilter normalcy that is life of a restaurant. What Ana and Kaja said with words, Suzan says with images, interpreting life through a lens – and judging by Sun & Rain, Ana’s life is a joining of genres. Never trivial, her gastronomic aesthetic realism is colored with rain, winter and mud, sunny mornings reflecting light of the waters of Soča. No matter the season, Ana is a strong woman who never idles, who takes on project after project, uses her intelligence creatively, promotes her homeland and its tradition one cow, mushroom or trout at a time, with incessant passion. It may have taken some time, but Ana did become a diplomat and fulfilled her youth’s goals. The ambassador of Soča valley created a book that represents the little people of the region; cheese makers, shepherds, herb foragers, hunters, bee keepers. She writes of her summers spent in Istria, of her kitchen team (always with gratitude and affection), and above all, of her family. Sun & Rain is 250 pages of pure joy, recipes, adventures, photos and snippets of an incredible life in an incredible home that is Hiša Franko. Those among us who have paid the visit to Hiša Franko will read it to reminisce, and those who are yet to visit should take it as an invitation.


Lešić Dimitri Palace

Pomicanje granica izvrsnosti Pushing Limits of Excellence

Restoran Lešić Dimitri dobio je Michelinovu zvjezdicu, a nautičkim je gostima na raspolaganju i LD Nautical Concierge, usluga koja jamči najekskluzivnija iskustva Restaurant Lešić Dimitri has been awarded a Michelin star. LD Nautical Concierge, available to their patrons and guests, is a guarantee of a truly exclusive experience 146

Text Ida Vickota Photos LD Palace

LD Palace svojim gostima pruža priliku da iskorače iz užurbane svakodnevice i ponovno pronađu vlastito ja. Budući da hotel ima samo pet rezidencija, a svaka od njih ima privatni ulaz, ova izvorno očuvana palača iz 18. stoljeća pruža razinu privatnosti koja pomaže u održavanju osobne sigurnosti na svim razinama. Restoran LD, otvoren početkom lipnja, nedavno je dobio Michelinovu zvjezdicu i jedan je od samo sedam restorana u Hrvatskoj koji su dobili to priznanje. ‘Doista smo oduševljeni jer je prvi put da otvaramo restoran otkako je u veljači ove godine nagrađen Michelinovom zvjezdicom. Spremni smo za goste i nastavit ćemo slijediti svoju filozofiju pomicanja granica kulinarske izvrsnosti’, kaže chef Marko Gajski. Ekskluzivne pogodnosti koje nudi LD Palace nisu ograničene samo na goste i prijatelje koji posjećuju palaču. U proteklih nekoliko godina grad Korčula je postao popularno odredište za nautičare, ali usprkos sve većem broju jahti koje dolaze u posjet, ipak je uspio zadržati karakterističnu urbanu atmosferu mirnog srednjovjekovnog gradića bogatog kulturom i poviješću. Nautički turisti mogu se osloniti na profesionalnu uslugu LD Nautical Concierge, koja jamči najekskluzivnija iskustva – degustaciju hrane i vina, egzotične spa tretmane, povijesne ture i aktivnosti na otvorenom. Posjetiteljima Korčule kojima je privatnost draža od svega i koji radije borave na jahti LD Nautical Concierge nudi i posebnu uslugu dostave hrane i izvrsnih lokalnih vina. Uslugu dostave hrane na jahtu tijekom sezone popratit će posebne promocije koje istinski ljubitelji šampanjca nikako ne bi smjeli propustiti.

LD Palace has always offered its guests the opportunity to unplug from the busy world and to reconnect with their inner selves. Having only five Residences, each with a private entrance, in an original preserved 18th century Palace provides the level of privacy that helps sustain personal safety and security. LD Restaurant, which opened at the beginning of June, was awarded a Michelin star recently and is one of only seven restaurants in Croatia to have received this accolade. ‘We are very thrilled as it is the first time that we are opening the restaurant since it was awarded a Michelin star in February this year’, says chef Marko Gajski. ‘We are ready for our guests and we are going to continue with our philosophy of pushing the boundaries of culinary excellence.’ LD’s exclusive amenities aren’t limited only to guests and friends who are visiting the palace. Over the past years Korčula town has grown to be a popular centre for yachting. Despite the increasing number of visiting yachts it has managed to keep the distinctive urban atmosphere of a peaceful medieval town rich in history and culture. Nautical tourists can now rely on professional island-based LD Nautical Concierge that can assist in providing the most exclusive experiences: food and wine tastings, exotic Spa treatments, historic tours and outdoor activities. For visitors to Korčula who prefer the maximum level of privacy on board their yachts and wish to make their food plans afloat straightforward, LD Nautical Concierge can take special care by providing LD Restaurant’s take away service and can also offer the finest local wines by the case. The LD take away service will be accompanied by special promotions that all true champagne lovers should not miss.

Falkensteiner Punta Skala

Text Ida Vickota Photos Falkensteiner & Unsplash

Spa Mediteran Vrhunski smještaj, zavidna wellness ponuda i gastro-delicije pripremljene kako nalažu ‘zakoni’ najzdravije kuhinje svijeta - za odmor iz snova u Falkensteiner Punta Skala resortu Superior accommodation, lavish wellness services and culinary delights prepared with respect to the unwritten laws of the healthy Mediterranean diet – the healthiest in the world – make for a dream vacation in Falkensteiner Punta Skala resort


Nakon dugog perioda neaktivnosti i boravka u zatvorenim prostorima, aktivan odmor i uravnotežena prehrana pravi su odabir. A kako ih spojiti i pretvoriti u odmor iz snova, znaju u Falkensteiner Punta Skala resortu u Petrčanima, nedaleko od Zadra, gdje možete uživati u pravom odmoru u mediteranskom štihu. Goste će u resortu dočekati vrhunski smještaj, zavidna spa ponuda, ali i gastro-delicije, pripremljene upravo kako nalažu ‘zakoni’ najzdravije kuhinje svijeta, one mediteranske. Falkensteiner Punta Skala razvio se u sportski i ekološki resort s jedinstvenom ponudom u Hrvatskoj. Stoga ne čudi što su brojni slavni sportaši odabrali Punta Skalu za svoje profesionalne pripreme, ali i privatni odmor. Ljubitelje aktivnog života oduševit će vanjski sportski centar sa sedam teniskih terena i terenima za mini golf, nogomet, košarku, odbojku, badminton, dva padel terena i dva terena za odbojku na pijesku. Izgradnjom novog sportskog kompleksa resort će dobiti i profesionalni fitness centar na 500 četvornih metara, prostorije za jogu i vježbanje, sportski bar, rent-a-bike stanicu uz teniske i ostale terene. A kako nakon sporta savršeno ide dobra sportska masaža, na svoje će doći svi zaljubljenici u wellness tretmane, jer se ovdje smjestio najveći spa u Hrvatskoj – AcquaPura Spa. Na čak šest tisuća četvornih metara, posjetitelji mogu uživati u 17 prostorija za različite tretmane, tri privatna spa suita, vodenom svijetu sa šest bazena, saunama, od kojih je jedna i jedinstvena panoramska, smještena ispod zemlje, odakle se pruža prekrasan pogled na zadarski arhipelag.

After a long period of inactivity and staying indoors, an active rest and a balanced diet are just the thing to do. How to get some activity and enjoy the vacation of your dreams at the same time? Ask the experts at Falkensteiner Punta Skala resort in Petrčane, in the vicinity of Zadar, a place that will cocoon you with soothing, relaxing atmosphere of the Mediterranean. You will find superior accommodation, lavish spa and wellness services, as well as delicious creations of expert chefs, prepared with respect for the healthy Mediterranean diet. Falkensteiner Punta Skala is a sporty resort operating with ecology in mind, and their offer is unique within Croatia – so it is little wonder that many famous athletes have chosen Punta Skala for their professional training, as well as for private vacations. Lovers of active life will be delighted by the outdoor sports center with seven tennis courts and courts for mini golf, football, basketball, volleyball, badminton, two padel courts and two beach volleyball courts. Upon the completion of the new sports complex, the resort will also get a professional fitness center stretching over 500 square meters, yoga and calisthenics rooms, a sports bar, as well as a rent-a-bike station, next to tennis and other outdoor courts. We all know nothing feels better after strenuous exercise – or just because you feel like it – than a good massage, and you’ll find nothing but the most skilled professionals at the largest spa in Croatia, AcquaPura Spa. Six thousand square meters of relaxing space offers 17 rooms designed for specific services and treatments, three private spa suits, a six-pool water world, and saunas. One of the saunas is a work of art, located undergrounds and open towards the beautiful Zadar archipelago.

Luštica Bay

Nova definicija života uz more

Održiva, potpuno integrirana destinacija Luštica Bay neprimjetno se stapa s nedirnutom ljepotom istoimenog poluotoka i nudi različite rezidencije, hotele i objekte svjetske klase, koji obećavaju mir i privatnost, otkriće i avanturu


A sustainable, fully-integrated destination, Luštica Bay is blending seamlessly into the unspoilt beauty of the peninsula, offering distinct neighbourhoods with a variety of residences, hotels and world-class facilities that unite tranquility and privacy, discovery and adventure

Text Ida Vickota Photos Luštica Bay

Perfect Escape

Smješten u predivnoj prirodi poluotoka Luštica u idiličnom zaljevu Trašte, s pogledom na međunarodno poznati Kotorski zaljev, projekt Luštica Bay je već u poodmaklom stupnju razvoja. Dizajniran po uzoru na tradicionalna ribarska sela Crne Gore, Luštica Bay spaja šarm starog svijeta s vrhunskim sadržajima: on je svevremenska rivijera koja živi sa suvremenim luksuzom. Taj dinamičan gradić na obali, istovremeno neotkriven i nezaboravan, poziva vas da stvorite svoju viziju života. Sa sedam kilometara obale na kojoj se nalaze i privatna plaža, teren za golf, dvije marine svjetske klase, hoteli s pet zvjezdica, amfiteatar na otvorenom, gurmanski restorani, objekti za vrhunsku kupovinu i zabavu, Luštica Bay predstavlja sve što itko može očekivati i od vlastita doma i od turističkog resorta na jugu Europe. Smješteno na rivi, gdje se život vrti oko vrhunske marine i šarmantnog šetališta, naselje Marina Village je izuzetno privlačna destinacija. Uz restorane, barove, kafiće i butike, hotel Chedi s pet zvjezdica ima i amfiteatar na otvorenom u kojem se redovito održavaju eventi, pa pruža stanovnicima elegantan stil života rivijere u svako doba dana i tijekom cijele godine. Marina Village je nadahnuće pronašao u malim ribarskim selima raštrkanim duž obale Crne Gore, oblikovan je prema tradiciji i u njegovu srcu nalazi se marina. Zgrade su stopljene s krajolikom i izgledaju kao da su odavno ondje. Život u Luštica Bayu prožet je autentičnošću, a u njemu se luksuzni objekti susreću sa starom kulturom Crne Gore. Luštica Bay će imati dvije vrhunske marine koje će nuditi pristup divljoj ljepoti crnogorske obale bez muke, ali i pristup obalama Hrvatske, Italije i Grčke, sve u dometu jednodnevne plovidbe. Glavna i najveća marina projekta već je u upotrebi, a nalazi se u srcu Marina Villagea. Marina nudi usluge na najvišoj razini, a njezin stručni višejezični tim spreman je zadovoljiti potrebe svih gostiju, od skipera početnika do iskusnih. Uz uslugu pomoći u upravljanju brodom, marina nudi i opskrbu jednofaznom i trofaznom strujom, uslugu zbrinjavanja otpada i besplatni Wi-Fi na cijelom području marine. Sigurnost je na prvom mjestu, pa marina ima 24-satni CCTV videonadzor i osoblje uvijek na raspolaganju. Trenutno marina nudi 85 vezova za brodove do 45 metara duljine, a kad bude dovršena, imat će ukupno 176 vezova, uz niz fleksibilnih opcija za najam veza, od jedne noći do sezonskih i godišnjih boravaka.

Set amongst the natural beauty of the Luštica peninsula in the idyllic Trašte Bay, overlooking the internationally renowned Bay of Kotor, the Luštica Bay development is already well underway. Designed to reflect the traditional fishing villages of Montenegro, Luštica Bay unites oldworld charm with cutting-edge facilities; timeless Riviera living with contemporary luxury. A dynamic waterfront town along an undiscovered and unforgettable stretch of coastline that invites you to create your vision of what life should be. With seven km of coastline that includes private beach, a championship golf course, two world-class marinas, five-star hotels, outdoor amphitheatre, gourmet dining, superb shopping and entertainment, Luštica Bay will be home to everything you would expect from a world-class European resort town. Set on the waterfront, with life gravitating around its state-of-the-art marina and charming promenade, the Marina Village neighbourhood is already a flourishing destination. With restaurants, bars, cafés, boutiques and lifestyle amenities, the five-star Chedi Hotel, an outdoor amphitheatre and regular events, it provides residents with a stylish Riviera lifestyle at all hours of the day, all days of the year. The Village echoes the small fishing villages that dot the Montenegrin coastline, following tradition and placing the marina at its heart. The buildings are immersed in the landscape, feeling as if they have always been here. Luštica Bay way of life is imbued with authenticity, where cutting-edge facilities blend with the age-old culture of Montenegro. Luštica Bay will have two state-of-the-art marinas, offering hassle-free access to the wild beauty of Montenegro’s coast not to mention the coasts of Croatia, Italy and Greece just a short cruise away. The primary and largest marina in the development is already operational, located in the heart of the Marina Village. Its state-of-the-art facilities and expert, multilingual marina team meet the needs of all sailors, from beginners through to the experienced. Alongside yacht assistance, there is single and 3-phase electricity, refuse disposal and free Wi-Fi serving the entire marina area. Security is paramount, with 24-hour CCTV video surveillance and on-site guard personnel. Currently the marina offers a total of 85 berths for boats of up to 45 m and will eventually accommodate 176 berths. There are a range of flexible berthing options, from a single night through to seasonal and annual stays.

Zadarski arhipelag – južni dio Zadar Archipelago – South

U magičnom morskom labirintu Magic Marine Labyrinth Posvećujući pažnju otocima najbližim gradu Zadru, pripremili smo prijedlog ‘đite’ koja vas neće ostaviti ravnodušnima, uz mogućnost posjeta obližnjim Kornatima kao logičnom nastavku plovidbe Take a round trip snaking between the charming islands closest to the city of Zadar – and maybe you’ll find inspiration to continue on toward Kornati Text Josipa Vlahović Cikatić Photos Boris Kačan

Plovidba Sailing



Zadar je grad koji kao da izranja iz gusto isprepletene mreže neprocjenjivih kutaka; sa sjevera ga štiti moćni Velebit i hrane plodni Ravni kotari, a s juga ga omeđuju brojni otoci zadarskog arhipelaga. Kako se jahtom ne možemo upustiti u istraživanje čarobnih kanjona Paklenice, niti pak uspeti na ponosne vrhove Velebita, kako i priliči, zaplovit ćemo labirintom koji čini na stotine magičnih otoka i otočića. Iako će vam za ovaj morski doživljaj biti dovoljna četiri slobodna dana, imajte na umu da na ovom rajskom dijelu Jadrana možete provesti i čitavo ljeto polako razotkrivajući njegova mnogobrojna lica. Nakon što obrise grada Zadra i sjeverne obale otoka Ugljana ostavite po krmi, kada se uputite k zapadu, prvo tirkizno osvježenje s okusom soli potražite s istočne strane Srednje Sestrice ili, pak, u atraktivnom prolazu između otoka Sestrunja i znatno manjeg otočića Mali Paranak. Oba sidrišta su raj za oči, a dok će vam Sestrica pružiti iskonski osjećaj divljine, Sestrunj vam može osigurati zaklon od popodnevnog maestrala te pokoji nesvakidašnji doživljaj. Naime, na uzvisini tog malenog otoka utaborilo se istoimeno mjesto Sestrunj, koje je ujedno i jedino na otoku. Možete se usidriti u uvali Kablin, u kojoj se nalazi tek nekoliko manjih mulova i kuća pa se odlučiti za 15-ak minuta dugu šetnju kako biste upoznali rustikalno mjesto Sestrunj. Tu nema ni dućana ni škole, ali ima jedna pametna klupa, jedan kafić i tek 30-ak ‘vjernih’ otočnih stanovnika. Prije no što pjesmu cvrčaka zamijenite glasanjem zrikavaca, približite se otoku Ižu. Imajte na umu da se u ovom akva-

Zadar is one of those rare cities woven together from endless interesting points and corners. Protected by the mighty Velebit mountain and nurtured by the fertile Ravni kotari from the north, it opens and spills into islands dotting the sea on the south. If you decide to explore the region by foot, you’ll have your breath taken away by the imposing Velebit and the magic Paklenica canyons, but those among you visiting Zadar by boat get to enjoy the unique labyrinth of islands big and small stretching across the blue. Although four days are enough to cover the area by boat, this corner of paradise is so captivating you might decide to spend the entire summer discovering its many faces at your own pace. After leaving the city of Zadar and the northern shore of Ugljan behind, turn west, toward the turquoise waters surrounding the island of Srednja Sestrica and toward the strait between the tiny islands of Sestrunj and Mali Paranak. Both of those are a sight for sore eyes as well as great anchoring spots, but while Sestrica is true Mediterranean wilderness, Sestrunj offers some activities. Up on the hill, the village of Sestrunj on the island of the same name is just large enough for several smaller piers, several houses, a smart bench (!), a coffee shop – and around 30 permanent residents to enjoy it all. Next stop on your journey to the soundtrack of cicadas and crickets is the isle of Iž. In those waters there are several well marked fisheries and pretty much nothing else to disturb your peace. The welcoming marina Veli Iž in the town of the same name is


Uvala Veli vodenjak ispred Školjića na Malom Ižu, izvrsna je međupostaja bilo da plovite prema sjeveru ili jedrite prema Kornatima Veli vodenjak cove in front of Školjić on Mali Iž is a great place stop before continuing toward Kornati

Veli Iž


Yachts on Wheels

Mala Proversa ulaz je za bajkoviti arhipelag Kornata Mala Proversa is the doorway to the marine heaven of the Kornati archipelago

toriju nalazi nekoliko ribogojilišta označenih bovama pa one neće uznemiriti vašu opuštajuću plovidbu. Dobro opremljena marina Veli Iž, koja se smjestila u istoimenom, najvećem naselju na otoku, može vam osigurati siguran zaklon u slučaju nepovoljnih prilika, ali naši planovi su potpuno drukčiji. Noć provedite u nenaseljenoj uvali Vodenjak, koja se zavukla među jugoistočne obale ovoga samozatajnog otoka. Sljedeće bi se godine tu trebao otvoriti i restoran, a do tada možete iskoristiti mogućnost cateringa pa se osladiti morskim ili mesnim specijalitetima ispod peke, odnosno s roštilja. Ovu uvalu krase opijajuće tirkizne boje mora i šumoviti otočić Školjić, a osim što pruža siguran zaklon po svim sjevernim vjetrovima, u njoj su postavljene i bove. Dobro je znati da su bove postavljene i u gotovo svim zapadnim, od bure zaštićenim uvalama obližnjeg otoka Rave, koji prema legendi zovu ‘Rava - centar svita’. U slučaju da vas privuče ljepota ovoga minijaturnog otoka razvedenih obrisa, a preferirate intimnije kutke, savjetujemo uplovljenje u uvalu Paladinica ili uvalu Grbavac. Dok prva predstavlja najveće i najbolje sidrište na otoku, u drugoj se, osim slikovitog ambijenta, u restoranu Villa Rava može doživjeti i pokoji - novčano izdašniji - gastronomski vrhunac. Dani koji slijede ispunit će na stotine magičnih prizora i, nadamo se, vaših iznimno upečatljivih uspomena. Ako vam treba ‘pit stop’, najbolje je izabrati luku Sali na Dugom otoku, koja je opremljena dućanom i crpkom goriva, a mi predlažemo da se potom uputite u – mir. Park prirode Telašćica krasi istoimena duboko uvučena uvala te dva prirodna fenomena – slano jezero Mir te impozantni klifovi, a Kornatsko otočje 152 manja i

ready to accommodate your every need and is an ideal haven on stormy nights, but as small as the town may be – it’s still too big for our taste. Instead, spend a night or two in the secluded Vodenjak cove hidden in the meandering coast of this quiet island. Rumors are next season the cove will welcome its first restaurant, but until then you can get food delivered from anywhere else on the island – mostly delicious fresh sea food and barbecued meat. Inside the cove, like a tiny jewel in the cove, the charming islet of Školjić attracts the eye on the glistening turquoise water dotted with buoys. Drop your anchor in its vicinity and you’ll be safe from northern wind. Almost all coves on the western shore of the island of Rava offer the option mooring at buoys, and are protected from northern winds. If you want to spend some time on this beautiful island, but prefer totally secluded areas, we recommend you set sail for coves of Paladinica or Grbavac. The former is the largest anchoring spot on the island, but the latter lures with gastro delights at (sometimes pricey) Villa Rava. A day only has 24 hours, but how many beautiful memories you can pack in that time is completely up to you. Our suggestion for creating at least some of them is a pit stop for gas and supplies at Sali on Dugi otok – and then, serenity. Telašćica Nature Park begins with Telašćica cove and only gets better after that. The salty Mir lake and its imposing cliffs are not to miss, while the famous Kornati archipelago with its 152 pearls is a definite must. Sail through the Mala Proversa strait, connecting two dots on the island since the Roman era, and enter Telašćica


veća otočna bisera koja neodoljivo podsjećaju na savršeno složeni prirodni mozaik. Nakon što još u rimsko doba prokopan prolaz Mala Proversa ostavite po krmi, stopite se s ljepotama prostrane luke Telašćica. Plovilo vežite za bovu u uvali Mir pa krenite u istraživanje obližnjih fenomena. Prošetajte uređenom stazom (2,2 km) uz fotogenične obale jezera, u kojem se možete i okupati, pa nakon toga posjetite impresivne klifove koji će vas zasigurno hipnotizirati svojom ljepotom. Možete se odlučiti i za upečatljivu šetnju (30 minuta ili više) duž klifova, koja će zasigurno ‘iznjedriti’ spektakularne fotografije te opravdati poneku prolivenu kap znoja. Obogaćeni živopisnim prizorima i nadamo se susretom s pokojim jelenom ili, barem, lokalnim magarcima koji će rado progutati po koju jabuku, ako želite uživati svim čulima, nastavite plovidbu prema Kornatima. Mi ćemo Kornate i njihovu posebnost ostaviti za jedan drugi tekst, a da bismo osjetili njihov duh, zaputit ćemo se do obližnjeg Žuta i sigurnosti njegovih uvala. U slučaju da vam je do intimnijih kutaka, imajte na umu da se između otoka Žuta i mnogo manje Žutske Abe nalazi jedno od ljepših sidrišta ovog akvatorija. Žut je drugi po veličini kor-


cove, then tie your boat in the Mir cove and start your adventure: 2.2 kilometers of safe hiking trails, picturesque and photogenic lakes (swimming is allowed in the park), impressive cliffs definitely worth a photo or two. Even on hot summer days, the 30-minute walk to the cliffs is well worth the sweat – especially if you meet the locals – sometimes deer, but mostly donkeys ready to hang around for the price of a juicy apple. Next stop after Telašćica Nature Park is obvious – Kornati, but we’ll leave that story for some other time and just taste the waters, setting sail for the island of Žut, known for its many coves. Between the island and the neighboring Žutska Aba lies one of the most beautiful, most secluded and most romantic spots in the region, so drop your anchor and chill for a day. Žut is the second largest island in the Kornati archipelago, named for its proximity to the neighboring isle of Kornat: Žut comes from iunctus (joined adjacent), and not as the locals sometimes think, from the yellow (žut, yellow in Croatian) colored flowers almost covering the island all summer long. The port of Žut is large and well protected from all winds, so leave it to Aeolus whether or not you have

Na putu prema Telašćici iznenadilo nas je zaigrano jato dupina On our way to Telašćica we were surprised by a pod of dolphins

Restaurant Mare, Proversa



natski otok, a kako je niži od susjednog Kornata, Latini su ga nazvali iunctus – ‘dodan (Kornatu)’, što se s vremenom pretvorilo u Žut. Noć provedite u sigurnom okrilju prostrane luke Žut koja nudi zaklon od svih vjetrova ili na sigurnom vezu koje nudi ACI marina Žut s čuvenim obližnjim restoranom ili pak noć provedite usidreni u nekoj od njezinih skrovitih uvalica. Na povratku, pažljivo zaobilazeći podvodne hridi, zaplovite prema prolazu Mali Ždrelac i gradu Zadru, s kojim je i započela ova vaša morska priča.

Duboka uvala pored prolaza Mala Proversa Deep cove next to the Mala Proversa strait

Kao jedini posjetitelji imali smo priliku uživati u potpunom miru i nedirnutoj ljepoti slanog jezera Parka prirode Telašćica As only visitors, we enjoyed complete silence and serenity of the area around the saltwater 158 Telašćica Nature Park lake in the

to moor in the ACI Marina Žut, or rough it in the wild in one of the tiny nearby coves. On your way back, be very careful while passing through the Mali Ždrelac strait, as the underwater is rather rocky. Once you pass the 16.5-meter tall bridge, you’ll know you’re very close to Zadar, where your trip and our story began. For one last dip in the sea, we recommend the southern side of the island of Ugljan and its sandy beaches stretching hundreds of meters into the sea.

Split Archipelago

Zlatni trokut The Golden Triangle Ploveći splitskim akvatorijem ove godine možete uživati u nešto manjoj turističkoj ‘okupaciji’ pa iz prve ruke provjerite zbog čega je to najpopularnije područje za plovidbu na Jadranu If you take your chance on the waters around Split this year, you might find it quieter, less crowded than usually – and slowly discover all the gems that make it the most popular cruising area in the Adriatic Text Josipa Vlahović Cikatić Photos Kristina Peračić, Ivo Pervan, Filip Bubalo & Heli Foto

Plovidba Sailing




Jedan od najatraktivnijih hrvatskih akvatorija je onaj koji okružuje grad Split. Kao posljedica danas planetarne popularnosti, taj dio Jadrana je do jučer bio ‘okupiran’ velikim brojem plovila. Uz mnoštvo plovila za iznajmljivanje, prirodni mir i sklad remetili su i brzi gliseri koji su svakodnevno iz Splita kao u konvoju hrlili prema prirodnim biserima ovog akvatorija – Modroj špilji na otoku Biševu, južnim obalama otoka Visa, Paklenim otocima, gradu Hvaru… Gužve u uvalama bile su sve veće, otpada u moru bilo je sve više, a miris nafte već je postao neizostavan ‘začin’ mirisu mora i soli. Domaći nautičari su se prilagodili novom ekonomskom poretku na moru i počeli zaobilaziti ovaj splitsko-hvarsko-viški trokut. Sada možda dolazi vrijeme da ga ponovno otkrijete u svom prirodnom sjaju i neometanom titraju, jer je izgledno da gužvi na moru ove godine neće biti, barem ne kao proteklih godina. Stoga je jedna od boljih ideja za ovogodišnju ‘đitu’ da okupite svoju posadu i usmjerite pramac prema jugu… Na tom putu možda ćete se poželjeti zaustaviti u Splitskim vratima i mjestašcima u njihovoj blizini, Milni na Braču ili Stomorskoj na Šolti. Ili ćete se htjeti sidriti na južnim obalama Šolte ili Brača. Prema našem mišljenju, vrijedi prevaliti oko dvadeset pet milja dugačak put i odmah dotaknuti Paklenjake, te vam savjetujemo da vrijeme posvetite istražujući očaravajući arhipelag koji čini skupina od 21 otoka, otočića i hridi. Pakleni otoci, za razliku od Tihog oceana, imaju zastrašujuće ime, ali mirnu narav jer su nazvani po smoli (paklini) kojom obiluju... Najveći otok ovog arhipelaga je Sveti Klement, a ako nema juga, sve njegove južne uvale predstavljaju prave oaze ljepote i užitka. Sa zapada prema istoku prvo se pruža prostrana uvala Soline, zatim tirkizno Taršće, nešto manji Stari Stani te najpopularnije Vinogradišće. Čak bismo i noćnim provodima ‘zagađenu’ uvalu Stipanska na otočiću Marinkovcu uvrstili u ovaj popis ako volite zvukove obližnjeg noćnog kluba i takvu vrstu zabave. Za noćenje vam mi predlažemo nešto mirniju opciju, izaberite onu uvalu u kojoj je usidren najmanji broj plovila, a izlazak na otok je dobra ideja, jer Sveti Klement je prošaran otočnim puteljcima koji spajaju sve njegove uvale te predstavljaju odličnu mogućnost za sat ili dva nesvakidašnjeg trekinga. U svoj boravak na moru lijepo je ubaciti i poneku aktivnost ili hobi. Zgodno bi bilo ako imate SUP, ronilačko odijelo ili bilo kakvu opremu za ribolov. SUP-om možete zaploviti uz obale ‘svoje’ uvale, opremljeni ronilačkim odijelima stopiti se s hipnotizirajućim podmorjem

The waters around Split are among the most attractive sailing regions in Croatia. Popular internationally, that part of the Adriatic was until recently under tourist occupation: in addition to all the yachts and other vessels available for charter in the area, endless private day cruisers made their loud pilgrimage to the serene islands of the waters in the vicinity of Split, like Biševo with its famous Blue Cave, southern shores of Vis, Pakleni islands or Hvar. Ports were crowded, the sea spotted with trash, the smell of fuel as omnipresent as the scent of sea and salt. Local yachting enthusiasts adapted fast and started avoiding the Split-Hvar-Vis triangle altogether. The moment to discover this lovely region just might be now – it’s almost certain the sea will not be crowded this summer. Gather your crew and turn your bow toward the south for an unexpectedly unhurried tour of the triangle. The first stop on your cruise should probably be the Split Gates strait, a blink away from several charming villages, like Milna on the island of Brač and Stomorska on Šolta. If you decide to drop your anchor closer to the islands, both Brač and Šolta offer plenty of safe space. Pakleni islands are five miles further southwest and interesting enough for a detour. The 21-strong archipelago brims with bizarrely charming islands big and small – and don’t let their name fool you. The opposite of the wild Pacific ocean, this archipelago whose name sounds just like the Croatian word for hell – Hellish islands – are actually named for a similarly sounding word denoting a specific pine tree resin used for waterproofing hulls, found on almost every island in the archipelago. The largest among them is Sveti Klement, whose southern shore in the absence of southern wind is a true oasis. Coves dot the coast from west to south – the big and welcoming Soline, the turquoise Taršće, the small Stari Stani and the popular Vinogradišće. The fifth in this row is Stipanska cove on Marinkovac, but beware – there is a night club on that island and the noise it creates is unavoidable. If you decide to spend a night there, Sveti Klement is the best choice, as it is if you’re into hiking. The island is criss-crossed with hiking trails connecting all of the coves, interesting enough for a two-hour hike. The waters around the island are calm and ideal for diving, stand-up paddling or fishing – catch enough fish for a nice family dinner and relax after a long day of diving and discovering the hypnotizing and diverse underwater life. In addition to abundance of fish, these waters


Ovo ljeto idealno je za posjet Paklenim otocima, koji vam nude rajski ugođaj This summer is ideal for the visit to Pakleni islands with paradise atmosphere

Paklenjaka, a opremljeni ribarskim priborom provesti nezaboravnu večer sa svojim najmilijima – baš kao u dobra stara vremena. Ako riba ne zagrize, prije nego što se odlučite za ‘manistru na pome’, pred vama je pregršt mogućnosti. Osim dobro poznatih šparoga, kojima je krajem proljeća istekao rok, na samom dodiru mora i kopna možete ubrati motar i vizualno obogatiti trpezu, a tu su i priljepci, nanari ili vlasulje koje mogu poslužiti kao savršena alternativa za pržene lignje. Gastronomsku ponudu izvan plovila na ovom području treba opisati jednostavno – kao najbolje što ploveći možete naći na Jadranu, ali to je tema nekog drugog članka. Na Paklenim otocima možete ostati i više dana, nekada su splitske nautičke obitelji tu provodile i dobar dio godišnjeg odmora, ali prava šteta je ne produbiti vaše iskustvo magičnim obalama otoka Visa. Do offer some unusual delicacies, like sea snails or sea anemones, which can be a good alternative for grilled calamari. One thing is for sure: don’t count on finding a restaurant in these waters, but the sea will provide. Although Pakleni islands are interesting enough to hang around for several days, as it is the case with locals and their families, if you’re looking for something different every day, turn toward Vis. This dreamy island is easily approachable from the south, and mere ten miles from Pakleni islands. The loveliest cove on the island is Stončica, a bliss in turquoise with the loveliest lighthouse in the Adriatic. The nearby Smokova cove is the locals’ favorite ‘picigin’ spot, but despite offering ideal conditions for this addictive water game – sandy beaches and underwater– it’s mostly empty even in high season. Another sandy beach lies

St. Klement



Plovidba njegove jugoistočne strane i palete nevjerojatno lijepih otočnih kutaka dijeli vas tek desetak morskih milja. Predlažemo vam da se za početak usidrite u Stončici, pješčanoj uvali tirkiznih boja pa prošetate prema ponosno uzdignutom svjetioniku koji je, prema našem mišljenju, jedan od najljepših na Jadranu. U njezinoj neposrednoj blizini prema istoku nalazi se uvala Smokova, u kojoj ni usred turističke sezone nema previše plovila, a koja je poznata kao idealno odredište za igranje picigina, za one koji poznaju ovu bezopasno zaraznu igru s lopticom. Nakon toga, posjetiti možete još jednu pješčanu zvijezdu otoka - nedaleku uvalu Zaglav. Prepustite se zaronu među mnogobrojnim periskama, dopustite da vas hipnotizira okolni tirkiz pa se osunčajte na finom pijesku kojim se ponosi ova nenaseljena uvala. Odmah iza kantuna usidrilo se mjesto Rukavac. Njegov sjeverni, duboko usječeni krak krasi stjenovita obala, a znatno pitomiji južni - bijeli oblutci i plaža Tepluš. Oba ‘viška rukava’ pogodna su za sidrenje ako ne zapuše jugo, a dijeli ih kameni mul na koji plovila s manjim gazom mogu i pristati. U slučaju da vremenska prognoza ne najavljuje dolazak ciklone, noć provedite u tirkiznoj laguni koja oplakuje otočić Budikovac. Ovaj otok predstavlja jedinstveni mikrokozmos koji ni u vrhuncu nautičke sezone ne gubi svoj ponosni karakter. Na Budikovcu tijekom cijele godine živi osebujni barba Andro Slavić, koji tu ima pravi mali ranč, ali i nadasve maštoviti restoran. A nama je ispričao kako je doživio korona-krizu. ‘Zatvorio sam se dva-tri misein Zaglav cove, uninhabited if you don’t count the many fan mussels that live in these turquoise waters. The sand in this cove is particularly fine and brilliantly white. Right around the corner, so to speak, lies the village of Rukavac – split between the rocky northern coast and the fine white pebbles of Tepluš beach. You can choose either part for anchoring, except during southern winds, or come a bit closer and moor at the small stone dock for vessels with small draft. The small nearby island of Budikovac is also safe in most conditions, and its turquoise lagoon will only be unsafe in rain and strong wind. Budikovac is a unique place, bent on maintaining eccentric character no matter how beneficial mainstream tourism might be for local economy. Andro Slavić, who owns a small ranch and a quirky restaurant on the island, told us what life was like on the island during the quarantine: ‘I spent two-three months in lockdown, but then I started wondering if anyone would ever come check up on me. As for tourism, it’s hard to tell: it’ll come back when the time is right, but the government really should come up with a plan for smaller destinations like our island. We can’t get out of this pickle without any help. I say we go back to work, but stay mostly aboard vessels. Budikovac has a lot to offer, lot of fresh content, but no interest outside our regulars. I’ve had phone calls, inquiries, people want to come back. We’ll survive, we always do.’ Andro and his island usually follow just one rule – there are no rules. If you’re nearby, go wave at


Inače ‘okupirana’ Stiniva te laguna otočića Budikovca mame svojom ljepotom Normally ‘occupied’ cove of Stiniva or Budikovac Lagoon invite you with grace





ca, pa sam se počeo pitati kad će tko doći kod mene, onda sam radio oko restorana. A ovo što će biti oko turizma? A bit će nešto, to će počet kad počne..., ne može nitko to znat. Bilo bi bolje da u Vladi misle na ovo malo svita koji živi od turizma, i da imaju plan, jer ovako ne možemo naprid. Moj recept za ovu sezonu je otvorimo se i plovimo. Na Budikovcu ima svašta novoga, ali nema baš ljudi. Vraćaju se stalni gosti, zovu i pitaju. Radimo kao i svake godine, preživit ćemo...’, kazao nam je Andro. Glavno pravilo koje kod Andra uvijek vrijedi jest da nema pravila pa nemojte propustiti barem pozdraviti ga sa sigurne udaljenosti. Prošećite potom do šljunčane plaže primamljivih boja koja neustrašivo prkosi buri, napravite pokoji neodoljivi ‘selfi’, a ako se ne uspijete obogatiti kaparima kojima ovaj otok obiluje, gastronomsku ili, pak, duhovnu sreću potražite u atraktivnom plavom svijetu koji vas okružuje. Sljedećeg dana, čim se sunce približi zenitu, dopustite da se po vama preliju magične boje Zelene špilje na susjedom otočiću Ravniku. Nakon toga posjetite još jednu višku ljepoticu. Iako nosi ime Srebrna, po nama je ova uvala sačinjena od najljepših oblutaka na otoku. Ploveći uz južne obale Visa u smjeru zalaska sunca, zaista nije lako odabrati gdje spustiti sidro. Uvalu Ruda krase ‘karipske’ nijanse mora, uvalu Mala i Vela Travna maštovita konfiguracija stjenovitih obala, u dnu kojih su se svila minijaturna žala, a svjetski poznata Stiniva predstavlja pravo remek-djelo

him from a safe distance, then take a relaxing walk on the pebble beach of serene colors, take a selfie or two to keep the day for posterity and then go find something to eat – first take a hike through cypress woods and pick some capers and then go fishing in the blue. Even if you don’t catch anything, you’ll feed your soul with all that beauty. Green Cave on the nearby Ravnik island is at its most beautiful early in the morning, with first sea rays, but when the sun gets high, continue to one of the most beautiful coves on Vis for a swim. Srebrna cove – Silver cove – is known for silvery pebbles, and is one of several extraordinarily beautiful coves on the southern coast of Vis. Along Ruda Cove known for almost Caribbean turquoise waters, Mala and Vela Travna with their creatively shaped rocks and miniature silver crescents of sand, and Stiniva, the most famous cove on the island of Vis and a true masterpiece. Stiniva used to be a cave, not a cove – but the roof of the cave sunk and now there’s nothing above you but the sky. Shielded by rocks on both sides, Stiniva is easily approachable by boat and hides in her heart a silvery beach. All the way from there to the westernmost point of Vis, small unnamed coves dot the coast, all perfect for a quiet afternoon or watching the sunset. Finally, the quaint fishing village Komiža is the buzziest place on the island – if you are up for an adventure consider hiking, biking, tanning or visiting the one church in the



majke prirode. Ova ‘uvala u uvali’ podsjeća na ekskluzivni bazenčić otvoren 24/7 za nautičke sretnike. U prošlosti Stiniva je bila špilja, a danas je umjesto stropa krasi beskrajno nebo, dok okomite bočne stijene s jedne strane prekida morski prilaz uvali, a s druge valovima izmodelirano bijelo žalo. Do najzapadnije punte otoka Visa pregršt je malih ‘privatnih’ uvala u kojima se može usidriti tek pokoje plovilo. Noć provedite u slikovitom ribarskom mjestu Komiži ako se sa zapada nebo ne ‘mrgodi’, što je ujedno i glavni predznak nepovoljnog vremena. Vežite se za rivu ili za neku od mnogobrojnih bova, ali se i pobrinite da Komižu napustite točno onakvom kakvom ste je i pronašli. Posjetite komiške plaže, prošetajte se do najupečatljivijeg simbola mjesta – crkve svetog Nikole, a ako ste željni neponovljive avanture, unajmite bicikle pa vijugavom, strmom cestom ‘zapedalajte’ do jednog od spektakularnijih jadranskih vidikovaca, s kojeg ćete lako osmotriti gdje dalje usmjeriti vaš pramac. Plovidbu možete dopuniti magičnim Biševom, kojem smo posvetili zaseban članak, a na povratku u Split nemojte preskočiti posjet Maslinici, koju krasi najljepša hrvatska boutique marina Martinis Marchi. Iako je nama posjet tom mjestu ‘običan’, prava je šteta ne posjetiti to autentično ribarsko mjesto koje danas sjaji novim sjajem. village. The steep and narrow hiking-biking trail is spectacular, and will lead you to one of the most spectacular promontories in the Adriatic – and give you a chance to see the region as if on a map, and decide which way to turn your bow next. On your way back, visit Biševo island (Biševo is worthy of its own piece, which you can read on the pages of our magazine) and Maslinica on the island of Šolta, home of Croatia’s most exclusive boutique hotel and marina, the spectacular Martinis Marchi. Considered quite ordinary among locals, Maslinica is still a unique example of a fishing village that found new splendor and function in modern times.


Marine i privezišta Plava laguna između Velikog i Malog Krknjaša i Velog Drvenika predivna je uvala za sidrenje, u Maslinici na otoku Šolti moderna je Marina Martinis Marchi (+385 (0) 21 572 768), gdje možete rezervirati jedan od 50 vezova, te uživati u bogatoj gastro-ponudi istoimenog hotela, a privezište Stomorska (+385 (0) 91 980 73 11) ima 30 vezova s vodom i strujom. Ako ciljate prema Hvaru, obavezno stanite na Budikovcu, ako ne gazite više od dva metra. Jedna od omiljenih i najsigurnijih uvala je Stončica, na broj +385 (0) 21 711 121 Issa Adria Nautika možete rezervirati bovu, a isti koncesionar odgovoran je za bove u Visu. Pakleni otoci ispred Hvara su stvoreni za sidrenje, uz ACI Marinu Palmižana (+385 (0)21 744 995) sa 180 vezova. Koncesionar u obližnjoj uvali Vinogradišće je Đenko Menenghello (385 (0)91 171 82 42). U ovoj poznatoj vali sigurni ste od većine vjetrova osim iz smjera juga, a ponuda restorana je fenomenalna.

Marinas and moorings Blue Lagoon between the islands of Veliki and Mali Krknjaš and the island of Veliki Drvenik is beautiful anchorage, Maslinica on Šolta offers a modern marina – Marina Martinis Marchi (+385 021 572 768) with 50 berths – and a fine dining restaurant at the stylish Martinis Marchi Heritage Hotel. Stomorska (+385 091 980 73 11) offers 30 berths, water and electricity, showers and sanitary facilities. On Budikovac, moorings are possible in the lagoon, but only for vessels with draft under 2 meters. Stončica cove is long and well protected, buoys can be reserved with Issa Adria Nautika (+385 021 711 121) that hold the license for buoys in Vis too. Pakleni islands just outside Hvar offer plenty secluded, safe mooring and anchoring locations, the largest marina there is ACI Marina Palmižana (+385 021 744 995), with 180 berths. Contact Đenko Menenghello (+385 091 171 82 42) for buoys in the nearby Vinogradišće Cove, and find protection as well as an abundance of dining options.

Secure your berth

elcome to the enlightening world of Martinis Marchi! Our unique heritage boutique hotel, seaside restaurant and fully equipped marina, settled on the beautiful Island of Ĺ olta, are at your disposal for creating timeless memories in luxury accommodation with exceptional customized service and complete privacy to every visitor and guest. HOTEL +385 21 572 768

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Text Filip Bubalo Photos Filip Bubalo, Kristina Peračić & Ivo Pervan

Otok za sebe

Biševo Iako se nalazi u neposrednoj blizini otoka Visa, s takvom količinom prirodne ljepote na tako malom prostoru, uz svjetski poznatu Modru špilju, Biševo zaslužuje status ‘destinacije na kraju jadranskog svijeta’ Allth A thou ough ou gh jusst a bl blin inkk away in aw wayy from rom th ro thee is isla llaanndd of V Viis, the h tinny is isla laand nd of Biššeevo haass so muucchh to of Bi offe ffe f r itt rea eallllyy shhou ouldd be co cons nssiidderreedd thee mos ost inte in teereest stin iinng de dest stin st inat in nat atio tio ionn ooff that haat coorn rner eerr of th the he Ad A ri riat attic i


Destination Često se za iznimnu ljepotu kaže da je to božja volja, no za ljepotu otočića Biševa koji je istrgnut iz zagrljaja dubokog i širokog zaljeva Komiže, odnosno cijelog otoka Visa, ‘krivi’ su zakoni prirode. I neka se otisnuo, jer s takvom količinom prirodne ljepote na tako malom prostoru i zaslužuje biti osamljen i za mnoge gotovo nedostižan ‘na kraju’ jadranskog svijeta. Od prošle godine ta ljepota dio je Geoparka Viški arhipelag pod zaštitom UNESCO-a, što bi donekle mogao biti zalog njegove budućnosti i održivog razvoja. Čovjek je utisnuo svoju brazdu na licu ovog otoka, pa je tako i čuvena Modra špilja kao tipična dolomitsko-vapnenačka tvorevina svoj ulaz dobila zahvaljujući ljudskoj ruci. Otočić Šćedro posjeduje sličnu draž, a dijelom i povijest koja je došla s benediktincima, no s Modrom i Medvidinom špiljom, uvalom Porat i pješčanim plažama na drugom kraju otoka, te generacijama stanovnika koji su kultivirali otočni krajolik, Biševo je otok na otocima i savršena nautička zen-luka. Još ako znate podatak da na otoku postoji još pet (!) špilja koje nisu dostupne nautičarima, onda Biševo dobiva čak i mističnu notu. Posljednjih godina Nautički centar iz Komiže uredio je rivicu, suvenirnicu i moderne sanitarne čvorove za posjet najpoznatijoj Modroj špilji, pa i postavio digitalni brojčanik za posjetitelje, no s tim je nestao i jedan autentični biševski memento. U sezoni gotovo da je tu nemoguće pristati, jer eksplozija ‘blue cave’ izleta donijela je Biševu redove turista koje u 99 posto slučajeva samo zanima Modra špilja. No zbog, u turističkom smislu, potpuno neizvjesnog ljeta, čini se da bi ova nautička sezona mogla biti jedina šansa da doživite jedan drukčiji Biševo, osjećaj koji je posljednjih godina gotovo nestao. Osim dvadesetak besplatnih bova, uglavnom zauzetih od strane transfer gumenjaka, na koje se možete vezati kada svi odu, možete se privezati i na samoj rivi (dok nema ‘pruge’, odnosno broda iz Komiže), jer ima dovoljno dubine

The beautiful island of Biševo seems torn from the deep and wide Komiža bay like by the hand of God – or Mother Nature. Once you see how much beauty it holds, you’ll come to understand why it still attracts so many hearts and minds, even so far from the rest of the Adriatic. As of last year, the island is officially part of the Vis Archipelago UNESCO Global Park, which just might guarantee it will remain just as peaceful in the future. Humanity has already left its mark on the island of Biševo – even the famous dolomite and limestone Blue Cave has been opened for visitors thanks to human activity – but the island is still very serene. Sometimes compared to the even smaller island of Šćedro (once a large Benedictine monastery, today just as peaceful as back then), Biševo is much more interesting despite the calming nature. Blue Cave, Medvidina Cave, Porat bay and beach sands on one side, peaceful rural land on the other – Biševo is an island we all dream about. This little zen dot on the blue hides as many as five caves with hidden entrances, impossible to reach by boat. The most popular cave on the island is the Blue Cave, and seeing how several years ago the Komiža tourist board decided to build a small promenade, a souvenir shop, modern toilet facilities and even a digital visitor counter (!) right next to the cave, that part of the island has lost some of its charm. In the high season, the cave is almost impossible to reach by boat, as tourist boats take up every spot – most of them bringing tourist who only came to see the cave. However – this summer will most definitely not be anything like the last. With the season still hanging in the balance, it is more probable than not that the path to Blue Cave will be, to put it mildly, relatively obstacle free – which means that those who venture out here on their boats and yachts will get an unexpected opportunity to see Biševo as it used to be. In addition to twenty free buoys, there is enough mooring space at the dock 169– keep that in mind, as the buoys are popular among tender RIBs. The water around the

Destinacija oko gata. Ako ste na ‘điti’ izvan sezone, onda je najbolje da se pomoćnom brodicom zaputite sami u Modru špilju (posjet privatnim plovilima za vrijeme sezone nije dopušten) i doživite ovaj geološki fenomen u savršenoj tišini i punoj ljepoti. Mi bismo smjelo dodali da je najljepše u Modru špilju ući plivajući, a izići roneći pod njezinim jugoistočnim svodom, ali za takvo što trebaju vam se ‘poklopiti sve zvijezde’. Medvidina špilja u vali Trešjavac još je mističnija atrakcija, jer je sa 160 metara najduža morska špilja na Jadranu, a u otvor špilje može se zavući i manja brodica. Naš je savjet da, zbog brze promjene vjetrova i izražene morske struje, u ‘glavnom’ brodu uvijek ostane član posade. Plivajući kroz uski kanal (obavezno ponesite vodonepropusnu svjetiljku) doći ćete do šljunčane plaže, gdje je do 60-ih godina prošlog stoljeća obitavala sredozemna medvjedica, ili ‘morski čovik’, kako su je lokalni ribari nazivali i oko nje isprepleli mitologiju, te je izlovom i na kraju ‘prognali’. Od vjetrova u Mezoportu se itekako osjete bura i tramuntana, koja zna u ljetnim mjesecima ‘podivljati’, pa pratite i na vrijeme napustite Mezoparat, jer do četiri kilometra udaljene Komiže s manjim brodom bit će ‘veselo’. Neki će kazati kako komiški ribari nisu stradavali od juga, već od jakih zapadnih vjetrova koji ovdje mogu nastaviti puhati i noću… Ali mi ćemo se ipak koncentrirati na lijepe momente, pa ne propustite nikako lagani treking po otoku, jer za dvadesetak minuta hoda doći ćete u mjesto Polje, smješteno na biševskoj uzvisini. Tamo su razbacani po nekom nepisanom redu crkva sv. Silvestra, stara škola i nekoliko starih kamenih kuća, od kojih je najstarija ipak villa rustica još iz vremena antike. Šetnja se može nastaviti prema najvećem vrhu otoka Stražbenica, na 240 metara, s kojega se pruža, malo je reći, veličanstveni pogled na pučinsko blago Jadrana: Palagružu, obližnji Svetac i dva vulkanska bisera - Brusnik i Jabuku. Unutrašnjost otoka prožeta je manjim obradivim površinama, pa i pijeskom, gdje se uzgaja nenadmašni bišovski plavac, ali i odličan domaći med. Dio tog pijeska nalazi se na plažama na zapadnoj obali otoka, u uvalama Porat i Salbunara, pa šetnju možete završiti kupanjem. Po umjerenom maestralu može se sigurno sidriti u uvali Porat, no ako najavljuju lebićadu, savjetujemo da potražite drugu uvalu, odnosno sigurnost otoka Visa. Iskrcavanjem na kopno bit ćete u prilici i gastronomski začiniti vašu đitu s nekom svježe spremljenom friškom lovinom, jer Biševo još uvijek slovi kao odlična ribarska pošta. Budućnost Biševa je danas na razmeđu projekata lokalne samouprave, koja Biševo želi turistički prilagoditi trendovima, te građanske inicijative samih Bišovjora, koja želi održivo upravljati prirodnom i kulturnom baštinom škoja, a koja ne isključuje turizam, već ga želi

Nakon što se usidrite u Mezoportu, prošetajte se do Polja i poznatih nasada biševskog plavca Drop anchor at Mezoporat and then take a hike to Polje and famous vineyards growing biševski plavac

dock is deep enough for larger boats, and free almost all day long, unless used by the local taxi boat from Komiža. Those who choose to visit in the off-season can use their tender to approach the entrance to the cave, but in the high season private boats aren’t allowed access. Our advice is to just swim in, as there is not better way to experience this truly unique geological phenomenon than swimming in, diving through and breaking the surface in the south-east part of the cave. Still, that might be too much of an adventure for most. The mystical cave in the Trešjavac cove offers an eerie atmosphere: 160 meters long, it is the longest cave in the Adriatic, but also wide enough for small boats. The sea in front of that cave can be whimsy and the currents swift to change, so never leave your boat unattended. Don’t forget a waterproof hand lamp and make sure you swim in deep enough to reach a hidden beach where up to the 1960s lucky divers could meet Mediterranean monk seals. Seals were part revered, part feared by local fishermen, whose activity ultimately lead to seals leaving those waters. The nearby Mezoporat cove is not a hospitable place, with strong northern bora and tramontane winds especially strong in the summer, so be aware of the weather report at all times – and whatever you do, leave for Komiža before any sign of a storm. Small boats might get seriously damaged – keep in mind the saying around the island warns all those fishing ships that went under weren’t defeated by southern winds, but northern and western, that don’t even let up at night. Now that we’ve scared you a little, let’s focus on the fun side of Biševo. There aren’t many islands in the Adriatic as pleasant for trekking as that one. Mere twenty minutes from the coast lies Polje, a tiny village easily recognizable by the messy layout, but hiding several architectural gems, like the medieval St. Silvester church and the antique villa rustica. From there, hike up the Stražbenica hill (240 m) and take a good, long look at the serene blue of the Adriatic, dotted with tiny islands of Palagruža, Svetac, Brusnik and Jabuka. In its heart, Biševo is mostly covered in untouched nature, sprinkled with agricultural land and sandy soil ideal for growing the excellent local wine, bišovski plavac. The many wildflower meadows also attract bee swarms, so the tiny island produces plenty of fine honey. Some of that sandy soil spills onto beaches on the western side of the island, in Porat and Salbunara, so your hike might end with a nice swim. Porat cove is good for anchoring and safe during mild mistral, but can be very unpleasant during southwest lebić wind, so our advice is to transfer to Vis. As tiny as it is, Biševo offers a decent number of restaurants, all of them equally attractive, as the catch of the day here

Modra špilja otvorena je od 8 do 14 sati, no za posjet ćete se morati najaviti 24 sata prije samog posjeta. Važno je napomenuti kako dosadašnja VIP usluga s pravom prvenstva pri posjetu špilji neće biti moguća. Za sve detaljnije informacije i rezervacije javite se na +385 (0) 91 46 33 330 ili na The Blue Cave is open for visits from 8am to 2pm. All visitors must announce their visit 24 hours in advance. Previously available VIP preferential treatment service is no longer available. For details and reservations please call +385 (0) 91 46 33 330 or visit

Ova godina idealna je za posjet Modroj špilji, jednom od najsjajnijih jadranskih bisera This year is ideal for visiting the Blue Cave as one of the brightest Adriatic pearls

na jedan odgovorniji način. A dok čekate svoj ukrcaj, pogledajte jednu odu nastalu iz ljubavi prema Biševu, dokumentarni film ‘iOtok’ o nekim stalnim i povremenim stanovnicima ovog otoka i njihovoj želji za opstankom na ovom komadiću raja u Jadranu. is always fresh and plentiful. The future of Biševo as a tourist destination is uncertain, as the two main factions have completely opposite views of what it should be: the tourist board wants to go along with global trends, while private citizens – inhabitants of the island – would prefer to keep it small and sustainable, and keep control over the nature and culture the island abounds in. While you’re waiting to see who wins, you can watch ‘iOtok’, a lovingly made documentary about Biševo, its people and their desire to keep their little slice of heaven.


Gastro-lutanja Jadranom Gastronomic Adventures in the Adriatic Usprkos svjetskoj pandemiji, Jadran nudi obilje oaza s izvrsnom gastronomijom, a dostupnost restorana za nautičare s Michelinovom zvijezdom čini gastro-lutanje našom obalom još uzbudljivijim Despite the pandemic, the Adriatic is still a gastronomic paradise. Recent coronation (excuse our pun) of several restaurants with Michelin stars makes the coast even more exciting for gastronomic adventurers

Jeste li znali da se ispred čak šest od sedam restorana s Michelinovom zvjezdicom možete doslovno vezati sa svojim brodom, dok onih s preporukama poznatih svjetskih gastro/eno vodiča na moru ima više od dvadeset? Usprkos svjetskoj pandemiji, Jadran nudi i dalje obilje uvala s izvrsnim restoranima, a dostupnost restorana za nautičare s Michelinovom zvijezdom čini gastro-lutanje našom obalom i otocima još uzbudljivijim. Svi nautički restorani prilagodili su uslugu epidemiološkim mjerama, pa na strah zaboravite i prepustite se kreativnosti vrhunskih hrvatskih chefova i svakako gledajte prethodno rezervirati mjesto. Dubrovnik kao jedna od najprestižnijih svjetskih destinacija nudi predivnu atmosferu, koja izostankom uobičajenih gužvi turista dobiva onu dosad nezamislivu značajku - mir. Nesumnjivo je da ćete u gradu pronaći vrhunsku gastronomiju, poput one u restoranu 360 - nositelju Michelinove zvjezdice, no zapravo bismo u ovom slučaju preporučili Elafitske otoke, tamo gdje je nekoć dubrovačka vlastela provodila ljeta u dokolici. U Šipanskoj Luci, osim sigurnosti veza i sidrišta, institucija kakva je restoran Kod Marka savršen je izgovor da posjetite ovaj otok. Legendarnog ugostitelja Marka zamijenio je vrlo uspješno sin Đino, koji klasična jela upotpunjuje izvrsnim predjelima, pa iako ovdje nećete naći na desetke jela, probrani meni s desetak izvornih jela pripremljen je s ljubavlju i poslužen na terasi uz more, za koju se itekako vrijedi najaviti. Restoran Bowa na sjevernoj obali Šipana otvorio je sezonu s gostovanjem chefa Davida Skoke i nevjerojatnim ribljim sljedovima, a njihove kabane odlično pašu s novim mjerama distanciranja, pri čemu preporučujemo hladna riblja predjela. U restoranu Gastro Mare Kobaš na Pelješcu chef Bjelko radi s nešto manje personala, no zato se nudi ‘catering’ na brodu, gdje chef sa svojom ekipom odradi od spremanja jela do pospremanja. A ako ste od akcije, možete s njegovim ribarskim brodom čak poći i u pravi ribolov. Izoliranost otoka Lastova, obilje otočića i djevičanskih uvala, čine ovaj Park prirode savršenim odredištem u ovim epidemiološkim okolnostima, a uvala Zaklopatica, u koju se mogu sidriti i superjahte, krije omiljenu ‘gastro-poštu’ domaćeg i svjetskog jet-seta - restoran Augusta Insula. Kuhanje je ovdje desetljećima duga obiteljska tradicija, a vlastite namirnice, brižno uzgojene, ovdje su zaista drukčijeg okusa. Terasa je dovoljno


Did you know that six of seven Michelin star restaurants in the Adriatic can be reached by boat? Or that there are more than twenty restaurants mentioned in the recommended section of the Michelin and other renowned guides sprinkled along the Adriatic coast? Pandemic or no pandemic, the Adriatic is a foodie dream come true, with many a restaurant hidden in a tiny cove, accessible exclusively by boat – and the confirmation of their excellence in the form of a Michelin star makes the adventure even more exciting. The restaurants we recommend in this piece have all adapted to the new normal, adhering to strict rules, so leave fear behind you and come see what the new generation of Croatian chefs can create with mouthwatering local ingredients – just don’t forget to make reservations. One of the most prestigious culinary destinations on the coast, Dubrovnik has it all, and now has the one thing it missed so desperately – the crowds are gone. The place to go in the city is restaurant 360, with one Michelin star, but our recommendation takes you to the Elaphite Islands, the summer vacation grounds of Dubrovnik aristocracy. The port of Šipan offers all a yacht owner needs – safe berth and good food. Legendary restaurant Kod Marka, now ran by the titular owner’s son, Đino, delights the palate with excellent entrees and classic Mediterranean dishes, and although their menu may not be extensive, every dish is a work of art. Prepared with love and served by the sea, the food is well worth the reservation. Restaurant Bowa on the northern side of the island opened the season with guest chef David Skoko, whose seafood creations – especially the cold entrees – are a delight, and whose cabanas have been a good idea even before social distancing. On Pelješac, in restaurant Gastro Mare Kobaš chef Bjelko has adapted to the situation at hand by limiting kitchen staff – and taking the game to your court. The kitchen crew, spearheaded by the chef himself, will come aboard and cook for you, and even clean everything afterwards. If this extreme catering isn’t your style, you can accompany the chef to a fishing excursion and catch your own dinner. The island of Lastovo is the local social distancing champion. Isolated as if on purpose, the island is dotted with pristine coves and surrounded by a handful of even smaller islands. This national nature park is ideal for all of us

Text Filip Bubalo & Hrvoje Bulešić Photos Archive



velika da se možete distancirati od drugih, a restoranski vezovi vas čekaju ispred restorana. Južnim obalama Korčule plovi se zbog predivnih plaža, vrhunskog vina, poput Pošipa i Grka, a arhitektura samog grada Korčule nimalo ne zaostaje za onom Dubrovnika. Lešić Dimitri Palace jedinstveno je iskustvo odmora u čistom luksuzu, a kako je ove sezone LD restoran otvorio svoja vrata kao nositelj Michelinove zvjezdice, ne propustite iskustvo vrhunskoga gastro-koncepta smjelog chefa Marka Gajskog, koji tradicijska jela dekonstruira u avangardne slike na tanjuru. U gradu Hvaru i na Paklinskim otocima situacija je daleko od uobičajene, no omiljene ‘gastro-štacije’, poput looking to escape from no matter what, and Zaklopatica cove is the place to look for within the park. Restaurant Augusta Insula, an international jet-set favorite, is in reality a family-owned restaurant with long tradition of taking food seriously, no matter who it’s served to. The kitchen crew grows their own ingredients, and you can taste their effort in every bite. The restaurant terrace is large enough for social distancing, and ‘parking spots’ at sea plentiful. The southern coast of Korčula is beloved for scenic beaches, exceptional wine – like Pošip or Grk – and impressive architecture that can rival that of Dubrovnik. Lešić Dimitri Palace in the town of Korčula offers unique atmosphere of pure luxury, and has this year earned their first Michelin star. Bold chef Marko Gajski deconstructs traditional dishes and turns them into

Svi nautički restorani koje preporučujemo prilagodili su uslugu epidemiološkim mjerama All restaurants we recommend have all adapted to the new normal, adhering to strict epidemic rules


restorana Gariful u samom gradu ili Patka u prolazu Ždrilca, te Snack bara Colnago i legendarnog Dionisa na Vlaki, drže širom otvorena vrata za sve nautičare, doduše u reduciranom obliku primjenom socijalnog distanciranja. Uvala Vinogradišće toliko je očaravajuća da neki nautičari navraćaju desetljećima, i to uglavnom zahvaljujući restoranima obitelji Meneghello i Toto’s koji rade s vlastitim kapacitetima, dok terase ili, bolje rečeno, botanički raj na kojem se poslužuje hrana pruža dovoljno distance kako biste mogli guštati u vrhunski pripremljenim jelima, s naglaskom na plodovima iz mora. U restoranu Laganini, koji, zbog jedinstvenog pristupa glavnog chefa Hrvoja Zirojevića, slovi kao hedonistički centar srednjeg Jadrana, i to ne samo zbog gastronomije, već i zbog ambijenta i stolova odijeljenih po etažama, gdje ćete naći mir i zadovoljstvo kušanja gotovo pa japanskog

avantgarde creations on a plate. In the town of Hvar and on Pakleni Islands, many restaurants have turned their attention exclusively to yachts – among them local favorites like Gariful in the town of Hvar or Patak in Ždrilac strait, snack bar Colnago and the legendary Dionis on Vlaka. Vinogradišće cove is so charming many visitors have been returning for decades, but it wouldn’t be as interesting without its most famous restaurants, Meneghello and Toto’s. Both of them are welcoming guests even this summer, thank to their large terraces that provide plenty of space for every guest. Both restaurants are famous for seafood. Restaurant Laganini in Palmižana on Hvar is considered to be the epicurean heart of central Adriatic, part due to creations of chef Hrvoje Zirojević, part for its unique setup, with tables perched on individual terraces above the sea, on several levels. Chef Hrvoje, chef of

Coolinadriatica pristupa dalmatinskoj kuhinji, već pri prvom zalogaju bit će vam jasno zašto je Hrvoje chef godine po izboru vodiča Gault & Millau. Možda će ova sezona biti jedna od najljepših za krstarenje Kornatima, pa ako krećete iz Murtera, ne propustite konobu Boba Murter, gdje vlasnik i chef Vjeko Bašić svoja jela temelji na lokalnoj ribarskoj tradiciji, te je svojim kreacijama stekao brojne poklonike, pa ne čude preporuke svjetskih gastro-vodiča. Od kornatskih restorana, u poznatim i obaveznim restoranima, poput Levrnaka, Piccolo ili u konobi Ante, kvaliteta ponude ostala je standardno kornatska. Definitivno jedna od najboljih konoba u ovom rajskom akvatoriju jest konoba Opat u istoimenoj uvali na Kornatu gdje vas čeka legendarni Ante Božikov Dupin sa svojim gastronomskim atrakcijama baziranim na morskim sastojcima. U restoranu Fešta na Žutu, s kojim je Krešimir Mudronja izgradio međunarodni ugled, sve je spremno kao i prošlih sezona, a prije svega to su jela u kojima možete uživati svim osjetilima, naročito kada su u pitanju riblji tartari i carpaccia. U blizini je ACI marina, a vezovi samog restorana i velika terasa s manjim brojem mjesta nesumnjivo će biti popunjeni. Vlasnik se nada da će ipak sve barem u srcu sezone profunkcionirati, na radost ugostitelja, ali i svih nautičara koji se odluče za Jadran kao relativno sigurnu destinaciju. Još jedna Michelinova zvijezda zasjala je nad Pagom, i to zahvaljujući obiteljskoj konobi Boškinac u Novalji, koja od samog otvaranja slovi kao mjesto koje terroir ovog otoka predstavlja kroz zanimljive sljedove i degustacijske menije: Otok, More i Polje. Mlada nada, chef Matija Bregeš unio je maksimum kreativnosti, ali sačuvao jednostavnost, a jela od poznate paške janjetine i Boškinac vino kombinacija je od koje ćete zaboraviti barem nakratko sve nedaće ove sezone i prepustiti se onom što je najvažnije – trenutku. Za ljubitelje krstarenja po istarskoj obali i gastronomiji, dobra vijest je da su otvoreni brojni restorani i poznate nautičke gastronomske ‘pošte’ kao što su Badi (Lovrečica), Pergola (Zambratija), Bušćina (Umag), Čok, Damir & Ornella i Gatto Nero (Novigrad), Ćakula (Poreč) te gostima nude lokalne morske specijalitete, a kuhinju unutrašnjosti Istre, u koju je uključena i vožnja prekrasnim pejzažima, vrijedi probati kod Zigantea u Livadama, Konobi Morgan u Brtonigli ili Meneghettiju. S druge strane, rovinjski Monte nudi vrhunsku kuhinju restorana s Michelinovom zvjezdicom. Opatijska rivijera nautičarima je poznata kao mjesto sjajne gastronomije. Hotel Navis, restoran Molo te Nobilion u sklopu luksuznog hotela Ikador zaslužuju preporuku za fine dining, a na Lošinju vas čeka Matsunoki, koji spaja najbolje od Hrvatske i Japana, te Alfred Keller, koji je poznat po mediteranskoj kuhinji u modernom izdanju čiji su temelj lokalne namirnice, mirisi i okusi Lošinja.

the year according to the Gault&Millau guide, puts a Japanes lens on Dalmatian ingredients and cuisine. Kornati are always in, but this season perhaps more than usually. If your journey through the archipelago begins in Murter, make sure you visit Boba Murter, where owner and chef Vjeko Bašić puts a personal spin on Dalmatian classics – so popular, in fact, that the restaurant is recommended by a number of international guides. As for the archipelago itself, the restaurants are many, the menus almost spitefully local, and the quality extreme. We recommend Levrnaka, Piccolo and Ante for casual dining, and the secluded Opat in Opat cove on Kornat island, whose chef Ante Božikov Dupin has for years been serving guests from all – but mostly upper – layers of society. Restaurant Fešta on the island of Žut is internationally acclaimed, and should you visit, we recommend chef Krešimir Mudronja’s fish tartare and carpaccio. Located in the vicinity of an ACI Marina, the restaurant is extremely popular and berths, although plentiful, are hard to come by, so reservations are a must. Fešta stretches over very large indoor and outdoor spaces, which should bring peace to visitors’ minds and guarantee a successful season. Another restaurant recently awarded a Michelin star is family-owned Boškinac in Novalja on the island of Pag. Famous since the opening as the place to taste real island cuisine. The tasting menus of the restaurant – named Otok, More and Polje (Island, Sea and Field) represent the island terroir with impeccable authenticity, guiding you through distinct micro-regional flavor havens with utmost creativity. Young star of island cuisine, chef Matija Bregeš, has a style that is explosively imaginative, but simple, and uses traditional pillars like local lamb or Boškinac wine – delightful enough to make you forget everything but the plate in front of you. Istria, a well known foodie heaven that needs no introduction, lures yachting enthusiasts and foodies alike. Most restaurants are open for business, among them the cornerstones of local gastronomy like Badi (Lovrečica), Pergola (Zambratija), Bušćina (Umag), Čok, Damir & Ornella and Gatto Nero (Novigrad), and Ćakula (Poreč), all with menus brimming with excellent seafood dishes. Slightly further inland, the nature is as delightful as the cuisine, decidedly less seafood-based. Try local legends like Zigante (in Livade), Konoba Morgan (Brtonigla) or Meneghetti. Restaurant Monte in Rovinj holds one Michelin star and delights with a menu well worth it. Opatija is known far and wide among the yachting crowd and foodies alike, so even if you have very little time, make sure you visit at least Hotel Navis, restaurant Molo and restaurant Nobilion (in the luxury Ikador Hotel) for fine dining. On the island of Lošinj, enjoy Japanese and Croatian cuisine in Matsunoki, or Mediterranean with a local spin in Alfred Keller in the Boutique Hotel Alhambra.

ACI Sail Nautički centar izvrsnosti Nautical Center of Excellence Finski proizvođač vrhunskih jedrilica Nautor’s Swan i naš ACI pokrenuli su jedinstven projekt u svijetu. Od ove godine u Splitu se nalazi najveća flota inovativnih jedrilica ClubSwan 36, u ACI-jevom projektu nautičke izvrsnosti kojim je Hrvatska postala jedan od globalnih centara sportskog jedrenja, ali i životnog stila povezanog s njim

Text Hrvoje Bulešić Photos ACI Sail & Nautor’s Swan/Studio Borlenghi

Top Finnish sailboat manufacturer Nautor’s Swan and Croatian ACI have launched a unique project: as of this year, there is the largest fleet of innovative ClubSwan 36 sailboats in Split, as part of ACI nautical excellence project that confirmed the position of Croatia as a global center for sailing and yachting lifestyle

Sailing Novi projekt nautičke izvrsnosti pod nazivom ACI Sail spaja upravo bogatu ACI-jevu tradiciju organiziranja regata, Jadran kao sjajnu jedriličarsku destinaciju i najmodernije jedrilice ClubSwan 36 u novo, jedinstveno iskustvo jedrenja u Hrvatskoj. ACI Sail fokusiran je na pružanje jedinstvene usluge jedrenja na najvišoj svjetskoj razini, namijenjene svim ljubiteljima mora bez obzira na jedriličarsko iskustvo. Vodeći se tom vizijom, u suradnji s finskim proizvođačem luksuznih jedrilica Nautor’s Swan, čiji je vlasnik poznati talijanski poslovni čovjek Leonardo Ferragamo, stvoren je prvi i jedinstven u svijetu ACI Sail ClubSwan 36 trening centar. Opremljen najvećom svjetskom flotom od šest najinovativnijih jedrilica na tržištu, ClubSwan 36, te posadom jedriličara olimpijaca, ACI Sail ClubSwan 36 trening centar pruža potpuno novu razinu iskustva u jedrenju, prilagođavajući se pritom u potpunosti svojim klijentima. Uz slogan ‘Sail to Future’ (jedrimo u budućnost, op.a.) ACI ulazi na uzbudljiv teritorij monotip jedrilica. Kao što je ideja ACI Match Race Cupa bila jedinstvena u svoje vrijeme, tako je i ova vizionarska suradnja velika novina u nautičkom sektoru. Naime, hrvatski lanac marina je prva kompanija na svijetu koju je Nautor’s Swan izabrao za suradnju. Posebnost Swana je i veliki broj regata formiran u ClubSwan, ekskluzivnom klubu u New nautical excellence project ACI Sail combines the company’s rich tradition in organizing sailing races, the Adriatic as a great sailing destination and the latest model ClubSwan 36 into a unique sailing experience. ACI Sail is focused on providing a unique sailing service at the highest level and for sailing aficionados, regardless of experience. Guided by this vision and partnering with Finnish manufacturer of luxury sailboats Nautor’s Swan (owned by Italian businessman Leonardo Ferragamo), ACI has created ACI Sail ClubSwan 36 training center. Proud owner of the world’s largest fleet of six most innovative sailboats on the market, ClubSwan 36 and a crew of Olympic sailors, the ACI Sail ClubSwan 36 training center provides a whole new level of sailing experience, adapting completely to their customers. With the slogan ‘Sail to Future’, ACI is sailing into an exciting world of mono-type sailboats. Just like ACI Match Race Cup was unique in its time, this visionary collaboration is a breath of fresh air in the yachting and sailing sectors. The Croatian marina chain is the first company in the world that Nautor’s Swan has chosen to cooperate with – many of you know ClubSwan, an exclusive club that gathers sailboat owners and takes them to luxurious destinations around the world, like Porto

Novi ClubSwan 36 najmodernija je produkcijska jedrilica današnjice, te je magnet za ljubitelje jedrenja New ClubSwan 36 is the most modern production sailboat of today, being a true magnet for sailing enthusiasts worldwide


Profesionalne će posade ‘iscijediti’ najviše iz jedrilice koja ima i ‘C foil’ Professional crews will get most ‘juice’ from the boat whose main attraction is C foil

kojem se okupljaju vlasnici jedrilica i jedre na prestižnim destinacijama diljem svijeta, kao što su Porto Cervo, St. Tropez ili Monte Carlo. Uz partnerstva s vrhunskim svjetskim brendovima, regate nisu samo orijentirane na zbivanja na moru, nego su postale prvorazredni društveni događaji. Ako znamo da su partneri Swana na globalnoj razini kompanije poput Rolexa, onda možemo zaključiti kako novi ACI-jev projekt nije značajan iskorak samo u jedriličarskom smislu, već i puno šire, pa bismo u Hrvatskoj ubrzo mogli vidjeti i neke ‘jedriličarske Abramoviče’. ‘Nautor’s Swan kao globalni brend i ACI kao istaknuti mediteranski brend nude jedinstveno iskustvo Cervo, St. Tropez or Monte Carlo. Those races, usually organized in partnerships with leading luxury brands, are not just a sport event, but have grown into world-class social events. Globally, Swan partners with luxury brands like Rolex, so this partnership with ACI is not only a significant step forward terms of quality of sailing in Croatia, but a great opportunity for Croatian sailing industry to rise to the next level. ‘Nautor’s Swan as a global brand and ACI as a prominent Mediterranean brand offer an experience unique in the Adriatic, with the first ACI Sail ClubSwan 36 training center in the world. This project promotes ACI in Parah

Sailing na Jadranu i prvi ACI Sail ClubSwan 36 trening centar na svijetu. Ovaj projekt na najbolji mogući način promovira ACI kao kompaniju koja teži inovativnosti, stvaranju novih vrijednosti, obogaćivanju ne samo naše, nego kompletne turističke ponude u Hrvatskoj,’ pojasnio je predsjednik Uprave ACI-ja d.d. Kristijan Pavić. Mnogobrojni nautički novinari već su ga prozvali ‘Više od broda’, a u izboru za Europski brod 2020. godine ClubSwan 36 osvojio je posebnu nagradu za inovativnost. Zvijezda projekta ACI Sail u najutjecajnijem je svjetskom godišnjem izboru oduševila novinarsku porotu iz najvažnijih nautičkih magazina inovativnim dizajnerskim i maritimnim rješenjima. Regatna ljepotica koja spaja najbolje od malih klasa i jedrilica s kobilicom napravljena je za visoke performanse i brzinu, ali isto tako je u najboljoj tradiciji Swana prilagođena amaterima i zaljubljenicima u jedrenje. Ono što na prvu ‘bode oči’ su podvodne peraje (eng. foils) C oblika koje je znalački za ovu jedrilicu projektirao Juan Kuomandijan, a valja istaknuti kako je nakon klase Beneteau Figaro 3 ClubSwan 36 jedina produkcijska jedrilica na svijetu koja ima takve peraje. S tom razlikom što na njoj ne jedre francuski oceanski jedriličari već bez problema možete po ljetnom maestralu brazdati splitskim kanalom. Očekujemo da će ovako atraktivan projekt privući niz vrhunskih jedriličara čije potreba najbolje poznaje voditelj projekta, hrvatski jedriličarski olimpijac Ivan Kljaković Gašpić. ‘ACI je s projektom ACI Sail napravio jedan vrlo velik korak naprijed u postavljanju novih standarda na Jadranu. Prvi svjetski trening centar i usluge čartera tek su početak našeg partnerstva s najjačom kompanijom koja se bavi nautikom i jedrenjem jer smo uz šest najmodernijih brodova ClubSwan 36 dobili i Nautor’s Swan način života. S druge strane s ovim jedrilicama ćemo pružiti svim hrvatskim mladim jedriličarima mogućnost uključivanja u nove svjetske trendove. Meni osobno će biti vrlo drago da naša djeca koja prođu školu jedrenja, male klase i sve ono što sam i ja prolazio godinama, imati jednu novu stepenicu na koju će se moći popeti’, kazao je Kljaković Gašpić. Ljubav prema moru, strast prema jedrenju i želja za natjecanjem karakteriziraju ovaj projekt. Ili jednostavno ACI Sail.

the best possible way as a company that aims for innovation, creation of new values, as well to improve Croatian tourism in general’, says the CEO of ACI, Kristijan Pavić. Many yachting journalists have already called it ‘more than a ship’, so it is no wonder that ClubSwan 36 won a special innovation award in the 2020 European Yacht of the Year. The star of the ACI project enchanted the jury, composed from most relevant names of most important international yachting magazines with its innovative design and sailing solutions. This race-ready beauty combines the best element of small class sailboats and has a keel made for high performance and speed, but in the finest Swan tradition, is also perfectly suitable for amateurs and sailing aficionados of all skill levels. The first thing to catch every eye are the C-shaped foils designed by Juan Kuomandijan – and Nautor’s Swan is proud to announce that they were introduced on the Beneteau Figaro 3, ClubSwan 36 class is the only serial production sailboat in the world equipped with them. This wonderful element, usually reserved for top sailors is now available on practical sailboats ready to sail along the Split canal all summer long. The project is expected to attract a number of top sailors, as does project manager, Croatian Olympic sailor Ivan Kljaković Gašpić, who knows what they need better than anyone else. ‘With the ACI Sail project, ACI has taken a very big step forward in setting new standards in the Adriatic. The world’s first training center and charter mark only the beginning of our partnership with the world’s top sailboat manufacturer, as we didn’t only get six units of their latest model ClubSwan 36, but an open door to the Nautor’s Swan lifestyle. Primarily, these sailboats will provide all young Croatian sailors with the opportunity to ride the wave of world trends. Personally, I am very pleased that our children who go through sailing school and racing on small classes – just like I have – now have an opportunity to make the next step in their sailing education’, says Kljaković Gašpić. This project is powered by the love of the sea, passion for sailing and competitive spirit – or simply ACI Sail.

Ako želite iskusiti jedrenje na jedrilicama ClubSwan 36, ACI Sail je pripremio kalendar aktivnosti za cijelu godinu – kampovi, regate, regate novih plovila u vlastitoj organizaciji i više. Provjerite kalendar na If you want to experience sailing on ClubSwan 36, ACI Sail has a calendar full of activities for the rest of the year, such as training camps, regatta charters, new regattas organised by ACI and much more. See full regatta calendar at


Pilot borbene jahte Yacht Fighter Pilot

Alberto Galassi Pokretačka snaga novog života Grupe Ferretti, koja joj je podarila drugu priliku da zasja kao vodeći svjetski graditelj luksuznih jahta, jest menadžer s nosom za biznis i luksuz. U kratkom je vremenu redizajnirao kompaniju, koja sad razvija nove proizvode vrtoglavom brzinom, a neki od njih, poput divne Rive 88 Folgore, već su porinuti

Text Darko Šupuk Photos Ferretti Group & Ikador

Driving force of re-establishing Ferretti Group into the leading world yacht builder is a manager who has a ‘nose’ for both business and luxury. In short time he has redesigned the company which is developing new products at a high pace with some of the jewels like new Riva 88 Folgore just being launched


Kao novinar koji se bavi jahting industrijom uvijek sam sa zanimanjem prisustvovao konferencijama za tisak Grupe Ferretti, jer tamo imamo priliku upoznati gospodina Alberta Galassija, predsjednika Grupe. Galassi je poznat po prepoznatljivom, neposrednom načinu komunikacije i sposobnosti da diskutira o bilo kojem pitanju vezanom uz Ferretti, koji je u proteklih deset godina preživio svakakve uspone i padove. Njegova otvorenost proizlazi iz velikog iskustva u poslovanju u jahtingu i svijetu premium brendova – u raznim tvrtkama je igrao različite uloge, poput one u privatnom zrakoplovstvu ili nogometnom timu Premier lige, a vrlo je blizak Ferrariju. Iz naše perspektive, razlog zašto se dobro snalazi u ovom poslu je jednostavan – zato što to za njega nije samo posao, nego način života. Više se puta uspoređivao s pilotom borbenog zrakoplova, s obzirom na količinu važnih odluka koje mora donijeti u kratkom vremenu. Stoga je bilo pravo zadovoljstvo krajem lipnja na trenutak uhvatiti ga za razgovor o trenutnoj situaciji u brodogradilištima Grupe Ferretti, ali i o nekim lijepim perspektivama za budućnost. Što je trenutno ‘novo normalno’ u Grupi Ferretti? Trenutno sva naša brodogradilišta rade punom parom i u potpunosti su operativna; naporno rade na ispunjenju svih narudžbi koje smo primili, jer broj narudžbi se nije smanjio. Lipanj je bio fantastičan, ali trebamo nadoknaditi tri mjeseca rada koje smo izgubili. Proveli smo konkretne mjere kako bismo zaštitili sve svoje ljude (na kraju smo na svim zaposlenicima napravili privatni serološki test). Grupa Ferretti prva je tvrtka u Italiji koja je potpisala sporazum s lokalnim sindikatima s ciljem definiranja jasnog sigurnosnog protokola koji jamči zaštitu radnika. Upravo smo lansirali prvi model Rive 2020. godine, novi Riva 88 Folgore, proizveden u brodogradilištu La Spezia. Nedavno ste u jednom razgovoru rekli da i dalje prodajete jahte. Je li se išta promijenilo u tome kome prodajete brodove u odnosu na stanje prije pandemije? Nismo primijetili nikakvu značajnu razliku što se tiče klijentele, ali definitivno smo primijetili veliki pomak u stavu i želji klijenata da odmah dobiju

As a journalist covering yachting industry, I have always found it interesting to attend Ferretti Group press conferences because there we have chance to meet Mr. Alberto Galassi, CEO of Ferretti Group, with recognizable straight forward way of communication and ability to discuss any question about the company, which has passed ‘ups and downs’ in the past ten years. The openness of Mr. Galassi comes from big experience in business, both yachting and premium brands industry in which he covered different roles, like the ones in private aviation or Premier League football team, at the same time being very close to Ferrari. From our perspective, the reason why he plays this business well is simple - because he doesn’t only run it, but lives it as well. More than once, he compared himself with a jet fighter pilot, considering the quickness of important decisions he has to make in short period of time. Therefore, it has been a real pleasure to catch him for a moment at the end of June to discuss the current situation of the Ferretti shipyards but also some nice perspectives for the future. What is ‘current normal’ for Ferretti Group at this moment? Currently, all our shipyards are fully operational, working hard to meet all the orders we have in our order book, which did not see any defection. We had a fantastic month (June) but we need to compensate three months of work we have lost. We carried out concrete actions to protect all our people (lastly, we carried out a private serological test to all our employees). Ferretti Group has been the first company in Italy to have signed an agreement with local unions to define a clear safety protocol to guarantee worker protection. We have just launched the first Riva model of 2020, the new Riva 88 Folgore, produced in the La Spezia’s shipyard. In the recent interview you mentioned ‘you are selling boats’. Is there any change to whom do you sell today compared to period before Covid crisis? We did not experience any significant difference regarding our clientele, but we saw big shift in attitude, and willingness to have yachts immediately. People simply don’t want to wait for deliveries, they perceive yachts

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‘Volim nogomet, automobile, brodove, satove, sve lijepe stvari u životu, a imam poseban odnos prema modernoj umjetnosti‘ ‘I like football, cars, boats, watches, all the pretty things, and I have special relation with art, contemporary in the first place’ svoju jahtu. Ljudi jednostavno ne žele dugo čekati isporuku; jahte doživljavaju kao plutajući privatni otok i iskorištavaju priliku da na more odu potpuno sami. Shvaćaju da je život kratak i opasan. Ne prodajemo brodove, prodajemo iskustvo, lijep način uživanja u životu i nudimo im ono što žele. Jednostavno, nema boljeg načina za to od privatnog uživanja na moru s onima koje volimo. Naše jahte su među najljepšim i najintimnijim mjestima na koja možete pobjeći od svega, provesti vrijeme s obitelji u vrlo sigurnom okruženju. U kratkom roku su kupci koje smo tek nedavno upoznali postali dobri prijatelji. Dobro poznajete tržište za najbogatiju klijentelu? Taj bih svijet opisao kao privatni luksuz, a poznajem ga jer tako živim i jer dijelim iste interese kao naši klijenti, volim što i oni: lijepa mjesta, dobre kuhare, lijepe destinacije i slično. Našim klijentima se to sviđa i postanu naša svojevrsna obitelj, možemo ih usmjeriti prema ostvarenju njihovih snova i pratiti ih na tom putovanju. Jedno želim reći jasno i glasno – nikad ne napuštamo klijente i poštujemo njihovo povjerenje. Možete li nam reći još nešto o osobnim interesima. Veliki ste ljubitelj umjetnosti? Volim nogomet, automobile, brodove, satove, sve lijepo, i imam poseban odnos s umjetnosti, pogotovo suvremenom. Volim talijanske umjetnike, poput Mimma Palladina, Marca Scutara, Botera i mnogih drugih i na svim svojim jahtama uvijek imam umjetnička djela. Jako volim umjetnost i ona je moja strast. Vidite li razlike između jahtinga i zrakoplovnog i automobilskog sektora? Sinergija između ta tri sektora postoji u ime inovacije i dizajna. Posebno unutar vrlo inovativnog nautičkog i automobilskog svijeta je moguće pronaći neočekivane saveznike. Jedan primjer koji vam mogu dati za to jest da je dizajn naših jahta često nadahnut stilskim elementima automobilskog dizajna, uz dodatna detaljna istraživanja s ciljem poboljšanja oblika i volumena. Nije lako prenijeti znanje iz jednog svijeta u drugi. Na primjer, određeni aspekti visoke kvalitete komponenti u automobilskom svijetu vrlo su dobro razvijeni: automobilski svijet je u tome toliko napredniji, puno se toga od njih može naučiti. Pritom ne smijemo zaboraviti da je izgradnja broda znatno drukčija od proizvodnje automobila na tekućoj traci. Mi smo u mnogo aspekata spoj zanata i industrije. Automobilska industrija predstavlja organizaciju, efikasnost i kvalitetu, dok nautička industrija donosi stil, profinjenost i uistinu može iskoristiti materijale na najelegantniji način. Oba su ta sektora pokretana željom za inovacijom. Drugo što povezuje nautički, automobilski i zrakoplovni sektor su ergonomija, najnovije tehnologije i upotreba određenih materijala, poput karbona. Karbon, koji je prvu primjenu pronašao u avijaciji, kasnije je korišten u automobilskoj industriji, pa tek onda u našoj. Često kao primjer poslovanja, inovacije i dizajna navodite Ferrari. Kako automobilska industrija još može nadahnuti nautičku? Nautička industrija je od automobilske naučila najvažnije lekcije: prije svega, brzina u kreiranju i primjeni tehnoloških inovacija, jer je važno predvidjeti što će biti vrhunac tehnologije za tri, četiri ili pet godina, jer krećemo

as a ‘floating private island’ and they take the opportunity to go on the sea alone. They realize that life is short and dangerous. We don’t sell boats, we sell experience, the nice way of enjoying life and we offer them what they want. There is simply no better way to do that than to enjoy the sea privately with those we love. Our yachts are among the most beautiful and intimate places to take refuge, to be with your family in a very safe environment. With short time customers who we don’t know when they approach us become good friends in this way. You know UHNW market very well? I would describe this world as a private luxury, and I know it because I live it and share with our customers what I like, pretty places, good chefs, beautiful locations etc. Our clients like that and become part of the family, and we can direct and follow them in living their dream, and I want to clearly say – we never leave our clients alone, as we respect their trust. Can you describe your further private interests a bit, you are big fan of art as well? I like football, cars, boats, watches, all the pretty things, and I have special relation with art, contemporary art in the first place. I like Italian artists like Mimmo Palladino, Marco Scutaro, Botero and many other, and all of my yachts have art on board as I am really fond of it as it is my passion. Do you see any difference between yachting and aero and automotive sectors? The synergy among these three sectors is in the name of innovation and design. Especially within the highly innovative nautical and automotive worlds, it is possible to find unexpected alliances. An example that I can give you is that our yachts reimagine and combine stylistic elements from automotive design frequently with the addition of in-depth research aimed at enhancing the shapes and volumes. It is not easy to transfer knowledge from one world to another. For example, certain aspects in terms of the high quality of components in the automotive world are very well developed: the automotive world is so much more advanced and there is a lot to learn. However, let’s not forget that building a boat is considerably different to large-scale automotive production. It is very much a mix of craftsmanship and industry. The automotive industry represents organization, efficiency and quality, whilst the nautical industry brings style, refinement and can truly extract the elegance of the materials used. Both sectors are strongly oriented towards innovation. Another common aspect that links the nautical, automotive and aeronautical sectors is ergonomics, the cutting-age technology and the use of some materials such as carbon fiber. Carbon fiber, which has its roots in aeronautics, was subsequently used in the automotive industry before being used by us. You often quote Ferrari’s business moves, apart innovation and design what else can the world of automotive bring to yachting? The yachting industry has learned important lessons from car industry: first of all, rapidity in terms of providing technological advances, because it is necessary to anticipate what will be cutting-edge technology in three, four or even five years, as we’re moving towards a “streaming future”, that needs to be incorporated in the design of a yacht. For instance, the new Pershing 7X adds an important aesthetic innovation in the exteriors, which include the impressive side wings: on the two exterior bulwarks, precisely

Yachts Cooltura

Matjaž Murko and Alberto Galassi

prema dinamičnoj budućnosti i to treba ugraditi u dizajn jahte. Na primjer, novi Pershing 7X dodaje važnu estetsku inovaciju u vanjskim prostorima, koji sad imaju impresivna bočna krila: na dvije vanjske pregrade, točno na mjestu trupa gdje su izvedena krilca, nalaze se i otvori za zrak koji izgledom podsjećaju na dio šasije na bokovima trkaćih automobila. Osim toga, filozofija dizajna vanjskog prostora nove Rive 88 Folgore, koja je baš nedavno predstavljena, uključuje linije i elemente nadahnute automobilskim svijetom, kombinira luksuz i sportski duh, spaja inovativne materijale poput karbona s tradicionalnim stilskim elementima, poput umetaka od mahagonija i čeličnih ukrasa. Svoje direktore uvijek spremno gurnete u bitku i ta se strategija pokazala korisnom za grupu Ferretti. Što vam je važno pri izboru suradnika na toj razini? U pravu ste, mi smo grupa, a snaga grupe najbolje dolazi do izražaja kad su svi uključeni i svi dijele odgovornost za rezultate. Temelj takvog razmišljanja su dva elementa: povjerenje i iskustvo. Uprava Grupe Ferretti dokazala

at the point where the wings sit, the air vents are contained in two openings in the body of the hull which widen into two side muscles, sporty features strongly reminiscent of the style of racing cars. In addition, the exterior design philosophy of the new the Riva 88 Folgore, just launched, displays lines and elements inspired by the automotive world, combining luxury and sportiness, matching innovative materials, like carbon, with traditional stylistic elements, such as mahogany inlays and steel decorations. You pushed young managers into fire and brought back good results for Ferretti Group, what is important for you when you delegate important roles? That is true: we are a Group and the strength of a group comes out best when everyone is involved and share the responsibilities of the results. This revolves around two main pillars: trust and experience. Ferretti Group’s management have proven capabilities and have shown reliability over time, earning my blind trust. When selecting people I put attention


Usprkos problemima Grupa Ferretti grupa je porinula novi model Riva 88 Folgore, uz najavu serije novih jahti u 2021. Despite problems Ferretti Group has launched new Riva model Folgore 88 with new big models announcement in 2021

Custom Line Navetta 30

Riva 88 Folgore

Charles Leclerc and Alberto Galassi

Aquariva Super Ikador


je sposobnost i dugoročnu pouzdanost, zasluživši time moje povjerenje čak i naslijepo. Kad biram suradnike, obraćam pažnju na motivaciju, iskrenost, spremnost na borbu, strast... Mladi ljudi posjeduju sve te osobine, ali nedostaju im iskustvo, a iskustvo je važno. Ipak radije biram mlade suradnike. Živimo vrlo zahtjevnim tempom, cijele smo godine u avionu i naši direktori moraju imati puno strpljenja, biti precizni u svemu što rade, ne biti previše emotivni – na neki način moraju posjedovati supermoći. Profesionalno vođena tvrtka, u kojoj se top direktorima može prepustiti vođenje poslova planiranja i donošenja odluka u svrhu širenja poslovanja, moj je cilj od dana kada sam preuzeo Grupu Ferretti. Dokaz da je moj pristup aktivnog uključivanja direktora u poslovanje, ili ‘slanja u bitku’, dobar izbor jest to kako smo preuredili tvrtku, kao i rezultati postignuti u proteklih pet godina. Novi načini mobilnosti, ponajprije električni, osvojili su automobilsku industriju, ali ne i nautičku? Izuzetno smo posvećeni tome da napravimo sve što možemo da popravimo odnos naše industrije i okoliša. Osim što poslujemo prema svim modernim propisima, naši kućni tehnički i inženjerski timovi nastoje razviti ekološki prihvatljiva rješenja kako bi zadovoljili sve veća očekivanja vlasnika jahti vezana uz ekološka pitanja. Jahte vidim kao objekt koji mora zadovoljiti dva zahtjeva za energijom i napajanjem; možemo ih opisati kao hotelski i pogonski. Hotelska očekivanja pokrivaju što koristite dok je jahta na sidru, poput klimatizacijskih uređaja, frižidera i svih ostalih uređaja koje koristite. Pogonska očekivanja očito pokrivaju energiju potrebnu za kretanje broda. Moje je mišljenje da smo u stanju ekološki pokriti hotelske potrebe, ali ne pogonske, jer tehnologija za to još uvijek ne postoji. Zato trebamo tražiti dobra hibridna rješenja, a ne potpuno električna. Što je vaš idući korak? Dajte nam neki mig. Što se tiče naših brendova, trenutno nam je primarni cilj razviti potencijal koji nudi kupnja marke Wally. Wally je legenda i u svijetu jedrilica i motornih brodova, izvanredan brend koji dijeli mnoga obilježja s ostalim brendovima Grupe Ferretti. Mogu vam otkriti da ćemo u bliskoj budućnosti lansirati novu i veliku jahtu Wally. Uz taj model će sigurno biti predstavljeni i novi modeli Riva 130 i Ferretti 1000, toliko vam zasad mogu reći. Možete li ocijeniti rad svojeg regionalnog predstavnika, kuće Mennyacht, i novi pothvat Rive, suradnju s hotelom Ikador? Mennyacht nas predstavlja u regiji više od 25 godina i naš je dragocjeni partner, a suradnja s Ikadorom dragulj je u kruni tog našeg odnosa. Hrvatska je posebno mjesto, ne samo zbog prekrasnog krajolika i kristalno čistog mora, već i zbog navedenog partnerstva Rive s Ikador Luxury Boutique Hotel & Spa u Opatiji. Taj ugledni hotel na Opatijskoj rivijeri je domaćin ekskluzivnih Riva Lounge i Riva Privée koji, kao i ostale Riva Destinations diljem svijeta, poput Venecije, Formentere, Pariza i Monaka, predstavljaju ponajbolje autentično iskustvo Rive. Zapravo me taj prijedlog iznenadio kad je došao na moj stol i izuzetno sam ponosan na sve što smo postigli, jer je to fantastičan pothvat. Uz Riva Lounge i Riva Privée, gostima hotela je na raspolaganju i veličanstvena Aquariva Super s kojom mogu istražiti prekrasnu obalu sjevernog Jadrana. Moram priznati da nisam posjetio taj dio Hrvatske. Volim Hrvatsku i bio sam u Dubrovniku, na Mljetu i Korčuli, ali nikad nisam posjetio Split i sjeverni dio Jadrana, za koji sam čuo da je jako lijep. Nažalost, neću ga imati vremena posjetiti ni ovog ljeta jer moram nadoknaditi tri mjeseca izgubljena zbog epidemije koronavirusa. Kako sam već rekao, moram živjeti poput pilota borbenog zrakoplova.

to motivation, honesty, willingness to fight, passion… Young people have all these qualities but lack the experience which is important as well, but I favor young. We have very demanding lifestyle, living in a plane whole year round and our managers need to have a lot of patience, be precise of what they do and have to be less emotional, in a way they need to have ‘super powers’. A professionally managed company, capable of leaving the top management free to carry out planning and decision-making work in order to expand the business, has been my top priority since the day I took over Ferretti Group. The way in which we were able to turn around this company and the results attained in this 5-year span proved this is the right path to push my team to success. The new ways of mobility, primarily electric are very accepted in automotive, but not in yachting? We are extremely committed to do what is in our possibilities to improve the environmental impact of our industry: besides being compliant with the regulation, the efforts of our technical office engineering teams are all striving to develop environmentally friendly solutions to meet yacht owners’ increasing expectations about ecological safeguards. I see yachts with two energy and power requests, we can call it hotel and propulsion. The hotel means all the services you use while anchored, like air condition, fridges and every other device you use. Propulsion obviously means the power you need to move boat around. My opinion is that we are able to cover the need of the hotel power but not propulsion, because the technology is still not there, and therefore we need to look at the hybrid solutions, not full electric. What is your next big move, please give us a glimpse? As far as our brands are concerned, our focus at the moment is to develop the potential offered by the acquisition of the Wally brand. Wally is an icon of sailing and motoring, an extraordinary brand that is synergistic with the other Ferretti Group brands. I can say that in the near future we will see the launch of the new and big Wally yacht. For sure this yacht will be joined by new Riva 130 and Ferretti 1000, this is what I can say for now. Can you comment about your regional dealer Mennyacht, and especially new venture for Riva in hotel Ikador? Mennyacht represents us in the region for more than 25 years as one of Ferretti’s precious partners and the new venture comes like jewel in the crown of our relation. Croatia is a very special place, not only for the stunning landscape and crystal-clear water, but also thanks to the partnership of Riva with the Ikador Luxury Boutique Hotel & Spa in Opatija. This renowned Croatian seaside resort hosts an exclusive Riva Lounge and Privée that, as well as other Riva Destinations around the world like Venice, Formentera, Paris and Monaco, epitomizes the most authentic Riva Brand Experience. Actually, it took us by surprise when this idea came to my table and I am very proud of what has been done as this is fantastic development. In addition to the Lounge and the Privée, a magnificent Aquariva Super is available to explore the beautiful coastline in North of Croatia, and I must admit that I have never visited that part. I love Croatia and have been to Dubrovnik, Mljet and Korčula, but I have never visited Split and more northern part for which I have heard it is very nice. Unfortunately, I will not have time to visit it this summer as I have to work to compensate three months of Covid we mentioned on the beginning, as I explained that I have to live like ‘jet fighter pilot’.


Text Darko Ĺ upuk Photos Sanlorenzo

Massimo Perotti Profinjeni brodograditelj Sophisticated Yachts Builder 186


Nakon uspješnog izlaska Sanlorenza na milansku burzu pomislili smo da će se CEO kuće možda konačno malo odmoriti, ali on kao da je ubrzao. Nove jahte iz pogona Sanlorenza od ovog proljeća izlaze kao na tekućoj traci, a brodogradilištu ne fali razvojnih planova After successful IPO of Sanlorenzo on Milano stock exchange, some would think Massimo Perotti as Chairman of the company would relax a bit, but it seems that he is steaming faster than ever with splendid new yachts leaving production halls this spring Početkom godine na sajmu u Düsseldorfu predstavljen je novi asimetrični model Sanlorenzo SL96, a tvrtka je s nama podijelila emotivne momente emisije dionica na milanskoj burzi. Ubrzo nakon toga porinuti su novi primjerci modela 62Steel i 44Alloy, te je predstavljen projekt SX112. Povrh svega, Sanlorenzo je i službeno uvršten u šampione talijanske industrije, kao nagradu za rast prihoda postignut u prethodnih šest godina. Izgledalo je da gospodina Perottija ništa ne može ni usporiti, a kamoli zaustaviti, kad se na svijet obrušila pandemija koronavirusa. Prvo što smo upitali gospodina Perottija bilo je baš kako se brodogradilište nosi s trenutnom situacijom. ‘Situaciji s pandemijom smo od prvog dana pristupili odlučno i brzo. Već u ožujku imali smo vlastiti ‘task force’, okupili smo okrugli stol za kojim su se svi dijelovi tvrtke složili oko protokola. Svi potpisnici odlučili su se za najoprezniji pristup, sigurnost kao prioritet i razmišljanje o načinu sigurnog povratka na posao. Sve mjere koje smo poduzeli i naš poslovni model koji predviđa fleksibilnu strukturu troškova, što je uvijek naš adut, kao i lojalnost naših klijenata, omogućit će Sanlorenzu da se s vrlo ograničenim posljedicama oporavi od razdoblja u kojem su sve naše djelatnosti bile obustavljene. Razdoblje pred nama ne bih nazvao problematičnim, nego razdobljem za razmišljanje o novom načinu rada, o dugoročnim promjenama navika. Na primjer, još više ćemo se oslanjati na tehnološke resurse koji nam olakšavaju smanjenje broja poslovnih putovanja, a pritom omogućavaju i nove oblike komunikacije. Moramo izvući najbolje iz ovoga i ne smijemo se dati zastrašiti promjenama. Svi moramo raditi, ali moramo paziti i na zdravlje. Kako vidite ravnotežu između te dvije potrebe? Zdravlje je najvažnije jer bez njega nema ni rada. Sve što smo poduzeli od početka ove situacije kao cilj je imalo sigurnost prije svega. Vjerujemo da bi se takav pristup trebao primijeniti ne samo u našim brodogradilištima, nego i na nautičkim sajmovima, zbog sigurnosti svih nas. Nautički sajmovi imaju jednu veliku prednost, održavaju se na otvorenom. Naša prednost je u tome što možemo klijente naručiti da dođu k nama u potpunoj sigurnosti, uz prethodnu najavu. Što nam možete reći o tri nedavno porinute nove jahte – 62Steel, 44Alloy i SX112? Međusobno se razlikuju u mnogo toga, ali dijele fokus na ravnotežu unutarnjeg i vanjskog prostora, koji su u sva tri slučaja izuzetno ugodni za boravak. Dijele i odnos prema moru, kao i vrhunska, moderna rješenja koja podižu kvalitetu života na moru, koja smo razvili zahvaljujući kontinuiranom istraživanju i koja predviđaju zahtjeve tržišta. 44Alloy je 44,5 metara dugačka ‘fast displacement’ super-

The beginning of this year brought launch of new model at Boot Düsseldorf (Sanlorenzo SL96), and at the same time the company shared with us emotional moments about IPO on Milano stock exchange. Afterwards launches of no less than new 62Steel and 44Alloy were done, and project of new model SX112 was revealed. Also, Sanlorenzo has been selected to be one of Italian business Champions due to their increase of turnover in past six years. It seemed that not much can stop Mr. Perotti in leading this company into developing a yachting giant but COVID-19 pandemic happened to the world. So we asked Mr. Perotti how does he cope with pandemic situation in the shipyard? ‘Right from the start, we strove to give a quick response to the situation linked to COVID-19. Already by March, we had initiated an internal task force and a round table that saw all the corporate parties fully back a protocol, which all the signatories agreed to be excellent, to consider safety and functional ways of restarting work. The actions we took, together with our business model based on a highly flexible cost structure, the strength of the brand, and the loyalty of our customers, will allow the company to recover the period in which activities were suspended, limiting, therefore, any impact on the company’s results. More than problems, we are facing a new way of working that, in the long term, will change our habits profoundly: for example, we will exploit even more the technological resources available which, on the one hand, will allow us to reduce the time we spend travelling and, on the other hand, will create new ways of relating. We must treasure the positive things of this period, without letting ourselves be frightened by the changes.’ We must all work but we should stay healthy, how do you see this balance? Health comes first, without that there is no business. All the activities that we have undertaken since the beginning of this situation have therefore had the aim of keeping all people in the maximum possible safety. We believe that this should and can take place not only in our shipyards but also at the boat shows that are working to guarantee the best safety conditions and which also already have the advantage of being outdoors, and of speaking to a not too large number of people giving us the opportunity to meet our clients in total safety by appointment. Can you comment three new and very different yachts you recently launched – new 62Steel, new 44Alloy and new model of SX line 112? These three new models are very different from each other but they share the same focus on livability of indoor and outdoor spaces, and a same relationship with the sea, taken to new heights through cutting-edge solutions capable of foreshadowing the requests of the market, thanks to an ongoing research conducted by our company to always offer the highest quality of life on board. The 44Alloy, a 44,5-meter-long fast-displacement superyacht



jahta izgrađena od aluminija, koja ima vlasničku kabinu površine 145 četvornih metara izvedenu na tri razine, s privatnim prostorom i na palubi, što dosad nije izvedeno na jahti ovih dimenzija. 62Steel je superjahta dugačka 61,5 metara, koja zahvaljujući prostranoj unutrašnjosti, inovativnom rasporedu svih prostorija i naprednim tehnologijama jamči izuzetno ugodan boravak na moru. Konačno, SX112 je 34 metra dugačak crossover model čiji je interijer dizajnirao Piero Lissoni. Ta je jahta nastavak serije započete modelom SX88 i nastavljene modelom SX76, koja je za nas pravi izazov i za koju sa svakim novim modelom predstavimo nešto novo. Ta serija predlaže potpuno nov način uživanja u plovidbi jer su ti modeli otvoreni prema okolišu gotovo bez ‘barijera’ i omogućavaju blizak kontakt s morem. Jednom ste rekli da je serija SX možda proizvod za djecu vaših klijenata. Postoji li tipičan Sanlorenzov klijent sad kad vaš katalog nudi toliko različitih tipova jahti? Naravno da postoji! Naša svestranost nam dopušta da zadovoljimo različite potrebe, ali uvijek su to jahte za profinjene poznavaoce koji vole more i koji točno znaju što žele od svog broda. To su tipični Sanlorenzovi klijenti. Što nedavni izlazak na burzu znači vama osobno, a što kompaniji? Izlazak na burzu za Sanlorenzo predstavlja važan korak, novu polazišnu točku na putu rasta i razvoja na internacionalnom tržištu. Osobno je ovo veliko postignuće i jako sam ponosan, pogotovo kad shvatim koliko smo se razvili otkako sam 2005. došao u Sanlorenzo. Tada nam je prihod od novih jahti iznosio 40 milijuna, a 2019. čak 455,9 milijuna eura. Za Sanlorenzo, i umjetnost je dio poslovanja? Otkako sam 2005. otkupio kompaniju od Giovannija Jannettija, nastojim uvesti inovacije u način života na moru, na brodu; prave inovacije koje će doista promijeniti našu industriju. Jedan vrlo važan korak u tom pravcu bio je pristup svijetu dizajna. Sanlorenzo je bio prvi brodograditelj koji je u stvaranje jahte uključio poznata imena internacionalnog dizajna – s nama su, među ostalim, surađivali Dordoni Architetti, Antonio Citterio, Patricia Viel, Piero Lissoni, Patricia Urquiola, John Pawson i Christian Liaigre. Želja da stvorimo nov način komunikacije s kreativnim disciplinama otvorila je neke neočekivane putove i potaknula me da se povežem i sa svijetom umjetnosti. Sanlorenzo je stoga započeo kreativnu suradnju s uglednim umjetničkim galerijama i kulturnim ustanovama. Godine 2018. smo sklopili ugovor o suradnji s Art Baselom, vodećim sajmom moderne i suvremene umjetnosti, koji se održava u Hong Kongu, Baselu i Miami Beachu; 2020. smo postali pokrovitelj Peggy Guggenheim Collection u Veneciji, najvažnijeg muzeja posvećenog europskoj i američkoj umjetnosti 20. stoljeća koji djeluje u Italiji. Možete li nam reći kako ocjenjujete tvrtku Sanlorenzo Adria, koja predstavlja Sanlorenzo u našoj regiji? Sanlorenzo Adria je ključan za razvoj našeg poslovanja u regiji jer je s jedne strane ambasador filozofije i vrijednosti našeg brenda, poput vrhunske izrade, personalizacije, posvećenosti detalju i želji za najvišom kvalitetom, a s druge strane posjeduje dubinsko poznavanje lokalnog tržišta i vrijednosti koje su na njemu ključne. Planirate li posjetiti Hrvatsku? Volim Hrvatsku i veselim se ponovnom posjetu što prije budem mogao!

entirely in aluminum, is thus characterized by a 145 m2 owner’s apartment divided on three levels with an indoor and an outdoor area, a solution never seen before on a superyacht of this size. The 62Steel, a 61,5 meters long superyacht, which thanks to large volumes, an innovative layout and advanced technologies guarantees exceptional comfort and livability on board. Finally, the new SX112, a 34 meters crossover model with interior design by Piero Lissoni represents the consolidation of a path that began with the SX88, first, and then the SX76, a challenge that continues and is enhanced by new contents, proposing a new way of living on the sea: the barriers on board are eliminated, and the boat opens to the outside, in a close relationship with the marine context. You mentioned once that SX line is maybe a ‘product for children of your customers’, is there a typical Sanlorenzo client today when you have different ranges of quite different yachts? Yes of course! Our yachts ranges permit us to satisfy different needs but we always speak to expert and sophisticated connoisseurs who love the sea and who know exactly how they want their boat. These are the typical Sanlorenzo’s clients. What did recent IPO mean to the company, and to you personally? The listing represents for Sanlorenzo a fundamental step and new starting point in the path of growth and development on international markets. For me it’s a great achievement and I’m very proud of it especially if I think how much we have grown since 2005 when I arrived in Sanlorenzo. At the time we had consolidated net revenues from new yachts for 40 million which has been brought to 455,9 million euros in 2019. The part of your work is art? Since 2005, when I acquired the company from Giovanni Jannetti, I have worked to introduce a new way of living on the sea, formulating true innovations that have profoundly changed the world of yachting. One fundamental step in this direction has been the approach to the world of design: Sanlorenzo was the first company in its field to involve outstanding names in international design in the creation of yacht interiors, including Dordoni Architetti, Antonio Citterio, Patricia Viel, Piero Lissoni, Patricia Urquiola, John Pawson and Christian Liaigre. The desire to open the way for new creative languages giving rise to unexplored relationships, have also convinced me to seek a bond with the art world. Sanlorenzo has thus activated a series of collaborations with important galleries and cultural institutions. In 2018 Sanlorenzo has entered a global partnership agreement with Art Basel, the leading art fair for modern and contemporary art for the annual events in Hong Kong, in Basel and Miami Beach. In 2020, Sanlorenzo has also become the Institutional Patron of the Peggy Guggenheim Collection in Venice, the most important museum in Italy for European and American 20th-century art. Can you tell us how do you see Sanlorenzo Adria, after long time they have boosted Sanlorenzo presence in the region? It plays a fundamental role for the development of our company in the region because on one side it is the ambassador of philosophy and values of our brand such as craftsmanship, personalization, attention to detail and pursuit of the highest quality and on the other it has an in-depth knowledge of the local market and its representative values. Will you be in Croatia sometimes? I love Croatia and I’m looking forward to visit it again as soon as possible!

Yachts Cooltura

Izlazak Sanlorenza na milansku burzu okrunio je strelovit razvoj tvrtke u posljednjih petnaest godina pod vodstvom g. Perottija Listing Sanlorenzo on Milano stock exchange is the crown of fantastic development of the company in the last fifteen years

Sanlorenzo SX112

Sanlorenzo 44Alloy Sanlorenzo 62Steel

Sanlorenzo 44Alloy



CUSTOM LINE 106 Dizajnerski atraktivna, posebno lijepo projektirana s obzirom na aspekt životnih potreba vlasnika, te moderna u svakom smislu, ova ploveća vila ima i zavidne performanse koje možda nisu doslovno leteće, ali karakteriziraju impresivno djelo talijanskih brodograditelja Attractive design, smart livability solutions and modern looks: this floating villa may not actually be able to fly, but the way she glides across the water sure makes it feel that way. Another hit for her Italian builder Text Darko Šupuk Photos Custom Line



Prošle godine na sajmu u Cannesu imali smo prilike testirati novi Custom Line 106, jahtu predstavljenu nekoliko mjeseci ranije na sajmu u Veneciji. Za ovaj projekt su angažirali dizajnera koji je donio svježe ideje i nepogrešivo prepoznatljiv stil (koji samo malo koketira s postojećim modelima velikih Riva jahti). Francesco Paszkowski je uz pomoć svoje suradnice Margerite Casperini, koja je uredila interijere, tvorac novog Custom Line stila, a novi stil dizajna pomiruje sportski izgled s velikim volumenima i nevjerojatno prozračnom unutrašnjošću. Zbog elegantnijeg izgleda silueta jahte ispresijecana je dugim prozorima, od kojih su neki i malo uvučeni u trup dajući mu potrebnu treću dimenziju. Na taj način je njen ‘wide body’ (širina je 7,3 metra) sveden u linije sportske jahte, s nešto izraženijim volumenom pramčane sekcije. Osim vizualne atraktivnosti, ovu jahtu krasi i detaljno razrađena ideja spajanja brodskih cjelina. Ideja da se krmeni kokpit spoji s prednjim, a ovaj s gornjom palubom koja je dvama prolazima spojena s unutrašnjošću, u

Last year in Cannes we tested the new Custom Line 106, a model that had debuted several months earlier in Venice and attracted plenty of attention due to her meticulous design. Ferretti have hired a designer whose fresh ideas and unmistakable style (slightly reminiscent of the current Riva lineup) were just what the series needed. Francesco Paszkowski, who needs no introduction, designed the exterior, while colleague Margerita Casperini took care of the interior. The new Custom Line style brings together sporty feel, large volumes and unbelievably light interiors. The hull is dotted with long portlights, some of them slightly receding into the hull to give it dimension. The wide-body model feels like a sporty yacht despite her size (7.3 m width), showing some curves only at the bow. Visually attractive, the 106 is smart to boot – especially when it comes to livability. Impeccably connected, spaces work together as a unit, or stay separated if needed – for example, the bow and the aft cockpits are connected, as is the bow cockpit and the upper

Otvoreni krmeni dio, prikladno nazvan ‘sun lounge’, ima površinu od 35 četvornih metara, sa sunčalištima i sofama sa stolovima The aft sun lounge is generously sized – 35 square meters – and furnished with sun beds, sofas and tables



praksi je izvedena sjajno. To se već na ulasku u krmeni kokpit primjećuje jer se staklena stijenka koja spaja kokpit i salon može u potpunosti rastvoriti. Istodobno krmena klupa može postati i sunčalište, a ako tome pribrojimo i za Custom Line standardnu izvedbu krmenog zrcala sa zaštićenim DMT (Dual Mode Transom) sistemom, kojim se krmeni prostor lako pretvara u lijepi ‘beach club’ (koji kao krmena garaža čuva Williams Diesel Jet 505 i vodeni skuter), onda samo u tom prostoru imate što raditi ‘cijeli dan’. U brodogradilištu u Anconi, gdje nastaju ove jahte, možete računati na finesu u uređenju interijera svojstvenu graditeljima zaista velikih jahti. Na primjerku koji smo razgledali u Cannesu interijerom prevladavaju svijetli tonovi, hrastovo drvo na podu, a tik i lakirano drvo dopunjuju topao i svijetao prostor. Ono što mu daje poseban ‘štih’ su golemi bočni prozori, po tri sa svake strane u salonu, koji su čak malo zakrivljeni prema van dajući dodatan osjećaj prostranosti. Prednji prozor se može po želji otvoriti, što omogućava izlazak na malu terasu. U salonu je smješten dizajnerski namještaj i stol za blagovanje za deset osoba, čije staklena površina dodatno reflektira danje svjetlo. Treba napomenuti i kako je visina u cijelom plovilu po novom standardu 2,1 metar, pa je ukupno stvoren ekskluzivan i nevjerojatno ‘lagan’ dojam unutrašnjosti. U produžetku se na glavnoj palubi nalazi vlasnička kabina, koja je izvedena u širini trupa i čija širina u tom dijelu iznosi 6,5 metara, a sjajan volumen te kabine naglašavaju dva bočna okna od stropa do poda koja mogu po narudžbi postati i bočne terase. U potpalublju se nalaze četiri kabine, dvije VIP u krmenom dijelu i dvije s dva kreveta u pramčanom. Značajno je da su kreveti u VIP kabinama smješteni sa zaglavljem uz centralnu liniju s pogledom na more, čime se još jednom naglašava osjećaj prostora, a nama se jako svidjelo stubište kojim se spuštate s glavne na donju palubu. Na vanjštini ima više od 220 četvornih metara povezanih prostora, te smatramo kako je ova jahta pravo remek-djelo projektanta kao vrsnog poznavatelja života na brodu. Pramac krasi veliko sunčalište na donjoj razini s prolazom po sredini do sidrenog prostora i pravi ‘drugi kokpit’ ispred kormilarnice. Ispod njega je spremljen i dodatni tender (sjećate li se možda starih modela Manguste ili Maiore?), a taj dio je posebnim prolazom s lijevog boka povezan gornjom palubom površine 53 četvorna metra. Ona je i djelomično natkrivena tvrdim krovom

deck, all seamlessly and in style. The glass wall between the aft cockpit and the main deck disappears when not needed, opening the salon toward the sea, while the aft bench turns into a sun bed. Custom Line 106 has a DMT transom that can easily be transformed into a beach club platform, and hold a Williams Diesel Jet 505 and one jet ski. On the other unit we saw, the interior was slightly different than on the prototype, which proves again how much finesse the Ancona yard demonstrates in pleasing the client. The unit we took for a spin in Cannes had light interiors decorated and furnished in light wood, with oak floors, lots of teak and glossy lacquered surfaces for a warm atmosphere. The most impressive detail are the large side window panes, three on each side in the salon. Slightly angled toward the outside, they add a bit to the feeling of spaciousness. The front window can be opened, and leads to a small terrace. The salon is furnished with designer pieces, and has an eating table that seats ten, whose glass surface reflects natural light. All spaces enjoy impressive ceiling height of 2.1 meters, which even on its own would create the feeling of spaciousness. The master cabin is as wide as the hull on that part of the yacht (6.5 meters), located on the main deck, and has two large portholes that open into private terraces (optional). On the lower deck, there are four guest cabins: two VIPs aft and two smaller guest rooms in the bow. Once again, in the VIP cabins smart creations lead to more comfort: beds are turned toward the sea, with the wall behind them. We were particularly delighted with the staircase connecting the main and lower decks. The exterior usable space stretches over 220 sq.m. of well connected areas, which speaks volumes about the designer’s skills. On the bow, there is a large sun bed and a full-sized secondary cockpit, right in front of the command post. Below the cockpit, another garage hides an additional tender (those of us who remember older Mangusta or Maiora models will have seen this solution), and is connected with the upper deck by a port-side passage. The upper deck covers 53 sq.m., part of which are protected by a hard top with two skylights, and is large enough to be considered a third deck. It is connected to the aft cockpit by a brilliantly positioned staircase. The new 106 lacks nothing in terms of luxury details, or quality of materials used throughout the exterior and interior, while several sexy details add a special touch and make her recognizable



Dizajn unutrašnjosti prati onaj vanjštine, s oštrim linijama te visokim kontrastom u bojama i elementima namještaja The interior matches the exterior in style: decisive lines, contrasting colors and smartly placed pieces of furniture

Test s dva svjetlosna otvora pa je gotovo možemo smatrati trećom palubom. S nje se u trenutku spustite u krmeni kokpit – po našem mišljenju jednostavno i genijalno. Također, nova jahta ne oskudijeva u ‘seksi’ dizajnerskim detaljima, poput materijala za izradu ogradica ili trodimenzionalnih oblika koji razbijaju masivne bokove i daju joj sasvim poseban dizajnerski potpis. Za hidrodinamičke značajke jahte pobrinuli su se inženjeri Ferrettija koji su, usprkos dodatnih osam tona težine, zadržali iste performanse u odnosu na prethodnika (model 108), a jahta s dva MTU 16V pogonska stroja od 2638 konjskih snaga postiže maksimalnu brzinu od 26 čvorova, ali i plovi s dvanaest čvorova uz potrošnju od 170 l/h. Osim dizajnerski i inženjerski, novi Custom Line napredan je i po ugrađenoj tehnici, poput integriranog mosta u kormilarnici koji proizvodi Naviop-Simrad ili naprednog softvera koji omogućava upravljanje svim zabavnim sadržajima uz pomoć jednog uređaja. Ovu jahtu ne treba propustiti pogledati kada budete u prilici, a za kraj bismo ostavili izjavu njezina tvorca: ‘U dizajnu modela 106 naglašeno je mnogo prepoznatljivih detalja i dodane su nove stilske osobine. Kao što je očito na nekoliko mjesta, dali smo sve od sebe da uklonimo prepreke između unutrašnjeg i vanjskog dijela jahte. Nova tehnička rješenja i svi aspekti vanjskih i unutrašnjih dijelova jahte blisko su povezani, jer svi čine jedinstvenu strukturnu cjelinu, koju krasi savršena ravnoteža između oblika i funkcionalnosti.’ and memorable, like the three-dimensional shapes breaking her massive sides into visually smaller pieces. Ferretti engineering somehow managed to give the 106 the same performance abilities as were given to her 8 tonnes lighter predecessor, the 108. Powered by two MTU 16V 2639hp engines, Custom Line 106 reaches top speed of 26 knots, and spends 170 l/h of fuel at 12 knots of speed. In addition to all the fresh design and naval solutions, the 106 is equipped with some truly impressive systems, like the Naviop-Simrad navigation system or the one-remote control entertainment system. If you pass by a 106 somewhere, make sure you take a closer look, say we – and says her designer, Francesco Paszkowski: ‘In the design of the new 106, a number of the brand’s distinctive features have been emphasized and new stylistic traits have been introduced. As is plain to see in various places, efforts have been made to break down the boundaries between the exterior and the interior. The new technical solutions and all of the aspects of the exterior and interior lines are closely interlinked, as they are all parts of a single architectural arrangement with perfect balance between the forms and functions.’

Duljina LOA: 32,82 m Širina Beam: 7,30 m Gaz Draft: 2,03 m Motori Engines: 2 x MTU 16V 2000 M86 2217 mhp Istisnina Displacement: 126 t Najveća brzina Maximum speed: 26 čv. knots Brzina krstarenja Cruising speed: 20 čv. knots Spremnik za gorivo Fuel capacity: 14.700 l Spremnik za vodu Water capacity: 3000 l Graditelj Builder: Custom Line Zastupnik Dealer: MennYacht Group


Boutique hotel na moru Boutique Hotel on Water

SIRENA 88 Najveći Sirenin model, dug gotovo 27 metara, jedinstveni je brod namijenjen dugim krstarenjima koji pruža pravi komfor od pet zvjezdica, a beskompromisna luksuzna rješenja i mnogobrojni dizajnerski detalji jamče udobnost pravog boutique hotela na moru kojem savršeno stoji krilatica – Go further The largest model in the range is 27 meters long, designed for long cruises and as comfortable as a five-star hotel. Luxury is reflected in every thought-through detail and designer touches on this floating, cruising boutique hotel that well justifies her builder’s motto: Go further Text Filip Bubalo Photos Sirena / Jeff Brown





Privlačne i iznimno moderne linije eksterijera, ali i pomorski dizajn, potpisuje veliki German Frers German Frers designed the very attractive and very modern exterior lines, as well as her naval architecture features

U 2020. godinu brodogradilište Sirena ušlo je na najbolji mogući način, jer ni dva mjeseca nakon premijere u Cannesu prodali su čak pet Sirena 88, njihova najvećeg i dosad najluksuznijeg modela i nasljednika Sirene 64. Zapravo i ne čudi uspjeh s obzirom na količinu luksuza kojim je najveća Sirena opremljena i činjenice da privlačne i iznimno moderne linije eksterijera, ali i pomorski dizajn, potpisuje veliki German Frers. Da nije stvoren samo lijep brod, pokazuje korištenje hibridne karbonske laminacije uz vakuumsku infuziju ne samo trupa, nego i superstrukture i palube, pa je smanjen otpor koji rezultira minimalnom potrošnjom goriva pri svim režimima plovidbe i većim dosegom. Ukrcaj na brod evocira ulazak u kakvu raskošnu palaču, čiji vanjski gabariti odišu prostranošću, a niske siluete izdignute i prema naprijed pomaknute kormilarnice i gornje palube, u kombinaciji s okomitim pramcem i ostakljenim linijama bokova, čine ovu najveću Sirenu impresivnu u svakom pogledu. Već na krmi pažnju privlači predivan stol od tikovine oko kojega je ‘omotana’ sofa dovoljna za komotan smještaj

Sirena shipyard entered 2020 guns ablaze, after having sold five units of their Sirena 88 at the Cannes Yachting Festival. Their largest model up to date, the heir to the popular Sirena 64, is appealing for many reasons: designed by German Frers, the yacht is an exercise in luxury. Spacious, smart and comfortable, Sirena 88 is above all else beautiful. Built in hybrid carbon laminate using vacuum infusion for all the hull, superstructure and deck, which resulted in very low drag, the yacht uses interestingly little fuel at all speed, and boasts impressive autonomy. From the very first step aboard this 27-meter long yacht you’ll get a feeling of being in a luxury boutique hotel. Seven meters wide, Sirena 88 uses all that space wisely both on deck and indoors, while low silhouette, bridge and fly bridge moved toward the bow and wraparound glazing – give her an impressive appearance. The aft cockpit is as cozy as can be, with an eye-catching teak table and a wrap-around sofa for ten plus guests. From there, the sliding glass doors lead into the main deck salon, and a set of stairs toward the

Test desetak pa i više ljudi. Ispod velike tlocrtne površine krme nalazi se preko četiri metra širok ‘beach club’, koji se može prenamijeniti u spremište za sea bob ili ostaviti kao potpuno otvorena krma s uronjivom krmenom platformom za ‘lansiranje’ tendera i drugih vodenih igračaka. Dizajneri studija Cor D. Rover oplemenili su unutrašnjost s mnogo drvenih detalja u kombinaciji s prošivenom bijelom kožom i detaljima od poliranog čelika, pa se ta tema provlači kroz cijeli interijer i daje jedan ujednačen i smiren stil kompletne Sirene 88. Iza fenomenalne završne obrade krije se i tipična brodska funkcionalnost pa dva kabineta, osim što diskretno dijele salon na lounge i blagovaonički dio, skrivaju i brojne pretince te vinski hladnjak. Dvije velike sofe s dvije sjedeće garniture smještene su uz bokove ispod staklenih stijenki, što predstavlja pravo mjesto za punopravno odmaranje jer s krmenom palubom čine prošireni dio za dnevni boravak i zabave. Da se u brodogradilištu nije štedjelo ni na najsitnijim detaljima, pokazuje blagovaonički stol oko kojega je atmosfera Michelinova restorana, od regala s neobičnom staklenom slikom do umjetničke instalacije u obliku svjetlećih ‘grana’, koja podiže osjećaj luksuza za još jednu skalu. S lijeve strane blagovaonice prolaz je do kuhinje koja bi mogla biti i veća s obzirom na veličinu broda, no u drugim verzijama i to se može promijeniti. S desne strane prolaz je prema pramcu i glavnoj atrakciji broda – vlasničkoj kabini.

fly bridge. Beach club is impressively wide, and owners who don’t need a 4-meter beach can use that space for storing tenders or sea-bobs, or as an easily accessible launching platform for water toys. The main-deck salon is wrapped in glass surfaces, has more than two meters of clearance and reminds in style and quality of a hotel lobby. House designers co-operated with studio Cor D. Rover on creating inviting, cozy interiors whose warmth is underlined by plenty of natural wood, white leather and gleaming steel details. Behind the superbly finished surfaces lies plenty of storage space for everything you might need at sea, and every bit of space is used. Two large sofas placed right under the windows offer plenty of comfortable space for laying around in front of the TV. This part of the salon is well connected with the cockpit, and is homey enough to make even glum days at sea enjoyable. The Turkish builder spared no expense and the results of such approach are visible and delightful. One of the most beautiful details on the 88 is the dining room table, an impressively long element seating for at least ten guests and the centerpiece of a room that could easily be mistaken for a dining hall of a Michelin-starred restaurant. The diner is the most stylish space aboard, with a beautifully painted glass-door cabinet and lighting element inspired by branches of a tree that lift the style another notch. Accessible from both the salon and the bridge – and

Blagovaonički stol s deset sjedećih mjesta pruža atmosferu Michelinova restorana Ten-person dining room table gives the room the classy feel of a Michelin restaurant


Unutrašnjost je oplemenjena drvom u kombinaciji s prošivenom bijelom kožom i poliranim čelikom The interiors are created with many wooden details combined with white leather and polished steel

Upravo taj prolaz glavna je žila kucavica broda jer, osim što ste na prolazu pramac - krma, tu su prolazi za gotovo svaki kutak jahte. Ukupno su na raspolaganju četiri kabine, od kojih su dvije VIP, i to jedna smještena po sredini trupa, dok je druga u pramcu. U vlasničkoj kabini veliki je bračni krevet omeđen staklenim stijenkama od vrha do stropa, a puna širina trupa iskorištena je u potpunosti. Uz sve to staklene stijenke transformiraju se u staklene balkone, tako da možemo doista govoriti o beskompromisnom luksuzu. Obilje svjetla dopire u kabinu zahvaljujući kupaonici s tuš-kadom i toaletom čiji je strop u potpunosti ostakljen, a koji je od sobe odvojen kliznim vratima. Kroz kupaonicu prolaze stube koje vode na pramac s ‘infinity’ bazenom, doduše skromnih dimenzija, no bazen je ipak bazen. S pramca je prolaz do gornje palube omogućen samo s desne strane, a pogled sa zapovjednog mjesta i ugođaj na fly bridgeu su fenomenalni. Položaj skipera za kormilom pruža izvrsnu preglednost, a s dodirom na dva Simradova (18 inča) zaslona mogu se kontrolirati sustavi cijelog broda. Osjećaj lakoće upravljanja jahtom od gotovo 27 metara pružaju joystick, trimovi i potisnici, dok snaga plovidbe dolazi

separated from the cockpit by a massive glass panel 2.74-meters wide – the diner is the heart of the main deck. Various layouts are available, with some of them allowing for a larger galley, and all of them sharing a feature that will delight buyers: the master cabin is impressively large. Accessible by a passage that connects the bow and the aft almost in a straight line, the cabin is furnished with a large double bed, has glass surfaces floor-to-ceiling and uses the entire width of the hull. Another delightful detail – the glass surfaces open into private terraces, for even more contact with the sea. Other cabins aboard the 88 are no less impressive: two of them are VIP; one placed centrally and one in the bow, with walk-in showers, over two meters of clearance and beds mere 10 cm shorter than the one in the master cabin. All cabins enjoy almost unprecedented amount of natural light and the master cabin boasts an interesting solution to access natural light. The private bathroom is encased in glass from almost all sides, separated from the cabin by sliding glass doors. From the private bathroom, the owner can access the infinity pool on the bow, which might be small, but is delightful and functional. The fly

Test od dva MAN-ova V12 motora s 1550 KS, koji su nadohvat ruke putem klasičnih ‘manica’. Sirena 88 se na moru ponaša kako i izgleda, moćno i stabilno, a kako je riječ o ‘trawleru’, nagle promjene smjera ni ne zanimaju vlasnike ove klase namijenjene ekspedicijama, već je udobnost pri krstarenjima na duge staze u prvom planu. Pa iako se na nekih 1000 okretaja Sirena 88 kreće djelić manje od desetak čvorova, brzina je manje važna kad se radi o oko 1660 Nm dosega, od čega će ostati tek trećina (461 Nm) plovite li brzinom od 16 čvorova s potrošnjom od 345 l/h. Top brzinu od 23,3 čvora nismo dosegnuli jer je pri prvim manevrima jednog kolege novinara, i to prvog na redu za testiranje, došlo do blokade kormila u krajnjem položaju, nakon čega nitko više nije imao priliku testirati. Ono što smo osjetili bili su bočni valovi koje smo prethodno sami stvorili, a koji su se zbog visine nadgrađa itekako osjetili na brodu. Stoga je s ovako teškim i visokim trupom najbolje ploviti u smjeru ravno i u režimu umjereno. Dio šarma, možemo reći, i ekskluziviteta leži u činjenici da vlasnik može svoj primjerak u potpunosti izmijeniti, stoga teško da ćete na moru sresti dva ista primjerka, no zato je izvana Sirena jedinstveni brod namijenjen dugim krstarenjima zbog kojih mu savršeno stoji krilatica – ‘Go further’.

bridge is accessible from the bow as well as from the aft cockpit, via a smartly hidden door starboard on the bow. The command post is excellent in every aspect, from position to dimensions, from visibility to accessibility of commands. Powered by two MAN V-12 1550hp engines, Sirena 88 is equipped with the latest navigation technology operated via two Simrad 18’’ touch screens, with joystick, trim control and thrusters – all doubled in the safe engine room below deck. As stable as she looks, Sirena 88 is a real joy in navigation. A true trawler in every aspect concerning navigation, stability and maneuverability, the yacht is extremely calm and comfortable on long cruises. Reaching 10 knots at 1000 rpm, the yacht has autonomy of 1600 miles, which is what she was designed to do. Confirmation of her trawler identity is the significant loss of autonomy at greater speed (461 miles at 16 knots). On our test we didn’t reach the 23.3-knot top speed, as our steering wheel suffered a temporary blockade, and we did feel the impact of some side rolling, created by our own maneuvers – another confirmation Sirena 88 feels most comfortably cruising at low speeds, without harsh maneuvers. Even more attractive due to endless options available to the owner, Sirena 88 is designed to be unique in every way, justifying even in that aspect her builder’s motto – Go further.

Duljina LOA: 26,81 m Širina Beam: 7,1 m Gaz Draft: 1,8 m Istisnina Displacement: 98,405 kg Spremnik za gorivo Fuel capacity: 11.000 - 16.500 l Spremnik za vodu Water capacity: 2400 l Motori Engines: 2 x MAN 1550 KS Najveća brzina Max speed: 25 čv. knots Brzina krstarenja Cruising speed: 16 čv. knots Graditelj Builder: Sirena Marine




ČISTOKRVNI OPEN NOVE GENERACIJE FULL BLOODED NEW GENERATION OPEN Vizualno atraktivan, besprijekorno složen i jako dobar na moru atributi su novog Predatora 74, koji slijedi slavnu tradiciju svojih prethodnika u najboljoj maniri Visually attractive, impeccably designed and excellent in navigation, the new Predator 74 follows the illustrious tradition of her predecessors without straying Text Darko Šupuk Photos Sunseeker & Filip Bubalo





Pomični stakleni krov otvara se stvarajući poseban ugođaj u salonu, iz kojeg se može uživati u nesmetanom pogledu na okoliš Openable glass roof of main salon creates special atsmophere with almost 360 degrees look to outside

Nakon dugo vremena našli smo se na palubi novog Sunseekera, u splitskoj marini Lav ovog lipnja testirali smo model Predator 74. Jahta je prvi put predstavljena javnosti u Düsseldorfu u siječnju 2018., ali testirani primjerak je prvi koji je došao na Jadran. Plovilo se odlikuje sportskim izgledom svojstvenim obitelji Predatora koja je proslavila britanski brend, u prvom redu stilski oblikovanim velikim staklenim površinama kako na koritu, tako i na nadgrađu plovila, od kojih se proizvođač posebno ponosi zaista lijepim prozorima bez potpora (pillarless). Iako stilom podsjeća na slavne prethodnike, novi je Predator tehnički superiorno plovilo, značajno naprednije od starijih generacija, te istodobno izbrušeno do zadnjih dizajnerskih detalja. Ovaj model ima i svog ‘brata’ u verziji Sport Fly, a nama je nekako bilo posebno drago što nam je na raspolaganju čistokrvni Open. Niska silueta, nisko težište i superiorno ponašanje na moru glavne su prednosti takvih jahti, a po tome nas ni ovaj ljepotan nije iznevjerio. Prije nego smo se uputili na more, razgledali smo ga od glave do pete, od krme prema pramcu. Na samoj krmi nalazi se uronjiva platforma na kojoj možete smjestiti jet-ski, a krmeno zrcalo podijeljeno je na ulazu za posadu i garažu za pomoćnu brodicu koja je u ovom slučaju Williams 395. Krmenim kokpitom dominira veliko sjedište L-oblika, a nad samom krmom prostire se veliko sunčalište. Taj prostor natkriva se električno pokretanom zašti204 tom od sunca koja izlazi iz krova kokpita, te se zahvaljujući dodatnim pot-

After a long while, we’ve found our way to a new Sunseeker. This June in the Split marina Lav we got to meet and test Predator 74, a model that debuted in Düsseldorf in January 2018 – the first unit in the Adriatic. Sporty like all Predators, the series that made its British builder famous, the 74 has dashing glass surfaces on the hull and the superstructure and pillarless windows the builder is especially proud of. Although the style of the 74 doesn’t stray much from that of her predecessors, the new model is technically superior and significantly more advanced than those before her, as well as impeccable in design. It’s also available in Sport Fly version, but we were glad to be able to test the Open. Low profile, low center of balance and superior maneuverability are all characteristics of open type yachts, and this lovely model has them all. Before setting out to sea, we took note of every detail from the aft to the bow. The submersible aft platform is large enough to house a jet ski, and the transom divided into crew entrance and tender garage (the unit we tested had a Williams 395). There is a large L-shaped sofa in the cockpit, and the entire aft area is shaded by a large sunbed, which can be protected from sun rays by a top supported by pillars strong enough to keep it open during navigation, as well. The teak dining table is foldable and opens to double in size, and the cockpit furnished with a small sink, fridge and grill, ideal for days when you just don’t feel like cooking indoors. Sunseeker Predator 74 may not

Test pornim stupovima može držati otvorena i u plovidbi. Tikov stol za blagovanje može se jednostavnim preklapanjem po potrebi udvostručiti, a u kokpitu se s lijeve strane nalaze maleni sudoper, frižider i grill koji će odlično poslužiti za vrijeme kada kuhinja nije u punom pogonu. Alternativa gornjem mostu je odlično iskorišteni pramac na kojem se nalazi sjedište U-oblika sa stolićem, te veliko sunčalište, a sjedište se može natkriti skrivenim biminijem. Međutim, zahvaljujući velikom staklenom krovu koji se otvara jednostavnim pritiskom na dugme, i sam salon može imati ugođaj vanjskog prostora. Kada se otvori krov salona, taj dio može se zaštititi mrežom koja će vas čuvati od insekata, ali kada staklena pregrada koja dijeli salon od kokpita ‘nestane’ u podu tada salon i kokpit postaju jedno pa zaista imate osjećaj kao da ste na velikoj terasi nad morem. Kada ste u salonu, okruženi ste velikim staklenim površinama s pogledom na sve strane, a i stol u salonu se preklapa, ali nema dimenzije poput onog u kokpitu. Silaskom u potpalublje prvo nailazimo na brodsku kuhinju, u čijem se produžetku nalazi maleni stol za blagovanje i sjedište U-oblika, u dijelu u koji inače stane četvrta kabina. U rasporedu s tri kabine novi je Predator prava vlasnička jahta, i za osobnu upotrebu nam se čini da je tako puno komforniji. U pramcu se nalazi VIP kabina, s desne strane gostinska s odvo-

have a top bridge, but it lacks nothing: on the bow, there’s enough space for a sunbed, a large U-shaped sofa and a table, all protected by a bimini top that remains hidden from view when not in use. The main deck salon is protected by a large movable sunroof, and when it’s open (leaving behind a mosquito net above the salon), the entire deck from aft to bow becomes one giant terrace by the sea. The salon is surrounded by large glass surfaces and enjoys 360° visibility, and the salon table is foldable, but smaller than the one in the cockpit. Down below, you first enter the galley, with s small dining table and a U-shaped bench. This dining space can be replaced by a fourth cabin. The three cabin version is much more comfortable and has an impressively large master cabin. The VIP cabin is in the bow, right next to it the guest cabin and the day head, while the master cabin is aft. Large, with a wide centrally positioned bed, a vanity and a sofa, the master cabin is surrounded by large windows and feels like a home. It is served by a private head and a walk-in closet. On Predator 74, layout is traditional, but tweaked to perfection – just like we expected from a new generation of Sunseeker. The unexpected part of our test was definitely the navigation, even though this wasn’t our first Sunseeker and we were well aware of what the Brits



Interijeri su bogato i jednostavno uređeni, a vlasnička kabina posebno je lijepo namještena Interiors enjoy rich materials and simple design; Owner’s stateroom is especially pretty


jenim vratima za toaletni prostor, koji tako postaje i dnevni WC, a u krmenom dijelu je ‘kraljevska kabina’ za vlasnika. Osim što i nju karakteriziraju velika bočna okna, krase je zaista široki krevet u sredini, kozmetički kutak s desne i lijepo sjedište s lijeve strane koji daju toj kabini toplinu doma. U prednjem dijelu vlasničke kabine nalazi se toaletni prostor s jedne i ‘walk in’ ormar s druge strane. Kazali bismo kako je raspored unutrašnjih prostorija klasičan, ali dorađen do najmanjih detalja. Iskreno, to smo od nove generacije Sunseekera i očekivali, ali na moru smo doživjeli iskustvo koje je nadmašilo naša očekivanja iako smo ‘znali s kim imamo posla’. Bračkim ka-

could create. We criss-crossed the Brač channel at various speeds and regimes, with a lot of help from the skipper, who brought the unit from Malta. On his three-day journey, he said, they didn’t encounter larger waves, but it was windy and the 74 handled the weather without a hiccup. On our test, we reached 21 knots of cruising speed, with 75 l/h of fuel, and 33 knots of top speed with 150 l/h of fuel per engine. The unit we tested was powered with MAN 1550-hop engines. As pleasing as the speed was, it wasn’t the most impressive about Predator 74: we were floored by her maneuverability, acceleration power and stability,

nalom smo brazdali u različitim režimima plovidbe, a od velike koristi nam je bio skiper koji je doveo jahtu s Malte. Kaže kako u tri dana plovidbe nisu imali (pre)velikih valova, ali vjetra jesu i da se po tim uvjetima jahta odlično ponašala. Imali su putnu brzinu od 21 čvora, pri čemu je potrošnja bila oko 75 litara po motoru, dok se stiskanjem ručice gasa brzina povećava, ali s njom i potrošnja pa pri maksimalnim okretajima jahta plovi lijepom brzinom od 33 čvora uz potrošnju od 150 litara po motoru. Ugrađeni motori u ovom primjerku su standardni MAN od 1550 konjskih snaga, a opcijski je moguće ugraditi i one od 1900 KS. Međutim, prednost ove jahte nije u vrtoglavim performansama, već u lakoći kojom ona dostiže brzinu, njezina upravljivost i stabilnost. Stabilnost možete dodatno naglasiti pokretanjem hidrauličkih stabilizatora čije peraje za manje od deset sekundi stabiliziraju jahtu (!). Velika prednost tog sistema je u brzini reakcije, ali i u tome što isti hidraulički sistem koriste pramčani i krmeni potisnici čiju značajnu snagu možete iskoristiti za bezbrižno manevriranje u marini. Nova generacija Predatora nedvojbeno je otišla naprijed, a s njom Sunseeker ima daleko najbolju vrstu reklame – onu kada same jahte pričaju o svojoj kvaliteti. boosted by hydraulic stabilizers whose fins took less than ten seconds (!) to reach full potential. Additionally, the stabilizer is installed on both bow and aft thrusters, which comes in more than handy in port maneuvers. The new generation of Predators has made a huge step forward, so huge that Sunseeker really has no need to advertise it – they can just let the yachts speak for themselves.

Duljina LOA: 22,82 m Širina Beam: 5,38 m Gaz Draft: 1,83 m Spremnik za gorivo Fuel capacity: 4800 l Spremnik za vodu Water capacity: 800 l Istisnina Displacement: 45.300 kg Motori Engines: 2 x MAN 1550 KS HP 2 x MAN 1900 KS HP Najveća brzina Max speed: 33/40 čv. knots Brzina krstarenja Cruising speed: 24/30 čv. knot Graditelj Builder: Sunseeker Zastupnik Dealer: Sunseeker Adriatic Group


OBITELJSKI KRUZER SPORTSKOG DUHA SPORTY FAMILY CRUISER Ono po čemu se Atlantis 45 ističe definitivno su vanjske površine, gdje se i najviše boravi kada ste na moru, pa je posebna pažnja posvećena životu na otvorenom The best part of Atlantis 45 are exterior spaces, designed with utmost care, as to most owners, they are what spending time at sea is all about Text Mario Jelavić Photos Azimut Yachts



Test Kokpit i platforma povezani su u jednu funkcionalnu cjelinu The cockpit and the aft platform come together in a practical space


Sve zahtjevnije tržište pred proizvođače plovila postavlja nove izazove, a Azimut se, zahvaljujući svojoj dugoj tradiciji i iskustvu, tu odlično snalazi. To dokazuje novi Atlantis 45, koji naizgled spaja ono nespojivo: familijarni kruzer i sportski dinamični brod agresivnih linija. Pred Azimutom nije bio jednostavan zadatak. Trebalo je nadmašiti vrlo uspješan prethodni model - Atlantis 43, kojeg je prodano 140 u nepune četiri godine. Novi Atlantis 45 sada ima vertikalan pramac koji naglašava sportski duh ovog kruzera. Tome doprinose i prozori na trupu, koji su u skladu s Azimutovim prepoznatljivim dizajnom, koji vizualno produljuju trup sada proširen na 4,25 m. Na ovaj način je postignut interijer s puno više svjetla. Raspored interijera je klasičan, s dvije kabine i salonom s kuhinjom. Kabine su vrlo prostrane i ugodne zahvaljujući iskorištavanju pune širine trupa, a prednja vlasnička kabina opremljena je i prostranim ležajem. Krmena kabina je opremljena s tri ležaja, od kojih je treći smješten ispod prozora, što ovoj kabini povećava atraktivnost. Salon je klasičan s prostranom kuhinjom, opremljenom za višednevni boravak na moru. Ono po čemu se Atlantis 45 ističe definitivno su vanjske površine, gdje se i najviše boravi kada ste na moru, pa je posebna pažnja posvećena životu na otvorenom, u što se savršeno

The many demands of a modern yacht buyer often make it difficult for builders to create something appealing to everyone, but the house of Azimut has a long tradition of doing just that. Their latest model, Atlantis 45, is a chimera composed from two almost opposites: a family cruiser and an aggressive, dynamic sport cruiser. Designers and architects certainly had their job cut out for them, especially since their previous work, Azimut 43 was a total hit, sold in over 140 units in less than four years. The new Atlantis has a vertical bow, an element that immediately announces a sporty model. Signature Azimut portholes make the hull look longer, which was a smart move considering the substantial width of the 45 (4,25 m), but also allow natural light to seep inside. The interior doesn’t move any boundaries in terms of space use, with two cabins, a salon and a galley. Both cabins are spacious and comfortable, as wide as the hull, and the master boasts a generously sized bed. The aft cabin has three beds, one of them right in front of a window and surely the one every guest will want. The salon is also traditional in every way, and the galley large and well equipped for longer stays at sea. The best part of the new 45 are definitely exterior spaces, designed with utmost care, as to most owners, they


uklapa veliko pramčano sunčalište. Upravljački dio, kokpit i platforma povezani su u jednu veliku funkcionalnu cjelinu. Za upravljačkim mjestom su dvije udobne fotelje s kojih se proteže pogled u svim smjerovima. Preglednost i upravljivost je besprijekorna. Još bolju povezanost s okolinom može se postići otvaranjem čvrstog krova, koji se može otvoriti za 70 posto svoje dužine. Prostrani kokpit opremljen je garniturom za sjedenje s preklopnim stolom, a na suprotnoj strani su električni roštilj, hladnjak i ledomat. U nastavku garniture za sjedenje je još jedno prostrano sunčalište ispod kojeg se nalazi ‘garaža’ u koju se može smjestiti manji gumenjak ili razna oprema. U nastavku je prostrana platforma na koju se također može smjestiti po potrebi i veći gumenjak, ali, prije svega, to je ‘privatna plaža’ i veliki adut ovog modela jer se ovako velike platforme rijetko viđaju na brodovima ove dužine. Asimetrični raspored također omogućuje širi i komforniji pristup kokpitu. Ono što nas je najviše zanimalo jest kakav je novi Atlantis 45 u plovidbi, a prilika za testiranje ukazala se tijekom prošlogodišnjeg Cannes Boat Showa. Mogli bismo reći da su vremenski uvjeti bili dosta loši, ali zapravo, jaka kiša i vjetar bili su idealni uvjeti za pravi test. Usprkos jakom vjetru uspjeli smo postići brzinu veću od 33 čvora, zahvalju-

are what spending time at sea is all about. The command console, the cockpit and the aft platform come together in a fluid, practical and useful space. The command post seats two on very comfortable chairs, and enjoys 360° view. The hard top protecting that space can be opened up to 70% of length, adding to visibility. The cockpit is very spacious, furnished with one large sofa, a foldable table, an electric barbecue, a fridge and an ice maker. Under the sun bed adjacent to the sofa, there’s a storage space large enough for a small RIB or diving equipment. The aft platform is big enough to house a larger RIB, but it’s primarily designed to serve as a private beach – and is another design success, especially since yachts this size usually don’t have one. The cockpit is easily accessible, partly due to asymmetrical layout, and on the bow there is another sun bed. We tested the new Atlantis 45 during last year’s Cannes Boat Show, in almost ideal conditions – well, ideal for a test, as the French Riviera saw pretty strong wind and relentless rain that day. Despite the wind, we exceeded 33 knots of speed, reaching the official speed declared by the builder. Powered by two Volvo IPS 600 (440 HP), the 45 used 160 liters of fuel per hour at top speed (in described conditions), and reached cruising

Test jući dvama pogonskim motorima Volvo IPS 600 (440 KS). Potrošnja pri maksimalnoj brzini i ovim vremenskim uvjetima za oba motora bila je 160 litara na sat. Brzina krstarenja za ovaj model prilično je visokih 27 čvorova na 3000 okretaja i pri toj brzini potrošnja je iznosila 100 litara na sat. IPS sistem upravljanja sve se više koristi kod ovakvog tipa plovila jer to uvelike olakšava manevar prilikom isplovljavanja i uplovljavanja u marine, posebno manje iskusnim vlasnicima brodova. Da je trup broda dobro konstruiran, vidjelo se prilikom upravljanja u ovakvim vremenskim uvjetima. Brod dobro drži pravac. Nagla promjena smjera ne rezultira velikim naginjanjem, a rezanje valova ide glatko. Povremeno smo imali vrlo jake nalete kiše, tako da se vidljivost spuštala na svega desetak metara. Pri takvim uvjetima morali smo spustiti brzinu, a jedino po ploteru mogli smo vidjeti gdje se nalazimo u odnosu na kopno. Usprkos jakoj kiši i čvrstom krovu koji se otvara, mi smo za upravljačkim mjestom uspjeli ostati u potpunosti suhi. Kiša je bila toliko jaka da nam je lijevi brisač na vjetrobranskom staklu jednostavno otkazao. Testirajući novi Atlantis 45, zaključili smo da ovaj model ima velike šanse nadmašiti svoga vrlo uspješnog prethodnika. speed of impressively high 27 knots at 3000 rpm (with fuel consumption of 100 l/h). The IPS definitely helped a lot in port maneuvers, so it is little wonder we keep seeing more yachts this type and size equipped with it, especially considering that such yachts are often their owner’s first foray into higher-level navigation. We were quite impressed by the hull, obviously well designed, as it didn’t even blink at anything we put it through – sharp turns, jumping across waves, keeping steady direction. At times, sheets of rain lowered visibility and forced us to lower speed, as well, using plotter and nothing else to see where the coast is – but despite the rain and the type of hard top (as we mentioned, it can be opened up to 70% of its length), the command post remained perfectly dry at all times, even when the force of the rain made the left windshield wipe just give up. If anything, the horrendous weather on our testing day allowed us to see Azimut Atlantis 45 in her best form, and we can surely say she will have no trouble reaching the popularity level of her predecessor, and possibly surpass it.

Duljina LOA: 14,6 m Širina Beam: 4,20 m Gaz Draft: 1,10 m Istisnina Displacement: 16,6 t Spremnik za gorivo Fuel capacity: 1000 l Spremnik za vodu Water capacity: 350 l Motori Engines: 2 x Volvo IPS 600 (440 KS HP) Najveća brzina Max speed: 33 čv. knots Brzina krstarenja Cruising speed: 28 čv. knots Graditelj Builder: Azimut Yachts Zastupnik Dealer: Navis Marine



CROATIA ZAGREB Princess Yachts Adriatic d.o.o. +385 1 6170 068

CROATIA SPLIT Princess Yachts Adriatic d.o.o. +385 21 398 786

SLOVENIJA BP Navtika d.o.o. tel: + 386 51 44 22 22

CZECH REPUBLIC RS Yachts s.r.o. tel: + 420 724 700 330

HUNGARY Princess Yachts Adriatic d.o.o.

SRBIJA & CRNA GORA Saniteko Group d.o.o. tel/fax: +382 20 643 301



Sportska silueta dodatno je naglašena uskom krmenom platformom, a offshore pedigre na trupu s izraženim V-pramcem ne pruža samo moćan izgled, već je i razlog odlične upravljivosti Sporty silhouette is underlined by the narrow aft platform, and the offshore pedigree of the model visible in the sharp V-profile of the hull. The two combine in a powerfully looking, nimble model easy to handle Text Filip Bubalo Photos Boris Kačan & Ribco


Test Grčki proizvođač Ribco proizvodi gumenjake od 23 do 44 stope, pa se Seafarer 33 smjestio negdje po sredini ponude i kao takav nudi izvrsnu kombinaciju uloženog i dobivenog, odnosno izbalansiran omjer luksuza i sportskog duha. Sportska silueta dodatno je naglašena uskom krmenom platformom, a offshore pedigre na trupu s izraženim V-pramcem ne pruža samo moćan izgled, već je i razlog odlične upravljivosti, što ga čini idealnim luksuznim tenderom ili dnevnim kruzerom za četiri osobe koje će krstariti u komodu i sigurnosti. Na gotovo deset metara, našlo se mjesta za dupli krevet u pramcu, kemijski WC skriven u skiperskoj konzoli, vanjski tuš, dva spremišta ispod krmenih sjedala, a upravo ispred tih sjedala moguće je postaviti i stol. Sva spremišta skrivena su ispod tapecirunga u zanimljivoj nijansi smeđe i narančaste boje s prošivenim bijelim koncem, što u kombinaciji s crnim tubusima zaista izgleda fenomenalno. Kvaliteta i pogođene mjere trupa vide se po stabilnosti, bilo da se radi o bočnim valovima i izlasku na kraj preko tubusa, bilo da se valovima izlazi u susret ‘drito’ po pramcu. Očito su godine iskustva proizvodnje gumenjaka za britansku tvrtku Scorpion donijele Ribcu prijeko potrebno znanje i iskustvo, kojima sada direktno mogu konkurirati bivšem ‘poslodavcu’. Položaj skipera osiguran je ugodnim i profiliranim sjedalima s odličnom preglednošću, a osim komandi s pramčanim potisnikom, nadohvat ruke je i Raymarineov AXIOM PRO 9-inčni ekran

Položaj skipera osiguran je ugodnim i profiliranim sjedalima s odličnom preglednošću, a osim komandi s pramčanim potisnikom, nadohvat ruke je i Raymarineov AXIOM PRO 9-inčni ekran osjetljiv na dodir The skipper’s seat is comfortable and safe, enjoys excellent visibility, and the command post includes bow thruster controls and a Raymarine AXIOM PRO 9-inch touchscreen


Greek builder Ribco makes RIBs between 23 and 44 feet, which places the new Seafarer 33 right in the middle of their range. Great value for money, it’s also a great example of how to balance luxury feeling with sporty spirit. The sporty silhouette is underlined by a narrow aft platform, while the offshore pedigree of the model visible in the sharp V-profile of the hull. The two combine in a powerfully looking, nimble model easy to handle, making Seafarer 33 an ideal luxury tender or a day cruiser for four people, to sail comfortably and safely. Almost ten meters long, Seafarer 33 offers enough space for a double bed in the bow, a chemical toilet hidden under the command console, an outdoor shower, two storage units under aft seating, and a table (option), also stored under aft seating. Storage space is hidden from view and covered in well chosen shades of brown and orange fabric that complement the black tubes. The hull scores high marks for quality and well balanced dimensions, which translate into commendable stability even with side waves, eaves from the bow, or at disembarking. Years of partnership with British RIB maker Scorpio have obviously earned Ribco the know-how to go their own way, and become serious competition for their former boss. The skipper’s seat is comfortable and safe, enjoys excellent visibility, and the command post includes bow thruster controls and a Raymarine AXIOM PRO 9-inch touchscreen that allows control of all systems. Even at

osjetljiv na dodir kojim se upravlja svim sistemima na plovilu. Vožnja i pri većim brzinama od krstareće (30 čvorova) ugodna je kako na krmenom sjedištu, tako i na četiri sjedišta skrivenih ispod T-topa. No, kako smo u jednom trenutku postigli gotovo 55 čvorova, preporuka je da se u tom slučaju ipak stoji na nogama i/ili drži za rukohvat. Tražeći što više atraktivnih lokacija za snimanje, brzine su varirale između 30 i 40 čvorova (brzo krstarenje), a da ni u jednom trenutku, unatoč valovima iz sjeverozapada, ugodna plovidba nije bila narušena. Pri 3300 okretaja našli smo optimalnu vožnju, jer smo s 30-ak čvorova krstarili uz ugodan razgovor pa čak i glazbu iz uređaja Fusion Apollo, te trošili skromnih 35 litara na sat. Na putu prema lokaciji za snimanje, imali smo nagle promjene smjera, što ovom gumenjaku ne predstavlja nikakav problem. Dapače, kad smo našli lokaciju za snimanje, okrete prema objektivu odrađivali smo s preko 30 čvorova, što s ovakvim gumenjakom plovidbu čini iznimno sigurnom i zabavnom. Čak i pri takvim manevrima, nema ‘proklizavanja’ trupa, a vraćanje u ravne putanje nije oštro i tvrdo, već mekano, što dokazuje kvalitetu trupa u svakom režimu vožnje. A nakon stotinjak milja provedenih na gumenjaku, bez zadrške možemo reći kako je ovaj luksuzni gumenjak idealan suputnik za istraživanje Jadrana, i to u svim uvjetima, a onaj X-faktor kojim zrači dok stoji vezan za rivu ili pokraj jahte dodatni je magnet za mladu i avantura željnu klijentelu.

Duljina LOA: 9,95 m Širina Beam: 2,83 m Gaz Draft: 0,5 m Istisnina Displacement: 2900 kg Spremnik za gorivo Fuel capacity: 500 l Spremnik za vodu: 200 l Motori: 2 x 350 KS Najveća brzina Maximum speed: 65 čv. knots Graditelj Builder: Ribco Zastupnik Dealer: Yacht-In

higher speed (30 knots), Seafarer 33 is comfortable no matter where you sit; aft, or on one of the four seats protected by a T-top. Still, as we’ve reached 55 knots of speed during our test, we recommend standing and holding on to railing. We took Seafarer 33 for a fast and curvy ride, trying to get as many attractive photos as possible, and despite all the maneuvering and varying speed (between 30 and 40 knots), the boat remained stable and our ride comfortable. At 3300 rpm and 30 knots of speed we managed to maintain a casual conversation at normal volume, enjoyed music from the Fusion Apollo sound system, and spent mere 35 liters of fuel per hour. Sudden turns are no challenge for Seafarer 33, as we have proven several times on our way to the shooting destination. During the shoot, our speed only occasionally fell under 30 knots. The hull held surface with confidence, course adjustments after sharp turns was swift and soft, and no point did we feel any bumps or hiccups, proving once more the designers deserve nothing but compliments. After covering roughly one hundred miles on Ribco Seafarer 33, we are convinced nobody could wish for a better partner for Adriatic adventures – no matter the conditions. Finally, all these smart qualities are packed in attractive design that will surely turn some heads while in port, or by a yacht. The cherry on top, the looks of Seafarer 33 might prove to be a real magnet for young and adventurous potential buyers.


SAXDOR 200 U osnovi Saxdor 200 je dnevni kruzer od šest metara dizajniran za brze ture kakva je bila naša, ali u potpunoj sigurnosti trupa, koji se pokazao idealnim za ovakav tip plovidbe Saxdor 200 is a six meters long day cruiser designed for quick trips like the one we made on it, surprisingly safe and ideal for its purpose Text Filip Bubalo Photos Kristina Peračić




U plovidbi, čak i pri skokovima preko valova, za što je Saxdor itekako sposoban, nema prskanja At higher speed, the cockpit stayed dry even during jumps, which Saxdor executed in perfect form

Na prvi pogled Saxdor 200 izgleda kao još jedna ‘igračka na moru’, no kada znamo da iza potpuno novog brenda stoji Sakari Mattila, genijalni osnivač Axopara, XO boats, Paragona te još poznatiji i priznatiji J&J design studio braće Jakopin, percepcija se naglo mijenja. Koncept cijelog brenda usmjeren je k mlađoj populaciji željnoj zabave na moru, posebice tržištu jet-skijeva, no s karakteristikama klasičnog gliserskog plovila. Oštri pramac, niski profil, pa čak i logo, nedvojbeno podsjećaju na Axopar, no to u ovom slučaju može značiti samo još bolje performanse. Prvi primjerak najmanjeg Saxdora 200 u Hrvatskoj s najjačom opcijom, s Mercury 175 KS, imali smo priliku i užitak testirati od Splita do Biševa i natrag. U osnovi Saxdor 200 je dnevni kruzer od šest metara dizajniran za brze ture kakva je bila naša, ali u potpunoj sigurnosti trupa, koji se pokazao idealnim za ovakav tip plovidbe. Po jutarnjoj bonaci mali Saxdor s dvoje putnika ‘letio’ je preko 42 čvora (max. 45 čv.) s nešto manje od pet tisuća okretaja, i to s velikom dozom sigurnosti, ali što je najvažnije - obiljem gušta. Dvostepenasti trup težak 780 kg, koji pri velikim brzinama stoji samo krmenom trećinom u moru, te ga u moru drži penta, daje osjećaj upravljanja nalik vožnji ‘po tračnicama’, bez naginjanja i pri bilo kojem režimu plovidbe. Izvrstan i udoban položaj na ‘jockey’ sjedalima dovoljan je za troje putnika, dok niski bokovi pružaju neposredan doticaj s morem, što je dodatno naglašeno izostankom krmenog zrcala. Takvo rješenje pogodno je za smještaj skija,

At first look, Saxdor 200 looks like just another water toy, but then you hear whose brainchild it is. Sakari Mattila, the brilliant mind behind Axopar, XO Boats and Paragon, teamed up with the Jakopin designing duo of studio J&J and created something that most certainly deserves to be taken seriously. Aimed at younger water enthusiasts looking for a fun and fast vehicle that isn’t a jet ski, Saxdor 200 is speedboat for the new generation. Sharp bow, low profile and even the logo look like they belong on an Axopar, sure – but in this case, that’s nothing but a compliment, as it hints at great performance. We tested the first unit of Saxdor 200 sold in Croatia with top engine configuration; Mercury 175 HP, and took it for a ride from Split to Biševo and back. Essentially, Saxdor 200 is a six meters long day cruiser designed for quick trips like the one we made on it, surprisingly safe and ideal for its purpose. We flew at 42 knots (just 3 knots short of top speed) at just under 5000 rpm, and never felt anything but safe – and more importantly, thrilled. The double-stepped hull weighing 780 kg almost literally flies out of the water at higher speed, keeping loose contact with the water only by dipping the aft third in it, but it feels as safe as gliding on tracks. At no speed did we feel anything but safe and comfortable, partly due to the three cocooning jockey seats, even when we were so close to the water we could touch the surface. As Saxdor 200 has no transom, there’s plenty of space


Duljina LOA: 5,94 m Širina Beam: 2,29 m Gaz Draft: 0,72 m Istisnina Displacement: 780 Spremnik za gorivo Fuel capacity: 110 l Motori Engines: 100-175 KS HP Potrošnja Consumption: 0,75 l/m Najveća brzina Max speed: 32 - 45 čv. knots Zastupnik Dealer: Nautika Centar Nava

ronilačke i druge opreme, a ako ne zavozite naglo krmom, nema straha od poplavljivanja kokpita. U plovidbi, čak i pri skokovima preko valova, za što je Saxdor itekako sposoban, nema prskanja, a pomična staklena stijenka na konzoli štiti i pri najvećim brzinama do te mjere da se ne morate brinuti da će vam kapa završiti u moru. Testirani model opremljen je s dva Simradova GO9 XSE ekrana osjetljiva na dodir, Fusion stereo sistemom, dok osnovna oprema uključuje prekidače za svjetlo, kaljužne pumpe, izlaz za 12 V, što je ugrađeno u konzoli. Kao dodatna oprema može se ugraditi Targa ili T-top krov, kao i dvostruka sjedala s klupicom, pa se onda može ukrcati i četvero putnika. Uz pretinac ispod upravljača, za odlaganje mobitela i sitnica, prostora ima, i to poprilično, ispod sjedala, dok se ispod pramčane platforme, kada se podigne, nalazi ležaj. T-top se može povezati platnenom navlakom s podignutom pramčanom platformom, pa sa Saxdorom možete prespavati i u nekoj usamljenoj vali. Da smo koji slučajem štedjeli gorivo krstarećom brzinom od 25 čvorova, tura do Biševa bila bi dovoljna za tank od 110 litara, jer na ovakvom trupu Mercury se pokazao izrazito štedljivim (ispod litre po milji). S cijenom od 20 tisuća eura s Mercury 100 KS, Saxdor 200 je pristupačan većini, a kako današnji ritam života rijetkima dopušta česta i višednevna krstarenja, ovakav tip plovila (pogodan za tegljenje), gdje je održavanje minimalno, a užitak maksimalan, otvara sasvim novo poglavlje u načinu uživanja na moru.

for skis or diving equipment – but be careful when maneuvering, not to flood the cockpit. Saxdor 200 handles waves without a blink, and even when that requires jumping, the cockpit and the seats remain spritz-free. The front seat is additionally protected by a glass panel, so there’s no need to worry about leaving your hat behind on windy days. The unit we tested was equipped with two Simrad GO9 XSE touch-screens and Fusion stereo system, and had light switches, a bilge pump and a 12 V port on the console, while the list of options includes a T-top or a Targa top, and a double seat bench, raising the number of seats to four. Storage space for smaller items like the phone is located under the steering wheel console, while larger items will find their place under the aft platform, beside one bunk bed. The T-top can be tied to the aft platform and the cockpit fully covered by a fabric awning, making Saxdor 200 suitable for spending a night in a peaceful cove somewhere. The Mercury engine proved to be unusually economic even without our efforts to save fuel (just under one liter per mile): our speed mostly hovered around 25 knots, and the 110 liter tank was more than enough for our test. Priced at 20.000 euros with Mercury 100hp, Saxdor 200 is affordable to most, and seeing how it can be towed, requires minimal maintenance and guarantees maximum fun, it just might be the new favorite among the day-cruising water enthusiasts. 221

MCY 76 Skylounge

Jedinstveno iskustvo na palubi Unique Onboard Experience Brodogradilište Monte Carlo Yachts razvilo je novu liniju Skylounge, koja se odlikuje vrhunskom udobnošću i sigurnošću otvorenih paluba, uz vjernost kućnoj filozofiji svevremenske elegancije Monte Carlo Yachts has developed a new Skylounge line distinguished by extreme comfort and safety on board, always remaining faithful to the company’s philosophy of creating yachts of a timeless elegance

Text Niko Vučković Photos Monte Carlo Yachts


Nakon što je model MCY 70 Skylounge uspješno predstavljen na sajmu Miami Yacht Show, ovaj graditelj priprema porinuće još jedne jahte iste kolekcije: MCY 76 Skylounge. Dizajnirane i sagrađene kako bi korisniku stvorile dojam doma i kad je daleko od njega, ove elegantne ljepotice namijenjene su plovidbi u svako godišnje doba. Glavna im je značajka prostrana gornja paluba, koja se izvedbom i opremom može potpuno prilagoditi prohtjevima kupca, pružajući udobnost bez premca i pogled u svim smjerovima. Ovaj model očito odgovara na interes tržišta za jahtama s raskošno izvedenom palubom na krovu nadgrađa, koja pruža istodobno potpunu privatnost i savršen osjećaj slobode. Kao i prvi model, prinova u kolekciji djelo je dizajnerskog studija Nuvolari Lenard čija je namjera bila stvoriti brod za užitke na moru u maksimalnom komforu i u svako doba godine, jahtu u kojoj se susreću vrhunska funkcionalnost i estetika bez premca. Poput vanjskih cjelina, i unutarnje se mogu prilagoditi zahtjevima naručitelja, od izvedbe i opreme zapovjednoga mjesta do uređenja prostrane blagovaonice i kuhinje na otvorenom dijelu krmene palube. Klijent može utjecati i na oblikovanje unutarnjih prostorija, opremanje u klasičnom luksuznom talijanskom stilu, te izabrati materijale, tkanine i dekoracije po vlastitu ukusu. S linijom Skylounge Monte Carlo Yachts nudi idealan proizvod svima koji ne žele pristati na kompromise u ispunjenju vlastitih snova o plovidbi, a uspjeh početnih modela kolekcije obećava cijelu flotu jednako koncipiranih brodova. After the successful unveil of the MCY 70 Skylounge at the Miami Yacht Show 2020, Monte Carlo Yachts is ready to launch the second model of the MCY Skylounge Collection: the new MCY 76 Skylounge. Designed and crafted with customers’ interests at heart, the new range focuses on the concept of a yacht as a home-away-from-home to be enjoyed in every season. The Skylounge series features a wide and customizable enclosed Flybridge, which offers the owner the possibility to enjoy and experience high levels of comfort onboard all year round, with a 360 degree view over the horizon. The ambitious project continues with the launch of the MCY 76 Skylounge and it is the result of a long-lasting collaboration with the renowned Nuvolari Lenard design studio. ‘We focused on designing a yacht able to offer a close connection with the sea, providing at the same time maximum comfort on a craft that is meant to be enjoyed at all times of the year,’ say Carlo Nuvolari and Dan Lenard. ‘The result is a model that embodies a perfect balance between functionality and aesthetics, making each day onboard a unique and pleasurable experience.’ The latest MCY’ creation offers a wide aft terrace on the upper deck, with an open air galley and a lounge area to be customized according to the owners’ preferences. Alongside wide external areas, the new MCY 76 Skylounge distinguishes itself for the versatile and spacious internal volumes of the upper deck incorporating the sole helm station fully equipped with cutting edge technological elements. This solution made it possible to obtain an enlarged main deck with a flexible and functional layout that can be further expanded thanks to the close connection with the wide al fresco dining area located in the aft cockpit. The fully customizable interior decoration follows Monte Carlo Yachts’ philosophy of delivering iconic and sophisticated yachts characterized by Italian made design elements. With the MCY Skylounge Collection, the Italian shipyard aims at delivering unique experiences to all of its worldwide customers by further enhancing the levels of well-being onboard. Soon, the new MCY 76 Skylounge will be cruising together with the other models of the MCY Collection.


Booking Manager Summit

Ovogodišnji Booking Manager Summit podiže ljestvicu s još više predavača i bogatijim izborom radionica te, uz trodnevnu konferenciju u Zagrebu, nudi i virtualno izdanje za one koji neće moći putovati

1 6 . - 1 8 . 1 1 . 2 0 2 0 . Text Niko Vučković Photos MMK

This year’s Booking Manager Summit raises the bar even more, with more guest speakers, more workshops and option of virtual participation


Znanje je imperativ u svim industrijama, a jedinstven luksuzni proizvod poput yacht chartera treba standarde kako bi dostigao višu razinu. S ovom je mišlju Booking Manager, vodeći svjetski online booking sistem za yacht charter, stvorio Booking Manager Summit 2019. Summit je kao prva edukativna konferencija specijalizirana za yacht charter svoju premijeru imao u studenom 2019. te je okupio više od 400 charter profesionalaca iz 20 zemalja na zajedničkoj lokaciji, u Hotelu Westin, u Zagrebu, nudeći paralelni konferencijski sadržaj u četiri dvorane i veliki lounge prostor u Kristalnoj dvorani namijenjenoj druženju i sastancima. Posjetitelji su imali jedinstvenu priliku usvojiti moderne vještine i trendove iz područja marketinga, prodaje i brojnih drugih te saznati kako ih primijeniti u yacht charter industriji. Internacionalni, renomirani predavači, poput Daniela Disneyja i Scotta Goulda, podijelili su svoje znanje kroz setove predavanja i interaktivnih radionica. Teme su varirale od naprednog online marketinga te angažiranja klijenta na emocionalnoj razini do radionica o tome kako napraviti kvalitetne fotografije brodova ili edukacije o poreznim regulativama u raznim destinacijama. Glavna ideja Summita jest preuzeti znanje iz ostalih industrija i aplicirati ga na yacht charter. Osim edukacije, Summit se pokazao odličnom prilikom za upoznavanje novih partnera, razmjenu iskustava te sudjelovanje u panelima kako bi se raspravile goruće teme u industriji. Potaknuti odličnim dojmovima nakon Summita 2019., ove godine Booking Manager Summit podiže ljestvicu te produžuje trajanje događaja na tri dana, s još bogatijim izborom radionica, više predavača koji će pokriti osnovno, ali i napredno upoznavanje s brojnim temama, te će biti iznimno koristan kao nastavak edukacije prošlogodišnjim sudionicima, ali i onima koji se ove godine odluče pridružiti prvi put. Kao do sada, primarni fokus ostaje na edukaciji, informiranju i savjetovanju od strane vodećih stručnjaka iz područja marketinga, prodaje, web-sadržaja, SEO-a, odnosa s klijentima i brojnih drugih. Booking Manager Summit 2020. održat će se na istom mjestu, u Hotelu Westin, od 16. do 18. studenoga za one koji žele biti fizički prisutni, ali i u virtualnom obliku za one koji neće biti u mogućnosti putovati. Uzimajući u obzir trenutno globalno stanje te sigurnost kao najviši prioritet, kombinacija eventa uživo i virtualne inačice nametnula se kao najbolje rješenje. Virtualno iskustvo uključivat će sve glavne prednosti, poput sudjelovanja na predavanjima i radionicama u stvarnom vremenu, interakcije i diskusije uživo s predavačima i ostatkom posjetitelja, te upoznavanje, komunikaciju i sastajanje sa svim sudionicima putem video chata ili poruka. Korištenjem najnovijih tehnologija virtualno iskustvo donijet će jednaku vrijednost za posjetitelje.

Sharing knowledge is an imperative in any industry and as a unique and luxury product, yacht charter needs standards in order to reach the next level. With this in mind Booking Manager, the world’s leading online booking system for yacht charter, created Booking Manager Summit in 2019. The Summit is first ever educational conference for yacht charter and in its premier event last November it gathered more than 400 charter professionals from 20 different countries in a single location, Westin hotel in Zagreb with a conference area of four parallel lecture halls and one large business networking space. Visitors had a unique opportunity to learn how to take modern skills and trends in marketing, sales and other areas and apply them to yacht charter. World renowned professionals and speakers such as Daniel Disney and Scott Gould shared their knowledge in set of lectures and interactive workshops. Topics ranging from advanced online marketing and engaging the customer emotionally all the way to how to take quality photographs of boats and education on tax rules in different destinations were covered. The main idea was to take the knowledge used in other industries and apply it to yacht charter. Conference was additionally a great opportunity to directly network, exchange experiences and to take part in industry transforming Panels and discuss burning issues and industry hot topics. Inspired by the fantastic feedback in 2019, Booking Manager Summit decided to raise the level and extend the event to three days for 2020. Summit will continue with its goal to establish a tradition in education of yacht charter industry and provide a richer set of Workshops from more speakers and cover more advanced topics together with basic knowledge, so it will be a perfect continuation for visitors that attended the first event as well as excellent starting point for newcomers. At the same time, it will be an ideal place to to meet new partners and speakers and conduct one on one meetings virtually or in real life. Booking Manager Summit 2020 will be taking place at the same space for one additional day from 16th till 18th November in Westin hotel in Zagreb, Croatia for those that wish to be physically present, as well as virtually for those unable to travel. The event will remain focused on education and providing precious information, insights and advices by world-leading experts in sales, marketing, web content, SEO, customer relations and many more. First rate virtual participation ability will be available to visitors unable to travel. Global events in 2020 made this decision natural considering the uncertainty that followed and prioritizing personal safety. Virtual Visitors will have all of the key advantages that real life visitors will have, such as real time participation in all of the Workshops as well as live interactions and discussions with speakers and networking with other participants via video or text chat. Virtual experience will provide just as much value as the physical Summit with the help of the latest technology and some unique interactive features.



Crossover Yachts

Morska SUV klasa Yachting SUVs Predstavljamo 11 modela koji spadaju među moderne crossover jahte. Glavni aduti ovih brodova su višak komfora i ‘manjak potrošnje’, nova stilska rješenja, funkcionalni interijeri, raznovrsnost i velika autonomija Yachts Croatia brings you eleven models that are in the class of the modern crossover yachts. The main advantages of these yachts are higher comfort and ‘lack of consumption’, new styling, functional interiors, diversity and great autonomy Text Filip Bubalo Photos Absolute, Prestige, Beneteau, Numarine, Azimut, Arksen, Sanlorenzo, Sunseeker, Princess, Custom Line & Arcadia


Princess X95


Današnje tržište nikad nije bilo bogatije jahtama čiji koncept nudi više komfora i prostora na račun njihovih performansi i uobičajenih dizajnerskih rješenja, koje bismo mogli svrstati u sasvim novu kategoriju poznatiju kao crossover jahte. Kako je SUV koncept u proteklih deset godina potpuno promijenio automobilsku industriju, na sličan je način crossover klasa brodova promijenila trendove, te postala omiljena nautičarima koji žele uživati u dugim boravcima na moru. Poludeplasmanska korita sa slabijim motorima i nižom potrošnjom, ali s povećanom autonomnošću, prostrani interijeri radi većeg komfora na dužim relacijama, velika funkcionalnost krmenog dijela plovila za dosad neviđenu razinu interakcije s morskim okolišem, nov način korištenja brodskih cjelina, poput pramca ili salona, te drukčiji dizajn u odnosu na standardne modele, glavne su odlike klase crossover. Stoga vam donosimo pregled 11 najnovijih brodova u ovoj klasi, koji, svaki na svoj način, pomiču granice i pozivaju vas na istraživanje.

Absolute Navetta 64: Revolucija na krmi Sve Absolute Navette instant su prepoznatljive jahte, a uz ‘dobar stas’ prati ih glas pouzdanih, štedljivih i udobnih brodova. Prinova u obitelji Navetta smještena je između modela 58 i 68, te je u odnosu na prethodnike dodatno obogaćena profinjenim dizajnom, uz vrhunsku kvalitetu izrade koja je dugo godina zaštitni znak ovog talijanskog brodogradilišta. Kombinacija stila i luksuza ugrađena je u funkcionalno savršeno razrađenu jahtu s četiri kabine plus jedna za posadu, dok je glavna odlika nove Navette krmeni prostor (beach club) dosad neviđen na jahtama ove duljine. Ponovno smještanje glavne kabine u pramac izvrsna je ideja, ne samo zbog privatnosti, već i zbog vrhunskog doživljaja morske okoline. Navettu 64 standardno će pokretati 2 x IPS 1350 Volvo Penta motora koji će omogućiti glisirajuću brzinu veću od 20 čvorova, dok će plovidba pri 10 čvorova sigurno biti najštedljivija. Ukupni dojam? Navetta 64 jedan je od predvodnika klase trawler do duljine od 20 metara i potencijalno novi hit Absolutea kada su u pitanju crossover jahte.

Prestige X70: Garroni i Prestige (ponovno) ispisuju povijest Potpuno nova linija Prestige X, čiji je prvi predstavnik model X70, radikalni je otklon od tradicionalnog dizajna ove kuće, no i dalje s potpisom genovske dizajnerske tvrtke Garroni Design. Eliminiranjem bočnih prolaza postigao se izniman komfor i puna iskoristivost prostora, te je kreiran ‘infinity’ kokpit, pa su granice između interijera i eksterijera gotovo izbrisane. Glavna paluba sastoji se od četiri različita, a opet otvorena područja za život: potpuno opremljena kormilarnica, kuhinja smještena po sredini broda, kokpit uvećan za 300 posto, te beach club za neposredno uživanje u moru. Prestige X70 bit će opremljen motorima Volvo IPS 1200 i IPS 1350, što znači maksimalnu brzinu od 30 čvorova, a s kapacitetom od 4000 l goriva pri brzini krstarenja od 12 čvorova i oko 600 milja dometa.

Beneteau E1 i E2: Francuska (r)evolucija Francuski Beneteau je dugo ‘spavao’ kada su u pitanju crossover jahte ili klasa explorera, jer je njihov model Swift Trawler prvi na tržištu predstavio

Today’s yacht market has never been richer with yachts whose concept offers more comfort and space at the expense of their performance and common design solutions, which we could classify in a completely new category better known as crossover yachts. As the SUV concept has completely changed the automotive industry over the past ten years, in a similar way the crossover class of yachts has changed trends, and has become a first choice of boaters who want to enjoy long stays at sea. Semi-displacement hulls with weaker engines and lower consumption but with increased autonomy, spacious interiors for greater comfort on longer distances, great functionality of the stern of the vessel for an unprecedented level of interaction with the marine environment, a new way of using ship spaces such as bow or saloon and a different design unlike seen on standard models, are some of the main features of the crossover class. Therefore, we bring you an overview of the 11 newest yachts in this class, each of which pushes the boundaries in its own way and invites you to explore.

Absolute Navetta 64: Beach club revolution All Absolute Navettas are recognizable yachts, accompanied by the voice of reliable, thrifty and comfortable boats. The new Navetta family member is located between the 58 and 68 models and is further enriched with the refined design over its predecessors, with top quality craftsmanship that has been the trademark of this Italian shipyard for many years. The combination of style and luxury is built into a functionally perfectly designed yacht with four cabins plus one for the crew, while the main feature of the new Navetta, is a beach club so far unprecedented on the yachts of this length. Placing the main cabin in the bow is a great idea, not only for privacy but also for a superior experience of the marine environment. Powered by the standard 2 x IPS 1350 Volvo Penta engines will enable 20 knots, while cruising and most cost effective speed will be around 10kn. Overall impression? Certainly, one of the leaders of the class up to 20 meters in length, and potentially a new hit from Absolute in Navetta yacht category.

Prestige X70 with a signature from Garroni Design The all-new Prestige X line and the first model X70, is the radical departure from traditional design of this house, but it is still the signature of the Genoese design house Garroni Design. The elimination of the side decks, enables the maximum use of the space and opens onto the exterior without any physical separation from the interior. This fluid circulation transforms the space onboard, ingeniously blending the interior with the exterior, with increased natural lighting and creating the so-called ‘infinity’ cockpit. The main deck consists of four different, yet open areas for living: a fully equipped wheelhouse, a kitchen located in the middle of the ship, a cockpit increased by 300 percent, and a ‘beach club’ for immediate enjoyment of the sea. The Prestige X70 will be equipped with Volvo IPS 1200 and IPS 1350 engines on planning hull, which means that top speed could be close to 30 knots for the stronger engines and with a capacity of 4000 liters of fuel,


Projekti koncept ‘slow food’ plovidbe u produkcijskoj jahti. U Düsseldorfu su najavili dva ambiciozna modela s namjerom da prvi predstave već u Cannesu ove godine. Dizajnirani za dugogodišnje ekspedicije po oceanima u ekstra-voluminoznim prostorima, Beneteau svoje dvije jahte naziva Project E1 i E2. Glavni cilj je poboljšati njihov domet krstarenja i efikasnost, olakšavajući vlasnicima da se otisnu na duga krstarenja. Podignuta kormilarnica smještena je u sredini, pametno postavljena između glavne i gornje palube kojoj se pristupa posebnim stubištem, dok se prostor kuhinje može u potpunosti zatvoriti. Izuzetno prostrane iznutra, ove crossover jahte imaju obilje prostora za smještaj vlasnika i posade. E1 je dug 18,95 metara, dok je E2 dug 22,28 m, te je dizajniran za osam osoba i četiri člana posade. Odlikuje ih domet od 900 nautičkih milja pri osam čvorova za manji model, odnosno 1400 milja pri brzini od 10 čvorova za veći model.

Numarine 22XP: Mini-maxi explorer

Numarine 22XP

Prestige X70

Tursko brodogradilište Numarine upravo je nedavno najavilo izgradnju ‘entry’ modela 22XP iz njihove Explorer linije, a koji bi se javnosti trebao predstaviti u Cannesu 2021. Iskustvo gradnje ‘velike braće’ rezultiralo je uistinu zavidnim interijerom na 22XP s četiri kabine, od kojih se vlasnička prostire cijelom širinom trupa. Upravo je interijer glavna novost, jer vanjske linije se uglavnom naslanjaju na veće modele s predimenzioniranim prozorima s potpisom Can Zalmana. Osim krmenog prostora koji je otvorenijeg tipa, karakteristike većih modela XP linije, poput velikog salona na palubi i prostranog gornjeg mosta, i ovdje su forte pa je 22XP jedan od najprostranijih explorera u klasi 70 stopa, a koji bi i zbog trenutne situacije na tržištu mogao


the range should be around 400 nm with cruising speed or 600 nm at 12 knots speed.

Beneteau E1 and E2: French evolution The French Beneteau has long ‘slept’ when it comes to explorers or crossover yachts, because their Swift Trawler model was the first to introduce the concept of ‘slow food’ navigation in a production yacht. In Düsseldorf Beneteau presented ‘Project E1 and E2’ designed for long ocean expeditions and unforgettable experiences in extra-voluminous spaces. The goal was to improve their cruise range and efficiency, making it easier for owners to get off on long cruises. The raised wheelhouse is located in the middle, cleverly positioned between the main and upper decks accessed by a separate staircase, while the kitchen area can be completely closed. Extremely spacious on the inside, these explorers have plenty of space to house owners and crew. The E1 is 18.95 m long, and the E2 is 22.28 m long, and designed for 8 people and 4 crews. They feature a ‘cruise’ range of 900 nautical miles at 8 knots for the smaller model or 1400 miles at 10 knots for the larger model.

Numarine 22XP: Mini explorer with maxi volumes The Turkish shipyard Numarine has just announced the construction of an ‘entry’ model 22XP from their Explorer line, which should be unveiled at Cannes 2021. With the experience of building XP ‘big brothers’, designers have managed to create a truly enviable interior on the 22XP with four cabins, with the main cabin across the entire width of the hull. It is the interior that is the main novelty because the exterior lines generally rely on larger models with easily visible large windows signed by Can Zalman. In addition to the stern open space, feature of the larger XP line models, such as the large deck lounge and spacious upper bridge, are fortes here, making the


Absolute Navetta 64

postati ‘best buy’ u klasi explorera. Kako se gradnja planira u drugom dijelu 2020. godine, zasad se previđa kako će maksimalna brzina iznositi 12,5 čvorova, a predviđeni domet krstarenja 2000 nautičkih milja, uz brzinu od osam čvorova.

Numarine 22XP one of the most spacious 70-foot explorers, and because of the situation it could become a ‘best buy’ in the explorer class. This smallest model can reach 12.5 knots of maximum speed, with remarkable range of 2.000 miles at speed of 8 knots.

Azimut Great Magellano 25 Metri: ‘Original’ kao umjetničko djelo

Azimut Great Magellano 25 Metri: ‘Original’ as a work of art

Ako je itko pokrenuo trend produkcijskih jahti većih od petnaest metara s explorerskim duhom, bio je to Azimut s Magellano linijom. Danas Azimut predstavlja nikad ljepši trawler – Magellano 25 Metri, za kojeg su angažirali talijanskog umjetnika Vicenza De Cotiisa da svim poznatim prednostima linije Magellano doda i umjetničku crtu. Izrađen od karbonskih i staklenih vlakana, te pridodavanjem električnih motora za autonomiju bez ispušnih plinova, novi Magellano nastavlja utabanom stazom svojih ‘eko’ prethodnika. Već na prvi pogled vanjske linije Kena Freivokha donose novi Azimutov klasik, s ostakljenjem koje kao da je omotalo superstrukturu. Magellano zasad dolazi s dvije opcije motora MAN 2 x 1200 V8 ili 2 x 1400 V12, a projicirana maksimalna brzina je 23 čvora. Brzina krstarenja bi se kretala oko 19 čvorova, a domet bi trebao iznositi 1200 nautičkih milja pri brzini od 10 čvorova, što je izvrsno za brod istisnine oko 85 tona s tankovima u koje stane osam tisuća litara goriva, a garantiraju mnogo milja bezbrižnog ‘cruisinga’, sa stilom kojem će se mnogi diviti bez zadrške.

If anyone started the trend of production of yachts over fifteen meters with the explorer spirit – it was the Azimut with the Magellano line. Fast forward into the present, Azimut shows the prettiest explorer – the Magellano 25 Metri, for which they have hired Italian artist Vicenza De Cotiis to add a line of artistic touch. Made of carbon and glass fibres, with the addition of electric motors for autonomy without exhaust, the new Magellano continues to the beaten track of its ‘eco’ predecessors. Already at first glance, Ken Freivokh’s outer lines bring a new Azimut classic with glass ‘walls’ that seem to wrap the superstructure. Vincenzo De Cotiis is a master of interior design, so with open spaces especially on the main deck and contrasting materials, he created a unique and expressive look for his ‘yachting art’ project. This Magellano comes with two MAN 2 x 1200 V8 or 2 x 1400 V12 engine options, with a projected top speed of 23 knots, while cruising speeds would go up to 19 knots, which is great for an 85-tonne ship with tanks with the capacity of eight thousand liters of fuel, predicting a range of 1200 miles at 12 knots, with a style that many will admire without reservation.

Arksen 85: Stvoren za ekspedicije Arksen je novo brodogradilište, koje prema klijentima, istraživanju, pa i samoj industriji, pristupa posve jedinstveno i holistički, imajući na umu osnovne premise: održivost, mogućnost recikliranja i krajnji utjecaj na okoliš. Izrazito

Arksen 85: Born for expeditions Arksen is a new shipyard that, with its attitude towards clients, the idea of exploration, and the industry itself, approaches completely and holisti-

Beneteau E1 E2



Azimut Magellano 25 Metri

Sanlorenzo SX112

oštre i moderne linije, od pramca do krme sa zatvorenom gornjom palubom, jamac su ne samo sigurne već i duge autonomne plovidbe. Naime, Arksen 85 s izrazito učinkovitim trupom, pri brzini od osam čvorova, ima domet od čak sedam tisuća milja, dok mu je 14 čvorova najveća brzina, za koju će se pobrinuti 2 x 242 kW motora, a postoji mogućnost ugradnje i hibridnog pogona. Iza velikih staklenih stijenki krije se nimalo spartanski interijer, opremljen svim potrebnim za prekooceanske ekspedicije, a na brodu se u četiri kabine, svaka s vlastitim toaletnim prostorom, može smjestiti 12 istraživača. Mogućnost prilagodbe rasporeda otvara i dodatne mogućnosti, što podcrtava činjenicu da je Arksen 85 ‘rođen’ za istraživanje svjetskih mora.

Sanlorenzo SX112: Novi crossover Brodogradilište Sanlorenzo proširuje liniju SX novom 34 metra dugom SX112 jahtom iz inovativne SX crossover linije, prve takve u jahting svijetu. Dizajn eksterijera povjeren je Bernardu Zucconu, dok je Piero Lissoni dizajnirao interijere. Fokalna točka projekta je nova krmena zona kao najzanimljiviji dio jahte i inovativno rješenje koje donosi nove mogućnosti dizajna i korištenja. Vizija je to arhitekta Luce Santelle, koji je i zamislio SX crossover liniju. Novi model ima prostrani unutarnji prostor nalik privatnoj plaži koji je izravno povezan s okolinom, zahvaljujući preklopivim terasama na oba boka. Postavljanjem kormilarnice na flybridge stvoren je jedinstven neprekidni prostor za dnevni boravak i blagovanje. Unutarnje spiralno stubište proteže se kroz


cally, keeping in mind the basic premise: sustainability, recyclability and the ultimate environmental impact. Extremely crisp and modern lines, from bow to stern with the upper deck closed, guarantee not only safe but long autonomous navigation. Specifically, the Arksen 85, with its highly efficient hull at a speed of nine knots, has a range of up to 7000 miles, while 14 knots is the highest speed, which is achievable with 2 x 242 kW machines. There is a possibility of installation and hybrid drive with market leading low emissions, and solar array option provides zero-carbon electrical power. Behind the large glass walls hides a not exactly spartan interior, equipped with everything you need on an expatriate expedition, and has four on-suite cabins on board, which can accommodate 12 researchers. The ability to customize layouts also opens up additional opportunities so there is no doubt that Arksen 85 is ‘born’ to explore.

Sanlorenzo SX112: New crossover yacht The Sanlorenzo shipyard expands the SX line with a new 34-meter flagship of the innovative SX crossover line, the first in the world of yachting. The project design has again been assigned to the Bernardo Zuccon for the external lines, and Piero Lissoni for the interiors. The focal point of the project is the new stern zone which represents the yacht’s most iconic area, a choice that brings new possibilities of design and use by the architect Luca Santella. The new model has a spacious internal beach


tri razine kako bi se spojile palube, a na visini glavne palube stubište je zatvoreno u prozirni ovalni volumen. SX112 je opremljen s 4 x Volvo IPS3 1350S - 1000 KS motora koji omogućavaju maksimalnu brzinu od 23 čvora, dok brzina krstarenja iznosi oko 20 čvorova. Sa spremnikom goriva od 18.000 l i ekonomičnom brzinom od 12 čvorova, SX112 će imati velik domet krstarenja u pravom crossover stilu.

Arksen 85

Sunseeker Ocean Club Ninety: Britanski klub na moru Dugo najavljivan Sunseeker Ocean Club Ninety utjelovljuje svježi dizajnerski smjer ove britanske kompanije i sljedeće generacije većih modela kao cjelokupnu paletu jahti nazvanih ‘Ocean Club’. Kako bi se naglasio osjećaj prave superjahte, Ocean Club 90 odlikuju upečatljive linije, nevjerojatan volumen, sofisticirani interijer otvorenog plana i novi koncept ‘Ocean Club’ koji nudi četiri puta veću površinu od tradicionalne krmene platforme. Redizajniranjem krmenog dijela omogućeno je obilno skladištenje velikih jetskija, sea-boba i drugih ‘igračaka’, a sve uz pomoć integrirane hidraulične platforme za kupanje. Jednostavan pristup moru omogućen je putem opcionalnog hidrauličnog nosača ljestvi, dok Sunseekerovo X-Tend konvertibilno sunčalište zauzima središnje mjesto. U četiri raskošne kabine, Ocean Club 90 može smjestiti do 10 gostiju s četiri člana posade. S dvostrukim motorima MAN V12 1650 ili 1900 KS, uz prijenos snage na osovini, ova jahta će dostići 26 čvorova brzine, dok će krstarenjem pri 12 čvorova imati domet od 1800 nautičkih milja.

Princess X95: Luksuzni SUV s potpisom Pininfarine Kuća Princess Yachts je s objavom novog X95 najavila model koji će, po njihovu mišljenju, totalno promijeniti stanje na tržištu. Ova luksuzna jahta rezultat je suradnje Princessa i legendarne dizajnerske kuće Pininfarina na area that is directly connected to the outside, thanks to the retractable terraces. Thanks to the wheelhouse placed on the flying bridge, freeing up the bow zone of the living area on the main deck, a single continuous space has been created for the living and dining areas. The internal helical staircase extends through three levels to connect the decks, and at the height of the main deck it is enclosed in a transparent oval volume. The SX112 is equipped with 4 x Volvo IPS3 1350S - 1000 HP, allowing the maximum speed of 23kn, while cruising speed is around 20kn. With the fuel tank of 18.000 l and economical speed of 12 kn, SX112 will have a great cruising range in a true crossover style.

Sunseeker Ocean Club Ninety: Fresh direction The long-announced Sunseeker Ocean Club Ninety embodies the fresh design direction of this British company and the next generation of a complete range of yachts called the ‘Ocean Club’. To emphasize the feel of a true superyacht, Ocean Club Ninety features striking lines, incredible volume, sophisticated open-plan interiors and a new ‘Ocean Club’ concept at stern offering four times the surface area of a traditional aft platform. The redesign of the aft section allows for extensive storage of large jet skis, sea bobs and other ‘toys’, all with the help of an integrated hydraulic bathing platform. Easy access to the sea is made possible through an optional hydraulic ladder carrier, while Sunseeker’s X-TEND Convertible Sunbathing takes center stage. With four lavish cabins, Ocean Club 90 can accommodate up to 10 guests with four crew members. With twin MAN V12 1650 or 1900 hp with power transmission on the axle, this yacht will reach 26 knots of speed, while cruising at 12 knots will have a range of 1800 nautical miles.

Ako želite istraživati Antarktiku, Arksen je idealan explorer If your cruising plans include exploration of the Antarctica, Arksen is the ideal explorer yacht for you 231

Projekti Princess X95

X95 rezultat je suradnje Princessa i legendarne dizajnerske kuće Pininfarina X95 is a joint venture of Princess and the legendary Pininfarina design studio

redefiniranju dizajna, prostora i arhitekture luksuznih interijera i eksterijera jahte. X95 je prvi model u novom rasponu X klase ‘princeza’ koji će se definirati velikim, prilagodljivim prostorima, koji se mogu oblikovati na više načina kako bi odgovarali vlasničkim zahtjevima po pitanju plovidbe. Usponom na gornju palubu otkrit ćete još jedno jedinstveno iskustvo: potpuno zatvoreni i klimatizirani ‘sky lounge’. Kapacitet tankova goriva od 13.400 litara dat će dovoljno razloga za duža istraživanja, a dvostruki MAN V12-1900 KS, prema procjenama, bit će dostatan za 2000 milja pri 10 čvorova, dok se najveća brzina penje do 26 čvorova. U ponudi će biti i alternativan pogon 2 x MAN V12-2000 KS. Ovaj potpuno novi koncept od prve je, automobilskim rječnikom, nazvan kao luksuzan SUV na moru.

Custom Line Navetta 30: Nova zvijezda je rođena Premda su pomalo klasične i bezvremenski privlačne vanjske linije svojevrsni potpis jahti Custom Line, nova Navetta 30 u mnogočemu je revolucija stila, jer kada okupite ljude poput Piera Ferrarija i Filippa Salvettija za vanjski dizajn, a osmišljavanje interijera prepustite studiju Antonio Citterio Patricia Viel, rezultat je ‘state of art’ jahta kojoj će rijetki parirati u duljini do 30 metara. Ovaj projekt probija sve okvire i postulate, jer za početak njegove tri palube bez presedana su za jahtu ove duljine, a velike vanjske staklene stijenke na trupu i nadgrađu daju to tek diskretno na-

Princess X95: Luxury SUV at sea With the release of the new X95, Princess Yachts has announced a model that will completely change the market. This luxury yacht is the result of a collaboration between Princess and the legendary Pininfarina Design House on redefining the design, space and architecture of luxury yacht interiors and exteriors. The X95 is the first model in the new X-Class ‘Princess’ range to be defined by large, customizable spaces that can be designed in many ways to meet proprietary navigation requirements. Climbing the upper deck will reveal another unique experience: the fully enclosed and air-conditioned ‘Sky Lounge’. A 13.400-liter fuel tank will give enough reason for longer exploration, and a twin MAN V12-1900 hp is estimated to be sufficient for a top speed of 24 knots with a range of 2000 nautical miles at 10 knots. Or you can choose an alternative engine option with hp with a max speed range of 24 knots.

Custom Line Navetta 30: The new star is born Although somewhat classic and timelessly attractive exterior lines are a signature of Custom Line yachts, the new Navetta 30 is in many ways a revolution of style, for when you bring together people like Piero Ferrari and Filippo Salvetti for exterior design and leave the interior design to the architectural firm Antonio Citterio Patricia Viel, the result is a ‘state of art’

Projects Custom Line Navetta 30

slutiti. Da bi se postavili dobri i nosivi temelji za cijeli koncept, stvoren je potpuno novi trup koji pod punim opterećenjem ima istisninu od 136 tona. Dizajnirana ne samo za smještaj vrlo velikih prostora, već i za pružanje vrhunskih performansi i smanjenje potrošnje, Navetta 30 nudi se s tri verzije MAN-ovih agregata od 800, 1000 i 1200 KS. Preliminarni podaci za najslabiji motor predviđaju kako će s 10 čvorova Navetta imati doseg od 2150 nm, dok bi najveća brzina bila 14 čvorova.

Arcadia A115: Totalno drukčija od drugih U ‘škveru’ Arcadia, koji je jedno od vodećih po energetskoj učinkovitosti, trenutno se gradi nova, peta po redu, Arcadia 115. U ovom slučaju to znači četiri do šest kabina u koje se može smjestiti do 10 gostiju, i to malo je reći udobno jer samo vlasnička kabina ima 40 četvornih metara. Iznimno prostrana glavna paluba, kormilarnica pomaknuta skroz prema naprijed, te ‘sky lounge’ genijalno su ostakljeni i osvijetljeni u potpunosti, dok se u stijenkama kriju solarni paneli s proizvodnjom struje od nemalih 5 kW. Spuštanjem na glavnu palubu svi prostori na brodu kao da se stapaju u jednu cjelinu, jer se pomicanjem staklenih stijenki u stranu otvara cijeli prostor, što je posebno atraktivno u blagovaonici. Sve u svemu, 140 četvornih metara interijera i eksterijera za uživanje. Krajnju brzinu od 17, odnosno 14 čvorova u krstarećem režimu, ova 266 tona teška jahta postiže s 2 x MAN 1300 KS, dok je na raspolaganju 23 tisuće litara goriva za nemali broj milja.

yacht that will rarely be seen in a range up to 30 meters. This project breaks through all the frames and postulates, because to begin with, its three decks are unprecedented for a yacht of this length, and yet the large outer glass walls on the hull and superstructure make it discreet. In order to lay good and load-bearing foundations for the whole concept, a brand new hull was created, which at full load has a displacement of 136 tons. Designed not only to accommodate very large spaces, but also to provide top performance and reduce power consumption, the Navetta 30 comes with three versions of MAN’s 800, 1000 and 1200 hp units. Preliminary data for the weakest engine predicts that with 10 knots Navetta will have autonomy of 2150 nm while the top speed would be 14 knots.

Arcadia A115

Arcadia A115: Sustainability and enjoyment Arcadia is one of the leading shipyards in energy efficiency, and right now they are building the new and fifth Arcadia 115. In this case it is 4 to 6 cabins that can accommodate up to 10 guests, which is more than comfortable, since the owner’s cabin alone has 40 m2. The extremely spacious main deck, the wheelhouse shifted all the way forward, and the sky lounge are brilliantly glazed and fully illuminated, while the solar panels cover the production of 5 kW of electricity. Coming down to the main deck, all the spaces on the ship seem to fit together. When moving the glass doors aside, the whole space opens up, which is especially attractive in the dining room. Overall, 140 m2 of interiors and exteriors to enjoy, no matter if you are on the stern or swimming in the pool located on the bow itself. This 266 tone heavy yacht can achieve a cruising speed of 17 and maximum of 14 knots with 2 x MAN 1300 hp, while 23 thousand liters of fuel are available for a considerable number of miles.


Eco Yachting Želja ili budućnost nautičke industrije?

Text Darko Šupuk Photos Tom van Oossanen, Charl van Rooy, Princess, Sunreef & Oceanco

Yachts Eco

Kada govorimo o ekologiji jahting industrije, mnogi stručnjaci radije koriste termine održivosti i efikasnosti, jer su s trenutno raspoloživim tehnologijama upravo to važni dijelovi procesa koji mogu unaprijediti jahting industriju i ono čime se danas proizvođači bave When discussing ecological approach to yachting, most experts prefer to stick to terms sustainability or efficiency, as the currently available technologies only allow ecologically-oriented improvements up to a certain level Budućnost jahtinga u ovom trenutku je vrlo teško čak i u konturama oblikovati, jer uz sve ono što je dosad opterećivalo ovu industriju, očekivana globalna ekonomska recesija sigurno će imati utjecaja. Možda će neki proizvođači i procvjetati, jer tko kaže da nakon ‘ugriza novog normalnog’ normalni pojedinci neće poželjeti više uživati u svojim životima, i to baš na jahtama? Nagađanja o budućnosti ostavit ćemo kroničarima, a mi bismo htjeli skrenuti pažnju na vidljiv trend koji se (konačno) nazire na horizontu. Radi se o logičnoj težnji da jahte budu što ‘zelenije’ jer pojedinci koji uživaju na njima jasno primjećuju da okoliš koji nam je toliko prirastao srcu i zbog kojeg se upućujemo na more drastično gubi svoju ljepotu i atraktivnost, posebno u zapadnom Sredozemlju. Vidljivo smeće u moru i mikroplastika u kombinaciji s klimatskim promjenama već sada zvuče kao ekološka bomba, a prava je istina da vidimo samo vrh ledenog brijega. S druge strane, planetu je trebalo samo dva mjeseca ‘izolacije’ da pokaže koliko brzo može ‘prodisati’. Stoga smo se uhvatili nezahvalne teme – definiranja što je u jahtingu ‘eko’ i što pojedinac može napraviti za okoliš. Ponašanje u skladu s civilizacijskim normama, poput selekcije otpada i za vrijeme kada smo na brodu, svakako je na prvom mjestu, jer odmah možemo pomoći da trag koji ostaje iza nas bude što čišći. Međutim, činjenica je da su do sada proizvedene jahte bile najmanje ekološke orijentirane, a puno se više pažnje pridavalo dizajnu, kvaliteti materijala i performansama nego utjecaju na okoliš. Prava tema ovog članka je – mogu li se te dvije suprotnosti pomiriti ili barem približiti? Pravi odgovor je – trenutno ne, ali s vremenom, uz potražnju od strane tržišta, zašto ne? Zbog toga smo htjeli ukazati na važne elemente koji utječu na to koliko moderne jahte imaju utjecaja na okoliš i s kojim ćete moći propitivati proizvođače na budućim nautičkim sajmovima. Vjerujemo da će oni koji budu bolje ‘gađali’ taj segment tržišta u budućnosti ostvariti značajnu prednost pred konkurencijom.

At the moment, the future of yachting is hard to define, in addition to all the other issues plaguing the industry, the actual plague-induced global pandemic surely will take another swing at yachting. Who’s to say that the new normal for some might not mean finally getting that yacht they’ve been dreaming about? We turn our attention to a trend that finally seems to be swelling into a tide – and that might finally change yachting for the better. The yachting industry is the ideal playing ground for all of us with a green heart: you cannot consider yourself a yachting enthusiast if you sail through nature without paying any attention to its beauty, without hearing its call (especially if you’re sailing in the western Mediterranean). Visible trash floating around, invisible micro-plastic and climate changes already sound like a time-bomb, and they are only the tip of the disaster iceberg. On the other hand, two month of humanity-free life and our planet has found it a bit easier to breathe. Our task is not easy – finding what we, as individuals, can do for the environment, and defining what the prefix eco even means in yachting. The smallest step we can all take is waste management on a personal level – just plainly, being civilized and not leaving any trash in our wake. The largest step, and the hardest to take, is to build ecologically acceptable yachts – but what does that even mean? Almost all the yachts built to this date pay little or no attention to environment – what matters to builders are design, quality of materials, performance. The real question seems to be whether the yachting industry and care for the environment can actually go hand in hand, or at least find a mutual language. The answer, at least for now, is no – but time and demand might force them to. We have made a list of most pressing issues standing in the way of green yachting – which really should be a list of questions to ask builders and designers at your next boat show. After all, good answers to those questions might soon give some of them advantage in the market.



Utjecaj klasičnih motora s unutarnjim izgaranjem kako na atmosferu, tako i na more, sigurno nije ekološki. Ali ako niste prijatelj jedrenja (a i većina jedrilica ima ‘staromodne’ dizelske agregate), koji je vaš realan izbor? Ako vozite Toyotu Prius, donekle ćete znati odgovor na to pitanje, ali je pri tom upitan utjecaj na okoliš koji ima proizvodnja ‘tona litija’ koje ćete nositi u svojim baterijama. Hibridni pogoni i elektromotori jesu dio rješenja budućnosti, ali dok se barem ne riješi pitanje uskladištenja ‘goriva’, odnosno sunčeve energije, trebate dobro razmisliti je li hibrid pravo rješenje za vas. Na tržištu se upravo pojavljuju biorazgradive (!) baterije, a očekujemo veliki proboj na tom polju i s drukčijim tehnologijama poput mikrokondenzatora. Ali u morskom okruženju nijedna tehnologija nije ispitana tijekom više godina na plovilima za razonodu. Također, čisti električni pogon i dalje je u povojima i trebat ćemo još čekati na prava rješenja, iako su trenutno pravi hit u svijetu električni dvotrupci, dok je kod većih jahti dizelsko-električni pogon odlična alternativa klasičnom.

Classic internal combustion marine engines definitely are the worst part of every boat. Their effect on the atmosphere and the sea is everything but green. If you’re not into sailboats (which are also equipped with good old diesel engines!), what choice do you have? Those among you driving a Toyota Prius already know the answer to that question – but with two little caveats: the large amount of lithium and the production process that creates those lithium batteries leaves a lot to be desired. Hybrid and electric engines surely are part of the solution, but not before industry figures out how to store the energy. The latest newcomer to the market are biodegradable (!) batteries, and some makers have announced exciting developments, like micro-condensators. Still, the fact remains that no power-related technology has been subjected to long-term tests on leisure yachts. Furthermore, the electric marine drive is still a long way from perfect, even though large multi-hulls with electric drive are the latest craze, and some large yachts use it as a solid alternative to classic engines.

Yachts Eco



Zamjena običnog dizela njegovim bioinačicama nije loša ideja, osim što je trenutno neprovediva u praksi za većinu nautičara. Mogućnost korištenja vodika dugo vremena je bila jedno od najatraktivnijih teoretskih rješenja s obzirom na morske (vodene) resurse, ali ona nije (još) našla realno uporište u jahtingu.

Bio-diesel as an idea is nothing new, or essentially bad – it’s just that it isn’t feasible for most yacht owners. Hydrogen has for a long time been touted as an interesting alternative, seeing how the sea (or any water) is an excellent source of it, but the hydrogen drive has still not moved from the theory stage.

Efikasnost trupa

Hull efficiency

Odličan argument za smanjenje ispušnih plinova su sve hidrodinamičnije i pametnije linije trupa, koje omogućuju slabije pogonske motore i bolje iskorištenje energije. Apsolutno pozdravljamo takav smjer uz napomenu da, ako ste zainteresirani za taj segment, usporedite realne podatke iz prošlosti sličnih modela ili vašeg sadašnjeg plovila da sami vidite koliko se ‘brojevi poklapaju s postocima’.

Many builders have significantly lowered emissions working on hull design. Hulls are getting smarter, attaining better hydrodynamic attributes, and starting to need less fuel to reach excellent levels of performance. We remind you these efforts actually can be measured in numbers, as comparison of similar vessels designed just a few years apart can show significant breakthroughs.

Gradbeni materijal

Building materials

Poput pogona, i ovo je poglavlje u kojem jahting industrija ne briljira. Iako se primjenom vakuumske infuzije emisija stirena svela na minimum, za ovo su trebala desetljeća. Koliko znamo, samo jedan proizvođač koristi staklena vlakna iz recikliranih izvora i smatramo da je ovo područje gdje je moguć napredak. Ugljikova vlakna (karbon) danas se više koriste za povećanje volumena jahti nego za njihovu efikasnost. Kao pametnu alternativu vidimo daljnja unapređenja u postojećim tehnologijama proizvodnje i korištenju obnovljivih materijala. Veliki proizvođači su svjesni nužnosti ‘zelenijeg’ sustava proizvodnje i svakako pozdravljamo one koji su predvodnici na tom polju.

Like engines, materials are another problematic issue for the yachting industry. Even though vacuum infusion has reduced styrene emissions to minimum, it took the industry decades to perfect the process. To our best knowledge, only one builder uses recycled glass fiber, which should give others something to think about. Carbon fiber is mostly being used to allow larger volumes, than to increase efficiency. Smart technologies should be developed to use sustainable materials. Big builders are well aware of the need for greenification of the building process, and those already working in that direction deserve a pat on their backs.


Materials and fabrics

Ovo je područje gdje najprije vidimo mogućnost velikih promjena. Na svom novom plovilu možete ugraditi ‘brdo’ recikliranih materijala koji odlično izgledaju, a neki od njih danas se čak smatraju i ‘svjesnim luksuzom’. Umjetna tikovina s udjelom recikliranih materijala, umjetna koža ili tkanine dobivene bez dječjeg rada – to mi možemo birati, a brodogradilišta moraju nuditi. Tu je promjena moguća i brza, iako naša plovidba nikada neće biti ‘bez traga’ u ovom smislu, naš utjecaj na okoliš može biti minimalan.

This area of yacht design and building is ready for some big changes. Owners are given plenty of opportunity to furnish and decorate their yachts using recycled materials and fabrics that look great. Some of them are artificial teak, artificial leather or ethically made fabrics – the choice is yours, but it’s on the builder to make those choices available. In this segment, the change is not only possible, but fast and rewarding, and even though yachting can never truly be guilt-free, furnishing your yacht sustainably will be a step in the right direction.

Brodski sustavi

Yacht systems

Inteligentn(ij)a rješenja različitih brodskih sustava, od rashladnih uređaja, različitih pumpi, hladnjaka i mnogih drugih potrebnih naprava, mogu unaprijediti utjecaj na okoliš vašeg budućeg plovila, ali i smanjiti buku generatora kada ste u lijepoj uvali. Ipak, u ovom dijelu jahting industrija ne ovisi o sebi, već o industrijama koje proizvode uređaje i njihovu napretku.

Intelligent – or more intelligent – solutions concerning yacht systems, from air-conditioning to pumps, from coolers to anything else, really, make all the difference in terms of ecology, but also in the term of noise reduction and comfort. What better way to sail into a pretty cove than with no impact on the environment?

Velike jahte

Super yachts

Kod velikih jahti situacija je sasvim drukčija, one su na neki način ‘nelojalna konkurencija’ produkcijskim brodovima jer raspolažu nemjerljivo većim budžetima i količinom prostora. Ovdje mislimo na plovila preko 40 metara duljine koja su uglavnom napravljena u potpunosti po željama kupca i gdje ograničenja za primjenu ‘zelenih’ tehnologija praktično nema, ali trenutno nema ni velike potražnje za značajno ekološkim jahtama. Međutim, vodeći proizvođači iz tog segmenta na više su primjera dokazali kako su dorasli zahtjevima kupaca, bilo u Italiji ili na sjeveru Europe.

Super yachts, those over 40 meters (130 feet) in length, are a category of their own, primarily because they are custom-built, and with considerably larger budgets. Significantly larger than an average yacht, every super yacht is her owner’s playground – and yet, despite the limitless opportunities to make their yachts as green as possible, super yacht owners mostly ignore the ecological aspect of yachting. Quite paradoxically, super yacht builders, be they from Italy or Northern Europe, have proved on several occasions they are ready and more than willing to accommodate every green wish a client might have.

Svijest i briga o okolišu, a posebice o onečišćenju oceana plastikom, odavno nije (samo) u domeni marginalnih skupina i boraca za zeleniji planet, već je postala sastavni dio poslovne filozofije mnogih brodogradilišta. Svjesni smo da se promjena ne događa preko noći, ali i najduži put počinje prvim korakom. Možda će baš vaše pitanje na sljedećem sajmu nautike biti presudno za pokretanje jednog pozitivnog trenda.

Protection and care for the environment – especially the oceans – have made the journey from the marginalized eco-fighters into our collective consciousness, and into minds of many yacht builders. We are aware that no change can happen overnight, but as they say, even the longest journey begins with a single step. Perhaps a question we might have inspired you to make at your next visit to a yacht show may turn out to be the first step toward a new green wave.

Jahting tek Ä?eka evolucijski iskorak u smislu ekologije, a osim profesionalaca, oni koji plove najbolje razumiju potrebu da zaĹĄtitimo morski okoliĹĄ Yachting is still about to face ecological issues, except professionals, yachtsmen will understand the need to protect marine environment the best


Avanture zovu The Adventure is Calling Bez obzira na to hoćete li ove ekstravagantne igračke za zabavu na vodi dodati na listu opreme svoje jahte, sigurni smo da će vas zainteresirati svojom tehnološkom naprednošću, ali i kreativnošću No matter whether you want to add these toys to your on-yacht playground, or use them alone, they will win you over with their stunning technology and creative approach to fun Edited by Ivana Nedoklan Photos Archives

Yachting Accessories

FLYING MANTIS Dva u jednom Trimaran Flying Mantis je prva hibridna foil jedrilica na svijetu. Dobitnica nekoliko nagrada, proizvodi se u Velikoj Britaniji i sposobna je za plovidbu na dva načina – tradicionalno ili kao brzi foiling brod sa dva foila oblika slova T. Jedinstvena po tipu i performansama, dovoljno je jednostavna i za početnike. Vrlo je lagana, građena je ručno, od karbona, i teži manje od 90 kg s punom opremom. Konfiguracija s tri dijela trupa jamac je stabilnosti, uz aerodinamičke i hidrodinamičke osobine dizajna, čak i u lošijim uvjetima ili u manje iskusnim rukama. Simon Chrispin, vlasnik tvrtke, kaže da je želio stvoriti brzi brod koji nudi jednaku razinu uživanja bez obzira na iskustvo, a to je i stvorio – lijepo plovilo od modernih materijala koje će zabaviti i početnike i iskusne jedriličare. Vanjska oprema lako se skida za potrebe skladištenja, ali Flying Mantis može se transportirati i potpuno opremljen. Ova jedrilica definitivno plijeni pažnju i privlači poglede gdje god se nalazi.

Two Boats in One The Flying Mantis is an award-winning dinghy from the UK and the world’s first ‘hybrid’ foiling dinghy. She can be sailed either in conventional mode, with a daggerboard and lift-up rudder, or as a fast foiling boat, set up in a professional Moth configuration with two T foils. This is a unique high performance boat that everyone can enjoy. It is all-carbon, weighing under 90 kg when fully rigged, and is hand-built to the very highest standards of materials and finish. The trimaran configuration means the boat is stable and forgiving, even when foiling. Simon Chrispin, the owner of the company, wanted to create a high-performance boat that would deliver a great time on the water to any level of sailor. The result is a beautiful, all-carbon performance dinghy that stands out and draws attention wherever she goes. Even in foiling mode the boat can be set up for beginner or expert levels. The outriggers come off easily for storage, but the boat can be taken on the road with the hulls fully assembled.

LAMPUGA Brze i stabilne daske iznimne snage Lampuga Air nudi zabavu na vodi bez napora i bez obzira na razinu iskustva. Ovom daskom za surfanje s pogonom upravlja se pomoću ručnog daljinskog upravljača, a smjer se određuje pokretima tijela. Daske su jednostavne za korištenje i omogućuju korisnicima da dožive uzbuđenje surfanja čak i bez vjetra ili s niskim valovima. Lampugina daska na napuhavanje je jednostavna za upravljanje, što zbog zapremine od 200 litara, što zbog dimenzija (duljina 230 cm, širina 75 cm) – sve to omogućava zadržavanje uspravnog položaja čak i pri vrlo niskoj brzini. Baterija ima rezervu od 45 minuta, a može se ponovno napuniti u 120 minuta. Motor s 14 konjskih snaga (10 kW) jamči brzinu do 50 km/h. Težina daske iznosi oko 50 kg, a u to je uključena i baterija težine 25 kg. Ekskluzivni distributer za Lampugu u jadranskoj regiji je tvrtka MennYacht.

Surfboard With Remarkable Power, Speed & Stability The inflatable jetboard from Lampuga offers effortless water fun and is enjoyable for all riders, regardless of experience level. The powered surfboards are controlled using a hand-held remote control and are manoeuvred using weight transfer. The boards are easy-to-use and enable riders to experience the thrill of surfing, regardless of wind and waves. The Lampuga Air is easy to ride due to the volume of 200 litres at a length of 230 cm and a width of 75 cm. You can stand up with almost no speed. The battery lasts up to 45 minutes and can be re-charged in 120 minutes. The 14 horsepower (10 kW) engine is good for speeds up to 50 km/h. The weight is about 50 kg which includes the 25 kg battery. The premium dealer for the Lampuga in the Adriatic region is MennYacht.


RADINN Na vodi bez granica Kao spoj motornih i vodenih sportova, jetboarding je nova uzbudljiva aktivnost koja će zaintrigirati ljubitelje adrenalina. Radinn predstavlja električnu dasku za surf, koja spaja uzbuđenje motornih sportova i slobodu koju donose sportovi na vodi. Jedinstven dizajn električne daske Freeride omogućava početnicima lagano korištenje, ali pruža i dovoljno izazova onima koji su se već okušali u surfu. Bez obzira na razinu iskustva, svaki korisnik može odabrati dasku kakva mu odgovara, ovisno o tipu i težini daske, Intermediate ili Pro, baterijama sa standardnom ili duljom autonomijom, te dodacima poput ručki od karbona ili bržeg punjača.

Pushing the Boundaries Fusing the thrills of both motor and water sports, jetboarding is the new big player when it comes to action sports. At Radinn they took the breathtaking experience of freedom that a surfboard can give and infused the electrifying adrenaline rush that only motor sports evoke. Due to a truly unique design, their electric jetboard Freeride makes it really easy for first timers to feel the thrill that comes with standing on a jetboard. At the same time it offers endless challenges and possibilities for intermediate to advanced riders. When you configure your Radinn jetboard you can first choose bord type, then you choose between the Intermediate and the PRO jetpacks, long range or standard battery and extras like carbon fibre handles or speed charger.

LIFT eFOIL Let nad vodom Spoj moderne tehnologije primijenjene u proizvodnji električnih vozila i desetljeća iskustva u dizajnu, eFoil je otmjena igračka koja obećava zabavu na visokoj nozi – doslovno. Vodootporna, potopiva i robusna, eFoil koristi naprednu litij-ionsku bateriju za pokretanje tihog električnog motora. Motor je instaliran na hydrofoil izrađen isključivo od karbona, kojim se upravlja putem bežičnog Bluetooth kontrolera. Korisnik, vozač ili, bolje rečeno, letač može odabrati brzinu do 40 km/h (koja ovisi i o njegovoj težini), a najveća autonomija eFoila iznosi oko sat vremena. Baterija se puni manje od dva sata, a proces vađenja baterije za potrebe punjenja je krajnje jednostavan. Iako je eFoil dizajniran tako da se njime može koristiti gotovo svatko, uključujući iskusne sportaše koji žele malo treninga ili zabave, zbog dimenzija se ne preporučuje korištenje mlađima od 16 godina i težima od 113 kilograma.

Flight Above the Water Combining the modern technology of electric vehicles with a decade of hydrofoil design and expertise; the result is an elegant and sophisticated ride. The eFoil is rugged, waterproof, and fully submersible. It uses an advanced lithium-ion battery to power a silent electric motor that’s mounted on an all-carbon fiber hydrofoil, all controlled with a wireless Bluetooth hand controller. Riders can fly for over an hour at speeds of up to 25 mph, depending on rider weight and speed. It takes less than 2 hours to fully charge and it can be easily interchanged and recharged. Although, it is designed for everyone from total beginners looking for a fun and safe experience to top athletes who are seeking their next thrill, eFoil is generally recommend for riders ages 16 and up, who weigh less than 113 kg.

Yachting Accessories

SUBWING Zabava pod morem Subwing je zabava za djecu i odrasle, koja ne zahtijeva nikakav trening ili obuku, pa čak ni posebne vještine ili fizičku spremnost. Igračka oblika krila koju užetom pod vodom vuče motorni brod idealna je za sve koji žele upoznati podmorje promatrajući ga kroz masku ili izvoditi akrobatske kretnje pod morem. Tko zna, možda tako nabasate i na kakav davno potonuli brod i otkrijete gusarsko blago ili se upoznate sa znatiželjnim dupinom. Subwing može vući bilo koji motorni brod, a na njega je moguće instalirati i GoPro kameru kojom ćete zabilježiti svoje podvodne avanture i kasnije ih podijeliti s prijateljima i obitelji. U jedno smo sigurni - sa Subwingom ćete upoznati podmorje na dosad neviđen način.

The Next Big Thing in Towable Watersports The Subwing is a new, towable underwater sport suitable for all water enthusiasts. It’s fun for children and adults alike and requires no particular skills apart from being comfortable in open water. All you need to get started is a Subwing, a tow rope, diving mask and of course a motorized boat. Once up and running, you’ll be able to experience the wonders of flying underwater. You’ll be gliding effortlessly through the water and performing thrilling underwater acrobatics while exploring the underwater scenery. Who knows - you might even discover a sunken treasure or bump into a pack of curious dolphins. You can also capture your entire aquatic journey with a GoPro mount attached to your Subwing and share your underwater experience with friends and family. The Subwing watersports toy lets you explore the marine world like never before.

WOKART Go-kart za more Wokart je superlagani asimetrični katamaran s izvanbrodskim motorom, ali bolje ga je opisati kao go-kart za vodu. Motor je smješten centralno, ima 70 KS i jamči brzinu od 40 čvorova. Wokart ima pedale za ubrzavanje, podesiva sjedala, okretan je poput pravog go-karta i pritom ne gubi stabilnost, a ubrzava impresivno. Ukratko, nudi zabavu o kakvoj svaki ljubitelj brzine sanja. Svaki je primjerak građen ručno, od najkvalitetnijih materijala, a zbog dizajna koji naglasak stavlja na čvrstoću monostrukture odlikuje se izdržljivošću koja nadilazi standarde segmenta i industrije u nekoliko aspekata. Wokart je stabilan i siguran u svakakvim uvjetima, ali vozač cijelo vrijeme sjedi udobno jer centralno smješteni motor istovremeno služi kao amortizator udaraca pri poskakivanju.

Go-Kart of the Sea The Wokart is a featherweight asymmetric catamaran powered by a centrally-located 70 hp outboard motor, giving it similar performance and handling characteristics to a go-kart on the water. Its top speed is beyond 40. Foot throttle controls, adjustable seats, exceptional acceleration and class-leading high speed 90 degree turns make for the most responsive, fast, fun and agile car-like nautical experience you can buy. The watercraft is handbuilt using the highest quality materials and its curvilinear design creates a strong monocoque structure that exceeds industry norms many times. Wokart stays safe and stable, even in choppy seas, without battering your spine since the centrally located outboard motor naturally acts as a rather welcome shock absorber.


Yachting Accessories

HAMMOCRAFT Blaženstvo na vodi Hammocraft ima okvir od kvalitetnog aluminija i nehrđajućeg čelika, lako se montira i demontira, i pristaje na mnogo plovila. Okvir je dizajniran za nošenje do pet mreža za spavanje (ili izležavanje na suncu) i lako se instalira na daske za paddleboarding, riječne splavi, pa čak i na suhom – gdje god poželite. Okvir je testiran na težinu do 545 kg (raspoređenih u četiri mreže), a iako se metalni okvir pri većim težinama savine, to je dio dizajna i nakon prestanka opterećenja okvir se vrati u prvotno stanje. Preporučena težina iznosi 363 kg (u sve četiri mreže). Konstrukcija se postavlja u svega pet minuta, jer se dijelovi spajaju pritiskom na konektore, a nakon korištenja se jednako lako rastavlja i sprema u veliku vreću za transport.

The Most Blissful Experience on Water The Hammocraft features a high-quality aluminum and stainless steel frame, quick connections for easy setup and takedown, and a set of straps for attaching the frame to your floatable of choice. The Hammoframe is designed to sling up to five hammocks atop paddle boards, river rafts, even dry land – essentially wherever or whatever you dream up as a hammock dock. The Hammocraft frame has been tested and to hold 545 kg in (four) hammocks. While the aluminum supports flex under weight, they straighten like a spring when the weight is released. It is recommended a maximum of 363 kg to hang at one time in the Hammocraft. The Hammocraft takes about five minutes to set up. It’s as easy as strapping your paddle boards onto a roof rack. The frame assembles using simple push button connectors, and folds up into a ski bag for easy transport.

PLATYPUS Zaronite... ako želite Platypus Craft je uistinu jedinstveno plovilo sposobno za kretanje površinom vode i ispod nje. Kreće se brzinom do 20 čvorova, ima nosivost do četiri putnika i pilota, a pod vodom se može kretati nekoliko sati. Prvo plovilo takve vrste unosi inovaciju čak i u prilično zanimljiv segment tržišta kao što je ovaj. Središnji dio trupa Platypusa sposoban je za zaron, digitalni periskop omogućava pilotu nadzor stanja nad površinom, uz poseban sustav za disanje pod vodom. Platypus predstavlja savršen spoj tendera i igračke za vodu, jer je sposoban i za prijevoz putnika od obale do jahte i za zabavno istraživanje podmorja.

Sail and Dive The Platypus Craft is a diving boat, an innovative marine product able to navigate at the surface or under the water, transporting the pilot and four passengers at 20 knots and exploring the shallow waters in a few seconds. She can navigate underwater for hours, no constraint, no time limit, just enjoy the dive! This totally new concept is the first boat of her kind - gathering several innovations and specificities, a central hull able to go up and down, a digital periscop to allow the pilot to watch surface while underwater or the hookah system for breathing. The Platypus Craft is the perfect balance between a tender and a toy which is able to transport passengers with all the prestige required by a tender at the surface from the marina to the yacht and allows its guests in just one click to discover the beauty of the shallow waters without any constraint at all.


Photo by Winch Media / Guillaume Plisson









Artisan Wood Magicians

Andrew Winch

Restaurant 360

Designing the Dreams

Taste the Best in Croatia

Peter HĂźrzeler

Porto Montenegro

Navigating Ocean Independence

The Yachting Hub

Matty Zadnikar

Iskra Shipyard ReďŹ tting Centre of the Adriatic

Co-Ownership Master 243


Which kind of Summer are you looking for? Global Presence, Local Touch Alone in your own secluded bay or stern-to the nightlife, our offices located all around the Mediterranean will help you find just the summer mmer you’re looking lookin for. All backed by a worldwide network of local offices covering over er 400 ports and marinas in the Med, Northern Europe, Americas and the Caribbean. We cover all your cruising needs with dedicated provisioning services, as well as berthing, clearances and port services, bunkering and even specialist tours during your stay. Just ask, we’ll be on hand for everything you need for successful cruising.



Concept Blanche The Fincantieri Group business unit devoted specifically to mega-yachts, presents ‘Blanche’, a new-generation concept. ‘Blanche’ is a 70-meters yacht, a timeless beauty with a strong Italian imprint, in which luxury, design and function gracefully coalesce. The aim of the project was to dismiss any unnecessary complexity and visual obstructions, to maximize space on board, in order to build a scenographic backdrop facilitating serenity and well-being of passengers. The result is masterful exercise in balance and harmony, an unprecedented immersive experience. The concept has been developed by Fincantieri Yachts in partnership with the Italian designer Gabriele Teruzzi’s studio. The combination of the experience of the historic shipbuilder and the inspiration of the young designer allowed to shape a new phi-

Fincantieri Yachts

losophy of travel, reshaping the lines of the exterior profile, as well as the classic interior spacing. Both the master suite and terrace total 190 square meters, surrounded by full height windows and



sliding glazed enclosures. The wellness area also covers a significant area of 126 square meters, increasing surface area up to 187 square meters considering the external areas directly connected.


Yacht ‘Lana’ Delivered and FB273 Launched Benetti’s 2020 started with a kick. The first Diamond 145, the flagship of the Class category, was launched in January followed by the launch of FB273, an elegant 70-meter custom yacht with a futuristic stern area featuring two side doors and a variable geometry swimming pool. The sales activity registered amazing results, among them, the innovative 60-metre custom yacht FB283 with a steel hull and an aluminium superstructure. It was sold to an american owner,

Benetti M/Y ‘Lana’


with Giorgio M. Cassetta exterior and interiors design and Van Oossanen’s water lines. The signatures of the sixth and seventh sales contracts for the Oasis 40M model, prove the world level success of this ambitious yacht. Oasis 40 M, which first hull will hit the water in the summer, is conceived by Benetti in collaboration with the UK based firm RWD that designed the exteriors and Bonetti/Kozerski Architecture studio in New York that designed the elegant interiors. Benetti delivered the 107-metre long FB277 M/Y ‘Lana’ which has Benetti’s design for the interior and ex248


terior, a steel hull and aluminium superstructure, a beam of 15,2 metres and a gross tonnage of 3900 GT. For the second half of the year Benetti team is also working hard to deliver the 65-meter FB270, a custom yacht with a steel hull and an aluminium superstructure with a brand new layout for the living area and a 160-square-meter apartment for the principle that will be the first Benetti yacht built under China Classification Society and Lloyds Registry rules; the 65-meters custom yacht FB274 and the 49,9-metres custom yacht FB704.


Project 1601

Lürssen Expecting ‘Baby’ Lurssen

Project 13800 75 metre range. Project 13800 is a first step in reestablishing the brand as a serious proposition for yachts in that size bracket. On 26 May 2020 Lürssen launched project 1601 in the traditional fashion: down the slipway! Espen Øino has given project 1601 a striking design with extraordinary features and which is dominated by planar surfaces, straight lines and angular corners. The crispness of the exterior styling suggests a geometrical precision that permeates every facet of the yacht. Her interior is designed by Dölker + Voges and echoes the same design themes as her exterior. Lürssen 1601 measures 90 meters over all with the beam almost 15 meters wide. After the launching project 1601 went into Lürssen’s floating dock and spectators may have to wait until next year when she makes another appearance.

Lürssen is proud to announce that the project 13800 is well underway. During the design development phase the project grew to 55,5 metres and Bannenberg & Rowell gave Project 13800 her very distinctive lines. The initial concept was influenced by Bannenberg & Rowell studies based on the classic yacht Carinthia VI, designed by Bannenberg the Elder, and built by Lürssen in 1973. A fearless use of colours and textures as well as museum quality interior furniture pieces underline the approach of tremendous attention to detail – not only in the interior spaces but also in the technical areas. Lürssen is known for manufacturing the largest yachts in the world but is currently actively targeting projects in the 55 to 249




SL 62Steel

44Alloy and 62Steel The new 44-meter aluminum superyacht is packed with innovations: from the three-level owner’s cabin to the beach club that opens on three sides, and the bow with an open area. The aim of SL44 Alloy is to offer the highest quality of life on board in a 44,5 meter long fast-displacement model built entirely in aluminum, which thanks to its unprecedented layout and

maximum indoor-outdoor harmony takes the concept of livability to new heights. The owner’s cabin, the conceptual heart of the project, is conceived as a private apartment of 145 square meters divided into three levels, with indoor and outdoor zones. The new creation of Sanlorenzo 62Steel sets new standards for metal superyachts. With an overall length of

Project Blue Marlin Imperial is proud to announce the signature of a new exciting, diesel-electric superyacht in collaboration with The Italian Sea Group – Admiral and Sinot Yacht Architecture and Design. With her code name Project Blue Marlin, this thrilling 77 m vessel is called to be a masterpiece in her range. The next 77-metre superyacht project built at Admiral shipyard, is designed with the intention to find the perfect balance between the elegance of the best nautical tradition and the use of outstanding technologies and materials, with particular attention to eco-sustainability thanks to her innovative diesel/electric propulsion system. Key highlights about the project on the exterior side are the abundance of space combined with a distinguished exterior. Six metre Pool, Spa, Dive area, Gym or a helipad complete this

61,50 meters, maximum beam of 11,9 m, gross tonnage of 1200 t and five decks. The yacht proposes elegant, timeless design and discreet, harmonious lines, thanks to ample volumes, an innovative layout and advanced technologies, all designed to guarantee exceptional comfort and on-board livability never seen before on a model of this size.


brief overview, which also includes a 6-cabin layout comprising of a Master area on Main deck forward, a VIP suite on Bridge deck next 250


to the full-beam living area, and four Guest cabins on Lower deck. Project Blue Marlin is set for delivery in 2023.


Project 705 Comes Into the Light


Feadship fans have today been treated to an early glimpse of a superb new Feadship that is due to be officially launched in a few weeks’ time. Project 705 was commissioned by a repeat client who has built with Feadship before and was delighted with both the experience of creating a Feadship as well as the many years of enjoyment that have followed. As she slowly appeared from the construction hall at the yard in Aalsmeer, onlooker eyes were instantly drawn to the beautiful combination of a dark blue hull, white superstructure and a continuous band of glass which is flush to the exterior. Striking glass railings with a teak cap rail offered another visual treat, along with a wealth of stainless steel and high gloss eucalyptus details. Watching proudly as Project 705 emerged into the light, project manager Gerhard Dekker praised the spirit of cooperation between the owner’s team, the designers from RWD, Feadship De Voogt Naval Architects and the yard in Aalsmeer.

Projects Altea, Electra and Castor Heesen is pleased to introduce Project Altea, a 50-metre FDHF all aluminium motor yacht below 500GT and the second yacht built on the design and engineering platform of Nova Plus. Altea offers fast yet highly efficient performance thanks to her FDHF aluminium hull with a shallow draft of just 2.15 metres. Heesen also announced the sale of YN 19150 Project Electra, the second hybrid yacht in the 5000 aluminium class. At 50 metre below 500 GT and with a shallow draft, Project Electra is the ideal yacht for cruising anywhere in style, comfort and virtual silence. Heesen has launched Project Castor that was built at their facility in Oss on schedule for its delivery in August. Four spacious guest cabins (two double and two twin) are on the lower deck, while the VIP is on the bridge deck. Project Castor is the first in the class to offer the new layout configuration. This outstanding performance is possible thanks to the proven design and engineering platform that sports the progressive FDHF hull by Van Oossanen. The Heesen 55-metre FDHF Steel offers exceptional seakeeping qualities coupled

Project Altea

Heesen with more frugal fuel consumption compared to any other yacht in her class. Twelve guests are accommodated in six staterooms, with the master suite located forward on the main deck. Thanks to the drastic measures adopted early on, both in our production processes and in the offices, they managed to introduce the necessary physical distance and were, therefore, able to carry on working following the Dutch governmental guidelines with as little disruption as possible.

Project Castor

Project Electra 251




New 109m Built The 109 m/357 ft is Oceanco’s first new build to take advantage of the recently acquired construction and refit facilities where her first phase of construction was successfully executed on schedule under stringent and enhanced safety restrictions. Designed inside and out by Sinot Yacht Architecture & Design, this 109 m/357 ft is distinguished by elegant classical proportions and an astonishing amount of glass. The deckhouses - main deck, bridge deck, and upper deck - are each fully surrounded by large glass windows. Lateral has once again collaborated with Oceanco on engineering a technologically advanced propulsion system. The newly renovated building boasts ecological enhancements as well as updated state-of the-art technologies. The eco-conscious expansion is one more step in Oceanco’s mission to be one of the world’s most sustainable yacht builders. While our largest drydock can accommodate yachts up to 140 m/459 ft in length, our newly renovated outfitting facilities has been increased to accommodate yachts up to 120 m/393 ft in length.

Nobiskrug Project 794 German shipyard Nobiskurg celebrates a landmark 115 years since its 1905 inception. Recognised today as one of the world’s foremost builders of spectacular fully custom superyachts, the shipyard is built upon a solid foundation of German naval history. From award-winning 68 m Sycara V to the striking 74m Mogambo, and from 143 m industry changing Sailing Yacht A

to the environmentally innovative 80m Artefact, the Rendsburg facility never ceases to strive for boundary-pushing, architecturally challenging, aesthetically arresting projects. Even in the current climate, its order book is full, and its future is more than healthy. Nobiskrug’s latest 62-meter Project 794 comes into view, as the superyacht has been moved from Kiel shipyard into the su252


peryacht hall of the Rendsburg facility on the end of May. The yacht’s journey between the two shipyards started from Kiel Fjord with a passage through the locks, into the Kiel Canal continuing to Rendsburg, reaching the shipyard in the early afternoon. Superyacht Project 794 is a performance-driven, high-volume yacht with an Exterior designed by renowned studio Espen Øino International.



IMO Certification and Three New Builds CRN, part of Ferretti Group, receives IMO Tier III certification for the CRN M/Y 137, a soon-to-be-delivered fully custom steel and aluminium 62-metre megayacht, which has been developed in partnership with Italian architecture studio Nuvolari Lenard, who took care of the interior and exterior styling. This success is a well-earned reward for an industrial strategy firmly centred on environmental stewardship and sustainable development. Compliance was achieved by fitting the engine exhausts with the SCR (Selective Catalytic Reduction) auxiliary system, which uses a chemical process to slash harmful emissions. The new 62-metre CRN 137, is therefore the first CRN IMO TIER III–compliant megayacht, to be followed by the other 3 fully custom CRN yachts currently under construction. Hull M/Y 138 is a steel and aluminium build for delivery in 2021, the result

of a collaboration with Omega Architects, for her exterior profile, and Pulina Exclusive Interiors, who are shaping the indoor areas. Hull M/Y 139 is a steel and aluminium project developed with Italian architecture and design studio Valli-

Bilgin 263 Built at Bilgin Yachts main facilities in Istanbul in February 2020, the first hull of Bilgin 263 series, Tatiana has now entered sea trials phase, being the largest yacht ever built by a Turkish shipyard so far. The sharp exterior lines and stylish interior areas of the yacht offer a strong modern feeling. With the first trials made for the yacht’s twin MTU 2560 kW engines, the yacht achieved the

expected maximum speed of 19+ knots, while the cruising speed of 12 knots keeps her fuel consumption as 250 l/h. She is built in compliance with IMO Tier III certification and is considered to be the most environmentally friendly yacht in her class.The shipyard considers this series as a key milestone in its path towards becoming one of the prominent brands in the world.

Bilgin Yachts



celli Design, while the interior layout by Nuvolari Lenard offers generous indoor and outdoor spaces. Hull M/Y 141 is made entirely of aluminium, with an interior and exterior concept devised by Nuvolari Lenard.


New Renders of 49M Power Sunreef Yachts is proud to reveal the latest renders of the 49M Sunreef Power superyacht. The 49 m multihull will be entirely manufactured at the Sunreef Yachts’ construction facilities in the city of Gdansk, Poland. The concept od 49M incorporates extremely vast outdoor living areas made possible thanks to the yacht’s broad 17m beam. The low drag and efficiency provided by the vessel’s twin-hull design will allow an autonomy of over 5000 nm with 90.000 l of fuel capacity. Powered by twin 3400 HP engines, the catamaran superyacht will carry three tenders and a wide selection of watertoys and PWC’s. The yacht will be operated by 17 crew and luxurious accommodation will be provided for up to ten guests. Imperial Yachts will act as project manager throughout the build process of this catamaran-superyacht due for delivery in the second half of 2021.

Sunreef Yachts

Vripack Sustainable Futura Yacht With sustainability at the fore, Futura is slender, efficient and a third of the height of a comparable 66 m yacht. When Dutch design studio Vripack set about designing Futura – its 66m fossil-free yacht concept – the focus was to capture wildlife’s innate ability to freely propel through air and water. Made out of glass, it is also exceptionally lightweight thanks to Vripack’s engineering inge-

nuity that uses rhombus-shaped framing. Modular furniture means each space is versatile and adaptable to the owner. An enormous 20-person dining table makes a bold invite to entertain, as does a DJ booth set up in the upper deck observation area, while a helipad, large shapely swimming pool and whirlpool forward tick all the boxes. Capable of holding 100.000 litres of fuel, Futura is an 254


electric/diesel hybrid with a difference. Designed to run solely on ‘blue diesel’ if desired – a type of Finnish biofuel made from waste food, it also possesses revolutionary bio-based batteries made from salt, sand, water and plants. Charged by an enormous kite on an electric winch that can be released at the touch of a button, the battery bank itself is 100% biodegradable.


The Sale of Third S501 Hull Tankoa Yachts, assisted by Camper & Nicholsons, has sold S501, the third hull in its all-aluminium 50-metre series designed by Francesco Paszkowski. The decision to begin building on spec was based on the extraordinary charter success of Vertige and the rapid

Tankoa Yachts sale of her hybrid-powered sister ship Bintador. S501 has a semi-displacement hull combined with conventional diesel propulsion for a top speed of 18 knots and a cruising speed of 14 knots. The main deck aft is dedicated exclusively to an enormous lounge for relaxa-

New Yacht Department BWA Yachting Croatia has announced the launch of a new unit for yacht provisioning, to complement its existing services in the country. Introduction of department will see the longest standing yacht agency in Croatia provide a full ‘360°’ service to yacht captains and crews, with the truly comprehensive shore support they have been crying out for starting from the 2020 yachting summer season. The launch of the new department is a direct response to customer demand for a yacht provisioning option. As part of the new service, yachts will be provided with premium food and beverages, consisting of local and international fresh products for the most discerning yacht chef. All items will be selected in keeping. All safety measures are strictly applied - including personal protective equipment such as gloves and

BWA mask - to deliver COVID-free yacht services to the industry. BWA Yachting Croatia will be able to provide the new service via its network of offices in Croatia - based in Opatija, Rovinj, Šibenik, Split, Dubrovnik and Cavtat. 255


tion with the dining room on the upper deck, while the forward master stateroom features a private lounge that can be converted into an extra en-suite cabin. S501 is already 75 percent complete and will be delivered to her owner later this year.


Sailing Superyachts at Monfalcone Site

Monte Carlo Yachts & CNB Yacht Builders The Monfalcone production site in Italy, where the Monte Carlo Yachts brand’s large motor yachts are built, has taken on production for the CNB Yacht Builders monohull sailing superyachts from September 2019. This Italian site is fully aligned with the brand’s needs thanks to its flexible industrial capabilities, calibrated for producing luxury units requiring high levels of customization and small series. With a painting booth, the dockside site is ideally located on the Adriatic Sea, which will also make it possible to bring CNB Yacht Builders boats closer to their customers, who sail primarily in the Mediterranean. This is undeniably an opportunity for CNB

Yacht Builders, which will be able to benefit from industrial facilities that are designed specifically for luxury large units, with the outstanding quality and know-how built up by the teams at Monfalcone. ‘We are delighted to be welcoming the CNB Yacht Builders sailing models to Monfalcone, because many of us are also passionate about sailing! We are committed to applying the same high standards as for our motor yachts to build these magnificent sailing yachts, for which we will capitalize on all the experience gained producing the exclusive superyachts developed by the Monte Carlo Yachts team’, explains MCY’ general management. CNB Yacht Builders arriv-



al in Italy follows the decision by Groupe Beneteau to specialize its Bordeaux site in building large multihull units. This realignment of activities in Bordeaux around multihull production accelerates the increase in production capacity and brings operational efficiency improvements. The experience built up by the Monte Carlo Yachts team producing exclusive superyachts supports the absolute excellence of CNB’s sailing yachts. Alongside this, the transfer to Monfalcone makes it possible to consolidate the production of highend yachts, while developing synergies between brands that stand for absolute excellence with CNB Yacht Builders and Monte Carlo Yachts.


Unveiled Project 405

Royal Huisman

Royal Huisman is thrilled to announce a new commission for an impressive lightweight 46m high-performance cruiser sloop: ‘Nauta Reichel Pugh 151’. Royal Huisman Project 405’s lightweight aluminum and carbon composite construction will present formidable competition to existing carbon yachts. Nauta Design was chosen for the exterior and interior styling, Reichel/Pugh for the yacht’s naval architecture, Rondal for her carbon Panamax rig, and Royal Huisman to provide their most-qualified engineering and construction skills for the optimal end result. This sloop will optimize the innovative use of the materials that Royal Huisman know so well, complemented with extensive Finite Element Analyses to ensure the very best blend of ‘proven’ and ‘cutting-edge’, with target performance, excellent racing properties, and sound ocean worthiness. This innovative lightweight construction which was cleverly developed by their inhouse R&D team, is backed up with over 55 years of experience with aluminum construction. Royal Huisman Project 405 is scheduled to be delivered in 2022.

Southern Wind

New SW120 The SW120 is Southern Wind Shipyard’s current flagship, a superb development on the SW96 and SW105 coming from the successful collaboration between Southern Wind, Nauta Yacht Design and Farr Yacht Design. The SW120 is now offered with 3 different deck configurations: Raised Saloon, Deck Saloon and the new Gran Turismo version. The

SW120 is a versatile semi-custom platform designed to offer owners the flexibility to tailor specifications and give yachts their own unique personalities. With a deck layout inspired by the fourth SW105 currently under construction, the new SW120GT stands out for its sleek carbon fibre coachroof conceived to accomodate a skylight bringing light into the saloon. 2 57


This project expresses Southern Wind’s mission to build dependable sailing yachts that combine comfort and performance with safety and reliability. The SW120 will be constructed in Carbon composite sandwich utilizing the infusion technique, a tried and tested system that allows for a lightweight yet stiff and durable construction.





Andrew Winch

Wizard Design of

Super talented yacht designer explains a bit of his magic, seeing the future with clear idea to create not only beautiful but also ‘clean’ yachts looking from environmental perspective, while he plans to visit Croatian waters this summer on board his sailing boat Text Darko Šupuk Photos Winch Media, Klaus Jordan, Gilles Martin Raget, Jeff Brown, Michal Baginski & Feadship

If we were to handpick one yacht designer in the world, we would have an incredibly hard task, but if we had to choose, that would be Andrew Winch. The reasons for that we find in his impressive portfolio with incredible variety of works which stretches from yachting to private aviation and home design, in his ability to materialize various client’s wishes into stunning designs, but also to steer the ‘client’s design’ into some of the greatest yachts in the world, for the ability to develop his design studio into respectable 100+ people company able to encounter various difficult design tasks in the same period of time, and last but not least to continue legacy of his master, late Jon Bannenberg. Oh, and if you visit any good international bookstores you

might notice a nice thick book showcasing what we have just mentioned. On top of this there is additional reason why we would run this feature in Yachts Croatia, being that Mr. Winch is a keen sailor who loves to cruise Croatian waters on board his Jeanneau 64, the boat whose interiors he designed too. But real trigger for the interview was his presentation on board new Lurssen yacht TIS last year during Monaco show, when he explained the challenges they had to achieve incredibly complicated design task, that turned into the beauty of the style interpreting owner’s wishes. On the same day we were on board Excellence, new Abeking & Rasmussen yacht that could be no more different than TIS. Both yachts have been proudly standing almost one next to each other, and carefully designed by Winch Design, not to forget that they were both playing into giga league. This was a reason for ‘chapeau’ to Mr. Winch and his associates who showed us how good design team could work. Therefore, we are very happy to be able to share some of the ‘wisdom of the wizard’ with you. You design sailing boats, yachts, aircrafts and luxury homes. Can you pick some projects between these that were special to you? Having been brought up by the sea on the South Coast of England, in Chichester Harbour, sailing and boats have always been my hobby, my love and my passion. Sailing boats are similar to jets and aircraft; both can have an issue with stability and security when travelling so safety is important for both. Motor yachts are inherently more stable, and the fun is to be on board when they are at anchor and swimming and water toys are launched. My first sailing yacht project was a 259


Swan 36 followed by a 140ft custom sail yacht called Cyclos III which I have designed with Ron Holland who was the naval architect. Ron and I have worked together for many years and we are now building a new 42m schooner together. Cyclos III was probably one of the most special projects and the owner loved her and kept her for over 25 years! In regard to motor yachts, many people have seen our project, Madame Gu, an iconic yacht symbolizing beauty afloat. Can you mention the few milestones in the last four decades, for you personally? I started my design career with Jon Bannenberg, who was a mentor for me and taught me many things about design, presentation and professionalism. Working with him for seven years was a great milestone. The first design milestone for me was Cyclos III followed by my first motor yacht project, Feadship 49m White Rabbit. Then of course both of our two largest projects, 162m Dubai and 156m Dilbar. What would be your advice to late Jon Bannenberg be looking at him from today’s perspective? Jon pushed the boundaries in yacht design generally more than anyone else. His bravery and stubbornness created a platform on which yacht designers can look at shapes, perspectives, and lifestyle of yacht design. My advice, if it were even welcome to Jon, would be to continue creating the greatest yachts in the world. And what would your advice be to your client before approaching you with a ‘dream’? The first question for any client and colleague at Winch Design is ‘what is the target’? It is so important to be successful at delivering the project


Madame Gu

A variety of yachts from Winch design table reflect the design and the lifestyle of the owner and his family down to smallest details



that one starts by identifying the core principals of the project; the design, the lifestyle, the owner’s family and friends, the function and performance, size, facilities, toys to carry, even down to the colour of hull and glass. Sometimes we will draw a project of our own which becomes the dream of the client, like motor yacht Excellence with her reversed bow and mirrored superstructure. On other occasions, the client has bought a previous Winch Design boat like the 52m Gu project that then became the template for a newer and bigger, more amazing 99m Madame Gu. TIS and Excellence are as different as they can be. Was it hard to switch from one to another at the same time? Do they have something in common? TIS and Excellence are extremely different boats. In reality they are for two unique and highly individual clients whose lifestyles are different, whose businesses are different and who travel and work in a different way. The owner of TIS had chartered many different yachts before deciding 260


Falcon 7X

Kiev Chateau


exactly what he wanted his own personal yacht to be. The owner of Excellence had built and owned five previous yachts exactly as he wanted them and now with that confidence, he decided to step into the future with a radical change. Excellence still embodies all the functions, features, lifestyle and choices - even down to the woods and marbles that the client is passionate about. TIS embodies the culture and lifestyle that the client has enjoyed in many hotels that he has visited as his business has moved him around the world. The quality, culture, ambience and feeling of these hotels was important for the owner of TIS to feel relaxed and at home, such as; the Bristol in Paris, Claridge’s in London, Hermitage in Monaco or the Hotel Du Cap in Cap Ferrat. Did COVID-19 health situation already influence the client’s wishes, and if so, how? The COVID health situation has been difficult for everyone in the entire world. It has created a new perspective on safety, health and life. If anything, I believe it has given all our clients a greater desire for time with their family. Time to be in their private jets travelling, in their private homes or afloat in their yachts, where they find freedom and beauty is important and Croatia is definitely at the top of the list with many of our clients. Motor yacht Ace is travelling to Croatia this season, as are many others whose owners adore the water and islands of Croatia. Do you expect some trend for the future based on the consequences of the COVID related situation, especially a positive trend? I believe that COVID may have an effect on the medical facilities. However, yachts have always been incredibly clean with fastidious attention to detail in bathrooms, galleys, carpets, floors etc. This will not change from pre-covid to post. Air conditioning has always been a key factor and clean systems are a part of the quality yacht that we build today. Even with many yachts, pre-covid, we were already building in medical facilities for the safety and health of our clients. Sustainability and environmental protection are becoming more and more important. Where do you see the yachting industry in this process? Sustainability and environmental protection are key to the beauty of the oceans we love. For many years now we have supported the BLUE marine foundation that is endeavoring to save the oceans and save the fish that we love to find swimming around the yachts and our oceans. We must create yachts that are environmentally friendly and

Boeing BJ B737

Jeanneau 64



The owner of Excellence decided to step into the future with a radical change footprint free as possible. We are now working with The Water Revolution to understand the most ecological materials from source to product with its history of how and where the materials have all come from. The wind and sun is free and harnessing both for electrical power is important. Clean yachts are going to be the future of Winch Design. Can you pick one young designer whose work you appreciate? As I am the oldest in my studio of 110 people, I have many designers younger than me who I think are incredibly talented and individuals who form a great partnership within the company of Winch Design. Many have joined me from college as one can see their talent emerging and have learnt the realities of the industry, the client and the shipyards. We work on projects of every size. The smaller the project such as the new projects with Jeanneau that we are building (sail boats of 50-65 feet) are complicated and very difficult to design so they are an asset to my team. The other end of the spectrum, a large private jet like a Dreamliner or an Airbus 320 is 261


equally complicated to create beautiful work. In Architecture, our team are working on projects from city apartments in New York to mansions of 4,000 SQM, all over the world, both water edge in Croatia or city centre in New York. Who is young in Winch Design? Everyone other than myself and I congratulate them all for being the future of our business. Croatia is known as very appreciated cruising ground, especially for sailing boats. As we know, you are a keen sailor, did you ever visit Croatia and do you plan to do it? Croatia is one of the very top places in the Mediterranean to cruise and I have enjoyed it myself as a keen sailor. From north of Split down to Hvar, both with family and with friends. In fact, this year I am planning to sail on my own Jeanneau 64, called Polar Bear, to cruise from Athens to Venice, spending the majority of the summer based between Dubrovnik and Split. I look forward to doing this as soon as we can all return to some form of normality of travel and for having the boat ready to join the wonderful waters of Croatia.

Text Darko Å upuk Photos Ocean Independence & Filip Bubalo




Peter Hürzeler



Co-owner of Ocean Independence shares a bit of his wisdom collected in long and successful career in yachting, also touching Croatia as the destination he knows and where he has spent many summers Navigating Ocean Independence through highs and lows of the yachting industry must not be a simple task, but for the founder and co-owner of that company (together with Mr. Nicholas Dean from UK) it doesn’t seem to be such a tough job. Mr. Peter Hürzeler is a Swiss captain who started his career on Dutch commercial ships, spent time on board yachts and in 1991 he founded a company that has become one of the key players in the yachting industry of today. It is maybe little less known that Mr. Hürzeler has enjoyed many summers in Croatia on board sailing yachts and is one of the best ‘connoisseurs’ of our area in the industry, with in-depth knowledge about this destination. Therefore it was with great pleasure to speak with him about yachting and Croatia. For the start we asked him about his relation with our country:‘My relation with Croatia is a really positive and long one. I have been sailing in Croatia, along the Dalmatian coast, for the first time in 1987 when I was part-Owner and Captain on board a 36 m motor sailor which was engaged in charter. We came from the Ionian Sea and sailed from Kotor to Pula and back and then to Venice. Since then we have been coming back as a family, and also professionally, many times to Croatia. We (my family) think that it is simply the most beautiful cruising area that you can go to. We have been cruising on the smaller sailing boats as you have many in Croatia, and since 10 years we have been co-owning a slightly larger sailing yacht and have enjoyed many places, beautiful towns, bays, great people, food…, a lot of times.’

You now sail a wooden sailing boat? We sail onboard a wooden boat built north of Trieste, a very sporty seventy-footer, very cozy as well for the family. We also used the facilities of the shipyard in Betina, where we had one of the best paintjobs I have seen on any boat done, by a Croatian painter. We are big fans of Croatia and everything that goes with it. Speaking from the yachting perspective, how do you see Croatia today, knowing our area for more than three decades? Like everything that goes through big developments it has upsides and downsides. There is no doubt that facilities have improved quite a lot, in particular the facilities on shore like restaurants. There has been a lot of renovation in some of the older villages, towns and ports, some of the marinas have been or established or improved over time which is very important for the smaller as well as for the larger yachts. Communication is good, the mobile network coverage is excellent in most places and to get to Croatia is very easy for people who use private jets as well as for people flying commercially. There are a lot of positive developments. What I have seen in last two or three years, and this would be a warning signal for me, is that prices have increased dramatically. That is not a problem for very big yacht owner, but I could imagine that for the lower area of the market it could turn into the problem. To give you an example, in the nineties, when you went into a bay you had few mooring buoys in the water and there was somebody coming along, taking the



garbage and you were charged something (naturally). That is the way it should be and that was a deal that was fair. In the last couple of years you went into the same anchorages, you picked up a mooring buoy, somebody was coming asking five times the money and not willing to take garbage anymore… That is not a correct deal, and the element of the garbage is important for the environment and also because to take care about it is a good setup and makes the visitors feel good. There are a lot of places where they still do it so it is not a general criticism but if I would be responsible for the Croatian water tourism these kind of things I would keep an eye on, because people react to small details. This is the same for small and very big boats – the details count. Do you think the area can be developed for big yachts? I believe yes. In chartering I can see that already. When we speak with our owners we can see that a lot of them talk about Croatia or have already been there. It will never be like South of France or Italy but it has a lot of charm because of the smaller villages, the bays, the clean water and a long coast with so many places where you can, let’s say, hide – and that should be maintained. It would be sad to see too many marinas coming up or general growth of construction everywhere. But this is a challenge because people want to participate in the market, of course… Can you reveal us your background in the yachting industry? I sailed for eight years on cargo ships, I used


to have a Dutch master license for unlimited tonnage for cargo vessels and I have been sailing with many Croatian deck officers on cargo ships. In the 1980s we (a group of friends and family) decided that we wanted to build a commercial yacht that was a 36-meter sailing vessel. We did that and I was a Captain, we built two more of the same kind, for about four or five years we operated them and then I became a broker, advisor, consultant. Now we are talking about 1994/1995, and since then I grew Ocean Independence with my partner Nicholas Dean to where we are today, with many good team members because you never do this alone. From your point of view, what was the most important thing for your growth? I think it is giving honest advice based on knowledge and competence and being consistent and reliable, and again being honest and authentic about what you do. There are so many different ways to do business and also to be a broker and some ways are going well with you as a person and other ways don’t. My way and the way of our team is that we base our professional behavior on giving advice. Not so much on selling for the sake of selling, whether it is brokerage or charter, but to give advice. The sales and charters come out of this and it has been a very good principle to grow the company, and it is going to continue that way because we don’t know how to do it differently. This is who we are and the people we have in the team are selected on this basis. Can you reveal where you see Ocean Independence in the near future? I see consistent organic growth and I would expect that we see some additional services added to our scope, might be in the marina sector but could also be other services in the luxury lifestyle environment, because over the years we have built really strong trust base with our wealthy clients and it would therefore have certain logic that we could advise them on other luxury lifestyle matters. Is it because of profit or preserving the client’s trust? It is the combination. To run a business it means that you want to make money, otherwise it is a charity and we are not a charity. But it is also trying to serve your clients so they don’t have to find new trusted partners for what they want to do but to stay with us. We can deliver good service in

‘My way of doing business and the way of our team is that we base our professional behavior on giving honest advice’ almost whatever yachting area they search. I have a question about MYBA, you know it from day one, how do you see it today? I was a small wheel in creating MYBA, alter I was also the president for few years, but many important people were founding the association long before that. I still find it a very important association as one has to understand that our work as brokers is extremely based on collaboration with our competitors, who are the other brokers. Imagine that 70 to 80 percent of our charters are done with other brokers, meaning we need to have trust, meaning we need to have a forum to exchange our opinions, to talk about our problems as the industry and about other problems coming from the outside, like regulations, taxes or climate change. For this MYBA is very, very good. Naturally, as always is a case with any association, there are phases when you believe things could move on more quickly and sometimes you think things move in the wrong direction. As always in democracy, things don’t always move in the way you want, but at least you talk to each other and share your worries, goals and possibilities. As a whole I support MYBA very much, although I am not always in agreement with every detail and every decision being taken. You mentioned environment, how do you see relation with yachting industry and marine environment? I generally believe in life that everybody should do the best they can do in where they are. So, whether it is sustainability or being charitable, everybody should do what he can, where he is. We, as brokers, are not the rich people who can do big things and big investments. But what we can do is to give indications, make suggestions and put programs together, and have discussions like now on how could we make things better. Therefore we have a certain responsibility, in my opinion, to educate ourselves in terms of sustainability, to learn what will be possible in the near future and, whenever the opportunity is there, to



present our ideas to our clients. But our role will always be the advisory role because our clients are all very responsible and intelligent people with financial means and they will take the decision on when they want to do something about sustainability. We should just show them a way. Do you have some example? I have a client now who comes and says I want to go to, let’s call it ‘sensitive areas’, like the Barrier Reef or similar. And what I need to do is to say, if you want to go there you should have at least the latest and cleanest generation of engines and generators, you should do a hybrid drive, an electric drive, so you can go there with eight knots without burning fuel, you should think about a dynamic positioning system so you don’t need to drop the anchor and maybe damage the sea bottom. These are costly kind of arrangements and not everybody will want them, but the client at least has the option. How old is this client? This client is 60 years old, he is a mature and very successful businessman, but most clients are thinking in this way now, most people are seeing the difference in the climate, especially those who go to sea. We have all noticed that weather is not the same as it was twenty years ago and it is underestimating the clients if one believes that they are not exactly or even further than where we are in their thinking about the environment. I have a lot of trust in our clients, but it is the cooperation between everybody that helps to find the right way forward. Evolution is not always as spectacular or quick as we want it to be. If you build for example a new boat in Holland we talk about a lot of money. And you are willing to pay a lot of money in Holland because you get something tested and reliable, which will work for a long time. But to maintain this means that the shipyards are not changing the way they work or the systems they build just because this or that might be a cool idea. So some changes take time. It is all about finding the right balances and that is the business we are in.


Steering Ocean Independence to become one of leading yachting companies of the world in relatively short time doesn’t seem too difficult for their ‘captain’ who pays big credits to his team




Matty Zadnikar

Founder and of‘Captain’

SeaNet Europe After four years in business, SeaNet Europe offers Custom Yacht Ownership, a concept which has evolved from their core business of co-ownership. The tailor-made solution is offered, both co-ownership as well as sole ownership of new and pre-owned yachts Text Darko Šupuk Photos SeaNet & Filip Bubalo




In 2016, Belgian serial entrepreneur and passionate yacht owner Matty Zadnikar founded SeaNet Europe Ltd from his own years of experience as a yacht owner. After four years of determination and endurance game in yachting business backed by serious financial and time investment, it seems that SeaNet as a company specialized for co-ownership of the yacht is finding clear path for the future, with four respectable yachts marking period that passed and exciting business model in front of them. It also looks like European clients are not only adopting the idea of co-ownership, but from the practice of business new concept of Custom Yacht Ownership has arisen with owners of the yachts worldwide exploring the possibility to simply make their lives easier, without influencing the time they spend on board their precious yachts, because SeaNet is not only managing financial part of co-ownership, but also excels in management of the yachts. Like this we would call it ‘stress free ownership’ as it is something many yacht owners would like to have even without sharing their yachts. Here we also come to Croatia which has been kind of a business cradle for SeaNet as their first yacht was moored in Split, Croatia, and the following yachts too, so today Split is the winter maritime base for company from Malta. Here you can often meet their founder, the successful businessman Matty Zadnikar spending time with his babies, but also running this venture into the new era with establishing offices worldwide. So we took a chance to speak with Mr. Zadnikar about current moment of SeaNet and the new concept they are introducing: ‘At SeaNet Europe, we are able to utilize my personal expertise as a yacht owner to guide future yacht purchasers, to create a unique purchase model that mutually benefits all parties and ensures maximum savings/financial return. SeaNet Europe offers a much-needed alternative route to purchasing, building and managing a yacht. Having taken all of those steps myself and experiencing the benefits of SeaNet Europe first-hand, we are committed to growing our new Custom Yacht Ownership concept.’ What does this adapted formula exactly mean? Our original concept of yacht co-ownership, where superyachts are co-owned (shared) among different owners, is still our main business today. From our current ‘Custom Yacht Ownership’ approach, SeaNet Europe now offers both new and experienced yacht owners a variety of ownership models based entirely on their individual needs, preferences and most

After selling shares of superyachts SeaNet has seen the interest of their clients for‘yachting match making’ selling 40% of Sanlorenzo 52 Steel in September 2019 importantly, the time they will spend on board. Why this change of approach? Approximately one third of our customers want to fully own a yacht. Not (necessarily) to spend more time on it, but because they want complete freedom to use their boat whenever they want. We provide them with intensive assistance during the entire purchase process, from the technical configuration and set-up to delivery and the complete yacht management afterwards: maintenance, insurance, crew, planning and logistics, concierge services, charter management for SeaNet fleet owners when the yacht is not in use.

On the other hand, more and more yacht owners have recently approached us to sell a part of their own yacht (from owning to co-owning). These are people who have bought a yacht for themselves and realize after one or two seasons, that suddenly they regret their decision, especially because they can’t spend enough time on it. In these cases, we take care of the ‘match-making’ process and search for one or more co-owners. In September 2019, we sold shares in a superyacht of 52 meters, a Sanlorenzo 52 Steel. It was our biggest deal ever (+40% in co-ownership), and I expect that this branch of our business will only become more important in the future. Are you still exclusively selling the brand Azimut/Benetti? Over the years we gained an extensive knowledge in the Azimut/Benetti brand but that doesn’t keep us from broadening our horizon to other brands now. We are able to advise on which yacht brand would best suit your individual needs and guide you through the entire process of build or acquisition. Is there an evolution in your fleet destinations as well? During our early years, we stayed in the Mediterranean region. At that time, investment and maintenance costs were shared between a maximum of four co-owners per yacht per season, each with a 25% share. This amounted to seven weeks of sailing per year per owner in the period from April to October. Recently we expanded our cruising area to the Caribbean/Asia. As a result, there can be up to six co-owners, each with a 16.66% share, which makes it financially considerably more attractive to buy a yacht. They

Text Darko Šupuk Photos CRN

SeaNet’s Benetti Mediterraneo 116




have a total of six sailing weeks per year. This is spread over four weeks in the European high season (from May to September) and two weeks in the winter months (from December to March) in the Caribbean or Asia, where it is summertime. These six weeks are more than sufficient, because most of them also spend one or two weeks on a skiing holiday every year. The rest of the year they are usually working hard, thus spending more than six weeks on a yacht is in fact not possible for these people. What other yacht services do you offer? Finding the right superyacht can be an overwhelming experience when faced with the wide array of yachts available. That’s why we work with owners to help determine the exact specifications required to create the perfect yacht. Our New Build Services have a proven track-record of guiding owners through the configuration and build process ensuring an attention to detail that

guarantees a hassle-free, enjoyable experience and delivery of a flawless yacht. A lot needs to be arranged on a yacht, leaving very little room for the owner to unwind. SeaNet Europe ensures that the yacht is fully serviced and prepared for winter while the owner is ashore. We guarantee that the necessary insurance, technical and safety services, accounting and ownership structures are and remain fully in order, so all that the owner has to do is enjoy his time on board. Additionally, we guarantee that every aspect of planning, logistics and maintenance is arranged for the owner, including the full concierge services: flights, excursions and so much more. That way, owners can sleep on both ears and have an exceptional yachting experience from the moment they join the SeaNet family. How about crew management? We are also responsible for the careful selection of an experienced crew. We go further than the

standard in this respect. By means of a bimonthly rotation of the crew, we also guarantee them a perfect balance between work and private life, which reduces crew rotation to a minimum. After all, a trustworthy crew is key to every superyacht! There is nothing more annoying than having to find new staff every year. How can SeaNet Europe assist in buying a preowned yacht? When you would be interested in buying a preowned superyacht, our SeaNet survey team are here to review the overall condition of the vessel by giving it a full visual yacht inspection. Our survey team consists of a former experienced yacht captain accompanied by an experienced yacht chief engineer & yacht mechanic. After we have completed the survey you will receive a written report of the yacht’s overall condition with full descriptions of the yacht, each on-board system and our findings and recommendations.

‘We are re-shaping the future of the yachting industry and follow the trends of real estate and jets’

‘Over the last four years, we are committed to growing our yacht coownership model, I truly believe that our industry will follow the trends of others such as real estate and jets and we will continue to expand in the world of co-ownership. I’m sure that due to the corona crisis, many people will ‘reset’ their mindset and manage their finances differently. I expect the interest in co-ownership of a superyacht will increase’



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Iskra Shipyard

People First

Text Niko VuÄ?ković Photos Iskra Shipyard

The greatest value of the Iskra Shipyard are its 180 highly skilled workers, specialists for everything a hull, engines, electric systems, electronic systems and equipment might need, as well as for interior decoration and furnishing








An additional guarantee of highest service quality and standards of Iskra Shipyard is its membership in the prestigious ICOMIA Superyact Refit Group Iskra Shipyard Šibenik is the largest refit shipyard in Eastern Adriatic, specializing (with both certification and capacity) in refitting, repair, conversion and maintenance of vessels up to 90 meters in length, and building vessels up to 60 meters. The yard stretches across over 100 square meters of space, and has, 45 000 square meters of workshops, among them two 2000-square meter halls for vessels up to 70 meters in length. The 115-year old shipyard has 350 meters of coastal space for operations, a Syncrolift platform for lifting ships weighing up to 900 tons, a floating dock with 1500-tonne capacity for vessels up to 65 meters, and is a unique nautical one-stop shop on the Croatian side of the Adriatic. The long menu of services performed in the yard includes the most common services required by private owners, charter companies and visiting yachts – lifting, cleaning, painting; services of locksmiths,

If there is a yard in the Adriatic with impeccable references for maintenance and repair of large yachts, it is undoubtedly Iskra Shipyard Šibenik

27 2



New brand Iskra Shipyard, since 2019 Iskra Group took over Šibenik NCP in February, 2019, and changed the name to Iskra Shipyard. Slovenian Iskra is the leading regional provider of intelligent industrial solutions and advanced electric engineering products, as well as largest Slovenian automation, communication and safety expert in the field of electric energy distribution, transmission and network systems, high voltage conduit communication, railway and road automation, and software solutions in the field of energy and logistics. In addition to consolidated profit increase in 2019, the yard has – only in its second year under new management – successfully delivered first advanced and ecological hybrid electric-diesel vessels for use in fisheries.

mechanics, electricians and carpenters, as well as some more niche services. The biggest value of Iskra Shipyard Šibenik are its people; the 180 highly skilled workers, specialists for everything a hull, engines, electric systems, electronic systems and equipment might need, as well as for interior decoration and furnishing. Alongside them, mechanical and naval engineers put their skills to use for the benefit of the client, as at Iskra, education and motivation are equally important. In addition to repair and refit, Iskra Shipyard Šibenik specializes in building of aluminum vessels, with part of their workforce educated in and dedicated to exclusively working with that material, be it hull or equipment. ‘Every ship, especially larger yachts, are like living organisms – in constant need of repair. In case of an accident and damage to drive shafts or underwater part of the hull, we are at your service to lift the vessel from the water and perform all the repairs. As for maintenance, in case of larger yachts there is the question of skill, experience and supply partners, but also of capacity and infrastructure. Primarily, that refers to all the equipment necessary for pulling the vessel from the water, like docks, ship-ways, travel lifts, hydraulic transporters, as well as hangers large enough for all repairs, large enough to fully protect the vessel and conscious of ecological

standards’, says CEO of the yard, Roko Vuletić. ‘We have it all.’ If there is a yard in the Adriatic with impeccable references for maintenance and repair of large yachts, it is undoubtedly Iskra Shipyard Šibenik, whose long tradition, skilled workforce, certification in engine maintenance and repair, modern equipment and strategic location in the central Adriatic make it the perfect choice. Šibenik-Knin County boasts the most beautiful waters in Croatia and is the yachting tourism hub of the country, with most marinas and ports oriented exclusively toward yachts. As for experience, in the past eight years alone Iskra has serviced yachts in 45.614 meters of overall length – and that’s counting only vessels over 50 meters in length. Skilled, educated and experienced workforce of Iskra are also capable of performing complete testing of engines, as well as different types of repairs on all main and secondary diesel engines and gear boxes, and have at their disposal three engine test stands for engines up to 5150 kW and 15 tonnes. Iskra Shipyard is member of the prestigious ICOMIA Superyact Refit Group, network of respectable superyacht maintenance shipyards, alongside MB 92, Amico, Lusben and Monaco Marine, which is an additional guarantee of highest service quality and standards. 273


The new logo of the fast growing company



Michelin Chose Artisan

Text Hrvoje Bulešić Photos Artisan


Wood 274




Projects such as elite Michelinstarred restaurants around the world prove that the skilled artisans at Artisan can tackle any challenge, no matter how big – perhaps they will soon be ready for luxury yachts?

Harvest restaurant, St.Petersburg, Russia

Ajuala restaurant, Santo Domingo 275



Mila restaurant, Miami

Artisan’s unique and creative free-standing furniture pieces would add sophistication to any yacht interior Passion, art, ode to handiwork and life, or as creator of today’s collector’s dream cars Horacio Pagani said, ‘intellettualità manuale’ (manual intelligence) – that special connection lives in every artisan, every skilled worker who uses his hands to turn the designer’s vision to give life to unique, handmade objects. That connection is the concept behind Artisan, modern designer furniture, brought to life by a unique creative and production process. The functional, contemporary design perfectly complements the simplicity of the natural materials used. Artisan specializes in handcrafting of high quality furniture in massive wood, and that is what sets the studio apart. Wooden furniture gives any space a warm, cozy

atmosphere, and will never lose popularity due to its clean nature. Not only homes, but many public spaces choose wood – especially restaurants, where wood elevates the atmosphere. Any visit to a fine restaurant must bring pleasure to all senses, and furniture by Artisan has the elements that please the eye and touch. Several Michelin-starred restaurants have chosen Artisan for their interiors, every one of them for a unique reason. The philosophy behind Artisan proved to be the perfect match for the Helsinki restaurant Nolla. The Finns started out determined to prepare food in a manner that has no negative impact on the nature whatsoever, and wood was the obvious choice. At Nolla, ecology is more than a hashtag, 276


as the restaurant not only avoids all plastic – even for food packaging – but uses sustainable linens and is mindful of energy consumption. Latus table, Neva light, Neva chair and Neva bar stool found their home in Helsinki, and send a clear message on the restaurant philosophy: wood is the king. Restaurant Black Swan in the quaint village of Olstead in the UK, near the North York Moors National Park, is set up in a stylish 16th century building. At the helm of the restaurant, that three years ago was selected as the best fine dining establishment in the world, is chef Tommy Banks, the youngest British chef with a Michelin star (awarded in 2013). The food at Black Swan has character and depth, combines contrasting


Any visit to a fine restaurant must bring pleasure to all senses, and furniture by Artisan is one of the elements that please the eye flavors, and is itself in a stark contrast with the very traditional setting. The success of the oldmeets-new concept is perhaps best visible in the interior, where Artisan furniture works with, not against the ancient wooden beams and hearth. Across the Channel, Parisian restaurant Marsan par Hélène Darroze on the left bank of the river Seine is the polar opposite of the quiet English restaurant. Surrounded by chic boutiques and other classy eateries, Marsan par Hélène Darroze seats 60 – on Artisan Mela chairs. The very artsy model was selected as companion to the artistic cuisine, while wood here gives the classy, elegant space plenty of light and warmth. Deeper into the continent, Koeln restaurant Ox&Klee (two Michelin stars) chose Latus and Lakri tables, Neva chairs and Shift lights for its modern interior. Located by the river Rhine in the new part of Koeln, in a very bright building with views on the marina, the restaurant is famous for their motto – Experience taste – and very original, sophisticated plates. Similar to Ox&Klee in concept, but original in every way, is the Harvest in St. Petersburg. This sustainability-conscious restaurant has a very simple, but visually highly effective design where Neva and Neva light chairs, Latus, Jean and Lakri tables, and Latus chest are stars.

Lemon Tree restaurant in Deventer, The Netherlands

The Atrium restaurant, Zagreb

The picturesque wine road between Maribor and Pohorje in Slovenia and Austrian Styria houses a miracle of modern architecture – Hiša Denk, a restaurant that was earlier this year awarded one Michelin star. This peaceful oasis where silence and good food reign is furnished with Naru chairs, Lakri tables and Tesa chests. Across the Atlantic, in the glamorous South Beach, restaurant and lounge bar Milla serves creative dishes

based on Japanese and Mediterranean cuisine. The minimalist interior is brimming with wooden details, among them Nara and Neva light chairs, Pivot table and Neva light bar stools. Ajuala in a sophisticated neighborhood of Santo Domingo, capital of the Dominican Republic, demonstrates that Tesa chair and chest, Latus bar table and Neva light bar stool fit well even into Caribbean setting. Sprinkled all over the globe, Artisan handmade furniture follows the same simple, but effective philosophy that created the studio in Tešanj – passion and love can create miracles. As the yachting industry is powered by the same ideas, we can definitely see a yachting project in the studio’s future – the masters at Artisan have themselves stated they are ready to tackle yachts, and we couldn’t agree more. Their unique and creative free-standing furniture pieces would add sophistication to any yacht interior.


Hot May Pot Pot restaurant, London


Marsan restaurant, Paris



Restaurant 360

Dining under

Dubrovnik restaurant 360 has one Michelin star, the most beautiful terrace in the world and a chef who interprets iconic local dishes using food as a universally understood language

The spacious terrace is anchored like a sailing ship, overlooking the historic port of Dubrovnik inhabited by barcarioli who drove passengers to Lokrum, but not only them, as the Republic of Dubrovnik was a barrier between east and west, an important point in the Mediterranean connecting the Islamic and Venetian worlds. Thus, today’s guests are overlooking the port from the restaurant terrace just as the horizon towards which large galleys of the powerful Dubrovnik


sailed as well as merchant fleet and agile warships, which alone or in alliance with other navies, fought against pirates and enemies, sometimes even using cannons. The level below the terrace, the historic space of Dubrovnik walls once used for defence, with cannon openings, is now also in the function of a restaurant, with partly open kitchen and a restaurant bar with a wine cellar where on the side, in safe freshness and darkness, lie labels of excellent Bordeaux


Text Hrvoje Petrić Photos xxx


Text Niko Vučković Photos Restaurant 360





Menu 2020 Chef Marijo Curić created the 2020 menu inspired by the abundance of cuttlefish, scallops and duck in the region. Both the tasting and the à la carte menu bring some classics and some new dishes, with several signature dishes from previous seasons, like mackerel, flounder and eagle ray, and several vegan options.

vintages and wines from all major world regions. Due to the professionally created list that strives to affirm and present the indigenous varieties of the region in addition to the premium world, the restaurant has received the prestigious award of the world wine magnate - Wine Spectator magazine - Best of Award of Excellence for two years in a row. However, the most beautiful in the restaurant and the exceptional, lies under the sky, a semicircular terrace from the 16th century, on the tower of St. Luke, which guarantees the widest perspective of the City. The view is full of beauty, history, horizon, where you can only wish to enjoy craft cocktails signed by bar master Ivan Dejanović. The atmosphere in the restaurant is elegant and moderate. It is open to guests for dinner only, reservation is required. The rhythm of work is very well-established: it is a long-term team in the kitchen run by chef Marijo Curić,

and the service operations are under the leadership of Rudolf Papac. The restaurant received a Michelin star in 2018 and confirmed it in 2019 and 2020. In the same year, the restaurant took the title of the best Croatian restaurant according to Gault & Millau 2020 (17.5 points and 4 toques), and the year before it won Falstaff’s 93 points. Worldview-wise and gastronomically, Restaurant 360 Dubrovnik thematizes the iconic notions of Dubrovnik cuisine - oysters, mackerel, cuttlefish, and the plates summarize what the Republic of Dubrovnik represents in history - folk influence (Vlach and Mediterranean), oriental abundance (Turkish, Ottoman) and Venetian sophistication (the filigree, Venetian), which chef Marijo Curić turns into technically perfectly prepared dishes, under the strong influence of the French culinary school, which he appropriated through education and internships. Howev-



er, chef Marijo Curić and his team have an even more important task: to combine these textures and flavours into a composition whose thread is only in sweetness and pleasure. Precisely so, the restaurant defends the thesis of table culture as a universal metaphor of culture. Using food as a universal language in which everything important is celebrated, toasted and remembered, everything is nice, because food is shared and told, and stories are remembered. The tasting menu is therefore the best way to make this story ‘heard’ in its entirety, and to also understand the signature of chef Marijo Curić. Believing that we carry memories even after leaving the restaurant, and with every memory of the moment we were at the table, the experience of dinner comes to life, one question arises: is there anything the restaurant can be more proud of than guest satisfaction and the experience he took home?



Address Sv. Dominika bb, Dubrovnik • Phone +385 20 322 222 Opening hours 18.30–22.30, Tuesday–Sunday; Closed on Monday •




Porto Montenegro

Summer in


Porto Montenegro plans an active summer for yachting visitors, proofing why it has been the leading yachting hub at the Adriatic for last ten years Text Niko Vučković Photos Porto Montenegro







Mixing yachting and lifestyle has been proven formula for which Porto Montenegro management has prepared nice ‘ingredients’ for this summer too

another venue in which to mark its territory. The BlueRoom is a local cafe-meets-social club, with games, sports and movie screenings, DJs and live music entertainment and cultural events, giving the village community a well-rounded and chic new hangout. The venue is equipped with ping pong, table football, the latest video games, a high-spec golf simulator, four live sports TV screens and a spacious terrace overlooking the bay, providing entertainment for all ages. As the newest addition for the summer season, the BlueRoom pool offers a fine getaway from the busyness of the village, sheltered in the shade of the venue’s new tropical vibe. The pool overlooks the lush green playing field of the sports Arena, providing a perfect option for sunny afternoons surrounded by nature and greenery after a long day on deck. The Arsenal Business Club office rental hub, situated behind the BlueRoom, is already home to some exciting businesses from the international and local yachting industries, including Stellamar Recruitment and The Adriatic Yachting Association. A decade long tradition of

There has been no twiddling of the thumbs for Porto Montenegro during Covid-19. Following a dynamic few months during the lockdown in Montenegro, when crew members were still able to enjoy a full programme of inventive online activities, the Crew Club now prepares an exciting active calendar for the upcoming months. Kicking off July with the Superyacht Games, planned for the first weekend of the month, the Crew Club

promises weekly pool parties, pub quiz nights, tennis challenges and weekend trips, to make up for lost time. Residing crew have their favourite locations throughout the village, claiming several restaurants and bars as regular crew hot-spots. Since last year, the legendary terrace of The Clubhouse was rivalled by a complementary live music and entertainment venue on another side of the village - the BlueRoom - giving crew yet





Porto Montenegro Yacht Club continues with dynamic calendar of events in fantastic atmosphere

Secure your winter berth timely Safely sheltered in the heart of the Boka Bay, Porto Montenegro offers fantastic winter berthing packages for boats of all sizes. Award-winning customer service, state-of-the-art marina facilities and mild winter climate in the Bay will ensure you a piece of mind for your boat. With special Belgrade weekend trips and a complimentary ski chalet in Montenegrin mountains, complemented by active village events for the crew organised on a weekly basis, and a fantastic education opportunity (Warsash Superyacht Academy courses, RYA courses), be sure your crew will remain engaged and productive. Positioned neatly between three international airports, all with private jet facilities, and featuring recently opened helipad in the marina, you won’t have to worry about arriving here. For early bookings, select pay five months, stay seven offer is available.

sailing and on-water activities at the Porto Montenegro Yacht Club continues with a dynamic weekly calendar of sailing, rowing and kids sailing lessons as well as the opportunity to explore the Bay on SUP boards. The RYA Centre offers sailing and powerboat courses, while the Porto Montenegro Yacht Club 64 m infinity pool beckons, with a fully refurbished nightclub promising exciting new nightlife in the village from the beginning of July. 285









JOHNSON 87 ‘Johnson Baby’


Length: 32 m | Year: 2003 | Berth: 8

Length: 28.50 m | Year: 2006 | Berth: 10

Length: 35 m | Year: 1980 | Berth: 8

Crew: 5 | Price from: 45.000 €

Crew: 4 | Price from: 45.000 €

Crew: 5 | Price from: 35.000 €



FERRETTI 760 ‘Quo Vadis I’

Length: 27.0 m | Year: 2009 | Berth: 8

Length: 22.60 m | Year: 2012 | Berth: 8

Length: 23.45 m | Year: 2003 | Berth: 8

Crew: 4 | Price from: 35.000 €

Crew: 2 | Price from: 27.000 €

Crew: 3 | Price from: 23.000 €

SUNSEEKER PREDATOR 72 ‘Glorious’ Length: 22.26 m | Year: 2006 | Berth: 6 Crew: 2 | Price from: 18.000 €

CAYMAN 70 ‘Secret Life’

MAIORA 23S ‘888’

Length: 22.20 m | Year: 2009 | Berth: 8

Length: 23.10 m | Year: 2018 | Berth: 6

Crew: 2 | Price from: 21.000 €

Crew: 3 | Price from: 20.000 €

Sunࣂana putovanja d.o.o. | Njegoševa 6, 21000 Split - Croatia T: +385 21 583 813 | M: +385 91 600 2254 |









RIVA 100 ‘Ruzarija’

Length: 35 m | Year: 2019 | Berth: 11

Length: 29.90 m | Year: 2020 | Berth: 11

Crew: 6 | Price from: 130.000 €

Crew: 5 | Price from: 110.000 €

SUNSEEKER 34M ‘Cassiopeia’

TECNOMAR NADARA 35 FLY ‘Princess Lona’

Length: 34 m | Year: 2010 | Berth: 10

Length: 34.88 m | Year: 2006 | Berth: 12

Crew: 6 | Price from: 75.000 €

Crew: 6 | Price from: 69.000 €

touch@driatic W W W . T O U C H A D R I A T I C . C O M




2015 / Full optional PRICE: 16.900.000 EUR / VAT paid

2006 / Full optional PRICE: 1.400.000 EUR / excl. VAT

NEW 2020 PRICE: on request




NEW 2020 PRICE: on request

NEW 2020

NEW 2020 PRICE: on request




2018 / Full optional PRICE: 630.000 EUR / excl. VAT

NEW 2020 PRICE: on request

NEW 2020 PRICE: on request

PRICE: on request

Navis Marine d.o.o. | Trg žrtava fašižma 5, 10000 Zagreb - Croatia | T: +385 1 4635 261 | F: +385 1 4635 281 | M: +385 98 278 275 |



IZDAVAČ PUBLISHER D.Š. Savjetovanje d.o.o. Ltd. Obala hrvatskog narodnog preporoda 5, 21000 Split, HRVATSKA (CROATIA) Tel. +385 (0)21 771 517 / Fax +385 (0)21 584 303


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YACHTS WOMEN UREDNIK EDITOR Dubravka Tomeković Aralica







SURADNICI ASSOCIATES Ivo Pervan, Mario Jelavić, Boris Kačan, Damil Kalogjera, Josipa Vlahović Cikatić, Mateo Ostojić, Hrvoje Petrić, Boris Krstinić, Tomislav Koran, Branka Šafar, Benjamin Schmuck, Suzan Gabrijan, Christine Siegert, Christian Lorenz, Sonja Werner, Michael Sondermann, Tom van Oossanen, Charl van Rooy, Nick Argo, Valerie Durant, Richard Harbaugh, Iwan Baan, Jeff Brown, Klaus Jordan, Gilles Martin Raget

TISAK PRINT Printera Grupa d.o.o.

DISTRIBUTERI DISTRIBUTERS (RH) Tisak d.d.; (SLO) Delo prodaja d.d.; (BIH) i (CG) Inter Press d.o.o.; (SRB) Tisak d.o.o.

YACHTS CROATIA licencno je izdanje časopisa YACHTS YACHTS CROATIA is a licensed edition of YACHTS YACHTS RUSSIA Sergey Rybakov /

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